Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1954-09-30

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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1954-09-30 Sioux City Police Pro Bremmer Death ·8· Y'ear·Old' s vJho' Wlah Cross-Blue The Weattt., plans wlU Body Found CIftb _Jtll ,....... to do 10 .....en ....' ..... ... "" IS .. U: ....... .. the BlUe 51. PIrib' ....., ..m be In VIe ,Near Home ...duM ... FrYar. I buslne. SIOUX CITY (iP) - Sioux City members Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, Wirephoto - Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa, Thursday, September 30, 1954 ce on that poliee have renewed custody 01 penon_ an Itinerant salesman lor ques­ tioning in the death of 8-year-old 200, Old Oct. 13. Jimmie Bremmer. The salesman, who previously Giants'Bench Star Sinashe~ Winning Blow- em'olled had been questioned at length this Pe­ In the case, was described by Po­ , bp.. until Oct., lice Chief James O'Keefe as be­ however, Ing "~ycl1 tic as well as homo­ sexUal." : at 'Fhe salesman, whose identity 30 daYB has not been disclosed, previous­ ly admitted talking to the boy the night he disappeared ·but stead­ fastly denies any knowledge of Jimmie's fate. ~ Foufl In PutUJ'e Jimmie's mutilated body was found Wednesday in a pasture I only :four miles Irom the lad's Jenner To Questioil Walkins (onnects for 270·FI. BIaSI home. His distraught mother con­ firmed pollee Identification when she was shown a belt and pair l In 10lh for 5·2 Giani W of tennis shoes removed from the On McCarthy Censure Move. body after its discovery. WASHINGTON (JP) - Sen. "That's Jimmie's," she wept. WilIlam E. Jenner (R-Ind.), Three highway maintenance tectlon to the rights at witnesses. NEW YORK IR') - Dusty Rhodes' 270-foot pInch home run chairman of the senate rules Since the rules committee is with two men on bile In the 10th innina won a dnmaUr World mell found the 'body while put­ committee, disclosed W~dnesday tin, up snow fencing along a lit­ conducting an extensive investi­ Series opener for lhe New York Glanb Wedn day, 5-2, .tter a he intends to review certain gation of its own along this line, tle-traveled country road about phases of the inquiry which re­ terrltlc catch by Wlilie Mays and tremendous reUet pitehln, by Jenner 8/1id, he wanted to inter­ Marv GrIuom blunted Cleveland threats. two miles northwest of Sioux ~ulted in a recommendation that CitY. rogate Watkins apout the pro­ Rhode.s, a nsational !lInch hitter In the Olant', penDalle mareh, Joseph R. posed changes. He said he Dr. Thomas L. Coriden, Wood­ McCarthy (R­ * * * bar J.y rea~h.d the ri,tlt field bury county coroner, said an au­ thought the senate would prefer stands u he on B9b Wis.>, be cen­ to act on the report Qf his com­ LI:VILAH. (AI .WUft, topsy showed the boy's head was sured 'for some of ab T h 0 a Lemon's first pitch. The ball crushed by one or more blows mittee rather than the recom­ Smith. II ..... • I I lOlled over the head at lo])in. official con­ mendations subcommittee by the A'.f.... .. ...... 5 I and death was caused ,by hem­ :Iuct. DobY. ~, ..... 5 II : : : Dave Pope and Just made It Into orrhaging. Watkins group. Jlo n.3b .... S II I I I th lower 'ianetl, bouncln, ott 'Jenner said In Werv. III .•• 5 II Went To institute an interview that d·~o .... D II : I~ ~ Ute handt of a Ian and rolUnI Ora_, e • II o II 1 II back onto the 11f'118$ the unlfllre Meanwhile, officials at the 'Sen. Arthur V. PhllJ~)'.'" .