THE INSIDE STORY OF CAF IN THE UK How the Spanish manufacturer is transforming UK rail

IN PARTNERSHIP WITH A LAND OF OPPORTUNITY ack in 2015, when Construcciones y Auxiliar Ferrocarrileswas bidding for CAF is poised to build and supply several UK contracts, and making trains for any sector in the UK Bits presence in this country known, Richard Garner would regularly hear: “what and, says Business Development has CAF done since Heathrow Express?” Five years later, the answer is “quite a lot”, Director RICHARD GARNER, the and there is even more to come! He joined CAF from National Express East need for diesel power will be Coast where he was engineering director. Before that he worked for Metronet, one of two with us for some time to come… companies created to maintain the London Underground network. Scottish fleet is from the Urbos range. They delivered in 2004-2005. Both fleets were At that time CAF’s presence in the UK was were built at a time when the delivered within a time period of two years limited to the Class 332s built for Heathrow project was in difficulty and facing the following contract award. Express at its factory in 1997-1998, risk of cancellation, however CAF delivered The DMU aspect was crucial in CAF’s with additional vehicles delivered in 2002. to the required timescale and within budget. successful bidding for Northern, where it was Additionally, Class 333s were delivered to In Northern Ireland, you’ll see plenty of CAF- able to offer 58 trains that could be delivered at Northern Spirit in 2001. These were almost built trains operating. The company was the a time when other manufacturers had declared identical to the ‘332s’, but with a modified last firm to deliver new diesel multiple units they would no longer build such trains. This Northern 195113 passes Hest Bank, south of Carnforth, on July interior layout. (DMUs) for the UK market, with 20 Class formed part of what was, at the time the order 13 2019. At the time this train was commissioned, it was part of Around the time Garner joined, CAF 4000 C4K’s entering traffic with Northern was placed, the largest European deal CAF the largest European order CAF had ever won. ROBERT . delivered 27 seven-section trams for the Ireland Railways in 2011-2012. These 90mph had ever secured, with ordering 55 Edinburgh system. Much like those three-car DMUs followed an order for 23 diesel trains (later increased to 58) across 149 ordered for Midland Metro in later years, the three-car DMUs (Class 3000s) that CAF vehicles, and 43 electric trains split across 141 vehicles. This was worth around £500 million Contents There is still a lot of old rolling stock – with Eversholt Rail funding the deal. These were ordered after CAF had won Land of opportunity vehicles that date from the 1980s – and so there a deal with Serco for 75 Mk 5s that would Welcome be used by . That was a RICHARD GARNER explains how AF continues to go from strength to member of the CAF team who has contributed 3 are still opportunities for the here and now. no-brainer according to Garner who revealed strength in the field of sustainable to its huge success in recent years in the UK. CAF is poised to supply trains for all sectors. Richard Garner, Business Development Director, CAF that only Serco was the only bidder mobility and our presence at They continue to make CAF proud and their CNewport is a significant strategic efforts reinforce CAF’s hugely significant Inside Newport achievement for us, providing a foothold in decision to open the Newport factory. 6 The UK’s newest train factory is the UK rail market and, just as importantly, We were honoured to welcome His Royal officially open and building new vehicles. providing us with an opportunity to develop Highness the Prince of to officially open and maintain a legacy for Wales. This will our Newport factory include the training and support of our recently and were proud Hybrid theory people, the development of a local supply to be able to showcase 8 How CAF is changing the game supply chain, and to be making a substantial this facility. regarding electrification and . contribution to the UK economy. I am pleased to see just how quickly and Andrés efficiently the team have established world- Arizkorreta García High speed trains class processes and commenced manufacture Group Chief Executive 10 Delivering a high-speed train of key contracts for our valued customers. I and Chairman, CAF contract is about far more than just trains. look forward to the best practice established here being shared across the Group in a Northern stars continued cycle of improvement. Newport has EDITORIAL More than 100 trains are vast potential and it is my hope that we will Managing Editor: Nigel Harris 12 transforming journeys across the north. build high speed trains here in the near future. Deputy Editor: Stefanie Foster Head of News: Richard Clinnick Our people are at our core, and I’m Contributing Writers: Paul Stephen delighted that we have built a strong team in Production Editor: Mike Wright Powerful portfolio Newport and continue to grow our numbers. Art Editor: Charles Wrigley 14 Buying BWB enables CAF to offer We are looking forward to building on our Sub-Editor: Richard Hampson a more integrated range of services. CAF was able to supply almost 150 community engagement, and are proud of our Managing Director: Tim Lucas diesel vehicles to the Northern franchise promotion of equality, diversity and inclusion as it had a readily available product – the through our participation in groups such as CAF worldwide Civity. On January 28, Northern 195002 ADVERTISING stands at as commuters pour from the Women in Rail. Account Director: Julie Howard 16 How CAF has grown from the platforms and into the city. PAUL BIGLAND. I would like to thank each and every 1990s when it only supplied .

