,t«v-:t;t^-<4vw » ‘. ^. V NET PRESS RUN THE WEATHER AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION PoiMast b7 V» ■• Weather Baveaa# ’ f.t .a ITew H aeea for the month of ilune, 1928 5,141 Fair tf^ilght and Tuesday; not Hrnilipr of (he Aadit Hurenii ol vinnch ch^ge in temperature. CIrcaIntloo* VOL. VLII., NO. 234. Classified Advertising on Page lU- MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JULY 2, 192! (TWELVE PAGES) PnCS THREE CENTS HOOVER WINDS 5 SENATORIAL Hickman In A Fight GANG WARFARE UP HIS WORK PROBESTOSTART With His Cell Mate HAS STARTED FIND AMUNDSEN’S BODY AT CAPITAL I IN A FEW DAYS oan Quentin Prison, Calif., July-^Kansas City youth was in a frenzy iN B R O O E Y N I 2— Sullen and taciturn William Ed- of rage as he battled Troche, who, IN SEA, PARIS REPORTS ! 1j ward Hickman, kidnaper-slayer of was bleeding and almost uncon­ . Marion Parker, refused to disclose scious when rescuea by the guards. To Leave Washington Nextj With Conventions Over, the reason for his vicious battle He was taken to the prison hospital PalorScarfaceAl” of Chi I, liere yesterday with his cell mate. for treatment but would not say London Gets Unconfirmed ; Joseph Troche. why he was attacked by Hickman. Week to Visit Coolidge;| Summer WiU Be Devoted I Aroused by the noise of the Hickman bore but few marks of cago is Murdered in 1 struggle and the yells of other men the struggle. Questioned by prison Report That Norwegian : in condemned row, guards arrived authorities, he would not tell them Then to Travel to Pacific to Inquiring Into Various at Hickman s cell to see him astride | what caused him to suddenly turn Broad Daylight; Other Troche and beating the prostrate on his cell mate, Explorer Was Found in Coast man over the head with the leg of 1 Troche, a condemned murderer Congressional Matters. ^ stool. ‘ i trom El Dorado county, and Hick- Week-End Murders. the Sea— Had Not Been Guards tore Hickman from his ; man have been cell mates for about victim with difficulty. The former \ two months. Washington, July 2 — Herbert Washington, July 2.— Both con­ New York, July 2.— An out­ Seen Since He Set Oil to Hoover today entered what proba- ventions over, a host of Congres- { break of gang warfare in Brooklyn fly will be his last full week as slonal investigations sprang into ■ SEVEN BALLOONS IPUT GIRL TO SLEEP was feared by police today as a re­ Hunt for Nobile and His iecretary of commerce. renewed life today. ! sult of the murder there yesterday The Republican presidential can- Plans were being made for con­ of Frankie Yale, alias Uale, 35, a Crew. lidate plans to leave Washington tinuance of five Senatorial probes STILL IN THE AIR IN WATKINS STORE racketeer and former pal of “ Scar- ■ipxt week for the Summer White ordered during the last session of face Al” Capone, of Chicago! rlouse, wliere he is expected to hand Con.gres8. These were: j 1. An investigation of the Salt' While riding along a Brooklyn Ixmdon, July 2.— An unconfirm­ his resignation to President Coo- street in his sedan in plain day­ lidge, and then go to California for Creek. Wyoming, oil fields by the i ed report reached Paris this after­ a series of "Home-Coming" affairs Senate public lands and surveys! Mild Winds, However, Indi- Hindu Mysticism to Be Dem- light, Uale was shot by several men noon that the body of Captain committee. and the formal notification of the in another machine. They are be­ Roald Amundsen, missing Nor­ nomination. 2. Investigation of factors sur­ rounding the sinking of the sub­ cate Pilots Will Not Break; onstrated at Store To­ lieved to have used a sawed-off wegian explorer, has been found in Reaching his desk early Hoover shotgun or a sub-machine gun. summoned a number of commerce marine S-4 last December off the sea of the Norwegian coast department advisors. It was thought Provlncetown, Mass.-, by a sub­ Distance Record. morrow at 5:10 p. m. The only clue police had today said an Exchange Telegraph dis­ committee. was that the car bore either Illi­ that Hoover would give much af patch from Paris. his attention this week to depart­ 3. Inquiry into New Jersey , nois or Indiana license plates. They Senatorial primaries campaign ex-! A young lady will be put to sleep were not alone in seeking the kill­ Efforts are being made to obtain mental affairs, which he hoped to Detroit, July 2.