! Parish Center 233-8060 Mon, Tues, Thurs 8am - 4pm Wed 12 noon - 5:15pm Fri 8am - 1pm fàA XwãtÜw Parish Staff Rev. Scott Bullock Pastor P ARISH Ray Larsen Deacon 1423 Kimball Ave, Waterloo, 50702 Rick Lynch Deacon (319) 233-8060 | ! www.sted.org | [email protected] Anastasia Nicklaus Liturgy/Music Coord. Toni Pint-Burke Business Manager The mission of St. Edward Parish is to be ! Carla Ramsey Administrative Asst. an evangelizing community by faith, with love, in hope. ! July 21, 2019

S ACRAMENTAL L I F E St. Edward Elementary School 233-6202 Aaron Becker, Principal Bl. Maria Assunta Pallotta Middle School 232-6592 Mass Schedule Sacrament of Baptism Nick Satterlee, Principal Saturday 5:15pm Register online at www.sted.org/baptism- Sunday 7:30, 9:00 & 11:00am registration Columbus Catholic High School 233-3358 Daniel Thole, Principal Weekdays S ee Inside Sacrament of Matrimony St. Edward Early Childhood Center 234-1835 Sacrament of Reconciliation Arrangements should ideally be made six Carley Epling, Director Weekdays immediately following Masses until Waterloo Faith Formation Office 233-0498 months in advance. all are heard, excluding School Masses www.waterloocatholics.org Saturday 4:00 - 4:45pm Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Jacob Rosswurm ! Individual celebration upon request. Pastoral Council Chair Jeff Lappe 515-341-5568 Pastoral Care of Sick & Homebound: Finance Chair Please call the Parish Center office or visit www.sted.org/member-care Jim Thielen 319-269-2929 Membership & Registration: CVCS Parish Board Representative Please register at www.sted.org/join-us or visit the Parish Center office. Al Schott 319-493-1313 Cedar Valley Perpetual Adoration: Contact [email protected] Prayer Chain 233 -1 720, ext. 5 or online at www.sted.org/prayer-requests Archdiocese of Dubuque: www.dbqarch.org Tljdž MNJǔǔNJǐǏ ǐLJ SǕ. EDžǘǂǓDž PǂǓNJǔlj ! Mass Intentions ! From the Pastor ! !  N ! I’ll be taking some time away this week for some vaca- Monday, July 22 St. Mary Magdalene tion before the school year ramps up again. I am al- Sg 3:1 4b or 2 Cor 5:14 17/Jn 20:1 2, 11 18 ! † ways grateful for my brother priests, most of whom are !7:30 am !! Anne Swisher ! retired, who are happy to come to St. Edward to allow ! Tuesday, July 23 NWeekday ! me some time away. That being said, it is becoming Ex 14:21 15:1/Mt 12:46 50 ! increasingly more difficult to find a retired priest who is willing and able to preside at Mass. So, what will be our ! 7:30am Sharon Pint † ! ! approach when your pastor needs to be away, either for Wednesday, July 24 NWeekday ! work responsibilities or for needed R & R? First, our Ex 16:1 5, 9 15/Mt 13:1 9! Archbishop has reaffirmed that he wants us to take time ! 5:30 pm ! Robert Delagardelle †! off Nfor he knows what happens when his pastors and ! priests do not and become “burned out.” Specifically, Thursday, July 25 NSt. James, Apostle ! we are encouraged to take four weeks of vacation and 2 Cor 4:7 15/Mt 20:20 28 ! ! three weekends included in them. I have tended to take 7:30 am Departed souls of St. Edward Parish † about two weeks of vacation and another week or so to ! Friday, July 26 NSts. Joachim & Anne, Parents of ! visit my father in Michigan. Besides vacation, we are to ! take five days for annual retreat. In any case, my time the Blessed Virgin Mary away is often dependent upon whether a priest is avail- Ex 20:1 17/Mt 13:18 23 !  † able to preside at liturgy when I am gone. ! 7:30 am ! Dennis Duggan !  ! Saturday, July 27 NWeekday !  What if there is no priest available? There are two ap- Ex 24:3 8/Mt 13:24 30 ! proaches when it comes to the celebration of the Eu- ! 