

Ttat Register Hat the International News Sereiee (Wire and Mali), the N. C. W. C. Newt Sareiee (Including Radios and Cables), found these three in Its Own Special Service. Lumen Service of China, Intematinnal Illnttrated Newt, and N. C. W, C. Picture Service. Swift Changes in Europe the limelight. Upper listening In left, Konrad Henlein, champion of the 3,500,000 Germans in Czecho­ Local Local ’s Plans slovakia, which fears an invasion from Rcichfuehrer Hitler. Lower Catholic theologians have left,= Buerckel, who ran the Edition Edition lield' that the non-combatants Saar area for Hitler in 1934, a must be spared as much as militant anti-Calholic, who - will possible in war. “In the Nazify . At right, Arch­ THE Outlined by Sigismund Waitz of Salz­ prosecution of war the kill­ burg, who was placed under guard ing or injuring of non-com­ in his home when the German batants (women, children, the Nazis occupied Austria. aged, and feeble, or even those capable of bearing Bishop Lucey arms but as a matter of fact REGISTER (Name Registered in the U. S. Patent Office) not in any way participating in the war)” is morally VOL. XIV. No. 13 DENVEr 7 c OLO., SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 1938 TWO CENTS Peace Formulas Offered to barred, “except where their simultaneous destruction is an unavoidable accident at­ Hitler's Promise of Religious Freedom Questioned U. S. Not Valid; Papal tending the attack upon the contending force. The wanton Program Described destruction of the property Hope of Church in Austria of such non-combatants, Denver.— To a world plagued by war and threats where it does not or will not of war, by “gangster governments,” and by social injustice, minister to maintenance or the Church offers a sane and practical program based on help to the state or its arnp', Lies in Cardinal Innitzer charity and justice, the Most Rev. Robert E. Lucey, Bishop is likewise devoid of the of Amarillo, told a crowd of 2,000 Catholic men attending requisite condition of neces­ If the Church in Austria escapes workingmen and young people. 1932, the office of Archbishop was the annual corporate Communion breakfast sponsored by sity . . . The burning of the the fate of religion in Germany His attempts to satisfy these needs offered to the great statesman. the Knights of Columbus. Bishop Lucey spoke on “The under the Nazi rule of Adolf Hit­ have, given him an unparalleled Monsignor Ignaz Seipel, who de­ Church in a Disordered World,” of which he said: “The Capitol and White House at ler, credit for the escape will prob­ popularity in . clined the honor and recommended Washington in 1814, the dev­ tragedy of war hangs upon the ably belong, to a scholarly man Ordained July 25, 1902, the Father Innitzer for the position. horizon of our lives; despots and astation of Georgia, South who has an undying love for the Cardinal did parish work for a The Archbishop was proclaimed a dictators crush their people with Carolina, and (the Valley of poor because he was once poor— time, then was named prefect of a Cardinal on March 13, 1933. , The intolerable burdens and rob them Shenandoah” in the Ameri­ Theodore Cardinal Innitzer, Arch­ clerical seminary. In 1906 he won new prelate chose as his motto: of sacred liberties; the scourge of bishop of Vienna. Against the his doctorate in theolop;y for a Tn Caritate Servire’’—“To Serve can Civil war “ have not es­ poverty and unemployment is laid military force of the power-mad scientific study of the life ,of St. in Love.” And in love he has upon the masses. . . . One light caped criticism in this cate­ Nazis, Cardinal Innitzer can op­ , then was given served the people of Vienna. In alone remains—the shining leader­ gory. That ‘war is hell’ in pose only the love of a truly Cath­ a post at Vienna university as lec­ November, 1933, he inaugurated ship of the Vicar of Christ, who ly m c io N the sense that it inevitably olic people for their Church and turer on the New Testament. In the “Help for the Poor” move­ summons the world to spiritual re­ their spiritual leader. carries with it a maximum of 1913 he became a full professor. ment, which has become a great form and social reconstruction.” After Cardinal Innitzer and As a result of his scientific studies charity institution. The “Youth Speaking at the breakfast, human miseries is true; in Chancellor Hitler had met in a in Palestine and Austria, be was in Need” project and the “General which followed a Pontifical Mass the sense that it justifies any­ Vienna hotel, it was reported that made general secretary of the Aus­ Catholic assembly” are others of offered in the Denver by thing that makes for the suf­ Hitler had given assurances that trian Leo society, a scientific the Most Rev. Urban J. Vehr, fering and punishment of a religious freedom will be respected group. Bishop of Denver, the Texas Ordi­ '’''jy the new Nazi province, but ob­ Not only as scholar but also as nary divided his subject into three Webster Groves, Mo. — (Spe­ people at ^var, it cannot Ijc servers believe that the Church in director of souls did Father In­ topics: I.jternational relations, cial)—Influence of the religious ethically maintained” ( Cath­ Austria will soon come to grips nitzer make his mark. He was now disturbed by war and threats correspondence course started at olic Encyclopedia, vol. xv, p. with the Nazi State and that the superior of the Sisters of the Good of war; government despotism, Kenrick seminary a year ago has .'549). Cardinal and Der Fuehrer will be Shepherd and founder of the So­ and industrial relations, entangled extended far beyond the range No Reflection Intended; He Stole Heaven! engaged in a momentous struggle. ciety of the Queen of the Apos­ by economic injustice and immor­ foreseen by its spon.sors. Inaugu­ Theodore Innitzer was born on tle's, which does mission work in ality. Back of all these troubles is rated by Father L. J. Fallon, C. Today, the civil war in Christmas day, 1875, in a little India. a failure to understand the moral M., as a follow-up for the motor Spain offers problems to the THIEF PATRON Bohemian town called Weipert- Was Federal Minister . law, the nature of human society, missions given by • Vincentian moralists. The possibility of Neugeschrei, where his father was Cardinal Piffl named Father In^ and the nature of man. in Missouri, it has been bombing cities from airplanes a lace-maker. His studies were in­ nitzer head of St. Thomas’ theo­ In the face of open warfare in put into use in Canada and the terrupted by his labors to help in logical college and the Canisius Spain and the Orient and threats Hawaiian islands as well as all was not well developed in OF CHICAGO NEWSMEN supporting the family, but by 1898 charity project for the education of war in Europe, the United over the . It has World war times. It succeeds he had begun his theological of priests. In 1928, he was made States is being offered two peace brought several converts into the to a dreadful degree today. course at the University of Vi­ of Vienna university, and formulas, said Bishop Lucey. First Church and has been used by Both sides of the Spanish war Chicago. — (Special) — Hard- Leader of the devotees of St. enna. The hard work he had done while in this position was ap­ is the policy of neutrality and iso­ many priests in the instruction boiled newspapermen aren’t gen­ Dismas here is Dempster Mac- in his ’teens left its mark perma­ pointed federal minister for social lation. The other is a program of of converts. There are now 543 have been using it. In the erally known for their devotion to Murphy, business manager of the nently on the man, and his life as administration in the cabinet of rapid rearmament. Neither of persons taking the course, and recent air raids on Barcelona, the . There is a gang of News. Each year on March 25, a has always showm a pro­ Chancellor Schober. these formulas is valid. The first 123 have completed it. Among “whole blocks of apartment thick-skinned Chicago journalists Mr. MacMurphy writes a piece on found appreciation of the needs of When Cardinal Piffl died implies a failure to recognize the the most successful students are buildings were wrecked, their that have a patron saint who was St. Dismas for his paper, and all difference between international 27 prison inmates. a thief and a bum. He is the Chicago reads about the police justice and international crime. It Basis of the course is Bishop ruins filled with dead and sort of man who would under­ character who was given an Annie Catholic News From the Far East commits the United States to the J. F. Noll’s Father Smith Instructs dying men, women and chil­ stand newspapermen, these Chi­ Oakley for heaven. St. Dismas policy of permitting all kinds of Jackson. Tests covering material dren,” our news wires tell us. cago Daily News workers feel, for doesn’t have many followers, immorality in international affairs in the book are sent to students,' (Turn to Page 4 — Column 1) he is Dismas, the good thief. MacMurphy says, partly because First Native Japanese as long as this country is not who return their papers to semi­ his day falls on the Feast of the harmed. But, said the Bishop, the narians at Kenrick. The same Annunciation. But then “peo­ Cardinal Innitzer morality of right and wrong ap­ seminarian handles all testa and $647,000 Donated for Work of Church ple wouldn’t pay much attention plies as Surely to nations as to in­ all correspondence with a person to him even if he had a feast day Archbishop Consecrated his important projects. This year dividuals. The armament program throughout the course. The lessons all to himself. Except the police he had called for a great program simply prepares for war and hin- are sent free of charge to the axpi^ion in Catholic journal­ and a young ‘Blasphemer’ who! ...__ __ _ d ^ .httempta, to, .settle problems students; -even--the-return postegb- I- IL Sr-l\iiss4on Gifts spoke to him once, people' peViFT Tokyo.-—Tnie work of foreign to the Yokohama see alko. C5"- by peateful methods. being supplied, so that the com­ paid much attention to him on in Japan will not be consecrators of Archbishop Doi What will be the fate of these A Third Formula plete course may be taken without were Aijiro Yamaguchi earth, either. He was just a bum; ended until they are entirely re­ projects and the whole program of There ik a third formula, the a cent of cost to the student. a mine-run thief.” of Nagasaki and Joseph Lemieux Church activities in Austria under Papal program based on collective Several of those enrolled have Poets and sentimentalists have placed by native priests, said of Sendai, the new prelate’s native (Turn to Page $ — C olum n t) (Turn to Page t — Colum n 1) been received into the Church, $6,000 More in 1937 always had some feeling for the Archbishop Jean Alexis Chambon diocese. (Picture on page 2.) and letters are frequently re­ good thief, says Mr. MacMurphy, of the Paris Foreign Missions Present at the ceived from students asking how but they miss the real significance society as he turned over the gov­ were the Most Rev. Paul Marella, Medical Group President Reviews Career soon they may be baptized. At New York.— (Special)—Ameri­ ing of the national council of the of this “ordinary dumb police ernment of the Archdiocese of Apostolic Delegate to Japan; the Tokyo to the Most Rev. Peter the present time, 2,096 letters in can Catholics in 1937 gave $647,- Society for the Propagation of the character, who outsmarted the ambassadors of , Italy, Bel regard to testa have been sent 000 for the support and expansion Faith. Donations in 1937 were smartest race that ever lived.” Tatsuo Doi, first Japanese Arch­ gium, Brazil, and Poland; other CATHOLICS LEADERS out, and this number is increas­ of home and foreign missions, it $6,000 higher than in 1936. The Dismas is really the patron of the bishop. Archbishop (Chambon, foreig:n diplomats, and a number ing at the rate of about 40 letters was announced at the annual meet- report was read by the Rt. Rev. down-and-outers, of condemned who has been transferred to the of high-ranking Japanese offi­ a week. Msgr. Thomas J. McDonnell, na­ m^n especially, and “he has a very new Diocese of Yokohama, was cials, including Katauji Debuchi, Besides the original unit at tional director of the Society for large appeal for newspapermen, consecrator of his successor at former ambassador to the United IN HOSPITAL FIELD Kenrick, there are now three the Propagation of the Faith. for he was their sort.” Tokyo. Archbishop Chambon told States. other seminaries, in Missouri, The report detailed the work of “But there are so many better of his hope that one day he will New York, and Washington, D. C., P0P [ H O i P S the 51,477 foreign missionaries— (Turn to Page S — Colum n S) consecrate a Japanese successor “When 1 began as an interne in Aged Bishop Otto S t Louis, Mo,— (Special)—In which have adopted the work. priests, brothers, and sisters—as his 41 years as a practicing phy­ the Louisville City hospital,” the Three more are preparing to take well as 25,881 native priests and Dies in China sician, Dr. Irvin Abell, first Catho­ A. M. A. man recalls, “people who it up in the near future. Thirty- religious who provide spiritual and Organization Has World-Wide Coverage lic president of the American Med­ were sent to the hospital were sure six states are represented on the mental education, together with The Most Rev. Hubert Otto of ical association, has seen medicirie medical ministrations, to 18,000,- the Scheut society, they were going to die. . . . Today list of pupils, and 11 students are who spent 62 years as a missioner develop from a purely experi­ the average American . . . knows enrolled from the Hawaiian 000 native Catholics. There are JOS. V. CONNOLLY, HEAO mental stage to the rank of an that the hospital is the safest place islands. Requests for informa­ an additional 2,500,000 natives in China and was a Bishop for exact clinical science. For years. 47 years, is dead. The 88-year- in the world in which to recover tion have been received from under instruction. Dr. Abell has been chief of staff from an apparently fatal disease.” (Turn to Page g — Colum n 6) Attending the meeting, at which old Bishop spent his last months at S t Joseph’s infirmary in Louis­ Monsignor McDonnell presided, ministering to victims of the Sino- OF INS, ARDENT CATHOLIC Japanese war in a mission hos­ ville, Ky., a 500-bed hospital con­ New York.—The Rt. Rev. Msgr. were the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Joseph F. ducted by the Sisters of Charity. Heroic Labors of Priests Reviewed McGlinchey, vice president, of the pital at Suiyuan. His work was James B. O’Reilly, national secre­ described in this paper three Dr. Abell’s career and his views tary of the Catholic Near East Archdiocese of Boston; the Rev. (B y George M cW il l ia m s) olic parents. His newspaper on modern medical problems are John J. McKenna, secretary, of the The Catholicism of Joseph V. ability is his through hard work weeks ago. Bishop Otto was or­ Welfare association, whose ap­ dained in 1873 and went to China discussed in the current issue of Archdiocese of Philadelphia; the Connolly, president and general and a nose for news—traits that the Queen’s .Work, national sodal­ pointment as a Domestic Prelate manager of International News put him at the head of INS. He three years later. He became Saginaw Area Had was announced by the Vatican, is Most Rev. William A. Griffin, ity organ, by George Douglas. treasurer. Auxiliary Bishop-elect service, is as outstanding and was born in New Haven, Conn., Vicar Apostolic of Kansu and At 62, Dr. Abell is a springy one of the best-known priests in where his parents were members Titular Bishop of Assur in 1890. the Archdiocese of New York. of Newark, N. J.; the Rt. Rev. frank as his work as head of that and healthy man whose appear­ Msgr. John F. Glavin of Albany, great news gathering agency. With of St. Joseph’s church. As a Though he resigned this position ance much belies his age. His Monsignor O’Reilly was born in in 1918, he administered the this citv, and was educated at N. Y.; the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Francis all the world for his beat he still boy he attended St. Joseph’s 'outhfulness he attributes to the 1st Mass in 1675 A. Roell of Indianapolis, Ind.; the finds time to make his faith a prac­ school, served on the altar, and vicariate until 1921. After ad- lunting trips he used to make to All Hallows’ institute, Fordham (Tum to Page S — Colum n 1) university, and St. Joseph’s semi­ Rt. Rev. Msgr. James J. Horsburgh tical, living thing. was a soloist with the parish choir. (ianada and Mexico. His vaca­ nary, Dunwoodie, N. Y. Cai-- of Chicago; the Rev. George J. Mr. Connolly was born of Cath- When he entered newspaper work tions now are journeys to medical Saginaw, Mich. — (Special) — meager missionary work was done dinal Hayes ordained him to the Hurley cf Springfield, Mass.; the later, he became a parishioner at conventions. Back to 1675 Catholics of the new in the area, but it is a history priesthood in May, 1923. After Rt. Rev. Msgr. J. M. Wolfe of S t Mary’s church and was a close Catholic Hotpitali Lead Diocese of Saginaw can trace the typical of the development of the serving for several years as an Dubuque, la.; the Rt. Rev. Msgr. friend of the Dominicans in New Attack on Of the place of Catholics in history of the Church in Lower Church in America. It is a history assistant at Holy Trinity church, F. A. 'Thill of Cincinnati, and Consistories Haven. In his home city he was medicine. Dr. Abell says: “I did Michigan. This is not a continu­ that begins with the long journeys here, and at Sacred Heart church. the Rev. John J. Boardman of employed in the business office of not know a single Catholic doctor ous history, for between 1675 and of French missioners, that fades Mount Vernon, N. Y., he was Brooklyn, N. Y. the old New Haven Union for a before I became one. There was 1841 there is no record of what into shadows over a lengthy period named an assistant at St. Mala- The report, accepted by the na­ year and then joined the editorial School Aid no Catholic on our medical faculty. of years, that follows the rise of chy’s church here in 1929. tional-council, is to'be submitted Push Causes staff as a cub reporter. He cov­ There were even relatively few a new frontier and a new genera­ He has been national secretary to the Episcopal committee, of ered the city hall and acted as cor­ Catholic nurses. Today Catholic Heads New Diocese tion of sturdy pioneers as the lum­ of the Catholic Near East Wel­ which Patrick Cardinal Hayes of respondent for the Neto York institutions are leaders in the field ber industry became .important, fare association since 1931, hav­ New York is chairman, before be­ World and the New York Sun. is Refuted of hospitalization. There are Cath­ that traces the Church’s growth ing previously been assistant dioc­ ing dispatched to Rome. Serving O f 3 Beati In 1916 he went to New York olic doctors and nurses every­ out of the pioneer stage strong and esan director of the Sc^iety for on the committee with Cardinal where. There is scarcely a hos­ .sure of its place in the life of a the Propagation of the Faith for ■Hayes are Archbishop Francis J. Chicago.—For high priest of the pital that does not have Catholics thriving modern American society. five years. The association supports L. Beckman of Dubuque and modern religion of materialism, high orf its staff.” Late in the fall of 1675, Father missions for the 8,100,000 (Cath­ Bishops Francis P. Keough of Vatican City.— (NCWC Cable) the College Newsletter, published A big problem today is the pro­ Henri Nouvel, a Jesuit stationed olics in the Oriental Near East. Providence, Joseph E. Ritter of —Secret and public consistories hy the National Catholic Educa­ vision of proper hospital care for at St. Ignace, accompanied a band Cardinal Hayes is its president. Indianapolis, .and E. Kiley were held March 17 in preparation tional association, nominates Dr. the poor, especially in rural dis­ (Turn to Page g — Colum n 7) In Ju n e , 1933, Monsignor of Trenton. for the of three new George D. Strayer of Columbia tricts, says Dr. Abell, but more O’Reilly was named a Private (Turn to Page S — Colum n 1) saints, to take place on Easter university’s Teachers’ college. Dr than 400 physicians are studying Chamberlain. with the title of Sunday. Strayer’s attacks on the proposal this problem and over 200 differ­ V’ery Reverend Monsignor by Tw’enta-five membei’k of the that government help be given ent plans are being tried out. 3RD CATHOLIC Pope Pius XI. His appointment THRONGS AT Sacred (College were present at the parochial as well as private schools, as consultor of the Congregation secret consistory, when Cardinal made at the Atlantic City meeting for the Oriental Church was an­ Laurenti, prefect of the Sacred of the American Association of Mission Society IN CAMPAIGN nounced two years later. As such Congregation of Rites, read the CONSECRATION report on the life of Blessed An­ School Administrators, are the he is a member of the Roman .subject of an editorial in the Takes Charge of Curia, the governing body of the drew Bobola, Polish Jesuit Martyr, FOR GOVERNOR Church, and the only American and the preparatory acts for his Newsletter, whose editor, the Very priest serving in that capacity. O F BISHOP canonization. His Holiness invited Rev. ' K. Wilson, S J Diocesan Seminary the Cardinals to vote on the cause, ■president of Loyola university, and the result was unanimously heard Dr. Strayer’s talks. Sioux Falls, S. Dak.—The Most San Francisco. — (Special)—A Pope Hopeful for New York.—(Special)—Twenty- “placet” (it pleases). Then fol­ “Dr. Strayer made two ad­ Rev. Bernard J. Mahoney, Bishop third Catholic has thrown his hat seven Archbishops and Bishops, lowed similai reports and votes, dresses attacking the suggestion of Sioux Falls, inaugurated a new into the ring as candidate for gov­ three Abbots, 55 Monsigpiori, and with similar results, in the causes of the President’s Advisory Com­ epoch in this diocese March 25 by ernor of California. He is Daniel Future of Church more than 600 priests accepted in­ of Blessed Giovanni Leonardi, mittee on Education that federal placing the splendid seminary here C. Murphy of this city. J. F. T, vitations to the Episcopal conse­ founder of the Clerics Regular of money might be granted for serv­ in the possession of the Mariann- O’Connor and John F. Dockweiler In Soviet Russia cration of the His Excellency, the the Mother of (lod, and Blessed ices to private schools,” says the hill Mission society. are the others. Most Rev. Bartholomew J. Eustace, Salvatore of Horta, a Spanish editorial. “Both addresses were The seminary henceforth will be Mr. Murphy, sheriff of San Vatican City.—His Holiness re­ D.D., as Bishop of the newly estab­ Franciscan. Joieph V. Connolly marked by bad logic, bad history, used not only for the training of Francisco, has long been active in and bad manners, although in his labor circles and has held impor­ mains optimistic over the future lished Diocese of Camden, N. J., Followed next the announcent of and joined the staff of the New vocations to the society, which has of religpon in Russia. He fore­ which took place in St. Patrick’s new Bishops, with Cardinal Boetto, second address, March 3, Dr. houses in many partly of the world, tant union posts. He served as York Morning Sun, held that joh Strayer corrected some of the bad state senator for four terms, was sees a time when, in God’s Cathedral March 25. S.J., being named Archbishop of four years, and then went with but also for the education of those Providence, the evils there will Patrick Cardinal Hayes was the Genoa; the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Wil­ history of his first. who desire to become diocesan a member of the first social in­ King features to organize promo­ surance commission) and holds po­ pass away. Moreover, he stresses officiating prelate, and the co- liam F. Murphy, pastor of St. tion activities. “At the Teachers’ college of Co­ priests. The occasion also marks the fact that the Vatican is pre­ consecrators were the Most Rev. ’s church, Detroit, being lumbia university, unfortunately, the transference of American sitions on the local and state paring for that day. Edward J. Kelly, Bishop of named Bishop of the newly created In 1923 Mr. Connolly became there is seemingly no realization headquarters of the Mariannhill boards of education. This was revealed when Pope Boise, Ida., and the Most Rev. Diocese of Saginaw; the Rev. assistant manager of all Hearst that besides the religion of Christ Mission society from Detroit to 'The Rt. Rev. Msgr. William, F. All of his honors have been won Pius received in audience the Stephen J. Donahue, Auxiliary Reginald Duprat, O.P., of Mont­ syndicates and later was promoted and the religion of Judaism there Sioux Falls. Murphy, pastor of St. David’s by hard work. The only son of a faculty and students of the Rus­ Bishop of New York. Archbishop real becoming Bishop of Prince to the top of the King features are a religion of indifference and A few weeks previous to the church, Detroit, who has been widowed mother, he left school at sian college, telling them that the Joseph F. Rummel of New Or­ Albert, Canada, and the Rev. ladder as editor and general man­ a religion of materialism. Like dedication, the American commu­ named Bishop of the newly cre­ an early age and did heavy manual one big lesson of history is that leans. Archbishop John G. Murray Mariano Madriaga, Secretary of ager. the first two, these latter two have nity of the congregation was de­ ated Diocese of Saginaw, Mich. labor as a youngster. He has five great events end by obeying, not of St. Paul, and Archbishop the Curia of Nueva Segovia, While with the staff of the New their dogmas and rituals and hier­ clared a separate province and Fa­ He was preconized Bishop at the children and three grandchildren. the thought and hands of men, but Thomas J. Walsh of Newark, Philippine isla n d s, becoming York Sun he became a member of archy. Dr. Strayer could well ther Joseph Rein4r elected the first consistory held in Vatican City He belongs to the Knights .of Co­ the thought and hand of God. (Turn to Page t — C olum n 1) (Turn to Page g — C olum n 6) (Turn to Page g — Colum n SJ (Turn to Page g — C o lu m n s) American provincial. I March IZ. lumbus and the Holy Name society. PAGE TWO Sunday, March 27, 1938