— With seven of put in perfect order to be handed to peuditures and practices during the in one of Watkins Brothers big ers. A band of the dead gangster’s official confirmation of the report. the successor. recent contests in which Hamilton the 12 balloons in the Gordon Ben­ windows on Main street tomorrow henchmen, grimly silent, waited at Captain Amundsen was one of nett international race reported police headquarters to learn the the three men aboard a French Work with Cooiidge Fish Kean was nominated to a seal afternoon at 5:10. The hynotic In- Chairman Hjiiberi Work, of the in the U. S. Senate, by the Reed down, there appeared today to be progress of the police investigation sea plane which set out from national committee, is at the Sum­ slush fund committee. little chance for those still in the lluence of Hamid Bey, an exponent into the shooting. Tromsoe, Norway, two weeks ago mer White House today and will 4. Conclusion of probes into pre- air to beat last year's distance rec­ of Hindu mysticism, will be used to Known to Police today to search for the missing be out of Washington most of the ord of 800 miles. put the woman to sleep. She will be Uale, known to police as a gang­ members of the Nobile expedition. convention presidential campaign awakened later tomorrow evening week. Aside from a few anticipated expenditures by a special Senate Mild winds and low pressure ster, strike-breaker, "fixer," and The others in the plane were R“ne callers there will not be much of areas have hindered the progress of at the State theater. lately a bootlegger, \vas literally Guilbaud, the pilot and Lieut Leif committee headed by Senato- The demonstration will serve to political nature confronting Hoover Stelwer. Republican of Oregon. the balloons. The remaining bags shot to pieces. Six shots had been Dletrlchsen, another Norwegian ex­ until he leaves Washington. are expected to land today or to­ introduce to the public Hamid Bey, aimed at his head, and the skull plorer. Tentative plans call for Hoover’s I 5. A ))robe to determine whetlier who will demonstrate his abilities I political offices were, "sold” in night. was mangled almost beyond recog­ The plane was never definitely arriving at San Francisco July 16. Two of the balloons made dan at me local theater tomorrow and nition. heard from although fishermen re­ li. going west he will skirt Chicago I Georgia and other states, by a sub- gerous landings on mountainsides Wednesday. Hamid Bey’s greatest The murder car sped away, while ported seeing a plane 60 miles claim to distinction is being burled without a stop on his way to Brule. committee of the Senate post of­ in West Virginia. Uale’s auto crashed through ’a south of Bear Island on June 18 Wis. The present program calls fices and roads committee. Those ill Race. alive. H( will demonstrate his abili­ fence and came to a stop in a yard. ty to live while buried in a box oi which may have been the Amund­ for the westward trek via Omaha, The Stelwer presidential cam­ According to reports to the Witnesses said the murder car was sen seaplane. Bear island is about Nebr., Cheyenne, Wyo., Ogden, paigns committee, in addition to board of commerce the United sand at the State theater. an expensive black sedan and had Recently at a Shrine convention half way between the Spltzbergen Utah, Nev., Sacramento and San cleaning up probes begun before States has one entry, an army ba.g an Indiana or an Illinois license. coast and Tromsoe. Francisco. Hoover is to be met at the convention must keep watch piloted by W. E. Kepner still in the in Providence, R. 1., Hamid Bey Street Crowded Reno by Gov. C. C. Youn.g of Cali­ was buried in the sands of the sea. CAPT. RO^LD AMUNDSEN over the Hoover and Smith drives, race, Germany has two, and France The street was crowded, and NOBILE’S PARTY. fornia and Mayor James Rolph of and must find time to investigate two. Water from the Providence river scores of men, women and children San Francisco. charges that Cuban sugar was with­ seeped into his temporary grave and scurried for cover as the guns bark­ King’s Bay, Spltzbergen, July The “ Detroit’’ manned by Wil­ when he was removed an hdur later Hoover is making no speeches held from the United States during liam C. Nayor landed on a moun­ ed. One of the bullets crashed 2.— The Norwegian relief ship until after the notification cere­ the war to keep prices high. his body was soaked with salt water through the windshield of a parked Fram wirelessed that the Russian tain near Cass, W. Va., and the proving that he had actually been BURGLARS MURDER NOTED PLAYWRIGHT monies, according to the program. To Start Soon. "Wallonie," Belgian entry piloted car and narrowly missed little ice-breaker Krassin has reached He discouraged a plan of his friends under sand and water and still the Hinlopen Strait and expects to Stelwer and Senator Brattan (D) by Joseph Thoniard, came down on lived.
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