2016 • If we want to preserve 2 ARCHAEOLOGY our cultural heritage, WORLDWIDE 2 • 2016 we need your support. Magazine of the German Archaeological Institute AEOLOGY WORLDWIDE ch AR T WG Archaeology Worldwide – volume four – Berlin, December 2016 – DAI Here’s how to help: WWW.TWGES.DE Gesellschaft der Freunde des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts TheodorW iegand Gesellschaft e. V. Wissenschaftszentrum Bonn Ahrstraße 45, 53175 Bonn Photo: Gerlach Nadja Kajan Tel.: +49 228 30 20 It began all of 8,000 years ago. Contacts over a long period between Southern Arabia and the Fax: +49 228 30 22 70 Horn of Africa can be established archaeologically. Just how extensive Southern Arabian influ-
[email protected] ence on Ethiopia was is being investigated by the German Archaeological Institute in a project at Yeha funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Impressive evidence of these trans- TheodorW iegand Gesellschaft regional contacts is provided by the Great Temple of Yeha. This remarkable monument is being Deutsche Bank AG, Essen restored with the help of local workers as part of a joint Ethiopian-German project under way IBAN DE20 3607 0050 0247 1944 00 since 2009. To stabilize the building, steel scaffolding began to be erected in autumn 2016, re- TITLE STORY BIC DEUTDEDEXXX placing a temporary scaffold structure. or Bonner Sparkasse, Bonn IBAN DE88 3705 0198 0029 0058 08 IENT WORLD C Surveying BIC COLSDE33XXX E AN H Your donations are the Ancient World tax-deductible. The natural sciences in archaeology Thank you! SURVEYING T EVERYDAY AR ch AEOLOGY CULTURAL HERITAGE FO C US Close-up Palace of Lasting Happiness Mergers and acquisitions www.dainst.org Everyday life in an ancient Sino-German cooperation The institutionalization of the Egyptian town natural sciences at the DAI THE NEPHRITE SCEPTRE FROM XOM REN in northern Vietnam measures 64 cm and is the biggest ornamental stone artefact from south-east Asia.