• S o state Mental Health institute in a tk I ns (R­ "-Majeckl 0 II : g : sl,naled hom. run. No Tic~els Remain b· Mitchlll 0 o II 0 - 0 Clevelalld had been lJlrc¥ten- Cherokee said that a psychiatrist , head of Dente .. .• IJ o and two police officers left Cher­ the special senate Strleltund. .. .. , o g : : Ing all thNUIh tb lata 1t1nln,., e-Pol>t'. rf .••• I o o 0 II lellVln, 13 men Qn the base thf' okee Wednesday afternoon to JENNER g r 0 u p which For Welch Lecture ~n . e ... o take the salesman to the scene passed judgment on McCarthy, ..-Olynn. Ib .•.• I o g : ~ n Ire 211m while Crinom l.emon. p ... • o o I I cape<! by the thinn t of m.ulin". where Jlmmje's body was found would be called before the rules 'No more stUdents tickets are (AI' WI .. , ...&.) Taltol .. " se 2 TinS IS. THE SCENE AI G$ nt plnchhitter DUlt, Rheclet' blow to rl,ht Ileid •• Into the lower • 21 It and observe h is reactions. , committee to explain, among available tor the Joseph N. 'Ia Ma,. Walk., sunds for a three-run , Ue- e.llln&' homer In the 10th lnnlnr to &1ve the GI.nta a 5-% victory .t the 1:11' YOU INI The salesman entered the in­ other things. why he "conducted Welch lecture Friday night in , ab r h .. • (n the Giant l Oth, .. (fer non Polo Grouncla WedJlesdlY. evel.nd rlrht nelder Dive Pope, barel, vlalble at extreme rl&'M near stitute to undergo psychiatric a one-man hearing" at one point the main louoae of the Iowa Me­ Lockman. I b :I I I • II l\1uell r til ,'uck out, M.)'. worked wall, we unable to &Tab tbe Jail Dark . .. .... o , treatment as a voluntary patient in the probe. morial Union. Mu lin. rf .• b I J .I : Lemon frr • walk. lui 1.' ..... ·)0 following days of questJoning in George F. Stevens, assistant ava, cf •••• .• S I o threw a ball to th oaxt h>tter, Watkins will also be asked 'l'boml*>n, 3b S I • • connection with Jimmie's disap­ about lour changes the special director of the Union, said Wed­ Irvin. If ..... S oI *• : Hank Thompson. Ma,. lit out pearance. nesday night that all of the 900 '-'n.nd.... ... I •t I 0 o for ~econd. .lidJJ16 in und r the committee proposed be made in WIl\l.tlm •• JI) •• • o o I Jimmie last was seen about the rules for conducting senate tickets available to students '''''''''"tm C ••• '" o J • ~ bouncln. peg ot MlckfY Ora . a 8 p.m. Aug. 31 when he bid good­ were gone. They w(!re made Ma,l"'. P ... S o 0 • who h.d JUlt taken up CL ve­ investigations, Jenner said. German Re"armament t.tdd 1ft. P .... 0 o• o 0 night to a playmate after the two Watkins Won't' CommeJlt available at the Union Monday. OrlllOm, p •.•• 1 .0 o II g land'. catching chort'. had watched television at a Welch's lecture, lhe fourth in To\.at. .., SIS 5 • With Mays on cond, Mana,er nei.ghbor's. Jimmie then began After word of this latest move x-On" out when wltloln. •run :10Kored . Al Lopez ordered Lemon to pa reached Watkins, he told news­ the John F. Murray memorial .-AnnOllMed .. batte~ {or Philley In walking toward the home of his alh. ThompJOn Intentlon.1l1, "ttin, men he would have nothing to series, will begin at 8 p.m. He parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. wlll speak on "Senate Hearings." ii/an "' Neals App,fQVal ""Walked (or Malfll<l In till. lhe stage lor a possible doub1 say about it for tpe time being. Bremmer. c-C.Ued OIIt on rIk for tr1ck ..ncI play. Rhodes, who delivered 15 Jenner, good fdend of Mc­ A native of Primghar, Welch He never arrived. a LONDON (JP) - The United G Ind~~n lor W"rtt I~UL pinch hits IQ 45 trips elurln, tb Carthy, says "many words wilI' gained nationwide fame earlier In YIeIIL Jur.ild1etlon tbis year as counsel tor the ar­ Statl!