StudiesThe Clarisiain RuizMoraceaeet Pavon andII.its synonyms, with a discussion of the generic name


J. Lanjouw (Utrecht).

(With Tab. IX—XI)

de las absoluta- Las descripciones exactas plantas son

necesarias el verdadero conocimiento de mente para ellas* los y caracteres tornados de sus partes; son el medio para distinguirlas bien.

(Pedro Ahat in Mem. Acad. Soc. Med. Sevilla, X (*79*) P■ 4*8.)

1. Clarisia Ruiz et Pavon and Clarisia Abat.

The Moraceous Clarisia described Ruiz genus was by et

Pavon in in ”Florae et Chilensis Prodromus” 1794 Peruvianae,

128. This be if it is not p. generic name must rejected, placed on list of Nomina Generica in there had the Conservanda, as 1792 been of this Pedro Abat already published a genus name by the of recommended for the list of Nomina In list genera placing on Conservanda Bulletin Generica (Kew 1935 pp. 341-544). Mr.

Weatherby mentions Clarisia R. et P. I quote here what he L. writes on Clarisia Abat: „Placed by Sprengel, Gen. Pl. ed. I. in under Anredera 9, 202 (1830) synonymy Juss. (1789). He has apparently been followed by all subsequent authors who have noticed the name at all. I have not seen Abat’s publication. If the date is correctly given by Dalla Torre & Harms and Clarisia R. & P. must be the genus adequately published, if be retained. far be from conserved it is to ”As as can judged literature botanists have Abat’s is no seen publication. This be Abat’s in not to wondered, as paper was published a scarcely spread periodical. I have tried to obtain this periodical in the

London and but I could hold of it. Netherlands, in Paris nowhere get

Thanks to the kind assistance of Prof. Cuatrecasas of Ma- 255

drid could receive of this and of I a copy paper a photograph the plate from the original in the library at Sevilla. Abat’s de la Real Sociedad de Medi- paper was published in ”Memorias Demas Ciencias de Tomo Decimo. cina, y Sevilla, 1792. pp. 418- 438”. The name of the periodical was cited by Sprengel as

”Acta etc.” The word ’Acta’ does not occur in the completely copied title of the periodical which I received from Prof. Cua-

trecasas, so apparently Sprengel must have been mistaken.

The publication is a communication made by Pedro Abat, del Real Botánico de Socio Correspondiente Jardín Madrid, y the title of the Botanico, to the Society mentioned in periodical. his with of the of Abat begins paper a statement necessity in the of which is of great exactness decription course this still true and especially for the plants we are dealing with in

Therefore I have started with the paper. my present paper same words Abat did In the first of as nearly 150 years ago. part his Abat of the literature with paper, gives an account dealing

his . He quotes the words of Hans Sloane on Fagopyrum scandens and concludes from Sl oane’s description that it is the he demonstrated the Then same species as (Abat) before Society.

he writes extensively on Linné’s Polygonum scandens L. His conclusion from the description of Linnaeus is that Polygonum

L. oane’s scandens is not Sl Fagopyrum scandens, though Linné the latter under his scandens. placed in synonymy Polygonum

Sloane’s plant of which he shew a living specimen, is ac-

L. cording to him quite different from Polygonum scandens from herbarium which he had brought a specimen. It is surprising that Abat concluded from the few lines in

Linnaeus’ Species Plantarum on this; plant, that Polygonum

scandens L .must be true As be from the a Polygonum. may seen quotation of A b a t’s conclusion, he thought it inconceivable that botanist would take his for I a plant a Polygonum. However, with Abat that the and the can not agree description plate Sloane Isl. Barba- given by Hans (A voyage to the Madera, dos, Nieves, S. Christophers and Jamaica with the Nat. Hist. vol. tab. clear that I. 1707. p. 138, 90 fig. 1) are so one can recognise

the without doubt. He is to be admired much the plant any so for his I think he far in more doing so, but, has gone too his

criticism of Linnaeus, while it can be understood from the

rather of this Sloane that the poor description plant by great Swede failed to identify it. As will be discussed below, it could be the proved that L i n n a e u s’ plant really belongs to genus

Polygonum. Going through the literature one observes that those 256

botanists working on Polygonaceae always have treated Polygo- whilst those num scandens L. as a true Polygonum, working on Basellaceae cite this in with scandens species synonymy Anredera

(L.) Moq. I have found only one recent publication where Poly- L. cited mixture of viz. gonum scandens was as a two species American vol. Percy Wilson, who in North Flora 21. part 4 cites under Anredera vesicaria Gaertn. (1932) p. 337, (Lam.) (= Anredera scandens Moq.) Polygonum scandens L. in part. Wilson does not mention to what species belongs the remaining scandens. have cited: part of Linne’s Polygonum He ought to scandens Sloane. Polygonum L. quoad syn. Fagopyrum scandens Fawcett R 1 Only in the Flora of Jamaica by and e n d e (Vol. there reference the of III. part i. 1914. p. 174) is a to type

Linnaeus. In the paragraph on the literature of Anredera scandens

(L.) Moq. they write: ’’Type in Herb. Linn.” But, there are no

further statements that they have compared S1 o a n e’s plant, which with L i e’s Mr. T 1 is cited, n n type. a y o r (London) that L scandens the kindly informed me i n n e’s Polygonum in

Linnean Herbarium is totally different from S 1 o a n e’s specimen

the herbarium of the Nat. Hist. Mus. and be in appears to a that clinode Mich, true Polygonum. Mr. Taylor states P. appears

to be a good match of the Linnean type. This tallies exactly with the conception given in the American Floras, where P.

scandens L. is described as closely related to P. clinode Mich.

u’s Next A b a t discussed J u s s i e publication of Anredera.

He out that noted well that this pointed Jussieu very plant the fact that belongs to a new genus, though owing to Jussieu had heiBarium material only, his description is rather incomplete. Therefore b of this with A a t gave a very good description plant the Clarisia a plate (see Tab. IX) under name Abat, citing In Anredera synonymy Fagopyrum Sloane, Polygonum L., Juss. b ends with which I will cite here A a t’s paper a conclusion, critical L at length as there are some remarkable lines on i n n e’s he stated there he the work and especially as why gave genus

a new name.


de Vistos los caracteres genericos las partes de la fructificación de esta el orden planta, resulta su colocación en la clase PENTANDRIA, y en

_ MONOGYNIA del metodo sexual de Lineo. Falta ahora su

generica. Hasta la impresión del Genera plantarum del mencionado Jussieu

fué supuesta esta planta por una especie del género POLYGONUM, pero

habiendo examinado las partes de su fructificación, aunque en esqueleto, la

determinó este dandola a conocer con el nombre de por un género nuevo, 257

A. ANRBDERA: y en efecto habiendo hecho el un examen mas prolixo de la misma de la planta, por la proporción tenerla viva, y comparación com-

petente, conviene con el sabio botanico frances, en que es un género distincto.

