Magician’s Knights


It was night and the star shined brightly. Sounds of 16 kids running though the hallways echoed through the castle. They were trying to catch up to their master to watch him leaving. They reached outside in front of the castle. “Master!” they all yelled.

Niseshiro turned and saw his young students running towards him. He tried to leave quietly but it looks like he won’t be able too. “What are you doing outside of your beds? Go on, head back to bed.” He asked them.

They all shook their heads. “Master! You said you would teach us to because Magician’s Knights.” They all spoke at the same time.

“I have something to do, but I promise that when you are able to

Chapter 1

The castle was big and old, it has withstood the test of time and it came through. It stood with pride but cracks have began showing here and there showing that it’s not a young castle anymore. The Hallways were old and grey, lost a feel of greatness that they once had. What once had rich painting and pictures up on it’s walls were now blank and empty voids. The precious metals of the candlestick and chandelier has lost their shine and beauty; that now are rusting and falling apart. The glass windows that once kept the castle warm and were whole are now broken and let in the cold damp air from the outside. Indeed, has this castle seen many things during its lifetime. Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap. The sound of running feet echoes throughout the empty hallways coming from two little girls.

“Did you find him?” Hitomi asked.

“No, did you?” Mika said.

Hitomi shook her head with a no. “Gee where could he have gone, that idiot.” Hitomi said as she put her hands on her hips. Hitomi Kumora is a young short girl at only 3’7. She has long purple hair that went down to her lower back, with light green eyes. She is wearing a light silver armor with big shoulder blades. A chest plate with some fine leather that was tight on the stomach. Her gauntlet was made out of thick leather with some iron knuckles with small pointed balls on it. Covered with silver armor on her arms. The silver boots went up her leg just short of her knee cap with a 3 inch heal that put’s her at 4 foot tall even. She is only 8 years old.

“Hmm! If I were him where would I go to ditch class?” Hitomi said while tapping her left silver heel. She looked at Mika with a smile.

Mika looked at Hitomi face expression lighting up. “You know where he is!” Mika said in an excitement.

Hitomi smiled and nodded. “Come on, he’s this way.” She ran in the direction towards the court yard.

“Wait for me sis.” Mika said as she chased after Hitomi.

Mika Kumora, the youngest twin sister of Hitomi standing only at 3’5. She has short purple hair that has a small flower hairclip in the right part of her head. Light green eyes that shine in the sunlight. Unlike her sister who wears her armor, she wears light brown cotton shirt dyed with some black color on the back. She wears a silver armor on her arms. Her pants were slim and hugged her legs. They had some stitching in some random places. She wore a black mini skirt around her waist.

Outside on top of a slanted roof of a building laid a young man about 15 years of age and 5’7 ft tall. He has light blue hair on the left side of his head and light green hair on the right. It was split down the middle evenly. His hands were behind his head and his eyes were close. Wearing nothing more than simple cotton black shirt and pants. He is the older brother of Hitomi and Mika. The oldest of the Kumora siblings.

He loves to be alone away from the others, he just wanted to be left alone. Feeling the light breeze coming across his face with the sun beating down his face.

“KYONTO!” A voice yelled.

He opened his right eye revealing a light green eye looking down and sees his siblings standing there. Hitomi was obviously angry and Mika was just bobbing up and down on her feet with a smile. That was one thing Kyonto hated about Mika, she was always smiling.

“What do you want?” Kyonto asked coldly.


Kyonto just closed his eye and just ignore Hitomi and went back to sleep.

Hitomi was getting madder by the second. “Fine be that way.” She said under her breath and she walked up to the wall.

“Um Hitomi? What are you doing?” Mika asked her sister.

“Isn’t obvious? I’m getting our stupid brother down.” Hitomi said. And she then put her hand on the wall. She focused and her hand started to pulse against the wall. The wall started to squirm and move and it wrapped around her hand and then it started to pull her up towards the roof. “Please be careful big sis.” Mika said, watching her sister going up to the roof.

Hitomi reached the roof and silently tipped toed over to Kyonto. She charged her magic in her foot and then took a step and kicked Kyonto in the left side of his ribs. “ULTRA KICK!” Hitomi yelled.

Kyonto eyes widen from the pain and he screamed as he was kicked off the roof and crashed into a stone wall. Kyonto emerged from the rubble and he was mad. “WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!” Kyonto yelled. He got up only to clutched his left side in paid and blood was coming down from his left side of his head.

“Kyonto are you alright.” Mika said all worried as she reached her brother side. She then turned and faced her sister. “Hitomi that wasn’t nice! You could have really hurt him.”

Hitomi looked at Kyonto with disgust a ‘hmph’ came from her lips. She hopped down and using a blast of magic to slowed her down and landed on the ground. She turned away from her brother and sister and said. “Come on, Master Niseshiro will be mad if we linger.” Hitomi started to head towards the hallway and left for class.

Kyonto just glared as Hitomi walked away from him with her back towards him. “Man, she’s such a pain.” Kyonto thought and then he felt pain coming from his wound on his head. “AHH!” He flinched away and yelled to Mika. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?”

“Are you alright? The cut doesn’t look too deep and the left eye is all fine.” Mika said with a smile as she cleaned her brother wound. She wiped the blood from Kyonto’s left eye.

“Why do you care if my left eye is ok or not?” Kyonto asked.

Mika look at Kyonto with a confused look. “What do you mean? The left eye is my favorite eye.” Mika said.

“Huh?” Kyonto said. “What are you saying?” Kyonto winched in pain as Mika placed the cloth again against the open wound.

“I like the left eye because it reminds me about that beautiful lake.” Mika said with a charmed voice. “There it’s all done.”

Kyonto got up and brushed himself off. He hated how she is always helpful toward him and to the others. “I swear she’s going to get taken advantage of one of these days.” Kyonto thought. He then started to walk towards the classroom. “Man, I hate class.” Kyonto said to himself.

Mika got up and ran after Kyonto. “Wait for me brother.” Mika said.

Kyonto looked at the door and sighed, he hated going to class because it’s all the same. He closed his eyes and reopened them, he reached for the door and opened the door. Once open the door he was faced with Master Niseshiro who had his arms crossed and stood there angrily.

“…” Kyonto just looked at his master with a glare.

“You are late Kyonto.” Niseshiro said.

“Yeah, yeah.” Kyonto said grudgingly as he pushed pass Master Niseshiro. Niseshiro just rubbed the temple of his head out of frustration. He turned and watched Kyonto taking his set in the back of the classroom.

“MASTER NISESHIRO I’VE RETRIVED KYONTO!” Mika yelled while giving him a salute.

Niseshiro turned and looked at Mika who was running towards him. “Ah yes, thank you Mika, I couldn’t do it without you.”

Mika gave him a smile and went to sit down in her set.

Niseshiro walked to the front of the classroom and faces his students. They all looked forward at him and just sat there waiting. The front row in seat 1 is a young girl named Rei who’s about 16 years old, seat 2 is a young boy named Si about 10 of age. Next to him sat Yuko at the age of 12, then Kevin, Amy, Toron and Hitomi Kumora. In the second row sat in the 8th seat was Sora, then Kokuro, Yuzuki, Jiri, Mika Kumora and Shun. Lastly in the final row in the 14th seat was a young girl name Satomi of 15 years of age. Next to her sat Atsume and lastly Kyonto Kumora who was just looking outside of the window.

Niseshiro sighed and cleared his throat, he then began his class of students. “Alright now thanks to a certain someone, class has officially started late. So, as punishment we will take a quiz after lunch today.”

The classroom filled with moaning’s and groaning’s as they complained.

“Thanks a lot, Kyonto.” Shun said.

“Why you little turd, you did this on purpose.” Rei complained as she looked at Kyonto with hatred in her eyes.

“Hmph.” Kyonto grunted in response.

“Alright that’s enough, everyone please turn to page 567 in your text book please and follow along. ‘Magic is used only by those that can harness it. The world is made up of two things the atom, and the other one is the magic particle that lies within the atom. By harvesting the magic particle, you can form magic.’” Niseshiro paused and looked at his students. “What do you think Merlin trying to say here? Shun?”

Shun looked up from his book and thought for a couple of seconds and said. “Magic?” Shun said.

Niseshiro nodded and said. “Yes, but what else? Yuko?”

“That the world is made up of two things, the atom and the magic particles.” Yuko said.

“Correct.” Master Niseshiro said.

He walked up to the blackboard and grab a piece of chalk and drew a diagram of an atom. On the blackboard was a ball with two arrows pointed to it that read Neutron and proton. Then he drew floating orbs and it read electron.

Master Niseshiro then faced the class. “What is this?” He asked the class.

“An atom.” Mika said as she raised her hand. “Excellent Mika, now if we will continue to read you will see…” Niseshiro said but before he could continue a student raised a hand. “Hm…yes Rei?”

“If that’s an atom and that is what it looks like, then what about the magic particle? What does that look like?” Rei asked.

“Well, where would think the magic particle is located?” Niseshiro asked.

“Well that’s obvious, it is in the Neutron and the Proton.” Rei said.

“Not quite, a good guess but not good enough. Any more guesses?” Niseshiro asked.

“It’s in the electron.” Kevin said.

“No, it’s deeper in the Atom.” Toron said.

“Yes, it lies deep inside the Atom.” Niseshiro said. “No one knows exactly how it works with the atom. Some say it what powers the Atom, others say it has gravitational pull that keeps the Electron, neutron and proton together.”

“Then how does magic work then?” Satomi asked.

Niseshiro leaned against the board. “Well? Does everything have Atoms?” He watched his student’s nodding their heads. “So, if everything has atoms then that means they have the magic particle. With the magic particle, we can harness the atoms and make power of creation in our own hands. That is how magic works.”

Niseshiro opened his arms and gave them a smile. “You all have the power and the ability to harvest and harness and create magic. That is why I’m teaching you, just like what Merlin and Ordoth taught…”

“This is all stupid, I already know about these things. You taught us this three years ago.” Kyonto said angrily.

“Kyonto…” Niseshiro said as he sighed. “It’s important to know the basic of what Merlin and Ordoth taught to each other. For Merlin was the first of the Magician’s Knights. He learned all that I have taught you and more; more than you can ever imagine.” Niseshiro said.

“What’s so special about the Magic Particle?” Mika asked.

Niseshiro formed a fire ball in his hand. “This is what happens when the Magic particle is harvest by those that can wield it. Again, everything is made up of atoms and the Magic Particle pulls the correct amount that you need to create its form and shape.”

“So, does that mean we can create anything?” Mika said.

“Yes, even life itself but that is something you guys will never learn. Because Merlin did not want to make it known, I cannot talk more on the subject, instead let’s talk about the classes in today’s world.” Niseshiro said as he lights up his pipe and took a breath of smoke and breathed it out then he continued. “What are the four classes in life?”

“Humans!” “Lesser Magic!”

“Magician’s Knights!”

“Good, is that it?” Niseshiro asked.

Everyone looked at each other with a confusion.

“Inhuman Sage.” A voice said.

Everyone turned their head to the person who said it, and it was none other than Kyonto.

Niseshiro was impressed but kept his calm face.

“Right, so there’s a total of four race.” Niseshiro said holding up his index finger. “First one is Humans: ‘They are the majority of the population of the world, those are your kings and queens and knights and town folk.’ Anyone that fall in this category are the ones that can’t harness magic.” He then held up his second finger. “Second Lesser Magic: ‘They are those that can use magic to a small degree, from a simple potion master, Spell caster, Witch, Warlock, Wizard and Head Masters fall in this category. Rarely do we get some that has power to rival that of Magician’s Knights. Those fall under the Supreme Sorcerers class and they are far few in between our history. According to Gawain during the M.D era, there was one Sorcerer named Deathwing. He was the only one that rivaled Merlin at the time.” Niseshiro continued to write on the black board holding up his third finger. “Third Magician’s knights: ‘Magician’s Knights are the most powerful beings on this world, we are the only ones that can fully master and use the magic particle. It’s really self-explanatory but our ability to conjure magic it the fact that we can harness the Magic particle surrounding us and shape it into whatever magic we desire.” He then held up his pinky finger. “Lastly the fourth race belongs to Inhuman Sage: ‘Not much is known about them except that they are very powerful and could rival a Magician Knight but sadly this is more of a myth than anything else. Science says that if they do exist it would be 1 in a 58.6 billion.’ Thus, said Merlin.” Niseshiro said.

“If Inhuman Sage sounds like it’s made up then why does it exist?” Si said.

“Rumors have said that King Arthur was an Inhuman Sage but again it’s nothing but a rumor. Now please turn to page…” Niseshiro said.

Kyonto zoned out his sensei and looked out the window. It’s been 4 years since he and his sisters have been found by Niseshiro.

Chapter 2

“Big brother, I’m cold, tired and hungry, when are we going eat?” Hitomi said tiredly.

“We have to keep moving. Otherwise we’ll get snowed in the forest.” Kyonto said as they slowly stomped through the light snow that was on the ground. The snow was lightly falling down onto the ground, slowly covering their tracks that they had recently made. The ground was about 2 inches covered with snow.

Mika held onto Kyonto’s pant leg as she was sluggishly walking behind. Her breath was quick and sharp, she gipped the pant leg harder to hold herself up right but only to fall onto the soft cold snow.


Hitomi turned to see her sister on the ground. “MIKA!” Hitomi screamed and walked over towards her twin. She placed her hand on her forehead. “She’s warm! She might have a fever.”

Kyonto turned to see the problem. He glared his eyes and clench his teeth together. “Damn! Why now?” Kyonto thought. He looked around to see if there’s any shelter.

They were in a middle of the forest on their way to Kantun village. But they are more than a day and a half away. Shelter is almost none existence, in the forest. You would either find a cave or a cabin in the woods or make a shelter yourself.

Kyonto just stood there as he watches Hitomi trying to warm Mika up with her own heat. “What to do? What can I do? If I could just…” Kyonto couldn’t finish his thought as he felt something coming from behind him. He turned to see what was causing it. “What’s this feeling?” Kyonto thought. “Why? Why is it coming from ahead of us? It’s almost like someone is near.”

“Onii-chan!” Hitomi yelled.

Kyonto turned and looked at Hitomi who was on the verge of tears.

“What are we going to do?” Hitomi said.

Kyonto couldn’t think of anything for he could feel the snow now picking up and he doesn’t have enough time to build a shelter let alone a fire. He couldn’t lose his sisters, not like this. He just closed his eyes. “Think, think, think damn it! What can I do?” Kyonto thought.

The wave of feeling hit him again.

“Again? What’s this feeling? Why…”? It triggered something. “That’s right that old man felt the same way from 3 moons ago. If it’s the same then it could be him.” Kyonto thought.

He couldn’t tell but what he felt with him and what he is feeling now are similar if not the same. Kyonto walked towards his sisters and picked up Mika in his arms.

Hitomi just sat there as she saw her brother just walked towards them and picked up her sister. But what shock her the most was Kyonto was bend down with his back towards her.

“Onii-chan?” Hitomi said.

“Get on.” Kyonto said.

Hitomi said nothing and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Hold on tight.” Kyonto said as he moved his left arm and place it underneath her bottom to hold her. He then began to jog forward. He needed to get to reach to the old man before Mika condition worsens. He ran around a big tree only to stop in his tracks.

Hitomi was shocked but said nothing as she tightens her grip.

In front of them were a pack of wolves eating a carcass of a dead Bell Deer. There were about 12 in the pack and none of them noticed Kyonto standing there. They were too focus on eating their kill.

Kyonto mentally cursed and slowly backed away. He was glad that they were too focus on eating. It was hard for him to back up because he didn’t want to alert them to their presents.

With every step Kyonto took the snow shuffled underneath his foot. He slowly backed away cautiously. Step, step, step. SNAP! Kyonto’s face turned white as he froze in fear as soon as he heard the sound.

The wolves turned their heads toward the sound. Kyonto started to run but it wasn’t easy with the combination of the snow and his two sisters. The wolves started to chase after Kyonto.

“SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! This isn’t good!” Kyonto thought. “Hold on tight Hitomi!”

Hitomi tighten her grip and she looked back seeing the pack of wolves chasing them. She buries her face against her brother’s neck. She was scared for her life and for her twin sister and for Kyonto. She heard growling near her. Looking back, she saw a big wolf near her inches away from her bottom. “ONI- CHAN!”

Kyonto turned around, putting little magic in his feet and swung against the face of the wolves. Sending the wolf off to the side. Kyonto stated to run towards the direction where the wolf pack was eating. “Maybe if I go pass their food, they might stop.”

Kyonto almost stumbled but caught himself from falling. A wolf came jumping at him from the front. Kyonto head-butted the wolf knocking him to the ground. He groaned but kept going towards the dead carcass of the Bell Deer.

“Oni-chan are we going to die?” Hitomi asked.

“No, we won’t. Just believe in your big brother and everything will be fine.” Kyonto ran past the dead Bell Deer. “Hopefully this’ll work.”

Kyonto looked back and his eyes widen in shock. The wolves were just ignoring the Bell Deer carcass and continue to chase them. Kyonto slipped in the snow and fell backwards, holding onto Mika tightly.

“AH!” Hitomi yelled as Kyonto landed on top of her.

Kyonto got up. “Come on, we need to move.”

“GRRRR!” A wolf jumped at them.

Kyonto grabbed Hitomi and Mika and rolled out of the way. The wolf missed them and landed in the snow and he howled in the sky. Then more came out from the trees and jumped at three siblings. Kyonto held tightly on his sisters and dodged two of the wolves and tried to dodge the third but he stumbled in the snow. Knowing he can’t dodge the wolf he dropped his sisters in the soft snow. Biff, boof, they landed softly in the snow. “AH!” Hitomi yelled as she hit the ground. Mika landed and started to groan.

Kyonto caught the wolf and kept it from landing on top of his sisters. The wolf growled and bit Kyonto in the left shoulder.

“AAAHHH!” Kyonto screamed as the wolf sank its teeth in his flesh. He glared at the wolf and he put little magic in his hands and slammed his fists into the gut of the wolf’s gut. The wolf whimpered as he was sent flying and slam into a tree.

Kyonto gripped his wounded shoulder and he looked to his left and right. “Hitomi grab Mika and move!”

Hitomi grabbed Mika and struggled to move her twin. She watched as a wolf barely missing her as the wolf landed where she was laying. Kyonto grabbed the wolf’s neck and was struggling to keep his hold on the wolf. The other wolf jumped at Kyonto to help its fellow pack mate. Kyonto managed to roll the wolf on top of him just as the wolf reached them. The wolf slammed into the wolf causing them to roll away.

Kyonto got up and ran to his sisters and picked them up. Kyonto then started to run north towards the direction he felt where they needed to go. Kyonto heard howling behind them and knew they were gathering together. Soon growling were heard beside them. Kyonto looked to his left and saw a big White wolf with a black star over the wolf’s right eye.

“Grrr.” Its growled and then slammed itself into Kyonto.

“AH!” Kyonto was launched against the ground and skid against the snowy ground. BAM! Kyonto hit a small boulder that was slightly covered with snow. “AH!” kyonto coughed up blood and groaned as his left shoulder shot pain through his arm. He groaned and he watched as the white wolf growled at him and just watched him.

Hitomi and Mika groaned in their brother’s arm. She looked and saw the white wolf standing about 30 ft away from them. She grabbed Mika and pressed against Kyonto in fear.

Kyonto watched as the other wolves gathered together and stood behind the white wolf with the black star on its right eye. “So, you’re the alpha, aren’t you…Blackstar.” Kyonto said as he stared at Blackstar.

Blackstar growled as he breathed out as he ran towards Kyonto and his sisters.


“Their movements are slow and easy to follow. I can almost counter their movements with my own. I don’t get it?” Kyonto thought as he moved his sisters out of the wolf’s way and making sure it was clear for them. Kyonto saw another wolf that was clearly not even trying to hide from him came closer. Kyonto was almost out of strength as he ran from the pack. “It’s almost like they want me to see them and to hear them. They’re giving me enough time to try to dodge them and to run away.”

Kyonto’s breath was quivering hard as he stopped to catch his breath. “Damn wolves. Wasting my energy just running around and it’s like they’re not…” Kyonto’s eyes widen in realization. “These wolves don’t hunt their prey. No. They get it injured and tired and when the prey is weakened, that’s when they strike.” Fear struck Kyonto’s heart as the true nature of the wolf pack entered his mind. These wolves are no ordinary wolves. They’re a pack of Dire Wolf. He jumped out of the way before a wolf could get him. Kyonto backed up and faced the pack. “Six, Seven, Eight. Where are the others?” “Hitomi be my eyes, do you see any other wolves?”

Hitomi looked around but couldn’t see any wolves. “No!” He turned around just to see a big Dire wolf jumping down above them.

“Grrrr!” Blackstar growled as he jumped at the children.

Kyonto moved but slipped on the slick snow and he lost his footing. Kyonto and Hitomi stared in horror as they couldn’t get out of the way in time.

Chapter 3

Kyonto jerked awake. He rubbed his eyes and looked around and saw that he was all alone. “Damn, I can’t believe I fell asleep in class and not only that it’s lunch time.” He got out and headed to the mess hall. He walked down the hallways.

The castle was called Stormhall, the last remnant of the once great Magician’s Knights that roamed the world. It has stood for more than 100,000 years and despite the age, it still holds up.

He reached the mess hall and saw everyone eating.

“Yo! Look who it is! It’s mister sleepy head.” Toron yelled causing everyone else to laugh.

Kyonto ignored him and sat down in his seat.

Mika saw Kyonto, she grabbed a mutton stuffed roll placed it into her mouth and carried her already full plate from her seat and moved in front of her brother.

“What do you want Mika?” Kyonto said as he grabbed a turkey leg and started to eat it.

Mika placed her plate down and took her seat. She then stuffed the mutton stuffed roll into her mouth. “mh wumn tu shmt hrr” Mika stopped speaking and swallowed her food. “I want to sit here.” A smile shown on her face.

Kyonto sighed and went back to eating. “No one said you could sit here.”

“But I don’t see anyone’s name on here so it must mean it’s open.”

“Yeah but it doesn’t mean you can sit freely.”

Mika took the other turkey leg before Kyonto could grab it and started gobbled it down.

“Hey! That turkey leg was mine!”

“Here.” Mika took the half-eaten leg and popped it into her brother’s mouth. Kyonto gagged as Mika just shoved it down his throat and he coughed. “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TRYING TO DO!? CHOAK ME TO DEATH!” Mika took the mutton stuffed roll from Kyonto’s plate and ate half of it. “HEY!” Pop. Mika placed the half mutton roll into Kyonto’s mouth.

“We use too share food together all the time when we were traveling.” Mika said as she stuffed a tomato into his mouth as well.

“Mika stop bothering Kyonto. He’ll hit you if you keep doing that.” Hitomi said as she sat near her sister.

Mika gave her a beaming smile and said. “I don’t mind it if big brother hit’s me.”

Hitomi just slump into her seat. “Why are you my sister.” She mumbled.

“Why are you two sitting near me…” Kyonto was given another half-eaten mutton roll that was stuffed down his throat. “Mika cut it out I can feed myself without you biting into everything.”