~ and Britain, with a threat nation conference diacussin, the guard a,alnst IIny rLIDllway er- ...struck out for Jf.... 11 In 10th. relUlar .lIOn, erossecl him Up. Although the body was found be' spoken" alter the senllwcon­ my 'in tnete1evSJIed 8'1'1n1.-Me­ and a pr~~ise. Wednesda.>: .Q1ght pr~leUl that .American troopS .man ~atmamellt. 1-111\ hom. run (O~ lrvm In 10111. [t ttIe me Mr. Rhod ,'Venes Nov. 8 to decide whether · in Plymouth county north of Carthy hearings. .brought. jittery France near a 'may have to be pulled out ol The specter of a n W German CI veland IAI 100... 0-4 who ~ Ift'Leo Durodter .... the Wisconsin Republican merits Approximately 900 more tick­ long sought agreement to rearm Eu 11 Fra e rejects plans Fr !'few Yo", IH) 1101 000 OlIO ~ ,of.'" to .tart In lett l1eld be- Sioux City, jurisdiction was rope . nc aggr~SBlon frIghtens anee, &-MueUer t, ltvln. ItBI-W.ru t, - an official and public rebuke. ets for the lecture are being dl!­ promptly yielded to Woodbury The special ' committee was West Germany in defense to line up German land, air and thrice Invaded In the la t 83 Muellet'. ThomllOOn. Kheld •• IB _ lore he fll1llly declct.d to sUdI: ·county authorities and Sioux City tributed among law students and against COJpmunlst attack. sea forces within the North ."\t- years. WeN. 38 - Wmz. HJt - tlbode . 8 with the veteran Moat Irvin. composed 01 three Republicans lawyers attending the legal In­ F· t Secretary of State John lantlc Treaty OrgBni~Qtion. Map. Irvin. ~nt • . Left - Cltovt'l.nd n... police who have been investigat- and three Democrats. LIS , . - Other countries attending the (AI IS. New York 11'11 • • Mart vet ~ stitute at Sut Friday, Prof. Al­ Foster Dulles warned the nine- N t F r'nl- S t A DB-I.e ~ D rk MAy.
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    elcome to Huggins and Scott Auctions, the Nation's fastest grow- W ing Sports & Americana Auction House. With this catalog, we are presenting another extensive list of sports cards and memo- rabilia, plus an array of historically significant Americana items. We hope you enjoy this. V E RY IMPORTA N T: DUE TO SIZE CONSTRAINTS AND T H E COST FAC TOR IN THE PRINT VERSION OF MOST CATA LOGS, WE ARE UNABLE TO INCLUDE ALL PICTURES AND ELA B O- R ATE DESCRIPTIONS ON EV E RY SINGLE LOT IN THE AUCTION. HOW EVER, OUR WEBSITE HAS NO LIMITATIONS, SO W E H AVE ADDED MANY MORE PH OTOS AND A MUCH MORE ELA B O R ATE DESCRIPTION ON V I RT UA L LY EV E RY ITEM ON OUR WEBSITE. WELL WO RTH CHECKING OUT IF YOU ARE SERIOUS ABOUT A LOT ! WEBSITE: W W W. H U G G I N S A N D S C OTT. C O M Here's how we are running our June 13, 2013 to STEP 2. A way to check if your bid was accepted is to go auction: to “My Bid List”. If the item you bid on is listed there, you are in. You can now sort your bid list by which lots you BIDDING BEGINS: hold the current high bid for, and which lots you have been Monday June 3, 2013 at 12:00pm Eastern Ti m e outbid on. IF YOU HAVE NOT PLACED A BID ON AN ITEM BEFORE 10:00 pm EST (on the night the Our auction was designed years ago and still remains geared item ends), YOU CANNOT BID ON THAT ITEM toward affordable vintage items for the serious collector.
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