A la verdad botanico atrevera determinar POLYGONUM ningun se a por

nuestra planta, la quäl consta de caliz y corola, hallandose solamente en

aquella unu u otro: el caliz de la nuestra consta de dos hojitas aquilladas, la carina de cada ad vierte membrana la y en una se una que circuye;

quando en el género POLYGONUM el caliz es de una pieza hendida en cinco ni partes, sin quilla membrana alguna: caracteres todos que denotan diferente bastantes una extructura singulär y para distinguir las plantas mencionades. El anade el que se quiera cerciorar, Sr. Abat, con quan menos motivos ha Lineo Genera formado algunos generos nuevos, registre su plan- vivas tarum haciendo el examen de las plantas de sus especies, y hallara el de diferentes de valió el sabio numero notas singuläres y que se algunas veces Sueco.

Sien pues tan distintos muchos de los caracteres de las partes de la

fructificación de debe nuestra planta, se determinar precisamente por genero Lineo: nuevo, segun los preceptos del citado con arreglo a los quales no se

conforma el A. el nombre de deriva con ANREDERA; porque no se este

-de los idiomas griego o latino, precepto tan recomendado en el aforismo

advierte el Sr. sino del 229, pero no viniendo, como Abat, verbo espanol termino enredar, sincopado el enredadera en enredera, mudada la en en an, la segun pronunciación francesa, de que resultó el nombre genérico adoptado

Jussieu; juzga el A. despreciable el tal nombre, a denominar por , por y pasa fundado motiva la su planta con otra expresión, en poderoso, que hagan sin al subsistente, que quede arbitrio de ninguno mudarla en lo sucesivo. dia literarios Son notorios en el los méritos del Dr. D. Miguel Bamades, el adelantaraientos la hijo, a quien por su singular aplicación y en Botanica,

concedió S.M. decente ultimamente ha conferirle la una pensión, y se dignado de Botanica ensenanza esta ciencia, eligiendole por segundo Catedratico de Madrid. Con en su Real Jardin de este motivo, y teniendo presente por

consejo de Lineo, a los sugetos tienen contraidos mérites en esta , que que les ciencia se debe dedicar alguna planta para hacerlos memorables; no se ha detenido el Sr. Abat, siguiendo el de otros säbios, en dedicar su , exemplo al Dr. Bamades llamandola CLARISIA. planta y Claris, Se abstiene ahora de darla nombre unica el por especifico,. por ser en

género, fundado en los cänones de en el Ie ha Lineo, y quanto a trivial, el parecido oportuno de VOLUBILIS, con lo qual queda denominada CLA- RISIA YOLUBILIS.

As will observe one from the quotation Abat changed J u s-

s i e u’s name Anredera into Clarisia because it was not derivated

from the Latin or Greek and since the name was based on the

enredadera. As Abat knew well that the earlier Spanish very

name of his was Anredera and under Art. of the genus 59

Intern. Rules of Botan. Nomenclature a name must not be

rejected, merely because it is badly chosen, Aba t’s name Clarisia is illegitimate (Art. 60) being superfluous when published. b Clarisia is remains Though A a t’s illegitimate, it an earlier

homonym (Art. 61) of Clarisia Ruiz et Pavon. However, Clarisia 258

has been used for than and Clarisia R. & P. more 100 years,

Abat has been used at all. Therefore I with the never wholly agree proposal in the Kew Bulletin mentioned above to conserve Cla- there available take risia R. & P., though are some synonyms to shall the place of Clarisia R. & P. I point out in the next

it not advisable to take of paragraph why does seem up one these synonyms.

Fr. 2. Sahagunia Liebm., Acanthinophyllum Allem. and Fr. Allem.

Danske Videnskab. Selsk. In 1851 (Kon. Nat. og Machem. Liebmann described the II. p. 316) genus Sahagunia Liebm. with one species Sahagunia mexicana Liebm. from Mexico. Up to

the this has been In the of the present genus kept up. course several other of this have been years species genus described,

though it is peculiar that a specimen collected by Spruce (n. 3279), which already by Bentham and Hooker (Genera Plantarium inserted under Saha- III. pars. I. 1880. p. 377) was

gunia as ’’species inedita”, has still not been described, although it is this Clarisia certainly a new species (in paper Spruceana Clarisia Lanj.). The genera R. & P. and Sahagunia Liebm. differ in one point only. The female inflorescence is racemiform in

Clarisia racemosa R. & P. whereas it is capituliform in Sahagunia

Liebm. As there are no other differences to be found and as especially the resemblance of the male flowers and inflorescences is I think there is to unite both very striking, no objection in of the female genera. Moreover the difference the development inflorescence is viz. the of the 1 merely quantitative length pe- duncle. Also by Bentham and Hooker (Gen. Plant. 1. c.) and Pflanzenfam. III. by Engler (Nat. 1. 1889. pp. 80-82) the of the differences between these scantiness two genera was noted. E 1 said ”Im wesentlichen wie and g e r vorige Gaining”, the lack of differential characters between these good two genera is still more clearly shown in his determination key, where he writes:

b. S Bl. in Scheinahren, 2 Bl. in Scheinkbpfchen. Diocisch- Clarisia. 27.

c. $ Bl. in Scheinkbpfchen, S in Scheinahren. Diocisch. . . 28. Sahagunia.

It clear how is not to me one can identify the plants with such Moreover it is the inflorescences of a key. wrong, as 2 Clarisia R. & P. is stated E 1 r’s are not capituliform, as above. g e key does not correspond with his description of Clarisia. R. & P. 259

either, where he states: ? Bl. in kurzen Scheintrauben”. I „ take that such can not it mistakes are only due to ordinary of the sterious. slips pen or printer’s errors, as they are too Besides,

the there to be in same group Artocarpoideae-Euartocarpeae are of such mistakes. the found still more peculiar In description said ’’Bliitenstand Scheinahre of this group is eine Scheintraube, oder Sdheinkopfchen”, whereas in the key is stated ”a. S und

? Bl. in Trauben(?) oder lookeren Aehren(P). Diocisch... 26. and the of Hil. Sorocea.”, in description the genus Sorocea St.

the interrogation-marks too have been omitted. It is to be hoped that in the second edition of ’’Die natiirlichen Pflanzen- familien” this family will be thoroughly revised. The Liebm. has later Acanthino- genus Sahagunia one synonym phyllum Fr. Allan. Revista Brazileira Jornal de Sciencias, Lettras

artes. Tomo I. Numero de e 3. Janeiro 1858. p. 368; according toBentham and Hooker also in Palestr. Scient. Rio Jan. 1858. In this the p. 215). paper species Acanthinophyllum strepitans Allan, is and well and it is Fr. very completely described, well-drawn Tab. accompanied by a plate (see X). Without doubt this Liebm. species belongs to the genus Sahagunia to which it

was transferred by Bentham and Hooker in Genera Plan- under Clarisia R E 1 tarum (1. c. see & P.). Erroneously n g e r this combination Pflanzenfamilien made new in again, apparently he had overlooked the publication by Bentham and Hooker

under Clarisia. It will be understood that this species is placed in the Clarisia R. P. by me genus &

Clarisia R. & has one later Soaresia Fr. P., too, synonym, Allan. (Archives da Palestro Scientifica do Rio de Janeiro Vol. I.

