III 11 111111111111 II II IIII III I1III III1D • WE PRINT IT AS WE GET THE GROSSE POINTE IT, WITHOUT FEAR OR FAVOR _ ADVERTISING I PRINTING CO. Pultb.h ... HAS NO RELATION TO \ OUR POLICY PHONE LENOX 110 Qr~~dart motor trtp tn the East fheatre WIll not be an asset for it Wilt I There WIll be a meet10g of the pOllltively be the last work tn ultra • throwmg, 10 fact, a contInuous pro- moderntheatre deSIgn The cost of Grosse Exaggerations Grosse Pomte Pro!esslOnal Women s Somerset Road to Be ' Instructions for gram of games 10 the SpIrIt of Old Club at the Grosse Pomte MemorIal Proclamation Closed for School New Voters England On another floor there WIll Current rumor has It, that Mrs Church on Wednesday, the 26th of be an antIque booth, together WIth var- Opening Meeting Whereas, Navy Day will be observed Schlotman at her daughter s weddmg October at 6 30 p m Mrs John 10US displays and exhIbIts throughout thIS natton on Thursday receptIon prOVIded dmner for over two :,talker will speak on her tnp to Eng WIthout a smgle obJectIon bemg Recallmg the success 01 the mova .. The commumty IS InVIted The first meetmg of the 1938 39 sea land VOiced, the proposal to close Somerset tIon estabhshed several years ago on October 27th, for the purpose of hon- son of the LOUIsa St ClaIr Chapter nundred chauffeurs ThIS practIce IS oring the personnel and officers of our resorted to by other promment Grosse road In the Village of Grosse Pomte the occaSlOn of the reglstratlon of a Daughters of the AmerIcan Revolu Park between the north hne of St !large number of new electors, and In Absentee Resident country's sea forces who stand ready hon, WIll be held on Thursday October Grosse Pomte famlhes For lOstance St. Clare Party to defend our land and Institutions the Edsel Fords always serve dmners Paul and the south hne of Kercheval response to suggestIons made by rep .. VOfers Attention 20, at Newberry House There Will be avenue was unammousl approved by resentatlVes of vanous CIVIC group!, against InvaS10n and aggreSSIon by un- to the V1sitmg chauffeurs, (who mCl The first party of the fall seaSoOnWill an address by the regent, Mrs Walter the vlllage common c:uncll Monday Norbert P Neff CIty clerk of the CIty The attentIon of all residents of the fnedly powers and mfluences, and to dentally do NOT eat It under the sup De held Tuesday evenmg October 25 C Pomeroy, followed by a talk on her mght RepresentatIves of the Parentw of Grosse Pomte Wlll arrange to pro- CIty of Grosse Pomte who expect to pay trtbute to the memor1es of those erVlSlOn of the C I 0 I) TIckets are 50 cents The chairmen recent trIp around the world, by Mrs Teacher assoCiations of the Trombly Vide an opportumty for qualtfied elect- be absent from the CIty on electIon ",ho Since the estabhshment of our For those who are Interested at the for thIS party are Mrs John Hille Henry B Joy Mrs Joy s tnp took and Defer schools and representatIves ors who are registered m the Clty to day, Tuesday, November 8, 1938, IS dl~ Navy by Act of Congress m 1775 have next meetIng of the Country Club to brand, Mrs Leo Htllebrand and Mrs her 1Oto many strange corners of the of the Board of EducatIOn were pres secure mformatlOn and any mstructIons rected to the fol1ow1Og If such absen- ever been ready m the national de be held very shortly the members Will WIlfred Hillebrand globe from Java to Alaska ent at the meetIng but no obJection or adVIce deSIred m the manner of tees deSIre to vote they may do so hew fense, many of them laymg down theIr vote on the questlOn of subdlvidmg The hostesses for the day WJl1 be to the c10smg of the street was v01ced makIng apphcatIon and votIng ballots hves tn the performance of theIr patrI- and offerIng for sale that part of the fore leavmg the City, or, ballots WIll Mrs Raymond H Berry and Mrs ottc duties. and Country Club property that hes be St. Ambrose Altar at the hearmg called by the counCil pnor to castmg the actual ballots on be sent them to the out of~town ad- Charles C Walker Mrs Wilham H electton day ThIS IS deemed to be tween the club house and Kercheval Society Fall Sale dress prOVIded the lawful apphcatIon Whereas, that day W111also be na Holmes WIll be In charge of luncheon IrwlO Amber preSIdent of the Trom t"speclaUy Important m VIew of the avenue Personally we thmk that the is made tn ample time to allow for banally observed as the anmversary arrangements MISS Rebecca Jane bly P T A and Mrs WIlham Allured number of ballots that WIlt be Issued club has suffICient lots to sell other St Ambrose Altar SOCIety has com transIt of the birth of 'The Father of our ErIckson and MISS Magene Mitchell i epresented that orgaUlzatIon and Mrs to electors at the election and IS In.. than these and we are wondermg how pleted plans for a fall sale to be held The espertal atten~ On o{ CIty reSI~ Modern Navy," Theodore Roosevelt WIll serve as pages for the day Jane Dale preSIdent of the parent tended to gIve the more recently regJ8- the golfers wl11 feel about bemg de In the pansh hall, 1014 Maryland ave dents whl) are 1110- .:onfireJ at home who brought sharply to our people the group at Defer and E F Gehrmg tered qualtfied voters who are 'begIn- prlved of theIr practIce drtvmg range nue, Wednesday, October 26 from 10 or 10 a hOspItal IS hkeWlse dl-ected to need for an adequate defense by sea, represented Defer Dr E R Van ners ' a chance to become thoroughly Wayne County Jurors Just learned that Mrs Roy D Chap a m to 10 p m There Wilt be on ex- thIS feature of the I"lechon laws whIch and Kleeck, Super10tendent of Schools and conversant WIth all necessary details m In plao01ng to to New MeXICOto hIbItion and for sale mIscellaneous dHows tre Clerk to tcceJVe apphcaw Whereas thts natIon always has been to Hold Fete Oct. 21 Charles A Poupard treasurer of the of votmg so as to lessen or preclude VISIt her son Danny We attended the articles for the home, both useful and hons for so called AB~:C.:\ T VOTERS foremost In giVIng of Its WISe counsel the chances of spOIled or meffectlve decoratIve, needlework of every de- school dIStrIct, were present to repre BALLOT.:l up to the second day prIor for the preservatton of world w1de The vVayne County Jurors' C1VICas- weddmg of daughter Joan and BIll ballots sCriptIon, many kmds of bags tea sent the Grosse Pomte Board of Edu to election day Because of the Sunday peace, and today deSIres nothing more SOCIatIon WIlt hold a gala affaIr on Hutton whIch was one of the loveliest we ve ever seen For the benefit of towels, holders, sachets m abundance cation The evenmg of Wednesday, Novem- mtervenmg the last day for so recelv- than the contInued peace of the enttre FrIday, October 21, at 8 pm, Lmd ber 2, 1938 has been set aSlde foOrsuch. tn those ladles who were not present we and several beautIful qutlts Many of mg sU<"h~ tl 1 .thons has tluu ~~en tn- world, proposmg to meddle not the bergh room, Barium Hotel Enter WIsh to adVise that 'up haIr do or no the articles for sale have been donated mstrucbon penod and the City Clerk. t~rpi eted

\"ly"","""HI \, ,(" " " -')".41 MW",A;Wg& H ~ f ,,


