Composition of Mixed-Species Flocks of Migrant and Resident Birds in Barnett, Guy M
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insides.qxp 18/10/05 11:41 am Page 1 Cotinga 24 Contents News & Reviews Features 2 Club News 13 New distributional information for some Colombian birds, with a compiled by Trevor Warren new species for South America Carl Downing 4 Neotropical Bird Club 16 A new population of Cinnamon-breasted Tody-tyrant Conservation Awards Hemitriccus cinnamomeipectus in Ecuador Ana Ágreda, Jonas Nilsson, Luis Tonato and Hernando Román 6 Neotropical News compiled by Thomas Stuart 20 Range extension for, and description of the juvenile of, Bicoloured Antvireo Dysithamnus occidentalis punctitectus in Ecuador Ana Ágreda, 8 Advertising Information Jonas Nilsson, Luis Tonato and Hernando Román 9 Taxonomic Round-up 22 La avifauna de la isla de La Plata, Parque Nacional Machalilla, compiled by Guy M. Kirwan Ecuador, con notas sobre nuevos registros Diego Francisco Cisneros- Heredia 108 Neotropical Notebook compiled by Juan Mazar 28 Composition of mixed-species flocks of migrant and resident birds in Barnett, Guy M. Kirwan Cuba Paul B. Hamel and Arturo Kirkconnell and Jeremy Minns 35 Breeding period of Araripe Manakin Antilophia bokermanni inferred 123 Reviews from vocalisation activity Weber Girão and Antonio Souto • Handbook of the birds 38 Field identification and new site records of Chapada Flycatcher of the world: volume 9 Suiriri islerorum Leonardo Esteves Lopes • Birds of Belize 42 Fishing by two Furnariidae: Pacific Hornero Furnarius [leucopus] • Annotated checklist of cinnamomeus and Surf Cinclodes Cinclodes taczanowskii Javier Barrio the birds of Chile and Juan Valqui 45 Avifauna of the Serra das Lontras–Javi montane complex, Bahia, Brazil Luís Fábio Silveira, Pedro Ferreira Develey, José Fernando Pacheco Editorial Guidelines and and Bret M.Whitney list of NBC Country 55 Petrels, skuas and other migrant seabirds in a coastal bay in Santa Representatives are on the Catarina state, southern Brazil Vítor de Queiroz Piacentini, Leonardo inside back cover. Liberali Wedekin and Fábio Gonçalves Daura-Jorge 60 A new locality and records of Cherry-throated Tanager Nemosia rourei in Espírito Santo, south-east Brazil, with fresh natural history data for the species Ana Cristina Venturini, Pedro Rogerio de Paz and Guy M. Kirwan 72 New records of Brazilian Merganser Mergus octosetaceus in the rio das Pedras, Chapada dos Veadeiros, Brazil Carlos A. Bianchi, Sérgio Brant, Reuber A. Brandão and Bernardo F. Brito 77 Grey-breasted Conure Pyrrhura griseipectus, an overlooked endangered species Fábio Olmos,Weber A. G. Silva and Ciro Albano 85 The birds of Parati, south-east Brazil P. W. P. Browne 99 Primer reporte de colonias del Martín Peruano Progne murphyi en Perú Katya Balta Abadie, José Pérez Z. y Mariano Valverde 102 First sound recordings, new behavioural and distributional records, and a review of the status of Scimitar-winged Piha Lipaugus uropygialis Rosalind Bryce,A. Bennett Hennessey, Ross MacLeod, Karl Evans, Steven R. Ewing, Sebastian K. Herzog,Aidan Maccormick and M. Isabel Gomez 1 insides.qxp 18/10/05 11:41 am Page 2 Cotinga 24 Club News Questionnaire results Forrest, Marc Guyt, Alan J. Knue, Tony Marr, The Club thanks all those who completed the Rodney Martins, Matt Moser, Neil Osborne, questionnaire and apologises for any technical Martyn Overton, Dr Clive Peat, Peter H. difficulties members had downloading it from the Rathbone, Stewart Smith, Johan H. van Balen, website. A full report of the survey’s results is Mrs Mona Webster, Mick J. Whitehouse, Norman available on the website or on request by e-mail. Williams and Jeannie B Wright. Some 162 completed questionnaires were received. The highest percentage of responses was Period of Membership from North America (38%), followed by the UK The period of membership is for one calendar year (28%), the EU (18%) and the Neotropics (17%). from 1 January. Members will receive both copies Average time birding in the field (in days) was as of Cotinga published in that year regardless of follows: 0–6 (25%), 6–20 (33%), 21–50 (23%) and when they join. Your membership status can be 51+ (19%). There was an even split between obtained from the address label, with the number Spanish speakers (with considerably fewer after the membership type being the year of Portuguese speakers) and non-Spanish speakers, membership, i.e. 04 for 2004. Unless stated all but the majority did not favour more articles in memberships are single year, but multiple years either of the principal Latin America languages. are designated by Xyr, i.e. 2yr for two-year Most copies of Cotinga arrive in good condition membership. GA appears on the label if you are and 87% of respondents thought it represented registered for Gift Aid. good value. A small majority