= Revista Brazileira Vol. of 1858. p. 142 I. 1857; most Freire Allemao’s twice and papers were published especial- the the date I ly difference in is confusing; am not sure what

has be taken as the first The periodical to publication). genus

is described with one species Soaresia nitida Fr. Allan. This identic with Clarisia species is racemosa R. & P. The description

and the plate (see Tab. XI) are much better than those of Ruiz

and P a v o n. Without the any doubt two species are identical. Though I

did A 11 of 11 not see e m a o’s type (most A e m a o’s plants are

lost), his figures are so well drawn that one can see at once that the cited here plants under Clarisia racemosa R. & P. belong

the Neither I to same species. did see the type of Ruiz and but Prof. Pavon, Cuatrecasas kindly stated that a branch

of one of the specimens in the Utrecht Herbarium is identic 260

It with the type *). is rather strange that Freire Allemao observe that his and his did not Acanthinophyllum Soaresia are closely related, as his descriptions and figures are excellent. Soa- resia Fr. Allem. has one reported homonym Soaresia Sch.-Bip. XX-XXI. the (Pollichia 1863. p. 376), a genus belonging to Compositae. Although Soaresia Fr. Allem. could take the place of Clarisia R. & P., I think it better as said above to conserve

the latter. Soaresia Sch.-Bip. can be placed on the list of Nomina Generica this is used all and Conservanda, as genus by authors there is further available Miss Green in no synonym (see Bulletin whereas Allem, has Kew 1935. p. 495.)) Soaresia Fr. never been used (Soaresia ilicifolia Glaz. is a nomen nudum, and does not belong to this genus). There are no objections to the Liebm. instead of and use name Sahagunia Clarisia R. & P. with this has further and has good reason as genus no synonyms been all botanists. think it kept up by However, I advisable those to reserve the name Sahagunia Liebm. for species which have been in that authors. the placed genus by previous Thus, Liebm. be used those botanists genus Sahagunia can always by who do with the of in Clarisia not agree including this genus P. For Fr. R. & the same reason Acanthinophyllum Allem., which has been considered a synonym of Sahagunia Liebm. by all bota-

nists, can not be used either.

remarks Summarizing my given above, I can give the following conclusion; Clarisia R. & P., Sahagunia Liebm., Acanthinophyllum Fr. Allem. and Soaresia Fr. Allem. Clarisia R. P. are synonyms. & and be of Soaresia Sch.-Bip. are to placed on the list Nomina

Generica Conservanda, and Clarisia Abat and Soaresia Fr. Allem. on the list of Nomina Generica Rejicienda.

4 Mus. Nat. Bot. XI. ) Macbride (Publ. Field Hist. Ser. 1931. p. 15) made on a new combination Clarisia nitida (Fr. Allem.) Macbride, based he Soaresia nitida Fr. Allem., of which saw a specimen collected by Ducke which distributed Clarisia stated (n. 16606), was as racemosa R. & P. He Allemao of that the species of Freire and the specimen D u c k e are not

identic with Clarisia racemosa R. & P. which he studied in the herb. Boissier,

Geneva. He did who collected the of Cl. R. & P. not say specimen racemosa it it As in and is unlikely that was the type. this paper was already the

attention press when my was drawn to Macbride’s notes by a paper of

Ducke Inst. Biol. vol. I had the (Archives Veg. 2. 1935. p. 30), not oppor-

tunity to study the specimens in the herb. Geneva. The description by

Macbride of Clarisia racemosa R. & P. does not in the least resemble Ducke of which has been our specimens {including 16606), one compared with in Madrid. the type Ducke erroneously referred the new combination to Bentham et Hooker, who did not actually publish it. 261

Material and 3. studied, Acknowledgements.

At the end of with and this paper a synopsis keys descriptions of the is this genus Clarisia Ruiz et Pavon sensu Lanj. given. For treatment I have studied the material of the following Herbaria: Kew (K.); Brussel (Br.); Natural History Museum, London (N.-H.); Paris (P.); Leiden (L.); Utrecht (U.).

I wish to here sincere thanks to the Directors of these express my Herbaria for their kind hospitality and assistance and for sending I on loan some of the material. am greatly indebted to Prof. Cuatrecasas for of Clarisia (Madrid) comparing my specimen R. & P. with and for of racemosa the type the specimen Clarisia P. and for of b Dr. biflora R. & the copy A a t’s paper, to R a m s- bottom (London) for the photograph of Acanthinophyllum and T 1 for his information the strepitans to Dr. a o r (London) on , y , of i and 1 plants L n n é S o a n e.

General taxonomical Remarks and Distribution. 4. geographical

The delimitation of the is difficult the number species very as of is it be that of specimens very small. Perhaps will proved some cancelled. the seemed advisable my species must be For present it the to describe several species, although distinctions are rather better of the Since the collected slight. Thus, one gets a survey genus. few will be with specimens are in number, at present it easier,

more and extensive descriptions, to assign a place to new collec- tions. Without doubt Cl. mexicana Cl. colom- any (Liebm.) Lanj., biana (Rusby) Lanj. and Cl. mattogrossensis Lanj. belong in one and Cl. and Cl. group, strepitans (Fr. Allem.) Lanj. Spruceana Lanj. another. Cl. is variable. I have to Especially strepitans very

provisonally described the Guiana specimens as a var. guianensis that it be there Lanj. to species, although may proved that are no objections to insert them in the species, whereas it is probable

too that other botanists are inclined to treat these specimens as

a good species. All this will be discussed with the species. As one

will from the I see specimens cited (the specimens which have

studied are marked with a !), I did not study the type-material of several species. For some species it was impossible (Fr. A 11 e- other I m a o), and in some species not important. did not see the of Cl. with specimen urophylla (Donn. Sm.) Lanj. and cannot say that this the Clarisia certainty species belongs to genus (Sahagunia)

at all, but the description leaves no doubt that if it belongs in the it has be genus to kept apart.