5:15 pm !! Robert Hansen †! charist, the “source and summit of our faith.” On occa- ! sion, if it is an issue of daily Mass during the week, we Sunday, July 28 NSeventeenth Sunday in Ordinary ! have cancelled the rare Mass where a presider could Time ! not be found. For those who have made daily Mass part Gn 18:20 32/Col 2:12 14/Lk 11:1 13 ! of their daily spiritual practices, there are always other ! 7:30 am !! People of the Parish ! opportunities at other parishes in the Waterloo/CF area ! 9:00 pm ! Robert Fraune †! to fulfill that choice. There is, however, another option. ! 11:00 am ! Lee Untiedt †! Day in and day out, across the world, brothers and sis- ters of our Catholic faith join for another form of daily Baptisms ! liturgy, the Liturgy of the Hours . Like the Liturgy of the Eucharist, the Liturgy of the Hours is the official prayer Blessings to Bryson Robert Hansen , baptized of the church, the public prayer of the Body of Christ last weekend. Bryson is the son of Blake & Mor- that makes the world holy through this prayer. In both gan Hansen. May God bless Bryson and his these liturgies, believers do what they are to do in Litur- family.  gy: to give worship to God who is worthy of praise and, Monthly Baptismal Preparation Class ! in the act of giving praise, sanctify (make holy) the The next preparation class will meet on Monday, August Church and the world. Therefore, on Tuesday (July 30) 12 at 6:30pm, Church Hall, St. Edward Parish. To regis- and Thursday (August 1), each at 7:30 am, we will ter, please go to waterloocatholics.org/online registration  gather as a parish community to pray the Liturgy of the for baptism . Hours in the place of daily Liturgy of the Eucharist. In this Liturgy, we use the words of the Psalms to pray for Rest In Peace ! and intercede for the needs of the whole world before  Bill Staebell , husband of Marlene.  our God. We then pray for specific needs of our world.  Carmen DeVoe , former teacher at St. Ed- Since our role in the official prayer of the Church ward School and wife of John.  (whether the Liturgy of the Eucharist, Liturgy of the Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let per- Hours, Liturgy of Marriage, Liturgy of Baptism, etc.), is petual light shine upon them. May their souls and to offer worship to God, I hope many will come to these all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.  special celebrations of the Liturgy of the Hours to do what we do for every Eucharistic Liturgy: give worship "You must never ask Jesus to to God. When we do give God worship, we are wait." !(St. Ursula Ledochowska) changed Ntransformed Ninto the One we worship. Eve- Been too busy for Jesus, as he sits wait- ry liturgy makes us holy as God is holy. I hope you can ing for your visit in the Perpetual Adora- experience how God can make you holy through the  celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours.  tion Chapel at Columbus HS? Summer  months have provided many open  N hours.  Please consider a committed hour By the way thanks to the three priests who will be pre- for 3, 6, or 12 months.  Specific needs sent to preside at Mass while I am gone: Msgr. Russell Bleich, Msgr. Ralph Simington, and Fr. George Karnik. are Tuesday at 8am, Wednesday at 1am ! & 2am, Thursday at 6pm, Friday at 1am and Saturday at You are appreciated!     5pm. If interested email [email protected] or call Rev. Scott Bullock ! William Brandle at (319) 939 9000.  Iǔ Tǐ Bdž AǏ EǗǂǏLjdžǍNJǛNJǏLj CǐǎǎǖǏNJǕǚ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Saturday, Join us for a ! free cookout August 17 ! and yard game Following fun! ! 5:15pm Mass ! ALL ARE WELCOME! ! Parish Announcements ! Mark Your Calendars !

