AtftfAPOLIS, THURSDAY, PEPfcUARY 4, 1813. No. 2.) (YOU

ness and regret, that I apptarbefore I Cruel ', cruet 1 most cruet sword! these crn'otions'io be the genuine in* FQREIGN INTELLIGENCE, you in my present awful and unlof- which at once plunged him into etct- mates ot my breast 'If there be a* JIlHTBD-AXD a contrary opin­ 4 >T EXE^CUTION or LT. GAMAG£f| tunste situation. To the' wretch' | nity« to appear unprepared* before ny amongst themot hardened in crimes, and growing his God and me into the deepest ion, I address thrnt in the language JONAS GBEBN, DEAL, MOVKMBIR 28. the pursuits of villany* the gloom of misery and remorse. 1 of the Apostle, * Would to God you a sig­ grey in This nrforning, at 8 o'clock, recolleCVion of having actually de­ trust I do not exhaust the indul­ were alt together such, as 1 an, ex­ nal gun Was fired from his majesty's of existence, gence of this honourable court with cept these bonds." and prived afellow-creatuie PrtA Tlkrw Dollart per Annum. sloop Griffon, in the Downs, divine gift of the Creator, a repetition of my regrets what M Mr. President and Gentlemen of at the fore- the the yellow flag hoisted must ever crowd his imagination bosom csn deny the sigh, or what of this Honorable Court, in yotrr head, as preparato­ Just Published, top-gallant-mast with ft load of the most intolerable eye the tear, when charged with the hands I place my honor and my ex­ ry to punishrnent, aHiine the signal of my AND POR • *.!•»»* ideas. death of m fellow-cceature, under istence, the hopes and fears was made for two boats fmm each then can any power of lan­ any circumstance* whatever f The family, aftd all that is valuable to GEORGE SHAW, if CO. in a "How of the men of war to range guage express the multiplied pains full heart feels relief on the heaving the Officer, the Gentleman and Man, 'S DEVICES EXPOSED, line parallel to the Griffon, to wit­ no fully sensible they can be no where In fonr Sermtns. of my situation, the pangs -of re­ forth of its sorrows ; and though ness the execution. After the boats swell in my bosom pencil can pourtray the anguish so safely confided as to the breasts To which is added the morse which had got into their stations, with the most heart-rending sensa­ which preys upon my mind at thus of those of my own profession, the THE DAILY DUTIES OP A shrouds of the ships at anchor were pride snd boa,st of my country, and CHRISTIAN. tions on the remembrance of the moment, yet \ feel some consolation munned, and at ten o'clock the fatal and in thinking that this man was for­ the terror of its foes. I have prov­ Price 37 1-2 cents.' past, through an unpremeditated gun,was nred^and the unhappy man a£l, which has led merly the. object of my lenity when ed before you, aa before my God, the deeply lamented was immediately hoisted up to to this investigation. Ah, God, from motives of compassion, and the the case of my unfortunate situation, fore-yard arm, where h« remained years ot banishment and pain just sense I entertained of his pro­ and whilst you decide on my future In Council, of an could suspended for three quarters 4tone for the mania of a mo­ fessional abilities, I had shielded destiny, 1 earnestly entreat you to Annapolit. January 13, 1813. hour, when the boay was lowered » That earthly power ORDKRKD, That the act, entitled, ment, could tears of blood, or sobs from punishment though implicated remember, down and delivered to his friends. grief recall the flighted with the serious charge of mutiny. doth then chew likest God's, whe» ."An act to alter and repeal such parts of in tt\e of acutest |he constitution and form of government His remains are to be interred the scorpion's sting which From this circumstance, I hope it mercy seasons justice.11 our Naval Hos­ spirit, of this state as relate to the division of burying ground of now rankles in my bosom, might be Will apjsV-ar to this honourable court, officer, since Ulegany county into election dUtrk-ts," pital. The unfortunate removed, and the lever of a young that there was no premeditated ma­ Frtm late Lemton faftrt* knd the act, entitled " An act to alter, his condemnation, docs not appear unhappy viclim of man be succeeded by peace of mind lice against this DEC. 8. change and repeal all such parts of the to have entertained the most distant my misguided passion and trial a TORKICN orricx, and the sweetness of content : but A despatch of which the follow­ tomtit ution and form of government of idea of receiving a pardon, but has what human power can rekin­ moment s cool reflection would have his slate as relate to the division of his alas! ing is a copy, was yesterday receiv­ constantly been brooding over vital spark or illuminate the rather induced me to stretch forth prince-George's county into election had he dle the ed from G«.n. Viscount Cathcart, expected fate, and so much taded eye ; the flood of affli&ion that arm for his preservation instead districts," be published once m each anticipated his Fatal exit, that he, in K. B. His majesty's ambassador ex­ reek, for three months, in the Maryland and the human tear are vain ; they of his destruction. at a great measure refused the suste­ look back on the un- traordinary and plenipotentiary jiiette, at Annapolis; the Federal Ga- rend my soul but yield no consolati­ '* I cannot by Viscount nance necessary to keep him alive. event without suffering the the court of Russia, ette and the American, ; on to its wound. hypy. one. of