N.M.H. INDEX 1979


Brucellosis disease aC abaCCoir unreported Arukun vote returns five 4.4. 19.1. Rock ruling 5.4. Day win decide on abattoirs 2.2. Aboriginal land claim rejected 6.4. AbaCCoir Co geC new meat chillers 24.2. P.M. given Rock petition 9.4. Abattoir odour task for Maitland Council 28.2. 'Splendid experiment' gets off ground 9.4s Farley plan 11.4. Aborigine 'work ethic' wanted 10.4. Meat union want abattoir reopened. 21.4. Ranch evicts Aborigines 10.4. Farley abattoir ruled out 10.5. Aborigines worse off : Sth. Africa 17.4. Abattoir improvements programme expected 11.5. Qld. Aborigines feel betrayed 19.4. Abattoir saga 11.5. U.S. envoy to meet upset Aborigines 27.4. Farley abattoir idea still alive 15.5. N.T. land act to change 28.4. Smaller Farley plan opposed 23.5. Experts find relics in black camp site 3.5. Abattoir leasing may follow huge loss 24.5. Refuge fund 'directive' attacked 5.5. Maitland to stop odours from abattoirs 24.5. Young promises blacks support 11.5. The abattoir problems 28.5. Advisory council nominees sought 14.5. Resident group maintains policy on abattoir $132,000 aid for outback children 14.5. 29.5. Tradition ended by death 14.5. No open talks on abattoir yet 30.5. Fire custom theory backs Aborigines 15.5. Shorter week fear at Maitland abattoir 31.5. Awabakal body prepares five-year plan 16.5. Stock shortage hits boards 1.6. Landscape was changed-expect 16.5. Abattoir jobs hinge on report 9.6. Committee gains Aboriginal help 17.5. Unicomb critical of abattoir policies 15.6. Film on Weipa vile 21.5. Committee to assess abattoir 20.6. Film.action 22.5. Losses put abattoir future in doubt 27.6. Weipa documentary praised, criticised 22.5. Boost for abattoir workers 28.6. 30,000-year lifestyle dies with Warrl 30.5. State rejects abattoir move 29.6. Aborigine education help 11.6. 4-day week tipped for abattoir 3.7. Aborigines seek aid 13.6. Waratah abattoir's future In doubt 3.7. Blacks protest on 'their' land 16.6. Council acts to continue works at abattoir 4.7 Aborigines win drilling halt 21.6. Corio abattoir 5.7. Complaints 23.6. Council to discuss abattoir 7.7. Visit to sites 26.6. Abattoir debate to continue 10.7. 'Get out of groove' for success 10.7. AbaCCoir rescue up to town clerk 11.7. Priest says boys beaten 10.7. 'Monumental task' to keep abattoir open 12.7. Aborigines in better health 11.7. Newcastle call for inquiry 12.7. Aborigines want national holiday 12.7. Maitland has low trading loss 12.7. An issue of conscience 13.7. Abattoir finance 12.7. Aboriginal heritage revered 13.7. Harmony key to abattoir success 13.7. Aboriginal week 14.7. Sell abattoir : Chadwick 17.7. Boy, 12, in lock-up 14.7. Abattoir executive supported 20.7. Black eyes filled with anger (Jan Mayman) Abattoir rescue plan presented 21.7. 21.7. Abattoir gets new scales 27.7. | Patsy's error was to be black 2.8. Talks today on fee rise 23.8. I Aborigine honoured 3.8. Abattoir fee help denied 24.8. I Fewer black babies die 13.8. Married meatworkers "earn less than dole" 30.81 Whites seek aboriginal treaty 20.8. Joint plan nears end 4.9. Hunter art admired 22.8. Coraraittee to bow out 5.9. Race hate inspired brawl 22.8. Delays 'killed' works 14.9. Priority given to aboriginal housing 25.8. Morris quits place 27.9. Police bashing alleged 27.8. $7043 loss at abattoir In week 11.10. Taree 'peace talks' 27.8. Full work resumes 20.10. Aborigines need new law centres 29.8. Lord Mayor at carcass judging 29.10. Taree police inquiry sought 29.8. Meat men leave abattoir group 10.12. Officer checks Taree complaints 30.8. Newcastle abattoir to stay open 14.12. Funds rejected 31.8. Changes in line-up at abattoir 18.12. Aborigines to have own project funds 3.9. State loan aid for Newcastle abattoir 19.12. Aboriginal treaty 4.9. Abattoir loan offer $340,000 20.12. Qld. In new row over Aborigines 4.9. Taree sees hope of new deal 4.9. ABORIGINES Aboriginal talks 6.9. 'More murders' after drinks 6.9. Black snub 2.1. The anguish of Taree 7.9. Aborigine plans U.N. protest 3.1. Behind the aboriginal health crisis 8.9. Racial ghetto lives on (In the steps of the No jobs 'because of sex change' 11.9. freedom riders) (P. Rae) 3.1. Aborigines 'sabotaging games' 4.10. Aborigines short of money (In Che steps of the Liquor a snag to Aborigines 12.10. freedora riders) (P. Rae) 4.1. N.T. land grant to Aborigines 12.10. Abandoned school a monument to aborigines lost Study awards closing 13.10. hope (In the steps of the freedom riders) 5.1. Grassby asked to enter dispute 22.10. A passive genocide (Leader) 8.1. Inquiry request 28.11. Racism has many faces (In the steps of the Grim report on health 6.12. freedom riders) (P. Rae) 8.1. ICmas joy for aborigines 6.12. Minister on first visit 13.1. Dreamtlme in 1979 style 21.12. $20,000m claimed 17.1. Qld. Premier like Marie Antoinette 26.12. Aboriginal life comes to light (Jennifer Byrne) N.T. tribal land case fails 28.12. 20.1. Aboriginal land deal halted 22.1. ABORTIONS Academic wants aboriginal history In schools 29.1. Abortion move 6.3. Office tent for M.P.s 2.2. Benefits for abortions face free vote 17.3. N.T. blacks ban whites on land 7.2. Cardinal urges vote to curb abortion 20.3. Aborigines seek legal branch 9.2. M.P.'s work on abortion vote compromise 21.3 A button to close the gap 16.2. Abortion vote Issues 21.3. Boundaries changes In N.T. 'dirty' 8.3. Vote today on Lusher abortion motion 22.3. Land rights "a source of problems" 14.3. House votes for abortion payments 23.3. Bid to get paintings falls 16.3. Abortion rate puzzle 28.3. N.T. Amendment halts dispute 19.3. Babies In the 'selfish society' (L. Richards) Clhurches attack aboriginal report 20.3. 3.4. Office Chreat 20.3. No birth change law In S.A. 20.6. Aboriginal Ill-health causes concern 21.3. Abortion charges checked (Qld.) 5.9. Keeping the aboriginal Identity Intact for Aborigines by Sen. Chaney 21.3. ACCIDENTS AND FATALITIES Matters of dissension reply Co above (P. Rea) 21.3. Boy saved from death in drain 1.1. A.L.P. move for Arukun control 20.3. Police aid finger surgery 1.1. Denials of self-determination by John Heath Youth, 17, shot 1.1. 27.3. Farmer killed 2.1. Ayers Rock land claim hearing opens 3.4. 2 injured in cliff falls 2.1. , Learning the crafts of Arukun 3.4. Boy swept along storm tunnel 3.1. N.M.H. INDEX 1979


Naval aid for injured man 3.3. Snake ignored as victira treated 3.1. Surgeons rejoin hand 17.5. Rifle bullet hits girl, 17 5.1. Peter happy with his old hand 18.5. Scientist hurt 5.1. Explosive in casing 'caused barge deaths' Ant rctic rescue today 8.1. 17.7. Spider bite victira dies 8.1. Clearing process queried 18.7. Coroner uncertain over placement of explosive Rush to HobarC (Macquarie Is.) 9.1. ScienCisC loses leg 11.1. 19.7. Hoc phone 22.1. A future well in hand 4.8. Girl, 9, died of burns after wax 26.1. Accident in tunnel 12.10. Bee sting 31.1. Driver injured in forklift accident 18.10. Man dies in B.H.P. forklift accident 3.12. Boy in drain (Wollongong) 3.2. Bee victira dies 3.2. Factory explosion injures six 11.12. 4 fingers sewn on (Vic.) 10.2. 2 visitors hurt in cliff falls 12.2. ADOPTION Man electrocuted by 'live' downplpe 13.2. Soldier killed (N.Z.) 13.2. New adoption law introduced 14.4. Fall victim still in serious condition 13.2. Adoption inquiry 12.10. Green-ant prank distresses boy 15.2. Jigsaw must go, says Minister 19.10. Buildings holed-out in one 15.2. Mothers in search of their children 1.12. Adoption warning on Kampucheans 17.12. No action over ant prank 16.2. Woman's bush ordeal 19.2. Bush ordeal 'a mystery' 20.2. ADULT EDUCATION Noose prank raay have caused brain daraage 20.2. Young hanging prank victira recovers 22.2. Directory lists adulC courses 19.2. Broken bones in Army display 26.2. Adult reading classes 15.3. Dead raan's alcohol level highest recalled 2.3. Literacy success 'only a start' 19.3. if disaster occurs...(Paul Rea) 2.3. New courses prove popular 3.6. Boy bitten - (blue ringed octopus) 3.3. Classes approved for old chambers 7.7. Bushwalker injured 27.3. Education courses for adult 30.8. Bit 'touched live wire' 6.4. Cut in funds death knell for literacy program Speargun incident 9.4. 25.9. 9-HR crawl to escape raeat-ant bites 10.4. TAFE assumes control of literacy classes 6.10. Injured man rescued 14.4. 10 hurt in Big Dipper crash 17.4. ADVERTISING Displaced plate 'caused' dipper accident 18.4. Deaths 'accidental' 20.4. Newcastle asked to join smoking ban 6.1. Bushwalker falls to death (Sydney) 23.4. Licensee of Star asked to explain 9.2. Grandstand collapses (Ulmarra) 23.4. Fizzgigs making us look like galahs 7.3. Asthma victim saved (Nth. Head) 25.4. Games aid a bonanza for voucher firm 18.5. Injured boy in cliff rescue (Carrington Falls) Alcohol ads get new code 10.7. 26.4. Do advertizers care for kids 30.8. Children's accidents to be surveyed 27.4, 'Blasphemy' that fails to offend 15.9. Woman shot, youth on wound charge 4.5. Controls on advertising 10.10. Man dies in gun accident (Vic.) 14.5. T.V. ad ban for young viewers 31.10. Skydive woman dies 14.5. Child T.V. ad cuts likely 5.12. Home hazards 'can be reduced' 17.5. T.V. award 5.12, Youth breaks legs in fall 21.5. 7 rescued on mountains 5.6. AGED PEOPLE strikes boys 8.6. Big tank tumbles crane 8.6. Erina gets hostel for aged 13.1. Stuntman paralysed in leap 11.6. Aged to get units in heart of city 18.1. Scientist killed in rock fall 12.6. Churches add 21 self-care uniCs 20.1. Roof fall kills man 30.6. Granny or Pa for adoption 12.3. Log crushes man 30.6. 800 at senior citizens picnic 13.3. 'Cubby house' death 3.7. InfanCs entertain aged 15.3. Two falls fatal 13.7. Grants for 2 centres approved 16.3. Gas 'looked like Smoke' 16.7. Students entertain aged 17.3. Builder dies 16.7. 40-unit building opened at village 19.3. Pool death found accidental 27.7. Grant for senior citizens centre 21.3. Tree kills boy 6.8. Stump night for old miners 24.3. Police find skier's body 13.8. Day-care centre helps the aged 4.4. Student shot at school 23.8. Boost for holiday home 9.4. Parachutists Injured 27.8. Belmont senior citizens' centre approved 12.4, Parachutist stable 29.8. Ceremony completes project 14.5, Power shock kills man 3.9. Home units for aged 18.5. Ledge death 12.9. Aid Tate wins seniors post 31.5. Central Coast 'disaster' a success 14.9. New life from a news letter 6.6. Ski-lift operator dies 17.9. $5«nchurch horaes at Belmont 27.6. Drink 'cause of water deaths 27.9. Search for top senior citizen 11.7. Children learn water safety 3.10. Housing 12.7. Gas hits 11 in store at Maitland 9.10. Popularity not to be sneezed at 18.7. Man rescued in harbour 13.10. Centre costs estimate up 23.7. Three causes of death 19.10. Quest judging 7.8. Man shot at hotel 26.10. Mr. F. Purdue top senior citizen 9.8. FaCher finds son in fridge 30.10. Gosford units for aged 25.9, Woman bitten by redback spider 31.10. The loneliness of old women 9.10. Boy's brush with snake 31.10. Masonic village to get hostel-type units 9.10, No brain daraage 31.10. $26,000 aid for centre 12.10. Horae safety 'ignored' 3.11. March start for $181,000 units 26.11. Those accident prone children (P.Rea) 3.11. Belmont grant 26.11. Two divers safe after air supply accident 5.11 Centre for citizens 4.12. Death an accident 30.11. Aged horaes Cenders called 6.12. Boy's foot caught in escalator 8.12. Footballer improves 8.12. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES

ACCIDENTS AND FATALITIES - INDUSTRIAL Tocal enrolment record 142 10.2. Tocal to hold open day for Farmlink 21.3. Injured rigger flown to Sydney 8.3. 800 take buses to Tocal 26.3. Drilling rod blast takes 4 lives 10.3. Tocal graduates "in demand' 30.4. Dredge job goes on in spite of tragedy 10.3. Farmers course 8.10. Dredge victim's funeral today 12.3. Livestock man to speak at Tocal 8.11. 300 mourn Gemini victim 13.3. Gemini Injured improve 15.3. AGRICULTURE -bin collapse kills truck driver 16.3. Union 'blocked death witness' 24.3. Farm Income 12. 1. Pen jabbed in cut artery 2.4. Farmers 'musC adapt' 20.8. Man's hand severed in accident 2.4, New cattle officer 13.10. Operation waic 3,4, Farm use forecast 19.10. Coraalco furnace explosion kills 1 injures 4 Static farm income forecast 24.10. _l6^AJian stuck in chimney 25,4 T^hCer rein og/laciiiersMum ' loans 26.10. N.M.H. INDEX 1979


Kikuyu grass grows Co favour from a small Gove move on H.V. Smelter 11.6. beginning 29. 12. Nabalco preserves position 12.6. PesCicide Co fighC Cussock grass 29.12. Alumax turns to Farley 13.6. Alumax gains six-month option 14.6. AIRPORTS $500m Alcoa smelter 14.6. Aluminium smelter power talks continue 16.6. Tarro airport project starts soon 10.1, Alcoa Smelter 'largest' 18.6. Landa holds 'last hope for Tarro' 11,1, More sites bid for aluminium projects 18.6. Airport 'threatens trot centre' 12,1, Soil tests for Nabalco smelter to begin 27.6. Dept, will study 'danger airports' list 12,1. Lake site possible for smelter : council 29.6 Airport path 'avoids cenCre' 13,1, Alumax chiefs to sites 5.7. AirporC fracas (Leader) 13,1. Fluoride pollution level from smelters causes PeCition bears over 400 names 17.1. concern 5.7. Tarro airport plan faces new threat 2.2. Kurri Smelter outpuC Co rise 7.7. AirporC end 'noC final' 10.2. Firmer sCand on aluminium proposals 18.7, 'No plan' Co extend runway 14.2. Smelter plan close 24,7, Tarro decision postponed 14.2. Equity rule may ease for smelters : Wran Tarro airport : the case for an aviation 26,7, focal point (Michael Gill) 15.2. Alcan has plans for 2 plants 3,8, Airport men sought sale 15.2. Smelter partnership denied 4,8, Clergy resist airport gag attempt 17.2. Comalco lifts profit 117. 8,8. On-site Tarro conference 21.2. Power pricing defended 14.8. Tarro residents angry at airport 'snow job' Aluralniura smelting capacity competitive 15.8. (Michael Gill) 26.2. Smelter move attacked 17.8. Job offer alleged for airport help 2.3. Aluminium multiplier 17.8. Directors reply to Jones, M.L.A. 3.3. Tomago 'ideal' smelter site 18.8- Jones noC Co proceed wich Tarro action 8.3. Land sharks are out 18.8. Airport change 'not credible' 9.3. CSR aluminium plans may have run out of power Tarro airporC concroversy exCends Co Federal 20.8. level 13.3. Wran, CSR talk on smelter 23.8. AirporC faces green ban ChreaC 6.4. Early Gladstone smelter start 28.8. Valley airporC hope aC club scrip 9.4. Alumax hopes to give jobs to 1000 in Hunter New blockade planned 10.4. 18.9. Group Co seek airport ban 11.4. Road freight for smelters inconceivable : Airport costs will not be met 11.4. Journalist 19.9. T.H.C. to aid residents at Pelican 13.4. Equity query on smelters 19.9. Test for 'quietest' airliner 23.4 Smelters hit coal-land bind 20.9. 'Lives risked' in fire service cost-cutting Farley site for Alumax 27.9. 24.4. Pollution fears groundless : Aluraax 5.10. 'No move' to exCend airsCrip 24.4. Prescription for good relations 6.10. All eyes on DASH-7 as Pelican dispute grows Plant talks held 6.10. (Graeme Thomas) 28.4. Williamtown top smelter prospect 11.10. Tarro airstrip benefit: Nixon 14.5. Williamtown's 'yes' to Smelter 19.10. Mayoral blast 18.5. Hunter to produce 45% of Aust. Aluminium Highway traffic 'noisy as aircraft' 25.5. output 25.10. Protest cars block airport 28.5. Rally hits Farley plan 30.10. Heliport rescission move 30.5. Farley land-use study wanted before smelter Airstrip noise 'tested at wrong time' 6.7. 1.11. Airport landscape plan submitted 25.7. Support for HunCer pollution control 2.11. Release airporC report : Wran 11.8. SmelCer site not known : U.S. chief 2.11. Cheap fare Co end 17.8. Anti-smelter uproar 8.11. 'Lives in danger' at main airporCs 22.8. CSR may join in valley smelter project 9.11. Tarro claim possible 23.8. Smelter petition 9.11. Tarro airport rejected 24.8. Petition to Wran rejects smelter 14.11. Cessnock 'takes off' for an aerial industry Smelter forum to be sought 15.11. boom 28.8. Smelter row 'alarmist tactics' 16.11. Tarro claim 8.9. Air tests set at vineyard 16.11. $100,000 airport claims planned 12.9. Smelter for Tomago 26.11. Tarro compo 'State bill' 20.10. B.H.P. joins Alumax 29.11. Aerodrome fees 'unfair' 30.10. Smelters forum planned 1.12 Airport boost support 10.11 B.H.P. - Alumax link is region's gain 3.12. Airport group gets support 14.11. Aluminium outlook 'more promising' 6.12. Talks on Tarro 14.11. Gauge for smelter 7.12. New airport sought 19.12. Strict rules to Tomago smelter 8.12. Criticism of Landa over airport 22.12. Smelter site (Leader) 8.12. Prospect site backed 21.12. Uren hits industry growth 12.12. Decision soon on drome 27.12. Aluminium warning 14.12. Council 'unaware' of airport development 28.12 Comalco prices up 11% 15.12. Aerodrome 'nearly ready' 29.12. An apalling proposition (Leader) 18.12. Alcoa lifts aluminium prices up to 11.3% ALUMINIUM 19.12. Comalco buys into Malaysian firm 21.12. Qld. to get Smelter soon 13.1. Smelter attracts Yen 13.1. AMALGAMATED METAL WORKERS AND SHIPWRIGHTS French to inspect smelter site 25.2 UNION Smelter welcome at Lochinvar 3.2. U.S. group to look at smelter site 6.2. Metal award 21.2. Island 'not best site for smelter' 19.2. Computer age disruptive 14.3. Smelter study to go ahead 2.3. 120 jobs at risk In union power wrangle 17.3 Island Smelter 'Inadvisable' 10.3. Union's 'direct' line in computer age 21.3. New Kurri aluminium expected by July 15.3. Laws 'hinder efficiency of unions' 28.3. Newcastle doubt on Victorian smelter 5.4. Singapore to gain oil drill orders 2.4. Comalco to Increase prices 13.4. Protest against inquiry into sacking 24.4. $500m Smelter and more may follow 20.4. Union to consider lifting work bans 27.4 A giant leap forward 20.4. AMWSU official loses vital ballot 10.5 Smelter plan gets good response 20.4. AMWSU tickets for Domino men 14.5. $40ra boost to smelter extension 20.4. Defeat throws doubt on metal unions' action Australia gets huge aluminium boost 21.4. 16.5. Alumax chose smelter site in March 23.4. Union begins court action 1.8. Skilled Smelter workers scarce 24.4. I.R.B. case decision reserved 2.8. Alumax site tests begin 24.4. An overload of unions (Editorial) 3.8. A sentimental side to $45m 1.5. Mining meeting 1.9. Alumax 'poses no threat' 4.5. No legal lines set for smelter : Kidd 4.5. AMBULANCES Shell group shows interest in smelter proposal;! 8.5. Ambulance fund aembers grow 31.1. H.V. smelter decision soon 23.5. Classes on first aid to begin 7.2. Smelter danger to health 29.5. Traffic case put off again 7.3. Confidence In on smelters 9.6 Ambulance site sought 10.3. 3rilHlLet prtan raiaoatno » itu'vriitn'^jridd e fears 9.6 N.M.H. INDEX 1979


Three gain ambulance awards 28.3. 'Buck passed' on dog problera 18.9. Ambulance officer demoted 4.4. Animal rule upheld 20.9. Ambulance honours 16.5. Wildlife plunder in the Gulf 6.10. New station 4.6, Miniature pup 11.10. Wallsend wins aid title 11,6, Freak accident kills fillies 12.10. Ambulancemen get new uniform 29,8, Hound show 'a first' 16.10. Rescue aid 24,9, Spot fines 19.10. Scate to spend $3.5m 4.10. Surrogate mother wins dog fight 18.10. Hunter ambulance overtime bill hits $1000 a Harrier wins show 22.10. day 17.10. Families 'kidding around' 22.10. The wastage of delay (Leader) 18.10. A bite for breakfast 23.10. Ambulance boost 18.10. Stock infection Tasmania meat trade 24.10. 10raci-c men for Co-i<=t rervlre 19.10. Tasmania stock export ban to fight pig disease^ 9 girls win top award 23.10. 25.10. Ambulance awards 5.11. Disease farra buildings burnt 26.10. Open, crash, go.' 1.12. Baits laid for Tas. wildlife 27.10. Ambulance rates, conCribuCion fees to rise Foot and mouth is unlikely : Nixon 29.10. 4.12. Snappy guest 31.10. Honor guard 12.12. Turning fido into a Blimp 8. 11. Bikie Ben, back-seat backer 28.11. FlrsC aid class results 13.12. Precious Pearl's extra double 29.11 T.V. pilot for airing 29.11. ANANDA MARGA Mystery virus hits valley trotters 1.12. Toads hop onto fashion scene 3. 12. Jail vlsiCs 13. 1. 25ra python stretches belief 4.12. No visics 16.1. Feeding tirae antics popular with visitors Jail visic talks 17.1. 27.12. Order defied 18.1. Birds aC horae in petroe 28.12. Ananda move 20.1. Jail for sect trio 9,8. APPRENTICES Sect plans death fasC 13.8. ANIMALS AND BIRDS Apprentice warning 17.1. The vanishing skills 23.1. CabineC argue on Dog AcC proposals 16.1. Apprenticeships at atomic energy centre open Dog control (Leader) 17.1. 10.2. Birds losing their habitat (Paul Rea) 17.1 Elisen - a 'spark' in a male world 16.2 Industries are taking over (Paul Rea. Pt. 2) I 8ll ' Building apprenticeships, sought with Honey suckles pups 20.1. 'kick-backs' 26.3. (Instinct' keeps gun from Guru 23.1. Only one new spark in auto-electrical world Animal justice 24.1. 29.3. Huskle's work is never done 5 ,2. Builders lose pay fight 3.4. Hard tiraes for Britain's birds 8.2. Decision on wages 'costs jobs' 4.4. R.S.P.CA. silent on pet 9.2. Crafter of the year chosen 11.4. Inquiry into cat sale 10.2. Training gap 23.4, Cat probably destroyed 12.2. Top apprentice chosen 3,5, Looking up to Scobie 27.2. B,H.P. offers more apprenticeships 22.5. Scone yearling success 5.3. Trades intake increase moved 13.6. Sales aC Scone a success 5.3. 10 get jobs with board 27.6. Heelers coheeler-dealers 6.3. Valley fears lack of skills 27.6. Sherrle caC supped snake 12.3. Shortage of tradesmen worries director 4.7. Aid soughc for animal welfare 17.3. Warning on future work 6.7. $50,000 for houses aC Scone 20.3. Boilermaker is tops 2.10. SCock horses go on show 24. 3. Tradesmen lack seen 4.10. Foxes menu change stems rabbits 2.4, No adult Craining 9.10. Animal deaths' pave way to vanity 17.4. More jobs for young 13.10. Ecologlsts look in vain for Dolphins 18.4. Dungog man Cop apprentice 16.10. Forests 'will be finished in 8 years 18.4, Trainee aid planning 19.10. Colt fetches $55,000 at yearling sales 18.4. Region to gain 60 apprentices 27.10. Smith outlays $218,000 at yearling sale 19.4 Metal trades adopt training scheme 3.11. Dog ChaC killed baby geCs reprieve 23.4. Future doesn't look bright 6.11. Killer dog destroyed 24.4. M.B.A. club prize 7.11. TrlpleC calves 'exCraordlnary' 4.5. Girl apprentices may be needed 12.11. Concern over dingo rampage 9.5. Young support metal plan 18.12. PeC sheep mauled in aCCack by dogs 9.5. Apprentices want jobs 19.12. Dog treks 3200km to old home 14.5. takes to bathtub 14.5. ARBITRATION Another 2 dingo atCacks reporCed 16.5. Dog attacks reports upset pet-lovers 16.5. solicitor criticised 20.4. MosC dog attacks at night 18.5. Bjelke moves to beat pro-union Judgements A hard acC Co swallow 28.5. 24.4. 'ExCincC' parroc sighCed 6.6. Unions must accept court : Fraser 11.7. Council worried by dogs 6.6. Conciliation raeeting ignored 7.8. Pupils' precious pets savaged by dogs 8.6. Arbitration body increase possible 13.8. Pony judges' school 26.6. Arbitration body increase possible 13.11. Quest for a gifc horse fiC to carry the Royal Commissioner 28.12. race silks 29.5. Rabbit farm proposed 29.6. ARCHEOLOGY Sweater helps Tiny 29.6. Fear for cats 10.7. Aboriginal life comes to light 20.1. Ancient whale fossils found 18.7. Experts find relics in black campsite 3.5. Sam goes home again 19.7. Fire custom theory backs Aborigines 15.5. At end of her tether, a horse 20.7. Landscape was changed-expert 16.5. Advice astray 21.7. Police aid in dog fight 23.7. ART Kathy Koala is in good hands 24.7. Unkind cut for stray dogs 25.7. $900 prize money 24.2. Sangster outbid on yearling 27.7. Bowmore in private sale talks 28.2. Poison kills 2 pets 27.7. Forraer steel executive returns with palntine Tougher laws face dog owners 4.8. 6.3. *^ New dog laws 'hard to police' 7.8. Moods of time 6c nature 10.3. 2 appear on bird charges 16.8. $880 repairs for sculpture 21.3, Pigeon club refused aid 16.8. Contest carries $2200 prize Doggy-do and how it will cost you 21,8. Realists drive to distraction 19,5, Earth's biggest animal was six storeys high Spain sees Picasso's erotica 29,5, 22.8. European flavour in art work 19,6, Birthday party for roos 3.9. Ujve in desert fires art 20,6, Koala homes out In one at 10th tee 11.9 Anger at sick art 28,7. Charlie, 30, Is still sowing his wild oats Muswellbrook art show praised 30.7. 13.9. Hunter art admired 22.8. N.M.H. INDEX 5. 1979

ART (Cont) ARTS. AND CRAFTS (Cont) ;

Artists' award (Era Dangerfield; Ray Walsh) The ancient art of glass blowing 10.8. 27.8. Softly glazed stone pots 3.10. Wind work back soon 30.8. Pots for all seasons 8.10. ' SculpCure show In plaza 5.9. Dobell group buys fire station 6.10. Sculptress puts power Into her works 6.9. Persian carpet show 17.10. . Prizes up for R.T. arc show 13.9. Old centre, new use 26.10. t Tribal arC 15.9. Spring fair opens soon 31.10. Very rare arc for sale 21.9. 'Argyle Arts Centre' plan for bond store 19.12. Annual arC show nexC week 5.10. Arts centre plans get under way 22.12. AncienC arc to go on show 20.10. Art in retrospect 3.11. ASBESTOS ; Exhibit to open 13.11. $2m grants for arts 28.11. Vic. ALP moves to ban asbestos 2.4. ' B.H.P. offers city sculpture for anniversary Death in the dust dooms Cown 25.6. 6.12. Asbestos ban at B.H.P. Sculpture gift (Leader) 6.12. Asbestos 'risks remain' 12.9. Nolan's raentor does a deal 12.12. Asbescos, a clouded lining 13.9. Sculpture accepted 13.12. Mill 'Co SCop' dusC 9.10. A frame that 'could not be built' 19.12. Woman loses mine claim 11.10. The woman who has lose a battle and will soon ART GALLERIES lose her life (Joan Joosten) 27.10. Asbestos in school hall to be sealed 9.11. Gallery has year of growth 1.1. Asbestos In hall covering with plastic 10.11. A nation's art on show 26.1. Palestine war sketches display 31.1. ASTRONOMY Exhibition successful in Sydney 7.2. Lambert sketches emotional, historical 9.2. 1978 had many surprises in space 3.1. W.W.I, veterans aid Dudley artist 13.3. 2 burnt-out stars help scientists 5.2. Artist-author finds freedom in Balinese Telescope 'one of the finest' 5.2. culture 13.3. Lunar eclipse due on March 14. 28.2. Potter has work in all major collections 14.3. N.S.W. telescope finds gigantic 'star-eater' An eye on the crowd 2.4. 7.3. Print group holds first show 7.4. lo's volcanoes stun astronomers 4.4. Art group's anniversary 10.4. Physicists provide important link 24.4. $3000 Homer for Gallery 11.4. A satellite's legacy 2.5. Art foundation's purchase viewed 12.4. Venus, Mars overshadow Earth 30.5. Aid for gallery and museums 19.4. Pioneer continues lonely flight 4.7. Gallery finances brighten up 1.5. Metal came from Alcan not Skylab 1.8. Tourist gave artist start 2.5. Eclipse of moon 29.8. Etchings take oriental slant 7.5. Pioneer meets Saturn 3.9. Gallery wing closes 14.5. (Eclipse of the moon) 7.9. Artists to lecture 23.5. Telescope's success justifies 'little brother' Region Gallery shows 1.6. 4.10. Display of Hunter photos 2.6. The galaxy debate 31.10. Art lecture on work attitude 19.6. Revering the stars 3.12. Canberra Influence shows 27.6. Poet to open exhibition 29.6. ATHLETICS Exotic animals reflect shadings of the bush 2.7. Moorcroft favourite for 3000M 2.1. Chinese art show at bank 4.7. Runners aprove games surface 3.1. Teacher's art on show 4.7. Top aChleCes arriving 5.1. An exhibition to assess Norman Lindsay's art SprinCer's chance Co show class 6.1. 11.7. TighC finish dispute mars KB games 8.1. Lindsay show opened 13.7. Slot sets scorching pace 8.1. State drops art gift duty 19.7. City unworthy of best 8.1. 2-woman show at Cooks Hill 31.7. Modest Quarrle will quit after Moscow 9.1. Acclaimed weavings 31.7. Olympians clash again 11.1. Navajo blankets strong, vital 4.8. Records go at games 12.1. Bright Cooks Hill show 4.8. Walker strong as ever 16.1. Looking at life through a window 13.8. Athletics to benefit by sponsor 18.1. Gallery given screen print 27.8. Top athletes at Kotara 18.1. Private art on display 30.8. Strong squad in athletics bid 24.1. Survey shows ceramic skill 5.9. New high for Newcastle girl 29.1. Gallery show 12.9. Jumper turned sprinter 1.2. Gallery bid deferred 19.9. Relays assure close finishes 7.2. Ceramic art on show soon 19.9. Myers park at top 10.2. Show first for city 25.9. Morgan in top form 16.2. Ceramics display has-a lot to say 26.9. Discus champion leads north 23.2 Southern conservatives 8.10. Hurdler on top again 25.2. Protection needed 15.10. Surprise in store 1.3. Donor adds to city art exhibits 15.10. Athletics club for veterans 16.3. Kinetic art exhibition 17.10. Cross country season starts 28.3. Muswellbrook art director sought 27.10 Distance runners busy 14.4. A score of foreshores 27.10. Students' distance claira 21.4. For art's sake, no sacrifice is too great 1.11 Veteran athletics 28.4. Artistic coups for two buffs 5.11. Rivals to meet in 8km run 3.5. Printmaking on show 12.11. Marathon race to Australian 3.5. Foreshore art on show at gallery 24.11. University athletes do well 12.6. Art exhibitions 5.12. Keen struggle for pentathlon berths 13.6. Gallery dinner 10.12. Booth picked for European tour 14.6. Briton takes track by storm 19.7. ARTS AND CRAFTS Endurance race tests soldiers 14.8. Athletes to shine in opener 4.9. Grant launches crafts plan 13.1, Jurap as athletics highlight 19.9. Community arts centre proposal deferred 1.2. Hodgens wins sprint 24.9. Sketches of art on view 28.2. Pre-olympics for Canberra 26.9. Entrance has new market 10.3. Athlete, 17, dominates 17.10. Dobell festival opens 17.3. Olympic amateur status at stake 10.11. Rare glass & shoe buckles 30.3. Applonia wins hearts and medals 16.11. Making quilts in the old style 26.4. Relay team excels at state titles 4.12. Forum to discuss Lake arts centre 1.5. Athletics title at weekend 8.12. 60 attend Lake arts centre meeting 3.5. Records go in branch athletics 11.12. Old chamber to be arts centre 4.5. Restrained glazes on practical pottery 7.5. AUSTRALIA Arts centre may be established 24.5. Impressive function 17.7. Australian families enjoy the good life 19.1. Craft festival planned for Gloucester 17.7. Australia Day - what the holiday is all about Terrace benefit show 3.8. 26.1. Unified approach in stoneware 6.8. Australia Day (Leader) 30.1. N.M.H. INDEX 1979


Australia free by 2000 6.3. $9m bill for defence order 21.8. Whitlam sees Republic by century's end 6.3. Defence costs (Leader) 21.8. A call to the ANZACS (Leader) 4.8. Defence costs criticised 19.9. The hazing of a marvellous vision 25.8. Defence losses horrific : labor 25.9. Time to take stock (Leader) 1.9. Mapping the Jungle 15.10. How Aust. can get back on the track 1.9. P.M. sees exercise 22.10. Committee for Aust. Day 14.9. League warns of 'threats' 13.11. Church leader urges Asian links 25.9. Call to the colours 29.11. MinisCers predict 'boom' future 23.10. Services academy criticised 10. 12. Aussies 'in paradise' 31.10. Scattering the defence dollar (Leader) 21.12. Meeting to proraoCe North 3.11. Miller ran up $65,775 phone bill 14.11. AUSTRALIA - DIPLOMATIC AND CONSULAR DisCrusC of decade ahead 28.12. A decade of Curmoil 31.12. Paid leave for staff 1.1. Australia tells half staff to return 4.1. AUSTRALIA - AIR FORCE RAAF to fly staff frora Tehran 6.1. New overseas posting 10.2. R.A.A.F. faces aircraft cuts 13.1. 'Ambassador' visits city 24.4. Singapore pilot wants closer liason 6.2. Poison tests after diplomat ill 17.5. JeC participation Justified 28.2. Australian diplomat in surprise resignation RAAF to display its wares 23.3. 19.6. RAAF given model boats 5.4. Diplomat to publish book 20.6. 'No sraell' at RAAF base 25.4. Foreign posts checked by P.M. 21.7. Top aircraft listed 30.4. Dear Jimmy...as 1 was saying 18.8. RAAF opCion in US doubt 16.5. African views unreal 22.8. Pilot wins trophy 4.6 Islands post for diplomat 30.8. Big boss no. 2 : the air force 6.6. Top jobs decided 3.9. RAAF to tackle Darwin regatta 9.6. Ambassador to U.S. naraed 4.9. Airman packs chute for wife 11.6. Denial on envoy job 14.11. Aircraft sale statement wanted 30.6. RAAF pilot's happy landing 7.7. AUSTRALIA - ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL Skyhawks touch down 17.7. RAAF stars in bight 19.7. Fraser warns of tough action on inflation 1.1 RAAF guard-dogs hang about for rescue work Consumer demand down for November 4.1. 4.8. Problems in economic progress 4.1. Flying welcome for U.S. pilots 4.8. IMF gives $82.6m in SDRs. Aircraft search nearing end 6.8. Government rejects disaster scheme 19.1. Mirage fleet grounded 9.8. Hayden calls for end to 'Brutal' approach 23.1 Rescue alert as balloon lands 17.8. Howard rules out budget revision 25.1. RAAF crew escapes F-lll crash 25.8. Fraser rules out strategy change 25.1. Team begins Fill inquiry 27.8. Minister gets $l.5m Independence 26.1. RAAF service 13.9. Economic strategy shaken 31.1. Air Force will remain 16.10. Budget hopes go wrong (Leader) 31.1. New fighter choice hint 19.10. Howard carries monetary can 7.2. French pot in bid for aircraft sales 27.10. Budget deficit imperfect guide : Robinson 9.2 Another firm enters mirage 'battle' 13.11. Public corporations face scrutiny 9.2. RAAF memories 14.11. Long-terra bond rate up to 9p.c. 12.2. $37.8m air and naval bases for north 14.12. States fight higher bond rates move 10.2. Fraser had to break pledge 10.2. AUSTRALIA - ARMY Treasurer rebuffs Wran's call for talks 13.2. Interest rates 13.2. Stretton aids officer 19.1. Investment allowance 'hit trade balance' 14.2 Major may face trial 3.2. 3 Swiss banks offer big loans 15.3. W.O. Dad gets lieut son jumping 8.2, Hayden promises growth 22,2. No court martial for army Major 15.2. 3 liberals cross floor i^p rowdy pension debate ANZAC reserves begin Merriwa exercise 26.2. 22.2, 800 in army exercise 3.3. Fraser predicts year of success 23,2. Army gets behind wheel 26.3. Mr. Fraser's hopes (Leader) 23.2. Reunion of 2 battalion planned 17.4. Fingers crossed on recovery signs 27.2. Army chief pays visit 4.5. Budget aims go awry (Leader) 3.3. Army women jump into male domain 7.5. M3 target abandoned 3.3. Wings for women army officers 17.5. Howard says tough policy works 7.3. Musicians in short supply in army 5.6. AusCralia again borrows from Swiss banks 13.3. Phillip's packing sent his wife jumping 7.7. Oil policy rips off Che motorist : Hayden 20.3. Drinking problem in army 29.8. $10m out of slush fund for V.I.P. aircraft 24.3. The verbal artists 10.9. Canberra sticks Co hard line on economic policy Army mounts attack on lakeside wrecks 11.9. 26.3. Plan for depot 15.9. 'Fiddle' in 707 deal alleged 26.3. Kangaroo III test for army signals 19.10. Farm products and GDP »ise 30.3. Army man charged 9.11. Tight rein on spending to stay : Fraser 3.4 Army officer 'a candidate' 18.12. Doubts on sustained economic recovery 4.4. Army officer guilty of misconduct 19.12. Minerals guidelines face axe 6.4. Mulling over the sarae econoraic ills 9.4, AUSTRALIA - DEFENCE Budget strategy warning 10.4. Interest rate decision soon 13.4. Defence review 23.1. increase to interest rates 13.4. Strategic review diversion : Labor 23.1. Interest rate sparks speculation 14 Australia on its own in a war : Admiral Austerity drive on way, warns Hayden 17,4, 2.2. Bankers find interest policy confusing 17.4 Africa force of 380 likely 10.2. A worrying silence (Leader) 18.4. Killen wins 2pc defence rise 14.2. Business scorn for interest rates 'Drift' 19.4. Cabinet divided on U.N. peace force 14.2. Keynesian theory still grips policy 19.4. Troop pledge to Namibia 21.2. Interest rate increase tipped 20.4. Defence forces alarm R.S.L. 26.2., $150m Increase in budget spending 23.4. Killen seeks boost for defence 1.3. Anthony firm on minerals policy 23.4. Review of defence structure urged 21.3. Interest up on bonds today 23.4. Tange hits at defence criticism 24.3. Fraser warns strikers 23.4 Defence to get $180m boost 30.3. Cabinet dampens fuse in minerals row 24.4. Defence policy under attack 3.4. Unions warn Fraser of confrontation; Govt. Defence under threat says engineer 19.4. action on strikes 24.4. Computer criticism nonsense : Killen. 20.4. ! Government learns lesson 24.4. Upgrading of defence urged 23.4. Anthony keeps export say 25.4. Defence paper ready for review 16.5. In need of guidance 28.4, Rifle range not to be fenced 28.5. Monetary package furore 28.4. Services 'need own training choice' 1.6. Anthony defends export policy 28.4. Academy decision 'affect on future' 5.6. P.M. moves to defuse row 30.4, RAAF men in 'sty' 7.6. Government forces wheat bills sale 30,4, Damages rights of armed forces restricted 8.6. Inflation fight urged* 1.5, Defence chief believes invasion 'unlikely' | Reserve bank will enforce bill move 1,5, ->=;•? 1 N.M.H. INDEX 7. 1979.


Wage restraint still needed, bank says 3.5. Australia, N.Z. 'Guilty of dual sCandards' Export clash 'caused split' 3.5. 13.10. Wheat board agrees to $300m loan 4.5. N.Z. talks look for new links l.ll, W.A. party head defends Anthony 5.5. Japan talks energy 1.11, Memorial trust 'Hypocritical' 16.5. Prince is Kampuchea's hope 8,11, Canberra residence proposal 'obscene' 19.5. Vietnam veteran to head Rhodesia ceasefire Major moves for revenue on way 23.5. force 7,12, Howard calls for extra fight against inflation Pol pot still recognised 8,12. 23.5. Rifles for ceasefire force 8,12, Fraser's $1000m national projects 29.5. Anti-trust concern 14,12, Wage policy hits real incomes 30.5. Canberra authorised Rhodesia watch 19,12, 'No let up' on spending cuts 30.5. Boycott lifted 19,12, Tax index fiddle alleged by ALP 31.5. Australia will back U,S. call for trade sanctions Howard says deficit may swell to $3500m 31.5. 24,12, Interest rate rise next year certain 31.5. Caution on Pacific 'unity' 27,12, • Concern on index figures 1.6. Changes to plant allowance scheme 4.6. AUSTRALIA - HISTORY i Inflation rate 'Che principal objecCive 6.6. Deficic climbs to $4010ra during raay 8.6. First Fleet re-enactment plan launched 22,1, Health system change hits pensioners 11.6. Prepare Bi-cetenary now, urges Sir Asher 27,1 Softer minerals policy tipped 12.6. Phillip beats the gun at new landing 29,1, Mineral export conCrol sCays 13.6. Reliving Che rioC of SC, ValenCine Day 1916 Premiers win 13.6. 10,2, Fear for healch jobs 18.5. Discovery may alter island's history 10.2, Hospital beds and Jobs threatened 23.6. More details soughc on Jubilee fund 2,3, Canberra raay ease stand on hospitals 26.6. Memories of an old war 2,5. Preference scheme changed 26.6. Burke and Wills trek 20.7. Cabinet backs down over hospitals 27.6. Turmoil and cheer of Che 70s 22.12. 13,000 Jobs saved 28.6. Housing wait to double 3.7. AUSTRALIA - NAVY Funds policy attacked 16.7. H.L.I.e. up for sale 19.7. SenaCor fires on frigaCes 5.1. Fund of pride 21.7. Frigates sail into trouble (Leader) 5.1. Budget figures not political Howard 1.8. Destroyer to make five-day visit 24.1. Joint trade list boost 9.8. New flag officer 27.1. Poor growth forecast 9.8. RAN ship gets push-buCCon sCart 2.2. Policy to sell : Howard 10.8. Navy ships head for Newcastle 13.2. Money controls 'must ease' 10.8. Bases for navy to cost $26ra 24,3, Federal spending up 15.8. Control of frigate order 'careless' 28,3, Equal access urged to caplCal markeC 15.8. N.Z. navy frigate to visit city 28.3. PaymenCs deficit 16.8. Navy defuses bomb 2.4. $2m more to be spent for next election 29.8. U.S. ship due in today 3.4. 1 in 2 trips 30.8. Hospitality impresses sailors 4.4. Standards cut, says Hayden 30.8. Snapped line injures 8 sailors 4.4. Foreign benefit (Leader) 3.9. U.S. crew gives girls a party 6.4. A.L.P. deficit $4000m : Fraser 12.9. Naval accidents cost $2.6m 24.5. Question on payraents 19.9. $180m plan to improve RAN base 21.6. Capital outflow rises 12.10. Sailors face charges 3.7. Concession for luxury cars 18.10. R.A.N, sailors on thefc charges 1.8. Taxes hit travel 2.11. Fish boaC 'plundered' 11.8. ANZ criticises federal role 5.11. 2 sailors fined 18.8. IMF grants $27m loan 7.11. Carrier does its own T.V. thing 23.8. Fiscal policy 'on the rocks' 8.11. Tobruk launch date set 29.8. Deficit up to $2599m Big wave sweeps navy man away 1.9. Interest rise ruled out 16.11. Officer faces assault charge 4.9. Federal rail 'Gift pack' for states 5.12. Officer 'told how to beat' 5.9. Fraser optimistic for nation in '80s 6.12. Be in it, says the navy 6.9. Treasury note sale 10.12. Naval officer dismissed 8.9. Deficit up $717m 13.12. Navy ship arrives 8.9. Total money supply stays in line with Officer 'Cold Co Cake currency 19.9. federal policy 29.12. Fishing boat sexCant 'in tip' 21.9. Fund 'Vital for recovery' 31.12. Evidence of theft dubious, says QC 26.9. Navy dismisses adroit officer 27.9. AUSTRALIA - FOREIGN AFFAIRS Navy ship near completion 1.11. U.S. warship's first visit 2.11. Normal relations inevitable 10.1. Sailors kept busy 3.11. P.M. orders strategy review 22.1. Frigate leaves 9.11. Peacock warns of threat to world peace 10.2. U.S. sailors adrift 13.11. Border talks begin today 14.2. Navy seeking recruits 14.11. Peacock pleads for peace 14.2. Naval base no war risk to Sydney 6.12. Timor takeover recognised 15.2. Naval works plan 12.12. Balance needed (Leader) 15.2. International Influence (Leader) 28.2. AUSTRALIA - PARLIAMENT World crises 'Threaten Australia' 28.2. Peacock slaps at U.S. in policy speech 28.2. Balderdash in P.M.'s plea 2.1. Doubts cast on contingent for Nambia 2,3 Change urged 16.1. Fraser and Whitlam policies compared 12.4. Trade secrets threatened 17.1. Uranium 'gifts' suggested 11.4. Warning on medical records 22.1. Australia 'keeps links' 16.4. $250,000 "restraint" 23.1. Rhodesia centre closure pressed 17.4. $30m VIP fleet 'a scandal' Austria recognises Uganda regime 18.4. 'Give it a go' Fraser 29.1. Reports on closure of Rhodesian Information V.I.P. Jets 'cut' flights 29.1. centre criticised 24,4, Fraser gets an A.B.C. rerun 29.1. Fraser faces seal pup group 25,4, P.M. widens decision freedom of minister 5.2. Increased U.S. role in Asia sought 14,5. Backbench and Peacock a worry for Fraser 6.2. New Zimbabwe 'Fatal' for West 6.6, Checks urged on Statutory bodies 10. . Difference on Rhodesia 2,7, ABC wants Bill changed 16.2. Treaty action heard 11,7. Robinson's letter gives few clues 24.2. Minerals claim for the hague 14.7. Minister's shock resignation 23.2. Peacock meets ministers 24.7. Resignation blunder (Leader) 24.2. P.M. works to avoid Zimbabwe split 25.7. Robinson back as Minister 26.2. Fraser to tread a thin line 25.7. Criticism by Killen had Fraser worried 26.2. Double need (Leader) 27.7. M.P.'s gather for Robinson battle 27.2. PM's Africa warning 27.7. Still no word 27.2. 'Ignorance' attack 18.8. Some terseness with P.M. says Robinson 28.2. Australia and its region (Leader) 20.9. Family loans totalled $100,000 : Hamer 2.3. Fout-'year term (Leader) 20.9. Tamie defends father over loans 2.3. Assertion denied 20.9. Loan must be explained (Leader) Aid flights to continue 12.10. Fraser tells of link with Hamer 3.3. X Loan queries yield gold for opposition 5.3, N.M.H. INDEX 1979.