Congratulations! ! Summer Forum Series ! Congratulations to these recent college !The Waterloo Catholic Parishes' Summer Forum Series graduates:  are held at COR , the parishes' downtown hospitality cen-  Casey Alderman, Bachelor of Hu- ter, at 220 E. 4th Street. Programs begin at 7:00pm and man Services, Upper Iowa Univer- are open to the public. Food provided by the Screaming sity  Eagle is available starting at 6:15pm . The series will ex-  David Corpman, MD in Anesthesiology (Critical Care), amine various issues of interest to adults and young adults University of California, San Francisco.  in the church today.   Elliot Kuchera, Bachelor of Music Education, Wartburg  July 22: Davenport on the College  causes and solutions to the church's recent history of sex-  Hallie Kuchera, OD, University of Missouri College of ual abuse and subsequent cover ups by church officials.  Optometry   August 7: Fr. Robert Beck , emeritus professor of reli-  Jordyn Sullivan, Bachelor of Communication Studies, gious studies at , will discuss what readers  need to know to understand and appreciate the Gospels.  May God bless you and your future endeavors! !  August 14: Dr. David Cochran , professor of political  ! science at Loras and director of the Archbishop Kucera 2019 2020 Preschool Registration Center for Catholic Intellectual and Spiritual Life on the Limited spaces are still available this fall state of American politics today.  for 3 and 4 year old preschool at Blessed ! Sacrament Early Childcare Center!  More information at waterloocatholics.org/summer forum  Contact Aaron Becker ([email protected] or 319 !233 !7863 ) for a tour and Pizza Ranch Fundraising Event for K of C Council to learn more about Cedar Valley Catholic Schools.  #11192, Queen of Peace, Monday July 22, Cedar Falls Pizza Ranch, 4302 University Ave. Join us for a Here’s an Opportunity to Learn and Grow ! night of food and fellowship. Pizza Ranch will donate 7% of Communities of religious men and women such as the their net sales to the K of C council on all dine in, carryout, Franciscans, Cistercians, and Dominicans invite men and and delivery orders from 5:00 !8:00pm . Thank you for your women to join them as lay associates who share prayer, support!  study, and service with members of the community. Find out more at https://waterloocatholics.org/lay associates  Irish Fest Mass: Sunday, August 4, 10:00am, IMPACT Lay Formation ! Lincoln Park Fr. Paul McManus will be the presid- er for this year’s Irish Fest Mass. Please bring two July 31 is the deadline for individuals wishing to participate cans of food or other non perishable products for in IMPACT, the lay formation program sponsored by the admission to Mass and to the festival grounds for the re- Archdiocese of Dubuque and Loras College. IMPACT ses- mainder of the day. Sunday envelopes will be collected sions meet on Saturdays, once a month, for two years. The and distributed to the appropriate parishes. Since seating next IMPACT series will meet in Elkader, beginning in Sep- is limited, attendees are encouraged to bring a lawn chair. tember. Information is available from Mary Pederson at 1  In case of rain, Mass will be held at Queen of Peace.  800 876 3546 or [email protected] or online at https:// www.dbqarch.org/offices/adult faith/archdiocesan  Light the Night M Friday, August 2, 6:30  programs/impact/  10:30 pm, Queen of Peace Parish ! New Address, Email, or Phone Number? Don’t This evening of prayer, adoration, and evangeliza- forget to update your parish! Call 233 8060 or go tion features reflective music and Scripture through-   ! out the night to help center on God. Stay for a few to www.sted.org/update my info minutes, half an hour, or the whole evening.  Bǚ FǂNJǕlj, WNJǕlj LǐǗdž, IǏ HǐǑdž. ! Want to sign up for a ministry online, or have This Week at COR ! your ministry preferences changed? ! Go to www.sted.org and click on Share My Gifts at the top Monday, July 22: Summer Forum, of the page. For more information, contact the Parish Cen- 7pm Bishop Thomas Zinkula discusses ter at 233 8060. ! the church’s sex abuse problem and Ministry Spotlight: Liturgical Ministers ! what must be done to correct it.   At Mass, lectors proclaim the Scripture readings, al- Tuesday, July 23: Adult Small lowing all present to grow closer to God through His Group, 9am ! Word. If you are interested in becoming a lector at St. Tuesday, July 23: Alpha, 5:30pm ! Edward, please attend a lector training/refresher at Wednesday, July 24: Discussion night for LGBT 5:00pm on Tuesday, July 23 in the church . The ! training will run about an hour and includes some re- Catholics, 7pm minders of the spiritual/theological background of the !  ! ministry, along with practical points. Veteran lectors Young Adult Ministry (Ages 18 39) who have not attended a training session in the last Catholic Witness Hour: Monday, July 29, 6:30pm, three years are also asked to join. Contact Anastasia with questions. ! Immaculate Conception Parish, Gilbertville. Mary  A training session/refresher is scheduled at 4:30pm Beth Koch is the speaker for this month’s Witness Hour. on Wednesday, July 24 in the church for those inter- Free supper before or during the witness. More information at 319 !233 !0498 and https://waterloocatholics.org/catholic  ested in serving as Communion Ministers to our   homebound parishoners . Homebound Communion witness hour Ministers offer the Body of Christ to those who are too ! ill to join us at Mass, whether in a nursing facility or Adult Faith Formation ! individual homes. This session will cover the spiritual Waterloo Catholic Worker Anniversary: Wednes- and practical aspects of this ministry and will last about day, July 24, Queen of Peace Parish. Mass at 5pm, 45 minutes. Your parish family has particular need for Dinner at 6pm. Celebrate the Worker’s 37th year with jug- Homebound Ministers (particularly those who are will- gling, balloon sculpting, and face painting. Open to the ing to serve as substitutes), so please prayerfully con- public. ! sider if God may be calling you to reach out in this way. Those who have served as Homebound Com- LGBT Catholics Forum: Wednesday, July 24, 7pm munion Ministers and need to be re commissioned can at COR. The Catholic parishes in Waterloo host this dis- also attend. Please let us know if you plan to attend (or cussion for gay or lesbian Catholics who whish to discuss if you have any questions) by contacting Anastasia at their past, present, or future relationship to the Catholic the parish office, or by email at Church in a nonjudgmental environment. For information [email protected]  contact Dave Cushing at 319 !233 !0498 or email dvqw- [email protected] . More information for gay and lesbian

Catholics can be found at http://bit.do/lgbt catholics ! Sending a son or daughter off to college? ! If you're concerned about the faith formation of a young adult in college, the most important thing you can do is FORMED: A Catholic Online Resource ! help connect them to a Catholic cam- pus ministry program or the local FORMED is an online resource with videos, reflections and Catholic parish near their school:  other resources to help you grow in your faith. Go to water- • Postcards which you can send to a loo.formed.org and create an account (free). Once prompt- ed to enter the parish code, enter: QFCYJH (case sensi- campus ministry or parish office are available in the back of church.  tive!)  • Addresses for Catholic campus min- Prayer Chain Ministry ! istry programs and parishes near Iowa colleges are availa-    A prayer chain ministry is available to all St. ble online at http://waterloocatholics.org/college bound Edward parishioners needing prayers for catholics ! any special need. Just dial the prayer chain 2019 Catholic Heritage Tour: Tuesday, August 6 ! number, 233 1720, Ext. 5, or at The 2019 Catholic Heritage Tour sponsored by the Catho- www.sted.org/prayer requests and leave a lic Parishes in Waterloo will visit southwest Wisconsin to simple request for prayer. Details or names are not nec- learn more about Catholic Missionary Samuel Mazzuchelli. essary. All requests are confidential. Parishioners have The tour will visit the Mazzuchelli Exhibit at Sinsinawa volunteered to pray for your intention for one week, or Mound and two churches designed, built, and served by longer if you renew your request. Take advantage of this Fr. Mazzuchelli. The tour will leave St. Edward Parish ministry and experience the power of prayer!  parking lot at 8:00am and return by 5:00pm. Cost is $65 per person. Reservations are required. Information and ! registration online at waterloocatholics.org/catholic  Legion of Mary heritage 2019  All are welcome to join the Mary, Queen of Peace Presidi- um of the Legion of Mary to pray the Rosary in the St. *Please see www.waterloocatholics.org/bulletin !board or call  Mary’s Room in the Church Hall at 8:00am on Tuesday 319 !234 !9912 for additional information on COR @ 220 East and mornings .  area faith formation activities for all age groups. 3DODFH&ORWKLHUV SERVICE ALL MAKES 1799 Ansborough Ave. • 234-7511 Quality Mens Clothing Dressing You Well is Our Business Celebrating 109 Years Dr. Bradley Kneeland Parishioner for over 65 years 2110 Kimball Ave. 312 Main-Cedar Falls (319) 234-5546 233-8411 • 1010 Broadway Tom Pediatricians for your furry kids 234-7537 268-1958 2550 Ranchero Rd. Waterloo, IA 50701 Noland Iowa’s leader in real estate title and closing services. HARRIS CLEANING 415-0405 SERVICE & SALES, INC. Brian • Tim • Ronda Family Owned & Operated Since 1960 - Fred J. Harris Professional Power Cleaning [email protected] With A Personal Touch www.inspiredrealestate.net (319) 236-9002 • 603 Commercial St., Waterloo, IA 50701 • www.titlesc.com Waterloo 235-6647

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