
» ‘. ^. V

NET PRESS RUN THE WEATHER AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION PoiMast b7 V» ■• Weather Baveaa# ’ f.t .a ITew H aeea for the month of ilune, 1928

5,141 Fair tf^ilght and Tuesday; not Hrnilipr of (he Aadit Hurenii ol vinnch ch^ge in temperature. CIrcaIntloo*


AT CAPITAL I IN A FEW DAYS oan Quentin Prison, Calif., July-^ City youth was in a frenzy iN B R O O E Y N I 2— Sullen and taciturn William Ed- of rage as he battled Troche, who, IN SEA, REPORTS ! 1j ward Hickman, kidnaper-slayer of was bleeding and almost uncon­ . Marion Parker, refused to disclose scious when rescuea by the guards. To Leave Washington Nextj With Conventions Over, the reason for his vicious battle He was taken to the prison hospital PalorScarfaceAl” of Chi I, liere yesterday with his cell mate. for treatment but would not say London Gets Unconfirmed ; Joseph Troche. why he was attacked by Hickman. Week to Visit Coolidge;| Summer WiU Be Devoted I Aroused by the noise of the Hickman bore but few marks of cago is Murdered in 1 struggle and the yells of other men the struggle. Questioned by prison Report That Norwegian : in condemned row, guards arrived authorities, he would not tell them Then to Travel to Pacific to Inquiring Into Various at Hickman s cell to see him astride | what caused him to suddenly turn Broad Daylight; Other Troche and beating the prostrate on his cell mate, Explorer Was Found in Coast man over the head with the leg of 1 Troche, a condemned murderer Congressional Matters. ^ stool. ‘ i trom El Dorado county, and Hick- Week-End Murders. the Sea— Had Not Been Guards tore Hickman from his ; man have been cell mates for about victim with difficulty. The former \ two months. Washington, July 2 — Herbert Washington, July 2.— Both con­ New York, July 2.— An out­ Seen Since He Set Oil to Hoover today entered what proba- ventions over, a host of Congres- { break of gang warfare in Brooklyn will be his last full week as slonal investigations sprang into ■ SEVEN BALLOONS IPUT GIRL TO SLEEP was feared by police today as a re­ Hunt for Nobile and His iecretary of commerce. renewed life today. ! sult of the murder there yesterday The Republican presidential can- Plans were being made for con­ of Frankie Yale, alias Uale, 35, a Crew. lidate plans to leave Washington tinuance of five Senatorial probes STILL IN THE AIR IN WATKINS STORE racketeer and former pal of “ Scar- ■ipxt week for the Summer White ordered during the last session of face Al” Capone, of Chicago! rlouse, wliere he is expected to hand Con.gres8. These were: j 1. An investigation of the Salt' While riding along a Brooklyn Ixmdon, July 2.— An unconfirm­ his resignation to President Coo- street in his sedan in plain day­ lidge, and then go to California for Creek. Wyoming, oil fields by the i ed report reached Paris this after­ a series of "Home-Coming" affairs Senate public lands and surveys! Mild Winds, However, Indi- Hindu Mysticism to Be Dem- light, Uale was shot by several men noon that the body of Captain committee. and the formal notification of the in another machine. They are be­ Roald Amundsen, missing Nor­ nomination. 2. Investigation of factors sur­ rounding the sinking of the sub­ cate Pilots Will Not Break; onstrated at Store To­ lieved to have used a sawed-off wegian explorer, has been found in Reaching his desk early Hoover shotgun or a sub-machine gun. summoned a number of commerce marine S-4 last December off the sea of the Norwegian coast department advisors. It was thought Provlncetown, Mass.-, by a sub­ Distance Record. morrow at 5:10 p. m. The only clue police had today said an Exchange Telegraph dis­ committee. was that the car bore either Illi­ that Hoover would give much af patch from Paris. his attention this week to depart­ 3. Inquiry into New Jersey , nois or Indiana license plates. They Senatorial primaries campaign ex-! A young lady will be put to sleep were not alone in seeking the kill­ Efforts are being made to obtain mental affairs, which he hoped to Detroit, July 2.— With seven of put in perfect order to be handed to peuditures and practices during the in one of Watkins Brothers big ers. A band of the dead gangster’s official confirmation of the report. the successor. recent contests in which Hamilton the 12 balloons in the Gordon Ben­ windows on Main street tomorrow henchmen, grimly silent, waited at Captain Amundsen was one of nett international race reported police headquarters to learn the the three men aboard a French Work with Cooiidge Fish Kean was nominated to a seal afternoon at 5:10. The hynotic In- Chairman Hjiiberi Work, of the in the U. S. Senate, by the Reed down, there appeared today to be progress of the police investigation sea plane which set out from national committee, is at the Sum­ slush fund committee. little chance for those still in the lluence of Hamid Bey, an exponent into the shooting. Tromsoe, Norway, two weeks ago mer White House today and will 4. Conclusion of probes into pre- air to beat last year's distance rec­ of Hindu mysticism, will be used to Known to Police today to search for the missing be out of Washington most of the ord of 800 miles. put the woman to sleep. She will be Uale, known to police as a gang­ members of the Nobile expedition. convention presidential campaign awakened later tomorrow evening week. Aside from a few anticipated expenditures by a special Senate Mild winds and low pressure ster, strike-breaker, "fixer," and The others in the plane were R“ne callers there will not be much of areas have hindered the progress of at the State theater. lately a bootlegger, \vas literally Guilbaud, the pilot and Lieut Leif committee headed by Senato- The demonstration will serve to political nature confronting Hoover Stelwer. Republican of Oregon. the balloons. The remaining bags shot to pieces. Six shots had been Dletrlchsen, another Norwegian ex­ until he leaves Washington. are expected to land today or to­ introduce to the public Hamid Bey, aimed at his head, and the skull plorer. Tentative plans call for Hoover’s I 5. A ))robe to determine whetlier who will demonstrate his abilities I political offices were, "sold” in night. was mangled almost beyond recog­ The plane was never definitely arriving at San Francisco July 16. Two of the balloons made dan at me local theater tomorrow and nition. heard from although fishermen re­ li. going west he will skirt Chicago I Georgia and other states, by a sub- gerous landings on mountainsides Wednesday. Hamid Bey’s greatest The murder car sped away, while ported seeing a plane 60 miles claim to distinction is being burled without a stop on his way to Brule. committee of the Senate post of­ in West Virginia. Uale’s auto crashed through ’a south of Bear Island on June 18 Wis. The present program calls fices and roads committee. Those ill Race. alive. H( will demonstrate his abili­ fence and came to a stop in a yard. ty to live while buried in a box oi which may have been the Amund­ for the westward trek via Omaha, The Stelwer presidential cam­ According to reports to the Witnesses said the murder car was sen seaplane. Bear island is about Nebr., Cheyenne, Wyo., Ogden, paigns committee, in addition to board of commerce the United sand at the State theater. an expensive black sedan and had Recently at a Shrine convention half way between the Spltzbergen Utah, Nev., Sacramento and San cleaning up probes begun before States has one entry, an army ba.g an Indiana or an Illinois license. coast and Tromsoe. Francisco. Hoover is to be met at the convention must keep watch piloted by W. E. Kepner still in the in Providence, R. 1., Hamid Bey Street Crowded Reno by Gov. C. C. Youn.g of Cali­ was buried in the sands of the sea. CAPT. RO^LD AMUNDSEN over the Hoover and Smith drives, race, Germany has two, and The street was crowded, and NOBILE’S PARTY. fornia and Mayor of and must find time to investigate two. Water from the Providence river scores of men, women and children San Francisco. charges that Cuban sugar was with­ seeped into his temporary grave and scurried for cover as the guns bark­ King’s Bay, Spltzbergen, July The “ Detroit’’ manned by Wil­ when he was removed an hdur later Hoover is making no speeches held from the during liam C. Nayor landed on a moun­ ed. One of the bullets crashed 2.— The Norwegian relief ship until after the notification cere­ the war to keep prices high. his body was soaked with salt water through the windshield of a parked Fram wirelessed that the Russian tain near Cass, W. Va., and the proving that he had actually been BURGLARS MURDER NOTED PLAYWRIGHT monies, according to the program. To Start Soon. "Wallonie," Belgian entry piloted car and narrowly missed little ice-breaker Krassin has reached He discouraged a plan of his friends under sand and water and still the Hinlopen Strait and expects to Stelwer and Senator Brattan (D) by Joseph Thoniard, came down on lived. Jeanette Weinstein, 10, who was to bring about receptions in cities of New Mexico, will meet within a mountainside near Beverly, W sitting in the car. get within sight of the marooned through which he would pass on the On the same program with Hamid COP IN MEDFORD DROWNED IN FRANCE members of the Nobile expedition two weeks to continue the presi Va. Bey at the State will appear Huber, It was Uale, police say, who suc­ way west, but it was indicated that dentlal campaign probe into Cali­ ceeded in getting Scarface Al Ca­ today. should crowds gather at the rail­ The Denmark entry in charge of S. a magician of unusual ability. Hu­ fornia pre-conventlcn , campaign A. U. Rasmussen, was reported pone off when thfe latter was he’ d Great faith. Is held here in the way stations Hoover will offer a ber will entertain while Hamid Bey chances of the hiTge Ice-breaker’s few informal words of greetings. costs, and will then return east to down near Roanoke, Va. is buried beneath the, sand on the in connection with the slaying of begin the sugar inquiry. This "Peg Leg” Lofergan, the succesls to Patrolman’s Body Found on Avery Hopgood Who Wrote reaching the men. The Krassin is Managers’ Plans The German balloon "Ernest stage. Other feats Hamid Bey can Hoover’s managers are anxious committee will prepare reports foi Brandenberg” piloted by Captain accomplish are the hypnotizing of "Wild Bill" Lovett as chief of one of the most powerful craft of for the country to get a look at the new session of Congress both Otto Bertram made a landing at a rabbit and a chicken. Brooklyn’s stevedores. As a result Sidewalk by Milk Drivers; “ The Bat” and Other Suc­ its kind in the world and Is the Hoover, as his appearances before of the presidential campaign ex­ Davis, W. Va. of this, Capone and Uale had been only one of the relief ships con­ general audiences, especially in the penditures and the sugar charges. close friends, according to police, ceded to have a chance to conquer middle-west have been infrequent. A sub-committee of the Reed U. S. FINANCES SOUND and it is believed that Uale may Slayers Escape. cesses Dies Accidentally. the ice floes and rescue the ma­ slush fund committee will go to have been slain by enemies of the rooned party of six. (Five mem­ (Continued on page 2) Atlantic City to determine the ver­ gunman. bers of the lost Italia's crew and acity of charges that exhorbitant COUPLE IS DROWNED END OF FISCAL YEAR Other Murders the Swedish aviator Lundborg, sums of monev were spent du-ing Police are also seeking four Medljord, Mass., July 2.— Shot Juan-Les-Pins, France, July 2.— who rescued General Nobile, com­ the Senatorial primaries, and that WHILE TESTING BOAT masked bandits who killed Frank and killed by burglars while on line The career of Avery Hdpwood, not­ prise the marooned party). voters wre imported" from other Debt Reduced 907 Millions; Ducallo, 34, in a raid on a card of duty, the body of Patrolman ed American playwright and pro­ Continued heavy fogs forced game in a Brooklyn barber shop BUSINESS DROPS places. Enoch Johnson, political 1928 Surplus is 398 Mil- Francis J. Gilleland was found early ducer, was ended today. two of the Italian rescue planes to leader of Atlantic City, will come rp . early today. turn back on their last attempt to lions. today on the sidewalk at the cor­ Hopwood was seized witli a before the sub-committee when it! Take Turn at Full Mystery surrounds the murder reach the marooned men, now of Benjamin Kanowitz, killed by a ner of Boston avenue and North visits the resort. ] Speed; Fireman Killed., Washington. July 2. — The cramp while swimming off the drifting precariously on an ice-floe FOR TROLLEY CO. Rushing to the Scene. bomb last night as he started his street, Medford Hillside. beach here at nine o’clock last which may break up at any time. American government went into motor car. His relatives said he the new fiscal yeai today with fi­ The gunmen, after pumping night and drowned before air could If the weather permits, a light had no enemies and had not re­ three bullets into the body of the OBREGON IS CHOSEN Buffalo. N. Y., July 2. — The nances in a sound position and in­ reach him. plane equipped with skis will at­ barge canal near Pendleton was ceived any threats. patrolman were believed to have dications of another surplus next He went swimming with a party tempt to alight on the ice where Steam Roads acid Telegraph being dragged today for the bodies The bomb, apparently connected escaped in an automobile. TO SUCCEED CALLES June. with the self starter, tore Kano- of friends an hour or two after par­ the men have their encampment of James Driscoll, 21, of Beach Secretary of the Treasury Gilleland was attempting to cap­ today. witz’s left leg from his body, shat­ ture robbers who had broken into taking of a heavy dinner. In the Companies in State Also Ridge, and Miss Marie Smith, 24, Mellon Issued a statement, show­ tered the windows of a nearby darkness he became separated from of Pendleton, who were drowned ing the public debt was reduced the Jewett drug store. He received ! Backed by Socialists and Social bank, and set the auto on fire. The a bullet in the center of the fore­ the rest of the party. When it be­ when the speedboat in which they $907,000,000 in the year which missing leg was not found. came evident that he was in dis­ Democrats in Mexico— No were cruising capsized while head, another in the left cheek and Report Decrease. Trouble at Polls. closed June 30. At ,the close of The victim was a fruit dealer. a third over the heart. tress, life-guards attempted to save THIRTY STRICKEN making a turn. Witnesses said the year the gross debt amounted His wife admitted to police that he him but he went down for the last the craft attempted to make the The patrolman’s pistol was Vera Cruz, July 2.— Returns to­ to $17,604,000,000, representing formerly was a bootlegger. clutched In his hand. time before they reached him. Hartford, Conn., July 2— Steam turn at full speed, shot ten feet a reduction of approximately nine Was Touring France. day indicated that Gen. Alvaro Ob- into the air and overturned. The Two milk wagon drivers discov­ AT WEDDING FEAST roads, trolley roads and telegraph regon, who was elected to succeed billion dollars since August, 1919. ered the body. They sent in a hur­ Hopwood arrived here several occupants disappeared beneath the The annual interest rate on the days ago and stayed at the Hotel companies operating in Connecti­ President Calles yesterday in an un­ surface. ried telepnone call To police head­ cut have fallen upon slightly less contested poll, will have the back­ debt at the year’s close was 3.87 quarters. A physician, summoned Provencal. He was touring France prosperous days than usual, to ing of a favorite National Assem­ Driscoll was practicing for the per cent., as compared with 3.96 WILKINS WELCOMED by police, pronounced the patrol­ and had planned to return to Paris judge from the size of the taxes bly. outboard speedboat races to be per cent. June 30, 1927, and 4.29 man dead. In a few days before for One Dead From Eating held at Tonawanda on the Fourth per cent, in 1921, Mellon said. Boy’s Story New York. He was only 44 years these concerns have been asked to The returns showed that the So­ of July. pay the state this year. William cialists and Social Democrats, who The 1928 surplus was $398,- Twelv 3-year-old John Leonard, old. Chicken Salad; Cook Was BY NEW YORK CITY 5 ' - , f H. Blodgett, state tax commission­ are strongly behind Obregon, are The accident cost a third life 000,000 a few million lower than who lives near the drug store, told Funeral arrangements have not er, figures that railroads, though running ahead in the races for both when the volunteer fire depart­ had been estimated. The govern­ police that he heard men running yet been announced. they pay the state $1,926,444.17 Houses of the Assembly. ment at Wendlcvihe v.'as asked to ment had receipts of $4,042,000,- near the store shortly after 3 a. m. Hopwood jumped into the lime­ a Typhoid Carrier, in taxes, will pay $92,662.56 less The election yesterday was un­ bring grappling hooks to recover 000, and expenditures of $3,644,- Next he heard three pistol shots. It light when he was only 22 years old than a year ago. And while the marred by any serious outbreaks. the bodies. The speeding fire 000,000, according to final figures. Arctic Aviator and His Pilot was from his story that police re­ and fresh from, the University of The polls in the larger cities were truck collided with a milk truck, constructed the crime. electric railways pay $396,981.37 Michigan by writing “ Clothes” in Boston, July 2— One death and , heavily guarded. The saloons still and Robert Urban, 18, a fireman, All three bullets that lodged in collaboration with Channing Pol­ they are paying upward of $26,- In Big Parade on Their thirty cases of sickness resulting 000 less than usual. And the remained closed today to prevent was killed. INTENSE HEAT KILLS the body of Patrolman Gilleland lock. third big decrease in tax amounts any gatherings which might result Two other firemen were thrown had been fired at close range. Any­ Born in Cleveland. from eating chicken salad at a wed­ in disorder. I to the road and Injured slightly. one of the three would have proved He was born In Cleveland on ding breakfast in Chicopee was be­ is in the tax against telegraph Arrival. fatal. companies where the payment of Many persons, fearing disorders, 18 AROUND NEW YORK May '28, 1884. In the Interim be­ lieved by state health authorities stayed indoors all day yesterday, Police Theory $43,693 is $3,243.43 less than ANOTHER A. L. GIFT. tween his graduation and his ar- today to have been traced to Mrs. usual. and none of the larger cities pre- i Police expressed the opinion that sented their usual Sunday holiday 13 Drown and Others Die in New York, July 2.— New York’s Joseph Douval, of Springfield, who Public Utilities. Hartford, Conn., July 2— Elliott for 18 years has been a typhoid appearance. No one was allowed to B. Bronson, fl^ld agent for the Auto Wrecks and Prostra­ highest honor to visiting notables (Continued on page 2) (Continued on Page 2) Public utilities of all sorts will carry firearms during the election. carrier and did not know It. pay aggregate taxes of $3,871,- state commission on forests and tions. today was bestowed upon Captaiu Mrs. Douval, the individual sus­ 681.10 on 1927 earnings. There wild life, today announced he hac Sir G eorge^ubert Wilkins, Aus­ pected of being the source of the QUEZON NEEDS REST. accepted for the state a gift of are twelve types of utilities oper­ r.ew York, July 2— Intense heat, tralian aviator and explorer who Chicopee outbreak of typhoid show­ ating In the state, and their total seventeen acres adjoining the and the efforts of week-end throngs Flood, Rescue, Train Wreck ed the presence of typhoid organ­ Los Angeles, Calif., July 2.— American Legion state forest in to avoid It, were blamed today for flew across the Arctic circle from earnings \/ere above $148,000,000 Saying he was in need of a rest, isms in a specimen examined at the Barkhanistead as an addition to the death of eighteen persons in and Alaska to Spltzbergen last April, laboratory of the State Department according to the state board of Manuel Quezon, Fllipln,j leader, equalization which estimates such that forest. Th.j is the third gift about Greater New York. and his American pilot, Ben Elel- Excite Berkshire Folks of Public Health, according to an­ declared his return to Manila is of the sort from Connecticut de- Thirteen perished by drowning nouncement from Dr. George H. things for tax purposes. indefinite. He cancelled steamer son. A decrease in the whole tax is partment, American Legion, mak-l®’°‘^ killed in automo City Hall park was fllled to over­ Bigelow, health commissioner. reservations for himself and fam­ ing the forest tract 'bile accidents. One man, John Cad- Prepared by Carrier noted this year for the first time in now total flowing with a crowd only slightly Pittsfleld, Mass., July 2,— Flood, New York express carrying wealthy ily last night. rack, of East Canaan, Conn., died Chicken salad was prepared by many years. about 340 acres. less numerous than those that wel­ rescue, train wreck and divorce ^ ^summer residents - to the latter In Fordham hospital of heat pros­ Mrs. Douval at her home for the Steam Railroads. comed Lindbergh, Byrd and the gave natives and society In the city. The Pullmans and diner flll­ tration. guests at the wedding breakfast. Earnings of the four steam rail­ Bremen fliers when the Polar fliers Berkshire hills today plenty of top­ ed with passengers left the rails as About 2,000,000 persons joined She was aided by another woman road companies operating in the drove up to the city’s executive ics for conversation. the first car of the train split a Coast Guard Saves Sailors In an exodus from the city by train, who Is shown not to be a typhoid state last year amounted to $57,- headquarters to be received by act­ While state and county aid was switch at Housatonic. The engine auto and boat. Many of them are carrier. The alleged carrier stated 607,733.82. Next In size of earn­ ing Mayor Joseph V. McKee. sought to repair the thousands of and the two last cars remained on not expected to return until after that some 18 years ago she had an ings came combined gas and elec­ Hie Parade. dollars damage done to highways the tracks. A chef in the dining Small Boat Off Coast the fourth. indefinite illness which was thought tric concerns with a total of $20,- The distinguished visitors were and crops by a cloudburst over car was scalded. Beaches,, jammed to capacity yes­ to be “appendicitis.” J accompanied on their triumphant Tryingham, the heroism of Miss 195.761. Electric light and power terday, were crowded again today. The summer colony of Stcfck- Dr. Bigelow statecTthat her phy­ parade from the Battery by Sir ■Victoria Tytus, beautiful society companies earned $15,790,568 and Aroused*by the heavy toll of drown- bridge was startled by the news sician and the local board of 'health Boston, Mass., July 2.— Telling a.fcin their own rescue by tying up to Henry Armstrong, British Consul girl of Washington, D. C., was being, street railways $13,508,253, while ings, the management have called from Reno, Nev., that Mrs. Mar- and the department’s district health tale of several hours of horror in the bell buoy. General; Assistant Secretary of discussed over society tea tables. the telephone companies earned all available life guards into serv­ garet Kalt Treadway had obtained officer are interviewing Mrs. Douval The Eugenie, three days out of Commerce ’William P. MacCracken, $18,692,742. the path of giant combers off a ice. Miss Tytus, who was recently pre­ a divorce from Heaton I. Treadway, today, explaining what the dangers Gloucester, had a $2,500 cargo of in charge of the division o£ aero­ Express companies took in $1,- rdcky coast, fifteen seamen, mem­ At the Rockaways, where the sented at the Court of St. James, son of Congressman Allen T.- 'tread- are in connection with a typhoid fresh mackerel enroute to Newport nautics, Dr. Isaiah Bowman, presi­ battled waist deep in water for her 101.762, telegraph companies $1,- bers of the crew of the sunken fish­ Sunday crowds were estimated at way. Mr. Treadway is the owner- carrier to the public health, and from the South Shoals lightship dent of the American Oeorgraphical own life and that of her seamstress, 459,980, gas companies $9,459,534. ing schooner Eugenie, arrived here 600,000. Three mei^ were drowned manager of two summer: hotels. 'The cautioning her not to handle food when it piled up on the rocks In Society, and a group from North Miss Mary Mackay— and won. water and water power concerns today. The fishermen were rescued and seventeen bathers were rescued. couple were married nine years ago. for others. It she follows scrupul­ the fog. Dakota, including Ole Eielson, fath­ $4,992,716, car companies $1,108,- Driving to her mother’s moun­ They have a six yean old. daughter. ously this ailvice, there if no t*Mon by Coast Guardsmen from a seine Members of the crew told a story er ot the pilot, and Arthur Eielson, 047, combined electric and water boat which they had attached to a ENDURANCE TEST tain estftte. Miss Tytus was caught Mts. Trdadway Ttras the former Miss why she should ;be a g flU /tl^ cause companies $36,486, and motor bus of the heroism oi Csptain Frank Dessau, Germany, July 2— Aviators a brother. in the rush of a brook which swept Margaret Kalt, daughter of a bell buoy off Beavertall, R. I. Foote and Seaman Patrick Kenney. ot sickness, he said. companies of the state $4,017,808. Johann Rlstlcs an Wilhelm Zlm- In the aldermanlc chambers Act­ Into the highroad. ' When her auto wealthy New York lumberman. The Fog and uncbartered rocks off Both men stayed on the vessel \to Weddltt guetis were Various Groups. mermann hopped off here at 3:46 ing'M&.>i)r McKee delivered to the became stalled. Miss TytuA gst out divorce was granted, i^scordlng to the dangerous Rhode Island point see that every one was safe al­ from ^Uad«lp;fiak,v.;K Taxes assessed against each a. m., today in an effort to break explorers the symbolic key, to the Into the water waist deep and, tAk- advices from Reno, ;on a cress ac­ sent the $26,000 fisherman to the though they knew that the craft' CdniL,^ east. group follow: the world's aviation endurance city, and welcomed them home ing Miss Mcakey by the hand, tion filed by, Mrs. Tnadivay to a bottom and left the seine boat with would probably founder any minute Steam railroads, $1,926,444.17. record o f 69 hours and 36 minutes. from their daring . cnilse. Both fought her way to a farmhouse. divorce suit Uliad by hei^ husband its human freight tossing In the In 40 feet of water. They were fin-, They are flying a Junkers plane— fliers spoke briefly, their addresses Train Derailed. waters of Blmk Island Sound for ally swept aft by a wave and pick­ and charging desertion. ^iTha Urife a sister ship of the transrAtlautlc being broadcast over “ WNYC," tjie Socie^^also discussed tha_dihe^ddrall- had been given a’'trdst-;tB|ii! tCo$iUnued oa hours befor* jttUBK.aoBrA jible ed up.-by tbeir oompauldink' B n munolpal station. " sam of tho-Piti tha eouploaoBiaisiMlilk: 1 7 4 8 3 9 -• 5 .-