“Popular with the ladies I see.” Shun spoke behind Kyonto giving him a smug.

“Shun be nice.” Amy spoked as she chewed on her food as elegantly as possible.

“Yeah shun you don’t want Kyonto here to hit you...although it would be great if he did.” Hitomi said as she ate her salad.

“No, no fighting.”

“Relax Mika I’m pretty sure Shun here will be a good boy.” Amy said.

Shun just shrugged his shoulders. “Hey, I’m just making conversations.”

“Alright you guys put your pencil down.” Niseshiro said as he hears his students groan in protest. He used his magic to gather the test. “Alright I want you all to go to the potion lab and wait there, I’ll be there in a second.”

Everyone started to move and grab their things and head over to the potion lab.

“Say, what kind of potion are we going to make today?” Yuzuki asked.

“I hope it’s some muscle potion, I want to bulk up.” Jiri said as he flexes his arms.

“What you need is height Jiri. If it wasn’t for Mika being the youngest and the shortest you would be the smallest one here.” Shun said.

“Grrr Why don’t you say that to my face.” Jiri yelled. Hitomi just held on him and was dragging him away.

“Shun stop picking on Jiri.” Yuzuki said.

“Oh, it’s some harmless fun.” Shun said as we walked out of the classroom with his hands behind his head.

Niseshiro placed his hand on the crystal ball and concentrated his magic.

Fire was burning everywhere and the kingdom of Avlon was destroyed. He Saw what looks like his students spread out on the ground dead. He couldn’t tell who’s who due to the bodies being burned too bad. From the flames came a shadow figure with a small summon on the shoulder. The person was followed by others and they all gave off such evil vibes their pressure was too much to handle. They charged up their magic and aimed it up towards the sky. A big explosion happened and it destroyed everything causing the continent to shake underneath their feet causing earthquakes and tsunami’s. Everything was being destroyed by their hands. Soon the gate was opened and out came this creature that had been sealed away. He roared and caused a blast of magic to come out of its mouth and it destroyed everything in its path.

Niseshiro let go of the crystal ball and stumbled backwards. “We’re running out of time.” He whispered.

“What’s wrong?” Lightning asked.

“We need to prep the summon room. We need everyone to try and get theirs summon tomorrow.” Niseshiro said.

“Master they’re not ready, some don’t have that kind of magic to pull it off and…”

“Lightning do it!” Niseshiro yelled. “Don’t worry about those students that can’t. I’ll give them some MED pills in their food. Now go!” Niseshiro

Lightning went quiet and bowed his head. “It’ll be done master.” He left it at that and wend to do what he was ordered.

Niseshiro gripped his head in frustration. He has been looking into the future every now and then, even though he knows that it’s not set in stone. Being the last Magician Knight teacher makes it that much harder to teach his students properly. Without guidance they’ll be lost without him, he’s not perfect but he’s the only one trying to prepare them. But for the last year the future kept getting darker and darker, almost like the end is near and he would see his students struggle and die. “A few more years.” Niseshiro thought to himself. “A few more years before they get them. I can’t do anything about it, now I’ll be needing to teach them how the partnership is supposed to work.” Niseshiro pulled out a book from his desk.

“I have an important announcement that I need to tell you all.” Niseshiro looked at each of his students. “Now I know it’s on a such short notice but I want you all to go and bring your weapons and follow me.” Niseshiro said.

Everyone started looked at each other not knowing what to do. Kevin got up headed to the closet with his name on it and pulled out his sword. Some followed and eventually everyone got up and grabbed their weapon of choice. They followed their master as he leads them somewhere. Some of the student’s talked among themselves trying to figure out where they are going.

They all arrived at this big door and Niseshiro

“You’ll all will be getting your own summons today.” Niseshiro said as he led his students.

Everyone just stood there shocked at what master Niseshiro had said.

“Um, I just want to make sure I get this right, but did you said we’ll be getting our own summons.” Si said as he ran to his sensei side.

“Yes.” Niseshiro said in response.

“Like now?” Si said.

“Hmmm.” Was the reply.

“Today.” Si said.

This time only getting a nod.

“Alight!” Si said excitedly as he pumps his fist in the air.

The excitement then reached everyone else at this news.

“I can’t believe it!” Rei shouted with joy. “We are getting our own Summons!”

“I know right, I thought I would have to be over 1000 years before I could get mine.” Sora said.

“Yeah well, I would’ve gotten mine in 10 years.” Toron said boasting.

“Sure, you keep telling yourself that.” Rei said giving him a smirk.

“Whaaat!” Toron yelled.

Niseshiro closed his eyes as he listened to his students rambling on. He opened his eyes and spoke. “Alright that’s enough chit-chat. We need to continue so will please continue to walk ahead, we need to get going.” Niseshiro then turned and walked towards the center of the room.

Kyonto just moved and started to head towards his master. Soon everyone followed in pursuit.

The room was big and wide as the dinner hall with big pillars with some markings and beautiful carvings on them. The floor was made with smooth dark crystal marble that shines with the midnight beauty. The walls had a ton of paintings all with different types of creatures. Some of them shined like a crystal in sunlight.

A picture of a turtle that was slightly colored, the picture next to it was a shark that was full and bright with colors showing a great tiger shark. It was grey with a white bottom and dark spots all along the back. There were a ton of pictures that were brightly colored like the shark that included a Fairy, Honey Bee, Yellow Jacket, Ant, Silverback Gorilla, Monkey, Cat, Dog, Wolf, Worm, Snake, Deer, Mermaid, Skeleton, Hog, Imp, Kelpie, Bat, Brown Bear and a lot more.

Others were partly colored, The Dragon, Goblin, Troll, Rat, Road runner, Rabbit, Ghost, Zombie, Succubus, Griffin, Manticore, Skunk, Zebra, Lizard, Sting Ray, Unicorn and a lot more.

Some had a few colors that was barely there that included Scorpion, Orc, Ghoul, Aardvark, Black Bear, Hydra, Fox, Golem, Phoenix, Griffin and a bit more were slightly colored.

Two of the pictures however had no color it was like time has forgot them. The picture was nothing but a white canvas with no drawing what so ever.

Master Niseshiro stopped and turned and looked at his students and they looked around them.

“What is this room?” Mika asked.

“This is the Summon Room. Here is where you will get your very own summon.” Niseshiro said.

Everyone looked at his and saw that he was standing on a stage of some short. There were some strange light glowing from the stage and this caused them to wonder what’s up with the lights.

“Um Master?” Hitomi spoke with her hand up.

“Yes Hitomi?” Master Niseshiro said.

“How will standing in this room get us our summons?” Hitomi asked.

“Good question, now let me ask you this. Where did Lightning came from.” Niseshiro asked.

Kyonto raised his hand and said. “From another world.”

“Excellent Kyonto, yes they came from another world and this is a portal that connects us to them. You could say it bridge the gap between our world and the summons world. The summons world is called Kyojinokemono.” Niseshiro said.

“So how do we get them then?” Rei asked.

“One by one, when I call you your name, you will come up and grab your weapon that you use to fight with and stand in the middle of the circle. Then you will slam the weapon on the ground and channel magic through it. That will open the portal to Kyojinokemono and the summon that you get will then come out.” Niseshiro explained to his students.

“Alright but then what’s up with the paintings here?” Kevin said.

“The paintings show’s us the popularity of the summons. The more color they have; the more they have been chosen in the past. The darker the painting the less they have been chosen.” Niseshiro said.

“So, then that means there have been a ton worm Magician’s Knights?” Kevin said.

“Yes, that’s right.”

“So why are there two blank canvas?” “Also, why are some of them glowing?” Another student asked.

“Now let’s save any questions you have till the very end and let’s get down to business. I don’t want to waste any more time.” Niseshiro said. This comment caused others to put their hands down. “This is how you’ll summon your partner. You take your weapon and slam in in the middle of the summoning circle and channel magic through it. If it connects then the circle will do the rest, if not then you’ll have to do it again. Now I must warn you kids that this will require a lot of magic, so please be patient with yourself and do it properly. Another thing is that some of you might not get your summons today, that’s fine, you’ll just have too wait for 6 months before trying again. Now will Shun please step up here please.” Niseshiro said.

Shun nervously swallowed and walked up onto the stage. “Man, this suck. Why am I the first one to get picked?” Shun thought. He looked at the magic circle and saw that it was in a shape of an 8-point star with the words Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Steel, Storm, Heaven and Hell written in each of the arms of the star. On the very tip of the stars’ arms were eight lit candles that were flickering. Shun walked into the middle and stood there.

“Now Shun do you remember what to do?” Niseshiro asked.

Shun nodded and closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He reached for his sword with his right hand and pulled it out of its sheath. Opening his eyes, he flipped the sword upside down he then placed his left hand on top of his right hand and stabbed the marble floor. He then started to push his magic through the sword and into the ground.

The circle started to glow with a bright purple light and the flames from the candle grew big and then disappeared into a line of flames. The flames headed straight to the middle, towards the sword only to stop at the base of the sword. Then it started to spin clockwise at an incredible speed. The light slowly started to shrink until it only covered the flames with its glow.

Shun was taken back at what was going on but then he sees in the amidst of the flame a small swirl of light floating just barely above the ground in the air. He looked closer at the swirl only to see a light coming from it and the light came out of the swirl and floated up until it reached in front of his face.

The light slowly disappeared until the only light came from the small light that just kept floating in front of Shun. The light then morphed and took shape and POP a small snake stood there floating. The Snake was a mossy green with golden eyes. Black strips went down the back and stopped short of the tail. The snake flickered its tongue at Shun.

“Hello nice to meet you.” She said.

“Woah!? Are you my very own summon!?” Shun said excitedly.

“Yes I am.” She said as she bowed her little tiny head. “It’s great to see you Master.”

“Awesome!” Shun said happily.

“Shun if you will please, take the summon and head down and join the rest of your classmate.” Niseshiro said. Shun nodded and gently placed his hand underneath the snake and carried her with him and joined with the rest of the group.

“Alright next will be Amy.” Niseshiro said.

Amy walked up and stood in the middle of the circle. She grabbed her iron bow staff and jabbed it into the marble and pulsed her magic into the staff. Just like shun the purple light encircled the whole magic circle and the flames went towards the bow staff circling it. The light disappeared and enveloped the flames. The air opened up again and a small ball of light again appeared and floated up to Amy’s face.

The light taken shape and a Mermaid appeared. She has long smooth silky black hair and blue eyes. Her skin was a creamy white color with black sea shells covering her breast. Her tail was black with some grey color on the tail fins. She bowed in front of Amy.

Amy squealed in delight and said. “Wow you are so cute and your hair is so smooth and silky, how did you get it like that?”

“Well, mermaids wash their hair differently then you humans do but I can show you later.” She said.

Amy squealed in delight and took her summon down to show her classmates.

“Next is Toron.” Niseshiro said.

Toron walked up and grabbed his sword and did what the other two did. The light appeared and from the light came a ghost. The ghost was in a shape of a semi-humanoid. It has a big head and a small cape on its back and its body was in a slug shape. Her black dotted eyes blinked as she looked at her master. Toron grabbed his summon and walked back down.

Next Jiri went and from the light he received a female Goblin. She was really cute to Si as he saw her, his face went red. She wore a thin brown bra on her chest as it hugged her breast. Her hair was a short white with a pair of earrings in her ears. She wore the same brown color skirt that hugged her butt. She gave a toothy smile as she placed her hands behind her back. Her sword was on her hip and she spoke. “Hi! My name is Grepfiensea nice to meet you.” Jiri grabbed her and went down.

Then Sora went up and he received the wolf summon. The wolf was grey with white belly and the front paws were black. It has a scar over its left eye.

Si walked up and from the light he received a dark green scaly Crocodile with light green on his belly. He also has two rows of bumpy scales that eventually merged down into a single row on his tail. Yuzuki received a Grey Troll that carried a spiked club.

“OOOH! I HAVE A SWEET BABE!” The troll said with hearts in his eyes and blood coming down his nose. His feet pushed against the air as he got closer to her.

“Stupid.” Yuzuki said Karate chop his head causing him to deflate and fall onto the ground.

“Yuzuki please be kind.” Master said with a sweat drop coming from his head.

Kokuro went and received a black Rat.

“Next is Mika.” Niseshiro said. Mika ran up the stairs and went to the middle, there she placed her sword and channel her magic. The circle started to glow with a bright purple light and the flames from the candle grew big and then disappeared into a line of flames. The flames headed straight to the middle, towards the sword only to stop at the base of the sword. Then it started to spin clockwise at an incredible speed. The light slowly started to shrink until it only covered the flames with its glow. The small swirl of air spun in the air continuously, just doing nothing but spin.

Mika just gripped her sword handle and was waiting.

“Mika, it looks like…” Niseshiro said but a light flashed out of the swirl and went in front of Mika and took a shape of a Squid.

Mika just looked at the little squid as it floated there. Her face was beaming bright like she saw a puppy for the very first time. Mika grabbed the squid and started to squeeze the life out of it.

“OH! YOU ARE SO CUTE!” Mika screamed.

The other summons just watched and thought the same thing. “I feel sorry for that summon.”

Mika ran down giggling but was stopped.

“Mika.” Niseshiro said.

Mika turned and looked at her sensei.

“Are you sure you want that summon? You could get another one?” Niseshiro asked.

Mika shook her head and spoke with kindness. “No, I like this one. Thank you for the offer though.” With that said Mika ran down to join the others.

Niseshiro sighed and just looked at the summon with caution, but decided to continue with the ceremony.

Atsume went and she received a grey Gargoyle summon followed by Rei and the summon that she received was shocking. She received a bright Golden Dragon that the Scale shined like shiny jewels. She has bright golden color eyes with wings that were strong that has spines on the ends of the fingers.

“Oh wow, you are a very cute dragon.” Rei said.

The dragon chuckled and said. “Why, thank you master. I can’t wait to work with you.”


“BECAUSE I’M BETTER THAN YOU THAT’S WHY!” Rei yelled as she put her hands on her hips.

The master just sighs as his students bickered back and forth about what summons they deserved.


“GRRR! WHY YOU LITTLE…” Toron yelled as started to march up their but was held back by Kyonto; who was irritated about the whole thing. “You don’t like me?” The little ghost asked with tears forming in her eyes. She was on the verge of crying because she felt like she was unwanted by her master.

Toron started to freak out. “No no no, I do like you.” He said trying to save himself. “You see I was just shock about the dragon and well…”

Shun laughed. “Hahaha great, looks like you’ve upset your Summon. Nice going nimrod.”

“Now, now please calm down. Kevin, would you please come up here.” Master said.

Kevin obeyed and went up there and followed everyone’s example. The light surrounded him and the air opened up and a ball of light came. The light floated up and started to morph, once it took shape the light dispersed.

There was a bright white butterfly, with two red dots on each of the wings and black out line on the edge of the wings. It was clear and transparent like glass.

“Hello.” The butterfly said in a sweet matter. After a few seconds laughter erupted.


“YEAH! THAT’S SO YOU KEVIN!” Shun said as he held his gut while laughing.

“I HOPE YOU LIKE TEA PARTIES!” Rei said as she was catching her breath from laughing too hard.

The butterfly got depressed and its wings went limp started to fall towards the ground.

Kevin caught the summon and covered its ears with his hands and yelled. “YOU GUYS ARE JEALOUS BECAUSE SHE’S CUTER THAN YOU!”

This just caused everyone to laugh harder. Kevin just growled as he left the stage, mumbling how he’ll make them pay.

Niseshiro eye twitched as he glared at his students who are making fun of each other. This is the most non-serious group he has ever seen. “Why is it that no one is taking this seriously?” he cleared his throat and said. “Next up is Kyonto.”

The room gotten quiet and they watched Kyonto going up to the stage. No one dared to speak, for they saw how serious he is. Kyonto stood in the middle and grab his sword and slammed it down into the ground. Just like the others, the circle started to glow with a bright purple light and the flames from the candle grew big and then disappeared into a line of flames. The atmosphere gotten darker than ever. The flames headed straight to the middle, towards the sword only to stop at the base of the sword. Then it started to spin clockwise at an incredible speed. The light slowly started to shrink until it only covered the flames with its glow.

Kyonto stared at the swirl of magic with intense, waiting for his summon to appear. From the midst of the magic. What felt like hours the magic dispersed and the room atmosphere went back too normal? Everyone was shocked at the fact that Kyonto didn’t get a summon. They began to murmur among one another.

Kyonto grinded his teeth in anger as he pulled out his sword. “Kyonto it was a nice try but you know not everyone gets a summon on their first try, you can try again in six months.” Master Niseshiro said trying to comfort his student. “So, if you please, can you let Satomi get on…”


Kyonto slammed his sword in the circle again and pushed his magic through it. Once again, the circle started to glow with the bright purple light and the flames from the candle grew big. Kyonto was pushing his magic through, having the small portal open again. It spun in circle as the magic was coursing through.

“No, I’m not going to let all my hard work end here!” Kyonto thought as gripped the hilt of his sword.

The portal once again dispersed as Kyonto was panting. Gritting his teeth, he slammed his sword once again and activating the circle.

“KYONTO STOP!” Niseshiro yelled as his most frustrating student opened the portal again.

“AHHH!” Kyonto yelled. Magic was pulsating the ground as he was keeping the portal open, this time it was bigger. “Come on, come on. Where’s my summon.” Kyonto thought angrily.


“I can feel you, why aren’t you here yet? Get here already, please.” Kyonto thought. He could feel his magic giving out, for he really hasn’t done a full-scale magic like this. Smoke and fire blazed through the hall. “AHHHHH!” Kyonto screamed as he collapses onto the ground, the portal dispersed.

Once the smoke cleared there was a small light taking form. Kyonto looked at the light and saw his summon appearing.

“Hello master, it’s nice to meet you.” She said. The summon was a light-yellow scorpion and her voice was calm and it held a tone of maturity.

“Come on we are going.” Kyonto said as he struggled to get up and walk. He staggered of the stage, trying to not fall down.

The summon said nothing and followed her new master. She looked around as saw some familiar faces. Watching her master, she can tell he’s going to be a claw full of problems. “I wonder what potential he has?” She thought.

Niseshiro just looked at Kyonto and he was not in a happy mood. “That stubborn fool, he could have gotten himself killed.” He sighs and moved his hands through his hair in frustration. “Just what kind of magic does he have? Summoning the portal once, takes a good amount of magic but to do it three times and continue to move?” Sighing again he decides to brush it off for now and continue with the ceremony. “Satomi, you are up.” Niseshiro called.

Satomi went up and followed everyone’s footsteps. She received an eagle summon and went down. Yuko went and received a Monkey.

“Now, it’s time for the last Magician Knight to come to get her summon. Hitomi will you please come and place your weapon in the middle of the circle. Hitomi walked towards the stage, she looked and could hear her twin cheering for her.

“Go nee-chan.”

She smiled but that was short lived when she looked at her brother. He was leaning against a stone pillar and his eyes was closed. She frowned and her eyebrow went down. Hitomi hated the fact that Kyonto took no interest in her getting a summon. This made her mad. “Why is he like this? This is seriously pissing me off.” She looked away; she didn’t want his foul mood to ruin this for her.

Hitomi went and got on the stage and did the ritual. The circle started to glow with a bright purple light and the flames from the candle grew big and then disappeared into a line of flames. The flames headed straight to the middle, towards the sword only to stop at the base of the sword. Then it started to spin clockwise at an incredible speed. The light slowly started to shrink until it only covered the flames with its glow. The light appeared and formed into a shape of a spider.

Hitomi was taken back by her summon. She wasn’t expecting to receive a spider but what shocked her more what on how beautiful the spider was. The spider was shiny black with silver lines on its legs dotted with gold dust. The abdomen has a dark red color rose that swirled with pink and red like a whirlpool.

“Oh wow!” Hitomi exclaimed in awe. “You are very beautiful.”

The summon bowed in the air “I humbly accept thy praise master.” She replied.

Hitomi held her hand out and the spider floated down onto her hand. She then started to head to her friends.

Niseshiro walked up and cleared his throat. “This brings the end of the summon ceremony, I announce all of you are now officially Magician Knights.” A roar of excitement entered the air as his students are now happy that they made it.

Chapter 4

“Now all of you please give your summons a name and then we can continue our business.” Niseshiro said.

Satomi raised her hand and asked a question. “Um master what do you mean by name?”

“It’s part of the contract, you have to give names to yours summon. It will bind them to you and then they’ll be connected to you.” Niseshiro said.

“How do we know they’re bounded to us by naming them.” Hitomi asked.

“They’ll glow white and the light will be shot into the sky signaling that they are bounded to you.

After receiving their answer, the whole lot turned and started to name them. “I’ll name you Hozage.” Sora said to his summon.

“That will be fine.” Hozage said. His body glowed white and it was shot into the air going through the ceiling of the room.

This caused everyone to do ooh’s and ah at the event.

“Hmm.” Shun hummed.

“Hmm.” Hitomi mummed.

“You have beautiful scales.”

“You have very smooth and shiny body.”

“You are a girl.”

“We’re both girls.”

“What would be a good name for you?”

“What name would work for you?”

An idea hit both Shun and Hitomi at the same time and they both said. “Oh, I got it, Jewel.” They both said out loud. They turned to each other and glared.

“HEY DON’T STEAL MY NAME!” Shun yelled.

“I CAME WITH IT FIRST!” Hitomi yelled.

Everyone turned and saw a fight between Shun and Hitomi.

“Yeah right!? You’re just jealous because girls suck at naming pets!” Shun said as he got into Hitomi’s face.

“Pffh! Yeah sure. I bet your mother’s really proud of you.”

“Hell, yeah she is! I’m her only child you know!”

“GRRR! Your face irritates me so much!”

“Well at least I’m not a freak like you.”

“Jewel works for my summon because of the beautiful flower that she has on her butt. It doesn’t fit with your summon anyways.” Hitomi said as she puffed out her chest.

“Yeah it does just look at her.” His got big and his face light up the room. “She’s beautiful.”

Hitomi and Shun went back and forth with their bantering. Everyone who was watching just sighed and went on with their business.

After a bit Hitomi let out a sigh. “Fine, you can have the name. For her name, will be Scarlett and it fits because of the flower on her butt end.” Scarlett glowed white and just like with Hozage, the white light shot into the air. The snake glowed white as she accepted the name Jewel.

“YEAH! I WIN!” Shun yelled at the top of his lungs.

“It’s a mark not a flower.” Scarlett said. “It’s like thy magic tattoo…” She didn’t get to finish as Hitomi grabbed her to keep her quiet.

“Huh? What is she talking about Hitomi?” Shun asked.

Scarlett struggled and escape her master’s hands and finished her sentence. “As I was saying it’s like the magic tattoo’s that ye have in this world.”

“Oh?” Shun said as he understood her. “Like the one on Master Niseshiro chest?”

“Yes, it’s like that, it holds magic particles for spells and some emergency magic supply.”

“That’s cool, Jewel you have your name.” Shun said giving her a thumb up.

“Thank you.” She said as she landed onto his left shoulder.

Scarlett looked at her master and spoke. “Have I offended thee master? If thou wilt punish me until thy heart content, then shall my offence be taken away.” She bowed in her presence accepting her fate.