his Majesty's ; the Fe- Indeed, it is thought, had the exe­ most painful sensations, not only as Castlereagh, the People's Monitor, Baaton " Thus, though impressed with principal Secretaries of State. neral Republican, George-town ; Mel- cution of his sentence been much the deepest contrition, my imagina­ respects the deed itself, but also as Jheimer's (if nnan Paper, and the Fre- longer delayed, exhautlcd nature recoils with horror and indig­ regards I sort of unhappy destiny, St. Pettriturg, Afa/iii, 1812. suf­ tion cnck-town Herald, Frederick-town ; would have put a period to his nation at the shocking imputation ana not as a casual occurrence. God MT LORD, Jl»RirVtown Gazette and Maryland ferings. of murder, though the unfortunate forbid that I should for a moment I have the honour to acquaint Hagar's town. has lerald, The following admonitory address man did fall by my hand, the violent date to arraign, or even to call ir. your lordship, that Buonaparte By order, different ship's question, the justice of an everlsst- escaped Irom the government of NINIAN PINKNEY, Clk. was read to the mutinous tenour of his conduct, vmoQanies, previous to the execu­ heightened by the most aggravated ing Providence: but if ever fate Moscow, and has followed the road AN ACT tion : to me, his command­ preponderated the action of an indi­ to Smolensko, by which he came. ami repeal nth part* of circumstances alter The commander in chief most ing officer, in the acl of carrying on vidual, or hurried him to a crisis, Generals count Platow and count the constitution and form of govern­ the par­ cruel and Orloff Denizoff have been inces­ ment ofthl* ttate at relate to the di- earnestly desires to direct (he duties ot my situation, worked some unknown power with ticular attention of the fleet to the me to a phrensy of passion, in the desperat£ sway, tyrannised on that santly in his rear, and on both flanks ritfon of AUegany county into elec­ ; the former tion dietriett. melancholy scene they are now call­ tempest of which he fell a sad vic­ lamented day over the affections of of his line of march Whereas, it has been represented to ed to attend 4 scene which offers a tim of his own consummate obstina- my heart, and dashed its calm pla­ attacked a-position defended by in­ Jliin general assembly, Uiat great incon- strong, and much he hopes, an im­ ty Of a very different nature from cidity with the tumultuous-waves of fantry/and cannon, which he carri­ iice has been experienced for the pressive lesson to every person in the whirlwind of rage by which he violence and rage. ed, taking two colours. 22 pieces of , ant of two additional districts in AUe- it ; a lesson to all who are to com­ swept from among men, is the u I must claim the indulgence of artillery, and such prisoners as could whereof was »ny county, for remedy mand, and to all who are to obey. prepense malice of the deliberate this Honorable Court for occupying be saved. Count Orloff Denizoff Of it mitcttd, by the General A»- represented by time, if 1 h.s likewise met with resisuncft that part Lieut. Gamage, is and insidious murderer. so much of its valuable nbly of Maryland, That all knew him, and by from the subject be which he has every where over­ t>( the constitution and form of govern every person who " God Almighty knows my heart have deviated the unanimous voice of the Griffon bleeds at the recital, but it is a du­ fore them ; but when they recollect powered, and has taken many uy>- neot, made such by the act of seven- of baggage, fen hundred and ninety-eight and se- ship's company, as a humane, com­ ty I owe to myself, and to the world, the very critical situation in which phies and quantities tcntecn hundred and ninety nine which passionate man, 'a kind, indulgent to draw your attention to my siiua- I am placed, 1 hope they will be rea­ ammunition wagons, with prisvners liirccia that Allegany county shall be officer ; yet for want of that guard | tion as first lieutenant, and the con- dy to pity and forgive the wanderings and some ordnance. divided and laid off into six separate which every man should keep~over I ,equent provocation:'and I fondly of the mind. I shall beg leave to From the quantities of ammuniti­ stricts, be and the same is hereby re- u:. -.- .._- .u:. i.:_j u.. _- com-- 1 ^ . .'*. -- ... ' of the Court to on blown up by the cncmV, and ' his passiops, this kind, humane, hope this honourable court will ac­ call the attention passionate man commits the dread company me in my feelings as an of­ the testimonies I shall advance to from the state of the roads, /escrib­ And be it enacted. That AIlcKany ful crime of murder. Let his ex­ a man. A complaint had prove the general calmness snd in­ ed to be covered with the vodies of nty shall be divided and laid off into ficer and as ample strike deep into the minds of to me by the carpenter dulgence of my temper towards eve­ dead men and horses, theTetreat of eight separate district*. been made is all who witness his unhappy end ; ship, of the deceased, who ry one in public and in private. I the rear divisions of the Trench And be it enacted, That if this act of the o6ar»cUr of and, whatever .their general disposi­ had conducted himself in the most have more particularly at this time stated to have every be confirmed by the general as- flight. embly after the next election of dele- tion may be, let them learn from riotous and. disorderly manner to to lament the death