Hijacked Travelers Safe the 1968 Democratic National >-V' I -■

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Hijacked Travelers Safe the 1968 Democratic National >-V' I -■ PAGE TWENTY - MANCHESTER Tlrnn , Aug, M, j g L If: ! ^-. •. i> /,i<l«{«i.wAy4%. \ ■■ tiU'-luv'yA ,iri .hWi- •*>!-'■■ The Weather Variable cloudiness today with highs nEAr 70, around 21 Celsius, Cloudy tonight with chAncE of occasional li^ t rAin or drlszle; lows in thE 50s. Manrt|PHtpr IE PArtiAl cleAring SAturdAy with highs in the 70s. c ProhAbility o7 rAin dEcrEAsing to 20 pErcEnt this ' A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 afternoon, but 40 pErcEnt tonight and 20 pErcEnt SAturd^.^Outlook; FAir and cool Sunday through Home delivered 6opy 15 cents Tuesday with highs in the 70s and overnight lows in Vol. XCVII, No. 277 — Manchester, Conn., Friday, August 25, 1978 Newsstand copy 20 cents the 50s. National wEAthEr mAp: page 15. / ____________' _______ ^_______________________________________________ -------------- :-------------------------- - Inside Today Memories' Hijacked Travelers Safe The 1968 Democratic National >-v' I -■. ■ , .1 ConvEntion in ChicAgo has many mEmoriEs for Sol R. CohEn, GENEVA (UPI) - All 79 demands And nEgotiated with them were then to come to the AirplanE through thE pilot. " formEr Herald political writEr passengers and! a crew of 10 and swEAr on oath thAt they had seen I > • '‘^^. ■', No troops And only A fEw who covErEttit for The Herald. HE were evacuated safely from a Hess. The demand even gave thE rEcAlls thE convention in A story policemen, stAnding well away, were text, in German, of the oAth.thEy hijacked Trans World Airlines visible Around thE plane pArkEd in A wEre to take. on todAy's^ editoriAl page. SeE Boeing 707 todayj an airport pugf 4. rEmotE comEr of thE AirfiEld. The plane landed At 8:25 a.m. (3:25 spokesman said. Swiss officials said thE pAssEngErs EDT), Almost exActly nine hours, “Everyone is safe and wErE cAlm so cAlm thAt onE sEnt before the hijAckErs’ deadline. Cdnnecticui sound,” he said. word through thE -((AptAin to A cAr ThEy offEr^ to'frEE “All children .ff; ,i*>- - ^ «;^v ■•' rEntAl firm thAt he would not bE under 18 and thEir mothErs” along . ‘ ' ’• 'V 7-'^- ■ K^sI-Uk Lt. Gov. Robert Killian's At­ The trAvElErs wErE tAkEn to the picking up his rEntEd Auto on with femAle crEw mEmbErs At 5 p.m. ■ ’ - ^ -. • .i'v'*'' '*kA’* ■ ** i/■'• *■ '’’J ' ^ tAcks on his opponent in thE Airport tErminAl by two blue Airport schedule. (noon EDT) provided “no one hAs j - ^-.K W S gubernatorial primAry. Gov. EllA buses. AuthoritiEs sAid thE hijAcking AttEmptEd to breAk into thE plAnE.” Grasso. ArE being rebuffed by ThEre was no immEdiAtE word on began just before 7:20 A.m. (2:20 They said two Red Cross rEprEsEn­ flocks of hEr friEnds in thE thE hijAckErs. A.m.) when h beArdEd mAn wokE a tAtivEs must go aboard. Legislature. See puge 2. “WE ArE not even surE thErE were :i stEwArdEss and ordErEd hEr to tAkE a Swiss officials said the 19-pAgE *4;| DEfEnsE SEcrEtAry HArold Any hijAckErs on boArd," sAid the package to thE pilot. It contained ’i ' 'yf*'-:} ’"■* ■■'" t ' S ' - ‘ document was muddled and con­ T :..':f^ct-;!;l!-||^ ; Brown visits ElEctric Boat in spokesman. dEmAnds for thE relEAsE of RobErt F. fused. It claimEd “thE United StatEs S '*'? ;Grotpn and is impressed with The beliEf thErE wErE hijAckErs Ap­ Kennedy’s PAlEstiniAn killer Sirhan is led by a bunch of Zionists” and ■ what he sees. See puge 15._ pArEntly stEmmEd from documents Sirhan, Nazi wAr criminAl Rudolph thrEAtEnEd: '' ’ .V containing thrEAts to blow up the Hess, four GErmAns— some of whom “In thE future we will blow up planE wUch wErE dElivEred to thE wEre not even in jAil — and five American pAssEngEr planes by using The Nation pilot, Capt. RobErt Hamilton. Croatians, Zvonko Buzic, his wife our combination bombs without war-, The spokesman said officials would PrefTdent CArtEr gEts somE Julienne, FrAnE PEsut, Mark Vlasic ning.” briEf newsmen shortly. good news, A stiff warning and and PEtAr Metavik. It called on the United Nations RElEAsE of thE pAssEngErs cAmE At AnothEr chAllEngE from thE The CroAtiAns arE serving tErms of Security Council to “punish those 4:05 p.m. (11:02 EDT), Senate. The good news: approval up to life for Air pirAcy in the Sept. 10, people who ArE responsible for the The pAssEngErs lookEd frEsh and of Civil Service streAmlining. See 1976, hijAck of A TWA plane from bombing, genocide and ecological r|'-< ' unruffled though thEy had been on the kl.r:-,| -1 pAgE 5. Chicago to PAris. wArfArE in PAlestinE. PuErto Rico ground in Geneva AftEr A flight from The policeman was killed when hE and othEr sitEs.” A surfAcE line rupturEs during New York for eight hours, most of it triEd to defuse A bomb they lEft in a An official said conditions aboArd 'M^i ; thE fueling of An unarmed TitAn II undEr Uireats thAt bombs Allegedly in locker At New York’s Grand Central thE AircrAft wEre good dEspite the missile at An underground nucleAr thE plAnE’s luggage holds could be Station. hot, muggy dAy. sitE in Kansas. OnE person was exploded At any moment. killed. See page 5. The hijAckErs demandEd thAt Hess, “The cAptain sAys thAt everyone is The mEn At one point called sole rEmAining prisonEr in thE four- vEry cAlm on board and thErE is no thEmsElvEs “prAgmAtk; power Spandau prison in West GEr­ pAnic,” he said. ‘.