POPE SHINING LEADER First Native Archbishop K'„.teT:«uoD“: SAGINAW DISTRICT HA is shown below, at left, following his consecration in the Sekiguchi Cathedral. Posing with him is the Most Rev. Jean Alexis Chambon, whom he succeeds at .4rrhbishop of Tokyo. Archbishop Chambon has IN WAR-DARK WORLD S S[IIVIC[ been transferred to Yokohama, only a few miles away. ITS 1ST MASS IN 167 (Continued From Page One) tion and conciliation have capitu­ (Continued From Page One) he led the fight against the bigotr security. As far back as 1917, lated to armaments. The other of Chippewa Indians on a hunting of the A.P.A., which so sjtirred Pope Benedict XV gkve the world point stressed by His Holiness was trip into Michigan. In the, dense anti-Catholic feeling in Saginaw a peace program based on the that all nations, putting away mu­ ISCmHOLIC 0F3BEIIII forest on the shore of Saginaw that two local non-CatholiCi min­ moral law. Two points in the Holy tual su.spicions, should join in one bay, just south of the present see isters persuaded their followfers to Father’s plan are particularly chal­ society, or family of nations, to city, the French priest celebrated lay in a large stand of (rifles lenging, Bi.shop L u c e y said: protect their individual rights and (Continued From Page One) (Continued From Page One) the first Mass in Lower Michigan. against the day when Catholics maintain order in the world. Ag­ the board of directors of the Cath­ would begin to massacre 'all the “Peace must be founded on justice Bishop of Lingayen, Philippine Through that winter, he said Mass and truth; therefore the force of gressor nations should be punished olic Writers’ guild in New York. in a log chapel built in what is now Protestants in the city. might .must give way to the force by appropriate sanctions. . . . He moved to Pelham and was a islands. Northwestern Isabella county. In Until his retirement and "return of right. In our day the force of Individual Liberty Threatened lecturer on various occasions be­ The secret consistory concluded the spring, this idyll of mission life to Holland in 1901, Father Van fore the Holy Name society. At might, known as power politics, “Closely allied to the threat of with the postulation of the pallium ended ■with the return of the der Heyden was the bulwark of seems to dominate the picture of war among the nations is the one time he was presented with a hunters and their priest to St. the Church in Saginaw. The gold watch by the society in ap­ for Archbishops, and was followed international relations. Arbitra- threat to individual liberty -within Ignace. growth of Catholicity in this re­ }', the nations. The mistake which preciation of his efforts on its be­ by a public consistory, participated gion owes much to the Dutch S';: the modern world makes concern­ half. He is now chairman of the in by representatives of the three After this, there are no records priest who took up his work in ing the nature of human society members’ committee of the Cath­ religious orders to which the of the Church in the Saginaw vi­ the frontier town in the early 60’*. • and government is its theory that olic Charity drive in New York future saints belonged. cinity until 1841, yet missionaries Today the Diocese of Saginaw man exists for society, whereas and has a daughter studying at the traveling from St. Ignace to De­ has ready for its first Bishop, the Convent of the Sacred Heart. Final approval of the causes troit must have visited this region the very opposite is true.” will be given at a public consistory Most Rev. William F. Murphy,' Man has an obligation to civil Since 1930, Mr. Connolly has from time to time. But in 1841, March 31 after Bishops in and Father Kindekens, then Vicar Gen­ who has been pastor of St. David’s society, but likewise the State must headed INS as president and gen­ near Rome have voted on them. church in Detroit, a group of about recognize the sublime nature of eral manager and under his direc­ eral of the Detroit diocese, which The Holy Father said that God had been erected in 1833, bought 70 parishes with 41 schools. man and must .safeguard his in­ tion the organization has experi­ in time of necessity raises up Among the schools is the United alienable rights. The gangster gov­ enced its greatest growth—from land in Saginaw .and established saints to meet the danger and the beginnings of St. Andretv’s States’ first Catholic parish high ernments of today make man the the standpoint of both prestige showed how each of the three school—St. James’ at Bay City, slave of the State. Against their and physical expansion. In his parish. In a carpenter shop on prospective saints exemplified a this land. Mass was said until 1865. which was founded in 1873. All MOlii III 1937 view the Church opposes its belief position, he has what amounts to virtue sorely needed today. except one of Saginaw’s 12 par­ in man’s inalienable rights. These practical dictatorship over Hearst St. Mary’s parish was founded in ishes have their own elementary rights are based on the idea of newspapers as well as the guidance 1850,'.and its first church was built in 1863 under the direction of schools, and there are four Cath­ (Continued From Page One) God. Where God is taken out of of Hearst syndicates. From 1934 olic high schools in the see city. In addition to the money being the picture man becomes an insig­ to 1936 INS added 164 new news­ Father Reinerious J. Van der Hey- sent to Rome for distribution nificant creature with no right to paper clients. LATE U. S. NEWS FLASHES den, S.J., a native of Holland who among foreign missions, a consid­ liberty at all. Where religion is played an outstanding role in the erable sum also was sent to the banished, the liberty of man also Before the war, INS served development of the Church in PRIEST-CHEMIST some 400 newspapers in the United Saginaw. St. Mary’s has now been Amerrican Board of Catholic Mis­ is banished. States—a service that called for Paper Lauds Nuns’ Hospital the largest ever, the chief of chap­ ducted at St. Rita’s church in sions for use in the United States. “The third disturbing factor in Dallas, Tex.—In a recent edi­ lains, Father William R. Arnold, Sierra Madre with the Rev Hya­ selected as Saginaw’s Cathedral GROWS HAIR an outlay of $2,000,000-annually. says. church. This sum is composed of 40 per our lives is in the economic order.” Today the organization serves 600 torial, the Texas Herald, secular cinth Clarey, C.P., officiating. Mr. cent of the ordinary membership Here, too, the trouble originates in newspaper, pays high tribute to Frawley, a resident of Alaska since CARE OF THE HAIft ii now being «nt tree of the country’s papers and more Youth Convention Scheduled Father Van der Heyden came to scalp sulfersM. It rlescrlbes how to uM the offerings of the society and of the a mistaken idea of man. “Such a the Sisters of the Holy Family of Los Angeles.—The first arch­ 1900, died following an operation to America from the Diocese of remarkable compound mixed bt Fr. James mistake is made by the employer than 100 radio stations, spending Nazareth, who are in charge of Gilmore which grew perfect heir on hetd of annual mission collection. many millions annually to do so. diocesan convention of Young for which he had come to Cali­ Boise-le-Duc in Holland at the end Innumerable educational and who sees in his employes only the Mother Frances’ hospital in Tyler. People’s clubs ^ill be held here fornia. of 1860. He was assigned to bald student Since then more than 60,000 machinery of production or serv­ This paper has used the INS wire, bottles have been used, royalties going to medical institutions are supported fast mail, and picture service for The $300,000 hospital was opened Sunday, March 27, under the pat­ Girl Scout Leader Speaks Saginaw City after a little time in charity. Gseri testify to wonderful resulte for by the mission funds. The 1937 ice. .,. . Religion, which holds the some five years. last year, and of the 50 doctors on ronage of Archbishop J. J. Cant­ New York.—Unchanging values Detroit. His original parish cov­ falling hair and dandniff. Write for free secret of man’s dignity and des­ its staff not one is a Catholic. treatise to R. 11. Gilmore, Dept 1. 2810 Iltb report lists 107 major seminaries INS was organized in 1909, fur­ well. The clubs are affiliated with for youth in a chtfhging world ered the entire northwestern part Are. N'o., Seattle, Wash. in which natives are prepared to tiny, can alone save human society Active Duty Periods Extended the Archdiocesan Catholic Youth through a satisfying program of of Michigan. The town of Sa^- from its own errors.” nishing domestic news reports with Washington.—Corps area com­ be priests, 700 hospitals, 2,800 one Morse i^ire. The first tele­ organization. self-developrhent were emphasized naw was a one-business-street vil­ dispensaries, 108 leper asylums, Communism or Christianity manders of the United States army by Mrs. W. J. B. Macaulay, chair­ lage a few blocks in area. At one ISth Annual LITTLE FLOWER Two programs are offered for type was installed in 1916. Now Congress Plans to Be Made PILGRIMAGE ...... $246 Vp and more than 2,000 orphanages. the complete service is equipped have been' given the option of ex­ Hartford, Conn. — Formulation^ man of the board of directors of edge of the town were low swamps Eucharistic Congress Tour______1646 Up Included in the general report is the reconstruction of the economic tending indefinitely the active the Girl Scouts of America, in her where disease was bred. Malaria, Irish Excursion ...... 1174 Up order: Communism and the Chris­ with teletypes connected with a of the program for the fourth Na-’ a brief summary of the work maze of wires reaching into every duty periods of 50 per cent of the tional Catechical Congress of the radio address delivered on the typhoid, and other fevers took a Tours to all parts of the U. S. A. of St. Peter the Appstle for Na tian social order advocated by the reserve officers, including reserve “Call to Youth” program spon­ heavy annual toll of the inhabi­ Litrraturc sent without charge Pope. “The former has two horns; corner of the country. Over these Confraternity of Christian Doc­ tive Clergy, a Pontifical organiza­ wires speed 150,000 words a day— chaplains, under their command on trine, to be held here Oct. 1 to 4, sored by the National Council of tants of Saginaw. East Saginaw Hayes-Healy Travel tion having for its sole purpose it is religious as well as economic. duty at CCC camps, it has been knd Salina were worse. The religion of Communism i^ sim­ material enough to write a 600 will get under way at a meeting of Catholic Women. Bureau the training of native priests in page book. Direct wire service is announced by the adjutant gen­ diocesan directors of the confra­ Pope Vigorous, Prelate Says Traveling over his great parish. ply this: There is no God; man has eral. Cath. Dept. 1»3 No. LaSalle St. Chicago mission lands. For 1937, it re­ no soul; there is nothing supernat­ maintained with 44 branch bu­ ternity April 25 attended by the Washington. — Just returned Father Van der Heyden, whose ported total collections of $72,- reaus and with hundreds of news­ Jail'ed Prelato Visited Chicago Most Rev. Edwin V. O’Hara, from Vatican City, where he was works have been recorded in a ural; only the material world Chicago.—The Most Rev. Sigis- 422.42, which has been sent to the exists and man evolved from mat­ papers and radio stations. From Bishop of Great Falls and chair­ received in audience by Pope Pius, booklet written by George Opus Sancti Petri in Rome, an in­ central offices direct telegraph mund Waitz, Archbishop of Salz­ man of the Episcopal committee. the Most Rev. Edward Mooney, Ryan, Saginaw lawyer, organized ter. In economics the Communists burg, who has been reported It Is Dangerous crease of $47,000 oyer the sum re­ teach: Practically all the means of communications radiate to all the Polish Stamp Honors U. S. Archbishop of Detroit and chair­ missions wherever he found a few ported the pre'vious year. country and direct cable service placed under arrest when the Ger­ New York.—The Post Office man of the Administrative board Catholics. He worked with the It la dangerous to sell a SUBSTITUTE production and service must be man Nazi army marched into Aus­ for 666 Juat to make three or four cents Of the 109 U. S. dioceses whose owned and operated by one gov­ keeps these offices in constant department of the Republic of Po­ of the National Catholic Welfare Indians and the half-breeds as well donations to the general fund of touch with the rest of the world. tria, is well known to many Chica­ land has issued a commemorative Conference, said here this week as the hardy Irishmen and others more. Customers are your best aassta; ernment; private ownership must goans. He visited this city for the lose them and you lose your business. the Society for the Propagation of be almost completely abolished; In addition to the 5,000 corre­ stamp, valued at one zloty, in that he found the Holy Father in who formed the nucleus of Sagi­ the Faith were listed, 68 reported spondents serving INS, the or­ International Eucharistic Con­ honor of the 150th anniversary of surprisingly good physical condi­ naw’s population. Many of the 666 Is worth three or tour times at the economic system is supreme; gress in 1926. much as a SUBSTITUTE. increases over 1936 while 41 its mission is the production of ganization maintains a staff of 500 the constitution of the United tion after his recent serious illness priest’s first parishioners were showed slight decreases. material things by collective labor special correspondents, editors, Leftists’ Sympathy Act Protested States, it was announced at the of­ and mentally as vigorous as he_was rough-and-tumble frontiersm en and re-write men. From these men Los Angeles.—To stimulate in­ fices of the Polish exhibition in the five years ago. who spent a good bit of their in an earthly paradise in which terest in a demonstration held in v n iriTTO EVERY each citizen should ‘give according comes the news of the nation— New York World’s fair. The List of Approved Books Published earnings in saloons and a good r WlIlSiCATHOLIC to his powers’ and ‘receive accord­ national news, foreign news, Hollywood in support of Leftist stamp shows George Washington New York.—The Cardinal Hayes bit of their time in bicker­ ing to his needs’. . . . finance and business, human in Spain and to stir sympathy for the holding an unfurled American literature committee has just an­ ing and brawling. But Father Van Just Send Us Your Name and terest, crime, local news, science, cause, the Leftists exhibited three Address. We will mail you this Native Japanese “The program of social recon­ flag, flanked on either side by nounced its spring list of 100 ap­ der Heyden was accepted by these beauUful GOLD FINISH CROSS struction offered by the Catholic sports, movies, theaters, and fash­ expatriated Basque children, who Thomas Paine and Thaddeus Kos­ proved books.' All fields of litera­ men as the ambassador of Christ with CLASP PIN attached. ions. Reports are written in inter were among those sent from Spain ture are covered, and many out­ and he made of them solid Chris­ ABSOLUTELY FREE—without Church is also both religious and ciusko. one cent expense to you. economic. On the religious ’ side esting, authoritative fashion by to Mexico. Protest against the ex­ Relation of Faith, Reason Told standing titles are included. Head­ tian men, tlie foundation of the we teach, as all know, that God is experts in the fields they cover. hibition has been m a^ to the at­ .—So e a k i n g on quarters of the committee are at Church in this area. Pardon Cross Corp. Now Archbishop The picture service furnishes mats torney general of the United 23 W. 51st S t, New York. the Supreme Reality; man hps an “The Relationship Between Faith The priest became a leading Dept. B immortal soul; he must save that of cuts and cartoons, and sound- States and to California senators and Reason According to St. Gets Sabbatical Year figure in the life of his day. He 529 S. Federal St., Chicago, III. soul by serving God; he needs photo pictures may be had. by the Junipero Serra council of ” at a meeting of Notre Dame, Ind.—The Very avoided no hard work, however {Continued From Page One) the Knights of Columbus in Bev­ ministering the Western Kansu material goods for earthly life, The slogan of INS—“Get it the Southern Conference of the Rev. James A. Burns, C.S.C., pro­ unpleasant it might be, but he but should use them to achieve first, but first get it right”—has erly Hills. American Catholic Philosophical vincial superior of the Congrega­ maintained the dignity of his state EPILEPSY-FITS vicariate until 1923, he went into Monstrance Design Selected retirement. everlasting life; he has a right to been borne out in a series of re­ association at Loyola university, tion of Holy Cross, has announced in life. Wljpn he appeared on the Have supplied sufterert with a medicine own property but, under God, is markable beats scored by the or­ New Orleans.—The monstrance the Rev. Godfrey J. Cook, S.J., pro­ a sabbatical year for the Rev. that many u^rs say has proved succ^wful to be used at the eighth National streets of Saginaw, he -wore a in telievin? attacks. 1 now wish to reach all only the trustee of his possessions; ganization since its inception. fessor of philosophy at Loyola, A. Mathis, C.S.C., ecclesi­ high silk hat, and in his hand was thoAe who have not been helped and to do co Damage Great But every man. Black, Yellow, or Some of the more outstanding Eucharistic Congress here in Oc­ said that scholastic philosophy astical superior of the Society a gold-headed cane. Thus garbed am offering: a trial FREE. Send for It now.' White, is his brother, as all have a “scoops” registered so far this tober will be 42 inches high and “lays open the heart of the dispute of Catholic Medical Missionaries. in his finery, he would chat with Be LEPSO Missions Continue year have been: Announcement of will weigh 24 pounds, according to Since his 24 years ago. E. Wright St. Milwaukee, Wise. Damage to missions in China Common Father. The economic concerning the true relationship newsboys and draymen along the side of our program need not be German troops’ entry into Aus­ the de.sign selected by the com­ between God and reason,” Father Mathis has been continu­ streets. is great, but mission centers given in detail. Those who are en­ tria; Hitler’s plans for a “knock­ mittee in charge. The monstrance ously engaged in the cause of throughout the war zone are con­ Ex-Senator Succumbs Fought Against Bigotry gaged in industry, agrriculture, and out blow” in Spain; revelation of will be made of gold, silver, and Los Angeles.—Final rites for Catholic foreign missions. He is Swelling Reduced tinuing their works of teaching the professions should organize in the critical split in the British precious and semi-precious jewels founder of the Holy Cross Foreign He built both St. Andrew’s and Amt Short Breathing relieved when and charity. At Hashing, mission James Frawley, former territorial their respective occupations; em­ cabinet and forecast of Anthony given for this purpose by residents senator for Alaska, were con­ Mission society and co-founder of St. Mary’s churches in the 60’s; caused by unnatural collection of water in buildings have suffered horribly, in 1873, he founded St. Andrew’s abdomen, feet and lege, and when pretaare ployers and employes will organize Eden’s resignation; the Hyacinthe, of the Archdiocese of New Or­ the Society of Catholic Medical above anklea leavee a dent. Trial paekAge and in the Wuhu vicariate, schools jointly to run their business, sep­ Que., fire at the Sacred Heart leans and by persons in distant Missionaries. academy. From his original parish FREE. COLLUM MEDICINE COMPANY. and other buildings have been arately to protect their special in­ college for boys, and the death of parts of the country. Girl Scouts Fete Mrs. Macauley have grown 11 others. In the 90’s, Dept 654. ATLANTA. GA. bombed or burned. The Yenchowfu terests; the government will stim­ D’Annunzio. All these were Plant Made for A.C.C.W. Unit New York.—Mrs. William, J. mission in Shantung gave shelter ulate organization and restrain scored under the guidance of Irish- Detroit.—Preliminary steps to­ Attack on School Babington Macaulay of New York for weeks to a crowd of refugees abuses; the Church will teach men Catholic Joseph Connolly, who saw ward the formation of an arch­ and Rome, chairman of the na­ estimated at from 18,000 to 20,- justice and charity; otherwise, the news of the world as it hap­ diocesan unit of the National tional board of directors of the BE PROTECTED... 000. At Tsinahfu, Shantung, neither our program nor any other pened and wrote it as he saw it. Council of Catholic Women were Girl Scouts of America, was the Brother Corbinian Paugger, O.F. will work.” taken at a meeting of representa­ Join St. Christopher’s Protective Association M., 80-year-old architect ■ and' His recognition of the menace Aid Is Reluted uest of honor at the annual con- Bishop Lucey urged Catholic existing in the present European tives of some 30 organizations of ference of Catholic Girl Scout Life membership and beautiful wallet of ^ 4 builder of the Cathedral and mis­ situation and his belief in his faith Catholic women. sion, saved his buildings when he men to devote themselves not pri­ commissioners and council mem­ Sf. Christopher, all for ...... V ■ marily to the condemnation of as a bulwark against that menace South’s Catholic Women Praised (Continued From Page One) bers of the Archdiocese of New (Many spiritual advantages, too.) ^ persuaded the Chinese military was clearly expressed in a speech Washington.—High commenda­ qualify as a high-priest in the re­ f: commander to change defense Communism but rather to the York here at the Carroll club. WRITE AT ONCE: ST. CHRISTOPHER PROTECTJVE ASSOCIATION. REV. ( propagation of the Papal program. he delivered before the Knights tion of the work being done by ligion of materialism. . . . Editor Regrets Article J. J. CROWE. SA J., DIRECTOR. EPIPHANY COLLEGE, NEWBURGH, N. Y. plans so as to leave the mission of St. Patrick of New Haven St. Catholic women in Florida, Mis­ “Although Dr. Strayer’s out­ b out of the expected battle area. He cited the Pope’s empha.sis on New York.—Regp-6t that an u positive action toward a better Patrick’s day, 1934. sissippi, and Georgia was voiced burst did not result in any official article, written by Don Herold for Brother Corbinian has built more by Miss Lenna M. Wilson, field action by the A.A.S.A., the ap­ tx than a- score of churches in Shan­ social order. “We have reversed “You have received from your the March is.sue of Scribner’s pi the order of the Holy Father. We fathers,” he said, “one precious secretary of the National Council plause given his Thursday morning magazine and dealing with the re­ tung in the 40 years he has been legacy you can never lose. It can of Catholic Women, on her return address indicated commendation ?' in China. have emphasized the attack on cent Mae West radio broadcast, THE REGISTER ]C Communism when we might have be soiled, it can be tarnished, but here from a visit to those states. by a considerable majority of the proved offensive, is expressed by it can never be broken or lost. The Editor Gets Library Post convention’s attendance. Such an Published Every Week by The Catholic Press Society, Inc. « been working for a better social Harlan Logan, editor-publisher pf 934-938 Bannock Street, Denver, Colo. Post Office Box 1497 C. order.” Laymen must take a lead­ faith of the Irishman is his contri­ Cleveland.—Cletus J. Koubek, attitude is ill-advised. The pres­ the magazine, in a letter to the ni Bishop Eustace Is ing part in promoting the Chris­ bution to posterity. . . Tt never associate editor of the Catholic ent move for federal aid depends Rev. Angelus Diemer, O.F.M., of President...... Most Rev. Bishop Urban J. Vehr, D.D., Denver 01 tian social order. Bishop Lucey de­ dies. Universe-Bulletin and an attorney for success on persuading wealthy St. John’s church here. President'Emeritus...... Most Rev. Bishop J. Henry Tihen. D.D.. Wichita, Kantat m Consecrated Mar. 25 clared, for they can reach the “A short time ago I knelt rev­ at law, has been appointed a mem­ states to contribute to the support Nagro Chapel Dedicated Editorwin*Chief;...... Rt. Rev. Msgr. Matthew Smith, Ph.D., LL.D., Jour.D erently in the marble throne room ber of the administrative board >f of education in the poorer states. Managing Editor ...... Hubert A. Smith, Jour.D. s« great masses of the people who Morgan City, La.—The Chapel Associate Editort-^Millard F. Everett, Jour.D.; C. J. MeNeill. A.B., Jour.M.. ar (Continued From Page One) are inaccessible to the Bishops and of the Supreme Pontiff and raised the Cleveland Public library. He The Catholic body of the United of the Holy Eucharist for the Rev. Walter Canavan, B.J.. M.A.; Rev. John Cavanaugh, M.A.; ROv. Clarence G. my eyes to see the white-robed has been the author for a number States is concentrated in the on, Metropolitan of the ecclesiastical priests. Negro Catholics of Morgan City Issenmann. S.T.D., Ph.L. is figure of the Vicar of Christ on of years of a special illustrated wealthy states. The Catholic body was dedicated and the bell blessed da province of which the new Diocese earth. He is a solid man, for all feature, “Dramatic Moments in DIOCESAN EDITIONS of Camden forms a part, were in many of these states exercises by the Most Rev. Joseph F. Rum- his 70-odd years, as sturdy as the Catholic History.” a considerable voting strength. mel. Archbishop of New Orleans. CENTRAL CALIEORNJA REGISTER (Fre«no)' is among the prelates in the scanc- Cardinal Hope of Church itself. But his tired eyes Holy Name Member Is 100 For the success of the advisory Molt Rev. Bishop Philip G. Scher, D.D., President tuary. The Rev. Andrew Souby, pastor of Rev. Edward Haskinf, Editor and Manager Cf betrayed the sorrow that lay in his Los Angeles. — Honored guest committee’s main proposition, it is Sacred Heart church, Morgan City, There was no sermon at the heart for the persecution of his SUPERIOR CALIFORNIA REGISTER (Sacramento) s& Church in Austria at the archdioccsan convention of well that Dr. Strayer’s Thursday celebrated the first Mass. Most Rev. Robert J. Armstrong, D.D., President ea» Mass. Following the consecration flock over the face of the earth. the HoFy Name society here was address ended, at least temporar­ all the clergy attended a testi­ Way of Cross Set to Music Rev. Patrick A. McHugh. S.T.D., Editor and Business Manager im (Continued FromPage One) . . . As I made my way from the James Charles McLoughlin, said to ily, only with applause.” New York.—A new devotional NEBRASKA REGISTER (Grand Island) sui monial luncheon at the Waldorf- the Nazis, no one can say, but if Vatican, my mind was filled with be the oldest Holy Name society Most Rev. Bishop S. V. Bona, D.D., President: Rev. Patrick McDaid (No. Platte), Astoria, at which the Rt. Rev. Msgiv setting in music for the Holy Way Editor: Rev. Thomas J. Murray (Burwcll), Business Director thi that fate is a happy one. Cardinal but one thought and that was the member in the West. Born in of the Cross, held for the first time cei Michael J. Lavelle was toa.stmas- prayer of Pius XI, which must be EASTERN MONTANA REGISTER (Great Falls) Innitzer is the man who will de­ County Kerry, Ireland, Feb. 2, in public at St. Patrick’s Cathedral Most Rev. Bishop Edwin V. O’Hara, D.D., LL.D., President pea ter. Bishop Donahue, in behalf now more than ever—thank God 1837, he migrated to this country Americans Made of the clergy of the New York termine it. If the fate be unhappy, here March 25, is attracting wide Rev. Eugene Gergen. Editor and Business Manager it will come in spite of the Cardinal for the Irish. Thank God for their shortly after the Civil war and attention in Catholic and music WESTERN MONTANA REGISTER (Helena) archdiocese, presented the newly —the result of brute force opposed bravery. Thank God for their joined the Holy Name union at Most Rev. Bishop Joseph M. Gilmore, D.D., President consecrated Bishop with a purse. everlasting loyalty to the faith of circles. To give this new back­ Rev, Patrick Casey, M.A., Editor and Business Manager Ca to the love and the chanty of Coalinga ten years ago. Priests in Rome ground for the meditations. Father fm Jesus Christ.” NEVADA REGISTER (Repo) Christ. 75,000 in St. Patrick’s Parade Henry F. Hammer, assistant rector Most Rev. Bishop Thomas K Gorman, D.D., J.C.L., D.Se.Hist., President bet New York.—Lowering skies and Vatican City.—Seventeen stu­ of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, and Rev. John T. Smith, Editor and Business Manager or Cardinal Jnnitzer has done all in his i>ower to promote peace be­ THIEF IS PATRON OF occasional showers of rain had ab­ dents at the North American Col­ Pietro Yon, famous Organist and SOUTHERN NEBRASKA REGISTER (Lincoln) i Do You Want A tween the new Nazi regime and CHICAGO JOURNALISTS solutely no effect on New York’s lege in Rome were ordained to the composer, have collaborated on an Most Rev, Louis B Kucera, D.D., President bre annual St. Patrick’s day parade, priesthood in the church of»the Rev. Maurice Helmann, M.A., Jour.D., Editor and Business Manager the Church in Austria. He publicly arrangement they have designated WEST VIRGINIA REGISTER (Wheeling) ■wo: expressed his gratification that which proceeded up Fifth avenue American college by the Most Rev. as “The Road to Golgotha.” tioi (Continued From Page One) in all of its traditional splendor.' Host Rev. Bishop John J. Swint, D.D., President there was no fighting over the advertised saints, ail specialists, Ralph L. Hayes, Titular Bishop of Rev. Frederick J. Schwertx, M.A., Editor and Business Manager no: Baby? About 75,000 persons marched Geropoli and rector of the college. no change in government. He told that few mortals bother much with PEORIA REGISTER (Peoria, Illinois) fitiDtirtds apon bundr«ds of Catholic young people to join the this hoodlum saint, who roams through flag-decked streets to lilt­ The students come from 13 arch­ Most Rev. Bishop J. H. Schlarman, D.D., Ph.D., J.C.O., President doi womtn f rom CoMt to Cnurt ing Irish tunes and gay American dioceses and dioceses in the United Mail Courses in Rev. H. H. Rost, A.B., B.J., Editor and Businesa Manager st^ forraeriy childleu for joan Hitler youth organization. The the outfield of eternity, making SANTA FE REGISTER (Santa Fe, New Mexico) from fanetioDalitarilitj. Cardinal’s statement after seeing shoestring catches of souls — a airs. S t a.t e s. The newly-ordained con iLiid CT«D often told they U. S. Field for Guilds Religion Growing Most Rev. Archbishop Rudolph A. Gcrken, D.D., President Chi cook! noeer hate eblldrcn Hitler included these words: saint who has no following to priests are: Very Rev. Msgr. Philip G. Mahoney, Editor and Busineaa Manager -a ^MothsTB Provd from and knawk^e Happy “Catholics must remember the speak of, no medals, and no Pittsburgh.—The United States FxthcrR Edward O’Malley and Paul ALTOONA REGISTER (Altoona. Pa.) and DM of a aimpl* bom offers better opportunities than Flynn, Albany; Joseph Lacy and John ' Moat Rev. Bishop Richard T. Guilfoyle. President I method—detaHa of which I words of Christ that we must ren­ propaganda. Reilly. Hartford; Peter Twohy, Boston; (Continued From Page One) •end FKEK on reaueat der to Caesar the things that are do most countries for the estab­ Georxe Dwyer, Erie; John McAiear, Canada, England, and Korea. The Rev. Thomhs E. Madden, Ph.D., S.T.L.