George Mtller Chinese Delegation Is Richard Pupils Have POInters Among those gOIng down to Mrs Edward T Gushee, Mr and Mrs and Mrs DaVId 0 Farrand, formerly" Accompanied by Miss Real, Live Honey Bees In the semor high school group SIX see the Notre Dame vs Dhn01s game Percy Loud of Bloomfield H111s, and of Seyburn avenue Mr and Mra Far .. students were awarded pms for havmg are Ted Trefzer, Bob Laughna and Mr and Mrs Phl1tp I Worcester rand are now at hom-e on YorkshIre Cooper Bros. Molly Yard on Tour earned 246 honor pOInts In the first Elmer Wagner ThIS wtll be Te-d's first • • • road A hIve of real lIve honey bees rIght five semester's of their sentor hIgh trip to Notre Dame SInce h~s gradua- Mr and Mrs Harley G Hlgble, of m theIr classroom IS the center these • • • Molly Yard IS accompanYIng the school course the pms bemg gIven to hon 1n June Pasadena Calif, arrIved Tuesday to days of an enVIable and eXCItIng mter- Chmese Delegation on It:; tour She them now so that they might wear them • • • VISIt Mrs HIgbIe s .er Mrs Hugo DIetrIck Lamade, seventy.nlne ..year .. est among the thIrd grade puplls In the Funeral IS a member of the InternatIOnal dunng theIr sentor semester They are Mr and Mn Chalmer Redfern re Scherer, of Lake Shore road Mr and old preSident and pubhsher of the WIl .. RIchard elementary school Student Delegation whIch for some Vonmne Young, Betty Kulow, George turned FrIday to their home on Lake- Mrs HIgbIe formerly of Lake Shore hamsport Grit died October 9, of pneu. manIa Mr Lamade built up the Grit Directors months made a good w111tour of Chma The hIve IS glass enclosed and a,.ny.. Gerow, Cathenne Hauke, Jean Trom- pOlUte drive, after a several day VISit road w1l1 be In the CIty for at least bley and ErIC Gottschalk from a small town newspaper Into • from WhlCh she has Just returned MISS one can watch the bees filling comb In Buffalo two months Yard was born m Chma of misSionary With honey and seahng each httle com • • • • • • weekly WIth a national clrculabon 10400 MACK. AVENUE parents She speakes Chmese She has partment WIth wax You can see and TIm Bradl-ey, son of Mr and Mrs Mrs Cornehus N Ray, formerly of learn to dIStInguIsh eaSily the preCIOUS been active 10 the student movement III SOCIETY F X Bradley, of RIdge road, IS re .. DetrOIt (of Los Angeles) arrived the queen bee You can watch the bees By MARY JANE STOETZEL Lochmoor >\m'7nca for a number of years and IS turnmg to the POinte from Notre first of the week to VJSlt her son and Lenox 5885 come and go through a metal pIpe at present natJ.onal orgamzatlon secre Dame, where he 18 a senIor In the en- daughter m law Mr and Mrs Charles v. hlCh leads out the wmdow makIng a Mr and Mrs John J alErlen of Protestant Church tary of the AmerIcan Student UOlon gineering college for the Hallowe'en H Ray, of Balfour road for several Reaidenee-130S Buckingham kind of pnvate ramp for the bees Grosse POinte boulevard and Robert TUxedo Z-1717 week-end, In order to celebrate hiS weeks which S;.s affthated to the AmerIcan C Martlll of Balfour road returned to Opening Chureh Service Youth Congress MISS Yard has wnt The whole thmg started when Mrs bIrthday tn the Pomte WIth hiS parents ••• Vlrglnla Ward McKmnon thIrd grade their homes Tuesday from an extended ten many arttcles for publtcatIon and IS and friends EUnIce B Lee of New York, IS October 23, 1938 teacher took up the subject of msects stay 1U the west Dunng theIr VISIt a speaker well worth hearmg She IS • • spendmg a week to the POinte v1S1tmg m connecbon With the regular SCIence they stopped off at Eaton Ranch, 10 • Have your Films prmted at Leach's In her early twentIes Wolf Wyo John Bernard Doyle of St aalr her grandmother Mrs Henry B JOy Muon School OIL Vernler Road work In the thIrd grade course of road, IS leavmg the Pomte With several of Lake Shore road before returning study Now the world IS full of mar .. ••• frIends around the first of the year to to New York to take up her studles at 9 30-1&.40- W •.,Mp Sent •• velous and fascmatmg things for any Mrs Walter S Russel wtll entertaIn spend a few weeks In th esouthern the NatIonal Amencan Academy of REV 0 W BURDETTE OL- thIrd grade, but somehow Insects her daughter, Mrs E Crosby Doughty, part of the country Dramattc Art SON will preach on, 'Modern MeanIngs of the Cross REFRIGERATOR CURTAINS turned out to be a leader for thIS par- of Wllhamstown, Mass, for a week or ticular thIrd grade EXCitement pre .. • • • • • AU adults young people and Laundered so in. her home on RIvard boulevard • Urs RIchard P Joy of Lake Shore chIldren 12 ;Vears of age and vatled when an ant.hlll was transferred ;Mr James W McGu1re, of Somerset SERVICE Mrs Doughty arrIved In the Pomte road Wishes that the person who kmd .. road and Sydney Bus.ch of St LOuIS over are mVltecl Drapes Cleaned 10 a little box rIght mto school And Tuesday who has been VISIting Mrs Joy left Electric Motor R_w then the subject of bees came up It ly took hiS ash can last week would 9 30-11115-Su"day School a"d Individual, Exclusive Work Monday for New York when~ they ra"g the hell • • • come back so he could gIve them the WorshIp SerVIce for all ehtl- DUNCAN &: McNICQL saIled aboard the Queen Mar) for a Fra" J LeBIOl1d of Lakepomte ave- hd dre" from 2 through 11 years 14127 CharlevOIX at Wayhum So the thIrd grade took bees for Its 1!'onth s VISit m England of age, In theIr departmental RUSSELL speCIal project thIS year The puptls nue, entertamed Chester W Todd Ted • • • groups Nights, San Ie CURTAIN CLEANERS have learned and will tell any VISItor H Duplus and Bob R Dew at a hunt Mr a"d Mrs William J Che,hr~uth • • • Hobday. Mr and Mrs Albert B dartz wh') Tu.2.1150 Lenox 8275 WIth rapt mterest aU about the parts party over the week end at hiS sum or Yorkshire road entertained over 10 45-11.15-Class seS~ions for TR 2-8006 14727 Kercheval at Ashland have been m New York retUlned to adults young peop e and chtl. of a bee s anatomy, about the drones mer home on Lake Huron the week-end In their huntmg lodge, theIr home on Lake Shore road l..'lSt dren 12 years of age and over. and the workers about how the kmg Wl1wm, near Trout Lake, Mtch As • • • their week-end guests they mVlted Mr FrIday 11 ••••• I •••••••••••••••••••• I ••• I •• _ •••••••••• __ ThiS program makes It poss ble dIes the day after he becomes kmg Mrs Joseph C Robinson and Mrs and about the flowers the !Yees get and Mrs FranCIS M Dewey, Mr and • • • for famlhes to arrIve as umts. Wm Ketszschmar of Pemberton road Mr and Mrs Homer L Couzens, of and leave In the same manner. honey from entertained at luncheon and brIdge FrI- MUlrland avenue, have been entertam- ChIldren old enough to partiCi- Anthmehc, readmg wrIting, story pate In the WorShIP SerVice are day honorIng Mrs Alfred Robmson, tng Mr and Mrs Albert L Couzens of FENCE tellIng-almost -every lesson the thIrd I asked to Slt WIth theIr parents or Mrs James R Steele Guests mcluded Vista CalIf for the past two weeks teachers f.!r: Steel, for permanency grade has deals tn some way WIth bees were Mrs Elmer ZImmer Mrs Clar- Picket, for beauty and honey makmg And one of these ••• "Come Ye Apart and Rest ence Laudenberger Mrs Myron Gd Storm Sash N ewc.omers to the Pomte are Mr Wire, for economy days the thIrd grade pupIls will make lette, Mrs Harry Morath Mrs War- AwhIle" some foods from honey like honey Materials or erection re" A Brock Mrs J~h" P Smtth candy maybe, and mVlte theIr mothers Mrs Charles Mauser, Mrs Edward Clotbes Line Posts, Steel or Wood, Permanent or .-emo,able over for tea Malo <)Sc In the meantime the lIve honey bees • • • and up Women's Heritage .... t fine large healthy lookmg speCImens, • •• is soEt, glOWing hall', shining with health and .]amour. MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO. Mr and Mrs Mde!! M 0 BrIen, of 10403 Harper E'b,bJidted 1909 Plaza 2850 go about theIr busmess WIth complete Your deserve It-and If you: suffer from falhng hall' and dandruff. eor- I unconcern and well knbwn mdustry, Buckmgham road and Mrs WIlham rect It With thIS proven Ogilvie Sistera treatm.ent given by wen ..trained •• I ••• I I I I I • I •• I I I I I I I ••• I I •••• I • I ••••••• __ ...... qUIte abhvlous to those thIrd grade K Ana fine comphment to the school spmt at 6 15 p m CAMPBELL'S The Vlllage 01 Gros,e !>olnte Park GIRL and loyalty of thlS communIty' Wayne County MlchIgan "li1 receIve Vegetable SOUp •.•• 7~c 'iealed bIds for the furnlshlng and erec After the program 1n the aUdttorlu-:' Read the breuy paragraph, or Mary [ICO UGH the parents had an opportunIty to meet Jane Stoebel far Intelestul' 81'enb In j tloil of Storm Water Pump111g EqUIp Scouts I ment at the MU111clpal BUlldmg at the Dr Van Kleeck There was also addl the soctal bEe of Gro,ue POinte Shredded Wheat • pq 11c tlonal tlme to see the exhlblts and meet I corner of Maryland and Jefferson A H I OVEN FRESH .ny 01 the teachers wlth whom they nues 1n the Vl1lage of Grosse Pomte Lega Notice were not already acquamted Park \Vayne County MIchIgan up to 262 793 Chocolate Cookies lb. 8 o'clock P. M, Eastern Standard Glrl Scouts 11'1Grosse P61nte are well SYRUP .2 25c COMMISSIOl\ ERS' NOTICE _ In AUNT JEMIMA 11me On the 21st day oi Novel11her, underway With theIr Wltlter s achvitles Boake Carter to Speak Matter 01 the E,tate 01 EDWARD 1938 at whIch tlnle and place all bIds There are ~leven troops organlzed one Sip .mall dose. often till Here Sunday, Oct. 30 TROMBLEY Deceased We the un box Will be publIcly opened and read aloud MarIner's ship and one Browl1le pack coughing is I eheved Pancake Flour 9~c The leaders have had two regular dersigned havmg been apPOinted by FANCY MICHIGAN • There never was any - 'war crlSis' 2 PERFORMANCE BOND meetings and the DistrIct CommIttee the Probate Court for the County of The successful bIdder Wilt be re held the1r second meetmg at the home HItler Chamberlam and Daladler had Wayne State of Michigan, COml11lS agreed on full details of the partIhon Navy Beans. 