The Greenland experience 6 MAGAZINE Wek'eezhii herd management 11 No. 1 Windmill power: green energy or 2011 The CirCle trampling traditional lifestyles? 19 reindeer and Caribou: herds and livelihoods in TransiTion PUBLISHED BY THE WWF GLoBaL aRCTIC PRoGRaMME The Circle 1.2011 Contents EDITORIAL MOnte HummeL Caribou: The Experience 3 In BRIEF 4 Jeff Kerby Global warming: Timing is everything 6 AnnE Gunn Fighting inertia to conserve caribou herds 8 Jody SnortlanD, Karin ClarK Balancing Expectations: The Wek’èezhìi example of herd management 11 Leonid Baskin, Tobias Kuemmerle, Volker C. Radeloff Protecting wild reindeer in Siberia 13 BRuce Forbes A lesson in global warming and gas exploitation 15 WIndmills V.S Sámi comMunities – Green colOnialism? 19–22 Lars-Anders Baer Windmill colonialism: A threat to Arctic Indigenous people 20 JOnas Lundmark Wind power – Europe’s shining star? 21 Niklas Labba Muohta with the threat of climate change 22 Philip Burgess Long distance learning 25 THE PICTuRE 28 What (herders) find harder to handle, and have little leverage to influence, is the progressive loss of traditional territories and resources they need to survive – grazing lands, campsites, sacred sites, fresh- water fish – to rapidly advancing gas development. “ Dr. Bruce Forbes, article page 15 ranGifers Photo: Jeff Kerby Photo: Jeff The Circle is published quarterly by Publisher: Editor in Chief: Clive Tesar,
[email protected] CoVER: the WWF Global arctic Programme. WWF Global arctic Programme, Editor: Becky Rynor,
[email protected] a young Nenets boy leads his Reproduction and quotation with appro- 30 Metcalfe Street reindeer team across the new priate credit are encouraged.