I know perfectly well chat for a monographical treatment 262

must have one see more material, but, yet I hope to enlarged of this difficult which needs careful de- our knowledge genus, scriptions and study of the literature. is obvious the of the It that, by scantiness material, it is not possible to give a good outline of the geographical distribution the and of species. I can give here a few facts some suggestions the only. On map in fig. i some areas are given. Number x

gives the distribution of Cl. racemosa R. & P. This species is

found chiefly in Amazonian and Peru, going south as far de as Rio Janeiro. Number 2 shows the area of Cl. strepi- tans (Fr. Allan.) Lanj. and its varieties and of the related Cl. This farther Spruceana Lanj. ’’group” goes North (Guiana) and does reach Peru. Area distribution of the not n. 3 gives the group of Cl. mexicana (Liebm.) Lanj. (Cl. biflora, colombiana, matto- from Southern grossensis, urophylla). It goes Mexico along the mountain region as far as Northern Peru ending in Matto

of the Fig. 1. Geographical distribution species of Clarisia. 263

Grosso. Though the ditances between the different localities are

these in also to the rela- very great, areas, my opinion, point in this tionships given paper.

of the Clarisia Ruiz emend. 5. Synopsis genus et Pavon Lanj.

Clarisia Ruiz et Pavon emend. Lanj.; Ruiz et Pavon, Prodr. Chil. ,Fl. Per. et (1794) p. 128, t. 28; Ruiz et Pavon, Syst. veg.

FI. Peruv. Chil. Bentham Hooker, Genera et (1798) p. 255; et Plantarum in fam. III, pars I (1880) p. 377; Engler Nat. Pfl. De Prodr. III. 1. (1889) p. 81; Candolle, XVI. 2. (1864) p. 155;

Hist, des Pi. VI Diet, descr. et Baillon, (1877) p. 21 j; Lemee, II in Kew Bull. syn. phan. (1930) p. 183; Weatherby (1935)

— Liebm. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. р. 410; Sahagunia in Kon. Nat. Mathem. II Bureau D. C. Prodr. XVII og (1851) p. 316; in Baillon 1. Bentham Hooker 1. (1873) p. 283, 288; c. p. 211; et

с. 1. c. Lemee 1. c. — Soaresia Fr- Al- p. 377; Engler p. 82; p. ..; lem. in Revista Brazileira I (1857) and in Arch, da Palestr. Scientif. Rio de I 1. Jan. (1858) p. 142; Bureau c. p. 283, 288;

Bailion 1. Bentham et Hooker 1. c. p. 211; c. p. 377; Weatherby

J. Green in Kew Bull. — c. p. 410; (1933) p. 493; Acanthinophyl- lum Allem. in Brazileira I Fr. Revista Jorn. de Scienc. Lettr. e artes and Palestr. (1858) p. 368 in Scient. Rio Jan. (1858) p. 215 (ex Bentham 1. Baillon 1. et Hooker); Bureau c. p. 284; c. p. 200;

Bentham et Hooker 1. 1. 82. c. p. 377; Engler c. p.

Trees or shrubs. Leaves alternate, bistipulate, petiolate, entire

or dentate, membranaceous, subcoriaceous or coriaceous, penniner-

\ed. Flowers dioeceous. Inflorescence S : pedunculate spikes

which are arranged in short racemiform inflorescences or axil- flowers of lary; S consisting one stamen only, more or less in and intermixed with often arranged rows, variously shaped,

peltate or isubpeltate bracts; usually at one side a longitudinal without flowers and bordered strip by twe rows of peltate or filaments Inflorescence subpeltate bracts; erect. 9 ; 9 flowers

1 —2 in the axils of bracts in racemiform inflorescences or seve- ral sessile together in peduncled or capitula; flowers sessile or

ovoid, adnate to the with pedicellate; perianth thick, ovary, small and often lobed inferior a irregularly opening; ovary semiinferior with or one pendulous ovule; style short, with two short exserted or long stigmas; fruit globose or ovoid included

in the perianth, pericarp membranaceous; seed subglobose, testa albumen membranaceous, o, embryo erect, cotyledons thick, fleshy, equal. 264

Bra- Distribution : Species 8, from Mexico to Southern zil, not in the West Indian Islands.

the Key to Species.

Leaves entire but al- i. a. usually spinulose-dentate, rarely with vestited with ways an acute apex. Penduncles

descending hairs with a recurved tip 2.

b. Leaves entire and acuminate at the obtusely apex.

Penduncles not vestited with hairs as described above 3.

2. a. Leaves rounded at the base. Flowering part of the male

c. cm C. spikes usually 4 long .... 7. Spruceana Lanj.

Leaves base. b. acute or cuneate at the Flowering part of the 8 S spikes usually c. mm long, rarely up to 8 2 cm long C. strepitans (Fr. Allem.) Lanj.

Leaves Side-nerves —8 3. a. 13—20 cm long. 6 C. j. urophylla (Donn. Sm.) Lanj.

b. Side-nerves Leaves cm long. 10—1 6 4—14.5 .... 4.

coriaceous subcoriaceous. Side-nerves 4. a. Leaves or c. 16,

subhorizontal 1. C. racemosa Ruiz et Pavon.

b. Leaves usually chartaceous. Side-nerves ascending, c.

10—14 5.

Arcuate connections of the nerves 5. a. secondary conspi-

cuous on both sides of the limb. Anthers not coronate

by a point formed by the enlarged connective, but C. mexicana emarginate 4. (Liebm.) Lanj.

b. Arcuate connections of the secondary nerves inconspi-

cuous above. Anthers coronate by a small point for- med by Che enlarged connective 6.

at the of short and 6. a. Spikes usually 5 together top a

stout peduncle, in the axils of persistent bracts. Bracts

of the inflorescence and filaments not longer than anthers 0.75 mm; o.j mm long

2. C. cclombiana (Rusby) Lanj.

in b. Spikes two together the axils of the leaves without short branch a common peduncle or on a (1 —2.5 in subtended deciduous cm long), arranged pairs, by and the of each branchlet bracts, 1 —2 highest pairs

in the axils of ordinary leaves. Bracts of the inflores- and filaments anthers cense 1 —1.25 mm long; 0.75 mm

long 3. C. mattogrossensis Lanj. 265

c. Only female flowers known, with rather long style-

Leaves branches (c. 10 mm). resembling those of the

two 6. C. biflora Ruiz et Pavon. preceding species ....

Clarisia racemosa Ruiz et FI. Peruv. i. Pavon, Syst. veget.

et Chil. Ducke in Arch. Bot. Rio de (1798) p. 255; Jard. Jan. Ill

— nitida Alllem. (1922) p. 40; Soaresia Fr. in Revista Brazileira I (1857) and in Arch, da Palestr. Scientif. Rio de Jan. I (1858) Olmedia — Hub. Ducke p. 142 cum tab.; erythrorhiza nom. ex

1. — Clarisia nitida Macbride Publ. c. p. 40; (Fr. Allem.) in Field Mus. Hist. Ser. Ducke Nat. Bot. XI (1931) p. 15; in Archives do Inst. Biol. vol. Veg. 2 (1935) p. 30.