of my much,re­ continued session after such new him, that' if they arc not always ; weighing the cir­ spected frientl and commander, capt. On the 31st of Nof gen. Milla- ties, in the first the said pttson his Jeclion, as the ronslitulion and form of watchful to restrain their passions I, with a lenity, natu­ ftuahbrooke, as also the absence ot radovitch, with the c/umn under cumstances, road government directs, in such case this within its proper bounds, one mo and which 1 trust I shall admiral Uixon from this country, but command, reached 'he main ral to me, he had a sharp act 'and the alteration in the said con- ment of intemperate anger may dc prove to have ever been my charac­ yet I trust 1 shall still be able, from near Viasma, whese con -'the rear guard, it it ution contained therein, shall be stroy the hopes of a well spent ho­ from high evidence, ordered the testimony of Captains Trollop engagement with part and shull ronslitute ter, by the prisoners a* a nourable life, and bring them to an a slight punishment, too trifling and Braimer, and another Officer in which is reported, and be valid as a part of the said coiuti- him been composed of the divi­ untimely and disgraceful death ; and in its nature, and not unbecoming the Court, and of many of my mess­ to have ition and form of government, to all sions of Beauh/rnois, of Davoust, thing therein let those who are to obey, learn from his situation as a soldier, merely to mates and brother Officers and I intents »nd purpoitea, any con­ and Ney ; they divisions in vain at­ I contained to the aontnry notwithstand the conduct of the sergeant, the fa­ wslk the quarterdeck with a musket what must tend still more to tal effec\s which may result from in­ vince the Honorable Court of the tempted to trfcti his progress, and, in his hand, and to which 1 was by the contempt and insolent conduft to­ in his favor, extent of my clemency as it respects' after severstArilliant charges AN ACT duced by a preposcssion were driven ihro* wards their superiors. By repeated wish to preserve him my conduct to those placed under Russian cavalry, 1 1b alter, change amd. reptal aB tveh and with a town of Viasma at the point of of insolence the sergeant overcame the condign punishment, which my command together with my other the partt of the conttitutton andfnrtm jgfroni bayonA, and pursued to Ereni- foofrnnttnfof thit ttate at relate to kind and gentle disposition of lieut. must have been the consequence if depositions, the leading men of the the the/light cavalry under gen. the dniwiono/ Prince-Gtorge't coun­ Gamage, and by irritating and in­ the regular steps had been taken. Griffon are also ready to bear testi­ na by ty into tltction dittricti. flaming his passion occasioned his mony. I trust the warm and artless Platow ;/m this attack, the infantry When, with insufferable contempt, co- Whcreau, it in ronrcnented to this ge- own death. and effusions of their manly and unso­ regimeni of PcrnofF, led by its better expressed by the carriage sndtfby>maj. of Maryland, by the The commander in chief hopes that and eye, than phisticated hearts, will sufficiently lonel,_^en. Tchoglokoff, of Prince- demure countenance fornud- the head of i of minAry inhabitants tr|is, afflicting lesson may not be of­ he impertinently re­ convince this Honorable Court of gen. Krkivitch, :'*.county, thjMBly experience by language, Column, and charged into the fered in vain, but seriously contem­ submit; I again and again the repugnance of my nature to the the peat inconvonienceflHlnt ol a sixth fused to town with drums beating and co- an plating the awful example before commanded further compliance, the act; and that nothing but the irrita­ oirtrict in said countjTtad praj ins; could lo/rs fly'rrt|. alteration iu the second, third and fifth them, every officer and every man same provocation was renewed. I ting conduct of the deceased learn from it, never to suffer have made me outstep the bounds of /The loss of the enrmy in killed dlitricts, so as to admit a sixth between will flew to my weapon, and here before is stated the petitioners to be driven by ill.governed reason and justice. rid wounded in this affair them, an,j tne prayer of himself God and my country, I most solemn­ 2500 pn-pri- appearing reasonable, therefore, psssion to treat with cruelty or vi­ " A seeming obedience returned 'to be at least GOOO, with ly disclaim any intention to endanger j amoug which are -gen. Pel- tt enacted^ by the general attrm- olence, those over whom he is to and declare the blade unpolluted to its sheath/ loners the life of the deceased, of the artillery, and eol. Mo- _ Maryland, That all that part of command, nor by disobedience or simply to intimidate and when an unexpected recurrence tier, of govern­ I meant rat, aid-de-camp t« marshal Da- the constitution and. form disrespect to rouse the passions of thereby force obedience to my or­ the offence, under aggravated 0(r- ment, made such by the act of seven­ it is his duty to obey cumstance*, overwhelmed at rfnce voust.. hundred and ninety-eight, which those whom ders, Acting otv this principle, I of the pnrsuit from ' teen retpeft. my discretion and my judgment, In the course direct* u,at Prince George's county and several times struck the musket, great numbers of the*ene­ (Signed)' THOS. FOLtY. in his hand, and drove me on to commit tjjte hor­ Viasma, shall be divided and laid off into five He- which the Recessed held