Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72787-7 — Renaissance Edited by Roger J. Crum , John T. Paoletti Index More Information


The following are indexed by category: bridges, canti, churches, companies and confraternities, feast days and festivals, gates, gonfaloni, guilds, hospitals, loggias, palaces, piazzas, potenze, public buildings, saints, streets, tabernacles, and villas. Page numbers in bold italics () indicate illustrations.

Abati family,  almsgiving, , , , , , , , Accademia del Disegno, , , , – , ,  Accademia Fiorentina, – altarpieces, , , , , , , , , Accademia Platonica,  , , ,  Acciaiuoli, Andreuccia,  S. Anna (Jacopo da Pontormo),  accoppiatori,  SS. Annunziata,  Adimari family, ,  Bosco ai Frati (Fra Angelico),  adolescence, male, Renaissance sense, –, S. Croce, subject matter prescribed,   del Pugliese (Piero di Cosimo), ,  Affrico (brook),  Leccetto, – Aimo, Domenico, , n Le Murate,  Alberti family, , ,  Palazzo della Signoria Alberti, Leon Battista, , , , , , , Chapel of the Signoria (Bernardo Daddi), , , n, n, n  on Brunelleschi’s dome of Florence Hall of the Great Council, –,  cathedral, ,  S. Marco (Fra Angelico),  comparison with Cennino Cennini, – S. Maria Novella De pictura (Della pittura), , , , , –, high, Domenico Ghirlandaio,   Strozzi Chapel, Orcagna,  De re aedificatoria, , , , , , , S. Niccolò dei Frari,   Saint Anne (Masaccio and Masolino), n Della famiglia, , , , ,  S. Spirito, –; see also Lippi, Filippino, Palazzo Rucellai, , ,  Nerli altarpiece Albertini, Francesco, n altars, , , , , –, , , , Alberto di Zanobi,  , , ,  Alberto of Sarteano, Blessed,  Baptistery,  Albizzi family, , , , ,  cathedral Lando,  high, ,  Rinaldo,  of Saint Zenobius,  Alessandro from Bologna, Fra,  confraternity,  Alexander the Great,  S. Croce,  Alfonso of Aragon,  family coats of arms with,  Alighieri, Dante, , , , , , , , frontals, , ,  , , , , , n S. Spirito, uniformity, 


© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72787-7 — Renaissance Florence Edited by Roger J. Crum , John T. Paoletti Index More Information

 I

street, ,  confraternity of, ,  temporary, on ringhiera, , ,  displacement to periphery,  wall,  German, in Florence, ,  Altoviti, Antonio, n kingdoms, – Ambrogio di Baldese, Orphans Assigned to Their shops as spaces for male sociability,  New Parents, , ,  and wool industry, , ,  Amidei family,  artistic style, – Amieri family,  artists’ monograms,  Ammanati, Bartolomeo artists’ workshops, see shops/workshops expansion of Palazzo Pitti,  Augustinian Order, , , , n Fountain of Juno, ,  Augustino of Pavia, Fra,  Fountain of Neptune, , , n Augustus, emperor,  Angelico, Fra effigy of,  Bosco ai Frati altarpiece,  Forum of,  Cosimo de’ Medici’s S. Marco cell,  aural space, of sacred, – Lamentation,  avarice,  S. Marco altarpiece,  Angevin dynasty, , ,  Baccio d’Agnolo, , , , , n, Annunciation, cult of, , ,  n antiquities,  design of Palazzo Bartolini Salimbeni, coins and medals, ,   homage copies,  design of Palazzo Guadagni,  traffic in, for Medici,  Bachini family,  Antoniano, Silvio, ,  balconies, see sporti Antonino, Archbishop, , , –, , Baldi, Accursio,  , , , –, , , , –, Joust in the Piazza Santa Croce,  , –, n Baldinucci, Filippo,  Summa theologica, , ,  Baldovinetti, Alesso,  Anziani family,  engravings associated with,  Apelles,  balìe, ,  Arbia River,  Bandinelli, Baccio, ,  architecture choir of Florence cathedral, ,  body and, –, – copy of Laocoön,  feudal forms in, , , , ,  Hercules and Cacus, ,  Lorenzo di Piero and, –, , , – Pietà,  and Medici power, , , , , , statues of Medici family, – – views against engravings,  Arcimbaldi family, n Bandini, Giovanni, tomb of Michelangelo, Ardinghelli family, ,  n Ariosto, Ludovico,  Baptistery, see churches, convents, and monas- Aristotle, , ,  teries, s.v. S. Giovanni Categories, ,  Barbadori family,  Nicomachean Ethics,  Barbara of Brandenburg,  Physics, ,  Bardi family, , , n, n Arlotto, Piovano, ,  Giovanni,  Arno River, , , , , , , , , , , Bartoli family,  , , , , ,  Cosimo,  importance for wool industry, , , , Bartolini Salimbeni family, ,   Giovanni,  Inferno staged on,  Bartolomeo, Fra, Virgin, Child, and Saint Anne, artisans, , , , , – –, ,  claim to right of corporate association,  Bartolomeo da Corazzo, 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72787-7 — Renaissance Florence Edited by Roger J. Crum , John T. Paoletti Index More Information

I 

Bartolommeo, Luca di,  Borghini family Barucci family, , ,  Raffaello, , , n Barzizza, Gasparino of Padua,  Vincenzo, , n baths, , ,  and Hospital of the Innocents, ,  thermal,  Bosco ai Frati,  battles, mock,  Botero, Giovanni, The Cause of the Greatness of Beccadelli, Antonio, see Panormita Cities, ,  Becchi, Gentile,  botteghe, see shops/workshops begging, , , , ,  Botticelli, , , ,  Belcari, Feo,  Assumption of the Virgin engraving, ,  Bellincioni, Bernardo,  Bardi altarpiece, S. Spirito,  bells, , , , , , ,  engravings, ,  and neighborhood,  Primavera,  and potenze activity,  Botticini, Francesco,  benches Bracciolini, Poggio, ,  in churches and chapels, ,  Bramante, Donato,Tempietto,  confraternities and, ,  Brancacci, Felice,  and funerals, ,  Branconio, Giovanni Battista del’Aquila,  lining street, , ,  bread, provision of, ,  at palace base, , , , , , , riot, Piazza della Signoria (),  ,  bridges (ponti), , , , , , , ,  Piazza della Signoria, ,  alla Carraia, ,  Benci family and Wool Guild’s trade routes, , , Amerigo, , , n, n  Caterina di Giovanni,  Rubaconte (now alle Grazie), , , Ginevra di Amerigo,  n Giovanni, , , n hermits on,  Benedictine Order, , , , n and Wool Guild’s trade routes,  beneficence, – S. Trinita, , , , , , ,  Bentaccordi family,  jousts on,  Bernardo di Stefano, , ,  and Wool Guild’s trade routes, ,  Berti family,  Vecchio, , , , , , , ,  Bertoldo di Giovanni,  and potenze,  Betto di Francesco Betti, silver retable for and Wool Guild’s trade routes, , , Baptistery,   Biagio d’Antonio, , ,  brigades, see potenze Bicci family, ; see also Lorenzo di Bicci; Bronzino, Agnolo, , ,  Neri di Bicci Life of Joseph tapestries, –,  Bicci di Lorenzo, ,  ties to Hospital of the Innocents,  Bisticci,Vespasiano da, , ,  brothels, , , ; see also prostitutes/ Black Death, see plague prostitution bocche, see streets, bocche Brucciata, see companies and confraternities, Boccaccio, , , , , , ,  S. Agnese Bocchi, Francesco, , , ,  Bruges, Medici bank in,  body, and architecture, –, – Brunelleschi, , , , , , , , Bonacorsi family, ,  , , , , , , n Bonfire of the Vanities, , , , n care for quality of stone,  Boni family,  chapels at S. Spirito,  Giovanni,  Crucifix in Gondi Chapel, S. Maria Novella, Bordoni family,   Borgherini family,  dome of Florence cathedral, , , , borghi, see neighbors/neighborhood, new , n, n

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72787-7 — Renaissance Florence Edited by Roger J. Crum , John T. Paoletti Index More Information