^ Editor and Business Manager a I Farenta are admittedly fat “There’s nothing to recommend TEXAS PANHANDLE REGISTER (Amarillo) happier, healthier and more Caesar’s and to God the things him, really, except the fact that lishment of guilds, advocated by Providence; John Conway, Syracuse: Rob­ Rev. L. Farrell of Warwickshire, heft eontent^.ffioraDroapcroua the as a means of solving ert Arthur, Joseph Bradley, and John Mc- Host Rev. Bishop Robert E. Lucey, D.D., President hut. and actaaii; H tc looKer as a that are God’s. The clergy and to no other saint in the calendar Glone, Baltimore; Vincent Harris, Galves­ England, is interesting the dioc­ Rev. Thomas J. Drury, Editor and Business Manager elan than ehtldk___coDpiesI____ Ababvpveitberealbom* laity must uphold without reserve did the Son of God make the wit­ the world’s economic and social ton; Frederick Cardinali. Fort Wayne; esan seminary there in the courses. LA CROSSE REGISTER (La Crosse. Wise.) to J nirit and ties a bosbaod and■ wife In traet t endoring ills, the Rev. R. A. McGowan, as­ Kill and roatnal totemta. majority of diaCMtent' the great German state and its nessed statement: ‘You fill the Lawrence'‘Dempsey, Toledo; Henry Beck, Although the courses were Most Rtv. Bishop Alexander J. HcGavick, O.D., President; Most Rev, Bishop •d. anhappy marriagM art tboat of cMIdloa* eooplea. leader, whose fight against Bolshe­ bill.’ sistant director of the N.C.W.C. Newark; William Dempsey, New York, originally planned as a follow-up William R. Griffin, Vice Freaident in Department of Social Action, told and John Quinn, Boise. DULUTH REGISTER (Duluth. Minn.) obli Get This Knowledge FREE i vism and for the strength, honor, “Which helps explain why those for the motor missions among non- [taring my M jeara of praetie* ta fpoetMoal coodItioM and unity of Germany is in accord­ a meeting of the Catholic Radical Catholics, they have been found to Mott Rev. Bishop Tkemas A. Welch, President bett of woman I dereloptd this bom# method, which te de- who do believe in Dismaa, believe Rev. Joseph Hughes, Editor and Businesa Manager •eri^ln my illoatrated treatiie tent FRKE ON RB ance with the ways of Providence. in him all the way.” alliance here. 2 Native Filipinos nieet the needs in several other intii QuBOT. It disomce numy eubjecte relating to the CATHOLIC TELEGRAPH-REGISTER (Cincinnati) the feipue organa and telle bow yon too may combat yoar The clergy must abstain from all Catholic Hour High in Poll fields. The Sisters of Service in Charles F. Williams, K.C.S.G.. President of Board tronbiM aa thouaanda of otnera hate who reported politic.s and concern themselves Troy, N. Y.—In a radio poll con­ Will Become Priests Ontario and Saskatchewan,. Can­ Msgr. Edward A. Freking, S.T.D.. Editor spot ameal of babioe after bdng ehUdtew for year*, and ice and deposed editor of the Mport aa well eatitfaetory relief from the yariottt exclusively with their religious Reichspost. has left Austria. ducted among the 1,300 members Techny, 111.— (Special)— Two ada, use them for adult instruc­ TENNESSEE REGISTER (Nashville) Tl fetn^e troubles amenable to eorreeti^ bv this b^* Mott Rev. Bishop W. L. Adrian, D.D., President method, mission to the laity.” Nazi seizure of power in Aus­ of the Catholic Youth organization native Filipinos will be ordained tion classes. Many priests in the riae of Catholic Central hi‘»h school, in a class of eight receiving Holy Rev. George J. Flanigen, S.T.D., Editor and Business Manager Catf Write DR. fl. WILL ELDERS. Snltc Situation 1« Grave tria has focused attention on the United States are using them in INTERMOUNTAIN CATHOLIC REGISTER (Salt U ke City. Utah) 1487-D. 7th and Felix SU., ST. JOSEPH. III spite of the 'Cardinal’s atti­ Austrian coiuiordat with the Vati­ the nation-wide Catholic Hour was Orders April 3 at the hands of the convert classes. Chaplains of sev­ Most Rev. Duane G Hunt, D.O., Bishop of Salt Lake, President the MISSOURI. Most Rev. William D. O’Brien, Catt tude, there have been demonstra­ can, sigmed June 5, 1933, by Car­ ranked third among all radio pro­ eral hospitals have found them Rev. Robert J Dwyer, M.A., Editor tions hostile to him, and other dinal Pacelli and the martyred grams and first among educational Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago. The particularly satisfactory fcfr pa­ NORTHWESTERN KANSAS REGISTER (Concordia) dren eight new Divine Word Fathers Mott Rev. Francis J. Tief, D.D., President Catt cheeks signs point to troublous times for Chancellor Dollfuss. The con­ and religious programs. It was tients interested in the Catholic the Church in Nazi Austria, ft has cordat provides many guarantees outranked in popularity among the will celebrate their first Masses religion. Various societies, in­ Rev Cornelius J. Brown, Editor and Businesa Manager the COLDS simultaneously April 4. The Denver Catholic Regiater is also a part of this newspaper system. for 1 been reported that Bishop Johann of the Church’s freedom of action members of the C.Y.O. only by cluding the Knights of Columbus, and Gfoellner of Linz and Bishop Fer- and promises protection to Cath­ comedy programs. Those to be ordained are: in Wisconsin, . Michi­ Price of The Register (dated every Sunday). $1 a year. Canada and South I is diriand Palikowskl of Graz are in olic schools, organizations, and F tth tri Michael Clcrkin, Somerville. America. $1.60, Foreign, $1.76 In bundle lota, one cent a copy if bought [remf FEVER Army Chaplains to Convene )la » .; John Feeley. Eldora. la.; Gerard gan, Illinois, Indiana, and Missouri, regularly for sale or distribution. "ses? first dtr pri.son. Catholic journalists have papers. The flagrant violation of Washington.—The 13th annual Kloesters. Sonrbeck, Germany: Thomae use them in discussion clubs. In Pacano, Pidosran, Abra. Philippine Islands; Entered at Second Clast Matter at Post Office, Denver, Colorado. )still| Liquid Tablets Headache, 30 fled Austria, and Catholic papers the German concordat by the convention of the Chaplains’ asso­ the last two months, 697 tests 666 have been completely Nazifi^. Dr. Nazis makes it seem hopeless that ciation of the United States army Wilfiam Schaps, Bircden. Germany: Jos­ have been sent out for use in ■ "'I ...... ' ■” ...... -...... -— Ssive, Nose Drops rises. minutes. Frederic Funder, Vienna corre­ eph Stier. Newport, Ky.; Bernard Toepfer, The Register has the largest circulation of any paper in the English language the Austrian concordat mil be ob- will be held, here . May 17 , to 19. , ' Hanover, Germany,Germany. and John Tugadi, the various fields of religious in­ devoted to religious news. Tty “Bab-Aly>Tim”—World's Bsst Uaittenl spondent of the NCWC News serv- s«rv*d. The attendance is expected to be l Btngued, Abra, Philippine isUnda. struction. Sunday, March 27, 1938 T H E REGISTER PAGE THREE

"STRANGE BUT TRUE* By M. J. Murray ASK AND LEARN GLIMPSES OF Moslem Saved Addrett P. O. Bos 1497, DoBTor, Colo. THE PASSION Does the Church forbid the a priest, who will submit her com­ After Jesus Christ’s arrest at Christian’s Life opening of the casket of a deceased plaint to the judgment of the night and His farcical trial in the person in the vestibule of the Ordinary. In virtue of the of­ High Priest’s tribunal, the chief church after a Funeral Mass? fice which they have accepted, it priests and ancients met in the St. John Damascene, DeferiSer of Images, The Church has not legislated is the duty of the sponsors to morning to take counsel against on the matter in her canons or take a lasting interest in their Him, that they might put Him to Resigned as Treasurer of Caliph in her liturgical decrees. The spiritual child, and to take good death. Then they brought Him customs of the place must be fol­ care thdt he leads a truly Chris­ bound to Pontius Pilate, the Ro­ To Become Poor Monk lowed. In some dioceses, it is the tian life, as in the solemn cere­ man governor, since, as a captive practice to allow the opening of mony they have pledged that he nation, they did not have the legal would do (canon 769).; The ob­ (The Liturgy—Week of March 27 closed to them. In some instances, the casket; in others, the prac­ power to issue the death sentence, to April 2) Christians amassed considerable tice is forbidden by custom or by ligation of the sponsors is truly a moral duty, and it obliges the (B y R ev. Clarence G. fortunes. The Caliph favored the diocesan decrees. Judas, who had betrayed Him, ISSENMANN, S.T.D.) Jews for his personal physicians. sponsors to act when the parents saw the turn of events and was Sunday, March 27—Fourth Sun­ are negligent in the spiritual edu­ Christians served as managers, Why does the filled with remorse. He brought day in Lent, Laatare Sunday (privi­ architects, record-keepers, and condemn a man or call him cation of the child. The extent back the 30 pieces of silver he leged Sunday, firat dais; iem> of the sacrifice and obligation re­ double). Commemoration of St. John clerical workers. of anathema? had received and said to the chief Damaiccna, Confaiior and Doctor. The words, “anathema sit,” quired of the sponsors must be priests and ancients: “I have Monday, March 28—St. John of John’s father himself possessed )ur mean “let him be accursed.” St. determined by one’s confessor sinned in betraying innocent Capiitran, Confesior (lEiftf-doubie). considerable wealth and various when there is doUbt. Commemoration of tha Lenten day. roparties throughout the Holy no Paul in his Epistle to the Corinth­ blood.!’ Tueiday, March 29—Ferial (lim- Their answer was: “What is that Eand. A large part of his income ians pronounces this anathema on What is the principal reason ple). all who do not love God. The to us? Look you to it.” Wednesday, March SO — Ferial was devoted to good works, espe­ why the Catholic Church condemns (aimple). cially to buying back Christians Church has used the phrase, “ana­ Freemasonry? • He cast down the pieces of silver Thuriday, March 31 — Ferial thema sit,” from the earliest times in the Temple and, going forth, (liraple). brought into the country as with reference to those whom she It has been shown from Masonic hanged himself with a halter. His Friday, April 1—Ferial (aimple). slaves. excludes from her communion sources (princip^ly Albert Pike body “burst asunder in the midst, Firat Friday of April It was in redeeming these Y Saturday, April 2—St, Francia of slaves that John’s father managed either because of moral offenses or and Albert G. wackey, both of and all his bowels gushed out.” Paola, Confessor (double). Com­ » 4 whose writings are regarded as The tragedy became known to all memoration of the Lenten day. to secure as a teacher for his son because they persist in heresy. a monk whom the Arabs had Neither St. Paul nor the Church, standard works by all American the people of Jerusalem and for however, wished any soul to be Masons) that Freemasonry pro­ this reason they called a potter’s St. John Damascene was not an brought captive from Sicily. This motes definite religious teachings. field—a burying ground for enforced exile from the Roman Cosmas, for that was the monk’s damned. In pronouncing anathema name, is described as- knowing against wilful heretics, the Church The religion of Masonry claims strangers—that was bought with empire, but he managed to live to be built on reason alone. the pieces of silver, Haceldama, out his natural span of 73 years “grammar and logic, as much ■aia merely declares that they are ex­ arithmetic as Pythagoras, and as cluded from her communion, and Catholicity, on- the other hand, i.e., -field of blood. only because he did not cross the is a revealed religion, which is The priests purchased this field frontier into territory policed by much geometry as Euclid.” From that they will perish eternally if Cosmas John and another boy, they continue obstinate. never a( variance with reason hut because they said of the pieces of the soldiers of the empire. For implies far more than man silver; “It is not lawful to put from beyond the border John was seemingly an adopted son of the could attain by unassisted reason. them into the corbona, because it able to defend the veneration of family, learned the sciences, par­ When does the Easter season ticularly theology. begin and end wherein Catholics Albert Pike in his Morals and it the price of blood.” The corbona sacred images and to attack the are bound to receive Holy Com­ Dogma, an official Masonic text­ or ebrban was the treasury in the false vigws of the Roman Em­ John followed his father as the munion? book, makes light of revelation. Temple where offerings for the peror Leo, who was powerless to Caliph’s treasurer. In court life The time for fulfilling the It is true that Masons are will­ poor were kept. Zacharias xi, 12 silence his opponent protected by he was recognized for his Chris­ Easter duty in the United States ing to receive persons of any had foretold that a price of 30 the Mohammedan Caliph of tian virtues. After some years in extends from the first Sunday in denomination into their fold and pieces of silver would be set on Damascus. So it was Christian the sei-vice of the Moslem ruler, Lent to Trinity Sufiday. often the individual Masons can­ Christ. fleeing from Christian for refuge John resigned to become a monk not understand our rejection of under a common religious enemy, of St. Sabas near Jerusalem. May a priest say a Mass of their system on religious grounds. When the leaders took Jesus and the enemy supplied the pro­ With John in his new life went Requiem on a Sunday? If they were to make a study of from Caiphas, the High Priest, to tection. his adopted brother. Catholicity and revelation, they Pilate, “they went not into the In John’s case, however, it was It is not certain exactly when Masses of Requiem may not be would realize that it is as im­ said on Sundays, whether they hall, that they might not be de­ not merely a Mohammedan sav­ John first against the be anniversary Masses or ordi­ possible to be a good Catholic filed, but that they might eat the ing a Christian. At one time John Iconoclasts, or image breakers. nary Low Masses of Requiem. The and a good Mason as it is to be XHE ' pasch. Pilate, therefore, went out had been, as it were, the Caliph’s Some writers think that he had priest may, however, offer up the a Catholic and a Presbyterian. to them.” secretary of the treasury, for become a monk before the per­ Mass of the day for a deceased MAGIC LANTERN They were, it is e-vident, quite he had been in charge of the secution had begun and that his Must one be able to see the altar meticulous about the Mosaic law. revenue department. The office treastises in defense of images person, but not in black vestments. and the priest celebrating Mass W4S m v E tm o e y a jbsu it fv ^ e sr. According to canon 466 the pas­ /llikoufL i/tc C h o is o f 'firms o f -flrcU>isLop^ They would not put the 30 pieces was hereditary in John’s family. were written at St. Sabas. in order to fulfill the obligation r (160I- 16SO) of silver into the treasury for the His father, also a Christian, had His literary activity did not tor of a parish must apply Mass of hearing Mass? and Bishops, iO'nas. e u te i ftohUs, boar a. F .A.KIRCHFR.SJ for the people on all Sundays, Ofekir diverse a^cKieOemenlrs poor, and they would not set their filled the same post. miike John any too popular with but for a just reason the Bishop If it is not possible to do so, it foot on pagan premises. But they Christians did not fare badly the monks. In the East two may allow a pastor .to offer the is not necessary that an individual would stoop to a murder based on under the Moslem chiefs in Da­ things were expected of monks Mass for the people on a day see the priest officiating in order envy! mascus, John’s bitthplace. They —prayer and fasting; John was other than that prescribed by to fulfill the obligation of hear­ Let us examine ourselves and had to submit to a poll tax and introducing somelSiing new. And law. ing Mass. In many large Cathe­ see how frequently we make a other discriminating requirements. when Cosmas, a poet and singer, drals this is an impossibility, both great ado over comparatively But business opportunities and began to compose and sing hymns, / am a young Catholic girl who because of the pillars and be­ minor things and swallow great even political offices were not the climax was reached. I is to be married to a non-Catholic cause of the shape of the church. Quardian Angel SouVs Advocate, evils without a gulp. It is a Chris­ News of the reputation of John ¥ man. We are going to be mar­ It was for this reason that the tian’s duty to be careful about Public School Official, and Cosmas came to the ears of ried before a priest, but not' the ringing of the bells was introduced both what is small and what is Sacristan, Is Honored the of Jerusalem, John priest in my parish. What must at different points in the progress great. But some souls are so con­ V. Impressed by their learning, of the Mass. stituted that they feel unctious Chicago.—Hundreds of persons he wished to number the two we do in order to be married in Demon Prosecutor at Judgment associated with the Chicago pub­ another parish ? over punctilious attention to little among his own clergy. He con­ May a Mass of Requiem be of­ things and are not at all careful lic schools, led by Superintendent secrated Cosmas Bishop of Maiu- To be married licitly in a par­ The Church has defined nothing attorney, or advocate, for us; an ance like a statue of justice, while William H Johnson, paid sincere ish other than one’s own the Cath­ fered for a non-Catholic who was about major matters. mus, and, ordaining John priest, a member of a Protestant Church concerning the circumstances of evil spirit acts as the attorney for the guardian angel and ^he evil tribute to Miss Mary I. Reynolds, brought him to Jerusalem. olic party must obtain the permis­ the particular judgment that every the prosecution. But everything retiring district superintendent, sion of her pastor, which must be if his wife is a Catholic? spirit place ■ virtuous acts or sins John, however, returned to the The moralist Noldin (volume Hi, man must undergo at death. Nei­ is over within an instant. The like weights#on different sides of Cardinal Tedeschini who entered the public school sys­ monastery before long. He spent communicated to the priest before ther is there any theological cer­ spiritual world, to which we then tem in 1898 and who, in the midst whom the marriage takes place. n. 176) discusses the question, the scales, to determine the eter­ Named Papal Datary his time in revising his writings. and quotes Aichner, Lehmkuhl, tainty about the nature of this belong, is not bound by the nal fate of the soul. Since these of a busy life, found time to serve His defense of icons, or images, No pastor will refuse to grant judgment. But theologians point necessity of formal statements in Rome.—Federico Cardinal Te­ as sacristan in her parish church— this permission if the parties are and Genicot in support of the stories are not intended as any­ had become famous by now and out probable circumstances, some the presentation of evidence. It thing more than allegories, if deschini, 65, a member of the St. Gertrude’s. free to contract marriage, and opinion that Mass may be said Roman Curia, has been named his writings were read every­ privately for deceased baptized of which we will explain. is believed by the theologians that they are understood in their proper where. His work, of course, there is no other reason for op­ every man will know his fate in Papal Datary to succeed the late German Ban on Congreaa posing the marriage. The Church non-Catholics when they gave The judgment, according to the sense they are strictly true. Cardinal Capotosti. Duties of a earned him also the hatred of the probable signs of good faith and common teaching, occurs in the the twinkling of an eye, for he No experience in this world is Amsterdam.—The German Hier­ Iconoclasts, the Roman Emperor most solemnly and everywhere will be given Divine aid to realize Datary are to examine the fitness archy has been notified officially forbids mixed marriages, but of the state of grace. He him­ instant of death. Just as the soul quite like the, concept of the par­ of candidates for Papal benefices, among them, who became his self does not favor the opinion. is separated from the body, the his merits and demerits. ticular judgment formed by the by the Reich department for eccle­ deadly enemies, though fortunately grants dispensations when there pensions, and other emoluments. siastical affairs that participation is sufficient' reason. One’s own Mass may not be said for deceased sentence is passed. The judgment The more common opinion of theologians. We cannot form a The new Datary was Papal Nuncio John remained outside the scope does not occur until death because theologians is that, inasmuch as true picture of it in our imagina­ by German Catholics in the 34th of their power, under the rule of pastor is obviously the most com­ unbaptiz^ persons (Woywod, vol­ in Madrid at the outbreak of the International Eucharistic Con­ petent judge in these matters ume li, page 381). the man is still on probation until the particular judgment occurs in tion; our senses have had no ex­ Spanish war. his friendly Caliph. (cf. canon 1060). In practice, a priest' asked to the very last. And we can find the instant of death, the man is perience of the purely spiritual gress at Budapest M ^ 25 to 30 is Until his death, John stayed at celebrate a Mass for a deceased no good reason why the sentence judged in the very place where he world because they move in an­ "undesirable.’’ The (Jerman Bish­ St. Sabas, writing theology and What should a person do who non-Catholic will offer it for the should be postponed at all beyond dies. This thought is awe-inspir­ other sphere. But this is by no 184,051 Pledge Help ops, however, have issued instruc­ Ijoetry. The value of his work the instant of our passage into ing to believers gathered around means proof that there can be no tions that special Eucharistic de­ lies in his compilation and ar­ is very hard of hearing and can­ souls in purgatory, with the in­ In Decency Campaign votions are to be'held in all par­ not hear the penance that the tention that God will apply it to eternity. a deathbed. They see the pallor instantaneous judgmient, with evi­ rangement of what had been priest gives him when the penitent of death spreading over the fea­ dence and sentence presented in a Providence, R. I.—With the cru­ ishes in Germany at the time of written before him. His Of the the deceased soul if that is pleas­ Our guardian angel is present the congress. goes to Confession? ing to God. and takes the place of a defense tures which perhaps are twitching moment. Our inability to have a sade against indecent literature Orthodox Faith holds the same He should tell the priest before with pain. A dear one perhaps correct phantasm of the particular entering its third month, total position among Eastern Church judgment (or material represen­ number of pledges received to date ‘Chain Prayers' Scored scholars as does St. Thomas he begins his Confession that he is holds the hand of the dying per­ Spokane, Wash.—Taking note deaf, and the priest will, devise son. The pulse becomes weaker tation of the material objects con­ stood at 184,051. The great ma­ Aquinas’ Summa in the 'Western cerned, made in the imagination jority of magazine dealers in of the practice of circulating Church. some means of telling him his and weaker. Then, maybe as a “chain prayers,” the Most Rev. penance, for example, by holding Spiritual World Is peaceful child falling asleep or by means of the material organ Rhode Island have pledged support John’s feast was kept formerly up the rosary, etc. maybe with a final effort of great of the brain) no more disproves in the campaign and some 330 of Charles D. White, Bishop of Spo­ by the 'Western Church on May pain, the body surrenders the our wholly spiritual concept of them are listed on the honor roll kane, has warned his people to 6. In 1890 he was proclaimed a May a person who is separated Described in Bible soul. If the people at the bedside this judgment than the fact that as refraining from sale of black­ ignore them “as well as other and his from husband or wife receive could witness that dread moment, we cannot form a phantasm of listed periodicals. forms of superstition.” feast moved to- March 27. Holy Communion? May a ^divorced (One of a New Series on the Cate­ not the angels that sinned, but with the guardian angel pleading God, the human soul, and so forth person go to Communion? chism of the Council of Trent) for salvation and a minion of proves them unknowable and un­ Minnesota Pastor Is delivered them, drawn by infernal thinkable. “This makes them A married couple are obliged to Whatever exists in the uni­ darkness urging damnation, what live together unless a just cause ropes to the lower hell, unto tor­ a change would be caused in count­ simply unimaginable: not un­ Author of New Novel MOVING PICTURES CLASSIFIED frees them from the obligation verse, whatever we confess to ments, to be reserved unto judg­ less lives! The monasteries and knowable or unthinkable; we Holdingford, Minn.—Announce­ (canon 1128). A just cause would have been created by God, either ment” (2 Pet. ii, 4). As to the na­ convents would not be large know what we mean when we ment has come that the Rev. J. Followlns fa a Hat of motion picturei reviewed end claieifled by tha National council of the Lesion of Decency through ita New York headquartera; be adultery by the other party, falls under the senses and is in­ ture of their, sin, we know that it enough to hold the throngs that speak of them,” as Father Charles Kromolicki, pastor of St. Hedwig’s was pride, but its exact form has Coppens, S. J., the philosopher, Claia A—Section 1—Unobjectionable for General Patronage unless the crime were consented cluded in the word, “visible,” or is would flock to their doors, with church here, is the author of the Adventures of Chico Harlem on the Prairie Penrod and His Twin to or condoned by the innocent not been made sufficiently clear. demands for admission. says of all spiritual corcepts. book. The Battle of Conscience, Adventures of Marco Polo Hawaii Calls Brother party or the second party were an object of mental perception St. Athanasius says on this point: The Judge is God Himself. Be­ The fact, then, that the people published by Meador Publishing Adventures of Tom Sawyer Hawaiian Buckaroo Perfect Specimen, The and is expressed by the word, “in­ “It was not for harlotry, adultery, All American Sweetheart Headin' East « Prairie Thunder ;uilty of the same crime; the fore the Incarnation, the Second at the deathbed see nothing of Co. of Boston. The novel deals All Over Town Heart of Arizona Prisoner of Zenda Soining of a non-Catholic sect; the visible.” Wherefore, the words, or theft that Satan was cast out Pqrson of the Trinity judged as the intense drama of judgment with the life of Helen, member of AnapoHs Salute He Couldn't Say No Radio City Revela education of offspring as non- “Creator of heaven and earth,” of heaven, but pride cast him into God but, sinews His coming in hu­ that goes on in their presence is a patrician Roman family, and her Arsene Lupin Returns Heidi Range Defenders Catholics; the leading of a crimi­ were declared by the Council of the abyss of hell; for he said ‘I man nature, the more probable abandonment of pagan gods for Awful Truth* The Her Jungle Love Rebecca of Sunnybrbok a poor argument against its ex­ Bad Man of Brimstone Hideout in the Alps Farm ■ nal or despicable life; great bodily Nice (325 A. D.) to signify the will ascend into heaven; I will ex­ opinion holds that He judges as istence. The judgment takes place martyrdom. Barrier, The Hitting a New High Riders of the Rockies or spiritual danger, etc. Ordi­ Creator “of all things visible alt my throne above the stars of man. “It is He who was appointed in a sphere beyond the power of Behind the Mike In Old Chicago Roll .Along Cowboy narily, these cases m ust'be pre­ and invisible.” This leads us to God . . . I will be like the Most by God to be judge of the living their senses. They can form no Beloved Brat International Settlement Romance of the Rockies observe that God also created out High’ (Is. xiv, 16, 14). For Red Leader Anointed Blonilee at Work Jubilee Rosalie sented to the Bishop for action, and the dead” (Acts x, 42). While adequate picture of it. But the BoothUl Brisede Kathleen Rose of the Rie Grande and can be acted upon privately of nothing the spiritual world: these words was he cast down and this text refers principally to the soul, in the very instant of its By Priest on Train Boots of Destiny Kid Comes Back. The Saleslady only if the guilt of the offender Innumerable angels to serve and eternal fire became the portion general judgment, nevertheless separation from the body, goes Paris. — Belgian Communist Border Wolves Kidnaped in Shanghai Sally. Irene, and Mary is certain and there is grave minister to Him. These incor­ and his inheritance.” We also Born to the West Lancer Spy Scandal Street there seems to be reference also to through the most awful experience leader M. Jacquemotte, who col­ Boss of Lonely Valley Law Man Is Born Sergeant Murphy danger in delay. poreal creatures He enriched and read, in the Book of Wisdom: “But the particular one. of its existence, when, with a good lapsed in the compartment of a Boy of the Streets Legion of Missing Men Shi The Octopus Provided the separated person adorned with the admirable gifts by the envy of the devil, death The sentence is not vocally pro­ angel as advocate and a fallen train near here, was anointed just Breakfast for Two Life Begins in College She Asked for It is living up to the laws of the of His grace and power. On this came into the world.” Brtnains Up Baby Life of Emile Zola. The She's Got Everything nounced, according to the com­ angel as* prosecutor, it stands in before he died by an unidentified Brothers of the West Little Miss Roughneck Snow White and the Seven Church, he or she can receive the subject St. Augustine says: “In The devils can, by God’s just mon teaching of theologians, but the presence of Jesus Christ, true priest. The priest and the Red Buccaneer, The London by Night Dwarfs sacraments; otherwise, not, but creatlpg the angels He endowed permission (often in punishment spiritually. The soul, released from God and true man, and within an leader had shared a seat together. Bulldog: Drummond's Peril Love and Hisses Speed to Spare each case must be judged on. its them with good will; that is, with Californian. The Love Is a Headache Squadron of Honor for abuse of His graces or because the body, is a pure spirit and there­ instant Jias its merits and demer­ M. Jacquemotte began speaking of Call. The Love on a Budget Start ChMring merits and the person should con­ pure love, that they might adhere we have repeatedly turned a deaf fore a mental impression on it by sult a priest. The same holds, in its ,presented and has its fate and his First Communipn and Catholic Cassidy of Bar 20 Mad About Music Tarzan's Revenge to Him, giving them existence and ear to His Divine inspirations), God of its fate is more in accord­ the justice of that fate impressed education, then suddenly col­ Change of Heart Maid's Night Out There Goea the Groom the case of a person who re­ adorning them with grace at one Charlie Chan on Broadway Making the Headlines Thirteenth. Mao tempt us to sin. In rare cases, they ance with its condition than a ver­ on its intellect. The time when lapsed. The priest hurriedly ad­ Checkers Mama Runs Wild ceived a civil divorce, after getting and the same time. Hence we are can harm us in external things and bal sentence would be. This Way, Please permission from the Bishop. the soul can beg for mercy has ministered Extreme Unction. Code of the Ranger Merrily We Live Thunder OUy to believe that the ■ holy angels even harm our person, by taking Stories sometimes tell of partic­ passed, although, if the soul is Crashing Hollywood MilHon Dollar Racket To the Victor were never without good will; that Mr. Dodd Takes the Air possession of our bodies. They can­ ular judgment, scenes, where the aided by the prayers of its friends Irish Patriotism la U. S. Heritage Crime of Dr, Hallet, The Tovarich /4 friend of mine had two is, the love of God.” soul is arraigned as in a court, and Dangerous Adventure Monastery Trigger Trio Caesarian operations to bring not prejudice our eternal salva­ and is to be sent to purgatory, Elizabeth, N. J.