“What are you talking about? You haven’t offended me.” Hitomi said as she looked at her summon with confusion.

“I see.” Scarlett asked. “I pray thee why hast thou intend to shut thy servant’s mouth?”

Hitomi sighed and spoke with kindness. “I’m sorry Scarlett when you mention magic tattoo I though you…never mind.” Hitomi placed her hands underneath her and brought her closer to her face. “I never intend to offend you in any way. I just jump to conclusion that’s all.”

Scarlett tilted her head slightly to her master and spoke. “I see now. I’ve spoken without thine approval. Forgive my rude behavior and punish me until thine heart sees fit.”

Hitomi was at a lost, for Scarlett was acting strange towards her. “Uh…I’m good.”

“I see, I must wait for my time to be punished. I shall wait for thine appointed time for thou to punish me.”

“What are you talking about?” Hitomi looked at her summon, trying to figure out what Scarlett was talking about.

“Nya!” Mika said pointing at her squid.

“Huh?” the Squid said.

“You’re Nya! that’s your name.” Mika smiled at her summon.

“WHAT!” the squid tentacles started to flail around. “C-couldn’t y-you give me a better name then that? Like Squid Boy or Squishes or Inkster or Squid Boy?”

“Nope Nya!” Mika said smiling all happily. Nya froze with disappointment as he could see that there was no argument; from this time forward he is now known as Nya. He gently deflated and sway back and forth as he glowed white. His magic shot off into the air by the time he was caught by Mika.

The other summons stated to snicker at Nya to have a name like that.

Rei gave a smile. “That’s so Mika, saying the first thing that came to her head.”

Jiri, Toron and Kevin nodded in agreement. “Yeah, Yeah.”

Jiri named his summon Frey since her real name was long and hard to pronounce. Toron’s summon name is Spirit and Kevin named her Ryou. Rei named her summon Lunar after the crescent shape of the moon. Each of them glowed white singling that they’ve received their names.

Atsume named her Gargoyle Fang. His wing stretched and he stood on his legs with his spear in his hand and roared. “FANG IS NOW IN THE HOUSE! ALL SHALL FEAR ME!”

Yuko named her summon Teng while Satomi named her summon Yun. Yuzuki named her perverted summon Rhazin. Amy named her mermaid summon Cassandra while Si named his Mortiferum. Kokuro named her summon Illomie.

Everyone was busy talking among themselves getting to meet each other’s summons. Some of the summons talked among themselves as they were catching up on the events that happened. There were laughter and someone cast a spell on a to play music.

Kyonto hated the atmosphere, so he turned and started to walk out.

“Onii-chan you haven’t named your summon yet.” Mika said as she ran up to her brother.

“I don’t care for the names.” Kyonto said.

“But what can we call your summon then?”

“You can call her whatever you want it doesn’t affect me.”

“Kyonto it’s important, not naming your summon is the most offensive thing you can do to them. They gave themselves up and are willing to lower themselves for us.” Niseshiro said as he approached.

Kyonto stopped and turned his head towards his master listening to what he is saying.

“The summons could easily destroy our world but thanks to Merlin and his summon, we have peace. The place where the summons come from is beyond this world and they chose to humble themselves and, in some eyes, be our slaves. All they ask is for us to follow our agreement and to either give them names or have their own names be known.”

Kyonto sighs and turned his face back looking forward and started to walk away. After a couple of steps, he said. “Poison, her name will be Poison. Now leave me alone.”

Poison said nothing as she glowed and followed her master floating in the air.

Niseshiro groaned with frustration, the Kumora siblings are the most stubborn Magician Knight’s he knows. “I guess they all have your personality…Elizabeth.” Niseshiro turned and looked at his students. “Alright all of you, todays classes are cancelled, you have the rest of the day to get to know your summons. Make them feel welcome and mingle with one another, you are all brothers and sisters and tomorrow we will begin the summoning training. I’ll see you at dinner and I’ll answer any questions that you have.” Niseshiro then left with lightning leaving his students with their new partners. He took a look at the white canvas glowing on the south wall and saw a squid being drawn into the canvas. Showing the whole world that the squid was now chosen to serve a Magician’s Knights. The other canvas stayed white, waiting for the day it’ll be able to draw itself for the very first time.

Niseshiro headed back to his room to ponder on the current events. His room was in one of the old castle towers. He would walk up 1000 flights of stairs but today he felt like using his magic to make the stairs move him up.

“Master are you alright.” Lightning asked.

“Ah, I’m alright Lightning but I’m not as young as I once was.” Nesishiro said as he smiled at Lightning. “Today wasn’t what I expected with my students. They were really the most inconsiderate bunch that ever gotten there summon. In my day we were all consider the responsibility of having been chosen by a summon. Hell, even my last bunch of students were more well behaved.”

“Well they are still younglings in our eyes Master.”

“Aye, but I suppose it’s not all bad. At least they’ll enjoy their partners to the fullest…” Niseshiro paused. His mind went straight to Kyonto. “Well, most of them. Kyonto is going to have a lot of work especially when it comes to Poison.”

“Yes, that is true. They’ll butt heads with each other and neither will give an inch.” Lightning said.

“You speak the truth Lightning; Poison is far old and has been around for a long time. She’s been in many battles and has many losses as well. To think that she went towards Kyonto…” Niseshiro said as he pondered.

“My question is why didn’t she appear from the start?” Lightning said as he went back to when Kyonto was trying to get his summon.

“Ah yes, that is a mystery. I know that sometimes Magician’s Knights don’t get connected to them due to being either inexperience with magic or their magic never connected to the other side and formed the portal.” Niseshiro said. “But if that was the case her magic wouldn’t been able to be detected. So, the question lies on the events from the other side but sadly we’ll never know.”

“Also, we do have problems with Mika and her summon as well. You felt it too, didn’t you Master?” Lightning said.

“Aye I did. I never came across that incident in the history books nor in real life.” Niseshiro sighed. “Also, there’s Toron and Kevin with their problem and lastly there’s Rei with her summon. I’ve never seen so many problems with a group like this before and they haven’t even begun to train with their summon yet. Sad thing is that this is just the tip of the iceberg of problems. We have tomorrow training to figure out where the others lie in strength and weakness.”

“This is most troublesome. I have a student with a lack in talent and a wrong summon on top of it all. A student that shows no interest in getting to know his partner. I have a student who’s envious of another summon and a student who’s out to prove himself and a glory hog student. This is going to be a long training session, not sure how the others will fair.” Niseshiro thought.

He reached the top and walked into his room. It was a simple room with a bed and a dresser with a mirror.

Poison said nothing and just followed her new Master as they continued to walk. They left the summoning room just to wander around the halls with no destination in mind. “I hope we’ll talk soon, but from the looks of it that might not before a while.” Poison thought as she looked around the castle. “It seems that most of the castle stayed the same over the years.”

The castle was old and it contained a lot of history. She remembered roaming these exact same halls when she first arrived in this world. The castle was well kept back then. “Guess time wasn’t too kind to the castle.” She looked at her master with concern. From what she could tell is that he’s a self- considerate person that didn’t care for anyone else but himself. She hesitantly floated over and landed on her master’s right shoulder. She then waited to see what he would say or do but it’s almost like he didn’t acknowledged her. There was an unsettling atmosphere around them, so she decides to break the ice.

“So, Master what is your name that I should call you?” Poison asked.

“Just Kyonto.” Kyonto said.

“Ok, why didn’t you want to stay with your friends?” Poison asked another question.

“I don’t like crowds and those people aren’t really my friends.” Kyonto said.

“Uh…this is going to be difficult for me.” Poison thought. “So, do you have any hobbies?”

“Look Poison.” Kyonto said as he turned his head towards her. “I get that you and I are to be partners but I don’t like talking about myself and I don’t really care what you like and dislike. I just want us to just get stronger than everyone else.”

“So, you have a goal of being the strongest one here.” Poison said. “Ok, I can work with that but pardon me for saying this but do you even know how Magician Knight gets stronger? It by working together, my previous masters got along with me and I know we just met and all but we should really get to know one another.”

Everyone gathered at the old coliseum and waited for farther instructions.

“Alright, for you to summon your partners, you both need to be on the same magic wave length. Unam Animam is what the magic is called. It’s where your soul is together as one. Watch.” Niseshiro said. He stood with his sword in his hands, lightning started to glow brightly. “Unam Animam” Lighting turning into an orb of light and went into the sword. “OBSTRINGI!” Niseshiro yelled. He slammed the sword into the ground and a line of magic started to show on the ground, almost like it was a drawing on a canvas. The magic continued until it made an outline of lighting’s body only much bigger.


The ground started to come undone and a huge paw came out of the ground and landed near the students. Everyone screamed out of fear.

“WHAT THE HELL!?” Rei screamed.

Dust was flying in the air, blinding everyone. The summons we’re un-phased by the event. This didn’t go un-noticed by a couple of the Magician’s Knights. Kyonto shield his eyes from the dust, he took a peaked and was shocked. “What the…” He was lost for words for he couldn’t describe the scene that laid in front of his eyes.

The dust settled very quickly and once it was gone everyone was surprised. Little lightning was now as big as a mountain. His five heads looking at them, deciding to have some fun lighting roared at them causing some to screeched in fear while others were startled.

“Lightning down.” Niseshiro said. On top of one of the heads, stood Niseshiro. The head lowered him down. “This is the true power of Unam Animam and your summons, this form is their actual form.”

“What do you mean?” Kevin said.

“When a summon gets called through the portal, they shrink to the size they are now, because…” Niseshiro pointed at lightning. “This form is too much for this world. Our summons can get to about a size of a wolf on their own, any bigger requires Unam Animam.” Niseshiro put his sword away. “That is why you need to train and work together to accomplish this task. It’s not easy and majority of you probably won’t go pass a bear size. But with dedication you can accomplish their true potential. Now each of you need to find your own spell that will allow you to summon your summons out. Now this is only achieved when you both are in the Unam Animam state.” He hopped down. “Now spread out and make sure there’s enough space between you guys. Once you find your spot you may begin. I really can’t give you advice because everyone is different except for one and that is you need to find the balance. NOW GET GOING!”

Everyone scattered and they were running to find a good place to be. Once they found a good spot they stopped and waited for farther instructions.

“Now you may begin any time you are ready. Don’t be discourage if you don’t do it on your first time. The size you need to summon is the size of a horse. The bigger the size, the more magic it required. Most of you have small amount so don’t push yourselves.” Niseshiro spoke from lightning. He watched as his students were trying to figure it out.

Some were talking with their summons and others are meditating. Some were standing around trying to figure what to do and the rest were trying to summon their partners.

“So, we have to be on the same wave length huh? Well great but how are we going to figure that out?” Toron said as he looked at spirit. “Maybe it has to do with us….I think.” Spirit said.

“AAH! What is Master Niseshiro saying? I can’t seem to figure it out.” Toron yelled as he ruffled his hair in frustration.

“UNAM ANIMAM!” Rei held her sword up and Lunar went inside the sword. “GERMINABUNT FULMINUS!” An outline appeared and Lunar appeared as a size of an Elephant from the ground.

She spread her wings and looked at Rei who was bouncing up and down in joy.

“EEEK! I DID IT!” Rei yelled as she gave Lunar a hug around her neck.

At the end of the day Niseshiro called everyone from the coliseum to gather together. He looked at everyone and all of them were tired. He watched everyone from the stands. “Only two were able to do it on their first try. That’s higher than I expected.” “Good job everyone especially to Rei and Sora. Congratulations for summoning your partners. Now we’ll be doing this for a bit so don’t feel discourage if you were unable to summon your summons yet. Rei and Sora.”

“Yes.” They both said at the same time.

“Tomorrow I want you two to do what you did today but focus more on the feeling because I want it where it’ll become natural to summon your summons at that size.”

“Yes sensei.”

“The rest of you keep trying. Like I said earlier this won’t be easy, but with dedication you’ll be able to summon your partners and eventually work your way up to their full size.” With that Niseshiro left his students for the evening.

Most of the students flocked towards Rei and Sora asking them a lot of questions.

It’s been a week and only Rei, Sora, Yuko and Jiri were able to summon their partners.

“Alright so now that a week as gone by I want to spend today on basic spells that you and your partners can do together. This exercise is design for you to work together in battle so that way when the time comes, you’ll be able to fight as one. That means no fighting among each other got it?” Nesishiro said as he looked in Kyonto’s direction. He wasn’t the only one fighting with his partner but he’s the one that does it the most. “Yes Sensei.” Everyone said.

Kyonto held his sword straight up in the air and concentrated his magic into his sword, while his partner concentrated her magic on herself. Poison glowed white as she turned into a ball of light and went into the sword. As soon as Poison was absorbed by the sword, Kyonto opened his eyes and thrust the sword into the ground. The magic pulsed through the ground and it started to glow around him. “This is it.” Kyonto thought. Here he was, finally going to summon Poison.

After a few seconds the light on the ground shattered like glass, Poison came out from the sword and fell onto the ground. This has been the same result over the past weeks since he and Poison were partnered together.

Kyonto panted as this was his 30th time he failed today. He looked around to see only about a handful were left in the coliseum. Mika, Kevin, Si, and Amy were the last ones left. He clenched his hands together. “Why? Why am I so weak?” He thought.

“Kyonto I’m not being summon because you and I are not connected at the same wave length.” Poison said as she floated towards her master.

“Well who’s fault is that?” Kyonto said angrily.

“You are not keeping the wave length at a steady location. It keeps fluctuating to where I can’t grasp where it’s at.” Poison said as she is trying to get Kyonto to understand the problem.


“OOOH! Those two are going at it…Again!” Rei said her last word sarcastically as she watched the others trying to summon their summons from the stands of the coliseum.

“I feel sorry for poison.” Lunar said as she sat on Rei’s shoulder.

Toron joined the group when he was done with his training. “Is Kyonto and Poison going at it again?”

“Yeah!” Sora said as he moved over to let Toron sit down beside him.

“Mika isn’t doing to good either.” Jewel said. She pointed at the youngest Magician Knight.

“Well at least they’re not arguing like every 3 seconds. The problem with them is that it looks like they haven’t even started the first process on summoning.” Shun said.

Rei nodded. “Yeah, while Kyonto on the other hand, is arguing way more then he should.”


“Shut up! I know what I’m doing!” Kyonto yelled in Poison’s face.

“But you don’t!” Poison yelled. “We need to work together Kyonto! If you would act like my previous masters then I would have been summoned already.” Kyonto said nothing and walked about 15 steps. “Let’s do this again.”

Poison sighed at the sight of her Master being foolishness. She really wants is to grow to her size and beat her master until he listens to her. But sadly, she can’t, no matter how hard she wishes, it’s impossible. She sees Kyonto concentrating his magic to his sword to try it again. Her eyes closed and she tries to feel Kyonto’s Magic Wave Length and connect to it.

There’s just one problem, his wave length was sporadic while hers was calm. She went into the sword and groaned in pain. It was like tiny needles were penetrating her skin at the same time. This magic is what she’s trying to tell her Master. It shouldn’t be this uneven, even if it was his first time but it was almost like he’s trying to use too much magic. She reaches out to the invisible waves and grappled them with her claws. She pulsating her magic through the wave trying to have it connect to her Master. The wave length soon became hot but she still holds on because it was out of desperation to help her master. She knew that his wasn’t going to be safe for the both of them but maybe, just maybe, it could help her Master out. Poison proceeded the process praying that this’ll work.

Kyonto felt his magic stabilizing and so he knew that this was it. He gathered more of his magic and put it through the sword.

“AHHHHH!” Kyonto yelled as he pushed his magic into the sword in the ground. Sending a huge shock wave of magic going through the entire coliseum.

Dust was being kicked up and blinding everyone on the ground.

“Big brother!” Mika yelled.


Niseshiro summoned a big bubble to protect everyone in the stands from the dust.

“Oh man! What’s going on?” Yuko yelled in confusion.

They watched as the magic that Kyonto used started to move across the ground. It moved across the ground leaving a fire like magic behind as it moved. Then it turned and started to form a shape into a scorpion.

“N-No…t-that can’t be?” Niseshiro thought as he watched from the stand.

The magic connected and the ground started to break. “Ictus Milia Glacies Tempest!” Kyonto yelled as he pressed the sword deeper into the ground. Everyone in the colosseum we blown away against the strong winds. Nya grabbed Mika and moved her away. While the others got moved too.

Nisieshiro and the students in the bubble were shocked by the events that was happening. The ground eventually gave away and a giant claw popped out.

“HOLY SHIT!” Shun yelled. “What the hell is that?” Rei asked.

I-It can’t be poison?” Niseshiro said in disbelief.

Then a giant leg came after the claw only for more legs to come out. The giant legs pushed on the ground causing the dirt and rock to break and slowly fell to the ground. A cloud of dust blocked everyone’s view but once it cleared everyone gasped.

There stood Poison she was at about 50 ft in length at 620 inches and 20 ft tall at 244 inches.

“I can’t believe it?” Niseshiro thought. He looked at Poison who was at her size. “For someone to summon this size of a summon on the first time. I never seen anything like this before.” He looked at Kyonto who was out cold on the ground. “Satomi. Shun. Take Kyonto inside and the rest of you.” He turns towards his students. “Continue training, I can’t have you all dilly dally.” He then turned to Poison. “I’m sorry to say this but with your master is unconscious, you’ll have to wait for the magic to de-spell on its own.”

“I understand.” Poison said as she laid down onto the ground. “I’ll guide the others to help with their summoning.”

“Thank you.” Niseshiro bowed and then left only to look at Kyonto unconscious body before he leaves. His mind is racked with confusion from the events that he can’t quite understand. He replayed the scenes play by play and everything wasn’t out of the ordinary, not even Kyonto’s summoning spell. The only thing was the amount of magic used…did that hold the answers? No.

Growling in disappointment he slammed his hand against a wall. “What did he do?” Niseshiro thought as he walked back into his study. “Even if Kyonto used a large amount of magic it doesn’t explain how he could have summoned poison to that big of a size…Wait!?” Niseshiro as he opened the office door and went to take a seat. Placing his hand on his head as he leaned on his desk. “Could that be it? It’s the only reason I can think of. Did he forced Poison to be summoned?” Niseshiro eyes narrowed with anger as looked out of the window. But what about poison? Could she have forced herself to be summoned as well? The sun was setting and he just sat there thinking what event was on its way. This wasn’t what he was hoping for, no he wanted to help each student to be at their comfortable level before getting their summons. “Have I made a grave mistake?”

Chapter 5

Kyonto opened his only to be blinded by the sun light. Sitting up he moved his hand in front of his eyes, shielding them from the blinding light. He looked around and saw that he was in his room. He took off the covers and placed his foot on the cold ground. He sat up but as soon as he sat up his strength in his legs gave out causing him to fall. “Careful young one.” Poison said as she caught her master between her claws.

Kyonto looked and was taken back at Poison’s size. “Wh-what happen?”

“You passed out when you summoned me. You’ve been asleep for two days.” Poison said.

Kyonto moved out of Poison’s grip and slowly sat up and started to head out of the room only to once again to staggers.

Poison reached to help but was pushed a side.

“I don’t need help.” Kyonto said as he heads to his door.

“Where are you going Kyonto?” Poison asked as she shrinks down to her small size.

“I haven’t bathed in two days.” He said.

Poison said nothing and followed Kyonto.

Kyonto just walked down the hall in silence. He Leaned against the wall every now and then due to fatigue. He turned his head towards a window and looked towards the Coliseum. “What happen in the last two days?” Kyonto asked Poison.

“Not much, everyone has now officially summoned their summons…well all except one. Your sister Mika.” Poison said walking behind her master.

Kyonto turned away from the window and continued on. He said nothing and continued in silence towards the bath.


“AAAHHH!” Mika forced her magic through the sword trying to summon Nya. The problem was that Nya wasn’t going into the sword for her to summon. Mika dropped her sword and fell to the ground exhausted. “Nya *Pant* are we *Pant* doing something wrong?”

Nya was also exhausted but was in better shape than Mika. “I don’t know?” Nya answered.

Mika laid onto her back and stared into the sky. “Uhh.” She watched the cloud roll by and every now and then would turn her head and watch everyone else talking to each other. Competing to see how big they could summon their partners. Mika laid there for a bit wondering what’s the secret. “I know? I’ll ask them.” Mika thought.

She sat up and said. “Nya come one, I have an idea.”

“How I summoned Lunar?” Rei said.

“Yeah!” Mika said with excitement. “What did it feel like? Was there a feeling or did words come into your mind? Or did it feel like both? Or was it…”

“Hold on Mika, let me think for a second.” Rei said trying to keep Mika from bombarding her with questions. She stood there and thought for a bit. “Well to me it was natural. That’s all I really have for you.” “Natural?” Mika asked.


“What do you mean by that?” Mika asked.

“Well maybe you should think about what comes natural to you.”

“Like bleeding?” Mika said.

Rei was taken back by her answer. “Wh-what?” She thought. “Uh not exactly…”

“What about going to the bathroom?” Mika said.

“What’s up with this girl? Does she say anything that comes to her mind first?” Rei thought. “Uh something like that but try to think about something else.” Rei pound her fist into her hand and said. “Oh, like eating and sleeping. That’s my answer, so just like you know when you get tired; you prepare for bed and go to sleep. Or when you get hungry, you eat something. It’s that feeling that comes naturally. Understand?”

Mika thought for a second and then nodded. “Yeah! When I’m hungry nee-sama makes me food and we eat. Then after eating it’s natural to poop.” Mika said.

Rei just stared at Mika before walking away, leaving a confused Mika behind.

“How does summoning Spirit comes natural?” Toron asked.

Mika nodded her head.

“Well? I concentrated very hard and I felt Spirit magic wave length and bam summoned.” Toron said.

“I summoned Yun when I meditate for a long time.” Satomi said.

“I just work with Hozage and roll with it.” Sora said.

“We both think about the same thing.” Yuko and Teng said at the same time.

“I count to 10 before summoning Ryou.” Kevin said.

After taking notes down Mika went over them and made sure to try to get the same feelings as the others felt.

Hours went by and Mika sat against a tree exhausted and tiredly pulled her legs towards her chest. She asked everyone on how to summon their partners and they all told her different things and different methods. She did them all and none of them worked. Nya laid on her head asleep due to exhaustion. “Why? Why am I the only one left? Everyone else is progressing farther and I’m stuck here...” Tears escaped her eyes and on instinct she wiped them away only for more tears to come out. Again, her instinct told her to wipe them away. “Why aren’t they stopping? Stop tears! Stop…please…Onee-chan will…” Mika couldn’t hold back her tears when her mind thought of Kyonto. She cried and gripped her hair in frustration.

Tears fell down her cheeks like no tomorrow. Crying. Mika hasn’t cried in a long time. It wasn’t like she never felt sadness but the weight of being a failure in front of her brother overcame her. Five minutes have passed before Mika calmed down. She picked up Nya from her head and placed him down onto the grass right beside her. She just looked at Nya and gave him a sad smile. “You don’t deserve someone who’s weak as me to be your master.” She thought as she stroked Nya.

“How are you feeling Mika?”

Mika turned as saw Master Niseshiro standing there with his staff in his hand.

