Spotted Rail, Brant, and Yellow-Breasted Crake-Records
Spotted Rail. Brant. and Yellow-breasted Crake--records from the Yucatan Thomas Gatz, Peter Gent, Martin Jakle, Rebecca and William Otto, and Bruce Ellis (1973), with the exceptionof the back and Chatara in mid-June resembled the madeby the authorswhile bird- pattern,which was more spottedthan dark-phasejuvenile Spotted Rail takenin T HEingFOLLOWING on the YucatanSIGHTINGS Peninsula,WERE streaked.The white spotson the back November, in Veracruz, as describedby Mexico, in February1983. This second indicated that this was of the Central Dickerman and Haverschmidt (197 I). sightrecord of the SpottedRail (Pardi- American race, P.m. insolitus, dis- Thesedates indicate an extendednesting railus maculatus), near Coba, Quintana cussedby Parkeset al. (1978), rather seasonin Mexico for this species,possi- Roo, fills in anothergap in the known, than the more streak-backed South bly dependenton local weather condi- seeminglydisjunct, range of thisspecies. America race, P.rn. rnaculatus, por- tions. The rangeextends from the West Indies trayedin Petersonand Chalif (1973). The The SpottedRail was first recorded through Central and South America. cluckingvocalization described by Bond from Mexico in 1945 near Tuxtla, Gu- Also discussedare sightrecords of Brant (1979) washeard during the eveningob- tierrez,Chiapas (Friedman 1947). This (Branta bernicla), which was seen near servationFebruary 25. but not duringthe speciesis describedas "extremelyrare" Celestun,Yucatan, for the first recordfor mid-day observationthe following day. in Mexicoby Petersonand Chalif (1973). the east coastof Mexico, and of the Yel- Mark Kasprzykand Kelly Fleminglo- However, based on records from seven low-breasted Crake (Porzana fiavi- catedseveral Spotted Rails in this same Mexican states: Chiapas, Guerrero, renter), observedalso near Coba, Quin- lakeMarch 3 l-April 2, 1983, with a high Nayarit, Oaxaca, Puebla, Veracruz tana Roo.
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