2 IN PARTNERSHIP WITH IN PARTNERSHIP WITH 3 interested in acquiring new vehicles for the new franchise. “The Bidders didn’t find many We are looking into batteries or BREXIT manufacturers interested because it was such hydrogen, and we have experience The decision by CAF to invest heavily a bespoke contract as well as being the first in the UK was taken before the Brexit -hauled coaches to be produced there, but we believe there will still be referendum of June 23 2016. With the for the UK in 30 years. The product had to UK now having left the European Union, be of the highest quality in order to equip a market for diesel for a while yet. are there concerns that the company Caledonian Sleeper with the tools to provide a Richard Garner, Business Development Director, CAF may also have to depart these shores? first class hotel service. Could this affect future orders? The orders have kept coming. TransPennine learnt a lot,and our current programmes are in a plan for wires then a lot of new rolling stock UK Director Richard Garner explains: Express has 66 Mk 5A coaches entering good shape. could be delivered; and delivered in line with “There are three headlines really. The traffic, as well as 12 five-car 125mph Class 397 “Overall, people are happy with the trains carbon reduction aspirations. first is will there be tariffs between the electric multiple units. West Trains we have delivered.” Garner recalls an incident “There is a lot of talk about hydrogen UK and the EU? has 80 Class 196 vehicles, with the first due in recently when he was travelling technology solving our emission problems. “Secondly, what affect will this have to be delivered by the end of this year, while with senior CAF executives who were visiting I wonder whether it will simply further on the EU/Sterling exchange rate? placed an order for 180 from Spain. complicate the infrastructure, and take time to “And thirdly, we work ‘just in time’ in Class 197 vehicles across 77 trains. “We were stood at Manchester Oxford both prove and deliver, when passengers need terms of delivery to the factory, so any The Northern Class 195 order was made Road and one of our trains came in. One of trains now.” delay at the port could have a serious possible because CAF already had the the station staff asked if we were getting on, Despite the talk of alternative power, Garner impact on production.” product. “We had an off-the-shelf, credible and I said ‘no, we are just having a look’. He believes there could still be a need for DMUs, DMU product in that market ready for the rolled his eyes thinking we were just looking at or at least hybrid DMUs. “People say they competition.” trains, but I explained who we were. He then are not going to buy another diesel. I think whole life costs are comparable if not better As for the Class 397s, these stylish EMUs couldn’t stop talking about how good they they can only mean diesel-only. Will we have than current rolling stock. have certainly attracted positive reviews, with were and about how much staff love them. electrified all of the railway by 2035? This Looking to the future franchises, Garner TPE staff praising them at their One of the 27 Edinburgh Urbos 3 Trams glides along in the Scottish capital on January And I promise this was not staged!” Garner seems unlikely to me. says: “CrossCountry is interesting - surely launch last November. “The ‘397’ is fabulous; 14. These were the first light-rail vehicles in the UK built by CAF. They arrived in 2011 some three laughs. “We are looking into batteries and hydrogen, the next franchise will need to address the it works in so many ways,” says Garner. Much years before the vastly reduced Edinburgh network opened. TONY WINWARD. With the Northern contract not far from and it’s likely we would lead with batteries capacity issues, and again, what about the was made by TPE’s engineers of the fact that being complete, what is next for CAF? Is here in the UK as we have experience in this DfT’s ambition to reduce emissions? they were fully engaged in the design process replace the existing fleet, as well as supply an No longer is it about supporting the Spanish there, perhaps, a concern that the market has field, but we continue to to explore hydrogen “If you take into account the Cross Country and able to modify various parts of the design. additional ten trains. rail system – instead some 90% of its business peaked? technology.” network which includes a mixture of “CAF has a flexible approach to working Asked what CAF’s recent success is down is exports. Garner explains: “Money remains cheap. Garner starts discussing the battery electrified and non-electrified routes, surely with customers, but there must be a balance to, Garner replies: “In recent years there has Garner explains: “In recent years there has Financiers are looking for ways to invest in technology CAF has been considering, as well the answer for the future has to be new tri- that takes into account time and cost whilst been a number of procurement competitions been few orders for rolling stock in Spain, the railway. Some of these companies are as the challenges currently faced. “I think five mode trains utilising battery capability in and maintaining a good working relationship,” he for rolling stock and I believe our strength in forcing CAF to look elsewhere. Back in 2008, managing a lot of people’s pernsion funds and years ago batteries were too big and their life out of stations and bringing energy efficiencies explains. supplying regional, suburban and metro trains I think it is fair to say that Siemens and it could be invested here in the UK. There are expectancy for a Heavy Rail application were when operating in diesel and electric modes, CAF has also been successful in the light along with LRV’s worldwide gives CAF proven Bombardier dominated the rolling stock supply plenty of old trains dating from the 1980s and unrealistic, but the technology has changed. doesn’t it?” rail market, delivering 21 Urbos 3 trams to solutions to offer to the UK market. market. Hitachi arrived a little later with their many capacity problems on the network that “Their life-cycle costs have also improved However there remains no decision Midland Metro in 2014-2015, before last year “Our Civity platform has a strong technical Intercity Express Programme but clearly the need more trains. You only have to go and dramatically. Back then batteries would regarding the franchise itself after bidding was winning a deal with the same operator for a base which is adaptable, flexible and brings UK market was ready for more competitors and stand on the platforms of Leeds station to see probably have needed to be replaced every five scrapped in September 2018. further 21 trams. The latest contract features reliability through its evolution. We are able in 2010 CAF decided it needed ‘boots on the that! years, whereas now it’s more like every 12 years. is also an interesting option an option for an additional 29 trams should to provide competitive solutions for high and ground’ to get a better understanding of the “The Government needs to find ways to “Most trains will be built to last for 30 to for CAF is investigating after it was made clear the network be expanded as planned. low volume orders and, as demonstrated, by market, operators, financiers and stakeholders enable the market to continue to invest in new 35 years so customers will need to change that wires would not be strung up along the Forty-three trains will also be