“I’m fine Master! Don’t worry about me!” Mika said happily.

Niseshiro’s eyes narrowed and he walked up to Mika and knelt in front of her. “Mika.” He said softly as he placed his left hand on her shoulder. “You don’t have to lie to me. I know when my students are struggling and I want you to know.” He paused and his voice quivered a bit. “I want you to know that it’s ok to feel down and cry. You shouldn’t keep it inside any longer.”

Mika just stared at Niseshiro and could feel her tears swelling up again.

“It’s ok to cry.”

*Sniff* *Sniff* “WAAAAHHHH!” Mika let out a huge cry and grabbed his cloak and placed her head against his chest. Once again tears flowed out of her eyes.

“That’s right. Let it all out young one.” Niseshiro spoked calmly to Mika. “Let all of the weight of the chains that binds you down be washed away.” Niseshiro held onto Mika with his arms wrapped around her small body. Comforting her and letting her know that he’s right there.

Mika calmed down after a bit and she whipped the tears away from her eyes but they were slight puffy and red.

“Mika, grab Nya and follow me.” Niseshiro said.

Mika did what she was told and picked up her beloved partner. She cradled the sleeping squid in her arms and followed her master. After walking a bit, she looked around the field. “What are we doing Master Niseshiro?” Mika asked.

Niseshiro took off his rob and placed his walking stick in the ground and then turned to Mika. “I’m going to help you to summon Nya and I think I know what’s wrong.”

“What?” Mika explaimed. “You know how I can summon Nya? How?”

“Your magic wave length is well below average and I don’t know why. But we need to increase your amount of magic otherwise you’ll never be able to summon Nya.” Nesishiro explained.

“So, does that mean Nya has to train as well?” Mika asked.

“That’s the weird part Nya has way more magic then you.” Nisishiro stated. “Think of it like this, you have a cup of magic while Nya has a wash tub of magic. Meaning that your amount of magic is so small that Nya is having trouble connecting with you and being on the same level.” Niseshiro sighed as Mika’s face dropped and continued. “I know hearing this is hard and it’s hard for me to even fathom on why this happened. Or what it’s like to not to be connected to your partner. As you know that all summon…” “Are equal to its master and their level.” Mika said. “I know but it’s like you said why does Nya have more magic then me?” Mika clenched her hands together until her knuckles were turning white. “It’s not fair, everyone is way above me even sister and big brother are untouchable right now.”

“That’s why I must personally train you. Nya can’t train and you need to be without your summon and increase your magic capacity, in a real fight you’ll be killed.”

Mika face went stone cold as she heard those three words ‘You’ll be killed.’

“So.” Niseshiro moved his hands. “You need to come at me like you are trying to kill me. Use every magic you can and come at me.”

“What?” Mika said.

“Come on Mika we don’t have time. Lightning will take Nya and you’ll use your sword and magic to come at me.”

Mika said nothing as the sleeping Nya was removed from her. She just stared at her master. “Will this help me to get closer to big brother?”

“It’s will.” Niseshiro said with conviction. “Right now, I need you to grow your magic. Think of it like a tree. You are like a sapling tree and you need to be a young tree. Now I wouldn’t do this to you under normal procedure because this process is dangerous for you at your age, but with things are going right now I have no choice.”

“Why?” Mika asked.

“Because and I’ll explain in a way you’ll understand; you are a sapling and left normally it’ll grow like a normal tree. But We aren’t going to do it that way instead we are going to age it quickly so that the roots might dig deeper. The bigger your roots are, the more your tree will grow. The Problem with this method is that there will be serious repercussions. You’ll experience aching pain from within your body like you’re about to burst. Also, you’ll have magic bursts which means you won’t have control with your magic at times. I’ll be separating you from the rest of the class if it becomes a big problem. The last one which is the most dangerous repercussion are mental stress caused by magic in the brain. You’ll be forcing yourself to memorize spell after spell, technique after technique and if you are not careful the spells could backfire on you and you’ll be placed into a coma or worse death will take you.” Niseshiro said. “Now if you don’t want to take this route I completely underst…”

Niseshiro barely reacted in time when Mika swung her sword at him and he caused wind to pick up and send her flying onto the ground. Mika got up and lifted her sword and then charged at her master, relying on his words that she’ll get stronger. She moved faster and took another swung at Niseshiro before he could dodge.

“So, I take it I have your answer.” Niseshiro said as he moved out of the way. “Good, just remember that you’ve chosen this path.” He took his hand and slammed it into Mika’s stomach.

Blood came out of her mouth and she rolled on the ground until stopping. She coughed and groaned in pain as she struggled to look at her Master. “Come, Kumora Mika.” Niseshiro moved into a fighting stance as he sent out a wave of magic around him. “Try and break my shield.” He glared at Mika who got up and charged up her magic and ran towards Niseshiro.

Chapter 6

Kyonto’s eyes were closed as he laid in the bath. He could hear splashing in the water. He opened his eyes and saw a huge scorpion in the bath, shocking him. “Ah! Poison what are you doing!?”

“I’m taking a bath with my master.” Poison said as she stared at Kyonto.

Kyonto turned away and said. “No one asked you too.”

Poison sighed and looked at her master. “It’s my duty, just as it’s my duty to watch over you when you are wounded or fallen ill. To sleep in the same room as you, to eat at the supper table for when you eat. It’s for us to be one in heart, mind, spirit and magic.”

“What does magic have to do with anything.”

“When we’re chosen to be with our masters our magic is leveled to the length of our master magic wave length and vice-versa.” Poison said. Kyonto turned to look at her. “If our master is at 50% magic length to the summon magic of 100% then 50% of our powers are sealed off until our master reaches our 100%. If a summon is weaker than his or her master then the Master magic is sealed until the summon magic is reached to their master 100% power.”

“So, which side are you on then?” Kyonto asked.

“I don’t understand what you mean by that?” Poison said.

“I mean are you at 100% or are you sealed.”

“You don’t want to hear it. I don’t want to spoil my bath.”

Kyonto received tick marks on his forehead and he turned around to face his partner. “Are you trying to be a bitch or are you already one?”

Poison sighed as she placed her arms over the edge of the tub. “Only a bitch would get angry.”

This struck Kyonto like a spear to his pride. “Oi, are you looking for a fight!?” Kyonto said as he stood up. “You’re just a summon, who told you that you could talk to your master like that?”

“Master is seriously pissing me off.” Poison thought she kept her cool but her patient was starting to get thin.

Kyonto got out of the tub and dried himself off. “Come one we have training we need to get too.” He put on his cloths and armor and walked out. He heard the water splashing behind him as he left. “If our master is at 50% magic length to the summon magic of 100% then 50% of our powers are sealed off until our master reaches our 100%. If a summon is weaker than his or her master then the Master magic is sealed until the summon magic is reached to their master 100% power.” Kyonto couldn’t help but get mad at that explanation. “What is she saying? Am I the one with magic sealed or is Poison the one with magic sealed?” Kyonto thought over as he headed back to the stadium.

“Today for magic training we are going to have a little battle royal. It’s a small one with basic magic and regular magic only. No elite magic, higher magic, super magic or legendary magic allowed.” This caused some to groaned. “Those types of magic are to be used in actual life and death situation. So, since this is training purpose only; I forbid them.” Niseshiro looked at his students. “Anyone who tries to use them will be stopped by me and it will not be pretty.”

Everyone nodded not wanting to be punished. Then they waited until they received their partners that they are fighting.

Niseshiro pulled out a list and he started to read it. “First up is Satomi vs Jiri. Next is Si vs Sora. After them it’s Yuko vs Toron.” The list then went on as the following. After Yuko and Toron it was Rei vs Kyonto, Kevin vs Mika, Amy vs Hitomi, Atsume vs Yuzuki and finally Shun vs Amy.

“Now, since this is training purpose your summons cannot be summon, instead they’ll just go to the maximum size that they can be without being summon.” This caused even more groaning. “This is so everyone can be on equal grounds and as it stands not everyone has summoned their partner yet.” Niseshiro looked at Mika and continued to speak. “It’ll be dangerous if those that don’t have their partners summoned fight against those that do. We are not trying to kill each other but to help each other.”

Niseshiro continued to give directions. “Now the rules are simple you either knock out your opponents or if they are out of the arena, you win. But I will step in if the fight is deemed too much and will declare the winner then. But if you use any magic that is not allowed you will automatically get disqualified. There will be no room for argument.”

Niseshiro headed towards the stairs and said. “Now the rest of you head into the stands as the first fight is about to begin. I’ll give you the go to start when everyone is out of the arena.”

Everyone started to leave the coliseum, leaving only Satomi and Jiri behind. Yun was at her maximum size along with Rokoto. Satomi was talking with Yun. “Do you think you can use the heavy lifting magic?”

“I’m not sure what’s it for?”

“Well if you can carry me with your feet we can be in the air and have the advantage.”

“Oh, I see! That’s brilliant I’ll give it my all just let me know when you want me to carry you.”

Jiri was talking to Rokoto. “Ok so here’s the plan. We take out Yun first so that way it’s just be two against one. “Right, so how are we going to do that?” Rokoto asked.

“In any way, we can.” Jiri said with fire in his eyes.

“So, you got nothing.” Rokoto said he just looked at his master with disappointment.

“Alright are both contestants ready!” Niseshiro yelled.

“Yes!” They both yelled.

“BEGIN!” Niseshiro yelled and he watched his students running towards with each other as their swords collided with each other.

Their swords clashing into each other and they tried to overpower each other.

“So, who do you think will win?” Kevin asked.

“Well the problem is that those two are the best swords fighters that we have. None of us can handle swords like those two can. It’s almost like they were born with a sword in their hands.” Rei said.

Jiri and Satomi continued to repel each other’s swords.

“Time to take it up a notch.” Satomi said and she started to swing harder and faster. She started to drive Jiri back.

Jiri grunts under the blows, trying to keep her back. “Rokoto!”

Rokoto started to glow and wrap himself in a tight ball. “Power Shot!” He launched like a cannon ball towards Satomi. Jiri jumped high and went back about 2 yards.

Satomi blocked Rokoto but was pushed backwards at the power of the magic. Sparks started to fly off the sword as Satomi struggled against Rokoto. A grin appeared on her face as her sword started to glow bright.

Jiri saw this and tried to warn Rokoto. “Rokoto back off now!”

Rokoto continued to rotate against Satomi. “Shit! I can’t stop rotating!”

“Mirror Blast!” A blast came from her sword and it launched Rokoto back until he hit the coliseum wall.

“Rokoto!” Jiri turned and saw Yun coming towards Satomi. “Oh no you don’t!” Jiri started to rub his hands together and started to pull at the air. Static was coming from him hands as he started to shape the static.

“Satomi come one!” Yun said as she went to go and pick up Satomi.

“Lightning: snake spear!” Jiri threw a lightning bolt towards Yun.

The lightning spear went towards Yun but she dodged out of the way. Jiri moved his hand and pointed down and the spear moved around and was directed towards the ground. It was then guided towards Satomi. Yun was shocked at the lightning moved that she noticed it too late that the lightning spear was going towards Satomi. “SATOMI!”

Satomi looked at the Lightning spear and blocked it with her sword. “Mirror Blast!” and swung it away and it was hurled into the stands of spectators.

“HEY WATCH IT!” Shun yelled.

Satomi turned and barley dodged Jiri swinging his sword. She swung her sword downward only for Jiri to block it. They began to swing their swords causing sparks to fly. Both of them dodging, swinging and blocking each other’s attacks.

“AH!” Jiri yelled as he did a vertical down slash.

Satomi moved a second too late and felt her armor getting cut. “Shit!” She thought. She swung her left leg and swept Jiri’s leg out from underneath him. This caused Jiri to fall onto the ground and Satomi Grabbed her sword and was plunging it downward as she pushed her magic into her sword. “Dancing fairies: Moonlight Day!”

Jiri barley rolled out of the way as Satomi plunged her sword into the ground. The ground cracked and fire burst out of the cracks.

Niseshiro saw this and yelled. “SATOMI THAT MOVE WAS UNACCEPTABLE!” He appeared in the arena and approached Satomi. “You are out of line. For this you are disqualified and Jiri has won the fight.”

Kyonto groaned as he laid on the ground. He struggled to get up only to get kicked in the side flinging him into the wall of the coliseum. He coughed up blood as the air left his lungs.

“KYONTO!” Poison yelled as she was struggling with Lunar who was about two times the size that she was, despite them both being at their maximum size without being summoned. “I don’t remember Dragons being this big.” She thought.

“That because I’m a Golden Dragon. We tend to be a bit bigger than normal.” Lunar said as if to read Poison’s mind.

Rei went to Kyonto at such high speed.

Kevin and Mika looked at each other.

“The Kingdom of Gleshinger is at war?” Kyonto asked.

“Yes.” Niseshiro said. “I need you guys to go under cover as volunteer knights. I’ll be going to see the king and try and talk in sending more knights to aid you.”

“Why are we going?” Kyonto asked.

“Good question and I have a simple explanation for it. The Gleshinger kingdom is going to lose the war unless we help.”

Kevin raised his hand.

“Yes Kevin?”

“Yeah why are we going undercover as volunteer’s when we’re Magician’s knights? Aren’t we the most powerful knights there is?”

“That is true but you need to know something about the Gleshinger Kingdom and that is they have only one law.” Niseshiro held up one finger. “You must never ever be a magic user whatsoever.”

“Why?” Mika asked.

“Because if you are one, you’ll be killed.”

“What?” Everyone yelled.

“You’ve got to be joking.” Jiri said.

“I’m not, that’s why you must go and help them. With your sword skills, you’ll be able to protect the kingdom against the lesser magic. The Gleshinger is weak because they no longer have any magic folks in their army. That is why I fear for the worst. The kingdom of the north, the Kor have excellent magic users that can put a high master in the wizardry class to shame. They’ll lose so that is why you must go and help them.”

“So, what’s in it for us?” Kyonto said. “To go and die in another kingdom?” Kyonto folded his arms. “You said to never leave the village especially the kingdom and now you want us to leave?”

Some of the group nodded with agreement, they started to voice their opinions.

“SILENCE!” Niseshiro yelled and bang his staff on the ground, creating a small crater. “It’s your duty as Magician’s Knights! If that dreadful war over comes the Gleshinger kingdom, then our country will be threatened with war. Now go get pack, you leave at first light.” With that said he left his students and headed back inside his castle.

At first light, everyone stood at the gate as they looked towards their master. “Here’s your paper work for the army. Now listen closely and I pray that you heed my word. Whatever happens, don’t use your magic as much as you want too, you just can’t. Also, don’t try be a God, for in war you can’t save everyone.” Niseshiro started to bid his student farewell one by one, giving them some last advice.

“Mika, continue to build your magic, you’re almost there and remember what I taught you.”

“Hai!” Mika said as she stood there saluting her master and gave him a big smile.

“Kyonto…” Niseshiro didn’t know what to say to Kyonto. He always struggled trying to communicate with him. “Watch out for your pride and also be one with your summon. Don’t brush off her advice, she’s older than you and have seem many battles and keep your eyes on your friends and family.” With that Niseshiro backed away from Kyonto.

Kyonto said nothing and watch his master leaving him and going onto the next classmate. He moved his head away from his master with an irritating look on his face. But his eyes went towards his sisters and he saw them as they were young at about 1 years old. “Oni-chan, Oni-chan.” Mika spoke as she crawled over to her brother through the grass. “Kyonto.” Hitomi said as she crawled over as well. They looked at Kyonto with love and devotion. Kyonto sighed as he faced forward again.

Poison sat on his shoulder and looked at her master with curiosity. “It was almost like he was remembering something.” Poison thought. She never asked about his past due to him not being opening up from the beginning but now it’s like she at least has his trust somewhat. She did talk to the others about him and from what information she gathered, Kyonto had to raise his sisters all by himself and he did things in order to survive. What kind of stuff she doesn’t know but she does have a few guesses but that’s trivial at best. She turned and looked at Master Niseshiro who was almost done. “It looks like we are about to leave.”

Soon Master Niseshiro consulted with everyone and he then started to walk away but not before turning back and faced his students on last time. “Alright, now go and remember my warning.” Niseshiro spoke as he watched his students leaving. Soon they disappeared over the horizon. Niseshiro walked back into the now quiet and empty castle. Niseshiro looked around and started to miss his students. He started to go through the memories of his students.

“It’s sure is quiet.” Lightning said.


“When was the last time this castle was this quiet?” “It was about 20 years ago.”

“Yeah.” Niseshiro said sadly. He looked up at the sky and he prayed that his students will be able to survive this war. It wouldn’t faze him if he lost even half of his students. For when you lost many students over the years it seems like he’s fighting a lost war. But no matter what happens, he will not be derailed from his course that he has set out on. He just prays that his students will listen to his advice and not cause any problems within the Gleshinger Kingdom.

Chapter 8

The rain was pouring down hard, making the slippery with mud. Outside of Bauhmaut Capital City of Avlon, People were gathered together.

“Attention Citizen, we are looking for volunteers to help aid the Gleshinger Kingdom. We are leaving in 10 minutes. This is the last time you can volunteer on your own accord.” Harold the Captain of the Bauhmaut Knights. He sighed as people continued to ignore him.

“So how many do we have?” Harold asked Levi.

“About 2000 even.” Levi said.

“I command 20 times that amount.” He looked at the capital walls that he had defended for 20 years. “Why doesn’t the king do something about this? He should know how much the Gleshinger kingdom is important to our kingdom.” He turned to Levi and said. “Let’s pack up and get going. We need to head out right away.”

“Yes sir.” Levi said saluting with his arm across the armored chest plate. “You three take this down and you tell the rest of the company to get ready to move out.”

“Yes! lieutenant Levi!” The soldiers got to work on their orders.

“Sir the command has been issued. We are now preparing to leave.” Levi said.

It took no time at all before everything was packed away. And all of the volunteer soldiers lined up ready to move. Their armor was silver with red lining on the ends of each piece of armor. The kingdom marker we’re put on different parts of the ranks. The grunts have the marker on the front of the breast plate, both shoulder pads and on their shield. The captains have the marker on their back and on their forehead of their helmet. Levi the lieutenant wore a dark red armor and has the marker on his shield and on his red cape. While Harold the captain wore the white armor, and has the marker on his breast plate and torso area, his sword had the marker embedded on the bottom of the blade near the hilt and on the white cape that flew in the wind.

“Sire, the soldiers are all ready to move.” Levi said.

“Alright let’s move…”

“Ow stop pushing.” A voice said. “Well move it then.” A higher voice said.

“Rei don’t be rude.”

The captain heard yelling and looked towards where it was coming from. In the heavy rain he could see an outline of people coming closer. Soon they came into view and he could see 16 young kids, some with heavy bulky armor and others were with lighter tighter armor. They were walking talking and yelling at each other.

“Shut up! If it wasn’t for you Shun, we would have been here an hour early but no you just had to ran into that barbarian.” Kyonto yelled.

“Well you were the one that attacked him first.” Shun said.

“That because he was in our way and wouldn’t get out of my way.”

“Poison even told you to calm down. But did you listen to her? No, you did not.”

“You want to go right now?” Kyonto said as he got into Shun’s face.

“Stop it kyonto we are almost there anyway.” Hitomi said.

“Hey I see the Avlon knights.” Mika said.

Harold just looked at these kids and wondering what was going on? “Who are these kids and why are they in knight armor?”

“Sir, what should we do? The soldiers are ready to leave?” Levi asked.

Harold said nothing and just watched as these kids walked up to him. They stood at a attention and placed their right arm over their chest. “Sorry we are late sir! We are all ready to volunteer and help out the cause!” They all yelled in union.

Harold looked at the group and was confused. The group of kids’ armors were muddy and the heavy rain was slowly washing the mud away. Some appeared to be injured but look nothing looks too serious.

The soldiers behind Captain Harold burst out laughing. “These kids want to volunteer?”

“That’s funny they want to dress up like heroes.”

They continued to make stupid remarks until Harold turned around. “SHUT UP!” The soldiers all stopped laughing and went back to attention. Harold turned to the group of kids. “You kid’s best not be messing with me. This is serious matters that we are doing so turn around and go home.”

None of them moved an inch. They stood there as the rain made the ground muddier.

“What are you waiting for? Get the hell away!” Harold yelled.

Levi came up with his hand on his sword. “You best do what Captain has said. You don’t want to make him angry.”

“I’m afraid we can’t do that.” Kyonto said. “We came here on our own accord and we are here as volunteer. Why are you turning down help?” Rei said.

Harold shift and cross his arms. “This isn’t a game. We are soldiers and we have plenty of trained soldiers. We are going to war and it’s not something you can take lightly.” He sighed and his face went from serious to concern. “Look, I get it. I was your age when I wanted to be a knight and look at me I’m captain. But I was not fit to volunteer, even if you have armor and sword doesn’t mean you are fit to serve. So please go home, if you want to help out you can serve at the main camp as volunteer trainees or to cook the meals of the soldiers but I can’t let you come.” He starts to search his pocket. “I have a letter I can give you that’ll let you in the main camp.” As Harold was searching for the letter, Kyonto handed as letter to him.

“This comes from our master, he said to give it to the captain if we ran into any problems. If you still insist that we should not go after you read the letter then we will leave.” Kyonto said.

Harold looked at the enclosed envelope and looked at the kids. He reluctantly accepted the letter and he opened the letter. “These kids are desperate if they fake having a master. Nothing in this letter will make me change my mind.”

Dear Captain,

My students are here to help out the cause that I have heard about

They may range from 8-16 years of age but they are fine knights

I have trained them myself for the sole purpose of having a group of Knights

That are powerful and strong enough to help war from entering out Kingdom

If they weren’t ready, I would have never have sent them

Please with my humble abode, take my students and use them as you see fit.

Whatever you want them too, they’ll do it.


Master Tentou Niseshiro

Last Magician Knight.

Harold eyes widen as he read the letter. Master Niseshiro was training these group of kids. No one ever gotten a training lessons from a Magician Knight. He looked at Kyonto and the group of young kids. “They got trained by him? Now that I’m looking at their armor and poster, they seem legit.” Harold was trying to wrap him mind around it but he shook his head and sighed. He couldn’t argue over Master Tentou Niseshiro because he’s in a great relationship with the King. “Alright, you’ll be joining our mission fall in the back of the ranks but know this, I’ll be keeping my eye on you. You sixteen will be on guard duty for the supply wagon.” Kyonto just nodded and everyone else were ecstatic. They all fell into the back of the ranks and stood at attention with the rest of the Soldiers.

“Alright company fall out. We’ll be marching til evening time. We have a lot of ground to cover and we have to arrive in 10 days. It’s a 14-day march so, we’ll be going full march at some point but for now we’ll go half march.” Harold said as he got on his white horse and lead the company of volunteers north towards the Gleshinger Kingdom.

The Soldiers march forward with heavy sound of foot-steps leaving Bauhmant. Some of the soldiers looked towards Kyonto’s company. Most didn’t trust them, for how could they; they’re strangers after all.

The roads were muddy due to the heavy rain. Kyonto marched beside the wagon with Rei, Amy, Shun and Hitomi. Kevin and Jiri were driving the wagon. Atsumi, Yuko, Mika, Si and Sora were on the other side of the wagon. Toron, Kokuro, Satomi and Yuzuki were in the back of the supply wagon.