3 lb. 10c qUIred to fUl111Sh a satisfactory can of Mrs James J Phelan yesterday SlOners to reCeIve examme and adjust SOCBottle • lUg of CzechoslovakIa long before the HEINZ tract perform~nce bond and statutof) mornlng all claims and demands of all persons GOLD MEDAL labor and material bond MC11lch Conference A war scare ",as agal11st saId deceased do herby give A tea was gwen on October 4 by the Ig.. 3 NATURE OF WORK necessary however to bring home to notIce that we w11I meet at the MUnI Catsup ~:~oz.I572C Flour. Sib. 20c Dlstnct Cotnnllttee at the Country The project conSIsts of the furnlsh the Brthsh and Freneh people the ha:j'.: cIpal BUlldl11g 60 Kerby Road Grosse Can us for deliveries TETLEY FINE GRANULATED Club for adult scout workers and Mrs mg and erectlOll of pumping equipment ards of war so that they would sup Pomte Farms M1Ch!gan lU saId Coun Cynl Howard Moore lS III charge of TEA •• 'o.o.27c Sugar Sib. 24c tn a pumplUg statIon to be built at the port their governments 111 desertmg ty on Wednesday the 30th day of ho a traln1tlg course which lS bemg gl\ en JACK FROST corner of Jefferson and Maryland the Czechs vember A D 1938 and on Monday FRENCH CLUB now at the Grosse Pomte Memorial A venues as follows Boake Carter famed newspaper col the 30th day of January A D 1939 at Leach Drug box .. Church The next meebng will be held Salt. 3 l0c Coffee Ib 16~c i-Homologous pump 12 111ch25 feet ummst and radIO commentator makes 2 0 clock p m of each of sa d da) s next Monday mOrnmg at 10 0 clock head these statements He promISeS to prove for the purpOse of examlUlng and al 15201 Charlevoix and any adults mterested In helpmg I FRIDAY ONLY DAIRY I-Pump capacity 150 cubiC feet per them when he speaks on Hot Spots lOWIng such claims and that four LAKE With the scout movement are urged to LONGHORN second at 25 feet head In the Day s News at 8 30 SundCl-Y months from the 30th day of Septem I come to thIS course or to call Mrs TV. 2-3333 3-Pumps capaCltIes 300 cubit feet evenll1g October 30 at the DetrOit In bel" A D 1938 were allowed by sa d Trout. Ib 2Sc II>. Moore l'nagara 3758 Cheese 19c per second at 25 ft head shtute of Arts He w1l1 dISCUSSnot Court for credItors to present the1r BONELESS 4-Pnmmg unIts Mrs John Crawford Fro"t enter only European pohhcs but such do claims to us for exammatlon and al • • lh 2-Exclters tamed all the mothers of the Blowmes lowance Dated Septmber 30th 1938 Perch. II> 29c OLEO 9c meshc subjects as the New Deal and HabIts ...of Bears 111 Pack 13 last Tuesday MISS Gladys the forthcomIng elect ons After hIS JAMES" LYl\N FRESH CREAMY MUENSTER 4 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Several kl11ds of bears are noted Pederson field secretary gave a very lecture he w1ll answer questlons from HARRY A FUR TO' for theIr habIt of sleepmg durrng II>. The contract documents lncludmg nterestll1g talk and general plans were Fillets. 19c Cheese Ib 18c the aud1enee Commlssloner~ the wmter The KodIak bear uses plans and speClfica.hons are on file and laId for the year Thrs Brown1e Pack a cave rn ~hIch to spend the WIn.. SWIFT'S PREMIUM may be examuled at the offIce of the has already started Its vanous proJetts ter months KodIak bears have Mt and 1frs Harold D Bakt:r of Fer JOb Pnnbng cf the ftetter kInd J Vlllage Clerk of Glosse Pomte Park I brown fur ann <::.omt=ltl'rnesare called tor the "'lnter and next \fonday mght Llllcoin road entertamed Mrs Ham1l call Groue POinte PI'1nhng Co., 15121j Ib Wayne County MIchigan hIS office I I Alaska bro\V!1bears' They are the Leg 0' Lamb they expect to cook theIr own supper ton Carhartt, Jr of Irvl11e Ky over KerC'heval Lenox 1162. 25c largec:t membpro; 1'"\'; the bear famIly, beIng sItuated 111 the MunicIpal BUIld CHOICE CUTS CHUCK • • at the ChrIst Church Chapel where the week end lrg at the corner of Maryland and thell." meetings are held each week lb. Jefferson Avenues 111 the Vlllage of Another aSSIstant leader IS needed for Roast of Beef 2 19c Grosse Pomte Park and at the office thIS pack so If there are suggestions SMALL LEAN • FOR AN EMERGENCY of the VIllage Engmeer of the Vlllage caU Mrs E R Romme Lenox 0089 Which Requires Quick of Grosse Pomte Park at the Munlci At a meetmg of the Gro"se Pomte Pork Loin Roast Ib 20c pal BuI1dmg at the corner of Mary Pubhc Relations Comrruttee held last DRINK • In MILK FED ROLLED land and J e!ferson A venue~ the Monday mOfl1mg at the home of the DRY CLEANING SERVICE VIllage of Grosse Pomte Park, MICh chalr1nan Mrs Henry H Hubbard n.. 19an and at the offIce of Shoecraft Mrs H D Wilson was appomted In Call Veal Roast. 25c Drury al'ld McNamee ConsultIng En SPICED HAM. NEW YORK HAM, • • charge of the scnbes for the commg glneers Ann Arbor Mlchlgan year WIth MISS Dons Trott assIstl11g Honey Loaf Ib Coples of the documents may he ob her With the Instructlon In journahsm ~ Imperial Cleaners and Dyers • • • 29c tamed by depOSIting the sum of $20 00 Mra John Veech '\'<111be chauman of MACK AT NOTTINGHAM TU 2-3000 FRESH GROUND BRISKET CORNED w1th the VIllage Clerk or the V1llage the ",mdow dIsplay whIch wlll appear Beef Engll1eer for each set of documents lb. 14c I Beef lb. 18c 1U Kaplan s wmdow on Kercheval a ve Bohemian BEER so obtamed The amount of the de nue durmg the week of October 30 - FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES_ POSIt for each set of documents WIll November 5 ThIS has been deslg be refunded to each actual bidder nated as GIrl Scout ~eek I and enjoy EXCLUSIVE STYLES Grape Fruit for $1000 WIll be refunded for each of all The first meetmg of the SCrIbes WIll I i:.~:• • 3 10c Let Jakltnec help you deCide the ha11"Atyle MICH SUGAR • other sets of documents returned 111 be held next Monday afternoon Oc Pears I Parsnips lb. 2lhc good condltlon wlthm ten (10) da:H tober 24 at 4 0 clock m Room 306 of THE BEST hest aUlted to yOUlf own pel sonahtl" and lb. 2lhc after opening of blds then gIve :you a lovelv J"elmanenl ruar~ FANCY LARGE the Grosse Pomte HIgh school 5 REJECTION OF BIDS 1!!:l.t.el'JcIto gl'fe yau !atufactlon EOI man" IDAHO POTATOES _ •• eck The" lllage of Gro"se POIUt.e Park SERVED month 200 resen es the nght to reject any and Defer- Trombly Open MED SIZE SUNKIST CELERY ",11b cis and to waIve any mformahtles House Held at Defer WHEREVER Oranges doz. 17lhc I Hearts, 2 19. bun. 13c n blddmg QUALITY COUNTS Jakimec Beauty Salon 6 CERTIFIED CHECK Last Wednesday evenl11g from , 30 LENOX 9230 t 010 30 0 clock at the Defer school A cert1fied check or bank d.raft pay 999 Beaconsfield at Jefferson -JAKIME'C" Coiffure DeI1P8I able to the V111age ef Grosse POll'lte th, 7B pupll, 01 the Deler Trombly " I Park or a satIsfactory bid bond exe A..nnex entertal11ed theIr parents WIth an Open House program For several ~!l!.l!!!!ll!1!llW!.l!J.1~!l!1!!J!J.!!~!L!l!~~mw!l..!tlll!U!J.!l.!!1!1!~~!t.!I.!m!1!l!!l!l!!l!l!U!J!l!..!tl!J..!!J!.~~!l!J.!