! Parish Center 233-8060 Mon, Tues, Thurs 8am - 4pm Wed 12 noon - 5:15pm Fri 8am - 1pm fàA XwãtÜw Parish Staff Rev. Scott Bullock Pastor P ARISH Ray Larsen Deacon 1423 Kimball Ave, Waterloo, Iowa 50702 Rick Lynch Deacon (319) 233-8060 | ! www.sted.org |
[email protected] Anastasia Nicklaus Liturgy/Music Coord. Toni Pint-Burke Business Manager The mission of St. Edward Parish is to be ! Carla Ramsey Administrative Asst. an evangelizing community by faith, with love, in hope. ! July 21, 2019 S ACRAMENTAL L I F E St. Edward Elementary School 233-6202 Aaron Becker, Principal Bl. Maria Assunta Pallotta Middle School 232-6592 Mass Schedule Sacrament of Baptism Nick Satterlee, Principal Saturday 5:15pm Register online at www.sted.org/baptism- Sunday 7:30, 9:00 & 11:00am registration Columbus Catholic High School 233-3358 Daniel Thole, Principal Weekdays S ee Inside Sacrament of Matrimony St. Edward Early Childhood Center 234-1835 Sacrament of Reconciliation Arrangements should ideally be made six Carley Epling, Director Weekdays immediately following Masses until Waterloo Faith Formation Office 233-0498 months in advance. all are heard, excluding School Masses www.waterloocatholics.org Saturday 4:00 - 4:45pm Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Jacob Rosswurm ! Individual celebration upon request. Pastoral Council Chair Jeff Lappe 515-341-5568 Pastoral Care of Sick & Homebound: Finance Chair Please call the Parish Center office or visit www.sted.org/member-care Jim Thielen 319-269-2929 Membership & Registration: CVCS Parish Board Representative Please register at www.sted.org/join-us or visit the Parish Center office.