Shun leg got stuck in a hole and he fell pulling Rei down with him.

“Ah!” They both screamed landing into the mud.

“Shun you bastard!” Rei yelled. “I’m going to kill you when we get to set up camp.”

“Come on, we can’t stop now.” Amy said as she helped Shun and Rei up.

The wagon splashed mud all over the three and caused Rei to fall back again making the three of them land in the mud again.

“Damn mud.” Rei said.

“Stop fooling around you three.” Kyonto said.

“Oh sure, we are laying in mud because it’s fun.” Shun said sarcastically.

“Supply wagon, you’re falling behind get your head out of the clouds and move it.” Levi said as he rode on his horse to the back.

“We’re on it.” Kyonto said. “Kevin pick up the pace.”

Kevin whipped the reins and the oxen’s moved faster. The wagon moved at a faster pace but then disaster struck. The wagon wheel got stuck causing Kyonto and the group to be halted in their tracks.

“Harold sir, why are they on the supply wagon instead of in the front?” Levi asked.

“Because I want to see if they really want to be in this war or if they are nothing but talk.” Harold said.

“But they are on our Supply Wagon sir. We can’t survive without that wagon.” Levi said.

“Don’t worry, I already sent another supply wagon ahead with 50 soldiers before the weather turned. I’m glad that I did because now those kids will be able to head home.” Harold said then he yelled. “Pick up your pace a bit faster.” The army picked up the pace a bit more. Levi looked back at where the Supply wagon was at and knew that they were getting farther ahead and if they don’t catch up soon, they’ll be left behind.

The company reached the wall of Mira the capital of Gleshinger. The Castle was well guarded and they stopped the company from entering.

“Halt, soldiers from Avlon. Please state your business.” A Guard said.

“We are a company of 2000 soldiers and I seek an audience with the king.” Harold said.

“The king doesn’t have time for you. If you have business then please speak to Koren the Advisor of the King.” The Guard said.

“Alright then Levi and I will go and see him.” Harold said. Harold and Levi walked forward only to be stopped. “What are you doing?” Harold asked.

“Sorry but protocol states that I can only let in a Speaker representative and one other person.” The Guard said. “Since you are the leader of this so call group. You can go in but you’ll need another person and I get to pick.”

Harold was taken back with distrust. “What? That absurd, in our treaty it states that we can choose on our accord.”

The guard pointed his spear at Harold’s throat. This caused the other guards to start surround the company.

Kyonto placed his hand on the sword as well as a bunch of other soldiers.

“Sorry but we are at war and for all I know is that you could be a spy from our enemy disguised as our allies.” He walked up closer to Harold. “So, if you will allow me to pick a fellow soldier to accompany you then you can get onto business, don’t you agree?”

Harold sighed and nodded. “Alright go ahead.” He turned and said. “Men attention!”

The company then released their weapons and stood at attention. “Yes sir!”

The guard started to look at the company. He could see a mixture of young adults and old timers in the ranks. There were a lot of young men above the age of 25. Some were skinny and looked like they never saw battle in their whole life. Others experienced some war and they were the ones who stayed alive. He then gotten to Niseshiro students.

“Ohohohoh!” He laughed. “So, you have younglings in your ranks?”

“They’re our last volunteers that arrived.” Harold said.

The guard looked at Kyonto. He started into his eyes and sighed. “This one I’ll keep my eye on if I were you…captain.”

Kyonto glared at the guard and was struggling to hold his arm at his side to keep from cutting him down. The guard continued to look at Niseshiro students. “These kids are here on their own will? I don’t think so, they must be here for a different reason.” The guard thought. “You will accompany your captain inside.” He pointed at Mika.

Everyone was shocked at his pick.

Mika face beamed as he picked her.

Chapter 10

“Damon are you sure that’s wise? She’s a little girl.” A guard said.

“That’s why I pick her, she holds no threat. From what I get is just a young girl that shouldn’t even be here.” Damon said.

“If you say so.” The Guard said.

Mika ran to Harold and stood at a salute. “Kumora Mika reporting to duty!” She said enthusiastically. This caused the guards to laugh.

“Hahaha, look at her she thinks she’s a Knight.”

“Classic, classic. Good choice Damon.” A guard said clapping his hands together.

Harold looked away from Mika. “Stupid girl. What the hell are you doing? You are making me look like a kings fool.”

“You two may now enter the capital.” Damon said. Motioning them to open the gate.

The gate opened and Harold and Mika walked into the capital. It was very busy with people bustling to head to their destination. Mika was in awe due to how many people actually live at the capital. There were quite of few soldiers marching around to act like the constable and to keep the order and business at a natural state. Something was off about the capital that Mika couldn’t really see. It was almost like something was missing.

Harold headed for the castle. “Come on Mika we need to get going.”

“Yes sir.”

Koren the Advisor of the King, sat on his chair. He looked at Harold and Mika, he grabbed a goblet and took a swig before placing it back down. “So.” He started as he straightens himself out. “What brings the Kingdom of Avlon here? We did not seek for help nor do we need it. So please enlighten me.” He said. Mika looked at the Advisor and didn’t like him at all. For what she sees is a fat man sitting where a noble would be and is pigging out on food.

“Alright you and your men can stay and be part of our ranks in the army.” Koren said as he took a bit out of the boar. “But know this, you’ll all will be on the front lines until the end of the war. You will die protecting this great Gleshinger Kingdom. You will answer to no one except to our king and his commanders.” He stood up with the boar meat in his hand and the goblet of wine in the other. Walking closer to Harold and Mika, taking every step on the stairs. “You forfeit your Kingdom by volunteering to come here, by that right we own you. Tell every man, that you have that they are now in the service of Vernon the great King.” He gotten to Harold and Mika, he threw the boar bone to a dog and liked his fingers from the boar meat. “As a gratitude, we’ll grant you to keep your Avlon armor but you’ll get nothing else.”

“All men fall in!”

Everyone went in line and stood in line at attention. They all watched as the General came among the training camp.

“My name is general Archibald Sias and a’h will be leading you fresh new maggots through battle.” His heavy armor banged onto the ground as he continued to look at the Avlon troops. “So, a’h came here today and wanted to let everyone know what a’h expect of them. First rule: My word is the law, my order is absolute. Ye will listen to every word that a’h say. Second rule: While on patrol ye will not leave until ye are relieved of duty. If ye leave yur post ye will be placed in jail and branded a coward and a traitor and that could mean death to ye maggots. Third and final Rule: Ye may leave anytime but ye will have to be branded by the ‘Death Mark’. These are my law’s a’h will expect everyone of ye to obey them to the letter do a’h make myself clear?”

“Yes sir!” Everyone yelled.

“Excellent, excellent a’h do hope we all will….” He trailed off as he reached Niseshiro students and see them in line. “Who are ye guys? Ye don’t look like soldiers.”

“We are all volunteer and are here to serve the cause sir.” Kyonto said.

“Really?” Sias looked at them and sighed. “Alright look, a’h know ye younglings seem like it’s a noble thing to join the army but a’h can’t have ye young’n in my troops.”

“We’re not kid’s sir.” Rei said.

Sias burst out laughing. “Hahahaha ye younglings can’t be serious? Alright the jokes over, who let them in?” He asked around him. No one said anything. Harold stepped up and saluted. “They came with my men. They’re from the Avlon kingdom and they volunteer and so I took them with us sir.”

Sias looked at Harold then to Niseshiro’s students and back at Harold. “So ye just let little younglings join the army eh? Now a’h don’t know how the army works in the Avlon kingdom but here we don’t allow younglings under the age 13.” He looks back at the students. “Now a’h can tell that ye twins are the youngest in ye party and don’t look ye bigger than me son and daughter. So, you two won’t be in the army. Now please separate into a group over 13 go here and under 13 go there.”

They all moved until they were in two very different line. On one line stood Kyonto, Rei, Satomi, Sora, Toron, Kevin, Amy and Atsume. The other stood Kokoro, Yuzuki, Yuko, Jiri, Mika, Hitomi, Shun and Si.

“Alright ye younglings will follow me.” Sias said to Kokoro’s group. “I’ll see what a’h can do for ye back at the castle.” He then turns to Kyonto’s line. “Ye younglings, a’h wish ye weren’t here in battle but ye are old enough to be here. A’h hope that ye are safe.” He then turned to Harold. “If any of these young’n die, it’ll be on ye.” He whispered to Harold before heading back to the castle.

Harold just kept a calm face as Sias led half of Niseshiro students back to the castle.

“Ye all get back to training ye hear now.” Sias said.

“Yes sir!” Everyone yelled.


Hitomi walked behind Sias and looked at her sister. She was down, not only her but pretty much everyone was down as they headed back to the Castle. They came here to help out the Gleshinger Kingdom only to not help protect them from the enemy.

“A’h know ye are upset with me but A’hm protecting ye younglings from danger.” Sias said.

“We can defend ourselves.” Mika whispered as Sias turned his head to face the group.

“A’hm not doubting that, but our laws come from the king himself. A’h only follow the law.” Sias open the door and let Niseshiro’s students walk in. “Stay here and A’h will get someone to show you to the servant’s quarters.” He then left Hitomi and the others by themselves.

Once he was gone and out of sight Shun yelled. “AH DAMN IT!”

“This is stupid, why can’t we fight?” Jiri folded his arms and leaned against a white marble pillar. “I swear if I see the king, I’ll kill him.”

“Jiri this isn’t a time to say that?” Kokoro said. “We are in the Capital here. Saying that would brand us all enemies to the king.”

“Come on as if the king could take us down!” Jiri said harshly.

“Calm down, we can’t get over worked by something like this.” Shun said trying to calm Jiri down.

“No Jiri’s right.” Mika said.

“See Mika agrees with me.” “MIKA!” Hitomi yelled. “Don’t get drag in by Jiri’s stupid input.”

“No nee-san, I want to be out there with Kyonto and the others and not stuck here.” Mika said. “Don’t you remember what Niseshiro said? Our mission is to protect them, not serve them.”

“Yeah but we have to obey the laws of this land. You can’t disregard that.” Hitomi said.

“I know how you feel Mika but we can’t…” Yuki was interrupted as she felt a wave of magic from the castle washing over her. “Do you guys sense that?”

“Yeah I felt it once we entered the capital.” Shun said.

“Didn’t Master said that there’s no magic users in the kingdom?” Yuki said.

“Once we crossed the border, I didn’t sense magic users.” Si said

“But why does it feel close like it’s in the castle?” Yuki started to become unease as she could feel the magic inside the castle.

“Could it be an enemy that stuck into the castle?” Hitomi said.

“With no magic detectors spells and other magic users anyone could sneak in here.” Si said.

The air became cold as the group of magician’s knights tried to pinpoint where the magic was coming from.

“I sense three now?” Yuki said as a bead of sweat came down her forehead.

It was everywhere but nowhere at the same time. It turns from 1 source of magic to three back to 1 then to 7 then to 3 then to 4. It was always out putting random number.

“Alright I can’t see anyone or anything around us.” Si said.

Then they all sensed a powerful magic coming from behind them. “Oh my, are you children lost?” a voice said.

They all turned around and their eyes got big. The person who’s standing at the top of the stairs in front them is the current Queen of Gleshinger. “N-no way, do you guys sense this?” Hitomi whispered as they watch the Queen walking down the stairs.

“Y-yeah.” Mika said.

“There’s no way that power is coming from her.” Si said.

“Then that means she would have to be a Supreme Sorcerer.” Shun said. “It’s that or she’s above a Supreme Sorcerer.”

The queen made down the stairs and walked towards the kids. “My, there’s a lot of you.” She smiled and she opened her arms out wide. “I am Queen Selena Grijarald, current Queen of Gleshinger. I welcome you to my humble home Magician’s Knights.”

Chapter 11

Mika and the others were shocked at what the Queen said. How could she know that they’re Magician’s Knights? Was she listening to them? Or did they somehow let it slip that they are Magician’s Knights. Everyone gulped in fear and were looking at each other wondering what they should do?

“W-w-wh…*Cough cough* What made you think that we are Magician’s Knights your highness?” Shun said.

“Are you not Magician’s Knights?” The Queen Selena asked.

“No, we are not your majesty. We are volunteer knights from the Avlon Kingdom but according to your laws anyone 13 and under can’t be part of the army.” Hitomi said.

“Really? But then why are you wearing Magician’s Knights armor?” Selena asked.

“Our master gave them too us. We always thought they were just upgraded armor.” Hitomi lied hoping that the Queen believe their bluff.

“I must say, I didn’t know Magician’s Knights armor can be worn on other people? I’ll need to talk to Niseshiro when he comes to visit again.” Selena said.

“You know Master Niseshiro!?” Mika yelled.

“MIKA!” Hitomi hissed. “Idiot, you’ll give away our cover. She’s just trying to get information.” Hitomi thought as she prays that the Queen won’t put two and two together.

“Oh, so you are Niseshiro’s students but yet you aren’t Magician’s Knights.” The Queen said confusingly. “I could have sworn that Niseshiro would only take in Magician’s Knights students.”

“he trained us so we can be Knights.” Mika said.

The Queen gave them a smile. “Well that’s nice.”

“Your highness.” Sias said. “A’h do apologize, A’h looked every square inch to find yur lead servant or yur butler but I couldn’t find them.”

“Oh, and why would the great Sias Archibald need to find my butler or my lead servant?” Selena said as she turns to face Sias.

“My apologies yur highness but as you can see A’h have these younglings that are too young to be in the army. A’h just can’t send them home so A’h want them to work in the castle under yur servants care.” Sias said.

“I see. Well you can leave them in my care and you can go back and train your troops.” Selena turned and face the group. “You’ll follow me and I’ll get you settled in.” She then started to head to the stairs. “Sias, you can’t hold back when training.” She turns her head towards Sias and glared. “For we are at war and we must win at all cost. Understand?” Sias tried to keep his composer and not succumb to the Queens glare. “As you wish, yur highness.” He then bows and watched as the Queen headed upstairs with the little younglings. “The King is harsh at times but nothing is more frightening then the Queen. When she glares like that, it means that there’s no room for errors.” Sias thought as he straightens himself up and headed back to his troops.

Hitomi looked back to watch Sias leaving. She just hopes that the others can handle his training when they can’t use magic. She also looked at the queen. “That aura is gone now, but what I can’t figure out is that was it coming from her or was it all a ruse? A magical item? Or was it something else?” They all felt what she felt, so either they’ve all gone crazy or what they felt was real.

The queen continued to lead them to their destination. “Your duties will be whatever Cecil or Ann tells you. When you get your duties, please do it 100% because Cecil…” She paused before opening a door. “Well let’s just say he’s piacular about cleanliness.”

“No, no, no, no! It has to be in the Middle Annabella Rose!” Cecil yelled.

“No, it can’t because we need to put another one on the other end as well. If we leave it in the middle there won’t be enough room.” Ann yelled. “Also, don’t call me Annabella it’s Ann!”

“My, My, what do we have here?”

Chapter 12

“Alright men in a few minutes we will go out and charge at the enemy before they get close enough to hit the fortress with magic. We must hold out position and wait until the battle is won or until we get relieved from either the army of Sias or from our own kingdom. We must not falter and we must not fail, for we are the army of Avlon!” Harold yelled.

All of the soldiers yelled and banged their gauntlets against their shields. Kyonto was nervous because he could feel the tension in the air. Death was waiting for them ahead and many people were going to fall. His horse moved slightly as he looked at his classmates and could tell that they too were nervous. “Is this what it feels like to be a Magician Knight?” Kyonto thought. He could see Satomi was on the verge of crying and Sora looked like he was about to break. Kyonto felt his hand shook as it clanked against his armor. “Shit!” Kyonto grabbed his right hand to try to keep his body from shaking.

“Kyonto, focus on your breathing.” Poison whispered.

“Poison?” Kyonto whispered. “Don’t talk to me, just listen to me do what I tell you, breath in.” Kyonto took a deep breath. “Breath out.” Kyonto blow out the air from his lungs. “Breath in and breath out.” Kyonto did it again. He took a deep breath and then breathed out. “That’s good, just do that a few more times as you listen to me.” Kyonto did what he was told. “Can you feel your body relaxing? Let the anxiety wash away from your body. Remember your training, keep your wits about and you will survive. Don’t get distracted by mediocre things, just do what needs to be done and live.” Poison whispered to Kyonto. “And don’t worry I’ll be there when you need it most.” Poison could feel Kyonto’s body relaxing against her body, this made her smile.

“Alright everyone! Let’s Move out!” Harold yelled. “Raise the Gate!” The gate was being pulled up and the horses were anxious as they clopped their hooves against the ground. As soon at the gate was fully open Harold moved forward. “LET’S GO!” Soon his army followed behind as they charged forward. The Horses were near each other dirt was being picked up from the speed. Kyonto held on tight as his horse was running.

They rode together for 10 minutes. “Battalion 3 break right!” Harold yelled. The third squad broke right as they were led by Levi. Among levi’s group were Toron, Sora and Amy. “Battalion 2 break left!” Squad 2 broke left and they were led my Gol-naught as he let the team that contained Satomi and Kevin. “Battalion 1 full speed.” The squad 1 picked up speed as they were led by Harold and Kyonto was among the squad along with Rei and Atsume. Each squad has about 504 soldiers divided among themselves.

The squad continued forward until they finally saw the army marching. Kyonto eyes saw the army and was afraid at what he saw. A huge army that looks like they were 10,000 strong. “Captain is that the army?” Rei yelled.

“Yes, it is, that’s the Kor Army. It’s a good size but that’s not the full army it’s a division. We need to take that division out before they reached our post. Alright you men remember the plan.” Harold asked.

“Yes Sir.” They said.

Kyonto, Rei and Atsume thought back when they heard about the plan.

“Alright listen up our spy that we sent said that the Army of Kor has sent a Division towards our location. It’s been 4 days since they’ve been marching towards our direction. We need to intercept them before they get here. We are a small army of about 2000 and we won’t get reinforcement for a while so here’s what we are going to do.” Harold placed a couple of pieces on the map. He placed down a black castle four blue pawns and a red pawn. “This castle represents our fort that we are guarding. Now we don’t have men to spare so we’ll need to divide this as best as we can. one battalion will guard the fort while the rest goes and engage the enemy. Battalion 1 will charge head on against the Division drawing everyone’s focus on the 1 battalion and this is the most dangerous place.” Harold look at his men. “It’ll be a blood bath, the second and third Battalion will go left and right around the group, then they’ll split again into two companies each.” Harold replaced two of the blue pieces and placed down 4 green pieces. Two on the right and two on the left side. “One company will attack the sides while the two remaining will flank them from behind to keep them from escaping.” He moved two green pieces to the back. “There we need to make sure everyone doesn’t leave the battle field alive or unless they surrender. The fourth battalion will stay here to guard the Post. Now the fourth battalion will have an important role to play. If you feel that we have been gone far too long then send a small platoon after us to assess the damage. They’ll decide to engage the enemy or not once they see the results, got it.” The fourth platoon nodded in agreement. “Now this isn’t the best plan, if I had more troops of magic users this will be different but sadly, we don’t.” Harold placed his right arm over his heart. “Let’s pray that the Gods watch over us and grant us victory.”

Will this plan work? That’s something that needs answering but the only answer that’ll come is the outcome of this fight. Kyonto look at Rei and Atsume for some advice, like do they go through with it or do they break their vow?

“Alright men!” Harold grabbed his sword and thrust it forward. “Charge!” He then went towards the enemy. His men soon followed him right behind. Kyonto, Rei and Atsume just stayed put as they watch these men charging into battle that was against all odds.

A Solider saw that they weren’t moving he held out his spear and rode past them. Only to smack their horse on the back to cause them to move. “Get riding, you’ll die if you stay here.” He said. He never liked them being here and as he guessed they froze due to inexperience.

“Falkner don’t help them out if they’re frozen with cowardice.” Ike said.

“We need all of the help we can get.” Falkner said as he continued to ride as he continued to use his spear to keep them moving.

Kyonto grip his reins on his horse. Cowardly? It may be his first actual fight but a coward is not how he was raised. He whipped the reins causing his horse to move faster. He made sure his shield is tight against his left arm and he grabbed his sword. “I am not a coward.” He yelled. “I’m a Magician Knight and if they have to fight like normal knights then I’ll fight as a knight.” His action helped Rei and Atsume to gain confidence to start moving forward themselves.

Falkner just smiled and look back at Ike and gave him a thumb up. Ike nodded with approval and rode behind the four.

“Ike, Falkner I want the two of you to keep an eye on Kyonto and his two friends.” Harold said as they were riding to their destination.

“Huh? You want me and Falkner to baby sit? Hell no! This is a battle field not a kid’s game.” Ike said.

“I know it sounds like crazy but they might freeze and that would get them killed.” Harold said. “In reality no one is prepared for battle.” Harold look at the two solders. “Also, to let you on a secret, I froze on my first battle.”

“Really?” Falkner asked.

“Yes, but I wanted to leave so I ran away and I end up in a forest by myself but it turns out we were surrounded so I ran back and found my Captain and told him. Thanks to him I was able to be a live but during that fight I end up killing 20 men. I was devastated but some needs to be encourage others need to be pushed. So, hang back and stay near the little ones for I know they’ll be useful.”

“Man, to think I have to watch these three.” Ike thought as he continues to ride.

The Kor battalion commander Grandour Iskar saw the charge. “Hey you there bring me a binocular.” He demanded. The soldier gave him a binocular and he looked through it. He could see Harold of Avlon kingdom at the head of the charge. “So, the Gleshinger brought in their ally huh? Looks like they don’t have a ton of men.” He gave the binocular back to the soldier. “Men we are under attack Witches and Wizards squadron get ready to blast them!”

“Yes sir!” They yelled and they started to move.

“Harold, it looks like we’ve been spotted!” a soldier yelled.

“Bowmen get ready to fire!”

The men with bows grabbed their bow staff and their arrows at the ready. 75 men out of 504 had bows and each carried about 20 arrows. As soon as they were ready Harold commanded them. “Fire! And fire at will!”

They all shot their arrows and 75 arrows buzzed though the air. The Kor army continued to move about and the arrows rain down upon them. Thunk, thunk, thunk the arrows hit their target.

“AH!” Some yelled in pain as the arrows sunken into their flesh and pierce their armor. But due to the movements only about a handful for the arrows hit their target deep enough to kill them. Others just inflicted damage to the enemy and the rest of the arrows missed. After the first wave the bowmen continued to fire their shots as fast as they can. Some dropped a few arrows as they tried to shot them off.

“We are already commander!” A soldier yelled.

“Ackmen tell them to blast them all to hell!” Iskar commanded.

“Yes sir. Men fire your magic!” Ackmen yelled as he gave commands to the Witches and Wizards.

Some were powering up their magic but were hit with an arrow and caused them to hit some of their own. BOOM! Men and Women screamed as the blast killed them and injured them. The rest successfully blasted their magic against the Avlon knights.