trees to bark outside brown and Large up 30 m high; verrucose, inside red; milky juice white and abundant; wood yellow tuning

to brownish-yellow, fine-grained (timber). Leaves alternate, peti-

olate; petiole canaliculate above, glabrous or minutely and Limb. sparsely puberulous, 4-15 mm long. 4-10 cm long, 1.7-4.2

cm broad, ovate-oblong or oblong, abruptly and obtusely acuminate

at the rounded the but for the apex, at base, glabrous sparsely and minutely pilose midrib beneath, shining above, olivaceous side green, paler beneath; nerves c. 16, subhorizontal, reticulately midrib veined; prominent beneath, slightly impressed above, secon- and dary tertiary nerves prominent on both sides. Inflorescence flowers in which S : peduncled spikes, are arranged in a

racemiform inflorescence, usually two together in the axils of the leaves; common peduncle 2-4 cm long, shortly pubescent; of the peduncle spikes 2-5 mm long, densely pubescent; flowering of the -6 part spikes 2 cm long, c. 2 mm in diameter, cylindric. Flowers in and S arranged longitudinal rows on one side a small longitudinal strip without flowers. Rows bordered by sub- suborbicular semiorbicular peltate or bracts, which are fimbriate

and minutely hairy above and granulate in the centre. Stamens intermixed with variously shaped bracts; bracts cucullate, spath-

ulate, Obliquely peltate or oblanceolate, sometimes adhering at the

base and a Stamens often in and suggesting perianth. pairs sug-

gesting sometimes 2-staminate flowers; filaments flat, dilatate at

the base. Inflorescence 9 : flowers in racemiform panicles, often in the axils of the rhachis 2-3 leaves; pilose, grooved, j-10 cm

long; flowers often two together in the axils of small broad- bracts. Flower den- triangular hairy V ; pedicels j-10 mm long, the base of the sely pubescent; at perianth 4 broad-triangular or

suborbicular, su'bpeltate, rather thick bracts, with a membranaceous margin which is irregularly triangular-dentate and hairy outside 266

and along the margin. Perianth cupuliformous, thick, fleshy, at the opening thin, membranaceous and obscurely lobed and slightly for the adnate the hairy, rest glabrous, to ovary, opening small; fruit style short, included; stigmas 4-5 mm long, slender, exserted;

and 16 broad, the rests of up to 22 mm long, mm coronate by the seed stigmas; bracts persistent; pericarp woody; oblong, up thick and to 12 mm long, testa membranous, cotyledons carnosy.

Distribution: Brazil and Peru.

de Corcovado 8 1 Brazil: Rio Janeiro (Fr. Allemao); (Glaziou 59 {P. Br.]; Glaziou 20489! [P. Br.] 9 fl. Nov.); Cosmo Yelho, between Bota- fogo and Laranjura (Glaziou 8289! [P.] 9 fr. March); near Mundo Novo (Kuhlmann H. J. B. R. 13055! [K. U.] S fl. Aug.); Matto Grosso, Machado R. varzia river-shore near Tabajara, upper region, on land, (Kru koff 9 fr. R. 1450! [U.], Dec.); Pari, Lower Amazone near Gurupa (Ducke H. B. R. S. Rio J. 17204, ex Ducke lx.); Luiz, Tapajoz, forest (Ducke

H. J. B. R. 13052! [U. K. P.], 9 fl. and fr. Dec.); Faro near Amacaru, forest (Ducke H. J. B. R. 13051! [U. K. P.], 9 fl. Jan.); Lower Trombetas R., forest (Ducke H. J. B. R. 13054! [U.], S fl. Oct.); Cachoeira da Man- tanha medii, Tapajoz R., forest (Ducke 13052! [K.], $ fl. Dec.); Rio Xuigu (Ducke Mus. Par. 16606! [P.], $ fl. Dec.); Amazonas, Upper Puriis R. Ducke (Huber H. J. B, R. 4367, ex l.c.); Rio Acre (Ule 9317! [L. K.], <5 fl. July).

Peru: Chinchao et Pozuzo, forest (Ruiz et Pa von, Type [Madrid]); Re-

of and H. B. R. and cultivated in the yon Ucayali Huallaga (Huber J.

garden, ex Ducke l.c.).

1. Clarisia colombiana (Rusby) Lanj. nov. comb. — Sahagunia colomhiana of three hundred Rusby, Dcscr. new. spec, of South PI. Amer. (1920) p. 10.

branches with short Large tree. Young densely covered very

Leaves hairs. alternate, netiolate; petioles 9—13 mm long, ra- ther covered with the short hairs the thick, same very as branches, sulcate and with glabrescent, above, many longitudinal, rather

Limb 6. cm broad, charta- deep grooves. 5 —12 cm long, 2.5—5 somewhat dull ceous, margin entire, shining above, and paler

beneath, elliptic, oblong or obovate, acutely narrowed or rounded

the caudate acuminate at the at base, obtusely or apex; acumen midrib im- c. 3 —5 mm broad; strongly prominent beneath, slightly the basal of mid- pressed, especially in part (continuation tne of the and groove petiole), secondary tertiary nerves prominent on both connections of the side-nerves sides, arcuate not very con-

spicuous above, side-nerves c. 12. 9 flowers and fruits unknown. flowers short S in spikes. Spikes usually 5 together on a (c. 2

mm long) and stout peduncle in the axils of the leaves, rarely the of the the axils of sessile; spikes at top peduncle in persistent 267

Fig. 2. Clarisia colombiana (Rusby) Lanj.

bracts; peduncle, rhachis of the spikes and outside of the bracts covered with short bracts densely very hairs; variously shaped, the two outer ones semiorbicular and nearly i mm in diameter,

the inner ones lanceolate and c. 2 mm long. Peiole of the spikes short very 1 —2 mm long; spikes 2 —4 cm long, c. 3 mm broad, side of broad without flo- on one a longitudinal strip o.j—1 mm these bordered both sides of wers; strips are on by a row peltate, suborbicular which in diameter and bracts, are c. 0.75 mm finely the and above covered with minute ciliate along margins, very in hairs. Stamens more or less longitudinal rows, intermixed with bracts which obli- c. 0.75 mm long, are usually subspathulate or 268

quely peltate and hairy and ciliate just as the bracts described above. Filaments flat dilatate towards the base, c. 0.75 mm long; anthers the small c. o.j mm long, at top coronate by a point formed by the connective.

Distribution: Only known from Colombia.

Colombia: Santa Marta, in a Don Amo about damp forest, Road, 500 ft. (H. H. Smith 424! [K.], $ fl. July *) 1903). *) On the label of the specimen in the Kew Herbarium this date is given. in Rusby writes his paper ’’January 13”.

