Finding List and Guide to Tllc Secrest Arboretum

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Finding List and Guide to Tllc Secrest Arboretum SPECIAL CIRCULAR 91 MAY 1960 REV ISED Finding List and Guide to tllc Secrest Arboretum Wood Utilization Research Laboratory and Secrest Arboretum Headquarters Effective July 1, 1965, the name of the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station was changed to: 0 Ohio Agricu ltura I Research and Development Center, ')ll Wooster, Ohio • This page intentionally blank. • GUIBE TO THE SECREST ARBORETUM OHIO AGRICULTURAL EXPERJMENT STATION WOOSTER, OHIO '/ By John E. Aughanbaugh, Harry R. Muckley, and Oliver D. Diller* In May 1950 the forest and ornamental plantings at the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station were dedicated as the Secrest Arboretum in memory of Edmund Secrest, the father of forestry in Ohio. Since 19o8 these plantings have been expanded to include well over 600 species and varieties of trees and shrubs from many parts of the world. It is the purpose of this publication to serve as a finding list and guide to the Arboretum. The Purpose of the Arboretum One purpose of the Arboretum is to _determine the species and varieties of trees adapted for ornamental, windbreak, and shelterbelt uses in 6hio. There are many varieties of spruces, firs, yews, arborvitae, and other coniferous trees and shrubs growing here for observation by people interested in landscaping and the planting of shelterbelts. Among the more recent additions to the Arboretum is a collection of over 60 varieties of flowering crabapples, 57 selections of hollies and a plot of Chinese dawnredwood. The second purpose of the Arboretum is to determine the spe?ies of trees best adapted for reforestation in Ohio and to determine the silvicultural requirements that will obtain best results in growth and maturity. In addition to taking measurements on the comparative growth and yield of many different tree species, studies are being conducted on the best uses which can be made of products harvested. The new Wood Utilization Research Laboratory which was dedicated in October 1958 is the field headquarters for the Arboretum. Other phases of forest research which are conducted in the Arboretum are in the fields of forest tree improvement, forest tree physiology, soils, and silviculture. It is expected that in future years many additional forest and ornamental plantings " containing new hybrids and superior selections will be established in the Arboretum. Compartment Map and Key List The Secrest Arboretum has been subdivided into 12 compartments and where practical, a key list is given for each plot. The key list is numerical within each compartment. The map on the following page may be used as an orientation map while the individual COl1l!Jartments show the location of the plots. The index is an alphabetical cross reference list of the plants indicated in the various compartments and plots. *Assistant Professor, Agricultural Technician, and Chairman, respectively, Department of Forestry. · I I R'OAD -< ~ i SECREST ARBORETUM KEY· MAP TO COMPARTMENTS soo· 1000' 4 WOODY PLANTS IN COMPARTMETu'T A *l. Ornamental Specimens *2. Ornamental Specimens 18. DOUGLASFIR - P. taxifolia 