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loggia of Hospital of the Innocents,  carpets, hung from palace windows,  S. Lorenzo, ,  Carrara, Francesco da,  Old Sacristy, , ,  Carthusian Order,  Palazzo di Parte Guelfa,  cartography,  perspective panels, –, , n castles, in countryside, ,  plans for a Medici palace, , ,  catasto, see taxation, catasto Rucellai pulpit, n cathedral of Florence, see churches, convents, Sacrifice of Isaac, , , , ,  and monasteries, S. Maria del Fiore S. Spirito, ,  Cavalcanti family, , ,  Brunelleschi family, n Andrea di Lazzaro, Rucellai pulpit, n Bruni, Leonardo, , , , , , ,  Giovanni, , ,  celebrating palaces of Florence,  Cellini, Benvenuto, , , , , , , Dialogi ad Petrum Histrum, ,  n, n Laudatio florentinae urbis, , , ,  Autobiography,  Brutus, , , n, n medal for Clement VII, n presiding in anonymous fresco, ,  Perseus,  Buiamonti family,  cemeteries, , ,  Buondelmonti, Cristoforo, n Cennini, Cennino, , , , , , , Buontalenti, Bernardo, , , ,  n burial, in churches, ,  comparison with Alberti, – Burgundy, ,  Cerchi family, , , , , , , , , Byzantine Empire,  , , n Byzantium, domed memorial churches of, ; Giovanni,  see also Constantinople Ceres,  Champagne, international trading fairs at, , Caldiera, Giovanni, n  Camaldoli, , , , ,  chapels, , , , , , , , , Cambi family, n , , –, –, , –,  Camillus, ,  funerary,  canon law, , , ,  memorial, – canti (street corners), , –, , , , patronage rights to, –,  , , n charity, –, , , , , , , Alberti, degli, , , n , ,  Bischeri, de’,  Madonna of Charity,  Cuculia, della,  chariot races,  S. Giovanni,  charivari,  Macina, della, , n Charlemagne, , n Medici, de’,  Charles, duke of Calabria,  Mela, della, ,  Charles of Anjou,  and potenze activity,  Charles V, ,  Tornaquinci, de,  Charles VIII of France, , ,  Capitani di Parte, ,  chastity, , , , ,  Cappello, Bianca,  Chellini family Capponi family, , n Giovanni,  Luca,  Piero, n Neri di Gino,  childbirth, , , , ,  Capricorn, astrological emblem of Cosimo I, children, , , –, , –, , ,  , , ,  Carafa, Diomede,  apprenticeships,  Caraglio of Verona,  crowding Orsanmichele,  Carmelite Order, , , ,  and death,  Carnival, , –, , , , , , , depictions of, , , –  as intercessors, –

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72787-7 — Renaissance Florence Edited by Roger J. Crum , John T. Paoletti Index More Information

I 

processions and public appearances, –, S. Domenico del Maglio, n, n – S. Donato dei Vecchietti,  and Savonarola,  S. Egidio,  see also infants S. Elisabetta delle Convertite,  Chimenti, see Rosselli, Chimento S. Elisabetta di Capitolo,  Chimento di Piero,  S. Felice in Piazza, , , , , , chivalric practices,   Christ, as model for action and devotion, , S. Felicita, , , ,  , , ,  sacristy, and Barbadori family,  churches, convents, and monasteries (and their S. Francesco al Monte,  neighborhoods), , , , , , , S. Francesco de’ Macci, n , –, – S. Gallo, n S. Agata, , n, n S. Giovanni (Baptistery), –, , , , , S. Agnes,  , , , , , , , , , S. Ambrogio, ,  , , n Cappella del Miracolo, , , n civic imagery, ,  and potenze activity, , , , – doors, ,   and festival performance, , ,  S. Anna (now Carlo Borromeo), , n images of and visual references to, , S. Anna, in Verzaia, , n  SS. Annunziata, –, , , , , , lay patronage,  , , , , nn,, n, liturgical function, – n and Mars,  Cloister of the Dead,  tapestry decoration,  Confraternity of Saint Luke at,  S. Giovannino dei Cavalieri, n Madonna of, , , ,  S. Girolamo delle Poverine, n Medici involvement with, , , Ss. Girolamo e Francesco sulla Costa, tabernacle of Annunciation, ,  nn, tribune of, , ,  S. Giuliano, n wax images at, , ,  S. Giuseppe,  S. Apollonia, nn,, n S. Jacopo di Ripoli, nn,, Badia Fiorentina, , , , , , Ss. Jacopo e Lorenzo, nn, n Le Murate, , , , , , –, S. Barnaba,  n, n S. Basilio,  S. Lorenzo, , , , , , , , S. Caterina da Siena, n  S. Caterina del Mugnone,  Cappella dei Principi, ; choir with S. Cecilia, ,  Pontormo’s lost frescoes, –, ; Cestello, , , , , , ,  Michelangelo at,  S. Chiara, n lighting, natural,  Chiarito, n liturgy at, ,  S. Clemente, n Medici use and influence, , , , SS. Concezione, ,  , , , , , n, n Convertite,  Old Sacristy, , , , , , , S. Croce, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , n n chapels, n: , , ; , sermons at,  , , n S. Luca, , n, n rood screen, ,  S. Lucia, , n, n sacristy, and Rinuccini family,  S. Lucia sul Prato,  sermons preached at,  S. Marco, , , , , , n tomb of Michelangelo,  Antonino and, ,  transept chapels, , , , interior, , ; tripartite division, 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72787-7 — Renaissance Florence Edited by Roger J. Crum , John T. Paoletti Index More Information

 I

location, ,  Ricasoli, ; Strozzi, , , ; Medici patronage and control, –, , Strozzi (Filippo), , ;Tornabuoni, , , , , , , n ; transept, ,  processions before, ,  Confraternity della Pura, – refounded as Dominican, ,  facade,  Savonarola and, ,  high altar, Ghirlandaio’s frescos, ,  S. Maria degli Angeli, , , ,  lighting, natural,  S. Maria del Carmine, , , , , Masaccio’s Trinity, , , – , , ,  relics of Beata Villana,  Brancacci Chapel, , , ,  rood screen, , ,  miracle-working Madonna,  Rucellai pulpit, , , , n S. Maria del Fiore (Duomo or Florence Sala del Papa, , ,  cathedral), , , , , , , , sermons,  , , , , , , , , S. Maria sul Prato, n  S. Martino al Vescovo, ,  bride search at,  S. Michele Berteldi,  Campanile (bell tower), , , ,  S. Michele Visdomini,  Chapel of Saint Zenobius,  S. Miniato al Ceppo, n choir,  S. Miniato al Monte,  civic imagery, ,  Chapel of the Cardinal of Portugal,  construction, , –, , , ,  S. Monaca, n decoration of, –, , ,  S. Monica,  depicted, , ,  S. Niccolò dei Frieri,  dome, , , ; and lantern, ; see S. Niccolò di Cafaggio, n also Brunelleschi, dome of Florence Ognissanti, ,  cathedral S. Onofrio di Fuligno, nn, feast days and,  Orsanmichele, original Cistercian church, gender separation at, , ,  ; see also Orsanmichele lay patronage,  S. Orsola,  lighting, artificial,  S. Pancrazio, , , ,  liturgical function, – S. Pier Maggiore, , , ,  Opera del Duomo, ,  S. Pier Martire,  and Pazzi conspiracy, ,  S. Pier Scheraggio, , , , , , Porta della Mandorla, , n n processions and, –,  S. Piero Gattolino, , ,  pulpit,  S. Reparata (original cathedral), , , , rededication (),  , ,  Sacrestia delle Messe,  S. Romolo, , ,  and Saint Zenobius, ; relics of translated S. Salvatore, , n to, , ,  S. Salvatore d’Ognissanti,  sermons at, ,  S. Salvi,  spatial relation to Baptistery, , ,  S. Simone,  and via de’ Calzaiuoli, ,  S. Spirito, , , , , , , , visit of Leo X (), –,  , , , , –,  S. Maria di Candeli,  Corbinelli Chapel of the Sacrament,  S. Maria in Verzaia,  Nerli altarpiece, see Lippi, Filippino, Nerli S. Maria Maddalena,  altarpiece S. Maria Novella, , , , , , , , new pulpit,  , , , , , , , , , S. Stefano,  n S. Tommaso, , , , n chapels: –, , ; Cavalcanti, ; S. Trinita, , , , , , , , Gondi, , ; Lenzi, , , ; , , 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72787-7 — Renaissance Florence Edited by Roger J. Crum , John T. Paoletti Index More Information