must build upon an adequate base. four brothers, John Wright, James All are believers in the, law of cause Wright, Thomas Wright and Rich­ Plan Chain Of Television Static DEFINES PATRIOnSH and .effect and that the cause mufet ard Wright, all of this town. There Local Stocks N . Y . Stocks have been adequate to produce the OBITUARY are also 10 grandchildren. effect noted. Seventeen centuries Mr. Wright was a member of St. Across United States And England FOR UWAHIS CLUB ago our ancestors were coarse and Mary’s Episcopal church and a # cruel savages roaming the plains of service will be held there tomorrow Furnished by Patnnm ft Co. afternoon at 2:30. A short funeral London.— Plans of the Baird cleared away the final obstiJBlea i Hartford, Conn. High Low 1 p. m. northern . Today their chil­ Alied Chem ..172% 170 170% dren the “ heirs of all the ages, DEATHS- service will be held at his late home Television Company, pioneers in the to the perfection of our machine. at two o’clock tomorrow afternoon, Then we will throw it open 4o the Bank Stocks Alls C h a l___ 120 120 120 foremost in the files of time.” new field of pictorial transmission Am Bosch . . . 34% 33% 33% Rev. R. A Colpitis Speaker What cause produced such amazing also. Rev. J. s. Neill, rector of St. public, and Bimultaneously our Bid Asked Mary’s will officiate. Burial will be by wireless, to establish a chain of broadcasting stations in England Bankers Trust Go . . . 300 Am Can ...... 88 86% 86% effect? What explains this march Am Loco ...... 97% 97% 97% from savagery to civilization and GAS POISON TAKES In the East cemetery, here, and the broadcasting stations throughout and in America will begin to op­ 3apitol Nat B & T . . .305 at Weekly Meeting This Odd Fellows will be in charge of the United States and England, erate. City Bank & Tr ...1050 Am Smelt . . . .192% 190% 191 world leadership? There is but one Am St Fdy . . . .54% 54% 54% answer. A high moral idealism the burial service. The bearers will were revealed to Interfational ‘The scale of our operations na­ Conn R iv e r...... 425 71 be John Wright, James Wright, News Service today by Captain O. turally remains problematical, for Fst Bnd & Mort .. 60 Am Sugar . . . .71% 71 Noon. which grew out of the religious MRS. M CEVin’ S LIFE Am T Q T . . .175% 175% 175% m'essage carried to our pagan fore­ Benjamin Wright and Richard M. Hutchinson, manager of the thlevision is a new and revolution­ First Nat (Htfd) .285 300 Wright, all brothers, of this town, company. In ah interview. ary thing, and the public will have Htfd-Conn Tr Co 810 Anaconda .... 68% 67% 68 bears. It is still true that “ righ­ Atchison .... 189% 188 188% teousness exalteth a nation” and Francis McCaughey, a nephew, of The first of tnese broadcasting to be "educated” up to it before it Htfd-Nat Bank Tr 610 Rev. Robert A. Colpltts, pastor this town and William Moffett, a stations is under construction at is commonly used. But we believe Land Mtg & Title 60 Beth S t ...... 56 55% 56 whatsoever a nation as an individ­ Can Pac . . . . 205 % 205% 205% of the South Methodist Episcopal ual sows shall determine the harv­ Lies Down on Conch After brother-in-law, of Salem, Mass. Jamaica, Long Island, and accord­ that before a year has passed, reg­ Morris Plan Bk . .160 — church, was the speaker at the ing to Captain Hutchinson, others ular television broadcasts will be in Park St Bank ...... 750 C M & St Paul .34% 34% 34% est to be gathered. do pfd .... 43 43 43 weekly meeting of the, Manchester “ Some day Americans are going will follow in quick succession. A swing, and those ' with foresight Phoenix St B & T ----- 480 510 Kiwanls club this noon at the Lighting Heater— Family powerful station of this type, which enough to have purchased or con­ Riverside Trust . . . .600 C & N W ___ 82 82 82 to learn, though it may be after FUNERALS Cons Gas . . . .153% 151% 152% Country club headquarters. His much sorrow and tears, that George can be used either for trans-Atlan­ structed a receiving set will expe­ Bonds 70 subject was appropriate -to the Washington was eternally right in tic or-local broadcasting, has al­ rience the thrill of their life. Corn Prod .... 71 70 Away. R^rs. Isabel Doyle. Htfd & Conn W 6... 95 Del & Hud ..191 191 191 national holiday and was of such his farewell address when he sug­ ready been installed in the com­ To Aid Students East Conn Pow 5... 101 103 vital importance that it is printed gested that national strength and The funeral of Mrs. Isabel Doyle pany’s office here. “ The New York organization 121 Dodge Bros .. 14% 14 14% Conn L P 7 s ...... 118 B r i e ...... 53% 53% 53% In part below: stability depended upon national was held at the undertaking par­ Common As Radio plans to begin shortly the dissem­ Conn L P 5 % s ...... 108 110 Gen Elec ___ 151 149% 150 morality; and that morality does Closing tlhe windows because of lors of Thomas G. Dougan of 59 “ Television,” Captain Hutchinson ination of instructions to amateur Conn L P 4 % s ...... 102 103 “AN ADEQUATE PATRIOTISM” not come apart from the divine in­ an approaching storm, turning on Holl street yesterday at 3:30 and said, “ will soon be as common as 105% Gen Mot ____ 189% 187% 188 wireless students, in order that they Brld Hyd 6s ...... 104 Gi.Het Raz . . .102% 102% 102% struction. We may make our cities the gas with the evident Intention at St. Mary’s church at 4 o’clock. the radio. Before many months may equip their sets for the recep­ Insurance Stocks 22 “ In a certain old book to be and towns as beautiful as we of heating water and then lying Rev. J. Q, Neill officiated and have passed, the average llstenerin tion of television. The same will 780 Insplrat ...... 22 22 Aetna I n s u r ...... 760 Int Harv . . . .265 265 265 found In the most of American please; we may make every street a down on a couch caused Mrs. Mary burial was In the East Cemetery. will only have to manipulate a sup­ he done here, and if the response Aetna Casualty ....1000 1050 homes the Hebrews are spoken of park and them with palaces McEvitt, widow of Joseph McEvItt, The bearers were Edward Murray, plementary switch on his radio, to that we expect to follow the Inno­ 860 Int Nick ----- 93% 93% 93% Aetna L i f e ...... 850 Kennecott .... 90 % 89% 89% as a peculiar people. I am sure of art and literature and music. But Walnut street, at Cedar street, to Joseph Weir, Robert Chambers’, receive on a specially constructed vation, it will not ,be long before Autom obile...... 370 390 shall not justify a charge of irrev­ unless righteousness and sobriety succumb to gas poisoning last William Finnegan,-David Ritchie screen the Images of persons ap­ there is a television broadcast sta­ 1700 Int Paper . . . .73% 73 73 Conn General ...... 1600, Mack Truck .. 97 94% 94% erence or of careless handling of and the fear of God and faith in a night. She was found dead three and Meredith Stevenson. pearing before the televisor broad­ tion in every state of the United Hart Fire ...... 805 810 hours later at six o’clock by her Marl O i l ...... 35 34% 34% that venerable book if I speak of future characterize its people It may cast many miles away. States.” Htfd Steam Boil .... — 800 Mo Pac com . . 62 61% 61% Americans as a peculiar people, become but a sty of corruption to be son, John. “ Experiments have shown that a Trans-Atlantic broadcasting‘Cap­ Lincoln Nat Lite . . . — 135 New Hav .... 58% 58% 58% do so because they possess a pe­ consumed by anarchy, lust and Mrs. McEvitt, who was 70 years t-slevisor receiving apparatus can tain Hutchinson said, was merely N ational...... 1015 1100 Nor Am Co ....69% 69% 69% culiar history, have Inherited death. To live happily a nation of age, was of a nervous disposition MISS FISH TO CONDUCT be constructed at a cost of less than one phase of the Baird Company’s Phoenix ...... 760 770 Nor Pac ...... 95% 95% 95% peculiar patrimony and if much of must live nobly; to live nobly she and subject to fainting spells. Yea $250, and the manufacture of them prospectus. •» Travelers ...... 1790 1830 must live righteously; to live righ­ terllay afternoon she was busy on a large scale for the use of ama­ 250 Penn R R .... 64 % 64% 64% ^ “ I hope that it will prove a prof­ Travel rights ...... 245 Post Cer . . . . 129 % 127% 127% teously she must obey the divine about the house and after finishing PRIVATE SCHOOL HERE teurs will begin shortly. itable scheme, and I am sure it "Public Utility Stocks Pull new .... 83 % 83% 83% law. America will be ours so long her work was sitting on the veran “ These can be used In conjunc­ will,’' he declared. “ Will not Am­ Conn Elec Svs pfd . . . 97 R a d io '...... 184% 181 182% as we are worthy. Tlve process may da, having refused an offer of her tion with the ordinary radio, and erican tourists in London jump at Conn LP8% ...... 119 Sears Roe .... 109% 108% 108% be slow but the result will be cer son John to go riding because of Miss Ethel M. Fish, teacher of 24 as our plans progress, we will com­ the chance of putting themselves in Conn L P 7% ...... 117 Sou Pac ...... 120% 120% 120% I tain. When we prove recreant and the sound of thunder and the pos years’ experience in public school bine television with ordinary broad­ front of\^ machine, and waving Conn L P 6% % pfd. 112 S O of N J . . 44 43-8 43% unworthy then the torch will be sibilitles of an approaching storm work will open a school next Sept­ casting. so that the amateur may “ hello’ to the folks back homo? Conn L P 5%% pfdlOl Studebaker .. 67% tossed to other hands, better fitted When the rain started she was ember. It will be known as Sunny- see and hear his entertainment at Conn Power Co ....135 67% 67% "But our ultimate plans are the U S Rubber . .28% 27% 28 . than ours to hold it aloft. Ours has noticed by neighbors to enter the side Private school. The school will the same time. establishment of a chain of broad­ do frac ...... 1.20 U S Steel . . . .137 136 ” 36 % been “ a goodly heritage.” Shall we house and went about closing the be conducted in three rooms of the “ Our apparatus has reached such cast stations, so that radio hearers Green W&G pfd ------9 8 Westing ...... 95 94 94 prove worthy of that heritage? windows to prevent the rain from Fish homestead at 217 North Elm a high degree of perfection,” Cap­ Hart El Lt ...... 133 can see as well as hear what is go­ Willys Over . . 22 22 Time will tell.” coming In. Nothing more was no­ street, and is being established tain Hutchinson continued, “ that do v t c ...... — 21% ing on. The possibilities of this in­ Charles E. House won the at­ ticed until her son John returned largely because of the demand for the results will amaze the world vention are enormous, staggering, Hart Gas com ...... 105 shortly before 6 o’clock. Entering individual instruction which has when they are first seen publicly. and so satisfactory have been our do pfd ...... 80 tendance prize, an electric fan, do­ nated by Merton Strickland. The the back door he detected the odor been revealed to Miss Fish in her “ The two way television appara­ experiments thus far that I have S N E T C o ...... 165 of gas. He went through Into the work as a private tutor. tus which will be in operation with­ do riglTts ...... 14 second prize sent on by George H. not the slightest doubt that the end HOOVER WINDS Wilcox to be awarded to one of dining room and then to the front Miss Fish began her career as a in a few months between London of this year will see its potentiali­ Mantacturing Stocks part of the house to the parlor, the “ Nuts” in the recent attend­ public school teacher at East Wind­ and New York, will be used for ex­ ties known, seen and appreciated by Am H a r d ...... 69 71 where Mrs. McEvitt was found on a perimental purposes until we have American Hosiery . . . 22 ance contest was won by Thomas sor. Later she spent 9 years in the public.” couch, her eye glasses In her hand. Hamden schools, 10 years in Man­ American Silver .... 25 UP HIS WORK Ferguson. Jack Sanson of the He tried to arouse her, but being Arrow El pfd ...... 103 State theater brought with him chester and recently resigned her Gas companies, $132,679.11. unable to do so ran out and called position In West Hartford after Automatic Refrig ... 12 Haip^d Bey who Is to be at the neighbors. Gas and electric companies, Acme W ir e ...... — theater the first few days of the two years’ work there. She has ABOUT TOWN $257,033.34. Seeing that Mrs. McEvitt was spent her summer vacations during Billings Spen com . . — AT CAPITAL week, and who demonstrated hjs Electric power, $201,893.48. unconscious and no pulse was beat­ the past few years in preparation At Us meeting on Friday eve­ do p f d ...... — ability as a mentallst. ing Dr. Mortimer E. Moriarty, who Electric and water, $547.30. for this work, taking courses with ning, King David lodge, No. 31, Bigelow-Htfd com . . 91 (Continued from Page 1.) Through the courtesy of Arthur was at his home on the next street, Water and power, $73,048.96. do p f d ...... 100 Chicago and Clark University and I. 0. O. F., elected the following A. Knofla, each Kiwanian received was called. He came at once, but spending two seasons at the Hyannis Car companies, $33,241.45. Bristol B ra ss...... 15 20 officers; Noble Grand, Herbert They admitted they have the per­ a card bearing the numbers of the Mrs. McEvitt had been dead for state normal school. Intra-State bus, $107,273.85. Case, Lock & B ....375 sonality element to contend with in alarm boxes of the fire depart­ about an hour. F. Stevenson: Vice Grand, Willard Inter-State busses, $24,385.57. Collins C o ...... 115 Miss Fish is an active member J. Horton; Recording Secretary, the battle against the jovial Gov. A1 Rev. R. A. Colpltts. ments in town. The gas, it was found, had come of the Massachusetts Association Colt Firearm s...... 32 Smith, of New York. from the heater, the door of which Charles S. Roberts, Jr.; Treasurer, Eagle L o c k ...... 60 for Educational Methods, serving Walter H. Walsh. Memorial serv­ “ W^e want to show the voters modern prophecy is fulfilled are had been left paruy open. Dr. W. R. as a director and engaging in press MCE RECORD FOR KNOX. Fafnir B e a r ...... 135 that Herbert Hoover is just as moving forward to a peculiar des­ Tinker, medical examiner, was call­ ices were held after the meeting. Fuller Brsh Cl A . . . . 21 39 TOWNS IN STATE work at the conventions of the as­ human as Gov. Smith,” one Re­ tiny. ed. He found that there was no sociation. Rev. Watson Woodruff, officiating. ‘frack teams at Knox have not do Class A ...... 84 publican leader declared. "A common characta^istic of all connection with a chimney for the Hart & Cooley ...... 240 Parents who are interested lost a dual meet in three years. Henry Justin Allen, of Topeka, great civilizations is found In their SHARE IN BUS TAX escaping gas and pointed out the should Interview Miss Fish as soon A daughter was born yesterday Internat-Silver...... 130 140 Kans., widely known mid-western boast of an age that Is golden. But danger. This is the second death of at Miss Nellie Hollister’s maternity do pfd ...... 122 128 as possible as the number of pupils publisher and former governor of while pagan civilizations put their an accidental nature that has re­ in her school will be limited. home, to Mr. and Mrs. Vincent The poultry and egg Industry Jewell Belting pfd ..110 Kansas, was expected to arrive here golden age in the past a Christian sulted In town within a short time Parrand of North street. Landers, Frary & Clrk 69 First Time Distribution is ranks high in British Columbia, today to open up Hoover’s publi­ civilization puts Its golden age In Made— $81,306 is to Be Di- because of the escaping gas. The and the total value of eggs and Mann & Bow A .... 18 city campaign. Allen was selected the future. With Browning it cries fact, too, that Mrs. McEvitt was two SAYS HIS LEGS OKAY. do Class B ...... 9 s|nx papiA table birds commercially produced for his important task by Chairman ‘Grow old along with me. The best rooms removed from where the gas within the province in 1927 is es­ N B Mach p f d ...... 102 Work. He will at once build up was escaping seemed to indicate A1 Simmons says he feels he BUSINESS DROPS do com ...... 24 27 is yet to be.’ And the prophetic soul timated at $6,200,000. a considerable staff to keep Hoo­ of America glorying in the great­ Hartford, Conn., July 2.— Thir­ that she had been overcome as she will do great the rest of the season New Hav Clc com. . . . 30 ver’s name before the voters and to ty-nine towns will share with the was lying down. Being near the do pfd ...... 25 ness of the‘ past nevertheless be­ now that his legs, which gave him FOR TROLLEY CO. give publicity to the various ac­ lieves that the best of American state this year in receipts from the floor she was soon affected and be­ so much treble early in the year, Niles Bement Pond . . 55 60 complishments of the presidential tax collected from motor bus con­ cause of her advanced age and do pfd ...... 100 life is yet in the future. are functioning okay again. candidate since he graduated from “ If, however, this is to accrue to cerns operating In Connecticu:. weakened condition was unable to (Continued from Page 1.) North & Judd ...... 33 the engineering school of Leland This is the first time such distribu­ fight off the effects. DANCING J R Mont pfd ...... — America then there is a particular Two well-worn theories— that Stanford and headed for the far type of patriotism necessary for the tion has been made and amounts At the time of the accident Mrs. the more a man shaves the harder Electric roads, $396,981.37. AT LAKESIDE CASINO do com ...... 260 east. to a total of $81,306 out of $131,- McEvitt’s son, Felix and his wife, Pratt & Whit pfd . . 92 new day. Unhappily there Is too his beard grows* and that beards Express companies, $30,034.26. South Coventry Two Special Cars 759.42 which William H. Blodgett, together with her daughter, Mrs. Telephone companies, $654,425.- Peck, Stow & Wll . . . 19 large a group who seem yet wedded grow more rapidly In warm weath­ Plans for Hoover’s railroad ac­ to the notion that noise determined state tax commissioner, has certi­ AUce Jennings and Mr. Jennings er— have been exploded by an 56. WEDNESDAY, JULY 4 Russel Mfg C o ...... 115 125 commodations have not been com­ fied to the state treasury. were out of town, having gone to Seth Thom Cl com . . 30 patriotism. These pseudo-patriots American scientist. Telegraph companies, $43,692.78. Afternoon and Evening pleted. While Saturday it was burn much powder on July Fourth Towns will share on a basis of Fishers’ Island for the day. They do pfd ...... 26 stated that one special car probably mileage made by the common car­ Smyth Mfg Co ...... 400 and occasionally several days in were no aware of the trouble until would suffice it now appears that advance and then assume they have riers on roads within municipalities they returned to Manchester about Stand S c r e w ...... llO two or more may be necessary. not included in the state trunk line 8:30. Stanley Wrk com . . . 55 Hoover will have considerable group done their patriotic duty for an en­ tire year. Lack of justice, law vio­ system or the state aid road sys­ Permission was given for the re­ Tay & Fenn ...... 125 of secretaries and advisors, and a tem. The rate to be paid the towns Torrington ...... 110 lations, vicious oppressions, may moval of the body to Undertaker number of newspaper correspon­ is one cent per mile for a total of Holloran’s rooms where It was pr^ Tomorrow and Under-El Fish ...... 66 dents and photographers will be in flourish on all sides and under their Union Mfg C o ...... — immediate sight and indeed may 8,130,600 miles. The tax to the pared for burial. Mrs. McEvitt Is the party. If more than two cars state' Is payable July 15. survived by three sons. Dr. Joseph U S Envel pfd ....122 are used, a special train probably be participated in by them but they do com ...... 260 are without concern. Perhaps, how­ Towns and payments which they McEvitt of Akron, 0., who was no­ STATE will be set up; otherwise the Hoo­ receive follow: tified by telegram later telephoned SOUTH MANCHESTER Wednesday Whit Coil Pipe — 21 ver cars will be attached to a regu­ ever, there are few stronger evi­ dences of national progress than is Bethel, $217.76; Bridgeport, th'at he was leaving for Manchester lar west bound train. $34,097.60; Bristol, $11.52; Dan­ at once, Felix J. McEvitt, construc­ See Hamid Bey hypnotize a wom­ revealed by the increasing disbe­ tion foreman, who made him home an in Watkins Brothers’ window lief in the merits of a powder pa­ bury, $4,389.89; Darien, $187.01; AL IN NEW YORK CITY Derby, $70.36; East Hartford, on Die west side of the house owned tomorrow at 5:10 p. m.— Adv. New York, July 2— Back on the triotism. “ Nor can we have high hope for $642.17; East Lyme, $125.44; East by his mother and John, who lived sidewalks of New York, Gov. A1 Windsor, $48.88; Ellington, $60.- at home and a daughter, Mrs. Alice a man IS the future in a patriotism builded Smith took things easy today. The 48; Enfield $207.36; Fairfield $77.- Jennings of Hartford; also two Democratic presidential nominee on hatreds for some other race or grandsons, children of Joseph and nation. Unfortunately our nation’s 46; Greenwich, $2,032; Groton, will start setting off political fire­ $176.72; Hartford, $9,120.27; Felix McEvitt. works on Wednesday, the Fourth birthday has too frequently been The funeral will be held from St. RENDERS HIS BODY LIFELESS AT WILL celebrated by an appeal to old Meriden, $1,365.95; Middletown, Look Men! of July, in a speaking engagement $151.07; Milford, $85.05; Nauga­ James’ church Wednesday morning. hatreds or slumbering prejudices DEFIES THE THRUST OP DAGGERS at the meeting of new voters in tuck, $222.86; New Britain, $6,- Burial will be in St. James’ ceme­ the City Hall here. and passions. 577.39; New Haven, $4,378.24; tery. CONTROLS FLOW OF BLOOD THROUGH HIS VEINS On Wednesday the Governor also “ The patriotism for the new New London, $855.01; Norwalk, IS IMMUNE FROM PAIN-EVEN TORTURE.. will speak at.the last meeting In and larger day must be a patriot­ $342.81; Norwich, $888.13; Put­ old Tammany Hall. He plans to re­ ism of the adequate man. Nothing more surely predicts disaster than nam, $133.32; Simsbury, $6.36; LQNG TIME RESIDENT turn to Albany the following day Somers, $21.90; Stafford, $63,96; A GOOD and stay there until July 10. having little men front up to large exigencies. The adequate man must Stamford, $2,394.45; Stratford, More than 2,000 admirers greet­ $760.85; Suffield, $11.90; Torring­ PASSES AWAY SUNDAY ed the Democratic standard bearer be had for the exigent hour. May I presume to give you a new beati­ ton, $670.68; Vernon, $164.08; when he arrived at Grand Central Waterbury, $7,040.96; Waterford, terminal from Albany at 10:38 tude ‘Blessed Is that nation whose William H. Wright, 40 Yeats a great men are good men.’ Happy Is $128.43; West Hartford, $2,247.- o’clock last evening. He came here 82; Westport, $171.66; Winches­ SUIT on the special train chartered by the nation whose leaders In state­ Boss Weaver, Dies After ter, $81.84; Windham, $486.36. William F. Kenn/, wealthy Brook­ craft, industry, business and com­ Heart Illness. for lyn contractor and close friend, and merce are equally great in their de­ was accompanied by members of his votion to those moral laws which William H. Wright, a'resident of family. as Sophocles said long ago had BURGLARS MURDER Manchester for about 65 years, died “ God bless you all!” the gover­ their birth in the highest heavens at his home at 128 East Center nor exclaimed in response to the and never grow old. COP IN MEDFORD street, at the corner of Foster, Sun­ cheers of the crowd. He received "The glory of American History day morning at 1.15. Mr. Wright the congratulations of two- score has been that this type of patriot had been ill with heart disease for or moie friends and posed for the has not been found wanting. Wash­ (Continued from Page 1.) three months and had not worked We are selling one lot of photographers. ington, Liitcoln, Wilson, Coolldge— during that time. Suits that include Gaberdines, Guarded by forty policemen. Gov­ What names! What patriotism of Gilleland had come upon the burg­ Mr. Wright came to this country Palm Beach and Flannel. Val­ ernor Smith and his family walked the highest sort! Can tomorrow lars and had chased them from the with his parents when hut 13 to the Hotel Biltmore and retired produce adequate leaders like these rear of the store through an alley- months old. His people came direct­ ues to $35.00. Some with two for the night. for her exigent hours? If so, the fu way* to the state. Apparently he bad ly to Manchester and Mr. Wright pair of pants. ture is safe. If not, then no prating drawn his, pistol and was about to has lived here ever since. For a on our having been a chosen people fire when he. received three bullets, short period he lived in Florida, but BUY A can save us from humiliation and the first of which probably ended he was never away from Manches­ disgrace. For unless the sons with his life. ter for over a year. Mr. Wright had NOTED PLAYWRIGHT all their Increased advantages are Chief of Police John F. Welch been a boss weaver at the Cheney SPALDING better than the fathers they in the expressed the opinion that Patrol­ plant for over 40 years. He had DROWNED IN FRANCE truest sense are not as good as their man Gilleland was slain five min­ charge of one room in tho White HAMID fathers. utes after he rang in his last box Weaving mill until his retirement “ Again a patriotism to he-ade­ and fifteen minutes before his bul­ was made necessary by his falling YOUNGEST ANh MOST DAhiNQ OF MR. B E Y BATHING SUIT, (Continued from Page 1) quate must pursue a worthy objec­ let ridden body was found on the health. He had lived on East Center On the ALU EGYPTIAN MEN... tive. That there is great need of sidewalk. street for 36 years. will For the Fourth and for the rival In New York In 1906 where he some careful reflection at this very Patrolman Gilleland, who was 32 In his younger', days Mr. Wright Screen summer. You can't go wrong. wrote “ Clothes,” Hopwood worked point is abundantly proved by the years old, leaves a wife and three had been employed at the old Buried alive and he lives/ Hypnotize cautions that are being'emphaaized children. Cheney store and for a period of WALTER A , “ on the Cleveland Leader. A Young HIb first success was soon fol­ by statesmen, publicists, educators \ about six years he worked at the HAOENl and religious leaders. Material CONSULS TRANSFERRED. carpenter trade. Then he entered NOT A MAGICIAN -- BUT GENUINE Lady In the lowed by others. In the space of window of STRAW HATS 22 years he wrote about 50 plays, prosperity in and of Itself can be Rome, July 2.— Italiar. Consul the silk mills, learning weaving and — In— naught but a blessing when proper­ General Castruccio, now stationed soon became shop foreman. He had assisted by a^big supporting company with most of them successful. W atkins His noteworthy plays were ly conditioned. It can ultimately be In Pittsburgh, has been trans­ been a member of King David lodge “ Green $ 2 . 0 0 “ ' " ’’ “ Little Miss Bluebeard,” “ The Best naught hut a curse If in devotion ferred to Chicago, It was an­ of Odd Fellows 38 years ahd Just Store People,” "Nobody’s Wldoyr,” “ The thereto injustices flourish, the poor nounced by the Foreign Office to­ recently had been presented with a Grass Added Attraction: Tomorrow' are oppressed, the machine crushes lapel button by that fraternity. SPECIAL THIS W EEK AlArm Clock,” “ The Gold Digger,” day. Italian Consul Orslnl Ratto W idow s” Afternoon the finer things of humanity and has been transferred from Balti­ Mr. Wright’s first wife, Mrs. HUBER—^European W izard o f Many at 0:10. 35c Fancy Hose 1 A A "The Demi-Vlrgln,” “ Judy For­ the old ideals are trampled under got," “ Tho Great Illusion,” and more th Philadelphia. Catherine Milligan Wright, died 4 P a ir . .... foot. American today perhaps un several years ago and four chlldrefi Mysteries "Getting Gertie’s Garter.” He col­ consciously, but nevertheless surely, Six prominent members of the by the first mavlage survive. They laborated with Mary Roberts Rine­ is determining which objective she Fascist organization, who have are.Mrs. John F. (Eva) Cullen, of ADMISSION! FOR THIS hart In writing “ The Bat,” “ A is lo pursue as a nation— whether Just entered the consular service, this town, Mrs. Elmer (Sabina) ATTRACTION, MAT. 10c and 25c, EVG. 10c, 30c, 40c Thief in the Night,” and "Spanish materialism with all its stark and have been assigned to the follow­ Nixon of Bloomfield, Mrs. Clifford GEO. H. Love." naked ugliness, or Idealism with its ing posts: Desuaules, consul at (June) Moynlhan, of Salem, Orei- DELORES COSTELLO in Hopwood was a bachelor and the assured promise of loveliness and St. Louis; Simone, vice consul at gon, and Beverly Wright of this L A S T TIM ES member of many prominent clubs serviceability. ‘Once to every man New York: Qlurato, \vlce consul at town. Mr. Wright’s second wife, and fraternities. and nation comes the moment to Pittsburgh; Vitale Galllna, vice- Mrs. Sarah Moffett Wright, survives WILUAMS decide.’ Which shall we choose? Ma­ consul at Houston, Texas; Mon- him as do three sisters, Mrs. Mary TONIGHT TEHDERLOm” Merz’s Barber shop will be closed terialism or Idealism? tecchi, vice consul at Providence, Wright Hilton, of Hartford, Mrs. H. Ar Mlle-a-Minute Drama of New York Night Clubs. Incorporated all day, July 4, but will be open till “ And once again a patriotism to R. I.; Logoluso, vice consul at |S. Backus, of West Hartford, Mrs. Johnson Block, So. Manchester 10. o’clock Tuesday night.— Adv. be adejiuate to future exlfent hours Boston. I Andrew Ferguson of this town, and 1------V ------r •• +V'^v»* . • » ; -•>;