Beggs get large damage payout 8.3, Industrial Bill attacked 24.9. Loan to P.M.'s in-laws 'may be illegal' 8.3. P.M. will look at 4-year term 26.9. Biggs' girl protest 8.3. The Sinclair issue (Leader) 27,9. Speaker 'a non-party post' 8.3. Sinclair's future in doubt 27.9. Government M.P.'s hang on to trusts 9.3. Reports, signatures 'forged' 27.9. C.P. senator defects to Liberals 9.3. Sinclair replies to Flnnane accusations 3.10. A neutral voice 12.3. 12 summonses for Sinclair 9.10. VIP aircraft funding (Leader) 27.3. 'No foundation' in charges 9.10. 707s buy defended 27.3. House contest winners 10.10. Newman under attack on oil 'cover up' 28.3. Senator threatens to cross floor 10.10. New Bill over P.M.'s 707 cash 28.3. (Ganges attacked 10.10. P.M. defers debate on mineral policy 28.3. Arbitration Bill forced through 11.10. Ex-Senator 'lobbyist for firm' 28.3. P.M. denial 11.10. Judges plan scrapped 29. 3. Judge slates new law 12.10. VIP 707's 'to cost $37m' 29.3. The politics of the dole (Leader) 12.10. P.M. alleges tax deceit 29.3. Sir Billy calls for impartial speaker 12.10. Business man challenges police link 30.3. Judge's criticism astounds Street 13.10. Fraser's office selling his "dud" limousine A neutral voice 13.10. 30.3. Politicians 'bribed by criminals' 15.10. Miller 'was granted diplomatic status' 30.3. Staples talks sought 15.10. Sneddon rules out privilege breach 30.3. Arbitration Act changes to proceed 16.10. Viner gags department 4.4. Street admits Staples letter issued by Liberals accused of urban neglect 7.4. staff 17.10. P.M.'s portrait will be big 7.4. AIDC bill deferred 17.10. Union chief attacks M.P. 7.4. Urgent legislation talks 18.10. Staff limits criticised 17.4. Ex-brigadier's job defended 18.10. Contract clause to be deleted 17.4. Minister cleared of Hansard allegation 18.10. Opposition Leader slams P.M.'s policies 30.4. Lib Senator taps unions Bill 19.10. P.M.'S car to quiet buyer 2.5. Facts about Iran oil witheld : Wrledt 19.10. Federal lesson from the poll 8.5. A refusal to listen (Leader) 20.10. Daly may dally with Killen 9.5. We will challenge laws : Hayden 20.10. $13,960 to shift Kerr's belongings 10.5. Wider union ban law considered 20.10. Government backs wheat harvest 11.5. Snedden warns : 1975 raay recur 22.10. Back bench opinions welcome : Fraser 21.5. Less secrecy power urged 7.11. Barwick house rejected 23.5. MP misses telecasts 7.11. Winter recess put back 25.5. Parliament's 'Apalling bad manners' 13.11. Fraser placates back bench 28.5. Policy query about dairy body 26.11. Costly home away from home 30.5. Fraser says time not right 5.12. Lies headline causes uproar in Senate 30.5. A healthy shuffle 5.12. House fit for a $400m fling 30.5. Fourth Fraser ministry 8.12. M.P. crosses floor 31.5. Reshuffle 8.12. Government on the run 31.5. Energy boost, N.Z. posting in reshuffle 8.12. M.P.'s 'punch' apology 1.5. Fraser be-.ks new cabinet 10.12. M.P. presses for inquiry 5.6. PM 'claiming credit for efforts of others' Newman denies grant charge 6.6. 12.12. Sinclair's father linked to lost $%m 7.6. Fraser prefers Bowen or Keating for Labor MP Sinclair outlines business affairs 8.6. 15.1,2. A continuing controversy (Leader) 8.6. P.M. defends Sinclair In censure move 8.6. AUSTRALIA - PARLIAMENT - BUDGET Thankful end to Parliament 9.6. P.M. stops back bench flight exodus 11.6. Industry wants budget to promote exports 3.5. Animal goods import ban sought 11.6. Lib. backbenchers urge tax boost 11.5. Canberra wants industrial control 20.6. Guilfoyle moves on budget plan 14.5. Bjelke wants Grassby 'dipped' 20.6. Back bench divided on budget squeeze 17.5. New blow for Liberals in Grayndler by-election Big health cuts loom 21.5. 25.6. Tax surcharge pressure 21.5. Wran says changes needed 26.6. Health changes expected 24.5. Department head named 11.7. Liberals in renewed push 25.5. Trouble from the sidelines (Leader) 12.7. Howard speech ends in Labor uproar 25.5. Street attacks bans 18.7. Health package means costlier cover 25.5. P.M. sharpens attack on unions 23.7. Savings grant 'aid' to needy 25.5. More powers likely in Bill 24.7. Measures reaffirm inflation stand 25.5. Bowen lashes Fraser 25.7. Major cuts in primary aid made 25.5. Equity rule may ease for smelters : Wran 25.7 Budget hits tax, health rebate 25.5. Double need 27.7. Howard a brave man but- 25.5. Fraser's 'austere' $7m VIP jet takes off 27.7. The high cost of promises 25.5. The Cabinet hatchet falls to fall 30.7. Reactions to may mini-budget 26.5. Fraser losing favour 31.7. Plan to take retarded off neat 'Heartless' 26.5(, ALP attack against Sinclair grows 4.8. Fraser's inflation optimism fades 26.5. States divided on appeal 4.8. Chamber upset over 'budget' 26.5. Parliament site 'sacred' 8.8. Unions urged to act on 'budget' 28.5. P.M. stops for tow briefing 11.8. ALP hits out at autumn 'budget( 29.5. Confession well-researched 13.8. Ampol chief slates oil pricing policy 31.5. P.M. losing authority : Hayden 16.8. Dodges, dole raise deficit 7.7. Bjelke attacks Fraser 18.8. Oil may sooth budget 11.7. Government boosts P.R. machine 20.8. Change cut in tax 12.7, P.S.B. criticises Renouf 21.8. Early to rise means budget benefits 16,8. Stopping the rot (Leader) 18.8. Significant tax relief is budget forecast ALP attack on Sinclair poisonous 22.8. 20.8. Fraser's deal a failure 24.8. Benefits progress greeted 23.8. VIP costs rise 24.8. Low-tax government claim draws attack 23.8. When public servants go public 28.8. No pointer to an early poll 23.8. Sinclair attacked on funds 29.8. Johnny's funny money, or the budget's pea ALP refuses to use VIP flight to funeral 30.8. and thimble tax trick 24.8. Inquiry into Federal body 31.8. Maybe we should have been toughter - Fraser Unions face tough new powers 31.8. 25.8. 300 copies of suspects list out : Chipp 1.9. Howard defends budget 25.8. Sinclair defends ADC 1.9. 50,000 more jobs is Hayden's vow 28.8. A.D.I. SCandard 'high' 6.9. Unemployment rally target 28.8. M.P.'s angry at rejection 6.9. I Dealing with the wages wild card 29.8. Information Bill change sought 11.9. I Budget policy has historic precedent 29.8. Spring lifts Cabinet gloom 12.9. ! Budget a graveyard - ALP 29.8. Back bench gains Budget victory 13.9. I Budget anti-family - Hayden 29.8. Change 'need' 13.9. Parliament uproar : 'lies' punch threat 14.9. ' AUSTRALIA - PARLIAMENT - OVERSEAS AID (Juelling the Quangos a massive task 15.9. New move against unions 20,9. I Australia drops all aid to Vietnam 24.1.. Union bill outlined by Street 21,9. I Vietnam objects to aid cut 25,1. A dangerous law (Leader) 24.9. ; Increase in food aid 4,6, [ Pacific aid defendiud 6 f, N.M.H. INDEX 1979


P.M. rules out Vietnam aid 9,7. I Red faces on pay rises for M.P.'s 21.6. Timor's aid abused : Report 3.8. \ Federal M.P.'s get 4% pay rise plus wage Overseas aid rises 22.8. ; decision 21.6. Selective help (Leader) 23.8, The high-rise inequality 23.6. $200,000 aid for Timor 23.8, ! Kampuchea to get supplies 3, 10. j AUSTRALIA - VISITING PERSONALITIES Federal, state aid for starving 12.10. Timor help delayed by red tape 12.10. • Clay expect to visit 11.1, Misuse of Kampuchea aid supplies denied 13.10. Charles to visit in March 19,1, Emergency aid for Timor 2.11. Caves visit for royal couple 29,1. Call for report on famine 2.11. Royal couple in Canberra 5,2, $7m in aid likely 2.11. Tasmanian tour 8,2. Increased Asian aid proposed 5.11. Royal visit to Adelaide 10.2. Russians' sights on Indian ocean 7.3. AUSTRALIA - PARLIAMENT - OVERSEAS TRIPS • Tea and flies for Prince 22.3. Security alert for Royal visit 24.3. Doing nothing (Leader) l.l. Aust. 'should lead in resource use' 28.3. Jamaican talks lift P.M.'s morale l.l. A 'woof' surprises Prince 2.4. P.M. in U.S. for Carter raeeting 2.1. Chinese mail study begins 6.4. Fraser seeks Carter line on inflation 3.1. Ambassador Young expected soon 28.4. CarCer called hira Malcolm this time 4.1, Sch. Korean leader visiting 30.4. P.M. Criticises U.S. farra stand 5.1. Royal tours'parasiCical wanderings' 3.5. Fraser courts U.S. for recovery 6.1. Rhodesian poll cosmeCic : Young 9.5. Treasury head has bon voyage 8.1. Vance Co aCCend ANZUS Calks 10.5. U.S. eases Crade barriers, says Fraser 8.1. Young proraises blacks supporCs 11.5. A few gifCs (Leader) 9.1. [ Foreign professor on visiC 14.5. Fraser, Desai seek coramon objecCive 25.1. SovieC delegation to visit 19.5. NaCional oil bill could rise, says P.M. 26.1. Princess to visit 5.6 Oil from China hope 27.1. Coal deraand 'eases' 7.6 Science deal ends India-Calks 29.1. Pr. Anne to present awards 9.6. AusCralia in ore Calks 30.1. Difference on Rhodesia 2.7. P.M. sCranded on Ciger hunC 31.1. Getting nowhere 7.7. Fraser, Desal see 'useful role' 31.1. j Pr. Anne leaves for Fiji 9.7. Fraser pledge on merinos for India 1.2. 'Hatchet man' in Sydney 11.7. Opposieion aCCacks minisCers' Crips 2.2. Royal flush 21.7. Living with Asia. (Leader) 2.2. Japanese to see sugar industry 31.7. India farewells Mr. Fraser 2.2. Chinese to put nation on film 1.8. Fraser gives stern caution on inflation 3.2. Suharto visit 15.9. Beef, Alumina rise 'likely' 10.2.^ Different sort of doctor 31.10. Ministers' trips scandalous 23.2. Creation security 7.12. Australia's economy stronger 10.3. Anthony for U.S. talks 28.3. AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING COMMISSION China offers new markets : Anthony 10.4. Ministers on $3m travel spree : MP. 17.4. Television to reach the ouCback 31.1. Fraser offers uraniura 11.5. ALP move over ABC cuCs 12.3. Fraser's trip 'successful' 14.5. HunCer 'likely part' of ABC boost 14.3. Peacock sees bigger global role by 2.6. ABC inquiry 14.3. Greater China contact sought 2.6. 2NC ends show 19.3. Peacock seeks stability 6.6. Ethnic preview 3.4. Nigerian oil idea 'absurd' 13.6. Labor urges ABC inquiry 9.4. E.E.C. Calks 'herald new co-operaCion' 13.6. ABC rural bias alleged 10.4. Peacock backs call for world Calks 18.6. ABC concert series 21.4. $9500M in Australian projecCs 18.6. ABC inquiry urged 25.4. Anthony confirms freer pacific trade access ABC cuts in sport 'based on survey' 8.5. 10.7. Santamaria settlement 15.5. Peacock meets ministers 24.7. Full Inquiry into ABC ordered 23.5. Fraser to seek Nigerian oil 28.7. Staley announces full inquiry into ABC 24.5. Nigeria supports Fraser's compromise for Zimbabwe Focusing on the ABC (Leader) 24.5. 30.7. Licence fees 'should fund free ABC 24.5. Peacock flies high 1.8. ABC Funding (Leader) 25.7. Fraser, Kaunda for private talks 1.8. ABC scheme 'historic' 25.7. Fraser issues warning on race rule 2.8. ABC resignation 27.7. Big cover for P.M. 4.8. ABC to cover games 28.7. Praise, criticisra for Fraser 8.8. ABC going for soccer 15.8. Anthony woos ASEAN trade 6.10. ABC programs do well overseas 31.8. P.M.'s trip postponed 15.10. inquiry into T.V. fooCball piracy 24.9, Anthony business raission ends 17.10. 7 issues ABC wriC 25,9. ABC concerCs announced 8.11. AUSTRALIA - PARLIAMENT - SECURITY A feasC frora Aunty 9.11.

Fraser plans ASIO change 12.1. AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING TRIBUNAL Bills deal with Celephone 'Caps' 8.3. New powers proposed for ASIO drug police 9.3. Tribunalraeraber quits 6.4. Phone-Cap, break-in powers for ASIO 9.3. Ryan critical of tribunal 11.4. More power Co ASIO 9.3. Tribunal on hard rations 14.4. New Aslo powers 9.3. Actors criticise Gyngell 18.4. The risks of spying 10.3. Drink bill Incorrect : Gyngell 19 Excellent security, buC only in CrusCworChy Broadcast tribunal under review 21 hands 19.3. Broadcasting regulations 27.9. ASIO bill 'should be araended' 22.3. Reappointed 7.12. AccountabiliCy 22.3. Keeping Cabs on Che securiCy men 14.5. AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING TRIBUNAL TELEVISION ASIO bill changes 19.5. LICENCE RENEWAL INQUIRY Academic accuses ASIO of harassing 19.5. 'Bugging' orders by Judges only 30.5. T.V. tribunal rejects nine submissions 14.3. ALP forces ASIO bill delay 7.6. 'High-priced QC's' worry tribunal 15.3. | Press council urges freedom safeguard 8.6. A.T.N, chief refuses child show costs disclosure The flaws in ASIO bill 19.6. 16.3. Energy is at heart of problems 3.7. Channels attacked 20.3. Change rejected 9.7. P & C seeks TV license reducCion 17.3. Public say sought on ASIO bill 28.8. CourC challenge to Gyngell 21.3. ASIO bill dangers 28.8. T.V. channel 'does not intend to offend' 22.3. Govt, pledge for ASIO debate 29.8. Court challenges to Gyngell dropped 22.3. ASIO bill argued 19.9. Children quiz T.V. head on U.S. programs 24.3. Revolt on ASIO bill 20.9. T.V. promise 27.3. ASIO debate erupts in abuse 21.9. Tribunal's power challenged 30.3. Ubor loses bid for ASIO detail 17.10. 3 ejected at T.V. hearing 4.4. ASIO bills passed in stormy session 18.10. Overseas T.V. news bias alleged 13.4. • ASIO 'danger' 6.11. The broadcasting farce 19.4. i Juflge attauRy syuui'iLy pio^^s i6.ii. N.M.H. INDEX 10. 1979.

AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING TRIBUNAL - TELEVISION AUSTRALIAN LABOR PARTY (Cont) LICENCE RENEWAL INQUIRY (Cont) S.A. Labor Party backs inquiry into wealth 1 i.6. Sydney T.V. stations get 3-year licences Chemicals safety call 18.6. 30.4, Right wing in bid to re-establish control 19 6. TV licence decision coraes under fire 1.5. ArbiCraCion criticised 19.6. Call Co party to face change 19.6. AUSTRALIAN COUNCIL OF TRADE UNIONS Public companies urged 19.6. ALP order on shorter week 19.6. Row over teachers' link wich ACTU 10.1. S.A. industrial democracy raove backed 19.6. ACTU cakes Che InlCiaCive for 1979 13.1. ALP policy makers prepare platform 12.7. Unions look Co Iraage (Leader) 15.1. ALP changes mind over abolicion of Senate' 13.7. Union blockade likely on Malaysia flights ALP sec for debate 16.7. 24.3. Labor's policies (Leader) 16.7. Hawke puts brakes on drivers 3.4. Labor drops policy Co abolish SenaCe 17.7. Libs, firm on T.W.U. action 4.4. ACCack on Fraser policy 17.7. THC attacks ACTU draft 27.4. Money policy adopCed 17.7. Unions want workers' views 7.5. NaCional fuel raove by Labor 17.7. ACTU will start superannuation 9.6. SenaCe reform (Leader) 18.7. ACTU advocaCe 14.6 Public enCerprise plan changed 18.7. Left opposes ACTU on uranium 8.9. Investors check passed 18.7. ACTU body alters uranium stand 8.9. Incomes raoves compromise reached 18.7. ACSPA move 'historic' 11.9. Trend in indusCry 'threat' 18.7. Unions to seek back pay for all 12.9. Treasury planning role supported 18.7. ] ACTU's selfish peak 12.9. Catastrophe syndrome warning 18.7. i 4 seek 2 executive posts 12.9. Hayden dumps Hawke on pay policy 18.7. • P.M. critical of Hawke's double role 12.9, 'Hard slog' need in policy 19.7. Staying with the system 12.9. Hawke silent on deal row 19.7. Bogus votes force new group elecCion 13.9. 51% mineral equiCy supported 19.7. Work study mooted 14.9. ALP adopts refugee camps 20.7. 'Ratbag' policy attacked 14.9. , Labor in policy switch on U.S. bases 20.7. Ducker speaks to delegates 14.9. Hayden's conference 21.7. Face reality : Hawke 14.9. Mr Hayden's vicCory (Leader) 21.7. Changes in the ACTU 15.9. 50,000 more jobs is Hayden's vow 28.8. Hawke defeated on uranium policy 15.9. ALP job plan false 3.9. ' ACTU attacked 17.9. ALP reviews strategy 4.9. ACTU to press for 5% all-round pay increase ALP forms election group 5.9. 30.10. 'Change of guard' as Ducker retires 5.9. ACTU to review arbitration 31.10. ALP wants policy set 10.9. Uranium problem for Labor 10.9. AUSTRALIAN DEMOCRATS Hawke Cold to Coe line 17.9. Senator Georges 'out' six monChs 18.9. Democrats : key to power (Tim Colebatch) ParCy alCers equiCy policy 18.9. 8.2. The ALP goes blood-letting (Leader) 19.9. Democrat Party papers 'stolen' 17.2. j Keating tipped for ALP post 19.9. Democrats to try council election 29.6. I Labor quandry over Georges 19.9. Party post 12.9. Georges defines charge 21.9. Democrats ClckeC 11.12. Corcoran steps down as leader 21.9. DemocraC qulCs over lobbies' 13.12. P.M. slates Hayden 8.10. Georges loses ALP appeal 22.10. AUSTRALIAN LABOR PARTY Senator Georges to stay 23.10. Georges warned after appeal win 27.10. Labor names unit staff 11.1. Unionist will press censure 2.11. ALF newsletter planned 25.1. | ALP suspension query 3.11. Row erupts as young Labor talks splinter Labor off to early start 6.11. 29. 1. No safe seat for Senator 12.11. Labor men to check statements first 2.2. Industrial crisis seen as election diversion Takeover call in Qld ALP fight 26,2, 13.11. Qld, labor vote points to new party fight 27, Minister to address ALP conference 16.11. Qld ALP allows Hayden's proxy 2,3, Hayden, Hunt accuse doctors 28.11. Qld Labor proxy row "defused" 2.3. Labor's latest health plan (Leader) 28.11. Cardiff ALP officers 10.3. Plan "reverts" to medibank 29.11. Qld ALP settles disputes on proxy 13.3. Labor makes early bid for Lyne 1.12. Affairs of ALP 'a party matter' 16.3. Labor policy draft 14.12. Labor in new economy tack 20.3. Neilly name back in politics in close ALP women set to resist 'discipline' 21,3. preferences vote 10.12. ALP drugs reversal gets mixed reaction 28.: ALP plans economy bid 19.12. ALP fund 29.3. Labor rule change may boost party power AUSTRALIAN LABOUR PARTY NATIONAL RURAL 3.4. CONFERENCE ALP report raps 'parochial' leaders 9.4. ALP executive backs 'new deal' for women 11.4. Labor considers others in pursuing eoals : ALP not so radical (Brian Cogan) 13.4. i Hawke 14.5. Labor and its future (Leader) 16.4. Emphasis on rural seats 14.5. Button pushes Labor reform 16.4. Country aid sought 14.5. ALP protest over caucus voting 3.5. Graziers 'go broke for beef consumers' 14.5. ALP rule change condemned 7.5. Labor 'must win farmer vote' 21.5. Caucus vote threatens split 9.5. Rules debate rejected 21.5. Wran loses power battle In Caucus 10.5. Decentralisation loans may be abolished 21.5. Labor power game 11.5. Daylight saving plan rejected 21.5. Ducker has say on row over caucus 11.5. A crisis to avoid 11.5. AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL LINE Hayden backs Hawke 15.5. Wran alms to settle ALP battle 18,5. Tolga, BHP part company 25.1. ALP left seeks rural backing 19.5. ANZ claims Japanese discrimination 23.3. Critics disrupt ALP money talks 21,5, A.N.L. settles charter 6.4. Georges, official to front tribunal 26,5. Work prospect for ship 5.7. ' Vote threat to stability 31.5. Newcastle ship gets just job 13.7. ! Wran's costly win 1.6. Labor's dark side 4.6. AUSTRALIAN RULES ; 50 resign from ALP in rift on rules 6.6. I Rules change 9.6. Lake on rise in Rules 2.4. ALP row 9.6. Captain leads team in Rules opener 3.4. Hayden gives northern plan 11.6. Unbeaten run maintained 7.4. Hemp topic for ALP 16.6. Rules win for bay 10.4. Einfeld admits price control of doctors' fees Carlton trade case put off 10.4. 'difficult' 18.6. Injuries hit hawks 9.5. 'Surprise' call for State to run Lotto 18.6. VFL sees Sydney 12.5. Ducker survives vote 18.6. West continue run in rules 12.5. Labor left parries 'grab for power' by Right Rules award to South Coast side 18.5, 18.6. West on way to Rules title 2.6. Vic. ALP opposed to wage indexation 18.6. West-City clash series best i^ Australian rules N.M.H. INDEX 11. 1979


Lakeside derby vital 13.7. Aero-Pellcans flighc Cest cancelled 3.5. Cardiff face Rules test 21.7. ASEAN flights progress 7.5. Rules challenge to Warners Bay 28.7. Aust. agrees to Asian stopover 8.5. City too St ong in Rules 31.7. U.S. firm buys 2 nomads 9.5. Cardiff eye title 7.8. Air fares Justice 9.5. West need win to qualify 17.8. Singapore bitter over air fare act 9.5. Cardiff takes title in Rule 20.8. Dock for sea-planes sought 10.5. Wests in rules final 27.8. Flight restrictions cause concern 11.5. Big rules task for Cardiff 1.9. Airline gets Bass route 14.5. City headed for Rules title 3.9. Reduced ASEAN air fares 14.5. Shelswell's rules bid 15.9. Copter pad opposition dropped 16.5. Cardiff wins replay 17.9. Two airline policy (Leader) 17.5. Rapid Rules rise for Cardiff 21.9. TAA sale 'Co be sCudies' 17.5. First title to Cardiff 24.9. Canberra licenses IPEC 17.5. Air CransporC skies are overcasC 18.5, AVIATION Club liraiCs fuel sales, backs 24-hour flight 19.5, Fare cut plan hit 1.1. Nixon refuses to Join IPEC debate 19,5. Cheaper air fares on sale 3.1. Overseas air fares to rise 21,5, Confusion over air fares 4.1. Pilots claim endurance record 21,5, $565 air fare to Germany 6.1. Airline pact 'should end' 21,5, Rivals set to begin Asian fares wrangle 8.1. Fast finish (Leader) 22.5, Fare-cut offer 9.1. Pedal-plane to try channel crossing 23,5, Air competition 10.I. TAA profit up by 25.1.p.c. 23.5. Australia urges talks on Asian fares 11.1. Cut in air fares to Greece 23.5. N.Z. rebuffed 13.1. U.S. Nomad distribution named 24.5. East-West warned 15.1. Fare cut for TAA Ansett 25.5. Warning on fares talks with Asia 15.1. N.Z. air fare cut 26.5. Liberals put pressure on Nixon 15.1. N.Z. air fares Calks 28.5. Pressure for review of cheap air fares 16. 1. Check on DC-lO's after U.S. crash 29.5. Lower fares 'shelter for Qantas' 17.1. Wickham heliport backed 29.5. Nixon grounds Laker flights until 1980. 19 .1. Heliport recislon move 30.5. Cheap flight troubles 19.1. Long delays at airports as DC-lO's inspected Cheaper air fares 22.1. 1.6. 'Old' radar blamed for aircraft incidents 22.jl. The need for air safeCy (Leader) 1.6. Nixon orders radar reports 24.1. 'Hyack' scare aircraft leaves 7.6. Light planes main worry 24.1, Jumbo order 'no problem for Qantas' 12.6. Australia top in air safety 24.1. Pedalling flier makes France and $185,000 U.S. airline to push for cheap stops 24.1. Flying low 14.6. Qantas proposal urgent : Nixon 25.1. Airlines increase fares 14.6. Qantas angry at fares gibe 26.1. Asian airlines, QanCas agree on fare cuCs Yugoslav deal points to low Asian fares 27.1. 21.6. Stopover fares offer to Asians 29.1. Vic. W.A., targets of cheap Laker flights 26.6. Penalties on low fares immoral 29.1. Heliport plan loses support 4.7. The profitable fare balance (Leader) 30.1. Lower air fares urged 4.7. Uniform revamp 30. 1. Airline against offer 11.7. Talks with Asean on air fares set 31.1. NBN 'copter under fire 12.7. More airline fare cuts on the way 1.2. RNAC trophy night 16.7. Blunt letter over air policy 1.2. Continental returns 16.7. Low-fare tourists in majority 2.2. Flights to Gove 18.7. Vic. gets cheap U.S. flights 3.2. Airlines to lift prices 18.7. New overseas fares have little effect 3.2. Ansett ready to end parallel flights 18.7. 25 nomads planned 3.2 Now Its sun-powered aircraft 28.7. Australia 'wants ASEAN split' 5.2. Cheaper fares for more centres 28.7. Singapore pilots fly in for course 5.2. 60 airlines to lift fares 1.8. Second attempt to base helliport in city 6.2 New air fares for N.Z. travel 1.8. Qantas 'ready to give up rights' 6.2. From Red Baron to space technology 6.8. Seaplane service hits snag 7.2. 'Copter sites 'up in air' 7.8. KLM's fares fall 10.2. Committee seeks ban on'copter 8.8. Special ticket for visitors 14.2. Mirage fleet grounded 9.8. Dutch angry over air fare stall 15.2. 'Changes soon' to policy on airlines 11.8. Ansett applies for N.Z. route 22.2 T.A.A. sale 'suspicion' 11.8. ASEAN gets tough on cheaper air fares 24.2. New air fares to Hong Kong 14.8. Aero club out to retain title 2.3. Action on helipads taken 15.8. Safeguard on air-fare rises urged 5.3. Qantas chief hits at lack of enterprise 15.8. Australia asked to ASEAN air talks 6.3. Nixon blamed for losses 16.8. Italy air fares deal 7.3. Tougher rules on passports 17.8. Moths set for long trip West 8.3. Mirage crash inquiry ends 22.8. Bay could gain by air link 8.3. International air fares rise 24.8. Airfare talks 13.3. Mothe attract U.S. flyer 27.8. Qantas suspends flights to Kuala Lumpur 13.3. Seaplane dock plan for harbour 28.8. Ansett wary on 40pc fare cut 15.3. Study on seaplane 29.8. Americans to fly for less 16.3. Harbour flights 'against plan' 30.8. Solutions soughc on lower fares 19.3. Fares 'not fair' 30.8. Package deal plans for air talks 20.3. The ships of the sky may fly again 4.9. Talks 'closing air fares rift' 21.3./ Seaplane study suggested 5.9. Partial agreement on low air fares 22.3. Air fares deal 10.9. Air-fare bargain 'made secretely' 23.3. Fear of flying? Nothing to it. 12.9. Cheap fares tipped 27.3. AVGAS confusion (Leader) 14.9. Ownership dispute grounds aircraft 28.3. AVGAS 'flowing next year' 14.9. Canada fares 30.3. European flavour comes to TAA flights 15.9. Dutch air fares deal sealed 2.4. Air show gets U.S. entries 17.9. Air fares decision put off 3.4. AVGAS cuts being felt 20.9. Continental fares plan wins approval 4.4. Concern on tyre effect 20.9. N.Z. Australia winter airfares to thaw 7.4 Airport curfew 4.10. Airborne motorbike 9.4. Helipad decision deferred 10.10. Labor seeks unlimited access for airlines TAA pays airbus deposit 11.10. 10.4. New air service 11.10. Ticket racket alleged 10.4. Fasc flights to aid tourism 12.10. PNG air fares 11.4. Call to end policy 15.10. Lower domestic airfares announced 12.4. AVGAS relief expected in 1980 16.10. Qantas asks for fare rises 19.4. Helipad sites 18.10. China campaign for Nomad takes off 21.4. America keeping its AVGAS 18.10. Test for 'quietest' airliner 23.4 East West growth cut 18.10. TAA sale under review : Robinson 23.4. Fare less InvesCigaCion 19.10. Boycott disrupts air traffic 23.4. Airline clerks 23. 10. Two airline policy dated 24.4. Small airlines Cake off 23.10. Wickham heliport plan opposed 25.4. 31 Tiger moChs ready for race 23.10. Low-cost air bookings tight 2.5. Connair sold Co S.A. firm 24.10. N.M.H. INDEX 12. 1979


Helipad site plans Co be displayed 24.10. Pilots ban to affect country air travel 9.2. Asian air fares lowered 26.10. Disputes threaten raajor air-service disruption NBN helicopter cost $140,000 30.10. 10.2. Big S. Africa plane deal called off 1.11. General stop may hiC airlines 10.2. ReCurn fllghc by old plane 3.11. Solucion possible in air dispuCe 13.2.. Off peak fares Co conCinue 5.11. Flighc bans imposed 14.2. Double win for air race crew 5.11. CounCry flighC bans end 15.2. A job at last for the girl pilot 6.11. FlighCs on despiCe scrike 17.2. "Lost" fare refunded 8.11. Hopes fade on airporC sCrike 21.2. Airlines told 'fly south' 8.11. AirporC sCrike spreads 22.2. 'Go' for gliders 8.11. Unionises pickeC airporCs 23.2. First women pilot trainees for New Zealand FlighCs on despiCe pickeCs 24.2. airlines 12.11. Fuel SCrike affecCing airlines 28.2. Tarmac tortoise holds up jumbo 12.11. ACTU acCs Co end airporC sCrike 1.3. Petersen defers Ansett decision 13.11. Air SCrike brings flighc chaos 2.3. Call for facts on air fares 26.11. Fuel flowing aC Sydney airporC 3.3. Heliport site suggestion 30.11. FlighCs on Cime 5.3. Qantas opens office in city 5.12. Union may life ban on MAS aircrafC 16.3. T.A.A. will buy four Airbus craft 6.12. OverClrae ban hiCs air conCrol 19.3. Cheaper fares to Asia 7.12 One sick man closes Sydney airporC 21.3. T.A.A. in $200m Airbus deal 11.12. Hawke calls air Calks 21.3. Hobby plane building industry takes off 12.12. Air conCrolled keep ban 22.3. Pioneer flyers recalled 12.12. Moves Co end airporC bans dispuCe 23.3. Bob Ansett plans airline 13.12. Airlines & unions (Leader) 23.3. Split on sale of Nomads to S. Africa 13.12. MAS, airline union confer on dispuCe 23.3. The allure of the tiger 15.12. Traffic ban Co close 3 airporCs 24.3. Air fares up in new year 17.12. ConCrollers dispuCe shuCs main airporCs 27.3. Two-airline policy Co be revised 21.12. Union urged Co life ban 28.3. No decision 22.12. PiloCs delay wage sCrike for Calks 16.5. Airline Co slow growCh 24.12. PiloCs waic on pay rise 17.5. EasC WesC now third Cop airline 24.12. Passengers delayed 31.10. Aerodrome 'nearly ready' 29.12. AirporC sCrike 12.12.


AircrafC piloC escapes vineyard crash 6.1. Thomson owes me $9,000 : proraoCer 21.2. 727 Coo close to Hercules 11.1. BankrupC raCe link Co jobless 11.5. Light aircraft causes problems 13.1. Mr. Zion - Che raissing $6m businessman 1.9. Aircraft overshoots runway 19.1. Zions declared bankrupC 7.9. Fears for 4 in aircraft missing in valley 19.1 Girl in crashed aircraft 15 hours 20.1, BANKS AND BANKING Plane crash girl recovering 22. 1. "Old" radar blamed for aircraft incidents 22.1 Savings deposiCs rise $42m in November 9.1. Plane crash victim 'rapidly improving' 23.1. Banks 'inhibiCed by non-bank insCitutions' 12 Nixon orders radar reports 24.1. Capital inquiry sought 16.1. Light planes main worry 24.1. Cheque fund interest hope 19.1. $lm jet crash 24.1. 'Merchant teller' in new bank 24.1. Plane crash girl back home 19.2. Savings deposits rise 6.2. Control error led to aircraft near miss 2.3. Savings rise $445m in January 21.2. 'Motor glider' pilot dies 19.3. $200ro reserve call on banks 22.2. Aircraft crash 21.3. Banks 'not pleased' with deposics 23.2. Survivor tells of aircraft crash 24.3. Farmers bank Co lend more 26,2, 2 men killed in Goulburn air accident 1.5. Regional manager 14,3, Check on Nomad landing scare 4.5. DevelopmenC Bank lending rises 21.3. Stunt pilot Survives crash at Tocumwal air show SCrong rise in rural loans 28.3. 14.5. Savings rise in February 4.4. Singapore airliner sent home empty 16.5. Finances 'noC drying up' 13.4. Passenger dies in plane crash 16.5. Bank deposics leap 20.4. Airliner engine explodes 21.5. Savings deposics up by $62m 8.5. Air crash girl home 23.5. $112m drop In bank savings 5.6. 3 escape plane crash 31.5. LifC in loans Co small firms 11.6. Helicopter crash (S.A.) 2.6. Chief an old hand 21.6. Inquiry blames pilot 9.6. HunCer link daCes from 1839 21.6. Planes hit, pilot dies (Vic.) 9.6. Efficienc drive-in service 21.6. 2 dead after helicopter crash (Qld.) 19.6. Area manager has had wide experience Co Newc astle Aircraft crash-lands at BelmonC 20.6. 21.6. Aircrash inquiry 21.6. Manager keen on Cravelling 21.6. Airfield ouC afCer crash 23.6. Full roll-call of managers 21.6. 'CopCer downed by bird 30.6. Besc rise made of new siCe 21.6. 'Flying lesson' deaChs 10.7. ANZ brings 'area banking' Co Newcasele 21.6 PiloC ejecCs as Mirage crashes 8.8. PascroalisCs gee bank access 25.6. Two killed in plane crash 11.8. Prisoner bias alleged 30.6. Mirage sCill sCuck in swamp 13.8. CBC backs barring of former prisoner 7.7, AircrafC door lands in yard 13.8. Bankcard's a rip-off : Hayden 9,7, Mirage recovery hampered 14.8. Credic card 'rip-off denied 10,7, Team begins Fill inquiry 27.8. DepC, urges credic sysCem inquiry 11.7. Fokker emergency 30.8. Drive-in bank closes 14.7. Six killed in lighC aircrafC crash 31.8. NaCional raises o'drafc fee 18.7, D.C.-IO engine explodes 8.10. $301m fall in bank savings 20,7, Crashed aircrafC 'off course' 9.10. Cheque rules Co change 24.7. Fire forces 16 Co leave aircrafC 12.10. Banking conCrols 25.7. Jogger saves crash piloC 15.10. Bankcard exCends Co N.Z. 8.8. Air wreck found; 257 feared dead 29.11. GreaCer foreign bank enCry urged 13.8. MounCaineers examine crash siCe 30.11. Bank urges inCeresC raCe conCrol end 14.8. Recovery Ceam fighCs polar weaCher 1.12. Deciision sCalls Cakeover 17.8 Crash widows 4 monbers of family 1.12. ANZ merger 23.8. PiloC dies in crash of home-build plane 3.12. French bank deal 30,8, SafeCy issue in crash 6.12. The SCory Che bank failed Co Cell 16,10. Bodies flown home 10.12. 'Ho commenC' on bank challenge 17.10. Air crash 'afCer drinks' 12.12. S.A. Ubor minisCer 'called off inquiry 18 10. Crash daCa study 12.12, Savings rise Co $414m buC below 1978 6.11. D,C. 10 Antarctic crash queries 'obscene' 13.12 Governor 'ChreaCened' Adelaide 7.11. When there's nothing you can do 15.12. j Adelaide plan 'held' in reserve 8.11. Bus replaced plane 14.12. j FCA Cax benefiCs on losses 'could reach' D.C. 10 crash words backed 18.12. ' $18,167m 9.11. 4 escape plane crash injury 28.12. Banks cenCenary 26.11, Reserve bank move hits loans 1,12, Adelaide changes 14,12, Legal aid sought from bank funds 18,12, N.M.H. INDEX 13, 1979


Baseball series tight 19,1. Newcasde Beach pavilion hlCs slCe snag .22.2. Skiffy too strong 9.4. Council seC for beach dog bliCz 5.3. Anniversary for Belraont baseball 21.4, Signs for beach urged 16.3. Second baseball 11,5. $20,000 allocaCed for surf pavlllion 23.3. Baseball win easy for Belmont 21,5, Council seeks resCoraClon of map pool 26.3. Errors coscly for ToronCo 28,5, Fined bacher wanCs naked beach seC aside 28.3. Sox need win 8,6, Erosion counCer 7.5. Baseball errors cosCly 12,6, Memorial aC deaCh spoC dedicaCed 7.5. BelraonC edge in bac power 13,6. Bar Beach inspeccion 6,6. Sox ouC Co average baseball defeaC 6,7, Pavlllion work Co sCarC 12.6. Sox lose injured capCain 16,7, Cable delays beach work 18.7. Narrow win Co Sox 7,8, Beach concern spreads 16.7. Phoenix musC win baseball clash 9,8, $300 for pavlllion 28.7. Semi-final berCh 20,8, BooCh to open pavlllion 24.8. Semi-finals in baseball series 25,8, Homes ChreaCened 5.10. WhiCe sox advance to baseball final 27.8, Now we pay for abusing our beaches 18.10. Baseball final 3,9. Beaches suffer in loan reallocaCion 7.11. BelraonC for baseball final 6.9, Bronzed hero 17.11. WSC raen Co show baseball CalenC 18,9, Drowning peril aC Bondi's Copless end 21.11. Sydney unbeaCen In baseball 24,9, New look aC beach pavlllion 26.11. Baseball no longer che poor relaClon 3,11, Submarine Cunnel plan for Sydney Korea Cakes 5-1 lead in baseball 25.11, 8.12. Mason seeks quick plan for beaches 10.12. BASKETBALL Sea wall granC 13.12. Beaches draw crowds 24.12. GlanC among glanCs 11,1, Crowds flock Co all beaches 27.12. Honour before glory 6,2, Hazardous sCep down to beach 31.12. NewcasCle Falcons Cake on PorCland 7,2. Thousands head for surf 31.12. NewcasCle baskeCball geCs boosC Falcons show no mercy 8,2, BEAUTY QUESTS IC's going Co be tough for Falcons 23,2, Falcons fall in Victoria 26,2, QuesCs for lovely ladies 20.2. Turner in doubt 3.3, Kind hearCs and big cheques wanCed 20.2. Falcons back in League running 5,3, HearC quesCs enCranCs "bucks Che ruC" 8.3, Falcons been to average defeat 13,3, Perch Co sCage beauCy quesC 10,5, Ankerey shooting for top 17.3. SecuriCy CighC 2,6, Errors cost match 19.3. Officials sCop Bolivian beauty 29,6. Falcons Co be wary 24.3. No news on faCe of quesC enCranCs 30.6, SupershoC earns win 26.3. Missing enCranC "alive" 3,7, | Falcons have Cask ahead 7.4. Nicaraguan beauCy 16,7, i Falcons down in Brisbane 9,4. Universe falls abouC her 21,7. NewcasCle challenge viCal 'Co CourisCs 21.4. Miss AusCralia judging 8.8. I Police guard for Couring Ceara 21.4. Rich prizes in beauCy quesC 5,9, ! Test basketball lead 23.4. 2b enCranCs in regional quest 6,9, Falcons will test third-placed West Adelaide GaCeshead beauCy quesC winner 13,9, 28.4. SecreCary Is Wine Queen 26,9, I Ankerey puts Newcastle up ladder 30.4, Seven in quesC 9,10, | Aussies upset Italy 2,5, NorChern HearCs Queen 13.10. Double header will make or break Falcons 4,5. S.A. Cakes Miss AusCralia Citle 23.10. Netball call for teara raanagers 4.5. Jenny is ValenCine princess 5.11. j Falcons fall twice 7.5. I Prestige riding on Falcons' match 11.5. BEER AND SPIRITS j Falcons chase fourth place 19.5. Falcons hopes fade again 21.5. Roadside liquor licensing "NoC a problem" i Former coach now apparent 2 3.5. 4. I. Injuries weaken touring team 25.5. Drink Inquiry to begin 15.1. Chico target for state build up Liquor Act change urged 17.1. Chico college win again 28.5. Zinc risk found in drink jiggers 17.1. Ten picked for netball 30.5. Budget hits alcahol sales, says senator 24.1. Falcons seek rewards in basketball 1.6. Tooth staff to lose Jobs 26.1. Falcons fill state hosts 9.6. 13 stood down at Cardiff brewery 27.1. Tired U.S. side lose by point 21.6. Ocker beer Image shattered 3.2. Ken's rare double 6.7. Supermarkets seek liquor sales rights 9.2. Hits told the tale for Sox 9.7. Survey shows alcohol risks 22.2. AusCralia Cakes 2-0 lead 16.7. The American peril in Europe 6.3. Going out on high note 25.7. Time may set bar price 30.3. Riding high 30.7. Adding a little spirit 4.4. Rams geC busy on Falcons 31.7. Beer price "to rise" 5.4. LiCCle men shine 6.8. ScoCch sales aC all-cime low 3.5. U.S. Champions 27.8. TooChs may brew low alcohol beer 3.5. American gains posC as baskeCball coach 1.9. Brewer makes peace gifCs 18.5. CounCry's win in basketball 3.9. Peace gift "pay index breach" 18.5. Scanes selecCed 8.9. Bryan mixes up a prize treat 23.6. Injuries upset basketball title bid 9.9. Scotch "OK" 25.6. Newcastle Falcons gain big sponsor 12.9. Randora tests advocated 28.6. Injuries upset baskeCball title bid 9.10. Gilbeys aboard 9.7. Newcastle Falcons gain big sponsor 12.10. Budget plea 23.7. Falcons man begins 1980 countdown 7.12. Low alcohol beer soon 16.8. Big CalenC up for grabs 8.12. 2.7% beer nearer 2 3.8. New beer 24.8. BAYSWATER AusCralian hops popular 27.8. Low-alcohol ale pleases 5,9, $450m power planC for valley 30.4. New beer on sale 4,9. ShorCage of Cradesmen snag for bayswaCer 1.5. Drinking rises 19.9. BayswaCer job begins 4.6. TooCh in Vic. 26.9. Big reservoir in power projecC 18.7. Students Co aCtend preview 5.10. Big boosC In HunCer coal needs 19.7. Meraorles of Munich 5. 10. ElecCricity role brings population problems SCelns a consuming hobby 5.10. 20.7. YouChful Croupe already veterans 5.10. Jobs open for woraen 11.8. German fesCival fun for all 5.10. $590m Bayswater funds approved 8.12. Swiss raounCains an inspiraCion Co yodeller Bayswater may need 'mystery' dam 14.12. 5. 10. A royal sCarC Co fesCival 5.10. BEACHES AND BATHS Bay "fesc" draws big crowd 8.10. 8c rise in beer price 17.10. Baths to stay, says Bay group 6.1. Beer rise concern aC Nelson Bay 18.10. Swimmers at risk ignore warning Beer reporC denied 22.10. Beach buggies cause worry 29.1. 700 "In Che mood" aC fesC 22.10. Buoys, signs for Frazer Park 13.2. Beer ban sCiU on 26.10. (jqfaey gaai- f^r Frasor Pi\rk 15,2. Brandy relief seen 29.10. N.M.H. INDEX 14. 1979