delivered DLR and Caledonian Sleeper we are able to and start its commercial operations. trains so we wait with anticipation to see how the batteries maybe twice or possibly only reopened railway. A rolling stock tender was to Docklands Light Railway between 2022 manage very bespoke rolling stock.” “In 2012 CAF was selected by an operator the Williams Review will shape the future of once, because by then technology will have due to be issued in the near future, but that and 2024 by CAF after it won a tender to As a business CAF has expanded globally. as its preferred rolling stock supplier for the the railway.” improved even more. has yet to materialise. Nevertheless Garner West Coast franchise; which sadly, as we know, He also believes that there needs to be a “Battery hybrid trains provide a carbon and his team remain enthusiastic about such a the franchise procurement was cancelled for. clear strategy for electrification. “If there was efficient solution, cost less to operate and the very high-profile scheme. ■ Whilst disappointing it proved that CAF could CAF UK ORDERS (MAIN LAND) offer credible solutions.” Train Operator Vehicles Date delivered Notes The Class 385 deal was significant for Mk 5 Caledonian Sleeper 75 2018-2019 Hitachi but again showed that the dominance Mk 5A TransPennine Express 66 2018-2019 of Siemens and Bombardier was under Class 195/0 Northern 50 2018-2020 threat. The ‘385’ also demonstrated that new financiers were taking an interest in the rolling Class 195/1 Northern 99 2018-2020 stock market. A DfT franchise procurement Class 196/0 West Midlands Trains 24 2020 programme with new financiers created a Class 196/1 West Midlands Trains 56 2019-2020 very different market, one in which CAF could Class 197/0 Transport for Wales 102 2020-2022 compete and challenge the previous status quo‘. Class 197/1 Transport for Wales 78 2020-2022 Of course, one issue that has affected CAF has been some delays in new train deliveries. Class 331/0 Northern 93 2018-2020 Garner freely admits Class 331/1 Northern 48 2018-2020 that, but without wanting Class 332 Heathrow Express 61 1997-1998/2002 Built in partnership with Siemens to deflect from its own Class 333 Northern 64 2001-2003 Built in partnership with Siemens difficulties, questions Caledonian Sleeper introduced 75 Mk 5s into Class 397 TransPennine Express 60 2018-2019 asks what other new trains have entered traffic traffic in 2019. The bespoke vehicles were the first locomotive-hauled coaches ordered for DLR Docklands Light Railway 215 2022-2024 on time. “The one thing Urbos 3 Tram 27 trams 2011-2012 the UK since the Mk 4s in the late 1980s. On it did was expose our June 28 2019, the 2350 London Euston- Urbos 3 Tram Midland Metro 21 trams 2013-2015 experience in introducing Glasgow Central/Edinburgh Waverley passes Urbos 3 Tram Midland Metro 21 trams 2021-2022 Option for further 29 trams new trains here onto the Scout Green (north of Tebay). ROBERT FRANCE. UK rail network. We have

4 IN PARTNERSHIP WITH IN PARTNERSHIP WITH 5 INSIDE CAF’S NEW FACTORY ust east of Newport, next to the , stands Britain’s Vehicles for Northern and West newest train factory. Midlands Trains are being built at the J CAF has built the £30 million, 15,000ft2 facility on the Celtic Business Park, £30m site in Newport, and the company adjacent to Steelworks and opposite the planned Llanwern railway station. is geared up to win more contracts It chose the site over more than 100 other locations across the UK, citing its close factory in September 2018, and it was officially and then decide where it will be built. This is proximity to roads, railways and ports, and launched by His Royal Highness The Prince of a European plant, not a British plant. There is the availability of local people with the skills Wales in a special ceremony on February 21. an advantage to this process as it means the required as key factors in its choice of location. CAF Rolling Stock UK Chief Operating speed of decision is quick, because there is a The company was also conscious of plans Officer Darren Cumner explains that “the site standardisation in the way of working across for major housebuilding projects, as well as was acquired to increase our global capacity, the business.” the removal of tolls on the Severn Road Bridge but also shows CAF’s commitment to the Already the factory has been delivering (making the area a more attractive area to live UK market; remember that this site was not new trains for the UK. As this issue of RAIL and work). constructed for orders already won. went to press, the last of the Class 195 diesel The Welsh Assembly Government has also “This is not the first time that CAF has multiple units for Northern were being tested backed the factory with grant support from its opened a factory outside its domestic market and dispatched. These represented the first order for three three-car sets, the remaining While Jellyman oversees the construction Northern 195024 undergoes final testing at Inward Investment Programme to supplement – CAF’s decision making is efficient and very order for the site. Not all 101 trains were built sets being delivered from Spain. of the trains, Cumner has responsibility for Newport before being dispatched to Edge Hill CAF’s own substantial investment. responsive to potential opportunities. at the site, with the Welsh factory focusing And in June 2019, CAF won a deal to supply output of the orders. He explains that Newport for testing and commissioning. CAF expects that Staff started working at the Newport “CAF’s approach is to feed the business on two-car diesel multiple units and an extra Docklands Light Railway with 43 driverless carries out testing and commissioning on-site from the bodyshells arriving at the site to trains. The intention is for them to be built (it has a multi-road testing facility) with entering traffic, assembly and testing should take no more than 90 days. RICHARD CLINNICK. in Spain, but they could yet end up being a further work on the completed product of the Newport site. at Edge Hill depot. CAF Rolling Stock UK Head of Production “ will be a build and the skills CAF required. The Northern trains Kane Jellyman moved to the factory ahead maintain contract, while West Midlands were assembled at CAF’s Irun, Zaragoza and of its opening, having previously worked for Trains will maintain the trains with CAF Rail Newport facilities. Bombardier. Services providing technical support and Says Jellyman: “It was important that He explains that there are three production spares.” the Team Leaders understand all of CAF’s lines at the Newport site. In late January, two Testing of the first WMT train has already processes and controls within its construction. rows were focused on Class 196 DMUs for begun. The 80-vehicle order will entail the For example components and parts of the car West Midlands Trains (WMT) and the other assembly of 60 vehicles in South Wales, with are tested to destruction - how strong is the delivering the final vehicles for Northern. the rest in Beasain. vehicle? So we have to understand and replicate The first Class 197 DMUs for Transport for CAF has quickly been able to set up a ‘beat that. Then there is control of the welding, the Wales are due imminently, and this is a deal rate’ for trains, with one leaving the site just 60 bonding, the electrical components and the he’s excited about: “We have our biggest UK days after the bodyshell arrived from Spain. torqueing.” order only 14 months after we