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chapels: Sassetti, , , , ; Scali, Madonna della Pace, n ; Spini, , , , ,  Magi, , , ,  sacristy and Strozzi family,  S. Maria della Neve, n, n, n S. Verdiana, , nn, S. Maria della Pietà, n S. Vincenzio d’Annalena, n S. Michele della Pace, ,  churchgoing, and women being seen,  Misericordia, , ,  Chrysoloras family S. Onofrio dei Tintori, n Demetrius,  Orsanmichele, , –, , , , , Emmanuel, , , , , , ,  n processions,  Ciampolini, Giovanni, antiquities dealing for Purification and Saint Zenobius,  Medici,  Resurrezione, della, , n Cicero, , , , ,  statutes, – Cimabue, ,  youth confraternities, ,  Cioli,Valerio, tomb of Michelangelo, n see also militia companies Ciompi/Ciompi revolt, , , , , , , concentricity of city and surrounds, , , , , , , , , , nn,  Cioni family,  Condivi, Ascanio, biography of Michelangelo, Cipriani family,   cityscape panels and ideal cities, , , ,  condottieri, ,  civic humanism, ,  confraternities, see companies and confrater- coats of arms, personal devices, shields, and nities stemmi, , , –, , , , , Consiglio Maggiore, see Great Council , ,  consorterie,  Benci, at Le Murate,  Constantine, emperor,  Corbinelli, at S. Spirito,  Constantinople, , ; see also Byzantium corporate shields,  contado, , , , , , , , , , as display of friendship,  , , ,  Lenzi, at S. Maria Novella,  convents, distribution patterns, , –; see Medici, Piero de’, at SS. Annunziata,  also churches, convents, and monasteries Minerbetti, at S. Maria Novella,  Corbellini, Bartolomeo,  Rucellai, , ,  Corvinus, Matthias,  at street corners, –, –,  Council of Ferrara–Florence,  cockfights,  Council of the Priors,  Commune of Florence, seal,  courtyards, , , , , , , ,  Compagni, Dino, , , , ,  Palazzo Medici, ,  companies and confraternities, , , , , Palazzo Spinelli,  , , –, , , , , , Palazzo Uzzano, ,  , , ,  Cresci family, n S. Agnese, , ,  Cresci di Lorenzo,  S. Andrea,  Cronaca, Il (Simone del Pollaiuolo),  Assunta, , , n crucifixes and crosses, , , , –,  Bigallo (see also Misericordia), , , , Cupid,  ,  Cybo family,  S. Brigida, n Buonomini of S. Martino, –, ,  Daddi, Bernardo S. Caterina in the Camaldoli, n Madonna of Orsanmichele, ,  S. Cornelio, n panel of Saint Bernard (altarpiece),  S. Frediano (Brucciata),  Pulci Beraldi Chapel, S. Croce, n S. Giovanni Battista (Scalzo),  Daedalus,  La Pura,  damnatio memoriae, ,  S. Luca,  and Uberti properties, , 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72787-7 — Renaissance Florence Edited by Roger J. Crum , John T. Paoletti Index More Information

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Dati family Donati family, , , , ,  Goro di Stagio,  Andrea, n Gregorio (Goro), , , , , ,  Corso, , nn, Datini family Doni family,  Francesco, , , ,  doors/doorways, , , , , , , Margherita, , ,  , , , ,  David (biblical), , , n, n Doria family, ,  de la Mora family, ,  Andrea,  Decius,  dowries, , , , , , ,  Dei, Benedetto, , , , , ,  drums, and potenze activity, ,  del Bello family, , ,  Duccio di Buoninsegna,  Cione,  Dufay, Guillaume,  del Bene, Francesco di Iacopo,  duke of Athens, see Walter of Brienne del Pratese, Piero Lorenzo, n Duomo, see churches, convents, and monaster- del Pugliese family, ,  ies, S. Maria del Fiore della Bella family Durandus (Guillaume Durand), Rationale of the Giano, n Divine Offices, , , , , ,  Taldo, n Dürer, Albrecht, ,  della Casa, Giovanni, n prints by, in Raphael’s studio,  della Robbia family, see Robbia family in Vasari’s “Life of Pontormo,” n Delli family,  Desiderio da Settignano,  Eleonora da Toledo, , , , ,  Diavolo, Fra,  eloquence, ,  diplomacy, , ,  England, and wool industry, , , ,  of Lorenzo di Piero, , , , n ephemeral decorations, , , , , , , disegno, , , , ,   Dolce, Ludovico,  Eusebius,  dolphins, and Cosimo I,  executions,  Domenichi, Ludovico,  exempla, – Domenico of Viterbo,  exile, , , , , , , , , , , Domenico del Barbieri,  , ,  Domenico di Michelino,  of Città Rossa monarch,  panel of Madonna of Charity,  of Medici family, see Medici family, exile Dominican Order/Dominicans, , , , of Piero Manucci,  , , ,  , , , , , of Strozzi family,  ,  ex-votos and wax images, , , ,  Dominici, Giovanni, n at Orsanmichele,  Donatello, , , , , , n and antiquities, n facades, –, , , , , , , Bosco ai Frati crucifix,  , , , , n cantoria, , , ,  faction/factionalism, , , , , , , , Chellini Madonna, ,  , , , , , , , , , , David (bronze), , , , ,   David (marble), , , , n anti-Medicean, ,  Judith and Holofernes, , , , ,  fakes, artistic,  Marzocco, , ,  family enclaves, ,  Parte Guelfa tabernacle, Orsanmichele, , neighborhoods as, –, –, , ,  –, , , , ,  Saint George, n famine, , , , ,  Saint Louis of Toulouse,  Famous Men cycle (Uomini illustri), , , sculpture in Old Sacristy, S. Lorenzo, , ,  ,  fantasia, , , , 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72787-7 — Renaissance Florence Edited by Roger J. Crum , John T. Paoletti Index More Information

I 

feast days and festivals, , , , , , , foreign dignitaries, visitors, and workers, , , , , ,  , , , , , , , , , , Anne, Saint, , ,  ,  Annunciation, ,  Council of Ferrara–Florence,  Bernard, Saint, n traders, and wool industry, –,  Corpus Domini,  visitors Fools, n to SS. Annunziata,  Holy Trinity,  to Palazzo Medici,  John the Baptist, Saint, , , , , , , to villas,  , , , , , , n forts/fortifications, ,  Lawrence, Saint, , , n Fortezza da Basso, ,  Magi, , ,  foster parents,  Mary Magdalen,  Foundling Hospital, see hospitals, Innocents May Day, , – fountains, –,  Michael, Saint, n France, , , , ,  Purification of the Virgin, ,  Franceschi, Franco,  Rificolana,  Francesco d’Amadore “Urbino,” ,  Savior, n Francesco di Giorgio Martini, , n Feltre, Bernardino of,  Francesi family,  Ferrara, ,  Francione (Francesco di Giovanni), intarsia Palio of San Giorgio, n panels, Sala dei Gigli, Palazzo della Ferrucci, Francesco (del Tadda),  Signoria, ,  porphyry head,  Francis I,  fertility/infertility, , , , ,  Franciscan Order/Franciscans, , , , festive kingdoms, see potenze , , , , , , , , , Festus,  , , , ,  feudal forms, in architecture, , , , , Frescobaldi family, , , , ,   Friars of the Sack,  Ficino, Marsilio,  friendship, , , –, , , , , Fiesole  Badia, ,  funerals, , , , , , , , , S. Francesco, n , , , , ,  Madonna of Cercina,  decorations for,  Medici villa at,  masses and, ,  S. Michele alla Doccia, , , n orations at,  Filarete (Antonio Averlino), , , ,  see also Michelangelo, funeral of Filippelli, Filippo d’Antonio, ,  Filippo di Giunta,  Gaddi family Filippo di Orlando, n, n Agnolo, ,  Finiguerra, Maso,  Alberti Chapel (choir), S. Croce, n fire of ,  Taddeo, ,  Firenzuola,  Baroncelli Chapel, S. Croce, n flags, , , ,  Galigai family, , , , , n Flemish weavers, in Florence, ,  Gallus,  fleur-de-lis, see lilies Galuzzi, Alesso,  Flora,  gambling,  Florence, as beautiful maiden, , , n games and play, , ,  Florentia, , – calcio,  Florentine Republic, , ,  gardens, , , , , , , , , florin, ,  ,  flowers, symbolism, ; see also lilies Boboli Garden, , n Foraboschi family,  Medici sculpture garden, , 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72787-7 — Renaissance Florence Edited by Roger J. Crum , John T. Paoletti Index More Information

