Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1954-09-30
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Sioux City Police Pro Bremmer Death ·8· Y'ear·Old' s vJho' Wlah Cross-Blue The Weattt., plans wlU Body Found CIftb _Jtll ,....... to do 10 .....en ....' ..... ... "" IS .. U: ....... .. the BlUe 51. PIrib' ....., ..m be In VIe ,Near Home ...duM ... FrYar. I buslne. SIOUX CITY (iP) - Sioux City members Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, Wirephoto - Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa, Thursday, September 30, 1954 ce on that poliee have renewed custody 01 penon_ an Itinerant salesman lor ques tioning in the death of 8-year-old 200, Old Oct. 13. Jimmie Bremmer. The salesman, who previously Giants'Bench Star Sinashe~ Winning Blow- em'olled had been questioned at length this Pe In the case, was described by Po , bp.. until Oct., lice Chief James O'Keefe as be however, Ing "~ycl1 tic as well as homo sexUal." : at 'Fhe salesman, whose identity 30 daYB has not been disclosed, previous ly admitted talking to the boy the night he disappeared ·but stead fastly denies any knowledge of Jimmie's fate. ~ Foufl In PutUJ'e Jimmie's mutilated body was found Wednesday in a pasture I only :four miles Irom the lad's Jenner To Questioil Walkins (onnects for 270·FI. BIaSI home. His distraught mother con firmed pollee Identification when she was shown a belt and pair l In 10lh for 5·2 Giani W of tennis shoes removed from the On McCarthy Censure Move. body after its discovery. WASHINGTON (JP) - Sen. "That's Jimmie's," she wept. WilIlam E. Jenner (R-Ind.), Three highway maintenance tectlon to the rights at witnesses. NEW YORK IR') - Dusty Rhodes' 270-foot pInch home run chairman of the senate rules Since the rules committee is with two men on bile In the 10th innina won a dnmaUr World mell found the 'body while put committee, disclosed W~dnesday tin, up snow fencing along a lit conducting an extensive investi Series opener for lhe New York Glanb Wedn day, 5-2, .tter a he intends to review certain gation of its own along this line, tle-traveled country road about phases of the inquiry which re terrltlc catch by Wlilie Mays and tremendous reUet pitehln, by Jenner 8/1id, he wanted to inter Marv GrIuom blunted Cleveland threats. two miles northwest of Sioux ~ulted in a recommendation that CitY. rogate Watkins apout the pro Rhode.s, a nsational !lInch hitter In the Olant', penDalle mareh, Joseph R. posed changes. He said he Dr. Thomas L. Coriden, Wood McCarthy (R * * * bar J.y rea~h.d the ri,tlt field bury county coroner, said an au thought the senate would prefer stands u he on B9b Wis.>, be cen to act on the report Qf his com LI:VILAH. (AI .WUft, topsy showed the boy's head was sured 'for some of ab T h 0 a Lemon's first pitch. The ball crushed by one or more blows mittee rather than the recom Smith. II ..... • I I lOlled over the head at lo])in. official con mendations subcommittee by the A'.f.... .. ...... 5 I and death was caused ,by hem :Iuct. DobY. ~, ..... 5 II : : : Dave Pope and Just made It Into orrhaging. Watkins group. Jlo n.3b .... S II I I I th lower 'ianetl, bouncln, ott 'Jenner said In Werv. III .•• 5 II Went To institute an interview that d·~o .... D II : I~ ~ Ute handt of a Ian and rolUnI Ora_, e • II o II 1 II back onto the 11f'118$ the unlfllre Meanwhile, officials at the 'Sen. Arthur V. PhllJ~)'.'" .• S o state Mental Health institute in a tk I ns (R "-Majeckl 0 II : g : sl,naled hom. run. No Tic~els Remain b· Mitchlll 0 o II 0 - 0 Clevelalld had been lJlrc¥ten- Cherokee said that a psychiatrist , head of Dente .. .• IJ o and two police officers left Cher the special senate Strleltund. .. .. , o g : : Ing all thNUIh tb lata 1t1nln,., e-Pol>t'. rf .••• I o o 0 II lellVln, 13 men Qn the base thf' okee Wednesday afternoon to JENNER g r 0 u p which For Welch Lecture ~n . e ... o take the salesman to the scene passed judgment on McCarthy, ..-Olynn. Ib .•.• I o g : ~ n Ire 211m while Crinom l.emon. p ... • o o I I cape<! by the thinn t of m.ulin". where Jlmmje's body was found would be called before the rules 'No more stUdents tickets are (AI' WI .. , ...&.) Taltol .. " se 2 TinS IS. THE SCENE AI G$ nt plnchhitter DUlt, Rheclet' blow to rl,ht Ileid •• Into the lower • 21 It and observe h is reactions. , committee to explain, among available tor the Joseph N. 