~!l!il!l.!J.!!l!L!!l.!1.!!l!l.!ll!J.!!.l!J.!1 cuted by the bidder and a surety com- ~iTiIifliTjitiIill.lliliIijljJififjiTili:i1i1iiTi'iiJi1iiTilii1iiTiiTiTiiJiIilli1iiJiTiiTiTiiliTiiJiliiliTimilJiliiJjfjiTiJii1iTiiIiJiiIi '.I,ITiTiiOOiifiTiiIiliiJiTiiliJii1UiliIifliljilili years each 7B group entermg the htgh panv 111 an amount equal to ii, e pel" ~ ~ cent (5%) 01 the bld, 'hall be ,ub school has used the Open House a a FOR THIS mltted "'lth each bId means of show1ng thelrparents the COMPLETE 7 NO WITHDRAWAL OF BID classrooms and laboratones of thelr No bid nay be wlthdrawn after the school and haVillI' them meet theIr o::cheduled c10slllg tIme for receipt of teachers So successful both from the "~"Of bld, for .t l'ast thlrty (30) d.y, standpol11t of attendance and beneficlal VILLAGE OF GROSSE POINTE results have these open houses been i NOTICE OF I PARK, that they have come to be regarded as LIGHTING ur A~Y"to.:ECOU\ TY MICHIGAN a. hlgh school tradItion W During the first half hour the puplls DINING ROOM By WALDO J BERNS FIXTURESl Vlllage Clerk showed theIr parents around the school SeDUIndireet chandelier with and Introduced them to thelr teachers crystal :trim and diffusing glass FOl only $8.12 a month Attractrve exhlblts, showl11g both the or plaa'Uo Ihade Five 40 wait lamps you can purchase the com- High School Notes currIcular and the extra-curflcular ac- plete 'package' of ColOnial tlvltles of the seventh graders, were r StatIon YYYY'-and 'Beep Beep 1 !I: ~ ceIling fixtures shown here dIsplayed III the classrooms, hall and -12 months to pay No Clang Clang Boop Oop a Doop , two lunch ro-ont Among those recen mg down payment ISrequired one act comedies wlll be gIven by the specHI.1attentl0n from the parents were ~ To the Qualified Electors of Grosse I Price Includes removing MIme Players, Jumor dramatIcs club the art eXhlbIt, a dlsplay of the new your old fixtures and In- of the CadIeuX annex Fr1day Novem- classroom ltbrary books of the EnglIsh Pointe Township, Michigan. s!alhng the new ones (The ber 4, at 3 .30 o'clock, and Saturday and history departments and an ex- I I pnce does no!include lamp November 5 at 8 15 0 clock 111the hlgh hlblt showl11g the work of the safety bulbs) school audltofmm LIVING ROOM patrol On the hall bulletIn board was i I CASH PRICE $93.50 Those taking part In the l'roductIon shown the development of the !Ij Registering and transferring of registration at the office of the ~ Seml1nchrect ceiling bxture WIth Statton YYYY are mellow toned glass bowl fo: the school paper put out by the seventh .: Township Clerk in the Municipal Building at Maryland and East ijj your lIghting fJXlure deal Mrs Wmstead ElaJne Waremg three 60 wail lamps S. and elghth graders of te Cad1eux Defer 1 aT elee/rlea! contrae:tor or depart Herbert Douglas MacKenZie : ~ Jefferson Avenues in the Village of Grosse Pointe Park will continue ~ men! Slore to PUlchase thIs equip- and Trombly annexes VESTIBULE ment or obtain further information Amta Barbara Nlxon At 8 o'clock te program 111the audi- i1i every day from 9:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m., (Saturdays, 9:00 a. m. to ~ ~'1'WOUght en about u (We do not .ell these Carolm! MollIe Lester tOrIum was opened by Edward Henkel closed ee1Hng tlxtures) Mr Wmstead DWight WIlson I 12:00 p. m.) up to and including October 29th, 1938. I the seventh grade chaIrman for the hxture ivory THE DETROIT EDISON CO. tened glass, for two 40 wait Roger Dlck Selje evenl11g The first numbers a Czechow lamps. Anme Betty ParrIsh m * slovaklan dance and LaCucaracha a I For your convenience, the office of the Township Clerk will be I KITCHEN The Chauffeur Robert Hauke \:[exlca ndance were put on by M1ss The play centers about the deSIre of ir. open from 11:00a. m., to 8:00 p. m., on October 19th,193ll. ~ PORCH Sem11ndlreo.t ceding Foster 5 gymnaslum class and executed Exterior bracket fixture. whU. enam Herbert \Vmstead to go to a boys' to the accompamment of the seventh made of :Bronz& sled or Chronuum camp By makmg use of hlS father s grade chorus Followlng the dances ~ Registration may be made with the Village Clerk in the Village or Copper with I !IowI of meta.l dU radIO he manages to conVInce hIS par- diffualng glass two songs The Swan by Bralne and fusing glass bottom. ents that he should go I in which you live. prior to October 29th. 1938. 1=: panels for SO ~ for 1S0 waU lamp. The Vester Hymn" a RUSSIan folk Efil •• waitor 100 waif BATHROOM Those havlng parts 1n the productIon song, were sung by the 7B boys chorus ~ =~ lamp 'BeepB eep I Clang-Clang Boop-Oop Chr(!lnuum plated ~L~!1!=!I!-"Il!IIl!l!> under the dIrectIon of MISS Frances ill If you are not registered, of if you have moved from the address iti over bracket ~L iiiJiBl!!~_~ a Doop' are Loucks wlth Mr W J Watkl11s at with translucent: !Ij at which you resided when register in~, you are required to register ~ Jerry Rlchard Marsh the plano The next number was a wrote glus shade for two SOwatt Ii!m.pa Hank Robert Bondycomhe: ~ or have your registration transfered. ~ and convenIence outlet for eleetnc razor. one act comedy • The Three W1shes Tom Douglas MacKenZIe: by Hamtlton C Wtlhamson and Tony ~ ~ Flrst Club Member Marcehne DUjardIn Sarg The play dlrected by M" Hlida !Ij If you have not voted during the past two (2) years, you are ~ Second Club Member Tom Tyree Htndes was well acted by the seventh Third Club Member Omn Flgley graders and the clever stagtng' and I required to re-register. ifi Wtllte Allen Parduccl sound effects under the superVISIOn of ~: ~ George Wdltam Presley MISS Frances Huff helped to make the LAUNDRY Eddle Wliham De Land • You must be restistered in the Precinct in which you reside in I comedy most enjoyable Poreelain-enamel ceiling re- Grace Carmen Johnston flector fiffed with 150 waft Edward Henke! then 1ntrodueed Mr Iorder to vote at the General Election to be held on November 8th, ifi bowl 'livered 1am.'Oto 'Oro- Kathy MarJorle Tledeck H L Hobart the adVIsory chaIrman I 1938. im 3 BEDROOMS VIda glueless dlffulled Hel.n Mary Macbeth llghhng for the Defer Trombly annex Mr FlXfureta for 3 bedrooms are in FIrst Thlef Robert Everett Hobart welcomed the parents on be~ clulliedin this l'aqe - all Second ThIef Charles PettIs half of the faculty and H'lVlted th~m to ~ I three alsUnetIy alfferent COne ENTRANCE HALL Mr Pickrell R1chard Reld CARL SCHWEIKART, ~ IS I is illustrafed above) These are VISlt the Trombly school "It un~ Pendant \lantern wifh dd Another DetectIve John Hanley three hght eelhng fixfures for f~ll1ng staas 'Oa!'els for one fortunate" he saId 'th'at our pUPils three 40 wait lamps Ddfusln;' Betsy Cadwell1s the student director !II TOWNSHIP CLERK, m 150 wat~lamp or ihree 40- must take theIr work 10 two separate glass or plasbo shades waft la~ps The Lone Wolf s Club Inaugurates bUIldIngs but thanks to your fine sup- ~ Grosse Pointe Township, ffi the plot of the play when It holds an ~ ~ port at the recent schOOl election thIS ~ ~ InlttatIon In an old deserted barn Th~ condlhon Wll1 be remedied next year' •~illill~~~-ill~ill~~~~~~~~~m~".'~m~~~m~"'I!m~mm~~~~~~~.iTiliU,UiJiIiir.1iiJiTiiT.1iiTiJiiJiIiiJiTiiliJiiJiTiiJiJiiiiiiiliJjiliiiiJiiTiililiiTBfiililiiTiliiJiIiiJiTiiliTiiTi'iililiil'iiifJi!ii!i1i1 ifiJiiTiliiTiTIiliTiiTiIiiJiTii1iJiiIiJiili1iiTiffiliJ I Thursday, October 20, 1938

Page Four THE G R 0 SSE POI N T ERE V I E W ! Mrs CyrIl H Moore IS In charge of Superfluous Hair ------country Born In 1906 In Sa1ngyang, MAX KRETSCH camps -these are Just a few of Mr all arrangements for the fall trall11ng TUTORING Destroyed permanently by multiple Miss Hui-ming Yang Lo shan Peng's war ttme acttvittes HIS Hupeh PrO,\,ince Mr Peng has a charm- Steam, Vapor and Hot Water Heat- course gIveI1 for aduh gIrl scouts at Plain Geometry electrolytic process. Safe, permanent, Popular in China health has broken clown three tImes 109 Wife and three ch11dren ing and General Repamng Also the Grosse pomte Memonal Church Trigonometry Hot Au" Furnaces Cleaned and Re- painless. tnsures rapid clarification. En- from overwork stnce the outbreak of College Student dorsed hy medical profession. Inexpen- MISS Hut mmg Yang IS probably one hostlhttes last year Now he IS 111 the bwlt. 5020 Anatole Street sive Free consultation Sara L. Litt- Business Men's The Grone POinte Rev1ew 18tho only Reasonable rates NIAGARA 7625 of the best known young women 10 United States to lecture on the New man, 826 David Stott Bld.g" Ch. 8063. Bowling League advertllolng medtum haV111g complete NI.4976 ChlUa Her exploits durmg the battle Chma and on hIS ovtn experIences Mr Peng holds a B A from Nakmg coverage 111 Grosse POinte Township. ()f Shanghai when she shpped through Oak Cl.aners 15 812 UI11versity 1931, and a Bachelor of ~ the hnes and carrIed a. flag of the Mnher's Market 12 776 Theology from Auburn Theolog1cal Chmese Republtc to the' SUIcIde Bat Cramer ElectrIC 11 775 Sem111ary Auburn New York 1937 He tahon' tn the Chapel dIstnct, has won ImperIal Cleaners 10 869 Shades; her popular esteem She was for SIX "as program secretary of the YMCA Window Stntt, Mobllga' 10 748 • l months before the war a sixth grade In Hangkow from 1933 to 1935 at WhICh For