Maryland Gazette, Ani>' Political Intelligencer.'
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MARYLAND GAZETTE, ANI>' POLITICAL INTELLIGENCER.' AtftfAPOLIS, THURSDAY, PEPfcUARY 4, 1813. No. 2.) (YOU ness and regret, that I apptarbefore I Cruel ', cruet 1 most cruet sword! these crn'otions'io be the genuine in* FQREIGN INTELLIGENCE, you in my present awful and unlof- which at once plunged him into etct- mates ot my breast 'If there be a* JIlHTBD-AXD a contrary opin 4 >T EXE^CUTION or LT. GAMAG£f| tunste situation. To the' wretch' | nity« to appear unprepared* before ny amongst themot hardened in crimes, and growing his God and me into the deepest ion, I address thrnt in the language JONAS GBEBN, DEAL, MOVKMBIR 28. the pursuits of villany* the gloom of misery and remorse. 1 of the Apostle, * Would to God you a sig grey in This nrforning, at 8 o'clock, recolleCVion of having actually de trust I do not exhaust the indul were alt together such, as 1 an, ex nal gun Was fired from his majesty's of existence, gence of this honourable court with cept these bonds." and prived afellow-creatuie PrtA Tlkrw Dollart per Annum. sloop Griffon, in the Downs, divine gift of the Creator, a repetition of my regrets what M Mr. President and Gentlemen of at the fore- the the yellow flag hoisted must ever crowd his imagination bosom csn deny the sigh, or what of this Honorable Court, in yotrr head, as preparato Just Published, top-gallant-mast with ft load of the most intolerable eye the tear, when charged with the hands I place my honor and my ex ry to punishrnent, aHiine the signal of my AND POR • *.!•»»* ideas. death of m fellow-cceature, under istence, the hopes and fears was made for two boats fmm each then can any power of lan any circumstance* whatever f The family, aftd all that is valuable to GEORGE SHAW, if CO. in a "How of the men of war to range guage express the multiplied pains full heart feels relief on the heaving the Officer, the Gentleman and Man, 'S DEVICES EXPOSED, line parallel to the Griffon, to wit no fully sensible they can be no where In fonr Sermtns. of my situation, the pangs -of re forth of its sorrows ; and though ness the execution. After the boats swell in my bosom pencil can pourtray the anguish so safely confided as to the breasts To which is added the morse which had got into their stations, with the most heart-rending sensa which preys upon my mind at thus of those of my own profession, the THE DAILY DUTIES OP A shrouds of the ships at anchor were pride snd boa,st of my country, and CHRISTIAN. tions on the remembrance of the moment, yet \ feel some consolation munned, and at ten o'clock the fatal and in thinking that this man was for the terror of its foes. I have prov Price 37 1-2 cents.' past, through an unpremeditated gun,was nred^and the unhappy man a£l, which has led merly the. object of my lenity when ed before you, aa before my God, the deeply lamented was immediately hoisted up to to this investigation. Ah, God, from motives of compassion, and the the case of my unfortunate situation, fore-yard arm, where h« remained years ot banishment and pain just sense I entertained of his pro and whilst you decide on my future In Council, of an could suspended for three quarters 4tone for the mania of a mo fessional abilities, I had shielded destiny, 1 earnestly entreat you to Annapolit. January 13, 1813. hour, when the boay was lowered » That earthly power ORDKRKD, That the act, entitled, ment, could tears of blood, or sobs from punishment though implicated remember, down and delivered to his friends. grief recall the flighted with the serious charge of mutiny. doth then chew likest God's, whe» ."An act to alter and repeal such parts of in tt\e of acutest |he constitution and form of government His remains are to be interred the scorpion's sting which From this circumstance, I hope it mercy seasons justice.11 our Naval Hos spirit, of this state as relate to the division of burying ground of now rankles in my bosom, might be Will apjsV-ar to this honourable court, officer, since Ulegany county into election dUtrk-ts," pital. The unfortunate removed, and the lever of a young that there was no premeditated ma Frtm late Lemton faftrt* knd the act, entitled " An act to alter, his condemnation, docs not appear unhappy viclim of man be succeeded by peace of mind lice against this DEC. 8. change and repeal all such parts of the to have entertained the most distant my misguided passion and trial a TORKICN orricx, and the sweetness of content : but A despatch of which the follow tomtit ution and form of government of idea of receiving a pardon, but has what human power can rekin moment s cool reflection would have his slate as relate to the division of his alas! ing is a copy, was yesterday receiv constantly been brooding over vital