Tooheys, CasCleraalne announce raerger 14.11. Gosford bowls Cakes seCback 15.1. $9 rise bid for merger 15.11. SixCeen scill in CenCury 4.5. 18.1. RSL club backs down on beer prices 16.11. WashouC causes changes in Country Week bowls Brewer blows froCh off a legend 3.12. 19.1. Gosford pair survives 20.1. BICYCLES Experience tells in bowls win 22.1. Greens strike in abeyance 24.1. SafeCy on Cwo wheels 22.1. Snell soars back to win 27.1. Funds soughc for bicycle scheme 6,2, Masters bowls to John Snell 30.1. Fife acts on bicycle safety 21,3. Professional lawn bowls 31.1. Bid for cycleways funds 5.4. Lawn bowls plan 31.1. Cycle helmets advised 27.4, Pro bowls goes Co the dogs 1.2. Inquiry into funds for cycleways 11.6, Gosford win StaCe pairs 1.2. Cycling sCudy geCs project officer 31,7. •N.S.W. undefeaCed aC Launcescon 1.2. Wines and tandem tours 9.8, Amazing recovery 6.2. City to get 6KM cycleway 3.10. Champion bows out of CiCle 10.2. System of cycleways sought 18.10. Officials may boycotC bowls Calks 19.2. No raore punctures 26.11. Super bowls in Che Cropics 21.2. Cycleway decision expected 18.12. Top pairs lose in bowls upseC 27.2. Only BaCes survives as bowls charaps drop ouC Cycleway deferred 19.12. 28.2. BLACKBUTT RESERVE Big names no more 2.3. Bowls bride at last 3.3. Parkland beauty may rise on colliery site 7.3. W.A, pair ouC of CiCle 7.3. Blackbutt mine meeting sought 14.3. Canadians adapC Co greens 13.3. $11,750 reserve plan 18.7. Pair esCablish bonny lead 14.3. NewcasCle pair sCill unbeaCen 15.3. BOAT RAMPS U.K. pair excel 16.3. Bowls ClCle playoffs on Sunday 16.3. Boat ramps project 24.1. Draw puCs I.K. pair in final 17.3. BetCer boaClng ramp brings complainCs 20.3. Bricish pair seC precedenC 19.3. Lake Co gain Cwo boaC ramps 11.7. Bowls masCer humbled 27.3. Nelson Bay works soon 13.11. McCabe in line for second title 27.3. Tense Cime in bowls 2.4. B0AT5AND BOATING Bowls final enChralls crowd 2.4. Leonard upseC 4.4. GianC 'cat' Courist lure 15.1. Leonard down in thriller 5,4. From jet plane to jet boat 19.1. Leonard wins naCional 6.4. $^ for boaC facilicies 22.3. HunCer's buraper crop 6.4. SupporC for washing bay 4.4. Clip shot seals iC 12.4. RlghC crafc, wrong can 16.5. LaCecomer looks bowls bargain 14.4. RusCy cans, 175hp win race 21.5. Parella wins proCesC 16.4. Regatta entry leaves 16.6. Bowlers set record 17.4. Bob crowned king again 17.4. DlsCress flare hoax 5.9. League campaign geCs jolt 17.4. 200 boaCs on exhibicion 5.10. Long may he reign 17.4. Hunter rafts get ready 13.10. 6000 watch raft race 15.10. Surfie-cum-bowler caCches big 'un 25.4. Sydney divers scoop pool 22.10. Eve Wilcher leading 25.4. Water safety boils down to commonsense 12.12. There's no stopping Eve 27.4. Victoria on Cop 3.5. BOATS AND BOATING - ACCIDENTS AND WRECKS SCage sec for greaC bowls Cest final 4.5. Bowl tourney in disarray 5.5. Men suffer burns when boat explodes 22.1. Clash avoided for bowls tournaments 7.5. Quick action prevents marina disaster 31.1. Tenpin bowling perfection 8.5. 6 raen saved from sinking yacht 3.3. Bowls classic cut 8.5. 15m yacht salvaged 10.3. Long bowls game reaps rewards 9.5. Flsherraan survives nine-hour ordeal in rough sea Ambitious program planned 9,5. 19.3. King top master bowler 14.5. Sailors survive 8-day ordeal 7.4. Pennant teams finalised 14.5. Man feared drowned after boat capsizes 13.4. Parella Cakes bowls 14.5. Police rescue cadets stranded at sea 14.4. Bowls parCners reap reward 22.5. Fisherman rescued at Big Ben 14.4. Skipper ouC of KoCara Crlple bowls Ceam 29.5 4 rescued in heavy seas 7.5. Past Kotara winners have mixed Luck 30.5. Collision skipper reeked of alcohol 16.5. Newcastle lead bowl field 31.5. 2 escape sinking ferry 31.5. Bowls replacement fight out title 1.6. Fishing death in 4.6. Salter near leader 4.6. Man sucked Chrough hole in boaC SalCer mainCains placing 6.6. Police Cow disabled launch 15.6. Bowls favourites sCruggle 12.5. Seasick rescue 26.6. Top bowls teams baCCling 13.6. Trawler towed 30.6. Ryde sCrong in pennant 15.6. Trawler saved off Swansea 10.7. Bowls win decided in last end 15.6. One Injury in boat fire 28.7. Australian teara announced for world bowls 5.' Three safe boat swamped 3.8. NDBA vicCory 9.7. Two sailors dead in Admiral's cup 15.8. SalCer's big singles win 9.7. Worst sCorra hiCs cup racing fleeC 16.8. Last-bowl win by Robinson 12.7. 17 dead in race 17.8. Porter raakes Masters final 13.7. $24,000 offer to Fastnet find 21.8. Storming finish earns bowls title 14.7. Canberra swells Fastnet fund 22.8. Rain hits bowls championships 16,7. Two drown in wreck 4.9. Bowls officers 20.7. Two men naned 5.9. Singles to Gardner 23.7. Newcastle boat adrift 30 hours 18.9. Gillard back as Royal VP 27.7. Disabled Crawler safe 19.9. Channel 3 drops bowls & golf sponsorship 27. Huge waves a ChreaC 20.9. Team change in MaCCara pairs formaC 8.8. Couple missing in dinghy 25.9. Boolaroo duo in cliffhanger 20.8. Sea search concinues Coday 26.9. Mixed forCunes for World Bowls pair 29.8. Body of woman found 27.9. Champion pair lose round 30.8. Lake scene for 'disasCer' 12.10. VeCerans bowl Chea over in Mattara classic BoaC explodes in 'CesC run' 22.10, 31.8. Nurses, ambulancemen may boycoCC 'disasCer' Replacemenc for Bare 1,9, 30.10. Kahibah pair win cliffhanger 1,9, DisasCer exercise backed 31.10. NewcasCle up on lasc bowl 3,9. All hands on deck in Lake operaClon 5.11. Soans answers bowls SOS 10.9, FainC S.O.S. saves ship 12.12. Bowls upsets in opener 11,9. Bowls man cautious 13.9. BOWLING W.A. champion boles on fasC-runnlng greens 14.9. Pair emerge likely Lakeside winners 3.1. Woods Coo SCrong in bowls 15.9. Ukeside final Co "Locals" 5.1. NorCh rejeccs bowls Levy 19.10. Bowls chief dies afCer collapsing aC raeeClng N.M.H. INDEX 15. 1979


Bowls ClCle Co King 27.11. New mine meChod 'would reduce sCeel cosCs 7.5 N.S.W. faces expulsion over Levy 11.12. Sceel delay threatens projecC 28.5. Border clubs would suffer raosC In splic 12.12. Steel export incentives needed:BHP 30.5 N.S.W. voces againsC Levy 14.12. B.H.P. will spend $32ra to boost steel quality 7.6 BOXING Award for BHP steel plant idea 7.6 B.H.P, gives $10,000 to universicy 8.6 AusCralian In N.Z. bouC 1.2. American Co direct research 21.6 GaCellari as flighc surprise 7 .2. $7.6m spenC on ovens 21.6 Rocky in shape for bouC 15.2. B.H.P.'s oil supply problem 27.6 This is no movie Rocky 17.2. BHP spends $19m to clean coke ovens 29.6 All exhibicion flops in weC 19.3. Special ships for NewcasCle 6.7 PoinCs loss by McElwaine 19.3. BHP & naCural gas supply 14.7 Tlnk only AusC. vicCor 20.3. 'Efficient' coking process 19.7 Mundine returns 20.3. B.H.P. hits $178m record profic 21.7 Boxing rules 17.3. Fifch furnace at BHP studied 23.7 WhlCelaws broughc fame Co NorChern sporC 21.3 B.H.P. advised on expansion 2.8 ScricC boxing conCrol soughc 22.3. Furnace ready after reline 7.8 FlrsC ClCle Co Davies 26.3. B.H.P. develops new way to raove coal 25.8 Body Co conCrol boxing 2.4. 2 new chiefs for BHP 27.8 Brown in CiCle fighc 3.4. B.H.P. raanager hits 'doora and gloom' 28.8 Brown wins 4.4. BHP cricicises oil policy 30.8 Top bouCs lisCed aC MaiCland 21.4. BHP wanCs Co expand sCeel production 6.9 $45,000 for fighc 25.5. Lord Mayor to open ralll 20.9 NewcasCle boxing pair seek naCional CiCle B.H.P. steel opClons kept open 26.9 29.5. Sceel exporCs unatCractive 3.10 Davies Cakes cicle 1.6. Coke-ovens cancer survey call 12.10 Holmes geCs scare before retaining CiCle 25.6 Healch "worries" unions 13. 10 SouCh African new heavyweighc hope 26.6. Coal power may furnace fuel 15.10 Hail Che great white South African 27.6. Cigarette effects 'same as ovens' 15.10 Champion accepCs challenge 12.7. B.H.P. looks to electricity 18.10 PoinCs win Co Agnew 14.7. B.H.P. raodernises costing 19.10 Boxer captures Chird ClCle. Bloom mill ready 24.10 W.A. Crip aC sCake 3.8. Mill opening a Newcastle affair 25.10 Crowd supporC Co help Brown 4.8. B.H.P. buy gets draft approval 25.10 Fiji Journey no holiday 17.8. New use for B.H.p. ore 29.10 NorCon retires 26.9. Shaping steel takes new turns l.ll Wealch of experience behind CiCle aCCempCs Newcastle turns an eye to electric arc furnaces 12.10. 2.11 WhlCe hope defeaCed 22,10, B.H.P. orders two ships 3.11 Malcolm puCs his CiCle on Che line 2,11. BHP use consent sought 25.11 Boxing guide Co Moscow 3.11. BHP tightens steel grip 5.12 ' BHP offers city sculpture for anniversary 6.12 BREAD Sculpture gift (leader) 6.12 New SCeelworks head 8.12 Bread price rise 'likely' 9.1. B.H.P. rejecCs I.A.C. call for more exporCs. Bread prices up 2c 17.1. 12.12 Bricish company buys Pro-Rol bakery 12.4. I Bakery changes hands 6.7. BUILDING Bread Co rise Ic a loaf 28.7. High fibre bread launched 16.8. Drop in home building 21.2 6c bread rise soughC 3.10. Sour building sCarC 28.2 Loaves sold aC 26c, inquiry Cold 4.10. A Cerrace - before and afCer 7.3 Bread sCrike voCe 20.11. Building cosCs use 19.3 Bread war : 4c off aC 2 scores 28.11. Builders get jobs pay deal 23.3 Bread supply doubC for discounCers 11.12. Aged nun defends Vale 1.5 All scores geC bread 12.12. B.W.I.U. will puC case on conCracCing issue 18.5 BRIDGES Deadline for long leave clairas 18.5 Housing indusCry picking up, SCaCisCics show ; GranC Co replace bridge 19.1. 22.5 I Bridge 'still crash risk' 3.2. EraployraenC grows in consCrucCion 30.5 AssociaCion gives Cams Wharf a new look 7.2. Housing deraand Co stay low 7.6 : Flood gap bridged for dairy farmers 19.2. Conveyance unit cuts home buyers' cosCs 12.6 New Cime for lifC-span openings 28.2. GovC Co clear way for legal 'granny flaCs' Bridge Cenders 2.4. 15.6 New bridge Cenders called 7.4. Probe Co be held In ciCy 27.6 ResCricCion on bridge 12.4. Building inquiry reCurn soughC 3.7 Hexham bridge 'saCuraCed' 24.4. Forced ouC, pays builder 4.7 New bridge Co be builC Chis year 21.5. Builders Co fighC requesC by unions 9.7 MorisseC bridge in 'shocking sCaCe' 29.5. 'Granny flaCs' growCh likely 2.8 Plan depends on bridge 7.6. Revival of Che housing sCock 8.8 Bridge aC Spring Ck 10.7. A SCep in Che righC direcClon 8.8 Bridges Cender 23.7. Boora on houses In July 14.8 ResidenCs fear rail bridge danger 27.9. When on a good Ching... 28.8 SingleCon bridge 17.10. Pre-fab sCeel sysCeras easier on Che pockeC Danger in bridge repairs delay 15.11. 28.8 Cox asked Co inspecC underpass 16.11. Precaution needed in dream-horae raarkeC 28.8 Perilous delay (Leader) 16.11. Designs maCch bush seCCings 28.8 Bridge repair proraised 26.11. 'GreaC Dream' curtailed 28.8 Caution needed in buying house sit 28.8 BROKEN HILL PROPRIETARY CO. LTD. Uren attacks housing cost increases 28.8 Many pitfalls in home buying 28.8 BHP 'conned union' 6.1. Be cerCain you know whaC you're doing 28.8 No furnace : BHP 10. 1. ArchiCcects advice available to all 28.8 BHP objeccs to valuation 21.2. Helping people into horaes 28.8 Slab casCer commissioned 27.2. Kit horaes for every locadon 28.8 Firsc job for new mill in 4 years 22.3. Beware dangers when selling 28.8 BHP's image beCCer Chan iC ChoughC 22.3. Farm gets home fasc 28.8 Export subsidy plan for BHP 29.3. Shingles answer church's prayer 28.8 BHP doubts lAC views on exporC growth 2.^ Garages play big role 28.8 BHP goes back Co VieCnam oil search 5 4. ScienCisCs help Co save energy 28.8 BHP Co fighc I.A.C. raoves 10.4. 'Slab' building saves time, cash 28.8 China deal for BHP 18.4. 'Going under' is looking up 28.8 China expecCs raore Crade 18.4. Alternative housing more popular 28.8 BHP collieries head reCires 23.4. Any home type will convert 28.8 I.A.C. SCeel policy pitfalls 1.5. Problems facing home buyers 28.8 BHP chief confidenc of China Crade 3.5. Seminar providing wide service 15.9 Steel advice for China 3.5. Homes going ahead 24.9 jm BHf ehiat-wrgaa mining 7.5. N.M.H. INDEX 16. 1979


Upturn shown in housing 10.10 New ClckeC sysCem 23.7 Figures reflect 'increased' confidence 10.10 Electric bus 'the answer' 14.8 After Tetania, a new lifestyle issue 17.10 Rough poinCs seen in smooch buses 5.10 Communes (leader) 27.10 P.T.C. buses Cake new Curning 23.10 Building system attacks interest 21.10 Bus warning over repairs 31.10 Landa defends rights of alternative socieCy Fogg's bus service on sale 31.12 3.11 Picnic causes problems 1.12 CANCER ScaCe Co legalise communes 5.12 Alcernative lifestyles (leader) 10.12 Beers show cancer agenC 12.1 HamleC plan 'ready Co go' 19.12 Cancer rate 'May double' 23.1 Genetic risk ignored 6.2 BUILDING - SCrlkes and DispuCes Knitting 'a cancer risk' 24.2 Hunter cancer fund set up 6.3 Workers noC explolCed, say builders Skin cancers 'spred more in smokers' 28.3 'Body-hire row sparks ban 17.1 ScienCisCs predict growCh in cancer 9.4 Builders raeeC on claims sCraCegy 15.2 UnlverslCy Co conduce conference on cancer Building sCrike cosCs $400,000 19.3 27.4 Building a disasCer (leader) 24.3 DeaChs caused by sraoking double 30.4 B.L.F. 'ACCempC to exCorC' 3.5 Cancer CreaCmenC uniC for Hunter a 'possibil ity' Labourers acC Co hlC building 3.5 30.4 Building siCe blackmail (leader) 4.5 Disease of lung has abnormally high rate 30 4 B.W.I.U. Men Co raeeC 8.5 Public decides level of cancer : hygienisC 31.4 B.W.I.U. Delays indusCrial acdon 9.5 New life hope in chapel closure 4.5 Building bans afCer Calks fall 18.5 Machine Co aid cancer research 2.6 Union Co decide on ciCy targets 25.5 SedaCives witheld over cancer scare 15.6 Builders face new 'Razorback Mt' 25.5 DeaCh in Che dusC dooms Cown 23.6 A lost cause (leader) 28.5 The fears thaC can kill 24.7 HospiCal under ChreaC 31.5 $8000 cheque for cancer appeal 7.8 Building workers Co go on sCrlke 13.6 Cancer agenC found in whiskies 9.8 Workers walk off job 15.6 The Pill 'FighCs cancer' 15.8 Sub-conCracCors 'Coerced' 3.7 Push for ciCy cancer unlC 28.8 Building Calks 24.7 Drug link in cancer risk 5.9 Building sCrike off 25.7 Cancer clinic appeal sees $lm CargeC HospiCal builders sCop 28.7 Full bench warns B.L.F. 13.11 Cancer, drug link 8.9 AsbesCos danger aC siCe : union 8.12 $lm cancer aid Carget 12.9 AsbesCos Co go aC courCalds 12.12 Church sold : $12,000 Co cancer appeal 15.9 Response dismays 24.9 Disappoincing response 26.9 BUILDING SOCIETIES Appeal waxes sCrong 10.10 Mine cancers lisCed 10.10 Building socleCy wanCs anCl-Cakeover rules Woman loses mine claim 11.10 10.1 HunCer cancer appeal opens 30.10 SocieCy alCers guidelines 10.2 MeCal cans Co help appeal 31.10 SocleCles bill 1.3 The region batcles for cancer vicCimS 5.11 SocieCy funds insurance soon 8.3 Parish raises $1300 for cancer appeal 12.11 SocieCy manager 19.3 Snail-pace race 16.11 SocieCies, banks dry up 12,4 Judge says paCienCs have righC Co know 3.12 Finances 'noC drying up' 13,4 Cancer sCudy poinCs Co diet 11.12 ''.'ran pledges InCeresC raCe curbs 24,4 SocieCy Ignores raCes Chreat 25,4 CANOEING 0,75 lift sought horae loan interest 5,5 Wran firm on loan rate rise 7,5 Canoe pair rewarded for surprise vicCory 23.1 Interest rate use of 0,5pc urged 8,5 CanoelsC will compete againsC world's besC 20. Record $211m In horae loans 9,5 Power-planC canoe course planned 13.3 Societies want ruraour law 19.5 CoraralCCee urges canoeisCs aid 28.3 Plan 'elected' 3 directors 5.6 ExperCs begin CesCs on model 3.4 $1.7m to housing groups 21.6 Canoe course raay be Olympics siCe 28.5 Building society denies cuts in lending for CanoeisCs gained greaC experience 28.7 homes 11.7 Eraring "ideal" for canoe Olympics 11.9 United Perm, calls for Federal confides 11.7 Paddler earns third Cicle 5.10 Reform call by societies 25.7 Record year for building societies 28.8 CARAVANS Newcastle man gets State post 29.8 Society merger 13.9 VicCorian brings a CasCe of romany 28.3 Societies lend more for new housing 3.10 Caravan park planned for Jlraray's Beach 15.5 Society launches plan 6.10 SCaCe raay acC on caravans as perraanenC homes $47ra boost In loan money 16.10 12.5 A public marketing strategy by socieCy 16.10 Caravan changes Co affecC norCh 13.6 Building raoney ( leader) 16.10 Caravans & conforralCy 13.6 $lra for housing loans 23.10 Mobile home can Cake Co waCer 19.6 Tussle likely in board elecCion 1.11 Help for park residenCs 25.6 Sc. George has $1000m asseCs 3.12 Fear on van park rules 13,7 New van idea 21,7 BUILDING WORKERS INDUSTRIAL UNION FullerCon Cove horae park applicaCion refused 27,7 'Body-hire' row sparks ban 16.1 Caravan fees Co rise 18,8 Union Co adverCise jobs Co find unemployed 27.2 'Vacancy' response 2.3 Caravan park extension 29,11 B.W.I.U. men Co meeC 8.5 j CEMETERIES AND CREMATORIUMS $6000 for workers 20.9 Crematorium imposes exCra fee 25.1 BUSES MainCenance fee aC cremaCoriura 'sCinks' 26,1 In perpeCuiCy (leader) 26,1 Bus CimeCables changed 3.1 Einfeld will enforce cremaCion conCracCs Family bus firm changes hands 13.1 27,1 CemeCery parkland plan 27,7 P.T.C. alCers schedules 29.1 CemeCery rededicaCed 20,8 SCockCon bus Co remain prlvaCe 17.2 Brother's protest lives beyond the grave SCockCon passenders form acCion group 20.2 27. 12 Libs seek buses for workers 24,2 CENSORSHIP PrivaCe bus lines 'in subsidies rackeC' 2,3 Driver geCs supporC from P.T.C. 3,3 'Lewd' books burnt 27.1 Bus operaCor denies school 'racket' 3,3 Qld bans 13 'Horror' comics New buses ready on May 17 14,5 2.4 Masling bus goes not enough use 15.5 CENSUS Bus men Co meeC over sick pay 15.5 AuChoriCy Co sCeer private buses 16.5 Reform group stresses census privacy 16.5 Drivers like new Mercedes buses 18.5 Doubts cast on census secrecy 18.5 Census show^ .liai .li aiuu tJ.U v.. N.M.H. INDEX 17. 1979


Approval given for tyre factory 1.2 The children aC risk (leader) 3.1 Wollombi Dam effects for sCudy 1.3 HunCer In line for $7000 grant 5.1 Police SCaCion rumours queried 15.3 Officials see child-life sites 8.1 AmusemenC cenCre approved 29.3 $40,000 day care scheme for HunCer 13.1 SenioriCy a bone of conCenCion 11.4 Bone grafC from sister saves boy's life 15.1 R.S.L. applicaCion deferred 12.4 FesCival for children planned 15.1 Wollombi farraers backed 10.5 $88,000 for child care 16.1 i Council wanes more space 11.5 FesCival Co launch child year 30.1 Council seeks funds for loan program 14.5 MeeCings Co air welfare changes 27.1 AgenC Co cuC race debC 26.6 Year of Che Child launched in MaiCland 30.1 Mall plan invesCigaCion 28.6 Public InviCed Co child welfare meeCings 31.1 Cessnock casino plea 12.7 CiCy child cenCre could close : alderman 1.2 Beetles banned at sports 25.7 CenCre would help erranC children 9.2 Check on hostel rumours 23.8 SupporC for baby aid plan 22.2 HunCer Councils geC big granCs 13.9 $7200 granC Co assise moChers 28.2 Move for bypass 13.9 Year of Child show greaC for parenCs 1.3 HospiCal plea Co cabineC 27.9 VacaCion play cenCres needed exCra sCaff 1.3 Move Co help Kampuchea rejecCed 25.10 $100,000 appeal Co aid lYC projecC 2.3 $500,000 granC 26.10 Challenge of Che game 6.3 FooCpaCh offenders face prosecuCion 15.11 The needs of children in women's refuges 8.3 Cladding is banned 29.11 SighCs on Mexico 12.3 Cladding is noC banned 30.11 Doing ics biCs for mums 13.3 Gr^ts youCh problem 13.12 Wran says child care Co widen 19.3 OuCside use of P.V.C. geCs council approval 14.12 LeCCers 'disgusc' MinisCer 22.3 Races up 10% 6» relief cut 20.12 j Cash for closed home causes red faces 24.3 ! NaCalie off Co Acapulco 26.3 CHARITY APPEALS | Babies in ehe 'selfish' socieCy 3.4 School head confirms pre-swim injecCions 4.4 Walking for children 6.1 Child-care cenCre backed 5.4 Village appeal falls shore 8.1 TeleChon Co benefic from plane exhlbiCion 5.4 Trampolines Co raise funds 19.1 A day of fun for all in Y of the C 9.4 Microscope appeal Co be launched soon 14.2 Day care finance soughc 11.4 ] SCorekeeper seeks aid for ICalian children 7.3 Medical firsC in VicCoria 11.4 $115,000 CargeC in 'Army' CargeC 28.3 Pushing a barrow for children 12.4 $500 aid for R.N.H. appeal 28.3 Lake funds for day care projecC 12.4 $300,000 from chariCy walk 2.4 Caesarian birCh raCe aCCacked 14.4 $7000 raised for Red Cross 2.4 Tramping roads Co aid Che children 14.4 TeleChon Co benefiC from planC exhlbiCion 5.4 BroCher gives new lease Co life 18.4 SingleCon seCCing for surapCious ball 6.4 Natalie off Co Mexico 21.4 Appeal 'Clash wich CeleChon' 12.4 Upper HunCer child scheme planned 24.4 Pushing a barrow for children 12.4 Childrens accidenCs Co be surveyed 27.4 Tramping roads Co aid Che children 14.4 VicCory for moCher's love 28.4 Cr. Freeman's walk geCs more feet 20.4 20 bom using artificial program 9.5 Doorknock appeal in Lake Municipality 19.4 Needs of children ouClined 15.5 Service Co hold fund drive 2.5 PosCer quest for children 16.5 Airmen presenC cheque 4.5 More Cime for child care urged 4.6 SCudents will help flghC disease 16.5 CiCy children 'harmed' by exhausC lead 4.6 Cold walkers help disabled 25.5 Healch hazard reporC called 5.6 Red Shield appeal begins well 2.6 Doubc on future of healch cenCres 7.6 Youth gives socieCy help 5.6 Tiny Louise sCar of Che nursery 8.6 Extra Charity 'Too much' 6.6 Week Co aid children in hospiCal 9.6 Austcare figures higher 12.6 Child week promoted 13.6 Winter appeal opens 16.6 Valuation to allow child care centre 13.6 Walk to help year of child 14.7 Making hospital an adventure 16.6 Charley's acCions 'infringed policy' 18.7 Rights of children discussed 19.6 ChariCy calls (leader) 19.7 Walk to help Year of Child 4.7 Owner offers sCately prize 23.7 'Pick-your-sex clue 4.7 Appeal $1500 below targeC 1.8 A call for a new approach to healing 10.7 MaiCland carwash helps chariCy 1.8 Child aid low 12.7 Heart patients seek a Conne of bronze 15.8 Boy, 12 In lock-up 14.7 The QuesC for Che loveliesC moCher 23.8 iHealth site debate 25.7 Piggy banks empCied for appeal 23.8 [unions urged to back lYC 25.7 ToronCo appeal Co help raan 27.8 Triplets aged 10 given ward party 27.7 Bronze appeal raises $13,000 29.8 I Honey link with deaths 3.8 Fuel appeal falls shore 5.9 Child death rate'higher in industrial areas' 17. Firm had ' $4m profiC from chariCy 14.9 A young view of the media 21.8 Fund charge rejecCed 15.9 Day care 'bad for children' 27.8 Blind dog fund query 20.9 Child abductions rife 27.8 ^f Doorknock complainC 26.9 Child's year group wanes your view 5.9 Kampuchea aid soughC 9.10 jGirls & boys who sell their bodies 6.9 N.S.W. gives $150,000 to Austcare 12.10 I Closer contact 'reduces abuse' 10.9 Famine aid agency 13.10 Forum on-children 19.9 Kampuchean aid. (leader) 17.10 Foster parent group wants resource van 9.10 Relief gifCs to be Cax deducCable 17.10 26 seek Day care co-ordlnaCor's job 10.10 $5,535 raised in a week 17.10 Child care cenCre Co open 11.10 Kampuchea appeal reaches $7,333 18.10 Seminar on Year of C^ild 18. 10 $600,000 given Co $lm Kampuchean appeal 18.10 Teaching Che Cots 22.10 Pupils boosC appeal fund 19.10 Pioneering in mass media studies 23. 10 HunCer cash swells $lm Kampuchean fund 20.10 Day-care posicion assesed 24.10 Kampuchea gets Qld aid 23.10 2 children's homes face closure 24.10 Kampuchea appeal reaches $18,500 25.10 Young viewer's preferences 24.10 Schools back Kampuchea appeal 31.10 Does Celevision care for kids 25.10 Pupils raise $2,300 3.11 Homes lack sCaCe help 25.10 H.V. gives $36,465 Co Kampucheans 6.11 Saving energy in our daily living 26.10 Employees raise $1000 8.11 ConservaCion ideas 26.10 Appeal launched Co aid Timorese 9,11 Waking towards 26.10 (loodness nose, ICs for charity 14-11 Service filled a local need 29.10 Workers donate bonuses 16.11 IA call for children 30.10 Fair Cime in Cooks Hill 30.11 Those accidenC prone children 3.11 NaCural refreshmenCs 30.11 Child unic siCe 'far from ideal' 7.11 TexClle SCaff give $737 Co appeal 6.12 Babies are major need, minister says 13.11 ChariCy sea rider arrives by truck 7.12 AgiCaCion proved agitating 1.12 Children join disease fight 11.12 jA Job: to care for kids 4.12 Overtime raoney given Co appeal 11,12 iMlUions forced into child slavery 4.12 Bikies play SanCa 17.12 'Research groups often counsel in SIDS Cragedies )6.12 CHILDREN AND CHILD ""WE LFARE Method will save Juvenile sighC 8.12 l^outh pinball ban 8.12 10 ••ay« t» h^'y Th,i\4r^wT ^^1 N.M.H. INDEX 18. 1979 ! 1 CHILDREN AND CHILD WELFARE (ConC) CLOTHING AND CLOTHING INDUSTRY

Erin's help is 'power plus' 12.12 Work for 350 piC Kurri facCory 25.1 OuC of the mouths of babes 13.12 Women 'entitled Co work' : Wran 3,2 Day-care services Co begin 18.12 Hair sCyles and mod gear 14.2 Awards for fashion houses 9.5 CHURCHES RagCrade leads coalfields 25.7 Bikini ages in fine sCyle 25.8 Pope flies Co check rife 25.1 ConflicC on cloChing industry fuCure 3.9 $200,000 appeal Co compleCe cachedral 31.1 A new Crend arrives from London 4.9 CaChedral work secure : Dean 7.2 !New male fashion trends 27,9 Bishop Co open new church area 7.2 The SpecCacle of fashion 26,12 Mud-brick makers wanCed for monascery 8.2 AusCralians foresake chrisCianiCy 10.2 CLUBS (LICENSED) Pancakes and crepes on Tuesday 21.2 CongregaCion work Co save church 27.2 jNb R.S.L. club InCeresCs lisC atboaid 3.1 CaChedral gifC noC favoured 13.3 New inquiry for R.S.L. club 6.1 Anglicans ask for cachedral gift 14.3 jConCracCors complain Co club over Cenders 9.1 Priest criticises attitude' Co divorce 20,3 j R.S.L. inquiry next week 16,1 AusC. children 'Caughc hedonism' 21.3 I Club director' asked Co leave meeCing 31 1 Teaching prayer power 22.3 !ConcerC ClckeC complainCs 2.2 Thousands aC church gachering 2.4 jMasonic club sold 17.2 SpiriCs ouC of Che cupboard 4.4 jDirecCor asked Co leave meeCing 21.2 Club launched for CaChedral projecC 10.4 j SociologisC sees clubs as new cenCre of community EasCer messages 13.4 : llf e 6.3 CongregaClons grow 14.4 'R.S.L. audiC delayed 13.3 The Chriscian message (leader) 14.4 Receiver appoinCed Co MaiCland R.S.L.club 27.3 Bishops and pilgrimage 14.4 Club's fuCure may rely on patrons 29.3 $70,000 sale price for Wyong convene 19.4 Club's $l/4m exCensions approved 5.4 | 'Fear of God' healchy : Palau 19.4 Cessnock club under way soon 5.4 I CaChedral club reaches 54 20.4 MaiCland R.S.L. club has $l/4m debts 12.4 ! Evangelise draws 5000 21.4 iPrivacy complainC over news reporCs fails 21.4 ' Influence of Islamic law seen as peace ChreaC !Leagues Club profic 18.4 21.4 Talks on R.S.L. club fate 25.4 { Evangelise says world will look on 24.4 MaiCland R.S.L. Co close 30.4 I Crusade draws 50,000 30.4 R.S.L. club leader 30.4 ; Bishop blessed SC Mary's friary 30.4 Police begin R.S.L. Inquiry 1.5 | Church Calks on indusCrial Issues 28.4 [Poll office advises procedure 4.5 495,000 aecend rallies 21.5 jWomen 'happy' on clubs 5.5 | DedicaCion of cachedral Chis weekend 23.5 ]Male land club Co auction asseCs 7.5 100 year waiC for church 24.5 (MaiCland R.S.L. to keep club building 9.5 Powerhouse of prayer bears witness Co God 24,5 'Masonic Club building sold 10.5 A syrabol of uniCy for ciCy's people 24.5 Inquiry inCo MaiCland R.S.L. 16.5 A Cowering Cask Co overcome 24,5 No acCion on R.S.L. club 16.5 FirsC bishop a greaC pioneer 24,5 Sulphide resignacions grow 5.6 DisCincCive silhoueCCe in Che ciCy's ken 24,5 Police to see direcCors of club 6.6 ConvicC inheriCance 24.5 TaCCersalls manager resigns 12 CaChedral emerges 24.5 Manager reinsCaCed 13.6 This Bishop's raessage 24.5 R.S.L. club meeCs on direcCors 20.6 Welsh church dies wiCh gifc 26.5 Life ban for R.S.L. members 27.6 A fleeing crown (leader) 26.5 !8.6 MilesCone for church in AusCralia 28. Change for souCh clubs 29.6 A 100-year dreara becomes a realiCy 28.5 Harsh accion (leader) Rebuilc AdamsCown Church 4,6 R.S.L. minuCes missing 4.7 New life hope in chapel closure 4.6 Plan Co exCend club 12.7 ICalians open chapel 4.6 Inquiry call on club swiCch 17.7 The church and spiriCualism 6.6 SouCh R.L. club will survive, presidenC Cells Recycle idea for gifC church 8.6 league 30.7 Influences behind an organises 9.6 'NeglecC' in club oxygen use 18.8 Church body Co end campaign 28.6 Sulphide posCs 3.9 Police warn on culC 4.7 TaCCs has a new chief 5.9 Applause for cachedral lighes 29.8 R.S.L. club is back Co square one 8.9 UniCy likely Co be a major objecCive of new Licensed clubs on $l6m spree 13.9 primace 10.9 club's big day Coraorrow 21.9 Church's long waic ends 14.9 Sailing club exCensions opened 24.9 New Anglican head named 8.9 Clubs ban rock dances 11,10 CaChedral seCs ciCy aglow 27..9 Gifc wrapped escapism 12,10 Valley nuns building a convene on 'mud and $lm exCensions Co ToronCo club prayer' 6.10 17.10 Fund sec up in Bay club row 25, Missionaries 'frighcen women' council Cold .10 R.S.L. club backs down on beer prices 10.11 11.10 BelraonC club head quiCs 27,11 Missionary moraliCy in Cessnock defended 17.10 Club in huff over queen 4.12 Synod urges jobless acCion 22.10 Club's new look 6.12 Bigger refugee inCake urged 22.10 New powers on reform 22.10 SporCs club elecCs head 17.12 Diocese Co InvesClgaCe homosexualiCy 22.10 CLUBS (SERVICE) Missionary calls frighCen widows l.ll Nursing home planned 30,11 Plaque honours club 20.12 Self-help Cape produced in ciCy 8.1 ChrisCianiCy in Che 1970s 24.12 RoCary men in sCudy Cour 29.1 Church wealth queried 29.12 'Slavery' Cask for lions 20.2 Legacy head finishes Cerm 26.2 CLERGY Appeal Co help microsurgery aC hospital 7.3 500 aC legacy dinner 30.3 Friars Co counsel Swansea youChs 11.1 Jaycees display aids arChriCis 6.4 Bishops see ouC on Pilgrimage 1.3 Women in Jaycees 6.4 Fulfils church role 8.3 School accepCs $5000 cheque 16.5 PainCing aids church 9.6 Inquiry inCo MaiCland R.S.L. 16.5 New Parish priesC for Sc James 16.5 Torchbearers hold 26eh conference 13.6 Mass marks priest's diamond jubilee ;23.6 ToronCo Lions club makes $12,000 for year 18.6 LecCures Co aid priesCs 14,7 Change Crash for Creasure 14,7 'Pioneer' cleric 25,7 Surprise presenCaCion 30,7 Church full for mass 29,8 Legacy a 'social anchor' 6,9 Church leader urger Asian links 25.9 Women geC Jaycee voCe 6.9 Travelling priesC Co pause in Newcasele 23,10 Tea Cowels for charity 18.9 People need CrusC : priesC 24,10 Lion's pride swells 4.10 AdvenCisCs had a sCruggle Co convert Heinz Torchbearers raise $52,000 for Newcasele Leeacv 26.11 15.11 * ' A pioneer priest's name lives on 6.12 Snail-pace race 16.11 MinisCer farewelled 17.12 Jaycee is a lady 1.12 Diocese visic 24. 12 Service clubs win 3 awards 3,12 Lions club at MorTTBWt—T, IJ • _ N.M.H. INDEX 19. 1979.


$20ra coal deal possible 10.1 Coal-oil vasCness warning 29.1 Coal-price Influence cricicised 23.1 Coal-oil plane increases waCer-supply fears 30.1 NorChern plCs may lose $10ra earnings 27.1 Research needed on coal-oil 6.2 Japanese Co geC cheaper N.S.W. coal 31.1 Coal Cype laxness 'ChreaC Co exporC' 7.2 Coal corapanles seek lower exporC levy 1.2 3 sCaCes In race for firsC coal-oil plane 23.3 Mining firras seek levy drop 2.2 JolnC coal-fuel CesCs Co geC under way soon 31.5 ResisC coal price cuCs, rainers urge 6.2 B.H.P. oil-coal planC sCudy 13.6 SCaCe Co compeCe in coal exporCs 8.2 Oil-from-coal plan ouClined 14.6 H.V. raining firms apply for Korean conCracC 23.1 Coal reserves key Co valley growCh 14.8 Finns eye coal supply 24.2 Coal lab soughC 24.8 Coal exporC approved 7.3 SouCh Africa advances in oil from coal 4.9 DuCch expansion lifCs coal exporC chances 17.3 TesCs on oil prospecCs 26.9 Coal deal angers Bricish 28.3 M.L.C. queries coal move 12.10 BriCain moves Co block coal 6.4 Coal powder may be furnace fuel 15.10 Increase for coal exporCs forecasc 10.4 Pulverised coal has long hlsCory 23.10 Coal Cask force envisaged raore loaders 19.4 ScaCe plans $50m coal sCudy 31.10 ExporC ablliCy doubted 2.5 Oil conversion Copic of Calks 6.11 DoubCs on world lead in coal 7.5 Coal experC picks HunCer 8.11 i 2000m-Conne coal exporCs 'possible' 25.5 More power from coal 12.11 \ Gerraany seC Co buy raore coal 30.5 Powder process unCried 12.11 $155ra plan for NewcasCle coal exporCs urged 14.6 IndusCry voice doubCs abouC 'clean coal' 4.12 , Big life for N.S.W. coal exporCs 4.7 Coal sCudy Che raosC IraporCanC yeC 4.7 COALMINING Record NewcasCle coal exporCs 7.7 Coal porC fuCure good 7.7 Miller ouC of Oaky Creek 3.1 Coal handling losC dispuCe denied 11.7 Magnum seeks Gunnedah coal deposic raoney 17.1 Coalex coal deal 21.7 SCaCe seeks coal prospecCors 26.1 $185ra valley coal for Europe, U.S. Crade 24.7 IrapacC sCudy needed for open cuC : MLA 27.1 Shell in coal Calks 3.8 I H'SmlCh buys coal-flrra conCrol 3.2 Japan geCtlng coal 'subsidy' 6.8 B.P. in colliery deal 5.2 Good year for N.S.W. ports 11.8 ! Coal reserves developraenC hindered 7.2 Big coal deal for Qld 11.8 ! BHP's long Crench reveals 23 searas 10.2 Coal industry strengthens 18.8 Mine H.Q. uses old raaCerials Co recall bygone Japan coal deal for valley colliery 24.8 era 13.2 Buchanan borehole signs Japanese coal contract GianC bulldozer speeds work 13.2 24.8 i Coalralne raakes IrapacC on faraily 15.2 Miller signs to supply coal to Japanese 31.8 Two BHP collieries Co be exCended 19.2 More Jobs 13.9 Old colliery could be new CourisC lure 20.2 Miller signs coal contract 27.9 Coal seara offers big open-cuC opporCuniCy 21.2 Thai coal sales sought 8.10 Coal raarkeCs soughC In easCern Europe 27.2 Japan gets ship order 30.10 U.S. men visiC HunCer mines 27.2 Green light given for new collier 31.10 GranC aids colliery resCoraClon work 1.3 Exports fall 31. 10 Colliery's limiCed life finally ends 6.3 Oakbridge signs $2m coal deal 1.11 MC ArChur drilling ending 6.3 Coal power comeback 3.11 Parkland beauCy may rise on colliery siCe 7.3 Coking coal markeC soughC 14.11 New lease exCends life of Wallsend colliery 8.3 E.E.C. coal deraand rises 4.12 UCah looks aC new mines 9.3 Coal exports rise 40% 5.12 Bid Co mine coal aC Wakefield 13.3 MoreCon field's big coal sale 31.12 'Expressway' for HunCer mine 14.3 Upper HunCer coal under survey 24.3 COAL HAULAGE Planner forecasCs coal pipeline 28.3 Ellalong colliery Co open 4.4 Coal Co go by road Chrough BelmonC 21.3 GianC coal shovel in mine 10.4 Planner forecasCs coal pipeline 28.3 Coalmines land Cake-over delay 13.4 Rail loops quicker for coal 12.5 Training of miners Co begin 26 .4 ResidenCs seek acClon over Cruck deaChs 21.5 CS.R. appoinCs group coal raanager 28.4 Off-duCy police 'on coal Crucks' 22.5 Who's who In Upper HunCer 1.5 Brake on coal road haulage 23.5 GovernraenC plans infra-sCrucCure 1.5 3-monCh safeCy check for heavy vehicles 26.5 SouCh MaiCland field revives 1.5 Rail 'spiral' solves underground problera 6.6 $100ra mining expendiCure 1.5 InCersCaCe coal sales end as use changes 7.6 5120m-Conne quesClon 1.5 Coal Cruck proCesC .blocks road again 8.6 Reserves rausC be fully uClllsed 1.5 Trucks sdll Cop coal carrier 21.6 C 6i A 'one-up' in sales drive 1.5 Rail coal capaclCy 'could be lifCed' 27.6 GovC. exCends coal-mining poCenCial 3.5 B.H.P. develops new way Co move coal 25.8 BHP chief urges- longwall mining 7.5 Coal Crucks Co Increase 31.8 New mine'meChod would reduce sCeel cosCs' 7.5 Two-year lag on rail 17.9 Japanese offered coal InCeresC 8.5 2000 Connes of coal hauled daily on lake roads MC Thorley delay 'is mechanical' 9.5 9.10 Rail sysCem for mine 9.5 Coal Crouble (Leader) 15.10 Rail loops quicker for coal 14.5 BllCz on Crucks will begin soon 30.10 N.S.W. coal reserves ouClined 14.5 Noise polluCion angers CarringCon residenCs 1. New collerles Co fuel power planC 15.5 Answer is soughC on Crucks 28.11 World waCchlng sCaCe's raine resCoration program HunCer coal haulage sCudy 29.11 23.5 MinisCers look aC coal issue 8.12 Coal saraple for BriCish CesC 24.5 Coal chief on China Cour 29.5 COAL LOADERS Job boosC for norCh mines 30.5 Barren ground seeds CesC 30.5 Open verdicC on loader fire 12 .1 WhiCe ind looks Co HunCer coal 1.6 SCudy IndicaCes Chird coal loadeer needed 8.2 ConsumpCion of coal up 3.1% 2.6 Shiploader boom back In place 20.3 Soil scienCisCs Cack visual polluCion 4.6 Coal Cask force envisages more loader 19.4 MoisCure level in exporC coal causes concern 4.p DispuCe sCops loading of coal 15.5 Bayswater mine gets giant euclid 11.6 Check on coal loader 19.7 Greatest auction for mine leases 13.6 Coal-loader opCions inquiry 1.8 Open cut mining 'reduces loss' 13.6 Pipeline urged by M.L.A. 23.8 Frustrations for the explorers 14.6 $2m coal bin Co boosC loading 6.10 Japanese steel mission to visit Hunter 14.6 $lra fire disables porC coal-loader 15.10 Boom tipped for Boggabri 20.6 'oader repairs Co Cake monCh 16.10 Lease for valley mine 23.6 Coal loader conveyor sysCera scrutinised 23.10 Japanese plan to increase Hunter coal IraporCs ReporC backs new coal loaders for NewcasCle 28.6 27.10 Brazil coal group expecCed 4.7 Loader safeCy query 27.10 BHP coal drilling CesCs in lake 4.7 Coal-loader seC Co resurae 30.10 $36.7 ^'unCer coal InvesCmenC 10.7 Coal-loader bans delay ships 1.11 Coal >dusCry peace plan 10.7 15 ships in queue ouCside porC 6.11 Rumai...dn coal inCerest 13.7 Coal-loader has safeCy check 8.11 Mine union aCCiCude 'short sighCed' 13.7 Scudy of loader need 12.11 HunCer mining InCeresC 1"'.7 Special ao"'—\nadar plan drairfs an M.S.B. blank Shell sCake in Capricorn 19.7 • COALMINING (ConC) COAUlINtNING -.WbGCIDENTS (ConC)