Noble Grand Frank Montle, of King David lodge of. Odd Fellows, BUYERS OF LOTS ABOUT TOWN has requested all members of the CARS TURN TURTLE lodge who can possibly do so to RockviUe An out of town paper Saturday meet at the I.O.O.F. hall tomorrow “ Where JiTou Can OUT THEIR MONEY morning purported to give Mlan- afternoon at one o’clock to attend ON WET nwm Afford to Buy , tonomah Tribe, I. 0. R. M., appoint­ the funeral of the late William H. Good PunUtiire.’^ Holiday Dances at Sandy Deach. ments for first sanap, second sanap, Wright. Sandy Beach Ballroom at Crystal guard of the wigwam and guard of Lake which opened last Wednesday the forest. Joseph Barto sachem, A new pool table has been placed drew another record crowd Satu»- Paid Installments, Then Ven­ who will make the above appoint­ in the social auditorium at the Ma­ No One Seriously Hurt Al­ day evening, there being over 600 ments, said today that he did not sonic Temple. The pool table and present to enjoy the excellent music dor’s Property is Taken know himself whom he would ap­ card tables are available for play­ though Three Are Pinned and splendid dance program. point and that the newspaper item ers every evening. A member of Tuesday night a special program was indeed news to him. the commltee is present each night has been arranged with music for On Foreclosure. to act in the interests of the lodge. Under Autos. the dance by a twelve piece orches­ George H. Williams, past exalted Fred Jackson of the Plnehurst tra. Wednesday, July 4th, there ruler of Rockville Lodge, B. P. O. will be a dance at Sandy Beach grocery has returned to his work E., will leave tomorrow morning Two automobiles, a Studebaker both afternoon and evening with Persons who purchased land on after a week’s absence with a sore Offering Of a development known as Edge- for the national convention of the foot. Jackson stepped on a nail touring car, o'wned by. Charles Don­ fireworks in the evening. Saturday mont, located partly on West Cen­ order at Miami, Fla. In company la.st Monday. nelly of 53 Laurel street Man­ evening, the 7th, Lionel Kennedy ter street and extending to the with members of other lodges of chester and a Ford runabout owned "and his broadcasting orchestra will north through a proposed street Elks in Connecticut he will sail Ephraim Cole has left the em­ and driven by Harold Bacon of be the special attraction for Sandy known as Hyde street, with two from New York to Jacksonville. ploy of the Pinehurst grocery. 49 Black Rock, New Britain, Beach Ballroom. more cross streets, one known as After a visit in that city came together at the junction of A crowd of at least 5,000 will be Coolidge street and the other as the party 'Will proceed to Miami West Center and Cooper streets at at Crystal 'Lake Tuesday night Harding street, are of the opinion where on July 9 the convention will THE BASS FAMILY WINS 5 o’clock last night, turned com­ WILUAMS TIRES many remaining over the 4th. that they are out of luck and out open. Mr. Williams is the delegate pletely over, and pinned occupants Every available cottage has been of money. Not all who purchased from the Rockville lodge. The of both cars under , them. All es­ rented at premium prices and the lots there are caught, but at least convention will be in session for FIRST DAY’S ENCOUNTERS caped without serious injury. With the Famous hotel has many reservations. People two, who were paying monthly in­ three days. 'The Bacon car was being driven from miles around are visiting stallments, are convinced they have east on West Center street. In this Sandy Beach since the new ball­ been “jipped.” This morning’s mail brought to | in the car was Harold Bacon, the driver. 12 MONTH GUARANTEE room has opened and pronounce it According to the map on file at stockholders of the Home Bank and Ponds They Can Have With­ Miss Margaret Thompson of 57 one of the finest they have seen. the Engineer’s office the property Trust Company dividend check No. j Cottage street. New Britain and The program arranged for Tuesday was surveyed by Edgar T. Duncan, 11. The bank is paying to stock out Risking Lives. Joseph Reed, of 340 Washington ON OUR EASY BUYING PLAN evening and July 4th is sure to at­ civil engineer, and the property holders a dividend of 4 per cent. street. New Britain.. Donnelly, the Mr. and Mrs. Black Bass and tract another large crowd. was described as being owned by driver, of the Studebaker was com­ Our tire departmenj; enables you to buy superior quality Wil­ Fish and Game Club Shoot. Jacob Sllverstein of Hartford. The As a result of an automobile ac­ family scored a decisive victory ing down the hill on Cooper street. The Trapshooting Division of map is dated 1921. The lots were cident in South Coventry yesterday over Izaak Walton’s followers on The cars met at the center of liams tires at prices no higher than you would expect to pay the Rockville Fish and Game Club sold at auction on easy payments. John H. Bissell of High street will practically every battlefront as the the road, the Ford striking the for ordinary tires— and, in addition, you have twelve weeks to will hold a prize shoot on July 4th Those who purchased outright were ^e unable to work for a few days. fishing season for this species got larger car on the left runalng pay. Think of what this means to you. The total cost is at the club’s traps. The contest will given warrantee deeds. Mr. Bissell, who has a cottage at under way yesterday, according to information obtained at Barrett & board near the rear fender. This spread out in equal payments over a generous period of time— start at 2 o’clock. There were some, just how South Coventry, was in a collision threw the larger car around, caus­ Reunion of 1903 Class. many is not at this time known, with another automobile which re-1 Robbins sport suppply store, which ed it to slide on the slippery "road, and, particularly now’, you can most likely use the money that The Class of 1903 of the Rock­ where no deed was given. The pay­ suited in both cars being damaged. 1 is a headquarters for a big majority resulting In the rear right wheel you would otherwise have .to spend all at once. ville High school held a silver an­ ments of $15 a month were made Mr. Bissell’s car was so badly dam-1 of Manchester fishermen, aged that it could not proceed un-| Not a single bass was on exhibl- striking the high curbing and turn­ niversary Saturday afternoon at the e^h month, the money being col­ ing the car around and over. Mr. “ By Their Good Deeds You Shall Know Them,’* lected, it is claimed, by Sllverstein. der its own power. He was injured tion in the store’s display window Rockville High school. The after­ this morning as it is usually the Donnelly was pinned under the car. noon was spent in renewing ac­ In, 1924 there was a foreclosure from the hip to the bottom of his and the property owned by Sllver­ foot and is getting around limping. custom the day after the season The front windshield and the top quaintances and visiting the old was esushed down upon him. In stein passed out of his hands and opens. It is estimated roughly that high school building. A banquet at least two or three hundred Man­ turning over the top part of the car was served at the Rockville House is now owned by the Strand Realty Harry Kitching, Leonard King- Corporation of Hartford. man, Ray De Wold and Ralph chester men went bass-fishing yes­ went into the sidewalk, which pre­ at 6:30 o’clock with music by Kingman went on a fishing trip to terday. In a few instances, good vented the whole car from coming Ernie Rock and his orchestra. While the Silverstein’s legal troubles were in the courts the Lake Pocotopaug yesterday, return­ luck was had, but for the most, the down upon the driver, who was Edith F. Ransom sang two solos, ing with 14 bass, and three picker­ bass-hunters returned empty-hand­ alone, and he managed to crawl “ Coming Home” and “ Sea Rap­ Manchester persons who had made Holiday Specials payments were not aware of the el. The largest bass weighed 3 ed. As John Bausola of Barrett over the back seat and out as peo­ ture.” Daisy M. Rice read the roll litigation and did not have a day in pounds 4 ounces and was caught by and Robbins said this morning, ple came running up to help him. call and there were responses from ------ON------court. Ralph Kingman. “ They just weren’t biting.” The The occupants of the Ford car all the living members. Mrs. Alice The result is that one man, who principal reason offered was the were less fortunate. Joseph Reed Kington paid a tribute to “ Our lives on the West Side, had paid The Girls’ Friendly Society of heavy rains of late which have who was riding in the car was Absent Ones.” Charles R. McLean $500 towards lots, but was never St. Mary’s Episcopal church will washed much food into the ponds. thrown out as it turned over, but spoke on “ Our Teachers,” paying a able to get a deed. When the prop­ meet tonight at 7:30 in the parish Thirty-four men have joined the both Bacon and Miss Thompson SUMMIT TIRES special tribute to the late Isaac M. erty was taken from Sllverstein hall. Bass Club which is conducted an­ were pinned under the car. The Agard. The program closed with there was nothing to show to the nually at Barrett & Robbins. The crash was heard by Joseph Maloney SPECIAL CASH PRICES UNTIL JULY 4TH the singing reunion ode, “ Memorys courts that the latter had re­ The band of the Church of the membership fee is one dollar and and Tony Satalino who were in Mr. Trail,” written by M. Helen ceived money for the sale of the Nazarene will meet at the church this money is divided among those Maloney’s garage 100 yards to the 30x31/2 Clincher ...... $5.50 Hendrick. A souvenir booklet was lots and they went with the other for a rehearsal tonight at 7:30. catching the biggest bass of the west on West Center street. They distributed to all the members. property. season. Those who have joined are ran up to give help and succeeded 31x4 Regular Cords ...... $10.25 Notes. In another case Sllverstein is The Willing Workers of the Con­ Conrad Dwire, 70 Linden street, in lifting the Ford from the two Edwin Finley has moved his said to have collected $15 a month cordia Lutheran church went on a Felix Jesanis, South Main street, people, who crawled out. Miss 32x4 Regular Cords ...... $10.50 family from llrooklyn street to on two lots sold to a woman that hike to Highland Park today. .Andrew Ferguson, 19 Birch street, 'Thompson was suffering from shock 29x4.40 B alloons...... $6.95 Vine street, Hartford. lived at the time on Center street. Games and refreshments were on Joseph Douglas, Talcottville, Wil-' and injuries to her back and leg. Elmer Willis of Prospect street She paid, according to informa­ the program. liam J. Douglas, Talcottville, H. A. The driver, Harold Bacon, assisted 30x4.75 Balloons ...... $9.00 has moved his family to Hartford. tion, $385 and was to pay $15 more Dougan, 1 Oak Place, Arthur L. in getting the car righted but was Clifton Bell of Union street mov­ Friday being the first Friday of Hiiltman, 917 Main street, John tt. Other sizes in proportion. to clear up the deal, but for some Bausola. Hawthorne street, Frank holding on to his right shoulder, ed Saturday to a rent on Prospect reason Sllverstein was not ready to tlie month there will be masses in which was afterwards found to be St. James’ church at 5:30 and 7 Irons, 8 6 Laurel street, Robert Mc­ street. accept the last $15 and the deed Kinney, town. Raymond J. Wil­ dislocated. Joseph Reed, who was Mr. and Mrs. John Blake and son was not given. and 7:30. Confessions will be heard thrown clear of the car, was injur­ Thursday afternoon and evening. liams, Glastonbury, Harry McCor­ of Providence, R. I., are spending What brought the matter to Uie mick, Charter Oak street, Samuel ed about the back. the week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank front at this time was the placing J. Turkington, 127 Henry street, T. The occupants of the Ford were G. E. Keith Furniture Co., Inc Blake of Union street. of a for sale Sign on a lot adjoining Miss Eva INlcComb, who for the taken to the gasoline station at past year has been in training as a R. Glenney, 97 Brookfield street, OPP. HIGH SCHOOL, SOUTH MANCHESTER Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dickinson one to which a Manchester woman Roger Williams,-71 Cedar street, Lilac anjJ Center street where Dr. of Milford spent the week-end with had received a deed. Suspecting nurse at the Peter Bent Brigham hospital, Boston, has arrived for a Stephen Leister, 189 Eldridge Higgins attended them and later on Mr. and Mrs. George B. Milne of that the sign had been placed on street, William Matchett, 2 Hack­ they were taken to their homes in her lot she investigated and found month's vacation at her home on Union street. Eldridge street. matack street, W. E. Luttgens, Main New Britain. The rain that had Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rosenberg that iron pipe markers at the cor­ street, H. O. Lathrop, G’ astonbury, fallen had made the road slippery have returned from a week spent in ner of her lot had been removed. It Mrs. Lillian A. Keeney of River­ D. R. Kelsey. Glastonbury, Ralph at the time, which was responsible Boston. was in looking up this matter that King, town, Samuel Nelson, Main for the cars turning over, but the the other conditions were develop­ side, Manchester Green, had as her Mr. and Mrs John B. Thomas of week-end guests Mr. and Mrs. Iwa- street, L. M. Pond, 63 Durkin street, contact was such as to badly dam > Union street and Mr. and Mrs. ed. John Kornse, 603 Center street, age botli cars. Officer Albert It is also claimed that those who mi, Mr. and Mrs. Toby Palmer and Franklin Harlow of Davis avenue Mr. and Mrs. Barney LeCourse and Fred Bonney, Coventry, William Roberts iny^tlgated the accident, spent the week-end at Gardners made these payments and have Knofla, town, James Rolston, town, but no arrest were made. tried to get deeds for the lot or son, all of New 'York, also her Lake. Mr. Thomas caught the larg­ nephew, Clifford Hampton. J. F. Clapp, 12 Haynes street, CP - est bass in the week-end catch, lots “ bought” have been told by ence Hagen, town, Fred Wohllebe, lawyers that they have no recourse weighing 2% lbs. Professor K. Frederick Burgh of Fairfield street, Stewart Cordner. EPWORTH INSTITUTE Miss Evelyn McCarthy of West and that they are out the money Pleasant street, Harry Macintosh that they have paid. North Park College, Crficago, will Main street is spending the summer be the speaker tomorrow evening at and Joseph R. Baroni, town. at her summer home at Watch Hill. 7:30 at the Swedish Congregational TO OPEN TONIGHT The Sunday school of the Rock­ church on Spruce street. On Wed­ ville Baptist church held their an­ nesday the Sunday school of this BEY” AT nual picnic at Elizabeth Park on CHIEF OF POUCE GORDON chureV v.’ill enjoy its .annual picnic. Annual Sessions at Williman- Saturday. tic Campgrounds Start. The Allen Bible Class of the Bap Mystic Review Woman’s Benefit STATE TOMORROW Closes on Sunday. tist church will hold their monthly BACK FROM CONVENTION Association will hold its regular meeting this evening at the home meeting in Odd Fellows hall tomor­ Epworth Leaguers from both of Mrs. Clara Keeney of Mountain row evening at 8 o’clock. Egyptian Mystic Marvel Here In Person—“Green Grass Methodist churches will attend the street. Didn’t Take Pikes Peak Trip as annual Epworth League Institute of Mrs. Roland Usher of King street Miss Helen Comstock of Main Widows” is Film Feature; the Norwich district which opens is enjoying a six weeks' trip to Party Was Advised Against street and Mrs. Jessie Rose, who the Plan. “Tenderloin’ Tonight. tonight at the campgrounds in Wil- California. lias been visiting her, left yesterday limantic and closes next Sunday The Jewish Farmers Association for Montclair, N. J. Miss Comstock Lovers of age mysteries of the afternoon. Miss Helen Haviland of Connecticut will hold their an­ Chief of Police Samuel G. Gor­ will spend some weeks with Mrs. Eastern world will have an unusual don is back at his office this morn­ Rose and her daughter, Mrs. Ed­ until recently director of religious nual field day in Rockville Sunday, opportunity to satisfy their hunger education at the South Methodist August 12th. ing after attending th ■ Intarnat: m- ward Stewart and will later leave for that particular type of fasciun- al Polled Conventio" in Colorado for her annual visit with her sister church will be dean of the M'-omen. ing entertainment at the Stale Rev. Russell Waltt of Providence, Springs. There were 600 at the in Brockport, N. Y. Theatre tomorrow and Wednesday, v r n j convention includirg representa­ also assistant pastor of the local when Hamid Bey, famous Egyptian church a few years ago, will be di­ PEST DESTROYING tives from England, Canada and Herbert L. Fortune, who recently miracle man and member of the thronghout this country. Two of disposed of his property on Mather rector of music. Copte Cult, will appear in person The purpose of the institute is to the speakers that appeared before street moved with his family Fri­ on the stage and perform some of lLIARD ST. GARDEN the convention were from Canada day to a dairy farm which he has develop leaders among the young his mysterious feats. people in the work of the Methodist THE SPIRIT OF ’76 and another was from England. purchased in Plainfield, Conn. Mr. Bey came to this country Caliofrnia furnished one of the church. Several courses, lectures, about eighteen months ago, bring­ entertainment and opportunity for John T.ogan of Hilliard street speakers, Missouri another and Ne'>v Mrs. Millard Hutchinson of Bige­ ing with him his ancient, yet un­ York city two. low street and her daughter. Miss recreation will be provided. The ■uu,^..r. The Herald office a new duplicated deeds of the East. Since headquarters will be in the society Id of in jct pest this morning. Chief Gordon, who has attended Mildred Hutchinson are visiting an­ that time he has baffled and aston­ other conventions in past years, other daughter in Lynn, Mass. house recently purchased by the in­ " could scarcely be called in- ished leading medical authorities stitute body from the Tolland so­ IND6PaND6NCS ' ..-y are soft, slimy slugs of a while feeling that there were many all over the United States. . brown color, varying in interesting matters in police worx Sunset Rebekah Lodge will meet ciety. One of his many feats, and per­ Thedean of the conference will ..ii from a quarter inch to more that were brought out, in compari­ this evening in Odd Fellows hall haps the one that gained him a na­ than an inch and having soft horn­ son with some of the other conven­ for its regular business session. A tion-wide- reputation occurred in be Rev. M. K. Greeger of Hazard- like protuberances on either side tions the one just closed was not as social with refreshments will fol­ Englewood, N. J., a few months ago, ville; Rev. J. S. Pennypacker of I n the days of ’76, political independence of the head. They attack bean insirructive. low. when he allowed himself to be Niantic will be devotional director. was won for generations of Americans. vines and, in fact, nearly all garden For the entertainment of the buried under tons of earth before Others on the staff will be Mrs. vegetables, crawling up the stalk vlsito'j the police department of A daughter, Joyce Ann, was born the critical eyes of medical examin­ Waitt, Rev. Frank Gray, Rev. A. T. and eating the buds and tender Colorado Springs had arranged sev­ Sunday morning to Mr! and Mrs. ers. He remained covered and cut Schulmalor, Miss Eva Barnes, Miss Yet, though you inherit the gift o f Liberty, Ruth Fiske. A reception to the foliage. eral interesting side trips, one of Paul Gustafson oi 351 Center off from communication with the you may still be subject to the oppression Mr. Logan says there are quanti­ these being a trip through the street. ■ rest of the world for three solid faculty and “ get acquainted” social ties of them in his garden and in mountains which covered 150 miles hours. When the dirt was removed will occupy the time this evening. of financial worries and problems. the gairdens of his neighbors. He of travel and 201 automobiles were A special meeting of the Man­ and he was brought to the surface, first noticed them last season but used to transport the party. At chester Garden club will be held at he appeared aHve and apparently as their numbers have greatly increas­ the national reserve the party was 7:30 this evening at the Manches­ well as he had been before his dan­ Personal Financial Independence is within ed this year. He would welcome .shown many interesting sights, but ter Community clubhouse.. gerous accomplishment. People CHANGE YOUR OIL your reach. It does not depend on chance any information for getting rid of because of the change in altitude were amazed at him. Nearly every t the pests, which threaten to ruin those who took the trip down the Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. 'Wick- leading newspaper, in the country Use Marland Super Motor Oil or luck or large earnings. By a systematic his garden. stairs at the falls to see the view hem returned to their home. The from that point found that climbing Pines, Manchester, after a world thrilling and mysterious stunt. plan for saving and investment you can tour of months, during which time Campbell’s Filling Station the stairs was more difficult than While at the State Theatre, look forward with reasonable certainty to ■visits to India and the orient were Hamid Bey will permit himself to they expected. One of the Con­ made. POLICE COURT necticut party, the chief from be hurled alive on the stage, en­ Phone 1551 accumulating a comfortable fortune. Greenwich, was stricken and was deavoring to show local people how Mrs. F. C. Allen and children and S. Earle Livingston, who lives in unable to return home. It is ex­ it is done. On Tuesday afternoon pected he will die. Miss Helen Huebner have left for at 5:10 he will hypnotize a young The first step toward financial independence is thrift in small the Pine Forest tract was before the GVoton Long Point, to spend the lady in the window of Watkins Manchester police court this morn­ Those who had planned to climb amounts. By regular deposits in a bank account you or ride up Pike’s Peak did not fol: summer at the Dorchester cottage. Brothers Store and will awaken ing on the ^serious charge of pass­ Rev. F. C. Allen will spend the her at the theatre at 7 :^ the same $10 LOANS $300 can create a financial reserve that will open the ing fraudulent checks. He was low the plan as at the recommenda­ Fourth there and the month of Au­ tion of the chief of police, who ad­ evening. placed under arrest Saturday and gust wh^n he will have his vaca­ In addition to this superb stage For Any Emergency way to greater opportunities for progress, '' yesterday he was able to furnish a vised against it, they decided that tion. Our customers tell us that one of it would be too dangerous for those attraction, the management is also th? most helpful features of our bond of $500 for his appearance in presentiqg a splendid program of loaning service is the promptness court this morning. Judge Raymond who were not accustomed to a high J. Fradin of Fradin’s apparel with which they get their money. I altitude. While there were many- screen subjects. The feature film A. Johnson after consultation with shop Is In, New York on a buying will be “ Green Grass Widows,” a ■When you need money you can his father, James Livingston of interesting sights to be seen the trip. be sure of getting it at once! That West Hartford, together with Chief chief is of the opinion that in the comedy-drama seasoned with spark­ means a lot to people who have 1 East is to be found better vegeta­ ling thrills and delightful moments money emergencies come up un­ of Police Samuel G. Gordon, con­ Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Alvord and of suspense. Waltei; Hagen, cham­ expectedly. Our plan Is dignified 'id tinued the case until a week from tion and foliage than In the West. family spent the week-end at Mrs. and pleasant and we give you The trip was a long and rather tire­ pion golfer of the world is the star twenty months to repay. There THE MANCHESTER TRUST COMPANY today in order that Li-vingston Alvord’s sister’s cottage at Giant’s of this production, supported by might be examined for his sanity. some one as they were fifty-eight are no embarrassing Investigations Neck. Gertrude Olmstead and Johnny and all transactions are strictly South Manchester, C!onn. A bond of $500 was furnished by hours on the train going out and H:u>on. confidential. Call, write or phono his father fqr his next appearance fifty-seven on their return trip. This A daughter was born Saturday Tonight Delores Costello In 2-8CG2. in (fturt. was from Springfield, Mass. The morning to Mr. and Mrs. Francis “ Tenderloin,” will have its final IDEAL FINANCING Robert A. Watson of Burnside party reached Springfield yesterday Hallett of 82 West street. The showing at 7 and 9. For dramatic paid a fine of $10 and costs for morning and Chief Gordon arrived ASSOCIATION, INC. baby was born at Mrs. Howe’s Ma- thrills and red-blooded action this 988 Main Street speeding. He was arrested yester­ back in Manchester at noon yester­ ternity home on Wadsworth street. picture will more than paeet the de­ Rnt. 408, American Indnstrlnl Bldg. day by Traffic Officer Wirtalla. day. mands of Manchester movie fans. Hartford, Conn. Jules A. Martel of Bristol paid a Miss Esther Peterson, a . senior The love interest, which exists In F . 'V i. Hawklnaon, Mgr. fine of $10 for speeding. He was ar­ Licensed by and bonded See Hamid Bey hypnotize a wom­ at local high school, is working in the story between Miss Costello and to the State. rested Saturday evening by Traffic an in Watkins Brothers’ window the Plnehurst grocery office during Conrad Nagel, Is beautifully en­ Officer Roberts. tomorrow at 6:10 p. m.— ^Adv. the summer. acted. Advertising Pays—Use It i’l


times in Massacliusetts cities in not be remarkable as such schools three hours, without half tryiiig, go, but it is unusual in the case than you can anywh^e else in the of this particular o®e. It nearly, If EtieninB, Beralb whole eastern country in three not quite comes under the classi­ ° PU BU SH BD BY weeks. fication of excessive*turnover. ■- i THE HERALD PRiNTING CO. Just why so many valuable In­ Di» FWunk McCw^ Foundea^by Elwood S. Ela, FACING TWO WAYS structors should be leaving SJ.orrs Special Purchase antd Sale O ct 1, 18S1 The telegram of acceptance in at this time we do not know. Per­ Every Evening Ezce?t Sundays and Bolldays. w'hich povernor Smith utterly haps the turnover Is due to coinci­ repudiated the prohibition plank of dence of circumstances over which Entered at the Post Office at Man- MitfCLOSm AODflSSSMO FO fi f i C P i r ghester as Second Class Mall Matter. the Democratic platform by amend­ there could be no control in any (^t3 2 0 m . COY rtCMn semcg. tosAHUieS' c m .______8UBSCR1PTION RATES: By Mall ing it out 6f all similitude to its event. But the Connecticut Agricul­ tlx dollars a year, sixty cents a month for shorter periods. original aspect, puts his party tural College has always been GREEN CORN. <^ly an acid fruit, near the ‘ corn” Card Table Outfits something of an orphan foster child meal. By carrier, eighteen cents a week. squarely In the spotlight as a dou­ Green corn Is one of the few Single copies three cents. of the state of Connecticut anyhow. My dau.ghter who has recently ble dealer on this question of liq­ starchy foods that can bo used passed her botany examination has SPECIAL ADVERTISING REPRE­ uor. If has had to get along on some­ SENT ATI V'B. . Hamllton-Do Ltsser, freely during the hot weather. It just reminded me that corn is real­ Xno.. 285 Madison Avenue, N^w York National prohibition is a major thing considerable removed from Is a wholesome and appetizing ad-v ly listed botanically as a fruit. Yes, •nd 612 North Michigan Avenue. tenet in the faith of the vast ma­ liberal treatment. dition to our menus, and may be* that is true, but we do not list corn Chicago. used as the principal part of the jority of the Southern Democrats. Perhaps if there were more am­ that way as far as practical The Manchester Evening Herald is meal. It is most appetizing when on sale In New York City at Schultz's ple provision for salaries— provi­ dietetics is concerned. News Stand, Sixth Avenue and 42nd. Not that a majority of the Southern the kernals are plump and well The average person can use three Street and 42nd. Street entrance of Democrats are personally opposed sion at least adequate to meet the filled, yet soft and milky Inside. Grand Central Station and at all or foui^ small ears of corn at a Boatllng News Stands. to liquor— far from it. There is no bidding of similar institutions else­ Since green corn deteriorates meal with none but the most bene- • • • section of the country where there where— the college would be bet­ rapidly after being picked, it should tlcial results. Corn is best cooked be eaten as soon as possible. It is Client of International News Ser- are so few bona fide teetotalers ^as ter able to hold the instructors by boiling in slightly salted water Tlce. well to choose those ears, the husks which it has often trained and or by baking in the husk. The “International News Service has the in the South. But they favor nation­ of which are bright and fresh look­ later method given is a very deli­ exclusive rights to use for reoubllca- al prohibition because it makes which it would like to retain. ing. cate, nut-like flavor. Before bak­ tlon In any form all news dispatches MedUed to or not otherwise credited liquor too high in price for the Green corn contains a large ing, one would have to pull the In this paper. It Is also exclusively Negro to get; and sober Negroes, ABLE EXECUTIVE amount of soft pliable cellulose husks to clean the corn, after which entitled to use for republlcatlon 'all who will work more days in the The resignation of Dr. John R. w^hich is only partly digested In the the husks may be replaced and the the local or undated news published intestines, but has much value be­ ends twisted or tied together. herein." Full Service Client of N E A week than drunken Negroes, is Mott as head of the Young Men’s Service. cause of this fact, since It supplies what the Southern white has been Christian Association in the United a bulk which Is filling and non- QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. States opens a way for some suc­ irritating. Bran is often recom­ MONDAY, JULY 2, 1928 seeking In afl his years of agita­ Question; S. G. J. -writes; tion for prohibition. cessor who will have a high mended for this purpose, but there ‘‘Please tell me how to reduce the But the Southern white, which to shoot at if he hopes to emulate is a great danger of the bran being upper arm?” too starchy and thus further Ir- all for BAY STATE MOTORING the achievements of iis predeces­ Answer: Any kind of arm exer­ means Southern Democrat, is also ritat/ing the intestines. cises will reduce the fat on your Massachusetts automobilists are a hungry soul— hungry for a po­ sor. It is apparent that colitis i? often arms. The best ones to take are 2 Packs of Cards expressing indignation over tho litical job. He wants, above all For forty years Dr. Mott has pre­ caused from using too much bran those requiring a reasonable amount practice of outdoor advertisers, and things in the world, to have a sided over the destinies of the in an effort to cure constipation. of muscular tension and, at the Those who are constantly affected same time, these exercises should especially owners of refreshment Democrat in the White House, so American Y. His capacity as an $ 19-75 with this order will find that green be used rapidly and with vig'or. Table, 4 Chairs stands and service stations, in copy­ that he may come in for a postofficc executive is demonstrated by the corn would be of great help to Probably the best plan would be to ing the shape, colors and placement or a deputy-collectorship or some— extent to which that institution them. The Intestines of those who purchase one of the “ chest weight of the official highway direction any— other sort of a'federal meal has grown during those four de­ aie constipated are usually 4>alloon- exercises” which you can secure O more pushing and dragging big chairs over signs in setting out their own ad­ ticket. And he is willing to do al­ cades, not only in the numbers of ed and entirely out of their normal from any sporting goods store. This your rugs... no more recruiting chairs from COLORS: most anything to bring that about. its membership and the tremen­ shape, consequently a large amount apparatus Is attached to the wall, vertising boards. of bulky food must be used to and the exercises are taken by the dining room and bedrooms. . . no more CHINESE This is an offense ^gainst good He knows that the Southern states dous size of Its plant but by the-de­ properly fill out the intestines, so raising and lowering weights which N throwing every room in the house into dis­ RED lacquer taste and against the safety of the can do nothing in the way of elect­ gree of its influence. that normal peristaltic movements are attfiched to handles by ropes order every time you play bridge if you own a card with stipled black. Black fig­ motorist which has been pretty ing a Democratic President without Much of the importance of the will be promoted and this disease of running over pulleys. Secure a table set like this one. Bridge on the porch will be the aid of several important states Y in the religious, social and eco­ civilization, which Is so responsible booklet describing how to take ured leatherette well discouraged in this state. more pleasant too, and the folding chairs can be table top. in the North. He knows that in tho nomic life of the United States is for creating other diseases, may be these exercises. This bopklet can Every state in the Union, not al­ overcome. usually be obtained at the same used permanently on the porch if you wish. NANKING due to the extraordinary business ready provided with effectual-laws North there are very few Demo­ It is interesting to know that store where the apparatus is sold. When not in use the table and chairs fold into a GREEN lacquer ggalnst It, ought to legislate it out cratic drys, and that a Democratic capacity of its head. Dr. Mott green corn contains a much larger with stipled small space and can be stored away in a nearby black. siack of existence. dry wouldn’t have the shadow of a would have made an outstanding proportion of mineral salts than Is Question: Mrs. I. H. asks: “ Is it closet. chance of carrying a single North­ name for himself in the field of In­ found in cornmeal or In fried field ever advisable to use any kind of figured leather­ The highway markers and direc­ ette table top. ern state. dustry or finance had his inclina­ com. Its potassium alone is four breadstuff with a meal containing With the 4 chairs and table are included two packs tion signs, particularly those which times as plentiful as the amount either potatoes or meat?” JET BLACK So he whoops it up for Prohibi­ tions and opportunities happened of No. 606 Congress Playing Cards, linen finish with lacquer and sti­ warn' motorists of dangerous ele­ found in ordinary cornmeal. Answer: Genuine wholew'heat tion, nominates a Northern wet as to lie in such a direction. creackers, or muffins may be used gold edges, neatly packed in individual permanent pled bronze. ments ahead, should of course be Green corn is listed as a starchy his candidate, accepts the slap in food, but when young the starch in a limited quantity with either a cardboard boxes. Bronze figured as outstanding as possible so as to leatherette table the face that the candidate gives seldom reaches a percentage of one- protein (meat) or starchy foods Only by a special purchase is this low price made compel the attention of drivers; top. his ‘‘enforcement” platform, and fifth of the total bulk. Whole corn­ (potatoes) by those in good health. possible. Come early tomorrow for your set. and usually every effort is made to meal is 68 per_cent. starch, while ‘This Is an exception to the general prepares to vote for A1 Smith. render them so. But if signs simi­ green corn is something under 20 rules regulating the use of proteins There may be a certain amount and starches. lar in general appearance, and un­ per cent, starch, giving us a car­ of sincerity in the Democratic party bohydrate food which is very palat­ dertaking to startle the driver into in the North. There is none at all able and yet does not burden the Question: Mrs. L. M. G. asks: realization that “ Biirs Place” or “ Is there any cure of Incipient WATKINS BROTHERS. In c . in the South, where the great ma­ system with excesses of starch. “ Hlppity-Hop Dance Pavilion” la It Is quite safe for anyone tuberculosis?” jority of the Democratic electoral CRAWFORD AND CHAMBERS RANGES. 500 feet ahead, are permitted to troubled with constitpatlon to use Answer: Insipient tuberculosis votes lie. New York. July 2— Those fast- corn on the cob once a day during is cureable if the proper methods array themselves in the rank of action, business-like pay itations in the summer time, always combin­ are used; even advanced cases can road warnings, it is inevitable that the Manhattan hotels have played ing the corn with some of the green usually be controlled. If you will the attention of the driver to any A FREE PRESIDE.NT havoc with the once romantic life vegetables such as -asparagus, send a large, stamped, self-address­ road signs at all must soon become Out at Cedar Island Lodge, of the telephone girl. string beans, also a few of the ed envelope 1 will be glad to send A few years oack, scores of love ■ dulled. Wisconsin, President Coolidge is salad vegetables such as celery or you some articles on the subject having the time of his life. How tales could be written about the young carrots. Avoid acid fruits, which I have prepared for distribu­ The effect of this is to nullify switchboard operators in the larger much better a time than during including tomatoes, which are real- tion. the precautions for the safety of hostelries. DozeijB. of them landed his Black Hills vacation last year wealthy husbands and, to all in­ motorists which the authorities it Is easy to imagine. Then every tents and purposes,^ lived happily there is a matter-of-fact group of ber, the writer, was reported quite have painstakingly provided. phone booths; there is a little stock­ ill. Miss Ferber, by the way wrote word he uttered, every person he ever after. If Massachusetts is lacking in The plots of these stories varied ade in which sit many operators "Show Boat,” one of the season’s received, every look and every act, with receivers strapped to their biggest successes. Someone inquir­ laws to put a stop to the nuisance little. A visitor in New York, tired was weighed by a mob of corre­ of making the rounds— or, perhaps, heads; there is a waiting list of ed the nature of her illness. the motorists themselves have it in K spondents on the spot and by an a bit sentimental or homesick— half a dozen people; individuals “ Oh, she went to the theater one their power to end it. Suppose that would find himself leaning against rush in and out; calls are dis­ night and found out that two or­ entire nation at a distance, in hope an automobile driver stops at the counter, behind which perched patched with speed— chestra seats had been sold at box- of discovering whether or not he office prices. The blow felled her,” ‘‘Bill’s Place” and Bill or his help­ the pretty phone girl. He would there is little of the old romance. Have music at was going to be a candidate for re- speak of being lonesome and she Also, the house phones are now commented a wag. er prepares to serve the motoring election. Nobody on earth could would seem both sympathetic and arranged on public stands, while a Jimmy Walker has written the party with hot dogs or whatever. have a good time under such con^ jocular. His good humor would rise; matter-of-fact clerk gives you de­ The motorist inquires: soon they would fall into banter; sired information concerning a first musical “ piece” since those your summer home ditions. days when he was whanging out “'This Bill’s Place that I see ad­ she would arrive the next day to room number. Now the President has cast all find a bouquet of roses on her desk; I do not recall hearing of a ho­ “ Will You Love Me in December as vertised?” these annoyances and problems in­ there would be lunches and and tel phone girl romance in more than You Do in May?” he consented, as ‘‘Yes sir, what can we do for theater and dances and, finally ro­ a good Democrat, when properly too to the discard. He is just the pres­ a year. And there used to be at you?” mance. least one a month; or something persuaded by Elizabeth Marbury ent President and for some in- another good Democrat. Cynical ‘‘You can’t do anything for ^ me Or there w'ould be a type of like that. scrutible reason the present Presi­ small town man to whom the big Manhattanites view it as something ■ till you take that sign down. 1 dent never has been an.d never, in city phone girl would suggest gla­ When a Broadway show becomes or-other that the mayor left tor won’t spend a cent with anyone all probability, will be so Intriguing mour and worldly wisdom. He popular,-the agencies and specula­ Houston convention just about thr who tries to undo the state’s at­ would be fascinated by her glib tors buy up most of the theater— as time his new song was to be given an interest to the American people tempts to make the roads safe tongue; Irer ready assurance in all everyone knows, or should know. for the first time in Miss Marbury'!- as the next President. situations; her suggestion of inde­ The seats, as every purchaser has production. Whereas Miss Marbiirv Good-bye.” Mr. Coolidge is no longer a puz­ pendence and capacity to look out long since learned, are then sold at was already in Houston. One driver a day taking that at­ zle, a problem to be solved. So the for herself, her wisecracks and her considerably more than the adver­ GILBERT SWAN titude would set Bill to scratching “ city ways.” As a matter of fa,ct, tised prices. searching light of public inquisi­ I his head. Half a dozen a day would those girls were "smart,” and gen­ All of which is by way of intro­ See Hamid Bey hypnotize a worn tiveness is turned away from him erally quite attractive. duction to a little yam that is mak­ very promptly bring down the of­ an in Watkins Brothers’ window anfi divides its time between two But times have changed. Today ing the rounds. Recently Edna Fer- tomorrow at 5:10 p. m.— Adv. fensive sign with a rush. other men. If motorists would simply re­ And the President can go fishing fuse to patronize this class of ad­ The Good Old-Fashioned Remedy with worms or he can go fishing vertisers and take a little trouble with flies or go fishing with pork to let them know why they were rind, qr he caU stay at home and being boycotted there would be no loaf on the verandah, or do Just need of waiting for a Legislature as he darn pleases, witliout an ul­ to act. terior and strategic or foxy motive Pianos for beginners in this Speaking of automobiles and being attributed to his choice. Massachusetts, there is another Even the natural curiosity which matter worthy of a large and earn­ brings too many tourists to Brule est kick by outsiders. And that is need no longer be a constraint up­ SUMMER MUSIC SALE the meagreness of direction signs on the President. He can be per­ in many Bay State cities. fectly sure that every other one Is !NE instruments—with such names as Becker Brothers, W. P. Haines, You can start from North Gros- not some sort of an office seeker Bradbury and Victrola represented—and unprecedented low prices feature vernordale and drive across the or wire puller. F this Summer Music Sale. Many o f the pianos and Victrolas offered are state of Connecticut, through New floor samples and discontinued models. Others have been turned in for new York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania GRACEFUL pianos and Victrolas. Any instrument can be purchased on easy terms, if you and Maryland cities to the Nation­ An Influential German newspa­ wish, * al Capital, through scores of cities per is responsible for one of the and big towns, by route markers most delicately admirable sugges­ and direction signs, and never lose tions imaginable when it proposes Upright Piano at a price that adapts it your way. But try it in Massachu- that the German government grant for summer cottage use. Mahogany / settal a pension to the widow of Floyd case ...... $50 Perhaps it’s just inefficiency, but Bennett, who risked his life and Another Upright Piano that can be used HAMID BEY we suspect it’s something else that lost it in his efforts to aid the Ger- for the summer cottage. Ebonized makes the authorities of Massa­ man-Irish transatlantic flying trio case ...... $95 chusetts towns so Indifferent to appearing at the State marooned bn Greenly Island. Other fine Upright Pianos in modern ttfe plight'Of the stranger trying to Theater, will hypnotize a Bennett, it will be remembered, Colonial cases up t o ...... $225 find his way through. We suspect young lady in our Main though far from'well, unhesitating­ Player Piano in modem Colonial style and Oak Street window it’s the Massachusetts superiority ly hastened to fly to the relief of case of mahogany. Looks like new $150 tomorrow afternoon at complex which assumes that any tile men at Greenly, was overtaken Slightly used Player Piano in Colonial 5:10 and awaken her on normal person, no matter from by pneumonia and died. style case of modem design...... $195 the stage of the State how far away, must just naturally The proposed pension, the Ber­ know all about the old Bay State Other Players, all in latest mahogany Theater at 7 :30. Watch lin paper points out, would consti­ cases, up t o ...... $450 and everything in it, of such pass­ tute a fitting act of appreciation. this demonstration. ing Importance is that common­ Console and CJabinet Victrolas, many Or- If this suggestion should be car­ thophonic models, a few with electric mo­ wealth. Just as no Boston theatre ried out it would probably prove tors from ...... $65 to $225 ever thinks of telling, in its adver­ to be the best investment that Ger­ tisements, where it is to be found many ever made. Americana do not but takes It for granted that every- go behind the indicated motives for such wholly graceful and fine acts WATKINS BROTHERS. I n c , as this. Nor should they. CRAWFORD AND CHAMBERS RANGES. know its geography as w^ll as If