Matchless Beauty. • • CLEANED AND RENEWED ~ Les PhIllIps Drugs 9 785 r ttme he came to the Umted States to we teacher of artthmetIc and geography 111 Conn"s Nursery 9 765 -In a. permanent wave, the Tachung PrImary School in Shang- study Bef-ore that he was for two VENETIAN BLINDS Grosse P01nte PrIntmg 4 6981 feature the new Rl1hng haI She 15 a of the San Mm years from 1931 to 1933 Dean of the Team hIgh s1ngle 948 team hIgh KOOLERWAVE Cleaned or Made to Order MIddle School1n NankIng and of the Rural Workers Trammg Institute of I three Oak 2719, mdIvldual hIgh SIn- the Hupmg School m Human Provmce Posltlvely waves closel to the Land Survey VocatlOnal School gle, Repp 263, mdividual hIgh, three, Mr Peng also acted as mterperter for head ... gives an unusually L Three days after the war broke Qut Berttm, 640 ,I LI NWOOD SHADE CO. she left her school teachlllg and became Johh R Mott Shel wood Eddy and E , even curl . leaves half mar- NI. 6700 Open Evenings 15010 Mack at Waybum I Scout No 41 of the War Area Senlce Stanley Jones dunng the1r tour of velously soft and lovely re- Oak Cleaners Corps of the GIrl GUides and Boy Chma On hIS return from AmerIca In gardless of texture and color Thayer 158 186 218 562 \ Scouts In the ShanghaI Area She was 1937 the war borke out, and besIdes Your wave Will last much Reynolds 116 192 147 455 made a patrol leader of a small umt of hIS YMCA work he has been carrymg longer Beaupre 182 159 142 483 2 scouts, workmg Immediately behtnd on vartous relIef acttvittes Curtln 211 154 150 515 It IS cool ••. featherweight the firtng lInes carrymg m supplIes and A general secretary of the Emergency Troe 192 204 179 575 only SIX mmutes on the foodstuffs, and carrymg wounded Rehef CommIttee of the Human ChrIS Handicap 43 43 43 129 head Ask us for a test curl BROEDELL soldIers back to the field hOspItals ban Church Mr Peng has under hIS No machme. . no eleetnclty care SIX refugee camps BeSIdes thIS, --- After the fall of Shangha1 MISS Yang 902 938 879 2719 ••. not hke any other permanent wavmg method PLUMBING & HEATING escaped from the cIty and fled to Nan. he has been head of the YMCA stretch. Call for an early appomtment and be among the first Prompt Service Complete Installation-Repairs chang the capItal of Kiangsi provInce er corps wh1ch cares for bombmg VIe. Imperial Cleaners to enJoy thiS Improved method of permanent wavmg. t ms 10 Hangkow For a. few days. There she served on the Comm1ssion for T.",h 147 198 181 526 Furnaces Vacuum Cleaned the SupervISIon of Wounded SoldIers, last September Mr Peng worked day Klem 121 193 138 452 cartng for the wonded In the base and mght canng for as many as 500 Glock 199 161 152 512 Grosse Pointe Hairdressers TU. 2-3737 20752 Mack, Lochmoor hospItals helpmg tn educattonal actlvl. casualttes a day He also secured fund!> Kramer 147 166 135 448 Night Calls - Pingree 2861.8787 tIes and also tendmg refugees In the to carryon hIS program work among NIagara 7320 Bentln 178 179 209 566 279 Rivard Blvd. varIoUs refugee camps Just prIor to the refugees and wounded orgamzmg --- her comIng to the Untted States she them mto clubs and gIvmg them enter. 792 897 815 2,504 t went up to the Houchow front to car. tamment For a penod of eIght months Ij ~ .. at... ,'U,eP YJ:t t' '" :Y.... ,.t " J¥ aut \' 4'# ...... r:;a 1\:' $ , II. ....',J ¥ .7 J'*' $$1'1 V Jt... .", It' Jt;p u tat II. be b') after the begtnntng of the lllVaSlOn,Mr ry the greetmg of the Girl Gmdes to the Cramer Electric soldiers there MISS Yang says she Peng was gIVing dally 15 mmute broad. Cramer 183 147 145 475 has had no word from her parents c;asts 10 English from Hangkow telltng Turner (avg) 146 146 146 438 smce last December They are In Chm of the war Many of these broadcasts Repp 172 159 130 461 I klang, under Japanese domtnatton smce were transmitted by short wave, and Trombley 130 168 163 461 that tIme many actually have been heard In thlS NOTICE OF I Saremus ---123 188 180 491 Mr. Lo-shan Peng on Hallowe'en Costumes 754 808 764 2326 FOR RENT Grosse Pointe PrlJlbng I Lecture Tour Here 103 128 140 371 A good selection to choose from- Bel! 153 175 126 454 Leadmg Ii. YM CA stretcher corps Clean aDd Snappy Reasonahle prices Elkm' 129 140 144 413 organumg rellef work broadcastmg 1255 Wayburn R Oldham L Oldham 152 137 201 490 General Election dally m Enghsh, carmg for SIX refugee I Herbst 184 201 144 529 I, 18 54 HandIcap 18 18 To the Qualified Electors, City of Grosse Pointe, DISTINCTIVE --- NEW PERSONALITY HAIR STYLES Total 739 799 773 2,311 Wayne County, Michigan. I Maehmelesa Permanents .. $S 00 and up Machine Permanents $350 and up Suitt's MobJ1gas Pate 241 196 164 601 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the General Election will be held in the State of Mich- SHAMPOO AND 6S Korb 136 195 154 485 igan and in the City of Grosse Pointe, Wayne County, Michigan, on FINGERWAVE ._ C LeBlanc 180 152 138 470 StrIttmatte-r 149 145 148 442 Roy 167 149 152 468

'. LaPREEN ~itgJY ---873 837 756 2,466 / 4'Complele Beauty Service" Muher's Market 985 Washington Rd. TU.2.0377 I Met. 157 164 133 454 Tuesday, NOV. 8, 1938 I WIeman 114 166 184 164 Bross 192 134 133 459 Frahm 162 146 131 459 at the Central Polling Place, the City FIRE HALL, 17145 Maumee Avenue, between Neff and Potter 163 157 181 501 St. Clair Avenues, poUs of such election being open from Seven o'clock in the forenoon until 21 HandIcap ---7 7 7 Eight o'clock in the afternoon, Eastern Standard Time, 95 Total 795 774 7(1) 2,338 !N~o~o~IAL4- 1 Conn's Nursery For the purpose of electing the following officers: CLEANED AND RELINED UP \Vems 213 147 200 570 n1Y Burn 160 164 158 482 Domemc 167 1,8 209 534 Also for the foHowing County Officers: Mlesch 149 180 150 479 Governor Wind;;ik.i Pointe Tailors'i 173 124 189 486 14931 E Jefferson at City Limits J Beaupre HandIcap 15 15 15 15 Lieutenant Governor Two Judges of Probate Est 1925 Open Eve",ng. LENOX 3040 --- 877 798 921 2,596 Secretary of State \ Lea Phdbps' Drug. Sheriff Huhn 169 131 155 455 ReeDer 136 111 14<5 393 Attorney General County Clerk Save on Drugs This Week Heintzelman . 157 168 144 469 * Sick Room Supplies Rogers 195 166 153 514 Sta te Treasurer * Cough Syrup Barton 166 166 168 500 County Treasurer * Cold Tablets '" Parke Davis Vitamin Products --- Auditor General COMPLETE LINE 823 742 766 2,331 Register of Deeds CecIl and Gobehn Chocolatea Representative in Velvet Brand lee Cream 4'Double K" Hot Nuts Christian Science Prosecuting Attorney PRESCRIPTIONS EXPERTLY FILLED 4'Probatton after neath" WIll be the Congress subject of the Lesson Sermon tn all Drain Commissioner LES. PHILLIPS PHARMACY Chnstian SCience Churches throughout State Senator 15300 KERCHEVAL the world on Sunday, October 23 Two Coroners TU 2.3547 WE DELIVER ANYTIME The Golden Text (Eee! 12 14) is Represen tative in 'God shall bnng every work mto Judg • • ment, WIth every secret thmg, whether State Legislature County Surveyor It be good or whether It be eVIl" NIGHT CALLS PINGREE 1467-NIAGARA 5799 Among the Bible citattons IS thIS pas- sage (John 5 24) , Verlly venly, I say At the said election, the following proposed amendments to the unto you He that heareth my word, and behe'Veth on hun that sent me State Constitution will be submitted: hath everlastmg Me, and shall not PROPOSAL NO.3 PIONEERS IN SPECIALTY WIRING come Into eondemnahon, but IS passed I PROPOSAL NO.1 from death unto hfe" and SERVICE Correlattve passages to be read from "Shall the constitution be amended to Motors, Tele~hotte and S1gnal System Installed and Rep.an'&ll the Christtan SCience textbook, , Sei. "Shall the Constitution be amended to guarantee that gasoline and motor vehicle li- Decoralive and General Llghbng ence and Health WIth Key to the ScrIp'"' cense plate taxes paid by motorists be used for tures," by Mary Baker Eddy, mclude provide for a four-year term of office of Coun- 3409 Ludden St. Fitzroy 5155 the follo\\Ing (p 410) "'ThIs IS Me highways, roads and streets?" eternal,' says Jesus,-lS, not shall be, ty Clerk, Prosecuting Attorney, Sheriff, and then he defines everlastmg hfe as PROPOSAL NO.4 a present knowledge of hIS Father and Treasurer and Register of Deeds?" of hlmself~-the knowledge of Love "Referendum on Act No. 257 of the Pub- NOTICE OF Truth, and Ll£e" lic Acts of 1937, being an Act to provide for Meaaiah Lutheran PROPOSAL NO.2 the transfer of the administration of certain \ Church existing State Public Welfare and relief mat- "Shall the constitution be amended, as ters, services and duties to the State Depart- PUBLIC SALE Southeast corner of Ker'Cheval and ment of public assistance created by said act, Lakewood avenues A H A Loeber, provided below, to provide for the non-partie In accordance with the provisions of an ordinance govern- pastor, 1434 Lake\';ood avenue Tele. and to abolish the various State Departments, ing the care and disposal of unclaimed property and material, phone Lenox 2121 san nomination and appointment of Supreme boards, commissions, and offices 80 trans- notice is hereby given that a PUBLIC AUCTION SALE of On the commg Sunday, Octob-er 23, unclaimed property will be held on Saturday, October 29, at MessIah Church Wlll observe the an. ferred. 