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r····•·• .. ······· ..········• ·······•·1 ~ ........ •-·-•............ _....... _. ......- ...... ... i Vote In ; Support the I+ S.C. Elections. lht <ttommtntator Y.U. Drive J May 9 Official Undergraduate Newspaper of Yeshiva College !-.. ........ ........................................... ....................................................... VOLUME XLIII NEW YORK CITY, TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1956 No. 6 Announce College Tuition Hike; Lighting Inadequate Club Hour Scheduling In Most ol Building figure Set at $700 per Year Con Edison Reveals Procedure Reaffirmed Tuition at Yeshiva College will be changed from eighteen dollars The Consolidated Edison Co. per credit to a flat rate of seven hundred dollars per year, beginning The Student Faculty Relations Committee has reaffirmed the of New York, after a survey of September, 1956, announced Dr. Samuel Belkin, president of Yeshiva established procedure for scheduling of administration requested the illumination levels of various University. This new rate represents a total of 75 per cent per credit events during Club Hour. places in the University, reported increase in, tuition over the past six years. In view of the misunderstanding which arose regarding the "that all of the areas, with a scheduling of a Sophomore assembly during the club period, Profes- The new yearly rate represents few exceptions as noted, are sor Abraham Hurwitz, chairman a charge of $21.88 per credit Nine Students Get inadequately lighted." of the committee, speaking for for a student carrying an average The Con Edison report lists T. I. Scholarships Dean Simeon L. Guterman, stat load of 16 credits per semester. the location, its purpose, maxi• Set May 9 as Date The change in tuition thus raises For Israel Study mum illumination readings found For S.C. Elections; ed that "the administration will the charge per credit by almost there and the mtmmum recom definitely confer with Student Nine fifth and sixth year stu· four dollars, and raises the yearly mended levels of illumination. Council at least one month in ad dents of the Teachers Institute Candidates to Tallc rate for an average load by $124. The minimum recommended for vance to seek their approval be have received full scholarships to Student Council elections for Reason Given a particular spot was the average fore such affairs can be held. No study in Israel for five months in Executive Council and class of lighting requirement over the event which does not meet with Explaining the reason for the the seminar conducted jointly by ficers .will be held Wednesday, the approval of Student Council increase, Mr. Joseph Ellenberg, entire area. Readings recorded in the American Hebrew Teachers May 9, between 12 and 5 p.m., ;will be scheduled during the Club assistant bursar, stated, "Colleges the reports sho.w the highest level Colleges and the Jewish Agency, at the Co-op Store. All prospec Hour." and universities throughout the of the area, and not the average. announced Dr. Hyman Grinstein, tive condidates must have their Club Hour was instituted in country have been faced with the Readings Highest Level . registrar of T.I. They will leave petitions in the Student Council September, 1953, after it was ap constant problem of increased at the end of the summer. "Readings were usually taken mailbox of the College Office not proved by the student body in a operating cost. Yeshiva University, The scholarship recipients are: directly under a fixture where later than Thursday, April 26, referendum submitted to it in because of its double curriculum, Arnold Asher '57, Edward Berger they would be the highest," the at p.m. 2:30 May of that year. The referen has been especially hard pressed to '58, Abraham Bichler '57, Jerry report stated. "The lowest level Candidates for the Executive dum asked the students if they maintain its high educational Feld, Tsvi Ingber '58, Joshua found in a great many of the Council will present their plat· were willing to remain at school standards in the face of these Glatzer '57, Jack Nussbaum '56, areas surveyed approached zero forms and qualifications to the one half hour longer on Thurs costs." Morton Seewald '58, and Jacob foot .candles of artificial illumina student body at an assembly to days so as to provide a free hour The increase in tuition is the Steinhorn '58. tion," continued the report. be held Thursday, May 3, at during the day. Previously, most third since 1950. In July, 1950, The scholarship winners will The maximum reading obtain 2 :30 p.m. in room 404 of the club meetings and assemblies had tuition was raised from $12.50 receive 16 credits for work in ed in the Reading Room of the College. All club meetings will been held in the dormitory dur per credit to $15 per credit. The Talmud, Hebrew and a combined Gottesman