 I

gates, , , , , , , , , , Saint Zenobius (Palazzo della Signoria), , , , , n , , –, , ,  Croce, Porta la, , , ,  Giacomo della Marca, Blessed,  Faenza, Porta, ,  Giambologna,  S. Frediano, Porta, , , , , n Allegory of Prince Francesco de’ Medici,  S. Gallo, Porta, , , ,  Equestrian Monument of Duke Cosimo I S. Niccolò, Porta,  de’ Medici, ,  Pinti, Porta di,  Giano della Bella,  Prato, Porta al, , , ,  gifts, , , , ,  Romana, Porta, , , ,  to Baptistery,  gazes,  and Orsanmichele,  male, at women, , ,  and potenze, ,  reciprocity of, – Gilio, Giovanni Andrea,  Gelli, Giambattista,  Ginori family,  Gellius, description of Roman house,  Giordano of Pisa, Fra, ,  Genazzano,  Giordano of Rivolto,  Genoa, , ,  Giotto, , , , , , , ,  gente minuta,  Campanile,  Gerini, Niccolò di Pietro, Orphans Assigned to fresco, Bargello,  Their New Parents, , ,  frescoes, Peruzzi Chapel, , , , , Germans, community in Florence,  ,  Gherardi family, ,  Giovanni d’Ambrogio, n Gherardini family,  Giovanni della Corniole, n Ghibellines, , , , , , , , , , Giovanni di Lapo Ghini,  ,  gioventù, see adolescence, male Ghiberti, Lorenzo, , , , , , , girls, see also children n, n honor of,  bronze doors for Baptistery,  seen in public, – engravings associated with,  Girolami family, n reliquaries Girolamo of Siena,  Beata Villana,  Giugni family,  Saint Zenobius,  Giuntini, Costanza, , n Sacrifice of Isaac, ,  Giustina, Suora,  Saint Stephen,  gloves,  Ghiberti,Vittorio, , ,  goldsmiths, ,  Ghirlandaio family Gomezio, Don, ,  Davide, ,  gonfaloni, , , , , , , , ,  Domenico, , , , , , , , Black Lion, ,  , , , , ,  Green Dragon, , ,  Adoration of the Magi, for Hospital of the list of,  Innocents,  Red Lion, ,  Approval of the Franciscan Rule (S. Trinita), Gonfalonier of Justice, , , , , , ,  , , , ,  Assembly of a Domestic Inventory,  Gonzaga family (circle of), Distribution of Wine and Water Francesco,  (Buonomini di S. Martino),  Margherita,  frescoes: Sala dei Gigli, Palazzo della Si- good government,  gnoria, , , , ; Tornabuoni and Ambrogio Lorenzetti’s frescoes,  Chapel, S. Maria Novella, , , , gossip, , ,  ,  Gottoli family,  Miracle of the Resuscitated Child (S. Trinita), Gozzoli, Benozzo, ,  , ,  frescoes, Palazzo Medici, , 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72787-7 — Renaissance Florence Edited by Roger J. Crum , John T. Paoletti Index More Information

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graffiti,  Hercules, , , , , , , n, grain, –, ,  n Grain Magistracy,  heterosexuality,  Great Council (Consiglio Maggiore), , , Hohenstaufen, Manfred (king of Sicily),  ,  homosexuality, , , , ; see also grieving, see mourning rituals sodomy Guadagni family,  honor, , ,  Gualterotti, Raffaello,  Horace, ,  Joust in the Piazza Santa Croce,  hospice of S. Caterina,  Gubbio, , ,  hospitals, , , ,  Guelfs, , , , , , ,  S. Eusebio,  White, ,  S. Gallo, ,  Black, , , , n Innocents, , , , , , , , Guerra, Giovanni, drawing of Bartolomeo , ,  Ammanati’s Fountain of Juno,  Knights of the Holy Sepulcher,  Guicciardini, Francesco, , , ,  S. Matteo,  Guidetti family,  S. Onofrio,  Guidi family,  S. Paolo, ,  guilds/guildhalls, , , , , , , , , , Humbert of Romans, ,  , , , , , , n Humiliati Order,  Battilani,  Hungary, ,  Beccai (Butchers),  hunts, in Piazza della Signoria, , , n Calimala (or Mercanti;Wool Merchants), , , , , , , , , , icons, , ,  n immigrants, from countryside, ,  Cambio (Bankers), , , n Impruneta, Madonna of, , , , , , and charity, – n Corazai e Spadai (Armorers), , n indulgences, ,  Giudici e Notai (Judges and Notaries), , infants, , , ,  ,  inns, , ,  Lana (Wool Workers), , , , –, Cella di Ciardo,   international fairs, see Champagne emblem, –, ,  inventories, ,  see also palaces, Arte della Lana Medici,  Medici e Speziali (Doctors and Apothecar- Isabella d’Este, n ies), , , n Isidore of Seville,  Merciai (Raw Silk Dealers),  Etymologiae,  Oliandoli (Oil Merchants), n Isidoro del Sera, Don,  and political action, ,  istoria (narrative), , ,  Por S. Maria, see s.v. Seta priorate of, ,  Jacopo di Cione,  Seta (or Por S. Maria; Silk Manufacturers), Jerusalem, , ,  , , , , , , , , , Florence as new, , , , , , , , , , ,   and tabernacles,  Temple in,  Vinattieri (Wine Merchants), n, Jesuits, ,  n jewelry, ,  Jews,  Hall of the Great Council, see public buildings, ghetto, ,  Palazzo della Signoria, Sala dei Cinque- Joanna of Austria, , , ,  cento John of Capistrano, Blessed, ,  Henry VIII,  jokes (beffe), , , 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72787-7 — Renaissance Florence Edited by Roger J. Crum , John T. Paoletti Index More Information

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jousts and tournaments, , , , , , , liturgy and masses, , , , , , , , , , , , ,  , , , , –,  Julius Caesar, emperor,  liturgical furniture and objects, , , , Judah, lions of,  , , , , ,  Judith (biblical),  and outdoor tabernacles,  Juno, , ,  vestments, , , ,  Jupiter,  loans, forced (prestanze),  justice, , , , ,  loggias (corporate and family), , , , , orations on, ,  , , , , , ,  proteste di giustizia,  SS. Annunziata,  Justinian’s Code of Law,  Bigallo, , , –,  Cerchi,  knights, , , ,  hospital of the Ceppo, Pistoia,  Hospital of the Innocents, , , ,  Ladislas, king of Naples, n Lanzi, dei, see s.v. Signoria Lamberti family,  as liminal space, – lamps, , ,  Orsanmichele, , , , , , , , Landucci, Luca,  ,  Lanfredini family, ,  Parte Guelfa,  Lanfredino family,  Pesce, dei,  Lappacini, Fra Giuliano,  Priori, dei, see s.v. Signoria lapidi (inscribed stones), , , , , , Rucellai, , ,   Signoria, della, , , , , , , , , Latini, Brunetto, , , ,  , , , , , , ,  Lecceto, , , ,  social function, , ,  Lenzi family, , , n Lorenzetti, Ambrogio,  Domenico, Biadaiolo manuscript, , , Lorenzi, Battista, tomb of Michelangelo, , ,  n Leonardo da Vinci, , , , , , , Lorenzo d’Ambrogio, n  Lorenzo di Bicci, , , n Battle of Anghiari, , , , , , , Lorenzo di Puccio,  , n Lucantonio degli Uberti, ,  Saint Anne cartoon, , nn, Lucardesi family,  working in Milan,  Lucchesi family,  libraries, ,  Luther, Martin, use of woodcuts,  lilies, symbolism, , , , ,  Lionardo di Nichola,  Macci family, , , , n lions, symbolism, –, , , ; see also Machiavelli, Niccolò, , ,  Marzocco Maffei, Cione,  Lippi family Maffei,Timoteo, , , n Filippino, , ,  magnates, , , , , , , , , , , Brancacci Chapel,  n, n Chapel of Filippo Strozzi, S. Maria magnificence, , , , , , , , , Novella, , , , ,  , , , , , , –, – Nerli altarpiece, , , , , , Maiano family  Benedetto da Filippo, ,  John the Baptist, ,  Benci Annunciation, – Justice, ,  engravings associated with,  marble work, Chapel of Filippo Strozzi, Vision of the Virgin Appearing to Saint S. Maria Novella, ,  Bernard, n Sala dei Gigli, Palazzo della Signoria, , Mariotto,  

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72787-7 — Renaissance Florence Edited by Roger J. Crum , John T. Paoletti Index More Information

