Journal of English Education and Teaching (JEET) Vol.2.No.1.2018 Page 68 of 85


Mei Hardiah University of Bengkulu, [email protected]

Elfrida University of Bengkulu, [email protected]

Abstract The type of this research is Descriptive Qualitative research. It is aimed to find out the types of Personal, Time, Place, Discourse and Social Deixis and its reference by main character in “A Thousand Words” movie script based on the theory that proposed by Levinson. The object of this study is “A Thousand Words” movie script by Steve Koren. This research found the five types of deixis in movie script, they are person deixis (515 occurences), time deixis (20 occurences), place deixis (34 occurences), discourse deixis (104 occurences) and social deixis (1 occurence). Beside that, the references found in this research were in person deixis were I, Me, We, Us, My as first person deixis; You, Your as second person deixis; He, She, It, They, Them, Him, Her as third person deixis which belong to personal deixis (149 utterances); time deixis found were Now, Today, On a Tuesday, Three days, Two days, Then (19 utterances); place deixis found were Here, There, In (22 utterances); discourse deixis found were This, That, Those, These (60 utterances); ands the last, social deixis found were Mr (1 utterance). Keywords: , Deixis, Reference, A Thousand Words.

Abstrak Penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Deskriptif Kualitatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan tipe-tipe Deiksis dan rujukannyanya oleh pemeran utama dalam Film “A Thousand Words” berdasarkan teori yang dikemukakan oleh Levinson. Objek dari penelitian ini adalah naskah film “A Thousand Words” yang ditulis oleh Steve Koren. Penelitian ini menemukan lima tipe deixis di naskah film, kelima tipe itu adalah deiksis personal (515 kejadian), deiksis waktu (20 kejadian), deiksis tempat (34 kejadian), deiksis wacana (104 kejadian) dan deiksis sosial (1 kejadian). Disamping itu, rujukan ditemukan di penelitian ini adalah I, Me, We, Us, My sebagai deiksis orang pertama; You, Your sebagai deiksis orang kedua; He, She, It, They, Them, Him, Her sebagai deiksis orang ketiga yang termasuk kedalam deiksis personal (149 ucapan); deiksis waktu ditemukan adalah Now, Today, On a Tuesday, Three days, Two days, Then (19 ucapan); deiksis tempat ditemukan adalah Here, There, In (22 ucapan); deiksis wacana ditemukan adalah This, That, Those, These sebagai deiksis wacana (60 ucapan); deiksis sosial ditemukan adalah Mr (1 ucapan). Kata Kunci: Pragmatik, Deiksis, Rujukan, A Thousand Words. Journal of English Education and Teaching (JEET) Vol.2.No.1.2018 Page 69 of 85 6 9