opened.” Jellyman explains that the first ‘195’ took This has enabled the Newport factory to Everything bar construction of the some ten months to assemble, but that was commit to delivering the first WMT unit by bodyshells, and the engines can purely because it was the first from the site. the end of the year. It also demonstrates the be done at the Newport site. The WMT The two-car DMU was actually the 33rd importance of standardisation across the Above: Inside a newly arrived Class 196 bodyshell. These are shipped from CAF’s Beasain factory in bodyshells are fabricated in CAF’s main in the 101-train order for Northern, and it CIVITY platform, of which the ‘195’, ‘196’ and this condition, with the Newport facility then fitting them out.RICHARD CLINNICK. factory in Beasain (Spain) before being was assembled while the factory was still ‘197’ are all part. Above right: Driving vehicles from the final Northern Class 195/1 diesel multiple units await the dispatched to the UK, while the Northern establishing itself. Land next to the factory is also owned by fitting of their Rolls-Royce MTU engines (seen on pallets to the left of the vehicles) on January 30. This bodyshells were products of the company’s “We had to recruit staff. And some went CAF, and should the company be successful is one of three production lines at Newport, and will shortly be home to Transport for Wales Class 197s sites at Zaragoza and Irun in Spain before to Spain to learn our processes,” he says, securing further orders then potentially the undergoing the same process. RICHARD CLINNICK. arriving here. explaining that when the first Class 195 factory could be expanded onto this site; Right: The two production lines for the West Midlands Trains Class 196s. On the right are vehicles that Around 250 staff are employed at Newport arrived on-site there were six Team Leaders particuarly to accomodate any orders for high have recently arrived from Spain and which are being fitted out internally. On the left are those which (CAF has upwards of 1,000 staff across all its in place, but they had to visit Irun to learn speed trains. The existing main sheds could be have interiors, and which are being fitted with mechanical equipment. When they reach the far end UK operations). Of those 250, some 75%- lengthened to fit the longer high speed trains. of the shed, the vehicles can then move next door to the test shed. RICHARD CLINNICK. 80% have been recruited locally. Cumner We have our biggest Jellyman says more production lines would be confirmed that: “high on CAF’s agenda is the installed alongside the existing facility. recruitment of graduates and apprentices; UK order only 14 CAF has a clear plan for Newport. Jellyman CAF UK TRAIN ORDERS something we’re reviewing as part of our months after sums it up: “In 14 months we have more than Train Operator Newport vehicles Total vehicle order Status resource planning.” doubled our workforce, won major deals to Jellyman explains: “We held various jobs build trains, some that will be built here in Class 195 DMU Northern 40 149 Final vehicles being tested we opened. fairs in the area, one being at the local college. Kane Jellyman, Rolling Wales to operate in Wales, and could yet build Class 196 DMU West Midlands Trains 60 80 In production. 60 vehicles delivered by end of 2020. At 5pm we still had over 100 people queueing high-speed trains here. If you cannot be excited Stock UK Head of Class 197 DMU Transport for Wales 180 180 First bodyshells due at Newport in March. to register their names. Pver 1,000 people about that, I’m not sure this is the place for registered their interest in working for us.” Production, CAF you.” ■

6 IN PARTNERSHIP WITH IN PARTNERSHIP WITH 7 URBOS TRAMS CAF believes the growing number of personality of the area they are running in. journeys in urban centres, while at the The trams themselves are built using a same time working on cutting emissions, modular platform that includes low-floor means there is a real need for light rail products meaning they are accessible networks; catenary-free systems further to all passengers while at the same time boosting that argument. being able to be adapted to meet the Within the Urbos family are trams and needs of the town or city they will run in. light rail vehicles that can be specifically Their bogies allow the trams to be 350mm designed to meet the operator’s above the , but this can lower to requirement. They can be built in 300mm in access areas. formations from three-cars up to nine- They are built with wide doors that can cars, and are available in various gauges. be configured in any size and/or number All can be fitted with the Greentech system to enable rapid passenger entry and exit, that allows catenary-free running. improving the service quality on offer. There is also a tram-train version, the The trams themselves are fitted with Urbos TT, designed to operate between the heating and air-conditioning, as well as city and nearby villages and towns. passenger information screens. WiFi can CAF can undertake the works associated also be fitted if required. with the introduction of light rail including Safety systems include a command and integration with other work including civils, control system that is self-diagnostic and signalling, electrification or maintenance. can detect track system failures; on-board Its design teams also create different CCTV, event recorders and obstacle body ends to help adapt the trams to the detection systems.

Look, no wires! A Urbos 3 climbs Pinfold Street on battery manufacturers continue, but still the only lines with no electrification and where the power on the catenary‑free section of battery train to carry passengers on the route has both long sections of electrification the tram network. MIKE HADDON. national network was a Bombardier Electrostar and non-electrification hybrid bi-mode trains in 2015 for a six-week period. “Heavy rail has will be the answer. The market is changing; different options,” Austen says. battery technology today and tomorrow will next the kinetic energy generated during She explains that CAF have proposed present Operators with more efficient trains, braking is recovered through the Freedrive electric trains with hybrid battery technology competitive maintenance costs and give the system to start the recharging; and finally, back to the market: “For example we have a hybrid Owners a future-proofed train, with a higher in the catenary sections, or in the charging solution to operate where there is partial residual value. We have to play our part in areas, Freedrive is fully recharged. electrification. Operation over a ten-mile gap Plan A”. HYBRID THEORY With all this battery technology in mind, CAF in overhead wires is achievable today, and this Back in Zaragoza, at the launch of he commencement of catenary-free took further step with the purchase of Solaris. distance will only increase with the further Northern’s Class 331 electric operations on a small section of light By expanding its technical abilities, The Polish bus manufacturer was already development of battery technologies. in January 2018, CAF was openly discussing rail in Birmingham could have a CAF is making huge strides towards building electrically-powered vehicles, but the “Where there is no electrification, there is an the possibility of modifying the trains for Ttransformational impact not only on acquisition enabled CAF to broaden its range absolute need to reduce emissions, particularly hybrid technology in the future. At the recent that sector in the UK, but also for heavy rail. of products to meet both the current and future in and out of stations. official launch of its Newport factory, plans for Phase One of West Midland Metro’s eliminating the need for unsightly, costly needs in the urban transport sector. “Over “Cities are restricting the use of diesel operating the Windermere branch in the Lake Birmingham city centre ‘Westside’ line is the infrastructure, says KATE AUSTEN. 