The Influence of Wealth in Imperial Rome
THE INFLUENCE OF WEALTH IN IMPERIAL ROME BY WILLIAM STEARNS DAVIS PROFESSOR OF ANCIENT HISTORY UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1910 All rights reserved COPTKIGHT, 1910, By the MACMILLAlir COMPAITT. Set up and electrotyped. Published October, igio. Berwick & Smith Co., Norwood, Mass., U.S.A. Irb PEEFACE This book attempts to consider various phases in the economic and social life of Ancient Rome; such as has not been treated, except incidentally, in any English work, nor in any French or German work from precisely the same standpoint ; a fact which gives justification for the present essay. The purpose is to consider the influence of money and of the commercial spirit throughout the period of Eoman greatness. Sometimes a liberal interpretation has been given to the term "Money Power," and certain subjects have been discussed not at first sight closely connected with public finance or private industry and commerce. Tet the idea that the Romans owed much, both of their greatness and of their ultimate failure, to the supreme estimate they put upon wealth and its concomitants has never been lost from view. This essay makes no claim to exhaustive or original learning. The evidence of the ancient authors, supple- mented by much testimony from the great Corpus In- scriptionum Latinarum, is however carefully used, and from what is possibly a somewhat new point of departure. Tet modern investigators on one point or another have put the author under a great debt—Friedlaender, Grupp, Mommsen, Marquardt, Voigt, Schiller, Seeck, Hir|h- feld, Schanz, Bloch, Boissier, Duruy, Arnold, Dill and many more, as well as the able contributors to Smith's Dictionary of Classical Antiquities, and to the Pauly- vi PKEPACB Wissowa Real-Encyklopaedie der classischen Alterthums- wissenschaft} Since this book does not claim to be a critical compendium for the advanced scholar, it has not seemed wise to encumber the pages with foot-note references and citations of the classical and modern authorities.
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