Revista Archai E-ISSN: 1984-249X
[email protected] Universidade de Brasília Brasil Funari, Pedro Paulo A. MORCILLO, MARTA GARCÍA. LAS VENTAS POR SUBASTA EN EL MUNDO ROMANO: LA ESFERA PRIVADA. Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona, 2005, 372 pp. ISBN 8447530175. Revista Archai, núm. 1, julio, 2008, pp. 113-115 Universidade de Brasília Disponível em: Como citar este artigo Número completo Sistema de Informação Científica Mais artigos Rede de Revistas Científicas da América Latina, Caribe , Espanha e Portugal Home da revista no Redalyc Projeto acadêmico sem fins lucrativos desenvolvido no âmbito da iniciativa Acesso Aberto REVISTA ARCHAI: REVISTA DE ESTUDOS SOBRE AS ORIGENS DO PENSAMENTO OCIDENTAL ISSN: 1984-249X RESENHA MORCILLO, MARTA GARCÍA. LAS VENTAS POR SUBASTA EN EL MUNDO ROMANO: LA ESFERA PRIVADA. Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona, 2005, 372 pp. ISBN 8447530175. Reviewed by Pedro Paulo A. Funari* This is the twentieth volume of the Collection Instrumenta (Col.lecció Instrumenta), published by the University of Barcelona since 1993 on archaeological and ancient history issues. It is by now an established scholarly series run by Professor José Remesal, comprising edited volumes and monographs, such as this volume, a PhD dissertation, supervised by the series editor and also by Jean Andreau and with the support of Géza Alföldy, among other leading classical scholars of our time. The result is a most comprehensive and updated discussion of auctioneering in the Roman world, as the author discusses a plethora of ancient sources – literary, legal, epigraphic, numismatic as well as papyri – and modern literature, as several hundred books and papers are referred to.