12:00 o'clock Noon, EST, at the Police Station, 17145 Maumee nual mISSlOn festtval The oftermgs on Court Justices for Eight.year terms?" Avenue, between Neff and St. Clair Avenues. All material thIS day WIll be contrIbuted toward the offered for sale will be subject to storage, advertising or other numerous mIssIOns at home and abro;d You are further notified that the polls will be open from 7:00 o'clock in the forenoon to 8:00 charges that may have accrued and sales will be made to the conducted by the Lutheran MIssourI o'clock in the evening, Eastern Standard Time. person offering the highest bid. Material or property offered Synod, of whICh MeSSIah Church IS a for sale will be available for inspection beginning at 9:00 A M member In the mornmg there wIll be the day of the sale The public is invited to attend. Material a serVIce at 11 15 o'clock whl1e an. to be offered includes bicycles and row or outboard boat .. other servIce WIll take place 1fi the eve. NORBERT P. NEFF, nlOg at 7 45 Rev F J Schnmm pas- NORBERT P. NEFF, tor of Memortal Lutheran Church, of City Clerk CITY CLERK Toledo, OhlO, WIll be In the pulPIt 1fi the evenmg The seSsIon of the Sunday School October 12, 1938. flt'c!8v1nwrtfttr 1/'_ IlIlb't" --,.,~' -- pt. $ --, UZAZ rt Pdt 4,.W*""TIlr"d'Crt't,. d):' it 4"t ... .- sZ ,.-...0>$ d's wr'I! .. /1' .... ; \1'.... _ .,.... • .9 ~\J U$ ...... J ..... J. - _. ,jJL" - - .-- ..... Will be held Irom 10 to 11 & m. .J!UW...... rUrSday, Oetober 20, 1938 '!'HE GROSSE POINTE REViEW

FOUND 6B Kenneth Cunnmgham, 6A, Joanne Club of Grosse Pomte HIgh School ups of the ChInese-Japanese war, aU \eview Liners Vo1k Margaret Jensen 15 enrolled at MICht- taken WIthIn the last SIX months Har~ GREY KITTEN male 502 St Clair The membershIp commIttee and other gan State College In Lansmg Charles NIagara 2424 rISon Forman, explorer and war corres~ offtcers met for tea at Mrs Harold Armstrong 15 attendIng the UnIversIty Come In pondent wt11 speak and picture "Chlna • • • • • • • WANTED DaVIS 15 a Miscellaneous home 78 Bedford, Wednesday of MJchJgan John Haldeman Agamst Japan-the Far East Aflame' ~IE"NCED restaurant waitress afternoon October 5 The soc1al eom- student at OhiO Wesleyan at Deleware, at 3 30 Sunday afternoon, October 23 H--A-T-S'--::REMOD ELED-Cleaned And see our fine display of I...ercheval and mlttee dIscussed plans for the year and OhIO RIchard Talcott at the Armour at the DetrOit InstItute of Arts blocked Berets and turbans a s~e the membershlp CommJttee fimshed InstItute of Technology and Dorothy Slllce February Forman, who comes "alty DR 4168 detaIls regardmg the membershIp drive MIller at Drake holds Mother s scholar~ Work Wanted under World Adventure Senes aus- Kenneth Cunnmgham, 6B ships as well as grants awarded them ETENT, relIable wh1te gIrl de Personal ------by their colleges pIces, has lOterviewed the Japanese Christmas Cards re day work, cleanmg $2 50 and cabmet, filmed the Japanese bombIng !al e Telep'hon~ Tuxedo 21864 JIMMY ANDERSON, expert Slmon Grosse Pointe Library Donald Margan June '37 IS also hase In Formosa, llshot" the recent lzer at Strittmatter 5 Mobllg~ Ser?~ bemg conhnued thiS year In hIS scholar hostlhtJes between the RUSSIans and IJAMERICAN - Wh,te laundress lCe Kercheval and Lakepotnte Among the new books add-ed to the shIp at the University of MichIgan by Grosse Pointe Printing Co. /a ts work to do in own home. each Japanese He was the first foreigner col1ectlo~ recently one may find many the Mother s Club jarate1y washed buttons replaced Old World Market at to enter Suchow behlOd the Japanese new and mterestmg tItles The fol !;t lass shirt troner Deltvery serVIce The Grosse Pornte High School troops and make pIctures of the dyna- ) 2779 International Center lOWIng list IS but a few of the books Student ASsOclatlOn scholarshIp was mltJng of the Yellow RIver dJkes by to be found 1n any of our hhearles LD'ERLY LADY wants housework 'YoW.' Nov. 11 and 12 gJVen thJS year to J eaone Berry who the retreatmg Chmese He WIll show A Hall and Company-Joseph Lin adults only, $4 per weeks Drexel was graduated 1n January She IS now up to date motJon pIctures of every LASTING LOVELINESS 02 coIn A story whIch deals WIth a feud a student at the Mary Washmgton • • • • front, and of what IS happemng behInd will be yours with a new Fall coiffure c~tecI Fnday and Saturday ~ovember 11 between two famlhes over a pJece of College In Fredencksburg VJrglnIa the hnes For Rent land especially for your own penonaht,. and 12 are the dates set for eIghth These scholarshIps have all been re- Forman has spent the last eIght The Fun of Photography-M and Permanents PPER FLAT, 526"U St Clair Ave annual Old World Market at Interna ported to the hIgh school offIce Ac years explorJng U1Tibet, MongolIa and $ 7.50 up M Scachen Grosse Pomte 5 rooms bath ga tIonal Center Branch Y W C A 2341 corclmg to school offICIals others may mterJor Chma He IS an offICIal pho~ Madame Ida 1000 up tge, newly decorated $40 00 East Grand Blvd '\lth Mrs BenJamm Growth of a Man-Mazo De 1a have been granted of whIch the hIgh tographer for the l March of TIme" Shampoo &: Finger Wave 1.50 up OR PARTIES-Automattc phono F Scoffee as general chaIrman Roche Not one of the "Jalna' stories school has not been notIfied and Paramount News" Followmg hiS graphs, best orchestras latest rec~ The Feast of ForeIgn Foods from 5 SaIlor on Horseback-Irvmg Stone lecture Forman wIll answer all ques- FRANCES FOX TREATMENTS A bIography of Jack London ds Grosse pomte MUSIC NI 5864 to 8 0 clock both nights IS a program Harrison Forman on tlOns put to hInt from the aud,ence Exclusive at the EACONSFIELD 972 Grosse POlnte I feature most eagerly antIcIpated by A Southerner DIscovers the South- W Id Ad S. For fulI mformatton about the fall Sun- GROSSE POINTERS, Inc. -SIX room upp-er, newly decorated, DetrOit gourm~ts A dIfferent menu Jonathan Daniels or venture erles I day afternoon publIC lectures at the In- 19Idalre, garage wIll be served each mght-a la carte- Library Hours Program of October 23 stltute write or telephone the World Nottingham and Jefferson Grosse Pomte Park 10 a m to 9 LENOX 3511.3512 Gro... P.lnte so that everyone may eat as much as -- Adventure SerIes In care of the DetrOIt ROOM FOR RENT p m dally WIth exclUSive mohon picture close Institute of Arts ------c-.---:-:-~:__::-:-- he Wishes of al1 of hIS favorite foreIgn ARGE FRONT ROOM WIth twIU d,shes City branch 12 30 to 9 p m dally "h t;' Lochmoor branch Monday, Wed~ aiJ'"..... l\ttp 4:.7tpF at ;9:J';:cP7 th 4'::)(;:caP t- V Ji'tI:cF J1I; ...... "T1t;:a:F t% \' tiJP'IpJ t' ...... an JJ10sr .%; , :("lp t_ \' 4...... _1;; ...... r beds kitchen prIvIleges Lenox 6837 •t 4'J The sale and exhibIts of foreIgn gifts, nesday, 2 8 30 pm. aturday 1 5 p m Christmas cards and novelties con Farms statIon Tuesday, Tmursday hnues from noon to mIdnight With a 15 p m program of light opera and dancmg 111 Shores station Wednesday 2-9 p m 1935Zephyr Coupe. 