Boom! Boom! Boom! The ground was getting blasted apart as magic hit it. Solders were thrown off of their horse and were injured or killed. Some were trampled to death from their comrade’s horses. Kyonto looked at the horror as he watches men died. He turning his head to look behind him. “Don’t look back Kyonto. There’s nothing you can do about them.” Poison whispered. Kyonto looked forward and could see that they were close. Would he die? Would he get hurt?

“Keep blasting them don’t give them an inch” Iskar yelled.

The Witches and Wizards continue to chant and cast their spells.


“No! We need to press forward!” Harold yelled

“But we are being picked off!”

The magic continued to hit them continually causing more casualties. “AH!” Men screams filled the air as they continued to ride forward. The ground shook with blast as debris and smoke filled the air around them. A Blast landed near Kyonto and his group causing the five of their horses to deter away. Kyonto tried move his horse and encouraged it to go forward.

“Alright men Charge at them! Go give them death! Witches and Wizards continue to fire even if it causes some death on our end. Wipe them out!” Iskar yelled as his whole battalion started to charged forward.

“You heard the commander keep firing!” Ackmen yelled.

Magic was being blasted by the Witches and Wizards. Soon the two armies clashed with each other, while magic was raining down upon them. Harold Slashed as a couple of people fell onto the ground. The sound of steel clashing rang throughout the battlefield. Harold and his men Broke through the front lines of the Kor knights.

Kyonto took a swing knocking an enemy down to the ground. Behind him were Rei, Atsume, Ike and Falkner, each taking down enemies by the sword and spear.

“AH!” a Kor soldier screamed as he fell by Kyonto sword. Kyonto hand shook and he gripped harder onto his sword so he won’t drop it. “Shit!” He thought he looked around the battle field and it was chaos with people fighting. He moved his head only for an arrow barley missing his neck and being plunged into a Kor knight.

“Arcane Blast!” A wizard cast a spell at Kyonto only for him to move back, hitting the horse in the head decapitating the horse.

Kyonto watched as time slowed down around him as he slowly fell off the horse as it came crashing onto the ground.

“Kyonto!” Rei yelled

He hit the ground hard and yelled out in pain as he rolled a few feet away. He slowly got up and onto his feet. “Kyonto you alright?” Poison asked. “Yeah, but I lost my horse.” He blocked a spear with his shield and was pushed back. “It looks like I’ll be fighting this battle on the ground.” Kyonto looked around as he was surrounded by the Kor knights.

Chapter 13

The Kor knights shifted slowly as they tried to figure out how to attack Kyonto. He took down 8 of them with no problem. Three more charged at Kyonto, one swung at his right only to be blocked by the shield and getting stabbed in the gut. The other knight jumped in the air and went to slash at his back but Kyonto dodged to the right rolling on the ground and faced his enemy. Soon two more charged at his back and Kyonto turned around to block both of their blades. He pushed them back and slashed at their stomach, blood sprayed onto his armor as they collapsed to the ground.

“Man is this guy a demon or what?” A Kor knight said.

“he’s not the only one that’s good.” Another said as he looked towards Rei and the others.

Rei, Astume and Ike were on the ground due to losing their horse. Falkner had his horse still as they were back to back. “Man, there’s so many of them.” Rei said. “I know, we need to back up Kyonto as soon as we can.” Falkner said.

“You girls are fighting really well. I must give your mentor some credit.” Falkner said as he rammed a spear into a Kor soldier.

“Move out of the way pipsqueaks. I’ll handle this guy.” A Man said.

A big huge guy wearing a big thick heavy armor came and stood in front of Kyonto.

Kyonto swung his sword aggressively against the enemy. The enemy blocked his swing and was on par with Kyonto.

An arrow moved through the air and sunk into Kyonto’s side.

“Ah!” He screamed out in pain and was thrown from the enemy. He grabbed the arrow and pulled it out. He stared at the enemy trying to find some weakness

Satomi group continued to ride; her group broke off from the others about 5 minutes ago. She left kevin alone as she was riding to the back of the Battalion. They could hear noise of clattering steel and blast of magic echoing through the air. She was nervous, Yun spoke to her but she couldn’t listen to her. No, her mind was on those people that probably have already died.


Loki ran towards the North wall and grab a spy glass and looked through it. He could see a whole Division of Kor Army, they were marching upon them as they moved as one. “SHIT! Don’t tell me that Harold is fighting a diversion or did these people went around the battle field?” Loki didn’t have time to ponder for the enemy was soon upon them. Loki could see these people had catapults and they were getting ready. Loki turned to his men and yelled. “Prepare for battle!” The Avlon army shifted getting their armor on and grabbing their weapons. “Archers prepare to fire on my command. The rest of you get those catapults ready. We’ll need to take them out with those as soon as we can.”

“Sir but what about those cannons? Can’t we use those instead?” A soldier said.

“No.” Loki said. “We need to keep those in the inner part of the fortress.” “Sir yes sir.” He replied.

“Soldier how far are they?” Loki asked.

“About 30 min out but it could be less.” The Spy said.

“Well that should get us ready. All captains and commanders come unto me. I need to discuss a plan with you.

“Watch out!” a Kor Knight yelled. A huge rubble was coming their way. It crashed down and started to roll on the ground killing their comrades. Soon four more boulders came at them from the fortress.

“How many men are guarding the fortress?” Gon asked.

“We calculated about 500 men sir.”

“500 men!? Are you crazy? You’re telling me that 500 men are keeping an army of 10,000 people out of that fortress?” Gon look at the fortress and said. “This’ll be an easy raid.”

“Archers fire!” Loki yelled.

400 arrows rain down on the front lines of the Kor army. Arrows penetrated their armor and killed a lot of them leaving some injured.

“Launch the cannon!” Sora yelled.

The cannon got lit and it blasted a red smoke into the air. The cannonball traveled high and far into the sky, eventually blowing up and launching even smaller cannons into the air all around in every direction.

Sora sighed and said. “May the Gods watch over you commander Harold.” He then turned to his men. “ALRIGHT MEN LET’S GET OUT OF HERE! THE FORT HAS FALLEN! FALL BACK!” He yelled. “Signal the troops to retreat.” He said to a knight.

The Knight grabbed his horn and blew it hard. The horn echoed thought the hall towards the other soldiers. Soon other horns were blaring back singling the retreat. Men and Women ran from the fight heading to the back of the fort.

The Kor army took this time to start pressing forward. For their enemy is on the retreat and this caused them to gain momentum and strength to start overpowering the Avlon knights. The army moved cutting people down like cattle in a slaughter house. They pushed the Avlon army to the back of the fortress where they barricaded themselves. They banged on the heavy doors trying to break it down.

“Come on Men put some back to it!” A captain yelled. Trying to get them to knock in the doors down.

The Avlon knights barricaded the doors and were trying to keep themselves alive.

“Captain Loki! All of the horses are prepped along with the cargo wagons.”

“Great, get the wounded onto the cargo wagons. Then get everyone on the horses. We are going to need every rider we can and double mound if possible, the rest would have to run on foot.” Captain Loki said.

“Yes sir, but how are we going to get out? We are trapped!”

“We’ll be blowing out the wall with the cannon. It’s all prepped I just need to make sure we are all ready.” Loki said.

“Yes sir.” The Knight turn to the others “Alright, you heard the captain, get the wounded and the horsemen ready to go!”

The door was beginning to cave in. An Avlon Knight stuck a spear through the hole, killing one of the Kor men at the batting ram. “AH!” He screamed. “Sir! This door isn’t going to hold much longer!”

“When I blast this wall, everyone makes a dash to Havlong city. These are my last orders, stay alive and get to safety.” Loki yelled as he lit the cannon. The fuse burned until it blasted the cannonball at the wall causing the wall to crumble. Soon as the dust settled the hole was big enough for everyone to start moving.

“GET OUT OF HERE MEN! LET’S GO! GO! GO!” A captain yelled. A few men braced the doors trying to keep the Kor army away from them. Soon the hole got bigger and they started to shoot arrows to keep them from leaving. The Men tried to hold onto the door but without the added strength of the others the door soon burst open and the Kor army started to flood into the room.

The Archers fired their bows and hit a few of the escaping men. A cart of wounded Knights fired a round of 10 arrows at the Kor army before taking off. Some of the army of Avlon stayed and clashed with the Kor army. Loki turned and yelled. “Adam!”

“Go Loki! We’ll hold them back get everyone out now!” Adam yelled.

Loki turned and headed out with the last of the Avlon knights. They continued forward and started their retreat towards Havlong. The cry of their soldiers echoed through the fading sunlight and they were falling one by one.

Adam continued the clash his sword against his enemies, he and a small group were the last line of defense left and they were holding the army back. Trying to give their people enough time to escape, but no matter how many they cut down more kept coming. Soon Adam was over powered and he was cut down where he stood. As he faded away, he watched as the sun was setting and soon darkness would over shadow his people. Maybe, just maybe they might make it out alive. He fell with a gasp as he breathed his last breath before slipping away into the darkness. Loki and his men continued forward away from the fort. They were over run and their help never came. Out of 504 men that protected the Fortress only 139 men escaped with wounds, quite of few of them are in critical conditions that they might not make it. 70 escaped with no wounds and 295 People had fallen to the sword.

Harold eyes drifted to the sky as he saw the red Smoke coming from the fortress saying “They were over run.” Harold grabbed his horn and blew it. The horn echoed through the air and he then turned his horse around and yelled. “RETREAT! FALL BACK! RETREAT!”

The soldiers around turned and heard his command and they soon started to retreat. The Kor army took this time to gain momentum. They started to fall upon the scattered Avlon army.

Harold continue to blow the horn to gather his comrades. Kyonto was struggling against a heavy armored Kor knight.

Kyonto and the others continued to ride forward as they got closer to Havlong. “We are almost there! Keep moving.” Harold yelled as they were moving forward. They have lost a lot of soldiers during the battle and while they were escaping. Some were on horses but the rest were on foot.

Satomi was holding onto Kyonto tightly as he was leading the horse home. Rei and Atsume were riding together while Toron had an Avlon knight on the back of his horse. Kevin, Sora and Amy were walking on foot. Kevin leaned against Sora for support as they continued forward. The air was filled with despair as they moved in silently through the night.

“Harold, we need to rest.” Levi said.

“No.” Harold said. “We keep riding, they are right behind us. They’ll be catching anytime now.”

“If they were chasing us, they would murder us right now. No, they want us to put fear to the Gleshinger army. We need to rest otherwise we’ll lose more men then when we left the battle with.” Levi said.

Kyonto and the gang were held with shackles on their arms and legs. Kyonto struggled to try and break the chains. Ignoring his friends calls, he grunted trying to bend, break or snap the chains. “Kyonto.” He heard poison voice. He continued to ignore her as his strength was fading. He tried to channel magic but was getting shocked in the process.

“KYONTO! ENOUGH!” Poison yelled from her small . “These are Vashar stones, they absorb magic and channels them back into the user’s body. They are really tough to break without magic; legend says that only Inhuman sages could break the stones. So please no more otherwise you’ll kill yourself in the process.” Poison said.

Kyonto opened his mouth only for poison to cut him off.

“No, we can’t grow into our bigger size. We’ll get crushed to death if we tried.” Poison said.

“So, there’s no way out?” Mika said.

“Afraid not.” Poison said. “Only the key that they are synced too have the power to unlock binds.”

“You know for a kingdom that hate magic users; they sure have magical items that they still use like these cuffs for an example.” Jiri said.

The cell door was unlocked and everyone turned their heads to the door and saw the king walking in. He held his hands to his back. “Well, well, well. It looks like you are all are at home here.” He said as he looked at all of the glairing faces of the Magician’s Knights. He just laughed a hearty laughter and smiled. “Yes! Glair with hatred!” He yelled with his arms open wide. “For that’s all you magic folks can do. Not so tough now are you!?” He started to walk around the cell and look at every single one of the Magician’s Knights. “You think you are untouchable, don’t you? Well now you are feeling just like a normal human being.” He looked at Rei and placed his hand on her cheek. Rei moved her head back trying to get away from the King. “So helpless and frail.” He trialed his hand down to her neck, feeling the pulse of her blood beating faster. “I could easily kill you, right here and now.”

“GET YOUR DAMN FILTHY HANDS OFF OF HER!” Kyonto and Toron yelled.

The King removed his hand and turned to him. He stared at Kyonto’s glair and walked up to him. He just looked at his odd colors eyes and smiled. “Ok I did what you asked…” He then suckered punch Kyonto in the face. “AH!” He screamed and then he punched him in the gut. He procced to start hitting Kyonto with his fist in his chest over and over again. He also went after his face a couple of times.

WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! Each plow causing Kyonto to cry out in pain. Everyone started to have tears coming from her eyes as they can’t do anything. For they are powerless to stop it.

“YOU BASTARD!” Toron yelled.


“Oh, that’s right.” He stopped punching Kyonto. “He’s your dear brother.” He walked over and leaned down to her eye level. “Tell me imoto-chan, do you love your brother?”

Mika eyes were filled with tears, she didn’t want to say anything. She just wanted him to stop hurting her brother. She responded with a nod. He reached and placed his hand on her cheek. This caused her to flinch and retreat but he kept his hand on her cheek. “Shhh.” He hushed at Mika. “It’s ok, you can stop crying now.” He placed his hand on her chest and could feel her heart beating very fast. “No…” She said quietly.

“You Bastard, take your hands off from her.” Kyonto coughed as blood came out of his mouth. He then smiled at the King. “You call that a Beating? Ha, you have gotten weak. My Master is older than you and he’s still stronger than you.” The King wailed on Kyonto, he slapped, punch, spit, kneed and kicked at his body. Leaving behind bruises and cuts. He stopped when Kyonto wasn’t moving and he gave a smile. “Oh, tired already? I thought you were tough? I guess everyone has a limit.” He spoke. He looked around and saw fear in their eyes and he looked at the scorpion. “From your reaction, I guess he’s your master…isn’t he, well if I were you, I’d get a new master.”

Poison just cried as she looked at her master who’s now bleeding. “P-Please…” She whispered. “Huh?” The King Said. “What was that? You can talk!? Amazing! Come one, speak up! We all want to hear what you have to say.”

“PLEASE!” She cried. “Please help my master! He’s Bleeding and if you don’t stop his bleeding he might die!” Poison screamed as she plead to the King.

“Hahaha!” The King laughed. “You want me!?” He placed his hand on his chest. “The King to save your master whom I despised? You are a very silly scorpion. Yes, you are, yes you are.” He said in a mocking tone. Poison banged on her bars causing the King to step back. “You’re a Monster! You care nothing for a precious human life! You kill all magic users because you thing think that they believe that they are better than you! You Should be ashamed of yourself.” Poison yelled.

Soon the King left the cell only to hear a weak voice. “So, you couldn’t kill me huh?” The king chuckled and turned his head. “It’s no fun killing you now, that why I have executions.” The King left and the cell door closed and was locked again.

The cell door opened and everyone is shocked to see the sadness of Selena the Queen.

Chapter 14

“Why are you here your Highness?” Kevin asked. Shizuka said nothing and turned to the Guards. “leave me.”

“But your highness we have orders to not leave the prisoners unguarded from your Husband the King!” The guard said.

“I am ordering you to leave! If you think they’ll do anything, just look at them. They are chained up and so if you will please, leave. I have business with them. If you don’t, I’ll personally see to it that your Son and Daughter be put at the front lines.”

The guard backed down and bowed. “As you wish your Majesty.” And they left, leaving the queen to be all by herself. Shizuka watched as they closed the cell door behind her and walked off. She looked at the Magician’s Knights and her heart was filled with sorrow. “I humbly apologies for our spite and anger to you. I know that nothing can rewrite this crime against thee.” She went on her knees and laid her head onto the ground.

This shocked everyone, for someone of a royal blood to bow before Magician’s knights was unheard of.

“Get up, your highness. We don’t want your pity apologies.” Kyonto said weakly.

Shizuka lifted her head and she had tears coming from her eyes. “I know that this won’t help but you’ve got to understand where the King is coming from.” She looked at them. “You see this all started 36 years ago.”

-36 years earlier-

Vernon the Prince of Gleshingr at the age of 14. He was born in a kind family that has been ruling the Gleshinger for over 10 generations. Their family came to be due to a revolution that the Grijarold family caused due to a tyrant of a King. Vernon ran to his father’s chambers in a hurry.

“Father! Father!” Vernon yelled as he ran to his father’s side.

Vernon father coughed and saw his son at his side. “*Cough* Vernon, my boy I *Cough Cough* Told you to not run wh... *Cough*” King Grijarold coughed up blood.

“Father!” Vernon yelled he turned to the doctors. “Can’t you help Father!? You are called miracle workers and you!?”

“Prince Vernon…” One said but he could speak.

“You’re Magisty, we are Miracle Workers thanks to our magic but unless we can identify the poison that was used, there’s nothing we can do.”

Vernon ran across the Kingdom trying to get someone to help his father out.

Vernon was in distraught at the news of his father. He slowly walked towards his father’s dead body with tears streaming down his face. “F-Father…why couldn’t they heal you? Why did they left you to die?” He said. His focus was disoriented as he grabbed the bed. His eye twitched as he saw his father’s lifeless body. And he heard a few of the Witches and Wizards the so-called miracle workers talking in a lowly voice.

“Now we got rid of the king, we just need to get rid of the prince.”

“Poor Prince Vernon, what is he going to do now?”

“Did you see his face as he looked at his father’s dead body? Hahahaha!” “Hahahaha!”

Vernon clenched his head and closed his eyes. ‘What are they doing!? Don’t they know that the king is dead? That my FATHER is dead? And Look at them talking like it’s normal.’ Vernon thought as he turned his head to them. ‘They did this…. They killed Father! Magic!? Ha! They say magic is good and helpful…. then why is Father dead!? It’s because they can’t stand me, they can’t stand me! I need them gone before they can revolt against me.’

“Shut up…” He whispered. But the voices continued to talk and make noises. “Shut up.” He said louder but no one heard him. “Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!” He yelled and everyone turned to look at him.

Everyone turned and looked at the Prince and saw him standing with the Crown of the Kingdom of Gleshinger on his head and anger in his eyes. “GAURDS! GUARDS! SEIZE THESE TRAITORS! SEIZE THEM ALL WHERE THEY STAND!” He yelled and guards came in and swept the room, obeying the orders of the new king. They came upon the guest and took them down. The Captain of the guard went up to the new King.

“Sire, what have they done?” Sias asked.

“They are traitors to the crown and have given into a conspiracy against the crown! Therefore, I order you all to execute them on the spot NOW before they can counter against us!” Everyone looked at the King with confusing looks. “Are you deaf I said NOW!” He yelled.

The soldiers did what they were commanded and started to kill everyone in the room. Some of the Magician’s used magic to try and escape. They used some spells and went through the window and disappeared.

“Sias! Gather your men and go and sweep the streets for those traitors! Also, while you are at it. I order an entire evacuation of all Magic users in my kingdom. From now on Magic is banned from the Kingdom! If they won’t leave the kingdom, you have permission to kill all that resist.”

Everyone looked at the Queen. No one uttered a word because for one thing, how could they? The King is against magic users all because they couldn’t safe the previous king.

“I’m sorry that as the Queen I can’t do anything.” Selena said in a sorrowful tone. “You’ve been sent here to help us but in returned my people did nothing but hinder your people.” She couldn’t contain her tears anymore and started to cry. “Your master has helped me in the past and there’s nothing I can do to return the favor.”

Everyone just listens as Queen Selena just cries.

“Hey, it’s alright Queen Selena.” Rei said. This caused the Queen to look at her, Rei gave her a smile back and spoke once more. “We are Magician’s Knights and we’ll die like one. It may not seem much but we were honored to help your country out, even if it was just a little bit.”

“Hmph, Rei you sure know how to talk.” Shun said. Queen Selena looked at Rei and her genuine smile. This caused her to feel her heart skip a beat. She couldn’t help but feel the calmness in her words. Queen Selena got up and bowed too them. “Thank you for all of you, for your service for my Country.” She turned around and walked out. She didn’t want to hear their answer; she didn’t want them to see her tears once more. As soon as she was outside of the prison and in the cold dark night. She fell once more onto her knees. “Whaaaa!” She wailed into the night as her mind went back to Rei’s smiling face. “Rei! Rei! Rei!” She repeated her name over and over again. “Why do you have to die!? Why are you so happy even at deaths door!?” Selena just wailed all through out the night.

Morning was soon to arrive as Harold and Levi each looked at them. They needed to get too sleep but they couldn’t not when these executions were happening. They’ve lost a lot of people

“It’s Time for your executions ya scums.” One of the guards said. Soon 32 guards came and one by one they led everyone out of the cell. Half of the guards carried the cages that held the summons and soon the cell laid empty once again as the first light of the morning sun entered the empty cell.

Chapter 15

The guard led the students towards the execution grounds. Kyonto just glared at the guards but said nothing. For there’s nothing he could do, for without magic they were just like regular human beings. Soon they heard a sound shouting from the outside and it was getting louder. Soon they could hear crowds of people just screaming for blood and others were trying to do against.

Then the light blinded everyone but as soon as they stood outside, they were greeted by scorn of civilians.




They started to throw stones at them as they were walking by. One of the stones hit Kevin in the head causing him to scream. “AH!”

“No Stopping, get moving!” The Guard said as he pushed Kevin to move.

The Guards tried to keep them back as best as they can, but it was hard on them.

Soon they were marched up the stairs and they were face to face to the king. The King just gave out the biggest smile and he raised his hands in the air. The crowd erupted into a roar of praises and cheers to their King.

Vernon then silenced the audience and cleared his throat. “Today my dear citizens of Gleshinger is to tell you the reason why we are holding executions. For these young kids are not only magic users but they are the terrible Magician’s Knights that has plagued this nation with war.

“STOP THE EXECUTION!” Someone yelled.

The executioner held off and hovered the blade of the axe just in time for not cutting off Rei’s head. The blade did cut the skin a little as warm blood moved down the neck.

Rei gasped as she breathed again. She could feel the cold steel on her neck and tears were coming down her face. For she didn’t want to die today, or ever for that matter. She looked at her friends as some has tears of gratitude while others were glad that she wasn’t dead.

“What the hell you think you are doing Selena? You cannot just come here and stop my execution.” He pointed at the executioner. “You finish cutting off her head NOW!”

“STOP VERNON!” The Queen Selena yelled as she approached her husband. “I won’t let you kill them…especially our daughter.”

The crowd gasped at the news.

“What are you talking about? Our daughter died; I have no more daughters.” He waved his mighty hand. “On with-it executioner.”

“Put down the axe executioner, if you lift it above her head again, I will personally see that you are banished and your family sold as slaves.” Queen Selena said. “Now back away.”

The executioner backed away from the Queen, for who can disregard her orders.

“Selena.” King Vernon yelled. “Why are you protecting these fools!? Huh? For our law said that any magic users are to be executed or banished, and I’m having them executed. You cannot argue the law.”

“I know the law full heartedly and it breaks my heart every time you bring it up.” Queen Selena held her hand against her heart. “That law did nothing but tore up family and this country. All because your father died natural causes you blamed it on them and said that it was treason.” Tears were coming down her cheeks and onto the ground beneath her feet.