INTRODUCTION , the can be understood Language is used for communcation, clearly about meaning. Deixis is very sometime the utterances delivered by the important to study as one of the teaching speaker to the listener or address are materials or instructional media in order ambiguous. In English actually, to facilitate the students to understand sometimes the hearer or address feels and how to analyze the movie. difficult to understand about what the Furthermore, it chooses movie and made speaker says about whom, when, and the students use it as a media to learn where. This situation can make the deixis. problem of communication. According to Based on the explanation on the Levinson (1983:21) states that pragmatics background above, the researcher found is the study of relations between language out : and context that are basic to an account 1. What are the types of deixis used by of language understanding. main character in “A Thousand Deixis is the study of deictic or Words” movie script by Steve Koren? indexical expressions in language 2. What are the references of the deixis dialogues, prologues, and monologue like used by main character in “A you, now, today. Deixis can be classified Thousand Words” movie script by as a special kind of grammatical property, Steve Koren? dealing with more familiar grammatical categories of personal, place, time. METHOD Usually it has relationship with context of The researcher used a descriptive the utterance, such as who is speaking, qualitative research method. It means the time or place of speaking, the gestures that the data which are analyzed have the of the speaker, or the current location in the form of descriptive, not nominal form. discourse. Deixis is always found in our According to Gay (1991), descriptive daily communication or in text. As Yule method is considered appropriate to (1996:9) states that deixis is pointing via describe the present condition of research language. subject. Arikunto (2002) also states that As stated by Levinson (1983; 2004) the descriptive research as a research that theory, there are five types of deixis, there explains or describe the present are person deixis, time deixis, place deixis, condition. Based on the opinions, the social deixis, and discourse deixis. The researcher designed this research as categories can be used to analyse the descriptive qualitative research. The language that sometimes the listener does instrument of this research was the not understand about what the speaker researcher herself (human instrument). It means. So, deixis can make the language means the researcher as the instrument that easier to understand. is involved in this research to conduct the This topic is important to be research and find the data. Mukhtar (2013) analyzed because we have learned about states that we are a instrument or tool of deixis in pragmatics subject. When the direct observation, because all sense of speakers and listeners get researcher is essentially a tool of miscommunication about meaning of observation. the researcher focused on word that is related to the context of deixis and its reference used by main situation and if the listeners know the character in the movie script "A Thousand Journal of English Education and Teaching (JEET) Vol.2.No.1.2018 Page 70 of 85 7 0

Words" by Steve Koren. In data collection, Total 515 the researcher did some step. Firstly, the researcher watch A Thousand Words Based on the findings above, the movie and then downloaded the script researcher found that first person deixis from was as a dominant in personal deixis, because the word “I, Me, My, We and Us” after that, observed the utterances in the refer to main character, Jack in “A movie`s dialogue, and then compared the Thousand Words” movie script, which dialogue in the film to the script and then consisted of first person used 260 times. the researcher identified the utterance in The second dominant was second person the whole of film is dialogue that contain deixis. The word “You and Your” deixis, then, separated some dialogue that refered to the listener or addressee in contains the main character of film, after conversation movie script, which that classified the utterance by main consisted of second person used 165 character on A Thousand Words movie times. The next was third person deixis based on the type, the last step is which consist used 90 times. The word described the context by main character “He, She, It, Him and Her” They and on A Thousand Words movie based on the Them” refered to the listener or type. addressee in conversation movie script.

RESULT AND DISCUSSION Time Deixis Frequency No Result Types / Category of Types The researcher found out the deixis of Now 14 main character used in this movie used 1 of Time Today 2 Levinson theory. There were many deixis found in A Thousand Words movie On a Tuesday 1 The Three days 1 dialogue. The researcher shows the table 2 that present the first result of types of Phrases Two days 1 deixis. Then 1 Total 20 Personal Deixis Frequency No Based on the findings above, the Types / Category of Types researcher found the word “now” as a I 168 dominant in time deixis was consist used 1st Me 43 14 times. It was spoken by Jack. The word 1 person We 12 “now” was deixis expression because it Us 3 refers to duration of specch event. The My 34 second dominant was the word “today” 2nd You 140 which consist used 2 times, “on a 2 person Your 25 Tuesday” used 1 time, “three days” used 1 time, “two days” used 1 time and “then” He 14 used 1 time. It was also spoken by main She 2 character. The phrase “today, on a It 61 3rd Tuesday, three days, two days and then” 3 They 5 person was deixis expression because it points, Them 3 duration when speech events happen. Him 2 Her 3 Journal of English Education and Teaching (JEET) Vol.2.No.1.2018 Page 71 of 85 7 1

