Technical Paper Quantitation of Carotenoids in Raw and Processed
Food Sci. Technol. Res., ++ (+), +-ῌ+2, ,**/ Technical paper Quantitation of Carotenoids in Raw and Processed Fruits in Japan +ῌ + + + + Masamichi YANO , Masaya KATO , Yoshinori IKOMA , Akemi KAWASAKI , Yoshino FUKAZAWA , + + , - . Minoru SUGIURA , Hikaru MATSUMOTO , Yumiko OOHARA , Akihiko NAGAO and Kazunori OGAWA + Department of Citrus Research Okitsu, National Institute of Fruit Tree Science, .2/ῌ0 Okitsunakacho, Shimizu-ku, Shizuoka-shi, Shizuoka .,.ῌ*,3,, Japan , Saga Prefectural Fruit Tree Research Station, 3+ Teraura, Ogi-cho, Ogi-gun, Saga 2./ῌ**.+, Japan - National Food Research Institute, ,ῌ+ῌ+, Kannondai, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki -*/ῌ20.,, Japan . Okinawa Subtropical Station, Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, +*3+ῌ+ Maezato, Kawarabaru, Ishigaki-shi, Okinawa 3*1ῌ***,, Japan. (Present address, Department of Citrus Research Okitsu, National Institute of Fruit Tree Science, .2/ῌ0 Okitsunakacho, Shimizu-ku, Shizuoka-shi, Shizuoka .,.ῌ*,3,, Japan) Received June ,+, ,**.; Accepted October ,1, ,**. To obtain the quantitative and qualitative data available for estimating the intake of carotenoids from fruits in Japan, carotenoids were analyzed with reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Ten carotenoids were examined in 1/ raw fruits and +/ processed fruits, all of which were harvested or purchased in Japan. Phytoene was detected in /2 of 3* fruit samples; z-carotene, in /* of 3* ; lycopene, in +- of 3*; a-carotene, in +2 of 3*;lutein,in/0 of 3*; b-carotene, in 2* of 3*; b-cryptoxanthin,
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