The Banker’S Top 500 Banking Brands Listing Ranks the Leading Names
G LOBAL F INANCIAL I NTELLIGENCE S INCE 1926 FEBRUARY 2011 The Banker WWW.THEBANKER.COM cOver sTOry | ToP 500 bankINg BrANdS introduction In a still-volatile financial climate, building and maintaining strong brand is a vital part of every bank’s operations. The Banker’s Top 500 Banking Brands listing ranks the leading names. John Beck reports. nce counted among the most trusted and Elsewhere, the BrIC countries (Brazil, russia, India stable of brands, many banks have expe- and China) experienced strong growth in brand value. rienced enormous reputational damage Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) took in recent years. Public and investor opin- eighth place, while China Construction Bank rounded ion turned on the financial sector as the out the top 10, indicating that so far, Chinese banks have Ocrisis got under way in earnest back in 2008, and as been unaffected by fears that the country’s economy is blame was apportioned, banking brands suffered. becoming overheated. Meanwhile, Brazil’s strong eco- Now, after a period of damage control, many for- nomic growth helped to boost Banco Bradesco to sixth merly well regarded banks are attempting to rebuild place in the ranking, and saw Itaú climb to 11th, from their battered reputations. At the same time, those, often 25th last year. emerging market institutions, which made it through Perhaps unsurprisingly, the banks which have suf- the crisis relatively unscathed are seizing the chance to fered most tend to have connections to the countries consolidate and develop brand value. which make up the debt-plagued eurozone periphery, In the upper echelons of The Banker’s Top 500 Bank- although Spanish giant Santander still netted fourth ing Brands these two groups are strongly apparent.
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