Knights of Columbus Remains Committed to Venerable Father Michael Mcgivney’S Vision of Protecting the Financial Future of Our Catholic Families

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Knights of Columbus Remains Committed to Venerable Father Michael Mcgivney’S Vision of Protecting the Financial Future of Our Catholic Families FEB 19 E COVERS 1_17 FINAL.qxp_Layout 1 1/17/19 3:19 PM Page 1 FEBRUARY 2019 KNIGHTSOFCOLUMBUS COLUMBIA February Columbia 19_EN_2.qxp 1/15/19 11:46 AM Page 1 Your Shield of STRENGTH The Knights of Columbus remains committed to Venerable Father Michael McGivney’s vision of protecting the financial future of our Catholic families. Find an agent at or 1-800-345-5632 L IF E I N S U R A N C E • D IS A B IL IT Y I N C O M E I N S U R A N C E • L O N G -T E R M C A R E I N S U R A N C E • R E T IR E M E N T A N N U IT IE S FEB 19 E 1_17 FINAL.qxp_Mar E 12 1/18/19 12:00 AM Page 1 KNIGHTSOFCOLUMBUS february 2019 ♦ V o l u M e 9 9 ♦ N u M b e r 2 COLUMBIA FEATURES 6 Heroism in Paradise Knights save lives and lead relief efforts after the worst wildfire in California history. BY ANDREW FOWLER 10 ‘This is Where I Belong’ A wildland firefighter describes how his return to the Church brought strength, purpose and peace. BY JOSEPH PAPPALARDO 12 Calling Out Anti-Catholicism Voices across the religious and political spectrum decry religious bigotry in the Senate. 14 Heart of a Priest Thousands of Catholics venerate the incorrupt heart of St. Jean Vianney as it makes a nationwide pilgrimage. BY COLUMBIA STAFF 22 Leading With the Heart of Mary Religious sisters have a decisive role to play in renewing the Church through their joyful “yes” to God’s will. BY SUPREME KNIGHT CARL A. ANDERSON The incorrupt heart of St. Jean Vianney is pictured in front of a statue of the saint at the Cathedral of St. Paul in Birm- ingham, Ala., Dec. 6. The major relic is making a nation- wide pilgrimage sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. DEPARTMENTS 24Building a better world Learning the faith, 25 Fathers for Good A message from Supreme Knight living the faith A homeschooling family discovers Carl A. Anderson about the Order’s As we look toward Lent, the Feast of the importance of the Church’s ed- history of charity and opposition to the Presentation signals the Church’s ucational system. religious prejudice. profound need for renewal. BY PETER WOLFGANG BY SUPREME KNIGHT CARL A. ANDERSON BY SUPREME CHAPLAIN ARCHBISHOP WILLIAM E. LORI 32 Knights in Action PLUS: Catholic Man of the Month Photo by Mary Dillard FEBRUARY 2019 ♦ COLUMBIA ♦ 1 FEB 19 E 1_17 FINAL.qxp_Mar E 12 1/18/19 12:00 AM Page 2 BUILDINGABETTERWORLD We Do Not Stand Alone A message from Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson about the Order’s history of charity and opposition to religious prejudice EDITOR’S NOTE: The following message our Order holds firm to the Church’s from the Supreme Knight, addressed to teachings on the sanctity of life and all members of the Knights of Colum- marriage. ganization adhering to the teachings bus, was emailed and posted on Such attacks on the basis of our of the Catholic Church. As with the Jan. 1. For related coverage, Catholic faith are hardly new. The Church, our primary motivation in see page 24. Knights of Columbus was formed everything is Christ’s great command- amid a period of anti-Catholic big- ment — that we love God completely otry. We stood against that then, and and our neighbor as ourselves. Dear Brother Knight: we do so now. We have spoken out As the Compendium of the Social against persecution around the world Doctrine of the Church explains, There have been times in our coun- for nearly a century. At the same “Jesus Christ reveals to us that ‘God try’s past when uninformed or preju- time, here at home we stood against is love’ (1 Jn 4:8) and he teaches us diced people questioned that ‘the fundamental law of whether Catholics could be human perfection, and con- good citizens or honest pub- sequently of the transforma- lic servants. That’s why Fa- “The Knights of Columbus was tion of the world, is the new ther McGivney chose the formed amid a period of anti- commandment of love.’”[ii] name “Columbus” for our This love impels us to our Order — the discoverer was Catholic bigotry. We stood against great charitable endeavors the Catholic figure from on behalf of those in need. American history most ad- that then, and we do so now.” From inner cities in the mired and accepted at the United States to refugee time. In fact, from our camps in the Middle East, founding in 1882 until the election the Ku Klux Klan, including its at- our Order’s donations over the last of Brother Knight John F. Kennedy tempts to ban Catholic education, decade — more than $1 billion and in 1960, many still held that and we published books on the black hundreds of millions of hours in vol- Catholics were unfit for public office. and Jewish contributions to Ameri- unteer work — are the result of this Throughout that time, the Knights of can history decades before the Civil faith. Columbus worked to counter such Rights movement. More recently, we These works of charity have prac- prejudice. stood with the Little Sisters of the tical impacts that transform lives as Sadly, it seems that in some quarters Poor in their fight for religious lib- we help people here at home and this prejudice remains.