3. JAPANESE ZELKOVA - Z. serrata 19. RED PINE - P. resinosa 4. McKEE HYBRID POPLAR - P. generosa McKee 20. DUNKHEIJ) LARCH - L. eurolepis 5. Spot seeding: 21. EASTERN BLACK WALNur - J. nigra SCOTCH PINE - P. sylvestris RED MAPLE - A. rubrum EASTERN WHITE PINE - P. strobus 22. SCOTCH PINE - P. sylvestris 6. EASTERN RED OAK - Q. borealis maxima 23. RIGA SCOTCH PINE - P. sylvestris rigensis 7. Volunteer seeding: SCOTCH PINE - P. sylvestris 24. LAPLAND SCOTCH PINE - EASTERN WHITE PINE - P. strobus P. sylvestris lapponica 8. EASTERN RED OAK - Q. · borealis maxima 25. GERMAN SCOTPH PINE - P. sylvestris German *9. CRABAPPLE Specimens - Malus sp. 26. CORSICAN PINE - P. nigra poiretiana *10. FALSECYPRESS Specimens - 27. NORWAY SPRUCE - P. abies Chamaecyparis sp. SIMON POPLAR - P. simoni 11. COMMON BALDCYPRESS - T. distichum 28. CALIFORNIA INCENSECEDAR - L. decurrens 12. EUROPEAN LARCH - L. decidua *29. JUNIPER Specimens - Juniperus sp. 13. SILVER MAPLE - A. saccharinum *30. YEW Specimens - Taxus sp. 14. AMERICAN SWEETGUM - L. styraciflua *31. ·YEW Specimens - Taxus sp. 15. KENTUCKY COFFEETREE - G. dioicus 32. Open 16. JAPANESE POPLAR - P. maximowiczi 33. Open 17. CORSICAN PINE - P. nigra poiretiana 34. Open EASTERN WHITE PINE - P. strobus SCOTCH PINE - P. sylvestris *See list of plot specimens and key sketches that follow 5 Aronia arbutifolia - RED CHOKEBERRY - 19 Buxus microphylla koreana­ KOREAN LITTLELEAF BOX - 10 lo' ~o· Buxus sempervirens rotundifolia 24 ROUNDLEAF COMMON BOX - 14 44 43 Buxus sempervirens suffruticosa - 1 TRUEDWARF COMMON BOX - 13 . 28 28 2 3 Calycanthus floridus - COMMON SWEETSHRUB - 27 45 24 4 5 Catalpa speciosa - 6 NORTHERN CATAIJ?A - 31 10 6 Chionanthus retusus 25 9 CHINESE FRINGETREE - 29 10 7 9 14 Chionanthus virginicus - WHITE FRINGETREE - 37 23 8 14 ·g Clethra alnifolia - 9 13 14 3:1 SUMMERSWEET CLETHRA - 20 22 1112 9 13 Cotoneaster acutifolia - 42 PEKING COTONEASTER - 12, 42 13 29 Cotoneaster apiculata - 15 CRANBERRY COTONEASTER - 28 12 41 31 31 Cotoneaster bullata - 12 HOLLYBERRY COTONEASTER - 15 36 4-2 8 39 Cotoneaster divaricata - 18 35 30 SPREADING COTONEASTER - 6 L~ . 21 Cotoneaster hupehensis - 31 16 llUPEH COTONEASTER - 16 16 40 27 31 35 31 41 21 Cotoneaster integerrima - 16 EUROPEAN COTONEASTER - 4 8 31 - 40 32 34 37 Cotoneaster moupinensis - 8 MOUPIN COTONEASTER - 30 - 8 19 Cotoneaster nitens - 32 31 PINKBLUSH COTONEASTER - 17 31 31 Cotoneaster racemiflora Soongorica - 8 SUNGARI REDBEAD COTONEASTER - 35 27 17 .33 37 20 20 Cotoneaster zabeli - Cl!ERRYBERRY COTONEASTER - 36 20 31 38 3.1 3_8 31 Euonymus alatus - WINGED EUONYMUS - 33 Ilex glabra - INKBERRY - 18 Rosa dilecta Rede - REDE HYBRID TEA ROSE - 44 Euonymus alatus compacta - Ilex opaca - AMERICAN HOLLY - 9 DWARF WINGED EUONYMUS - 34 Rosa spinosissima - SCOTCH ROSE - 2 Itea virginica - VIRGINIA SWEETSPIRE - 14 Euonymus fortunei - Rosa spinosissima lutea - WINTERCREEPER EUONYMUS - 1 Lycium chinense - CHINESE WOLFBERRY - 7 YELLOW SCOTCH ROSE - 43 Euonymus fortunei Carriere! - Metasequoia glyptostroboides - GLOSSY WINTERCREEPER EUONYMUS - 11 DAWNREDWOOD - 24 Symphoricarpos chenaulti Hancock - PROS'I'Rf\TE CHENAULT CORALBERRY - 39 Euonymus kiautschovicus - Pyracantha coccinea - SCARLET FIRETHORN - 8 SPREADING EUONYMUS - 5 Taxus cuspidata expansa - Pyracantha coccinea lalandi - SPREADING JAPANESE YEW - 3 Exochorda racemosa - LALAND FIRETHORN - 21 COMMON PEARLBUSH - 40 Thuja occidentalis nigra - Rhodotypos scandens - BLACK JETBEAD - 45 WillTERGREEN PYRAMIDAL EASTERN Hypericum kalmia.