killed, one standa4 and To the respective captains and about this rid deed with which Island arraign­ my were parata dittrict^ be and the- same- is and desired him to walk three pieces of'cannon were taken, hereby repealed commanders of his majesty's the desired effecl he ed at the Bar of this honorable seemingly had and upwards of 1000 men made pri­ And be it enacted, That Prince- ships and vessels in the shouldered arms, and my sword was court. When I turn m/ thoughts JeorpVg eoonty shall be divided into Downs. in towards the melancholy catastrophe, soners. . ' . returned to its scabbard. But former part of the retreat, m twnamte districts, and that the addi­ my soul still the retrospect is a go ruling in the In the the very same moment Uamusa, secretary to the duke of tional district sball be laid oil* adjpining /, tOXDOK,• MOV. 85. indignation at his out­ extreme, but I look forward to what­ third and fifth glowing with Bassano, was taken, witlv all the and between tl>e snceud, LIEUTENANT GAMAGE. audacity of air and aspect, ever may be the resuh of this court- diltricUi. , rageous chancery. . >y We cotnmqnicated yesterday the he again refused compliance, and mtrtial, with becoming deference And be it enacted, That if thiaJLet only Referring to the relations which the general as­ particulars of the execution of this dared me to the fatal aft. The im­ and resignation, which can hall be confirmed by awakened have been regularly transmitted, fc.v sembly of Maryland, after the next elec­ voung officer. It appears that since posing attitude of the man, the proceed from a conscience his condemnatio'n he had entertain­ to its guilt, arxmssisted by th« Di­ more minute details of the several »e- tion of delegataa, in the first session af­ fierce arrangement of his feature*, briefly recapitulate ''the- eonttituti- ed no hopes W pardon, and had ta vine power. 1 feel supported by the t»«ns,;l"jrill ter such new election, M the his high ingratitude' and disdain Yno''Ha which b,*vV «n and form of government directs, in ken so little sustenance aa nearly already confidence of ever having a£led on few gK*l working on my imagination, pUte/lri4J|t the arrival ef \h« 'i i < Li case the act, and the alterations to starve himself. The followingls by irritated exasperation, humane and honourable principles- taken infuriated FnncKwJiHIftw. -V L^nUin*^ in*^ cop*1'*"1* a°d his speech upon his trial : that like a flash of lightning across I know myself incapable of conunjt- " 1 an part pf said constitut­ horror- ' i m* t7J l» Mr. President, and my brain, reason forsook its seat ting .an 'm action, and am or government, to all in- usurped the sway, struck %c the magnitude of .^^_nrpo»e», any thing therein Gentlemen of this Honr Cqurt, raging madness till tl\e* Wn»,o!f^\obefv sword obeying its hurried »» I tnist there is not a |om*W|po w*8 c°ntn»ry Botwithstand- " It ia with the utmost poignancy and my the old road to Kalouga* tM of feeling, with the deepest bittcr- mandate) was passed into his body in this Court, who does tt»* IwHeve I ' tnem through Viasma, known intt %n*n onr rtmtttrytnfcft ^ 8|f opportunity Of bringing to ' Tnaf»haVdeeme4 \t to ;£' he made 1000 more p'ntbntt*. a»d groafliikgip the dungeons of Bart* _ri'_.> ° Trl moveradbti tj.n the, am«. re£l \)\t , attention ta the . .. , ., . . , ,. , took three pie«es of cai»non< On th4 and Mfi'nrtrng undeip the 4a»h>s of 7 roails to 4jie,.»*««thwsrd V "Admiral XcbtshagWF and uou 7th he 'entered, Dorogoibug«hi and line, atcorJing; ai th^eworAys ppc* Wittgenstein had reciprocally *ent kisli slavery, these, very men, with, taiioq* afvpesw'eJ to yoint'U cither and With » view ta.obtain more cdnv made himself master of 14G wsgons. flank. ' * . plcte command of them, retired to .Mciowfiile Platow, tKti indefatigabW fer*ov arid Madiuon at the head, «j the tftewy, ty a position within 40 ,w«rsts of Ki- position. " . . ,' j. > «e)W, rwitb the Cossacks gave tHft ed all their influence against an »r In the meanwhile Sir Robert Wilton with 1iU .utnil liis own 20ch bulletin, and by his, it>oga, near Gorki. "', emy a fresh overthrow between priatiort fijr'fllx frippte*, wlien it ^»nding-th» enemy was moving by activity, has been in every actioh, t conJt-tfk, fteema to h»ve been for » Dorogotbtigsh and I>oughOvishJ>in», thai It W with a ^" Verff., on Mojaiko, and hat contrived to see every re- evident voamttne uncertain of ^ : lhi* Matt des- and took 300O prisoners, 6^ P>«oes rbt the ftuisiait army. Af,»oon as it i Medina, . mtrkAbla- occurrence bnlyY that we cotiM support patchet ir» dated; at Vjasma, the of cannVi besides killing and wound. democracy commence) was ascertained, a considerable por*. Cefved jnttlligence that the French ing 12,000.. . . on the ocean, against tint p lion Of the army under'' Murat, oc- head quarters were on the SOth of 4th of November { his accounts tal­ ly with the official bujletint which 'he enemy were ulFermg tion, and chastise thent for IW to be'ttrippW of on cupicd the intermediate country be- Oil. at Coljkoi, a monastry not far defeat after defeat in their main ar- haveVH beenUCC1I publishedIJUUi lanwv* hire..»•* • ^»* • __.___- fcO«t_*1i_ ing barbarities Inflictedofcowj the moit abj -twcen Moscow jud the Pokbra> front Borodino, he formed his dispo­ Lord Tvrconnelhat joined adra. tiny, Wittgenstein andStcinheilVjrere sition t»-attempt to intercept.him ing feflow-elUzens. A navj inrdened with.alP t It wat presumed that the French, ,K;rK.