“THAT BECAUSE IT IS TREASON!” He yelled. “They lied to my Father and he died because of them.” He turned to the executioner. “You cut off her head NOW!”

“Don’t you dare!” Selena yelled. “Are you really that blind? Are you really that hateful?” She asked her husband. “If you truly want to execute someone then by means go ahead…” She saw her husband smiling as bit her bottom lip and took a breath. She’s letting it out after all of these years her secret will come out. How it’ll go, only the Gods can truly know. “Execute these young Magician’s Knights and show the whole country what happens to someone who’s breaking the law.” She paused as her head trembled with a headache. “But…” Her words got caught in her throat but she manages to find her voice again. “But you are going to have to execute me first before your daughter.”

The king smile fell into a frown and he glared at his wife. “What are you saying? I have no reason to listen to your nonsense. Executioner get on with it, off with her head.” He signaled with his thumb going across his neck.

The executioner pulled up his steel axe above Rei’s head.

“Rei!” Her friends yelled from the side, all wondering what they can do to save her.

“REI!” Kyonto yelled and he glared at the king. “You bastard! You are going to get everybody killed! All for what? Huh!? All for what!”

Rei cried as this was it her life was over. The Queen bought her sometime but it wasn’t enough to save her. She looked Lunar as she cried. The summons sat quiet; they knew that none of them were going to die. For it was a law established long ago. If a Summon dies, then their master would get another one of their kind to be at their side. But if a Magician Knight were to die in battle, then the Summon would go back to their world and wait for when they are chosen again. So, there they sat, hopelessly watching and waiting for their masters to die, they’ll live at the cost of their master’s life.

The executioner got the permission to go on with the executions. “I’m sorry little one, please forgive me but it’s nothing personal…just the kings order.” He swung his axe downward. He put all of his strength into this chop. He didn’t want this girl to suffer any pain, no he wants it to be quick.

“LIGHTNING BOLT!” Someone screamed.

A ray of a lightning bolt came and struck the Executioner sending a wave of electricity coursing through his body. He screamed and he fell off to the side causing the axe to fall downward.

“Levitation!” The Axe levitated to the side and away from Rei’s neck.

Everyone was shocked as the just look at the uncontentious Executioner. The Kind was furious with rage. “How? How did this happen? Who’s the culprit?” He clenched his hands into a ball and yelled very loudly. “WHO DID THIS!? See Selena. See! I knew one day there would be a rebellion and I knew it was coming but oooh..” He turned to his wife and was left speechless. Everyone was speechless at what they had just saw. Kyonto and his group were shock at what they had just witness. Everyone was looking at the Queen Selena who has lightning sparks coming from her hand. She was glaring at the King and she let out a few words. “Don’t you harm my Daughter!”

Unam Animam: One Soul

Obstringi: Bound

Germinabunt: blossom

Fulminus: Thunderbolt

Ictus: Blow Milia: Thousand

Glacies: Ice

Tempest: Storm

Burning of 10,000-year-old Sun: Solar flare Cannon

Magician Knight Book 2

Chapter 16

King Vernon couldn’t say anything as he just looks at his wife, his Queen whom he’s been marries for over 25 years; have magic coursing through her veins. Who is she now? That’s what Vernon was trying to figure out, for everything he has set up is coming down all around him. He would have to kill his wife but for what crime? A crime of being a magic user? “S-Selena what are you?” Is all he could muster out.

“I am Queen Selena of the Gleshinger Kingdom and I’m a Magic user. I regret keeping this from you Vernon but I hoped that I could have been confidant in our love that you wouldn’t kill me.” Selena said. “But I can see that I was wrong, for if you would execute your own daughter then you’ll execute me at no hesitation.”

“Daughter? What are you talking about Selena!?” Vernon just looked at Selena. “What daughter? My daughter died as a baby.” He looked over to the girl name Rei. She was crying as she was mumbling to herself. “Why is she saying she’s my daughter?” He grips his head. “Why are you making our dead daughter like she’s a joke!?” Vernon yelled. “You know how much I loved her, and how much is devastated me when she passed. Why are you claiming that this monster’s our daughter!?”

“Because she is!” Selena was trying to keep herself from crying. “When she was sick, I didn’t know what to do.”

16 years ago:

“Waaah!” May cried as her mother tried to calm her down.

Shhh. “It’s ok, it’s ok May.” Selena said calmly.

“What’s going on?” Vernon asked as he came into the room. “It’s late.”

“May isn’t going too sleep and her fever is still high. I’m not sure what to do.” Selena said. “It’s just that I’m afraid that she’ll die.” At this point tears started to fall.

“Hey, she’s going to be fine I promise.” Vernon said. “I’ll just go grab a doctor and we’ll get her better.”

Selena broke down and sob even more. “The doctor saids that she’s doomed to die.” “WHAT!?” Vernon yelled which caused May, to cry louder. “Guards!”

“Yes sir!?” Two of them asked as they came in.

“Go and execute the Doctor that examined our child.” Vernon said.

“Yes Sir.” They left to do what they were ordered.

“Selena it’s going to be ok, please don’t cry.” He tries to comfort her. “I’ll just go and find another doctor.”

“I tried three of them and they all said the same thing.” Selena said.

Vernon collapsed onto a chair. “Then what other option is there?”

Selena knew of one and she know that it’ll go against what Vernon believes. “A Magic User. I know of one in the Avlon Kingdom that could help us out. If you’ll allow me to go.”

“No! Absolutly no! By the Gods in heaven I will not subigate myself to go and rely on them!” Vernon said with spite. “If the normal doctors can’t figure it out, then neither can them!”

Selena bowed at her husband feet. “Please Vernon, if nothing will be done, then she’ll die. I’m begging you let me go.”

Vernon sighed and spoke. “Get up women.” He watches her rise. “I’ll allow it but you better make haste. Go and get our daughter well.”

Selena was glad and she kiss Vernon on the cheek. “Thank you I’ll go prepare for the journey.”

“I traveled to Avlon and went and visit Niseshiro who helped me.”

“Ah Selena, it’s nice to see you.” Niseshiro said.

“Please help me!” Selena asked. She held out her daughter. “She’s sick and I don’t know what to do.”

Niseshiro looked at the girl and sighed. “Alright, after all you are a Queen now.” Niseshiro opened the door and let them in. He then took the infant into his arms and took her to a room. He pulled out a vile of a blue liquid and gave it to the infant. “One the infant burps, we’ll see what kind of illness we are dealing with in a form of a smoke. If it’s Red then it’s a fatal illness, Green means, internal like a parasite, Purple means a non fatal illness, black means death and…” Before he could finish the infant burped out a Yellow smoke.

“Yellow…” Selena said. “What’s yellow?”

“Yellow means it’s a magic illness. It only affects magic user but it doesn’t give me a break down of what it is.” He then hands the blue vile towards Selena. “Here, you might also be affected. Take it and we’ll see if you need to be treated as well.

“She can’t come back with me. For Vernon will kill her, he hates all magic users and with her having no control, I don’t think I can protect her. Would you mind watching her for me?” Selena asked.

“Of course, she’ll make a wonderful Magician Knight. You should be proud to have a kid like her.”

Selena waived goodbye and left Niseshiro with her daughter, hoping one day that she’ll see her again.

“So, I left her with Niseshiro and never looked back. I came back told you that she died and we moved on. But a mother never forgets and when I saw her, I knew she’s my daughter.” She turned to Rei and gave her a smile. “Even if she forgot who I am, I’ll always be her mother.”

Vernon didn’t have anything to say.

BOOM! An explosion causes a great commotion. Soon other explosion occurs as people started to scream and started to run. “Sir! The Kor Army is attacking and they have Giant Beasts with them!”

Chapter 17

The Kor army started to bombard the City with Magic. Among the Army were 23 different Giant Beast, each had what look like a Magician Knight on top of them.

“Look at them, are they suppose to be Magician’s Knights?” One spoke.

“Hahahaha! Yep, looks like they have their summon trapped in those small cages. Hahahaha!” A young little girl giggled.

“Shizu, calm down. Remember we are here on orders.” A young man said.

“Can I start, can I start?” Shizu asked.

The man sighed and looked at her. “Yes you, Cho, Hertsu and Tikoshi can go now.”

‘Yay!” She screamed and she summoned her partner. Her partner is a Black Bat with glowing red eyes. “Let’s go Slasher!” They took off being followed by a Falcon, a Wasp and a Nymph.

The creatures flew over the city with great speed.

“Those are Magician’s Knights summons!” Satomi yelled.

“Come on! Let us go!” Shun yelled as he struggled against the chains.

“King Vernon!” Kyonto yelled. “Let us fight! You can’t survive against those Magician’s Knights attacks!”

Selena was working on trying to free Rei from her cuffs but the keys weren’t working and she couldn’t figure out why. She looked over and saw the executioner was getting back to consciousness. She grabbed him and shook him. “Tell me how to get these cuffs off hurry!” He groaned as he tries to get his focus. “Come on! This is your Queen telling you! How do I get these restraints off!?” He groaned but told her how to take the restraints off and her eyes widened in shock as the executioner passed out again. “You got to be kidding?” Selena thought. She looks towards the smoke and she could hear the cries of the other Summons outside the wall. “Do I have time to take them there?” She has no choice so she grabbed her daughter. “Come one, we are going to get these cuffs off of you and your friends.”

Selena and Rei moved downward off the execution platform and made their way towards Kyonto and the others. “Come on! Grab your summons and follow me!”

Everyone did what the Queen ordered and followed her.

Vernon watched as his Queen tried and failed to get the restraints off from their daughter. He could hear guards assembling outside of the inner gates and are working to evacuate the civilians. He just stood there, not knowing what too do. The Kor army was outside who could invade any minute and they were vastly out numbered, even if they would charge at them, their magic users would just pick them off. He watched as Selena started to lead the others back into the keep. He decided to follow, because there was only one thing left as King, that he can do.

Selena made sure that everyone was alright. “Come children there’s not much time.” She led them down the stairs and through the corridors. “Do one of you guys know what happens to Magician Knight when a vashar stone is removed?” She asked.

“Poison you should know right?” Scarlett asked.

“I do, but I only knows what happens we encounter them in the wild, not as cuffs or cages.” Poison said.

“Great, well luckily there’s a book in the library that can tell us. Why? Because that’s where we are headed.” Selena said.

“A Library? Why the hell are we going there?” Shun said.

“Because there’s a spell on the cuffs and I need to break it and the only way is through the spell that was cast in the first place. The cuffs weren’t made to come off from the key at all.” Selena said. She felt herself getting sick, now knowing that they were made to be drainers not restraints.

Harold and Levi were gathering troops to try and hold back the assault. Without Sias here, and the commander and the lieutenants and captains being killed in the explosions, they can’t tell who’s in charge of the troops. Harold ordered an evacuation of women and children but kept all matter of able bodies men to help hold off the enemy among his troops. But without a leader, these Gleshinger troops were just panicking as the chaos ensue.

“Who’s your commanding officer!?” Harold yelled at the few troops.

“I-It was Farlan but he died.” He stuttered.

“Well who was underneath him!?”

“It was Dory but he died too.” The other said.

“Then who’s underneath him!?” “We…don’t know.”

An explosion of magic hit a near by house causing it to be destroyed. Everyone moved away, trying to keep the dibries from hitting them. A piece of wood was launched and it struck a Gleshinger soldier in the back, killing him.

“Troupe! Troupe!” One yelled as he held his lifeless body.

“Get a grip Soldier!” Harold yelled. “You guys are now in the Avlon army! Go spread the word that I’m in charge now, since there’s no communication between us and the higher ups. Tell every soldier that they are under my orders and I order a complete evacuation of Women and Children, and gather all able body men to grab swords and spears and shield and assemble to the front lines. Now go!” Harold yelled.

The two Gleshinger Soldiers went and did what they were ordered.

Harold turned to Levi. “Make sure our troops know what’s going on. Also try and get a hold of the whereabouts of the King and Queen. We need to make sure they are evacuated as well.”

“Yes sir.” Levi ran off heading back towards the execution square, the last place he saw both the King and Queen.

Harold watched as his friend leave and he looked around at the state that they are currently in. The barrage of magic hasn’t slowed down and they’re trying to evacuate as quickly as the can. If nothing is done, not only will this city fall, the whole country will fall and along with the King and Queen. This’ll leave Avlon exposed to be attacked by the onslaught of the Kor army. “Shit! This is the worst situation we could ever be in.” Harold thought.

“Alright the book is in here somewhere. Look for a title called Bound in chains. It’s by the author Veer.” Selena said.

“Here I was, wondering where my students had gone and lo and behold, I find them in a library, bound in Vasher cuffs.” Everyone turns and saw Niseshiro standing there; in his grey cloak and staff in hand. His face was that of a strict guard who found someone guilty of a crime. “I told ye not to use your magic. But not one of ye listened to my orders.”

“Master…” Kyonto started to speak but was interrupted.

“HOLD THY TOUNGE!” Niseshiro yelled. “We are about to lose the Gleshinger Kingdome and none of ye are out there to rally the troops.” Niseshiro pointed his staff to Queen Selena. “The spell book you are looking for is over near the fantasy section. The spell will be on page 234. Chant it and it’ll unlock their cuffs.” Selena ran over to grab the book. Niseshiro then pointed to the group of Magician’s Knights. “All of ye, after this is all over, I’ll have ye punished. But for now, as soon as ye are free and rested for 20 minutes; Go and rally the troops. I gave them command under ye as soon as ye are there. Go and lead us to victory.” Niseshiro then turned and started to walk away. “Oh, one more thing King Vernon. Your father death was that of nature, even magic can’t cure everything. Take it to heart and know that your father loved you til his last breath. Now I beg you to gather your courage and fight along us on the battlefield if not, then I pray that ye would watch and witness the only good thing that’ll keep the peace.” With that said he left just as soon as Selena came back with the book.

“Alright!” Kyonto yelled as the Vasher cuffs came off. Everyone was glad and were pumped but that lasted for only a moment before they all fell onto the ground. Selena was shocked and ran to them. “Hey? Are you alright?”

“We’re fine…I think…” Hitomi said.

“Give us 10 minutes your Highness.” Kevin said as he struggled but found no strength in his body.

“Shit! I can’t just lie here!? I need to go now!” Kyonto thought but he knew that he couldn’t move. “Poison…will we be ok after 10 minutes?”

“No,the minimum amount of time is 20 minutes, just like Niseshiro said. Little strength is better than no strength. It’ll take us a few days before we won’t feel the effect of the Vasher stones but a full day rest will make it where we won’t be in a bad spot.” Poison said to her master. “I don’t want to make Kyonto angry but we’ll be lucky to be able too fight for more then an hour.” Poison just looked at Kyonto with a worried look. She knew that Kyonto is reckless when it comes to fighting, she knows that they’ll be lucky just to fight for 20 minutes. “Damn it Kyonto…. please don’t be reckless. Otherwise we won’t make it out alive.”

Heimlich came running and yelled. “Mom! I got you, your armor and Dad’s armor and multos viros neque sanctiores!”

“20 minutes.” Selena whispered to herself. “I’ll give you guys 20 minutes just make sure you recover in time.” Selena ran out heading back outside but someone caught her arm. It was her husband Vernon. “Vernon let go of me!”

“I’m not having you to go out and sacrifice yourself.” Vernon yelled. “And Heimlich why are you here? You should be back at the capital!?”

“I’m here to help Father! I’m not afraid of battle!” Heimlich said.

“Let me go!” She yelled. “You don’t know what you are risking! Millions of lives will be destroyed all because of your stubbornness. Niseshiro students are our only hope now. There are just too many evil Magician’s Knights outside for us to handle.” She glared at Vernon with a piercing gaze. “You may not want to accept your fate but I’ll die for them.”

Vernon just looked at his wife and heard the words that were coming out of her mouth. “Do you mean it? Are they really worth your life just to give it to these bunch of kids?” “Yes, I do.” She answered. “And just for your information our daughter is part of this group and as a Mother I will gladly lay my life for her and her friends.” She said as she placed her right hand on her heart.

Vernon gave out a sigh as he closed his eyes. “Very well.” He said. He lifted his king crown and then placed it on the ground by his wife feet. “I shall accompany you and Heimlich and we’ll die together. If we die then if she’s really my daughter, then she’ll inherit the crown then.” Vernon put on his armor and grabbed multos viros neque sanctiores. “Let’s get going.”He placed a hand on the doorway and turned to Rei and look at her. “Forgive your foolish of a father. Now that I look at look just like your mother when she was your age.” He then walked away.

Rei just look as the man who’s suppose to be her father walking away.She felt something pulling at her heart, almost as if he really was her father. She closed her eyes and clentched her teeth.What was she supposeto do? Believe their words? But if it’s true then...her family isn’t dead, they’re alive and are now marching to their deaths.

“Everyone we need to buy 20 minutes so that the young Magician’s Knights will be able to recover and fight on our behave. Troops of Gleshinger, I Vernon your King will not lead you to battle but Niseshiro who’ll be your commanding officers. Now let’s save our Kingdome!”

20 minutes is how long the Avlon army and the Gleshinger army have to hold out for Kyonto and the others to recover.


The rest of the war quickly died out as Harold apologize to his Kingdome on how he treated the magic users. He lifted the law of banishing all magic users. He still needs to make up too them and he knows he has caused a rift between them that would take time to heal. He also thanks his ally nation Avlon Kingdome for stepping in and providing them with aid but most of all; he gives his thanks to the Magician’s Knights. For he knew without them, they would have been completely over run by the Kor Army. The Nation of the Gleshinger rears them as hero’s and saviors of their Kingdome.

Rei was presented at the capital for all to see her.

“My fellow people!” Harold spoke loudly. “I come before ye to present my Daughter. A Daughter that I thought I lost all those years ago. Even though I already have a son, who was just a toddler, I was angry when I first lost my Daughter, I cursed the Gods, the Magic User that was suppose to help my Daughter. I lost my father, my daughter and couldn’t stand it but thanks to Selena I was able to push through it. Never in my life time, would I think I would see my baby girl again. Now I present you Rei Gleshinger your new Princess!” The crowd cheered with excitement and with joy as Rei stepped forward. She was wearing a nice light blue dress with white frills on the sleeve. She wore light blue gloves that went up on her arm, a white pearl neckless on her neck.

Everyone sat in the guest rooms in the east hall of the castle.

“Finally, a Bed!” Shun yelled as he flops onto his bed. “Oh, bed I’m never leaving you again.”

“Shun, we’ve only been in prison for 7 days. If you could show some restraint, that would be a good Master that you are.” Jewel said as she watches her master acting like a toddler getting a cookie. “Gee how old are you 5?” She thought.

Shun wasn’t the only one that was happy, for Mika was rolling on the bed wrapping herself in a cocoon. Everyone was happy that they were no longer lying in a prison cell chained to a wall and kept in small cages. They

Kyonto struggled against the magic rings that were pinning him against the canyon wall.

“KYONTO!” Mika yelled. She went towards him only too be blocked by two of Yogenki students.

“Kyonto…” Poison said as she moved forward towards her master. Her legs collapsed under her own weight and she fell onto the ground with a thud. She was out of breath and she was losing a bit of blood. “Shit!” Poison thought. “I need to grab Kyonto and get out of here. They are stronger than I originally thought.” Poison turned to the duo and they seem like they were a bit worn out but they’ve been like that ever since they’ve separated her from Kyonto. But what isn’t making sense is that Temptress is a bit magically drained while Lynch is acting like he has magic for days. “Come on body, I still have a ton of magic reserves that I can use! Just get me to Kyonto-kun!”

“Struggle all you want Kyonto but it’s hard to break those bindings.” Lynch said in a monotone voice. This whole fight he was disappointed with Kyonto. “It’s almost like Kyonto hasn’t gotten any stronger. His friends seem to be using new magical techniques but he just stayed the same.” Lynch sigh and started to conjure some magic. “I was told to keep you alive Kyonto but I think it doesn’t matter anymore. So, I’ll just end it all right here.” The magic started to gather in the palm of his hand and then some grey symbols started to form a diagram of a Hexagon. In the hexagon was this red five-pointed star that each point has a different skull with different facial expression.

“Oh shit! Lynch! If you use that magic, not only are going toing to kill Kyonto but you’ll take us with that!” Cebric Yelled. “So, what!” Lynch yelled back. “Five Devil Expression: Hell Punishment!” Lynch yelled as the blast was launched at Kyonto.

Kyonto struggled as he tries to break free. He manages to break the right binding on his arm ring and he reached toward the left one. “Shit! I’m not going to make it in time to use a counter spell!” The blast gotten closer to him and he was staring at deaths door.

“ONII-CHAN!” Mika cried out loud.

The blast was going to his Kyonto but then something moved casting nothing but a shadow in front of Kyonto. No one was able to see who it was, except for Kyonto. His eyes widen in shock, almost as if his eyes were a mirror, reflecting Poison taking the magic blast that was meant for him. She took the full frontal of the blast and was blasted into the Canyon wall.

Poison tried to reflect the magic but she didn’t have time to conjure up a spell that quick for that kind of high-level magic. So, she used a substitution spell that allowed her to take the blast. She coughed up blood as she felt herself being driven into the rocks near Kyonto.

The smoke covered the area and people were all wondering what happened.

“Oi Cebric wasn’t that blast supposed to be you know…. bigger?” Someone asked.

“Y-Yeah, it was.” Cebric said.

The smoke cleared and everyone was shocked that Kyonto was still alive.

“Kyonto survived that blast? How?” Rei yelled.

“One of his arms is free!” Shun pointed out. “Maybe he cast a magic to protect himself?”

“Kyonto? No, he wouldn’t do that. I don’t think he knows that kind of magic powerful enough to stop a legendary magic like that?” Lunar said.

“Where’s Poison?” Satomi asked. Poison what nowhere to be seen. “She was right there a second ago.”

“POISON!” Kyonto yelled. Kyonto placed his hand on one of the leg binding. “Counter!” The magic burst hurting Kyonto but he ignores it as he uses the counter spell destroying the binding spell. Boom! Kyonto turned and sees a bloody broken scorpion coming out of the canyon wall. Poison fell onto the ground as she was wheezing as if to try and catch her breath. “Counter!” Kyonto blasted the last binding ring and he fell 30 feet onto the ground. “AHH!” He groaned but he headed to his partner.

Lynch ticked his tongue in rage as he saw Poison falling onto the canyon ground. He didn’t expect for her to move in front of the magic.

Kyonto reached the bloody Scorpion as he could hear her struggling very painfully to breath. “P-Poison, hey girl.” His voice cracked. He couldn’t believe what he was looking at. Her wounds were terrible and he could see part of her insides. “P-Poison look at me, please.”

Poison turned slightly to face him. “You *Gasp* Alright *Gasp*” Poison said with very gasp. “You are going to be ok.” Kyonto said as he knelt beside his partner. He placed his hand on her head as blood was quickly coating his hand as if it was a slimy goo. “I’ll take you home and you’ll be fine, ok girl?”