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Giuliano da, Sala dei Gigli, Palazzo della coat of arms, ,  Signoria, ,  and confraternities,  Malaspina, Argentina (wife of Piero Soderini), and control of spaces  sacred, , –, ,  Malatesta, Elizabetta,  urban, , , , –, , , – Manetti, Antonio di Tuccio, ,  and dynastic assertions, , , , , biography of Brunelleschi, , , , ,  , , , n enclave, ,  Manetti Ciaccheri, Antonio, ,  exile (), , ,  , , , , Manetti, Gianozzo, n , , , n; return from (), Manfredo of Vercelli, Fra,  , , ; see also Cosimo (il Vecchio), Mannelli family, n exile Manni, Domenico,  iconography, , , –, , n Mantegna, Andrea,  and Le Murate, , ,  Manucci, Piero, ,  and S. Lorenzo, , , , , , , Mantua, , , ,  , , n, n maps, ,  Palle! Palle! as slogan, ,  Marcus Aurelius, emperor,  and patronage, , , –, , , Marcus Furius Camillus,  , , ,  Mariano da Genazzano, Fra, , ,  patron saints of, ,  Marradi,  and political factionalism, –, , ,  marriage, , , , , ,  political power of; see also s.v. principate bride search, – and architecture, , , , ,  Mars,  over republic, , , , , , , statue of, on Ponte Vecchio,   Marsili, Bastiano,  principate, , , , , , , , , , Joust in the Piazza Santa Croce,  , , , , , , , , , Marsili, Luigi,  , , , , , , , , , Marsuppini, Carlo, , ,   Marsyas,  and public rituals, , – Martelli, Ugolino,  residences, –, , , n Marzocco, , , , , , , n villas, , , ,  Masaccio, , , ,  women of,  frescoes, Brancacci Chapel, , , ,  Alessandro, archbishop, , , n, Saint Anne altarpiece, n n Trinity, , , , , , ,  Alessandro, duke, , ,  Maso di Banco, Bardi di Vernio Chapel, Bernardo d’Antonio, , n S. Croce, n Caterina (Sforza),  Masolino,  Cosimo (il Vecchio), , –, , , , frescoes, Brancacci Chapel, ,  , , n Saint Anne altarpiece, n association with sacred sites and rituals, masserizia, ,  –,  Matteo di Cione,  and Bosco ai Frati,  Matteo d’Agrigento,  and Buonomini di S. Martino, – Maximilian II,  control of urban spaces,  Mazzei, Lapo,  courtly models and, ,  Medici family (specific members follow general elected Gonfalonier of Justice (),  entries) exile (–), , ; return from allies of, , , ,  (), ,  and architecture, , – iconography, , ,  and patronage, ,  and S. Lorenzo, , , , , n; bank,  body held in state, –

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72787-7 — Renaissance Florence Edited by Roger J. Crum , John T. Paoletti Index More Information

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and magnificence, , ,  and Florentine art, , , , , , and S. Marco, , , , n n medal of,  interventions at Palazzo della Signoria, and Palazzo Medici, -, , , , –, ,  , , , , n medal of, – as Panormita dedicatee, , , , personal mystique, –,  n and potenze, , , n parents of, , ,  and Saint Zenobius, , n, n patronage, , , n see also Pazzi conspiracy Cosimo I, duke, , , , , , , Lorenzo di Piero di Lorenzo [the Magnif- , n, n, n icent] (duke of Urbino), , , n and academies, – Maria, n ascendence to principate, , ,  Nannina di Piero di Cosimo, , , ,  charity and patronage, – Orlando di Guccio,  iconography, n, n Piccarda dei Bueri, ,  and namesake, ,  Piero di Cosimo, , , , , , , redecoration or alteration of churches, , , , n, n, n , –, n and SS. Annunziata’s Annunciation, , and ritual,  – transformation of Palazzo della Signoria, coup attempt (), – –, –, –, –,  and S. Lorenzo,  Cosimo II, duke, ,  Piero di Lorenzo [the Magnificent], , , Ferdinando I, duke, ,  , , , ,  Ferdinando II, duke,  Pietro, n Filippo di, , , ,  Tanai, n Francesco I, duke, , , , , , , Vieri di Cambio,  , , , , , n Mellini, Francesco, n Giovanni delle Bande Nere,  Mellino, Francesco, see Zoppo Giovanni di Bicci, , , , , , men and masculine culture, –  mendicant churches, , , , ; see also Giovanni di Cosimo il Vecchio, , , under churches, convents, and monasteries: , n SS. Annunziata; S. Croce; S. Egidio; Giovanni di Lorenzo (Pope Leo X), , , S. Marco; S. Maria del Carmine; S. Maria , ; see also papacy and popes, Pope Novella; Ognissanti; see also Fiesole, Leo X S. Michele alla Doccia Giuliano, duke of Nemours, ,  mendicant orders and preachers, , , , Giuliano di Piero di Cosimo, , , , –, , , – ,  location of sermons, – Giulio, cardinal (later Clement VII), , , see also Domenico of Viterbo; Dominican , ; see also papacy and popes, Order/Dominicans; Franciscan Order/ Clement VII Franciscans; John of Capistrano; Matteo Lorenzo, duke,  d’Agrigento; Saints, Bernardino of Siena Lorenzo di Giovanni di Bicci,  Mercanzia, , , , , , , n, Lorenzo di Piero (the Magnificent), , , n , , , , , , , , , Mercato Nuovo, , , , n n Mercato Vecchio, , , , , , , , and antiquities,  , , , , n, n and architecture, , –, , , , Antonio Pucci’s poem about,  –, , ,  Madonna of the Trombetta in,  audiences with, –,  and Medici neighborhood,  cathedral interventions, – and Wool Guild’s trade routes, , , , and confraternities, , n  diplomacy, , , , n Mercury, 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72787-7 — Renaissance Florence Edited by Roger J. Crum , John T. Paoletti Index More Information

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memory Montemurlo, Battle of,  civic, ,  moral reform,  myth and, ,  Morandino, Francesco, called “Il Poppi,” ties to space and, , , , , ,  Hospital of the Innocents,  visual, erasure of, see damnatio memoriae Morelli family walking/procession and, , , ,  Giovanni, , , ,  of dead, , , , ; see also chapels, Morello,  memorial; mourning rituals Morganti (giants),  exempla preached for,  Morosini, Domenico,  historical, , , ,  Morrocco, church of S. Maria,  manipulated, , ,  mourning rituals,  loss of, and identity,  Mucius Scaevola,  Michelangelo, , , , , , , , , ,  Naldini, Battista, ties to Hospital of the Battle of Cascina, , , , , , , Innocents,  , n Nanni di Banco study for,  Assumption of the Virgin, n body of,  Saint Philip, n David, , , , , ,  Naples, , ,  drawings: in Brancacci Chapel, ; in Nardo di Cione,  Peruzzi Chapel, , ,  frescoes, Strozzi Chapel, S. Maria Novella, funeral of, ,   Last Judgment,  neighbors/neighborhood, , , –, , S. Lorenzo, work at, , ,  , ,  Rome, work in, ,  of artists, – Sleeping Cupid,  confraternities,  in Vasari’s “Life of Pontormo,” n and governing bodies,  views against engravings,  kingdoms of poor, –,  Michele di Giorgante,  militias, – Michele di Piero, n new (borghi), – Michele di Simone,  palaces and their extension into, –, Michelozzo di Bartolomeo –, – design of S. Marco, ,  potenze, –; see also specific potenza Parte Guelfa tabernacle, Orsanmichele,  preaching oversteps boundaries of, – rebuilding of SS. Annunziata, ,  of prostitutes,  tabernacle for Annunciation, , n weakened ties of, – Milan, , , , , , , , ,  women’s movement through, – military captains, see condottieri see also family enclaves, neighborhoods as militia companies, , , ,  Neoplatonism,  Minerbetti family,  Neri di Bicci, , , , , , , , miracles and miracle-working images, , , , , , , ,  , , , , , , ,  Assumption of the Virgin, ,  Annunciation (SS. Annunziata),  Nerli family,  Crocefisso della Provvidenza, ,  Tanai, ,  Madonna in Ricasoli Chapel, S. Maria Neroni, Dietisalvi,  Novella,  Niccolini family,  monasteries Niccolò di Battista, n, n discipline of, in lay world,  Niccolò di Bernardo degli Oriuoli,  distribution patterns, , ,  Niccolò di Giovanni Fiorentino (Niccolò di see also churches, convents, and monasteries Forzore), medal of Lorenzo de’ Medici, Montaigne, Michel de, ,  ,  Montaperti, Battle of, ,  notaries, ,  Montefeltro, Federigo da,  Novellara, Fra Pietro, n

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72787-7 — Renaissance Florence Edited by Roger J. Crum , John T. Paoletti Index More Information