Place Deixis Frequenc the speech event. The word “that and No Types / Category y of this” denotes a deixis expression because Here Typ14es they refer to Jack’s utterance. By this 1 Proximal In 8 consideration, words (this and that) has 2 Distal There 12 deep meaning. The last is the word “these” plural from “this” which was used Total 34 2 times and the word “those” prural from “that” which was used 1 time. Based on the findings above, the Social Deixis Frequency researcher found the word “Here” as the No most dominant word in place deixis which Types / Category of Types was used 14 times. It was spoken by main 1 Social Deixis Mr 1 character in “A Thousand Words” movie Total 1 script. The word “here” was included into place deixis because it points the place Based on the findings above, the near the speaker in the speech event. The researcher found the word “Mr” in social second dominant was the word “There” deixis which consist used 1 time. It was which was used 12 times. The word spoken by main character in “A Thousand “there” was deixis expression because the Words” movie script. The word “Mr” is distance of the speaker away from proper name. It can be included into social addressee. The last was the word “in” deixis because it was indicated relation that which was used 8 times. It points the occurs in social situation between Dr. Sinja place that speech event occurs. Place and the tree. According to this movie the deixis focus on the place where the word “Mr” is polite and it gives social speech event occurs and deal with the distance between speaker and addressee. distance. The second result about reference meaning by main character in A Thousand Discourse Deixis Frequency Words movie script by Steve Koren. The No Types / Category of Types references found in this research were in person deixis were I, Me, We, Us, My as This 42 1 Proximal first person deixis; You, Your as second These 2 person deixis; He, She, It, They, Them, That 59 2 Distal Him, Her as third person deixis which Those 1 belong to person deixis; time deixis found Total 104 were Now, Today, On a Tuesday, Three Based on the findings above, the days, Two days, Then; place deixis found researcher found that the word “That” were Here, There, In; discourse deixis was a dominant word in discourse deixis found were This, That, Those, These; and which was used 59 times. It was spoken the last, social deixis found were Mr. by main character in “A Thousand Words” movie script. The word “that” was deixis Discussion expression because the distance of the In discussion, the researcher describes the speaker was away from addressee. The finding of the results. The first problem in second dominant was the word “this” this research is “What were the types of which was used 42 times. The word “this” deixis used by main character in “A was included into discourse deixis because Thousand Words” movie it points the discourse near the speaker in Journal of English Education and Teaching (JEET) Vol.2.No.1.2018 Page 72 of 85 7 2 script by Steve Koren”. To answer this person deixis identified the words of first question, the researcher selected the theory person deixis, in singular (I, me, of Levinson (1983). Levinson states that myself, my, mine), and plural pronouns (we, there are five kinds of deixis, they are: us, ourselves, our, ours), second person person deixis, place deixis, time deixis in singular pronouns (you, yourself, deixis, discourse deixis, and social deixis. your, yours) and plural pronouns (you, The researcher also found five kinds of yourselves, your, yours) and third person deixis used by main character in “A deixis in singular pronouns (he, him, his, Thousand Words” movie script. she, her, it) and plural pronouns (they, This research found the five types them, their). of deixis in movie script, they are person The second was time deixis. The deixis (515 occurences), time deixis (20 researcher found the utterance “No, I occurences), place deixis (34 occurences), gotta make nice. I'll keep it. This is my tree discourse deixis (104 occurences) and now.” the word “now” is categorized into social deixis (1 occurence). Beside that, time deixis because it refers to duration of the references found in this research were speech event. It is also used in Levinson in person deixis were I, Me, We, Us, My as theory (1983) that time deixis is identified first person deixis; You, Your as second by adverbial of time. The researcher also person deixis; He, She, It, They, Them, found the words “today” in the Him, Her as third person deixis which conversation by main character as adverb belong to person deixis (149 utterances); of time. The researcher also found the time deixis found were Now, Today, On a phrases “three days, then, on a Tuesday Tuesday, Three days, Two days, Then (19 and two days” are deitic expression utterances); place deixis found were Here, because they refer to duration when speech There, In (22 utterances); discourse deixis events happen. So, they can be categorized found were This, That, Those, These (60 into time deixis. So, it can be categorized utterances); and the last, social deixis into time deixis. found were Mr (1 utterance). The third was place deixis. The In this discussion, the researcher researcher found the utterance “Hola, discussed about person deixis firstly. The Gaudencio. “You're here late, huh?” in the researcher found some utterances, like “I'm conversation by main character. The not. You sure she should be drinking these deixis occur in this utterance is place margaritas?” This utterance was said by deixis it particularly obvious in terms of main character, Jack.The word “I” is deitic expression. Based on Levinson categorized into person deixis because Theory (1983), the word “here” was singular “1” refers to speaker categorized into place deixis. It refers to himself as first person. The following, the place or situation near speaker. The word word “you” is included into person deixis “here” in that sentence pointed to current because pronoun “you” refers to second place namely Jack’s house. The researcher person or addressee. The last, the word also found the utterance “I wish there was “she” is person deixis because singular a way I could make it up to you”. The pronoun “she” refers to third person who word “there” is deitic expression because does not correspond to any specific the distance of the speaker away from participant-role in the speech event. addressee, it can be categorized into place Based on Levinson theory (1983), the deixis.The researcher also found the word Journal of English Education and Teaching (JEET) Vol.2.No.1.2018 Page 73 of 85 7 3