Coal council Co be seC up 21.7 Mine depuCy wiChdraws sCaCeraenC, ElecCrlcian Hail Ck. production Cipped for 1984. 21.7 asked Co give Che whole CruCh 20,6 Training for Che boom 23.7 Colliery sCory "blaraed elecCrician" 21.6 Power loss 'millions' 31.7 Scrike off for mines depuCies 4.7 VasC changes in valley coal IndusCry 1.8 Mining Cragedy (leader) 26.7 Cheaper & faster way to win coal 1.8 Rescues fight methane gas 26.7 Power battle for coal Jobs 2.8 LasC of bodies recovered 26.7 Big coal project 4.8 Judge Goran to head public inquiry 26.7 Washery planCs sCudy 6.8 Survivor Cells of explosion, heaC 26.7 Coal for cenCury 10.8 Shock in valley mines 26.7 Mining VlcCory 15.8 Appin mourns a disasCer 26.7 Miners seek valley lease 15.8 The SouCh Coast miners are no scrangers Co Nymbolda rainers' eyes Curn Co valley 15.8 disasCers 26.7 Japanese seek Drayton coal share 24.8 Miners give $50 000 to relatives 27.7 Coal handler wins award 25.8 Appin says'goodbye 28.7 Coal levy row looras 27.8 Appin check 31.7 IndusCry discussions 29.8 Appin mine re-opens 2.8 Low-grade coal role 29.8 Inquiry daCe 3.8 Brarables In JoinC mining venCure 31.8 SupporC 'killed miner' 17.8 S.E.C. Co test coal area 6.9 Falling rock 'caused deaCh' 25.8 30 mining groups afCer Qld coal 7.9 $435 senC for fund 27.8 More jobs 13.9 I Power on before inspection 4.9 MeeCing on coal 18.9 DepuCy saw no danger 5.9 SingleCon venue 24.9 i Bonus paymenCs incenCive Co out corners 6.9 Peko drops mine plans 3.10 ! Mine blasC inquiry Cold of new power-fan incidenC Pre-payraents sour coal raen 3.10 i' 7.9 Miners Co take $3.4ra coal lease 3.10 Manager 'Cold' abouC mine power 11.9 Muswellbrook venture 5.10 I Mine fitter killed 11.9 Mine plan sCudied 6.10 jI 'More emphasis' on producCion Chan safeCy 12.9 Pic ponnies new role 10. 10 Appin musC take preference : judge 13.9 'High price to pay' for coal developraent 18.10, BlasC 'in fan' 26.9 CS.R. raids thiess 24.10 | No permiC for raine fa ,s 27.9 Huge- coal boom seen 24.10 Judge urges mine gas sCudy 3.10 Qld could stop CS.R. share bid 25.10 Coal men rebuC judge's claimes 4.10 Bjelke accepts CS.R. move 26.10 'One depCuy' at Appin 5.10 CS.R. gets 12.5m thiess shares 27.10 Presence of methane mine poser : judge 9,10 Joint mining ventures possible 31.10 Miner injured by cable 9,10 Coal talks roll-up 1.11 1 Miner serious 10.10 Charges hit at coal industry 6.11 Gas rules 'breached' 10.10 Oakbridge makes $7.55m coal deal with SumiComo Two rainers killed in Newvale pit 11,10 7.11 Inquiry Co view mine CesCs 11.10 Growth cenCre seen in porC 8.11 Services for Cwo miners 12.10 Mine resCoraClon study 12.11 Inquiry Cold fan was 'safe' 16.10 Expansion plans for Che Upper HunCer 12.11 SafeCy insCruraenCs 'cheap' 23.10 Girl apprenclces may be needed 12.11 DepuCy 'unaware of rules' 24.10 Powder process unCried 12.11 Inquiry shown 'blasC' 25.10 Mines resCOraClon 13.11 Mine official admits he failed duCy 31.10 Colliery company seeks chird raine 13.11 Appin inquiry 'noC wiCch-hunC' 1,11 Need Co proCecC coal 15.11 SafeCy Calks urged 1,11 Make raore use of coal : minisCer 26.11 Mine rescue visic 5.11 C.R.A. joins in coal search 26.11 Alarm over fan sysCem 7.11 ^ C.R.A's CenCaCive $5m look aC coal 27.11 DepuCy 'Caking rap' 8.11 A sCaCe where Comorrow has arrived 28 11 Mine ChreaCened wiCh shutdown 15.11 Coal found 1.12 AccidenCs cause concern 15.11 MlCsul expands coal 3.12 Mines meChane level above legal llmiC 4.12 Doubled royalcies seen as ChreaC Co collieries Mine inquiry (leader) 5.12 11.12 Inquiry into deaCh of 2 miners 5.12 SCudy on display 13.12 Crew clear of raine deaChs 7.12 Mine should aid water qualiCy 14.12 PIC rules breached, judge obselves 8.12 NaCional park mining policy planned 15.12 Miner killed 11.12 'Illegal' mine gas level bleraCed 12.12 COALMINING - ACCIDENTS Appin inquiry adjourned (Cill 21/1/80)

Colliery blasC: 330 jobs in jeopardy 9.1 COALMINING - HISTORY Mine sealed after new explosion 10.I Colliery blasC (le*der) IQ. i 50 years since Che day Cime ran ouC for 10,000 Inquiry begins on mine explosion 11.1 rainers 1.3 The coincidence at Killie 13.1 Old hands will reraeraber Hebhorn boora 28.3 Fire closes Burwood raine 15.1 The big ralnes shuCdown 5.5 Books closed 15.1 Bellbird - end of a famous mine 7.7 Jobs found for 400 workers displaced by mint Larabton regains relic 20.7 fires 16.1 The souCh coasC miners are no sCrangers Co Rock fall deaCh Inquiry 8.2 disasCers 26.7 Work on mine re-opening begins 14.2 Mine servicee 25.10 Colliery inquiry ordered 15.2 Mine relics displayed 27.11 DisasCer In Che souCh (Jim Comerford) 23.2 Scab miners bring bloodshed 15.12 Pic prop accidenC causes fatal mine cave-in RoChbery rioC remembered 50 years laCer 17,12 Coroner 23.2 RoChbery, 1929 17,12 Heroes of mine fall praises 23,2 Police shoe kills miner as rioC flares 17,12 Mine may re-open 8,3 Burwood pic Co re-open Sunday 15.3 COINS AND MONEY Coal-bin collapse kills Cruck driver 16,3 Colliery resumes 19.3 Currency markeC approved 16,1 Burwood reCurnlng Co norraal 23.3 Backing Che fuCure 18,1 Miner killed firsC day on new shifC 3.4 No $1 coin, says Howard 20,1 Mine blasC inquiry sCarCs Monday 26.5 Gold coin issue 11,7 Mine sCandards declined explosion inquiry Cold GetCing money in lieu,,, 14,7 29.5 Mine chief critical of Craining limiCs 30.5 COMMONWEALTH GAMES IncorrecC swiCch led Co blasc:manage 31,5 Mine fan swicch doubC afCer fire 1.6 SuperlncendenC doubts lighC signal 5.6 Games aid a bonanza for voucher firm 18,5 FiCCer found possible cause for raine shafc ABC Co cover games 28,7 faulc 6.6 SCadium for games near complecion 7,9 Aborigines 'saboCaging games' 4,10 FiCCer 'told Co swICch on power before check' 7.6 Inquiry wiCnesses wained 7.6 COMMONWEALTH SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH ORGANIZATION Mine deputy adraics lying afCer explosion 12,6 Mine deputy hedging : judge 13,6 Love Crick on raoChs 3, I Miner dies in shafC collapse 15,6 N.M.H. INDEX 21. 1979

COMMONWEALTH SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH COST OF LIVING (ConC) ORGANIZATION (ConC) Food prices up by 1.4 per cenC 21.6 NorCh coasc besC place Co live 17.1 PeCrol rise Co hiC CP.I, hopes 3.7 C,S,I,R,0, creaCes soybean milk 19.4 InflaCion geCs a nudge (leader) 25.7 HunCer involved in C.S.I.R.O. hunC for new InflaCion rise by 2.7% 25.7 liquid fuel source 7.5 AnoCher C,P,I, blow (leader) 25.10 'Bonus' in pine Crees 8.10 C,P,I, up 5%, wage loss $3.80 25.10 C.S.I.R.O. finds big eddy off NewcasCle 31.10 CalculaCing Che C,P,I. 27.10 C.S.I.R.O. Cescs 5.11 Food prices up by 0.4% 21.12


ComsCeel builds big rail wheels 20.3 Judge & jury sweaC iC out 13.2 ComsCeel signs $0.5m agreeraenC 19.4 RegisCry plan 'could face problems' 22.2 ComsCeel raoves InCo Cop gear 1.5 Judge cricicises jury facilicies 14.2 $4.8m rail order Co ciCy 10.7 Discussion on courC regisCry 20.2 Rail wheels made by a corapuCer 21.9 Scare on courC exCension seC for May 24.3 Building of $1.5m courChouse Co sCart 28.3 COMPENSATION CourChouse design goes on show 29.3 Supreme courC regisCry Co open 27.4 'VicCims awalC compensaCion 20.1 Walker reacCs Co bill crlClcs 3.5 Overhaul for workers compo 3.3 Walker acCs on Judges' objeccions 4.5 CompensaCion paymenCs doubCed 17.5 EdiCed records for courCs 16.5 PlloC awarded compensaCion 21.6 New high courC judge 22.5 War camp prisoners sCep closer Co compensaCion Family courC ready in December 31.5 1.8 Judge calls for halC Co bill 13.6 Woraan awarded $47,500 23.8 Law chief denies Judges for privileged 29.6 Ruling on senCences 13.7 COMPUTERS S.K. Co rcClre afCer 42 years In law 19.7 Hawke aCCacks high courC 28.7 CorapuCer Ceaches language 7.4 I.R.B. case dicision reserved 2.8 Corapany Cakes on corapuCer glanCs 10.5 SCaCes divided on appeal 4.8 CompuCers invade Che home 15.8 I.R.B. appeal fails 7.8 AusCralia's compuCers 'on par' 20.8 RegisCry aC lasC (leader) 13.8 CompuCer aids raanagemenC 23.8 Wider role expecCed for courC regisCry 14.8 I.C.S. corapeCes for compuCer sales 8.9 Mayor Cells of clCy spiriC 14.8 SocleCy Co show corapuCer sysCeras 13.10 Personal conCacC value In regisCry 16.8 Eraphasis on NewcasCle companies in display 19.10 Mason hlCs aC 'abuse of judicial sysCem' 16.8 iEmploymenC effecC Co be faced 19.10 DeliberaCe acCion alleged 31.8 !Forura gives chance for look aC Crends 19.10 CourC Co use sound Capes 5.9 iChanges reaching HunCer 19.10 The public works saga of 'Sir Gar's Bar' 12.9 Bewildering array for Che unwarv 19.10 CourChouse work well advanced 17.12 IB.H.P. raodernises cosCing 19.10 SocleCy seeks Co increase knowledge 19.10 COURTS - CIVIL llslingCon firm insCalls mini corapuCer 19.10 [InsCallaCion boosCs universiCy's role 19.10 Man wins back Job, wages 18.1 WebsCer raakes A.D.E. sole agenC 19.10 Durack sCays ouC of Sankey case 25.1 jKangaroo 111 CesC for array signals 19.10 4 Cried Co deceive Kerr, says Sankey 31.1 iValley dairy farraers check resulCs 19.10 Whiclara advisers 'againsC $400ra Arab loan' 1.2 CompuCer exhlbiCion opens 20.10 Whiclara adviser 'clashed over loans plan' 2.2 A compuCer with a crazy personallCy problera Loan proposal 'againsC past pracCics' 3.2 10.11 Secretary 'unsure' abouC loans meeClng 6.2 PaCronlcs opens compuCer office 14 11 tHewiCC sumraons delay In conspiracy case 7.2 Shopping by corapuCer in view 15 .11 Charges 'endanger sysCera' 8.2 Word process 'revolution' 27^11 Conspiracy charges 'legal nonsense' 9.2 SofCware work recognised 27.11 Air spray brings CesC case fine 9.2 Business corapuCer range arrives 27 U MinisCers had 'shuC eyes' Co CruCh 10.2 Prominence in 10 years 27.11 Man loses assaulc acdon 15.2 Honeywell is riding on a cresC 27. LI NewcasCle raan loses acCion for daraages 16.2 Less messy office work 27.11 Sankey has walC on cosCs 17.2 N.C.S. service sdll sCrong 27.11 The Sankey case (leader) 17.2 Plan sysCera raoves 4.12 IS.M. finds no case on conspiracy charges 17.2 Course will give solid background 4.12 iBarCon's case 'influenced by unwilling wlCness' New sysCem for daCa general 4.12 21.2 Chip raay help diabeCics 4.12 i DeaCh 'noC faulC of hospiCal sCaff 21.2 I.CO.S. leads way in design 4.12 I War loss ends In legacy 24.2 Cenco opens office in Newcastle 4.12 [$777,523 damages 28.2 New mid range unit frora digital 4.12 [$57,500 damages for faulCy hysCerecComy 6.3 $83,000 damages awarded 14.3 CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION AMENDMENT ACT [$82,556 for injuries 15.3 [AnseCC 'knew acCion would cripple rival' 16.3 Unions face tough new powers 31.8 Dancer pregnant Co psychiaCrisC 17.3 New raove against unions 20.9 CourC challenge Co Gyngell 21.3 Union bill outlined by StreeC 21.9 $108,969 award Co pensioner worker 22.3 A dangerous law 24.9 $60,000 Co rail disasCer viccira 28.3 IndusCrial bill aCCacked 24.9 CourC says 'no' Co insurance appeal 28.3 Changes aCCacked 10.10 (Jwners geC $279 for loss of yachc 28.3 ArbiCraCion bill faced Chrough 11.10 $450,000 daraages 4.4 Judge sCaCes new law 12.10 Council rausC answer for sacking : judge 10.4 Judge cricicism asCounds ScreeC 13.10 Libel ruling 25.4 Asking for a baCCle (leader) 13.10 $377,805 Co viccira 25.4 SCaples Calks sought 15.10 Grazier's son geCs $266,916 11.5 Arbitration act changes to proceed 16.10 Grown privilege musC be explored : Cowen 21.5 StreeC admiCs SCaples leCCer issued by staff $6,000 award for dog death 24.5 17.10 'ThreaC' Co club by courC award 25.5 UrgenC legislacion Calks 18.10 $5,000 for breach of marriage proraise 27.5 Lib senaCor raps unions bill 19.10 Alderman loses libel acCion 31.5 A refusal Co lisCen (leader) 20.10 Libel on program alleged 7.6 We will challenge laws : Hayden 20.10 Faifax's 'direcC approach' aCCacked 8.6 Wider union ban law considered 20.10 New defamacion law urged 8.6 VicCim's wife geCs $287,600 9.6 pOST OF LIVING Minister 'not in favour of eskell' 13.6 Society parties may seCCle 14.6 Canberra geCs shock over CP.I. rise 31.1 $42,577 for accldneC injury 14.6 ManufacCuring cosCs Co hiC CP.I. 13.2 Car vicCira awarded $70,000 15.6 CP.I. increase of more Chan 2 p.c. likely 21.3 $100,700 awarded to wife 21.6 AnCi-inflaCion policy sCalls (leader) 24.4 $110,437 award to accident victim 23.6 Pressure off InCeresC race 24.4 $48,381 damages awarded 23.6 $74,668 in awards Co crash vicClm 25.6 Food cosc rise highesC in 6 yrs 23.5 $64,794 to crash driver 28.6 Price leap (leader) 24.5 N.M.H. INDEX 22. 1979


Contempt alleged 5.7 England Co fly ouC new wickeC keeper 16.1 Orphans get $41,560 5.7 U.K. scribe keeps busy 16.1 Noraad crash acCion 5.7 Shield viccim of too much crickeC 17.1 Scope of Miller subpoena 10.7 Yallop calls for manager 17.1 'InvesCors raisled' 11.7 Englishmen Cake sparkle ouC of NorCh XI 17.1 Docuraents request refused 12.7 WSC fashion show draws 45,000 18.1 ProraoCer orders seC aside 18.7 BoycoCC V. Hampshire 18.1 $85,000 bus fall daraages 27.7 Young England open with draw 18.1 Award for bitten girl 28.7 W.S.C maCch goes Co WesC Indies 19.1 Cripple takes case Co courC 1.8 Darling ouC of Shield : in doubC for AusC 19.1 Punch reporCs 'discrediCable' 7.8 Old Cakes 6-42 againsC Tas 20.1 Cleaner geCs $12,800 damages 8.8 New men humble shield champs 20.1 ParCy leader Cells courC of 'false reporCs' 8.8 Poms back down 20.1 $225,000 daraages 11.8 TesC clairas grow 20.1 Mayoral fracas 16.8 Eyes on shield lead 22.1 Judge rejects party papers 16.3 Brighcraesraerizes W . Indians 22.1 $60,000 for league Injury 21.8 Slocorabe back in NewcasCle 22.1 ParCy's records rejecCed 21.8 W.A. wickeC keeper earns fifCh CesC berCh 22.1 Accion 'unforCunaCe' 22.8 CrickeC ground drenched 23.1 Membership list admiCCed 23.8 Winning chance lose 23. 1 CiCy regisCry confirmed 24.8 3-day shield 23.1 Readers 'would expecC cricics' 24.8 Rick Allen scores 112 23.1 $72,500 Co addicC 25.8 New 'blood' in InCernaCional 24.1 Defence cas concinues 28.8 Lillee biases ouC W." Indians 24.1 QANTAS wins $20m law suiC 28.8 Thomson Judged fasCesC bowler 26.1 Defamacion laws 'same for all' 29.8 Man wich ideas for SCG 26.1 $480,000 defamacion award 31.8 SwiCch Co six-ball over nexC year 27.1 SuiC againsC archiCecCs seCCled 1.9 Hand injury makes Darling CesC risk 27.1 Colin Bond issues wriC 1.9 Scage see for anoCher boycoCC cenCury 29.1 Couple win over oil co. 4.9 BouqueCs Co DusCy & Chad 30.1 Firms will challenge big award 6.9 Days of hot air 31.1 Perch company names couple In $750,000 wrlC Eng. lead Coo greaC : Brearley 31.1 12.9 Qld crush N.S.W. in shield 31.1 $lm sulC ridiculous 13.9 Lloyd sCeers W. Indies Co thrilling cup victory; $10,000 for arm injury 25.9 31.1 ; Woman's death 'due to hospiral error' 25.9 S.C.G, Co consider increase 31,1 | Bus damages soughC 26.9 AusC need 284 Co win 1.2 : Blood 'was very dark' 26.9 EveryChing rosy again 1.2 [ Injury claim dismissed 27.9 Teamwork key Co England success 2.2 | Lesson from deaCh 6.10 Tese Chrashing lowers crickeC level 2.2 | Defamacion win for Punch 6.10 Blunden's in Citle quesC 2.2 Increased safeCy measures soughc 9.10 World baCs succumb 3.2 Airline righCs move 30.10 Tese road Co Cop 3.2 Murder award increase 2.11 Wallsend clear wlCh 3 games Co play 5.2 S.M. sues over courC reporC 12.12 CapCains clash 5.2 $40,000 damages for S.M. 15.12 Le Roux cleans up 5.2 $701,220 award Co burn viccim 15.12 Former eest batsman, Jim Burke, dies 5.2 Hamburgers yes, wines no 22.12 Aussie baCs come good 5.2 Boom for crickeC 5.2 CRICKET Ripple in M.C.C camp 6,2 Children invade plCch 7,2 Hogg for record books 1.1 Miller called inCo squad 7,2 TesC piCch 'poor' l.l WSC promoCer resigns 7,2 Lillee aC besC I.1 CounCies bid for Thommo 7,2 Judicious Brearly takes day's honours 2.1 Cancel world cup 8,2 MaCch lascs half day 2.1 Jeff Thompson likely Co play for Surrey 8.2 Aust. sacrifice advanCage 2.1 Dymock rocks England 8.2 England dooraed from Che sCarC 3.1 Sides back Co sCrength 9.2 AusC keep Ashes burning 3.1 New boss for WSC 9.2 Hilditch confidenc of beaCing Qld 3.1 C 6. S Cicle in sighC 9,2 Teara unchanged for fourCh CesC 4.1 Look out windies 10.2 CapCain musC be worCh his place 4.1 Toss Vital says lucky Yallop 10,2 VicCory Co N.S.W. seen as viCal 4.1 England pave way for 5-1 lead 10.2 Hogg's 10-66 wins baCCle 4.1 McCosker makes tour 10.2 OuCrighC Co W.A. 4.1 Not the same wlthouC 'sclckies' 12,2 BelmonC aCtack SCrengChened 5.1 Like lambs to Che slaughCer 13,2 Hoodoo over N.S.W. 5.1 Eng. Spin bamboozles AusC 13.2 Queensland Cake upper hand 6.1 Packer's laughing, 14.2 LaCe decision on Maclean : Brealy Co open 6.1 Yallop SCiU hopeful 14.2 C & S CesC for CharlesCown 6.1 Game Co loser 14.2 WSC reCurns Co Adelaide 6.1 Sydney rausC pull up ICs socks 15.2 Englishmen need Chorough shake 8.1 M.C.C. score besC Ashes win eyet 15,2 RejecCs venC anger 8.1 Calypso bound 15.2 Williams reCo for EtockCon 8.1 Yallop wanes camp 15.2 CharlesCown continue C 6. S rise 8.1 Qld see Co dace shield 13.2 Cup game Curns sour 9.1 OuCrighC begging 17.2 Qld pick up 20 shiel poinCs 9,1 WSC fever spreads Co Carribean 17.2 LasC-legs Brealey picks 9.1 HildiCch gives N.S.W. good sCarC 19.2 English baCs grind Cheir way back 9.1 6 vie for 3 semi posicions 19.2 Walker swings maCch 10.1 Claridge Cop man for Blundens 19.2 Early crickeC visics were shared 10.1 N.S.W. caughc napping 20.2 Early break crucial 10.1 NegaCive HildiCch draws maCch 21.2 LaCh BoCham bounce legiCimaCe 10.1 Adelaide youCh Cese drawn 22.2 Majid Chan ouC of N.Z, Cour 10,1 4 baCs noCch cenCuries 26.2 BoycoCC sweaCs ic out 10,1 'Spin Cwins' crush Tasmania 27.2 Whinging pom pleads for quieC 11,1 Windies wallop AusCralians 28.2 TesC balanced on razors edge 11,1 W.S.C- bolsCered PakisCanis arriving 1,3 English araaCeurs geC around 11,1 Hogg will SCay in S.A. 1.3 Spin Cwins sCump Australia's Ashes hopes 12,1 Pair home in a rush 1.3 Bre'-lly joins honours list 12.1 Task ahead 2,3 Centuries lift AusC 13.1 LasC chance for C & S semi spoC 2.3 Leg-spinner reckons IC's his Curn 13.1 Collapse In shield 5.3 Team ChaC Jack builC wins GilletCe Cup 15,1 Vic clinch shield 5.3 Two hit 50s against England 15.1 i Replay move in crickeC 5,3 Beatty and Baidnu collect 15.1 I VicCorians esCablished 6.3 Northern capCain sees challenge for England 15.1 Whatmore i Sleep laCesC CesC newcomers 6.3 Aust. fighcing Co save superCesC 15.1 Durable Maclean quits 8.3 Macch ChaC promised so much 16. 1 Aussies score tour best 8.3 LoC of second keeper ofCen noC a.happy one 16.1 Recalled to service 9.3 Pakistan take cg^jMlH]—il. j ^ n.n.n, inutA 23. 1979


Waratah make IC Co semi-finals 12.3 Popcorn fine 20,1 Luckless O'Keefe reCurns 13.3 Man for senCence over Cruck sale 23.1 Aussies grab advanCage in SuperCesC 13.3 LifC from the dumps 23.1 Free scoring PakisCanis Cake hold 13.3 Fine of $400 for preCence charge 23.1 AusCralia have Cheir backs to the wall 15.3 Dump beer fine for Darwin man 24.1 Guess who came to lunch 15.3 MigranC in bribe slip 24,1 Umpire's ticket well earned 15.3 NeglecC charge 26,1 BotCle Chrowers end superCesC 15.3 AbducCion man charged 26.1 Sarflaz hero for PakisCan wiCh 9 scalps 16.3 Fined for cruelcy Co hens 27.1 All rounders key in C & S semi 16.3 RackeC confirmed 27.1 TesC selecCors drop 4 buC recall 'sacked' I MoCher, 25, on neglecC charge 27.1 players 17.3 Fines possible for displaying cars 1.2 Neal, Claridge win awards 17.3 $50 fine for licence loan 6.2 Tahs ready for upseC 17.3 | $10,000 limic for crime vicCims 7.2 SCockCon and Wallsend walk inCo crickeC final 19. [3 Personal informaCion sold Co agency 7.2 A case for' Che use of crickeC helmeC 20.3 | Knife actack 'faked' 7.2 Moss takes road Co World Cup 21.3 , Walker predicts rapid increase in white-collar YouCh will repeat father's rare defeat 21.3 ] crime 8.2 Hughes wants team efforC 23.3 Commutal follows closed hearing 8.2 Wallsend aim Co hold sequence 24.3 Top bookmaker charged 10,2 Hughes calls for new approval 24.3 Union leader threatened 10,2 Second In row for SCockCon 26.3 2 years jail for harm, abduction 13.2 Openers make sCand of season 26.3 Mischief charge 13.2 Crowds disrupt Windies tour 27.3 Rebuke for SP pensioner 14.2 Another Greg Chappell cenCury saves Aussies 28.3 Award against builder 14.2 RioC Chreacening Windies crickeC 28.3 Newspaper fined $500 14.2 Hughes calls for last effort 28.3 No parole period for woraan 16.2 VlcCory af last 30.3 $200 fines for oil spillage 17.2 Chappell gives apology 2.4 Concert-goers arrested 19.2 Australians outgunned 3.4 Man took raoney to bet on horses 20.2 Shades of Zulu for Walker 3.4 Gunmen fire at unionists 20.2 Television rigKCs 3.4 Racket alleged 20,2 SCanding ovaCion for Greenidge 4.4 Wrong arrest report sought 22.2 Lillee may play 5.4 Apology for wrongful arrest 24,2 Aust beaten again 6.4 Real cars used in dodgera game 26.2 Soft line taken on W.S.C. men^ 7.4 Soldier shot 27.2 Shock selection in cup cricket 7.4 Suitcase bird exporter fined 27.2 Bitter Carlson calls it quiCs 11.4 Absence leads to forfeit 27,2 Bedi has no Cime for W.S.C. 13.4 Wran backs task force 1.3 Parish aCCacks reporC 13.4 9 year terra for killing 3.3 Apology follows motel scene 13.4 Bail refused on stolen car 8.3 'VicCorian skipper dumped 13.4 Swira may cost $5000 13.3 CrickeC plan Co be discussed 21.4 False complainC leads Co $300 fine 13.3 Poubt on future of world cricket 25.4 2 charges againsC soliciCor dismissed 13.3 Ban on book stays 25.4 Man 81, denies nude poses 14.3 Commercial cricket (leader) 26.4 Hayden calls for aCCack 'crime' 19.3 T.V. crickeC in doubC in counCry 26.4 Jail for aiding Biggs escape 21.3 Packer offers telecasts to country T.V. Body of child burnC 6i crushed 21.3 Yallop not writer, QC tells court 28.4 DeCecCives seek 2 bogus officers 22.3 Yallop book will be published 1.5 Policeman on perjury counts 22.3 Cricket duo Co aCCend awards 8.5 Pair fired at buildings, dog 2i. 3 Federal acClon soughc on CesC T.V. 14.5 Naked baCher fined 24.3 Professor bowls over Cheory on swing 17.5 $1000 fines but no jail for SP bookies 28.3 Yallop makes plea 18.5 Drunk-driving charge against railman adjourned CrickeC solution may be aC hand 30,5 28,3 GilleCCe ends cup sponsorship 30.5 Driver remanded on gun charges 29.3 CrickeC peace agreeraenC ends W.S.C baCCle 31.5 Match firm charged 29.3 'Scorm in a Ceacup' 31.5 Man shot in arm, side 3.4 Cricket peace (leader) 31.5 Job test switch ends in court 5.4 C!happells call for say by players 1.6 Man fined $600 for greyhound neglect 5.4 Serious Andrew earning 'boycoCC'repuCaCion 6.6 Criminal offences alleged 6.4 Ian near crickeC CwilighC - Greg Che logical SM fines naked bathers 7.4 capCain 20.6 2 sunbathers jailed 7.4 One-day crickeC gains new sponsor 21.6 Man asks for securiCy in jail 9.4 CounCing wounded in crickeC afCermaCh 25.6 VicCim money up 11.4 CrickeC menace 6.7 CommuniCy work insCead of Jail 12.4 CrickeC post rumour denied 10.7 TighCer bail laws demanded 13.4 Aluminium bat could be hit 2.8 Car damage reCaliaCion misCake 13.4 Windies miss Sydney tfest 11.8 CabineC Co reChink Jury plan 18.4 Aust. cricket headed in right direction 17.8 Glass pieces founa in bread 19.4 Tourists well protected 1.9 WarranC ouC for wiCness 19.4 W.S.C. ideas in new one-day cricket series 12.9 Griffich man on tax charge 19.4 Cricket panel rises to five 13.9 Reraand on church charge 20.4 A.B.C. fights Packer's cilcket deal 6.10 Scabbing in concerC scuffle 21.4 Bank sponsors knockout crickeC for Chird MoCher went Co kill son's killer 21.4 successive year 10.10 $300 fine for false reporC 23.4 T.V. deal wich U.K. 19.10 Remanded on charges 24.4 Gus has plenCy going for him 2.11 SaniCy review 24.4 CrickeC laws changed 27.11 ViolenC crimes concern police 24.4 Ian Chappell blase abouC fuCure 7.12 Gunmen shooCs Freeman 24.4 S.C.G. was no drier despiCe ban 12.12 ShooCing sparks recall demands 27.4 Flannelled folly (leader) 18.12 SkaCers "rolled" in Melbourne 27.4 A.C.B. calm over Cour Chreat 19.12 Dowd's SP beCCing coup 27.4 BaCCle for T.V. righCs begins 22.12 Murder aCCempC 'vicCim' charged 27.4 ABC 'always covered crickeC' 28.12 Taree man on Cax charges 28.4 JudgeraenC reserved in T.V. crickeC case 29.12 Unlicensed builder fined $500 28.4 BeCCing charge 30.4 CRIMES AND ALLEGED CRIMES AcC "relies on inCerpretaCion' 1.5 yowan on malicious wounding charge 4.1 Man fined $100 on sCreeC beC charge 1.5 2 men on firearms charges 5.1 Woman shoC, youCh on charge 1,5 3 on bail afCer brawl aC hoCel 9. MG-haCer senC Co jail 2,5 Naked scroll 12,1 Rail driver case closed 3,5 Bait kills 30 pets 15,1 Fine for 20 year crime 3.5 $100 fine for HSC forgery 16,1 Crlbb, Munday face more charges 3.5 Womentry to bless money 17.1 Man shoe in face 9.5 Marihauna in policeman's home 17,1 Perjury Crial 11.5 3 months for trespass 18.1 Crime reporC 14.5 Three women remanded 18.1 iMunday admiCs eighC counCs 18,5 Woman, 25 caught out 19.1 Fines for animal cruelCy Co rise 150% 18,5 Jail for breech of 3 year bond 20,1 N.M,H, INDEX 24. 1979


Defamacion case sCood over 22.5 Organised crime thrived in 1960s 19.8 ParroC fine 22.5 Wrong person held, SM Cold 19.8 Libel charges dropped 22.5 Nine face Taree "affray" counCs 21.8 Arc dealer for trial on perjury counC 22.5 "Pay up or else" war ChreaC by consCable, Judge CosCly radio-active device lost 25.5 Cold 21.8 Snakes in pants raore than awkward 25.5 Debate is OK by me - Jones 21.8 Cars bashed with pipes 26.5 Officer Cold he needed Co ask more quesClons Conviction quashed 26.5 22.8 Two-up bail forfeited 29.5 InspecCor Cells of releasing woman from dock $150 fine for cruelty Co peC boxer dog 30.5 23.8 Man "feared for life" 31.5 $250 fine for cruelCy 24.8 Qld union official commiCCed for Crial 31.5 Wounded policemen Cells of siege 25.8 Woman on bribe charge 31.5 GeCCing to the boCCora of new law 25.8 When Is a report not a report? 4.6 Policeraan's accounC of siege shooting 25,8 Reraand on harm count 5.6 Arresc afCer siege 27.8 "PIraCe" finer Co rise 5.6 Juvenile crirae up 27.8 Jailover caC death 5.6 Walker inquiry on courC"ruling 28.8 Record pirater "cosC $10m 5.6 Man "wanCed Co give blood" 30.8 Bail on harm counC 5.6 Corapany direcCor & wife said Co owe $6ra 30.8 SCudenC on hond-senC raock letCer borab afCer fire Jail for ex-warder who shoe aC prison 30.8 5.6 Would Chere aces offend? 31.8 Bonds on breaking charges 6.6 Police acC in brawl 1.9 Boy arresCed on bomb hoax 6.6 Clubmoji sold ouzo primed wiCh spiriCs 1.9 Welder denier count 6.6 Arson, violent sCreeC brawls 3.9 Vic Chief SM "cleared of bribery" 7.6 Man "illegally near cell" 4.9 Fine for offensive slogan 8.6 ShooCing ChreaC leads Co jail 4.9 BeCCing hearing Cold of "consulaCe office" 8.6 BeCCing arrests 4.9 Duck eggs "risk Co bird life" 9.6 PhanCora sCamper raakes his 6.9 Liquor sale charges 11.6 No acdon on bond breach 7.9 Two men face rare rioC charges 12.6 Drunk in chair 8.9 Union leader arresCed aC WA airporC 12.6 Rifle charge 8.9 Six fined for liquor sales 12.6 Bowman soughC 8.9 ParenCs warned of prank school caller 13.6 Park arresCs : bail foretold 11.9 YouCh on wound charge 16.6 "Civic raove" leads Co $650 fines 11.9 HaC proCecCed birds for sale 16.6 LouCs Caking advanCage of new laws 12.9 5 year Jail on menace count 16.6 $150 fine for car offence 13.9 Belraont video screen coraplainCs adjourned 16.6 Law "no help Co police" 13.9 SpiC costs m an $250 19.6 Judge Co look aC allegacions againsC Alderman $250 spitting fine 20,6 14.9 Shooting threat over petrol refusal 23.6 Crime reporC soughC 14.9 ' Car racket 23.6 Nightmare picnic aC BlackbuCC Reserve 14.9 ; Bird shooters fly as police swoop 25.6 Fined men scill free 15.9 Crlbb, Munday remanded 26.6 Four face charges of bird snuggling 15.9 200 will be persecuted under act 28.6 Lawyers accuse police of "grab for power" 15.9 !4 motel complaints 29.6 Sniper hunC 15.9 Court martial sequel to boat boarding 3.7 Police dogs in search afCer shooting 15.9 Toy gun surprise in court 3.7 BuCcher fined 15.9 (Child cases to be reported 3.7 Four charged on bird exporCing counts 18.9 SM fines petrol thief $400 3.7 ParenCs warned of hoax caller 18.9 $10,000 waste disposal fine 4.7 PoliCicians ChreaCened 19.9 2 raen on hoCle raid charge 4.7 Extended trial 20.9 Closed hearing 4.7 Girl stabbed 21.9 Charge aC harbouring 6.7 New laws charter for louts says old 21.9 Suspect $50,000 earns Jail senCence 7.7 Call for stricter laws on public offenses 22.9 Man fined for Caking beCs 10.7 Change law : Mason 24.9 Newcastle SP bookies "on run" 10.7 QC calls for raore N.S,W. magistrates 26.9 Women faces 11 money charges 12.7 3 arrested in brawl 27.9 Pub betting becomes a Ching of Che pasC 12.7 Matchboxes offence proved 27.9 DeCecCive faces bribe hearing 13.7 Bribe charges dismissed 29.9 jYouth "joins force" 14.7 Raid at Chinatown 1.10 I Nuisance coraplainC dismissed 14.7 Brisbane flier on 7 charges 1,10 InvesCigaCion inCo shooCing 14,7 Challenge to debate police on liberties 1,10 Police hlC aC new laws 16,7 CoraralCCee Co study street offences law 2,10 Police "lose control" under new laws 16.7 Truckles jeolousy cost him $1168 3.10 Two up at Thommos heads to fines for 36 17.7 Bribery acquital 3.10 Jail for two former police 18,7 Remand in shot case 3.10 Big Jump urged in cattle fines 19,7 Wounded prowler flees girl 4.10 Computer crime talk 19,7 Job orders may replace jail for some 5.10 Bogus PTC ticket snappers caught 19.7 Publican to raake apology 5.10 Call to introduce firing squads 20.7 Fine for 'anger' 5.10 Bookraaker Co appeal againsC Cime 20.7 Three arrested at club 8.10 Two fined for possessing birds 21.7 Police baCCle company crime 8.10 Gaming raid neCs 12 in suburb 23.7 GuilCy plea on axe charge 9.10 19 arresCs in beCCing bliCz 23.7 Park behaviour fine 9.10 Bail forfelCed 24.7 AirporC arresc 9.10 Roaring 20's casino raid - 29 arresCed 27.7 Man, 70, shoC on Melbourne docks 10.10 Emphasis on vicCim urged 30.7 Police foil grenade deaCh-ChreaC man 10.10 SP bookies go Co ground in police bliCz 30.7 ThreaC Co borab governraenC denied 10.10 Arson charge aC Kurri 30.7 Community work as senCences 11.10 BeCCing fine 31.7 Man fofeiCs luxury sedans 11.10 "By pass" scheme for young criminals 31.7 Police rejeccs debaCe on law 11.10 On-Che-run rabble chaser neCCed, fined 2.8 Massage girls exposed in court 12.10 Gropers land man in courC 3.8 Work scheme "welcomed" 12.10 CasseCCer swoop 4.8 Fined over pornography 12.10 CasseCCer seized 4.8 BetCer Chan Jail 12.10 Man posed as docCor Co gee car, courC Cold 4.8 Live appliances : builder charge 12.10 Rabble hunC Curned inCo police chase 4.8 RenovaCions made appliances live 13.10 "Money was useless" on hijack 4.8 InspecCor warns on firearms 13.10 Rabble hunCer fined 4.8 ACCacker cuCs girls hair 13.10 Remand from rail raan on drink charge 7.8 4 wounded in shooCir(g 15,10 Rail case hearing goes on 8.8 "Trivial" arresCs aCtacked by SM 15.10 $10,000 Car bill 9.8 $100,000 damage-four arrested 15,10 Melbourne raan on charge of bigaray 9.8 SoliciCor-general Co lead sCreecnaws checks Two wives meC, courC Cold 10.8 16,10 Two fined on posCers 11.8 BanknoCes "In yard" 16.10 ExCradicion row prisoner pleads guilCy 11.8 Suicide doubc-man soughC 16,10 PosCer fines : we wonC pay 13.8 No exCra places on street law committee 17,10 Crime enquiry pledge 18.8 Man ordered to stop drinking 17,10 MPs & crirae 18.8 No computer Ned 17,10 N.M.H. INDEX 25, 1979


Leave order 17,10 Man on assaulC, robbery charges 1.5 "NoC guilty" plea 18,10 Police dog ordered Co aCCack labourer 8.5 Prank pnds aC gunpolnC 18,10 Man on wounding charge 10.5 $500 penalCy ordered over kiC horae job 19,10 Jury acquiCs assaulc case fooCballer 11.5 Four fined $1,100 over Cwo-up 19.10 Man remanded on assaulc charge 14.5 Labor lawyers join sCreeC law row 20.10 , Church major denies assaulc charges 14.5 Police raids in norCh : 4 held 22.10 !! CourC hears 'dare led to stabbing' 15,5 21 squad bliCz in NorCh 22.10 Deaf rauCe for senCence on assaulcs 15,5 DaCe see for Taree hearing 23.10 ShoC man puC gun down 17,5 CoasC hoax calls alerC 24.10 ' Assaulc charge delay 19,5 Aces repeal is "civil liberCies vicCory" 24.10 Man adralCs wounding 22,5 Offences acC 25.10 i DeaCh ChreaC alleged 23,5 AbducCion report checked 26.101 '' No arrescs over assaulc on clerk 23,5 Boraber found 26.10 • | I 10 years for hararaer aCCack 25,5 Abducdons deducCion led Co klnap search ' ' Sydney raan on assaulc charge 29,5 27.10 ' Remand on assaulc damage charges 31,5 Heather IraporC "was raemenCo" 27.10 ACCacker sCays Co aid vicCim 6,6 Appeal over sprig of heather 27.10 Assaulc foiled by blCe courC Cold 7,6 Walker : I'll go if new act fails 29.10 BelmonC man gullCy of assaulc 8,6 New act a success : Walker 30.10 ExCension on jail Cerm for assaulC 8,6 Street offences 30.10 LifC in car ended in assaulc 13,5 HeaCher appeal lose 31.10 SingleCon Co appeal againsC convicdon 23,5 SCreeC dances noC convicCed 9.11 Assaulc robbery counC goes on Crlal 23,5 Pub window broken 13.11 Assaulc coraplainC qosCs $1100 30,6 Punch ChaC raissed cosC raan $850 13.11 Assaulc case adjourned 10,7 Former driving exarainer fined on bribe charge 14.11 I ,, CRIMES AND ALLEGED CRIMES - DOPING Mason encouraging louCs, says Walker 15.11 | li Garage owners fined 15.11 " Doping bid sCaCed : police 10,7 CommuniCy work plan 27.11 Police deny invenCing evidence 11,7 $10,000 police bribe claim 29.11 Capsule in raeaC, courC Cold 12,7 Syringe aCCacks reporC 30.11 Finlay sen offered me 5 grand : wiCness 13,7 Shop bombs exCorCion bid 30.11 Witness seCs Cime on drug Crace 14,7 N.S.W. crirae raCe Increases by 13% 30.11 Jockey Cells courC of slow 17,7 Man wrongly jailed over fine 1.12 Favourice ran a 'very poor race' 18,7 UrgenC call on crime 5.12 Conspiracy on doping denied 19,7 Police seek crime flghC aid 7.12 II Police 'rammed' raan's car 20,7 The high cosC of crime 8.12 Police 'concocCed doping case' 21,7 No Cax reCurn 8.12 1 I Crown case 'ring of CruCh' 24,7 Unique case ends in Qld 8.12 [ i| Conspiracy Crial resulc Coday 25,7 Lawyer fined 8.12 [ 'Newcasde men gullCy of conspiracy 26.7 33 arresCs In MCG brawl 10." 12 i • Dope-ploC 'hirelings' jailed 28.7 Bond of firearm charges 19.12 DeCecCives on waCch nabbed by police 4.8 Thefc repore was false 19.12 i 'Harm' charge held over 4.8 Bond of firearm charges 19.12 Doping complainCs led Co police squad 7.8 Carelessness broke window 20.12 I $200 fine for assaulc 11.8 Man shoe afCer noise proCesC 26.12 AdJournemenC on 4 counCs 18.10 i VicCims of assaulcs 'had head wounds' 10.11 CRIMES AND ALLEGED CRIMES - ARSON | 2 furCher jail Cerras for punCer 4.12

Arson Cheory in $lm facCory fire 17.4 ^CRIMES AND ALLEGED CRIMES - DRIVING Reraand, fine for arson suspecC 24.4 | I $15,000 fire aC high school 11.6 I •Driver fined $625 3,I ArsonisCs suspecCed 19.6 { (Driver on bill charge 4,1 Jail for school fires 23.6 Soldier banned 4,1 PeCrol in school fire 25.8 | Six monChs jail for drink driving 4,1 Arson suspecC 4.9 j Driver disqualified 10,1 $1,000 reward may be offered over fire 14.9 Jail for breaking ban on driving 16.1 Houses burn : arson suspecCed 29.10 Man fails Co appear on harra charges 17,1 Reward on firebug 29.11 PainCed parCy goer fined $300 24,I $1000 bail over charge of arson 6.12 • iRepllca plsCol found in car, SM Cold 27,1 House burnC down by angry son, courC Cold 12.12[ TNT founder Cackles the road Coll 29,1 I Bushfire charge 14.12 t iMan-jailed on fourCh drlnk-drlve offence 31,1 FurCher reraand 15.12 Seeking Che answer Co drink-driving 31,1 Fire lie 'Co clear evidence' 15.12 Jailed 3 raonChs 1,2 Man denies fire charge 18.12 Road hog fines 8,2 Trial on fire bid charge 21.12 Culpable driving charge 8,2 Fire cose $1.6m 22. 12 RighC is wrong 9,2 Nursing home fire 'arson' 27.12 Injury brings flrsC fine In 53 years 13,2 Driver on Chird drinking charge 14,2 CRIME AND ALLEGED CRIMES - ASSAULTS 'Driving home leads Co jail' 15,2 Man geCs Jail over car deaCh 16,2 Pair fined $450 on assaulc char;ge 3.1 $800 in fines on drive counCs 17,2 Jail for assaulc 3.1 Prison senCence for birChday 20,2 GullCy plea on scabbing counC 3.1 Injury charge dismissed 21,2 CourC Cold of hie women advice 11.1 One charge admiCCed, anoCher disraissed 27.2 Assaulc alleged 11.1 ConsCable accused 2,3 Assaulc alleged aC circus 13.1 Drinker drove InCo apC TV scene 3,3 ACCacker of girls, woman soughC 18.1 Policeman admics Co drinking 3,3 $300 fine for circus assaulc 19.1 Driver fined $1,000 8,3 MagisCraCe dismisses charge 26.1 Vic policemen admiCs IncorrecC answer 14.3 SpecCaCor admits pushing ref 27.1 Bus driver on fatality charge 15,3 Official hurC 29.1 Drink charges 21,3 King hit punch cosCs man $150 6.2 Jury acqulCs Vic policemen 21,3 Charges king rewards for 4 6.2 Policeraen on perjury accounCs 22,3 Race driver fired 28,3 $4000 Co broken Jaw vlcCim 7.2 Punched in raouCh policeraan alleges 7.2 Qld. plans blood CesCs Co caCch hemp users 5. $2800 for shoulder injury 10.2 Jailed for fifth senCence 10.4 Rock used in aCCack on couple 13.2 Drag charges 16.4 Assaulc leads Co 2 1/2 years jail 16.2 Invalid faces driving charge 18.4 Man on sCab counC given $300 bond 16.2 Women driver pleads noC gullCy 19.4 Punch Co Jaw cosCs $2000 21.2 MoCorlsCs had "sneezing flC" 20.4 Jail Cerm reduced Co bond 24.2 Disqualified driver geCs jail term 24.4 Assaulc charge 27.2 CourC closed 24.4 Boy hiC wiCh spanner 10.3 Prima facie case agalnsc driver 27.4 SingleCon allowed $1000 bail 21.3 Drink-driver fined $750, banned 2.5 Husband remanded 3.4 "Charge me" - so Chey did.' 4.5 4 Cruck drivers on assaulc charges 7.4 Judge says courCs are "wandering" 5.5 SingleCon charges dismissed 10.4 2 driving charges cosC man $1000 8.5 Thcc- yt-ut ocntLiiLLL fui mub^lng farmer 12.4 Judge discharges raan on deaCh-drive counts d 26. 1979 N.M.H. INDEX