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Oltr’Arno, , , , , , , , , , , Corsi,  , , , , , , ,  Davanzati, , , n city walls and, ,  Frescobaldi, ,  popoli of, n Galigari,  and Wool Guild’s trade routes, –, , Ginori,  , , , , ,  Giugni, , n Ops,  Giugni–da Firenzuola,  oratories, , , , , , ,  Gondi, ,  Buonomini of S. Martino, ,  Grifoni–Budini–Gattai,  S. Maria at Lecceto near Malmantille, , Guadagni, , ,   Lanfredini,  Orsanmichele, see Orsanmichele Larderel,  Orcagna, Andrea,  Medici, –, –, , , , , , Strozzi altarpiece,  , , , , –, , , , tabernacle at Orsanmichele,  , , , n, n Ordinances of Justice, , , , , , , , chapel: Benozzo Gozzoli frescoes, ; n imperial connotations,  orphans, , ,  excavations,  Orsanmichele, , , , , , , , , , as fortress, –,  , –, , , , , , , and Forum of Augustus,  ,  grand salone, , – captains of,  Leonardo’s project,  as Cistercian church site,  and Palazzo della Signoria, –, , , Confraternity of, , , , , , –; Cosimo I’s relocation, ,   and potenze dispute, – as grain market, –,  studiolo,  Madonna of, , , , , , , , Nerli,  , , , ,  Neroni,  statues, n Niccolini,  wax images at,  Nonfinito,  Orsini, Alfonsina, , ,  Pandolfini,  Otto di Guardia,  Pazzi,  Ovid,  Pitti, , , , , , , , , , , Fasti,  , , , n Padua,  Portinari,  Baptistery,  Pucci,  Carrara family,  Ramirez–Montalvo,  palaces, , , , –, , , , , – Rinieri,  , , ,  Rucellai, , , , ,  Adimari,  Scala (now Palazzo della Gherardesca),  Alessandri,  Spinelli, , ,  Altoviti, n Spini, , , , , , n Antinori,  Strozzi, , , , , , , , archbishop’s,  n Ardinghelli, , n Strozzino, ,  Arte della Lana, , , –, , , Tornabuoni,  , , ,  Uguccioni,  Bartolini Salimbeni, , ,  Uzzano, , , , , ,  Boni (now Palazzo Antinori),  Palmieri, Matteo, , n Borgherini,  Pandolfini family Busini,  Agnolo,  Capponi,  Giannozzo, , n

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72787-7 — Renaissance Florence Edited by Roger J. Crum , John T. Paoletti Index More Information

I 

Panormita (Antonio Beccadelli), , , , Pazzi family, , , n , n Cosimo,  papacy and popes, , , , ,  Jacopo,  Clement VII, , , , , ; see also Pegasus,  Medici family, Giulio Pegolotti family,  Eugenius IV, ,  Pennechini, Donato, , , , , , Julius II, ,  ,  Leo X, , , , , , , , Perino del Vaga,  , , , ,  period eye,  entry into Florence (), , , , , Persia,   perspective (linear or single-point), , , , see also Medici family, Giovanni di , , ,  Lorenzo Perugino, Pietro, , , ,  Martin V, ,  Peruzzi family, , , , , , , , Sixtus IV, ,  ,  paragone, ,  Donato,  Parenti family Pesaro,  Marco, , , , , , ,  Pesellino, n Piero, , ,  Pesello, n parlamenti, , , , , ,  Petrarch, Francesco, , , , , ,  parishes, , , , , , , , , residence at Vaucluse,  , , ,  Philip II,  S. Ambrogio,  piazzas (and squares), , , , , , , , S. Lorenzo, ,  , , , , , , , , , Parnassus,   parody, enacted in piazza, , ,  S. Ambrogio, , , , , ,  Parte Guelfa, , , , , , , , , , SS. Annunziata, , , , , , , , , , nn, , , ,  Passignano Cerchi, de’,  S. Biagio, , ,  S. Croce, , , , , , , , ,  S. Michele, , , ,  Duomo, , , , , ,  Patrizi, Francesco,  as extension of family space, , , – patronage, – S. Felice, ,  architectural, , , , , ,  Figliuoli della Tosa,  of arts and artisanry, , , , , Frescobaldi, dei, ,  –, , ,  functions, , –, –, , ,  at churches, convents, and monasteries, , as gendered space, , – , , , , , , –,  S. Giovanni, , ,  of altars and chapels, , , –, , Loggia dei Pigli, della,  –, –, , ; by Tornabuoni, S. Lorenzo, , , , ,  , , , –,  Madonna, di,  at Le Murate, – S. Marco, , ,  at S. Marco, by Medici, –, , , , S. Maria del Carmine,  , , , , n S. Maria Novella, , , , ,  by Medici, see Medici family, patronage (and Piazza Vecchia di, ,  s.vv. Cosimo; Cosimo I; Lorenzo di Piero; S. Martino, , , ,  Piero di Cosimo) S. Michele di Berteldi,  political and social, –, , , , , negotiation in,  –, –, – Orsanmichele, , , , , , , by Medici, –; of Buonomini di , , , , , ,  S. Martino, –; of potenze,  Peruzzi, dei, , , , n Pazzi conspiracy, , , , , , ,  S. Pier Maggiore, 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72787-7 — Renaissance Florence Edited by Roger J. Crum , John T. Paoletti Index More Information

 I

Pitti,  Pollaiuolo family politics of, ,  Antonio, ,  Priori, dei, see s.v. Signoria, della Battle of Naked Men, –, , ,  S. Reparata, di,  silver retable for Baptistery,  Repubblica, della,  work for Lanfredini family, ,  ritual spaces, , –,  Piero, , n Signoria, della, , , , , , , Pollaiuolo, Simone del, see Cronaca, Il , , n, n Pontormo, Jacopo da, , , , , , and cathedral,   control of, –, ,  Saint Anne altarpiece,  history and rituals, , –, –, , S. Lorenzo frescoes, – –, , – ties to Hospital of the Innocents,  theater, –,  Vasari’s “Life” of, n view of, , , – poor, –, , , , , , , , S. Simone, , , n ,  socialization in,  begging regulated, ,  Spini, dei, ,  and miracles for, , ,  S. Spirito, , ,  and plague, ,  Strozzi, ,  potenze as kingdoms of, , – S. Trinita, , , , , n and Servites,  Tornaquinci, ,  “shamed poor,” ,  Uberti, degli, ,  popolani, , n Pieralli, Bartolo, n, n popolo, , , , , , , , , , , Piero del Massaio, , n  Piero del Tovaglia,  clients of Medici,  Piero di Cosimo, Madonna and Child Enthroned composition of, ,  with Saints Peter, John the Baptist, Dominic, defeat of,  and Nicholas of Bari, ,  primo, , , , , , , , , , pietra forte, ,  n, n pietre dure, Medici workshops and,  secondo, , ,  Pietro di Mattiolo,  troops of,  pilgrims/pilgrimages,  urban initiatives, –, –, –, , , badges, ,   and Madonna of Orsanmichele,  population, decline addressed,  and potenze, , , ,  Por S. Piero,  Pisa, ,  and Wool Guild’s trade routes, –, , acquisition of,  , n Pisano, Andrea, Campanile reliefs,  porphyry, ,  Pistoia Portinari,Tommaso,  hospital of the Ceppo,  portraiture, , , , , , ,  and wool trade,  donor portraits,  Pitti family,  portrait medals, – Luca, , , , , , , ,  in wax,  plague (Black Death), , , , , , potenze (festive kingdoms), , –,  , , , , ,  Biliemme, , , , , ,  Platina, Bartolomeo, n tabernacle of, ,  Platonic Academy, see Accademia Platonica Città Rossa, –, , , –, –, Pliny, , , ,   Poccetti, Bernardo, and Hospital of the Camaldoli, , n, n Innocents,  Cornacchia, n podestà, ,  Covone,  Poliziano, Angelo, , , n Dovizia, , n

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72787-7 — Renaissance Florence Edited by Roger J. Crum , John T. Paoletti Index More Information

I 

Gatta, ,  Medici sponsorship,  Graticola, , , ,  to Orsanmichele, , – Macina, , n, n potenze, , ,  Medici patronage of,  priors,  Mela, , ,  Saint Zenobius,  Monteloro, , n Savonarola and, –, –,  Nebbia, n wedding, –,  Nespola, , n, n women and, ,  Piccione, , ,  prostitutes/prostitution, , , , , , Ponte Nano, n , , , –, n Prato,  public buildings Red City, see Città Rossa Bargello, , , , , , , , , , Red Land, , , n , , , n, n Rondine, , n Mercanzia, Palazzo della, , , ,  Sfera, , ,  Parte Guelfa, Palazzo del, , ,  Spalla, n Podestà, Palazzo del, see s.v. Bargello Vacca,  Popolo, Palazzo del, see s.v. Signoria, Palazzo Prato,  della and wood trade,  Primo Popolo, Palazzo del, see s.v. Bargello prayer, , , , , , , , , Priori, Palazzo dei, see s.v. Signoria, Palazzo , , ,  della preaching, , , , , , , , Signoria, Palazzo della, , , , , , , – , , , , , , , , , broaching neighborhood boundaries, – , n, n and church size, , ,  as backdrop for civic events, , ,  in piazzas, , , ,  Brunelleschi panel of,  Piazza della Signoria, , ,  building history, , –, , , , , and political life, ,  , ,  women and, ,  Chapel of the Signoria,  principate, see Medici family, principate civic punishments enacted,  prints/printmaking, – decorative programs, , –, , , – as collectors’ items, ,  , –, , – Vasari and, , ,  defensive function, ,  priorate/priors, see Council of the Priors; height, relative, , , ,  Signoria Opera di Palazzo,  processions (and routes), , , , , , , , paintings (th century) at,  , , , , , , , n as processional destination,  children and,  replica of,  SS. Concezione,  ringhiera, , , , , , , , , , confraternal,  ; altar on, , , ; backdrop for, Corpus Christi, , , n, n , ; destroyed, rebuilt, ; sculpture Corpus Domini,  on or near, , , , , ,  of criminals, ,  Sala dei Cinquecento (Hall of the Great Easter, , n Council), , , , , , , , entry of Leo X (), –, ,  , , , , , , , , feast of the Magi, , , , ,  , , n feast of Saint John the Baptist, , , Sala dei Dugento, , , , , , n , n lay,  Sala dei Gigli, , , , , –, Madonna of Impruneta, ,  , , , , , –, , Madonna of SS. Annunziata, ,  ; portraits of Dante and Petrarch, to Marian shrines,  