Memorial Library was 30 foot candles. The mini be cancelled to enable every stu ing the evening hours, with some charge per credit was changed course in Early Prophets and dent to attend. from $15 to $18 in July, 1952. Archaeology. mum recommended level of il assemblies scheduled for class lumination there ts 50 foot Petitions for Executive Coun• hours. candles. cil candidacy ir.ust bear a mini The vote favored the estab "The center section of the mum of 75 signatures, while a lishment of this ptriod and Club Plans for Y.Un Radio Station main floor of this library has day m1111mum of 35 is required of a Hour was put into. effect the fol light illumination only," Con candidate for a class office. lowing year. Now Awaiting Final -Approval Edison reported. "Seeing condi tions become very ·poor when day By Ella• Herachmann light is inadequate." The report Plans for the establishment of a radio station at Yeshiva are "recommended that a properly Debaters to Oppose co,umbia now awaiting final approval. The idea, which was demonstrated for designed fluorescent system the first time in the Student Council election campaign of May, 1955, be installed." On Question of Israeli Arms received much praise from the student body. Install New System The station will operate on a wired-wireless closed circuit system. The Yeshiva University Debat Joseph Singer '58, president of According to the report, the Broadcasts will be received only ing Society has accepted a chal the Pre-varsity. a public address system that maximum reading obtained in the lenge by the Columbia University by radio sets located inside the gym was one-fifth of the mini main building. However, the sta .wciuld reach · alt parts of the Col· Debate Council to debate the lege and University buildings. mum recommended level. Con topic, "Resolved: That the U. S. Collections Behind tion's transmitters .will be con Edison also recommended that structed in such a manner that Should Supply Israel with Arms." For Charity Drive the lights, which are now semi The debate will be held before should it become desirable to lead Library Consultant recessed, be recessed fully, in• broadcasts into other buildings of the Four Square Club, Tuesday, "The Y. U. Charity Drive has eluding wire guards. April 24. Three Municipal Court raised $1800 so far, far below the University, this could easily To Evaluate Boolcs Out of a total of 45 locations be accomplished. justices will comprise the board what was expected," said Joel In an effort to build the investigated, only seven were Schreiber '57, co-chairman of the Numerous Advantages of judges. Yeshiva .will uphold Pollack Library into one of found to have adequate lighting. the affirmative. Drive. The advantages of such a sta• "In some of the classrooms and Grade A status, the administra Win and Lose Stern College for Women is tion to the Yeshiva student will offices where incandescent light tion of Yeshiva College has en• In its last two debates on the leading all the institutions of the be numerous. It wiU increase in• is now in use," the report gaged the services of a library ing University in per capita contribu terest a-nd participation in st.u4ent concluded, "a fluorescent system national topic, Yeshiva debaters activities. Serving as a University cor'lsultant. His job will be to beat Northeastern University, tions for the Drive, which will ( Co-11ti1111r.d rm page 6) educational medium, it will bring evaluate the library's present col• Sunday, March 18, and lost to end some time in May. lectures, debates and seminars to lection and to off er suggestions N.Y.U., Wednesday, April 11. "It is very important for the the student. Cantorial and . clas, for the purchase of books in the Appropriate Funds Joseph Chervin '58, ancl students to cooperate and give sical selections will also be future. Abraham Shapiro '58, successfully as much as they possibly can," presented. Purchases will be • made espe• For Commentator defended their right to negate said Mr. Schreiber. "The con Present plans provide for dally of books which will be of Student Council has appro• Northeastern's affirmative case tributions are lagging and only broadcasts to be presented Mon• utmost use to students, and those priated funds to be used for without prese11ting a case of their by the full cooperation of every day through Thursday from 9 .which will closely follow the Col• microfilming all back issues of own. Yeshiva, after breaking one concerned can the Y. U. p.m. to 10 p.m. The station lege course subject matter. A THE COMMENTATOR, announced down Northeastern's arguments, Drive be a success." would thus in no way interfere large number of the suggested Paul Rogoway '57, editor.in• declared that only the affirmative vol.umes have·· already been pur• with school hours. chief. The purpose of this action must present a plan. Oratory Contest Located in Tower chased.