3. Clarisia mattogrossensis Lanj. nov. spec.

Arbor alta. brevissimis 24 m Ramulis juveniles fusci, pilis sparse vestiti. Folia alterna, petiolata; petiolus 10—16 mm longus, gra- brevissimis cilior, pilis sparse vestitus, supra sulco profundo, an-

gusto, acute marginato praeditus, ceterum canaliculis longitudi- nalibus striatus. Limbus latus, 7—14 cm longus, 26—42 mm oblongus, ellipticus vel raro subovatus vel subooovatus, charta- vel subtus ceus membranaceus, supra subnitidus, opacus, pallidior, obtuse caudatus vel acumine integer, acuminatus, c. 2 —3 mm

longo praeditus, basi rotundatus vel cuneatus; costa subtus valde leviter inferiore prominente, supra impressa, praesertim parte folii; nervi secundarii et tertiarii utrinque prominentes; conjunctiones secundariorum valde arcuate, nervorum supra non conspicuae; nervi siecundarii c. 12. Flores 9 et fructus ignoti. Flores $ spi- cati. distinctis, Spicae plerumque geminatae, pedunculis saepe secundum ramulum brevem 1 —2.5 cm longum, pnobabiliter in axillis cicatrices bractearum, parvarum, deciduarum, quarum hand vel bina in axillis foliorum vul- visae, par summum paria Pedunculi minutissimis dense garium. 2 —j mm longi, pilis latere fascia vestiti. Spicae 2 —6 cm longae, 3 mm latae, uno ordinibus bractearum brac- deflorata, 0.23 mm lata, marginata,

teis peltatis, suborbicularibus c. 1 mm diam. vel majoribus, ciliatis vel margine ceterum glabris sparse minutissime pilosis.

Stamina in ordinibus duplis vel triplis plerumque a bracteis pel- tatis, marginatis disposita, bracteis spathulatis vel oblique pel- interdum minutissime tatis, ciliatis, pilosis, r—1.25 mm longis intermixtis. Filamenta abrupte dilatata, parte inferiore applanata, antherae x—1.25 mm longa; c. 0.75 mm longae, apice apiculo connectivi coronata.

Brasilia: Matto Tombador ad Rio Dia- Grosso, Serragem prope mantino in silvae fl. margine primaevae (Collenette n. 131! [K.J, typus!, $ m. Julio). A. Clarisia Fig. 3. mattogrossensis Lanj. B. Clarisia mexicana (Liebm.) Lanj. Clarisia 4. mexicana (Liebm.) Lanj. nov. comb.; — Sahagunia mexicana Liebm. in Kon. Danske Vid. Selsk. Math. Nat. og II in Biol. voi. (1851) p. 316; Hemsley Centr. Americ. Botany Ill in Contrib. Herb. (1882-1886) p. 149; Standley Un. St. Nat. vol. 216. 23, part 2 (1922) p.

Tree. Young branches sparsely pilose by small subappressed

bark fuscous. Leaves hairs; alternate, petiolate; petioles 5-10 mm long, sulcate above and with shallow and rather inconspicuous small longitudinal grooves, pilose by hairs, glabrescent, bark splitting with transverse cracks. Limb cm 8-14.5 long, 2.3-4.2 cm broad, oblong or elliptical oblong, cuneate or slightly rounded at the acuminate or subcaudate base, obtusely at the apex, entire, glabrous, thinly membranaceous, somewhat shining above, paler and dull beneath, midrib slightly impressed above, strongly pro- minent and beneath, secondary tertiary nerves prominent on both

side-nerves arcuate connections distance sides; 12-14, at 2-3 mm from the margin, conspicious at both sides. Male pikes in a small 1-2 cm long panicle; spikes in the axils of small broad- bracts. triangular Common peduncle and peduncles of the spikes the latter pubescent, mm c. 2-5 long. Spikes 1.5-3 cm long, 2-3 mm S flowers more or less in broad; longitudinal rows, on two sides opposite of the spike a narrow longitudinal strip without bordered flowers, on both sides by suborbicular often subpeltate bracts which are fimbrate along the margin and yellowish granular in the centre; Stamens intermixed with variously shaped bracts, which are usually spathulate or obliquely peltate,often more or less at the yellowish granular base; filaments not conspicuously dilatate towards flattened, slightly the base; anthers emarginate at the apex.

Distribution: Only known from Mexico.

Mexico: Vera Dept. Cruz, Barranca de Sta Maria Tlatetla, near Mira- dor (Liebmann! [K.], $ fl. March).

Clarisia 5. urophylla (Donn. Sm.) Lanj. nov. comb.; — Sahagunia Donn. urophylla Sm. in Botanical Gazette vol. XL (1905) p. 11. ’’Praeter perianthium glabra. Folia integra oblongo-elliptica vel late ovalia caudato acuminata basi acutiuscula vel rotunda, nervis lateralibus utrinsecus 6 —8. Pedunculi feminini solitarii aut gemini. Perianthium fructui pendulo infra apicem adnatum, pericarpio cartilagineo. Folia subcoriacea supra saltern in sicco obscura subtus viridia, 271

medio lata basi nunc 13—20 cm longa in j.j—8.j cm subacuta, lata basi nervis nunc 6 —8 cm longa 4—j cm rotunda, venisque subtus manifestis, venulis reticulatis, utrinque praesertim grosse

— lanceolatis petiolis 1 i.j cm longis, stipulis 2 —3 cm longis caducis. feminini fructibus Pedunculi 3—4 mm longi, 2—4 capi-

tals, additis floribus nascentibus nonnullis. Perianthium crasso- ovale collo carnosum fusco-velutinum 12 mm longum subintegro fructu apiculatum, subgloboso 6—7 mm diametiente, stylo 3 mm longo, semine infra apicem affixo rufescente scrobiculoso. Flores

Haec utriusque sexus deficiunt. species generis tertia adhuc edita Liebm. foliis latioribus ab S. Mexicana glabritie et pro rata caudatis paucinerviis, ab. S. strepitante Fr. Allem. foliis integris- binis minoribus inter alia differt. pedunculis saepe fructibus

In silvis Puerto prope Sierra, Honduras, Jan. 1903, Percy Wilson (n. 54).”

As I I have cited here the did not see this species original description of Donnell Smith.

Though I am not absolutely certain about it, it seems highly

that this in the It must be related probable species belongs genus. to C. mexicana (Liebm.) Lanj. In the description the differential

characters are given by Donnell Smith.

6. Clarisia biflora Ruiz et Pavon, Systema veget. Fl. Peruv. Chil. cf Macbride in Publ. Field Mus. Hist. et (1/98) p. 255; Nat. Bot. Ser. XI 6. (1931) p. 1

”C. floribus femineis geminis, foliis obovatis oblongisque venosis

longo acumine. Flor. Per. et Chil. tom. 8. Arbor quadraginta fere ulnaris.

Habitat in Cuchero, Chinchao, Pozuzo et Pillao ad Chaeahuassi


Floret Majo, et Junio.

Vernaculae Yasmich’ et Piamich’ appellatur.

Ex albus abunde Vires et usus. arbore undique secta succus fluit, inodoram elasti- qui in resinam compactam, albo-fuscam, parum

Ex ad varia cam spissescit. trunco asseres trabesque optimae opera Cortex tignaria efficienda extrahi possunt. extus fuscus, interius albo-lutescens.”