5000 miles. costume and mUSJcat 8 0 clock More Save $375.00. than 30 nationalItIes are co operatmg NOTICE OF Edward Hickey Is 1937 Lincoln Sedan. to make these two colorIul days a gen Elected President of Official car, like new; real ume expreSSIon of world frIendshIp and good WIll-and a fittmg chmax to I)argain. High's 'Lower House' ArmIStice Day and the Y W C A MILLENBACH OF \iVorld Week of Prayer and World FJfty members of Grosse P0111te HIgh I GROSSE POINTE Fellowship School s Forum last week elected Edw ~I ward HIckey, 12B to be preSIdent of General Election ! Kercheval and Maryland The pubhc IS 111vIted and families the school's lower house" thIS semes~ WIth chIldren are especially welcome ter In the scheme of student govern- ! LE 0707 It IS a fascmatmg event for the young ment prevallmg at the high school To the Qualified Electors of the Township of Grosse Pointe, er generation the Forum corresponds to the House ====:::::::=::::::::::=====:::' I Mrs Earl Warner state preSIdent of Wayne County, Michigan. = of Representatives In the natIonal gov~ For Sale the MJchlgan FederatlOn of Women s ernment Clubs, 1S chaIrman of the commJttee of )R SALE-Hudson Seal coat, swag management of InternatIOnal Center Stewart Smith 12 B was elected VIce NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the General Election will be held in the State of Mich. 'er style, finger tlp length, good presJdent, and uhet Lindemann, llA • Y W C A and Mrs W R Alvord's J nditlon; SIze 16, $30 00 NIagara was chosen secretary-treasurer igan and in the Township of Grosse Pointe, Wayne County, Michigan, on 54 executIve secretary Forum members are chosen from )R SALE-Walnut dmmg set, each home room They serve as rep- ~rench tahle. teakwood table an Trombly School Noles resentatlves of student OplntOn, their ue maple rocker, ltquor cablUet High School Library fun etlan being to present of student or lamp, all hke new NIagara 7972 sentJment 111 matters governed by lR SALE-Wh,tney baby coach to Remain Open Later school regulattons Tuesday, NOV. 8, 1938 easonable 678 Notre Dd.me Tuxedo For proposals made In the Forum to )554 The Trombly P T A membership IS become adopted they must be approved growtng rapIdly All the chIldren are by the Senate the unper house' ThiS For the purpose of electing the following officers: DDERN, beaut! fuIIy fmlShed wa Inu t! b Y uan have a Delco Od Burner on traJned mea msk th'Y Rockford College of Rockford Ill, PM" £ esureyouget e Building Building In. onedy payments JUSt a ew most efliCJent IDstallatlon for years of granted a year s scholarshJp to DOfiS Voting Precinct No. 6-Maryland Avenue and Charlevoix Voting Precinet No I2-Gro .. e Pointe Shores Municipal "omes a ay converts your present bl ' Chase another member of the June LOd ~fired ~.-.LULnace Into I camp 1ete 1Y troua free e-rtee automatJC heat Phone for Avenue Building class Drake College at Des Momes tomatte od heat plant ... ends the survey of your heating plant ••• Voting Precinct No 7-West end of Defer School dgery of furnace tendtng. no obligation at all Iowa chOSe Dorothy MIller, honors Voting Precinet No I3-Lochmoor Municipal Building &cause the Delco 011 Bumerhasno PHONE FOR FREE FACTS graduate wIth the January '38 class and Jean McKarahan of the June MECO ENGINEERING CO. group as reCIpients of scholarshIPS to Carl Schweikart, that institutIon DETROIT, MICH. FIve stud-ents who were graduated Township Clerk '61 vice and lnatallahon la;,t year are contmu111g their educatIon ._ 6178 General OffIcea 1203 Wayburn Ave. WIth the assistante of the Mother's Ct. 4. Thursday, October 20, 193& Page Six THE GROSSE POINTE REVIEW

Mrs Cohn M Selph, 01 Neff road I er and \{r Mather of Washmgton Noted Speaker to Be Iorder throughout the library IA Little Beauty I does more-It IS the largest SIngle Icause of unhealthful hang-naIl. A The hbrary staff holds weekly meet • always show the effects of the dryIng no one has any love for hang~nlL IS now tourmg the we"-t In company I \irs Selph wlli be back In the Pomte at Marygrove CoIIege mgs every Monday mght Chat With Donna sun and the actIon of water on them They may be pamful and somett~ '\lth her nIece Mrs RIchard N Math for Thanksglvmg and the skm very dangerous And always unne The Reverend James M Gllhs, C S A Grosse Pointe Garden BrIttle nads are the cause of hang BeSIde losmg the grace and beauty <:ary P, edItor of The CatholIc World wIll nads After the hot summer hands that belong to hands-thIS loss of 011 These unSIghtly hang nan. speak on Getting the Best Out of from neglect more than any PAUL DE CARLO The garden of whIch I speak Isn't LIfe at Marygrove College, DetrOIt STUDIO OF lIke the garden behind your home or at thing Hence the solution IS m~ on Tuesda). November 1, at 8 30 'take care" the SIde of your yard ThIS garden 15 I o'clock Father GIllIS, noted CatholIc Piano & Accordion a school garden whIch grows at the Care to dry hands must be in 11 lecturer and author has edIted The Hang. Nails Are Often Dangerous OFFERS corner of Beaconsfield and Essex gent The mere rough pushmg bac ( Cathohc World for the past 15 years SPECIAL J A 3~month course of lessons the cutIcle-WIthout correctmg h A noted speaker he has delIvered a The plans that later make our school Dld you ever suffer a torn hang nalP free with every purchase of a fine qualIty condItIon that causes It IS of lItH senes of addresses anually Since 1929 garden start theIr bves m the school I f so then you already need no warn value In addItIon to the extra C~fI Accordion $49 50 on The Cathohc Hour over the NBC conservatory The sIxth grade boys mg to aVOId naIl dryness by askmg for • Special tratn1ng for orchestra and radIo S)-stem and gIrlS plant the seeds 10 neat httle needed m the mamcure Itself, SOftenfns rows 10 the conservatory and watch OUR MITTEN MANICURE 011 must be worked mto the skm on • Lessons In your home or In our studIO Through these addresses Father Gl1 them sprout up Then, when sprmg the backs of the hands fingers and 1 to Phone MURRAY 5733 for mtervlew hs has become W dely recognIzed as an WIth your next shampoo and finger comes and the last frost of Wtnter has the base of the naIls The longer' he able mterpreter of the SOCIal program wave gone they start to plot the flower beds 011 15 allowed to remaIn on the sldm, of the Cathobc Church as set forth OUR OCTOBER SUGGESTION They measure and plan where they the better It IS m the Papal Encychcals of Pope Leo want to plant the zmmas, snapdragons Invlgoratmg Shampoo ArtIstIC Fmger Hands can add to and should not XIII and PIUS XI on SocIal JustIce petumas, asters, dahlias, gladtolas 'Nave and the MItten Mamcure detract from the beauty of theIr owner Father GlIhs IS a member of the Cath- For Alterationg, Repairing cosmos, mangolds, phlox and other Healthful hands are usually beautrful olIc Press ASSOCIatIOn of Amenca, of well known flowers hands the Board of Edltor~ of The Cathohc Donna's Hair& Health Studio and Relining. 0 • Book Club an Academy Member of Durmg the summer, Mr Ttedke weeds and waters them for us, and I Steam Baths, Salt Glo Rubs and Massage by Graduate Nurse Bob Bradley arrIved In town Sunday the Gallery of LIVing CatholIc Authors ntght from Cmcmnatl, Ohlo, where he Call on and an honorary member of the In~ guess we couldn't have a very success Open Wednesday and FrIday EvenIngs by AppOIntment ful school garden WIthout hIm When 1'\1 smgmg WIth Ramona s orchestra, ternatIonal Twam Society to spend a few days wlth hIS uncle and school begms 1ft the fall, we have 16912 Kercheval IMPERIAL 'thIS lecture by Father GIlhs IS spon~ TU 2.2160 flowers to brIghten up our schoolrooms aunt Mr and Mrs J W McGUIre of sored by 'the Alumnae AssocIatIOn of CLEANERS AND DY ~RS They make the whole school bUIldmg Somerset road Marygrove College for the benefit of more attracttve MACK AT NOTTINGHAM TU 2.3000 the MIchael James Gallagher Scholar ShIp fund m memory of the late BIshop Our good neIghbors of Grosse Pomte Gallagher of DetrOlt Park help us to keep our garden a ADVERTISE IN THE REVIEW beauttful s-pot and we thank them very Grosse Pointe Lutheran much I SWEETandPRAGBANT ~AS A BREATH OF COUNTRY AIR Free to Every lady Patron • • Church IY. W. C. A. to Sponsor • Because Here I EnJOY Chnsltan Swimming Marathon l'~~~",. co U N TRY C L U B GORGEOUS FellowshIp WIll be the subJect of the sermon at the Grosse Pomte Luth~ To stImulate mterest 10 Winter SWIm BAK. IN GIFTS eran Church worShIpmg In the RIch mmg among women and gIrlS the De~ ard SchOOl audItOrIUm Kercheval and tr01t Y W C A, the Women's CIty Every Wednesday and Thursday Night McKlllley Sunday mornlOg October Club the Women s AquatIc Club and At the 23 at 11 0 clock