HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES-Tuesday, January 7, 1969 the House Met at 12 O'clock Noon

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HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES-Tuesday, January 7, 1969 the House Met at 12 O'clock Noon January 7, 1969 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 2S7 deal with urban and rural America as if they rural-urban balance. It is time to lit­ establishments in rural areas. The Sec­ were separate, conflicting interests when in erally give our urban areas breathing retary of Agriculture will designate eco­ fact neither interest can be served inde­ room. In order to accomplish this, there nomically deficient rural areas. Business pendently of the other?, · must be a concerted effort to develop our desiring to locate in these areas will be It is time for us to question whether rural communities-in our rural areas. able to receive increased tax credit for urban areas can ever catch up when Rural America must no longer be for­ plant investment, accelerated deprecia­ thousands of people every year are ar­ gotten land-a land to be from; a land tion schedules, and additional wage de­ riving, adding to already critical prob­ of declining economies, a low level of ductions for low-i11come workers and lems. In view of this, plus the increasing limited job opportunities, and dwindling training assistance for new employees. birth rate in the cities, it appears un... local tax bases. • To qualify the firm must show that it will likely that public and private efforts can First, we must improve agricultural create new jobs and be able to employ ever be sufficient to adequately deal with and nonagricultural job opportunities. low-income labor from the area. If a firm urban problems. There must be increased public and pri­ meets this criteria it will receive the fol­ Secretary of Agriculture Orville Free­ vate investment. People must be given lowing tax incentives: man said: encouragement and incentive to remain A 14-percent investment credit on Many ghetto dwellers came from rural in rural areas. Industry must be encour­ machinery instead of the regular 7-per­ areas, or their parents came from rural areas. aged to locate in rural areas. cent credit. Back on the farm they also were poor, and I am reintroducing legislation designed A 7-percent investment credit on the they also were without power, but they did to develop business and employment op­ cost of the building, an accelerated de­ experience a sense of community and a soli­ portunities in rural areas, smaller cities preciation of two-thirds for the normal darity of family that in too many cases the life of the machinery, equipment, and faceless city has shattered. and areas of unemployment and under­ development. The first provides certain building. The Secretary went on to say: preferences for prospective Government A 125-percent deduction for wages paid The crisis of our cities, perhaps the most contractors in such cities and areas. to low-income employees for a 3-year serious ever to face us as a people, has its This legislation proposes that in the period. roots in our failure to plan for change, our awarding of a government contract, These bills would discourage further failure to develop public and private institu­ concentration of population in large tions and directions that would shape and credit be given for the size of the city as control the unprecedented technological and well as the degree of emigration. crowded metropolitan areas and the in­ productive forces that have been unleashed First. If the bid received is from a city tensification of presently existing urban in the U.S. since the end of World War II. of 250,000 or less, a 1-percent credit is problems. In this period, our population has grown by given. I feel that the passage of these bills 55 million-37%. Second. If the city is under 100,000 a would help to encourage a national policy Our gross national product went from $280 2-percent credit is given. of urban-rural balance. billion to more than $800 billion. · Rural emigration to urban areas has Nearly 3 million farms disappeared in the Third. If the city is under 50,000 popu­ created a crisis for each. The only perma­ technological revolution that swept-and is lation a 3-percent credit is given. still sweeping-through agriculture. nent solution lies in a reversal of our Fourth. If the area bidding is one emigration trend-a trend that is illogi­ More than 20 million people left the coun­ where unemployment and underemploy­ tryside for the city. cal and dangerous under present condi­ A third of our total population left the ment exceeds the national average or tions. I hope that the Congress will act city and settled in suburbia. where serious emigration problems exist, to encourage rural residence, and strike All of this-and more-occurred without a 2-percent credit would r.e given. at the heart of the emigration problem­ any real national recognition of what it The Secretary of Labor would deter­ the lack of opportunity for employment meant. mine at least quarterly, those areas of in nonfarm production and services. I What is needed is a reversal of this serious emigration. feel that the incentives proposed in these population trend. Rural America offers a The second bill provides incentives for bills are in the best interest of our rural viable alternative to .further urban the establishment of new or expanded community, our urban areas, and on the crowding. We must begin to establish a job-producing industrial and commercial Nation as a whole and its future. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Tuesday, January 7, 1969 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. THE JOURNAL SWEARING IN OF MEMBER-ELECT The Chaplain, Rev. Edward G. Latch, The Journal of the proceedings of yes .. The SPEAKER. Will any Member­ D.D., offered the following prayer: terday was read and approved. elect who has not been sworn come to Lead me in Thy truth and teach me, the well of the House and take th3 oath for Thou art the God of my salvation.­ of office? Psalm 25: 5. Mr. TAFT appeared at the bar of the O Lord, our God, grant unto the Mem­ MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT House and took the oath of office. bers of this body, and all who work with Sundry messages in writing from the them and for them, a fresh sense of Thy President of the United States were com­ presence as we take up the duties of this municated to the House by Mr. Geisler, day. May we learn to think Thy thoughts one of his secretaries. THE LATE HONORABLE A. LEONARD after Thee and to keep our hearts open to ALLEN our people that to us will come wisdom as we make decisions, good will as we (Mr. LONG of Louisiana asked and was relate ourselves to one another, and MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE given permission to address the House courage as we endeavor to do what is A message from the Senate by Mr. for 1 minute and to revise and extend his right and good for all. Arrington, one of its clerks, announced remarks.) In this moment of prayer do Thou- that the Senate had passed without Mr. LONG of Louisiana. Mr. Speaker, amendment a concurrent resolution of I find it my sad duty today to advise Breathe on us, breath of God, the House officially of the passing of one Fill us with life anew, the House of the following title: That we may love what Thou dost love, H. Con. Res. 1. Concurrent resolution mak­ of Congress most distinguished former And do what Thou wouldst do. ing the necessary arrangements for the in­ Members, the Honorable A. Leonard auguration of the President-elect and Vice­ Allen, of Winnfield, La. Mr. Allen died In the Master's name we pray. Amen. President-elect of the United States. quietly early Sunday morning, January 288 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE January 7, 1969 15, 1969. He was born on a farm near I have very fond memories of Con­ well as it has condemned Israel for its \Winnfield 78 years earlier, on January 5, gressman Allen and his family and his retaliatory action against those who )891. very wonderful wife. Mr. Allen was most have vowed to drive her into the sea. It has been my great honor, Mr. helpful to me as a young Member of If the retaliatory action taken by ·Speaker, to serve in the congressional this body. I served with him here for Israel is considered in the context of the seat which Mr. Allen held so long and so many years. I know he enjoyed a long continuous terrorism by the Arabs and honorably. He began his service in the and happy retirement. He was a very the fact that Lebanon has become the .House on January 3, 1937, and was religious man, a Christian man . capital of the terroristic Arab move­ ·elected to the seven succeeding Con­ I am sure Mr. Allen has earned a great ment, the justice of Israel's position 'gresses, retiring from the House on reward in the hereafter. He made a great cannot but be understood. January 3, 1953, after 16 years of labor contribution to our State and to our Let us also beware of the sudden ap­ iduring the Nation's most crucial years. country. parent pacific diplomatic moves by the · Mr. Allen began his public service in Mr. LONG of Louisiana. Mr. Speaker, Soviets. They are not in the interest of 1914 as a schoolteacher. Subsequently he I thank the distinguished gentleman. the United States. rerved as principal of two high schools and superintendent of the Winn Parish GENERAL LEAVE TO EXTEND public schools. In 1922 he was admitted SPEAKER McCORMACK TO RECEIVE to the Louisiana bar and entered the Mr.
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