35% of Solaris bus and coaches contracts are in cars in city centres, so it’s not surprising that District with a hybrid ‘331’ was mentioned. first overhead-free section of an electrified low-emission or zero-emission vehicles and the we must change our solution to meet that CAF has led the way in the light-rail sector railway anywhere in the country. numbers are growing rapidly,” says CAF UK demand. Hybrid battery/diesel solutions will when it comes to battery technology; it’s now The CAF Urbos 3 trams drop their technology and uses lithium-ion batteries or Newcastle () and current contracts for Business Development Director Kate Austen. be the next generation of trains to operate on well-placed to do the same in heavy rail. ■ pantographs at the Grand Central stop and high power or a combination Lieja and Parramatta (Australia) give CAF an Austen discusses the Midland Metro scheme, run to the Library stop in Centenary Square, of both depending upon requirements. In unprecedented depth of experience with this which was the company’s second move into with an intermediate stop at the Town Hall Zaragoza it’s supercapacitors; in Birmingham technology. light rail in the UK having previously delivered in Victoria Square. They then reverse and it’s batteries only. During trials with the first What’s also beneficial is that because there 27 trams to the Edinburgh project. “The continue back to . By the end battery-fitted Urbos 3 in Birmingham, it was is less of a need for such infrastructure, the infrastructure problems on the Edinburgh of the year they will also operate on catenary- able to travel an impressive 29.1 km before its cost of the project drops. Electrification costs tram project have scarred people, and the free infrastructure to Wolverhampton railway batteries needed recharging. associated with the modifying of structures or general costs of electrification remains high, station on the extension in the West Midlands Battery power is increasingly viewed as a having to build new ones drive up costs, but but a catenary free solution goes a long way to city. cost-effective way of powering light rail systems catenary-free running removes those needs. address many of the infrastructure problems The trams are designed to run up to 25% due to the constant evolution in technology Likewise the lack of catenary masts and wires and associated costs. Many people still have of the total system off wire (discontinuous combined with the efficiency and cost of means that light rail services can operate ‘distance anxiety’, that is how far can a tram sections). This will represent more than 25km installation. in historic town and city centres without travel without the need to recharge. A carefully when the full length of 95km is developed With alternative power very much at the detrimental impact on the cityscape. designed integrated network should be able (including the extensions to Edgbaston, forefront of Government policy, and a Network Furthermore it enables light rail systems to cope with congested routes that are shared Wolverhampton, Birmingham Eastside and Rail Decarbonisation Strategy due to be to better integrate with cities and their with other road users. The challenge becomes Brierly Hill). published this year, the timing could not have narrow spaces as the overall width of the how long can a tram sit in traffic? Most of the CAF are world-leading in this area and been better for CAF’s Urbos 3 trams to begin track alignment is reduced due to the lack of time the tram operates with no less than 50% has been producing catenary-free trams running in this mode. overhead infrastructure. contingency charge. Placing an emphasis since 2010. They use Greentech which is the In Zaragoza the project to introduce catenary- Greentech works in four stages: the first on traffic management will go a long way to Running on battery power, a West On-Board Energy Storage System (OESS) free operations enabled similar trams to run is when the vehicle starts running with reducing the need for such contingency and of Midlands Metro tram arrives at the product developed by CAF’s Power and through the Spanish city without needing the system fully charged; then it enters the course reduce the cost of the tram.” Town Hall stop on the UK’s first section Automation division. unsightly electrification infrastructure. Other catenary-free section where the system supplies That’s light rail, but what about heavy of catenary‑free railway. MIKE HADDON. It’s based on the latest energy storage projects such as Kaohsiung, or power for the traction and auxiliary systems; rail? Discussions between operators and

8 IN PARTNERSHIP WITH IN PARTNERSHIP WITH 9 HIGH SPEED TRAINS Newport is a European facility and as such there is no reason why very high speed trains could not be built here, according to CAF UK Director Richard Garner.

he construction of the Newport around two years. It will include a 4.2-mile facility can support a very high electrified outer loop for trains to run at up speed train contract; but it is not just to 110mph, and a 2.8-mile inner loop to test Tthe factory they are built in that is infrastructure and other equipment. critical to success, but also the test and other At an event to launch the plans in 2019, associated facilities. Minister for Economy, Transport and North Securing an order for high speed trains Wales Ken Skates said: “We could see the site would mean more than simply delivering becoming a UK hub for operational training trains. He firmly believes CAF’s legacy lies in a dynamic environment away from the in education and partnerships within the operational network, providing opportunities local area which are vital for any deal that the for people to acquire skills they need for a company wins, be it here or abroad. career in the rail industry. Success in any contract would enable “The facility will attract further activities CAF to employ more apprentices and and regular visitors to the area, as academics create working partnerships with local and researchers, engineers, contractors and education facilities therefore enabling the support teams utilise the site on a project-by- next generation of railway staff to learn the project basis, providing a potential boost to many different skills required across various local service industries.” disciplines – and not just in train building but Says Garner in mid-February: “Whilst the in fields such as research and development, core operation is to test trains, the on-site infrastructure, testing and planning. academic facilities would then enable CAF Nowhere is this more relevant than the to be further involved in working with planned test track in South Wales, the first universities and colleges,” he says before speaking with the College about franchising manufacturer has also recently opened a evolving through decade-long development of One of the Norwegian Flytoget Oaris trains on of its kind in the UK. Branded the Global confirming that the company is already courses to