[i] First, in erty and have worked with both the around the world. Our charity 2017, a Notre Dame law professor Obama and Trump administrations helped typhoon victims in the Philip- was deemed unfit for a federal judge- — and both sides of the aisle in Con- pines rebuild their lives and liveli- ship by a U.S. senator who feared that gress — to help Christians, Yazidis hoods; it brought prosthetics and “the dogma lives loudly within you.” and Shi’a Muslims targeted for geno- rehabilitation to thousands of Hait- Now, two more senators have ques- cide by ISIS. ian youth after the earthquake there; tioned a brother Knight’s fitness for From our very beginning, the it puts coats on children in some of the federal bench precisely because Knights of Columbus has been an or- our country’s most impoverished ♦ COLUMBIA ♦ FEBRUARY 2019 2 FEB 19 E 1_17 FINAL.qxp_Mar E 12 1/18/19 12:00 AM Page 3 BUILDINGABETTERWORLD COLUMBIA PUBLISHER Knights of Columbus neighborhoods each winter; it gives ciation and freedom of speech. Any ________ wheelchairs to those who otherwise suggestion that the Order’s adherence SUPREME OFFICERS could not afford them in countries to the beliefs of the Catholic Church Carl A. Anderson SUPREME KNIGHT like Vietnam and Mexico; and it pro- makes a brother Knight unfit for Most Rev. William E. Lori, S.T.D. vides education, housing and med- public office blatantly violates those SUPREME CHAPLAIN ical care to AIDS orphans in Africa. constitutional guarantees. Patrick E. Kelly DEPUTY SUPREME KNIGHT This love also motivates us to Let us continue to express our love Michael J. O’Connor stand with the Church on the impor- of God and neighbor by helping those SUPREME SECRETARY tant issues of life and marriage, pre- in need and by standing with our Ronald F. Schwarz SUPREME TREASURER cisely because the Church’s teaching Church, regardless of the popularity John A. Marrella is based on and reflects that love. We of doing so. Let us remember that our SUPREME ADVOCATE ________ stand with our Church because we “Christian witness is to be considered [iii] EDITORIAL believe that what our faith teaches is a fundamental obligation.” Alton J. Pelowski consistent with reason, is timeless Let us also remember that, from EDITOR and transcends the changing senti- our founding, we have embodied the Andrew J. Matt MANAGING EDITOR ments of any particular time or place. truth that a good Catholic is a good Cecilia Hadley We do not stand alone. citizen who shows civility and dig- SENIOR EDITOR In his first message to our interna- nity even in the face of prejudice. Margaret B. Kelly ASSOCIATE EDITOR tional convention, Pope Francis As we begin 2019, Dorian and I asked “each Knight, and every Coun- wish you a new year filled with the cil, to bear witness to the authentic joy and wonders of His love. Thank nature of marriage and the family, you as well for all the many ways in the sanctity and inviolable dignity of which you have brought joy into the human life, and the beauty and truth lives of millions around the world. Venerable Michael McGivney (1852-90) of human sexuality.” May the inspiration of our founder Apostle to the Young, Protector of Christian Family Life and And our positions on life are not prompt us to greater confidence in Founder of the Knights of Columbus, new. My two predecessors as that love and encourage us to even Intercede for Us. ________ supreme knight spoke out forcefully greater works of charity. to defend the rights of the unborn. HOW TO REACH US MAIL In 1973, Supreme Knight John Fraternally, COLUMBIA McDevitt wrote that Roe v. Wade was 1 Columbus Plaza New Haven, CT 06510-3326 “a mortal blow to all who consider Carl A. Anderson ADDRESS CHANGES human life sacred.” He urged the 203-752-4210, option #3 Order to “to initiate or increase ef- [email protected] PRAYER CARDS & SUPPLIES forts to offset the harmful effects of 203-752-4214 this lamentable decision.” COLUMBIA INQUIRIES My immediate predecessor, Virgil 203-752-4398 FAX Dechant, said in 1977: “With some 203-752-4109 1.2 million unborn babies being K OF C CUSTOMER SERVICE killed by abortion each year in the 1-800-380-9995 EMAIL United States alone, we are con- [i] See the excellent study by historian Philip [email protected] fronted with an outrage against Jenkins, The New Anti-Catholicism: The Last INTERNET human life paralleled only by the rav- Acceptable Prejudice, (Oxford University Press, ________ ages of a bloody war.” 2003).
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