“in a world, in the room, in a elevator, in a participant-roles, particularly aspects of restaurant, in the ass and in this room” the social relationship holding between that was found in conversation was speaker and addressee or speaker and some spoken by main character. Based on the referent. In this way, we can know social context of conversation, it points the deixis can be identified clearly using place where speech even occurs. Place context of utterance because not all deixis focus on the place where the pronoun is deixis. Deixis can be speech event occurs and deal with the categorized into its part if the reverent distance. So, the words “in a world, in the has the clear purpose of utterance. room, in a elevator, in a restaurant, in the The second problem in this ass and in this room” can be included into research was “What was the reference of place deixis. the deixis used by main character in “A The fourth was discourse deixis. In Thousand Words” movie Script by Steve the A Thousand Words movie script, the Koren?” To answer this question, the researcher found the utterance “Okay, researcher classified each utterances Aaron, come on. Tell me that you're belongs to each deixis by main character. pulling my pecker on this one, right?” There are 160 utterances of the reference based on Levinson theory (1983), in the meaning of deixis used by main character discourse deixis, the referent of speaker in “A Thousand Word” movie script. may point in the previous, at the point, and the next. The researcher found the In this research, the most words “this” and “that” as deitic dominant reference of the deixis found in expression that were said by main this movie script was personal deixis character, They refers to situation near which consist of 149 utterances and 515 speaker and distance of the speaker away times, there were first person deixis, in from addressee. Based on the context of singular pronouns “I, me, myself, my, conversation, the word “this” and “that’ mine”, and plural pronouns “we, us, were categorized into discourse deixis ourselves, our, ours”, second person deixis because they refer to previous text of in singular pronouns “you, yourself, your, Aaron’ utterance. yours” and plural pronouns “you, The last is social deixis. In this yourselves, your, yours” and third person movie script, the researcher found an deixis in singular pronouns “he, him, his, utterance “You know what, Sinja? You she, her, it” and plural pronouns ‘they, worry about pages six through 200 and them, their”, because main character in this you let me worry about Mr. Tricky movie script always used personal deixis to Tree over here! And on that note, one last refer the addressee. final word! Timber!”. It was spoken by The second dominant deixis was main character. The word “Mr” is proper discourse deixis, which was 104 times and name and it refers to Tricky Tree. The 60 utterances. The words “this” and word “Mr” is included into social “that” as deitic expression that were said deixis because based on the context, it by main character, because the main occured the relation in social situations character used “this” and “that” to refers between Dr. Sinja and the tree. Levinson the situation near speaker and distance of (1983) states that social deixis concerns the the speaker away from addressee. encoding of social distinctions that are relative to Journal of English Education and Teaching (JEET) Vol.2.No.1.2018 Page 74 of 85 7 4