south Wales. That would be much facility in south Wales, and the two are being a modular platform, for which is the test. This is the latest variant of CAF’s Very High Centre of Rail Excellence located in the working with universities in and more beneficial to CAF and the area.” used to promote further opportunities for latest customer. Speed Train platform, and this will form the Port Talbot area, the £100 million facility Swansea. The message is certainly seeping into the businesses in the country. The platform is a non-articulated electric basis of its UK offering. CAF. could open in as little as four years’ time He says discussions have been held with consciousness of the . In terms of the very high speed train multiple unit with distributed power designed if permission is granted as planned. It’s the National College for Rail which could “They are promoting us alongside Aston product CAF has its Oaris train which is for 220mph running, with an in-service speed testing the following year, reaching speeds of envisaged that construction would then take result in students studying in Wales. “We are Martin,” says Garner. The luxury car capable of 225mph running. Garner said: of 200mph. In terms of power, this ranges 220mph on the Madrid-Seville route. “Our Oaris high speed trains use the latest from 7,080hp in a four-car set to 14,160 in an CAF has five high speed train fleets in technology offering high speed travel, which eight-car. traffic around the world, including in Spain An artist’s impression of the classic-compatible is comfortable, safe and provides digital It’s currently available in four, six or eight- where its Class 120 and ‘121’ trains run fleet. These are the trains that would only operate on HS2 should CAF be awarded the construction connectivity to facilitate the busy world that car formations, with a powered bogies on operate for RENFE including on the Madrid- contract. They were unveiled in June 2019. CAF. we live in. each vehicle. Electric motors are fitted to both Seville route, in Turkey where 12 trains “The new high speed trains will meet wheelsets. operate the Ankara-Istanbul route for Turkish the highest international standards for The design is such that Oaris’ power Railways and in Norway where Flytoget has passenger experience, noise reduction, and equipment can be adapted for any of the main recently taken delivery of four-car EMUs for environmental sustainability. electrification systems used its Airport Express and represents the latest “CAFs Newport facility is able to build any across Europe. development of the Oaris platform. and all rolling stock in CAF’s portfolio with Four years of development resulted in the CAF has, through years of research and little or no modifications, and high speed unveiling of a mock-up of the platform in 2010 design, been able to continually develop and trains are no exception.” in Valencia, with construction of a four-car improve what it can offer the market in terms The Oaris platform has been constantly prototype following that same year. It began of the latest technology, safety and comfort. Capacity-wise, more than 500 passenger can be accommodated on the longest We envisage the site becoming trains, but because Oaris is a modular a UK hub for operational training in a design customers are able to create different configurations depending upon the dynamic environment away from the requirements. It’s clear that CAF continues to push operational network. boundaries in development of market-leading Ken Skates, Minister for Economy, Transport and North Wales products. ■

10 IN PARTNERSHIP WITH IN PARTNERSHIP WITH 11 Northern 195110 crosses Leven Viaduct (Ulverston), with the 1447 Barrow-Manchester Airport on November 10 2019. The need for diesel trains on routes such as the Cumbrian Coast, combined with CAF already offering a proven product, meant the CIVITY Class 195s were the perfect solution for Northern’s order. ROBERT FRANCE.

was for 43 three and four-car electric multiple involvement in the design and just how good units and 55 two and three-car diesel multiple The Northern network is busier the performance was. For TPE it was also units. The latter was later extended by than it has been for a generation… crucial that it had an inter-city product as it a further three trains. aimed to move away from the inter-urban NORTHERN The contract was worth around £500 The introduction of new trains is at market. million, with four sites across two countries At the TPE Nova launch in Liverpool, involved in the construction and assembly the heart of this transformation. Managing Director Leo Goodwin told invited process. A second contract for Northern was Richard Allan, Deputy MD, Northern guests: “Our vision was for Nova to represent also awarded for technical and logistical the brightest future for rail in the North, so STARS support for the operator’s trains. flow. The seats have more padding than many arriving in the UK two years later. They we are pleased to make this vision a reality One of the key reasons for the contract was new trains as a result of passenger evaluation are currently being introduced onto routes for customers, colleagues and businesses who the need for diesel trains, which many rival carried out at Manchester Piccadilly. between Liverpool/Manchester-Scarborough/ make the TransPennine Express network such Northern needed a quick fix for its capacity companies had removed from their portfolios; CAF used lightweight bogies and Middlesbrough/Redcar and between a crucial part of our infrastructure here in and image issues. CAF was ready with CAF offered a proven design in its CIVITY aluminium bodyshells, which reduces the Liverpool/Manchester-Glasgow Central/ Liverpool and across the North.” platform – at the time of the award (2017), the energy costs and track access charges. Edinburgh. Speaking at the same event, Garner said: an off-the-shelf solution that has vastly company had been supplying similar trains to UK Rail Director Richard Garner believes The introduction of new locomotive-hauled “These high-quality, high-performance trains Italy and Montenegro, while the state-owned the CAF trains across the north have really carriages was seen as the best way for TPE to will provide TPE customers across the north improved rail travel in the region Dutch Rail company NS also had them on helped the company in this country. “We were quickly increase capacity while at the same of and with a transformed order for the . in the market with a credible product.” time being able to extend the trains in the onboard experience, making a real difference n the same week as CAF celebrated the Northern Deputy MD Richard Allan When announcing the Northern deal, CAF For Northern, there remains the possibility future. Less than two years after the order was to this important and busy rail network.” launch of its factory at Newport, 75% of explains why they’re needed: “The Northern was also very clear in acknowledging it as of follow-on orders, although decisions will placed, CAF had dispatched the first vehicles The ability of the new fleets to accelerate Northern’s new trains entered traffic. network is busier than it has been for ‘strategically instrumental’, not only for its size have to wait until the Operator of Last Resort for testing. better than those they’re replacing means I After a long and bumpy ride through a generation - more than 108 million journeys but because it was with the Deutsche Bahn replaces Arriva. TPE explained