«,n"ff ^v whom he has been ruining St. Cyr's and Victor s divi- ' ~~ it Tn their power to bring near Smolenska. Tchichagoff, hy whom he has been nounocd as au idla crxpfcnsej i«ofde*potlcgo»er possible atten­ tons,. which lost at Polotsk and in rheir whole force to either Platow and the Cossacks having received with every better to porchate friejid tion ; his letters of thq 22d October the retreat to Lcpcl 6000 men taken rtiprare wHh Prta ilanit of Marat's position, would en- been detached for the purpose ot prisdners 9 pieces of cannon, and expend a, few thousand flottar* , __ torftdmktlstr mariceuvre so as to in- harrasting snd surrounding the ene­ have been received by sir R. Wil- 20 wagons. to pr«t«ot " duce marshal Kutusofftoretirciehind my, marshal KutfisofT reinforced rin at Viasma, and by myself. His bling ourselves Wm 'of six prilli&ns the Oka, in order to procure a more gen. Millaradovkch's corps upwards lordship speaks in high terms of the RECAPITULATION'; commerce. When force was f« J a more certain conveyance for pro­ direction to that allotted to general pci mission for major geni Doruberg At Koloiz o|t the 1st. Nov. 1000 ieq|£tne tocria* of alvto ; dot* not startle the in the army Near Viasma, on the 3d 850O visions and reinforcements from the Millaradovitch, the main road form- to serve as a volunteer in ten thousand pea.1* through all 4^? appear to b outh and at the eamc to hold the 'ing an arch j these parallel, lines of under gen. count Wittgenstein, I Beyond Viistna, on the 4th JOQO democratic presses, And every' < have given to that general officer At Dorogobugsh on the f th 20OO m. , Lo«ri« inay for a Unit command of the Smolensk, the Rus­ march were shorter, but exposed to demagogue seemed to sian army began its march-to occu­ greater difficulties, the roads being Instructions similar to those ol sir BeyojidD6rogobugsh,on9th 15000 jc Migcnciea of the govetnn py the position behind the river Na- less practicable. Robert Wilson and lord Tyrconncl, Near Doughoovtchiniaa 500 most lively apprehensions for the I ihoover wspect* they will pn ra, changing its front to the right, The head of gen. Millara'dovitch's and I expect by the .next courier to ties of thegrcUeommpnwealth 1 essity of taxation, should th of learning his upon our parallel t« the old Kalouga column reached the main road first, have the pleasure Loss of the mam army from men left no tUne unturned by which fcij stem of measure* be contif sale arrival at the head quarters of the 18th Oct. to lOlh Nov. 38,500 road. near Viasma ; the head quarters of wa* likely to render odious the tbcrn«clTe* grosery inirtal in itself, and marshal Kututoff were established *t that army. This position strong every act, ho strengthened by art, was not likely the village of Bikovia, a little to I have the honour to he, Sic. Los* of Victor and St. Cyr'« administration ; and I then have the catalogue to be attacked in front: but it was the southward of Viasma. CATHCART. divisions reasonable and nece**ary in it* na itic grievance* filled up, i foreseen, that if it Were In regard to the French %my, it At Pplotak and to Lcpcl 10,000 was -tortured hy ingenuity into i i of terror", once more LONDON, Dec. 8. At Tehasniki Loss not known. to be attacked, a previous dispositi­ appears by the papers of a commis­ frjngement of the right* of the army, navy, loan*, and.* sary general, who was made pri­ What a change in the face of af­ The number of cannon taken with­ on musl be made by the enemy on and yelped abroad for the ,in como mto'vogne Indoc< the new Kalouga road, to turn the soner, that they victualled twelve fairs has taken place in t'v short in the same period amounts to 134 left and rear ol this position and the thousand men, but their ttVicietit space of three months! what a change pieces besides what the French have of exciting discontent against the t is brightnting ahead. "marshal professed his readiness to force wat reduced to 85,000 at the in the fate of that man who seem­ buried and destroyed ; and of wagon* vernment. They attacked the ] meet the'cnemy upon that ground. period of their evacuation of Mos­ ed born to control fortune, and to be to 270 besides what have been blown of tl»e people with the- artillery of i almost above those vicissitudes,to | A law has lately passed bo The movement wss completed on cow ; and that Buonaparte has con­ up. phism, until they were subdued which the human rare are subject! Thtii, of the 85,000 efficient men ' Congress authorising the the 3d of October} on the fourth of tracted with a company of Jews for belief that their public servants Oct. a smart affair of advanced guard a supply of provisions in the line of He entered Russia at the head of a carried away from Moscow, nearly raise, by loan, the. sura took place with most decisive suc­ his retreat. His guards and some force, perhaps including the Polish one half have been put bert Jtctmbat no longer entitled to confidence. A i of dollars. Much,* Teinforremeifts, of not- less than the road from Moscow to Smo­ wan represented as useless; an 1 cess on the side of the Russians, select corps, have been nursed with on vy I before the pamgfftyf * vvhrcli wat. followed on the 5,th of peculiar care,, and kvpt as much as 300,000 men. And all this army lensk, whilst Victor and St. Cyr's di­ of 5000 men dangerous; and secret wj formidable as it was in number, Was knscqiience of not fusaui* th< Oct. by the flag of