Two year bond for culpable driving 15.5 Two for sentence on hemp charges 31. Man fined $750 for drink-driving 15.5 Man for Crial on drug charge 1.2 MoCorists drove panel-van along railway line 16^5 $240 fine over drugs 2.2 Car hiCs police vehicle in ciCy chase 17.5 Canabis haul worCh $70ra 3.2 $700 fine for drink-driving 23.5 Nine months jail on drug counC 3.2 Man fined for $750 on drink charge 23.5 Hayward Crial daCe seC 6.2 Breath Cests 29.5 Legalities stop second trial 7.2 Jesmond crash driver charged 4.6 Life senCence, cane for NSW Ceacher 7'.2 Coal Cruck charges 5.6 Men fined on heroin charges 7.2 ResCricCion on driver 5.6 Trial reporC soughC 8.2 DeaCh bus man "aware of danger" 5.6 AusCralian to face exCra drug charge 9.2 DeaCh bus driver "reporCed broke problem" 8.6 3 remanded on drug counts 10.2 Driver fined 9.6 AusCralian on heroin charges 10.2 Jail Cerm replaced wich $400 fine 13.6 Bail given on hemp count 14.2 AcquiCal on 2 driving accounCs 14.6 Man fined on hemp counC 15.2 6-deaCh driver cleared by jury 14.6 Drug acquiCCal for AusCralian 19.2 FiCCer faces driving counCs 20.6 HoCel ciCed as drugs venue 21.. 2 Bond on driving charge 20.6 Jail for heroin 22.2 MoCorisCs pleads guilCy 20.6 Jury advises leniency 23.2 Driving charge 21.6 Jail senCence changed 23.2 Police chiefs son booked 23.6 Recorder used in heroin Crial 23.2 Driver banned, fined $250 26.6 Drug Crial puC off 27.2 Random CesCs advocaCed 26.6 $200 drug-case fine 28.2 lOOkm/h sCunC 28.6 Man 'smoked herap' Calking Co police 1.3 $1000 drink-driving fines 3.7 DeCecCive Cells of heroin deal 7.3 Man refused bail on drug charges 4.7 S.M. dismisses Kiwi Kiwi drug case 8.3 MoCor cycle crashed parCy; rider jailed 7.7 Man who fled police broke wrisCs, aim 14.3 Tanker "unfiC for road" 12.7 Jail move for TaiC 14.3 Fired driver says he will geC a bike 24.7 Police seize Indian herap worCh $1.5ra 16.3 ReCired MLA's drink bond 25.7 20 charged in drug raid Case held over 8.8 SM leCs drug defendanC fly Co America 20.3 $1500 fine for Cruck driver 9.8 Fines for heroin courier, user 20.3 MoCorisCs "hiC sweepers" 11.8 Marihuana crop case 20.3 Learner sCruck hlra on a bad day 18.8 Bail-juraper Jailed on heroin counCs 20.3 Breach CesCs 18.8 2 jailed 6 years on hemp counC 21,3 Driver "refused breath CesCs" 22.8 Hemp farm manager for senCence 27,3 On wrong side : boy 1.9 $2107 in sleeve' of raale nurse 28,3 Alcohol level "disgraceful" 4.9 Delay for Hayward trial 4,4 Driver geCs $200 fine, $1000 bond 5.9 Remand for drug senCence 4.4 Driving counCs dismissed 12.9 High school drug sale alleged 5 .4 FourCh charge Chis year 13.9 Drug addicCion 'began in jail' 5.4 New Craffic fines Cried Co CP 14.9 $2,000 self-bail on heroin counC 5.4 Girl, 16, on slay charge 14.9 Qld plans blood CesC Co caCch hemp users 5.4 Juvenille charged 14.9 Bail for 3 on hemp charges 5.4 Device sCops drunks on roads 17.9 Jail for drug sales of club 6.4 Bond on driving charge 18.9 Jail Cerm upheld 6.4 Driver faces five counCs 19.9 Ball on heroin supply charge 10.4 Closed courC 19.9 Man 'unaware of charge' 12.4 MoCorisCs on bond for 2 offences 20.9 Drug fine 18.4 200 Off-roaders booked 24.9 Drug sale alleged 18.4 Acquics verdicC 26.9 Heroin dealer geCs 6 monchs 24.4 Driving law 3.10 Three face Qld drug courCs 27.4 $2000 fine 3.10 Talc given exCra jail Cerm 2.5 Drink-driving 4.10 $200 fine far heroin use 2.5 $500 fine 17.10 Police drug Ceams uniCed 7.5 Tougher driving laws on way 19.10 Backyard drug grower urges legaliCy 8.5 $750 fine for driver 20.10 S.M. fines drug offender $1600 10.5 Charges follow faCal smash 23.10 Police say heroin worCh $750,000 seized in raids Banned driver fined $1100 24.10 14.5 Police charge raan 25.10 Drug charges 14.5 FaCal crash charges 27.10 Woman charged wich $1500 crane 15.5 Culpable driver Jailed 1.11 Drug dose deaCh finding 18.5 Driving charge 6.11 Heroin 'planCed on defendanC 19.5 CoraraunicaCion lapse (leader) 16.11 Sc Kllda said : 14 charged 19.5 "ViCal rush" earns fine 16.11 ImporCs of drugs seized Crebles 23.5 Man faces five charges 4.12 Drug supplier senC Co Jail 23.5 Heavier penalcies no newfe Co hunter drivers 3 AusCralian drug Craders jailed 24.5 who drink 5.12 Fife checks alleged drug file leak 29.5 Bail in drive charges 13.12 Hines wanCs deaCh for drug pushes 30.5 $550 fine for 150km/h ride 14.12 DefendanC 'unaware' of cannabis 30.5 Man 25 cleared of drive charge 14.12 BeaCing denies aC Thailand drug Crial 31.5 Driver cleared 15.12 'Roof fall Chreae' Co drug accused 1.6 'False-reporC' driver fined 18.12 Drug charge acquiCCal 1.6 'Drunken driver' bliCz neCs 31 18.12 Eighc raen face drug conspiracy charges 5.6 [Tough measures on drink-driving 22.12 Blindfolded woraan 'led Co Indian hemp' 5.6 TableCs 'Caken before crash' 22.12 Crew feared sinking 6.6 Driver fined $1000 26.12 Wider drug inquiry urged 6.6 Check on S.A. breach CesCs 28.12 Big raid neCs $500,000 of heroin 15.6 Drug 'on wrecked boaC' 21.6 CRIMES AND ALLtL D CRIMES - DRUGS S.M. warns heroin supplier 26.6 Hemp driver fined $650 26.6 (Police search for men in heroin deaCh 1.1 Smith piled over drugs 28.6 Woman faces drug charges 1.1 Drug case dropped 3.7 jTwo on drug charges 2.1 $245 drug fine 4.7 'Heroin given Co man : police 3.1 Woman, 50, faces drug charges 13.7 •16 appear on drug charges 4.1 Marihuana growCh recorded on film 18.7 'Women, 27, fined $300 on drug charge 5.1 Drug case '2nd try' 19.7, $500 fine on drug charge 5.1 DefendanCs 'parC of drug imporC ring' 20.7 Fines for hemp charges 5.1 Two name 'drug masCermind' 21.7 Woraan on remand 5.1 Doubc on heroin 25.7 Big heroin seizure 8.1 5 guilCy of drug imporCs 25.7 •Lake drug inquiry 13.1 3 on heroin charges 25.7 JAusCrallans on drug charge 19.1 5-10 years for drugs six 26.7 iLasC remand in Bangkok 20.1 $250 hemp fine for woman 27.7 'YouCh fined $300 on drug charges 23.1 Drug 'used as come down' 31.7 Vic men held in Thai jail 23.1 [Fines over drugs 31.7 Drug counCs follow police raid on house 25.1 Lesser 'used for drugs' 31.7 '(JorCon aCtacks law 27.1 Evidence poinCed to an 'inside job' 3.8 Bangkok drug charge 27.1 New heroin 9.8 Bangkok trial for Australians 31.1 N.M.H. INDEX 27. 1979

CRIMES AND ALLEGED CRIMES - DRUGS (Cont) CRIMES AND ALLEGED CRIMES - FRAUDS(Cone) Surfer cleared 14.8 Clerk 'embezzled $431,000' 14.5 Wyong dope may lead Co pardon 15 8 FooCball player kepC $1,000 15,5 Young raan had hemp near school 1(). 8 Man fined $1100 22,8 Bank "error" in Gollin sCaCemene 18,5 15 years on drug charge 23,8 Gollin chief 'advised housing loan' 22,5 7 hemp charges againsC farmer 29 8 WiCness Cells of 'pension deal' 23,5 Reraand on drug charge 30,8 DaCe pay cheaC Jailed 23,5 300 copies of suspecCs llsC ouC : Chipp 3.9 Pardoned man Cells of pension dealings 23,5 Man fined $2000 4.9 Lawyer faces senCencing 26,5 Man Co appeal 6.9 DirecCors 'noC Cold' of Gollin losses 29,5 Hemp penalcies CoCal $800 7.9 Man Cells courC defendanC respecced in socieCy 30,5 2 men 'hired' 8.9 'Civic move' leads Co $650 fines 11.9 Insurance brokers inquiry 30,5 'Dream for Company' 30,5 $9m heroin conspiracy alleged 12.9 Woman 'posed as wife' 2.6 Drug lii.K alleged 15.9 Man admiCs embezzling 5,6 Search finds herap planCs 18.9 I GuilCy plea on five charges 5,6 Heroin ha 1 biggesC yeC 26.9 SM clears 17 greeks of fraud charges 9,6 'Marks' on man's arm 4.10 I SM clears 17 of fraud 9,6 $7m drugs planCs haul alleged 9.10 I Gale admlCs he lied on loans use 14,6 ExCradicion frora Holland likely 9.10 DirecCor denies allegacions 21,6 N.S.W. raan on Qld bribery charge 9.10 2 on fraud charge 26,6 $160,000 cache unearChed 10.10 'Tragic' moCher Jailed 6,7 $750 fine, bond for drug use 11.10 'Tragic' raoCher senC Co Jail : children go Co Farmer on drug counCs 13.10 welfare horae 6,7 BanknoCes 'In yard' 16.10 Ball needs 'inhibiC' appeal 7,7 $30,000 ball in drug case 16.10 Fraud case reraand 11,7 Drug found in lounge room 16.10 Conspiracy alleged 11,7 2 for conspiracy Crial 17.10 Gollin address 14,7 Police fly Co Holland Co geC suspecC 17.1 $68,000 false bank papers, courC Cold 14,7 $10,000 ball for pair on drug charges 23.10 $68,000 bank fraud alleged 14,7 3 men in SingleCon on hemp charges 24.10 Company officials senC for Crlal 18,7 i"ae marihuana luws : a credible proCesC 27.10 (Jollin verdicC 19,7 Books led Co courC 30.10 Gollin Crial 20,7 GraduaClon Co heroin use 'familiar paCCern' 2.11 (Jollin men convicCed of fraud 21,7 Ausc. drug killing link 3.11 2 on conspiracy charge 31,7 Ellalong hemp arresCs 6.11 Licence used Co gain goods 4,8 j Heroin ImporC trial 6.11 Man 'goC car by posing as docCor' 4,8 N.S.W. biggesC $30ra dope crop burnt 7.11 3 years Jail 7,8 Spot pot checks 8.11 Scolen $20 noCes Craced 8,8 $1650 fines over drugs 27.11 Two former Gollin direcCors jailed for 13, 12 jModel, 24, on drug counts 27.11 years 10,8 I 5 ha of Indian hemp cultivated : police 28.11 PainCer charged over cheque 15,8 I Drug-driving count remand 30.11 Denial on BarCons 16,8 'Heroin 'may bring $100m' 11.12 Fraud counCs 18,8 2 drug counts result in fine 11.12 Woman seeks aid 18,8 Police chiefs for Joint narcotics fight 14.12 DocCor jailed for medibank fraud 22,8 Drug in car : 2 sought 18.12 Salesman geCs four years 24,8 Barbiturates : Sydney's death drug problem 24.1|2 Doctor Co pay $22,700 on medibank charges 25,8 'Cover up' alleged 10,9 j CRIMES AND ALLEGED CRIMES - FRAUDS EmbezzlemenC 15,9 $6000 Co 'cash cheques' 15,9 I Top bookie "taken" for $220,000 11,1 Fraud charge 18,9 Jailed for 2 years 12.1 Case adjourned 21,9 'Police "at end" of PYC inquiry 26.1 'Arcful oils' cosc $295 25,9 Fraud charges doubt 26.1 Three on conspiracy charge 10,10 "Fraud" cases reviewed 27,1 Weekend deCenCion, $500 bonds for cheque frauds SM allows CesC of fraud case 1,2 16,10 ;6 mOnChs Jail for preCence, sCealing 2,2 Police agenC paymenC 'up to cabinec' 16,10 IMan jailed unCil rising of courC 6.2 Lawyer jailed 20,10 Fraud charges dropped, more possible 11.2 Fraud alleged 20,10 RL Creasurer on fraud charges 22.2 $1000 bail on fraud charge 23,10 Escape from courC "may be armed" 10.3 $920 fine for TAB offence 2 charges againsC former policeman 13.3 Fraud counC brings jail 29,10 Soccer official admiCs fraud 13.3 Man overpaid for non-exisCenC wife 31, 10 Medibank claimanC fired 13.3 iGlickman found guilCy 31.10 [Gollin hearing 14.3 [Jail over social securiCy claims 2 .11 $650 fine over Jobs deCails 17.3 jWiCness money 'considered' 13.11 $3,942 in benefiCs overpaid 17.3 ppposiCion calls for inquiry inCo conspiracy 6 monchs Co repay $1,866 20.3 ease 14.11 Periodic jail for $23,993 fraud 21.3 Guilfoyle 'misled' SenaCe 15.11 Raid Inquiry move losC 22.3 Fraud informer 'paid' 15.11 "Disbarred soliciCor" on preCence charge 24.3 linlsCer 'in dark' abouC reward for informer 16, LI I Greeks "see up socieCy for benefiCs fraud" 27.3 iBrlCon loses $200 - and his shirC 28.3 :RIMES AND ALLEGED CRIMES - KIDNAPPING I Tapes "record medical frauds" 28.3 >lan abducCed girl, proposed : police 20.1 School suspends boys over fraud charge 28.3 lAbducCed couple lefC near ToronCo 25.1 Northern soliciCor on fraud charge 29.3 Children Caken 21.3 'Founder' of conspiracy ill in courC 29.3 flan alleges kidnap 24.3 I Alleged loans conspiracy action 30.3 brlsbane man on abducCion charge 28.4 'Bash threat' in benefits trial 30.3 AbducCor ChreaCened shooC knee : engineer 20.6 GIO man may be charged 2.4 two men for Crial 4.7 Gollin trial ruling 3.4 (jong jail term for kidnap, robbery 20.7 GoUin trial 4.4 fiarges againsC Crlbb 20.7 Trial of 2 directors begins 5.4 I Gollin funds laundered, says Crown 6.4 bRIMES AND ALLEGED CRIMES - MANSLAUGHTER [Fraud guilty plea 11.4 )?6,000 bail on slay counC 12.1 (Trust funds charges 12.4 Elder guilCy of fatal didgeridoo aCCack 17.3 (Man on 25 charges 18.4 NT Crlbal elder jailed for 4 1/2 years 22.3 I 'ParCy gifC' alleged In Gollin case 19.4 Karuah man Jailed 10 years for slaying 12.4 Doctors Co appear on charges 19.4 Woraan remanded on scabbing charge 24.4 $95,000 fraud alleged 21.4 12 years Jail 9.5 'Good deed' man senC Co jail 27.4 Crown Cells of fighc, deaCh 10.5 DirecCor fined over land SCaCeraenC 4.5 Judge arrescs slay charge acquiCCal 11.5 Gollin profic 'life' alleged 4.5 Crown accepCs noC guilty plea Co slaying charge Legal cosc aC $172,500 4.5 Soccer official given bond 8.5 'Miser' shoe wife : judge 19,5 Bowen queries appoinCmenC 9.5 Marriage rife ended in deaCh 22,5 Gollin chief denies biCCerness aC loss 10.5 'Religion, jealousy' moCivaCed shooCing 24,5 SoliciCor reraanded 10.5 AppeaV uphoid - A4ii ^ N.M.H. INDEX 28, 1979

CRIMES AND ALLEGED CRIMES - MURDER (ConC) CRIMES AND ALLEGED CRIMES - MANSLAUGHTER (ConC) : S.A. police expecC more bodies 2.5 Life senCence reduced Co six years 26.5 Women for Crial on kill charge 2,5 Slay counC 26,5 More bones found in S.A. murder search 3,5 Prisoner appears on deaCh charge 23.6 New clue in skeleCon puzzle 4,5 Kill counC reraand 26,6 100 demonsCraCe aC conspiracy Crail 8,5 2 cleared of deaCh charges 25,7 [ No S.A. murder charges laid 8,5 ManslaughCer convlcCion 28,7 Truro magazine link 10.5 12 years for killing 1,8 Remand on raurder counC 10,5 GuilCy plea Co manslaughcer 25,9 ShoC finding 14,5 Gun laws 'coo lax' 25,9 Murder Crial : insaniCy claim 15,5 Boy, 12, geCs 5 years 26.9 Soldier found guilCy of raurder 16,5 18.6 Leniency for faraily on deaCh charge Police make Truro pledge 17.5 Varley loses Inquiry bid 20.10 t Search for murderer 21.5 Truck fault charge 23.10 Dog clue soughc afCer Vic double murder 22.5 Boy, 15, guilCy of manslai;ghCer 3.11 Life for murder of raother, two children 23,5 Killing senCence 9.11 Murder link noC confirmed 23.5 :Religion, Jealousy moClvaCed shooCing 24.5 CRIMES AND ALLEGED CRIMES - MURDER Pop group, drug link in murder hunC 25.5 [Man 'CaunCed' by wife's affairs 25.5 Man dead after club si jting 1.1 Search for bodies switched 25.5 Murder charge 1.1 SixCh body in Truro search 26.5 Karuah murder charge 2. 1 Police seek aid of drug ring fringe 26.5 Woman planned suicide 3. 1 SevenCh Truro vicCim naraed 30.5 N.T. shoocing 4.I Suicide follows murder of ICalian vice consul Kill hearing adjourned 5.1 Girl, 18 dies from sCab wounds 1.6 Killed girl was Co wed 13.1 2 life Cerras for child killer 2.6 Two bodies found on beach 20.I Bini raurder mysCifies police 2.6 Police inCensify raurder hunC 22., 1 Police look for young man in raurder hunC 4.6 NoCorious criralnal killed 25.1 $200,000 insurance on dead couple 5.6 'CarpeC body. 2 held 27.1 Shoes heard near raurder scene 6.6 Wyee deaCh reraand 27.1 Man accused of cuCClng his wife's ehroaC 6.6 Man in courC afCer Cwo die in shooCing 30.1 Leaked reporC in murder case 7.6 MoCher, 3 daughCer on murder charge 31.1 Lawyer's body found in freezer 7.6 Couple killed raan found in carpeC-police 1.2 Accused man CreaCed afCer alleged raurder 7.6 Man held on InCenC charge 1.2 Remand on deaChs counCs 5.6 Blood on knife, hearing Cold 2.. 2 Man dies in ambush 8.6 Woman for Crial on slay charge 3.2 Double raurder fears 12.6 Man see gun for broCher:police 6.2 Man found menCally ill afCer scabbing Dozen see man shoe 10.2 Major noC Co hang 15.6 4,6 Erabassy Co see murders area 15.2 15-year Cerm for murder InCenC 16.6 Murder charge 17.2 Seven face 25 drug charges 16.6 HlCch-hikers CorCured 19.2 Murder suspecC flees counCry 16.6 Conspiracy Co slay former Nazi alleged 20.2 Scyche murder 19.5 DefendenC 'reborn' In secC 22.2 DeaCh scene false - QC 21.6 CroaCs now facing fresh charges 22.2 Murder alleged 21.6 Trial for youCh on slaying charge 27.2 InsaniCy ruled on slaying 27.6 Accused made grab aC woman 27.2 MoCher on slay charge 27.6 Judge Co sum up in murder Crial 28.2 Bail refused 28.6 Four in hoCel bombing, courC Cold 28.2 Car insurance as murders moCive HllCon blase Calk 'noC fabrlcaCed-wiCness 1.3 Murder charges 5.7 29,6 Murder acquiCCal : man guilCy of manslaughcer 1. N.Z. Crip in drug killings probe SecC murder conspicacy denied 3.3 Truro vlcCim 11.7 9,7 Raymond James, ChrisCopher Greenfield 3.3 Drug Crail leads police Co N.Z. Jury may decide raan's fiCness Co sCand Crial SunC for police deaCh suspecCs 11,7 6.3 *lan charged 14,7 14,7 Horaosexual approach alleged 8.3 2 charged In police killings 16 Accused asked police view 8.3 Scabbing charge 16.7 Trial of SecC man 8.3 Search girl charged 18.7 ThreaCs alleged in raurder Crial 9.3 3lrl held on 2 counCs 19,7 [ Accused believed food should be free 9.3 J3000 bond for killing 19,7 i 2 die in van shoocing 9.3 Two involved in murder : police i Tears in murder trial 10.3 ?olice deaCh : Man, 19, charged 20. •lurder evidence Capes sColen 20 I Conviction quashed by appeals court 10.3 20, •Ian remanded 21.7 [Accused could not explain shooting 13,3 .7 lurder allegacion 24.7 IAnanda retrial 13, 3 Sex approach plea 25.7 I Judge sums up murder trial 14,3 lurder accused is reCatded I Farmer gets life for raurder 15.3 bairns helps 25.7 experC 25,7 Wife tells of shots 15,3 Jury goes ouC Coday 27.7 Body found In bush 16,3 Han shoe for food 31.7 Watch clue to raurder victim's identiCy 20,3 SuilCy plea enCered 1.8 Knife killing 22.3 .2 years for killings 1.8 OinCmenC clue Co murdered man 22.3 Murder pole : Chree guilCy 2.8 I Ross AnChony Dunn, Timothy Edward Anderson, lunner's killer jailed 3.8 Paul Shaun AlisCair 23.3 ! shoe Co silence Chem 3.8 I Gunman shoe hosCage, police Cell coroner 27,3 i'olice wane deaCh for murder 4.8 !ReporCs fair rules SM 27,3 Croats making film 8.8 'Tapes clue Co IdenCiCy 27,3 Gunman killed 8.8 Aborigines handled roughly by police 28.3 II years for fighc deaCh 8.8 !Journalise denies reporC invenCed 28,3 CourCs held at bedsides 9.8 'Lynch mob query surprises officer 29,3 Man killed wife, baby 18.8 HosCage killed by gunman 30,3 Wife killed Co avoid home 29,8 [WiCness 'sure' driver did noC kill hosCage 2.4 Woman fifch vicCim of gang 29,8 iPolice deny accused assaulced 3.4 Vear of crime 29.8 New lead on mysCery body 4.4 Murder charge 4.4 OuC burse delays Smich Crial 10.4 I'ooeballer faces murder charge 30.8 ,3 for Crial on scab charge 10.4 Drug link SA rauCilaCion fund 30.8 Karuah man Jailed 10 years for slaying 12.4 DeCecCive 'shoe chree Ciraes' 30.8 Girl shoe dead 14,4 7 girls raurdered 'organised' 4,9 Man scabbed Co deaCh 17,4 WiCnesses Cell of sCains 5.9 Jakoc Ludweg Brockly 18,4 Grave of Truro suspect opened 6.9 Police check link in girl killings 21.4 'Offer' Co show girls' graves 7,9 Boy on murder charge 21,4 Accused 'was led' 8,9 Man jailed 6 monChs for drug sales 24,4 Vandal raid 10,9 5 girls believed vicClms 27,4 Ball bid 11,9 SA raurder reward offer 28,4 Truro raurders Crlal Cold of deaCh ChreaC 12 9 Police conCinue search for clue Co killers Girl 'goC inCo car' 13,9 IdenCiCy 30,4 Murder hearing 13.9 Murder charge 1,5 Murder hearing adjourns 14.9 Fisherman on murder charge 2,5 Few clues Co murders I5.q N.M.H, INDEX 29. 1979


Appeal on murders 17.9 For Crlal on rape charge 15.8 Man on raurder charge 17.9 Army man geCs 14 years jail 29.8 Body found 18.9 Salamander Bay rape alleged 18.9 Son's deaCh 'soughC 18.9 Friends and reladves 'comralC 40% of rapes' Murder link 18.9 19.9 Jailed for 15 years 19.9 Accused 'heard of rape In news' 19.9 Judge orders acquiCCal 19.9 IncldenCs in car described 20.9 WiCness ouC of sCaCe 20.9 Woraan 'did noC resisC' 21.9 GuilCy plea Co raanslaughCer 25.9 Labourer, 20, gets life for rape 4.10 Gun laws 'Coo lax' 25.9 DeCecCives find sColen car in rapisC hunC 19.10 Man'had buUeCholes in head' 26.9 Man remanded on nurse rape counC 30.10 Man 'confessed Co raurder' 27.9 2 deny rape 13.11 Boy on charge 27.9 14-year old 'in pain' rape Crial Cold 14.11 Jailed 3.10 Accused 'had Cape of police' 15.11 Murder appeal disraissed 3.10 Girl consenCed, courC Cold 16.11 Truro coramiCCal 5.10 DebaCe over Cape aC rape Crlal 27.11 Hearing daCe seC 6.10 Rape case 4.12 Poisoning alleged 9.10 Remand on rape ch.irge 17.12 Prisoner ' frighCened' 10.10 Rape charge 18. 12 i Woraan geCs life for raurder 12.10 Reraand on rape charge 18.12 Life Cerra 13.10 Prisoner sent for Crial 13.10 CRIMES AND ALLEGED CRIMES - ROBBERIES I Faraily led a 'life of hell' 16.10 I ACCempC Co kill charge 18.10 Prayers & coffee Came armed burglar 3.1 [ Leniency for family on deaCh charge 18.10 $lm arc ChefC in VicCoria 3.1 Baby's severed limbs found 22.10 $11,000 SColen from club 3.1 CourC told of letter, telephone threats 23.10 Overseas waCch for sColen arc 4.I Gunshots 'fatal' 23.10 Value rises 5.1 Boy gives rurder alarra 24.10 Hearing of heroin counCs adjourned 6.I Boy, 8, tells of killings 26.10 Bank deaCh 'JusCified' 5.1 Footballer to stand trial 26.10 Vic. TAB robbed 15.1 'Heroin taken' before death 30.10 $25,000 reward abaCCoir payroll handles escape Man, 36, 'stabbed child 26 tiraes' 31.10 20. I Killing agency alleged : police 31.10 IdenClkie pics issued of robbery suspecCs 23.1 Girl gets deaCh penalCy l.ll Idencikic gives robbery leads 25.1 Gun owner 'raysCery' 2.11 Tidy Chief has police baffled 25.1 Boy, 15, gullCy of raanslaughCer 3.11 Dawn hunC for payroll Chieves 26. 1 Police bargaining denied 3.11 Three in bank raid commiCCed 1.2 Barraald shoe during holdup 5.11 Snapped in Che acC 1.2 Murder charge 6.11 Camera focuses on bank robbers 1.2 Police on murder Crial 6.11 Dawn raid 3.2 Murder charges 7.11 Jailed for 14 years 10.2 Life jail for drug killing 10.11 FacCory cash sColen 17.2 CourC shoocing raay pay killer $50,000 13.11 Accused dies while Jury ouC 28.2 Escape new eleraenC in hunC 14.11 Criminal dominaCed woman I. Murdered raan 'puC in freezer' 15.11 4 1/2 years for de facCo wife 1.3 Murder charge 16.11 London arresC 3.3 Body found 26.11 Bandies in bank raid.; 10.3 Handcuffs for courC hearing 27.11 Big robberies 16.3 UnfiC Co plead 29.11 Bank charge remand 17.3 HoCel prank backfires 5.12 Gold sovereign sColen 3.4 Life for murder in hosCel 5.12 ShoCgun viccira 3.4 Life for murder 8.12 InCerpol hunC for BriCish robber 10.4 YouCh killed wiCh car 11.12 Woman 'used robbery knife' 11.4 Killer freed after 7 years 11.12 Robbery pair senCenced 13.4 "^ying woman Cried Co describe raan 11.12 ExCradiCed Co W.A. 20.4 Man for Crlal on raurder charge 12.12 'Scrike foiled Chieves' 28.4 Parlour girl feared drug gang vicCira 12.12 Policeman shoC by bank robber 28.4 Man, 21, Co face murder Crial 12.12 ShooCing charge 30.4 MoCher of 4 dies 13.12 Twin quesCioned 2.5 Appeal denied 24.12 PTC men foil depbC bandiCs 4.5 Term increased 24.12 Two raen on assaulC & rob charge 4.5 Man Co be exCradiCed 26.12 Hold-up sequel : Cwo in courC 4.5 Wife's raurder alleged 27.12 Alleged hold-up men ort 'oCher serious charges' Broke gun raan kills 4, burns farra 27.12 5.5 Police name broke farm raurder vicCims- 28.12 Woraan cricical 7.5 Twins reraanded on 48 charges 9.5 CRIMES AND ALLEGED CRIMES - RAPE Workless man considered armed robbery 9.5 Police seek robbers 14.5 When a wife cries 'rape' 9.1 Police aC bomb scare aC bank 16.5 Key leC rapisCs in flaC 10.2 If aC firsC you don'C succeed ... 21.5 9 years for rape 17.2 BandiCs escape wiCh gera haul 25.5 Bail on Muswellbrook rape charge 15.2 Rise in ChefCs by drug addicts 26.5 Pair change pleas in rape Crial 2.3 Shop raid 31.5 Rape while on ball alleged 3.3 DeCecCives follow lead In hold-up 31.5 Rape afCer release alleged 6.3 Robber pardoned Co die 15.6 15 years jail for 'depraved'rape 10.3 High-powered robber 26.6 BroChers jailed for rapes 10.3 22 years jail 27.6 HypnoCisC guilCy of inCenC Co rape 15.3 $l/2ra jewel robbery 29.6 Rape senCence 20.3 Woman hel,d up, robbed 2.7 $4000 for Caxi rape vicdm 21.3 Robbery find 4.7 Woman says she was raped & Cied Co tree 17.5 Armed pair rob shop of $250 5.7 Rape Crial Jury visiCs bush siCe 18.5 Gun 'fired during robbery' 6.7 Woman 'cried rape afCer blackmail' 19.5 Munday jailed for 18 years 7.7 Man convicCed in rape reCrial 22.5 Police'raid' 7.7 $3000 CorapensaClon for rape indecenC assaulc GuilCy plea on rob counC 13.7 24.5 Remanded 2 3.7 Jail senCence for rape of salvaCion army woman Trader foils robbery bid 23.7 1.6 Trial for guard 24.7 Echer used In Ceacher rape 13.6 Man in courC on 31 charges 1.8 Jail Cerra for sexual aCCacks 13.6 Fire arms sColen aC Green Hills 8.8 Lake area rape linked Co two missing girls 25^ Remand on 63 charges 9.8 Police repeat rape appeal 26.6 Taiwanese 'harassed' by RAN 10.8 A place that can help after sexual attacks Medicines sColen 13.8 27.6 Charges againsC sailor dropped 15.8 Rape case denial 27.6 Armed robbery 17.8 Inquiry on rape ends 25.7 ShoCgun 'slipped' 18.8 Girl, 16, guilty of rape 27.7 Young hold-up man soughC 24.8 I Jail rape aCCempC alleged 2.8 Two Jailed over armed robbery 25.8 ' Man 'knew abouC' aCCack\J.4.8 Armed robbery counC 6.9 N.M.H. INDEX 30. 1979


Robbery counC 8.9 Wife 'needs sCealing accounC' 15.3 Big robbery 11.9 3-year bond for ChefC of cars 20.3 No bail on armed ChefC charge 12.9 Couple soughc over moCel TV ChefCs 21.3 Man charged over house robberies 20.9 PoC planes replace sColen gifC 22.3 Grenade handle 6.10 Man on 51 charges 27.3 Robber Cook $1710 9.10 Woman charged wiCh $8827 ChefCs 27.3 Robbery case delayed 10.10 80,450 CigareCCes thefc charge 27.3 Two robberies net bandies $33,527 22.10 Juveniles on ChefC charge 28.3 Gunraan ChreaCens cheralsC l.ll $200 bail allowed 4.4 Armed raan Cakes $5,000 13.11 Safe found 7.4 CiCy bank filras robber 4.12 Woraan puC on $500 bond 10.4 Blank filra Is Chiefs lucky break 7.12 Man 'lucky Co be alive' 10.4 VisiCor alleges robbery 11.12 [ Bee burglar fined 12.4 Owners of safes warned 19.12 ! SCole car Chree days afCer release 12.4 Jewellery sColen 14.4 CRIMES AND ALLEGED CRIMES - TERRORISM Burning sColen cars laCesC fad of Juveniles 14.4 VicCims awaiC CorapensaClon 20.1 Grace of sColen picCures found aC depoC 17.4 HilCon HoCel borabers "-"own' 2.2 Buggy Chefc brings bond 18.4 6 accused 'planned Co planC borabs' 10.2 Two coraraiCCed for senCence 21.4 Bombers 'foiled' 10.2 Pair hoarded sColen goods 21.4 CroaCs 'planned 2 murders' 14.2 2 plead guilCy to ChefC 24.4 19 'Crained for overChrow' 24.2 YouCh grabs $2000 sCore payroll 27.4 CroaCs 'planning Co fighC in Yugoslavia' 27.2 Man 'broke inCo shop twice' 27.4 CourC Cold of 'Croaeian boys' picnic 28.2 CigareCCes scolen 1.5 Bail for dam charge man refused 17.3 Jail .for motor cycle ChefC 2.5 Fire bomb 26.3 Arc dealer jailed for $436, 156 ChefC 3.5 Man shot in 747 hijack bid dies 5.4 Trial of couple begins 3.5 More bombing ChreaCs 5.4 2 appear on Cheft charges 4.5 Nixon praises handling of hijack Did 6.4 Two jailed for house breaking 5.5 Bomber hiCs Perch again 6.4 Remand on church charge 8.5 LeCCers to magazine Caken 7.4 Car Chief reporCed 'ChefC 8.5 Bomb ChreaC 14.4 Parolee on 3 ChefC charges 9.5 ShorC-lived pioC Co form privaCe army 16.4 Clerk muse repay scolen money 10.5 ExCorCion Capes made public 18.4 Woman Curned over Co NSW police 16.5 Man held on borab charge 26.4 Remand for Cwo on caCCle charge 16.5 Borab Chreae 7.5 $400 fines for RSL club Cheft 17.5 Milk bar fire bombed 8.5 Case of the missing loo 21.5 Man, 41 admiCs bombing counC 24.5 Man, 50, puC on 3-year bond 23.5 Man on borab charge guilCy 2.5 Handbag snaCched 25.5 Bomb scare aC Jesmond 2.6 PsychiaCric aid for 'poison' drinker 26.5 HosCess foils armed DC9 hijack 9.6 Cakes thefc 28.5 GuilCy plea on fire aCCerapC 16.6 Couples 'new' car sColen, like firsC.29.5 Terrorise squad geCs cabineC approval 20.6 Squad afCer Chieves 30.5 GuilCy plea on borab charge 3.7 Man jailed for ChefCs from pensioners 31.5 EliCe Squad 4.7 Man on sceallng, enCering charges 1.6 Bomber jailed 10.7 Stolen goods lisC'like auctioneer'^ catalogue' Hijack Chreat a joke 7.9 1.6 Jail Cerms from hoaxers 17.10 $500 bond for candle ChefC 2.6 2-SeaCe search for men spreads 25.10 Wheel Chefc asConishes judge 2.6 Fiji search call in bomb case 2.11 LivesCock ChefCs increase 4.6 Parcel bomb arresc 3.11 Thieves Cake 4-tonne fire escape 5.6 Re-Crial man seC free 5.4 Rare scamps maybe hard Co find 6.6 House explosion 5.11 Left for dead 7.6 Bomb exCradiCion 22.'2 Girl stole walleC of police chief 7.6 Heroin 'drove man to steal' 7.6 CRIMES AND ALLEGED CRIMES - THEFT Warehouse haul brings jail Cerm 12.6 Graziers warned againsC thefCs 12.6 Thefc of car alleged 4.1 2 jailed for car ChefCs 13.6 Thieves sCrike again 4.l' Reraand on 5 catcle counCs 13.6 SColen jewels, goods found 5.1 18 monchs jail for fraud, car stealing 15.6 $200 fine for ChefC of 69c sweaCband 9.1 Thieves erapty widow's home 15.6 $2 beer ChefC cosCs $200 Stole to buy drugs : raan jailed 3 years 15.6 2 weeks for sCealing bag 12.1 Man On 119 counts 16.5 Woman fined $200 13.1 Bus driver robbed 19.6 Thieves Cake golf clubs 16.1 Pizzeria robbed of $7000 21.6 Man adraiCs sCealing TV frora friend 17,1 12 months for petrol ChefCs 21,6 Policeraan shot 20,1 GullCy pleas 30.6 Two to face car ChefC senCences 23, 1 YouChs face sCealing counC 30.6 $8000 in hair goods sColen 27,1 Sailors face charges 30.6 Married couple for trial on 3 charges 2,2 Owner 'caughc wheel Chief in acc' 3.7 $4000 ransom for painCing 2,2 SCrike delays catcle case 4.7 Muswellbrook gigs sColen 6,2 Bid Co silence man alleged 5.7 Long swim when ski sColen 9,2 PriesC charged wich ChefC 5.7 Remand on boaC, car & gun counCs 10.2 Remand on rob, assaulc charge 5.7 Cheque sColen Co buy drugs 10.2 Explosives recovered 11.7 Dara yields vehicles 10.2 Drained fuel Co go Co police 13.7 4 year: jail for desCroylng cars 13.2 12 SCealing counts 14.7 $300,000 opals ChefC in S.A. 13.2 $150 fine for car aCCack 20.7 Box of botcles Chrown forra window ; Police Murder evidence tapes stolen 20.7 14.2 HelraeCs stolen 23.7 Man reraanded on car-ChefC charges 22.2 Theft at Dungog : twice 24.7 One-arm 'bandies' cause concern 26.2 Warning 24.7 Hoc canaries shop Chieves 27,2 Cattle-ChefC hearing see 25.7 Clerk accused of BHP ChefC 27,2 Prime mover and places sColen 25.7 Hearing of ChefC case conCinues 28,2 Jewellery sColen 25.7 Crown case againsC clerk 1,3 Birds sColen 25.7 DefendanC soughC Co 'clear air' over missing Dungog ChefCs 25.7 money 2,3 Bail refused on remand 28.7 NoC guilCy of Chefc 3.3 Van Chefc charge 1,8 Bicycle stolen afCer monchs of saving 3,3 Sailors deny ChefCs from fishing boaCs 2.8 Three remanded on sCealing charges 6,3 Pecrol Chefc brings fine 2.8 Boy gees sColen bicycle back 6,3 Counsel queries evidence 3.8 CommiCCal on sCeal counCs 6.3 90-year-old robbed 4,8 Clerk for senCence 6.3 DeCenCion for van thefC 8,8 PickpockeC warning 6.3 Clubs alert for sColen keys 11,8 Art 'seolen for Cribe' 8.3 Shop life fines for woraen 15.8 Thief Cakes 40 palnClngs 12.3 2 on Chefc charges 16.8 Glickman called a profile gambler 15.3 2 Navy men convicCed 17.8 N.M.H. INDEX 31. 1979


'EasCer fish' in boaC 17.8 Police cars damaged 29.1 CaCCle Chefc counCs 18.8 Reraand on police car daraage counCs 30.1 Jailed for sCealing 18.8 Reraand on police car case 31.1 Van Chief senC Co jail 21.8 Larrikinism leads Co Jail 2.2 Scolen cash lefC in leCCer box 21.8 CenCoCaph damage 13.2 Drugs Chefc 22.8 ClCy council reward offer on vandals 28.2 Taxi Chefc, shooCing 23.8 Vandalism 12.4 Clerk senC Co jail 25.8 200 leCCers burn'C In mailbox 16.4 Thieves enCer 2 ciCy houses 27.8 Woodchip reward 14.4 FiCCer on 65 ChefC counCs 29.8 $1665 car daraage afCer shop row 15.5 SColen car burnC 30.8 Fans rampage 18.5 Bond for offence no 69 31.8 Vandals hlC bus 25.5 Thief fined $130 4.9 Schools hlC In wave of vandalism 5.6 Television set, cash sColen 5.9 School vandals 5.6 Uneraployea raan 'stole to live' 6.9 Vandalism carapaign urged 6.6 Car thefc warning 6.9 Vandals condnue slogan painCing 8.5 ArresCed 6.9 YouChs charged wiCh daraaglng school 8.6 Remand on break in charge 7.9 Vandal bars Co proCecC school 9.6 PalnClngs found 10.9 School vandals cosC 1.5m 13.6 A • Chefc reraand 11.9 Vandals hlC job slCe 23.5 Fine, bond for sCealing counC 11.9 Vandalism reporC prorapCs acClon 9.7 Fire fighcing gear sColen frora ScockCon 12.9 Vandal bill cosCs $70,000 17.7 Man 'sCole peCrol Co sCeal money' 14.9 DocCor on 5 year bond 2.8 Ball granCed 15.9 Vandals desecraCe BelraonC graves 7.8 Church 'robbed' 15.9 3 year bond for damage Co car 8.8 $500 ball on ChefC counCs 15.9 Oval sheds defaced 13.8 $5000 Chefc 18.9 High school laCesC CargeC for Chieves 3.8 Search ends 18.9 Vandals sCrike aC college 4.9 $15,000 raid on shop 19.9 Nazi leader in courC 6.9 Thefc charge 20.9 Schools securiCy plans advocaCed 21.9 Sailors 'lefc beer' 20.9 Vandals fining on power insulaCors 17.10 'One-armed handle' Cries for Che TAB's JackpoC Vandals desCroy flag 23.10 27.9 Graff id cosCs $2500 27.10 Jail for sCealing 3.10 "Wagon damaged" 31.10 Car Chefc senCence 3.10 Vandals wreck park gardens 31.10 Jail for Chefc 3. 10 Police sCudy ChefCs link 4.10 CYCLING Jail for Chefc of van 4.10 6 n.onChs jail for Chi6f 4.10 Cycliscs vie for sCaCe selecCion 26.1 TAB charges 4. 10 Record to BanksCown cyclisCs 10.2 SoliciCor 'had Cwo names' 4.10 CycllsCs wins 7 in row 16.2 Paroled man robbed house 5.10 Junior cycles Co record 16.2 [ Man 'a menace' 6.10 Charges in cash rules 28.2 I Polish cosc women $150 9.10 Cycling body sells helraeCs 7.3 j CosCumes sColen 12.10 Tough carapaigner honoured 21.3 ShoplifCers fined 12.10 NSW gains CiCles 7.6 'Unkind cuC for Chieves 13.10 Cessnock road race 7.6 Carelessness a boon Co Chieves 15.10 WheCCers seeks four wins 27.7 Canary ChefC charge 16.10 SCacey's lasC bid for Cour crown 28.7 Break in 19.10 AusCralians figure in NZ cycling 24.10 BooCs led to courC 20.10 Rain forces early halC Co cycle Cour 29.10 $920 fine for TAB offences 23.10 AusCralians Cake sCage 31.10 Canary counCs 24.10 VeCeran cycliscs will raeeC 3.11 AccounCanC charged wiCh ChefC 24.10 PriesC remanded 26.10 DAIRY INDUSTRY H use breaker gets 5 1/2 years 26.10 Former addicC jailed 26.10 Cheese iraporC worry 27.1 Man Jailed for vehicle ChefC 31.10 CorapuCerised cows 10.2 Man geCs 'sharp lesson' 31.10 Dairy exporC farce 19.2 'Prime mover' senC Co jail 1.11 'Growing milk droughC' ahead 1.5 Serious spaCe of crimes l.ll $600ra dairy year seen 11.5 Cabbie 'aids' Cipping Chief 2.11 Woman's posC on dairy auChoriCy 31.5 Jail for larceny charges 3.11 Dairy farmers show faiCh 30.6 Hunger worry 3.11 Day deCails SCrucCure 5.7 Five on caCCle ChefC charges 6.11 Dairy raCes geC boosC 5.7 $100 bond on seed ChefC 6.11 Dairy chief 30.7 CaCCle loss case Co go on 7.11 Dairymen fear decline in qualiCy 6.8 Thefc of canaries 7.11 Brucellosis ruling 8.8 Cessnock arms ChefC 7.11 'Loss of faich' in punch 9.8 Five for Crial on caCtle charges 8.11 Confidence in Punch losC before elections, courC 'Fewer cars' aC musCer 8.11 Cold 9.8 $300 garage robbery 10.11 Milk coses 9.8 Man for Crial in caCCle Cheft case 10.11 New cheese worries dairies 11.8 Robbery foiled 10.11 Punch accused of lining his pockeCs 14.8 AtCendanC shoC 12.11 Milk markeC 'soughC 15.8 Jail for enCries 14.11 MeeCing delayed 29.8 PriesC loses Co Chief 14.11 Valley dairy farmers check resulCs 19.10 GuilCy plea on 5 counCs 27.11 Man 'was punished' 28.11 DANCING Man had pisCol 28.11 SeC for Che brlghC lighCs of Paree 14.2 Taxi 'driven Co PerCh' 28.11 CiCy Hall dance geCs rock band 9.3 4 face Chefc counCs 5.12 Russian balleC company arrives 19.3 198 canaries sColen in raid on aviary 6.12 SovieC bailee gives rich performance 21.3 Bikinis worth $900 sColen 7.12 (AusCralians win dance 21.4 $50,000 Chefc from company alleged 7.12 Children saC on floor aC bailee 29.3 'Lock up CighC' warning 11.12 JBalleC Cour 18.5 Young man changes plea Co guilCy 12.12 [Dance Cakes high road 26.6 5 years jail 15.12 lAnoCher dancer who is going places 31.6 ChrisCmas sCocking prize Caken 18.12 A refreshing dance by children 17.9 A stocking full of goodwill 19.12 Are made for humanlCy 24.9 Salvacion array ChefC alleged 20.12 Dance company Co visiC 25.9 Shops begin ChefC drive 20.12 AnChropology, sea 6i bushfires as Chemes 4. 10 $2000 ball on 10 charges 21.12 lAvanC-garde dance vislcs NewcasCle 4.10 $3004 desCroyed Choreography gives form 5.10 Police seek 2 on $400 Cheft 29.12 Advice for parenCs of dancers 23.10 Jubilee balleC 8.11 CRIMES AND ALLEGED CRIMES - VANDALISM Wizard of Oz goes disco 4.12 The bush bash Is back 22.12 Vandals hurl spikes in flyer windows 15.1 HlMUilL Ufebuat UaiiioecLk 23. 1 32. 1979 N.M.H. INDEX