spark or illuminate the rather induced me to stretch forth prince-George's county into election had he dle the ed from G«.n. Viscount Cathcart, expected fate, and so much taded eye ; the flood of affli&ion that arm for his preservation instead districts," be published once m each anticipated his Fatal exit, that he, in K. B. His majesty's ambassador ex reek, for three months, in the Maryland and the human tear are vain ; they of his destruction. at a great measure refused the suste look back on the un- traordinary and plenipotentiary jiiette, at Annapolis; the Federal Ga- rend my soul but yield no consolati '* I cannot by Viscount nance necessary to keep him alive. event without suffering the the court of Russia, ette and the American, Baltimore ; on to its wound. hypy. one. of his Majesty's ; the Fe- Indeed, it is thought, had the exe most painful sensations, not only as Castlereagh, the People's Monitor, Baaton " Thus, though impressed with principal Secretaries of State. neral Republican, George-town ; Mel- cution of his sentence been much the deepest contrition, my imagina respects the deed itself, but also as Jheimer's (if nnan Paper, and the Fre- longer delayed, exhautlcd nature recoils with horror and indig regards I sort of unhappy destiny, St. Pettriturg, Afa/iii, 1812. suf tion cnck-town Herald, Frederick-town ; would have put a period to his nation at the shocking imputation ana not as a casual occurrence. God MT LORD, Jl»RirVtown Gazette and Maryland ferings. of murder, though the unfortunate forbid that I should for a moment I have the honour to acquaint Hagar's town. has lerald, The following admonitory address man did fall by my hand, the violent date to arraign, or even to call ir. your lordship, that Buonaparte By order, different ship's question, the justice of an everlsst- escaped Irom the government of NINIAN PINKNEY, Clk. was read to the mutinous tenour of his conduct, vmoQanies, previous to the execu heightened by the most aggravated ing Providence: but if ever fate Moscow, and has followed the road AN ACT tion : to me, his command preponderated the action of an indi to Smolensko, by which he came. ami repeal nth part* of circumstances alter The commander in chief most ing officer, in the acl of carrying on vidual, or hurried him to a crisis, Generals count Platow and count the constitution and form of govern the par cruel and Orloff Denizoff have been inces ment ofthl* ttate at relate to the di- earnestly desires to direct (he duties ot my situation, worked some unknown power with ticular attention of the fleet to the me to a phrensy of passion, in the desperat£ sway, tyrannised on that santly in his rear, and on both flanks ritfon of AUegany county into elec ; the former tion dietriett. melancholy scene they are now call tempest of which he fell a sad vic lamented day over the affections of of his line of march Whereas, it has been represented to ed to attend 4 scene which offers a tim of his own consummate obstina- my heart, and dashed its calm pla attacked a-position defended by in Jliin general assembly, Uiat great incon- strong, and much he hopes, an im ty Of a very different nature from cidity with the tumultuous-waves of fantry/and cannon, which he carri iice has been experienced for the pressive lesson to every person in the whirlwind of rage by which he violence and rage. ed, taking two colours. 22 pieces of , ant of two additional districts in AUe- it ; a lesson to all who are to com swept from among men, is the u I must claim the indulgence of artillery, and such prisoners as could whereof was »ny county, for remedy mand, and to all who are to obey. prepense malice of the deliberate this Honorable Court for occupying be saved. Count Orloff Denizoff Of it mitcttd, by the General A»- represented by time, if 1 h.s likewise met with resisuncft that part Lieut. Gamage, is and insidious murderer. so much of its valuable nbly of Maryland, That all knew him, and by from the subject be which he has every where over t>( the constitution and form of govern every person who " God Almighty knows my heart have deviated the unanimous voice of the Griffon bleeds at the recital, but it is a du fore them ; but when they recollect powered, and has taken many uy>- neot, made such by the act of seven- of baggage, fen hundred and ninety-eight and se- ship's company, as a humane, com ty I owe to myself, and to the world, the very critical situation in which phies and quantities tcntecn hundred and ninety nine which passionate man, 'a kind, indulgent to draw your attention to my siiua- I am placed, 1 hope they will be rea ammunition wagons, with prisvners liirccia that Allegany county shall be officer ; yet for want of that guard | tion as first lieutenant, and the con- dy to pity and forgive the wanderings and some ordnance.