Jiave oeeo II ne were oi any ac- field on which a sports program FA C T S AB O UT WERNER^S PUPILS CAR BARN CONTRACT WORK ON COMPLETION ^GREEN” CLUB PLANS planned by Mias Margaret Boyle FINGERS ARE INJURED and Joseph Picaut will be carried GIVE A r e c it a l IS NOT YET SIGNED OF STORM SEWER IS ON OUTING AT CONGAMOND out. A. feature will be the annual] I baseball game between the married IN FIGHT WITH HSH CONNECTICUT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE and single men. tFrederick E. Werner, organist of Town Faces Removal of Years • Fred Mohr, chairman of the th= heater, presented a num­ Elaborate plana are being laid by committee, says that this is a com­ John Gamba of the Green ber of his pupils in recital yester­ Accumulation of Debris/Be­ , Deeds that yii;ere necessary to a the committee in charge to make munity affair and hopes that every­ Lands Big Pickerel But It (145) Life Insurance Business Increases Rapidly. day afternoon at his home on West hind Buildings. right of way from Florence street the annual oul;Ing of the Manches­ one in that section of the town will street, which was tastefully deco­ to Bircji street and to a point near ter Green Community Club the Bites Him. i. The business of Connecticut’s five life insurance companies is feel welcome to attend Last year rated with flowers of the season. In The selectmen after going over the old sand bank In the vicinity of most successful affair of its kind the club went to Salmon River for growing by leaps and bounds. At the beginning of this year the addition to his parents, Mr. and the bids received some time ago for John .Gamba, of Lake street; one the East Cemetery having been se­ ever held by that organization. its outing. five companies had in force 1,920.116 ordinary life policies Mrs. Emil Werner, only one or two the wrecking of the car barns, pur­ The outing this year will be held of the most enthusiastic rooters fox amounting to $9,616,562,286. This was 1079% more than the chased by the town with the land cured, the work of laying the re­ the Green baseball club, had th^ relatives and close friends were maining storm water pipes is now at Congamond Lake in Southwick, Stancliff Wood, 14, of Glaston­ amount of the 410,998 such policies of the Connecticut compan­ present. of the Connecticut Company, on Mass. laugh on, his'', friends yesterday ies in force in 1908 which was $819,559,945. underway, having started this bury, is in Memorial hospital as a when he returned from a fishing A varied program of duets and Center street, awarded the contract morning. Members of the committee went to the Hartford House Wrecking, result of injuries he received in a trip. They had been kidding hl^ solo numbers both classical and to the lake yesterday to njake fall froHi a horse Saturday after­ Last year 307,052 ordihary life policies amounting to $1,596,- Company which had bid $300. The ’i'here are 500 feet to be laid, since the season opened, that he 125,873 were issued by the Connecticut companies. Twenty modern was given, in some of the which will complete a pipe line of reservations for the outing which noon. It was said at the hospital duets Mr. Werne^ played the piano company was notified of the award, ^•will be held on Sunday, July 22. could not land even one fish. John years ago the amount of insurance written by the Connecticut with his pupils. Those who took 1,700 feel. This will run from a that the boy’s condition was not returned with a pickerel ^8 inches life companies was $91,138,134. in addition to the policies but a contract for the work, which point south of the cemetery, They are Fred Mohr, chairman; serious; that he had no broken part were Anna Rowe, Dorothy also included the flying in of the long and weighing four and thre^ issued last year, the five companies had policy increases amount­ through Florence street, where it William Cowles, Mrs. Edward bones. However, X-ray pictures quarters pounds. Galvis, Edward Werner, Joseph Mc- pits in the shed and the tearing out it will connect with the storm water Boyle, Miss Helen Griffen and Miss were taken this morning. ing to $720,595,615. Last year 190,387 policies amounting to Ilduff, Jennie Koch, Elsie Rothe, As he was exhibiting his catch $1,491,079,629 were terminated. During 1908 the policies ter­ of the foundations as well as the culvert and pipe line that extends ■Vir,ginia Talbott. John Hayden is Russell Taylor, Maurice McKeeVer, wrecking of the building, has not his friends noticed his hand all minated amounted to $59,177,116. through Spruce street, east from also on the committee. bandaged up. He would not explain Beatrice Erwin and Gladys Ted- been signed. Spruce, across Cottage and ending The committee and all members ford. In behalf of the other boys Costing $2,500 and embroidered but it leaked out that he had a ter4- The total premium income for 1927 was $224,818,383. This In addition to removing the at the dry brook that runs from 'of the Community Club wishing to with more than 20,'000 pearls and and girls, Maurice McKeever pre­ barns, store house and tool shed, rific battle with the pickerel after was 674% more than the premium income during 1908, which Bissell street through to - School attend will meet tonight "at the other stones, the dress to be worn he caught him. In trying to take amounted to $28,934,653. The total income last year was sented to Mr. Werner a fine leather which goes with the contract, the street. home- of Mrs. Boyle on Vernon bill fold containing a $2.50 gold by the model of Queen Mary in the out the hook, Gamba got his fin­ $293,461,930, as against $40,955,71 6 during 1908. town will have much work to do in The work that is being done will, street. 'The lake affords excellent new Madame Tussaud's has been piece. After the musical Mrs. Wer­ clearing up the conditions in the gers in the pickerel’s mouth and it is expected, do away with the wa­ bathing and there Is an athletic made of specially woven brocade. they were badly lacerated. Connecticut companies do a substantial business in this state. ner served refreshments, and a so­ rear of the barn. There is a big ter trouble on Florence street and At the begintiing of this year, they had 8 6,564 ordinary and cial hour was enjoyed. nibbish pile, which has been will also drain the cemetery prop­ Fred Werner though a very gathering, it seems since the start­ erly. It will cost about $6,000 and group life insurance policies, amounting to $406,316,141 in young man is one of Manchester’s force in Connecticut. Premiums collected during the year ing of the trolley cars over the will be paid for by town funds In­ best known musicians. For years he lines. Everything imaginable in stead of an assessment against amounted to more than $9,000,000. Connecticut companies has been organist at the Concordia had 20,226 policies amounting to $35,841,734 in force in Con- the way of dirt, wreckage and un­ property owners, as some storm necitcut on January 1, 1909. Lutheran church and local thea­ used parts has been piled up In the sewers have been assessed in the ters. Since his graduation from rear of the bafns. past. Wednesday— Connecticut Buys Life Insurance. high school four years ago he has Special Values at House*s devoted all his time to music. THE ANSWER Here is one solutii to the LET­ For The Fourth and Vacation TER GOLF puzzle on the comic [SERVICE PIPE BREAK pa,ge: Popular Price ( NEWS, SEWS, SEES, SEEM, You may have changed your plans suddenly and decided to go STEM, ITEM. ' STARTS SMALL FLOOD away for the Fourth. Naturally you will want to be well dressed. Fresh water is a necessity for “The store that holds faith with the people.” Boxing Tonigh! your bird. Water for bathing Corner Main and Maple Streets. Telephone 2006 Come here for easy selection of suitable apparel for the Fourth Because of a broken connection should be made available dally F. Kelley, Prop. from the main water pipe on Birch during the warm summer months, and vacation wear. Milton Cohen, New York feather­ street opposite the home of John weight who has recently returned and twice a week during the win­ Dwyer and just east of Stavnitsky ter. from a successful European .in­ Brothers’ motorcycle store, water vasion in which he scored seWral this morning forced its wav- wins, makes his Connecticut ^but through the macadam road into the For The Fourth tonight when he battles Jimmy street, causing a considerable flood. EMIELSTREDE Special Sale of Scully, Boston featherweight, in the It was said at the South Manchester The Fourth is One of the biggest holidays of the sea- star bout of the popular-priced card Concrete Contractor Water Company office that it prob- son. It inaugurates the summer vacation season and at the Hartford Velodrome. Foundations, Sidewalks, etc. abl.v woiluld not be necessary to hundreds plan to spend the day at their favorite beach Scully is the fast-punching Bos- shut off the water more than five Quality work at reasona{)le price. tonite who scored a clean-cut vic­ minutes, if that, to make repairs. MANCHESTER GREEN or lake resort. Of course there’s that old, old problem tory over Johnny O'Keefe at the The broken pipe was not believed to Phone that is always with us, what to have to eat. Let us Velodrome two weeks ago. The 100 SUITS be more than a three-quarter inch solve it for you from start to finsh from our line of food­ Scully-Cohen bout is on the books or an inch pipe. The amount of stuffs; much of which is home cooked or home prepared. tor eight rounds. In addition, there water coming down out of the hole Men’s and Young Men’s Styles will be eight four-round bouts in the street, however, would give bringing into action “ new talent”— the impression that it must be Sizes 32 to 46 that is, boys who have recently much larger. The proximity of HOME COOKED FOODS crossed the divide from the ama­ Dry Brook prevented the street Included in this lot are some Blue Serges, Worsteds teur to the professional class. Large assortment of ready to eat cooked and smoked from being flooded, the water and Cashmeres. Eddie Ely of Springfield, former meats and roast native chicken. reaching the brook through a cul­ Some are Kuppenlieimer make. Others House’s spe­ middleweight sensation of the ama­ vert a few feet away. teur ranks, meets a hard test In tak­ Elizabeth Park Brand Canned Food Products. cial. ing on Joe Hanlon of New York, for­ Sandwich Spreads, Peanut Butter, Fish Pastes. mer national A. A. U. middleweight Boned Chicken, Crab and Lobster Meat all in glass. To go on sale Tuesday morning at 9 champion. “ Buster” Nadeau of SILK C i n BAND GIVES Holyoke also faces stiff opposition Pate De Fois Gras, Caviar, Hors D’Oguvres. o’clock and will last until this lot is sold. in his bout with “ Pee Wee” Smith Knorr’s Beef and Bouillon Cubes, Soup Rolls. of Bridgeport. Those old rivals of P A R H TO NEWLY-WEDS Cooked Sauerkraut and Frankfurts in glass. amateur days, Marino Pagoni of Mayonnaise, Russian Dressing, Tartar Sauce. Y our choice of this lot Springfield and Pancho Villa of Members of the Silk City Flute Bread; Sticks, Cheese Sticks, Pretzels. Hartford meet in a four-rounder; band with their wives gave James The stor^ they went four slashing rounds two Tedford a pleasant surprise Satur­ of your trip Imported and Domestic Jams and Jellies. weeks ago with Pagoni getting the day evening at his home 28% Imported and Domestic Cheese. decision to a chorus of groans from Church street. Mr. Tedford was re­ IN M O V IE S Potato Chips in bulk. Swedish Health Wafers for the cash customers. Ray Sanborn cently married. He is employed by $ o t .00 Sandwiches. of Hartford, light heavy, meets the Rogers Paper company and is ft folks at home Sonny Smith of Boston. an enthusiastic member of the will get almost as Imported and Domestic Health Bread, Cinnamon and Then Harry Seeche of Hartford band. Frank Taggart, major of the -much _ pleasure from Sugar Rusks. the Cin6-Kodak mov- fights Stan Zemricki of Springfield band acted as toastmaster of the Kalas Sill, Anchovies, Boneless Dried Herring. 25 ies that_ you bring and there is a heavyweight battle evening and called upon several of Imported and Domestic Beverages. between Henry Bell of Hartford the members for recitations. back as if they had made the trip them- Former Values $35.00 to $45.00 and Harry Blanker of North David Benson in behalf of the ^***-^^ selves. _And you’ll Adams. Other bouts round out a band presented to Mr. Tedford for treasure this lasting movie record that Heavy Cream, Strictly Fresh Eggs, Brown’s Butter, card that promises a night of merry the new home a handsome Morris throbs with life on your screen at the milling. chair. During the evening, recita­ snap of a switch. Cine-Kodak is small, tions were given and songs sung oy cqmpact—loaded, it weighs but five STORE CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAY, JULY 4 Mrs. Frank Taggart, Mrs. Samuel SHOES pounds. Anybody can take good movies The population of Greater Lon­ Richardson and Miss Anna Dickson. with one from the start. Prices $70 up. One lot of Women's MEN’S don is always growing; in 1926 U was 7,805,870, compared with 6,- Strap Pumps in Sauterne SPORT OXFORDS See Hamid Bey hypnotize a wom­ 581,402 in 1901. The administr.a- Honey Beige, gray,, in Tan tive county, on the other hand, an in Watkins Brothers’ window tomorrow at 5:10 p. m.— Adv. bro-wn and black. $3.98 and $ 6 * ® $ 9 remains nearly stationary, about Kemp's Combinations 4,500,000.

Second Mortgage BUY YOUR TIRES AT Money a j j - v .Iii ri. FURNISHINGS NOW ON HAND Campbell’s Filling Station Arthur A. Knofla Phone 1551 873 .Main'St. Phone 782-2 SHIRTS \i m

finesL) piano The Romance of y / needs tuning Collecting hie Worlds Best Treasures The White Shirt— a Summer Favorite GOLF HOSE The white collar-attached shirt of broad­ REGULARLY ^ HERE is nothing too good for the peo- cloth is still the favorite shirt for summer days—also fancy styles. $1.00 to $3.00 Pair pie of South Manchester. And C^'^HE piano v^ou have in Collar attached. ^ your home is more than whether it is linens from Ireland, potteries a magnificent musical in­ from Czechoslovakia, or furs from Siberia $L69$2$3^"^$3,50 strument—it is one o f the that are fashionable at the moment, dis­ many lovely marvels of SPORT SWEATERS our age. criminating shoppers will find them here. KY " dr BATHING SUITS Ik great beauty o f tone, its If we were to tag every piece of merchan­ 1 J . . i . , . - - _ _ _ /• The weather man’s prediction is rich melody, its perfect dise in the store with the name of the coun­ hot weather for the Fourth. Be harmonv can only be safe prepared for a dip. Get one of ^guarded _ and ------retained by try from which it came, you would realize our bathing suits today. tuning at regular intervals. how many stones we turn and how many The Golden Egg If not ituned regularly it may miles the world’s rarest treasures travel to Boys’ Sizes— All be pernianently injured ahd all who play and hear it are come to your front door. For us, though, W ool $3.00 and $4.00 annoyed and embarassed; this is part of the romance of business apd Savings Banks M en’s Sizes— All Why not ask us about hav­ it is a pleasure for us to serve you in this ing one o f our experienced way. W ool $3.50 to $6.00 and expert piano tun«s go have arrived and are ready for carefully over your piano and give you a;n estimate A COMPLETE STORY' WILL BE TOLD A very popular item for either at distribution. on a regular tuning service. S T R A W H A TS the seashore or at a lake. IN THE HERALD MONDAY NIGHT, $2.50 to $7.00 Open an account with $2 or Men’s Sizes...... $5 to $8 JULY 9th. LUGGAGE more and secure one of them. Kemp's Boys’ Sizes .. r... $2 to $3 Including Trunks, Bags, Etc. T H E PIANO The Home Bank & Trust Co, THt lASiC MC5ICAL INSTRUMENT SOUTH Mf\NCH£Sr£R CONN C E. HOUSE SON, INC

•m M W f t - i PAGE SIX MAKCHESl'ER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD. MONDAY, JULY 2 ,192f. ••■■ ■ .tivS

by everybody except a prisoner in sticks, pencils and tape measures. The tomato is a fruiti accord! SEE EVEN MONEY handcuffs since be came back from Roy Randall and Frank Connors to a recent decision of the Ana DAILY RADIO PROGRAM his midwinter vacation. Still; COVENTRY folder employees at Autumn View trallan Ministry of Tradt and Cus­ Loughran is nobody’s sap. He took Farm have gone to Bloomvllle, N, toms; but. many people will still ■>’ > Monday, July 2. 399.8— WTAM, CLEVELAND—750. Leading DX Stations. this second Latzo fight for the Mrs-. George Rennet, Sr., and Y. to work. Fred Lawrence of regard it as a vegetable. 8:30 7:30—W EAF Gypsies; artists. title— the promoters say both fight­ Little Jacic LiUIs, songster, song 10:30 9:30—.Studio recital. (DST) (ST) FOR LATZO BOUT family of Harrison, N. Y.. are at Brimfield, Mass., was undecided writer, and one of the best known and 12:30 11:30—Dance program. 475.9— WSB, ATLANTA—630. ers must do 175 pounds— without their summer home for the seai^on. whether he would remain at home most loved entertainers In the radio 440.9— W ex-W JR, DETROIT—680. ’ apparent demurer, which is a thing world, will appear before the micro­ 10:00 9:00—Candler feature hour. This evening the Christian En­ or go with them. Willys-Kniffht 7:30 6:30—Roxy with WJZ. 11:00 10:00—Senrs-Roebuck concerU you arfe never without if you think phone of W HAZ at 10:30 Monday 8:30 7:30—Lingcman minstrels. 12:45 11:45—Concert . deavor Soeiety and everyone else Austin Blair has left the employ night. Spanish music, both vocal and 9:00 8:00—W JZ Riverside hour. some one is going to give you a who care to attend are Invited to Overland-Whippet instrumental, will feature the pro­ 525—KYW, CHICAGO—570. Miners Have Plenty of Cash of Fred, Miller also his other poul­ 9:30 8:30—Monday night musical. 7:30 6:30—WJZ programs (2 hrs.* trouncing. In fact, to bhow what the parsonage to celebrate their gram of the General Motors’ family 10:00 9:00—Songs; Hawailans; dance. try man, Ernest Olson is spending party through WEAF and associated 10:00 9:00—Symphonic ensemble. he thought of Latzo, he subsequent­ wedding anniversary with Rev. and 535.4—WTIC, HARTFORD—560. 1:00 12:00—Artists recital. ly signed for another Lomski title a few days at Autumn Farm. SERVICE stations at 9:30. The theme of tills 6:30 5:30—Bond instrumental trio. to Wager on Pole Against Mrs. J. N. Atwood. The concert given by the Boys’ broadcast will bo a radio drama writ­ 7:30 6:30—Plano recital. 365.8—WEBH-WJJD, CHICAGO—820. bout in August. ' Tuesday evening the Choral So­ ten around Queen Isabella and the 8:00 7:00—W EAF progs. (3i.4 hrs.) 8:30 7:30—Edgewater orch., trio. So both men must be figuring Band of the Nazerene church Fri­ OAKLYN FILLINC; STATION colorful Spanish court at the time of 11:30 10:30—Old time organ tunes. 9:00 8:00—Mooseheart hour; songs. ciety will meet at the chapei with day evening was enjoyed by all. Columbus. Hank Simmons’ Show 11:05 10:05—Orchestra; mystery three. Loughran. that they got a break In making Mrs. ThomaA Welles. Telephone 128-1-2 422.3—WOR, NEW ARK—710. this match.. Only one of them can boat, the "Maybelle” will again tie up 7:00 6:00—Levitow’s orch; lieders. 416.4— WGN.WLIB, CHICAGO—720. Wednesday evening Mrs. Barnes near the Columbia system transmitter, 9:00 8:00—Simmons’ Showboat. 8:30 7:30—W EAF (jypsies; party, be right. Loughran hasn’t been POST OFFICE HOURS so that radio listeners may enjoy an­ 10:00 9:00—Merrymakers music. 10:30 9:30—Violinist; quInteL Sunday, school class will meet at the other gala performance replete in wrong on an opponent In many a ON FOURTH OF JULY. 11:05 10:05—Henderson’s dance orch. 11:30 10:30—Sam *n’ Henry; ship. By DAVIS J. WALSH day. Latzo not since he tried to chapel for rehearsal of their play, melodrama, comedy and harmony, 11:30 10:30—The Witching hour. 12:10 11:10—Frolic; dance music. “ Mrs. Fearless and Co.” Mme. Lolita Cabrera Galnsborg. pi­ 333.1— WBZ, NEW ENGLAND—900. New York, July 2— Those Inno­ do 147 pounds for Dundee. Pete The South Manchester Post Of­ anist. is to be the guest artist of the 344.6— WLS, CHICAGO—870. 'Thursday evening Conventry 6:00 5:00—Music forum; trio. 8:10 7:10—Artists; pianist, Angelus, cent men of the mines, simple, un­ wasn’t a riot the night he went into fice will be closed from 11 o’clock Great Composers’ hour through WJZ. 6:55 5:55—Baseball scores; orch. Grange No. 75 P. of H. will hold its WH.AM and KDKA at 10 o’clock. One 8:35 7435—Tenor; harmony girls. affected folk who can’t be expected the hands of the receiver, ^so to for the balance of the day Wednes­ 7:00 6:00—Lowe’s dance orchestra. 9:00 8:00—Witches, music; revue. regular meeting. The program is of the most interesting highlights 7:30 6:30—Roxy with WJZ. to spot a good thing any further speak, with Tony Marullo, the great day, Fourth of July. The stamp scheduled for this night goes on the 9:00 8:00—WJZ Riverside hour. 447.5— WMAQ-WQJ, CHICAGO—670, than the full Derby distance of a backstop. But he made a fine In charge of Sister Edith P. Hansen. window will be open from 7:15 un­ air over WGY at 7:30. The hour is 9:30 8:30—Kane’s Reverie time. 9:00 8:00—IVOR programs (2 hrs.) fight with Loughran and, two Friday evening there will be an­ sponsored by the General Electric 10:00 9:00—Stetson entertainers. 11:00 10:00—Amos ’n’ Andy. mile and a quarter, are going about til 10:15. There will be no city or Company and will present such artists 11:12 10:12—Studio dance music. the streets today In Wilkes-barre. weeks later when everyone thought other rehearsal for “ Mrs. Fearless 10:35 9:33—Frost’s Symphony orch, and Co.” rurual carrier delivery. The money as Ethel Newcomb, pianist; Ira Blunt, 491.5—W BAF. NEW YORK—610. 499.7— W FAA, DALLAS—600. Pa., with lamps on their hats and, he would be washed up, he forced order window will be closed all baritone, and Edward Rice, baritone. 6:00 5:00—W aldorf-Astoria music. 9:00 8:00—Cline’s dance orchestra- if you think they are trying to help Lomski to pop to the catcher or Tuesday afternoon at 1:80 stand­ Miss Newcomb, who was a favorite 6:55 5:55—Baseball scores; talk. 11:00 10:00— Belcanto quarteL day. Mails will arrive at 6:35, pupil of the great Leschetisky. is well Diogenes find his honest man, you foul out, as they say. He should ard time, the Jolly Juniors Canning 7:30, 9:45 a. m. and will depart 7:15 6:15—National string quarteL 374.8— WOO, DAVENPORT—80a Club will meet at the home of Mrs. known through her concert work. Roxy 7:30 6:30—Talk, A. H. Tropman. 10:00 9:00—Vagabond quartet. give them too much credit for hav­ be even better for his rest in the at 8:50 and 11:00 in the morning. and His Gang will again hold swa.v 8:00 7:00—Shining hour. 10:30 9:30—W EAF harmony team. ing too little sense. They, as a mat­ meantime. Chas. Christensen and will can before the microphone of WJZ and 8:30 7:30—Gypsies orchestra. 11:00 10:00—Soprano; dance music. strawberries. Each child is to to N. IL C. stations at 7:30. and one hour 9:30 8:30—General Motors’ party ter of fact, are looking for an hon­ later fans of WEAF and associated 325.9— KOA, DENVER—920, est dollar, which makes the contest get one quart of strawberries See Hamid Bey hypnotize a wom­ with Spanish music. 11:15 10:15—Little Symphony orch. stations may tune in the Gypsies pro­ 10:00 9:00—The Cabin Door. considerably less one-sided, and ready the night before and an in Watkins Brothers’ window gram. 10:30 9:30—Fisk harmony team. 12:05 11:05—Act, Fourth of July.” i$ d a te / t v 1:00 12:00—Saxophone, banjo, piano. what they are trying to help Is leave them stand with 5 oz. tomorrow at 5:10 p. m.— Adv, columns 11:00 10:00—Venetian Gondoliers music Wave lengths in meters on left of 454.3—WJZ, NEW YORK—660. 499.7—W BAP, FORT WORTH—€00, themselves. of sugar and bring them stations title, kilocycles on the rigtit. 1:00 12:00—Astor concert orchestra, 8:30 7:30—Musical progs. (3% hrs.) This innovation In human in­ American to class for further Instructions. Times are Eastern Daylight .Saving 7:00 6:00—Riker and McDoiigal. 12:15 11:15—Theater entertainmenL stincts is expected to take place on On Friday at 1:30 standard time, and Eastern Standard. Black type 7:30 6:30— Roxy and His Gang. 400—PW X, HAVANA—750. HISTORY indicates best features. July 16 when Tommy Loughran, the 4-H Sunshine Scissor Club will 9:00 8:00—Wayside Inn orchestra. 9:00 8:00—Stetson military parade. July 2 9:30 8:30—’Tango orchestra. 10:00 9:00—Studio musicaP program. the fighter who doesn’t know any meet at the chapel. This Is a spe­ Leading East Stations. 10:00 9:00—Great composers hour with 422.3—WOS, JEFFERSON—CITY—710. better than to fight, will defend his 1760— All Canada came into posses­ cial meeting to help us catch up Lolita Gainsborg, pianist. 10:15 9:15—Ramblers dance orch. sion of Great Britain. (D.S'i') (ST) 11:00 10:00—Slumber music. light heavyweight title against with our work. Children are ask­ 272.6—WPG. ATLANTIC CITY—1100. 370.2— WDAF, KANSAS CITY—810. 1776— Colonial Congress adopted a 405.2— WLIT, PHILADELPHIA—740. Pete Latzo. The miners evidently ed to be sure and bring yard- 7:ii.'i 0:05—Dinner music; talk . 8:00 7:00—WE.4F programs (2 hrs.) think Tommy is about due to blow- resolution of independence. GOING AWAY FOR S-.OII 7:00—Ver.satilians. songs. 9:30 8:30—WE.Al'' arlist.s party. 10:00 9:00—Studio concert. 1807— British men-of-war ordered 3:00—Concert orchestra. 10:30 9;30-^Dance orchestra. 11:30 10:30—W EAF harmony team. this one, for they are taking plenty Kiiun !l;0()—Violinist, ’cellist, pianist. 315.6— KDKA, PITTSBURGH—950. 1:45 12:45—Nightwalk frolic. of 4 to 5 on Latzo two weeks before to leave American waters. —Three dance orchestras. 6::i0 5:30—Studio ensemble. 468.5— KFI, LOS ANGELES—640. the fight and indications are that 1863— Confederates and Federal 285.5—W BAL. BALTIMORE—1050. G;55 5:55—Baseball scores. 1:00 12:00—Violinist, pianist. forces contended for posses­ TOWN ADVERTISEMENT 7:30 C:3U—WJZ programs (314 hrs.) it will be dollar against dollar when 7:3(1 —WJZ programs (2 hrs.) 1:30 12:30—Fisk harmony 4)oys. the young men go in there. sion of Ronnl Top at Gettys­ THE 9:30 8:30—String quartet, baritone. 461.6— WCAE, PITTSBURGH—650. 2:00 1:00—Concert orchestra. burg. 10:00 ;);00—Marylanders dance music. 7:00 6:00—Contralto, pianist. 322.5— WHAS, LOUISVILLE—9,30. Lost Championship <61.3—WNAC. BOSTON—650. 7:30 6:30—L'nclo Gimhcc; talk. 10:00 9:00—Studio concert. It may not be worth mentioning, 1881— President Garfield shot by Hearing on the assessment for 7:30 (1:30-Tallis; piano recital. 8:00 7:00—W EAF programs (3 hrs.) 10:30 9:30-Fisk harmony team. particularly in the hearing of Jack Charles J. Guiteau. the construction of sidewalks or 7:.‘)0 fi:50—Concert; Jean and Eddie 280.2— WHAM, ROCH EST ER—1070. 9:00 3:00—WOR programs (2 hrs.) 405.2—WCCO. MINN., ST. PAUL—740. Kearns, but the fact of the matter 1912— Woodrow Wilson nominated curbs or both on Strant Street. FOURTH? 7:30 6:30—Roxy witli WJZ. 9:30 8:30—W EAF artists party. for the. presidency on the 302.8—WGR. BUFFALO—990. 9:00 8:00—WJZ Riverside hour. is that the last time they got a George W. Strant, Willian San- 8:30 7:30—I'reshyterian choir, solos. 10:00 9:00— Musical program. 46th ballot by Democrats. 9:30 8:30—WJZ programs (1 hr.) 10:30 0:30—WEAO' harmony teanL world’s champion into the Pennsyl­ deen, Harriet Robinson, George W. If SO youll want, an 9:00 8:00—HY an’ Dry. 11:00 10:00—Smith’s Cavalier’s orch. 9:30 8:30—WE.AF progs. dU- hrs.) 11:00 10:00—Crinoline trio: tenor. vania anthracite district, they sent Strant, AJlen M. Barrett, Patrick 515.1—WMAK. BUFFALO—550. 379.5—WGY, SCHENECTADY—790. 336.9— WSM. NASHVILLE—890. him back with a Mexican compro­ A movie actress married her first Shea, Lilia B. Scranton, James extra coat from this se­ 7:30 C:30—WGY General Electric hr. 12:55 11;.55—Time; weather; markets. 10:00 9 :0 0 --Jackson dinner music. mise. That is to say, he didn’t husband the other day for the Adamson and James Maguire. 8:30 7:30—Musical entertainment. 2:00 1:00—French lesson. 10:30 9:30—W EAF harmony team. third time. When you sink the lection of summer styles. 9:00 8:00—WOR programs (2 n's.) 7:30 6:30—General Electric hour with 11:00 10:00—Theater organ. lose his life. However, Mickey Owners of property abutting 11:00 10:00—Cavaliers: organist. pianist, baritone, violinist 11:30 10:30—()ninte(; studio prograrr.. Walker’s title was permanently lost third time, they say, you’re usually sidewalks or curbs or "both on 423.3—W LW . CINCINNATI—700- 8:30 7:30—WE.'VF progs. ( 2'^ hrs.) 12:30 11:30—H.awatian serenaders. all through. 11:00 10:00—Smith’s cavalier’s orch. at the conclusion of the -transaction Strant Street. Appropriate for wear, 9:00 8:00—WJZ Riverside hour. 254.1—WRVA. RICHMOND—1180. and. speaking of non-essentials, it 9:30 8:30—Showboat; baseball scores 305.9—WHAZ. TROY—980. 9:00 8:00—Studio concert (3 hrs.) You are hereby notified that the anywhere, anytime. 10:30 9:30—Instrumental trio. 9:00 8:00—Orcliestra. vocalists. 12:00 11:00—Richmond orchestra. probably isn’t important, either, Selectmen of the Town of Manches­ 11:00 10:00—Serenaders pro.gram. 10:00 9:00—String qu.artet. Hawaiians 422.3— KPO. SAN FRANCISCO—710. that the man who took him over the ter, Conn., acting under and pur­ 11:30 10:30—Ic.vball program. 10:30 9:30— Little Jack Little. 12:00 11:00—N. B C. programs. obstacles is the same Latzo who TOWN ADVERTISEMENT Materials — Flannel, 12:00 11:00—Two dance orchestras 11:00 10:00—Studio vocal program. 1:00 12:00—Variety program, artists. suant to Section 20 (396) (House Secondary Eastern Stations. will meet Loughran two weeks Bill No. 929) Special Laws of Con­ Twill, Tweed, Mixes, Secondary DX Stations. hence. necticut. 1915 entitled “ An Act 503. 2—WEEI. BOSTON—590. 348.6—WGBS. NEW YORK—860. 319—KOIL, COUNCIL BLUFFS—940. Yes, these miners are easy-r—and 7:30 6 30—Old-time minstrels. 7:30 6:30—Ensemble, zither, soprano Hearing on the assessment for amending an Act concerning the Plain Shades and white. 8:00 7 on—WE.^F programs (2 hrs.) 8:45 7:45—Prize tenor; ensemtile. 11:00 10:00—I'nppy Huh; concert. I mean easy to find when they are nomination of candidates for pub­ 1:00 12:00—Anio.s 'n’ Andy. the construction of sidewalks nr 10:00 9:00—Studio musical program. 10:00 9:00—Pianist; songs; quartet. looking for you. They really think curbs or both on Bond Street. lic office and the number, power 10::;o <) ;3n—Wt'lAF harmony team. 10:30 9:30—Baritone, trio: orchestra. I:!.") 12:1.3—Organist, tenor. they have something this time, for SPECIAL FOR 2<5.8- -WKRC. CINCINNATI—1220. 394.5—WHN. NEW YORK—760. 2:15 1:1.'i —.McMillan program. Jessie B. Taylor, Edward J. Roll. and duties of the Town Officers of 8:011 7:0()—In.strumental program. 8:30 7:30—Theater orchestra. 3-10.7—WJAX, JACKSONVILLE—8SC. their notion is that a man who John Cullen, Edward J. Holl and the Town of Manchester.” Approv­ ONE DAY TUESDAY 9:00 8:00—WOR programs (2 hrs.) 9:03 8:03—St. Nicholas prize fights. 9:00 8:00—Tn.stnimenfnl Irlo. takes a body beating from Latzo ed May 20th, 1915, will meet at the 12:00 11 :00—Dance orchestra. Henry Ahern. 10:35 9:3.5—Soprano; poems. 9:30 8:30—W EAF arlisl.s party. comes back slowly, if'at all, and the Owners of property abutting Municipal Building in said Town of 361.2--W SAI, CINCINNATI—830. 10:45 ;):4.5—Harmony team. 11:00 10:00—Concert program. last Loughran-Latzo championship 8:00 7 :00—W EAF program.? (3, hrs.) 11:00 10:00—Two dance orclicstras. sidewalks or curbs or both on Bond Manchester on July 9th, 1928, at 11:00 10 :00—Heuer’s orchestra. 526—WNYC, NEW YORK—570 . 4'99.7—KTHS, HOT SPRINGS—600. was held less than two months ago. Street. seven o’clock, E. S. T., for the 265.3--WHK, CLEVELAND—1130. 7:50 6:50—Songs: violinist: talk. 11:00 10:00—Me.vcr Davis orchestra. They point to this ringside .iudg- purpose of assessing two-thirds of 9:00 8 :00—Instrumental music. .8:45 7:45—Pianist, violinist, pianist. 12:30 ll:3j0—Roof Garden frolic. ment was that Latzo was in front You are hereby notified that the $ 10:00 9 :00— Buckeye .State serenaders the cost thereof upon the property 10.00 9:30 8:3(1—Municipal band. 416.4— KHJ. LOS ANGELES—720. at ten rounds and the Wilkes-Barre Selectmen of the Town of Manches­ 11:00 10 :0(i—Soprano: artists hour. 370.2—W LW L. NEW YORK—810. ter, Conn., acting under and pur­ adjacent thereto, for the construc­ 12:00 11 :00—Roth’s dance music. 7:0.5 6:05—Iseo [Inri, tenor. l:0n 12:00—.mudio musical prog'^ams. fight is scheduled for that distance 2:00 1:00—Dance orchcslra. suant to Section 20 (396 ) (House tion of sidewalks or curbs or both 352.7—WWJ, DETROIT—850. 7:15 6:15—Dupre en.semble; talk. exactly. Furthermore, they con­ upon said street. 7:30 6:30—Dinner concert; baseball. 7:45 6:45—Popular airs. 516.9—WMC, MEMPHIS—580. tend that Loughran’s indifferent Bill No. 929 ) Special Laws of Con­ 434.5—CNRO, OTTAW A—690. By Order of and for 8:00 7:00—W EAF programs (4 hrs.) 11:30 10:30—.Snnova concert program. showing against Armand Emanuel necticut, 1915 entitled “ An Act 11:00 10:00—Dance orchestra. 8:00 7:00—Eliatrau Laurier orch. 12:30 11:30—D.ance program. amending an Act concerning the The Board of Selectmen 410.7—CFCF. MONTREAL—730. 8;.5.5 7:5."i—French Canadian arli.«:(.'i 394.5— KOB, NEW MEXlCO-760. at the Garden last week was direct of the' 7:30 6:30—Hattie's concert orchestra. 293.9—WSYR. SYRACUSE—1020. evidence that Latzo’s punching had nomination of candidates for pub­ 7::I0 6:30—.Syracuse dinner music. 10:00 9:00—Farm talk; orchestra. The Town of Manchester, Ct. 9:00 8:00—Lafontaine band concert. 11:30 10:30—Housekeeper’s talk; orch. done him no great good. lic office anti the number, power 10:30 ;):30—Denny’s dance orchestra. 8:30 7:30—Studio mu.sical progr.am. THOMAS J. ROGERS, 468.5—WRC. WASHINGTON—640. 336.9— KNX, OAKLAND—890. Has Lost Speed and duties of the Town Officers of 209.1 —WABC, NEW YORK—970. 7:30 6:30—Roxy with WJZ. the Town of Manchester.” Approv­ Secretary. 8:00 7:00—Studio entertainmeiiL 1:00 12:00—Feature program. There testimony actually is sup­ 8:00 7:00-WF.\F programs (3 hrs.) 2:00 1:00—Orche.stra; artist.?. ed May 20th, 1915, will meet at the Manchester, Conn. 9:00 8:00—Musical program. 11:00 10:00—WJZ Slumber music. ported only by this known fact: 3:00^ 2:00—Two dance orchesir.as. that Loughran appears to have lost Municipal Building in said Town of H-7-2-28. some of his speed since the Lomski Manchester on July 9th. 1928, at fight in January. This is the only seven o’clock, E. S. T., for the I conclusion to be taken fi>om the cir­ purpose of assessing two-thirds of er which failed to do any damage, cumstances that he has been hit the cost thereof upon the property YANKEES CERTAIN but finally wallops a homer which adjacent thereto, for the construc­ settles the business. tion of sidewalks or curbs or both WTIC Although 23 hits were made In upon said street. the Detroit-St. Louis game, none TOWN ADVERTISEMENT By Order of and for Travelers Insurance Co. TO WIN PENNANT was for extra bases. Seven hits In The Board of Selectmen the eighth, resulting in five runs, Hartford of the gave the Tigers a 7 to 4 edge. The Town of Manchester. Ct. 535.4 m. 5Q0 k. c. IT 1 1 . II i r iiT n. 1 homer by George Burns gave Hearing on the assessment for THOMAS J. ROGERS, Nagahead at Half Way Mark; i ° ^ decision over the the construction of sidewalks or Secretary. curbs or both on Armory Street. Manchester, Conn. State of Connecticut, Thompson H-7-2-28. Program for -Monday. A's Walloped Twice Yes- Appleby, Edward R. Kratt, Alex­ OLLAND ander Trotter, Est. Eastern Dayligl^t Saving Time. Owners of Property abutting P. M. terday— Other Games. sidewalks or curbs or both on Harold M. Clough, 22, of Tol­ Armory Street. TOWN ADVERTISEMENT 6:25— Summary of program and land, Conn., and Miss Hazel P. Dews bulletins. Brown, 27, a teacher, of 311 Boy- You are hereby notified that the 6; 25— “ Sportograms.” den street, Waterville, Conn., ob­ Selectmen of the Town of Manches­ 6:20— Hotel Bond Trio— Emil New York, July 2.— As the ter, Conn., acting under and pur­ Hearing on the assessment for baseball season approaches the tained a marriage license at the the construction of sidewalks or Heimberger, director. ^lunicipal Building in New York suant to Section 20 (396) (House On Wings of Song. half-way mark, it becomes evident Bill No. 929) Special'Laws of Con­ curbs or both on Summit Street. City Saturday. They stated that William Sharp and Sarah Steven­ “ There's music in the air” in that nothing short of a train wreck necticut, 1915 entitled “ An Act or a miracle can keep the New York they would be married Saturday in son. more ways than one. Every the Little Church Around the Cor­ amending an Act concerning the Yankees from winning their third nomination of candidates for pub­ Owners of property abutting winged creature contributes to straight American League pen­ ner by the pastor . Rev. Randolph sidewalks or curbs or both on Sum­ an aerial melody of some sort, as Ray. Mr. Clough was born in Tol­ lic office and the number, power nant. They have captured thirteen and duties of the Town Officers of mit Street. Emil Heimberger and the Hotel out of eighteen contests with the land, the son of Alva E. and Maude You are hereby notified that the Bond Trio will prove in the din­ L. Clough. Miss Brown who is the the Town of Manchester.” Approv­ Athletics and are 13 1-2 games in ed May 20th, 1915, will meet at the Selectmen of the Town of Manches­ ner music program through front of those disillusioned gentle­ daughter of Edward C. and Edith ter, Conn., acting under and pur­ WTIC of the Travelers this eve­ M, Bradley Brown, was born in Municipal Building in said Town of men. Manchester on July 9th, 1928, at suant to Section 20 (396) (House ning. The bee, , swan, With Henry Johnson and Hoyt New York City. Bill No. 929) Special Laws of Con­ glow worm, , kingfisher seven o’clock, E. S. T., for tli pitching, the Yanks walloped the purpose of assessing two-thirds of necticut, 1915 entitled “ An Act and a host of other birds will A’s twice yesterday, 12 to 6 and amending an Act concerning the come to radio listeners “ on the the cost thereof upon the property S to 4. Sixty thousand fans saw the TOWN ADVERTISEMENT adjacent thereto, for the construc­ nomination of candidates for pub­ wings of song” in a descriptive double bill, providing Col. Jake lic office and the number, power musical program. tion of sidewalks or curbs or both the superlative ingredients we Ruppert with a most convincing upon said street. and duties of the Town Officers of Busy Bee, Bendix. reason as to why he should not Hearing on the assessment for the Tow’n of Manchester.” Approv­ deliberately BLEND into it: Butterflies, Steinke. the construction of sidewalks or By Order of and for break up his great machine for the The Board of Selectmen ed May 20th, 1915, will meet at the The Swan, Saint-Saena. good of the other magnates’ gate curbs or both on North Street. Municipal Building in said Town of Glov.' Worm, Llncke. receipts. The Second Ecclesiastical Soci­ of the Elected Jamaica The Town of Manchester, Ct. Manchester on July 9th, 1928, at . . . Poor .Butterfly, Hubbel. ety, Agnes and Joseph Wrobelsky, seven o’clock, E. S. T., for th. Those sparkling bubbles ginger root, citrous fruit Fireflies, Lincke. Tony Good At Bat. Frank Ploharsky, Oliver and May THOMAS J, ROGERS, Secretary purpose of assessing two-thirds of The Blue Kingfisher, Finden. Tony Lazzeri had a batting orgy Bingham, Stanislaw Mosko, John the cost thereof upon the property juices, pure cane sugar, oz- and Patris Brozausky, Matthew Manchester, Conn. that leap up at you when Butterfly, Grieg. with seven hits in eight times at H-7-2-28. adjacent thereto, for the construc­ onated water. Love Episode in Bird Land, Ben­ bat. In the nightcap the wonder­ and Helen Rubarka, Ignac and tion of sidewalks or curbs or both you open a bottle of Coun­ dix. ful Wop twice “ gave the ball a Mary Weirzbick, Alexander and upon said street. 6:55— Baseball scores. poosh” out of the lot. In the Anna Zikus, Franczsel and Marian­ By Order of and for try Club . . and con- Taste it at any fountain, road" 7:00— “ Stressmann” , James G. opener old Joe Bush, a World Se­ na Vyzyoc, Warlaw and Eleanora The Board of Selectmen / ries hero ’way back in 1911, was Rubaca, Katherine Smith, Michael TOWN ADVERTISEMENT stand or restaurant. Then or­ McDonald. of the tinue to dance in your glass 7:15— National String Quartett^. kayoed by his former mates. Bus­ and Catherine Coughlin, Elizabeth The Town of Manchester, Ct. Golway, Mary DeCiantis, John and der a case from your neigh­ 7:30— Piano recital. ter Gehrig clouted his 17th and THOMAS J. ROGERS, and in the opened bottle long To a Water Lily, MacDowell. 18th homers. Petris Brozausky, Charles Schra- Hearing on the assessment for , Secretary. borhood dealer, who will tell Running, Gcdard. The Boston Braves, who had bez, Adam and Annie Blovish, The the construction of sidewalks or Manchester, Conn. after any ordinary ginger ale Apres L'Ondee, Pesse. lost their last six games with Polish Grocery Corp., Stanislaw curbs or both on Lewis Street. H-7-2-28. you that Country Club has Laura C. Gaudet, staff pianist. Brooklyn and who had been beaten Parciak et al, Adam Brozouski, Howard I. Taylor, Blanche E. would be “ flat” . . they in their last seven starts, enabled Prank Yankowski and Michael Ru­ Keith, Albert d. Loveland, and been tested and approved by 7:45— “ Speaking of Sports” , barka. Arthur B. McGinley, Sports Pitcher Kent Greenfield to win his Frank and Julia Hicking. are not a trick or an accident. America’s foremost pure food Editor Hartford Times. first game of the year by out- Owners of property abutting Owners of property abutting If You Want to Sell or slugging the Dodgers, 8 to 7. Ging sidewalks or curbs or both on sidewalks or curbs or both on and drink authorities. 8:00— O’Cedar 'Shining Hour from North Street. N. B. C. Studios. Hendrick, at third base for Brook­ Lewis Street. Rent Quickly We You are hereby notified that the Every tiniest S:30— & P. Gypsies from N. B. lyn, dreamed that he was back at You are hereby notified that the C. Studios. his old post in the Dodger outfield Selectmen of the Town of Manches­ Selectmen of the Town of Manches­ Suggest That You drop of this and cut loose with a long-distance ter, Conn., acting undfer and pur­ ter, Conn., acting under and pur­ 9:30— General Motors Family heave that let in Boston’s last two suant to Section 20 (396) (House suant to Section 20 (396) (House mostdelicious Party from N. B. C. Studios. runs. Bill No. 929) Special Laws of Con­ Bill No. 929) Special Laws of Con­ of ginger ale$ 10:00------The Cabin Door. Gets Six Hits. necticut, 1915 entitled “ An Act necticut, 1915 entitled “ An Act Let U$ 10:30— Fisk Time-to-Retire Boys The return of George Grantham amending an Act concerning the amending an Act concerning the is uniformly from N. B. C. Studios. has helped' the Pirates. The slug­ nomination of candidates for pub­ nomination of candidates for pub­ ging first sacker has clouted ei,ght lic office and the number, power charged with- 11:00— Howard correct time. lic office and the number, power QjuJb> hits in' his last ten times at bat. and duties of the Town Officers of and duties of the Town Officers of He got six hits yesterday when the the Town of Manchester.” Approv­ the Town of Manchester.” Approv­ Remodel The vitamins . . Bucs split a twin bill with the ed May 20th, 1915, will meet at the ed May 20th, 1915, will meet at the energy . , . LET US Cardinals. Fusseli, a rookie, Municipal Building In said Town of Municipal Building in said Town of blanked the Cards in the opener, 2 Manchester on July 9th, 1928, at Manchester on July 9th, 1928, at TANG . . . TAKE CARE OF to 0. In the nightcap, which the seven- o’clock, E. S. T., for the seven o’clock, E. S. T., for the Plumbing Cards won by an 8 to 6 score, Jim purpose of assessing two-thirds of as a result of Ginger Ale purpose of assessing two-thirds of Bottomley tied Hack Wilson for the cost thereof upon the property the cost thereof upon the property — you’ll find it one of the greats YOUR WINDOWS National League home run honors adjacent thereto, for the construc­ adjacent thereto, for the construc­ est features in helping make T T The difficulty of cleaning by hitting his 16th 4-bagger of the tion of sidewalks or curbs or both tion of sidewalks or curbs,or both C G I_I)E N [PAQ.CE D R V season. upon said street. upon said street. the sale. X * ’ o size for-every oceasion^ windo-w^ can be relieved by us Cincinnati slid past Chicago and By Order of and for By Order of and for at a trifling cost. Brooklyn into third place when Ep The Board of Selectmen The Board of Selectmen • 193S, C C. S. Co. Rixey beat the Cubs, 4 to 1. of the of the Call 733 for quick service, Slim Harriss and Eld Morris pitch­ The Town of Manchester, Ct. The Town of Manchester, Ct. ed the Red Sox to two victories THOMAS J. ROGERS, Manchester Window over the Senators, 2 to 1 and 7 to ■THOMAS J. ROGERS, Joseph C. Wilson Secretary. \ Secretary. 1. Buddy Myer, ex-Washingtonian- Manchester, Conn. Manchester, Conn. ’lumbing and Heatipg , Cleaning: Co. . hit a double and triple in the open-, H-7-2-28. S-7-2-28. IS Spruce St.« Pheoa aaaj ,