DISCRIMINATION (ConC) DAYLIGHT SAVING CourC acdon move 10.7 Tirae changes 3. 3 Dayllgh saving exCension soughC 5.3 TexCbook racisra Co be reviewed 13.7 Taree 'peace Calks' 27.8 Daylighc saving 6.3 Police bashing alleged 27.8 Daylighc saving plan rejecCed 21.5 Taree police inquiry soughC 28.8 CabineC rejecCs daylighc plan 10.7 Officer checks Taree coraplainCs 30.8 Daylighc saving is sCill an issue 23. 10 Taree sees hope of new deal 4.9 The anguish of Taree 7.9 DEATHS More Taree Calks 24.9 Publican Co raake apology 5.10 NlghCclub killer dies 2.1 Aborigines 'bear hrunC' of discriminaCion 10.10 AuCopsy on Crain passenger Coday 30.1 Melbourne branch for klansmen 10.10 DeaCh by overdose queried 3.3 SenaCor ChreaCens Co cross floor 10.10 CosCs Co socieCy of bereaveraenC 20.3 Racisra reporC under aCCack 11.10 'Heroin dose' wicness absenC frora inquesC 30.3 Coroner warns youCh aC spray deaCh inquesC 3.4 Judge upholds anseCC order 11.10 Glasses lead in death Inquiry 19.4 Liberal leader hiCs aC racisra 5.12 Woman In drug Craffic 24.4 Job complaints drop 12.12 2 shoe dead near SingleCon 3.5 DeaCh of couple 'a shock' 4.5 DROWNINGS Coroner warns on wiring 11.5 Lion kills boy in V;'-*-oria 15.5 Men praised for saving girl's life 18.1 Man's body found in bushland 24.5 CoaCs used In ocean rescue aCCempC 19.1 InquesC wiCness allowed ball 24.5 Young man drowns at Fraser Pk 29.1 Pretty recreation spot can be a killer 30.1 MysCery over man's death 4.6 Woman made her days counC 5.6 Youth's body recovered 31.1 Coroner urges experC aid afCer overdose 8.6 Man dies when caught in cave 5.2 CrickeCer had 'lose on gold' 13.6 Inquiry into rescue calls ralx-up 6.2 Coroner 'Cold of bashing' 14.6 Fraser Park 6.2 UnsworCh deaCh noC overdose 3.7 Drowning raemorial stalled 7.2 Man shoe in 'plane bombing aCCerapC' 7.7 Police at drowning forgot ambulance 7.2 Pool deaCh found accidencal 27.7 Cairn will be grira reminder 8.2 DeaCh queried 28.7 12 girls rescued frora rip 8.3 Disease kills raan (legionnaires dis) 31.8 Coroner coramends life-saving efforts 16.3 Warning on buggies 3.10 Fraser Park cave death 'accidental' 6.4 Learning how Co cope wiCh deaCh 9.10 Search for flsherraan continues 6.4 DeaCh by 'own acC of arson' 1.11 Drowning 'coraraon in Cubs' 7.4 Surgeon adraiCs operaCing error 2.11 Skindivers find raan's body 3.5 LlCCle love was losC for Che loved one 5.11 Drowned juraper 'tried Co wade' 15.5 ShooCing of raan 'JusCifiable' 1.12 Police Co resurae search aC weir 23.5 Family accuses hospital over mother's deaCh 4.12' YouCh 'unaware of danger' 25.5 No record of allergy to penicillin, coroner told Man drowned afCer wharf fall 31.8 5.12 Police find boy's body in river 22.10 Knee operation was technical success 6.12 MorpeCh raan drowns 26.10 No offence in woman's deaCh : coroner 7.12 River swira ends in girl's deaCh 10.12 Cause of deaCh naCural : :},ury 8.12 Man drowns near ForsCer 28.12 Inquiry begins 11.12 Gunman's deaCh 'JusCifiable' 20.12 DRUGS AuCopsy check on Illness 20.12 PlanC subsCance aC parCy kills raan 26.1 DECENTRALISATION LifC heroin ban say docCors 2.2 Analgesics resCricCion likely 3.2 New ciCy program 'mistake' 26.1 Tough new drugs drive 9.3 GrowCh cenCre land overseer 'replaced' 27.1 ExperC Co discuss drugs 21.3 PosCponemenC of growCh 29.1 Curb on pain killers frora July 1 22.3 CreaClng Jobs by decencralisacion 1.5 ALP drugs reversal geCs ralxed reacCion 28.3 BaChursC loss reporCs 'false' 17.5 NewcasCle world caplCal of analgesic abuse Scorm over Orange gnwCh cenCre 18.5 28.3 Inside run for regioi s 17.7 Drug coramlsslon QC on $100,000 salary 7.4 IndusCrial drifC 25.8 Cold compounds risk 16.4 $500,000 land plan 28.8 A baCCle againsC grogs 8.5 HunCer Incencives bid 12.9 SA says no Co legal home use of cannabis 10.5 Drug inforraer in bureau 2.6 DENMAN SHIRE COUNCIL Drug bureau chief raay sCay 4.6 NarcoClcs bureau chief Cakes back resignaCion MinisCer Co speak on changes 11.1 5.6 Denman sCudy predicCs reCail demand 14.2 Top police for drug Inquiry 9.6 ProjecC land anomalies proCesC 14.3 MysCery aircrafC aid drug runners 11.6 Denman seeks land sales aid 28.3 SedaCives withheld over cancer scare 15.6 Mines inspeccion planned 11.4 Minister warns on sleeping pills 23.6 Valuer-general's address 9.5 ' Racial Cheory for analgesic abuse 26.6 Provisional council Co operaCe frora July 15.5 Asprin may prevenC hearC disease 26.6 Councillors mark end of shire 20.6 Cough mlxCures are sCronger Chan beer 28.6 Asprin is kidney hazard 2.7 DENTISTRY WiChdrawal rough for analgesics 4.7 Analgesics sold Illegally in ciCy 5.7 Free denCal clinics Co educaCe children 25.1 Analgesics ouC : Guild 6.7 Check for denClsCs' fees rise 3.5 The great AusCralian wicch hunC for drugs 6.7 DenCal cover near 1.9 6.7 [ DenCal fees raay go up 11.10 Powders sold openly 12.7 Analgesic sales crackdown 13.7 I DISCRIMINATION AusCralians high on drug parade 13.7 I InferCillCy reporC on old drug 11.8 RacisC aCCack on schools : Grassby 5.1 ParenC drug seminar aC Lake 13.8 [ Earlier male reCiring urged 15.1 Heroin Crade relies on corruption 20.8 j Brief win for woman piloC 1.2 Drug reporC delay 27.8 [ AnseCC case sCopped 21.2 Giving addicCs a furCure 4.9 [ Woman 'free Co drink aC hoCel bars' 22.2 Illegal powders sCill on sale 6.9 I AnseCC 'Cakes only male piloCs' 20.4 New drug conCrols planned 6.9 InviCaCion Co piloC 'sCill open' 6.5 Evidence on vallum wiChdrawal problem 12.9 Women 'forced Co scrip' for bosses 28.5 Drug a danger Co sex organs 13.9 VicCory for woman in discriminaCion case 7.6 Drug reporC Co be kepC secreC 20.9 ( The problems of Jobless woraen 12.6 W.H.O.'s members in rowdy proCesC 9.10 Grassby order Ignored 13.6 $700,000 granCed for drug work 18.10 School CexCs racisC 18.6 3 granCS for drug care 25.10 i Teacher wins in promoCion fi^hC 20.6 NarcoClcs bureau seaCed 26.10 $14,500 Co woman piloC 20.6 FuCure of drugs bureau now in doubC 27.10 AnseCC down in piloC fighc 29.6 AuChor slaras commission l.ll Racialism 'rife' in W.A. Cown 6.7 Aspirin at 80 still surprises 5.11 I PriesC says boy beaCen 10.7 Drugs bureau likely to go 5.11 | Dnigs bureau to disband 7.11 ' N.M.H. INDEX 33. 1979


Bates Co move Co cusComs 8,11 EducaCion spending CargeC abandoned 23.5 Three raen lose in drug bureau's closure 14,11 EducaCion funding Co be InvesCigaCed 2.6 CuCbacks a blow Co drug body 16,11 Teacher inCake slashed Co cuC surplus 2.6 Drug unic cuCs 28.11 North faces educaCion cuC ChreaC 4.6 Drug aid unusual 22.12 EducaCion funds cuC 6.6 School cuts defended 6.6 DUNGOG SHIRE COUNCIL EducaCion axe biCes in norCh 7.6 EducaCion cuCs proCesC 16.6 EsClraaCe on scales soughC 10.3 GranC Co cenCres 7.7 Public Co discuss caravan plans 21.3 Cues 'hurC' hunCer schools 14.7 'Reduced' caravan park approved 11.7 ReporC urges fewer Ceachers 16.7 Deficic is 'alarralng' 12,9 Public protesC over funding 23.7 Race cuCs puC shire in CighC situation 26,9 MeeCing urges schools needs 24.7 Departraental advice soughC on finances 10,10 Decreasing finance a sign of 'noC caring' 13.8 PaCerson water plan gets March daCe 14,11 School funds acdon call 17.8 Change in Che wind for Dungog 3,12 Carrlck says fund aCCacks 'disCorCed' Pinball operaClons Co be InvesCigaCed 12,12 18% raCe increase follows financial repore 21,12 EDUCATION - PRESCHOOL Scaff working 85 hours overCirae a week 21,12 Trade fair funds for pre-schools 19.1 EARTHQUAKES School geCs granCs 1.3 Pre-school plan Co sCop work for week 13.3 $l,5ra Coll In W.A. quake 4.6 Pre-school Co Join sCaCe-wide carapaign 22.3 More Creraors 5.6 Pre-school cosCs (leader) 28.4 Cadoux hic by new Cremor 8.6 ExperC sees need for pre-school change 17.5 EarCh Cremor 5.7 CorarauniCy & preschool 19.5 CuC- in funds 'crisis' for pre-schools 30.5 EDUCATION Pre-school funding plan 15.12

School's ip 23. 1 EDUCATION - PRIMARY 65,000 due back aC school 31.1 For schools now IC's-10-pin! 1.2 School band's future in doubC 11.1 Free-choice school plan 7.2 DeraollCion begins aC JuncCion schhol 17.1 Language classes open 10.2 Free denCal clinics Co aducaCe children 25. $1.9m for classrooras 22.2 $20,000 works for school 7.2 $100,000 appeal Co aid lYC projecC 2.3 P.W.D. on Cwo school Jobs 10.2 Class sizes In schools cuC 12.3 School Co geC aid wlCh band CuiCion 19.2 Verbal polluCion 12,3 Ex-sCudenCs Co reCurn 14.3 Serainar on educaCion 14,3 ExCension Co Lochinvar school 22.3 Defining roles in educaCion 14,3 Naval veCeran presenCs war flag Co school 4. Lack of basic skills hiCs young 26 ,3 Next stage of school to begin 4.4 Old school plan for educaCion week 28, School plan 'secrecy & deception' 6.4 Serainar on educaCion 29.3 Parents halt school seance 5.5 Teachers seek Co creaCe InCeresC 2.4 A school of young fisherraen 1.5 CommuniCy, schools link seen as righC 2.4 Truthful tiddlers (leader) 2.5 New officers wanCed for schools 2.4 Mothers walk for school 8.6 Advisory group for aid projecCs 10.4 Work on school stops 13.6 Caning ban on ACT schoolgirls 16.4 $312,400 to school works 28.5 Discipline Ceara Co be naraed 19.4 Report attacks open class results 11.7 Decision wanCed on educaCion comraission 19.4 Metford to have priraary school 10. TransporC inquiry proposal dropped 25.4 Students perforra 27.8 Teachers seek 4-Cerm year 27.4 Plan for school 27.9 Schools' discipline group named 28.4 School band on the road 1.11 Technology enCers Che classroora 1.5 School for hay 12.11 TranslaCed noCe helps parenCs 22.5 Crossing brings boycott threat 15. 11 Schools coramlsslon nearer 8.6 Parents keep children at horae over dangerous 2ducaCion serainar 13.6 crossing 19.11 EducaCion assisCanC chosen 20.6 Pupils profited by fun 26.11 Universicies' freedom viCal, seminar Cold 25.6 Open boundaries cause division 7.12 School reporCs 29.6 'PoverCy' raakes chariCy $100 richer 12.12 Teachers cricicise new comraission 16.7 Fern Bay school shares llghC of youth 12.12 Schools in lake raay geC new zones 18.7 Four-Cerra Inquiry likely 19.7 EDUCATION - PRIVATE Design changes bring flexlbiliCy 23.7 Room for pondering in class rooms 24.7 School fund raove sought 13 1 Pressures change educaCion 6.8 School gets $110,000 15.1 Week opening 9.8 Catholic schools to alter raaths 17. Teaching a privilege - Bishop 13.8 New church school at Teralba 15.2 NoChing solved aC raeeCing 14.'8 Federal aid 'used for church raatters 7.3 Bedford sCalled uS, says P & C 14? 8 Schools ' a church role' 16.3 Loophole brings careers Co a halC 15.8 StaCes enCer school aid challenge 3 4 Ideas soughc on energy 15.8 SCaCe aid for school viCal : bishop 5.4 Valley school plans 18.8 MarisC singers off on high noCe 4.5 EducaCion chases inflaCion 22.8 PlanCing award 19.7 EducaCion 'sCagnanC' 26.8 School policy urgenC 1.9 Inquiry on discipline exCended 10.9 'Clarify policy' call 3.9 Lolly raachines 'school hazard' 18.9 School opens a new wing 10.9 Schools security plans advocated 21,9 Lake school 16.11 School systera failing our sCudenCs - Fraser Parish hall opened 3.12 12, 10 EducaCion plus imaginaCion 5.12 School Cours fears 13,10 School plans opposed 5.12 Warning Co bus drivers 15.10 PrivaCe school subsidy to increase 12.12 Bosses wane raore school basics 31.10 Gosford school gains 15.12 EducaCion cuCs forecasC l.ll SupporC for high school 22.12 More crafc, less maChs, say pupils 2.11 Discipline Inquiry 3.11 EDUCATION - REMEDIAL AND SPECIAL Bedford launches new reading curriculura 7.11 School group rebuffed 10.11 Specialise help for auCisCic children 7.2 Poor response Co schools inquiry 13.11 SupporC for baby aid plan 22.7 Discipline coramiCCee Calks 16.11 Cash soughc Co help reCarded babies 27.7 Reading classesfor Ceachers Co begin 16.11 School CesCer loss 'grave misCake' 9.3 Commission drafC approved 16.11 Baby scherae needs $17,000 Co survive 4.4 ReporC atCacks eChnic schools 13.12 Disabled people Caughc Co swim in new pool School surfing 14. 12 Special school addiCion opened 22.5 Teachers seek bill changes 19.12 AuCisCic school receives cheque 29.5 Pianola glfC Co Delando club 12.6 EDUCATION - FINANCE Lakeside school Co geC pool 29.6 Children who need help Co learn 31.7 More funds soughc for educaCion 14.4 School's deaf to move 11.8 CartlUK Wilis fight fut^ducaClon funds 22.5 1979 N.M.H. INDEX J4.


$1400 cheque for school 29.10 TAFE SCrike resumes 24,10 I End Co dispuCe raoves closer 26,10 EDUCATION - SECONDARY Teachers will sCay on Job 27,11

Maitland studenC Cop In H.S.C. 9.1 EDUCATION - TECHNICAL Teachers call for exara aboluClon 10.I Pupil 12Ch In sCaCe 11.1 College plans ready 5,1 Call for class-size inquiry 2.2 Tech colleges go ahead 2,2 High school work Co cosC $92,541 14.2 New BelraonC tech principal appoinCed 7.2 Addicions aC school 3.3 I Elisen - a 'spark' in a male world 16.2 70,000 SCudenCs Co enCer conCesC 12.3 j TAFE award courses seC 12.3 Discipline problera on rise : Ceacher 18.4 Value of youCh plan 26.3 Bedford calls for reCurn of school cerCificaCe Call for educaCion uniC 26.3 25.4 $6.6ra for flrsC sCage of Cech 27.3 TesCing choice (leader) 27.4 Trades 'denied Co young people' 2.4 VicCorian unis abandon H.S.C. 19.5 Course for jobless begins 1.6 Jobs warning in Uni Cour 30.5 , SpliC in college conCrol backed 11.7 SCudenCs acC againsC Ceachers aC BelmonC 15.6 j Harmony unique 12.7 Change in exam 'would cosC millions' 20.8 [ Training for Che boom 23.7 C.A.E. course 2r " TAFE assumes conCrol of liCeracy classes 6.10 'Thank-you' Co sCudenCs 27.8 [ College closes Crade courses 8.10 Repair work sCarCs t high school 29.8 T.A.F.E. courses offer varieCy 9.11 $1.6ra exCensions Co schools 31.8 Tech leCs Cender for ameniCies 10.11 SCudenCs hlC aC sysCera 13.9 College Co geC new car shop 14.11 School geCs a facellfC 5.10 ReporC on Cechnical educaCion urged 14.11 $100 Co win 8.10 The value of school assessmenC 15.10 EDUCATION - TERTIARY ScudehCs geC end of year warning 16.10 School guards banned 25.10 Sexual blackraail warning 4. 1 2180 siC for final Cest 30. 0 Lib SCudenCs wanC A.N.U. fee ban 20.1 A wary 'fair' for H.S.C. test 31.10 PosC-war boom ends 31.1 Jesraond high boy wins test 2.11 CAE's reach lean period 1.2 Asbestos in school hall to be sealed 9.11 Call for raore Cechnical educaCion 23.3 Asbestos in hall covered with plastic 10.11 Inquiry urges increase in college nurabers, scope Meraorlal Co honour dead boy 14.11 23.3 I School fills exam gap 29.11 High college drop-ouC rate causes concern 26.3 CheraisCry school popular 5.12 Albury uni plan 'should be dropped' 26.3 Schools SupplemenC exara 6.12 The fuCure of educaCion (leader) 26.3 Scholars and handicapped 12.12 French courses offered 28.4 EducaCion 'conCrol' dorainaCed by raoney 1.5 EDUCATION - STRIKES AND DISPUTES Research awards 21.5 Arc school wich air of success 28.5 Cleaners one-man sCrike 2.2 Aus's problems ChreaCen iC's fuCure 20.6 Call for class-size inquiry 2.2 Aus wins local vote 20.7 Meeting on class sizes 3.2 Engineers again in deraand 7.8 Lone striker supported 3.2 Uni plan opposed 11.8 Teachers vote Co take coraproraise offer 9.2 TerCiary courses outlined 9.11 Benevolent strike has no effect 10.2 SCudents fight study fees 9.11 College staff vote to strike 14.2 NaCional advisory leader 26.11 School ultlraatura 16.2 Professor warns 12.12 School cleaner back on Job 16.2 Teachers to raeet on rooms action 19.2 EGGS AND POULTRY Rolling absentee call 20.2 Tech teachers plan protest stike 23.2 WeaCher coses sCeggles $30,000 10.1 Tech teachers strike 27.2 Dungog council Co rule on sheds 13.4 More tech stops possible 28.2 $4ra chicken farm foi Farley 14.4 Teacher postings e :pected Co end dispuCes 28.2 Broiler code opposed 18.4 School arCs classes sue dispuCe 9.3 (thicken creeps up on beef 2.6 Preschools rejecC one-week sCrike 29.3 Chicken sheds draw pressure allegacions 19.6 Teachers sCrike over conCarainaCed waCer 2.4 , SCeggles reraains quieC 20.6 ParenCs Co decide on sCrike school aCCendance 3.4 Shire geCs shed code 21,6 Wrong Carget (leader) 3.4 ResidenCs hiC noise, sCench 27.6 Water-ban students back 4.4 SCeggles will build road 28.6 Teachers urge more water checks 5.4 Dungog high in chicken sCakes 4,10 Tech teachers reduce cheir hours in class 22.5 Vacy chicken shed under scruCiny 14.11 Teachers In record strike 2.6 Unwelcome Co leghornland 26.11 Teachers plan strike 4.6 PaCerson proCesC on chicken indusCry 28.11 Teachers act on hours dispute 8.6 Newcastle TAFE stoppage backed 12.6 Colleges hit by strike 21.5 ELECTIONS Teachers drop one period 21.6 Teachers strike 26.6 Non-voCer faces 2 week waic for jail 11,1 Techs to stay open 28.6 130,000 asked why Chey did noC voCe 1,2 Another TAFE sCrike 2C.6 Wran looking aC quota voCing 6.2 DispuCed classes go on 3.7 MLA seeks naming of siCe 9.2 Teachers suspended accion 12.7 DirecC school acclon raove 17.7 Mason, Punch oppose elecCoral proposal 15.3 Wran calls for funded polls 18.6 Teachers sCrike on sCaffissue 28.7 Funding che polls 19,6 School acCion goes on 1.8 Concern on elecCoral acC 24,9 Telegram sCops parenCs march 7.8 HunCer pupils singled ouC 9.8 ELECTIONS - FEDERAL Teachers under aCCack again 15.8 School legal challenge 16.8 ParenCs wanC funds - frozen over budgeC 23.8 MLA seeks federal seaC 10.4 More bans by Cech Ceachers 4.9 [Morris noC Co oppose Jones 30.4 DispuCe affecCs some sCudenCs 24.9 Grassby geCs support 14.5 Classes cuC In TAFE sCrlke 26.9 Aid Brown defeaCs 6 for HunCer pre-selecClon Trainees the vicCims of indusCrial acCion 4.10 ;28.5 Roll over Ceaching level 5.10 ,BryanC will keep seaC 6.6 DirecCor backs school moves 5.10 New blow for liberals in Grayndler by-eleccion I 25. 6 Classroom vicCims (leader) 6.10 Tech Ceachers plan rolling sCrikes 8.10 ALP goes furCher ahead in Grayndler 26.6 I Liberal loss 25.6 Rolling SCrikes ac Cech 9.10 200 SCudenCs miss classes in sCrike 10.10 ALP sCrengChens hold 25.6 Teacher dispuCe goes on 11.10 Wills silence call issued 1,8 P.M.'s senaCe nighCmare 6,8 Teacher suspend Cech sCrikes 13.10 Poll shows big ALP swing 20.8 Moves for Cwo Ceachers 13.10 Bans raay force deferral of exams 22.10 $2m more Co be spenC for nexC elecCion 29 8 (Industrial crisis seen as election diversion Rolling sCrikes reCurn Co techs 23,10 N.M.H. INDEX 35. 1979


Labor makes early bid for Lyne 1.12 'More woraen will work' 4,1 Lucock Co run for Lyne 5.12 CES Co InvesClgaCe 'Cln god' coraplainC 4,1 Nurabers ouCslde workforce rises 5,1 ELECTIONS - LOCAL GOVERNMENT Survey finds job ouClook brighCer 8,1 1000 queue for CharlesCown Jobs 9,1 Group sysCem for council elecCions 28.2 Rush for jobs aC K-MarC eases 10,1 Council voCing 1.3 Willis cricicises dole lisC deCalls delay 15,1 Group founder resigns 6.9 YouCh cencre has 10 courses 15,1 Sport bows Co poll booCh 17.10 Hawke renews call for job Calks 19,1 The workless generaClon 20,1 ELECTIONS - STATE UnemploymenC aC posC-war high 20,1 Scheme Co Crain 1000 young people 24,1 Big swim Co ALP in ACT poll 4.6 Jobless aid a Fraser fraud : Hayden 25,1 Ellis for pre-selecCion 13.6 Hawke plea Caken up in NewcasCle 26,1 ElecCion a CesCing ground- Hayden 9.7 M.P.'s aCCack prejudiced CES job files 25.1 Labor Cipped for a big win 27.7 Making jobs for youCh 27.1 Swing Co labor in Tasmania 30.7 Vinerorders job files inquiry 27.1 Echoes of a swing 30.7 Courses for jobless open 30.1 AH cut Cherae in Tasraania poll 28.7 [60,000 junior jobs desCroyed 1.2 Move Co break JoinC CickeCs 6.8 Apology Co jobless young 6.2 Shortland counCy council 7.8 Jobs raake besC rise since 1974 7.2 1 Corcoran calls SepCember poll 23.8 I 1000 queue for 100 jobs (S.A.) 13.2 CenCre Co eraploy 300 14.2 ' ELECTORAL BOUNDARIES Nearly 500,000 ouC of job 17.2 Jobs policy change madness : P.M. 17.2 RedisCribuCion unlikely Co add seaC 13.3 Young lashes "crank" jobs policies 21.2 Boundary - change pledge 15.3 Rise in jobs 'pleasing' 2.3 6 counCry seaCs raay go - Fisher 16.3 Non-exisCenC jobs v;anCed in Goulburn 2.3 NaCional poll calls for equalised elecCoraCes 'Double standards' for jobless 7.3 | 29.5 Tough line expecCed on jobless 7.3 j Liberals, NCP in boundaries row 3.8 Teraporary jobs hope 9.3 | SeaC changes cheer ALP 28.8 Ex-pupils Co aid jobs sCudy 12.3 ' Labor has raade new rules - Punch 26.11 EraployraenC hopes rise (leader) 17.3 RedisCribuCion hard Co faulC 28.11 NaCional unemployraenC rises,HunCer down 17.3 Fair rules for new voCe garae 28.11 SCudy finds 20 p.c. Jobless race for woraen 22.^ CoramunlCies likely to appeal 28.11 Job references ouC for school-leavers 22.3 [ One new seat in changes 28.11 Travel aid for Vic jobless 26.3 Chance for 2 new faces 28.11 New job-counselling service for youChs 3.4 Shocks in reshuffle 29.11 Jobless rise Co 10 p.c. Cipped 6.4 WaraCah MLA appeals againsC boundaries 1.12 MarkeC for labour 'sCrong' 13.4 BeCCer job ouClook for school-leavers 13.4 ELECTRICAL TRADES UNION YouCh job failure 'adulc Cask' 24.4 P.M. blames schools for Jobless boosC 25.4 BalloC Is close 'but form is not' 3.3 UnemployraenC : a quescion wiCh Coo raany Care urged in vote on working days 30.3 answers 26.4 It's do-or-die in poll batcle for ETU offices Labour hire expands in NewcasCle 1.5 17.9 Jobless level query 14.5 ETU poll Co righc 25. 10 Jobless down buC 'no real change' 14.5 ETU "oldhands" Cop poll 29.10 Hayden suggesCs service corps for unemployed Union defied 13.11 youChs 19.5 Hayden hlCs aC Hawke 19.5 ELECTRICITY EducaCion for unemployed 23.5 Film on CiCy's jobless planned 23..5 Power line musC avoid relics-PCC 7.2 Tougher dole work CesCs on way 24.5 Persioner power-rebaCes doubc 13.2 'Discouraged' jobless sCable 24.5 SCG issues warning afCer elecCrocuCion 14,2 BenefiCs cuC for Che young rejecCed 24.5 Council seeks elecCriciCy change 14,3 NSW 'seCs lead on jobs' 28.5 ElecCriciCy councils geC pension rebaCe perraission Dole toughness (leader) 29.5 14,3 Jobless aid Co be cuC 30.5 Power cosCs and policies 15,3 Course for jobless begins 1.6 SCC Co cosc pensioner rebaCe burden 15.3 Jobless blaraed on wages level 6.6 No law yeC on rebate for pensioners 21.3 Jobless figures down, buC litCle real change ShorCer week ChreaC 23.3 9.6 Power men accepC 37 1/2 hr week 24.3 The probleras of jobless woraen 12.6 Fraser repeaCs warning on shorCer week 25.3 GranC for group 28.6 The 37 1/2 hour week 27.3 Tough new dole works CesC seC 4.7 SCC raen Co voCe on new work hours 28.3 Dole measures CighCened 5.7 Work-hour cuC 'ChreaCens recovery' 29.3 An affronC Co digniCy 6.7 Care urged in voce on working days 30.3 Job raCe 'second worse' 13.7 Power rebaCe deferred 5.4 A cosmeClc change 14.7 Pensioners' power rebate move 7.4 June jobless raCe falls by 7000 14.7 Appeal by Camm 30.4 Viner kills off C.E.S. figures 14.7 Power councils seek answers 21.5 Jobless aid group needs cash 25.7 Hills Cips $2000ra power works bill 22.5 Job worries Co ease 25.7 Power union begin shorCer week on June I 22.5 OuC-of-workers needs funds 27.7 Power bills rebaCe 'up Co sCaCe' 22.5 Coal jobs rise by 110 4,8 Move on elecCriciCy Cariffs 24,5 Number of jobless conClnues Co fall In July No power rebaCes wiChouC sCaCe cash 24,5 10,8 PowerrebaCe could cosC $lm 6,7 New figures (leader) 10,8 Power 'penny pinching' 9.7 Policy repore draws fire 16,8 Power loss 'millions' 31.7 Policy 'a blow' Co Che uneraployed 23,8 Power plan ouClined 17.8 Uneraployed up by $17,000 25.8 MP's role 'limiCed' 17.8 Labor urges broader job-creaCion scheme 27.8 Power step 'ChreaC to industry' 7.9 Half-price Cravel for uneraployed 27.8 Funds boosC for power 25.9 Jobs are 'Cop prioriCy' 28.8 Caucus backs power plan 27.9 Jobless 'vulgaricy' aCCack by Young 29.8 MLC queries coal move 12.10 BenefiCs scherae rejecCed 30.8 Power Cariffs may DOC rise 31.10 SysCem will hunC jobs 3.9 Screeching Che power dollar 31.10 Raise dole Co $160 : bishops 5.9 CounCy council asseCs frozen 3.11 Jobless figures 7.9 Power savings for sorae 27.11 Third fall of jobless in a row 7.9 'Small' elecCriciCy rise 27.11 Trip 'wasCed' 8.9 Union talks on council changes 28.11 Work and pay 8.9 Shop sCewards oppose bill 29.11 Dole label seriously wrong 12.9 $ 1500m power plan for N.S.W. 4.12 Fined raen sCill free 15,9 Jobless documenC 20,9 ElecCriciCy up 10.7% 19.12 CES figures show fall in jobless 26.9 MinisCer outlines plans for councils 21.12 The Job Crend (leader) 26.9 Dole for school-leavers quesCioned 5.10 Finance cuCs hale jobless courses 5,10 X 36. 1979 N.M.H, INDEX

EMPLOYMENT (ConC) ENERGY (ConC) Awake aC lasC 28.6 Church sells jobs view 6.10 L.P.G. in shore supply 29.6 EraployraenC siCuaCion 'insane' 9 10 Energy is aC hearC of problems 2.7 EmploymenC ouClook 9.10 Woy Woy CES branch soughC 10.10 AlCernaCives Co oil 7.7 DaCe paymenCs raay sCop 11.10 Mills devising energy plan for NSW 10.7 372,000 jobless In July 11.10 Fuel droughC facing AusCralian indusCry 13.7 Hawke hlCs ouC aC benefiCs plan 12.10 Oil crisis need noC cause greaC pain 14.7 The policies of Che dole (leader) 12.10 Gas galore buC cricical race looms 16.7 24,200 rise in unemployed (sepC) 12.10 Alcohol as fuel 28.7 Bill law blow Co innocenC : ALP 15.10 AusCralian energy level high 11.8 Jobless figures 'worse Chan shown' 17.10 Spinach plus sun give new fuel hope 24.8 Synod urges jobless acCion 22.10 Fuel crisis imrainenC RRMA : 29.8 Refusing Co be sideCracked 23.10 Energy submission 30.8 CES figures show fall In uneraployraent 24.1( AusCralia could lead in alcohol fuel 30.8 'DisasCer' for jobless 29.10 Newman defends oil policy 4.9 $lm bid for Jobless 30.10 A.L.P. wanes policy seC 10.9 Jobless figures quesCioned 31.10 MinisCer incorapeCenC 12.9 Job seeking 2.11 Energy package prepared 18.9 NCP calls for beCCer deal on dole earnings EChanolsCuoied as 1980's fuel 10.10 5.11 CoramiCCee advises linking fuel, Caxes 16.10 SlighC drop in Jobless figure 9.11 Energy needs ouClined 18.10 RealisCic Job-seeking 9.11 Eyes Curn Co alCernaCives 23.10 TAFE courses offer varieCy 9.11 Esso predicCs coal fuCure 26.10 TerCiary courses ouClined 9.11 SCaCe plans $50m coal sCudy 31.10 New help for Jobless 14.11 A workable power base 1.11 Jobs scherae noC a trick : Carruck 26.11 Japan Calks energy 1.11 Jobs rise in region CexCile IndusCry 26.11 Coal-power planned 9.11 CES regisCraCion 26.11 LPG exporCs cricicised 13.11 A worChwhlle job IniCiaCive 29.11 Energy a Joker in reshuffle 3.12 Work flexlbiliCy need 4.12 Wran backs coal use 5.12 Canberra Co esCablish job-research bureau 5. 12 Saving needs JoinC action by user & supplier Jobs plan dispuCe 11.12 5.12 Job coraplainC drop 11.12 ScienCisCs sure Chey have Che energy answers ParC-draers a hidden array 12.12 28.12 Demand for labour increases 14.12 More in work 14.12 ENVIRONMENT The elderly 6i unemployraenC 18. 12 Jobless over 55s cause severe social problera Birds losing Cheir habiCaC 17.1 18. 12 IndusCries are Caking over 18.1 > Fair forecasc on jobs fronC 24.12 EcologisCs Co discuss NewcasCle proposal 30.1 Jobless totals differ by 102,000 26.12 The green coasC 21.2 Ghetto charge objection 29.12 Quarry given coaC of painC 26.2 Chadwick queries power of bill 10.3 ENERGY WaCered-down environmenCal bill adopCed 24.3 IndusCry asks for heritage changes 24.4 Energy experCs gaCher 5.2 Environmenc laws 'under ChreaC in review' 24.4 NaCion will face big challenge 6.2 Zimbabwe woraan Co speak aC club 5.6 Model use in Che naCional InCeresC 6.2 ProCecCion for Cwo Nev;casCle siCes 26.6 AusCralia has resources for near fuCure 6.2 Fuel crisis as planning aid 24.7 Numbers need halving Co keep lifesCyle 7.2 DevelpraenC discussion 18.8 NaCional energy comraission Co develop policy : 'Greening' plans 12.9 Hayden 7.2 EnvironmenCal group Co meeC 15.10 Coal reserves developraenC hindered 7.2 Task force makes plans 17.10 Call for increased fuel exploration 7.2 PolluClon ChreaCens MaiCland wildfowl haven 23. 10 Paper on energy plan for public 7.2 EnvironmenCal fears 26.10 Fuel wasCe could lead Co governraenC raCioning Upper HunCer concern on environmenc 28.11 8.2 Grazier faces loss over swamp exCension 5.12 Move Co use of coal for power 8.2 Money rules environmenc experC says 9.2 EQUESTRIAN SPORT Coal Cype laxness ChreaC Co exporC 9.2 Researcher Cakes Cop job 9.2 Morris expecCs no aid over centre 17.1 Synrol producaClon on large scale closer MLA seeks supporC for ThornCon cenCre 18.1 9.2 Show jumpers sCarC Cour 1.2 Money flow available Co aid research inCo Top US riders Co teach aC school 1.3 energy fuels 9.2 EquesCrlans are "alraosC corapleCe" 10.3 N-fuels less risky 9.2 PaCerson rodeo on Sunday 16.3 Tension and rivalry in energy policies 9.2 Spills, Chrills aC rodeo 19.3 MHR geCs InsCiCuCe medal 10.2 TroCCing cenCre raoves a sCep closer 4.4 Back Co fundamenCals 10.2 Lead-up ride planned 5.4 Research man as leader 10.2 CenCre Co open in May 19.4 EducaCion in IndusCry 10.2 Jumpers win show evenC 20.4 New energy problems 12.2 Premier Co sCarC CroCCing complex 1.6 ArchiCecCs wane new designs Co cuC fuel use 2 events open new cenCre 2.6 14.2 Lyn Locke Cop in horsefield 8.6 Fuel quescions need answer 22.2 EquesCrian cenCre building plan developed 4.7 Breakchrough in fuel 28.2 j EquesCrian prioricies 30.7 ( AusCralia seC Co join world energy body 3.3 ' Horse cenCre approved 25.8 Plan Co use less fuel 5.3 One-day Criais 3.9 Pc-icy on energy urged 5.3 Rodeo draws enCries 15.9 AusCralia Co join world energy agency 5.3 Jamboree aCrracCs 300 zone riders 3.11 Energy besC In federal hand : Chipp 7., 3 Warning over energy coraraiCmenC 13.3 AusCralian aComic energy body aC cross roads 13.3 Erarlng : uncerCaln ecology 20.2 Labor plans energy policy 14.3 Supply canal Co cosC $17ra 3.3 Energy clarap 16.3 Power-planC canoe course planned 13.3 InvenCor geCs brighc ideas 21.3 SCaCion waCer ouCfall work leC 18.7 ALP plan Co force oil exploraCion 27.3 Eraring canal Caking shape 17.10 Energy granCs 2.4 Mine lease approved 24.9 The energy crunch 2.4 BHP chief backs gas opCion 3.4 ETHNIC AFFAIRS Newman predicCs rosy energy fuCure 6.4 The coralng crisis 14.5 Greeks wane raore inCegraCion 14.2 Traffic can generaCe power 14.5 Rain raars fescival 5.3 The ineviCable energy crisis 11.6 Greek day celebraCed 26.3 Seaweed raay be fuel 16.6 Fraser promises T.V. for raigranCs 26.3 Warning on energy 18.6 Echnic preview 3.4 Canberra acCs Co conserve fuel 28.6 Polish Co celebraCe wieh arc exhibicion [no daCe] N.M.H. INDEX 37. 1979


MigranC council naraes in A.C.T. 10.4 $A responds Co us moves 5.1 Polish group geCs $4,000 4.6 Inquiry on financial sysCera 19.1 ICalians open chapel 4.6 Exchange raCe 'hiCs raining' 23.1 2HD in eChnic radio relay 6.6 Einfeld Cips finance change 26.2 Plans for eChnlc TV 'cause anger ' 18.6 Building socieCy scare pollCical : Wran 3.3 'Wog log' shocks echnic group 11.7 SocieCy fund panic 'a lesson' 5.3 'Wog log' facing axe 12.7 ARD bank announces new inCeresC races 14.3 Saraios Co head council 29.8 T.P.C, warn of bogus InvesCraenC scheraes 21.3 Dissolving Che eChnic walls 30.8 Economy sclll has long way Co go 21.3 New eChnlc radio sCaCion goes Co air 30.8 InCeresC raCe rise predicCed 6.4 MigranC uniC Co help work 30.8 InflaCionary surge 9,4 Carnival of naCions 6.9 AccounC deficic iraproves 10,5 Fraser aide for T.V. panel 13.9 Howard gives conversion terras 10,5 Sharing Che culCures of N.S.W. 14.9 RaCe rise leaves bonds unruffled 11,5 Dances of Che naClons 17.9 Trade surplus in April 11,5 Greeks raark naCional day 25.10 Banks lend $316ra for housing 15,5 $1400 cheque for school 29.10 Banks Co begin hedge markeC in June 22,5 DuCch speakers Co celebraCe 6.12 MerchanC banks Co be primer movers 22.5 CroaClans 'go solo' 13.12 NaCional scheme call for small business 26.5 New echnic sCaCion advocaCed 22.12 Warning on W.A, nuC farm scheme 28,5 A.N.Z. bank warns of obsCacles Co expansion EXCHANGE STUDENTS 29.5 Tougher stance on prospecCuses 7.6 A.E.S. SCudenCs vlslC before leaving for home Research shows rise in confidence 8.6 17.1 New bank raarkeC will open Coday 11.6 Exchange sCudenC honoured In U.S. 23.1 OuClook for economy improving : Viner 18.5 'A greaC year' in Germany 24.1 InflaCion may pass 8 p.c. Fraser adralCs 18.6 Garbage sCrlke welcoraed 2 SouCh African 10.2 Credic union inquiry 16.6 U.K. SCudenCs make NCAE history 7.3 Hayden urges conCrols 26.6 Foreign sCudtuCs face new rules 23.8 BeCCer payouC for Gollin crediCors 26.6 Money volurae drops 28.6 FEDERAL - STATE RELATIONS Dealers welcorae long-term bond raCe decision 5.7 Money markeC seccies back 7.7 SCaCes agree on InteresC plan 3.4 j DeparCmenC urges credic sysCem Inquiry 11.7 Sea use powers passed 30.6 Major loans seek $70m supporC 17.7 Old Crouble, new twist 27.7 O.E.CD. warns of oil prices ImpacC 20.7 Canberra provides $22l.74ra for states 4.8 CorapuCer of Che fuCures 23.7 CoramiCCee urged Co review Cax laws 24.7 FEDERATED IRONWORKERS ASSOCIATION Reforra call by socieCies 25.7 I Carapbell inquiry resulC 'doubcful' 25.7 Police check on FIA election 17.3 Foreign currency cover soughC 25.7 ( Ironworkers' balloC reporC checked by crown 25.3 PreferenCial Cax urged 25.7 I ElecCoral office rules ouC FIA poll proCest 17.5( Banking conCrols 25.7 [ Jobless get quick aid 17.8 Business confidence 'CenCaCive' 27.7 FIA draws lines for waCerfronC sCruggle 17.8 'Danger' in higher loans demands 28.7 i Bi-parCisan approach 'close' on InvesCraenC 31.t j FERRIES Audicing sCandards under review 8.8 An econoraic false dawn 20.8 Ferry salvage aCCempC begins I. 1 Indexed annulcies - Che righ Co earn for.life More ferry orders soon 26.1 14.9 Tenders could puC yards on even keel 15.2 [ Brokers predicC 700 index soon 17.9 SCockCon passengers forra acCion group 20.2 I Credic rise cricicised 20.9 DeraollCion for wharf 10.3 ; The arc of geCCing a loan 10,10 Subsidies-on ferry services soughC 4.4 [ $A. ' excepC Ional ly sound' currency 25,10 Group urges ferry service Cake-over 13.4 [ Oil companies and InflaCion 26,10 Fe ry begins Criais 30.4 r CaplCal ouCflow adds pressure 15,11 Ferry arrives 6.6 Reserve bank move hiCs loans 1,12 ( Public ship Cenders raove 6.6 U.S, warns on economy 3,12 [ No accion on Cender plea 7.6 Economy flaC : Willis 5,12 i Cosc of wharf doubles 19.7 Credic 'squeeze' 7,12 Ferry back.:on Che lake 22.8 Econoraic Cask force 10,12 ManufacCured goods up 16,9% In year 11,12 FILM INDUSTRY Foreign capiCal a 'burden' 13,12 CaplCal Inflow cuCs high InCeresC risk 13.12 Rising budgeCs raar success 5.1 Gloomy 1980 forecasc 21.12 Superraan - Hollywood's greediesC push 26.1 AusCralia could be lucky 21.12 Rumania Co dracula's defence 2.2 A day wiCh the egos of AusCralia's nexC filra 16.2 FIRE AND FIRE BRIGADES VieCnara war filras head oscar norainacions 22.2 Propoganda St policies in filra 2.3 .PorCs fire danger worries unions 20,1 Making rabbiCs of humans 16.3 [The ciCy blazes 27,1 Premiere of film aCCracCs 420 2.4 3 new raen for brigade 3,2 ... buC che younger sCars have Che odds 10.4 Brigades aC house fire 8,2 Fonda St VoighC win 11.4 GranCs will help baCCle againsC bushfires 13,2 InvenCing brand-new raovie sCereo Cypes 24.4 ScaCe,federal aid for bushfire victims 15,2 The liCerary leanings of US film-makers 18.5 24-hour fire service 24,2 ChaCer wins Cop U.S. award 24.5 $100ra funding for fire brigade 6,4 Cannes prize goes Co US & Gerraany 25.5 Fire shifCs bank trade Co shop 14,3 2-week film season for NewcasCle 9.7 [Fire closes Coy shop 20,3 Chinese Co puC naCion on film 1.8 ([Moves Co forra new fire brigade 6,4 CriCeria on films alCered 2.8 i[Adelaide fire ChreaCens home 16,4 U.S. acCors in valley filra 7.8 iJArson Cheory in $lm facCory fire 17,4 WriCer wins Cop award 13.8 (CarringCon house 20,4 I Cameras roll next monCh 14.8 I'ConCol' fire claims man's life 23.4 Finalises for film awards 29.8 Children die in car fire 23.4 1 Turning the Cables on Hollywood 31.8 Firemen Co geC service badges 24.4 I Holden Co begin film 3.9 [DesCroyed sCand could be quickly replaced 26.4 1 Earthling stars aC BarringCon Tops 26.9 Lake improves fire group 2.5 ' Film of Che Year Cakes 7 awards 13.10 Fire cuts Clmber house 3.5 Hollywood's relics are behind bars 23.10 Fire leaves couple homeless 17.5 Hollywood's laCesC shocker 7.12 $60,000 fire in warehouse 18.5 SCockCon children win film roles 11.12 Arson Inquiry inCo lake boaC fire 18.5 Mini series eaCs up millions 21.12 ResidenCs upseC over fire brigade 'deaCh' noCe Hollywood's sci-fi invasion 21.12 23.5 Film see proves a boon for villagers 27.12 How Co avoid home fires 24.5 Luna Park fire : power faulC Cheory 11.6 N,M,H. INDEX 38. 1979