—The rugged DaredevM Drivers Murder on Diamond Row Two of Us, The That the devil and the other tion, however, without our free where an angel stands with a bal- these prayers may shorten or ob­ Dawn Over Ireland Mueia for Madame Under Suspicion forth children. May she go on rebel angels were gifted in the consent. As St. Irenaeua says: “All patriotism displayed by sons of Escape by Night Non-Stop New York Valley of Terror bearing in such a dangerous case, viate that punishment. Ireland in the early days of the Everybody’s Doing It No Time to Marry Wells Fargo nr may she not be sterilised? beginning with grace is clbar from that the devil can do is to seduce Portrays Judas United States “is now the heritage Everybody Sing Of Human Hearts Western Gold the Scriptures. It has always been and lead away men’s minds and so Federal Bullets Old Barn Dance. The West of Rainbow's End Since the woman succesfully Funeral Rites Held of all Americans, regardless of ra­ Firefly, The On Again—Off Again West of Shanghai the teaching of the Church that make them trangress God’s com­ cial origin,” Postmaster General brought two children into the the angels were created in a state mands. Thus, little by little, he First Lady Orphan of the Pecos When G-Men Step In world through Caesarean opera­ For Convert Jesuit James A. Farley declare-1 in an ad­ Forbidden Valley Outlaws of the Orient Where the West Begins of justice and holiness, so that blinds the hearts of those who 46 Fathers Outside of Paradise Where Trails Divide tions, most probably she will have they might merit eternal glory, if would se^e God, with the result dress at the dinner of the Fhiendly Galloping Dynamite Over the Goal Who Killed Gail Preston? no greater difficulty in the future, they but co-operated with God- that in time they come to forget Philadelphia.—Funeral services Sons of St. Patrick on the Irish Generals Without Buttons Painted Trail Wise Girl nor run any greater risk, and a were held here for the Rev. Ar­ patron saint’s feast day. Girl of the Golden West Paradise Isle Wrong Road given grace. Moreover, they had a the true God and to worship the thur S. Hart, S.J., convert priest, Glamorous Night Paroled to Die Yank at Oxford, A doctor would not be permitted to highly gpfted nature. The royal devil as God.” Gold Is Where You FIb4 It Partners of the Plains Young Dynamite sterilize her. If her health be­ who for 20 years was stationed at Goldwyn Follies Patient in Room 18 You’re a Sweetheart comes dangerously impaired, the prophet (David) ascribes signal It is an encouraging doctrine old St. Joseph’s church. As a boy Church Growing You’re Only Young Once Church recommends continence. power to the good angels, saying of the Catholic faith that the good of 12 he was received into the Claaa A—•Section 2—Unobjectionable for Adults that they are “mighty in strength, angels are anxiously concerned Baptist faith and was baptized in Accldeots Will Happen Fight for Your Lady Penitentiary and execute His word” (Ps. cii, Rapidly, Annual Action for Slander First Hundred Years Preaeription for Romance f married a non-Catholic before about our salvation, just as the his father’s mill pond. He became Affairs of Maapaasant, Tha Forty Naughty Girls Romance in thd Dark a priest after first being married 20); and on this account they are fallen angels are eager and per­ a student of music in Baptist and Aicatrai Island Girl Was Young. The Sailing Along before a Protestant minister. My often called in Scripture the sistent in their efforts to lead uS Methodist churches in Buffalo. Report Reveals Back in Circulation Good Earth. The She Married an Artist husband has allowed the children “powers” and the “armies of the into temptation and ultimately in­ While there, he attended services Black Doll Happy Landing She's No Lady 1 ■ Lord.” As to their knowledge and Bordertown High Flyer Slight Case of Murder, A to be baptised in the Church, but to the same eternal misery that is in St. Joseph’s Cathedral primarily Rome. — (Special)— The Cath­ Bride Wore Red Hollywood Hotel Soule at Sea will not permit them to be reared wisdom, they far surpass those of their unhappy lot. Although we to hear the organ and was so im­ olic Church today is divided into Carnival Queen Hurricane Spy Ring. The in the Catholic faith. Am I the most learned among men. now have immeasurably effica­ pressed with the ceremony he de­ 1,194 dioceses, 487 apostolic vi­ City Girl I Met My Love Again Swing It Sailor Wherefore, the women of ThecUa, Condemned Women Jezebel Swing Yo'ir Lady obliged to remain and make the. cious m.eans to salvation in the cided to become a Catholic. cariates and prefectures and 14 Confession Jury's Secret. The Tears of Love best of the situation, or should I in praising the wisdom of King priceless gift of the sacraments, patriarchates, revaals the Anjiu- Conquest Lady Escapes. The That Certain Woman insist on rearing my children in David, said: “Thou, Lord, my we should not fail to manifest Danger. Love at Work Live, Love, and Learn Tipoff Girls King, art wise according to the Church’s Relation With ario Pontificio just issued here. Dangerous to Know Living on Love Topper the Catholic religion? Have the great veneration for our gpiardian Since Pius XI was elected Pope Daughter of Shanghai Look Out For Love True Confession sponsors any obligation? wisdom of an angel of God” (2 angel, whom God has given to each Nations Spiritual Only the apostolic prefectures and vi­ Doctor Syn Man-Proof Walter Winger’s Vogues 1 The Church permits the mar­ Kings vix, 20). of us from the moment of birth. "Vatican City.—“In all our rela­ Double Danger Midnight Intruder. The of 1988 cariates have increased by 218. Double or Nothing Hy Old Kentucky Home Westland Case riage of a Catnolic and a non- We know from Holy Writ and He has a Divine commission to pro- tion with different countries and There was not a single “native” Double Wedding Night Club Scandal Wife of General Ling. The ■ Catholic only on the condition that from the constant teaching of the tect^us in soul and body, to pray different peoples, our only aim is Bishop when His Holiness was Ebb Tide Night Spot Women in Prison the non-Catholic party and the Church that not all the angels co­ for us, and to exhort us to do good. the spiritual good, that good which Everyday's a Holiday Nothing Sacred World's in Love, The | a chosen in 1922; today there are 52nd Street Paradis, for Three Live. Love, tod Learn Catholic promise to have the chil­ operated with the graces they had We should hearken, therefore, to is the basis and crown and sanction 26 in charge of territories under Partners in Crime dren baptized and reared in the received. Those who did so en­ his warnings against evil and his of all other goods,” Pope Pius said the control of the ConCTegation Class B—Objectionable In Pert Catholic faith. The violation of joy in Heaven the beatific vision promptihg;s to virtue, rejecting in receiving the credentials of Ecu­ for the Propagation of the Faith. Ail Baba Goes to Town Juggernaut Rat. The the assumed obligation is a cause of God and form the nine choirs constantly the temptations and A scene from The Upper Room, ador’s minister to the , The Holy See has representatives Baioness and the Butler Lady Behave I Second Honeymoon of angels. Those who rebelled evil suggestions of the fallen Between Two Women Let's Hake a Night of It Two Who Dared for separation. Before any action a Lenten play to be presented in that country’s first since the res­ with 58 nations. In 36 cases these Big Broadcast of 1938 Love, Honor, and Behave Wife, Doctor, end Nurse ■ is taken, however, the wife must against God were thrust down into angels. As St. Paul says, “Our Kansas City, Mo., by Mt. St. Scho- toration of diplomatic relations are diplomatic envoys and in the Divorce of Lady X, The Mannequin Wine, Women, and Horses Iremind her husband of the prom­ hell. These are called “devils,” and wrestling is not [only] against lastica's and St. Benedict’s colleges with the Vatican. The new minis­ other 22 Papal missions. 'The dip­ Flight From Glory Wom.n Men Harry ises that he signed, and, if he their chief is Lucifer, or Satan. flesh and blood, but against the of Atchison, Kans. The picture ter is Modesto Larrea, former pre­ lomatic corps to the Holy See in­ Class C—-Condemntd : fstill refuses to abide by his prom- Speaking of them, the Prince of spirits of wickedness” (Ephes. vi, Assassin of Youth Damaged Lives Damaged Goods « shows Jack Roche of Kansas City mier and minister of foreign af­ cludes 37 representatives of differ­ PitfaUa of Youth S iises, the case must be referred to the Apostles says: “God spared 12) as Judas. fairs in Ecuador. ent states. • mM 1

PAGE FOUR T H E REGISTER Sunday, March-27, 1938 38 One Ex-President Talks Innocent Suffer to g TWO PU TIIIIS mer President of the United States, left, is shaking hands with Presi­ F T dent Miklas of Austria, who was shortly after forced out of his seat by the ambitious Hitler of (Germany. Ex-President Miklas attended (Continued from Pase One) Mass Sunday, March 20, under heavy guard. Save Wicked World ^ “Street cars, bu**ea, and auto­ some virtue, like justice or obedi­ Answering the question, “Why the Golgotha of death while they mobiles pitched about the streets ence. We cannot admit that the do the innocent suffer?” the Rt. themselves refuse to share its like corks at sea, as the belief of the Russian Orthodox Rev. Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen de­ weight? Can they be indifferent shattering b o m b^s fell in their is Divine faith in the strict sense livered over KOA, Denver, Sun­ to the outcome of love if they midst . . . A correspondent who of that term. Though it ap­ tgOTiJIBILTT F day the twelfth of his series of themselves are Love? to u r^ the devastated quarter saw proximates the truth, it is mixed 17 radio addresses on the Cath­ “That is why the Cross was scores of dead piled on trucks and with theological error and it makes olic Hour produced by the Na­ inevitable. He could not love us busses while gangs of men kept the fundamental mistake of deny­ Dubuque, la.— (Special)—Two Only important resistance to tional Council of Catholic Men perfectly unless He died for us. digging for still more bodies of ing the genuine teaching Church historical pageants are being pre­ General Francisco Franco’s troops in New York. And His Mother could not Iqve by centered in the Papacy. There is sented by religious communities, in the Spanish war now comes If we are to find the answer Him perfectly unless she shared victims.” Death came to more schools, and institutions through­ than 1,300 in three days. Forty at least the hope, however, that from Red international brigades, to the question why the innocent that death. That is why His life sersons put to death like the Arch- out this region as the jubilee year made up of radicals who have suffer. Monsignor Sheen said, “we was given for us, and her heart buildings were destroyed and 71 marking the centennial of the must go not merely to the suf­ partially wrecked. sishops just killed (probably in flocked into Spain in an attempt broken for us; and that too is hatred of all religion) have such Archdiocese of Dubuque draws to to win that nation for Commu­ fering of innocent people, but to why He is Redeemer and she is motives that they may win the a close. The pageants are Hid nism, says a statement issued by the suffering of innocence itself. Redemptrix—because they love. Prime Minister Neville Cham­ glorious reward of real martyrdom. Battlements and The Torchbearer, Nationalist headquarters. Spanish In this Third Word our attention “In order more completely to ! of berlain of Great Britain, speaking both written by the Rev James J. Leftists are completely demoral­ is riveted upon the two most sin­ reveal that a cross was made up in the House of Commons at Lon­ Donohue. Production of the pag­ ized, the report says, and have no less creatures who ever trod our of the juncture of love and sin, our don, said that England and France An INS correspondent, comment­ eants is outstanding in the spring wish to continue the fight. An ex­ sinful earth: Jesus and Mary. Our Lord spoke Mis Third Word , no had appealed to both sides in the ing on the surrender to Polish program of the jubilee year, which ample of the part foreigners play Jesus Himself was sinless by to His Mother: ‘Woman, behold Spanish war to stop bombing demands by Lithuania, says: ‘^ n will come to a close July 28. in the war was the Leftists’ de­ nature, for He is the all holy Son thy son!’ He did not call her civilians, and that France had di­ the surface it appears that Lithu­ Hid Battlements is being given fense of Caspe, where General of God. Mary was sinless by ‘Mother’ but ‘Woman;’ except rectly urged the Vatican to inter­ ania yielded only to relatively daily from March 26 to April 9 in Franco’s troops defeated five in­ grace, for she is ‘opr tainted when addressing John the next vene to halt the slaughter. In the reasonable demands for re-estab­ the Columbia auditorium, where ternational brigades. nature’s solitary boast.’ And yet moment He added: ‘Behold thy United States, 61 Bishops of the lishment of neighborly relations the stage has been rebuilt on three American Reds in Spain have both suffered in the extreme. Why mother.’ The Father did not r v Methodist and Episcopal Churches levels to accommodate the elabor­ did He suffer who had the power spare His Son, nor did the Son with Poland. But actually tiny written a letter to Carl Ross, the 42«4 appealed to the (Catholic Hier­ Lithuania knows that this is the be­ ate pageantry of the production. Young Communist leader who of God to escape the Cross? Why spare His Mother, for love knows archy in an open letter to protest ginning of the end of her national Both, pageants are being localized would not fight • for America did she suffer who could have no bounds. Jesus had a sense of to Franco. independence.” and simplified for presentation in against Russia, expressing thanks dispensed herself because of her responsibility for every soul in other parts of the diocese. for gifts to members of the Lin- virtue, or could have been excused the world; Mary, too, inspired by Both Lithuania and Poland are by her Divine Son? The week opened with news overwhelmingly (Tatholic in popu­ An almost uninterrupted round coln-Washington battalion in the His love, had a corresponding »rg, of religious, historical, civic, and Spanish Leftist army. “ Love is the key to the mys­ sense of responsibility. If He from France that emissaries from lation. As in most national crises, tery. Love by its very nature is ania something can be said for both social events is still going on in As the Reds in Spain thank would be the Redeemer of the the “Loyalist” ranks were calling the archdiocese, .which began the not selfish, but generous. It seeks wayward children, she must be on Franco at Burgos, to seek peace. sides. Lithuanian patriots point to American Communists for their celebration of its centennial last support. Cardinal Goma y Tomas, not its own, but the good of others. their Mother. A denial was made but there is fear of encroachment on their in­ 'That is why, in the face*of pain, dependence by both Poland and July. The jubilee year also marks Primate of Spain, thanks Ameri­ “Now does that throw any light perhaps something to the story the centenary of the appointment can Catholics for their contribu­ love seeks to unburden the suf­ on the problem? Why do innocent, A United Sutes military observer, Germany. Poland points to the ferer and take his pain, and that fact that the modem armament of the Most Rev. Mathias Loras tions to the America Spanish Re­ pure, good souls leave the world writing a short time ago in the as first Bishop of Dubuque. Open­ lief fund. But, whereas Red is why, in the face of sin, love and its pleasures, feast on fasts, Saturday Evening Post, predicted of Lithuania is a gift from Red seeks to atone for the injustice Russia, which country the Poles ing of the process for money goes to push the fight for embrace the cross, and pray their that Franco would win the war this Bishop Loras has been a prominent Communism in Spain, the America of him who sinned. hearts out? The answer Ms, be­ spring. have had to fight bitterly since “Now apply this to Our Lord cause they love. ‘Greater love than the restoration of their nation and part of the centennial activities. funds are being used for the re­ A large number of Bishops, lief of war victims. Cardinal and His Blessed Mother. Here this no man hath, that a man lay which is a constant menace to priests, religious, and lay persons is' love at its peak, and innocence down his life for his friends.’ In the midst of the world tur­ Poland. (Joma’s thanks are sent in a let­ moil, it is refreshing to read that are expected to attend the centen­ ter to the Rev. Francis X. Tal­ at its best. Can they be indiffer­ They love the* world so much they many Irishmen want sweet-voiced Both nations claim Vilna and nial’s closing on Thursday, July bot, SJ., national chairman of ent to that which is a greater evil want to save, it, and they know its surrounding province. When 28. Archbishop Francis J. L. Beck­ the fund. than pain, namely sin? Can they there is no other way to save it John McCormack as the president watch humanity carry a cross to of Eire and that John, if the fact the two countries emerged as in­ man will, celebrate Solemn Ponti­ Charities Under Nazi Control when Charles Hubert Rostworow- Archbishop Ildebrando Anto- than to die for it.” of his American citizenship will dependent following the World fical Mass in the Cathedral, where Berlin.—The minister of labor ski, illustrious Polish playwright, niutti, Vatican charge d’affaires not prove an obstacle to his taking war, the boundary question was Archbishop John G. Murray of St. has named Dr. Melcher, counselor poet, and publicist, died at the age in Nationalist Spain, has given the position in the land of his left in unsatisfactory condition. Paul will give the sermon. At a of the Prussian State, a “special of 60. 50,000 pesetas for relief work in The Supreme (Tonncil of the Allies banquet following the Mass, Arch­ comptroller” to supendse Catholic Temperance Centenary to Be Held Teruel and Huesca. birth, is willing. It would be^ just laid down a provisional Eastern like Ireland to have a president bishop Samuel A. Stritch of Mil­ charitable institutions affiliated Dublin.—The centenary of Fa­ The authorities Herbert L. who is capable of telling an Amer­ frontier for Poland, assigning to waukee will speak on “The See of with “Caritas,” the Catholic Chari­ ther Mathew, Irish Apostle of that nation most of the territories Matthews, New York Times cor­ ican radio audience that Panis Dubuque and the Religious Tradi­ ties Association of Germany. Temperance, is to be celebrated respondent in Barcelona, cited to Angdieus is the loveliest song he where the Polish element was in tions of the Northwest.” this year. the majority. Mixed and doubtful Polish Playwright Dies prove that there are thousands of knows. Warsaw.—Polish literature suf­ College Won’t Close priests openly celebrating Mass in territories were excluded. The A rumor has been circulated chief of these was Vilna with its fered a severe and irreparable loss the Spanish Red city were two President Lazaro Cardenas of 1st Retreat League that Ignatius college at Valken- suspended priests. Fathers Juan province. The Bolsheviks, then burg in the Netherlands is about Vilar and Gallego Rocafull. Fa­ Mexico expropriated the foreign at war with Lithuania, captured Nurseries Keep Tots owned petroleum industry, valued For Negroes Formed to be given up by the Jesuit Fa­ ther Albert I. Whelan, S.J., of Vilna. Three months afterwards, thers who are in charge there. New York reports that several at 3400,000,000 to $500,000,000. the city and province fell into While Mothers Work Capitalists from the United States Washington. — The first retreat New York.—A group of 25 day This report has been denied in a suspended priests are trying, with Polish hands. But when Lithuania letter which has come to this the support of the Red govern­ ($2(10,000,000), England, Holland, made peace with the Soviet Union, le a ^ e of Colored Catholics in the nurseries conducted by the Catho­ and (Canada owned the properties, United States has just been organ­ lic Charities of the archdiocese is paper from the Rev. H. Keller, ment, to set up a schismatic church the Russians recognized the Lithu­ S.J., director of theology at the in Barcelona. for which Cardenas promises to anian claim to the city and prov­ ized here with the approval of the solving the problem of thousands pay within ten years. The con­ Most Rev. Michael J. Curley, of working mothers in care of institution. ince. Poland then lost Vilna to First Since World War fiscation follows months of diffi­ the Russians but later drove them Archbishop of Baltimore. It is children of pre-school age. The culty over wages. Cardenas is a named for Blessed Martin De nurseries take care of approxi­ Berlin.—The consecration of out again. The City has been un- the first Military Bishop of the Catholic Batsmen , Socialist and is merely carrying der Polish control since 1920, but Porres and is called the Blessed mately 5,000 youngsters. Each out his pinko tendencies. The Martin Retreat league. nursery has its own physician and Reich since the World war, the the Lithuanians, backed by Russia, Most Rev. Franz Rarkowski, was American ambassador to Mexico, have claimed it. Lithuania re­ monthly reports of each child’s Josephus Daniels, maintained pret­ health are sent to parents. A nomi­ the occasion for an impressive Open 1938 Season fused to carry on normal diplo­ Hospital Shut-Ins Hear nal charge of 25 emts per child ceremony in the Catholic church ty much of a neutral attitude dur­ matic relations with Poland and ing the discussions that preceded Novena Rites by Radio per day is made. * of the German army on the Lilien- Parochial league baseball opened kept the frontier closed to Polish thalstrasse. The ery first Epis­ the expropriation, but advised the commerce. This brought the crisis New York.—Shut-ins in Catholic at Merchants’ Sunday with two oil men to meet wage demands hospitals of the Greater New York 1,000 Altar Boys Enter copal consecration that occurred games scheduled for the after­ of a few days ago. Poland was mass­ in Berlin was that of Bishop Ass- that they considered confisca­ ing an army five times the size of area are now attending novena noon. Holy Family Tigers, last tory. Later, he told them to fight services by radio. The weekly pro­ Bishop Gannon Contest mann, first Ordinary of the Prus­ season’s defending champions, got the Lithuanian one and was about Erie, Pa.—More than 1,000 al­ sian army in St. Hedwig’s church, the expropriation in the courts. to invade the nation when Lithu­ gram is broadcast over WBNX and off to a flying start by defeating carries the Perpetual Help novena tar boys will compete here April 1 now a Cathedral, in 1889. Regis, 15 to 2. St. Joseph’s, which We have little sympathy with ania decided to open the border for cash prizes totaling $225 in the the capitalists in their loss. Any conducted by Redemptorist Fa­ shared the title with Holy Family and to send a minister to Poland thers from the Shrine of Our Lady annual Bishop Gannon Altar Boy body who knows A, B, C about by March 31. Justice Pierce Butler team, copped the second fray of I' of Perpetual Help in the Church of contest. Participants will be re­ the afternoon from Mullen home, history is aware that when reli­ Poland still wants guarantees for gion is persecuted it is always a the . . warded for their advancement of Born St. Patrick’s Day 10 to 5. the 200,000 Poles in Lithuania, a knowledge on Sacred Scriptures Washington. — Supreme Court prelude to injustices of every type. recognition of Vilna as Polish, a Bishop Corrects Error and the Liturgy of .the Church. Justice Pierce Butler, one of the The Tigers opened the contest Capital has not been interested Polish outlet to the Northeastern two conservative members of the with a flurry of hits in the first in the problem of tyranny over Baltic, and a rejection of Lithu­ In Texas Document 1,800 Hairdressers Join bench, became 72 years old St. inning that netted 11 runs. Sup­ the (]hurch and confiscation of its anian friendship with Russia. ^ Brenham, Tex. — An erroneous Patrick’s day. His father also was ported by that lead, Ray Sommers, properties in Mexico. Through impression created by a statement Anti-Filth Campaign born March 17. Holy Family hurler, pi’ ;hed almost pressure brought by our own gov in the Texas declaration of inde­ Providence, R. I. — Pledging flawless ball, striking out 12 of emment, capital has seen to it If Adolf Hitler determines to pendence was corrected by the support in the nation-wide drive th? 15 men who faced him in the that Mexicans were refused the bring all the German minorities of Most Rev. Christopher E. Byrne, against filth in print, 1,800 mem­ Contented Farmers Best five innings he worked. The Reds right to rid themselves of their Central Europe under his rule as Bishop of Galveston, on the occa­ bers of the Ladies’ Hairdressers Bulwark Against Reds garnered but four hits in the en­ taskmasters. Now capital will pay he has with Austria, we may ex­ sion of the 102nd anniversary of association of Rhode Island voted St. Louis, Mo.—Declaring that a tire contest. Tiger batsmen pect considerable trouble. .CMcho- the signing of the declaration. The “not to make available for our contented populace in rural dis­ scratched three Regis pitchers for Like (^orge Washington, An slovakia has 3,000,000 (Armans. Bishop said that nothing in all the patrons any objectionable litera­ tricts of the nation is the best 12 blows, two of them home runs The Register Shopping Guide tanas Smetona, the president of Two million more live in Hungary relations of Texas to Mexico war­ ture.” It was also recommended bulwark against Communism, the by Sexton and Fanning. MJL AND MRS. SHOPPER—Tke RovUterit*r recommoBcUrecen this olphobeUcoUr* Lithuania, could have been a king. and the Balkans! Switzerland, ranted writing h reflection on the that as a guide in the movement Rev. Luigi Ligutti, Granger, la., St. Joseph’s jumped into an in4oxod Ust of kuoioeeo end profeeeioaol1 people forf your needs. As leaders Some of his followers offered him used to democracy for generations, told in a lecture here now he early lead against Mullen home ia their varieus lines, they are well e^lMiedulMied to give you excellent senrice. is predominantly Teutonic, al­ priesthood into the declaration. proprietors of beauty shops con­ Glre thea a trial and abow srour appreciate,UtfoQ. for they are ce^operatlng with the throne when he seized nower sult the list of objectionable maga­ brought ■ debt-laden parishioners and r e t a i n e^d its advantage aa in glTing you a finar pubUcatlon. in what amounted to a military though its more than . 