f A

7 \ - .'- -," ... - 'aiSSf''


la’s remaining because she suspect­ Mrs. Ward had provided .for the oc­ work out negotiations for the pur­ ed what was on Mrs. Ward’s mind. casion. Mrs. Ward’s eyes blazed chase dropped. Marcella was utterly unaware of ANOTHER OAKLAND HOSPITAL NOTES T YXTrr TirvTk rrm r/^ blit she' was glad that Bertie Lou Mr. Tait did not Intend financing being a pawn. “I' really haven’t and th- other girls were out of the plant locally but expected to in­ Adtafeslons reported today at finished putting the kitchen dishes hearing. She resolved that there terest outside capital. Apparently the Memorial hospital are as fol­ back, in the cupboard, Mrs. Ward,” should be no coffee served, iced or 1 MILL DEAL FAILS things were not worHing , out as lows: Milo W. Grant, of 58 Chest­ she said, in an undecided tone. “I otherwise, unless Bertie Lou so j well as had been expected for bo nut street, MVa. Josephine Smith of j guess I’d better stay.” wished. Talcottvllle, Afiss Dorothy Bates of WU ± U K 1 W U cancelled his appointment with Mrs. Ward offered no further ob­ b*he went swiftly into the dining Mr. Ray for a conference today on 54 Highland street, Robert McCor­ jections. If Lila was bent on mak­ room and up to Bertie Lou. “Shall the property and the deal, it Is un­ mick of East. Center street, Stan- *c^HUTH DEWEir GROVES ®mSiS&Ind) we make iced coffee for ,Rod?’”'she Bridgeport Manufacturer ing trouble she would make it. And derstood, has been indefinitely post­ cliff Wood of South* Glastonbufiy all the more if she we-r put but. asked in a strained voice. poned. and Julian Shoor of West Hartford. Just then one of the girls opened The arrival of the bridal couple ^ Had Hoped to Buy Idle Thus once again the Oakland Patients discharged were Miss in front of the grocery store was the kitchen door and Bertie Lou Shirley Page of Ridge street, Mrs. caught a whiff a t fragant_ Mocha mill has been practically on the heralded by laughing shouts and verge of reopening only to have the Joseph Valento of North Main loud honkings. Mrs. Ward ran to and Java. It was a gift from the Paper Plant. street, Mrs. Hilda Kennedy of 347 grocer downstairs. She thought that deal fall through at the last min­ a window in the living room to see ute. Center street and Julian Shoor of for herself that it really was Rod her mother had already gone to the West Hartford. and Bertie Lou. trouble of making it and was anx­ ious to know if Rod would like it. Andrew Tait of Tait Brothers, A awarm of friends piled out of paper making concern of Bridge­ the cars 'behind that occupied by “He’d love it. Mums, if . it isn’t too much trouble.” Mrs. Ward port, has been considering the pur­ the bride and groom and literally chase of the Oakland paper mill. / swept the young couple across the breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that Bertie Lou hadn’t been in ig­ He had made several personal In­ sidewalk and up the flight of stairs spections of the plant and ma­ to the second floor of the new brick norance of Rod’s taste for iced cof­ building. fee. It would have been awkward to chinery aijd was to have returned Mrs. Ward hurried out on the dispose of it if Berti - Lou had said to Manchester today for a confer­ SMITH’S GROCERY not to have it. Especially since Jlod ence with Charles Ray, president landing to meet them. Marcella was liked it. • . North School Street. before her but Lila had stayed be­ of the Rogers Paper Manufacturing Tel. 1200 hind. Bertie Lou saw' her mother Co., who has expert knowledge of coming toward her and shouted: Lila said nothing more about the the Oakland mill. Its equipment “Hey, Mums, dig me out!” coffee. She didn’t much care wheth­ and possibilities. The negotiations, Bertie Lou’s friends made way er the others knew anything about however, have suddenly been sus­ for her mother and Bertie Lou it or not. Her sole object in tor­ pended owing to financing difficul­ CLOSED ALL DAY rushed into the dear familiar arms ‘ menting Bertie Lou was to bite on ties. like a homing bird. a sore tooth. She was half sorry Mr. Tait had contemplated. In Mrs. Ward hugged her close. It for herself, half angry with Rod the case of purchase, to install had been very strange in their big and half hateful of Bertie Lou. But some new equipment that embodies old house without Bertie Lou’s gay she hadn’t yet made up her mind to certain patents wfilch he controls try to cause any real trouble. THE FOURTH laughter. and to go into the manufacture of So Rod got a tall glass of coffee finished fabricated products. He Bertie Lou reached up for a kiss. and thanked Mrs. Ward for' it with­ had particularly considered the Watermelons, Cantaloupes, Pineapples, After it Mrs. Ward laid her cheek out the slightest understanding of manufacture of envelopes for mail on Bertie Lou’s—her lips buried in the smiling quirk on Lila’s lips. He order houses that would be a com­ Native Peas, Native String Beans, Straw­ the girl’s rich brown curls. “Honey, hadn’t paid any attention when .she bination of envelope and invoice listen, ^ l a is here,” she whl jj>«red. told nim she’d made coffee. He record. really thought It was Mrs. Ward’s berries. Also a full line of Cold Meats Bertie Lou stiffened ’ slightly. The Oakland mill has been idle* Then she flung her arms around idea. The rest drank lemonade and con­ since its owner, The American her mother’s neck, kissed her on \^iting Paper Co. Inc., put into ef­ and Salad Dressings. the nose and broke away, apparent­ sumed to the last crumb the three- colored marble cake Mrs. Ward had fect Its present policy of concen­ ly as happy as she had been a mo­ trating production of their mills in ment before. The bevy of welcomers baked. Marcella suggested washing SPECIALS the glasses and plates but Bertie this section at Holyoke, Mass. The r h H. swept her on into her new home. price asked for the plant and ma­ “Isn’t it lovely, Bertie Lou? We Lou’s mother refused to let them. They sensed a nervous tension in chinery is understood to be about Pound Box Eline’s Assorted Chocolates all helped Rod’s mother piqk out $110,000. The problem of financing the rugs! Too bad she isn’t here!” her manner and it finally dawned upon them that a welcoming home has blocked the purchase and re­ Bertie Lou listened through it all, opening of the mill several times. exclaiming,' enthusing, satisfying party should be brief to be success­ 2 9 c I them. But to her mother’s ears her ful. W. P. McCorkindale, Holyoke pa­ voice rang just a shade hollow. LiJa, -was the last to go. "Com­ per maker, was one of those inter­ ested and whose deal fell through •'« 5 ji ' Mrs. Ward watched the dining room ing?” she said to Mrs. Ward. The Open Tuesday Evening door, areading the moment when laUer answered with a curt “No.” on this account. He had hoped to y ' ! f f c ; ; f interest local people in the con­ ». ^ SP\ v< Lila should choose to make her Oh, don’t be a comic strip presence known. mother-ir-iaw,” Lila told her. Mrs. cern and when these plans did not Finally, as they were about to Ward Ignored her impudence by lead' Bertie Lou into the dining turning away from the door where room, Lila appeared in the door­ Lila stood and deliberately lingered way. “Welcome home,” she cried to keep Bertie Lou standing, plainly gayly and came up to kiss Bertie tired and travel-stained. Lou. Suddenly Bertie Lou lost her Rod looked on with a touch of temper. “Suppose you come in in amazement. He had not expected the morning and cook breakfast for Lila to keep her word. He’d believ­ us,” she said sweetly; “you’re so ed she was just clowning at his willing and Rod’s often told me wedding to give people something how much he enjoyed your cook­ Suddenlj' Bertie Lou lost her temper. ‘‘Suppose yoii come in in the morning and cook breakfast for ing.” . as,” she said sweetly. to talk about. That was how she ex­ plained most of the things she did. (To Be Continued) This Has Happened the insult when Lila gives the Rod would like than anyone else The girls were watching Bertie groom a long kiss with the remark, possibly could. Lou. She hadn’t turned a hair when See Hamid Bey hypnotize a wom­ BERTIE LOU WARD, on the eve she sa^,' Lila. She had let herself an in Watkins Brothers’ window of her wedding to ROD BRYER, re­ “I’ll take my last kiss now while I Mrs. Ward’s lips v/ere drawn tomorrow at 5:10 p. m.—Adv. can get if,” and offers to arrange thin in suppressed anger. But she be kissed without any evident un- ceives a paper knife as a gift from wilhngness and if she was not warm LIIiA MARSH— the prettiest girl in tlieir new apartment because she kept silent because she did not wish knows Rod’s taste so well. , to Lila she was not cold either. Ev- town—who,had turned Rod down to make a scene and start people f^^yone was left guessing. CARS GREASED because he was not wealthy. They spend an ideal honeymoon | talking. “I’ve started some coffee for The feel of the metal chilled Ber­ and Bertie Lou almost forgets the j Her mind was busy turning over you,” Lila sang out to Rod as he sliadows cast by the predatory ex- j ideas for covering Bertie Lou’s dis­ Oiled and Tightened M O ^ U R m tie Lou, and the thought that it was moved away from her to follow Ber­ ESTABLISHED a dagger to pierce her happiness sweetlieart until they return and 1 comfiture when she found Lila in tie Lou who had gone into the din- 1859 Wherever you spend the Fourth you can he sure of flashed across her mind so that tier find Lila in their new home. ! her home. For Lila had announced rog room. Mrs. Ward turned upon Campbell’s Filling Station dreaming anticipation turned to her intention of staying to help with her. So that was what had kept her WHERE ECONOMY RULES the finest of foods for the A & P is near you wher­ miserable foreboding. But the XOIV GO oy WITH THE STORY the curtains and Mrs. W’ard sus- So showing herself! “Coffee,” she P h o n e 1551 ever you are— and prices at all A & P stores are low courageously— resolves not t t r be -pHcted:-lhat.-nothing shdrd; bT plain, echoed. “On a hot day like this’” ) : jealous of Rod’s past love atf.air. His CHAPTER III. eviction would get her out. Lila replied that she intended . to future is in her keeping. Bertie Lou approached her new When the girls were ready to go J ' hates lemonade,” she She is beautiful in her wedding home without a hint from the other to he station she told Lila that she added, apropos of the refreshment YOUR CHOICE dress, but the joyful singing in her girls that Lila had remained behind really would not need her help. It Jj[ieSaiii/aryEn^in(?er I'mo I) All the popular varieties — at a loui price! heart ceased just before the cere­ when they left to go to the station was useless, however, as she had mony when Bertie Lou accidentally to meet the returning honeymoon- known it would be. Lila refused to CANS overhears one of her bridesmaids ers. go with them. “You can never get \| Cam pbell^s Soups 3 ' ask another if she thinks the hride Much to their dismay Lila had those rods up alone,” she declared AtC.H-Tryon’s likes being second choice. de.sceneed upon them in the. flat an with a great show of consideration. Dazedly she stands before the hour or two before train time and “In fact I think Marcella had better C & e GINGER ALE 2 bots 25c dos $1.49 altar, but the words of the minister had insisted upon fulfilling what stay and help me.” Sanitary Market CLICQUOT CLUB GINGER ALE end and Rod whispers “My wife” she called her promise to Rod. “Oh, no,” Mrs. Ward said quick­ 2 hots 29c doz $1.59 with a world of wonder and adora­ She rearranged everything she ly. “Marcella will want to go to the tion in his eyes, Bertie Lou knows could move unassisted. The girls station.” She thought if she v/as left that she would rather be second argued and protested. But Lila had alone with Lila she might iind Tel 441 Tel 442 A NEW A&P LOW PRICE |v choice than to give him up. a way of coming out on top. She i something to say to the girl that Double tipped— in full count boxes! She smiles sweetly and ignores professed to know more about what would make her conscious of her bad taste in coming to the apart­ FOR TUESDAY ^ P K G S ment at this time. i I M atches to But Lila had suggested Marcel- Open in the Evening Until 9 O’clock p. m. Tel. 441 or 442. HIRES^ ROOT BEER EXTRACT J bot 22c Service — Quality — Low Prices Get there in a hurry and finish GULDEN’S MUSTARD up the job in the same fashion— jar 13c MEATS . that’s us. No experimenting for TODDY lb can 49c 34 lb can 29c Native Fowls, 42c lb. you to pay for. We get busy and • r l t \ Legs of Lamb, 45c lb. SUMMER CEREAL get through—that’s why our prices SPECIALS! Rib Roast Beef, 35c and 38c Ib. Try tempting the children with this! Pork to Roast, 32c lb. are called “very fair.” Smoked Shoulders, Short Cuts, 25c lb. A Bath a Day for the Fourth Honey Comb Tripe, 22c lb. i!PaCC«d W heat Small Link Sausage, 39c lb. Keeps You Fit Every Way Whole or 1-2 Hams, 30c lb. COCOMALT can 23c SLICED BEEF 6 oz jar 35c oz jar 25c GROCERIES JOHNSON '& U'TTLE Swifts^ Plumbing and Heating Contractor QUEEN OLIVES jar 19c New Potatoes, 39c peck. I 18 Chestnut St. Tel. 1088-2 South Manchester . V Vi. Downy Flake Doughnuts, Fresh A NEW A &T» LOW PRICE DESPITE ALL Every Day, 25c doz. Large Peas, 2 Qts. for 25c. Pacific crepe— large rolls! Premium of the feministic movements the Fresh Potato Chips, 1-4 lb. for woman is going right along doing 20c. what she can to please the one Hominy .Grits, 2 Packages for NOTICE! jy Toilet Paper ^ man. And he’s going right along 20c. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING producing the old pay envelope to Bulk Cocoannt, 85c lb. FOR A CERTIFICATE OF STUFFED OLIVES Ige jar 39c sm jar 25c Hams buy the family's needs. Our pure Sweet Mixed Pickles, S5c lb. APPROVAL FOR A foods at the right prices help to STUFFED OLIVES Midget jar 18c All sizes from 10 to 16 lbs...... 29c lb. Pickles in BotUes, All Kinds for GASOLINE PILCRJG STATION promote family amity. Picnic Size, 10c. IN TTTTn A & P CATSUP 2 Ige bots 29c 2 sm bots 21c Lean Fresh Shoulders...... 20c lb. Stuffed Olive's, 15c to 89c ja'r. TOWN "OF MANCHESTER, CONN. Fresh F o w l...... 40c Wright Sandwich Spread, 28c jar. Finest Legs Spring Lamb Small Boneless Roast of Honey Hams, whole...... 29c Upon the application of EVERY MORNING ^ Legs of L am b...... 40c Shelled Walnuts in Cans, 29c. MANCHESTER ATHLETIC ASSO­ Small Daisy Hams 38c lb. Lamb. Fancy Mixed Cookies, 18c Ib. CIATION Serve tcith fresh fruitg and berries! . \.> 'T Boneless Roast Veal, all Prime Rib Roast Mushrooms in Cans, 59c. for a certificate of approval of the PKGS Picnic Suggestions Carnation Evaporated Milk, 10c location of a gasoline filling station lean solid .M eat;. 35c lb. Beef ....40c-45c lb. can. Puffed Rice a to be located on the premises of Pickles Baked Ham Challenge Milk, 12 l-2c can. the We carry a fulll line of Cold Meats. Olives Boiled Ham Ox Tongue in Glass, 56C. MANCHESTER ATHLETIC ASSO­ ELMWOOD CHICKEN jar 65c SPECIAL Cheese Roast Ham Chicken In Glass, flSc. CIATION Sardines Tunaflsb in Glass, 28c and 85c ON MAIN STREET UNDERWOOD’S DEVILED HAM 3% oz can 20c Finest Boiled Ham, sliced th in ...... 65c lb. Pressed Ham jar. It was voted and ordered:' ' GRAPE JUICE A & P Tomatoes Minced Ham That the foregoing application be qti43c pt 23c Bananas Frankforts heard and d'-termined at the Select­ BLUE PETERISARMNES can 11c Plums ' Liverwurst FRUIT men’s Office In the Municipal Build­ MOXIE (Contents) ' FRESH FISH Melons Bologna Strawberries ing in said Town on the 9 th day hot 16c Peanut Butter Jams Cantelonpes, 2 for 25c. of July at seven o'clock P. M., By express Tuesday morning. California Oranges, 79c doz. (Eastern Standard time), and that HAFFENREFFER Stout or Sparkling- 4 bots 25c Fresh Swordfish. Clams for chowder. Wine Jelly Bananas, 9c lb. notice be given to all persons DILL PICKLES Country Club Soda on ice. I/emons, 39c doz. interested in said application, of Its qt 33c Steaming Clams Fresh Shore Haddock pendency and of the time and place SOUR OR SOUR MIXED PICKLES Fresh Eastern Halibut Open Until lO’o’clock a. m. of bearlRg thereon, by publishing a q t 33c Steak. Mackerel copy of this notice at least three SWEET-OR sw e e t :MIXED PICKLES ^ q t 39c the Fourth. tin.es in The Evening Herald, and Store will be open Tues­ Store will close all day VEGETABLES by sending a copy of {his notice by day evening until 9 o’clock. Wednesday, July 4th. Green String Beans, 2 Qts. for registered m'-’l to said Applicant, all FOR SANDWICHES 2oc. V at'least seven days before the date Fruits and Fresh Vegetables Green Peas, 2 Qts. for 26c. of ^aid heari-.g. to appear at said Itame-baked flavor wiltplease_you! . Celery, 18c bunch. time and place. If they see cause, La r g e Tomatoes, 2 lbs. for 25c. and be heard relative thereto. LOAF Lettuce, 10c. For and by order of the Board of \rFGran^Bother*s Bread Spinach, 25c peck. Selectmen of the Town of Manches­ ^ Manchester\ Public Market New Beets, 3 Bnnches for 25c. ter, Connecticut. JVDIS MARKET NejV-Carrots, 8 Bunches for 25c. THOMAS ROGERS, A. Podrove, Prop. Phone 10 New Cabbage, 7c lb. fi1*V THERE’S AN A « P STORE NEAR TOTOt HOME 539^*MAIN ST.' Parsley, 10c. Mailed June 28th, 1928. V IPHONE 2 3 3 9 O. H. WADDELL, i^Mlk ^ d Cream Every Day. Clerk, Board of SelsQtman.