Luna Park lease being discussed 13.6 Brigades battle weekend fires 31.12 Park Co sCay closed 15.6 House, van burnC 18.6 FISH AND FISHING P.T.C, geCs blame for big fires 26.6 Warders conCain fire 29.6 Huge prawn netted 1.1 Plea over 'easC fire danger' 3.7 Joint plan for squid fishing 5.1 New plane damaged by fire 11.7 Tuggerah fish washed up 18.1 HunCer fire risk rising 13.7 Sealife danger exaggerated says tutor 29.1 Fire facilicies opened 20.7 Gill nets banned on N.S.W. reefs 2.2 More false fire calls Chan real ones 23.7 Co-op threat to 'can' centre 13.2 Ship fire spreads in coCton bales 27.7 Fishermen fear law may end CradiCion 27.2 $300,000 coCCon burnC in ship 28.7 Dead fish washed up aC Burwood 27.2 Moves Co unload coCCon Sx fire ship 30.7 Lake anglers well ahead 27.2 Hoc coCCon Caken off ship 31.7 IndusCry waste InvesCigaCed in fish deaChs Man Jailed over fires in hoCel 10.8 28.2 CapCain enjoys enforced sCay 11.8 Garaefish ClCle Co Botany Bay 5.3 Luna Park fire reporC 'changed' 14.8 200-raile fishing zone by nexC raonCh 8.3 Fire in kiCchen damages flaCs 15.8 Plant-spraying kills fish, says anglers 9.3 Deach ride 15.8 Wharf Co aid fishing fleet 2.4 $50,000 damage i, ."Ire 15.8 N.Z. spearfishermen arriving for tides 4.4 Luna power box 'gave shock' 16.8 Mulloway Cop caCch 5.4 ReporC on park fire denied 18.8 Toad fish biCes off girl's Coes 17.4 Fireman hurC in colliery fire 20.8 MulleC holes ouC in one 18.4 Signs 'no aid' 21.8 Fisheries have use for Cyres 21.4 Foliage 'burnt easily' 22.8 Taiwanese aCCempC N.T. rafC escape 25.4 Coroner praises sCudenC bravery 23.8 U.S. boaC in search for Cuna 7.5 Brigades called Co 40 fires 23.8 Fishermen look Co deeper seas 16.5 Vallum, beer before luna park fire 25.8 AusCralia Joins Poland in fish projecC 22.5 40 fighc bushfire 27.8 Fishery resource sCudy 23.5 Luna safeCy worry 28.8 Jail for fishermen if fines noC paid 26.5 GhosC Crain 'a fire bomb' 29.8 A school of young fishermen 1.6 Repair work sCarCs aC high school 29.8 Shark helps fisherman reCain prize caCch 26,6 GhosC Crain park responsibilicy 30.8 Wharf for fishing boaCs 11.7 Fairground safeCy (leader) 4.9 Fee rise aCCacked 15.7 Park safeCy cricicised 4.9 NaCional choice 14.8 'CareCaker' couple unhurC as house is damaged PlanC Co freeze fish 16.8 by fire 5.9 NorChern Sweden's dangerous delicacy 25.9 Legal cover for firemen 10.9 Fishing zone daCe 26.9 Valley hlC by fires 10.9 NewcasCle fishermen Co geC new moorings 3.10 $4,000 speedboat burns 17.9 Fishing zone dispuCed 5.10 Early fire conCrol seC ' 19.9 Own your own Crawler, for JusC $2 a year 10.10 Brigade warns of fire danger 20.9 Lines drawn in marlin war 15.10 Brigades crew fighC 'fire' 27.9 Japanese 'should free marlin' 16.10 Burning bans in lake area 27.9 The marlin fighC (leader) 16.10 Fire chief appeals for public co-operaCion 9.10 Nixon aids marlin fight 17.10 Firemen wonC hose rioCers 10.10 SuspecC fish Crail traced Co orienC 17.10 Spiders in park worry firemen 11.10 Fishing pacC signed as proCesCs mounC 18.10 i Fire damage Cops $lra 11,10 U.S. fishing concern 24.10 I Brigades keep guard on fire 11.10 The record ChaC goC way 2.11 I 520,000 loss in Craining school fire 13.10 The new sea problems 3.11 ! Family flees fire 15.10 World's rich come Co chase a 'grander' 3.11 ' Fire rules geC prioriCy 16.10 Hungry eye on marlin 5.11 I New fire Cender on coasC 17.10 Like the farmers Chey could Cry praying for rai Pensioner loses home 18.10 27.11 AnCl-bushfIre week 22.10 The perils of Che phanCora prawn 29.12 Firemen seC 6-raoi ':h deadline 24.10 Deadly ocCopus aC Kilaben Bay 31.12 Wharfie praised o\ er fire risks 26.10 CourC praises ship fire fighCer 26.10 FLOODS $50,000 daraage in fire 31.10 Tanks blow up in oil Cruck fire 3.11 RAAF Joins hunC for flood vlcclras 13.1 HunCer firemen kepC busy 6.11 Houses flooded afCer heavy rain 19.1 Marine fire sCaCion call 7.11 Council Co check Doran SC flooding 23.1 Prisoners on Cop rung in fire Cicle 10.11 Floods divide Qld 8.2 Half cenCury of service 12.11 Floods isolaCe S.A. Cowns 24.2 Cencre loses CiCle 13.11 Flood maps Co proCecC buyers 3,5 Fire deaCh probe 25.11 HunCer flood danger eases 9.5 The show goes on 28.11 Homes lefC, cars burn, as fires ring NewcasCle FLORA 3.12 Fire warning (leader) 4.12 ResidenCs move Co save Crees 15.2 Horses added Co huge fire Coll 4.12 Plan Co save old fig Cree 10.4 House fire 5.12 HecCares of rose bushes 10.4 Cessnock offers reward 5.12 Flora work Co begin 17.4 HelicopCers save 50 girls from fire 6.12 CarnaCion business blooraing 19.4 Fires in check 7.12 Tree lopping puCs residenCs aC odds 9,5 New fire holocausC feared Coday 8.12 A CiCy's Crees (leader) 9.5 PorC fire fighcing quandary 10.12 Call for Cree lopping Ceara 10.5 Fi-e rages aC Hexham 10.12 Removal of willows sparks proCesC 10.5 Bushfire role made clear 12.12 ResidenCs seek Cree care Calks 24.5 Bushfire danger 'exCreme' 13,12 Rare orchid find hailed 29.5 Fire guCs welfare cenCre 17.12 ProhibiCion of planCs 31.5 Firefighcers baCCle 50 ouCbreaks 17. 12 Warning on Ciger pear in valley 20.6 ScaCe of emergency for all N.S.W fire fronts BlCou bush concern 29.6 18.12 ScreeCs may be sCripped of Crees 4.8 30 homes lose In fires :arsonisC blamed 19. 12 $7000 Crees granC for Redhead 11.8 Hoc weaCher bushfire ChreaC 20.12 Lake Crees make way for road 29.8 Picnic, camping grounds closed by fire danger Search for deaCh cause in Crees 17.9 21.12 'Casualties' of developraenC 18.9 More fires feared : P.M, sees havoc 21.12 $23,000 aid for Cree projecC 19.12 Owner away when fire hit 21.12 LighCs delay due Co figs 19.9 Fire ChreaCens Cown 22.12 End for lantana 28.11 Man dies in fire 24.12 Wildlife find good friends 24.12 FLUORIDATION Fire sCorm rages in mCns 24,12 Fire fighCers grab chrisCmas break 26.12 Vic hales fluorldaClon 16.3 Rain raises hope 27.12 Researcher defends fluorldaClon 23.4 Firemen Cackle burning scrub near dam 27.12 Nowra move Co hale fluorldaClon 25.4 ScaCe faces high fire risk 29.12 Wodonga bans fluoride 8.5 N.M.H. INDEX jy. 19/9


FluoridaCed waCer change soughC 9.6 CabineC looks aC logging 5,9 Fluoride in drinking waCer gets approval 16.6 The Terania Creek fighC (leader) 'No evidence' for fluoride asserClons 29.8 MinisCers Co inspecC foresC 12,9 FluorldaClon supporCed 25.10 Terania creek shuffle 14,9 Fluoride fuss may be laid Co resC 26.10 CabineC review 'final' on forest 15,9 CabineC group sees foresC logging 17,9 FLUORIDE MinisCers inspecC logging siCe 18,9 Terania issue deferred 19.9 SCaCe paying for SCockCon fluoride checks VlsiC Co Terania 20/9 25.4 Logging words fly 25.9 SmelCer plan raises fluoride fears 9.6 Wran orders logging inquiry 25.9 Effects of fluoride under sCudy 13.7 Policy will 'delay' logging 15.10 Wider neC case for fluoride sCudy aid 10.10 AfCer Terania, a new lifesCyle issue 17.10 Loggers Co fighC back 12.10 FOOD Indian Mill signs $60ra deal 18,12 Logging facCions warned 24,12 Zinc risk found in drink jiggers 17.1 Landa heads off a new Terania Ck row 31,12 No jigger coraplainCs in region 18.1 SuspecC salraon found 20.1 Takeaways 'puC dleC In danger' 24.1 oood eaCing carapaign launched 31.1 KeJ",^;C forC lease cell 15.8 Food prices up 2 p.c. 23.2 ForC planning shilly-shally 16.8 Glut leads Co banana 'dumping' 9.3 ForC plan sCudied 16.8 Wholesale food prices drop 18.4 Liberal senaCor seeks forC ideas 29.10 Vic officials seek deadly boCCles 25.4 Talks on ScraCchley fuCure 30,10 In search of perfecCion 2.5 Talks on forC 3,11 ACCack on fasC foods 2.8 Talks in ACT today on forC 7,11 FasC food's'failings 8.8 DepuCaCion on Fore's fuCure 9,11 Groceries ChreaC 10.8 1.9% food price rise in July 24.8 FURNITURE AND FURNISHING 'Too sraall' for colonel 25.8 Lolly machines 'school hazard' 18.9 CarpeC Co suiC every pockeC 28,8 'No'.Co lolly machines 19.9 Roller doors fie all shapes, sizes 28,8 Vended foods 'already available'aC schools Glass panels very popular 28,8 25.9 Ceraralc dies Cake Che floor 28,8 RoChbury gourraeC dinner 30.10 VarieCy of wallpaper gives new and eleganC look KiCchen offers rich mix 7.11 28,8 HisCoric bikkie biCs 29.11 PlanCs popular for decor 28,8 Food abuse has faCal resulc 8.12 InsulaCion cuCs cosCs conserves energy 28,8 FurniCure a good InvesCraenC 28,8 FOOD STRIKES AND DISPUTES Sorae hinCs on painC selecCion 28,8 PicCure heaCers for preCCy warmth 28,8 800 sCrike aC steggles plane 15.1 HeaCers save on energy 28,8 WheaC sCrikes only sCoppages 1.2 The professional way of furnishing a house AbaCCoir workers to meet 28,2 28,8 MeaCworkers expecCed Co reCurn 2,3 VersaCile lighcing gives Individual Couch 28,8 MeaC men seek disease raoney 3.3 MeCal fire places need care 28,8 Union bans raoCel 21.3 Canberra ChreaCens union wich deregisCraCion GAMBLING 2.4 Bakers defer sCrike 9.4 Wran for legal casinos in N.S.W. 11,1 Silo bans reckless move 10.4 The licensing of casinos 12.1 Premier wanCs grain dispuCe talks 12,4 HunCer chance for casinos 12.1 OverCime for silo raen 18.4 Wran sees early sCarC for casinos 13. 1 Grain raen sCrike over Crial sysCem 10.5 N.J.C. may bid for casino 15.1 10-mlnuCe delay raay have exCended sCrlke 11.5 Jockey club backs plan for casino 20.1 •tand-downs in bread industry approved 26.5 The churches and casinos (midweek) 24.1 MeaC sales cuCs 2.6 Big win Curns drearas inCo realiCy 3.2 Milk supply affecCed 25.6 M.P. haunC 'an illegal casino•• 22.2 Dairy sCrlke ends 26.6 Casino for Darwin 27.2 CaCClemen likely to starve markeC 30.6 Locto comes Co N.S.W. 1.3 No raeaC crisis yeC buC more sales hlC 3.7 ScaCe loCCo 2.3 SomeChing Co beef abouC (leader) 3.7 LoCCo anoCher drain on public : Mason 2.3 DispuCes add up Co Crouble for abaCCoir 5.7 Union backing sought againsc loCCo . move 3.3 MeaC row opCion 6.7 Opposieion says loCCo plan smells 9.3 No complainCs 5.7 Wran cakes sofCer line on loCCo seC.up 13.3 MeaC dispuCe raove 7.7 Wran walks ouC on loCCo quesCloning 14.3 MeaC ouCpuC aC 25% 10.7 The loCCo defeaC 14.3 Food reporC denied 11.8 $1000 fines buC no jail for S.P. bookies 28.3 Score peace plan falls 16.8 SP beCCing problems 29.3 ExporCs SCrlke ChreaC 24.9 Police 'work hard' Co sCop S.P. beCCing 29.3 MarkeC Calks Coday 9.10 BeCCing inquiry blocked : MP 29.3 SCrikers raay go Co courC 26.10 Bookmakers see CoCe as ChreaC 29.3 Bread sCrike voce 28.11 ParCles sign casino plan 10.4 Crocodile Cears 29.11 Ace pools punCer wins again 11.4 Weekend bread supplies in doubC 29,11 9 p.c. Co loCCo operaCor 13.4 Bakeries begin sCand-downs 30.11 Wran handed ' SP reporC 20.4 Bread union ends strike 3.12 Premier Cables details of Sydney S.P. operacion Bread careers voCe Co work 5.12 24.4 Bread sure 6.12 A closer eye on pokies 25.4 AbaCCoir raen Co raeeC on dispuCe 7.12 S.P, allegacion upseCCing 25.4 Bread will go to discounC shops 10.12 HoCels wane to be TAB agenCs 28.4 $123,000 win for BelmonC family 17.5 FORESTRY TAB beCs in hoCel cause legal sClr 29.5 HoCel bliCz spur Co hoCel TAB 30.5 N.Z, Clrober exporC hopes 1.2 'Surprise' call for sCaCe Co win loCCo 18.6 $60ra AusCralia-N.Z, foresCry projecC 2,5 AudlC Co ensure pokies pay 27.6 Sawraill chief proCesCs 19.5 TAB geCs share in loCCo 2.7 Llsraore Clmber projecC Calks 9,6 Lake siCe Cip for casino 4.7 Sawmill Calks 31.7 Proposed HunCer siCes naraed 4.7 17 proCesCers arresCed 20.8 Casino idea welcoraed 5.7 Policemen wiChouC badges unlikely 28.8 Casino paid $llm over six years 6.7 No nurabers (leader) 28.8 WresC PC idea 'ouC' 6.7 ForesCry officials 'show bias' 28.8 Newcastle SP bookies 'on win' 10.7 Logging acCs quesCioned 30.8 Cessnock casino plea 12.7 T.H.C. urges Wran Co call halC on logging 31,1 LoCCery winners 12.7 The greenles and Che loggers 1,9 Pub beCClng becoraes a Ching of Che past 12.7 Call for foresc sCudy 3.9 SporC loCCery gets supporC 21.7 Logging policy sCays 4,9 Garaing raid neCs 12 In suburb 23.7 — ~~~ \ -^0. 1979 N.M.H. INDEX

GAMBLING (ConC) GOLF (Cone) Golfing in Che rain for inCernaCionals 23.1 Bail forfeiCed 24.7 American sCar makes ball Calk 24.1 LoCCo Co be joinCly run 25.7 New Zealanders on CargeC aC BelraonC 26.1 The loCCo conneccion (leader) 25.7 Gresham means business 27.1 LoCCo draw a T.V. show 25.7 Golfer seek elghch lake ClCle 29.1 Labor, Liberal eCCacks on loCCo decision 27.7 Norman's ClCle aC Traralgon 30.1 DisrupCion ChreaC on loCCo 28.7 Kaye wins Chird lake ClCle 30.1 Labor polidcians quieC on loCCo 30.7 Lake Macquarie open CournaraenC conCinues Co LoCCo reaccion (leader) 30.7 Iraprove 30.1 LoCCo answers 30.7 Ball-eaClng boys close range 31.1 LoCCo sales ChreaC 31.7 Golf "record" unconfirmed 1.2 BeCClng fine 31.7 Four share golf open lead 2.2 lOc surcharge on loCCo 'expecCed' 2.8 NSW pro sees course record 3.2 T.A.B. sCaff ban loCCo sales 4.8 Open golf CiCle in Melbourne 7.2 15 arresCed in club raids 5.8 LoCCo geCs loCCeries supporC 7.8 Player Touch-frora parCner 15.2 Call for change on loCCo plan 13.8 TJiree lead VicCorian open 15.2 LefC-wing loCCo call refuaed 14.8 BaCCler holes out for $20,000 16.2 BeCCing charges 14.8 3 .Torraer open wi.mers vie for lead 17.2 Office's loCCo vlablllCy queried 15.8 Firsc major win Co Sydney sider 19.2 'Profics firs_ in loCCo deal 15.8 NSW pro leads 24.2 $40m sCaCe loCCo share predicCed 16.8 NewcasCle Coo good for ciCy 26.2 'Community coulc use' loCCo cash 27.8 Shearer holes ouC 1.3 S.P. bliCz is a winner 10.9 Kiwi leads MasCers 2.3 'No' Co loCCo 13.9 Vivian holds modesC lead 3.3 MoCher, Mercedes for pools winner 15.9 Poor round was good enough 5.3 LoCCo begins on Monday 19.10 Andrews leads in golf 17.3 G.A. helps faCher Joe overcorae sin 22.10 2 share lead in golf 4.4 Tension CreaCraenC 'helps' garablers 22.10 WaCson In Che money 4.4 21 squad bliCz in norCh 22.10 Golf Crophy Ceam picked 7.4 LoCCo begins 23.10 VicCoria Cops in juniors golf 13.4 LoCCo legislacion 2.11 Player ripe for fourCh raasCers 13.4 LoCCo winners 8.11 Narrow lead in masCers 14.4 Casino resolve 13.11 Snake halved in par 5 14.4 $46,762 loCCo win 13.12 Ed Sneed "unbeacable" 16.4 Sydney couple *in pools 26.12 Zoeller wins masCers firsc up 17.4 $400,000 raay go Co BlacksmiChs 31.12 PropheCic words on EasCer egg 18.4 Golf Cour cancelled 19.4 GARBAGE AND WASTE WaraCah wins pennanC tide 30.4 Palmers grip sCill firm 5.5 WasCe ship 11.7 Gosford golf Co RoberCs 14.5 Mining slCes may be dumps 27.7 New pair Cake Clde 14.5 70-year garbage plan 24.8 Qld girls in NSW golf 16.5 War on wasCe (leader) 24.8 ( Sherrins sCaCe Junior CiCle 19.5 Mine plan for Cyres 13.9 New-sCyle club hiCs market 22.5 Mine found for Cyre durap 11.10 Carlin, Boyle share golf tide 28,5 Penny proves puCCing adage 29,5 GAS INDUSTRY I Birdie barrage 7,5 Sigel wins amaCeur 11,6 NewcasCle gas price cuC hopes 16.3 Kennedy ouCed 11,6 NewcasCle gas seeks price rise 19.3 Thorason Co retire 12.6 Gas Co. seeks price increase 28.3 Greg laCe enCry for U.S. open 15.6 NewcasCle gas charges rise 15.4 Five share U.S. open lead 16.6 Big gas sale won 12.7 US golf leader will noC play safe 18.5 2 gas firms merge in $2.8m deal 21.7 Hale Irwin proves his polnC wlCh US open Widow angered by. Aberdare council leCCer 27.7 VicCory 19.6 Defiance of ga- code 'on rise' 28.7 Dream or noC Che resulC was same 23.6 NaCural gas Igi.lCes lake power scruggle 31.7 NewCon bliczes Canadian course 23.6 Gas price will rise 31c 8.9 BelraonC CiCle Co Odgers 25.6 Second price rise for gas in month 6.10 NewCon scill in conCenCion for open 25.6 No gas price rise 12.10 YouCh joins pro circuic 28.6 AGL buys GGC in cash deal 24.10 Golf moCher wins cup 4.7 $lm gas deal compleCed 3.11 Japan golfers 9.7 LambCon pipes 28.11 John Clifford Co use BelraonC as horae base for Move Co coal 30.11 pro tour 10.7 Tide reprieve for Billings 11,7 GOLD Three-way Cie for cup 12.7 Flghtback in golf 12.7 Sch African goldmine offer for Jimberlana 10.I PuCCs cosc Kaye CighC game 13.7 Chasing a fortune under waCer 19.2 Bosch Cakes N.S.W. golf Cicle 16.7 Big gold nuggec find 22.2 Popular Trevino Caps goldmine 18.7 'Golden ralle' hopes rise 8.3 AnoCher ace Co Jack 19.7 ProspecCor expects another goldrush 10.3 WaCson begins with a bang 20.7 Detector strikes gold 9.4 Bold BallesCeros wins going away 23.7 Fraser says 'no' to gold indusCry 27.4 Young golfer Juraps away 23.7 Machines set Che pace in laCesC goldrush 17.8 HuCCon leads by three 27.7 Fossickers find $100,000 nuggeC 8.9 Channel 3 drops bowls & golf sponsorship 27.7 Plan Co open old gold raine 19,9 Loss leaves golfer in Cears 31.7 Men Co mine valley gold 25.9 Course knowledge pays 1.8 •old prices dismay bankers 4.10 Edwlna meeCs Cough finalise 2.8 A new generaClon lured by Che glinC of gold The sCuff winners are raade of 3.8 I 13.10 ^ Nicklaus seen as one Co beaC 3.8 ' Ex-golfer digs rich divoC 13.10 NewcasCle pair in sCaCe side 7.8 ' There could be gold in chem Char HunCer hills Eagle seals Nancy's Cicle 7.8 : 24. 10 Graham beaCs nerves for Cicle 7.8 Peko SCrlkes gold 27.10 Represencacive golf team 8.8 | Finds lead Co gold rush 6.11 Foursomes cicle by 5 sCrokes 11.8 ' Rich SCakes for buCcher 8.12 Teenager makes iC look easy 18 8 Gold SCrike aC Mayflower 24.12 Musgrove afCer 6ch disCricc foursome CiCle 21.8 A-cap to operaCe open cuC gold raine on old W A ConslsCenC pair add Co NDGA record 27.8 sice 27.12 Ginn leads PGA buC Nagle wins gallery 7.9 Gold climbs pasC $U.S. 500 28.12 Hole in one wins day 10.9 GOLF WA's bid for golf cicle 15,9 Pair share lead in Cicle golf 19.9 Premier Co open cenCre 24.9 Teenager down to 3 handicap 9,1 NaCional golf co Kelly 24.9 Edwina r?Uies in heaC 11,1 Beldham Cakes disCricc CiCle 24.9 Scare of BelmonC s golf championships 16 I $4000 Co Ferguson 24.9 Golf Co N.S.W. 19.1 K . 1 Young discover golf 26.9 Play-offs decide Lake foursome CiCles 22.1 (Jolf comeback 3.10 Professional approach Co clinics 23.1 Shaw hita six under in Qld pro-am 4.10 N.M.H. INDEX 41. 1979


Gallbraith sets the pace 4.10 Caram rules ouC reef drilling 23,1 Veteran Snead shows how 4.10 A new peril Co barrier reef 24.1 Time catches up with stars 5.10 Mining group chief urges barrier reef drilling Victoria Cakes golf 5.10 26.3 Pair share seniors honours 6.10 MP 'misleads over reef drilling' 2.4 NewCon charges Co 6-sCroke lead 5.10 WriedC alleges oil cover-up 9.5 Marsh near golf lead 6.10 No oil drilling in barrier reef, marine parks 5.5 VicCorian pair share foursomes 6.10 Reef drilling (leader) 10.5 Marsh Che raasCer 8.10 Reef oil-drilling policy reporC 15.5 Villain Bole reCains CiCle 8.10 A.C.T.U. bans barrier reef oil drilling 15.5 Qld amaCeur gives pros a lesson 8.10 Labor would sCop any reef oil drilling 18.5 Jane Lock favoured 8.10 Reef drilling (leader) 18.5 MorisseC junior holes ouC in S.A. 10.10 Labor seeks U.S. bar on reef oil 19.5 BriCons seek revenge 11.10 Bids for oil drilling 'cover all reef 24.5 NewCon defends non-appearance 12.10 SenaCor's reef sCaCemenCs bring dismissal call Charaplon ellralnaCed 12.10 25.5 Stanley leads VicCorian PGA 13.10 P.M. keeps option for drilling on reef, says reporC St ley Chrows jinx 15.10 31.5 Thlrd-ClCle for Jane 15.10 Drilling on barrier reef ouC for decade 1.6 Sherrln beaCs dlfficuIC course for Cicle 16.10 MinisCers called on Co resign 2.5 NSW leads SA PGA 19.10 MoraCoriura declared on reef exploraCion 5.6 Play off to Coorabes In PGA CiCle 20.10 Fraser denies foreign invesCmenC deCerred 6.6 Course Curns sour on Grady 22.10 Search for oil off Qld 20.6 Senior blazes Crail aC Grange 26.10 Reef ban defied 7.7 Faraily raan leads classic wich 66 27.10 Reef oil search clampdown 11.7 Classic win boosCs Grahara's earnings 29.10 Reef oil 'a cerCainCy' 16.7 Golfers bunkered 30.10 Hall leads qu.aifiers 30.10 GREAT UKES SHIRE COUNCIL Wind will hazard in open l.ll Sleepyhead answers Co birdies 2.11 Scroud fears 'ghosC Cown' fuCure 21.2 Leader finds solace Ciling 3.11 Pool protests greet shire proposal 21.2 NewCon supurb in firsC round 72 5.11 Council uses office money for pool 22.2 Sizzling 65 Co Shearer 8.11 Scroud move poll soughC 27.2 US champ leads PGA 9.11 GreaC lakes council to make '$lm' move 28.2 Shearer feasCs on Green's crumbs 10.11 Plebiscite urged on office raove 1.3 Players on Che ball for AusCralian 14.11 The SCroud-ForsCer debaCe 7.3 Graham sounds warning 15.11 Shire H.Q. poll plea 8.3 2 share purse aC BelmonC 16.11 Lakes shire H.Q. move saved by casting vote 14,3 BaCCler Cakes WA golf prize 26.11 $70,000 ForsCer scheme 15,3 Pair clinch Creble 26.11 Tie-breaking voCe righC : Ireland 23,3 NSC closes golf course 26.11 PedCion new boundary raove 27.3 O'Neil defeaCed by US newcomer 27.11 Move on $2ra Coomba resorC 10.5 LlsCer, Somers lead open 27.11 GreaC lakes H.Q. swicch may hinge on haC draw 8.9 Colour back in Wyong's golf green 1.12 Boundaries inquiry urged 12.9 Bob Shaw colleccs $4000 in pro-am CournamenC Stroud ping-pong (leader) 12.9 4.12 GREYHOUND RACING GOSFORD Relief In sighC for greyhounds 11.1 ScaCe Co buy coascal land 20.2 Paradise lost, and so was lunch 29.1 The green coasC (leader) 21.2 SCewards check betting at dogs 5.2 ResidenCs 'noC affecCed' by space plan 1.3 No irregulariCies in dog beCCing 5.2 Gosford growCh 'leading naCion' 20.7 N.J.C. scraps imporCanC dog race 21.3 Ne' deputy president 19.9 Foiling che dog nobblers 24,5 PariCing space is soughc 4. 10 Doggies geC Che air 31,5 Council 'breaks ICs own rules' 13.10 Record 15 wins by greyhound 25,6 Public 'chesC plan 17.10 Bonanza on CoCe 28,6 Gosford Co be clCy 18.10 B, park dog approval 13,8 Plans Co keep old chambers 25.10 Dog breaks track record 20,9 Funds plan for jobless 25.10 .'Chief was 'besC ever' 4,10 YouChs Co parade aC Gosford 3.11 Dog secreCary resigns 10.10 Gosford carap geCs exCension 10.11 Run of luck conCinues 26,11 Shops row grows 15.11 VeCeran trainer's success 3,12 Gosford workers in Crial 8.12 The dogs ran, but punters snarled 24,12 DeaCh ChreaCs follow developmenC sCand 15.12 TPiR extends greyhound coverage 26,12 More building land needed 24.12 HEALTH SERVICES, COMMUNITY GREAT BARRIER REEF Work for medical centre finally pays off 3.2 New scheme for barrier reef 5.5 43 hospital staff face redundancy 14.2 Federal reef say soughC 9.5 $250,000 for NSW health services 16.2 No oil drilling in barrier reef, marine parks Centre In jeopardy : Morris 20.2 10.5 HospiCal sCaff cuCs puC off 20.2 Warning on reef drilling 14.5 SpllC laws on healch care advocaCed 12.4 A.CT.U. bans barrier reef oil drilling 16.5 Holiday carap may close 12.4 Labor would sCop any reef oil drilling 18.5 Review of healch role 2.6 Labor seeks U.S. bar on reef oil 19.5 Healch conference for SCockCon 14.7 Bids for oil drilling 'cover all reef' 24.5 Healch siCe debate 25.7 SenaCor's reef sCaCemenCs bring dlsralssal call Healch care roundabouC 31.7 25,5 MinisCer urges support for corarauniCy healCh P.M. keeps opClon for drilling on reef, says 31.7 reporC 31.5 Llsraore told Co live more 12.9 Drilling on barrier reef ouC for decade 1.6 Legal righcs delay healch projecC 10.10 MinisCers called on Co resign 2.6 MoraCoriura declared on reef exploraCion 5.6 HISTORY Fraser denies foreign invesCraenCs deCerred 6.6 Reef park declared Coday 14.6 The days before yesCerday 14,4 P.M., Bjelke sign reef park pacC 15.6 DoollCCle's raiders recall the US recovery Reef park 15.6 frora knock-ouC blow 21,4 Search for oil off Qld 20.6 Hume's bed feCches $5250 11,6 P.M, sCops reef survey 27,5 VieCnara veCerans recall horror 30,6 Reef ban denied 7,7 War camp prisoners sCep closer to CorapensaClon Reef oil search clampdown 11,7 1,8 Reef oil 'a cerCalnCy' 16,7 Windsor kidnap 11.9 Reef park approved 22,10 DiproCodon skull flnesC found 4,10 GREAT BARRIER REEF - OIL SEARCH ImpersonaCor gave Churchill speech 5.10 CulCure in peril reporC 24.10 Reef's oil 'could sCave off crisis' 2,1 Gallipoll pine memorial 9.11 Barrier reef oil drilling CesCs plan 17,1 Newcasde recalls war dead 12.11 1979 N.M.H. INDEX 42.


VarieCy of views shroud Che maid of Orleans NewcasCle filra-raakers honoured 31.12 13. 11 2 dames, 16 knighCs in new year Use 31.12 VisiCors Co look backwards 29.11 HiCchcock is now Sir Alfred 31.12 HisCoric bikkie biCs 29.11 City hall hlsCory in phoCographs 6.12 HORSERACING AusCralians in Nazi deaCh carap 13.12 Meraorles scirred in bikkie barrel 14.12 Female jockeys a good beC 3.1 Bone find key Co pasC 15.12 Bookie Cakes punC 4. 1 An expedicion looks for a sponsor 21.12 Hard road back for race horse 5.1 Aborigine Cheory 26.12 Even ehe files sCayed away 8.1 Bone find in VicCoria 31.12 SmiCh pays $70,000 for colC 9.1 SmiCh Cops sales again 10,1 HOCKEY Trainers' cup 11.1 Stewards sus 11. 1 World hockey CournaraenC 18. 1 Another record Co sprinter 12,1 Man shore cosCly '^or hockey 22.1 Trainer's win has link wich pasC 15.1 Changes in hockey 30.1 Winning double earns ralxed response 18.1 Cool ice hockey pal' gain naCional honours Singing wood unbeaCen in name sCakes 25.1 31.1 ColC brings $29,000 25.1 4 hockey fields for Wyong 26.3 New Zealand Crip sCill on for Chinese boxer Wesc raake good sCarC 10.4 Suspension cosCs Wade Cop rides 30.1 Only rain can spoil hockey 18.4 Losh suspended 2,2 FlrsC game for Redwings 20.4 WhaC a wasCe (leader) 7.2 Goal feasC in hockey opening 21.4 Suspension afCer race double win 10,2. SouCh in surprise defeaC 23.4 N.J.C, will condnue Khayyam inquiry ]10, 2 AusCralia on Cop in hockey ^3.4 QTC carnival given boosC 10,2 Kenya noC awed by hockey gianC 24.4 Maxyraenko charged 14,2 HocLey resulCs please officials 25.4 Bookie honoured 16,2 Gf.me win Co Aussies 27.4 Jockey's lOOCh winner ends droughe 19,2 ASpiraCions raay corae Co end 28.4 Harris has his ups 6i downs 22.2 Hockey wins clear cuC 30.4 Treble Co Harris 23.2 PakisCan Coo sCrong 30.4 Trainer & jockey disqualified six raonChs 24.2 Redwings down borabers 2.5 Happy sixCh anniversary 26.2 Two sides dorainaCe 21.5 4 owners pulled rlghC rein 26.2 Hockey team 31,5 SCewards adjourn QuinCon inquiry 1.3 Hockey win in firsC raaCch 1.6 Race securiCy CighCened 1.3 Senior hockey Co WA 4.6 Jockeys call of meeClng aC Muswellbrook 5.3 Redwings off Co Brisbane 6.6 Official accused of bias 6.3 NewcasCle unbeaCen 18.5 Cook wins for friends 7.3 Hockey "raoCher blows full Cirae" 26.6 Nighc races 7.3 SelecCors mine hockey gold 26.6 Ride close Co camp drafC, says steward 8.3 Redwings ouC Co keep ice hockey record 6.7 A Curn for Che beCCer 9.3 Kahibah, WesC in draw 9.7 Appeals fail buC Jockey geCs suspension 10.3 Scoring high in hockey 16.7 Breakchrough for women jockeys 10.3 Jockey Jamie goC his skaCes on Co puC his Woman Jockey seeks winning raounCs 12,3 career on ice 28.7 QuinCon loses A.J.C. appeal 15.3 Schools hockey series aC NaCional Park [7.8] Harris ready for coraeback 15.3 NorCh leads hockey 7.8 Jockey breaks Chigh 16.3 NewcasCle ouC of hockey 9.8 Cummjnga on V.R.C. charge 17.3 WesCs beat leaders 20.8 N.J.C. may have live cover of racing 17.3 Novos player fulfils 26 year ambiCion 21.8 Suspension for Crace 19.3 Hockey drawn 24. "> Delay on wamf^n riders 19.3 Crushing vicCory 27.8 Inquiry will resume 22.3 Hockey CesC 27.8 M.P. concerned aC track cosc 22.3 West win place in hockey top semi 28.8 Double, rebuke for lad 26.3 Semi finals in hockey 30.8 Sydney debuC for Linda 27.3 Kahibah beats monor premiers 11.9 N.Z. jockey suspended 28.3 West as hockey favourite 14.9 tookraakers see Cote as Chreac 29.3 Cold cash their aim 26.9 Cumralns suspended for Chree monChs 2.4 Redwings chose hockey CiCle 5.10 Perry, 18 makes up for lose Cime 2.4 Canadians will play aC rink 18.10 Trainers join Linda's limelighC 2.4 Hockey CesC 20.10 NJC chief promises bigger prizemoney 3.4 Hockey Ceam draw 24.10 Commiccee reCurned 4.4 AusCralia's hockey clean sweep 29.10 DirecCors ineligible 9.4 Jockey wich winning habiC 9.4 HOME LOANS Wayne wins for mum 11.4 $500,000 derby in W.A. 11.4 December building loans CoCal $160m 13.2 Cummings Cakes ic on Che chin 12.4 $90m life in home loans 28.3 Rider's alleged remark prompCs N.J.C inquiry Record for loans 25.4 13.4 ^ Housing loans fall 20.6 ' Bank housing loans up $73m 17.7 Barnes Cakes over stable 13.4 Record $584m house loans 2.8 Goings and comings in early days of racing 13.4 Banks Cop home loans 16.8 John Wade disqualified 12 monChs 16.4 Houlng loans up 23.10 John Wade ouC for 12 monChs 16.4 $lm for housing loans 23.10 JohnsCon ouC for careless oaks ride 19.4 Loans Co CighCen 26.11 Jockey suspended aC Gosford 20.4 Home loans markeC is Cough 30.11 A.J.C. SCeward answers owner 20.4 Home loans up $11.5m 7.12 AnoCher Cummings on banned lisC 21.4 Swab posicive 25.4 N.J.C. veC adralCs negligence 28.4 HONOURS AND DECORATIONS Lucky escape for Harris 2.5 NewcasCle win full of noscalgia for begg 3.5 Policeman, docCor honoured for courage 18.1 Harris draws blank on fall 3.5 6 from norCh honoured 26.1 Wade sentence halved 5.5 Hawke, Renshaw awarded AusCralia Day honours Linda creaCes race hisCory 8.5 26.1 Malcolm scraCched for 17Ch Cime 17.5 Firsc AusCralians' men of year 27.1 Idol ends career on a winning noCe 17.5 Awards for 14 in crash rescue 2.3 JohnsCon noC biCCer 18.5 Governor honours sea rescue heroes 27,3 Linda at headquarCers 22.5 HunCer people honoured 16,6 Pair bow ouC aC same meeCing 28.5 DunsCan heads AusCralian llsC 16.6 Trevena lucky in valley fall 30.5 Surf rescuer's second award 8.8 Apprentice fulfils riding ambiCion 1.6 Top honour for welfare worker 22.8 Race VicCory bolsCers pension 4.6 ScienCisC for uni post 6.9 Jockey suspended for six monChs 5.6 lAirman gets medal 26.9 Thompson ouC 7.6 Bravery wins recogniCion 18.10 CompuCer CoCe in operaClon 11.6 Mine rescue 29.10 Complaints mar race meeCing 14.6 Lake residenC honoured 14.11 Appeal fails 23.6 Irafflc aafety shield award 5.12 y ••""V — N.M.H. INDEX 43. 1979


YDU JUSC can'C CrusC anyone 27.6 Hospitals fees up 9.6 Woman Jockey suspended 28.6 Making hopplCal an advenCure 16.6 Quirindi pays CribuCe Co old raan of racing PaClenCs' lives 'endangered' 19.6 29.6 HospiCal beds & jobs ChreaCened 23.6 Women 'a problem' 29.5 Proposals shock raanageraenCs 23.6 Newcascle's flrsC lady 2.7 HospiCal holds open day for children 25.6 Jockeys injured in 3-horse fall 5.7 Canberra raay ease scand on hospiCals 26.6 Race Inquiry adjourned 9.7 CabineC backs down over hospiCals 27.6 WhlCe ouC on careless 12.7 13,000 job saved 28.6 Weighc inquiry : jockey guilCy 12.7 Change urged In funding ruless 17.7 Young rider none worse for fall 13.7 HospiCal budgeCs on rack 17.7 SCewards fine jockey $100 15.7 $28m cues for hospitals 8.8 Losing day In Che leger 17.7 RaClonalising hospiCals (leader) 10.8 Brisbane carnival change 24.7 CoraralCCee Co plan hospiCal carapaign 13.8 Jockey-housewife keeps CighC rein 25.7 2 hospiCals lose nurse Craining 15.8 Woman gains jockey licence 28.7 HearC paCienCs seek a Conne of bronze 15.8 Childhood dream becoraes reallCy for apprenClce Nurses Co raeeC over healch cuCs 18.-8 2.t 6000 in hospiCal proCesC 20.8 Jockey's aCCiCude riles sCewards 3.8 Hospital accion (leader) 20.8 Trainer fined $500 15.8 Money soughc for hospiCal 22.8 Wade seeks A.J.C. aid 18.8 HospiCal levy 'noCraoney-raaking' 7.9 Racing Inquiry runs ouC of Cirae 24.8 Rally plan 15.9 Busy Cirae for sCewards 27.8 Nurses will hold rally 24.9 Whole Cown backs racing in Coffs 28.8 HospiCal funds row looras 3.10 Jockey club will seek race holiday 29.8 Nurses gloomy on healch cues 12.10 Inquiry noC dead yeC 31.8 HospiCal Sraoking rules 'dlfflculC' 17.10 Broadmeadow, you're beauCiful 3.9 Compromise on hospitals 27.10 Race Inquiry reopened 3.9 Federal fears on medical raoves 3.11 Good coraeback by apprencice 3.9 HospiCal proCesC rally soughC 6.11 ManlkaCo's program ouClined 4.9 Jockey, Crainer exoneraCed 5.9 HOSPITALS - MENIAL $500,000 boosC Co racing 5.. 9 One for Che books 6.9 PaClenCs' rubber-sCaraped' on insaniCy 1.1 Cessnock winner ineligible 7.9 Rubber-sCarap coraraiCCals (leader) 2.1 Track accidenC ho bar Co apprencice 7.9 Legal aid urged for raenCally ill 4.1 IC's so inforraal aC Birdsville races 8.9 Comraission Co see MorisseC reporC 6.1 Farrell formula : show hacks Che sCable door. MenCal hospiCal sacking upheld 6.2 11.9 Healch fears for patienCs aC day cenCre 9.2 ; Dream comes Crue for Tomray SralCh 12.9 SCaff cuCs resc wiCh Wran 17.2 ! Jockey hurC 13.9 HospiCal SCrike Co include norCh 19.2 N.J.C boosC 17.9 CenCre car park Idea revived 8.3 : Chief sCeward leaves noChing Co chance 27.9 StockCon ward 3 'vital' 8.3 Posicive swab 4.10 Medical sCaff 'Co fighC plan' 10.3 CounCry jockey goes ouC In sCyle 4.10 All the world Is Insane 14.3 Trainer ouC for Chree raonChs 5.10 Too insecure 5.4 ThaC's amore with group of friends 5.10 Morisset inmaCes still free 5.4 Handicapper finds error 6.10 Search for escapees widens 6.4 • Jockey suspended for insulCs 10.10 Prison experCs examine.MorisseC ward 7.4 j Suspension for apprencice 13.10 MorisseC escapees Cie up raan, sCeal guns 9.4 Pair ouC 10 years 17.10 Escapees 'In Sydney' 10.4 WilleCCs ruled unfic for cup 19.10 New unic for raenCally disCurbed criminals 13.4 Injury casCs doubc on double cenCury 22.10 Escapees hiding 'Co change looks' 14.4 Double cenCury will be spelled 26.10 $1.2m in hospiCal work 17.4 Screeched horse raay have been nobbled 29.10 MorisseC escapees 'aCCack, rape 2 girls'i 17.4 Ballot will cuC 13 frora Melbourne Cup field Escapees adralCCance Co Morisset queried 18.4 2.11 Crlbb held afCer 5-hour draraa 19.4 BiorhyChms are bad for Dulcify 3.11 Escapee faces 15 counCs 20.4 News is all bad abouC Dulcify 3.11 Munday Caken aC bush carap 20.4 Opinions spliC on Dulcify 5.11 Munday remanded on 14 charges 21.4 ToCe worry Co N.J.C. 5.11 Crlbb, Munday face more charges 3.5 Bookmaker refuses bets on Dulcify 6.11 Stockton ward Co sCay open 14.5 The cup : beCCing big as che card is called MorisseC securiCy improvemenCs work begins 19.5 6.11 Mason wanCs Crlbb reporC made public 25.5 RejecC raounC wins cup 7.11 Righcs of children discussed 19.5 Debbie ninCh buC happy 7.11 Fire-fighcing gear sColen from ScockCon 12 Brave mare beaCs nobblers aC lasC 8.11 Clinic beds sCay 18.9 A.J.C. dismisses appeal 10.11 Police caCch escapee' 24.9 Bonus offer for 3Y0S 10.11 SCewarC sees ward 21 1.12 No pennies for race penance 13.11 ApprenClce ouCed 29.11 HOSPITALS - NE'^CASTLE AND HUNTER VALLEY Sydney Curf club bid in HunCer 6.12 Broadmeadow Cote opens 8.12 DevelopraenC lisCed for hospiCals 4.1 Turnover down aC corapuCer raeeCing 11.12 Work begins on hospiCal for Wyong 11.1 True CesC for CoCe 15.12 Apex gifc Co hospiCal 5.2 2 monCh suspension for Merv Eveleigh 17.12 HearC beat monitor sought 2.3 S.T.C. drops plans for Muswellbrook 19.12 Bowmore offered price for private hospitals ApprenClce rider escapes serious injury in fall 6.3 19.12 RNH can handle Intricate cases 8.3 Gosford St Wyong will use raoblle corapuCer CoCe Specialists dispute claira for RNH 9.3 26.12 Surgery dispute 9.3 :Decision cosCs N.J.C. 27.12 MonCh deadline on hospiCal deal 9.3 Prizemoney up aC Gosford 31.12 Staff key In micro-surgery 10.3 $12m science block moving ahead 21.3 • !HOSPITALS $20m RNH boose backed 2.4 Brain scanner installed in Newcasele 2.4 Snake hunCers search wards 9.1 HospiCals noC sold yeC 13.4 SCewarC warns of hospiCal beds, jobs loss EquipmenC noC included in RNH plan 13.4 15.2 Bank aids hospiCals 18.4 DocCor hiCs aC hospiCal efflcieny 21.2 Old mine found aC hospiCal 18.4 Split laws on healch care advocaCed 12.3 New direcCor 20.4 U.S. hospital firms 'get benefiCs' 29.3 $lm reraodelling for Woodland £< Lingard 1.5 HospiCal firsc wiCh solar inCercora 28.4 US offers for privaCe hospiCal 2.5 Rise in healch cosC predicCed 4.5 HospiCal spree worries labor 18.5 HospiCal jobs, beds aC risk 26.5 US firm 'profiCs from Che sick' 18.5 HospiCals InsCalling furniCure in klCs 28.5 ChrisCo Rd. hospital sale compleCed 26.5 HearC paClenCs who reraeraber 29.5 HospiCal under ChreaC 31.5 Inquiry will force sCaCes Co close hospiCals Machine Co aid cancer research 2.6 30.5 HospiCal cenCre 2.6 The hospiCal fund drain (leader) 30.5 DirecCor named 9.6 HunC CO force hospiCals Inquiry 4.6 HospiCal beds and jobs ChreaCened 23.6 1979 N.M.H. INDEX 44.


