Iowa City, Iowa, J!'Ridi!" ~1Arch !I

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Iowa City, Iowa, J!'Ridi! • • " , "OW ~-YI , oors O~JI al l: 1\1 P. : Serving The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City 'S TIU . 10 TEll 'E'IIUlDIfMOO In 10011-1<'1 ve l{enls a (;oPY Member 01 Associated Press-AP Leased Wire ana Wirephoto service Iowa City, Iowa, J!'ridi!" ~1arch !I. [!ISd 'S CLARK 10 ' More Floods in ~ennsylvania NA! R~ents .OK ' Plans for SUI law (enter (8pec:lal to Tbe Oa.:;,. .owall) CEDAR FALLS .- SUI can begin planning for the change of Com­ I!1Ons women's dormitory Lo a Law Center following approval Thurs­ dlIy by the state Board of Regents. URDEIt" The regents also approved sites and appointed architects for a sel'­ The Weather Ike Victory ,OY" ie~ of married students apart­ m~nts and a men's dormitory. The 56th General Assembly ap­ Cloudy PRIIIYI ~ propriated $500,000 [or the con­ III Rejection of struction of a two story addition to and orad To WI" the Commons and for remodcUng of the present building. THE YE~1 Provide OHices. By BETTY LOU QUICK Warm 90% Parity The new building will extend Robert Goodwin. Iowa Republican National Committ~man, told SUI IiOIIth from the east wing or the "oung Re!)ublicons Thursday he thinks the federal lTand jury now in­ WASHINGTON !II - The Senate ve~tigaUn~ the natural gas bill lobbying will eventuaUy drop the case. Thursday defeated a Democratic Commons and will provide space drive to have cotton. com and pea­ for a law library and book storage. It was reported that the money for Lhe offers made to Goodwin [or Sprilli-like weather is expected nu~ crops supported at 90 per cent three classrooms, II trial courtroom information on Sen. Bourke B. to I'Cturn Lo Iowa City today, but Hickenlooper's stand on the bill it will be a short visit. of parity. It w.. a major victory Dnd law student lounge. * * * for President EillCnhower. Remodeling in the present Com­ dame from the private funds of ' d Howard B. Keck, president o( Su- Later today the w('otl'\tr will The vole on lhls key section of mons will consist mainly of re­ Putney To Hea CQ9l otf agaiD, but not as drastic- the election·year form bill was moving interior partitions to pro­ perlDr Oil Co.. Goodwin said. Vn- S aUy as before. Temperatures up 54 ..41. vide oUices, conference rooms and less the money came as a bribe or UI Young GOP to , ~ degrees ore expected Ihls All 95 members or the Senale seminar rooms. as a corporation contribution, there afternoon, dropping into lhe 20s !there is one vacancy I were on Is no crime. he said. Mark Putney, 1.3, Gladrbook, WIIS Dean Mason Ladd of the College ("P WI""pholu) lopight. hand for the te t. Sen. Eugene MIl­ of Law said Thursday that the Iowa Told Truth elected chairman of the SUI Young WATER STREET? The main Intorwction of War".n. Pa. ties under wattr Thur,day after tht Alltgheny Cloudy skies will accompany IIk!n (R-Colo.I, who has been ill Law Review offices and the Agri­ Speaking of John M. Nefrs de­ Republicans Thursday night. River went on a nial of the offers, Goodwin soid, Other officers elected were : Wil­ th, warming trend. tor several weeks, showed up in cultural Law Centcr would also be The low in Iowa City Thursday a wheel chair to vote with the ad­ housed in the new building. 1'1 told the truth as I knew it." He liam Bernau, L2, Lake City, vice­ s added that there may have been chairman; Dixie Davenport, AI , was nine degreeS, but by noon ministration force~ . ') Tlie old Law Building probably the mercury had climbed to 22 W..,. FIe,IW. Preps would be used for general class­ Flood Waters some confusion on recollection. Anamosa, secretary, nnd Dorothy EV- Goodwin said Neff visited him Schwengel, AS. Davenport, treas· dearees. Eisenhower and Secretary ol Ag- room space, Ladd said. mother p:srts or rowa, snow riculture Ezra Taft Benson want Approve Locations Layoffs at P& G last November, offering a free eon­ urer. nW'ries are expected today, with Congress to retaIn the nex,ible sys­ NE The board approved two locations Isolate Town U'lbution to Scn. IIickenlooper's d tern o( farm price supports estab- "Morly'" and names for Lhe married stud­ C3mpaign funds. "My suspicions . R tlv general w II r min g tren IIshl'd in 1954. This permits th ,. ents apartmcnljs : Parklawn Apart­ WARREN. Pa. IA')-Water up to were aroused when I saw money · ore aps. th~ghout. government to supporll)asic cr~s ments to be built near the present eight feet swirled through this coming (rom outside the