truce sent hy possible out ol' action, and these visions, have been entirely ruined. ion* of congress a* the certain fiuonaparte, with an overture to ob­ corps appear to have preceded the rendered still more so by its science Thus th: whole morale. oE the urn. Finally'H is left d despotism. Labouring in this wit/l tain an ; rmisike and open a negoti­ retreat of the remaining troops. its discipline, ami its experience. enemy is destroyed, whilst the spi­ with the. jircsidcrtt, and was thrown upon they, effected.the grand object they tail ation which was rejected. It is reported that Buonaparte tra­ This mighty army rits of the soldiers yielding to the rally in want of money to considera­ vels in a coach, accompanied by an empire earnestly wishing to avoid pressure of defeat, sickness, and in view, vlt. their own personaUggm-1 At this period, several ojeet* into execution, we ble detachments Were made to har- Murat, who has received a contusi­ war and seeking only for neutrality, want, have left them incapable ol dl«cm*nt, and that only by poisonijjj the wish to avoid war was not :J not expect him to .be rass the enemy, which appear to on in his knee, and Berthier. active or vigorous exertions, and the minds of the multitude, be Conceived that accompanied with thc*fcar of en­ mt the teinis. Thove wh have been conducted with equal skill It is hardly to Beauharnois, who, we may bo sure, heads (aay they) who are nachinati and success < the most important of the rear guard at least can continue countering it, and the most deter­ draws a faithful pifture of his army, fry know ve^*1 well the no mined valor was sustained and sup­ subversive of the right* of MS I these was the one against Verren, its march without lulling, in which declares in the two intercepted let­ government, and it If by assault on case, with the assistance of the ported by the moit devoted pa­ and the happfnes* of nations, maj «4 j which place was taken ters we have published, thai hit men y will lend for six. when the 14th of Oct. light troops, the Russian army will triotism. We all recollect the lan­ " are driven to such desperation as cover with an impenetrable veil tU*j held by a party in y can M readily obtain On the* 16th of Oct. several regi­ be enabled to overtake thtm. They guage that was to suffer themselves to be taken by dark transaction* ; but republics having arrived, hay* before them the galUnt and ac­ this country when Russia dared to nt Therefore, w» may « ments of Cossack! the enemy." ha,ve no secret* ; In republics the fm»- I {t was proposed to attack Murat ; tive count Wittgenstein, whose cha- enter the list again with her tremen­ A more deplorable account of the ill soon return to the old n dous opponent no cheering hope tionarie* beiog th* servant* of tif| the attack did not take place till the racler for zeal and entcrprize. is so situation of an army cannot be con­ c4Mrahieh it will not t of Oct. well established ; and they have al­ wat indulged ; no generous sentiment ceived And its sufferings are not people, acting solely for their ' success anticipat­ isiaoed moch chroour The enemy after this affair, ol so on the Minsk road, to encounter expressed no yet at an end. Beyond Smolensk ought to transact all national affsiftial trbich I had the lionoor to transmit admiral TchichagofT, with the Mnl ed no honorable retulr deemed mlniitrmtion of Adams, we know they had not got On the open day."'. We do pot pretend te isj,l f>o\>ur lordship a report in my dcs davian army, which it is to be hoped possible h r councils were sneered llih of last month and before that on Is a favourite of the patAK retreated behind the little ri­ may have time and notice either to at her emperor ridiculed her ge­ time Wittgenstein was at Witepsk, but in the courte of legislative pronel moor* of democracy, U, nerals treated with contempt her ver Kloaa. unite, with count Wittgenstein to and Orsha directly in the ftont, com­ ings there are occasions when *eer«s/J ill in this case entirely c«J Uusiuparte was not heard of out wait for them on the above named population described at a race of municating, no doubt, with the may be required; but if it were wrotf 1 and final route tow a determination of of MUICDW or its vicinity till after road, or to move to cither flank. tlaves and barbarians Moldavian army, 'fresh and entire, at that day, H would be a fair conest-'l this period. Marshal Kutusoffhas sent out a- and ruin confidently predicted to her im io all his scbenflk wh under Tormazow and Tchichagoff. sion that it i* to still, fiat a* u* I The on\y detachment of any im­ mong others, a considerable detach­ arms. On the 9th Kutusoff was at Etna, the expense, or whatere other hands, tat) portance made by the French, in a ment which was at Elnce, nearer to On the 14th Sept. the invader sat but three days rnarch'fYom Smolensk, power is shifted into lencea. riorthcin direction was the one sta­ Smolensko, under lieut. gen. Shcpe- down in the I'alace of the Czars, in on his road to Krasnoi, which is on table* are completely tunpd, and wait tioned at DcmetnofT, which was re­ lorT on the 1st of November, and the ancient capital of the Empir.e the west of Smolensk. Meanwhile wa* vicious in tb4 one, we are wB ] t i as soon as the which may have the means of inter­ anticipating the immediate submissi­ called in grnx haste, Platow and Millaradovitch have dri­ is the maximum of virtue in tLe other. Mr. Qalw, the cabinet e evacuation