$140,000 Cender 29.6 Deal made on famous pub 11.7 Healch conference for SCockCon 14.7 Licencees win baCCle 14.7 Treasure day CoCal of $3287 16.7 Parking code may be waived 19.7 HospiCal cues "up Co region" 21.8 HoCel fighc inCensifies 23.7 More hospiCal cuCs over 3 years 24.8 Council defers hoCel exCension plan 25.7 HospiCal sCaff Co have say on finance cuCs 27.8 A clumsy decision (leader) 28.7 WesCern suburbs hospiCal Co fight closure ChreaC Sunday hoCel opening Cipped 2.8 29.8 A hoc poCaCo over Prince of Wales 3.8 People fear hellch care neglecC 29.8 69 arresced near hoCel 6.8 Occupancy raCes key Co hospiCal closure fighC ComraiCCee voces Co reject hoCel plan 8.8 30.8 $3m clCy motel geCs green lighCs 8.8 Board rejecCs Kurri hospiCal cuC 30.8 Finger on Che public pulse (leader) 9.8 THC seeking united hospiCal cuCs plan 1.9 Bishop agalnsc Sunday pubs 14.8 "Waic see" for region boards 1.9 Big new moCel for ciCy 15.8 Gresford Co fighC hospiCal closure 4.9 AmaCil hoCels sold 18.8 HospiCal chief Co ^p down 5.9 $750,000 lookouC moCel planned 25.8 HospiCals reply Co cuCs 6.9 ClCy pub will die 13.9 Larger crowd due at talks 6.9 Newcascle's shame (leader) 21.9 HospiCals cues unnecessary 7.9 RioCers will be broughC to book 21.9 RNH board elecCs new chief 7.9 Police 'obliged Co Cake acCion' 21.9 HospiCal supporC-by 400 10.9 29 people face 92 sCar charges 21.9 HospiCals warned on Crainee nurse inCakes 14.9 2 bailed on 'affronC 26.9 Public backs nurses 19.9 The social overCones Co sCar rioC 26.9 HospiCal cues 19.9 ( i NaCion 'divided' 27.9 Rumours denied 21.9 ' SCar advice available 4.10 RNH sCaff proCese 21.9 i ' Girl remanded on four 'rioC' counts 5.10 Nurses will hold rally 24.9 No long scar cases : police 5.10 Help for appeal 24.9 SupporC grows for sCar inquiry 10.10 Busloads due in ciCy for proCesC 25.9 [ 50 aCCend raeeCing 13.10 Two hospiCals Co expand 25.9 36 on sCar counCs 17.10 1200 nurses join in ciCy proCesC 26.9 SCar changes reraand 18.10 HospiCal sCayed wichin budgeC 27.9 Group hopes for larger courC 18.10 ! Council defferal delays maCer plan 27.9 Star rioC a 'social jolC 20.10 Healch workers in siege 3.10 Sunday Crading reporC 20.10 MinisCers Cake cover 3.10 4 young raen on sCar charges 23.10 MinisCer visiCs area hospiCal 4.10 Tavern plan for orienC hoCel siCe 26.10 j 15-bed loss idea 5.10 ResidenCs will fighC raoCel proposal 29.10 $120,000 Co fix hospiCal wall 6.10 70 wiCnesses for sCar case 8.11 The pink ladies birChday 9.10 Ball decision reversed 9.11 [ Tunnel plan for hospiCal sCaff meals 9.10 ' Sunday hoCel Crading (leader) 26.11 | Owners will geC raarkeC price 10.10 Sunday drink proCesC 26.11 ' Walsh aCCacks healch cuCs 10.10 HoCel work begins 27.11 Kurri sCaCus change rapped 10.10 HoCel Crading bill inCroduced in parllaraenC 27.11 HospiCal made scapegoaC 12.10 Question on hotel work 27.11 $24,247 raised for hospiCal 16.10 AMA asks Wran Co drop hoCels proposal 1.12 MaCerniCy hospitals hiCs unfair cuCs 17.10 Sunday hoCel Crading soon 10.12 ' HospiCals cuCs delayed by 2 weeks 17.10 HoCels 50-50 on Sunday Crade 14.12 $4m Co norCh hospiCals 18.10 'Fair' hoCel case call 15.12 $6500 given Co hospiCals 18.10 HoCeliers slow Co accepC Sunday Crading 17.12 HospiCal service noC reduced 19.10 Legal view on rioC soughc 19.12 HospiCal cuCbacks curCail services 23.10 HospiCal award goe; Co north 24.10 HOTELS AND CLUBS - STRIKES Dungog healch row 24.10 Kurri wins fighC Co reCain ICs hospiCal 26.10 Club SCrike proves boon for hoCels 3.2 Coraproraise on hospiCals 27.10 Workers club sCaff refuse Co sCrike 3.3 Talks on hospiCal cuCs delayed 29.10 Workers club, union reach coraproraise on cleaners No coramlCraenCs on healch cuCs 1.11 6.3 SCaff renew aCCack 2.11 Club dispuCe for arblCraClon 7.3 Federal fears on raedlcal raoves 3.11 SCriking club workers reCurn 7.3 DlabeCes unlC exCended Cravelling sCaff 5.11 ReCurn of Job soughC 4.5 HospiCal asserCion challenged 10.11 Club SCands firm on dismissal of bar sCewardess RNH X-ray order 14.11 17.5 MaCer building on schedule 15.11 S.P. operacion denied 18.5 Hopes vary on regional medical library 15.11 Club Cold : Cake back worker 14.6 Bay hospiCal gets supporC 28.11 ReinsCaCed worker eager Co reCurn 15.6 $35,000 granC Co R.N.H. 6,12 Club's confidence crisis 23.6 Gifc for hospiCal 13,12 Scrike shuCs workers 25.10 Nurses rally againsC cuCs 13,12 Club adheres to charges 26.10 Wallsend hospiCal sCudy 14,12 Hearing of strike order resumes 30.10 AlCernaCives presenCed 14.12 BelmonC club dispuCe 3.11 HearC equlpraenC gifC Co hospiCal 20.12 Members meeC on club 12.11 Cardiac Crolley presenCed 21.12 BelmonC club back Co work 14.11 $4.5m clinic 22.12 HOUSING - RENTAL \ H0TL1.S AND CLUBS TenanCs service Co advise on law 21.3 EffluenC land cosCs hoCel $20 a week 6.1 Sydney Cop in renC shorCage problem 2.4 Council 'CesCed Salamander sewer' 11.1 Rencal home door 'shuC pensioners' 2.4 CounCry hoCel boasCs woman publican 26.1 ' Cheap housing plea 4.4 Preraler denies decision made 31.1 RenC crisis 'hiCs Che poor' 4.4 Only one objecCion Co longer hours 31.1 , Home search frusCraCions 9.5 AHA moves for 24-hour Crade 31.1 I Houses plan sCudied 13.6 Home-drlnklng advice urged 1.2 ' ( AccomodaCion casualties 14.6 Call for levy Co help drink 'vicCims' 2.2 Homosexuals 'will be Chrown ouC' of hoCel 3,2 j HUMAN RIGHTS A solemn farce 5.2 j Few acC as hoCel pickeCs 5.2 MinisCers raeeCing Co discuss human riehCs quesCions Wran 'a puppeC Co gambling InCeresCs' 5.2 22.1 ResidenCs oppose hoCel plan 21.2 A.L.P. firm on righcs 19.3 Medowie hoCel approved 28.2 HoCel effluenC 'no problem' 22.3 Repeal broadcasC acC, judge says 4.8 Bishop backs Sunday beer 2.4 LiberCies back in spoCllghC 30.8 GranC longer bar Crading : report 5.4 Liberal bill plans righcs waCchdog 25.9 Driven from drink 9.4 The facade of human righCs 10.10 Sunday drinking (leader) 9.4 Pressure Moscow call 9.11 'Tough' hoCel Co geC revamp 20.4 3 M.P.s critical of commlCCee role 9.11 Publicans swicching Co Che new 21.4 Group gives reasons 9.11 BeCCer since Scalin 9.11 Body sec up Co fighc Sunday hoCel Crading 24.5 ModeraCe view on SovieC reporC 9.11 CiCy Co geC $4 million moCel 3.7 WaCch on rights urged q.ll N.M.H. INDEX 45. 1979


ReporC sours Russians 10.11 One HunCer policy soughC 18.9 Human rights In the USSR 10.11 hasCy 19.9 U.S.S.R. reply on rights 13.11 EquiCy query on smelCers inconceivable : journalise. 19.9 HUNTER DEVELOPMENT BOARD Professor predicCs fricClon over CransporC 19,9 New plan Co Crain workmen 20,9 NorCh should 'guide own desCiny' 23.2 Boom period will have drawbacks 20,9 $100,000 for hunCer board 5.3 $2300 projeccs by 1985 20,9 Firras Cold Co unit for project work 30.3 Forces face challenges of Che 1980s 24,9 MayCora geCs Cop H.D.B. post 4.4 Shire growCh tipped 27,9 ClCy depuCy swaps securiCy for a new challenge HisCory of Cown raarked 27,9 9.4 Valley's way of life in Che balance 3,10 HunCar firras Co forra consorCiuro 12.4 Big bank calls hunCer board 13,10 Nev approach Co resource marketing 1.5 Fence spliC CiCle Coday 13,10 C.M.H. SCudies valley firms 2.5 Eye on business 27.10 ..orth interests to study shelf 18.5 Gresford's 150Ch 8,11 Development board welcome in W.A. 1.6 Dresses up for 150Ch year 12,11 H.D.B. in N.W. shelf race 4.6 Valley exhlbiCion may surprise 15,11 Unionise assures firras in hunC for orders 5.6 'Friends' Co CesC public aCCiCude 26,11 H.V. IndusCry geCs oil job advice 6.6 GreCa worry over crime 14,12 NewcasCle cleared for shelf work 7.6 No GreCa police 15,12 Mission sofCens W.A. suspicious 8.6 W.A. delegaCes Co see NorCh planC 9.6 [ HUNTER VALLEY - HISTORY OpClralsra over shelf work drive 16.6 '' The W.A. paCh Co indusCrial conflicC 16.6 MaiCland's hlsCorlc line uncovered 30,5 Work link a bold, risky idea 18.6 MaiCland Co lose iCs lasC old sCyle, life 1,7 H.D.B. aiding InvesCors 27.6 Big week for MaiCland 11,8 Survey on skilled needed 28.6 Down in Che valley hlsCory sClrred 11,8 AdapCablliCy is developraenC keynoCe 17.7 Anniversary porC labels for Kurri 5,9 SCaffing increase 25.7 Kurri marks 75 years 7,9 PubliciCy consulCanCs 1.8 Film highllghc of anniversary 10,9 Talks on shelf Cender 7.8 Kurri fesCival end 15,9 DelegaCes Co discuss gas conCracCs plan 11.8 HunCer firras corabine for shelf jobs 11.8 HUNTER VALLEY COUNTY COUNCIL An indusCrial long-shoC gains impeCus 17.8 U.K. indusCry raay eye norCh 15.9 Mine Jobs worCh $1/2 ra 24,3 H.D.B. afcer aid for Cowns 19.9 SCart soon on depoC 24,4 Valley board 'under sCaCe ChreaC' 20.9 Energy Co drive hunCer coal boora 1.5 B.H.P. raan joins H.D.B. 26.9 Power body expecCs surplus 18,5 HunCer developraenC board seeks indusCry funds 3.10 H.V.C.C counCy clerk Co reClre 12.6 THC chief praised 6.10 New clerk for H.V.C.C 19.7 Merabers urge use of SCaCisCics prograra 8.10 Power cenCre cause for pride : CuCler 29.10 Big bank calls hunCer board 13.10 3 H.V. counCy councils may be araalgaraaCed 2.f Land as lure Co indusCry 19.10 [ SCC to fighc raerger 3.8 Scheme will seek 20 jobs 31.10 ] Caucus backs power plan 27.9 H.D.B., region, 'Impressive' 27.11 i Nesca resigned Co raerger 3.10 Universicy experCs Co 'Coughen'- HDB 19.12 SCC 'accepCs' larger area 5.10 Power Cariffs raay noC rise 31.10 HUNTER DISTRICT WATER BOARD Power savings for some 27.11 Shop' stewards oppose bill 29.11 No 'perks' in H.D.WB. 17.1 'Taj raahal' SCC H.Q. rumoured 20.12 'I.D.W.B. Co build new offices 18.1 H.V.C.C. charges rise 6% 20.12 Board hopes for N.Z. visit 23.1 No Nesca 'Taj mahal' 21.12 Ratepayers attack 'empire-building' 8.2 H.D.W.B. may cancel $120m scherae 15.2 HUNTER VALLEY RESEARCH FOUNDATION Group to study Burwood use 19.2 Dam water belongs in upper hunter:M.L.A. 23.2 HunCer In new research progrararae 4.4 Board to control copper systems 13.4 The hunCer's role as econoraic baroraeCer 1.5 Residencial raCes boosCed 9 p.c. 28.4 Household incorae under scruCiny 21.5 Business aid aC H.D.W.B. 15.5 HVRF chief urges region unlCs 10.6 MeeCing soughC for land dispuCe 16.5 HVRF won iCs way 10.6 Subdivision aC MereweCher denied 17.5 Firras could draw on SA labour 17.8 Board move up to MaiCland : H.D.W.B. 24.5 Foundacion seeks supporC 20.8 $90,000 claim over Crees 7 .6 A look aC Che 1980's 10.9 Dry waCer Caps annoy 16.6 Loos for boacies considered 23.6 HUNTER VALLEY THEATRE CO. 10 geC jobs wiCh board 27.6 RaCes due for waCer 19.7 Behind Che sCage curCaln 19.1 WaCer board grows 31.8 OversighC blaraed in HVTC accounCs 20.1 CenCre ready 20.9 Lord Mayor Co open CheaCre 21.2 Black is a dirCy word aC H.D.W.B. 26 Council gives $20,000 Co CheaCre 28.2 1 'Mystery' geCs a brief airing 6.10 SpoClighC on subsidies 16.3 ] VeCeran union man bows ouC 21.12 CurCain up aC playhouse 17.3 ( CabareC loss below $15,000 21.3 i HUNTER VALLEY Opening of playhouse 23.3 CulCure fund commiCCed for year 24.3 Killibinbin conCesC draws big enCry 10.1 CabareC held over 4.4 Firm surveys need for Hall 12.3 McGregors' case for subsidies 27.4 SpoClighC falls on Che HunCer 24.4 No planCs for civic play house 7.5 ResidenCs oppose Glennies scheme 1.5 TheaCre group granCed $40,000 9.5 Suburban role for MaiCland, Cessnock 1.5 The cosc of renCing Che civic playhouse 18.5 Hunter 'boom towns' face rapid change 1.5 HVTC direcCor resigns execuCive posC 23.5 Valley boom in Che 1980's 1.5 HVTC chief denies inCerference 24.5 A Cown facing a Cime of plenCy 5.5 HunCer Cheatre direcCor call's for shake-up 26.5 DevelopmenC area may expand 5.5 HVTC chief declines reply 26.5 HunCer vineyards aCCracC U.S. airline 11.5 Breach musC be healed 26.5 Merriwa lays off sCarC 13.5 HVTC chairman rejecCs cricicisra of board 29.5 Good fuCure for region 25.5 HVTC appoinCs new adminisCrator 1.6 SCroud evenC pulls runners 12.7 Silent parting 16.6 Scone union moCion lose 20.7 Tensions behind Che scenes 23.6 $1000 prizes aC SCroud evenC 20.7 TheaCre boards, Sydney sCyle 25.6 19Ch win, and a brick 23.7 HVTC direcCor Co be named soon 16.7 $9000 incorae for region horaes 3.8 ArClsClc direcCor for HVTC 7.8 Fuel worry may boosC valley appeal 11.9 HVTC offers free play for Jobless 27.8 IndusCrial recovery 13.9 In defence of Che criCic 7.11 Prosperous HunCer predicCed 15.9 Viewers well served wlCh T.V. .dinner 6.12 Ideas are Che currency of Che fuCure 15.9 Uni seeks Calks on ICs fuCure 17.9 T— \ N.M.H, INDEX 46. 1979


Garland gives proCecCion warning 8.2 Small business aid 'failure' 24.3 Company scheme warning 24.2 W.M.C reconsCrucCs 7.4 Trouble in new indusCrial ChefC measures 8.3 Hararaersley closes W.A. pellec plane 7.4 AdjusCing Co change 8.3 ManufacCuring figures up 9.4 MaCerniCy leave for privace industry 10.3 HunCer firms to forra consorCiura 12.4 ExperC Co discuss change 12.3 Sydney shoeraaker's dreara goes sour 18.4 IndusCrial opClralsra highesC for 6 years Goninan, age in Mackay venCure 18.4 Tradesraan shorCage worries employers 21.3 ProducCion incenCives wanted 23.4 ExporC council backs Crawford reporC 26.3 EducaCion Cask ahead - Viner 23.4 Design body plans NewcasCle seminar 28.4 Revival sparked by fire exCingulshers 1.5 Regions $1000 boosC inCo 80s 1.5 AWI works Co keep Cechnological edge 1.5 Promise of Che 1980s 1.5 Goninan expands in mining 1.5 Oil men Co meec on full bench decision 15.5 Sulphide confidenC for Che fuCure 1,5 Produce qualiCy conCrol in ciCy urged 17.5 Training 'real-life' managers 1,5 Sydney professer --^ts indusCrial blueprlnC 28.5 A Jaffle comeback 1,5 SCaCe shows Che way 7.6 New dimension in galvanizing 1,5 Canberra wanCs InduKtrial conCrol 20.6 Concern for produces and people 1.5 ManufacCuring up buC opCimiSra resCralned 25.5 IndusCry draws residenC proCest 1.5 CaplCal cuC on building serious 26.6 Koppers leads Che way 1,5 Valley fears lack of skills 27.6 Securities bill spiked 2,5 DispuCe inquiry 29.6 i Doraino quiCs NewcasCle 11,5 The squeaky wheel geCs Che oil 29.6 John Bull facCory Co close 14 .5 Labour hinCs aC A.I.M. dinner 12.7 ' Opening of $72ra ceraenC projecC 16. $10m MIM prograra 18.7 DalgeCy discovers AusCralia 1 3.5 Bi-parCisan approach close on InvesCraenC 31.7 Sarich's orbiCal engine moves a sCep closer Wran urges pay deal 11.8 | 18,5 Wran urges ouCpuC as pay claim base 11.8 Goninan unlikely Co challenge order 19.5 IndusCries aCCiCudes musC change, says Lynch 24. IndusCrial galvanizers appoinC manager 23.5 I McLennan leads co-operaCion Ceam 28.8 HospiCals InsCalling furniCure in klCs 28.5 $500,000 land plan 28.8 Pare sale life Co fearon growCh 30.5 Merriwa plan for indusCry 3.9 VenCure makes for busy bees 1.6 j Index up on maCerials 4.9 Sulphide club chiefs resign 4.6 | Harmony call by banker 13.9 Durack sCops U.S. courC accion 9.6 i Ideas are Che currency of Che fuCure 15.9 $5ra railway sleeper order for Monler 12.6 FuCure shock raovie show 17.9 Rare award Co port firra 13.6 ScudenCs put focus on alcohol problem 18.9 New IndusCry planned 2.7 Bosses have change for peace 19.9 400 jobs Co flow frora Eglo conCracC 6.7 Sir John Moore Co aCCend Seminar 4.10 ThornCon factory re-opens 7.7 ludusCrlaliSCs"visit 6.10 Sleigh wins dark range 10.7 Prescription for good relations 6.10 I RemovallCs close 10.7 Dockyard sets fine example 8.10 ! Humes scares cenCre in US 11.7 Traditions valuable - B.H.P. chief 8.10 [ Drinks plane 'has Co grow' 18.7 Members urge use of statistics prograra 8.10 ' Prune regulacions, says AFC chief 18.7 Industrial optiraisra 8.10 ! Goninan chief 25.7 No adulc Craining 9.10 ! T 'makers chief 27.7 PrivaCe secCor growCh seen as jobs key 12.10 A.B. Rea sold Co scoCs firm 28.7 IndusCrial slCe well advanced says preraler 12.10 2 duCch Ceams for lighC plane 3.8 More jobs for young 13.10 W.A. IndusCrialisC.'; aay raore projects possible MinisCer urges an end to the weekend 20.10 13.8 Job privacy guide in for Cwo years 23.10 ACMIL plans Co expand 21.8 GrowCh cenCre seet in porC 8.11 Haven'C missed a day, bless you! 23.8 The sickle sickness 9.11 Residents oppose boCCle plane exCension 4.9 Sound advice 4.12 Inspeccion Curraoil raay alCer rules 5.9 9000 more Jobs frora InvesCmenC prograra 10.12 IndusCries 'should be relocaCed' 5.9 MeCal exporC boosC hopes 10.12 Shire lends $41,000 Co firm 5.9 AWA naraes new execuCives 21.12 $1.2m pipe works plan 14.9 Newcasele missile success 15.9 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS BUREAU NewcasCle firm moving inCo missiles 19,9 Firing upheld 19.9 IRB backs rebel council worker 22.2 Council looks aC new plane 20.9 JoinC hearing soughc 10.3 Call for esCaCes reporC 26.9 Hawke firm on IRB 14.3 Frora renCed shed Co Chriving faccory 27,9 Council rausC answer for sacking : judge 10.4 Monler adopCs single ciCle 8.10 ProCest againsC inquiry inCo sacking 24.4 Weaver picks up U.S. Chreads 15.10 Review of IRB law provisions expecCed 10.5 Asia Co buy saw bench 18.10 IRB faces idenCiCy doubCs 31.5 Villagers fighc I.C.I, plane 25.10 IRB a relucCanC policeraan 25.7 A.I.R. group Co spend $2.7m on plane 29, 10 IRB loses meac case 28.7 $600ra coke sCudy 9.11 IRB spying : Hawke 5.12 Engineering office sCudy 9.11 IndusCries finding Sandgage esCaCe irresisCibl* INDUSTRIAL SAFETY 27.11 Mayor opens warehouse 29.11 SafeCy award Co norCh 19.3 Hec1th risks Co workers concealed 2.5 Koppers gains $2.5m conCract 6.12 Training scherae for mine safeCy proposed 8.5 Governor opens planC 7.12 Chemicals safeCy call 18.6 Awards for suggesCions 14.12 SafeCy awards go Co 3 company drivers 8.12 Blue plasCic puzzle 22.12 Puddings beaC Bisley cloches 27.12 INDUSTRIES INDUSTRIES ASSISTANCE COMMISSION | Lamp order may offer jobs 4.1 'Teraporary' Cyre duCy geCs exCra mileage 2.4! $lra deal for clCy planC 25.1 lAC reporC cricicised by A.L.P. 11,8 j Reg Hare leaves raeCals ex 1.2 ProCecCion for inefficiency 13,8 ' Goninan Co show raining equipment 7.2 TexCile repore 'dangerous' 16,8 1 ICI expansion will creaCe 800 jobs 8.2 lAC wanes apple indusCry changed 12,11 ManufacCurers Cold 'geC off rural back' 17,2 Some arcs aid Co go on, despiCe lAC views 20,12 Tomago work means Jobs for 30 20,2 Tomago InvenCor markeCS own way Co success INSURANCE 21,2 N.W. acid closes plane 22,2 Insurance scheme rejecCed by sCaCe 22,1 Hexham plane consCruccing $l,5m baCh 7.3 I.C.A. men Co visic 22,1 Deal brlghCens firm's fuCure 12,3 N.R.M.A. Co life races 5p,c, 8,2 Opposieion promoCed 14.3 G.I.O. swiCch 'a ChreaC' 8.2 C.A.I, backs repore on manufacCuring 16.3 Newcasele man on spore injury body 27.2 120 Jobs aC risk in union power wrangle 17,3 SocieCy funds insurance soon 8.3 Wyong sandminer Co reCrench 17,3 Insure before Cravel : Hunt '21.3 M.S.B. fees 'chreae Co building' 19,3 Change in insurance conCrols hlnCed 18.4 U.K. posC for scherer chief 19.3 TransporCation hazard 4,5 Tooth compuCer service opens 22.3 y • . N,M.H. INDEX- 47. 1979


G.I.O. puts private car rate up by 7.5 p.c. Concern over polluCion 13.9 17.5 PolluClon Calks 24.9 Lie CesCs used in corapo claira checks 23.5 Park becoming a showpiece 25.9 Insurance deficic warning 25.6 Mayor Co inspecC healch hazard 27.9 Car fires life cosC 29.6 Healch Ceam Cracks Wangi wasCe 8.10 Insurance provided necessary proCecCion 28.8 Carmichael Co face lake proCesCors 17,10 Treasury fighCs insurance reform 3.9 Land as lure Co indusCry 19,10 Treasurer drops insurance plan 4.9 PolluCion fear hiCs swim classes 24,10 Brokers wanC proCecCion 6.9 Wangi baChs 'safe' 25,10 New Crends 'emerge' in insurance 4.10 Lake call for sewerage granC 29.10 Healch Insurance for Che healchy 6.10 WasCe 'ChreaCens' lake 30.10 N.R.M.A. cuCs premiums 8.10 Lake reefs given a reCread l.ll 6.10 query on healCh insurance 24.10 Lake mine damage quiz 5.11 100 aCCend insurance serainar 8.11 Lake qualiCy CesC planned 14.11 AMP Co expand 27.11 SCudenCs survey Cheir Iraage 6.12 LAKE MACQUARIE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL Brokers welcorae woraan 27.12 New offices on Cirae 8.1 INTERNATIONAL IRON AND STEEL CONFERENCE New sysCem proposed Co process reporCs 31.1 '13,000 dogs' unreglsCered 1.2 MeeCing Che broad needs of world producers Books enjoy resurgence of inCeresC 13.2 15.10 AssoclaClons condemn council 15.2 NewcasCle Is AusCralia's Cop maker of special CorapensaClon for road daraage 20.2 sCeels 15.10 I Road 'would cuC Chrough Eleebana' 27.2 B.H.P. faces growCh decision 15.10 Free horae offered Co VleCnam refugees 6.3 's teasing siCe 15.10 [ Bid Co mine coal aC Wakefield 13.3 PolluCion'ac lowesC raCe' 16.10 [ Lake Macquarie : Che success of a no-ciCy OuCpuC of SCeel 'Co drop' 16.10 | municipaliCy 15.3 SCeelworks plans for Che Pilbara 16.10 PhoCocopiers Co save $300 a monCh 20.3 Open raarkeC 'a musC' 16.10 MorCuary decision deferred 22.3 Energy chief in call for greaCer undersCanding Progress raeeCing held 2.4 17.10 $57,000 Cender accepCed 3.4 Oil up 45% by 1990 17.10 GaCeshead seeks progress body 4.4 PlanCs seek new fuels 17.10 Council changes rejecCed 7.4 B.H.P. urges long-Cerm conCracCs 18.10 Rezoning soughc for club 10.4 'High price Co pay' for coal developraenC 18.10 Day-care proposal approved 1.5 IndusCry draws residenC proCesC 1.5 INVENTIONS Re-opening of coasC quarry opposed 10.5 1 Lake quarrying causes alarm 14.5 InvenCor seeks aid for engine 16.5 Lake youCh recreaCion needs Co be sCudled 18 Sarich's orbiCal engine raoves a sCep closer SCaff begin Co raove in 23 5 16.5 New council role 30.5 Newcascle's pied piper 1.8 CoraralCCee backs accidenC survey 5.5 A fried piper pnd his Crap 2.8 Shop policy adopCed, applied 12.6 InvenCor cuCs facCory raCs 10.8 Council looks aC oak siCe purchase 14.6 No dead raCs, no deal, says council 5.9 Parking policy criticised 20.6 NewcasCle missile success 15.9 Plan for shore draws fire 26.6 Group Co promoCe basics 10.10 DebaCe on car park code 3.7 Asia Co buy saw bench 18.10 Parking proviso placed on furniCure warehouse Building sysCem aCCracCs inCeresC 31. 10 10.7 Hans in poCs of kiCchen riches 9 U Tyre durapers find new siCe 28.6 Saw sCand invenCion Co enCer T.V. show finals Classes approved for old charabers 7.7 12.11 Second bid Co close road 17.7 Medical device is 1979 find 15.11 Lake hiCs aC group 18.7 RoboCs raighc 'clip' shearers 6.12 Bay landscape plan reCalned 24.7 New subsidence area in lake 30.7 IRON ORE Vehicles may change Co gas 31.7 Mining raove affecCs 25% 1.8 Huge iron ore find in W.A. 10.2 TourisC plan for siCe 1.8 CS.R. faces hugh ore-field bill 10.2 Need for sCudy of land buy queried 8.8 Nippon issues iron ore warning 16.2 New use for old council cenCre 23.8 Iron ore price up $1 a Conne 2.3 Lake Crees raake way for road 29.8 Japanese raise robe ore price 10.3 Council men are 'on job' 29.8 Ore 'worCh $55 raore' 12.3 Jensen to open building 29.8 Ore price Co Japan rises 8.5 p.c. 21.3 District seen as tourist drawcard 1.9 Pilbara sCrike rocks a gianC 9.7 Alderraen raay wear l.D. cards 4.9 The faC days are finished 10.7 Mayoral office 'full-tirae job' 11 .9 New use for BHP ore 29.10 Council men 'to continue contact' 12.9 Hope for centre 13.9 KOORAGANG ISLAND A.L.P. 'politicking' 18.9 Discussions on road planned 25.9 Doubc on woodchip 22.1 Code controlling display horaes is adopCed 3.10 Kooragang foundacion piles disappear 5.5 Island clean-up drive 9.10 Island for raajor indusCry : reporC 16.5 Pulbah arguraenC 12.10 Island indusCry 'body blow' Co ciCy 17.5 Building code plan 12.10 The scale of Kooragang (leader) 21.5 Council Co consider eraployraenC scherae 23. 10 Policy on island urged 16.6 Council backs housing plan 30.10 B.H.P. pays $3/4ra for Kooragang Is. 31.7 Council will give advice 31.10 Call for esCaCes reporC 26.9 Marshall SC closure unlikely 6.11 Kooragang siCe quesCioned 26.11 Facelifc plan for Speers PC quarry 27.11 ApplicaCion for waCer carCage 4.12 KURRT KURRI SisCer ciCies applicaCion 5.12 SCreeC raove soon 11.12 Plaques, coasCers raise Kurri cash 7.7 Closure deferred 18.12 Souvenir rush in Kurri 11.7 Kurri marks 75 years 7.9 LAKE MACQUARIE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL HEALTH AND Films highllghc of anniversary 10.9 GARBAGE Kurri fesCival ends 15.9 CorapacCor handed over 14.3 LAKE MACQUARIE Redhead Cip fees Co rise 2.5 Car bodies crushed aC durap 27.6 $lm fair Co open in April 4.1 Tyre dumpers (leader) 26.6 Trade fair funds for pre-schools 19.1 Two way radio review order 6.6 Eraring : uncerCaln ecology 20.2 New garbage sysCem 13.6 2 honoured by progress group 14.3 $65,000 frora rubbish fees 9.8 Trade fair Co provide for all ages 24.3 Army mounCs aCCack on lakeside wrecks 11, Lake Macquarie seC for CourisC promoCion 7.4 Looking for Che sewage leak culpriCs 20, Bookings peak aC ToronCo fair 17.4 Island clean-up drive 9.10 Lake polluCion aC 'danger' levels 12.9 LAKE MACQUARIE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL - PARKS LIBERAL PARTY (ConC)

Parks Co gee $100,000 facelifc 13,2 Fraser losing favour 31.7 Landscape plan put again 21,4 AnChony hiCs ouC aC liberals 4.8 Landscaping of shore supporCed 9,5 Mason calls for uniCy in coalicion 20.8 ResidenCs happy wiCh park 23,5 AusCralia's world 20.8 WasCe from creek for park 15,9 Labor slips says poll 23.8 MinisCer Co open park 31,10 . Suspension valldlCy query 27.8 Need Co 'keep pace' 27.8 LAKE MACQUARIE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL - PLANNING OpClmism for elecdon 27.8 Lib officer 'lisCed as war criminal' 28.8 $6000 for 12 days work 2,1 Lib Cussle raay re-open 29.8 Lake council Co back Courisra 15,1 Urbanchlch denial on Nazi charges 30.8 Council backs applicaCion for $3m Wyee resorC SenaCe denial accepCed 31.8 Liberals 'uglles' fighcing back 5.9 3-5 Robinson challenges Bjelke 8.9 Bay shore changes begin 7,7 $630,000 library plan 14,8 P.M. agalnsc Qld plan 13.9 Lack of acumen 18.9 LAKE MACQUARIE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL RATES AND ParCy seeks funds from sCockbrokers 21.9 FINANCE Klllens laCe bid Co prevenC rifC in coalicion 24.9 Lake raCe Co rise maxiraura 8 p,c, 23,1 Robinson may face election opposieion 26.9 $75,000 granC soughc for library 6,2 VicCorian libs harried noC Co oppose ralnlsCer RaCe percenCages 'seC on CoCal income' 7.2 5.10 CaChedral gifC not favoured 13,3 VicCorian libs hold back 5.10 $600,000 for pension rebaCes 25.5 Nixon doubc 8.10 Councils geC 20% more raoney frora granCs 13.9 The coalicion erupCions 9.10 Even Fraser's coalicion win turns sour 9.10 LAKE MACQUARIE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL - ROADS ,Qld coalicion peace pacC 9.10 Challenge Co Fraser 9.10 Esplanade seccion Co close tor work 21.8 Coalicion 'rausC be preserved' 12.10 Road closure unlikely 28.8 Fraser meeCs Vic rebels 18.10 Parcies averC clash in VicCoria 19.10 LAKE Fraser firra on 'rebel' appeal 20.10 Fraser Co meeC rebel Glppsland libs 22.10 Ash from boilers finds new use 15.2 Libs close Co vicCory : Mason 26.10 MeeCing on coal 18.2 Liberal disarray 27.10 Libs face discipline 27.10 LAW Libs CacCics review 30.10 Libs gear for new baCCle 31.10 Jurors noC able Co decipher science 26.1 Liberals plan P.R. boosC 1,11 Cardinal upholds human dlgniCy 31.1 Libs raay hear solomon case 2,11 Drugs 6i violence increasing: Judge 6.2 A new bid Co ease Cension 3,11 [ Legal-aid cuCs cricicised 8.2 Solomon quiCs parCy 3,11 I DocCors used federal funds 10.2 i 'SecreC lib polls policy 13,11 ' Top raan for ciCy legal inquiry 1.3 Fraser 'unaware' of documenCs change 28,11 Solicicors ready Co cuC fees 13.3 Urbanchlch denies 'Nazi link' 30,11 A long Cime as JP head 15.3 L.CP. 'sec for 80s' 11, 12 SoliciCors appeal 20.3 , ProCesCs avoided 11,12 SoliciCors gain Cime 21.3 Changes urged in company law 22.3 NewcasCle A.L.P. seeks legal ban 10.4 Ombudsraan soughC for SoliciCors 13.4 Liddell raay expand Co fill need 26,1 Legal raen's role in grievances criCicsed 26.4 A case for review 27.4 LIQUID PETROLEUM GAS Peacock pleased wiCh law of sea discussion 9.5 Crown privilege tighcens 30.5 Gas man againsC L.P.G. rise 12,7 Increase in rainisterial power 31.5 JoinC L.P.G, venture for Boral & A.G.L. 27,7 Radical JolnC courC acClons proposal 2.6 DelegaCe aCCacks L.P.G. price policy 6,9 Murphy aCCacks judicial sysCem 2.6 Drivers warned againsC L.P.G. picfall 27,9 ObscuriCy in law : Kirby 29.6 Vehicle owners Cold : empCy L.P,G. Canks 24,10 Barwick cricicises inquiries 3.7 L.P.G. perspecCive 24,10 Public CoraraunicaCion rausc iraprove : judge 7.7 Call for inquiry inCo L.P.G. Caxi explosion Law socieCy Co relax rule 30.7 25,10 Legal sCudies Cinderella of Che classroom 1.9 Flaws found in L.P.G. cars 26.10 30 minuCes of advice for $15 10.10 Gas leaks afCer crash 30.10 [ Tougher rules on soliciCors finance inCerescs L.P. gas resCrlcdons 14.11 19.10 New bail law soon 20.10 LITERATURE | I Solicitor named 9.11 1 Legal aid fee changes upseC soliciCors 14.11 SalCy CiCle for Cop book 5.7 [ Law bodyJs new head 27.11 Books for builders 28.8 Chief SM aCCacks archaic sysCem 8.12 Sorae arcs aid to go on, despite I.A.C views 20.12 Bail acc cricicised 31.12 j LITTER I LIBERAL PARTY ''Kleen-up' carapaign planned 16.3 Liberals Co hear BriCish lord 3.1 WebsCer hiCs ouC aC licCerers 3.4 [Lib guns aimed aC 3 in norCh 5.1 Boys leave shore cleaner, by Conne 9.4 Li.5S deny to disloyalty charge 9.1 Lake's drive Co geC clean 29.8 Mason warns his parCy dissidenCs 10.1 | Council and sCaff in big clean-up 24.9 Lib rejecCs racisC label 11.1 [ Wangi clean-up 8.10 Lib group rejecCs racisC charge 16.1 ' MeeCing on lake liCCer 28.11 Right wing shuns 3 dissidenC liberals 17.1 Lake 'clean-up' for anCi-liCCer posCer 8.12 Fraser Co sooChe resCless M.P.s aC meeClng 31.1 Antl-liCCer campaign 20.12 Expulsion ChreaC Co plan 2.2 ScaCe libs censure Newcasde 'rebels' 3.2 LOCAL GOVERNMENT Former liberal says 'leC down by member' 5.2 Libs rejecC eChnic plan 6.2 New sysCeras 'needed in councils' 26,2 Liberal eChnic plan 'noC beaCen' 7.2 New office Co assise councils 26,5 Liberal Curmoil (leader) 14.3 GM wiChdraws venue offer 25,7 Defence Issue aC liberal council 18.4 Councils meeC has full agenda 15,10 Young libs highllghc youCh job problem 20.4 Fire rules geC prioriCy 16,10 Liberals' call Co back P.M. 21.4 Powers 'eroded' 16,10 $150m Increase in budgeC spending 23.4 Councils uniCed : ban smoking 17,10 Court wins guidelines 23.4 Call for SCudy on urban decline 17,10 T.A.A. sale under review : Robinson 23.4 Councils wane casino pay-ouC 17,10 EducaCion Cask ahead - Viner 23.4 SCaCe Co press for sewerage aid 17,10 ProducCion IncenCives wanCed 23.4 Land auChoriCy 17.10 Liberal parCy edgy as worries mounC 23.4 Opinion 'over-ridden' 17.10 Liberals voce for T.A.A. sale 11.6 Energy needs ouClined 18.10 Vic liberals drop pace wich naCional parCy 30.7 Syseem of cycleways soughC 18.10 N.M.H. INDEX 49. 1979

LOCAL GOVERNMENT (ConC) MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY - STRIKES AND DISPUTES (ConC) Councils will seek funds for Jobs 18.10 Ironworker noC Co geC job back 28.2 IndusCry border powers barked 18.10 MeCalworkers In conCracC talks 8.3 DelegaCes voCe Co 'sraoke on' 19.10 BHP bonus levels Co be examined 15.3 SpoC fines 19. 10 Dismissal sparks 700-raan sCrike 15.3 Domino (IndusCries Group PCy Led) 20.3 LOCAL GOVERNMENT - FINANCE 700 ouC aC SCeelworks 23.3 700 go back buC oChers sCrlke 24.3 Councils need more : Hayden 8.2 B.H.P. offers job for apology 28.3 ProperCy valuer on review boards 21.2 Domino dispuCe unresolved 29.3 Holding down raCe rises 28.2 RelnsCaeeraene quesCioned 2.4 No loCCery proflC for councils 30.3 CourC inCervenes in Doraino dispuCe 3.4 Merriwa raCes up 30.4 Doraino dispuCe 'Co corae Co a head' 4.4 Councils geC 20%raore raoney frora granCs 13.9 Ford SCands-down 3000 5.4 Councils geC 'no sCrings' grane 13.10 No painC coses 3000 jobs 4.4 Check on alderraan 18. 10 PainC-men reCurn 10.4 Doraino dispuCe lingers 12.4 .MAITLAND B.H.P. men sCrike 20.4 Doraino dlspuCe progress reporCed 25.4 Governor raay vlslC MaiCland 26.4 Union llfcs bans on Domino 1,5 Business life for cenCral MaiCland 27.4 Parcies Co review Domino dispuCe 2.5 MaiCland InforraaClon service begins 8.5 Domino union dispuCe on again 2.5 Revue Co raark cICy's 150 years 26.6 Bonus Issue hearing 4,5 EasC MaiCland new shops plan 7.7 5-raonCh Doraino ban llfCed 9,5 Th:- blCCer baCCle of High Sc, MaiCland 12.7 Bonus case conClnues 9,5 MaiCland pioneers remembered 13.7 DispuCe meeCing aC plane slCe 10,5 A granC Co warm punCers' hearCs 10.8 BHP dispuCes 10,5 l50Ch MaiCland birChday sCarCs 13.8 Cranedrivers Co consider sCrike 10,5 Parade caps i^lalCland fesCivides 17.8 Doraino qulCs NewcasCle 14,5 Children geC 'social' raeal 18.8 BHP men sCrike on crane issue 17,5 Scales ready soon 5.9 NaCional sCrlke ChreaC by AMWSU 31,5 $400,000 offer for Maitland saleyards 9.11 Wage fighc called by union 5,6 Scales 'lure Co caCCle' 15.11 Workers discuss award 6,6 BrlghCenlng up Che MaiCland scene 14.12 Ironworkers sCoppage planned 8,6 Employers warn on meCal sCop 9,5 MAITLAND CITY COUNCIL MeCal men ready Co sCrlke 9,5 Stopage,In Iron IndusCry soon 9,6 MaiCland seeks advice on Crucks 31.1 Bonus issue Co sCop planC 12.6 Decision on access rouCe deferred 7.2 Sacking sparks sCrike 12.6 TighCer building policy 14.2 ProducCion of sCeel Co sCop 13.6 ResidenCs query land negoClaCions 28.2 McCauley raen Co meeC 13.6 SysCera aC risk, Aldermen warn 7.3 SCrlke plan by meCal workers 15.6 Increased raining rubs off on ciCy 7.3 Bans hale holden plane 23.6 PeCidons on healch hazard 14.3 Cars held up by ban 5.7 Yards shifC supporCed 21.3 MeCal men Co join sCrike 7.7 Unimproved yards jeopardise jobs 28.3 New car arrivals resume 10.7 MaiCland defers by-pass 11.4 400,000 SCrlke over new award raCe 10.7 New by-pass for MaiCland proposed 21.4 Hopes for meCal indusCry peace 11.7 Bypass plan defeaCed 25.4 Campaign of sCrlkes 13.7 LiveweighC scales double in cosC 9.5 SCrlke for bonus Calks 25.7 Small Farley plan opposed 23.5 Pay claim dispuCe 2.8 AbsenCees owe PP board raCes 2.6 MeCal union acCs on hours 6.9 15 blocks sold In MaiCland aucCion 4.6 NSW supporCs raeCal rise 7.9 Builders report on adrain siCe 13.6 MeCalworkers acC for 35-hour week 8.9 ^ aff raay use old sCaCion 4.7 35-hour week finds favour 11.9 Appeal acclon soughC 12.7 'No dole' for sacked men 9.10 SlCe approved for civic building 18.7 Work at BHP mill Co resume 11.10 New clerk appoinCed 25.7 ShunCers disrupC sCeel-raaklng 17.10 Land raCe sysCera a burden 15.8 SiC-in ends afCer 7 weeks 17.10 Fifch ward Co be considered 29.8 $1 wage rise 'Co cosC $16.5ra' 18.10 Trade driven off 12.9 Alcan workers sCrike 19.10 HunCer councils geC big granC 13.9 Workers Co waic for wage reply 23.10 Boundaries of wards remain 19.9 Two Greenleaf SCrikes 30.10 Aid Walsh wins Mayoral balloC 20.9 'ieCal unions issue pay ulCimaCura 31.10 $520,000 office block approved 3.10 Pay rises for 500,000 workers 6.11 More aged unlCs for RuCherford 10.10 Pay Increases 6.11 Council raerger plan defeaCed 24.10 Greenleaf sCrikers confer 8.11 Council swicch 9.11 Pickling odours cause sCrike 27.11 CiCy raay geC own flag and even des 14. 11 Greenleaf raen on sCrlke 29.11 Mayoral car rejecCed 15.11 DispuCe meecing 4,12 ResidenCs upseC aC council InacClon 24.11 Hardware workers end sCrlke 5,12 Saleyards Co move 28.11 SCrlke kills overClrae 6,12 BudgeC cue, raCe rise 5.12 Smoke signals Cirae Co raove 6.12 MARRIAGE, DIVORCE AND FAMILY Rescisslon-raove on rural raCe peg 7.12 Bid Co cue cosCs by $500,000 12.12 CohabiCaCion is here Co sCay 24, 1 MaiCland race increases vary 13.12 Six raonths wedding waiC rule 24,2 Woraen's group slaCed 19.12 SeparaCion serainar 3,4 Family forura aC unlverslCy 18,4 MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY - STRIKES AND DISPUTES Faraily lav; 2,5 Faraily law orders Ignored 2,5 Alcan dispuCe flares again 12.1 Huraan relaCions findings dlsCorCed 7,5 'No work' Chreae aC Monler 15.1 15 men wed $2500 Filipino fiancees 8,5 BHP 'conned union' 6.1 Tug-of-love abducdons 8.5 Alcan producCion halCed 11.1 Bridal dealing like slavery 14.5 Ironworkers sCrike hiCs B.H.P. 18.1 Family courC ready in Deceraber 31.5 Monler back 18.1 Family law inquiry spliC ChreaCens 2.6 Long running dispuCe causes B.H.P. sCrike 19.1 A close look aC divorce laws 19.6 ResumpCion aC BHP expecCed 1.2 Parenchood advice 26.6 FIA men reCurn, AMWSU sClll ouC 2.2 A churchraan's ideas on sex 27.6 BHP case hearing 3.2 Overcoming loneliness 10.7 SCriking B.H.P. workers go back Coday 7.2 Change hurCs family 11.7 Union ban on life brings BHP bar 8.2 Divorce program planned 13.7 BHP workers Co meeC on life issue 9.2 Divorce cosCs up 21.7 Furnace sCrikers Co meeC Coday 10.2 Family courC ready In 1980 29,8 BHP ironworker re-insCaCed 14.2 The besc mura in Che world 15,9 AcCion planned over bonus level issue 16,2 Family law acc sCops InvesCigaCion 9,10 ComSCeel raen reCurn Co work 20,2 Unpaid leave for moChers-Co-be 25,10 Rod mill sCrlke aC BHP Co end 22,2 MaCerniCy leave (leader) 30,10 DtlP woiUcrn return—aW-^ Family policy calls for acClon 6,11