preached by the Rev the Detr01t Yacht Club are sponsormg M Luther Canup D D, pastor ThIS a umque sWImmmg marathon on No~ "" 111 be the fourth tn a serres on Why Hmber I, 2 and 3 t'-I()ma Theatre I hke to attend church Any woman SWImmer may enter the 'Our Day of Rest or the thIrd Com race to see whtch orgamzatton can Guaranteed 90-score but. mandment wlll be the subJect taught SWIm the greatest number of yards 10 n ter WIth that fresh from 10 the upper grades In the Sunday three days Yardage may be gained the churn flavor You'll School at 9 45 a m where we have by sWlmmmg eIther WIdthWIse or really taste the difference. classes for all grades anad ages Is lengthw1se of the pool any stroke or Special this week Ib the Lord s Day a holy or holIday 10 strokes may be used WIth as many rest 2?c penods, as deSIred Any sWImm.er may your home ';I The body nund and soul EMBASSY, SMOOTH, FINE FLAVOR need one day s rest out of every seven enter-whether a beg10ner or an ex God has set aSIde one day each week pert for Blble study BIble readIng prayer Wntten record WIll be kept of every Peanut Butter 2 23c "WImmer's yardage each day of the medltatton and church gomg lU order FRESH ROASTED-FINEST NO 1 that the soul may be fed Is Chnstian marathon and day by~day totals kept Sunday observed In )-our home or 15 a for each orgamzatton A pnze WIll be lb. pagan holtday';l awarded to the wmnIng orgmzatton, Salted Peanuts IOc If you and your famIly have not a havmg the greatest yardage at the church home we InVite you to make close of the marathon on November 3 Krog~r'. Sun.Cured ours your home church at 5 0 clock lb. DetaIled mformatton may be secured Prunes Sw~et, Medium S,.e 6 25c at anyone of the three Y W C A • Special Activities Are pools-Central branch HIghland Park Rugs a e cum u 1ate Blue Label more dirt than any Planned for Domestic branch and Lucy Thurman branch-the Women I City Club or DetrOit Yacht Special at other article In the Employees by 'YoW.' Karo Syrup 10c home For the sake Club • of your f a m 11y , s SpeCIal actIvIt e~ for household em 1.lb pkcs health alone your rugs should be cleaned freqt1et1tlv But re- p1ovees-Thursdays from 4 0 clock on Neighborhood Club Pan Cake Flour ~~;t~;'i~~ub2 15c member also that clean rugs Lst Ie ~ r-c can n gs al e I -are sponsored at the DetrOlt Y W C brighter and more beaut {Ill lO11e "'t11 todT\ and h'1\ e \ our A 2230 W therel1 street and any glrl The A 0 C 5 WIsh to announce rugs as samtary as your llnens-anJ as 10\ ely and lUAU 1 us COllntry ClUb Cream No Z employed 10 a home IS welcome to the r annual Ghost Ghde to be held ,. 0r n can. as new! come and enJoy the fun Saturday ev:enIng October 29 at the Kern eI , J SIY11i;:n~hole$f.~;n~1 2 19c Thls group always jom!! the other NeIghborhood Club Johnny Resh and employed gIrlS' groups for suvrer at hIS Lochaven Band are furnIshIng the 12 cans No Z cans 6 15 and the speCIal program a+ 6 45 musIC Everybody of course 1S to 95c whlch on October 20 features a. pro come In a masquerade costume and It s Avondale Corn 3 25c gram of Hunganan gypsy mUSIC really your chance to let loose and

Jail Trudell Pre. Sally 'Woodward, commentator for have a spooky time With the rest of the May Garden women s actIVItIes at RadIO Station spooks goblms, beaUtiful maIdens and Orange Pekoe 29c \VXYZ w 11 open a brand new serles gallant men In yesterday's array TIck~ Pekoe Tea • of talks on October 20 on The up to ets are only 35 cents and there wIll be date Emplo). ed GIrl WIth a dISCUSSIon dancmg from 9 to 1 Don t forget, Camayor bars of ettquette on the job Experts WIll \ October 29 TIckets may be obtamed Facial Soap Palmolive 4 21c contmue the dISCUSSIoneach Thursday from any of the A 0 C s or at the evemng covenng Important PIJ n15 of Uub 4 POINT BLUE RIBBON dress, charm, good speech gettmg along With people and budgeting one s AU classes are under full sad now at mcome WIsely the club If you haven t heard as yet lb. In addItion to the dISCUSSIongroups what we are offermg, here are a few 33c there IS a group on Behmd the Head suggestions for your leIsure time pro~ TURKEYS • hnes led by Samuel Jacobs of the gram gym classes for boys and gIrls, OCEAN LEG 0' board of educatIon and othel s on handcraft classes for boys and gIrls, dressmakmg beg10ner s Fren h art~ ~ewmg, art classes basketball, pool, Perch Fillets • lb LAMB Ib 29c and crafts kl11ttIng sewmg contract 19c • • • pmg pong badmmton, fencmg, gar- CHUCK ROASTING bndge dancmg and ~) ml1a~1t1m and deners and numerous clubs that would lb chorus for those who smg sUIt anyone of your mterests, also gym Roast of Beef lb 2Sc Chickens • • 29c MONDAY, OCTOBER 31st Slmllar acttvlttes for employed glrb classes for men SKINLESS SLICED are held at Hlghland Park Branch Y AT THE lb lb W C A Woodward at Wmona and The Woolworth Dance wilt be held Viennas • • • 21c Bacon • • • 29c the InternatIonal Center Branch Y on Fnday mght, October 21, at 8 p m W C A 2431 East Grand Bh tl on AdmISSIOn IS only 10 cents GIrl Guards MAYFAIR Thursdays All glrls are welcome w1ll be on band to sell Ice cream Don t Rib End c 2 - FLOOR SHOWS - 2 mISS thIS event 1 Ib 19 High School Library Pork Loin Roast FAVORS AND NOISE MAKERS FOR ALL Mr John Curran IS now connected MAKE UP A PARTY to Remain Open Longer WIth the NeIghborhood Club, dIrectmg boys' actIVItIes All boys mterested m FANCY LARGE Mack Avenue at Seven Mile Rd. In comphance WIth I. grOWIng de club work and athletic work may get mand from students the Grosse POInte 10 touch WIth Mr Curran, who w1l1 as- Board of Educahon has thts year ar sIgn them to theIr proper age group ranged to have the high school lIbrary head open later than the regular school October 17.22 Designed hours It Wlll be open every day from Cauliflower tOe Important Election Notice 8 o'clock unttl 5 15 0 clock, and Sat~ 'Clothing Drive Week' urday morn1Ogs Residents of the CIty of Grosse Pointe who expect to be These hours wlll hold for the first The week of October 17 22 has been targ. dOli. absent from the city on election day, TUESDAY, NOVEM. <:IXweeks and If they are used to deSIgnated as Cloth1Og DrIve Week I 0'" 19c advantage they WIll contmue the !'e Sunkist Oranges BER 8, 1938, may vote by means of throughout the DetrOIt metropolttan mamder of the term area The Grosse POlnte schools are TEXAS SEEDLESS A note bearmg hIS parent's SIgnature co operatmg In thIS drIve and are so~ Absent Voters Ballots must accompany each student when he hCIting your aId to make thIS dnve a for Provided that lawful application has heen received at the reports at 7 0 clock or after ThIS pre success office of the CIty Clerk, 17150 Maumee Avenue not later than cautIon WIll msure the full knowledg~ Any clothes and shoes WhICh your Grapefruit • • 6 25c 12:00 o'clock noon, E. S T on Saturday November 5, 1938. of students parents as to theIr where chIldren have outgrown or d1scarded (ballots can not be issued nor applicabons receIved after such abouts and whtch are still to a. wearable and date) SuffIcient time for round trIp transit by mad should To aSSIst In the ltbrary thIS fall ten usable condition wIll be gratefully ac- Ib be allowed by the applIcant gIrls and one boy have been chos-en by cepted As there IS a. constant demand Outdoor Tomatoes 10c Bermce Stoltenberg one of the hbrarl~ for c10thmg for adults clothes and The provisions of the ABSENT VOTERS LAW provide ans All applIed ior the job and have shoes whIch are SUItable for persons also that any registered elector of the CIty who by reason of B averages or above of any age wl1l also be apprecIated illness or confinement at home or in hospital is unable to go The staff IS as follows Betty Barry Each oi the pubhc schools m Grosse to the polling place, may apply for and receive absent voters Dons Netlson Wanda CustIs Phylhs POinte Will act as collectton agenCIes hallots. Application for the same to be made in the same Elworthy Grace Khen, AlIce Boor and any clothmg WhICh you may care manner as in the case of other lawful absence from the city RIchard Ritzenhelm Jean Trombley to contnbute can be sent to any school on election day ill the d1strict durIng the .above named Betty Jewett Betty HarrIS, and June FREE DELIVERY 17315 Mack Avenue 344 Rm.r.l BIT

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