4,000,000 zines appearing: weekly in the from an existence in mining to a people would probably fight to the Letter Claims 100 Reds throughout the game. The Bull­ coup after his little nation became Providence Visitor. satisfied life in farming. The dogs collected seven hits off Burns GROCERY free following the World war peace limit to keep any part of their na­ On New York Pay Roll Granger community was estab­ and Brown. The Mustangs were treaties. One of our editorial tion out of the Reich. South Tyrol Brooklyn.—Interest has been ad­ lished two and a half years ago able to get but four off Over and The firms listed here de- has 250,000 (Armans under Italian De Paul Men Establish Westerkamp Bros. 1 writers years ago used to like to ded to the fight over appointment with the aid of a 50 acre govern­ Russel. Over started the game and serve to be remembered contrast George W'ashington with rule. Hitler may leave them alone,' of Simon W. Gerson, alleged Com­ Detroit Relief Record ment grant. was credited with the win, al­ KE. 9043 5106 Wash. Napoleon Bonaparte. Washington in order to keep the friendship of munist, to a municipal post by the Detroit. — Figures revealed in though he was forced out in the Talk—Don’t Walk— when you are distributing refused a crown and went down in Mussolini; but political commen­ statement of Richard S. Childs, the quarterly report of the St. Archdiocese’s Former fourth when Mustang batsmen be- Telephone Your Order history as one of the greatest bene­ tators are by no means sure that president of the City Club of New Vincent de Paul society show that g;an to connect. Everything a Good Grocery your patronage in the dif­ factors of the human race. Na the Berlin-Rome axis will last York, that there are “probably 100 the organization is now giving aid Canonist Passes Away Should Have long. Memel and its province, St. Jotepk’i Cagert ferent lines of business. poleon not only made himself Communists scattered over the to more needy families than at any Chicago.—The Rev. Dr. Augus­ Win State C.Y.O. Title Bast Foods at Lowest Prices emperor,' but in his insufferable with about 150,000 people, now city’s pay roll.” other time in its history. In Janu­ tine H. Mueller, former secretary Led by Gargan and O’Connor, Wt Dslirer pride decided that not even the under Lithuanian rule, are also ary of this year De Paul men ex­ to the late Archbishop Quigley and coveted by Hitler. St. Joseph’s C.Y.O. cagers took a Pope was great enough to put the Jesuit Latin Contest pended $14,200 for the relief of canonist of the Archdiocese of 33-to-29 decision from the Wal- crtown on his head. He crowned Czechoslovakia, yielding to f i r ­ 1,350 families—more than in any Chicago, died in St. Mary’s hos­ senburg five at Cathedral gym himself. Finally he died in exUe man pressure, has decid^ to ad­ To Be Held March 31 month in the depression. pital, Niagara Falls, N. Y. The Sunday night to annex the state The story goes that he was asked mit Nazis into its federal and funeral took place in St. Joseph’s title. The local champions took Preferred Parish Tradmg List at St. Helena what was the hap­ local governments. This n^eans, St. Louis.—The 53rd annual In­ 2 Wills Leave $10,450 Cathedral, Buffalo, with the Most an early lead and were never piest day of his life. The ques­ in the opinion of all who have tercollegiate Latin contest, spon­ Rev. William D. O’Brien, Aux­ headed in the* entire tilt. C. Aten- tioner expected him to say that it followed Nazi tactics, that the sored by the University of St. To Catholic Charities iliary Bishop of Chicago, celebrat­ cio was high man for the game, was the day when he was formally swastika party will soon have con­ Louis for Jesuit arts students in Hartford, Conn.—Wills filed re­ ing the Requiem Mass. Recently, dropping in seven field goals and declared emperor. Napoleon trol. The Nazis were given a few the Missouri and Chicago prov­ cently in Hartford and Waterbury Dr. Mueller gave his entire library, a pair of charity tosses for the Annunciation St. Dombic’s startled his questioner by admit­ inches in Austria and within about inces, will be held this year March courts leave $10,450 to Catholic an extensive collection, of books on Walsenburg quint. ting it was the day of his First two weeks Hitler's troops were 31. In past years, the contest has charities in the two cities. That canon law, to the Seminary of St. Junior Cage Loop Communion. pouring over the border in such been held the Wednesday of Easter of Charlotte V. Fitzpatrick of Mary of the Lake, Mundelein, 111. West Hartford bequeathes $1,250 In Three-Way Tie LONDON MARKET AND Some newspaper commentators numbers that a national govern­ week. This year the lateness of The elimination of two teams GROCERY think that Adolf Hitler is ment disappeared without the fir­ Easter causes the change of date. to vt;rious institutions here. The Word Is Received on from a share in first-place honors also aiming towards a crown. He ing of a rifle. Hitler knows what other, that of Michael H. O’Brien, in the junior parochial cage loop OSCAR TUNNELL, Prop. COAL was quite in favor of a monar­ he wants and intends to get it. veteran Waterbury railroad man, Safety of Missioners wills $9,200 to charitable causes in in Sunday’s grames left the group Quality Meats and Groceries chical restoration at first until he (Jermany is now insisting that Washington.—The State depart­ in a three-way tie for first place. his home city. ment has advised the National 3800 Walnut Street Pinon Fuel & Supply Co. tasted power himself. Then he Czechoslovakia quit its under­ St. John’s, St. Catherine’s, and St. Phones; MA. 5239—TA. 3845 favored kingship for neither Ho standing with the Soviet Union. Catholic Welfare conference, ’ are all knotted F. A. Mumford, Mgr. henzoUems nor Hapsburgs. It was New Church, Rectory which is acting as a clearing house for information of American Cath­ for the league lead, and a decision W. 25th and Decatur GA. 5126 significant when announcement from officials is awaited as to was made in Vienna after his re­ .4 dispatch from Vienna March To Cost Half Million olic mission workers in the war DE SELLEM 18 declared: “Numerous ‘ priests New York.—Cost of the new whether there will be a play-off cent seizure of Austria that he areas of China, that it has had for the title. FUEL AND FEED CO. is now the custodian of the Aus were reported arrested at Linz fol­ church and parish house of St. word telling of the safety of two lowing an official announcement Andrew’s, being erected on the site priests of the Society of the Di­ St. John’s defeated St. Philo- CHARLES A. DeSELLEM trian crown. mena’s, 11 to 6, St Francis de Events happened so swiftly in that important stores and ammu­ of the famous old structure, is esti­ vine Word and a brother and a We Ship by Rail nition were found in Catholic mated at approximately $500,000. sister stationed at Tsinyang, Ho­ Sales’ won from Annunciation PHONE TA. 3205 The firms listed here tie- Austria that, as succeeding edi­ team, 12 to 8, and Blessed Sacra­ 35TH AND WALNUT tions of this paper came off the churches and monasteries near The figure does not include finish­ nan. They are the Rev. Joseph A. there. The chairman of the (^th- ing of the upper church. The crypt, ment team vmn its second contest RES. PHONE MA. 8544 serve to be remembered press last week, we found it neces­ Jansen, S.V.D., and the Rev. Lloyd of the season in pulling St. Jos­ sary to change the wording of our olic party was reported among now being used as a temporary P. Rushmann, S.V.D.; Brother those held. Nazi authorities also chapel, will be part of the perma­ eph’s from .the leading rank, when you are distributing comments. Austria is not a nation Denis (Charles E. Conveys), and 17 to 16. D R U G S p " . at all now. It is merely a German claimed that 110 rifles and two nent building. Sister de Sales (Lucia M. Kol- your patronage in the dif­ machine guns were found in a mer). province, ruled by S^ss-Inquart TWO ^ s s s U STORES as governor. cloister near Salzburg.” Editor of Criticized Speaks ferent lines of business. The old story revived! The English in Heaven’ SAME PRICES Leftists used it in Barcelona to Magazine Resigns Post Vatican Brings The Russian Orthodox Church prepare for the massacre of hun­ New York.—As the result of has added to its long list of mar­ dred of priests and nuns. Every criticism aimed at the student Notre Dame, Ind.—“The Eng­ tyrs under Soviet rule in the mur­ tyrant planning an onslaught on monthly of the College of the City Peace Between lish language is being spoken in 3401 Franklin St. 3101 WUUanu St der of Metropolitan Fean Tuiyakov the Church pretends that the clergy of New York, the editor of the heaven,” according to Christopher and Metropolitan Theophan, two of magazine has resigned. 'The criti­ Warring Nations Hollis, biographer of St. Thomas the leading Archbishops. A large and religious are caught with fire­ arms. The devil never changes his cism came from the Very Rev. More and debate coach at Notre group of clergymen and of lay tactics. Msgr. William R. McCann, who Port-au-Prince.—In these diffi­ Dame university. In view of the C hui^ supporters met death be­ lashed out from the pulpit of St. cult times of international rela­ fact that St. Thomas More was the fore firing squads at the same Patrick’s Cathedral against anti- tions, there is special significance first canonized saint to speak the DENVER BUSINESS DIRECTORY time. The charge against them Coach Brutus Hamilton of the Catholic bias displayed by the pub­ in the fact that the Sovereign Pon­ English language as we know it, was that they were anti-Stalin University of California says that lication. The magazine was later tiff and his representative were Mr. Hollis believes he is now using Only a few days before, Stalin put the end of the Olympic games banned by the college dean. able to bring about the peaceful that language in heaven. DRUGGISTS TOWEL & LINEN SUPPLY to death 18 of the 21 Old Bolshe­ may be only a few years ahead. settlement of an international dis­ YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS MOUNTAIN TOWEL A SUPPLY CO. vik leaders who had “confessed” “Professionalism is creeping into pute fraught with the gravest dan­ 3 C.Y.O. Boys Winners New School Is Reward will be filled correctly »t Service furniiLed for Offices. Berber., pro-Trotsky plotting. The three the Olympic games, especi^y in gers of warfare and bloodshed. WASHINGTON PARK PHARMACY Retteurants. Store*, and Banquet* others were sentenced to long the Fascist countries, where em' In Golden Gloves Fray The spirit in which this was accom­ For Orphans’ Sympathy Pk. SP. 9765 t096 South Gaylord St. prison terms. phasis is placed on their winning Chicago.—Three out of eight plished was brought out in the ad­ 3104 Downlnf MA. 7960 It would probably be impossible games, rather than on sportsman­ winners in the Golden '^lovcs box­ dress made by the Most Rev. Mau- Tampa, Fla.—Because children Patronize Our Advertisers B. W. BECKIUS. Manager to tell whether a person not in ship. In Germany and Italy, ath­ Baron Louis de Rothschild ing champion contest were boys rilio Silvani, Papal Nuncio to Haiti of the Salesian orphanage here communion witli the Pope is ever letes are converted into human (above), of the famous banking trained and ■ ponsored by Chicago’s and the Dominican republic, at were sympathetic to an bid man a martyr in the strict sense of that race horses, placed in training house which for more than a Catholic Youth organization. The the ratification in the nunciature in his sorrow they will have a new Francis J. Fisher, Inc. The firms listed here de­ term. Benedict XIV, writing as camps, excused from military duty, hundred years has been a friend contest is an annual affair of a treaty between these two $75,000 school. The man is Gus­ serve to be remembered private theologian, defined mar­ and subsidized by the government. of governments and kings, was re­ directed ^ the Chicago Tribune. republics, occupying the one island tave Pitsch and the school will be TAbor 6204 tyrdom as voluntary endurance of This procedure can lead to but ported to be one of the hundreds The C.Y.(J. winners were; Frank in the Caribbean, after they had a memorial to his wife, Anna. Both when you are distributing death for the faith or some other one thing—the ultimate collapse of prominent Austrians placed un­ Kainrath in the 114-pound class, witnessed a border clash in which were non-Catholics. The gift was Cement, Plaster, Mortar your patronage in the dif­ act of virtue relating to (k>d. A of the Olympic ideal.” The 1940 der arrest as a result of the in­ Jimmy O’Malley in the 147-pound thousands had been killed and made by the aged philanthropist martyr may, die not only directly games are scheduled for Tokyo, corporation of Austria into the class, and Cornelius Young in the there was bitter feeling and talk after children had come to the Metal Lath, Stucco ferent lines of business. for ^e faith but alto to preserve Japan. Nazi Reich. 160-pound class. of organized armed warfare. cemetery to visit his wife’s grave. 2363 BLAKE ST. DENVER


Tb« Register Has the Internatiooal News Service (Wire and Mail), the N. C. W. C. News Service (lBc{ading Radios and Cables). EASTER RITE MAKES 29 Its Own Special Service, Lumen Service o{ China. International Illustrated News, and N. C. W, C. Picture Service. Of Mankind )- Local ' Local i PIUS XI HAS ELEVATED t The bombing of Barcelona Edition Edition e by Creneralissimo Franco’s air F forces does not seem to have 39 Beatified in 16-Year Reign of Holy e been so indiscriminate as was THE Is Recognized a at first charged in press dis* Father; Hundreds, of Causes r patclies. If any blame at all 4 attaches to Franco’s men, such Advanced Constitution Typifies Wise n bombing as was censurable B In a modern world that often sheers at sanctity, Pope Rule Expected From 1 was done with the express t displeasure of the Catholic Pius XI throughout his 16 years as Supreme Pontiff has demonstrated time and again the regard of the Church for REGISTER(Name Registere’d in the U. S. Patent Office) J Church. The NCWC service, ■Victorious Leader 7 in a cable dispatch, reports men and women of real sanctity. It is believed that no i other Pope in history has canonized hr beatified so many VOL. XIV. No. 14 DENVER, COLO., SUNDAY, APRIL 3, 1938 TWO CENTS that “Pius XI has appealed With Leftist resistance reduced almost entirely to f persons in 16 years as has Pius XI. Elevation of Blessed 1 to the noble Catholic senti­ brigades of international Reds and with Generalissimo Fran- ments of Franco to avoid as Andrew Bobola, Blessed Salvatore da Horta, and Blessed cisco Franco’s Nationalist troops within a few miles of the John Leonard! to the altars of the Church as saints on far as possible the havoc Easter Sunday will raise to 29 the Head of a New Province "“'wSS f AXI DRIVER Mediterranean sea on the Eastern coast, the establishment of wrought by aerial bombard number of persons canonized by Archbishop of Newark, N. J., shown here in his latest portrait sent ^ ^ ^ ^ the new Christian Spain’s sovereignty over all the peninsula ments, and has received as­ by request to the Register. The prelate will be elevated April 27 in U U | C Q | T f t D j P the present Pope, a survey made connection with the erection of the newly created Province of Newark, | | | I [■ 0 I I V D k neared. As Leftist resistance crunihled and the fall of the surance in a filial reply from by this paper reveals. Pope Pius Barcelona-Valencia regime seemed imminent, France began has also beatified 39 persons and 'Swhich includes the Dioceses of Trenton, Camden, and Paterson as suf­ the leader of the Nationalist has given encouragement to hun­ fragan sees. Archbishop Amleto Giovanni Cicognani, Apostolic Delegate lO E s negotiations with General Franco and experts on interna­ forces.” VOsservatore Ro­ dreds of causes for beatification. to the United States, will officiate at the ceremony. The installation of l l l l l t N u n a a L l u t tional affairs predicted the conclusion of the bloody civH mano declares that the appeal the Most Rev. Thomas H. McLaughlin, former Auxiliary Bishop of and Newark, as Bishop of Paterson will take place the next day. war in Spain at least by the end of April, was made early in February; have been grouped especially in IS FEBTllE on March 21, His Holiness the ordinary Holy Year of 1925 Pittsburgh.— (Special) — Pitts­ and the extraordinary Jubilee Year burgh’s husky taxi drivers passed again asked Archbishop An the hat to buy a golden chalice for The type of rule the world can expect from the vic­ of 1933-34. In 1933 and 1934, torious General Franco .is indicated in the broad principles toniutti, his charge d’affaires ten were canonized and 11 were a fellow worker who will soon be­ III OIIIIK lERICII come a priest after 17 years of of Christian social justice which underlie the new social to the Nationalist government, beatified. to make an appeal to Franco. First beatification in Pius XI's' study “between fares.” constitution promulgated in Nationalist Spain. The labor The Pope professed himself reign was that of the Little Flower, Establishment of two native re­ At 20, although he’d had only decree recognizes the natural dignity of man and gives of Lisieux, St. Therese of the In­ ligious orders, conversion oi nearly one year of high school, Ray­ labor a charter of rights far in advance of conditions in highly sensitive to the fate of fant Jesus, on April 29, 1923. Two mond Heintz decided to be­ innocent victims. These ap years later, on May 17, 1925, she 15.000 natives, progress from the come a priest. He worked his way almost any other country. peals were not made as a re was crowned with the halo of the status of an almost untouched mis­ through high school, Duquesne sion to the rank of an independent “The worker shall not be reduced to a material con­ suit of the petition of any out­ saints. This “Little Saint” is a universi^, and soon will complete cept of merchandise nor be the object of any transaction .special patroness of Plus XI, who vicariate apostolic—these are the h^is studies at St. Vincent’s semi­ side power, but on the Holy has always manifested his partic­ highlights in the history of the nary at Latrobe, Pa. incompatible with his personal dignity,” the law says. See’s initiative. Incidentally, ular devotion to her and has often (Irosier Fathers’ labors in the Bel­ He’s listed on the taxi company “The right to work is a consequence of the duty imposed VOsservatore reports that 27 declared thct he feels the efficacy gian Congo of Africa. The Most books as “on leave of absence.” on man by God for the Attainment of his individual pur­ priests were slaughtered at of her protection in the clearest Rev. Frederick Blessing, O.S.C., is That has permitted him to return and most indisputable manner. Vicar Apostolic of Bondo, which to his cab in vacations. Five poses and the prosperity and grandeur of his country. The Terucl by Communists before A number of other saints were in 1920 was given to the Crosier hundred drivers plan to attend his State values and exalts labor and will protect labor with the Reds left that city and that both beatified and canonized by Fathers as an unmapped jungle first Mass. (Turn to Page 2 — Colum n 7) the last two churches were Pius XL They include St. Robert region 25,000 square miles in area. profaned and sacked. Bellarmine, great Jesuit Cardinal; The story of the vicariate is told St. Mary Micaela, foundress of in the Crosier Missionary for Catholic Attitude Is Made Clear the Sisters Adorers of the Blessed April. The Nationalist government Sacrament; St. Bernardette, to First superior of the mission was OF of Spain, in a statement is whom Our Lady appeared at Father M. Konings, who also was COMMinEE FORMED TO sued at Burgos, asserted that Lourdes; St. Andrew Foumet, made first prefect when the terri­ ■founder of the Daughters of the tory became a prefecture apostolic the attacks on Barcelona were Cross; St. Joan Antida Thouret, in 1926. The four priests and two made solely for military pur­ foundress of the Sisters of Char­ brothers who went to Africa in CORRECT PRESS ERRORS OPENS FIFIO poses and gave the exact lo­ ity; St. John Bosco, founder of 1920 reached the town of Bondo cation of numerous arsenals, the Salesians; St. Teresa Mar­ after a month’s journey through garet Redi, a Carmelite of Flor­ dense jungles. They found not New York. — (Special) — To lance committee by a number of ammunition dumps, barracks, ence; St. John de Brebeuf and his stem the swelling tide of misin­ national and local societies oper­ one mission center established, but ating in New York city. and other military stations companions; St. Lucy Filippini, there were 250 Catholics in their formation on things Catholic in foundress of the Religious Teach­ secular newspapers and maga­ Each member organization has which the Leftists established territory. Today, there are nearly zines is the purpose of the United in innocent looking structures. ers. One cause, unique in history, 15.000 Catholics served by nine four permanent representatives on Allentown, Pa. — (Special)—A] Pius XI follow^ from first intro­ Oatholic Organizations’ Press Re­ the central committee, and sub­ The University of Barcelona, mission centers. There are almost lations committee just formed new day is fast dawning for tha duction to the apogee of sanctity 2.000 Baptisms a year now, and committees have been named for Church in Georgia as a result of- for instance, is a concentra- —the canonization of St. Conrad here. The committee, already at each magazine and newspaper in more than half a million Commun­ work in New York, is now organiz- the work done by the Catholic (Turn lo Page 4 — Column 1) (Turn to Page £ — Column 3) ions are distributed annually. New York. The function of these Laymen’s association, says the RL ■^Jqg branches all over the country, groups is one of education and en­ Perhaps the most striking indi­ tie Rev. John A- Toomey, S.J., Rev. Msgr. Leo G. Fink, V.F., lightenment rather than of protest pastor of Sacred Heart church; Relic Authentic, Utah Convert Shows cation of the Crosier Fathers’ work ,Mineu)icea in America. Previous, or criticism. in the Congo is the success of the articres on propaganda, written after a visit to the Southern statq ' first native monastery in this for America by Father Toomey, “Mahy newspaper and magazine in which he served as an army region. The congregaUon of na­ led to the formation of the vigi- men,” writes Father Toomey, chaplain 20 years ago. » BROADCAST TO DESCRIBE tive brothers founded oy the mis- “possess but blurred ideas on While in Atlanta as the guest of sioners now includes four who things Catholic. Not infrequently the Most Rev. Gerald P. O’Hara, have mdde their vows and 13 Tribunal Set Up their backgrounds incline them to Bishop of Savannah-Atlanta, Msg{0 EXPOSITION OF SHROUD novices, postulants, and aspirants. feel that the Catholic attitude on Fink said Mass in the former n.^ There are besides six young native To Hear Evidence fundamental issues rests on no tional headquarters of the Ku Klux women preparing for admission to rational foundation- The commit­ Klan, now the rectory of Christ the novitiate of what will become tees will endeavor to remove these the King Co-Cathedral, and ob­ (The writer of this article on description of the exposition of the In Damien Cause blurred ideas, to demonstrate . . . served construction work on the the Holy Shroud of Turin is a Holy Shroud of Our Lord will be a regularly constituted religious congregation of women. that the Catholic position on this Co-Cathedral itself. In Athens, Utah newspaperwoman whose con­ broadcast on Easter Sunday from Honolulu.—The Rev. Theodosius or that question is much more he visited the renovated Church version to Catholicism was largely the Cathedral at Turin, Italy, Herckenrath, SS.CC., has been ap­ reasonable than they ever sus­ of St. Joseph, center of a parish a result of her studies of this relic where the relic has been preserved pointed by the Most Rev. Stephen pected. The more knowledge including 16 mission stations. In of Christ’s Passion.) since 1578. The address by Mau­ Superstition Costly Had Been III Many Months P. Alencastre, SS.CC., Vicar Apos­ journalists possess of the Catholic Athens, Bi.shop O’Hara has pur­ (B y M aud C hegw idden) rice Cardinal Fossati, Archbishop tolic to Hawaii, as “cursor” to arguments on the questions agitat­ chased a complete 75-bed hospital, For the first time in history, a of Turin, will be translated into Racket in America summon witnesses to testify before ing the modern mind, the better.” which will be conducted by th^ English, French, and perhaps Ger­ the tribunal which will hear evi­ (Turn to Page S — Colum n 6) man. The shroud is a length of Bishop T. C. Reilly dence in the cause of beatification (Turn to Page 2 — Colum n 2) twilled linen bearing the imprint Cincinnati.—There is a popular of Father Joseph Damien de Veus- of the front and the back of a belief that superstition went out ter, Molokai leper priest. Papal Delegate Gives Sermon IICTOII, SISTEI man. Scientific studies have of style with the end of the Middle O f Scranton Is Dead Judge ordinary of the tribunal proved almost without doubt that A «s, but Father Severin Lamping, is Bishop Alencastre; judge dele­ these figures are imprints of the O-F.’VI., proves in the current St. gate is the Very Rev. Victorinus Body of Christ. Anthony Messenger not only that Miami Beach, Fla.—After build­ widespread organization of the Claesen; jjidges adjunct are the superstition today is alive, but that ing up a nation-wide reputation as laity, developed the diocesan clferg;^ Rev. Athanasius Bous and the Rev. Catholic Ideal on The shroud, obviously of great it is a healthy racket in America student, teacher, organizer, admin­ to a new high point, and promoted Alphonsus Bouwmei.ster; promoter antiquity, bears the marks of dam­ and elsewhere. Americana spend Catholic education and charity on of the faith is the Rev. Patrick age done through the centuries, $1,250,000 annually with fortune­ istrator, and eloquent orator in 40 a wide scale. Logan. All these are of the Piepus but the imprints of the body on it tellers who offer a peek at the fu­ years as a priest and ten as a are unmistakable. When the cloth Bishop O’Reilly’s Episcopal ring order. The notary and secretary is Marriage Explained To Dr. Irvin Abell of Louis­ ture for a price. Chicago has 2,000 Bishop, the Most Rev. Thomas C. was an Irish agate engraved with the Rev. Leo Mock, S.M., and ville, president-elect of the Amer­ was first photographed in 1898, spiritistic mediums making a good O’Reilly, third Bishop of Scran­ it was discovered that the impres- the coat-of-arms of Armagh, St. notary adjunct, the Rev. John M. ican Medical association, and to living oflf the stupidity of their ton, Pa., died here following an Patrick’s Primatial see. The stone Coulehan, M.M. Washington. — Through Chris­ Married in the Apostolic Dele­ Mother Katharine Drexel, found­ .sions on the linen have the quali­ fellow-citizens. One astrological illness of many months. Death gate’s presence were Miss Garciela ties of negatives rather than posi­ is thought to have. been‘used by When persons who knew Father tian marriage, human love takes ress of the Sisters of the Blessed couple in Boston had 165,000 came after a cerebral hemorrhage. a Primate of All Ireland at .some Damien are called to testify it is on an importance that echoes Trucco, daughter of Chile’s am­ Sacrament, will go two of 1938’s tive prints. Photographs taken in clients. So-called religious chain Born in Cleveland in 1873, bassador, and Fernanda Illancss- 1931 included detailed studies of time in history. It is hundreds of expected that two members of the through all human society and most important Catholic awards letters and chain prayers are called Bishop O’Reilly studied at St. years old. leper settlement at Kalaupapa will reaches to the very throne of God, Benitez, former secretary of the for distinguished service. Dr. parts of the cloth and revealed a silly fad by the Franciscan Ignatiu.s’ college there before go­ Since October, 1937, the Most be heard. One, an aged (Chinese the Most Rev. Amleto Giovanni Chilean embassy. Archbishop Abell will be given Notre Dame (Turn to Page 2 — Colum n I) 1 writer. ing to the North American college man, once was servant to Father Cicognani, Apostolic Delegate to Cicognani’s sermon outlined Cath­ university’s Laetare medal and in Rome, where he was ordained Rev. W’illiam J. Hafey, former Bishop of Raleigh, has been ad­ Damien. Another, a woman, was the United States, said in his ser­ olic doctrine on marriage and fam­ Mother Drexel will receive Gon- June 4, 1898. After further ten years old at the time of the mon at a wedding at which he offi­ ily life. zaga university’s De Smet medal. Order Has Increased Notably in U. S. studies in Italy, the young priest ministering the Scranton see be­ cause of Bishop O’Reilly’s illness. priest’s death. ciated in St. Matthew’s church. After telling the newly married Dr. Abell has had a long and returned to the Diocese of Cleve­ couple the new dignity and the distinguished career in surgery. land, which he served for nearly Bishop Hafey was named Cb-ad- jutor of Scranton and Titular new duties they were assuming, Born Sept. L3, 1870, in Lebanon, OVER 25,000 ARE LISTED 30 years, first as professor at St. Rev. the Apostolic Delegate said: “The Ky., he was graduated from St. Mary’s seminary and then as Bishop of Appia when Bishop O’Reilly’s illness- became so Serious Vatican Peace Forum Church prays for you that God Mary’s college, St. Mary’s, Ky., Chancellor, Vicar General, and ter general of the Dominican order, when he visited in Washington,, may bless your union with chil­ in 1892, and five years later took rector of the Cathedral. He was as to prevent his carrying out the duties of his office. D. C., en route to Europe. The international tribunal would discuss dren. It is Catholic doctrine, and his degree in medicine from the IN SOCIETY OF JESUS made a Domestic Prelate in 1914 world problems from the moral and humanitarian viewpoints; maybe firmly founded on every Christian University of Louisville medical and was named Bishop of Scranton some of the wars we are threatened with today rould be avoided in tradition and every sound philoso­ school, where he has served as a in 1928, being consecrated in Vatican City.