at the time that the Class there are aspirations to improve journey times the past 30 years, commuters in the north were made on our services in 2019 and we are group, which operates more trains across In May 2016, CAF won a £230 million order 397s were ideal because they were available, to meet the capabilities of the new fleets. of England are increasingly finding their committed to delivering a 21st century railway Europe than any other company. for two different fleets, albeit from the CIVITY allowing the operator to improve its service Passengers are experiencing a much- journeys to be a much smoother experience for those customers. The introduction of new They have proven a hit with passengers. family. TransPennine Express, at the time, quickly. needed improvement in their journeys across as a result of more than 130 new trains, built trains is at the heart of this transformation. Featuring all the modern on-board facilities operated the busiest trains in the country and They were ordered some two months after the north; CAF is leading the way with its by CAF. “These fantastic trains are a true you’d expect of a train entering service in 2020, desperately needed additional capacity. the Northern trains, and feature the same innovative, new trains. Indeed, when Northern was launched in step‑change in the travelling experience.” the Northern fleet has carried more than five Sixty-six Mk 5A coaches and 12 five-car traction packages as the ‘331s’. At their launch It’s what the north needs, and it’s what the 2016, former Managing Director Alex Hynes The deal for Northern was not only million passengers since their introduction on EMU vehicles were ordered, with the first in Liverpool last year, staff explained their north deserves. ■ spoke of his embarrassment at passengers significant for the operator as it introduced the July 1 last year. changing from high-speed trains from first new trains into the area since the early Key benefits of the new Northern trains London and onto Pacers. 1990s (other than 16 CAF/Siemens trains in include 1/3 and 2/3 saloon door positions, In Spain at the launch of the first Class 331 the Leeds area), but for the manufacturer it allowing better passenger movement within in January 2018, Northern’s attitude was: “If represented at the time the largest European the carriage. They are also fitted with large we are to attract people out of cars we need to order it had ever received. Initially, the deal vestibules, designed to improve passenger get rid of the Pacers.” And CAF trains are now whisking passengers around the north with a vastly improved level of comfort and reliability. TPE NOVA CAPACITY VS TRAINS REPLACED Both Northern and TransPennine Express Standard Class First Class Seat gain are currently introducing fleets of all-new Nova 3 (Mk 5As) 257 30 106 against Class 185 trains built by CAF, as a rail revolution takes Nova 2 (Class 397) 286 22 105 against Class 350/4 place on routes that, in the main, have been neglected when it comes to new stock. Welcoming nine new trains into traffic TransPennine Express 397007 on February 17, Arriva Rail UK Managing NORTHERN CAPACITY IMPROVEMENT stands at Manchester Piccadilly. Director Chris Burchell said: “The new trains DMU Class ‘142’ ‘150’ ‘156’ ‘158’ ‘195’ These five-car 125mph electric are truly transformational and it’s great that Vehicles per set 2 2 or 3 2 2 or 3 2 or 3 units allow TPE to not only offer more than five million journeys have already more capacity but also improved been made on Northern in more comfort and Length 31.10m 39.48m 46.06m 45.14 or 67.71m 48.05 or 71.40m journey times against what was featuring more state-of-the-art technology Seats 121 148 146 146 or 210 123 or 203 previously available. ANDY MASON. than ever before.”

12 IN PARTNERSHIP WITH IN PARTNERSHIP WITH 13 A POWERFUL PORTFOLIO Now that CAF has acquired consultancy company BWB, the Spanish company can offer a much broader, integrated range of services, says RICHARD GARNER

hen you think of CAF, what’s explained that they have extensive expertise the first thing to come to mind? in the road and logistics sectors and offer a Train building. diverse range of services. We called on them W The Spanish firm has been to assist us with our gauaging studies and that rapidly expanding its portfolio here in the UK, partnership has developed now even further.” as well as globally, but its reputation is largely With CAF winning a deal to supply 51 An artist’s impression of a CAF Class 197 that two-car and 26 three-car diesel multiple units built on its train fleets. will be introduced on Transport for Wales However, it does have infrastructure that will run on regional services between routes from 2022. The trains will be fitted businesses and in 2017 it further boosted England and Wales, as well as on the Conwy with European Train Control Systems and its business with the purchase of BWB. The Valley and Cambrian Lines, BWB has been will be maintained in depots that will Nottingham-based company is a leading UK appointed to carry out the work necessary require modification. BWB, which CAF design engineering consultants with more to ensure that these Class 197 DMUs are acquired in 2017, will carry out the gauging than 300 staff, and by joining the CAF family able to operate on these routes. It will also be work to ensure the diesel units can run on it has been able to bring its own expertise to involved in preparing two depots (Chester and their planned routes, as well modify the its parent company, while also being able to Machynlleth) for the new trains. depots for the trains. In the longer term, CAF believes BWB could also supply signalling engage in rail-based business. This works hand-in-hand with CAF’s own systems, both for the trains and the routes Richard Garner, CAF UK Director explains: business of offering integrated rail solutions themselves. KEOLISAMEY. “you start to recognise that the work that BWB for all types of railway. Feasibility studies, does would also interest us in rail. It already civil engineering design, and signalling work has a small rail team and has won work with and maintenance and system operation and maintenance. vehicles can run in the UK. and that this will undoubtedly present major DB Cargo at its Wolverhampton Steel Terminal services were already part of the Spanish For the planning side, BWB can undertake For construction, BWB is able to deliver WHO IS BWB CONSULTING? challenges. as it begins dtipping its tow in the water.” firm’s business portfolio; BWB was positioned multi-modal pedestrian and transport procurement strategy, contract management, BWB Consulting was founded in Sustainability combined with climate He says that in a conversation with BWB’s alongside CAF TE (Turnkey & Engineering) to modelling, as well as capacity analysis project management, construction Nottingham more than 25 years ago, change are seen as two of the obstacles business development director, Garner was bring and strengthen CAF’s UK experience. and optimisation. Project feasibility, such management and supervision, inspection and initially as a structural engineering facing the world’s populations in the next better able to understand what the newly- Within BWB’s rail services business it offers as creating outline designs, budgets and a validation on schemes. business. Twelve years ago it underwent decade and that is where BWB is able to bring acquired company was able to do. “He planning, design, construction, and operation