“I *Gasp* Can’t move Ky…*Gasp* Kyonto.” Poison could feel her lungs starting to collapse but she needed to finish talking to Kyonto. She moved her claw to her neck and find that the vile was missing. She moved her eyes scanning the battlefield. “Where? Where? Where did it fall?” She then spotted the pink liquid filled vile about 100 yards away. She needed to take it right now, as long as she has a breath left to spare. “Kyonto…” Poison said struggling to speak as she coughed up blood. “100 yards *Gasp* Pink…give it...*Gasp*...Me.”

Kyonto was confused but did what she told him to. He looked around and scanned the field for something pink. He spotted a vile filled with a pink liquid. “I see it.” He got up and made his way too it.

Lynch was confused at what Kyonto was doing but his eye caught the vile on the ground. He watches as Kyonto picks it up and head back to Poison. “What’s in that vile? Is it something to help them? A healing vile?” Lynch thought. He scratches the last item he thought of off the list, for there’s no way anyone here has a healing vile, for Niseshiro was never a healer to begin with. “Only Kya was the healer.”

Poison watches as Kyonto came back with the vile. “Give it…*Gasp*…to me.” Poison asked. Kyonto did what she wanted and gave it too her to drink. “What is it?” He asked.

“My dream and….my wish…” Poison body burned as her body changed from a scorpion to a young female human. Her pink hair, her exoskeleton turned that into a soft flesh of a human, as naked as you can get.

Kyonto was at a lost of words as his partner went from being a scorpion to a human.

All of the other summons was shocked. Each knew exactly what Poison did, for she was breaking one of the forbidden laws that was never meant to be broken.

“Poison wha…” Kyonto was cut off as Poison kissed him on the lips. He was shocked and he felt the bloody kiss deepening, her tongue against his. It only lasted for 30 seconds as poison turned back into a scorpion but she continued to kiss him. She didn’t want to stop kissing but she finally pulled back and stared back at Kyonto.

“Poison I…” Kyonto never finish his sentence as he was hit in the side from Temptress tail. He skids against the ground in pain only to be slammed by Temptress tail. “AHH!”

“KYONTO!” Poison thought, she tried to move but only to collapse. She could see Lynch coming towards her with malic. She toppled to the right, leaning against the ground. She tried to speak but nothing came out.

“You are a disgrace to all summons, and with that I’ll execute right here and now.” Lynch said.

Kyonto struggled against Temptress but to no avail. “Stop! Lynch, don’t do it!” Kyonto clawed at the ground. “Ground Spike!” He yelled, causing the ground around him to form spikes and aimed it at Temptress. The attack went only for it to not penetrate her skin. “Your magic isn’t strong enough.” He heard Temptress said. She started to push against him, crushing him underneath her weight. Lynch moved his sword and placed it to his side. He then bends down as a magic circle formed around him. “Phantom step: 1000 cutting wind.” “STOP!” Kyonto yelled.

“It’s ok Kyonto. It’s ok. You’ll be fine, because I know you are strong.” Poison thought as she could see Lynch readying his attack. She couldn’t move and despite Kyonto’s effort, she wouldn’t have made it back home to heal. She knew that she wouldn’t live after taking that attack. She was just lucky that she was able to be still alive. “Luck or was it because of the Gods?” Poison thought. She could see Kyonto yelling and she couldn’t help but smile. Lynch then cut poison from head to tail. Her blood sprayed almost like a geyser, the blood then rained down around her, right onto Lynch bathing him in blood.

The sky darkened and the whole ground was covered in shadow. Kyonto couldn’t do anything as he was in shock. Poison tail then started to dissolve into millions upon millions of particles that were disappearing into the air.

“What’s happening?” Kevin asked. “Poison is disappearing into pieces.”

“When a summon master dies, the summon gets absorbed into a ball and get shot into the air back home. A summon that’s at death door or gets killed in battle is turned into magical particles and disappears into what we call, The Shadow.” Ryu said.

All of the summons was crying as they watch Poison disappears.

“Kyonto, you may cry for me just for a little while but know that I’ll always love you. Oh, why is fate cruel? For someone like you to steal my heart? I couldn’t help myself, I tried to be this strict wise summon that would guide you to be great. But the more I stayed by your side, the more I fell in love. I didn’t mean too but, you cared for me in a way none of my past masters did. Little by little, I found myself wanting more. I wanted more then a partnership as a Master and Summon, more then a friendship, I wanted you.” Poison just stared lovely into Kyonto’s eyes and gave a bloody smile. “I love you.” With that said Poison disappeared, leaving Kyonto alone.

Tears came down Kyonto’s face as he yelled. “POISON! WHAAAA!” He grunted and started to bang his head on the ground. “WHAAAAA!” He cried. The sky and the ground shook, causing thunder clasping in the sky and rocks to start falling into the canyon.

Lynch was confused and he stumbled with his footing. BOOM! He saw Temptress being thrown into the canyon walls. “Temptress!” He yelled and he looked towards Kyonto. “How did the threw Temptress!?” He was shocked at what he was seeing.

Kyonto gripped his head in despair as Poison’s death just keeps replaying in his head over and over again. Sparks was being lit up 3 feet away from Kyonto. Soon the sparks turned into red flames that were small. The flame went around until it encircled Kyonto. Kyonto yelled into the sky as the flames then turned to black and just rose and it continued to rise until it formed into a dome made of black flames and then it shrunk until it completely engulfed Kyonto. Lightning started to struck around the flames, almost as if they were being drawn to him.

Lynch went to Temptress and wondered if she was ok. “You hurt?” He asked.

“No.” She replied.

“What happen?” “I don’t know, he started to cry and then as soon as she said ‘I love you’ he just pushed me off somehow.”

“Alright well we need to get out of here.” Lynch said.


Lynch shrugged. “I don’t know but let’s go before…” Lynch felt something chilling in the air, almost sinister. It was as if Death its self was standing behind him.

Clank! Clank! Clank! Sounds of clanking metal was echoing through the air. The People on top of the Canyon stopped fighting as the all just looked inside. The summons shrunk themselves and went to their master for comfort.

“What the?” Sora said. “Hey Fang what’s the matter?” He didn’t answer.

“Jewel?” Rei asked.

“Something in the air, I…I can’t stand it.” Jewel said. As she pressed her body against her master.

Everyone could feel the sinister power, and it was coming from where Kyonto is at, engulfed in flames.

Temptress shrunk and slithered onto Lynch shoulder shivering in fear.

“Temptress what’s wrong?” Lynch asked. She wasn’t answering and after the third time asking, she answered. “We need to go now.” This was confusing Lynch. “I don’t know what got into you but I stated that we need to go a few minutes ago. What’s gotten into you?”

Temptress shivered with fear. “I thought that they were just a legend?” She stated.

“A Legend what is going on with you Scarlett? What are you saying?” Hitomi asked.

A Legend that dated back when Merlin was alive, one of his trusted Knight fell and became as black as the night, armor as soulless as the devil himself. It was terrifying that Merlin almost didn’t kept records about it. He destroyed everything about that Knight but one partly burned page survived and it just called him Black Soulless Knight.

“Black Soulless Knight?” Lynch said.

“When you hear the clanking noise of metal, he’ll appear, so we need to go now before…” The clanking noise stopped and temptress and every summon looked at the black flame. “It’s here.”

Lynch looked and a black metal boot stepped outside of the flames as this huge black armored knight was coming out. His eyes were a burning red that was staring at them. The armor was big and bulky, the chest plate was thick with thick shoulder guards. There were spikes on the shoulder guard, the helmet was big and it looked sturdier than normal it has two good size horns that was pointing straight at the sky. The last think that caught Lynch eyes was the sword, for it was bigger and thicker and the design was off. The air around him was full of malic and menacing. The Black Soulless Knight stopped after walking about 30 yards.

Lynch stared at the Black Soulless Knight only for him to disappear. Lynch barely bend backwards as he could see the sword swinging above his face. The air was cut and it send a blast of air around him. The air knocked back those that were near the edge of the canyon. Lynch moved backwards keeping his eyes on the Black Soulless Knight, only for him to disappear. Lynch turned his body around and moved hit sword to block his.

He was sling back to where he was at. “He’s moving very fast; I can barely react.” Lynch thought. “Look out!” Temptress yelled as Lynch blocked his sword only for him to struggle. Lynch grunted against his sword, only for the Black Soulless Knight to kick him in the gut, sending him flying straight into the Canyon wall. “AHH!” He yelled as he looked as the Black Soulless Knight went to stab him in the head. Lynch moved his head out of the way just in time. BOOM! The impacted of the sword caused the canyon to crack open and be destroyed.

Everyone on top was in shock and they all fell onto the ground from the shock wave. They all could see the canyon wall being split open. It traveled for a bit before stopping a few miles away from where they are now.

Lynch body shook in fear as he could hear Temptress describing how the canyon wall was split open right beside him. Lynch moved and casted some spells at the Black Soulless Knight, only for them to cause no damage to the armor. Lynch moved into the air trying to get away. “Shit! Shit! Shit! Just how powerful is he? He’s getting faster and faster and my powerful magic spells aren’t working.” Lynch thought. He felt himself being hit in the gut and was sent higher into the air. He then see’s temptress being grabbed and was toss away. His face was grabbed and he was then shot down straight onto the canyon floor.

Temptress was falling but was caught by Shizu, who was flying with Slasher. “Are you alright Temptress?” Temptress nodded and turned to the Black Soulless Knight. He was just ignoring them as he dived straight at Lynch. “LYNCH LOOK OUT!” She yelled.

Lynch laid there bloody and in pain from the beating he took. He could see him falling down after him. “Clipeum Reflectunt!” Lynch yelled and he cast a shield around him. He watched as the Black Soulless Knight land on top of him and the impact enough caused it to crack. He then started to slash at the shield, earning cracks, one after the other. Lynch glared at the Black Soulless Knight. “Come on then, break if you can.” He taunted.

Black Soulless Knight swung harder and harder until finally he broke the shield. A blinding light shined and it blew up the Black Soulless Knight sending him flying, as well as send Lynch flying back against the ground. He could feel the pain from the rocks and he stopped skidding. “Ah shit!” He rolled over and a bit of blood fell onto the ground. “I have to get out of here. I can’t beat him in this state.” Lynch thought. “He’s getting too strong and it seems like he’s finally getting use to the power. I don’t know if it’s subconscious or not but he’s dangerous.” Lynch grabs some dirt into his hand. “Shit! I’m still weak.” Lynch got up and staggered as he was trying to keep his balance.

Black Soulless Knight got out of the rubble and turned around. The magic around him came off him like steam. He gripped the hilt of his sword with his right hand and lowered his body. He was going to go for the kill, and this time he wont miss.


Lynch turned around and saw the Black Soulless Knight charging at him, with no time to dodge. “KYONTO STOP!” Those words echoed through the air all around the Black Soulless Knight and he stopped inches away from the forehead of Lynch. Lynch felt the power behind that attack and he felt like he was getting a heart attack. Another set of words echoed once again around the Black Soulless Knight. “Don’t kill for me.” The Black Soulless Knight was panting and his breath was sharp. “Poison?” He thought.

Lynch was looking at the Black Soulless Knight; he wasn’t moving almost as if he were a statue. He used his sword and hit the sword out of his face, causing it to fly out of its hand. Lynch moved back and hopped his way too the top of the canyon. “Let’s get out of here! NOW!” He yelled.

Everyone scrambled to leave, not caring about Satomi and the others. Some were still in shock at the event and some were badly injured. The others had to help them to get moving. As they were leaving some couldn’t help but look back, wondering just what event took place.

The Black Soulless Knight armor started to crack and soon it broke apart, revealing Kyonto inside the black armor. Kyonto eyes look dead, his body rocked a bit. “Poison…” That was all he said before falling onto the ground passed out.

*Back at the Castle in the summon room*

The Scorpion picture glowed bright blue as it gave a shine. The picture itself started to ripple as if it was water in a pond. Soon a small bright ball of light and magic came out of the painting. It gently floated to the middle of the summoning circle, it then rested on the ground and form its shape. The light faded away, soon revealing a small slightly dark tan scorpion. She looked around and spoke. “Where am I?”

Chapter 200

There was the summon gate, all bright purple and swirling in the air. She was nervous but was excited at the same time. For she would be the first picked out of the Scorpion tribe. She could hear her kind cheering for her as she gotten close to the summon gate. This would be a new place, a new home as some have called it. But for her it would be her life; life started anew and afar from her family and friends. She went through the gate and was taken aback at the magic and instantly she was blinded by the light.

Her eyes adjusted to the light and it was beautiful as the star filled night. It seemed to her that time had slowed down, for it felt like days went past. Then in the distant she sees what looks like a doorway, that stood open just waiting to receive her. It was as if it was calling out to her, saying welcome to this side of the world.

She slipped right on through and straight onto the other side. There she was, in a different room that she couldn’t identify. The room was big and there were pictures of what she could tell were the other summons tribe. She saw the Ant tribe; the Unicorn tribe and she recognize the Dragon tribe. She looked as sees a young woman who seems to be happy to see her. “Hello there, I’m Alice Allsopp. I’ll be your partner, it’s nice to meet you Pearl.” She said.

Chapter 236

“KYONTO STOP!” Those words echoed through the air all around the Black Soulless Knight and he stopped inches away from the forehead of Lynch. The Black Soulless Knight armor started to crack and soon it broke apart, revealing Kyonto inside the black armor. Kyonto eyes look dead, his body rocked a bit. “Poison…” Kyonto sat up in a cold sweat. He felt his heart racing within his chest as he looks around trying to figure out where he was at. After a few minutes he notice that he was in a tent and then his body ache in pain. He grunted and gripped his wounds as it was now hard for him to breath. He removed the blanket from his body and he got up slowly. His leg wobbled and he collapsed back onto the bed. His legs were saying ‘Don’t walk for we aren’t ready yet’ so he sat there.

From the light he could tell that it was day time, what’s the exact time; he doesn’t know but his desire is too leave the tent. He heard a groan and he saw his youngest sister Mika laying against the bed on her knees fast asleep. It seems that she stayed by his side. “How long has she knelt there?” He thought.

“Kyonto…” Poison said struggling to speak as she coughed up blood. “100 yards *Gasp* Pink…give it...*Gasp*...Me.” Kyonto did what she wanted and gave it too her to drink. “What is it?” He asked. “My dream and….my wish…” Poison body burned as her body changed from a scorpion to a young female human. Her pink hair, her exoskeleton turned that into a soft flesh of a human, as naked as you can get.

“Poison!” Kyonto thought. He got up and made his way to the entrance of the tent. He could feel the weakness in his legs but he ignored it and pressed on. He took the steps to get outside and he had to shield his eyes from the sunlight. As soon as he could see he saw the Phander Canyon walls. He could see quite a bit of tents were deployed around him. He could hear talking and some laughter echoing through the air.

Kyonto made his way towards the direction where it was originating from. The voices were getting louder with each step that he took. Soon he saw his group of comrades, they all were alive and wall. Some look to be badly injured while some looks to just have mild cuts and bruises. Kyonto made his way to them but he stepped on a piece of a rock and fell onto the ground.

Everyone turned and see Kyonto awake and on the ground groaning out in pain. “Kyonto!” Satomi yelled as she ran up to help him. “You shouldn’t be moving around?” She then gave Kyonto a hug with tears falling down her cheeks. “But I’m glad that you’re awake.” She gave him a smile and continued. “Come and eat.”

She led him to the table that they’ve made and carefully made sure he sat properly. “Could someone go get Kyonto some food?” She asked.

“Sure.” Kevin responded. Kyonto leaned on his arms tired and exhausted and asked. “How long was I out?” The air was heavy as that question lingered in the air. “Four days.” Someone said. “Mika took care of you, she made sure you were clean and she changed your bandages and made sure you ate and drink some things. She never left your side, not since…” Ayume said before trailing off at the last bit. She couldn’t find the words to soft blow Kyonto the bad news.

Everyone didn’t say a word as Kevin came back with a plate with food and place it in front of Kyonto.

“Do you have a dream Poison?” “A Dream…yeah…I do but its more of a wish then a dream but its a silly dream.” “Will you tell it too me?” “I will…someday.”

“No, no…NO!” Kyonto yelled as he tossed the food on to the ground. He got up as he spoke. “She cannot be dead!” His voice quivered with sorrow and his eyes were tearing up. “She…she…I, her dream?” He fell onto the ground due too lack of strength.

“Poison wha…” Kyonto was cut off as Poison kissed him on the lips. He was shocked and he felt the kiss deepening, her tongue against his. It only lasted for 30 seconds as poison turned back into a scorpion but she continued to kiss him. She didn’t want to stop kissing but she finally pulled back and stared back at Kyonto.

Kyonto grips his head as tears started to fall from his eyes. “Poison…Poison…Poison…” He said over and over again. “She’s dead…she died because of me…” He placed his forehead on the ground as he was rattled with guilt. “UHHH!” He cried. “Why did she had to have a good for nothing partner! I was a fool! A fool that gotten her killed!” Kyonto just wailed in misery.

Everyone just looks depressingly as Kyonto cried. They really never saw Kyonto like this but they knew the reason why. For they all were attach to Poison in some form or another. For she was the one that all other summons went too when they had a problem or needed to talk. She would listen and give advice base on the situation. She was always calm and collective and most of all patient. Patient with Kyonto and was able to work really well with him. Those two made it almost like they were partners for years

Everyone could see the old Magician Knight castle in the distance. The sound of thunder echoes through the sky as lightning strikes the air. It was starting to rain but not one word was spoken. It was quiet as they arrive ever closer to their home. The sound of rain hitting their armor started to increase as a down pour of rain came down. Onward they trekked as they walked through the mud. 10 minutes did they walked until they arrived at the front gates; they could only sense 1 being in the castle. Part of the castle was damaged in what could seem like a fire that broke out. But what made their home return eerie was that there was no sound what so ever. Everyone stayed together as they headed towards the only magic being in the castle.

Everyone was getting anxious as they looked around. Damage walls, destroyed floors and pillars. The sound of lightning striking was flashing with the roar of thunder falling behind it. Its almost like the castle was trying to hide something from them.

They found Niseshiro lifeless body lying on the ground with dry blood on the ground and his clothing all tattered. There was a light sense that a battle took place, the magic all but disappeared but it still has a scent of powerful magic was used. Some of them were crying over their teacher’s dead body, while some were trying to wrap their minds around the situation. The others felt sadness and tried to comfort those that were affected.

Satomi, Hitomi and Yuko cleaned up their master; they’ve cleaned his wounds and dressed the wounds properly. They then gathered his best clothing and placed it upon his body. Kyonto with the help of Si made a coffin out of the damaged part of the castle. Once he was placed in the coffin, Kyonto sealed it shut. Not one word was said as they made their way outside carrying Niseshiro dead body. Kevin, Shun, Jiri and Toron were the ones carrying the dead body.

They arrived at the burial site where the see Sora leaning against a shovel, covered in mud. They then used their magic to lower him in the hole. One by one they all came to the tombstone and said their goodbyes. As soon as he was buried, they all then formed a circle around the grave site. Kyonto was in the middle between both tombstones. It then went girl, boy, girl and back to boy until they formed the circle. They all raised their left hand into the air with a small bit of magic in their hands. Each tombstone was brand new, with carvings.

As soon as this was done, they all headed back to the castle but not before looking back at the grave. In unison they all spoke the same words. “Farewell Master!”

Chapter 238

Kyonto opened his eyes as the sun was peaking into his room. He groaned and rolled out of bed. He went to the bathroom and prepared for the day. He made sure to brush his teeth and then went back to his room to grab his armor. He saw his armor hanged up and saw a small tannish brown scorpion on the armor.

“AH! G-Good…m-morning master.” She spoke with nervousness. “I got your s-stuff ready for you.”

Chapter 300

Kyonto sigh in frustration as he slams another library book closed. He has been looking at all of the books containing information about the Gems. Everyone else found their Gems; everyone but him. It irks him to no end to be the only one without his Gem. “I can’t find anything in these goddamn books.” Kyonto said. “All I’m getting is that these Gems are suppose to react to the Magician Knight wither it’s close or far and at some point, you have a pull that’ll led you to your Gem. But I can’t find anything about this so-called pull.”

Aryaa poked her head out from behind a bookcase. “Don’t worry Master, we’ll find yours very soon.” She said trying to reassure her Masters unease and jealousy towards their friends. “All though, it states here in the Ballad of Gadwin that some Magician’s Knights go through out their lives trying to find their Gems. It could be deep in a cave some where or across the great waters. Oh, it also states that it could be on another continent.”

“AHH!” Kyonto grip his head in frustration as he hears Aryaa just reading off all of the things that he did not want to happen to him. He got up and went to the bookshelf near Aryaa. “There’s got to be something here?”

“Sorry Master that I haven’t found any information.” She said disappointingly. She felt a warmth on top of her head as she turns to look at her Master.

“It’s ok, I don’t expect for you to find the information as hastily as possible because that’s just ridiculous. I want you to be thorough because any small information could help us. I just wish our Master was still here.”

Aryaa never met Niseshiro but from what she could gather, he sounded like a wise old man just like the Elder. She also heard amazing stories about Niseshiro and how he was a great teacher. But she has to be honest to herself, never did she thought that she would be here. She kept telling herself that this was real but could this all be a dream? Too many times did she dreamt about waking up to her old home with all of her kin. She would talk to her parents and play with the other young scorplings, she would learn about magic and be taught about being a summon. Only to then be plague by what seems to be some short of a nightmare that would cause her to wake up. Aryaa placed the book back in its spot as she then scanned for the next book. She scooted closer to Kyonto, his presents are what gives her comfort at night even if her Master doesn’t know it. “What was Master Niseshiro like?” She asked.

Kyonto said nothing and started to flip through a book titled The Three Houses. They sat in silence for what felt like forever until Kyonto broke the silence. “I can’t really say. He was just an old man who knew a lot of magic and he taught us how to use the magic. He was smart but I felt like he didn’t do enough in my opinion.”

Chapter 380

Kyonto sat on the side of the road leaning against Aryaa. The morning sun was rising and the birds were their tunes. Kyonto opened his eyes and yawned and stretched his arms out. He got up and gently shook Aryaa. “Awake up sleepy head. It’s morning and it’s time for breakfast.” He said.

“Mmm huh?” Aryaa stirred and shifted as she was slowly waking up.

It’s been three months since Kyonto and Aryaa has left their home in the search of the Gem. So far after visiting many Cities and Towns, they decided to head North towards The Witch Summit. A snow cap mountain that’s been snowing for ever since the beginning of time.

They were heading to a town of Freyburn. Freyburn isn’t a wealthy town nor does it have the best economy. The town itself looks worn, with its gloomy wooden rooftops, stone veneer walls and overgrown gardens, Freyburn has a somber atmosphere. The whole place doesn’t look livable but there are approximately about 600 people that live in Freyburn. All ranging from kids to adult to the Elderly, it’s a quiet lay low type of a town.

Everyone is quiet and keeps to themselves and are weary of strangers. The Adults and the Elderly quickly pulled their kids or grandkids from the streets and went beck inside to their homes. Kyonto and Aryaa were confused by their actions. It was almost like they weren’t welcomed but at the same time it was almost like they were afraid. The sound of thunder roared in the sky as a storm was rolling into the town.

Kyonto looked around and notice no one was looking at them. People were closing their stores and homes; it seems that they are preparing for the storm