. -r-v; ■n i PAGE EIGHT f ‘.-.V ■■ '-.i MANCHESTER (CONNy EviiriNG HERALD, MONDAY;

■ 0 LATEST FASHION f HINTS BY FOREMOST FEATURE ARTICLES AUTHORITIES ABOUT INTERESTING I'!?*’' THE PAGE WOMEN iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiii!iiiii;;iiiiiiiiiiii!nifiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiniiii!i^^

o |J3k IDGE1 FIRST THOUGHTS TREAT BABY AS AHUMAN BEING, MRS. BARTON When .oves URGES; RESPECT HIS SENSITIVE FEELINGS. I © I926 by NEA Service I^UTH DEWIY GROVfS M A ffiEA SY By OLIVE ROBERTS BAR-TON head and show embarrasskient when his attempts to make sounds CHAPTER XLVII you either. It he does I promise sharply. "You . Insist upon It?" Nathaniel would appreciate the I W.W.WentTOOrth 1 The fallacy of acting on a prin­ are imitated. He often refuses to ^ A T effect the statement had you never to give up searching for she cried. delicate harmony of color. She ciple that a baby should have his continue. w ^ thlnkiqg and acting done for him Dean misunderstood her. She re­ wished to delight him, to leave a As early as 3 or 4 months h© had upon Virginia Chlrl could other chinks.” is coming to an end. ferred to the need for discussing charming memory picture. PRE-EMPTIVE BIDS often shows unmistakable signs of not learn. The ability to hide her Virginia had rounded the foot of Those people trained by experi­ fear. their plans Very carefully she applied a When to make a pre-emptive bid real feelings was something that the bed, was leaning against It, ence and observation in the in­ At 9 months he will cry heart- “You're not thinking of welch­ makeup to hide her paleness. and when not to do so is explained her hands outspread upon the Imi­ in the following illustrative hands: tricacies of'baby thought and baby brokenly when laughed at. Virginia had mastered. ing, are you?” he demanded. There was no need to do anything behavior have learned that from tation mahogany. Hearts— K Q X; spades— A K X; Figure it out. • Does it not look She merely nodded her head Virginia stiffened. ‘Tlease take to her eyes—they sparkled with diamonds— none; clubs— A K J X his earliest months he is entitled as though the seeds of trouble, the unnatural brightness. . slowly and'said: *T suppose so; Niel Her head was thrown back and me back to my hotel. If that Is all XXX. This is a very strong hand. to the respect and consideration things we often spend years in try­ her eyes closed. She remained so you have to say to me. You may At eight-thirty she applied a sec­ -It holds support for either a spade of his elders. ing to overcome in adolescence^ has become famous, I hope.” His mental processes, however for a moment that worried Chlrl. make whatever plans you choose, ond touch of lipstick At nine she or a heart bid. There is no neces­ had their beginnings in thought­ Chlrl snapped upright In her repeated the procett and at ten sity of pre-empting, as there is diminutive, are positive and real. less or cruel acts on the part of Then suddenly she looked at the but don’t forget that I have nearly chair. “He might have if you hadn’t two months yet In which to get she removed her pretty dress, the nothing to fear. Clubs may not be The bud is no less a flower be­ his elders, in babyhood? other girl with a gaze so discon­ cause its leaves are not opened. For some as yet unexplaiaed made It Impossible for him to you your pound of flesh." amethysts and the lipstick. the best game-going declaration. certingly straight that Chiri Encourage bidding on part of part­ Beneath the closed petals are the reason, the human being is full of work!” she exclaimed. “His first Dean laughed scornfully. “ Still Much later she slept a little, still processes of a terrible growth, flushed. huddled brokenly In the shabby ner to determine best declaration. fear— an unnamed fear of un­ chasing rainbows? "Well, dear girl, much more sensitive to environ­ named things, that had its begin­ mural was cold, unfinished, but It ar^mchalr. And about the same Encourage bidding on part of op­ Virginia smiled. “You know I let me see your hand. I want to ment than the mature flower. ning when man knew not the shel­ brought him a new commission. He time one who had kept a vigil ponents, as you may collect large don’t believe you,” she said easily. order your wedding ring." penalties. Bid one club. Governed by Instinct ter nor safety of civilization. Isn’t able to touch It, though!” across the street turned wearily And to herself she added: “Be­ For many nights after that drive 814 Spades A K Q X X X X ; hearts A baby can and does absorb Self-preservation was the first Virginia jumped to her feet. Virginia dreamed of a huge wed­ back to his cheerless studio. impressions through a curious and law of nature and fear was Its cause Niel never would have come — K; diamonds— Q X; clubs— X X “Vhy do j-ou tell me this?” she ding ring that slipped over her There was a dullness In Virgin­ X. To pre-empt, bi three spades, to secret process of nature for which watchword, just as taste keeps us to me again." ia's suffering after that. As though science has no name. He knows instinctively free from poison. asked warmly. head and shoulders and contracted shut out a possible heart bid. If Chlrl rose, shrugged her shoul­ inch by Inch until she was slowly it did not matter so much that her you were to bid one spade, it might _by instinct (call it that) if you are An Inborn Timidity Cliiri laughed, with a ripple of impatient or cross. In an incredi­ ders. “If you wish to live In a fool's crushed. She would wake, gasping gallant youth was demanded as a encourage partner to show hearts, This is the subjective fear that victorious undertone. “Because it for breath, with beads of perspira­ sacrifice to old desires. and you have no support for hearts. bly short time he will base his puzzles psychologists so much and paradise ...” she trailed off sug­ i. itimate of himself upon your explains what happened one night tion upon her forehead, and trem­ The morning of the day before Spades— X ; hearts— X X; dia­ which has untold Influence upon gestively and stopped. monds— A Q 10 X X X X; cldbs— estimate of hlih. all human behavior. This must after Niel came back to the studio bling until her teeth chattered. the last brought Virginia a brief No one can analyze these proc­ Virginia walked to the door and It was a hideous dream. And note from Frederick Dean. It In­ X . This hand does not contain two not be confused with the objective from wearing out the pavements. quick tricks. Pass. Novices are esses; he himself is not conscious fear such as fear of a noise or a held It open for her. “I am sorry the days were only waking night­ formed her that he was prepared then, or even after, of these Walking you out of his life.” mares. Nathaniel did not come tempted to bid on such holdings. dog. It is associated with the for you,” she said, “because you to receive her at his home any things. But later in life, if he is unknown. Virginia’s eyes widened, but she neat here. She lived in a terrifled time the following day, but If she These are dangerous, not because will never win Nathaniel with a you may not mkke one or two dia­ a victim of inferiority .complex, a Little children are born with It. waited in silence for the rest of loneliness, broken only by the oc­ chose to put off coming until the prey to unnamed fsmrs, overly lie.” monds, but because you may mis­ It manifests itself in many ways; the story. casional companionship of Miss last minute of her year he would lead your partner. sensitive, morbid or a coward, one of the commonest is fear of Her voice held Indefinite com­ Evans, who saw that something still be waiting to welcome her at perhaps dishonest, don’t look back She saw it now. Chiri had come Spades—A K J 10 X X X X; strangers. passion for one who had bungled was very much the matter with midnight. hearts— none; diamonds— K Q X; to the time he was six years old Don’t force a little frightened, to claim a conquest. She breathed her. and wonder what did it. Instead, a rare chance at happiness—if Virginia read It, dry-eyed and YOUTHFUL APPEARANCE clubs— X X. This hand is blank in child to go to a stranger. The a prayer for that embrace on the Virginia never gave her a chance look back to his first year of baby­ happiness can really be found In stonily calm. Then she sat down hearts. In all probability opponents time will come when you can dip­ pier. It was like a shield now, pro­ to offer sympathy and not often to write to Nathaniel. hold great strength in hearts. Bid hood and the succeeding years, lomatically overcome his shrink­ the role of comforter to a heart­ would she accept her Invitation to The new feminine code is appar­ when as a child of pre-school age tecting her from believing anything She had decided to tell him that four spades to shut out all bidding. ing, but you never can do It by have lunch or dinner together. ent in a frock of charming printed ht, was treated as a creature 'with­ broken lover. sh^ was going to marry Dean. It Hand fs valueless for any other force or ridicule and you should she might hear. The days would have seemed In­ silk crepe with snugly fitted hip­ out personality or thought. “ Oh hell,” Chiri said and walked seemed, somehow, less cruel than game-going declaration. not attempt it, no matter ho'W j “And did he succeed?” she asked terminable to her had It not been line smartly shirred. The band col­ At 8 months he will hang his young he Is. > through the open door. letting him learn of the event In­ lar of ribbon is stitched across back Spades— X ; hearts— K Q J 10 X quietly when Chiri failed to go on. for the abyss that yawned such a directly. X X; diamonds— A J X; clubs—X That wafs the last Virginia saw short distance ahead. and tied in bow at front. Lelong “No. he didn’t,” the girl said sur­ blue georgette crepe, nile green X. This hand is weak in spades, and of her for a long time. But she was At night, listening to her clock The temptation to tell him the in all probability strength in spades prisingly. “ He never will succeed. whole story came to her as she -crepe satin, chiffon printed voile, not to escape a second unwelcome tick through the darkness, she crepe de chine, printed linen, silk is with opponents. . A bid of three But he will always hate you, too. would be seized with a frantic de­ wrote his name, but she put It hearts may shut out bidding. Bid caller in the person of Frederick aside. pique, faille silk creye, georgette fpur hearts. For you cannot marry him.” sire to spring up and stop It. But crepe, printed chiffon, dimity, flat Dean. she knew if she did her mind would Let him continue to believe that Spades—X; hearts—X X; dia­ She spoke the last words with she preferred the love of riches silk crepe, and handkerchief linen He had communicated a wish, to be shattered. Dry sobs welled are smart and youthful combina­ monds—A Q J 10 X X X X; clubs low, hard emphasis and looked at to the love of a man. It would ‘Tliei'r Letters see her and Virginia consented in chokingly into her throat and she tions. Pattern No. 814 is obtain­ — A X. This hand is weak in both Virginia with direct candor. would pull the covers over her hurt him less than the truth, she able In sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, major suits. Bid five diamonds to the faint hope that he would not thought. shut out all bidding. Virginia started. “That is some­ head to shut out the sound. 38, 40, 42 and 44 inches bust meas­ Dearest Mary: presume unless it were to her ad­ With the letter finished and put Spades— K J X ; hearts— A K Q portant than a home— or why you thing for Mr. Dann and myself to And time marched on, bringing ure. Sizes 36 requires 2 % yards Sometimes I feel you are just could not put the same interest vantage. a sorry mockery. Two weeks be­ aside for mailing after her mar­ of 40-inch'material with 3% yards J X X; diamonds— K X; clubs—K discuss,” she said icily. X. This hand contains support for a a child, and I wish you would grow into your home that you are will­ Besides, she had another reason fore the last day of grace Virginia riage, she set herself stoically to of ribbon. Price 15 cents in stamps up. Other times you are much too ing to give to business. the task of packing her things. spade bid. It may be more advisa­ “And me,” Cliiri said softly. “It’s for seeing him. He had become, in received notice from Mr. Gardiner or coin (coin preferred). old, and I wish you were not ma­ As for your latest acquaintance, a triangular affair now.” that her father’s estate had been Her hope had touched bottom. Suggest enclosing 10 cents addi­ ble to play it in spades. Some ex­ her mind, a monster. Could she perts pre-empt when holding A*K turing mentally so quickly. which you say starts on a highly finally settled and that there was The Blue Capella ofiScials had tional for a copy of our new Sum­ Virginia suppressed an Q J X X, although suit does not Naturally, when you married, I scientific and commendable basis, marry him? She turned her head 312,000 to her credit in the bank. regretted sincerely that she was mer Fashion Magazine. to refuse to listen any longer. There contain seven cards. Bid one heart, expected that you would, as we I take my old-fashioned stand— and studied him now as they were It meant nothing to Virginia leaving them. used to say, “ settle.” I supposed you are a foolish girl to play with was conviction in the girl’s words She had told them two weeks be­ as there is nothing to fear from op­ whisked through an entrance to now. Except that she redeemed ponents. you would delight In housekeeping fire as you do. fore and had asked that they give Manchester Herald and manner. She was either tell­ Central Park. the things she had pawned with and that Alan would be the big I wish you would come home ing the truth or she was a con­ “Uncle Simon.” Miss Evans a trial as her succes­ Pattern Service. consideration in your life, and that for a visit. I would like to get They had gone out in his car be­ sor. She had given a great deal you would have children and de­ you back to a less hectic, more summate actress. She might have retrieved these Pattern No...... cause Virginia did not care to meet things before but she wanted to of time to training the ex-secre­ light to fuss over them, and that wholesome type of life, and see If Virginia felt herself impressed him in the hotel. keep available all her funds. tary to carry on her .work and she Price 15 Cents. you would pe protected and cher­ you could not get a saner perspec­ had confidence In her ability to ished the rest of your life. tive. in spite of her firm faith in Na­ There were no horns on his fore­ Twelve thousand dollars a year thaniel. ago migiit have saved her. She did do so. s Name A THOUGHT As I look back, that was my Your old room has been freshly head, certainly, but Virginia shud­ The last night In her hotel she ideal for myself, and I carried it painted and papered, and I have “There's a chink in every ar­ not know how, but it might have. dered nevertheless. And the touch As the last two weeks faded, Vir­ dampened a towel with witch Size When 1 was a child I spake as a over for you. a lovely new rug for It. All your mor,” Chiri went on. “I found the of his hand on lier arm as he as­ ginia’s longing to see Nathaniel hazel, bound it round her eyes and child.— 1 Cor. 13:11. How did I know that you would old furniture is there, besides a one in Nathaniel’s. It’s all in know­ grew beyond her control. She climbed into bed, to lie still for Address resent protection, that you would new chest of drawers, and It all sisted her into the car still re­ hate housekeeping, tha. you do urges you to return. Won’t you ing the psychological hour in mained to fill with horror the wrote him a note, asking him to endlqss hours, her hands knotted Childhood is the sleep of Reason. call at her hotel the following eve­ close to her sides and her nostrils — Rousseau. not want children, and that you consider it? Then we’ll get straight which to look for it. thought of becoming his wife. feel that a job of some sort is the on everything. ning. He did not answer. filled with the odor of the great Send your order to the “ Pat­ only salvation to protect you from All my love, “He will not marry me. he “Don’t you think we might be­ But she was ready and waiting armful of roses Frederick Dean had tern Dept., Manchester Evening • See Hamid Bey hypnotize a wom­ Herald. Manchester, Conn.” boredom? MOM. doesn’t need to, because he didn’t gin to discuss our wedding plans?” before eight o’clock. She had put sent. an in Watkins Brothers’ window he asked when the moment came She had let them remain in the tomorrow at 5:10 p. m.— Adv. If you were to go into business start the thing. I’m perfectly will­ on her prettiest frock, a blue-gray with your friend Jane,' you would for revealing his reason for wish room. It was a gesture of sur­ ing to take all the responsibility taffeta, with a cream lace bertha expect, I am sure, to work hard ing to see her. -Around her neck she wore a choker render. Illustrated signs, showing where . . . only . he cannot marry and to build up something solid. Virginia caught her breath of amethysts. (To Be Continued) pedestrians may cross busy streets You wouldn’t be satisfied just to and motorists must give, them play around with it. And that right of way, is one suggestion for would mean much of your time, “safety first” being considered by your thought and your energy the Paris people. I ^ C)'XOVO II would have to go into this new en­ Ulounx terprise. I fail utterly to see why a business is so ^much more Im- htmlc?) ifou/i dm} 'Eudail? MRS. ADA M. y H aakh Service I MERRIFIELD HINTS ON HOW I’O KKKI' W ELL HOTWiilfLj.'rmj ouSnJunce Teacher of Mandolin Tenor Banjo by World Famed Authority 11 One hundred men told Dr. G. V. was stock to be fed and barns to Banjo-Mandolin Hamilton, an eminent psychiatrist, be built. There were many babies Tenor Guitar Plectrum Banjo what was wrong with their mar­ AtaiTb to Qo-toAix oa |an to care for, with every crumb of Ukulele Mando-Cello riage. The doclor does not insist their food and every stitch on Mandula^ Cello-Banjo OUR PATTERNS OP LIFE Parents will do well to watch the that these 100 men are a cross-sec­ their little backs actually created FORM IN EARLY YOU'm Tiow' A i n u 1 A w p o f rate of development, to encourage tion of husbands In general. He on the home acres. There were Ensemble Playing for Advanced By DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN Pupils. 'Useful habits, and to discourage explains that if the job were really no phones to grocery and dry Editor Journal of the American antisocial and bad habits. done right it would mean inter­ goods stores in those days. 'The Agent for Gibson Instrument^. J)^SS£S -COATS-L Odd Fellows’ Block Medical Association and of Hygeia, viewing tens of thousands of men man and woman had a job to­ S r'A T E T h e a t r e SiiSnlr^ SKepi; At the Center.— Room 8. Mod* the Health Magazine and women. The men were normal, gether. That job was bigger than day, Tnesday, Wedneed^ above average intelligence, able to themselves. And the very fact and The human is slower than the Thursday. -_ animal in arriving at a period when interpret and analyze; all but 10 that there was a job together SPECIAL FOR THE FOURTH he is able to take care of himself. were college men, and they were helped tend and cultivate the BEAUTIFUL DRESSES Almost with birth the animal de­ One-Minute professionals and business men. seeds of understanding and com­ velops a behavior pattern which “Getting these men to talk was radeship and mutual need one of Regular $9.95 guides it in its conduct of life. not difficult,” writes Dr. Hamil­ the other. Why Fetter Each species of bird has a defi­ ton. “Most of us like nothing SPECIAL AT $7.95 nite way of building its nest. Expe­ Interviews better than to talk about our­ One, at least, of the 100 modern riments have been made with one selves—Intimately and at great husbands who told the doctor what kind of bird being put on the nest length—if we do it under condi­ was wrong with their marriage, Yourself? of anoThrer partly completed. The WOMEN NOW ARE GAINING EX­ tions that make it a safe and dig­ seems to have recognized this lack, first type could not continue with PERIENCE IN FINANCE nified thing. The unhappy man for he said: the partly completed job, but had and the neurotic are only too “Maybe I’m unhappy a little Woman never was intended to to begin all over. ‘‘The gambling Instinct seems to eager. The happy man and hea'lthy because we can’t work together, be a sla've to her washtub. So On the other hand, the human me to be equally divided between man thoroughly enjoys a few ses­ can’t find a job that we could de­ ^KeiCTeaifers’^at^Clean why tie yourself down to one or being is not guided by such definite men and women. So does all the sions with a psychiatrist who can vote our joint efforts to doing.” two days a week when The Gor­ behavi&r patterns. He thinks for foolishness in investing.” help him to make an Inventory of don Laundry offers a service ror himself and it is doubtful If any two Here is a significant' finding of Mrs. Jacob Rlis, wife of the late his matrimonal situation.” the doctor, it seems to me: AX which will actually cost you no human beings let alone would fol­ more than present home laun­ Jacob Rlis, philanthropist, director “ Quite apart from \tho tfeinperar Refreshment low exactly the same plans in con- dry? And we give you every of the women’s sales division of mental and physical adjustments structiong shelters. Bonbright and Co., said this. Mrs. assurance that the work will be I wonder If Dr. Hamilton doesn’t of marriage, two . aspects of the There is nothing quite so During the long period of human Rils, when she entered Wall street, hit the nail of matrimonial trouble done equally as good, without chiraSbod, however, the behavior common life together have grow;n was the first woman to assume an on the head right there, though the inconvenience. refreshing and reviving to pattern is being created which executive position there. rapidly In importance in the Unit­ guides it later in life. perhaps unconsciously. Do we ed States in the' past two genera­ “ The difference between men and have marriage troubles this modem the fagged or over-heated If a situation arises to which the women in the financial world is al­ tions. These are the social and man is unaccustomed, he tries vari­ day because in the final essence, we intellectual. Married couples now­ most entirely one of training,” she rather like the fun of them— the sportsman as a glass of hot ous solutions, and eventually adopts asserted. “ Therefore there are more adays tend to set more ai^d more Our Services one which seems to him to be best. weighing and analyzing and ration­ store by personal graces and men­ milk after the game. Like­ men than women now capable of alizing and dissecting of our each .The procedure is called the trial and taking care of their investments. tal capacities. These things make Washed, Ironed and and every emotion in an attempt to error system. “But this is changing rapidly. their mutual life richer and more wise for ordinary summer re­ decide whether we are happy or Finished Work. The human has progressed far Increasing numbers of women are satisfying. They a,lso. enable tl^e freshment and sustenance beyond the animals, because he is becoming skilled in finance. An in­ unhappy, satisfied or dissatisfied? couple to make more interesting SPORT CLOTHES able to study each situation as it teresting fast Is that, once skilled, In short, we have time to think and flattering contacts with the there is nothing more satis­ arises and to learn from his mls- they are men’s equals In the field. about our little petty selves today, outside world.” because of their simplicity, must be kept spotlesslj^ .takes. “ Formerly women who had mon­ despite all the hue and cry about And that last paragraph means CALL 222 fying than a cool drink of— Tt is, of course, quite possible ey Inherited It and turned it over the turbulence of this complex the very same thing as the fact clean and well pressed. . . and that means Dougan’s I 'that when a child is born certain to men to Invest. This is still true age as contrasted with the serene that the 100 men were; only top peace and leisure of the age of every time. TAYLOR & CUMMINGS definite systems of action are al­ of large fortunes. But every day glad to become articulate about our fathers and grandfathers. ready es;tahllshed. These have to do more women are earning their own their marriages— it means’a tendr THE GORDON MILK ' with the maintenance of life Im­ This age puts the emphasis upon Cleaning and Dyeing money and managing it. ency to dissect one’s emotional 144 So. Main., Tel. 2 5 2 1 -2 mediately after birth. The child “ Women as a group are more In­ Individual happiness and peace Free Collection and Delivery. LAUNDRY floes not have to he taught to suck and comfort. and physic state so, constantly clined to trust blindly to a Ponzl. that nothing can grow sturdily or to swallow, it knows how to cry, They are, too, easier victims for Our ancestors got married,, and Harrison St., So. Manchester jto .'Wink Its eyes and to sneeze. that was that. There was little and well. It’s like so much weedr high-pressure salesmen. Women’s ing of a garden that the seeds and Begins to Learn at Once clubs are conducting educational time to stop to think whether it bulbs and sprouting flower shoots f It has to learn to walk, to talk, campaigns to develop a discrimin­ was the right marriage or not, to feed Itself. The child begins to ating. attitude towards such sales­ whether their temperaments clash­ are grubbed out, with the wild learn almost Immediately after men. ed or harmonized, whether they mustard and dandelion. birth. The habits Ingrained In the “ The more women become accus­ should hdve married someone else TAYLOR & CUMM1NG3 first few months of life are perhaps D O U fG A N 'WOIOIS tomed to financial dealings the few­ whether they were the type who Knee bracelets, woven iq gold HarrisomStreei the most Important of all In creat­ er differences they show from men. should marry at all. ing a method of ll-vlng for future or platinum and set with precious South Manchester The Hihe is not far off when virtu­ There were fields to till and stones, are a fashionable fad ally all dllferenceB will disappear,," sow and crops to reap. There among the ladles of Paris. - V , ■ n ■^' ■»? MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD, MONDAY, jS L Y ^ i^ sT FAQB NTNB Ben Chetieu Sets New Amateur Golf Course Mark Local Legion Boys’ Nine COMMUNITY CLUB Keams Pitches No Hit, V ia O R Y TONIGHT COVERS 18 HOLES IN 71 STROKES DEFEATED 8 TO 6 No Run Game Foir Aces MAKES THE GREEN Defeats ThompsonvQle TO SHOOT ONE ABOVE O il) MAN PAR BY MERIDEN NINE "Walter Kearns pitched a no-hit,<^A Foley, 2 b .. . 2 3 2 A 0 0 ALMOST^PION 1; hit by were made by either team would Gibson, 3b . . 4 1 1 1 4 0 Depot Square...... z pitcher, by Haines (Adams); -wild Cheney to break eighty. He had a Runs batted in, Simmons, Hauser 2, Curyla, 2b . . 5 5 77 gross. crop up in any game. Hadden made Ruth 2, Gehrig 5, Robertson 3, Boley, 1 2 2 5 0 Talcottville...... 2 4 pitch, Fussell; umpires, Pfirman; Grabowski; two base hits, Cobb, Koe­ Buckley, cf . 4 2 2 1 0 0 Big Cross-Country Run Stark and Quigley; time, 2:02. In one way, Cheney’s new record three bad throws which were occa­ Highland Park ...... 2 7 nig 2, Lazzerl 2, Hauser, Speaker; Zielke, lb . . 2 1 1 16 0 0 resembled the course record which sioned by a bad arm, but his bat­ H eights...... 2 6 (Second Game) ting ability warrants his being home runs, Gehrig 2; stolen baseS, Halback, If . .. 4 0 1 1 0 0 SCHEDULE TONIGHT Alex Simpson, club professional set Combs, Koenig, 'Ruth, Speaker; sacri­ Niemiec, ss . 3 3 1 St. L o u ls p ...... 211 300 Olx— 8 used. He worked the pitchers for fices, Robertson, double plays, Boley 0 0 1 Depot Square vs. Heights at Pittsburgh ...... 003 002 010— 6 recently with a 63. As in Simpson’s five bases on balls and hit clean on to Dykes to Hauser; Foxx to Hauser; Nagle, rf . . . 4 0 0 0 0 0 Heights. case, there was no Indication at the left on bases, New York 1 , Philadel­ Here Wednesday Morning At Rruoklyii:— his last trip to the bat. It is possi­ Allard, c . . . 4 1 1 5 0 0 North Ends vs. Gibsons at Play­ turn that a new mark was going to ble his throwing will improve which phia 9; bases on balls, off Bush 3, off Pechuk, p . . 3 2 2 0 3 0 grounds. ROSTOX S, BROOKLYIV 7 be established. Ben was three above Johnson 6, off Orwoll 5; struck out. by par as he started on the home would raise him to the ranks of Bush 2, by Johnson 8. by Orwoll 1; Bon Ami vs. Green at Hickey’s. rf ...... 5 0 1 3 0 0 hits, off Bush 4 in 3, off Orwoll 13 in Jotals ... .33 s 10 27 5 1 stretch. good third basemen in his class. The Talcottville vs. Highland Park at ______3 0 1 1 0 1 errors of Magnuson should, in jus­ 5; wild pitch, Orwoll; passed ball, Manchester (6). Hooks and Slides Runners From Norwich, Highland Park. .,..3 0 0 1 0 0 For five straight holes, he shot tice to him, be charged to others as Cochrane; losing pitcher. Bush; um­ AB R H PO 1 1 11 0 0 par golf as he came in and then put pires. Barry, Connolly and McGowan; Wanta Hear About Dempsey? ib . ..,____ 1 1 0 4 time, 2:30. Linnell, 2b . . . 3 0 himself in position for a new record aey were made on bad throws, but Jack Dempsey— for reasons that ___ 5 1 1 0 3 0 Stratton, 3b _. . Rockville and Recreation ...... by shooting birdies on the fifteenth in as much as the runner would suit your own liking— is doing -----5 2 4 3 0 0 (Second Gniue) Sipples, ss . . 1 and sixteenth holes. Ben heeded have been out if Magnuson held the some gymnasium work in Los —TENNIS TALKS— 2 1 5 0 ball the scorer had to charge them New York ...... 104 020 Olx— 8 Pelton, rf .... ___ 4 2 2 3 2 0 another birdie to equal par for the to him. Philadelphia ...... 000 Oil 002—4 St. John, cf . . Angeles and here’s what Stub Nel­ Centers to Compete in -) . . . . ___ 0 0 0 0 0 0 course, but had to be content with Kotch, If ___ son of the Record has to say of Here Are Shots ----- 1 0 1 0 0 0 par for the last two holes whjeh Fraser pitched a very heady Greenfield, p — -----4 At Chicago:— him: 0 1 0 0 0 game, acting like a veteran. Jle had INDIANS 5, WHITE SOX 2 McLaughlin, lb Five Mile Jaunt. means that not once on the final CLEVELAND Webber, p ... “ It goes without saying that you 41 S 14 27 13 1 nine holes, did he go above par. great control as the box score BROOKLYN shows but some credit for this Edgar, p .... expect much whenever the former Worth Knowing The card follows: Jamieson, If . . . AB. tl. H. PO. A. E ...... 4 1 3 5 0 0 Brennan, x .. champion puts up his hands. Frank­ Flowers, 2b ...... 4 should be given to his catcher, Sen- 9 2 Out Lind, 2b ...... 3 1 0 Keen interest is being developed . 1 0 B y George M. Lott, Jr. Hendrick, 3b ...... 4 1 drowski, who held him up nicely. Morgan, cf .... 9 2 ly, he didn't look any toe good yes­ 0 2 B e n ...... 455 635 434— 39 ...... 3 1 0 0 over the triangular five-mile cross­ Herman, rf ...... 3 1 Langford, cf ... 2 1 0 Par ...... 445 534 Sendrowski played a whale of an all ...... 3 ci 1 0 0 Totals ...... 37 6 11 24 6 terday. His legs appeared bad— country run which will be staged Statz, zzz ...... 0 0 434— 36 J. Sewell. S3 ...... 0 0 0 around game. 0 0 1 0 0 Meriden ...... 110 501 OOx— suffering the inevitable effects of here Fourth of July morning be­ Bressler, If ...... 4 i In Burns, lb ...... 4 1 1 10 2 1 Manchester . .. . 203 100 000- ARTICLE 15 Bissonette, lb ...... 4 0 B e n ...... 443 443 Squatrito, Vinci, Hedlund and Summa, r f ...... ______age and hard usage. His judgment tween teams representing the Rec­ 343— 32 4 0 1 0 0 0 Tyson, cf ...... 4 0 P a r ...... 443 444 Magnuson played excellent ball and Fonseca, 3b ...... 4 0 0 2 Two-base hits, Gibson, Curyla, reation Centers, Dowell A. C. of I consider the lob and drop shot 0 0 443— 34 0 0 of distance and timing Is poor but Boncroft, ss ...... 4 0 L. Sewell, c ...... 4 very useful parts of the defensive 5 0' should develop luring the season. 0 0 3 2 0 Halback, Sipples, Pelton, Kotch; that was to be expected. Jack boxed Norwich and Rockville A. A. Henline, c ...... ^2 0 Following ' are the sweepstake Hudlin, p ...... 4 0- 0 1 Tenerowicz and Therrien played 0 0 1 2 0 three-base hit, Buckley: stolen two heats with Jack Lee, a trial The race will be team competi­ game. Offhand, it appears a lob is Deberry, c ...... 2 0 tournament scores: well #or the visitors. base, Stratton; sacrifices, Halback, tion which means that the first run­ an easy shot to make yet'it is only Clark, J) ...... '2 1 Gross Hand Net 33 5 7 27 9 1 horse in the 180-pound ranks. Lee Moss, p ...... 0 0 A good crowd enjoyed the game, CHICAGO St. John; double plays, Curyla to hit Dempsey hard and the latter ner to finish will not win the meet handled successfully by the players B. Floyd Turner ...84 20 64 who have what is called “ touch.” Uoak, p ...... 0 0 0 0 Ben Cheney...... 71 so much in fact that they rooted AB. R, H. PO, A. Zielke; left on bases, Meriden 5. also landed a few solid left hooks. for his organization. Five runner.s .1. Harris, z ...... 1 0 6 65 ■ Hunnefield, 2b ...... 3 Manchester 7; base on balls, off There are two kinds of lobs. One 0 0 A. T. D ew ey...... 90 21 to have Thompsonville tie it up in Clancy, lb ...... 3 It looked as though I'en psey was must finish from each team in or­ ■ eWeeny, p ...... \o 0 0 0 ,69 Pechiik 4, Webber 3, Edgar 1; is hit with underspin in the man­ Partridee, z .: ...... 1 1 H. B. Cheney...... 85 15 pie 9th to force playing extra inn­ Mosul, cf ...... 5 puttl.ag quite a bit Into his punch­ der to have a chance to win the 1 u 70 ings. The next game will be at the Reynolds, rf ...... 4 struck out, by Pechuk 4, Webber 2. meet. Then me team having the ner of a chop and the other with Pa.nl Ballseiper ....87 16 71 West 'Side, July 4th, at 2 o’clock Kamm, 3b ...... 4 Edgar 3;Jilts, off Webber 9 in 3 1-3 es, but they didn’t drop the spar­ topspin like a drive. The underspin 35 7 10 2’’ 15 1 J. H. H y d e...... 77 6 VI Metzler, If ...... 4 ring partner Six years ago the left least number of points will be the Boston ...... 031 140 000— 8 in the afternoon against Hartford. innings, off Edgar 1 in 4 2-3 in­ winner. Points are awarded accord­ lob is better it you intend the ball Brooklyn Carl Hutzfeldt...... 83 9 74 Cissell, ss '...... '' hook wa? poison— even in the - - ...... 42(1 000 001— 7 Yesterday’s game with East Hart­ Crouse, c ...... 4 nings; hit by pitcher, by Webber ing to the position In which a run­ to be hit by your opponent as it Is 9.WU base bits, Farrell 2, Sisler, C. J. F elb er...... 88 13 75 ford was postponed until Wednes­ Adkins, p ...... 3 (Zielke), by Edgar (Buckley), by gymnasium. ner finishes which means that by easier to keep in the court, due to Brown; three base hits, Freifjau; sac­ Phil Cheney...... 85 10 75 McCurdy, z ...... 1 rifices, Tyson; double plays, Banchoft John Lamenzo...... day morning because of rain. Pechuk (Linnell): wild pitch, Pe­ placing first or second, for example, the backspin. The topspin lob is to Bfiowers to Bissonette; left on 93 18 75 MANCHESTER (13) chuk; passed ball^ Kelly; losin,g the better if you intend the ball fo bases. Boston 12, Brooklyn 8; bases ^ L. L. Joslin...... 87 12 2 10 27 13 1 Just a Tip for the Boys a runner would charge only one or 75 AB R H PO A E Cleveland ...... pitcher, Webber; umpires, Corkins two points against his team and so go over your opponent’s head be­ on balls, off .Cantwell 2, Clark 2, Moss A. Gildersleive...... 95 16 76 000 003 020— 5 When one who likes to criticize 2, Doak 1, Greenfield 4, McWeeny 1; Sendrowski, c . 4 3 2 6 0 Chicago ...... 010 100 000— 2 and Slater; time, 1:50. on. cause the ball goes forward when Charles Willett .87 11 76 a ball player and has no handy struck out, by Clark 4, Greenfield Z Vinci, cf . . . . 3 3 1 2 1 0 Run-s batted in. Kamm 1, Crouse 1 X—Brennan batted for McLaugh­ Under this system, it would be it hits the ground on account of J. C. Carey .... .88 *1 77 Burns 3, Morgan 1. J. Sewell 1; two fault to pick out, it is easy to say McWeenel 2; hits off Cantwell 3 in l! O’Leary, 2b . . 4 1 0 3 2 0 lin in 9 th. possible for Manchester to win if the topspin. This type can be easily Greenfield 7 in 8; Clark 11 in 4 (none J. P. Cheney, Jr. 81 4 77 base hits, Reynolds, Mostil, Hunne­ that he isn’t game. They said it Squatrito, ss . . 6 1 1 2 6 0 field, Morgan, Summa, Jamieson- Norwich had the first four runners disguised as it is hit with practical­ out in fifth): Moss 2 in 1 1-3, Loak 0 R. O. Cheney . . ______.98 20 78 Hadden, 3b . . 1 2 1 l i 3 three base hits, Crouse, Reynolds; about Big Ed Morris for a while home and Rockville the next four. ly the same stroke as a drive and in 2-3, MeWe ny 1 In 3; winning Frank Way ...... 94 16 78 home runs, Burns; stolen bases, Rey­ around the Southern Association pitcher. Greenfield; losing pitcher Magnuson, lb . 3 1 2 9 0 2 In this case, Manchester could win the face of the racket is lifted at Clark: umpires. Hart, Jorda and RigI Charles Johnson .. .87 8 79 nolds; sacrifices. Lind; left on bas'e last year and it followed him to ler; time, 2:25. T. G. B row n ...... 97 Bay, rf ...... 2 1 1 1 0 0 Chicago 19, Cleveland 4; double play’ by having the next five in. In other the last moment to give the shot 18 79 Hedlund, If . . 0 0 Major League the big leagues, where he Is doing the proper elevation. X—Freigau batted for Cantwell in W. Price ...... 99 4 0 0 2 Burns to J. Sewell, Kamm to Hunne­ words the team having the first five 2nd. 19 80 Fraser, p ----- 5 1 0 1 1 n field; struck out, by Hudlin 2; bases some star pitching with the Red to finish wins. Steady use of the lob robs it of Austin Cheney ..... 95 14 81 on bails. Adkins 2, Hudlin 3; umpires, Standings Sox. its effectiveness unless your oppo­ z— J- Harris batted for Doak In 6th Charles Ogsbury ..105 18 Geisel. Campbell and Owens; time The race starts at 11 o’clock zz— Partridge batted for xMcWeeny 87 Totals ^2 13 8 27 13 1:49. They said it about him down Wednesday morning from in front nent has a notoriously weak over­ in 9tli. Frank F. Cheney did not finish zzz— Staz ran for Herman In 9th. J. P. Cheney, Sr. THOMPSONVILLE (8) ?.—Ml Curdy batted for Adkins in south until he licked Jack Steele, of the High school on Main street head. Its real value is in the na­ did not finish AB R H PO A 9 th. YESTERDAY’S RESULTS. one of .he best two-fists in the as­ and the course takes in Mt. Nebo, ture of a disguise. Occasionally you Mitchell, 2b . . 2 0 1 0 0 Eastern League. Highland Park and Porter street. find your opponent getting in too At Cinc'innnli:— Another sweepstake' handicap At Detroit:— sociation and if they haven’t heard CIX'CIXWATI 4, CHICAGO 1 CHIckofky, If . 5 U 0 0 0 Hartford 12, Bridgeport 3 (12 about that fight yet in the Ameri­ The prizes are on exhibition ’ In close to the net and if you give him CIXCIXXATI. tournament was played yesterday, Jedynack, lb, 'riG E R S 7, BROWNS 4 innings), (first). , and again it was a Glastonbury man . . 5 0 0 8 0 DETROIT can League some one probably will the display windows at the Dewey- a lob you will find the next time AB. K. H PO A. E. Critz, 2b ...... 4 Tenerowicz, ss. 4 2 1 0 3 AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Hartford 8, Bridgeport 2, (sec­ Richman jewelry store on Main he comes to the net that he will 0 0 7 2 0 who was the winner. This time he 0 get another beating. Purdy, If ...... 4 0 1 2 1 0 Gucwa, p, cf 3 1 2 1 Sweeney, lb ...... 5 2 2 11 0 0 ond). street at the south end. not be in so close. You then will Kelly, lb . . was A. L. Gildersleive. Harry Ben­ Warner, 3b ...... 5 1 4 1 4 q ...... 3 0 0 8 2 0 Therrien, c . . . 4 1 u 9 Pittsfield 1, Providence 0. have a better chance to pass him. Dressen, 3b 9 9 son and Charlie Johnson were tied 0 Gehringer. 2b ...... 5 0 2 1 2 0 Take a Bow, Crackers! ...... 4 1 2 0 Krollsky, cf, P .3 Albany , New Haven 5, (first). He will be in doubt as to what to Picinicli, c . 9 with 79s for the second best gross, 1 1 0 2 Bice, c f ...... 0 1 2 2 0 0 6 There’s room to talk about all 1 1 2 1 6 King, 2b . . ,. . 4 New Haven 7, Albany 4, (sec­ e.xpect and is apt to stay a little too Walker, rf . 1 1 4 0 0 Jolin Hyde nosing them out for top 1 1 3 0 H argraye. c ...... 1 0 0 3 0 0 HEIGHTS ARE AHEAD Allen, cf . . , Gongola, 3b Heilmann, rf ...... 4 1 1 3 0 0 the st'ars they breed on the Pacific ...... 3 1 1 0 0 0 . . 4 0 0 1 3 ond). far back from the net. Then you 9 honors with a 78. The scores fol­ coast,I but there’s a lot of territory Ford, ss . , . 0 1 2 3 0 O’Brien, rf . ,. . 2 0 0 1 Tavener ss ...... 3 1 2 2 5 0 Springfield-Waterbury (rain). can catch him at his feet. Rixey, p , .. low: 0 Wingo, If ...... 2 0 0 3 0 0 covered out there ir a few words ...... 3 0 0 - u 1 u Total 35 8 5 24 9 Potherglll, If ...... 1 0 0 1 0 0 American League. AS STORM SAYS “ NO” The drop shot has exactly the op­ . ^ Gross Hand Net Innings: Sorrell, p ...... •------0 . 0 0 0 0 0 New York 12, Priledlphia 6, and the number per square foot posite use. Its best use is to bring 29 •4 7 27 12 0 A. L. Gildersleive ..86 19 67 Ihompsonville 250 200 04x__ Stoner, p ...... 3 1 3 q . . (first). might ffOi, be so big. Inch for inch a man off the baseline to the net. CHICAGO Harry Benson ...... 79 9 13 A H. K H. PO A. E. 70 So. Manchester 041 030 000__ 8 New York 8, Philadelphia 4, Atlanta and Georgia would have a Leading South Windsor in Sometimes you will find yourself English, ss ...... ,4 1 1 3 0 Charles Johnson ...78 8 71 37 7 16 27 9 1 pretty good batting average against Maguire, 2b John H y d e ...... 73 Two base hits. King; hits, off ST. LOUIS (second). Fourth 2 to 1; Holy Name of bqing beaten from the baseline so ...... 4 0 0 5 4 2 6 72 any city and state in the country. Cuyler, rf ...... 3 0 0 4 0 u D. C. Donaldsoin . . . 91 Gucwa 2, Krollsky 6; sacrifice hits AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Boston 2, Watshington 1, (first). you shoot over a drop shot to bring Wilson, cf , 2 16 73 ..5 Hartford Here Wednesday ...... 4 0 0 0 0 H. B. Cheney...... 89 O Leary; stolen bases, Vince, Mag­ 1 2 2 0 0 Boston 7, Washington 1, (sec­ him into the net to give yourself Stephenson, If ...... 4 15 74 ..4 0 Afternoon. 0 2 2 0 6 nuson, Sendrowski; left on bases 0 4 1 0 ond). WeU, Start lelUng! a chance to either pass him or lob Grimm, lb ...... 4 0 0 7 1 0 B. F. T u rn er...... 92 16 76 ..5 0 0 4 1 •0 Hartnett, c Carl Hutzfeldt Manchester 13, Thompsonville 4; . .4 Cleveland 5, Chacigo 2. The failure of the Pittsburgh over his head. This is a good way ...... 3 0 3 3 0 i ----- 97 79 1 1 4 0 0 Beck, 3b ...... 3 , first base on 'balls, Gucwa 2, Kro­ . .4 1 1 Detroit 7, St. Louis 4. Pirates to get started In'the Na­ A downpour of rain broke up the up an opponent’s game. 0 1 0 2 0 John Lamenzo .88 9 ! 1 2 0 Blake, p ...... '. .2 0 0 0 0 0 79 llsky 1 1 , Fraser 1 ; first base on er­ . .2 1 1 5 1 0 National League. tional Lekgue pennant race has baseball game between the Heights While seemingly very easy, these McMillan, x Carl Hutzfeldt ..-..00.88 9 79 . .3 0 ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 rors, Manchester 4. Thompsonville 0 1 1 0 Cincinnati 4, Chicago 1. and South Windsor teams on the two shots are really very hard to Carlson, p ...... 0 0 0 John Lamenze...... 97 18 Manlon, c . . .3 0 1 2 1 been one of the most -discussed 0 0 0 79 0 latter’s field yesterday afternoon. — — Ray B arrett...... 94 5; hit by pitcher, Gucwa; ( struck Coffman, p . .2 0 0 1 0 0 Boston 8, Brooklyn 7. baseball topics of the day and every execute, A wonderful touch Is re- 14* 80 out Gucwa 3, Krollsky 3, Ff’kser ; Wlltse, p , ..0 0 Pittsburgh 2, St. Louis 0 (first). The teams*had finished three inn­ qulred and steady use destroys the 32 1 9 24 12 3(j Wilfred S m ith ...... 99 5 0 0 1 0 imaginable reason has been blamed Cincinnati ...... 040 000 OOx—4 18 81 balk, Fraser; time, 2. hours; um­ Sturdy, x , ..1 0 0 0 0 0 St. Louis 8, Pittsburgh 6, (sec­ ings and were starting the fourth effectiveness of either. C. R. Richardson . . . 96 14 82 Sohang, xx . .1 0 for it. Chicago ...... 000 100 000— 1 pires, O’Leary and Russell. 1 0 0 0 ond). wK%a the deluge broke. The score (Copyright, 1928, NEA Serv.. Inc.) Runs batted in, ’Wilson, Walker. W. P rice ...... 102 19 ' 83 It Is not known generally outside at the start of the fourth was 2 to 1 34 4 Other teams not scheduled. Ford; two base hits, English, Allen; Paul Ballseiper ....§9 14 85 24 8 0 of Pittsburgh that Donle Bush In favor of the Heights. three base hits. Walker; saorihees, hardly has had two successive days Cuyler, Plclnich; double .plays, Eng­ St. L o u is ...... 020 001 001— 4 THE STANDINGS. The Heights will play the fast­ Runs batted in, Warner, Gehringer when he was able to present his' traveling, Holy Name Club of Hart­ PROPOSES MARRIED lish to Maguire to Grimm 2, Ford to • Heilmann, Bettencourt, Coffman, Eastern League. Critz to Kelly, Kelly to Plclnich to MAY FORM GIRLS full strength on the field. Hurts and ford at the local field Fourth of Kelly; left on bases, Chicago 5; Cin­ Manion, Stoner, Sweeney, Rice, W.' L. Pet. Schangr; two base hits, Sweeney, Tav- New H aven...... 43 22 .662 ills have crippled the team all sea­ July afternoon. This is one of the cinnati 6; base on balls, off Blake 4; ener. Blue, Manlon, Heilmann; three son. best attractions the Heights have struck out. by Blake 2, Carlson 1; Pittsfield...... 36 30 .545 MEN’S BALL LEAGUE hits, off Blake 6 in 6 innings, off Carl­ base hits. Gehringer, Schang; stolen Before the season started John booked this season. At Bridgeport:— BALL LOOP HERE bases. Rice; sacrifice, Manlon; double Hartford ...... 84 30 .531 son 1 in 2; losing pitcher, Blake; um­ plays, Manush to Manlon; left on Providence ...... 31 30 .508 McGraw said the Pirates were the pires, McCormick and Ylam; time. HARTFORD 12. BRIDGEPORT 3 bases, St. Louis 8, Letroit 9; bases on Bridgeport ...... 34 35 .484 class of the league and a few days 1:35. HARTFORD “Dodger” Dowd Tiying to X —McMillan b’atted for Blake in AB. R. H. PO. A. E. balls, off Sorrell 2, Coffman 2. Stoner Albany ...... 33 37 .471 ago he said he had not changed his Griffin, cf ...... 0 A 2; struck out, by Sorrell 1, Stoner 2- rfOXV m 4NNx 7th, ____7 ^ 1 u u mind. Schmehl, 3b ...... K 1 ft 0 t Springfield ...... 28 34 .451 V 0 hits, off Sorrell 2 In 1 1-3 Innings; off The best way to get rid of Rosen rf ...... , 1 0 Manchester Green, Rec, "Waterbury ...... 20 41 .328 “ Class will tell,” he said. . . . ■ A 1 A Q uA u Stoner 5 In 7 2-3; off Coffman 11 in 7 Form Another Leagoe; Slayback. 2 b __ 1 A A 1-3; oft Wlltse 6 In 2-3; hit by pitcher American League. . some 'Visitors is to ^ .; . . . 7 0 u Martlneck, lb ...... 1; ^ 71 17A uA by Coffman (Stoner); winning pitcher' W. L, Pet. ■Wasn’t That a Darb? Hohman, if ...... fi 1 0 A Community and Cheneys Stoner; losing pitcher, Coffman; um- them on « 1 u ^ x y n u N k Smith, ss ...... • • • e * New Y o r k ...... 52 16 .765 No ofilcial prizes ever have been Horseshoe Pitching Meet­ 7 X 1 1 X 0 tlme^’ Qr^fian; Philadelphia .... 39 30 .565 awarded to the champloh rumor The best part of a fisher- Elsemann, 0 ...... 6 2 4 6 1 0 Levy, p ...... - - -1 ^ 2 I A A X —Sturdy batted for Wlltse In 9th St. Louis ...... 37 33 .529 starter, but if something doesn’t ttian’s luck i» the day u V Suggested as Four Team XX—Schang batted for McNeely In ing Tonight. 9th. Cleveland ...... 33 38 .465 happen soon or start to happen be­ 51 12 18 36 12 0 B oston...... 29 36 .446 fore long, Tex Rickard will get this off he gets BRIDGEPORT Circuit. At WaahlBgtoiu— Washington ...... 31 39 .443 column’s nomination by acclama­ AB. R. H. PO. A. E. C hicago...... 2 8 41 .406 "Dodger’’ Dowd, popular play­ Emmerich, cf .. •••..3 01300 BOSTON a, "WASHINGTON 1 tion. ground Instructor at the south end, Jones, ss ...... U BOSTON Detroit ...... 27 43 386 X There may have been bigger Is In the "league-organizing mood.” Sohinkel, If • s • • • 4 X X 3 0 0 AB. R. H. PO. A. Nationa'i League. Jacobs, c ...... A ft 1 r A A Flagstead, cf ...... 4 0 0 6 0 rumors in the past but there jiave Already he has formed a. junior- 17 U An attempt will be made to form W. L. Pet. Rodrigues, lb ...... 5 i 3 12 1 0 a girls’ baseball league In town. At Myer, -3b 4 1 3 1 1 been none better than the one he baseball league and now he Is plan­ Brunler, 2b ...... 4 0 1 5 ft Todt. lb ...... 3 0 0 10 1 St. Louis ...... 46 26 .639 present there are two teams, one at started in Florida several months ning other sporting events. Saunders, rf ...... 5 0 0 2 wft UA K. Williams, If ...... 4 1 1 2 0 New Y o r k ...... 39 26 .600 Daoust, 3b ...... a i A - 7 Manchester Green and the other at Regan, 2b ...... 4 0 1 1 4 He believes that a married men’s 2 2 V X Cincinnati...... 40 33 .548 ago when he told the newspaper­ Auer, p ...... -.•.4 ft ft A' . X Cheney Brothers. The plans call for Taltt, rf ...... 4 0 0 1 1 baseball league would create quite Brett, p ...... 1 ft ft ft ft A Chicago ...... 39 33 .542 men that Tunney and Heeney were V V another team from the Recreation Gerber, ss ...... 3 0 1 4 3 a blT of Interest and at the same Hofmann, o ...... 8 0 0 2 0 Brooklyn ...... 37 31 .529 going to fight In July. Centers and possibly a team to rep­ Harrlss, p ...... 3 0 0 0 1 Pittsburgh ...... 32 36 .471 time prove beneficial In more ways TT 43 3 11 36 18 8 resent the Community Club. thau one to the players. He has Hartford ...... 000 000 201 009 ^12 Boston ...... 21 43 .328 RE.4DY TO SNAP GILBERT. BrWgeport ------002 001 000 000— 8 In that case a four team circuit 32 2 6 27 11 0 Philadelphia ...... 18 44 .290 talked ■with quite a few of the mar­ . In. Bruinler 3, Emmer., 1 would be organized to play twilight WASHINGTON Owners of the 3t. Louis Cardinals ried men and finds that they are In­ Ich, Schraehl, Roaar, Slayback, Hob. I games. James “ Dodger” Dowd, rec­ AB. R. H. PO. A. E. terested In such a venture. Conse­ man 2, Bliiamnnn; two base hits. Mar- Rice, rf ...... 4 0 1 5 0 0 GAMES TODAY. are said to be ready to bring tlneck/ Grlffln, Roddrlcjuex; three base reational playground Instructor, is Harris, 2b ,...... 3 0 0 1 6 1 Eastern League. Shortstop Gilbert to St. Louis quently he has called a meeting for hit8, Jo&68» 8tol8& M8es» Smmziohei Barnes, cf .,...... 2 1 the man who has the idea in mind. 0 0 0 0 Hartford at Bridgeport. from their Rochester farm. Gil­ Wednesday night to be held at the Rodrl^ei I, Hobman; sacrlfloe^ Goslln, If ...... 4 0 0 4 0 0 East side Rec for all persons wish­ Auw, Jones, Levy; double plays, Jones ' He hopes to get the league going Judge, lb .. Pittsfield at Providence. bert’s play this season has bordered as soon as possible...... 4 0 0 10 0 0 ing to Join the league. Those who to Brunler to Rodrigues; Eiaemann to . Reeves, ss .,...... 4 0 1 1 0 1 Springfield at Waterhury (2). on the sensational. Slayback; left on bases. Hartford 16. • Jilr. Dowd requests all girls in­ Bluege, 3b ...... 3 1 1 2 0 Albany at New Haven. cannot attend are requested to send Bridgeport 16; base on balls, off Levy terested In playing with the Rec Ruel, 0 .,.. r 0 6 2 0 in their names. 9. Auer 9, Brett 1; struck out, by Levy Gaston, p ...»**astSt«2 1 1 0 1 0 American League. LOST TO OLYMPIC SQUAD. Line to report at the West Side Marbarry, p St. Louis at Chicago. Tonight at 8 o’clock, there will be h 14 ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 a meeting of all persons Interested i? Innlaw. (nene out in 12th), off ilido playgrounds at 6:16 tomorrow West, z ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Cleveland at Detroit. night for practice and a meeting. A recent attack of appendicitis in forming a senior horse-shoe- Brett 4 lb It hit by pitcher, by Awir New York at Washington. cost the United States Olympic (Levy); passed balls, Jacobs; loBtinr 30 1 5 27 11 2 SOO c i J f f g B O pltchlng tournament. It will be held pitcher, Auer; umpires, Moran antti Boston at Philadelphia (2). squad the services of Virginia Ashe, M ( ) ^ aj; the West Side Rec. The rules Kuhn; time, 2:48. ’, ' See Hamid Bey hypnotize a wom­ National League. «• A W tteriBofABS- an in Watkins Brothers’ window (Second Game) holder of several swimming titles. will be drawn up and It will also be Boston ...... 321 000 100— 7 Philadelphia at Boston (2). She was a good bet for the j^aunt to To WJS wle. tomorrow at 5:10 p. m.— ^Adv. 'W’ashlnsiton ...... 000 000 001— i Other teams not acbodnled. decided whether the competition Amiterdam. Yiu b« il&fies or doubles. 5«2aLatiisiaiSl«^Hartford ,-if.*! ? * * . 6 1 8 Oil ‘I 1 PAGE TEN MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD. MONDAY, JTJLY 2,1928. . r '.- -V S!