I have cited here what Ruiz and Pavon said about this species, leaves and flowers Beneath follows des- as I saw two only. my cription of this material. Leaves sulcate above and with petiolate; petioles many longi- tudinal shallow minute grooves, sparsely vestited with appressed 272

bark limb hairs, transversely splitting; c. to—12 cm long, c. j cm

broad, oblong, subcoriaceous, rounded at the base, obtusely acu- minate the somewhat dull and at apex, shining above, paler beneath, midrib prominent beneath, slightly impressed above,

secondary and tertiary nerves prominent on both sides, especially

beneath, arcuate connections of the secondary nerves rather side inconspicuous above; nerves c. 10. Female flower: pedicel

at the base of the 1—2 mm long, minutely hairy; perianth 4

bracts, of which one is smaller than the bracts 3 others; c. 1 mm in diam. semiorbicular subpeltate, fimbriate; perianth subglobose

in to the c. 5 mm diam., thick, Fleshy or subleathery, adhering the in with ovary, opening at apex, c. 1 —1.5 mm diam., a short cylindric Irregularly lobed collar; styles c. 10 mm long, outward curved at the apex.

It is clear from the characters that this species belongs to the of Cl. mexicana group (Liebm.) Lanj. Probably it is most closely

related to the species Cl. colomhiana (Rusby) Lanj.

Clarisia 7. Spruceana Lanj. nov. spec. Arbor lactifera. Folia parva, glabra, alterna, petiolata; petiolus 8 —10 mm longus, transverse grosse rugulosus. Limbus 12—21 cm vel basi longus, 3.2—6.7 cm latus, oblongus elliptico-oblongus, leviter rotundatus, apice cute cuspidatus, margine integer, leviter firme membranaceus vel undulatus, subcoriaceus, supra subnitidus,

su'btus et nervis nervi opacus pallidior, utrinque prominentibus;

secundarii c. 12, 1 —2 mm a margine arcuate connecti. Spicae

S plures in pedunculo commune c. 2 mm longo congestae, in

axillis bractearum parvarum, usque 10 mm pedunculatae, pe- uncinatis dunculis pilis retroflexis apice vestitus; pars florigera latere fascia deflorata usque 4.5 cm longa, 2 —3 mm lata, uno brac- 1 mm lata, pilis supra descriptis sparse vestita, ordinibus bracteis tearum marginata, irregularibus saepe subquadrangularibus. Stamina plus minusve in ordinibus, bracteis irregularibus interdum Filamenta peltatis, 1—1.5 mm longis intermixtis. applanata,

c. r mm longa; antherae parvae, c. 0.25 mm longae.

Venezuela: ad flumina Casiquiari, Vasiva et Pacimoni (Spruce 3279! fl. [K.], $, viridis, m. Jan. 1853).

related This species is closely to C. strepitans (Fr. Allem.) Lanj. It differs especially in the length of the spikes and the shape of the leaves.

8. Clarisia strepitans (Fr. Allem.) Lanj. nov. comb.; — Acan- 273

thinophyllum strepitans Fr. Allem. in Revista Brazileira vol. and in Palestr. Scient. Rio I (1858) p. 368; Jan. (1858) p. 215,

Bentham Hooker l.c. — according to et p. 377; Sahagunia stre-

pitans (Fr. Allem.) Bentham et Hooker, Genera Plant. III. 1. (1889)

in Nat. Pflanzenfam. III. — p. 377; Engler 1. (1889) p. 82; Sahagunia racemifera Hub. in Boletim do Museu Goeldi vol. V

( ï9°8) p. 334.

Small trees or Shrubs. Young branches sparsely vestited with retroflexed, uncinate hairs. Leaves alternate, petiolate; petioles

6 the hairs the —10 mm long, sparsely vestited with same as bark sulcate young branches, glabrescent, transversely splitting, above. Limb chartaceous 8 —18 cm long, 3—7.5 cm broad, or

subcoriaceous, elliptic, oblong or subobovate oblong, acute at the

base or contracted into the petiole, rather long and acutely acu- minate acuminate the or cuspidate at apex, margin su'brecurved, and teeth with remotely sinuate dentate, a long, sharp, cartilagi-

neous spine, surface of the leaves slightly bullate between the

secondary nerves and the arcuate connections, shining or some-

what shining above, dull and paler beneath; nerves and veins

on both sides, side nerves about Male flowers prominent 9—11. in several fascicled short spikes. Spikes together on a very pe-

duncle, about i—2 mm long, or sometimes ramose and the common the axils of the peduncle c. 3 mm long, in leaves. Spikes in the axils of which small, broad-triangular c. 0.75 mm long bracts, are vestited with minute hairs. Peduncle of glabrous or very sparsely covered the spikes 1—3 mm long, c. 0.5 mm in diam., densely with short hairs. of the retroflexed, uncinate Flowering part

spikes 5 —8 mm long, 2 —4 mm broad, on one side with a narrow longitudinal strip without flowers, bordered by suborbicular, obli-

quely peltate bracts, about 0.6 —0.8 mm long and which are vestited with minute hairs above, especially along the margin. less in intermixed with Stamens more or rows, variously shaped

bracts, which are either more or less dbliquely peltate, or sub-

spathulate cucullate or oblong cucullate, outside densely covered with minute hairs especially along the margin, glabrescent. Fila- and dilatate ments about 1.5 mm long, rather slender, slightly towards the anthers small Female base; c. 0.25 mm high. flowers in the axils of the leaves in short capituliform inflorescences, which either sessile with short are nearly or a very up to 6 mm long

at the often branches common peduncle, bearing top several, two, which are ro mm and bear the several up to long at apex female crowded vestited with the hairs flowers together. Peduncles same as those of the male inflorescences. In each inflorescence in the 274

flowers in the others still in specimens seen usually 2 —3 fruit, a Fermale flowers young state, perhaps not developing. c. 3—5 mm in diam., subglobose or oblong. Perianth fleshy, surrounding the semi-inferior and the ovary style, urceolate, stigmas protruding, with small hairs. one-celled with outside vestited patent Ovary one pendulous ovule; style c. i.j mm long, glabrous; stigmas Fruit c. 1 mm long, 0.7 mm broad, minutely papilliferous. up to surrounded the 17 mm long, 12 mm broad, ovoid, glabrous, by

fleshy perianth, pericarp chartaceous or membranaceous, Seed

c. 8 —10 mm long, ovoid, testa membraneous; embryo straight, cotyledons thick and fleshy, equal. Distribution: Brazil and the varieties also in Guiana.

Brazil: Rio

Type!); Maranhao, Maracassame R. region, Campo de Boa Esperanfa,

terra border of field fl. on firma, open (Krukoff 1869! [U.], S Sept. 1932, low tree); Para, Obidos, in the forest „capueiras” (Ducke 2885, $ fl. Type of racemifera Serra in Sahagunia Hub.); da Escama, the forest (Ducke 919c, fr. Dec.); Bragan;a, forest (Ducke H. J. B. R. 18323! [U.], $ fl. and fr.