The third dominant deixis was found was person deixis, discourse deixis, place deixis, which was 22 utterances and time deixis and the last social deixis as less 34 times. The words “there, here,in a dominant deixis found “A Thousand world, in the room, in a elevator, in a Words” movie script. While Setyawati’s restaurant, in the ass and in this room” research the most dominant deixis found that was found in conversation was was personal deixis, temporal deixis spoken by main character, because the (time), discourse deixis and the last spatial speaker focus on the place where the deixis (place) as least dominant deixis speech event occurs and deal with the found. There is no social deixis found in distance. her research and she use Yule theory but my research use Levinson theory. The fourth dominant deixis was time deixis, which consist of 19 utterances The person deixis become the and 20 times. There were adverb of time most dominant deixis found in this movie ““now and today”, the phrases “three because the main character (Jack) is days, then, on a Tuesday and two days” in someone with a high ambition, whatever he the conversation by main character, wants he should get it. He likes to talk and because they were deitic expression and promote himself to get attention. He loves they refered to duration when speech talking and introduces himself. The main events happen. character many used person deixis to refers his addressee. It makes person deixis The least dominant deixis in “A become the most dominant deixis found in Thousand Words” was social deixis, which this research. was 1 utterance and 1 time. Because the main character (Jack) is someone with a CONCLUSION AND high ambition, whatever he wants he SUGGESTION Conclusion should get. It makes the main character From the data analysis, it is concluded that become a selfish person and did not care this research found the five deixis about the people around him and makes proposed by Levinson, they are person him impolite with other people and does deixis, time deixis, place deixis, discourse not care about who and what the person's deixis and social deixis. Beside that, the have or their position. That's why social references found in this research were in deixis became the least dominant found in person deixis were I, Me, We, Us, My as this research. The main character only first person deixis; You, Your as second used “Mr” for social distinctions between person deixis; He, She, It, They, Them, speaker and addressee. Him, Her as third person deixis which belong to person deixis; time deixis found The finding of this research is were Now, Today, On a Tuesday, Three similar with Tulah (2015) and Setyawati days, Two days, Then; place deixis found (2013) who found person deixis as the were Here, There, In; discourse deixis most dominant. However, there is a found were This, That, Those, These; difference with Setyawati’s research. Her and the last, social deixis found were Mr. research analyzed novel as a object but this research analyze movie script. The difference in the order of dominant deixis, this research the most dominant deixis Journal of English Education and Teaching (JEET) Vol.2.No.1.2018 Page 75 of 85 7 5

Suggestion research related to deixis. Thus, After conducting this research, the this study can be enlarged and researcher would like to give some developed by the researchers who suggestions likely: are interested in analyzing the use A. For English department students, of deixis and its meaning. especially who love watching the Hopefully the further researcher can movie, it is suggested that they improve their ideas to find better must understand and learn the research findings in English importance of deixis, since it can language teaching and learning help to keep away from the process. misinterpretation of the speaker and the addressee. Thus, it can help them to comprehend the content of REFERENCES the movie script more easily. Arikunto, Suharsimi. (2002). Prosedur B. The researcher also whishes that Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan there will be mentors or tutors for Praktik.Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. other researchers in deixis aspect. The researcher also hopes that the Levinson, Stephen C. (1983). Pragmatics. lecturers may give more New York. Cambridge explanation about deixis and its University function in the utterance of Press. spoken language. This study may give the lecturers or the teachers Mukhtar. (2013). Metode Praktis an inspiration to design creative Penelitian Deskriptif strategy in teaching deixis. It will Kualitatif. be the guidance for the teachers to make a media for teaching English Yule, George. (1996). Pragmatics. Oxford: especially about deixis so that the Oxford University Press. students will not bored when they learn deixis. Online Resources C. The researcher also hopes that the further researcher can conduct the movie_script.php?movie=thousan dworda. Accessed on Thursday, 20/10/2016