programme for works are also possible. Finally, through its Operation and a management buyout, after which expertise through smart solutions around When it comes to design, BWB offers Maintenance portfolio, BWB is able to be it diversified and developed into buildings, transport and infrastructure. the complete service. This includes track, involved in the handover and commissioning, an integrated multi-disciplinary BWB also enables CAF to offer different signalling (both ERTMS and UK ‘legacy’ safety integration and risk management. It consultancy that offers advice to private solutions when bidding for future contracts – systems), rail structures and depots, rail can also carry out infrastructure and systems and public sectors in buildings and something Garner is already working on. systems and sub-systems (both on‑board renewals and upgrades. the natural environment, as well as With BWB as part of the business that is and infrastructure), energy collection, While CAF is one of five shortlisted bidders transport and infrastructure. something that could change, Garner believes, catenary‑free solutions, visualisation and for the HS2 classic-compatible trains, BWB as it could look to modify or construct depots digital projects, and will soon include has already been working on the HS2 project to house the new fleets. electrification. It can also work in the light rail, in the Birmingham area. This contract was utilities were associated with those structures Likewise BWB is also exploring the metro, commuter, high speed, freight and eBus to deliver a package of pre-demolition utility in order for disconnection and diversionary possibility of bidding for signalling contracts sectors. surveys along the proposed Phase 1 route for work to take place. in the UK and is investigating the size of One example is iPort at Doncaster where HS2 in the city. Buying BWB in 2017 enabled CAF to the schemes it could be involved in. Garner BWB was involved in a number of disciplines Surveys were carried out on 122 buildings include the business and its expertise in explains: “European Rail Traffic Management including the civils design for the 35-acre rail at 22 sites between Stoneleigh and Curzon various bids including for TfW. System [ERTMS] will be fitted on our trains, terminal at the site. Street, including sites for the latter’s station At the time of purchase, BWB had so can we develop that?” In the light rail sector, BWB has been and the Washwood Heath depot. The role of recognised that some 70% of the global He explains that on the Cambrian route the working with Midland Metro (which uses BWB was to locate, identify and verify which population would be living in cities by 2030 Class 197s will need equipping with European CAF Urbos trams) to review the current Train Control System {ETCS], and that that Birmingham-Wolverhampton for any safety will also need upgrading. “We are talking to concerns. They carry out gauging work on Transport for Wales with BWB,” he adds. Already within rail, BWB has worked motorways. This is similar to what Garner explains that CAF signalling and with CAF to provide project management in CAF TE are working closely with BWB on this. supporting the manufacturer’s work to secure happens on the railway in terms of CAF is able to offer so much more than train Certificates of Gauging Compatibility on six building, and are able to offer the complete Wagons are unloaded at Doncaster iPort in the 35-acre freight terminal that forms part of the new rolling stock contracts. These technical bridges and vehicles package for companies that need new trains overall facility. BWB carried out the civils design for the rail aspect of the site. GB RAILFREIGHT. studies must be carried out to ensure the Richard Garner, UK Director, CAF and new infrastructure. ■

14 IN PARTNERSHIP WITH IN PARTNERSHIP WITH 15 AN EXPANDING GLOBAL PRESENCE t the turn of the century, , CAF CAF has moved beyond its traditional was viewed as a train builder that mainly served its domestic Spanish Spanish boundaries and now serves Amarket and had been doing this successfully in various forms since 1917. 39 countries on six continents There had been exports, including 30 Class 332/333 trains to the UK in a joint venture trains, as well as very high speed trains. Its sandstorms? Delivered for Saudi Arabia. with Siemens (for Heathrow Express and headquarters may still be in Beasain, nestled Trams that can run without overhead wires? Northern Spirit), but the portfolio continued in the mountainous Basque country, but make Built for Zaragoza and Birmingham. to be driven by Spain’s need for rolling stock. no mistake… this is a global company. Diesel trains at a time when its rivals didn’t In total, almost 1,250 miles of high-speed Beasain is also home to its Research and believe there was a market? Fifty-eight railways in Spain required trains, and CAF Development operations. And it is the delivered to Northern with a further 26 on was able to dominate that market for many commitment to expanding this sector of the order for West Midlands Trains and 77 for years. business that has enabled CAF to develop the Wales & Borders. However, when that market began to various products that it is successfully selling In the most recent financial figures posted decline, CAF made the decision to expand to the growing global rail market. by the company in November last year, CAF using its extensive experience in serving rail Outside of Spain, the largest market for reported an upward trend in profit that was markets. And it has quickly established its CAF is currently the UK with 14 train fleets, underpinned by an increase in activity within presence around the globe, to a point that one office (in Coventry) and one factory its European factories. more than 80% of its orders were for exports (Newport). The UK is also benefiting from It also reported 16 contracts, with Italy alone in the mid-2010s. CAF’s innovative projects, including catenary- awarding four. A total of nine countries, plus Today, the company is established on six free trams. Spain, will receive new products from the continents, with 39 countries having a CAF CAF believes its strength lies in its ability to CAF portfolio - a far cry from 30 years ago. presence. Fifteen of those have established adapt to the needs of customers. An order for The sheer speed of growth in the UK (and offices, while eight have factories. There fewer than 80 bespoke carriages? It delivered globally) should come as no surprise to are 101 train fleets ranging from light rail them for Caledonian Sleeper. Trains that can those who work with and for CAF. This is a vehicles and metros to commuter and regional run through deserts and withstand severe company that looks set to grow still further. ■


NORTH AMERICA ● 2 Countries ● 2 Offices: , Mexico City ● 2 Factories: Elmira, Mexico City ● 17 Train fleets

SOUTH AMERICA ● 6 Countries ● 3 Offices: Santiago, EUROPE MIDDLE EAST Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo ● 19 Countries ● 3 Countries ● 1 Factory: Hortolandia ● 1 Headquarters: Beasain ● 2 Offices: Istanbul, Doha ● 15 Train fleets ● 7 Offices: Coventry, Utrecht, ● 8 Train fleets Munich, Paris, Madrid, Milan, Budapast AFRICA ● 8 Factories: Newport, Bagneres de-Bigorre, ASIA ● 3 Countries Irun, Beasain, Castejon, Zaragoza, ● 4 Countries OCEANIA ● 1 Office: Chemin Petit Hydra Lerida, Andalusia ● 1 Office: New Delhi ● 2 Countries ● 4 Train fleets ● 101 Train fleets ● 5 Train fleets ● 6 Train fleets