, ____ ^ ^ Jf:x ISet These Little Messengers Run Your Business ErrandsrrThey^re Swift And Effici fij^vvvvuiAfuv\AAAnjvv\AAAAJvmaAnrvvvv^^rvv\Anry>fvirM~irirv^"^^"^^^ ’ ^ ( ______' ’ \ : * , .■-<•■' Want iLd Infonnatlon Lost and Found Money to Loan Legal Notices pithy talk wlU/be given by th*“ tor. It is proposed t> limit;; LOST—FRIDAY NIGHT. Silver brace- MONEY TO LOAN on mortgages. AT A COURT OP PROBATE HELD AT A COURT OF PROBATE 'FTViT.n length of: these services to 45^ Mortgages bought and sold. P. D. at' Manchester, within and for the at Manchester, within and for the Manchester . let, set with yellow stones, on Main utes duration. Seating or Spruce streets. Call 1527-3.— Comollo, 13 Oak street, telephone District of Manchester, on' the 30th District of Manchester, on the 30th Evening Herald 1540. day o f June, A. D., 1928. ca y o f Jun;e. A. D., 1928. modatioiu fHll be provided bl^ Present—WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., Present—WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., the elderly members of ther^nim Classified Advertisements Anaonneementg 2 Judge. Judge. Help Wanted—Male 86 Phone Your Want Ads Estate of John Murphy, late of or others who require seatsl': It“ Count six aToras* words to a Una .. An agreement for the adoption of STEAMSHIP TICKETS— all parU of Manchester in said district, deceased. Doris Bolen, a minor aged 10 years, expected that most of the attend­ Inltlala numbers and abbrevtatlona MAN TO BOOK ORDERS for Nursery Upon appllca'-'or. of Edward J. each count as a word and oompond the world. Ask for sailing lists and residing in the town of Manchester, ants will avail themselves;: of the , ratsa Phone 760-S. Robert J. Smith. Stock and hire agents. $50.00 w eek ­ To T h i Murphy, praying that an Instrument In said District, having been exhibited words as two worda Minimum cost ly. Exclusive territory. Free out­ purporting to be the last will and naturally sloping lawn, following " Is price of three llnea ■' 1009 Main street. to this Court by Carl Bolen and Eliza­ • • • fit. Emmons Co., Newark, New York. testament of said deceased be ad­ beth Barrett, the signers thereof, for out the custom of bible liftfes when ; mitted to probate and that letters of Line rates per day for transient Antomobiles for Sale 4 acceptance and approval, it is there­ the Master spoke to his hearers as ^ administration with the will annexed upon they gathered about him on the, ad a A. A. GRE2EL be granted on said estate, as pe. ap­ ORDERED—That notice be given BfleotlTe March 17, 1927__ TON used truck, ground. Cash Charso FOR SALE—3-4 Evening Herald plication on file, it is to all persons interested to appear at good condition, Inquire 35 Chestnut 829 M ain St. ORDERED:—^That the foregoing On Sunday evening the 15th,. 8 Conseoutlve Da^s .i.l 7 ots 9 ots the Probate Office in Manchester, in street. Can use a salesman on application be heard and determined said District, on the 7th day of July. music by a ' male quartette will be 5 Consecutive Days .. 9 cts ll ots at the Probate office in Manchester 1 Day ...... I n ots 18 ots 1928, at 8 o'clock, then and there to FO R SALE— 1924 SEDAN p erfect con ­ NOKOL OIL BURNERS in said District, on 7th day of July, show cause. If any they have, why the the attraction, and on the 22nd All orders for Irregular Insertions dition, reasonable price. Gibson’s A. D. 1928, at 8 o ’clock in the fo re ­ Thomas Maxwell’s mandolin club will be charged at the one-time rata foregoing agreement Should not be Garage, 18 Main street. Tel. 701-2. See Mr. Bayer noon, and that notice to be given to accepted and approved by this Court, will furnish the music. It is con­ Special rates for long term every all persons interested in S .id estate day ad/rtlslng glvn upon request. 3 by publishing this order once In some fidently expected that because of DEPENDABLE USED CARS between 12 and 1 o’clock Call 664 of the pendency of said application newspaper having a circulation in Ads ordered for threj or'Six days ■ M ANCH ESTER MOTOR SALES CO. and the time and place of hearing the short service and interesting and stopped bo'*ore the third or flfth said District, and by posting a copy 1069 Main St. So. M anchester thereon, by publishing a copy of this of this order on the public signpost features these outdoor services -will day will be charged only for the ac­ Open Eve. and Sun. Tel. 740 And Ask for order In some newspaper having a tual number of times the ad Situations Wanted— Female 38 of the Town of Manchester in said prove very popular. ed. charging at the rate earned, but circulation in said district, on or be­ State, nearest to the place of resi­ FOR SALE-1926 Studebaker Big Six fore July 2, 1928, and by p osting a dence of said minor, at least five days no allowances or refunds can be mao ? sedan, A-1 shape. Will demonstrate WANTED—POSITION as mother’s Tell Her What You Want on six time ads stopped after the helper. High school girl. Address copy of this order on the public sigrt- before said day assigned by this to anyone interested. P rice $900. Call post in said town of Manchester, at Court for said hearing. flfth day. at 24 Trctter street or telephone Box M, So. End H erald Office. No “till forbids” : ulsplay lines not least five days before the day of said WILLIAM. S. HYDE, Judge. 975-8. She will take your ad, help you word it for best results, hearing, to appear if they see cause at H -7-2-28 sold. Situations Wanted— Male 89 and see that it is properly Inserted. Bill will be mailed said time and place and be heard HOMES The Herald will not .je responsible 1927 Oldsm oblle Landau, $700. for more than one Incorrect Insertion same day allowing you until seventh day after insertion relative thereto, and make return to 1925 Oldsm oblle Sedan. $375. this court., and by mailing in a of any advertisement ordered for 1926 Oldsm oblle 2-D oor Sedan, $450. WANTED—EMPLOYMENT of most to take advantage of the CASH RATE. any kind, in town or elsewhere, ex­ registered letter a copy of this order $6,000 to $7,000 more than one time. Ten other good used cars at reduc­ to Elizabeth A. Murphy. 90 Congress The Inadvertent omlssloi or incor­ ed prices. perienced driver. Post office Box 326, BEGIN OUT OF DOORS rect publication of advertising will be telephone 2123 betw een 5 and 7. rreet, Hartford, Conn.; Fannie I. Brand new, six rooms, all the fix­ rectified only by cancellation of the Halsey, 701 Franklin Ave., Hartford, CR-\W FORD AUTO SUPPLY CO. Conn.; Fred J. Murphy, 151 Walnut ings. spick and span. One the charge made for the service rendered. Center and Trotter Sts. Live Stock— Vehicles 42 SERVICES SUNDAY whole family will like. Garage? » » • Tel. 1174 or 2021-2. Street, Hartford, Conn.; and Maurice All advertisements must conform F. Murphy, 108 Madison Ave., Hart­ Oh, yes. All tor $6,000 on easy FOR SALE — BEAUTIFUL spotted ford,' Conn. in style, copy ana typography with 1927 Studebaker Standard Sedan. Apartments, Flats, Tenement's 63 Houses for Sale 72 terms, convenient location. regulations enforced by the publish­ Shetland pony, saddle and bridle. WILLIAM S. HYDE, Judge. Rev. R. A. Colpitis Announces 1924 Studebaker Special 6 Sedan. Can be seen at Haye. Stable. H -7-2-28 ers, and they reserve the right to 1924 Studebaker Big 6 Sedan. American Colonial, 6 rooms, oak edit, levlse or reject any copy con­ FOR SALE—NEW 6 ROOM house Program; Salvationists to 1923 Studebaker Big 6 Touring. TO RENT—6 ROOM tenement with AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD floors add trim, down, gas. steam, sidered objectionable. Poultry and Supplies 43 garage. Inquire 140 Maplo Street. corner of Benton and Durkin street, Give Music, 1921 Studebaker Big 6 Touring. steam heat, fireplace, garage, oak at Manchester, within and for the CLOSING HOURS—Classified -ds A few cars of all makes. Good buys sewers, walks, 2 car garage. Price to be published same day must bo re­ trim and all modern improvements. District of Manchester, on the 30th j for little money. FOR SALE—YOUNG roosters, 28c lb., FOR RENT 6 ROOM house, newly re­ day o f June, A. D., 1928. only $6,550. $500 or more cash. ceived by 12 o’clock noon. Saturdays novated. 24 Church St. Call at 168 Benton street or phone | Rev. Robert A. Colpitts of tbe TH E CONKEY AUTO CO. live weight. R. F. Rennie, 26 Gard­ 2632-2 for price and terms. P resent— W ILLIA M S. HYDE, Esq., 10:30 a m. 20-22 East Center St. Teh 840 South Metbodist ebureb last eve­ West Center street, six room sin­ ner street. Please call evenings. FOR RENT—5 ROOM APARTMENT, Estate of Agnes Brown, Ikte of FOR SALE—SMALL HOUSE with 10 Manchester, in said District, deceased. ning announced tbe program for gle, large rooms, poultry house, Telephone Your Want Ads CHEVROLET SALES & SERVICE FOR SALE—ROOSTERS and broilers, modern improvements. inquire at 478 Nbrth Main street. building lots. 1400 growing grape The adminls rator having exhibited tbe outdoor services scheduled to garden, large lot. A real buy at Those wishing to purchase open two to three and a half pounds, live vines. 50 fruit tyees, you can get this his adm inistration account with sr.id cars will do well to inspect our stock. or dressed. Call 579 Hartford Road begin Sunday evening, July 8, and" $5,500. Ads are accepted over tho telephone FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tenement, year’s crop. A nice little place. Price estate to this Court for allo-vt nee, it at the CHARGE RATE given above Prices right—cars right, or 'phone 248-3, after 6 P. M. very low. Terms. Call Arthur A. is to be held on the west lawn in H. A. STEPHENS upstairs, at 136 South Main str et. East Side. Six rooms, well ar­ as a convenience to advertisers but Inquire on premises. Knofla. Telephone 782-2. ORDERED That the 7th day of July proximity to the open air pulpit the CASH RATES will be accepted as Center at Knox Tel. 939—2 A. D., 1928, at 8 o’clock, forenoon, at erected on that side of tbe church ranged, all conveniences, including FULL PAYMENT If paid at the busi­ FOR SALE—20 LAYING hens, $ 2.00 WASHINGTON ST.—new six room the Probate Office, in said Manchester, each. Telephone 1913-2. TO RENT—5 ROOM FLAT with all as a memorial to a former pastor steam heat, $6,500, easy terms. ness office on or before tho seventh Anto Accessories—-’Tires G improvements, upper or lower, on single, sun porch, lot sixty foot be and the same is assigned for a day following the first insertion of front. Price right, terms. Arthur A hearing on the allowance of said ad­ the Rev. S. E. Ellis. The initial FOR SALE—BARRED ROCK, Pul­ car line, 10 Olcott street. Apply on Greeacres— single, good large each ad., otherwise tho CHARGE premises or phone 1780-2. Knofla. Tel. 782-2—875 Main street. ministration account with said estate, service next Sunday will be dedi- HATE will be collected. No responsi­ $15 BUYS COMPLETE set of four lets. Karl Marks, 136 Summer street. and this Court directs the Admlnlstrat rooms, oak floors and trim down, Telephone 1877. catorial in nature and a brief trib- bility tor errors In telephoned ads Indian Shock Absorbers. Free trial FOR RENT—3 ROOM apartment, Real Estate for Exchange 76 tor to give public notice to all per- u steam beat, gas, etc. $6,500. will be assumed and their accuracy The Indian is the finest shock ab­ bath, heat, gas stove. Call Manches­ sons interested to appear and be . Paid to his memory by cannot be guaranteed. heard thereon by publishing a copy of one of the local retired ministers • • • sorber yet made. Ask us about It. OLIVER BROTHERS day old chicks ter Trust Company. Telephone 70. Center Auto Supply Co., 155 Center. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE properly this order in so—e newspaper having who was a friend of Pastor Ellis. from two jrbar old hena Hollvwood In town. In good locality. What have a circulation in said District, on or Index of Classifications TeL 678. Strain-Blood tested and free from FOR RENT—FIVF ROOM flat, upper The musical program next Sun­ floor, all modern, newly papered and you to offer? Wm. Kanehl Telephone before July 2, 1928, and by postin g a Robert J. Smith Evening Herald Want Ads are now white diarrhea. Oliver Bros.. Clarks 1776. copy of ;tiiis order on the public sign­ day evening will be in charge of grouped according to classifications Garages— Service— Storage 10 Corner. Conn. painted, $28 month. Inquire 243 West Center street. post in the Town where thj deceased Bandmaster David Addy of the Sal­ 1009 Main Street. below and tor handy reference will last dwelt, five days before s^d day appear In tho numerical order Indi­ Legal Notices 79 vation Army who has agreed to Real Estate, Insurance, Articles for Sale 45 FOR RENT—3 OR 4 ROOM tenement of hearing and return make to this cated: TO RENT—GARAGE. 122 Cooper on Charter Oak street, n -ar Main. Court. provide a number of instrumental­ Steamship Tickets Births ...... A street. Tel. 1363. Inquire Phillip Lewis, 83 Charter WILLIAM S. HYDE, Judge. ists to lead the music. A brief. Engagements ...... B FO R SALE 1 1-2 HORSE potver elec­ AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD H -7-2-28, M arriages ...... » • • • • aai« • * '' Oak street. at Manchester, within and for the Business Services Offered 13 tric motor, In good condition. For Deaths ...... particulars call Alfred A. Grezel, 829 FOR RENT— 1 ROOM tenement at 177 District of Manchester, on the 30th AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD s ere eieiw e e i day o f June, A. D., 1928. Cards of Thanks Main street. Oak street. Inquire 179 Oak street, at Manchester, within and for the In M em oriam ...... F WANTED—TEAM ■ work, scrapping or call 1619 after 5 p. m. Present—WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., District of Manchester, on the 30th Lost and Found ...... -1...... 1 cellars, plowing, carting ashes, etc. FOR SALE —8 ACRES standing grass Judge. day o f June, A. D., 1928. Announcements ...... 2 55 Bissell streeL L. T. Wood Tel on McLean Hill farm. West Middle FOR RENT—5 ROOM FLAT new, Esate of Cain Mahoney, late of Present—WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., FOR SALE P ersonals ...... 3 496. Turnpike. Telephone 120 Manchester. steam heat, near the Center. Ready Manchester, in said District, deceased, Judge. Aatomohlles ' July 1st. See Stuart J. W asley, 827 The Administratrix having ex­ Estate of Flora M. Atherton, late Automobiles for Sale ...... 4 hibited her administration account Residence of Judge "Olin R. Wood Florists— Nurseries 15 FOR SALE—LOAM, inquire Frank Main street. Telephone 1428-2. of Manchester, in said District, de­ Automobiles for Exchange 5 Damato. 24 Homstead street. Man­ with said estate to this Court for ceased. Auto Accessoiles—Tires ...... 6 chester. Phone 1507. FOR RENT—.6 ROOM FLAT pleasant­ allow ance, it is. On motion of The Manchester Trust 670 North Main St. Modern house of 14 rooms, 2 fireplaces, Auto Repairing—Painting ...... 7 FOR ■ SALE — ANNUAL flowering ly situated, modern. Apply 22 Roose­ ORDERED:—That the 7th, day of Company, admlnictrator, oil burner. Large .barn, garage, sheds. 9 % acres, 800 feet Auto Schools ...... 7-A plants, asters,. 25c doz., calendulas, velt street. July, A. D,. 1928, at 8 o ’clo ck ,- fo re ­ ORDERED:—That six months from Autos—Ship by Truck ...... 8 snapdragons. zennias, marigold, Electrical Appliances— Radio 49 noon, at the Probate Office, in said frontage, 700 feet deep, 440 feet on both sides of railroad. At­ the 30th day o f June, A. D , 1928, be tractive home with development and manufacturing opportuni­ Autos—For Hlri ...... 2 strawflowers 15c doz., winter cab­ FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement, all Manchester, be and the same is as­ and the same are limited and allowed Garages—Service— Stp-age ...... 10 bage, 10c dozen, all extra good ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING appli­ improvements, garage, 26 Walker signed for a hearing on the allowance for the creditors within which to ties. Motorcycles—Bicycle...... 11 plants, T. J. Heritage, Glad Acres, ances. motors, generators, sold and street, off East Center, good locktlon. of said administration account with bring in their claims against said es- Wanted Aatos—Motorcyles ...... 18 Wapplng, Conn. repaired: work called for Peguot rent reasonable. Inquire 30 Walker said estate, and this Court directs the state, and the said administrator is Business and Professional Services Electric Co.. 407 Center street. Phon^ street. Administratrix to give public notice directed to give public notice to the WILLIAM H. McDo n a l d & Business Services Offered ...... 13 to all persons interested therein to co. 1592. • creditors to bring in their claims 750 Main St Tel. 2-1526, Household Services Offered ...... IS-A FOR SALE—CABBAGE plants 50c per FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM flat, first appear and be heard thereon by pub­ within said time allowed by posting a Hartford B uildin g— C ontracting ...... 14 hundred, Hastings, 334 Parker St. G.irden-Earni-Dairy Products 50 floor, hot water heat, at 170 Oak lishing a copy of this order in some copy of this order on the public sign Florists—Nurseries ...... 15 street or Call 616-5. newspaper having a circulation in post nearest to the place where the Funeral Directors ...... 16 Flower and vegetable plants, gera­ said District, on or before July 2, niums 10 to 25c each. $1.00 to $2.50 deceased last dwelt within said town Heating—Plumbing—Roofing .. FOR SALE—CABBAGE and cauli­ APARTMENTS—Two three and four 1928, and by p osting a copy o f this and by publishing the same in some Insurance ...... 18 per dozen. Begonias 25c each, vinca flower, 621 Old Hartford Road Green­ room apartments, heat, lanitor ser­ order on the public slgnnost in the newspaper having a circulation in Millinery—Dressmaking ...... 19 vines, coleus, ice plants. 15c each. house. teleph..ne 37-3. vice. gas range, refrigerator, in-a- Town where the deceased last dwelt, Moving—Trucking—Storage .... 20 English ivy. We fill boxes, dirt and said probate district, within ten days THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE: door bod furnished. Call Manchester five days before said day o f heq^ring from the date of this order, and re­ Painting—Papering ...... 21 labor free. Asters, marigold, pansies, Construction Company. 2100 or tele­ and return make to this Court. ■ fessional Servloes 22 straw flowers and salvia, all 25c per Household Goods 51 turn make to this court of the no­ (329) Wood Printing phone 782-2. WILLIAM S. HYDE, Judge. tice given. R epairin g ...... 23 dozen. Gaillardla, hardy pinks, forget- H -7-2-28 Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning ... 24 me-nots, Coropis. Baby Breath, phlox. FOR REN'l'—SEVERAL first class . WILLIAM S. HYDE, Judge. NBV/ WALNUT BEDROOM SET. H-‘7-«-28 Sketches by Bessey; Synopsis by Braucher Toilet Goods and Services ...... 25 lOc each, $1.00 a doz. Hardy ch rysan ­ 8 PIECES. CONSISTING OF BED. rents with all Improvements. Apply Wanted—Business Service ...... 26 themums. hydrangea 25c. Blue spruce. DRESSER, VANITY, CHEST OF Edward I HolL 865 Main street. 'Tel AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD Edneiitlonal Tom ato plants 15o per dozen, $1.00 per d r a w e r s , n a t i o n a l l i n k 560. at Manchester, within and for the at Manchester, within and for the rses and Clasaes ...... 27 hundred. $7.50 per thousand. Lettuce SPRING, GOOD c o t t o n M A T­ District of Manchester, on the 30th District of Manchester, on the 30th P rivate Instruction ...... 28 and cabtago 10c per dozen, 75c per TRESS AND PAIR OP PILLOWS FOR RENT—TWO AND three room 1 day o f June. A. D., 1928. Dancing • .28—A hundred. 379 Burnside Ave. Green­ suites In Johnson Block, with mod­ day o f June, A. D., 1928. $119.50 Present—WILLIAM S. HYDE. Esq., Present—WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., Musical—Dramatic ...... 29 house, East Hartford. Call Laurel WATKINS FURNITURE EXCHANGE ern improvetnents. Apply to lohn- Judge. W anted— Instruction ...... 30 1610. son. Phone 524 or lanltor 2040. Judge, Estate of Mary Doyle, late of Man­ Estate of Charles Olson, late of Financial BEDDING AND FLOOR covering; also chester, in said District, deceased. Manchester, In said District, deceased. Bonds—Stocks—M --tgagej ...... 31 Moving— Trucking—-Storage 20 used furniture of all descriptions. 65 On motion of Joseph Doyle, admin­ The Executrix having exhibited her B usiness O pportunities ...... 32 Ostrinsky’s Furniture Store 28 Oak Houses for Kent istrator, administration account with said, es­ Money to Loan ...... 33 St. Money Wanted ...... 34 ORDERED:—That six months from tate to this Court for allowance, i't is LOCAL AND LONG dlstajice moving FOR RENT—6 ROOM HOUSE with all the 30th day o f June, A. D.. 1928, be ORDERED:—That the 7th day of Help and SItnaflona by experienced m^ L. T. Wood. 55 FO R SALE— 'T^fHITNEY baby ca r­ conveniences, and garage at 358 and the same are limited and allowed July. A. D., 1928, at 8 o ’clock , fo re ­ Help Wanted—Female ...... 35 Bissell street. Tel 496. riage, window screens, crib, clothes Main street, near Haynes street: also for the creditors within which to H elp W anted—Male ...... 36 hamper, rockers, baby walker, rug. noon, at the Probate Office, In said a quanity of furniture for sale. Party bring in their claims within said time Manchester, be and the same is as­ Help Wanted—Male or Female.-. 37 PERKETT & GLENNEY moving sea­ 29 Strant, 859-4. leaving town. allowed by posting a copy of this Agents Wanted ...... 37-A son Is here. Several trucks at your signed for a hearing on the allowance Situations Wanted—Female .... 38 TO THE YOUNG FOLKS we guaran­ order on the public signpost nearest of said administration account with service, up .to date .•qulpment. ex ­ to the place where the deceased last said estate, and this Court directs the Situations Wanted—Male ...... 39 perienced men. Phone 7-2. tee we can save you $50 on your liv­ FOR RENT—6 ROOM house, all im­ Employment Agencies ...... _ 40 ing room suite, $50 on your bed­ dwelt within said town and by pub- I Executrix to give public notice to all provements. Inquire 128 Maple St. lishlng the same in some newspaper j persons interested therein to appear Live Stock—I’eta—Ponitry—Vehiclea MANCHESTER & N. Y. MOTOR Dis­ room suite, and $50 on your dining having a circulation in said probate Dogs—Birds—Pets ...... 41 patch-Part loads to and from New room suite. You cannot afford to pass and be heard theiepn by publishing FOR RENT OR . FOR SALE—Five district, within ten days from the a copy of this order in some news­ Live S tock — Vehicles ...... 42 York, regular service. Call 7-2 or us by. Benson Furniture Company. room house, garage, some improve­ Poultry and Supplies ' ...... 43 1282. Home of good bedding. Do better at date of this order, and return make j paper having a circulation in said ments, corner Broad and Winde- to this court of the notice given Districti'on or before July 2, 1928, and 1 Wanted — Pets—Poultry—Stock 44 B enson’s. mere streets. Telephone 1364-3. A'ttractive designs can be made on pape.*' oloth For Sale— Mlscellnneona WILLIAM S. HYDE. Judge. by posting-a copy of this order on the Painting-— Papering 21 H -7-2-28 public signpost in the Town where with sticks of wood of various shapes, if you wish Articles for Sale ...... 45 NOW IS THE TIME TO THINK FOR RENT—2 FAMILY house. 73 and Boats and Accessories ...... 46 the deceased last dwelt, five days be­ 75 Benton street, first floor available fore said day of hearing and return pleasing border and surface designs for wall paper, Building Materials ...... 47 HA'VE YOUR v a c a n t tenement re­ OF YOUR LIVING ROOM July 1st, second floor vacant. Inquire AT A COURT OP PROBATE HELD Diamonds—Watches—Jewelry .. 48 make to this Court. curtains, rugs or linoleum for your outdoor playhous^, paired, painting and papering. John Home Bank and Trust Co. at Manchester, within and for the ■WILLIAM S. HYDE, Judge. Electrical Appliances—Radlu .. 49 Hostettler, 127 Wetherell street. 3 piece living room suite $130. A new District of Manchester, on the 30th H -7-2-28 secure several sticks of fine close-grained wood. Ar­ Fuel and Feed ...... 49-A achievement of beauty and richness. FOR RENT—TWO FAMILY modern day o f June, A. D., 1928. Garden—Farm —Dairy Products 50 range in the shapes suggested above. Prdss the end of Repairing 23 The quality of mohair in this has house, five rooms each halt of Present—WILLIAM S. HYDE. Esq.. AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD Household Goods ...... 5i been known for many rears. Mohair house. -All In excellent condition. Judge. your stick on a color pad, then on the paper or cloth. Machinery and Tools ...... 52 at Manchester, within and for the lasts indefinitely-longer than other Summit Street. Apply Home Bank Estate of Daniel Doyle, late of Man­ District of Manchester, on the 30th Musical instruments ...... 53 LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED and materials. We sell floor lamps, ji nlor and Trust Company. By NEA, Through Sptcial Permiiilon of tho Publlthor* of TTio Book of KnooifoJgo. Cepyr^jit, 1M 3-M . t'filce and Store Equipment...... 54 repaired, chimneys cleaned, key flt- chester, In said District,'^ deceased. Ua^ o f June, A. D., 1928. lamps, bridge lamps, Axmlnster rugs. On motion of Joseph Doyle, admin­ Present-■WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., Sporting Goods—Guns ...... ,'w Ing. safes opened, saw filing and Gold Seal rugs, breakfast sets, end istrator, Specials at the Stores.,..'.'...... 5t; grinding. Work called for. Harold Summer Homes for Rent 67 Judge. tables, dining room furniture arid bed ORDERED:—^That six months from Estate of Mary Litter, late of Man­ We.nrtng Apparel—^^Furis ...... 57 Clemson, 108 North Elm street TeL room furniture. We guarantee to save Wanted—to Buy ...... 58 462. TO RENT—FURNISHED cottage, gas the 30th day o f June, A. D „ 1928, be chester, in said District, deceased. you 75 per cent on four room outfits and the same are limited and allowed The Administrator having exhibited R (onia— Ronrd— Hotela— Reaorta or any other number of rooms. We and electric lights, furnished free, SEWING MACHINE, repairing of for the creditors within which to his administration account with said Reatnnranta have proved it. $35 -week. M yrtle Beach. David M c­ bring in their claims against said es­ Rooms Wltiiout Board ...... 59 all makes, oils, needles and suppl/.es. Collum, Phone 1193-3. estate to this Court for allowance, it’ B oarders W anted ...... 59-A R. W. Garrard. 37 Edward str -'t. tate, and the said administrator is is HOLMES BROS. FURNITURE CO. directed to give public notice to the ORDERED:—That the 7th day of Country Board—R esorts ...... 60 Phone 716. 649 Main St. Tel 1628 FOR RENT—COTTAGE at Point O’ Hotels—Restr.urants ...... 61 Woods Beach, electric lights and creditors to bring in their claims July, A. D., 1928, at 8 o ’clock, fo re ­ Our sedan is at your service withln,sald time allowed by posting a AVan'ed — Rooms— Board 62 LAWN MOWER 8h-"T>enlng. ■ repair­ running -water. Phone 954-2. noon, at the Probate Office, in said ing. Phonographs, clocks, elertrlo copy of this order on the public sign­ Manchester, be and the same is as­ HenI Eatnte For Rent post nearest to the place where the Apartments, Flats, f jnemcx-ts.. Gleaners, locks repaired. Key mak­ Wanted— To Buy 58 TO RENT—7 ROOM * COTTAGE. All signed for a hearing on the allowance Business l,ocat‘onr for Rent .... ing, Bralthwalte, 52 Pearl street, improvements, and fireplace, screens deceased last dwelt within said town of .said administration account with and by publishing the same in some Houses for Rent ...... WILL PAY HIGHEST prices for all etc., at White Sands. Available first said estate, and this Court directs the newspaper having a circulation in Administrator to ^ive public notice to Suliurl)an for Rent ...... Private Instruction 28 kinds of poultry. We will also buy 2 weeks of July and from August Summer Hom es for "^ent ...... 12th to end of season. Apply tele­ said probate district, within ten days ail persons interested therein to ap­ rags, papers and all kinds of junk. from the date of this order, and re­ Wanted to Rent ...... Call 1506-2. phone 1217. pear and be heard thereon by publish­ MISS E T H E L M. FISH, 217 North turn make to this court of'the notice ing a copy of this order in some news­ Real Eatnte For Pul> given. Apartment Buildings for Sale .. Elm street, who has had wide ex­ paper having a circulation in said perience- In Individual instruction, Rooms Without Board Farms and Land for Sale 71 WILLIAM S. HYDE, Judge. D istrict, on or before July 2, 1928, and Business "'roperty for S ale ...... 59 H -7-2-28 Farms and l.and for Sale ...... will tutor pupils. Ideal situation for y by posting a copy of this order on the outdoor study. Phone 337 for terms. FOR SALE—A NICE piece of land on public signpost in the Town where Houses tor Sals ...... THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS for Lots for Sale ...... Woodland Street. Apply at 168 Wood­ the deceased last dwelt, five days be­ light housekeeping. .Also furnished land Street. An Italian eats 400 mlies of fore, said day of hearing and return 'Resort Property for Sale A novel game of golf is planned rooms by day or week. Apply by Suburban for Sale phone or call corner Bissell and Fos­ spaghetti annually, according, to make to this Court. If you have no pre­ Rea I Estate tor Exchange ..... 76 for this summer, the golfers using ter streets. T el 2682-'V. During the busiest times this W ILLIA M ^ HYDE. Judge. Here are some pat­ a __ IV n I — statistics. We hope the people’ who H -7-2-28 / pared color pad, common Wanted — Iteal Estate airplanes to play In one day nine summer, as many as 50 scheduled terns you can try. You Auction— I.egiU Notice*' holes scattered over England, Scot­ See Hamid Bey hypnotize a 'wom­ machines and specials will be ar­ promote the dance marathons and oil paints can be used by A notion S.iles ' might like to work out a I.egal Notices land, Ireland and Wales.' an in Watkins Brothers’’ window riving at or leaving the London pie eating contests don’t read that. Read The Herald Adv& placing felt or flannel in' tomorrow at 5:10 p. m.— Adv. air station daily. tin covers such as the design of your own. then GAS BUGGIES—The Cooing Doves tops of baking powder your work will be origi­ B ; Frank Beck cans. nal. HOW MEAN|i; VDU WERE. VW COLDBLOODEDLY LAID THAT LOW PLAN TO PURPO?F?LY MAKE ME LOOK RlDICULoc/S