wanted more colour photos (60%) and pages (72%), with 56% being Club Constitution prepared to pay a higher subscription for such an Any member wishing to obtain a copy of the increase. Responses concerning the content of constitution should send an A5-sized stamped Cotinga were very encouraging, revealing that the addressed envelope to the Secretary. present content is about right. The regular items were thought to be useful, although Club News Promoting the Club and Conservation Awards were items perhaps A membership flyer is available and the Club is best placed on the website. As for article types, the seeking members to distribute it. Anyone able to number dealing with specific species (75%), help the Club recruit new members should contact biology (69%) and ecology (72%) was thought the Secretary. about right, with 15–22% wanting more of each type. However, only 59% thought the number of NBC checklists site and regional articles was currently The Club’s Venezuela checklist was published in appropriate, and 32% wanted more. The majority 2003. Following the style of the Trinidad & Tobago of members that responded wanted more identifi- checklist, all species in Hilty (2003) are listed in a cation papers (78%) and country specials (72%), 56-page, 15-column format, and it aims to with a smaller percentage wanting more site encourage visiting birdwatchers to keep guides (63%). structured notes that can be easily photocopied In conclusion Cotinga seems to have found the and sent to the relevant recording authority. The right balance of articles, perhaps with some fine- list is the second in a series of lists for Neotropical tuning needed in certain areas. There is, however, countries that the Club plans to produce in the a clear demand for more of everything, even if next few years. The list sells for UK£5 or US$8 per there is a cost implication. Council will now copy, plus postage (UK: £1; Europe UK£1.50; Rest examine these proposals to see how best these of World UK£2/US$3) and can be obtained from demands can be satisfied without diluting the the Sales Officer at the Club address. The quality of the present format. Trinidad & Tobago list is still available, UK£4 or US$6, with postage rates as above. Donations We would like to acknowledge the following Trip reports members who have made separate donations The Club has an archive of trip reports generously since the publication of Cotinga 23: Anthony B. provided by members and it is our intention to Crease, Stephen Eccles, Miss E. Forbes, P. J. make many of these downloadable free from the 2 insides.qxp 18/10/05 11:41 am Page 3 Cotinga 24 Club News Club’s website, NBC E-mail group was given the rights to the highly regarded trip All Club members wishing to be included on an reports produced by the late Bruce Forrester. The NBC e-mail group should contact the Secretary. following titles are available directly from the Information useful to Club members will Club. Members wishing to purchase these or any distributed via this service, such as when Cotinga of the reports listed on the Club website should has been published, conservation news and new write to one of the usual addresses. Please note discoveries. that postage is additional. Adverts on the NBC website Birding Venezuela 1995 UK£11/US$16.50 Visitors to the Club website may notice there are Postage A a number of discreet adverts. This is a source of Birding Costa Rica 1996 UK£11/US$16.50 funds for the Club, as every time the links are Postage A followed the Club receives a payment from Google. Birding Bolivia 1997 UK£13/US$21 Postage B Advance notice of the 2006 AGM Birding Ecuador 1998–99 UK£20/US$30 The Club AGM will be held on Sunday 28 May Postage B 2006 at Cley Village Hall, Cley, Norfolk, UK. Birding Peru 2000 UK£15/US$22.50 Details of the meeting will be included with Postage B Cotinga 25 and will also be made available via the Birding Dominican Republic & UK£5/US$7.50 Club’s website. Puerto Rico 1999 Postage A Birding Eastern Brazil UK£10/US$15 Chris Balchin (update to Birding Brazil) Postage B At the Club’s AGM in May 2005, Chris Balchin retired from NBC Council and as Club Secretary, Postage rates a position he had held since the Club’s inception in UK Rate A—£1,Rate B—£2 1994. Europe Rate A—£2.50,Rate B—£4 The role of Secretary is vital to the efficient RoW Rate A—US$5,Rate B—US$8 running of the Club and Council would like to (or sterling equivalent) place on record their grateful thanks to Chris for all his hard work over the years. There is little Corporate Members doubt that without his dedicated input, the Club NBC wishes to thank the following Corporate would not be the respected organisation that it is Members for 2005: Asa Wright Nature Centre, today and we believe that all members will want Birdquest, Blue Waters Inn, Canopy Tower, to join us in thanking Chris.