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72787-7 — Renaissance Florence Edited by Roger J. Crum , John T. Paoletti Index More Information

 I

Sala dei Signori,  plebeian and potenze ritual, – Sala dell’Arme,  and time, – Sala dell’Udienza dei Signori, , , urban spaces of, –, , , –, – , , , ,  piazzas as, , –,  Saletta, , ,  Robbia family symbolic meanings, ,  Andrea della, n and women, –, ,  reliefs for Hospital of the Innocents, , Uffizi, Palazzo degli, , , ,  ,  Vecchio, Palazzo see s.v. Signoria, Palazzo Giovanni della, Biliemme tabernacle, , della , n public monuments and sculpture, , , , Luca della, ,  , , , , , , ,  Cantoria, ,  Pucci, Antonio,  studiolo of Piero de’ Medici,  Pulci family, , n workshop, ,  Antonia,  Robert of Anjou, king of Naples,  Luigi,  Roberto family,  Robetta, Cristofano,  Quarantore (Forty Hours Devotion),  curious iconographies of,  Rogier van der Weyden,  Rafaellino del Garbo, n Rome/Roman antiquity, , , , , Raimondi, Marcantonio,   Raphael, , , ,  allusions to in Florentine art, , , , use of Dürer’s prints,  – Recchi family,  antiquities, trade in,  relics/reliquaries, , , , , , , Aracoeli,  ,  Arch of Titus, n of Saint Zenobius, , ,  architecture, , , , , – Remigio de’ Girolami, Fra, ,  artists of Florence, work in, , ,  René of Anjou,  emperors, , ,  replicated images, – Forum of Augustus,  rhetoric,  imperial Rome, ,  of walking,  coinage,  Ricci family, , , , , n law, ,  Ridolfi family legendary founders, ,  Amadore,  Nero’s Domus Aurea,  Lorenzo,  New Rome, Florence as ,  Rinaldeschi, Antonio,  Palatine Hill,  Ringstrasse (ring road), , ,  Palazzo dei Conservatori, Capitoline, Rinucci, Rinuccio di Nello,   Rinuccini family,  Pauline Chapel,  Ripanda, Jacopo, n S. Pietro in Montorio,  Ristori family Renaissance palaces and possessions, , Caio, , n ,  Cecco,  Republic, , ,  Ciai, , , , n roads, and Florence,  ritual, , , , , , , –, , –, She-Wolf, and Lupercalia,  –, ,  Sistine Chapel, , , , –, , , church spaces, ,   confraternal and guild, – Vatican Belvedere,  corporate, – vestiges of, in Florence, , , , , , funerary and mourning, – , , ,  Medici use of, –, , –, ,  Villa Madama, 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72787-7 — Renaissance Florence Edited by Roger J. Crum , John T. Paoletti Index More Information

I 

Rondinelli, Scolastica, , ,  John the Baptist, , , , , , , rood screens, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  , ,  John Gualbert, ,  Rosselli family, ,  Lawrence, , , ,  Bernardo di Stefano, , ,  Mary,  Chimento,  Mary Magdalen, ,  Cosimo, , , , , , , , Nicholas,  , , , , , n Nicholas of Bari,  Francesco, , n Paul, ,  Lorenzo,  Peter, , , ,  Piero di Jacopo, , ,  Peter Martyr,  Rossellino family Roch,  Antonio,  Sebastian, ,  Rafaello, n Stephen,  Rossi family,  Thomas, , ,  Vincenzo de’, Leo X,  Thomas Aquinas, , , ,  , Rosso Fiorentino, ,  ,  Rovezzano, Benedetto da, n Victor,  Rubens, Peter Paul, copy after Leonardo’s Vincent Ferrer,  Battle of Anghiari, ,  Zenobius, , , , , –, , Rucellai family,  , –, , , n Andrea, Fra,  column of,  Bernardo di Giovanni,  cult of,  Giovanni, , –, , – translation of remains, , ,  Rudolf II, Holy Roman emperor,  Salutati, Coluccio, , , , ,  Rugieri, Giovanni, ,  salvation, , , , ,  Ruschi, Pietro,  Salviati, Francesco, , ,  rustication, , ,  Triumph of Camillus, ,  Sangallo family,  Sacchetti, Franco, ,  Antonio da, , n sacraments, , , , , , , , Aristotile da, copy after Michelangelo’s , ,  Battle of Cascina,  Sacrifice of Isaac, anonymous print, –,  Giuliano da, , ,  saints Gondi Chapel, S. Maria Novella,  Ambrose,  Poggio a Caiano, , , ,  Anne, , , , , ,  Sansovino, Andrea Anthony of Padua,  Corbinelli Chapel of the Sacrament,  Barbara,  Redeemer, , n Basil, monastic rules of,  Santuccio, Strozzi Chapel, , ,  Bernard, , , , , n Sarto, Andrea del Bernardino of Siena, , , , , , counterfeited Raphael portrait,  , n frescoes, Scalzo,  Bonaventure,  ties to Hospital of the Innocents,  Catherine of Alexandria,  views against engravings,  Charles Borromeo,  Sassetti family, ,  Christopher,  Francesco, , ,  Cosmas and Damian, , ,  Savonarola, Girolamo, , , –, , , Crescentius,  , , –, , –, , Dominic,  n Eugenius,  and Carnival, , ,  Francis, , , ,  medal of, ,  James Major,  preaching, , , , 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72787-7 — Renaissance Florence Edited by Roger J. Crum , John T. Paoletti Index More Information

 I

publications, – singers, public performances of,  Book of Revelations, –, ,  slaves,  supporters (piagnoni),  Soderini family,  women and, , ,  Francesco,  Scala family Niccolò, , ,  Alessandra della,  Piero, , , , , , n Bartolomeo della, , ,  sodomy, , , , , ,  Scali family, , , , n sound, in Florentine spaces, , , , – Scarperia,   Scipio,  spalliera, Neri di Bicci, for ringhiera, , , scriptoria,  ,  scrutiny (squittino),  Spinelli family,  seals Tommaso,  of Commune of Florence,  Spini family,  lead, for wool cloth, , , ,  sporti, , , , , , , ,  seeing and being seen, , , ; see also squares, see piazzas (and squares) gazes; girls, seen in public stained-glass windows, ,  Segni, Bernardo,  Stefano di Matteo,  Seneca, n Stella, Alessandro,  Serlio,  stemmi, see coats of arms, personal devices, sermons, see preaching shields, and stemmi Serragli family,  Stinche (public prison), ,  Niccolosa,  Stoldi, Stoldo di Lapo,  Servite Order, , , , , ,  streets, , , , , ,  Sforza family Agnolo, via dell’, ,  Caterina,  Anguillara, via dell’, , , , n Francesco, ,  Ss. Apostoli, borgo, n Galeazzo,  Ariento, via,  Ludovico,  Bardi, via dei, ,  sgraffiti, , ,  Baroncelli, chiasso dei,  at Palazzo Medici,  Belli Sporti, via dei (now via Tornabuoni), at Palazzo Spinelli, ,   shops/workshops, , , , , , , , Benci, via de’, , , ,  , , , , , ,  Bentaccordi, via dei, , , n artists’, – bocche (street openings), ,  Giotto’s,  buildings’ relation to, , , , , , location of, , , ,  , –,  male sociability at, –,  Calamala, via, , , n and orphans,  Calzaiuoli, via de’, , , , , , , , wool, – , , n sick, care of, ,  Campidoglio, via,  Siena, , , , , , ,  S. Caterina, via,  and Ambrogio Lorenzetti’s frescoes,  Cavour, via, ,  and building materials,  Cerchi, via de’, , ,  Signa,  Cerretani, via de’,  Villa Gangalandi,  Cimatori, via dei, , ,  signatures, artists’, ,  for circulation and exchange, , , , Signorelli, Luca,  , ,  Signoria, , , , , , , , , , , Colonna, via della, ,  , , , , ,  control of, –, –, , ,  fifers of,  convent walls and, ,  guards of,  Corso, via del, , n