‘ThEre is enough The World PAlEstiniAns” and prEsEnt^ A 19- mAny, bE flown to GEnEvA and, food and drinks to lAst through thE pAgE typed document in good GEr­ reunited hErE with his wife UsE. ShE, day and the engines ArE running so HEAvily ArmEd MArxist mAn and poor English, which in­ thEir son, and ohe of HEss’s lawyers thAt the Air conditioning can work.” guErrillAs ArE relaxing today in cluded A wild vAriEty of AllEgAtions PAnAmA AftEr ending a bloody 45- And rambling demands. bour occupation of NicArAguA's The stAtEmEnt said two suitcAsEs National PAlacE. See pAgE 5. in thE planE’s hold wErE “filled with CArdinAls of thE RomAn Explosives” and added: “One suitcAsE bomb is rEmotE con­ Gity Delays CAtholic Church bEgin thEir Bridgett O’Connell of Manchester has returned to her old lArgEst and most sEcrEt election elementary school to help spruce it up. She is part of a painting trollEd and one’ is A combination conclave in history to choose a crew which is working on the classrooms of the old section of bomb, both rEmotE controll^ and with A timing device. The combina­ successor to'thE latE Pope Paul the school. The old classrooms are being renovated and new VI. See pAgE 5. tion bomb will undEr Any cir­ CETA rooms are being added as part of the 81.4 rtiillion -West. Side cumstAncEs explode AutmiAtic’^ y At Rec-Washington School project. (Herald photo by Chastain) ExActly 5:30 p.m." HARTFORD (UPI) - The city ad­ include 78 tEACiiers apd 35 policemen. .1 in Sports ThE hijAclcErs sAid thEy wopid ministrAtion to d A/ postponed the A spokEsmAn for REp. Toby .“shoot anyone who triEs to leAvd” MoffEtt, D-Conn., sAid thE U.S. Don Sutton Apologizes to Steve sEnding, of lAyoff, notices to T,174 DEpArtmEnt of^^LAbor AgreEd late Garvey in-Dodger organization ... thE plane. workErs in HArtford and surrounding Among thE pAssEngErs was thE towns because thEir jobs will bE Thursday to Moffett's requEst for A P MikE Torrez stirs up trouble in KEnnEdy UnsurE dAughtEr of William vanden Huevel, ExtendEd thrEE wEEks. full audit of All CETA progrAms in Red Sox cAmp ... Four tEAms rE­ thE U.S. AmbAssAdor to thE United Nicholas €ArbonE, mAjoyty lEAdEr thE HArtford ArEA. main in Manchester Class B Town - .'.'A,-T Nations in Geneva, who once cAm­ of thE HArtford City Council, said at A SomE employees scheduled to bE Softball Tournament. See pAgE paigned for RobErt Kennedy. HE laid off mAy get a reprievE with othEr I; ''i.VvVvvr'i^ . • I iL About ProiEcts news conferEncE he has enough coun­ rushed to Geneva Airport, where thE cil votes to pAss A resolution assuring CETA funds, Moffett's spokesman ^■: <* plane landed, while Swiss nEgotiAtors said. School Superintendent JAmEs P. Washington hAs been, cleAnEd and thE continuation of the jpbs until triEd to mAkE sensE of thE hijAckErs’ Sept. 30. The Moffett spokesman said the 7 - m Stock MaiTc^ Kennedy sAys he is becoming “more work hAs begun on thE second floor, '■V-WJ but because demolition is still con­ Labor DEpArtmEnt-Audit will consist -j, ;% f / : ApprEhEnsivE" About thE stAtus of The workErs wErE victims of a $1.8 NEW YORK (UPl) - PricEs- tinuing undErnEAth, it mAkEs the of prEliminAry work which could T^*- Z "Washington School r5spovAtions As million dEficit in thE HArtford ^1.^* -t'--*^- yv. L k ; '- v . W opEnEd lowEr todAy in ActivE clean-up difficult, Kennedy said. begin today and a full audit AftEr thE opening of school approAchEs, but rE g io n ’s fEd ErAl 'Em ploym Ent trAding of New York Stock The Washington School and nEw thAt. The Labor DEpArtmEnt will also S M - ^ W : he hopes thE classrooms can be oc­ progrAm. ThE dEficit forcEd thE ElxchAngE issues. WEst Side REcrEAtion CEnter sitE is P o s t a l help HArtford officials strAightEn out cupied. prEmAturE ending of thEir jobs As of ThE Dow JonEs industriAl still in bad shape, Kennedy said. A thEir books, he said. Kennedy said hE had been givEn A meeting with U.S, DEpArtmEnt of AvEragE, which struggled to gain nEw pArking lot, sidewalks, storm Sept. 8, and thE pink slips were to go AssurAncEs by thE projEct dirEctor out today.

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