Here are stick-printed designs for atl-oyer patterns. In stick-printing be sure that the printing ends of your sticks are flat. You will find it much easier to print if yau place a moist blotter under the paper or cloth you are decorating. The,color can be made fast by cover­ ing the piece with a wet cloth and pressing it with a hot Iron until entirely dry. JNext: A One-Tube Radio) Slutchw Syiwpm, OopyrUht, 1928, Th« Groliw Soetoty. 6 '2 5 ’ MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALI>, MONDAY, JULY 2,1928. — t.- VUBSBEBVtSlC SKIPPY By Percy Lb Grosliy I^APPER FANNY SAYS;^ SENSE »>d NONSENSE

Our Idea of nothing at all is a 1 . LOOK, I ONCV , lecture on this, that and the other (.eM A over the radio. U1CK6L, tOlU. G o 'x YHRee cewTff a n ' y a c a n o w s M e C A M ' T '. Long Time Credit -rue otH ee. Hardware Man; "I can’t deliver . t w o < — ' 1 . this electric washer until you finish paying for the vacuum cleaner.” Mr. Poor-pay: ‘‘But, my dear man, my wife can’t wait that long.” ‘‘Are you familiar with electric terms? ’ Sure: I’m paying lor a vacuum cleaner on the installment plan. Sa*’ But True Smith: ‘‘How many controls are there on your radio set?” Jones: ‘‘Three. K ^ wife, my son and my daughter!” Love is like navy hash. You have to have a lot of cpnfidence In REG. U.S. PAT. OFF. - Copy^t, 1926, Porey U Cnuby, Central Fien Anp., Ise >1928. BY NEA SERVICE, INC. it to enjoy it. String, tied to the finger, often Customer: ‘‘That ice-box you sold By Fontaine Fox OUR BOARDING HOUSE retuL.ds you that you can’t remem- me yesterday doesn’t do any good. Family Stuff (>CT what you tied it there for. The ice melts and runs all over the floor.” By Gene Ahem Clerk: “ You should put a pan under it.” pA f^-tY “TvV® p a y s Customer (next day); “ Well, I put the pan under it, but the ice P jnIa i -U Y 6H\uPf\^r4 o \ / g f^ T o k l a melts just the same!” VtERe's A WIRE -FROM. HB S-(ARrifep' 'o-FF I BB LAUeM VllThl A COMPLBfg: To MAV/ETM'0L\ Early to bed and early to rise M A T o R , — NkIIMPMILL b a c k And you won’t have to give alibis. SLiRPRi.SB BY MoTi HERE’S A NEWS ITEM \\Z"S COMIAdO^HoMB OKi I 'He r e TURKiiMcs SBMP1AAOW/W AMO RICH. CHAtAP WILD OAT SOWER OP THE UNlV/EftSE YOO'RS CaO\N& To vaJOV^K. vJHY, vOHtW / CiM-UOP? j ------, HIkR H A R l AND .SUCH SW EETIES-FLO AMD 9ABeAMD;i ( \aJAS MOVJS^ AGit — BLOMOlE — WlW, TUe LAST TiM E I / J>n 7 5 J



AORRyop-jTuooks © f MOHI CAABA ZA0A % \ s isBETTys ) f X se e you s p e a k w e L ll^ TAB/RS A0L0IA8 S M-ZOMSU BOSO <3008 eoT oor! 8000 A PO^JJ \MO\W OVJSR 010 IT.'.* SCHKEBODV AiOVjJ' w o p e e AAVAVA// /AAKKy- — \ MOVJJ DID you COME Tt> X'D STILL LIKE & STOCKADE? TO KMONM )XCM I5EDPATA60rouri

-M.o* *1 RML U %. PAT. OFF. *i eiB28> BV NEA SERVICE.m INC.

READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THI? PICTURE SALESMAN SAM iThat’s Enough Poor Clowny stood out in the me,” cried Coppy, “ he Is coming [stream. Said he. “ Well, who would down and then he’ll start to run. ''^

.. [ EAjQE j ^ ^ MONDAY,; JULY 2, 1928. ' •. I y ; iiattrl|fat?t Sorntaa

’»^G H T BEFORE THE 4TH” The reckless driving case against \- DANCE Joseph Peloquln of the Silver Lane BIG DANCE Pickle Factory growing out of an ‘ ' Modem and 01d>Fashlon accident involving the Silver Lane I ^ O E S LONE OAK HAT.T. At Sandy Beach pasenger bus and a group of school Tuesday Evening (S. T.) children at Bunco’s Corners recent­ IWTA WADDELL’S ORCHESTRA ly, has t^een continued until next J^ d Taylor, Prompter BaDroom Saturday morning, it was said this morning by Prosecuting Attorney CRYSTAL LAKE Charles R. Hathaway. I DANCING Tuesday Eve., July 3rd, Elmet Thienes, well known Y. M. t the shore___on a motor trip... .or a picnic to some nearby lake. No matter where you go you will Wednesday Afternoon and C. A. speaker will deliver the ad­ Rau’s PaTilion Evening, July 4th dress of the afternoon at the Fdurth want something new, perhaps a new felt hat, a cool sleevless frock or a smart white coat. Stop into (50 Cents Per Person) of July celebration at Highland Athe store tomorrow before ging away and see the host of new holiday apparel we have just received, CRYSTAL LAKE Park Independence day. In the eve­ MAX KABRICK AND HIS ning thete will be dancing at the TUESDAY EVG. JULY 3 ORCHESTRA (15 Pieces) clubhouse with music by the Impe­ Visit Connecticut’s Finest Beach rial orchestra. 9 to 1 O’clock and Ballroom WEDNESDAY EVG. JULY A Swim and Dance July 8rd and 4th Printed and Plain Colored at 9 to 12 O’clock SANDY BEACH Ladles Admitted Free Just East of the New State Music by Wallenberg's Orchestra Highway. ot Springfield James M. Shearer, of the Capitol Silk Frocks Buick Co., reports deliveries of Maabtum^Ukisbar new Buick sedans to Melvin Cox ABOUT TOWN of Doane street and Arno Pfau of •X East Glastonbury. For the Holiday nn> “ Night before the Fourth” will \ be celebrated with a modern and Miss Beatrice Armstrong of East For Holiday Wear old-fashioned dance at Jenck’s Lone Center street, went to New Haven Oak dance hall, Pleasant Valley. A today to enroll In the Yale Summer good time is always assured those School, where she will take a course Felt Hats who attend this popular dance hall. in kindergarten and first grade Bill Waddell and his orchestra, work. to $16-75 For Sport Wear widely known to the square dance ea patrons, will furnish the music. $1.95 to $5.95 Fred Taylor prompts the “ square Felt hats are Ideal for summer Leather Jackets sets,” assuring a lively time. wear As they can be worn wLtb most WATKINS BROTHfiRS every frock and are easily tucked Of course, you’ll want a new frock for the Fourth? Young people from the South away in week-end bags. We have Cool looking plain and printed wash silks in one and two Methodist church who are attend­ a splendid assortment of sport $16.75 to $45.00 ing the Epworth League institute al felts In white and pastel shades, piece models that can be worn at the beach___ at the Swagger models with large patch the Willimantic campgrounds this J f u n e r a l also smart printed silks and velvet country club.... at the shore dances. A wide assort­ pockets and belted, Short or full week as delegates are David Hutch models. length coats— many inson, Thomas Cordner, Gladv> are flannel SALES and SERVICE Main Floor ment of shades in either sleeveless or long sleeved nlod- lined— in red, green, black, brown Harrison; Esther Metcalf. The in i^trcctorg and natural shades. stitute opens this evening and wil els, continue through the week and ' Main Floor is expected a number of the youn. Robert K Andersoo men and women from the church HILLERY BROS. For the White HALE’S FROCKS—Main Floor will spend the week-end‘there. Rev Phone SOO O f 748-' R. A. Colpitts will be the speaker TeL 1107 Ensemble at the meeting tomorrow evening. 384 Htfd. Road, So. Manchester Little Sister Would Samuel Herren' of Orchard street White Silk Hose Enjoy a New has returned from a week’s visit with relatives in New York City. m iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin Where Ever You Go You $1.00 to $2.50 i Summer Frock Will Want a [ Furnishings You Will | Sheer, .clear textured silk stock­ MRS. ElUOTTS SHOP ings in the leading brands— Gold Stripe, Gordon, Phoenix and Hum'- $1.25 to $3.98 I Want For The Fourth and | ming Bird— In service and chiffon Even the little miss would love to JULY weights. Every stocking pur­ have a new light frock for the chased here carries Hale’s uncondi­ Fourth. Plain colors and dainty I The Remainder Of The I tional gaurantee of satisfactory prints trimmed with lace, smock­ SEMI-ANNUAL SALE wear. > ing and embroidery. Sizes 2 to 6 STAMPED GOODS I Summer | Main Floor Flannel Coat years. FINISHED ARTICLES Main Floor MODELS AND COTTONS I Men’s and Boys’ Sport Sweaters I Very Special Reductions I Fancy Styles. = Cool Watch for Weekly Specials I . Men’s and Boys’ Bathing Suits | to Everything to Make Room 4— Park Building Glove Silk Undies \ Your I Straw Hats | Pack plenty of glove silk undies S Including Sailors, Panamas, Leghorns, etc. S In your holiday bag as they take up little room and are easily launder For the flannel coat in white or pastel col­ Picnic Lunch Look at Your Shoes I Men’s Dress and Work Trousers | ed. Choose your summer’s supply = Light and dark colors = of Vanity Fair glove silk undies orings is summer’s most important coat fash­ Complete Can Be Keep your shoe^ repaired. You now. White and flesh. cannot be neat unless you do. Take ion. New, smart styles trimmed with fur Found Here I Men’s Fancy Hose Men’s Golf Hose | V e s t s ...... $1.95 to $2.95 advantage of our prices. cuffs or unfurred. Many have heavy silk Wax P a p er...... '.Ic and 25c MENS SOLES A . I Men’s Shirts | Bloomers ...... $2.95 to $3.95 Linen Paper N apkins...... 10c SEWED ...... E White and Fancy Collar attached and neckband. = Panties ...... $3.00 crepe linings. Also good looking basket (40 to a package) LADIES SOLES I Men’s and Boys’ Dress Oxfords | Combinations .. .$3.00 to $5.00 weave coats included at these prices, Large Paper Plates... 5c dozen SEWED ...... # O C *Maln Floot (6, 8 and 9 inch) The best grade of rubber hbels I Women’s Silk Hose | Embossed Paper Plates 19c doz used. HALE’S COATS—Main Flooi 5 Boys’ and Girls’ Socks = Vacuum Bottles...... $1.00 Ladles Rubber Heels on O C f The Universal vacuum bottle— wooden heels ...... ^ O C I Men’s and Children’s Pumps and Oxfords For Light Silk Frocks pint size). For a Cool, Refreshing Dip— 21 Pc. Picnic Sets Boston Shoe Repair Silk Slips ...... •... $3.98 to $5.98 Shop White enamel picnic set consist­ I A. L BROWN & CO. I ing of 6 cups, 6 plates, 6 sauca 105 Spruce St., Near Bissell St. Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifi dishes, a bowl, a fry pan and a $2.98 Two-Tohe Bathing Suits cooking pall. Base lent VVVVVVVxv\\\K V vv X A new shipment— plain tailored and dainty lace trimmed slips In white and flesh. Double hem. $2.98 to $14.98 pu on S Made from heavy quality crepe de chine. A splendid showing of the popular two-tone Main Floor Stay-at-Homes Can striped suits that are very smart at the leading resorts, as - well as plain colored woolen and silk Enjoy a New Book tf suits. GOOD THINGS TO EAT For Vacation Wear— from Our Circulating Pinehurst Closed All Day Cold Cuts Sleeveless Frocks Beach Coats Library Youkhow, J did fit Baked Ham Wednesday, the Fourth KS>.. 2c per day used to care aU>oat Boiled Ham picnics st ail. $4.95 Move Over...... by E. Pettit Special Tongue Two Flights Up by M. R. Rinehart Ripe The sleeveless frock has become $2.98 Cobweb Castle.. by J. S. Fletcher Honey Dews Corned Beef one of summer’s most important Skyscraper Murder... by Spework dress fashions. They are so cool To wear over your BA'rHING CAPS Absolution...... by O. S. Edgon Watermelons Pressed Ham and dainty for summer wear. Plain bathing suit we are show­ Together ...... by Hughes Cantaloupes Cervelat little models in wool crepes, flan­ 25c to 99c ing gay colored cretonne The Lovel yDucklings, by R. Hughes nels and wash silks in white, maize, BATHING BELTS beach coat in dark and Heavy Laden ...... by Wylie Bananas Frankfurts light tones. flesh, blue and nile. 25c Bad G ir l...... by Vlma Delmar Oranges Suitor to Many Liverwurst Main Floor Plums HALE’S BATHING ACCESSORIES—Main Floor ....by...... Mildred Barbour Minced Ham Georgia May, Green Peas Sandwich Spread ...... by Maxwell Bodenheim Green and Deviled Ham J e rry ...... by Eleanore Meherin Wax Beans Main Floor Celery Tongue Fireworks For The Fourth! Tomatoes Ginger Ale Lettuce Grape Juice Sparklers . . . . pkg. 5c, doz. 50c Sparklers, pkg. 10c, doz. $1.00 Peppers “ Neither did I till we started Sparklers (36 inches .. each 5c Snakes, box 10c trading at Pinehurst. Their Vermouth Beets Ranson’s Pussy Cats, each 99c Ranson’s Rifles, e a ch ...... 99c selection of Cold Meats would Grenadine Noise Makers, each 99c Carrots make a success of any outing.’’ Punch Repeating Revolvers, each 25c Magic Sparkspins, b o x ----- 25c Homs, each 10c Rans'^n Revolvers, each .. 50c Pinehurst will be closed (Red, white and blue) (Will not harm the youngsters.) All Day W^nesday the 4th, ABOUT CHILDREN. HALE'S FIREWORKS— Main Floor Open until nine Tuesday—deliver­ ies will run until eight o’clock Tues­ If there is one thing on which Pinehurst especial­ ly prides itself It is its manner of dealing with day evening. children. Meat Suggestions Many parents have sometimes had rather un-' forunate experiences In sending their little folks to Store Closes Store Closed All We will have some very nice Butt stores on errands. Frequently there is a disposi­ and Shank Ends of Ham to boil. tion to treat such messengers with rather scant Tuesday Night, Day Wednesday, consideration. Hurry them up, give them what­ Shanks will be from 12Vic to 24c lb. ever Is handiest, get rid of them— that’s the atti­ Lean Ribs and Lean tude toward children in too many places. . at 6 o’clock July 4th Pinehurst feels a special obligation to treat chil­ Briskets of Pinehurst dren with exactly the same consideration as the parents they represent. More, when It is neces­ Quality Corned Beef sary to translate— as it sometimes is— the child’s Legs of Lamb rather indefinite message Into terms of the parents’ is now being given to other con­ There were also several calls. There at Mt. Sinai hospital In Hartford^ wishes. DIVIDE TAX WARRANTS stables as well as to Mr. Duffy. The was also mailed a batch of notices LOAD OF EG(S HITS the youth was removed to that liv last batch of warrants was divided to those who have not paid their stitution following treatment'at tL Shoulders of Lamb At Pinehurst no child Is ever laughed at for a between Constables James Foley, mistake. Jollied Into taking sothething it was not personal taxes. These are given un­ TREE; BOY INJURED local hospital. AMONG CONSTABLES Frank Qulsh, James Duffy and til July 15 to make payments be­ The accident took place.' in Tender Pot Roasts sent for, nor made tb wait longer for service than a Herbert Bissell. The latter Is also grown person would be. fore warrants are issued. Another vicinity of the Silver Lane Pichl Steaks Four Officials Get 25 Docu> deputy sheriff. They were given batch is in preparation and will go Julian Shoor, 16, of 34 Beverly Company’s factory, when a about twenty-five warrants. luithe speed wagon loadeid with crates^] “ Square deal for the kids” Is a Pinehurst regula­ ments Each; Personal Tax out today and tomorrow. These will Road, West Hartford, was treated ^ “ Veal Cutlets or Chops tion. near future a like division wiU be be given until July 20. at the Manchester. Memorial hospi­ eggs, in which Shoor. was rl£ Delinquents Warned. made. tal Saturday afternoon for Injuries went off the road, into a tree.j^ Pinehurst Hamburg 25c lb. Saturday the property tax will received in an automobile accident track was wrecked and the I'rhe serving of tax warrants, lien notices were mailed and this See Hamid Bey hypnotize a wom­ on Silver Lane road. He had a 'trare spilled all over the road,;) W'hich up to last week had been in morning the telephone of the tax an In Vfatklns Brothers’ window fracture of the arm and elbow. Be­ ing an .unpleasant mess tbat;^ J U a j i m i t i At OoaatsMa Ju iim Huffy. ooUaotQX’a • ottioa .wa» kast huav. *4 6:10 n. Axlv« cause hia broiher-ln-law la a doctor drivers dodged...... ‘