—The Society of that way. Father Gillct, left, is shown with the Very Rev. T. S. Mc­ phy, that the primary purpose of professor of clinical surgery since Cleveland on Feb. 16 by Dennis Greater Tax Dermott, O.P., of New York, provincial of the Dominicans of the marriap:e is the procreation and 1904. In Europe Dr. Abell studied Jesus today includes more than Cardinal Dougherty, Archbishop Province of St. Joseph. (Reni photo.) education of children. . . ‘Increase at the University of Marburg and 25,000 militant sons of St. Ignatius of Philadelphia. He was installed and multiply' i a solemn Divine the University of Berlin in Ger­ Loyola, who are carrying on the at Scranton March 8, 1928. precept: To fulfill it properly is to many. He is married and is the battle for Christ on a front that . Within a few months after his correspond with the plans of the father of three children. encircles the world, information installation. Bishop O’Reilly won a Exemption on Creator: to oppose it is to halt the Mother Drexel will be the first released at the 28th general con­ reputation as a successful labor force of Divine omnipotence. . . . woman to receive the De Smet gregation reveals. The great Jesuit arbitrator because of his work as “It is the sacred right and duty medal at the Spokane, Wash., in­ conclave will continue until judge of the board that settled a Gifts Asked of parents to take care that thejjr stitution. Mother Drexel estab­ Easter, when the members will dispute between the Lackawanna children become honest citizens,- lished the Blessed Sacrament Sis­ witness the canonization of the and Wyoming Valley railroad and ready to serve their country and ters in 1899, a few years after the Jesuit martyr, Blessed Andrew its employes. Washington.—A man may give society. . . . Parents should never death of her father, Francis A. Bobola. As Ordinary p-t Scranton, Bishop half his income to charity, but a^uiesce in a specious or false Drexel, who willed $1,600,000 to The Society of Jesus counts 42 O’Reilly increased the material Uncle Sam will not recognize gifts direction of the lives of their chil­ charity, to be administered by his provinces and four vice provinces, equipment of the diocese, fostered in excess of 15 per cent of gfoss dren, opposed in any way to the children. The condition of Indians with 25,460 religious— 11,365 income when the same man comes attainment of their last end or and Negroes in the United States priests, 8,796 students, and 5,299 to make out his income tax report. life eternal.” moved Miss Drexel to devote her fay brothers. MAIN NEED OF In an attempt to remedy this situa­ Speaking to the bride. Arch­ inheritance and her life to the tion, Msgr. Michael J. Ready, gen­ bishop Cicogmani said: "You ar« service of both races. Indian mis­ Development of the society has to be the queen of the home, and been notable in recent years in the YOUTH TODAY eral secretary of the N.C.W.C., sions in Alaska, Oregon, Wash­ has written Senator Pat Harrison, not a servant, in all due harmony ington, Idaho, and Montana have United States. In 1923, there and without any of that exagger­ were four provinces—California, chairman of the senate finance been assisted by Mother Drexel IS FOR JOBS committee, asking that the exemp­ ated emancipation which is rather for many years. Maryland-New York, Missouri, and a corruption of the dignity of New Orleans—with 2,626 reli­ tion for gifts to charity and like Washington.—Work is the chief causes be increased to at least 20 woman and a disorganization of gious. Now there are seven— the family.” Not John B, Kennedy but California, Chicago, Maryland- need of youth today. Miss Linna or 25 per cent of income. New York, Missouri, New Orleans, E. Bresette, field secretary of the Msgr. Ready writes that in “re­ John E. Kennedy Wrote New England, and Oregon—with cent years many taxpayers have Catholic Conference on Industrial been unable to continue making Addresses Given by New Masses Article 2,273 priests, 2,360 students, and Problems, said in a nationally- 596 brothers. The seven prov­ their customary generous contri­ Delegate Published broadcast radio address in the butions to educatiodal, charitable, The article in the New Masses inces are represented in the gen­ “Call to Youth” series sponsored New York.—Sixtjr-ieTcn ad- eral curia by the assistant to the and religious institutions. It is dresiet given by the Most Rev. upholding the “Loyalist” cause by the National Council of Cath­ calculated that contributions for in Spain, commented upon in father general for America, who olic Women. Amleto ^ iovan n i Cicognani is Father Zactheus Maher. some of these purpo.ses have fallen since, his apppintment as Apos­ this paper in a news article of “The greatest demand young off as much as B() per cent.” March 20, .was not written .by Members of the general congre­ tolic Delegate to the United Patrick Cardinal Hayes gave the people are making today,” Mis.s The N.C.W.C. general secretary States in March, 1933, are con­ John Bright Kennedy, the mag­ gation number 171, namely, 160 newsmen a break hy granting his Bresette said, “is fo r’ work—for expresses the hope that the rev­ azine editor and radio commen­ provincials and delegates from the first interview in six years on the jobs. Many of them have been enue bill being considered by Sen­ tained in a volume, “Addresses province besides a delegate for and Sermons,” published by tator, but by John E. Kennedy, 14th anniversary of his elevation out of school for three or more ator Harrison’s committee-will fa­ Benziger brothers. Compilation who is secretary for U. S. Rep­ each of the principal missions. to the red hat. Anti-Catholic pre­ years, ready for jobs with no jobs cilitate gifts by taxpayers to insti­ resentative Jerry J. O’Connell There are also added the eleven of the talks, covering a wide judice is responsible for U. S. in sight, . . . Nothing is more tutions whose services “have been range of topics, was made by of Montana. The article was members of the general curia. The support of Spanish Leftists, he detrimental to the physical and so valuable in the past and are program of the congregation is the Rev. Dr. Joseph M. O’Hara entitled. If This Be Heresy—. said, adding that he was praying moral make-up of a young per- even more necessary at times like of Chester, Pa. (Turn to Page t — Colum n 3) for Gener^ Franco, •on,” the present." PAGE TWO T H E REGISTER Sunday, April 3, 1938 BROADCAST TO DESCRIBE Their Father Died in Vain, FRANCO’S LABOR DECREE Plisxism following the seizure of their country by the forces that martyred F him. Shown walking in Budapest with their nurse are Rudi and Evi, children of the lal^ Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss of Austria, who was EXPOSITION OF SHROUD assassinated in the unsuccessful Nazi putsch in 1934. The mother and BRINGS SOCIAL JUSTICE lEtOIIDFOII children are now reported to be in Brunnen, Switzerland. TOCOIIIFCI (Continued From Page One) were those of the thieves who died 13207382 {Continued From Page One) erty. The State recognizes and marks that could hardly have been with Him. If the man had been the force of the law, making it encourages private initiative. made by any body but that of crucified on any day but that be­ compatible with the fulfillment Family Has Superior Rights Cbrist. fore the Sabbath, there would of other individual, family, and The family is recognized as the The cloth bears the impression have been no hurry about his social aims . . . It will be required natural and primary unit of so­ of a finely built man of good death, for the rabble enjoyed inexcusably, in some form, of every ciety "with rights superior to all (Continued From Page One) (Continued From Page One) Spaniard without exception, since stature, with noble and impressive taunting its victim as long as life Each sub-committee is to make positive legislation.” The family countenance set in a mold of sor­ lasted. Ordinarily on the Sabbath of Parzham, humble Bavarian Ca­ it is regarded as obligatory tribute patrimony is recognized as inalien­ puchin Brother. a careful check of the material in row; the eyes are closed; the beard eve, the suffering man’s legs each issue of the publication as­ to the national patrimony.” able. is short; the hair hangs close to would have been broken, but Christ Notable causes of sanctity in the Night work by women and Pontificate of Pius XI have in­ signed to it. Misstatements, mis­ All factors of economy shall be the shoulders. The hands are was dead when the soldiers came representations, false interpreta­ children is prohibited. Mar­ organized according to branches crossed in front of the body. The to His cross. To make sure of cluded the most varied circum­ ried women may work in the stances of human life. Among the tions of Catholic ideas are to be of production into "vertical syn­ feet rest side by side. The left his death, one of them pierced his noted and reported to the general home but not in factories or shops. dicates.” These syndicates are cor­ hand shows a large wound near side. The evidence that these are new saints are St. Albert Magnus, Sunday rest is to be maintained Doctor of the Church; Sts. Thomas committee. If the matters re­ porations “of public right and the wrist—the place where the marks made by the body of the ported are of real importance, the and both religious and civil holi­ instruments of the State to realize huge spikes fastening Christ to the Savior is too conclusive to be ques­ More and , martyrs; days are to be respected without St. John Baptist Cottolengo, Apos­ sub-committee will be empowered its economic policy.” To these syn­ cross must have been placed in tioned. to confer with the publication and loss of wages. Every worker shall dicates shall correspond, there­ order to hold His weight. tle of Charity; St. John Baptist have the right to an annual vaca­ Science Hai Explanation Vianney, model for parish priests; present the truth of the matter. fore, the State functions in rela­ Markings on the body prove Editors are not to be bothered tion with pay. Institutions shall tion to industry. that the Man was scourged with Paul Vignon, Sc. D., profes­ St. Madeleine Sophie Barat, sor of biology at the Institute about trifles, and they are not to be created so that, the ■R’orker in To exercise justice the State a metal-studded whip, and several foundress of the Sisters of the Sa- his leisure time shall have access Catholique of Paris, who for years dred Heart; S t , be approached at all until the com­ will create the “Magistracy of small but distinct holes on the has headed a commission studying mittee has a complete command to all the advantages of education, Labor,” in which judges and brow reveal where the crown of Doctor of the Church, and St. diversion, etc. the shroud, has worked out an Pompilius Maria Pirotti of the of the facts in the case. “The courts will be charged with admin­ thorns was beaten into the Sacred committee must be certain there Wages paid shall be sufficient to Head. Between the fifth and sixth adequate scientific explanation of Religious Teachers. istering the social or labor law how the body coul,d have left its Those who have been beatified has been misrepresentation of the assure the worker and his family with justice to all. ribs on the right side is the hi'ark impression on the winding sheej. truth and certain it can prove this. a moral and dignified life, and of a large wound from which, ac­ by the pfesent Pope and those Men in great torture perspire in whose caus^ are now under con­ If any reasonable doubt persists, there will be additional subsidies cording to scientific studies, both great quantities, and the perspira­ further information must be in accordance with the size of the THE SISTERS OF THE blood and serum escape. This js sideration represent every state in tion has a large content of urea, life and every region of the world. sought to dissolve the doubt.” family. ,'he place where the soldier pierced which breaks down into water and DIVINE SAVIOUR Christ’s side with a spear. Traces America has a special reason to The State shall determine the ammonium carbonate. The am­ exult in this triumph of sanctity. Girl*’ Benefactor Diet basis for the regulation of labor— nvit« reneVouB touts who wish to devoto of the serum prove t’lat the Man monium carbonate gives off am­ its protection, its remuneration, their lives to teaching, nursing, or domes* was dead when He was stabbed. Eight martyrs, fallen on the soil monia fumes. These fumes, act­ of the United States and Canada Chicago. — Mrs. Mary Garrity the reciprocal duties of loyalty, tie duties, to correspond with Mother Sceptics have claimed that, even Webb, business woman and phil­ Provincial, 8516 West Center Street, Mil­ if the impressions on the linen ing on linen sprinkled with aloes, at the time, of the first evangeliza­ assistance, and protection on the will produce a negative print of tion of the American continent, anthropist, known widely for her part of the employers, and of fidel­ waukee. Wise. were made by a man’s body, the objects placed on that cloth. Aloes charities, is dead. She had partic­ man might not have been Christ were elevated to the rank of the ity and subordination on the part were used in preparing bodies for blessed on June 21, 1925, and to ular interest in the cause of Cath­ of the worker. —for others were crucified. But olic working girls, founding St. records tell of no other who was burial at the time of Christ, and that of the saints on June 29, Peasant families, in addition to THE PHOTO MILL St. John records Nicodemus’ • use 1930. They are the glorious Mar­ Elizabeth's B u s i n e - s Women’s hygienic living conditions, shall crowned \%ith thorns before cruci­ of aloes in embalming the Savior’s club. IMMEDIATE SERVICE! fixion; this body bears the marks tyr-Saints John de Brebeuf, Ga­ have a small family plot or gar­ Roll dvvciopfd, printed, and choice, of a horrible scourging; the legs body. briel Lallement, Anthony Daniel, den, and rural life sWll be im­ two enlarirements, one tinted en- of this man were not broken as Dr. Vignon has actually pro­ Charles Gamier, Noel Chabanel, proved. larEoment, or- eight reprints, 26c duced similar impressions on linen Jogues, Rene Goupil, and The State shall protect the coin. Reprinta 2c each. sprinkled with powdered aloes by John de la Lande, Jesuits. A large worker and his family against all THE PHOTO MILL placing the cloth on plaster figures number of American causes are risks and difficulties, including ma­ Dnx 629A4 Minneapolis, Minn. HIGH B LO O D soaked in an ammonia solution. now being promoted at Rome. ternity, industrial accident or dis­ The possibility that the cloth C.Y.O. Subject of Series of the universitv from September, Youth Conference Is Saturday ease, and old age. Credit, avail­ IPRESSURE Ilia W llW Ilk Tablets used regu­ could cling together through 2,000 New York.—A series of dra­ 1924, until 1937. New Orleans.—Invitations have able to all, shall facilitate the PRIEST-CHEMIST larly according to directions lower matic stories concerning'the Cath­ Interracial Council Formed been extended to parish, college, means for obtaining a small prop- the blood pressureandrelieve head­ years has been questioned, but aches and dizziness in the great many pieces of linen placed in olic Youth organization began in Los Angeles.—Formation of an and high school sodalities; to units GROWS HAIR majority of cases. Dr. Frederic last week’s issue of Liberty maga­ Interracial council of the Holy of the Catholic Students’ Mission Damrau. eminent New York phy­ Egyptian tombs 3,000 years ago New Catholic College A University prlosttchetnlst'i treatise on sician, reports such relief in 22 out have been found in almost perfect zine. The first article, “The Name union of the Archdiocese of Crusade, and to units of the Cath­ CARE OK THE HAIR U now being stmt free of 26 cases. ALLIMIN Tablets are Bishop and the Wolves,” intro­ Los Angeles has been approved by Is Planned for to sculp KUffprers. It describes how to use (hs for sale by good drug stores every­ condition. olic High School Library associa­ remarkable compound mixed by Fr. Jsmes where in two sizes—50c and Jl.OO. The known history of the shroud duces the reader to Auxiliary Archbishop John J. Cantwell. It tion in Louisiana and Mississippi Davenport, la.—Plans for estab­ Gilmore which grew perfect hair on head of When you buy. insist on getting the Bishop B. J. Shell of Chii^go, will be undertaken at once, it was to attend the youth conference to lishment of a Catholic college for bald student. Since then more than 60,ono genuine AMJMIN. Kor valuable seems to date from early in the JiSUlI OIIDEIt founder and national director of announced to 800 delegates repre­ women have been announced by bottles have been used, royalties going to booklet and free sample write fifth century. The religious per­ be held here April 2. chtrity. Users testify to wonderful results for VAN PATTEN CO., 5 4 W. Illinoij SL, C h iu p secution's of the first ages of the C.Y.O. Edward Doherty is senting the 25,000 members of Winning Essays Presented the Sisters of Humility of Mary falling hair and dandruff. Write for free Christianity are sufficient explan­ (Continued From Page One) author of the series. 178 senior and 116 junior Providence, R. I.—Student del­ following purchase of a homestead treatise to R. II. Gilmore. Dept. I, 2810 lltb ation of the lack of records before not made public, but one principal Scrutiny of Texts Urged branches meeting at the Junior egates from ten colleges met for in this city. An enrollment of Ave No., Seattle, Wash. the fifth century. Spanish manu­ aim is to bring up to date the Boston.—Textbooks in the pub­ seminary. the formation of a permanent in­ 100 is expected for the opening scripts of ‘he seventh century men­ Ratio Studiorum or educational lic schools nrust be carefully Nun to Get Doctorate ' terracial organization at the Cath­ of the institution in September, l? l? T O EVERY tion the relic. In 1204, the cloth program of the society, according watched to prevent the spread of St. Paul.—Si.ster Marie James olic Intercollegiate Interracial 1939. A four-year college course was taken from the Chapel of Our to the constitution, Deux Scien- Communism, Gov. Charles F. Hur­ of the "Sisters of St. Joseph of Ca- conference here. Prize-winning offering a complete liberal arts 1%®<1S«CATH0LIC tiarum Dominue, with which Pope rondelet, instructor in chemistry curriculum will be afforded. Just Send Us Your Name and Lady of Blachernes at Constanti­ ley warned in an address at the a - papers in an essay contest were Address. W« will mail you this nople by crusaders. It is not Pius XI reformed the program of nual Communion breakfast of the at the College of St. Catherine, presented. Mads ts order by FIT-RITE higher ecclesiastical studie.s. is to receive the Doctorate of Phil­ h-autiful GOLD FINISH CROSS improvid method BY MAIU mentioned again in history until Holy Name society of Our Lady of CCC Forbids Profanity Pioneer Slovene Priest with CLASP PIN attached. all over world. Flnoit quality. 1355, when it was kept in a town The report that Father General Mt. Carmel church. East Boston. osophy in chemistry from Colum­ Boston.—Members of the Civil­ ABSOLUTELY FREE—without SEND money-back guarantee you Wladimir Ledochowski will resign bia university, New York. She In United States Dies one cent earenae to yoy. un WILL BE satisfied. We take near Troyes in France. Since that Richard T, Joy Succumbs ian Conservation corps in the New uMurv yMir wird. Catalof and Impresiiee time, the records are complete. continues to be denied, but it is successfully defended her disserta­ England district have been invited Chicago.—The Rev. John Plev- MONEY material FREE. Write TODAYl .said that a vicar may be named to Washington.—Richard Thomas tion, “Physical Chemical Study of nik, pastor of St. Joseph’s church, Pardon Cross Corp. UNITED STATES DENTAL CO. From 1453, the shroud has been Joy, former secretary to the board to leave the service if they find it Oept. B guarded by the House of Savoy, assist him in his work. Three Ferrous Complexions,” in an Joliet, for 23 years president of 629 S.Federal St.,Chicago, III. Dlft.ss-A 1999 MIImuIci* AVf. ChIcMt, IIU The United States is represented by of deans at the Catholic university, impossible to refrain from the use the Bishop Baraga association, and now Italy’s ruling family. Brought As-tistant Father General Zaecheut oral examination. of profanity. “If you cannot get is dead. He was born at Harbor Catholics Exhibitinir Art worker in the cause of Bishop Bar­ to Turin by this family in 1578, Maher and the following provincial Grace, Newfoundland, in 1891 and along without profanity,” a bulle­ the shroud has since reposed in a delegates; Chicago. — Three 17-year-old tin reads, “you might as well call aga’s canonization, has died. He Itching of" California—Fathers Francis J. Seeliger, came to the United States in July. girls, students at the Convent of was one of the pioneers among the Even In stubborn beautiful shrine attached to the provincial: Edward J. Whelan. Los An* 1924. He was a member of the staff yourself a failure and leave the cases, the tor-, Cathedral, from which the Easter geles, and William G. Dunne, Los Gatos; the Sacred* Heart, are exhibiting CCC.” Slovenian people who came to this 200 MASSES Chicago^—Fathers William M. Magee, their paintings at the third annual country and was former spiritual tured skin is Sunday broadcast will be made provincial: Charles H. Cloud, Chicago; Congress ^eech Bid Declined director of the K.S.K.J. (Grand K2ENA this year. First Volume of New “Young America Paints” at Rocke­ Detroit.—The Rev. Charles E. R e l i e v e d eased by soothing' John F. McCormick, Chicago, and Francis feller center. New York. They Carniolian Slovenian Catholic ANNUALLY N. Loesch. superior of the Patna mis* Series Is Published Coughlin, pastor of the Shrine if Union). ; sion in India, which depends on the prov* are Ruth Donoghue, Marjorie the Little Flower at Royal Oak, .Perpetual Membership in the ince of Chicago: Maryiand*New York— Wienhoeber, and Ruth Quinn. ha.s found it necessary to decline Union of Masses RESIN OL Fathers Joseph A. Murphy, provincial; Washington.—:-The first volume 'Radio Replies’ Rbprinked Edward C. Phillips. Woodstock, Md.; in a new series of Parent Edu­ a bid to speak at the 34th Inter­ 26c for each person, living or William J. Duane, New York, and John St. Paul.—Radio Replies, a vol­ national Eucharistic Congress to Boys and Young Men F. Hurley, superior of the mission in the cator, published under the aus­ ume compiled by the Rev. Dr. deceased. ' Avoid Embarrassment of Philippine islands: Missouri—Fathers pices of the national center of the be held a( Budapest May 25 to 30. wishinz to bt Prints or Brothers In the Peter A. Brooks, provincial; Francis X. Rumble, M.S.C., a convert from 70,000 at Novena One Day St. Sodality Confraternity of Christian Doc­ Anglicani.sm who has been answer­ Order of S t Camillus may write to the McMenamy, Cleveland, and Herbert C. trine, lias made its appearance. It Chicago.—Remarkable signs of for the African Missions FALSE TEETH s Noonan, Omaha: New Orleans—Fathers ing questions for five years on a religious fervor are in evidence in Rev. Father Superior, S t Camillus Thomas I. Shields, provincial: John W. confines itself to religious educa­ one-hour question box program DEPARTMENT R Dropping or Slipping Hynes, Spring Hill, Ala., and Martin P. tion by parents in the home. The the Lenten season in ’Chicago and Monastery, 1811 So. 26th St., Milwau­ Burke. New Orleans: New England—Fa* over station 2SM, Sydney, Aus­ its environs, declares William F. 3624 W. Pine BI., 3t. Louia, Mo. Don’t be embarrassed again by having thers James H. Dolan, provincial: Daniel contents of the new series will be kee. Wise. your false teeth slip or drop when you eat. (Continued From Page One) tralia, has just made its appear­ McDermott, religious editor of the Missionary Sisters of the Most Sa­ F. Creeden. Weston. Mass., and John M. prepared largely by parents. One ance in an American edition edited talk, laugh, or sneeze. Just sprinkle a Fox, Pomfret, Conn: Oregon—Fathers volume is to be published each Chicago Daily News. Most out­ little FASTEETH on your plates. This cred Heart. Walter'J. Fitzgerald, provincial: Thomas by the Rev. Charles M. Carty, di­ standing evidence of renewed re­ new, extremely ftne powder gives a won­ Since he was stationed at Fort R. Martin, Sheridan, Ore., and Francis C. year. The first in the new series rector of the Catholic Campaign­ derful sense of comfort and security all Dillon, Spokane. deals with “Parental Responsi­ ligious zeal is shown at Our Lady SETON HILL COLLEGE Penngylvaniz day long. No gummy, gooey taste or Oglethorp, Camp Greenleaf, and ers for Christ in the Archdiocese bility.” of Sorrows church, where 70,000 Aaaoeiation of Areeriran UniTeraitici Women from 11 Foreizn Conntrloa feeling because ^it’s alkaline (non-acid). Camp Forrest 20 years ago, says of St. Paul. attended one day’s 38 services of (Jet FASTEETH at any drug store. Accept Msgr. Fink, there has been a tran­ 3 Mil aukee Priests Catholic Architect Is Delegate Accredited by and 37 American Statca no substitute. the novena in honor of Our Sor­ sition from open bigotry toward Are Made Monsignors Admiral Accepts Bust Washington. — A distinguished rowful Mother. the Church to an attitude of tol­ Catholic architect has been named Volume of Crime Explained 13th Annual LITTLE eration and understanding. “In Milwaukee, W’isc.—Three Mil­ Of Marconi for U. S. by President Roosevelt to be chair­ FLOWER PII.GRIMAQE.....$245 Up waukee priests have recently been Elgin, 111.—The Rev. Eligius Eucharistic Congress Tour...... $345 Up the midst of the most virulent big­ Nice, France.—Rear Admiral 'H. man of the United States delega­ Weir, O.F.M., national president Invest in S. V. D. Annuities Irish Excursion...... $174 Up otry, in the very camp of the en­ honored by Pope Pius XI with the E. Lackey, here with the cruiser tion to the International Congress title of Monsignor. The Very of the Prison Chaplains’ associa­ Income of *5%-7% for Life Tours to all parts of the U. 8. A. emy, the Catholic Church, through Raleigh, has accepted in the name of Architects to be held in this tion and chaplain at Stateville Send for Free Etooklet Literature sent without charge Rev. Albert G. Meyer, rector of an organized campaign of the of the United States a bust of country next year. He is Charles prison, near .loliet, said in a talk Catholic Laymen’s Association of St. Francis’ seminary, and the Guglielmo Marconi, to be placed D. Maginnis of Bo.ston, president REV. FATHER MAY Hayes-Healy Travel here that indifference of organ­ SOCIETY OF THE DIVINE WORD TECHNY, ILL. Georgia, (inder the admirable lead­ Rev. Arthur M. Dentinger have in the capital at Washington. Pres­ of the American Institute of Arch­ ized society to the misery of peo­ Bureau & Steamship ership of Richard Reid, editor of been made Domestic Prelates with entation was made by G. H. Wa- itects. ple and the failure of the Bar as­ the Bulletin of Augusta, has won the title of Rt. Rev. Msgr. The bener, the sculptor. Relief Fund Totals $35,000 Agency Very Rev. Roman Atkielski has sociation to rid itself of the crim­ Cath. D.-pt.. I ts No. LaSall. St.. Chicago the confidence of every thinking New York.—Returns from .spe­ inal type of lawyer are two of the man. . . . To all fair-minded been named a Papal Chamberlain. Chicago Bishop Will cial Spain Sunday collections in factors responsible for the great Southerners the Catholic Church two more dioceses, Richmond and volume of crime in this country. THE REGISTER has been explained, her doctrines Pennsylvania Priest Train Seeing Eye Dogs Oklahoma City-Tulsa, and other Hopei for Hoipital, School Published Every Week by The Catholic Press Society, Inc. have been expounded, her church Leaves for China Post contributions last week have in­ Washington. — The hope that 934-938 Bannock Street, Denver, Colo. Post Office Box 1497 doors have been openerl. . . . The Chicago.—The Most Rev. Ber­ creased the total amount raised by upon his return to Liberia, of laymen of Georgia, led by their Erie, Pa. — Preliminary to his the America Spain Relief fund to President...... Moat Rev. Bishop Urban J. Vehr, D.D., Denver departure for China, the Rev. nard J. Shell, Auxiliary Bishop of which he is Vicar Apostolic, he can President-Emeritua...... Most Rev Bishop J. Henry Tihen, D*D., Wichita. Kansas* Bishop and pries'ts, hrve set an ex­ Chicago, has announced that he $35,000. build a hospital and then a high ample for other sections of the Charles J. llacherl, former assist­ 2,500 Educators to Meet Editor-in-Chief...... Rt. Rev. Msgr. Matthew Smith. Ph.D., LL.D., Jour.D ant pastor at St. Michael’s church, will train and raise dogs to lead school, was expressed by the Most Managing Editor ...... Hubert A. Smith, Jour.D Fw t—dj r*ll.f Iro. th. totleMl. United States to follow.” the blind. Two pairs of the fa­ Milwaukee.—This city will be Rev. John Collins of the Society Associate Editors—Millard F. Everett, Jour.D.; C. J. McNeill, A.B., Jour.M.. tmt ol utaxO. .tteoki, Greenville, paid a visit to the Most the magnet drawing more than Rev. Walter Canavan, B.J., M.A.; Rev. John Cavanaugh, M.A.; Rev. Clarence G* Rev. John Mark Gannon, Bishop'of mous shepherds are being imported for the African Missions of Lyons, Issenmann. S.T.D., Ph.L. llrDr.S«hlU«,B.'.ASTH>IADO». Schuschnigg Will Face from Germany and an expert will 2,500 priests, brothers, sisters, and in the course of a visit to this city. .Uidby ot llimiuid. In OMf Erie. Father Hacherl has been ap­ lay educators from all parts of the 70 T.U1, ASTHMADOH .Id. la be sent to train them. As the He sails for Eire in' May, aniT DIOCESAN EDITIONS Nazi Trial in Vienna pointed to a U. S. navy chaplain United States for the 35th annual cl.ail.o ta. hud—h.lp. aU. first step in his program Bishop early in June will return to Li­ CENTRAL CALIFORNIA REGISTER (Fresno) bt..iaioo ••■l.i—.Mow. tmUoI post and .sailed from San Fran­ convention of the National Cath­ Vienna. — (INS) — The court cisco aboard the U. S. S. Hender- Shell -said he will finance training beria. Most Rev, Bishop Philip G. Scher, D.D., President ilMp. A! dm,,!.!', la pm,d«, room in Leipzig which became fa­ olic Educational association April Rev. Edward Haskins. Editor arid Manager 0l9.r.H. o, pip. alitw. |o