Febr. fruits R. 1923, coccineous); Fortlandia, Tapajoz (Krukoff 1054! [U.],

$ fl. tree ft. ft. in diameter breast Sept. 1931, young jj high, 2.5 high); Serra de Santorem, forest (Ducke H. J. B. R. 18326! [U.], 5 fl. Sept. 1923);. Madeira firma Amazonas, R. region, near Calama, in terra (Krukoff Dec. this has entire t3°9! [U.], fr. 1931, specimen leaves with an margin or with only a few spines); without precise locality (Sello! [K. N-H.], $ fl.).

Beneath I have described four new varieties to this species. It is

highly probable that they will be proved to be merely forms of Three this species. of them are described on a single specimen only. I know perfectly well chat it is probable that I have described instead of specimens only varieties, but, for the present I think it is better deal with them in to this way.

var. guianensis Lanj. nov. var. Folia circa medium vel plerumque uno utroque latere profundius in latiora esculpta, saepius quam specie et longiora, interdum vel Inflorescentiarum mascularum Integra subintegra. omnes partes minores in quam specie, pedunculis 1 —2 mm longis, spicis j—x j mm latis. longis, 1—1.25 mm Fructus minor et angustior. Distribution: French Guiana and Surinam.

French Guiana: without precise locality (Herb. Rudge! [N-H.], fl.

$; Martin! [K.] Typus $ !; unknown collector! [K.], fl. $); near Karouany (Sagot 530! [K. P.], fl. 2 and fr. 1859, the specimen in the Kew Herbarium entire in Paris bear few has leaves, those of the specimen rarely a teeth in

the basal of is in part the leaves; under the same number a specimen the Kew Herbarium with long and narrow leaves cm broad very e.g. 3.5 ana 19 cm long). 275

Surinam: Upper Surinam R. near Goddo (Stahel 120! [U.], Typus 9, small tree with fruits orange Jan. 1926).

In the Kew Herbarium is a specimen collected by Peckolt (Peckolt no! [K.], Cantagallo, Brazil) which is intermediate be- tween the species and this variety. The leaves in this specimen are entire and some of them esculpted. The shape of the leaves resembles more that of the species. The specimen bears a verna- cular and it is stated the label that name, ’’Diconroque”, on the

Indian tribe Coroaches collect the seeds which are cooked and eaten.

— Hub. in var. paraensis Lanj. nov. van; Sahagunia paraensis sched.

Folia 6—9.5 cm longa, 2 —3.5 cm lata, elliptico-obovata, apice basin acute acuminata, versus in petiolum contracta, irregulariter secundariae denticulata, parte inferiore integra; costae utrinque c. 9. Brazil: Para (Huber 6965! [U., Typus;P.] fl. $).

— Sorocea var. micranthera (Warb.) Lanj. nov. comb.; micranthera

Warb. nom. nud. in Bull. Soc. Bot. Mém. France, 3 (1913) p. 644. Folia oblanceolata vel 6—16 cm longa, 2 —4.5 cm lata, elliptico- oblanceolata, apice longe acute acuminata, basin versus in petiolum contracta, irregulariter denticulata vel sübintegra; costae secun- dariae Inflorescentiae masculae in utrinque c. 9. quam specie. Brazil: de between Mendanha and near Rio Janeiro Realengo (Glaziou 12172! [K. Typus!; P.] fl. $). Vernacular name: Bainha d’Espada. This name was also cited by Freire Allemao with Acanthinophyllum strepitans Fr. Allem.

var. cuyunensis Lanj. nov. var. Folia basin 9.5—17 cm longa, 2.7—5 cm lata, obovato-oblonga, versus cuneato-angustata, apice longe acute acuminata, integra; secundariae Inflorescentiae masculae costae c. 9 —10. pedunculis communis usque 5 mm longus, pedunculi spicarum usque 8 mm longi, spicae usque 2 cm longae, quam specie graciliores. Guiana: British Cuyuni R. near Camasia Road, alt. c. too ft.

fl. Febr. small about (Forest Dept. 1029! [U. Typus!; K.], S 1931, tree 25 ft. high, 2.5 in. diam. fl. creamy-white and sweet-seentedl. 276

Explanation of the plate of OTab. IX by Abat.

FIGURA I. a. — Raiz con sus tuberculos y hebras.


b. — Tallo ramoso enroscado hacia la izquierda. c. — Hojas reclinadas, conduplinadas, simples, enterisimas, poco venenosas, las venas poco manifiestas, entre oblongas y agudas.

d. — axillares salen el de las ramas. Espigas simples, que en remate


e. — Caliz de dos membranosas. hojitas aquilladas, y

f. — estas La concavidad de 2 hojitas.

— La membrana la g. que circuye quilla. h. — Corola de cinco pétalos.

i. — Filamentos cinco.

— Anteras echadas. k. 5 versatiles y l. — German aovado al reves. m. — Estilo trifido. n. — Estigmas bifidos inclinados. o. — Semilla una de figura de corazon al reves.

Explanation of Tab. X by Freire Allemao.

Fig. i a. — Inflorescentia mascula. 2a. — Ejus ramus, seu receptaculum unum,

valde, auctum. ja. — Stamen, ante pollinis emissionem. 4a. — Id. post

emissionem — Bractea. 6a. — — pollinis. 5a. Receptaculum foemineum. 7a.

Id. valde 8a. — Flos foemineus. — Id. verticaliter — auctum. 9a. sectus. 10a.

Portio rami — Acanthinophylli strepitantis fructus matures gerentis. na.

Bacca — — una separata. 12a. Eadem dimidia parte perianthii dempta. 13a.

denudato. — Id. verticaliter Fructus, perianthio 14a. pericarpio secto.

— Semen. 16a. — — Id. 15a. Embryo. 17a. cotyledone una separata, ut

radicula et gemmula videnatur.

Explanation of Tab. XI by Freire Allemao.

— floribus masculis. — Figura ta. Ramus, magnit. nat., cum 2a. Ramus

— Amentum foeminus, cum fructibus perfectis, mag. nat. ja. staminiferum,

Stamen. — Ramus mag. nat. (a) Squama peltata (b) 4a. novellus, cum

— Ramus 6a. — Flos stipulis. ja. florigerus foemineus, mag. nat. foeminus,

auctus. 7a. — Idem ante fecundationem, longitud. sectus, ovulum exhibens.

8a. — Fructus — Semen. 10a. — 11a. — longitud. sectus. 9a. Embryo. Idem, videantur. separatis cotyledonibus, ut corculi partes Tab. IX

Tab. IX. Clarisia volubilis Abat = Anredera vesicaria (Lam.) Gaertn. Tab. X

Tab. X. Acanthinophyllum strepitams Fr. Allem. = Clarisia strepitans (Fr. Allem.) Lanj. Tab. XI




nitida Allemao.

Clarisia Freire by = plate

Allem. the

Fr. of nitida explanation

Soaresia the

See XI.
