ST. JOHN’S PARISH /CREIGHTON UNIVERSITY MUSIC MINISTRY 2008 51 Isaiah 22:19–23 READINGS Psalm 138:1–2, 2–3, 6, 8 [121] Romans 11:33–36 AUGUST 24, 2008 Matthew 16:13–20 TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME INTRODUCTORY RITES OPENING SONG All the Earth, Lucien Deiss, CSSp BB 407 Vocal Music 2 glory to GOD Mass of God’s Promise, Dan Schutte BB 887 Service Music Mass of God’s Promise score, p. 2 LITURGY OF THE WORD RESPONSORIAL PSALM Psalm 138: The Fragrance of Christ, David Haas WA GC 134 GOSPEL acclamation Alleluia, Tony Ward WA Service Music Verse 4 LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST Preparation OF THE gifts AND altar It Is Good, Tony Ward WA Vocal Music 88 EUCHARISTIC prayer: HOLY Mass of Glory, Ken Canedo and Bob Hurd BB 910 Service Music EUCHARISTIC prayer: MEM.acc, amen, lamb OF GOD Mass of Creation, Marty Haugen BB 882 GC 166 COMMUNION SONG Blessed Are You, Lord, Tony Ward WA Scores CONCLUDING RITES SENDING forth Now My Heart, John Foley, SJ BB 533 Scores Verses 1, 4 NOTES ST. JOHN’S PARISH /CREIGHTON UNIVERSITY MUSIC MINISTRY 2008 52 Jeremiah 20:7–9 READINGS Psalm 63:2, 3–4, 5–6, 8–9 [124] Romans 12:1–1 AUGUST 31, 2008 Matthew 16:21–27 TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME INTRODUCTORY RITES OPENING SONG The Summons, KELVINGROVE , lyrics by John Bell BB 380 GC 700 glory to GOD Mass of God’s Promise, Dan Schutte BB 887 Service Music Mass of God’s Promise score, p.
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