. L _ , l Sunday, April 8, 1988 T H E REGISTER PAGE THREE

‘STRANGE BUT TRUE*’ By M. J. Murray 'WWW w w w-w w ASK AND LEARN I THE BOOK; 20 Years Spent Address P. O. Box 1497, Denrer, Cole. ^r e g i s t e r ; Can a man who married a non- ized and approved translation of Catholic woman before the priett . A A In Conversions the Scriptures, while the King 18 years ago, but who quit going to Mass the same ye.ar and allowed James translation was the work f i THE HOUSE OF GUISE. By the wife to rear the children a* of early Protestants unfriendly to Henry Dwight Sedgwick. Bobbs St. Vincent Ferrer’s Reputation as Preacher flaptitts, return to a practice of the Catholic Church, is incom­ ^ I Jill*'’’ Merrill. 324 pages, well indexed. hi* religion and still allow the plete, and in some instances muti­ 15. And Reformer Brought Influence children to remain Baptists? lates the text. The books of To­ One of the most famous families With People, Kings, Pope The man has a grave obligation bias, Judith, Wisdom, Ecclesiasti- in French history, the Guises, left cus, Baruch, I and II Machabees, a story well worth knowing. Gaiide, n conscience to return to the prac­ verse 4 of chapter x to the end (The Liturgy—Week of April 3 to age this reformer’s constant mes­ tice of his religion. He must at comte de Guise, born in 1486, of Esther, and Daniel, verse 24 iP rides off to the wars and starts April B) sage was “Arise, ye dead, and the same time remind his wife of come to ju d ^ e n t.” To his credit the solemn promises she made at of chapter iii to verse 3 of chapter ihe tale. Three generation* of the (By Rev. CLARENca: G. iv and chapters xiii and xiv, are family are depicted, each with a ISSENMANN, S.T.D.) are thousands of conversions, the the time of their marriage to have result of the warning to be ready the children baptized and reared as absent from the King James trans­ great warrior and a great Church­ Sundsy, April 3—Passion Sunday lation, being called the deutero- man. Two ambitions inspire them (privileged Sunday, let claiai acmi- for the Son of Man who will come Catholics, and insist that the chil­ V doubla). at the unexpeeted hour. dren be instructed in the Catholic canonical books. -—one to maintain the supremacy Monday, April 4—Si. laidera. For the protection of the Cath­ of the Church against the Refor­ Bishop, Confessor, and Doctor (dou- Vincent was born at Valencia faith. In addition, he oust by his bit). Cemmamoration af the Lantan about 1350 of an English or good example, gentle lersuasion, olic people against interpolated or mation, one to put a Guise on the throne of France. They succeed day. Scotch family that had settled in and insistent encouragement strive erroneous translations of the Bible, Tuesday, April 8—Jt . Vincent Spain. Two brothers had been the Church rules: “Translations in the first, but fail in the second. Farrar, Confaaaor (double). Com- to remedy the tragic effects of his martioratfon ef the Lantan day. knighted for their bravery in the criminal negligence. Bickering and of the Holy Scripture in the Soldiers, kings, priests, courtiers, artists, poets, and fascinating Wadnaaday, April 6—rarlal (aim- taking of Valencia in 1238. In fighting should obviously be vernacular languages may not be ple). 1340, William Ferrer, a descendant avoided, and, hence, the prudent published unless they arb either women go through the pages of Thuraday, April 7—Ferial (aim- the book. Authentic history, it is pie). of the younger brother, married counsel of a priest should be approved by the Holy See, or they Friday, April 8—Seven Serrowa ol Constantia Miquel, also of a family sought to avoid excesses. are published under the supervi­ also a first-class literary achieve­ tha Bleased Mary (greater B f a T i m g m 8 o i » a » ' ment by an author who has a large double). Coromamaration of tha that had been raised to noble rank sion of the Bishop, with annota­ for its paii in the conquest of tions chiefly taken from the holy .mikt. pre-R^rrnaijoTC'CMstoin of-. group of scholarly works to his Lantan day). Is St. Julian the Hospitaller credit. Saturday, April 8—Ferial (aim- Valencia. Vincent was the fourth nerely the literary product of fathers of the Church and learned checki'rv^ khe parish^ boutuiaries -n sUU pie). child bom to this couple. Catholic writers” (canon 1391), Although not a Catholic, Mr. Gustav Flaubert’s brain, or did ccunecC o tti ei^eru HcxunaUt HtwsticuL/ in. From Infancy on Vincent wap he really exist? I cannot find this Without special permission, it also Sedgwick is all for the Papacy In bis own opinion he was the is forbidden to read Bibles pub­ ike Porisk. f’non-Caiftaii^€jf dem er^ against the Protestants in his trained piously by his parents. It particular saint in the Missal. Is tJ Q jte s, landjOtxj, angel of judgment For 20 years, teaching him an effective love ol, his feast day celebrated only in lished by, unauthorized persons. chronicle* of the religious wars St. Vincent Ferrer traveled about 1 ^ 1 7ne quAMT CUSTOM INCLUOiB of the 16th century. He contends the poor, they allowed their son'to Rome? "BUMPtHO'' A B o y 's HBAO ON THF Europe preaching penance. To distribute the family’s charities. that Protestant writers have slan­ sinners in a lax 15th-century There was a saint known as Should the priest celebrating a QROUNO £NASIS HIM TO dered Catholic leaders and ac­ They permitted Vincent to dispose St. Julian the Hospitaller, but Low Mass not recite the prayers cfCATHOUCtSM HtS MN/SN BOUNOAKy. cused the Church of sins that the of as he wished even one-third of little if anything is known of his loud enough for all the people to State committed. All the time, his inheritance; Vincent went life. In Butler’s Lives of the hear him? Itw ik e u n it e d STATED i f they lliemselve* were living in a through the mofiey in four days— Saints, he is not assigned a feast The liturgical laws of the tK it ’Pfi/OA. 70 1808 fH f glass house. He does not share giving it all to the needy. day and no date is given for his the traditional Protestant view of Intellectually Vincent was well birth or death. "It is barely pos­ Church regulate the recitation of COUNTRY WAS. QNC Mass. “Three tones of voice are St. Bartholomew’s eve and the endowed. In 1370, before he was sible to regard the story told of used in Low Mass. All that, at UtOCBiE, iL^fC years of warfare that preceded the 21, Vincent, then a Dominican, him as anything but pure romance. massacre. His scholarship is loo was appointed reader in philos­ Even in the 15th century the diffi­ High Mass, would be sung by WHO SmVED the celebrant, at Low Mass is said honest to allow him to help to con­ ophy at Lerida, the most famous culty was recognized, and Cax- tinue the twisting of history that university in Catalonia. In 1377, ton’s Golden Legend, from which aloud, so as to be heard distinctly by all who assist (but not so loud hag hindered the return of Chris­ he wag sent to Toulouse, where, in we may conveniently borrow the tian unity. his own words, “study followed traditional story of ‘the Hospital­ as to disturb other celebrants). prayer, and prayer followed ler,’ begins by introducing us to at All that at High Mass would be said secretly is said at Low Mass study.” least three other Julians." In a THE DIARY OF A COUNTRY After a year in Toulouse, Vin­ footnote, Butler says that it would silently, that is, articulated in a PRIEST. By Georges Bemanos. Paris.—An adventuresome rover cent wag transferred to his native be difficult to date the origin of whisper, so as not to be heard 298 pp. Macmillan. S2.75. who found his greatest adventure land at the request of the Bishop the pious romance about Julian, by bystanders: but the priest This imaginary diary records in life among the Moslem nomads and people of Valencia. Here his “who slew his father and mother should hear himself. There is a COH^rttig o f the desperate struggle of a young of the desert in Southern Morocco sermons brought him increasing third, medium, voice, namely, au­ by ignorance,” found, for example, i/U C ARP/h/AM T^pPSO fACn^^ French priest for sanctity. The has died at Marrakech after a fame. His life was not entirely all in Vincent of Beauvais. Flau­ dible but lower than the voice < y (iB tiooD TH rcr’’ battle is heightened to tragic short missionary and medical serenity; Vincent was exposed to bert’s La Legends de St. Julien used, where at High Mass he is venofAted ut tke RpmAtt- proportions by a sense of inferi­ career among the people he loved. temptation, especially from cer­ would sing. It occurs four times render* vacant any other position pre­ I’Hospitalier belongs to the late M^uroto^ij DiSmA^S. viously filled by the new dignitary ority, which was engendered by He was the Franciscan Father tain women who had become at­ 19th century. only: At the words Orate fratres, his peasant origin from stork Charles Andre Poissonnier, who tached to him—he was sail to be in the whole Sanctus and Benedic- lAAtlCH Q.5W r s H iS FiasT-DAf. and he requires a special dispensation tainted with hereditary alcoholism. to retain it. went to Morocco in his youth as exceptionally handsome. When If the idea of God as a some, tus, at the words Nobis quoque The tragedy is intensified by the artist and explorer. The misery, feminine wiles failed, the women what antiquated and ill-tempered peccatoribus, and at the words Do- almost merciless criticism inflicted moral and physical, of the desert had recourse to defamation of old man in a beard is the crudest mine non sum dignus” (Liturgical on him by his confreres and pa­ tribes inspired him to devote his character. and most ridiculous notion of the Law by Augustine, page 71). It is rishioners, and further sharpened life to serving them. Prayer and penance overcame Divine Being, is not, too, the con. considered sufficient by some au­ by his .youth and inexperience. these temptations and Vincent thorities that those in the sanctu­ NAZIFICATION Back in France at 26, he en­ ception of the devil as a dark, hor­ AUSTRIA’S Ignored, pitied, or deapi.sed by tered the Franciscan monastery at emerged from these trials ready rible monster with all the trap­ ary hear the priest distinctly his fellows, the young priest is when he uses the loud tone. Amiens, where he studied both for the strenuous life ahead of pings of horns, etc., equally effectively cut off from them and medicine and theology for seven him. In later years, when he trav­ absurd? IS HARD ON RELIGION forced back upon himself. He is years. Ordained in 1930, he re­ eled across Europe, Vincent was It is impossible for a human in­ IThy are Catholics allowed to denied all satisfaction, content­ turned to Morocco and succeeded followed by an army of penitents, tellect to form an adequate con­ ment, and peace. The mordant in establishing - himself among a from every rank of society, who eat all other kinds of food on The Nazificadon of Austria con­ quarters of the Young Catholic and laymen who signed a public cept of God, who is pure spirit, and Friday, but not meat? pain of an unsuspected cancer and people violently hostile to stran­ sought to remain tinder his guid­ it is equally impossible to form tinues: The Third International Artisans have been clos^. So has protest against Hitler's policies in the realization of his failure to gers. At Tazert, on the edge of the ance. It is significant that in a lax Friday abstinence from meats the Precious Blood house, where Austria were 23 Catholics, includ­ live up to the perfection of his own an idea that will adequately rep­ is imposed by the Church as a Congress of the Catholic press, Atlas mountains, he built a small age no suspicion was ever directed resent the devil, since he, too, is scheduled for Vienna in May, has some money was confiscated. Cath­ ing- the Rev. James M. Gillis, C.S. ideals contrive to make him hermitage— home, hospital, and at this mixed entourage, at times means of penance to promote the olic women’s societies in Salzburg P., editor of the Catholic World; ashamed and hateful of self. a spirit and imn^aterial. To im­ health of souls. It has been been cancelled. Bishops and priests chapel. As his reputation spread, numbering as many as 10,000 per­ agine God as an ill-tempered old are under arrest. Catholic and have been dissolved. Nazis have Edward J. Heffron, executive sec­ There remains but the grace of natives flocked to his hermitage sons. chosen as the day for the practice occupied the Catholic University retary of the N.C.C.M., and the (?od. With it he conquers and man in a beard is equivalent to of this penance because it is the Jewish laymen of importance in for medical care; they received Later, these followers were blasphemy or at least to grave any field of endeavor are dead, of Salzburg. This great city pro­ Rev. Francis X. Talbot, S.J., editor attains peace in hi* la*t hours. treatment for both body and soul. brought under a rule of life as the i day on which Christ died. The vides an example of how Hitler’s of America. One wonders whether the very irreverence. But to conjure up abstinence required is a reason­ under arrest, or, if they are lucky, In 1933, he built another station “Penitents of Master Vincent,” an image of the devil possessed out of the country. Catholic in­ assurance of religious freedom in victory of grace in this case is at Amadou. From the two centers, and helped to instruct, visit the able one, and is not, therefore, Austria is being carried out. contingent upon the wholesale de­ of all the infamy possible is not enacted for those whom it would- stitutions are being confiscated, he made long desert trips to minis­ sick, and consolidate the good at all “equally absurd.” All our their funds seized. Meanwhile, the One--concession the Nazis have privation of social and pergonal ter to the few French Christians effect of Vincent’s preaching. injure in health or incapacitate for made to the religious feelings of a GLIMPSES OF well being and whether the cancer notions of the Divinity are imper­ their ordinary duties. “Absti­ United States is taking the lead in scattered over the region. Priests, both secular and regular, fect analogies. We see goodness an attempt to provide refuge for nation 90 per cent Catholic: School of body only contributes to, or in traveled with the party to render nence," says St. Thomas, “per­ children are now allowed to recite great part, causes the tragedy. or beauty or love in human beings, tains to the kingdom of God only political exiles from all countries Priest merited the prix of the spiritual aid. and, realizing that the effect can­ the customary prayers in their THE PASSION With the awareness of imminent Academie Franeaise, though it has While he was still in Valencia', so far as it proceeds from faith of Europe in which differences of class rooms, but only with a salute not be more perfect than the and the love of God.” political opinion are not acceptable death comes surcease of conflict already been translated into four Vincent had come under the eye cause, we attribute the perfections to Hitler as a sort of “Amen." with self. For then only comes languages, though the EngUsh of Peter de Luna, Pope Clement (The ordinary Friday abstinence to the governnjjent. For a time after the German ab­ “We have found this Man per­ to God in an infinite degree. Infin­ verting our nation, and forbidding knowledge of the destiny intended version by Pamela Morris is bMU> Vll’g legate to the King of Aragon. ity escapes the full comprehension from meat does not bind in some Nazi Brown Shirts, acting on sorption of Austria, the prayers for him by God. Tlien, too, the tlfully done, the book will prob­ of the old Spanish territories of the pretext that Archbishop Waitz to give tribute to Gaesar, and say­ It was the time of the Great .West­ of man. When God is represented were suspended, heroic priest correct* his own great ably not prove too popular. Un­ ern schism and Clement VII was the United States, such as in New of Salzburg is in league with American* Prote*t ing that He is Christ the King” error, hi* shame and hatred of in the form of man, the author or was the charge made to Pilate fortunately, some will shy away seeking the support of Aragon to artist is merely trsring to give some Mexico. It does bind in others, French Communists, have sacked Among 93 American clergymen self. “I am reconciled to this from the diary form, others will like California, because the ordi­ his residence and seized many of against Christ by the multitude and his claim and that of the Popes at tangible expression to our con­ poor, poor shell of me. How easy be impatient of such ruthless and Avignon as the legitimate succes­ nary law of the Church has been his papers. Five of his priests its leaders, the chief priests and it it to hate oneself! True grace cept of God, but pictures of God Hitler’s Photo Replaces the ancients. unbiased analysis of self. Those, sor of St Peter. Vincent, thor­ should be understood in this way reintroduced by custom.) are under arrest. Salzburg head- is to forget. Yet if pride could however, ^ho read the book will Crucifix in Class Rooms “Art Thou the King of the oughly convinced of the claim, be­ and not as an actuality. Our im­ die in us, the supreme grace would prize it a* a work of art and value came one of the strongest cham-~' pressions of the devil are similarly Berlin.—The crucifix will no Jews?” asked Pilate of the Pris­ be to love oneself in all sim­ the reading of it as a profoundly pions of the Avignon Popes. imagined, but, in order that the longer adorn the walls of German oner. plicity.” impressive experience. — John Throughout this perioil Vin­ analogy referred to above be class rooms, following the order of “Thou sayest it,” answered Though The Diary of a Country Knopp, S.J. HUMAN MISERIES CAUSED the governor of Treves. It will be Jesus. In other words, “I am.” cent’s fame as a preacher mounted. “equally absurd,” it would be re­ Then he was accused of preaching quired that some admirable or replaced by the picture of Adolf Pope Pius XI 8 few years ago heresy—of teaching publicly that noble quality be attributed to the Hitler. “In the middle of the prin­ proclaimed the Feast of Christ the “Judas had done penance”—and devil and n6t the trappings of BY ’S DISOBEDIENCE cipal wall,” states the order, K ing for the Universal Church. MOVING PICTURES CLASSIFIED he was cited to appear before the horns, etc. The Scriptures them­ “should be placed only the picture of the Fuehrer. Pictures of party Inquisition. But Peter de Luna, selves use the imagery of evil to When Jesus was accused by the Following Is s list of motion pietnrai rsviewed and elsisified by th* NstlonsJ who as Pope Benedict XIII had describe the works of the devil, (One of a Serie* on the Catechism fidelity, God solemnly forbade our chiefs or others of educational or council of th* Legion of Dsecncy through its New Yorli hetdqusrtsrs i historical value may also be used.” chief priests and the ancients, “He succeeded Clement VII, called the just as they employ the imagery of the Council of Trent) first parents to eat the fruit of answered nothing.” “Dost Thou Class A—Section 1—Unobjectlenable for Censrsf Patroasg* case before his court, squakhed it, of goodness and holiness to ap­ Having "successively considered “the tree of knowledge of good Adventures of Chico Hawaii Calls Perfect Specimen. Th* not hear how great testimonies Adventure* of Marco Polo Hawaiian Buckaroo Prairie Thunder summoned Vincent to A"vignon, proach a representation of God the material and spiritual crea­ and evil” (Gen. ii, 16). 'They Adventure* of Tom Sewyer U. S. Priest Recovered they allege against Thee?” asked Headin’ Bast Prisoner of Zend* and made him his own confessor. . that can be visualized by man. tures of God, we now turn our disobeyed His command and there­ Pilate. Jesus answered not a word; All American Sweetheart Radio City Revels In 1389, while he was at Avig­ We prefer characterizations of by lost, both for themselves and Body of Jesuit Martyr All Over Town Heart of Arizona Rang* Defender* attention to what may rightly be “so that the governor wondered Anspolia Salute He Couldn’t Say No Rebecca of Sunnybrook non, Vincent fell ill. Some at­ the evil spirit that lack the crude­ termed the central point of crea­ for all their descendants, justice Washington,—The solemn can­ exceedingly.” Araene Lupin Retnrna Heidi Farm tribute his sickness as the result of ness of cartoons. An artist should tion, in.which matter and spirit and holiness, and - became weak­ onization of Blessed Andrew Bo- It was a great feast day on Awful Truth. The Her Jungle Love Riders of th* Rockies strain as the Pope’s confessor. be employed who will not have to ened in will and intellect, and sub­ bola, Polish Jesuit martyr, which Bad Man of Brimston* Hideout in the Alpa Roll Along Cowboy are united, namely, mankind. By which, according to custom, the Barrier, The Hitting a New High Romane* of th* Roeklas More and more Vincent had be­ make these pictures ridiculous in his body, man is related to the ject to innumerable pains and is to take place in St. Peter’s Basil­ governor released a prisoner to Behind the Mike In Old Chicago Rosalie ' come convinced that Benedict wai the eves of persons who know that animals and to material things, miseries. Their loss of right- ica on Easter Sunday, has directed the people, whomever they se­ Beloved Brat International Settlement Roae of th* Rio Grand* hindering all effort towards ucifer is a spirit but, by his soul, he partakes.of the eousness and, more particu­ attention to the fact that an Amer­ Blondes *t Work Jubilee Saleslady lected. Pilate had on hand a noto­ Boothill Brigade Kathleen Sstly, Irene, and Ifary Church unity. Benedict would not nature of the angels. The story larly, of the integrity of their na­ ican priest, the Rev. Dr., Edmund rious criminal named Barabbas. Boot* of Deatiny Kid Cornea Back, Th* Scandal Street follow Vincent’s advice to come to If a person believes in Jesus of man’s origin is thus simply told ture marked the beginning of that A. Walsh, S.J., vice president of He asked the people whom they Border Wolve* Kidnaped In Shanghai Sergeant Murphy an understanding with his rival in Christ and says his prayers daily, in'the Book of Genesis: “And the conflict between man’s lower Georgetown university here, re­ wanted to go free, Jesus or Barab­ Born to the Weat Lancer Spy Shi Th* Octopua Rome. powers and his reason, of which St. Boa* of Lonely Valley Law Man ta Born She Asked for It is It not enough even if he does Lord formed man of the slime of covered his body from the Bolshe­ bas. They asked for Barabbas. Boy of the Streets Legion of Missing Men She's Got Everything Vincent recovered from his sick not attend church? the earth, and breathed into his Paul says: “The flesh lusteth viks, who had taken it from Poland “What shall I then do with Jesus Breskfsat for Two Life Begins in College Snow Whit* and tha Seven spell with a new purpose in life. It is not enough. If we believe face the breath of life” (Gen. ii, against the spirit and the spirit and hidden it in Russia. Father that is called Christ?” asked the Bringing Up Baby Life of Emile Zola, Tha Dwarfs In his illness Our Lord with St. against the flesh, for these are Brothtr* of th* West Little Miss Roughneck Speed to Spar* in Jesus Christ, we ought to obey 7). These words clearly show that Walsh, then director of Vaticam governor. nnecaneer, Th* London by Night State Police Dominic and. S t Francis gave him Him. He established a Church, man is a creature of God, having contrary one to another” (Gal. v, relief activities in Russia, was des­ “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!” Bulldog Drummond’s Peril Love and Hlases Start Cheering to know in a vision that he was with an official public worship in two component parts: The body, 17). Adam, therefore, transmitted ignated by His Holiness in 1923 to veiled the people. Pilate washed Californian, Th* Lots Is a Headieht Squadron of Hotter called to preach. Not until 1399 sin to his posterity, in that he be­ Call, Th* Love on a Budgat Tarasn's Raveng* which we are bound to participate. which God formed of the slime of find the body of Blessed Andrew nis hands as an indication that he Cssaidy of Bar 29 Mad About Music There Goea the Groom did Benedict allow Vincent to Nobody who believes this and re­ the earth, and the immortal soul queathed a nature deprived of the Bobola, which had been snatched was innocent of Christ’s blood. Cattle Raiders Maid's Night Out Thirteenth Han leave Avignon to begin his aposto- fuses to live up to it can be (“the breath of life”), the spir­ justice and holiness which God from its tomb in the Cathedral at The people yelled: "His blood be Chang* of Heart Making the Headlines Thle Marriage Bualnsea late of preaching to Europe. For vrished all men to have. Yet in Vitbesk, Poland, three years be­ Charlie Chan on Broadway Mama Runs Wild This Way, Fleas* saved. itual element, which was breathed upon us and upon our children.” Checker* Merrily We Live Thunder (3lty 20 years, his main subjects were into the body by God. The words Adam it was but one sin, but by fore by Bolshevik troops retreat­ Code of th* Ranger Million Dollar Raekat To th* Victor sin, death, hell, eternity, and the If a Catholic woman marries a “breathed . . . the breath of life” propagation it was multiplied. Sin ing into Russia. It required more Crashing RoUywood Mr. Dodd Takes the Air Tovarich speedy approach of judgment day. twice-divorced unbaptised man be- convey to our minds the nature of thus transmitted to posterity is than a year of investigating, inter­ Pilate knew that Christ was in­ Crim# of Dr. Hallet, The Monastery Trigger Trio nocent. He sent Him to Herod, Dangerous Adventure Murder on Diamond Row Two of Ui, Th* Beyond all his siiccess^ Vincent’s for the justice of the peace after the spiritual element in man. Un­ called “original sin,” from which viewing, and negotiating before Daredevil Drivers Music for Madam* Under Snspieioa influence in his owp native Iberian a priest refused to witness the til God "breathed,” the soul did the Blessed Virgin Mary was Father Walsh accomplished his then visiting in Jerusalem from Dawn Ovar Ireland Non-Stop New York Vallay of Terror peninsula cannot be overesti­ marriage, does the Church deny not exist in any form. By that preserved from the first instant of mission. Galilee, in order to try to get the Escape by Night No Time to Marry Well* Fargo case under a different jurisdiction. Everybody’* Doing It Of Human Hearts Weatarn Gold mated. At one time the destiny the children of this marriage the word “breathed” is indicated the her conception, through the antici­ Everybody Sing Old Barn Dance, Th* West of Rainbow's End of Spain was entrusted to him. right to receive Baptism and to soul’s spirituality, its invisibility. pated merits of her Divine Son, a Papal Blessing Conveyed But Herod sent Him back. Though Federal Bullets On Again—OS Again West of Shanghai Following the death of Martin of he reared in the Catholic faith? It was this “breath” of God which unique grace granted her by God. Pilate and Herod had been ene­ Firefly. Th* Orphan of ths Pecos When G-Men Step la mies, they were friends from that First Lady Outlaws of the Orient Where th* Weet Begins Aragon, representatives of Ara­ No, the Church insists that the caused the inanim te body to be­ This is the special privilege known By Bisfiop of Buffalo Forbidden Valley Outside of Paradis* Where Trail* Divld* gon, Valencia, and Catalonia ap­ children be baptized and reared come a living being. as “the Immaculate Conception.” Buffalo.