'Ia Ma,. Walk., sunds for a three-run , Ue- e.llln&' homer In the 10th lnnlnr to &1ve the GI.nta a 5-% victory .t the 1:11' YOU INI The salesman entered the in other things. why he "conducted Welch lecture Friday night in , ab r h .. • (n the Giant l Oth, .. (fer non Polo Grouncla WedJlesdlY. evel.nd rlrht nelder Dive Pope, barel, vlalble at extreme rl&'M near stitute to undergo psychiatric a one-man hearing" at one point the main louoae of the Iowa Me Lockman. I b :I I I • II l\1uell r til ,'uck out, M.)'. worked wall, we unable to &Tab tbe Jail Dark . .. .... o , treatment as a voluntary patient in the probe. morial Union. Mu lin. rf .• b I J .I : Lemon frr • walk. lui 1.' ..... ·)0 following days of questJoning in George F. Stevens, assistant ava, cf •••• .• S I o threw a ball to th oaxt h>tter, Watkins will also be asked 'l'boml*>n, 3b S I • • connection with Jimmie's disap about lour changes the special director of the Union, said Wed Irvin. If ..... S oI *• : Hank Thompson. Ma,. lit out pearance. nesday night that all of the 900 '-'n.nd.... ... I •t I 0 o for ~econd. .lidJJ16 in und r the committee proposed be made in WIl\l.tlm •• JI) •• • o o I Jimmie last was seen about the rules for conducting senate tickets available to students '''''''''"tm C ••• '" o J • ~ bouncln. peg ot MlckfY Ora . a 8 p.m. Aug. 31 when he bid good were gone. They w(!re made Ma,l"'. P ... S o 0 • who h.d JUlt taken up CL ve investigations, Jenner said. German Re"armament t.tdd 1ft. P .... 0 o• o 0 night to a playmate after the two Watkins Won't' CommeJlt available at the Union Monday. OrlllOm, p •.•• 1 .0 o II g land'. catching chort'. had watched television at a Welch's lecture, lhe fourth in To\.at. .., SIS 5 • With Mays on cond, Mana,er nei.ghbor's. Jimmie then began After word of this latest move x-On" out when wltloln. •run :10Kored . Al Lopez ordered Lemon to pa reached Watkins, he told news the John F. Murray memorial .-AnnOllMed .. batte~ {or Philley In walking toward the home of his alh. ThompJOn Intentlon.1l1, "ttin, men he would have nothing to series, will begin at 8 p.m. He parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. wlll speak on "Senate Hearings." ii/an "' Neals App,fQVal ""Walked (or Malfll<l In till. lhe stage lor a possible doub1 say about it for tpe time being. Bremmer. c-C.Ued OIIt on rIk for tr1ck ..ncI play. Rhodes, who delivered 15 Jenner, good fdend of Mc A native of Primghar, Welch He never arrived. a LONDON (JP) - The United G Ind~~n lor W"rtt I~UL pinch hits IQ 45 trips elurln, tb Carthy, says "many words wilI' gained nationwide fame earlier In YIeIIL Jur.ild1etlon tbis year as counsel tor the ar Statl!~ and Britain, with a threat nation conference diacussin, the guard a,alnst IIny rLIDllway er- ...struck out for Jf.... 11 In 10th. relUlar .lIOn, erossecl him Up. Although the body was found be' spoken" alter the senllwcon my 'in tnete1evSJIed 8'1'1n1.-Me and a pr~~ise. Wednesda.>: .Q1ght pr~leUl that .American troopS .man ~atmamellt. 1-111\ hom. run (O~ lrvm In 10111. [t ttIe me Mr. Rhod ,'Venes Nov. 8 to decide whether · in Plymouth county north of Carthy hearings. .brought. jittery France near a 'may have to be pulled out ol The specter of a n W German CI veland IAI 100... 0-4 who ~ Ift'Leo Durodter .... the Wisconsin Republican merits Approximately 900 more tick long sought agreement to rearm Eu 11 Fra e rejects plans Fr !'few Yo", IH) 1101 000 OlIO ~ ,of.'" to .tart In lett l1eld be- Sioux City, jurisdiction was rope . nc aggr~SBlon frIghtens anee, &-MueUer t, ltvln. ItBI-W.ru t, - an official and public rebuke. ets for the lecture are being dl! promptly yielded to Woodbury The special ' committee was West Germany in defense to line up German land, air and thrice Invaded In the la t 83 Muellet'. ThomllOOn. Kheld •• IB _ lore he fll1llly declct.d to sUdI: ·county authorities and Sioux City tributed among law students and against COJpmunlst attack. sea forces within the North ."\t- years. WeN. 38 - Wmz. HJt - tlbode . 8 with the veteran Moat Irvin. composed 01 three Republicans lawyers attending the legal In F· t Secretary of State John lantlc Treaty OrgBni~Qtion. Map. Irvin. ~nt • . Left - Cltovt'l.nd n... police who have been investigat- and three Democrats. LIS , . - Other countries attending the (AI IS. New York 11'11 • • Mart vet ~ stitute at Sut Friday, Prof. Al Foster Dulles warned the nine- N t F r'nl- S t A DB-I.e ~ D rk MAy.