Explanatory Or More Detailed References, Or References to Places Where an Artist’S Work Is Best Represented, Are Given in Bold
412 Index Explanatory or more detailed references, or references to places where an artist’s work is best represented, are given in bold. Numbers in italics are picture references. Dates are given for all artists, architects and sculptors. For more detailed entries on Florentine artists, refer to the Glossary of Artists on p. 393 Abbati, Giuseppe (1836–58) 260 Almeni, Sforza 87 Accademia del Cimento 300 Altoviti family 303 Accademia della Crusca 332 Ambrogio di Baldese (1352–1429) 80 Accademia delle Arti del Disegno 102, 145, American Episcopal Church 341 189, 287 Ammannati, Bartolomeo (1511–92) 38, 46, Accademia di Belle Arti 160; (gallery of) 176 85, 86, 102, 139, 150, 231, 240, 285, 304, Acciaioli family 303 331, 350, 351, 352, 353; (Boboli Gardens) Acciaioli, Niccolò 337 265, 274; (Palazzo Pitti) 242, 243, 247, 249, Accommodation 361 256; (Ponte Santa Trínita) 303; (burial Acton, Sir Harold 244, 291, 334; (grave of) place of) 341 357 Anderlini, Pietro (1687–1755) 96, 341, 344 Acuto, Giovanni (see Hawkwood) Andersen, Hans Christian 104 Ademollo, Luigi (1764–1849) 236, 249, 250, Andrea del Castagno (c. 1420–57) 31, 56, 60, 341 114, 141, 187; (Last Supper) 173 Agati organmakers 341 Andrea di Giusto (fl. 1424–50) 229 Agostino di Duccio (1418–81) 83, 90 Andrea del Sarto (1486–1530) 132, 172, 186, Alberti family 222, 230 188, 252, 254, 255, 256; (Last Supper) 174, Alberti, Leon Battista (1404–72) 188, 201, 175; (house of) 349; (self-portrait) 186 202, 204; (portrait of) 288 Andrea di Bonaiuto (Andrea Bonaiuti or Albertinelli, Mariotto (1474–1515) 132, 337 Andrea da Firenze; 1343–77) 208, 212, 356 Albertini, Francesco 8 Andreotti, Libero (1875–1933) 222; (grave Albizi family 15, 196, 239 of) 357 Alfieri, Vittorio, monument to 20, 224 Angelico, Fra’ (Guido di Pietro; c.
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