~um - ARBORVITAE - 25 KALM ST. JO!ll'!SWORT - 32 Ribe s alpinum - AIJ?INE CURRANT - 38 6 ORNAMENTAL SPECIMEJilS PLOT A2 /0' ;i.o' 18 30 30 19 17 12 10 18 +9 9 19 9 9 15 10 9 HJ 9 15 14 9 13 31 9 14 9 10 16 24 9 20 10 9 20 31 9 22 23 32 8 10 29 8 7 25 8 10 11EJ33 29 8 28 26 31 lO 21 34 28 26' 3 6 1 4 3 27 27 1 4 3 2 2 5 RAMP Berberis thunbergi atropurpurea - Euonymus bungeanus pendulus - Prunus subhirtella pendula - fu."""'JJLEAF JAPANESE BARBERRY - 15 WEEPING WillTERBERRY EUONYMUS - 27 WEEPING HIGA~! CHERRY - 6 Buxus microphylla japonica - Euonymus europaeus - Rhododendron arborescens - JAPANESE LITTLELEAF BOX - 29 EUROPEAN EUOJITMUS - 26 SWEET AZALEA - 3 Buxus microphylla koreana - Euonymus fortunei vegetus - Rhododendron catawbiense KOREiU'\l LITTLELEAF BOX - 28 BIGLEAF WIIJTERCREEPER EUONYMUS - 5 CATAWBA, RHODODENDRON - 2 Buxus sempervirens - Euonymus yedoensis - Rhododendron luteum - COMMON BOX - 8 YEDDO EUONYMUS - 25 PONTIC AZALEA - 4 Callicarpa dichotoma - Forsythia intermedia spectabilis - Rl1ododendron maximum - PURPLE BEAUTYBERRY - 2lf SHOWY BORDER FORSYTHIA - 12 ROSEBAY RHODODENDRON - 1 Catalpa speciosa - Fraxinus - FLOWERING ASH - 32 Taxus cuspidata capitata - NORTHERN CATALPA - 31 UPRIGn'T JAPAl'\lESE YEW - 9 Halesia monticola - Cercis canadensis - MOUJl'TAIN SILVERBELL - 14 Ulmus americana molini - EASTERN REDBUD - 19 MOLINE AMERICAN EIM - 7 Hibiscus syriacus - SBRUBALT~;EA - 17 Chaenomeles lagenaria moerloosi - Viburnum burkwoodi - PINKSTRIPE COMMOol FLOWERI!lGQ.UINCE - Leuccthoe catesbaei BURKWOOD VIBURNill4 - 30 16 DROOPilW LEUCOTHOE - 33 Weigela florida - 0 Chaenomeles lagenaria lhnbilicata - ~.ahonia aquifolium - OLDFASJ!IONED WEIGELA - 11 UMBILICATA COMMO!l FLOWERINGQ.UIITCE - OREGOI\GR4PE - 10 13 Weigela florida variegata Ptysocarpu.s amure2·1sis - VARIEGATED OLDFASHIONED Deutzia gracilis - P.J.IDR ?HXEE - 23 WZIGELA - 22 SLEll:'DER DEUTZIA - 33 Piciris ~apo21ica - ~leigela vanicek Bristol Ruby - Euonymus alatus compacta - J:..F!C::ZS:J FIERIS 2C. BRISTOL RUBY HYBRID WEIGELA - 34 DWARF WTI~GED :sum·:'IMUS - 13 7 CRABAPPLE SPECIMENS Malus baccata columnaris - COLUMN.AR SIBERIAN CRABAPPLE - 48 PLOT A9 Malus x Brooks #6 - BROOKS #6 CRABAPPLE - 46 2 Malus x Cowichan - COWICHAN CRABAPPLE - 18 Malus x Geneva - GENEVA CRAB.APPLE - 22 7 Malus glaucescens - 8 DUNBAR CRABAPPLE - 14 9 W N 10 Malus halliana - 11 12 Sx E HALLS CRABAPPLE - 13 13 Malus i M454 - MORDEN 454 CRABAPPLE - 44 14 15 Malus x M457 - MORDEN 457 c:R.AB.APPLE - 5 17 18 Malus x M52-12 - MORDEN 52-12 CRABAPPLE - 32, 33 19 20 Malus x Makamik - MAKAMIK CRABAPPLE - 20 21 Malus micromalus ~ MIDGET CRABAPPLE - 42 22 23 24 R OAK ROAD 25 26 I 27 28 v Malus x Oakes(M450) - 29 OAKES CRABAPPLE - 6,- 7, 43 30 E 31 Malus x Pink Beauty (M451) - 32 PINK BEAUTY CRAB.APPLE - 34, 35 33 Malus purpurea lemoinei - 35 LEMOINE PURPLE CRABAPPLE - 27 37 Malus robusta leucocarpa - WHITE CHERRY CRABAPPLE - 17 39 40 M.alus x Rosseau - 41 ROSSEAU CRABAPPLE - 23 42 M.alus x Rudolph -
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