state," he G 01 from 70 to 90 per cent of parity, After Picketin'g'Here said. western Pennsylvania community Parklawn Apartments and River­ according to supply conditions. side Apartments to be built at the of 15,000 Thursday night as the Eighteen construction workers at the Procter and Gamble drug prod­ "'It will be resolved in the grand fEATO Raps intersection of South Riverside rampaging Allegheny ,River and ucts plant being constructed cast of the cilY have been laid off, Gordon jury," he said. "It's up to the GOP Delo¥'in iI pr:~rr:i~e. ~:~de~~esig:~'~r!:~ Drive and Myrtle Avenue. Con newango Creek spilled Crom Wagner, cqnstruction superintendent said· Thursday.. • grand jury to d~ cide whelher or howt'r was "delighted!. by the The new men's dormitory to bc thei r banks. The projeql has not been receiving concrete since picketing b('gan not they think tl)ere was a crime built in the South Quadrangle arca The waters, rushing downstream, Monday at the Johnson County .---- committed. Ir they tnink a crime Senat.e Probe SOY·leis for' ~n·~~;.::~ru:nCn~~eheh~~~ will be planned for "expanded cap­ after creating havoc' in Salmanca. Ready-Mix company hcre. was committcd, they'll have to try · With the que8t1on decided for it in court. It's my guess they'lI acity to bouse 1,500 men with two N.Y., flooded the west end 'and Local 238 of the AFL Teamsters WASHINGTON (t1'J _ A sharp three or the basic crops, the Sen· men Just forget about it." Democratic • Republican quarrel ate ,as expecled to act qulcltly in single rooms and threc il) south side sections of the tOWIl. Vnlon will picket the P " G job if No Connection A I P II on a double room. First floors of scores of resi- the contractor there orders cement 600 Phones over how to run the Senate com- SII 0 ICY simUar moves to knock out hI,h, I There bas been no d finile con­ Plan Wom.n's Dorm dences were flooded. Police said from the Johnson County firm, Jo· mitteo investlgnUIIi tbe infiuence r;I,lcl supPorts ror wheat, rice alld nection revealed between Neff nnd at pressures threll~tned Thursday dairy products written into the Season No tax Cunds are used for uni­ more than 500 families were seph Eckrich, cement plant mnn- the Superior Oil Co., Goodwin said. versity dormitories or married stu­ evacuated. ager said. to break the committee up before KARACHI, Paktstnn (t1'J - SEATO farm bill by tile Democrallc-con- Dead Here "When he visited me, he repre­ it ever gets started. ministers thursqay niaht called re- trOlled Agriculture Committee. 1955·56 dent housing. Construction i~ [in­ The town was virtually isolnted. Meanwhile union pickets were sented bimself as its representa­ anced by lopns repayable from The only road entry was over a being picketed by )lqth union and Telephone service. to a large resi­ tive, bl\t he didn't definitely say The S<>riate voted 79-1 Oll Fe\). 7;2 een~ statements and ~tivIUes of '1.. ,. "ut. Out' Mmings ot SUI's selt;jjqtl'tdntlng long ·detour. non·union employes of one of the dential and SUl area was cut off so," to ~t lIP the led cammlttee Sovret leaders .. trouble~1a1 al. JllSt before the vote was talten. housing .system. tbat stm fillsn'1. ~Ue" off the '. " . ~. Roben S. J(t!rr to·Okla.) to~ Mayor William E. Rice declared two local firms affected by this Thursday by an excavation crew Turning to the November elec­ ground t inDt to Il1Cf'ease tensloo and pro- the seriators tblIt if they rejected Preliminary plans for Burge a state or emergency. The Red week's picketing. which cut through a Cabie at the tions Goodwin said he favored Hall, a new woman's dormitory, : • mqtl! ~Ivtklon in AsJan ,cOrnriJUAlHet to J!Cr 'cent supports ")IOu teat the Cross ordered 20 disaster workers The ol¥r, cOl:npany affected is corner of Capitol and Markct Richard Nixon as a vice-presiden­ . DN""d T, F.II"re an~ ~mong other nations or the very f\.Its out o( this bill lUI rar were also discussed by til e board. Strects. tial candidate, "He has the exper­ Four wings, eacb housing 300 wo­ here from Eastern states. Four tbe Central Ready Mixed Concrete Sen. ~rnold Gore m -Tenn,), w~o -lrf1C world." " .. as an,Y behe(it to the lndividuul hundred cots and blankets were Co. Service is ('xpected to be re- ience and the youthful viewpoint," has been tenlatlyely.c?osen· f.: cOnirnuniq~ issued by the (~rmers goes," men under "expanded capacity," Goodwin said. will be bullt above a connect ing being flown in. No Union Contract stored by mid-morning today.
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