—Returning here from day. Pilate also had Jesus horribly 46 Fathers Over the Goal Who Killed Gail Preston f pointed Vincent one of nine judges in the Catholic faith. Man differs from animals in Once fallen from its elevated a visit to Italy and Vatican City, scourged, with the hope that this Galloping Dynamite Painted Trail Wid* Open Facei to determine who of six claimants punishment would satisfy the Generali Without Button* Paradise Isle Wli* Girl that he has a rational soul, en­ dignity, the human race could be where he was received in a private Girl of th# Golden Weat Paroled to Die Wrong Road should succeed as King of Aragon, Can a Catholic girl be married dowed with intellect and free will, raised and restored to its primitive audience by Pope Pius XI, the blood '.ust of the mob. The gov­ Glamorous Night Partners of the Plains Yank at Oxford, A Vincent took a leading part in this in a Catholic church to a Prot­ a spiritual substance that is im­ state by no power of men or an­ Most Rev. John A. Duffy, Bishop ernor’s wife sent a message to Gold I* Where You Find It Patient In Room 18 Ynuqg Dynamite Goldwyn Follle* Penrod and His Twin You're a Sweetheart Judgment, knowil in history as the estant man whose wife is still mortal. What is more, he is the gels. 'To remedy the evil and re­ of Buffalo, brought with him not him, urjting that he have nothing Compromise of Caspe, which de­ to do with this just Man, for she Harlem on th* Prairie Brother You’re Only Yeung Once living? image of God Himself, as is evi­ pair the loss caused by the treason only the permission but a commis­ Class A—Section 2—UnobJeetlonabI* ior Adults cided in favor of Ferdinand of Whether the Csrtholic girl and dent from the words of the Crea­ of Adam and Eve, it became neces­ sion from the Holy Father to con­ had suffered , .any thinm that day Aceidanta Will Happen First Hundred Years Partners in Crim* Castile. the Protestant man could marry tor: “Let us make man to Our own sary that the Son of God, clothed vey to the priests and people of this because of a dream she had of Action for Slander Forty Naughty Girl* Penitentiary Since 1409, there had been see his “blessing and sincere ap­ Him. Finally, the wavering Pilate Affairs of Maupsassnt, Th* Girl Was Young, The Prescription for Romance depends on whether the first mar­ image and likeness . . . and God in the lowliness of our nature, Alcatraa Island Good Earth, The Romance in th* Dark three claimants to the Papacy. riage of the man would be held created man to His own image” should remove the infinite weight proval of their splendid work for gave the order for the crucifixion, Back in Circulation Happy Landing Sailing Along John XXIIl was deposed by the valid in the eyes of the Catholic (Gen. i, 26). This likeness con­ of siii and reconcile us to God in the churches and schools.” and the Master, weakened almost Black Doll High Flyer She Married an Artist Council of Constance, which to death as r result of His scourg­ Bordertown Hollywood Hotel She’s No Lady Church, a fact that could be de­ sists in the fact that man was en­ His blood. Ili the sentence of Bride Wore Rad Hurricane Slight Case of Murder, A asked for the resignation of the termined only by presenting the dowed with natural and supernat­ condemnation pronounced against Bishop Albers Regains ing and also because of the blood Carnival Queen Island in th* Sky Souls at Sea other two “Popes.” Gregory XII case to a diocesan matrimonial ural gifts that made him resem­ the human race- immediately Health, Resumes Work He had lost when the soldiers City Girl I Met My Love Again Spy Ring, Th* was willing, but not so Benedict court, through a priest. Ordinarily, ble God; that is, the natural gifts after the sin of Adam, the hope crowned Him, in contempt, with Condemned Women Jezebel ' Swing It Sailor XIII. In 1416, at the request of Protestant marriages are valid; in Lansing, Mich.—Fully recov­ thorns, was forced to take up His Confeaeion Joy of Living, Th* Swing Your Lady of an immortal soul, having under­ of redemption was expressed in ered from the effects of the chan­ Conquest Jury’s Secret, Th* Tears of Love King Ferdinand, Vincent gave the comparatively rare cases, they standing and free will; the super­ these words, which at the same cross and start towards Calvary Danger, Love at Work t.ady Escapes. The That Certain Woman answer that opened the way to the might be invalidated by impedi­ cery fire here two months ago, the to be put to death. Dangerous to Know Live, Love, and Learn Tipoff Girl* natural gifts of sanctifying grace, time announced to the devil the Mo.st Rev. Joseph Albers, Bishop Daughter of Shanghai Living on Love Topper solution. Because Benedict was ments, etc. the right of inheriting the kingdom loss he was to suffer by the Incar­ Doctor Syn Look Out For Love True ConfeaaloD hindering Church unity, Vincent’s Mixed marriages cannot be per­ of Lansing, has returned to active Man-Proof Walter Wanger’a Vogues of heaven as a child of God, per­ nation of Jesus Christ: “I will put duty. The chancery was com­ If the leaders of our nation and Double Danger opinion was that the faithful were mitted in Catholic churches with­ fect subordination of the senses to enmities between thee and the the great majority of our neigh­ Double or Nothing Midnight Intruder, The . of 1988 no longer obliged to obey him. out the permission of the Bishop. pletely remodeled while he was Double Wedding My Old Kentucky Home Westland Casa reason, and immunity from hard­ woman, and thy seed and her seed; recuperating in the South. bors were to demand the death of Ebb Tide Night Club Scandal Wife of General Ling, The Vincent’s last three years wera- {A few dioceses have a standing ships, sufferings, and death. These she shall crush thy head, and thou Christ today, would we be strong Everyday’# a Holiday Night Spot Women in Prison spent in France. His austere life] rule permitting such ceremonies latter do not properly belong to shalt lie in wait for her heel” (Gen. enough to withstand them? If we 62nd Street Nothing Sacred World's in Love, 'The was only the living example of his] in the churches. In others, the Jubilee Year Granted Fight for Your Lady Paradise for Three Live, Love, and Ltam human nature, but were extraordi­ iii, 15). The second Eve, the Vir­ constaritly live up to our convic­ Class B—Objectionabl* In Part awesome preaching. He usually, permission, owing to different lo­ nary and wholly gratuitous gifts* gin Mary, fulfilled this prophecy To Mexico by Pontiff tions, we probably would. If All Baba Goes to Town Juggernaut Rat. The traveled on foot, was poorly clad,' cal conditions, is never given.) of God. when, in submi.ssion to God’s mes­ Mexico City.—Pope Pius has we easily excuse ourselves in sin Baronesa and the Butler L.ady Behave I Second Honeymoon used the floor for a bed, and fasted] • God’s purpose in endowing our Between Two Women Let’* Make a Night of It Two Who Dared sage through the angel granted to the Mexican Church the and put too much stock on the Big Broadcast of 1BS8 Love, Honor, and Behave Wife, Doctor, and Nurs* perpetually. He died in Brittany,’ If'hy is the Douay version of first parents with such wondrous that she would give birth to the |p:tice of the jubilee of the Holy opinion of the world, we would Divorce of Lady X, The Mannequin Wine. Women, and Hones France. A princess, Jeanne, daugh­ the Bible used by Catholics in­ gifts was to make those gifts the Redeemer, she replied: "Behold Year, to mark the completion of not. Pray for grace and strength. Flight From Glory Wom.n Men Marry ter of King Charles VI of France,- stead of the King James version? permanent possession of human the handmaid of the Lord; be it the construction work being done It is easy to blame the ancient Class C—Condemned washed his dead body with her own] The Douay translation o i the Aeaasala of Yeuth Damaged Uves Damagtd Goods nature, to be transmitted by them done unto me according to thy at ths Basilica of Our Lady of Jews and tha Roman officials. Bnt Pitfalla ot Teuth hands. Pope Calixtus III canon-’ Bible into English k an •othav*i t« thair poataritF. Aa a taat of wordl" Ooadalipa, irisat «f MUMlml I iced Vincent June 3, 1456. PAGE FOUR THE REGISTER Sunday, April S, 1938

Famous Missionary S o c i e t y , Quotation of St, States, has established its headipiarters at Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Tlie AugUStim Most Rev. Bernard J. Mahoney, upper left, March 25 celebrated Mass to mark the rcdedication of the diocesan seminary for use by the (Continued from Page One) Mariartnhill Mission society. Upper right, the Rt. Rev. Reginald Weinmann, C.M.M.,. superior general of the society; lower left, the Proves Early Belief in PurgatorM lion point for many war supplies; governments. He was held for Very Rev, Joseph Reiner, C.M.M,, first American provincial; lower likewise other schools. The Reds almost two years, his whereabouts right, the Very Rev. Gereon Stach, C.M.M., superior. Dearborn, Mich. One of the strongest documents had been accustomed to attend tyrs; for they are not our gods,I even have anti-aircraft guns in unknown to the outside world. He from antiquity in favor of prayers Mass daily. She realized that her but their God is our God. Cer-I the seminary. Naturally thew farts is now at the Oaretian general for the dead and the efficacy entry to heaven depended on the curia in Rome and has just been siifs mm tainly we honor their reliquaries,! must be considered in judging the of the Mass in behalf of departed mercy of God, whose justice had named a consultor for the Sacred as the memorials of holy men of! morality of the air raids. souls is found in St. Augustine’s been propitiated by the shedding God, who strove for the truthl Congregation of the Sacraments. Confessions. In the ninth book, of the innocent blood of Jesus Washington.—Every country in even to the death of their bodies,! (Ordinal O’Connell of Boston, 13th chapter, Augustine, speak­ Christ in behalf of her and others. that the true religion might be! interviewed in New York, described Abbot Frederic M. Dunne of the the world dependg on other nations ing of his mother, St. Monica, Her chance of escaping the devil at Our Lady of Gethse- for raw materials necessary to its made known, and false and fic-I Franco as fighting the battle of says: “For she, when the day of lay not in her own powers, but in titipus religions exposed. . . . But! Christian civilization. He said jt mani monastery, Trappist, Ky., has industrial life, but hyper-national­ her dissolution was near at hand, the benefits won for her by Jesus been informed that the houses of ism and greed prevent a sensible who ever heard a priest of the! was a lie to assert that Franco is took no thought to have her body Christ. St. Augustine trusted faithful, standing at an altar! making indiscriminate air attacks. his order — there are many in distribution of raw materials in sumptuously covered, or em­ that his brethren in the Catholic Spain — have suffered atrocious the world market, said the Rt. Rev. built for the honor and worship! “I never could understand the at­ balmed with spices; nor did she c le r^ would remember both of God over the holy body of some| titude of the press in the matter violence from the “Loyalist” Msgr. John A. Ryan at the con­ covet a choice monument, nor Monica and his father, Patricius, forces. In December, 1936, he ference on world economic co-op­ martyr, say in the prayers, ‘I of-T of Spain,” His Eminence de­ desire her paternal burial place. in prayer. fer to thee a sacrifice, 0 Peter,l clared. “The papers persist in sent some alms to one of the eration. These things she entrusted not to The request of Monica for re­ houses in the Valencia district to Two solutions are suggested for or 0 Paul, or 0 ?’ For! calling the unruly mob of atheists us, but desired only to have her membrance at the altar could have it is to God that sacrifices are of-| and Communists in Valencia or assist the monks in their misery. the problem of distributing raw name remembered at Thy altar, materials, the N.C.W.C. social been motivated only by one of fered at their tombs—the God! Barcelona or wherever they are the The letter was returned by the which she had served without the three desires. She either realized ‘gpvemmenl,’ when this group is Leftist government because it con­ action director said; Universal who made both men and martyrs,! omission of a single day; whence that some of the dead go through and associated them with holy! nothing but piracy and Commu­ tained money! A letter that has free trade and international action she knew that the Holy Sacrifice to allocate quotas to different na­ a place of purgation before their angels in celestial .honor; and the! nism gone rank. There is no just come tells how another house was dispensed, by which the hand­ entry , into heaven and, hence, democracy in Spain except Fran­ was totally destroyed, the entire tions. Free trade is impossible writing that was against us is reason why we pay such honors| of realization in the near future, they need prayers; or she wished to their memories is that by so! co’s. They talk of Fascism. He community being dispersed and blotted out; -by which the enemy to have sacrifices offered to her­ reduced to destitution. Franco’s and “two sets of obstacles stand doing we may both give thanks! is not a Fascist. Perhaps he is was triumphed over, who, sum­ self as to a goddess; or she wished to the true God for their victories,! accepting the aid of# Fascist na­ forces have now gained control in in the way of rational world ar­ ming Up our offenses and search­ to be honored as a saint.. We that section and the generalissimo rangements as regards both raw and, by recalling them afresh to! tions, but why shouldn’t he? Rus­ ing for something to bring against contend that only the first motive remembrance,' may stir ourselves! sia has spent millions in the last is compelling prisoners of war to materials and markets for mass us, found nothing in Him in whom production surpluses. could have been hers. As for the up to imitate them by seeking! 15 years in the southern part of rebuild the church and monastery. we conquer. Who will restore to second, we will give a quotation Spain. . . . Civil war was the re­ “The first is political and racial Him the innocent blood? Who to obtain like crowns and palms,! nationalism, which is fundamental­ from her son showing that there calling to our help that same God! sult. . . . Why don’t people take The World Jewish congress at will repay Him the price with was no room for such a belief the trouble to learn the truth?” Geneva announces that, since Aus­ ly irrational and which is the which He bought us, so as to take on whom, they called. Therefore,! fruitful source of many other in the Church. And, 'as for the whatever honors the religious may| Cardinal Hayes also came out tria was taken over by Nazi Ger­ us from Him? Unto the sacra­ third, this sort of pride would favoring Franco’s side in the many, 1,700 Viennese Jews have evils, economic, ethical, and cul­ ment, of which, our ransom is, did pay in the places of the mar-1 tural. The second is sectional have been utterly unworthy of tyrs, they are but honors res-| Spanish war. committed suicide. The Jews are Thy handmaid bind her soul by her and would have been so for­ being subjected to “cruel and in­ and short-sighted greed, which pre­ the bond of faith. Let none dered to their memory, not sacred! vents peoples from realizing the eign to the good woman that it rites or sacrifices offered to dead! Secretary of Stkte Cordell Hull human treatment.” Virtually all separate her from Thy protection. need not be considered. said: “I feel 1 am speaking for Jewish business houses have been long-run advantages of freer in­ Let not the ‘lion’ or the ‘dragon’ men as to gods.” the whole American people when taken over. Some (Catholics were ternational trade. introduce himself by force St. Augustine, in De Civitate Dei, We can see from this quotationl I voice a sense of horror at what among the suicides—perhaps un­ “Nevertheless . . . there is some or fraud. For he will not reply vii, 27, shows that the early Chris­ that the practice of honoringl has taken place at Barcelona.' balanced mentally by the collapse reason to hope that many of the that she owes nothing, lest she tians made a distinct difference, saints’ relics comes do'wn to us| Monsignor Michael J. Ready, gen­ of their nation. Among them was nations will, before long, take a be convicted and got the better as we do today, in the honor given from the ancient Church. Wrenj eral secretary of the NCWC, re­ Friedrich Reitlinger, capitalist, who broader view of their genuine self- of by the wily deceiver; but she to saints and that given to God. a priest says the Mass of some! calls Mr. Hull’s complete silence had his daughter shoot him and interest and perceive the wisdom will answer that her ‘sins are for­ He says: ^‘We do not build tem­ saint today, he does what Augus-| when not hundreds but many thou then herself; also Gustave Bayer, and necessity of international eco­ given’ by Him to whom no one ples and ordain priests, rites, and tipe did—offers the Mass to God,| sands of priests and religious were aged 69, university professor and nomic co-operation. Unless we is able to repay the price that sacrifices for these same mar­ in honor of the saint. wantonly murdered by Reds in member of the Heimwehr. have faith in these forces, we shall He, owing nothing, laid down for Spain. “These killings had back Life reports this about Dr. Ar. be compelled to conclude that man us. is not a rational animal and that of them not even the attempted thur Seyss-Inquart, the new Nazi “May she therefore rest in justification of military exigencies. governor of Austria: “He headed the civilized peoples must slip back into barbarism.” peace with her husband, before They were perpetrated on the sim what was actually the conservative or after whom she married none; pie basis of the victims’ being reli wing of the Austrian Nazis. He is whom she obeyed, with patience gious.” Neither did Mr. Hull pro­ tall, taciturn, stubborn, pious, and 671 Non-Catholics Hear bringing forth fruit unto Theg, test when both civilians and reli a close •friend of Kurt von that she might gain him also for gious were killed in Mexico. We schuschnigg, whom he displaced Brooklyn Instructions Thee, And inspire, 0 Lord my “expect from the leading cabinet . . . His brother, a monarchist God, inspire Thy servants my officer of our government some' priest, was once father confessor Brooklyn. — First report made brethren, whom with voice and what more consistencv.” to ex-Empress Zita.” on attendance at instruction cen­ heart and writings I serve, that The Rev. Dr. Joseph F. Thor- The German press chief has sug' ters conducted throughout this so many of them as shall read ning of Mt. St. Mary’s college, Em' gested treaties with foreign goV' diocese show that of 1,572 persons WORLD TAKES SIN VERY these confessions may at Thy al­ mitsburg, Md., who was referred ernments that would put a stop who have attended to date 671 tar remember Monica, Thy hand­ to as a ’‘spokesman of the Cath­ to the wave of criticism in other were non-Catholics. Value of maid, together with Patricius, olic clergy” in the letter signed by lands against the Nazis. Carl W. these instructions is based not on her sometime husband, by whose i 61 Protestant Episcopal and Ackerman, dean of journalism at the belief that this number will em­ LIGHTLY, PRELATE SAYS flesh Thou introducest me into Methodist Bishops asking for Columbia university, says this brace Catholicism, but that the this life, in what manner I know flwl statement from the Catholic Hier­ means that every American con­ Church is getting a weekly “hear­ not. May they with pious af­ gressman, legislator, all leaders of Meditations on the “Fourth said: “The fourth word is the suf­ archy about the Barcelona bomb' ing” that will settle many points Word and the Fifth Word from fering of the soul without God; fection be mindful of my parents ings, denied that he is a spokeS' business, educational, religious, of doubt in non-Catholics’ minds. the Cross” formed the theme of the the fifth word is the suffering of in this transitory light, of my man for the clergy and expressed and labor groups would have to radio address given on the Cath­ God without the soul. The cry, brethren that are under Thee our surprise that the Protestant submit their remarks to a German Offensive Literature olic Hour Sunday by the Rt. Rev. ‘I thirst,’ refers not to physical Father in our Catholic mother, Bishops should be so concerned official or censor before making and of my fellow citizens in the any public comment about the Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen in the 13th thirst, for He refused the draughts AND about Barcelona when they kept Drive Brings Arrest of his series of 17 addresses. The they offered Him. It was HiS soul eternal Jerusalem, which the wan­ silent while thousands of religious Nazis. Catholic Hour, produced by the that was burning and His heart dering of Thy people sigheth for were being slaughtered by the If the United States succeeds in Indianapolis.—The arrest of one from their departure until their PICCLY its merciful plan to have 33 na­ National Council of Catholic Men, that was on fire. He was thirst­ Leftists in Spain. No mention is dealer on a charge of interstate is sent out each Sunday over a ing for the souls of men. The return. That so my mother’s last made by the 61 of a desire to see tions agree to absorb the Jews who transportation of obscene reading entreaty to me may, through my — n¥ICCLY are persecuted in Germany and national hook-up of the National Shepherd was lonely without His freedom of religion and public matter by express and the use of Broadcasting company including sheep; the Creator was yearning confessions more than through , worship granted in Leftist Spain. Austria, it is felt that few can the mails to advertise such ma- my prayers, be more abundantly come to America, despite 16,000 Denver’s station KOA. “The first for His creatures; the First Born teiial has resulted from a cam­ three words on the cross,” he said, was looking for His brethren.” fulfilled to her through the Ellery .Sedgwick, editor of the vacancies for the present fiscal paign being waged by United prayers of many.” .Atlantic Monthly, also found it year in the German immigration “have reference to physical suf­ States District Attorney Val Nolan fering:. this fourth word has ref­ This lengthy quotation shows necessary to answer the 61 Prot­ quota to- the U. S. This nation to eliminate offensive publications INSURANCE estant Bishops, whose letter said, would insist that they have enough erence to moral suffering or sin. that Monica, when dying, was from the news stands and the Physical suffering is pain; moral not worri#354,636.90 plus Fund ...... 1,090,000.00 sends us official figures from the bad films, not one of* them was can tax bill this year will be IflVs pated here last Sunday in the Capital ...... 1,000.000.00 Surplus ...... 1.197.738.56 DENVER BUSINESS DIRECTORY dedication of the newly-erected S urplus...... 779,463.55 Claretian general headquarters in made by a producer affiliated billion dollars, up 30 per cent in (Copy of Certificate of Authority) Rome showing how this institute with the Hays organization. They the last two years and still rising. chapel on the grounds of the in­ (Copy of Certificate of Authority) STATE OF COLORADO has suffered in Leftist Spain. Be­ are made by small, independent It is now more than the entire fantile paralysis foundation. Cath­ STATE OF COLORADO CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY DRUGGISTS TOWEL & LINEN SUPPLY CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY Office of Commiasioner of Insuranct fore the war, Claretian Missionaries companies and shown only in national food bill. It represents olic services preceded the dedica­ MOUNTAIN TOWEL « SUPPLY CO. tion, in which other creeds Office nf Commissioner of Insurance 1, Jackson Cochrane, Commissioner of YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS had three provinces in Spain and cheap theaters. Furthermore, the at least a fifth of the national in­ I, Jackson Cochrane, Commissioner of Insurance, do hereby certify that the will be filled correctly et Service furnished for Offices, Berbefs, numbered 1,093. Of this num­ condemned list has been accumu­ come. participated. Insurance, do hereby certify that' the Buffalo Insurance Company, a corporation WASHINGTON PARK PHARMACY ResUurnnts, Stores, end Banquets ber, 239 have suffered death for lating for some time. Naturally taxes must be high Commercial Casualty Insurance Company, organized under the laws of New York, Ph. SP. 9765 1096 South Gaylord St. a corporation organised under the laws of whose principal office is located at Buf­ 3104 Downluf MA. 7060 religion—94 priests, 87 clerical with relief for the unemployed Free Books, Busses for New Jersey, whose principal office is lo­ falo, in consideration of compliance with students, and 58 lay broth­ Dr. Roswell Magili, U. S. under­ still necessary. But tax-spenders cated at Newark, in consideration of com­ the laws of Colorado, is hereby authorized Patronize Our Advertisers B. W. BECKIUS, lianiKer ers. Others have been exiled, im­ secretary of the treasury, declares have run riot in every way. Parochials Are Fought pliance with the laws of Colorado, is to transact the business set forth in the hereby authorised to transact the busi­ provisions of its Charter or Articles of prisoned, or have fled into Franco he believes that the supreme court Washington.—Organized oppo­ ness set forth in the provisions of its Incorporation permitted by said laws, territory. Imprisonment has been would now uphold a statute per­ The Pittsburgh Catholic has sition to State legislation provid­ Charter or Articles of Incorporation per­ until the last day of February in the year Francis J. Fisher, Inc. The firms listed here de­ almost as bad as deatli. Unspeak­ mitting the federal government to just begun its 95th year of pub' ing free textbooks and free bus mitted by the said laws, until the last day of Our Lord one thousind nine hundred of February in the year of Our Lord one and thirty-nine. TAbor6204 serve to be remembered able indignities, privations, and tax income from state and local lication. “It has been in existence service to private as well as public thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have here- torments have ben suffered at the bonds and giving the states power only a few months less than the school pupils is indicated as a IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here­ unto set my hand and caused the seal of when you are distributing hands of the Reds. The Very Rev. to tax federal bonds. What we Diocese of Pittsburgh,” jt declares major aim of the Friends of the unto set my hand and caused the seal of my office to be affixed at the City of Cement, Plaster, Mortar my office to be affixed at the City of Den­ Denver this first day of March, A. D., your patronage in the dif­ John Postius, general procurator, would like to know is, does the in an editorial, “all of whose six Public Schools, an organization ver this first day of March, A. D.. 1938. 1988. was recently released from prison new tax scheme propose to add Bishops have honored it with their that has opened headquarters in (SEAL) JACKSON COCHRANE. (SEAL) JACKSON COCHRANE. Metal Lath, Stucco ferent lines of business. in Madrid at the behest of foreign to the crushing burden of taxation approval.” {Chicago. Commiisioner of Insuranct. Commitsionec of Insurance. 2363 BLAKE ST. DENVER!