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72787-7 — Renaissance Florence Edited by Roger J. Crum , John T. Paoletti Index More Information

I 

Croce, borgo la, , ,  Oriuolo, via dell’,  S. Croce, borgo, ,  Pantano, via del, n Cuculia, via della,  Pellicciai, via dei,  daily and extraordinary usage, , , , ; Piagentina, borgo della,  see also s.v. and festivals Piazza, borgo di (now via Guicciardini), , via, , ,  , , nn, exposure to ridicule in, , – Pidiglioso, borgo, , n Faenza, via, ,  Pilastri, via dei, n and family names,  Pinti, borgo, , , , , , n Ferravecchi, via dei (now via degli Strozzi), planning, , –, ,   Por S. Maria, via,  and festivals, , , , –, – Porta Rossa, via, , , , n Fogna, via della,  S. Procolo, via (now via de’ Pandolfini and Forca di Campocorbolino, via de’ (now via via dell’Agnolo), , ,  Zanetti),  Proconsolo, via del, , , , ,  Fornace, via della,  Purgatorio, via del,  Foro Veteri, via del (now via degli Strozzi), Quattro Leoni, via,  ,  S. Reparata, via, ,  Fossi, via de’,  Ricci, via dei (now via Elisabetta), ,  S. Frediano, borgo, , n Romana, via, ,  S. Gallo, via, , , , , n, S. Salvatore via,  n Saponi, via dei,  Garbo, via del (now via Condotta),  Scala, via della, , , n Ghibellina, via, , , , , , , Serragli, via de’, ,  , n Servi, via de’, , , ,  Gino Capponi, via,  Strozzi, via degli, ,  Ginori, via de’, , , , ,  Tedesca,via,  S. Giorgio, costa,  Tintori, corso dei, n S. Giovanni, via, ,  Tornabuoni, via de’, , , , , , Giugni, via dei, ,  n, n Giuseppe Verdi, via,  Toscanella,via, n Gori, via,  Vacchereccia, via, ,  Greci, borgo de’, , , , , , Vecchietti, via de’,  n Velluti, via dei, n Guicciardini, via, , n views from, , ,  S. Jacopo, borgo, ,  Vigna Nuova, via della, , ,  Lambertesca, via, n Vigna Vecchia, via della, ,  Larga, via width or narrowness of, , , , , , (now via Cavour), , , , , , , ,  , , ,  women and, –, , – (now via Tornabuoni), , , , in Wool Guild itinerary, – n see also altars, street; benches, lining street Laura, via, , , ,  Strozzi family, , , , ,  Lavatoi, via dei,  Alessandra Bardi,  lungarni, ,  Alessandra Macinghi, , ,  Lungarno Torrigiani, n Alessandro,  Macci, via de’, ,  Caterina,  Maggio, via, , , , , , , , Filippo, , , , , , , , , , n , , ,  Martelli, via,  Filippo di Filippo, ,  Nazionale, via, ,  Lorenzo di Filippo,  Neri, via de’, ,  Palla, , 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72787-7 — Renaissance Florence Edited by Roger J. Crum , John T. Paoletti Index More Information

 I

Pietro,  symbolism, ,  Roberto,  Tornaquinci, n Tommaso,  for villas, ,  studioli, , , ,  S. Zanobi, n subject cities, ,  trading fairs, see Champagne Suetonius, ,  trading itineraries, – Sulla,  transgressive behavior, ,  Susanna (biblical),  Trent, Council of, , , , , , , Susini, Antonio,  ,  synagogues,  church redecoration after,Vasari and, , –,  tabernacles, , , , –, , , , Tribolo, Niccolò,  nn,, n trumpets, and potenze activity,  and Biliemme potenza, ,  Truscio di Tignoso family, n and Città Rossa potenza, ,  , , ,  defacing of,  tyrants/tyranny, , , , , , , , of Madonna at Orsanmichele, ,   Tacca, Pietro,  Taddeo di Cecco da Barberino,  Ubaldini family, n Tanagli family,  Uberti family, , , , , , ,  tapestries, , , , ,  Farinata degli Uberti,  Life of Joseph, Bronzino, – Uccello, Paolo, Battle of San Romano,  see also spalliera Ufficiali dei monastery,  taverns, , , , , , , ,  Ufficiali delle notte,  taxation, , , , , , , ,  Ufficiali delle torre,  catasto, , , ,  Ufficiali forestieri,  payroll tax,  Ulivieri,Vincenzio, ties to Hospital of the Terence,  Innocents,  Tetto de’ Pisani,  Uomini illustri, see Famous Men cycle textile industry, , , ,  urbanism, ,  foreign cloth (panni franceschi),  usury, , , ,  types of textile, – Uzzano family,  tombs, , , ,  Agnolo, ,  Tornabuoni family, , ,  Niccolò, , ,  Giovanni, , , , –,  Lucrezia, , , , ,  Vacca, Flaminio,  Tornaquinci family, , , , n Vallombrosan Order, , , , , , Toschi family,   Totila,  Vallori, Niccolò,  tournaments, see jousts and tournaments Valois, Charles of,  Torrigiano, Pietro, ,  vandalism,  drawing in Brancacci Chapel,  toward buildings,  Tovaglia, Agnolo,  Varchi, Benedetto, ,  towers, , , , , ,  Vasari, Giorgio, ,  della Castagna, , n Corridor, , , ,  for defense, , , ,  Hall of the Great Council, –, , , destruction of, , , n  stones reused for city walls,  Joust in the Piazza Santa Croce,  height, , , ,  Lives, , , , , , , , , Macci,  , , , , –, n of neighborhood associations,  and printmaking, , ,  Spini, n pupils from Hospital of the Innocents, 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72787-7 — Renaissance Florence Edited by Roger J. Crum , John T. Paoletti Index More Information

I 

and redecoration of churches after Council Virgil,  of Trent, , –,  Visdomini family,  tomb of Michelangelo,  Vitelli family,  see also Accademia del Disegno;Accademia Vitruvius, , , , , , n Fiorentina Volterra, Daniele da, n Vecchietti family,  Veii, ,  walking, , , , ,  Velluti family,  and civic memory, , ,  Donato,  rhetoric of,  vendettas, , , ,  walls, city, ,  Venice, , ,  center vs. periphery,  building materials in,  circuits,  Loggetta,  first (),  S. Marco, ,  second (), , , ,  palace architecture in,  third (–), , , , , , Palazzo Ducale,  –, ; planned, ,  Piazza S. Marco,  and control of populace,  print dealers in,  for defense, ,  faked Dürer prints sold,  exterior niches,  system of government,  inside vs. outside, ,  Vasari’s Lives published in,  villas outside, ,  War of the Fists,  and Oltr’Arno, ,  Venus,  regulated by magistracy,  Verrocchio, Andrea del space near, ,  Christ and Doubting Thomas,  in urban landscape, ,  David, , , n Walter of Brienne, , , , , , , , Putto, n , ,  silver retable for Baptistery,  War of the Eight Saints, , n Vico, Enea,  wealth, justification of,  Discorsi sopra le medaglie de gli antichi,  weddings, , ,  Villani family wet-nurses/-nursing, , , ,  Filippo,  widows, , , ,  Giovanni, , , , , , , , , , windows, , ,  , , , , , , , ,  women and, , , , , , Matteo, , , , , , n  villas, , –,  women, – Artimino,  and childbirth,  Cafaggiolo, ,  committee proposed,  Careggi, ,  and male gaze, , ,  Fiesole,  married, ,  Gangalandi,  Medici,  Ginori,  movement about city, , – Il Riposo,  and Palazzo della Signoria, –, , Il Trebbio, ,   La Gallina at Arcetri,  and palaces,  La Petraia,  and processions, ,  Medici villa, design by Giuliano da Sangallo, Savonarola and, , ,   separated in cathedral, , ,  Poggio a Caiano, , , ,  and streets, –, , – Pratolino,  wool violence, , , , , ,  cloth: merchants, brokers, trading, and rock fights, ,  trading routes, –

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-72787-7 — Renaissance Florence Edited by Roger J. Crum , John T. Paoletti Index More Information

 I

Oltr’Arno route, –, ,  workers/working, , , , , , , S. Pancrazio route, –, , ,   working class, , , , , ,  S. Pier Scheraggio route, –, , , workshops, see shops/workshops n Por S. Piero (S. Martino) route, –, Zanobi da Strada, ,  , , n Zoppo (Francesco Mellino), , 

© in this web service Cambridge University Press