ol Moscow Was deter­ posing delay. on of the envmv, and promising to ven Beuharnois from Dorogobuc put i well attempt to prove tl return in triumph and glory with hit It could scarcely have been soafons"] mined on. TVs Russians occupied Thus the fruits of the incursions of the main road to- Smolensk, and 'like, as. to convince any i the latter citjrVan the >22d <>f Oct. of the French to Moscow, at the conquering army to Paris before that the apostle* of democracy wood having forced him to fly to .Doug- bat Ijiy, benefit it to reMi . with the loss of\)ieut. gen. Winxin- expense of the lives of so many Christmas. And two months after hoovtchinina have increased the dif­ ever hare been compelled to the adcp- 1 wards where is this boasting* conque­ O.oobtaen that are to b gevodo most treacherously carried brave officers and men, seem to have ficulties of his march and lengthen­ tion of measure* which but\ short off, with hU aio^e-carop, captain been limited to the burning and da- ror this insulting invader i In dis­ > months.' He say*, ed his distance from the 1'rcoch time before they profoMeoVto hfarti^j . Narishkin, while advanced with a struction of that city and to the ru­ graceful flight, abandoning all his i- head quarters. ertained some doubt as Hag ot truce to retrViitiratc against in and desolation of the inhabitants deas of conquest, slinking away from to reprobate. , In this situation, full of peril, woe > act, but explanation a protracted and unnecessary resist­ and proprietors near the great road, his ruined army, and anxious only remark­ At the same time it was obvkms ts | and want, we leave them, i debate were perfe ance on the part of iK>: rear guard. and in the vicinity of Moscow'; about hit own personal escape and ing, however, that the Austrian* every 'wi*a and 'intelligent politki**, On the 24th of Oct, the French while on the other hand it will, to safely. Like Xerxes, he le-ft his serin lobe little inclined to share the thai the chmoorr which were nisei cry. It if tupposed, (M army wat reconnoitredt>y an officer the latest period of hittory reflect Mardonius behind him, to bring ofTL miseries of the French, having cross­ Ithit number will b« raUet of Cossacks belonging u the corps lustre on the spirit and patriotism if possible, the wreck of his armjJ, were only intended aa bugbe*rs ts ; ed the Bar, with tile apparent inten­ tin th of Moscow, who taw fW camps, of th« Ruttian empire. while he is hastening in tear and dis­ frighteo the people, and th*,t if the at- 1 |sutes contiguous to tion of rintling that -which their from that class of cititem one on the new Kalouga load, near Thu last accounts from Count may over all that territory he had friends ' arc teeking for in vain tion should, again be reduced to a JJorofsk, and itayfe on the left bank Wittgenstein are dated -the 3d of passed but two months before with IbeuuwilUng t^j urve for i cpmfortable winttr quarters. situation, whatever srfl of men held U* t>f the Protva, « November at Tchasnik, two stages such pomp and parade, tn get back to I thin one campaign, or < Of the 300,000 men Of all the French aimict the reins of gove tmust resort to tM In the night of the 24lhOft. gen.gen, east of Lepel. After the affair, of his own country. only one entire and the most nume­ Itlteie arc the Dorocoffwas ordered to occupy Ma­ Polotzk, that general detached a he carried with him into Russia, same or si of defence. A* rous (what a change !) is that under I »«nt it i* not c la janotlaff, a post-town on the^new corps to observe Macdonald, whilst there were but 83,000 efficient fire­ to carrying without ft n Borof*k%nd locks remained when he evacuated Soult. What should hinder him, if he 1*ry flattering. Kalouga road, between he sent gen. Stcinhill on the road to he chose, from playing the part of an army, or moaej, it i* all Meal., tl\at place ; that general already Vilna, who after having cut off the Moscow. And here let us take a Monk f I the probability Of this, h found it occupied in force by * I Bavarian corps from that of St. Cyr, rapid sketch ot the losses and suffer­ aftrout experience ha*longslnM-t*a|H French detachment} a very obstU and entirely dispersed'it with the ing they have experienced since that administration that their fancied «*' /MARYLAND GAZETTE. - couisUofthUclaMof m nate conil«v\ immediately took placr,' os* of cannon and colours, joined period. prvvemcnta on the art of war if the wit' i( to popular a in the course of whilh the,troops bunt Wittgenstein who proceeded The day before Bnonapartc quitvf AMNAFOLII, THURSDAY, PBB. 4, 1813! proved aKogetiker *pa«tilativ*, and tW. pn both *idvn, which was 'burned, and 'de­ nik, wa* vberc dcftated on the 31st tie of Mula J«rostoff, w rently the most wonderful change* i» roturOing reason, by makijjg taching a considerable corps' under October, Vy count W'tlEcnstetn, .him 6000 men at least and their political opinion*. Measures which tionflbirfto inoreamof o«W n»T»lw""] general Platow, to Medina, on his who c/insideving the erumy s positi­ ot cannon, and entirely deratiged they then a«»«i-led bore the jtainp of blishment But an army! an ar*7» 11 pieccs.of can- left, where he J.o*k on a good oa\ for himself, has conti­ his plan of "treat. Platow in the despoti.m, and were thought t».b*> «ub- tlrey cried, is a dangerous weapon « nun, and left th« groundi- nued to occupy it,denr.hing a corps mean ume detached towards Smo- -1-1- i-- . ^ . .T? - " yrillt «Uad. • ' - ~ to take pos*e*si«nr of Witepsk. lensfc, attacked the enewynt Medi pit tvery thing lke national 1». Uta ha nay of republlc«w_g»v*rnin« The obstinacy of thit contest for Admiral TchXhagoJP* last de*. na on the Offth Oct. and'took 1» bert* and which thay exerted, all ihpir and ft force at thafc tiow uf 1000 i with other tircurn- patcltes of cht &»\ of Octobvr from piece* of cannon! ' Again, on the talent* to f rostrate, are now recommend­ prodnotiv* of the ilirin the field- ^ _ • ' * i > . •' •• Bfctuitow, rcportVfhe tucci«* of a 1st, be cam* ijp retreating ed a» the only siieAtauoJbv of «ur nati­ Waviiington, thf. objeft detachment un4«c Ven! Tchapliti, enemy at Kolotsk and took great onal Miration. Measnni Vrlteh wemed enemy w»» to forte t who on the 20th Odober, took the part of t,f)«tr baggage wagon*. On >outnerr) province,*; und Polish gen, Konbkoff with the whole the 3d, general Miltaradovitcb, fol to excite the most lively npprehcfuions, s a«hy enly th»th« aiay' of the ud regiment of Hularit. of'thc (owed^them'up, ^ave them a 'signal hive entirely lost their fcflW j. »ud those pie on the 'necka of the -'. prepared .to .French Ruard. , overthr,.„....,.„row near._,. Viasma, where they which were viewed a* «1)iurditl«», w» tary wUbllshrncnU ut thU < i not iv Smolensko Prince Schwartaenber^lud craned fast «OOO taken prisohers __ .... >«v*ow lold'by tne ntune ino^'arexlir looked on tylth tliat dread i , IOHICII, ytt the the boj; witpvut giving U»e. admiral | led, and" 63 piece* ofoaanpa. Still gt*aU*t amiuni* of wudom. jt 1* well ly were, aud 'now. Cicn. ie»- miii'in, -"Till tldttkt*Jll<- bje lej*,| the poor. >,'aomft I much h-is . P. M the *W of Cromwell, mad graat- )6SpringrUuk*n reconsideration, But i Jtluin that with which Ca*W pmwed atthc administration at thfe time af>n<>ni-1 ...... M L. - whole co»t di'l not printer, «H he .in caMed,whdm the demo tlubteon," oa« conjure up aone of o bewildered in the crooked hnaze- I, .,./.< .,, 'ttd su- crate were, n.itwiilu.inmling', so on*to<. i*. n,;s' and-*o much chagrined at | - Tttitg* Mv*tate-~\, ]. Dallas, esq. tlw belief that they-twill ultimately be somettom since in an endea- . of the doing* of the democratic a U i n- i to the most abject cd%- employed We u ndt rsta nd:«nWHoraue ibliged U?- adopt the language, of.tha fox toor to bring about a separation of the deral members may lie noticed. ney, eslr. is to be'th'e coafctt^for G«iu lened with, alt* the uiW ttniob wbeo hi* chop*, watered for the grape*. Ilulh . ~ us of despotic government*, Bat having talked so much about the Gat«ttc. ,. i rapture vrHk Prance had expense, it was itext thought n*c***ary For tht /Wary/and , OF.RMAH PAPERS. The tvia), defence and execution of to p«r»i«t in the oharg^ notwitli»tsnd- It was: not tl>e>nic,ntion of Lucio*, Extrict/rum thf Dagtitb Mtband* tf tessary fei for Uie Lleut. Gaoiaga, an officer ia the British ing the- refutation of it. And how ia when he" commenced wriiing ! *t>m 'Of six prillions of dol- this to h^.dono ? By charguig to ibis Maryland Gwette,' toj^nter ipto'a con­ .. «T:he great Russian army is movi' n»vy, rtust exci'te-tbe~ tvarti'aK^ynipv upon any bocaeion wliatever i" loan of twenty-seven mil inqnlry all Ihf ex£ep*e of a considera­ troversy ing from {etna io Rrasnoil. The iNow, a To be sure, to and althougfTThifnbHu*, of nwtKroom'; toy in every horaane bosom, -when the ble pact of the sesbion perform wonder* > thtjr with tne.eipeelation of Its ra­ common people this may seem some­ memory, has Vxrntonty attacked him in Coasackt circunutanccj are kqown which led to not only destroy the column* of in- ting from thirty' t« forty million* what strungo hC«ing thi there was a the Maryhni) RepubKcart 6f the 27th hi* nntimdy end< He i* defigjribed a* beWne, inst. ho will condtwfttd to reply to him FdKry, but attach the Trrtiilery wkh », during the eOBtinoancc of the great dtml of buirinflsH to Having been lenient, wild which must be done, id a few words only, for M consider* it the greateit bravery. The French it, doe* hot startle the or not But time initptnt to take notice of ao j*jwn4 JieVt lost between SO and 40.0OOraen but wa* horned in a parQxisn) of paa- tigation had taken -place appear to have we are told, the senate |n a message to a writer. ,^ . '<• • inrtheirretreat from Moscow. .The ion, occasioned by tbe reiterated insults house, proposed to adjourn on It has become a practice with these with the dead Lem. , Loaitt may for a time answer the. other whole road r* covered of a penoa under M* command, to spill the Ifith Decmaher And what is more in science, who arc incapable. bodiee/of mcfr and horse*, ammunr- t exigenci** of the government, but usual than for one branch of tho legis­ i>f rebutting proof in a 6oW, manly ar- baggage, gun carriage*, his blood It would appear that if ever ttytt, to liave recourse to tiohvdie*t»V |hoever «xpect* they wilt pm«ntthe lature to talk about adjourning weeks £umrnlativf in one word, -rt>ere nevcff ha* bven there Wa* a case to which the hand of hog transacted tcurrilily, tho totrett species of abuse,' resnity of taxation, should the pr*seb before even that branch an exarnpSj of sucb a fftght' in tha snercy ought at ft which thc adjournment took place; and lie has no " sentences to thicken on usn state*. >.hat he *i* aC equenceof not finhiff the rate per gentleman, who is clever " His friends" Wittgenstein inform us, how much the attempt yet it is thought that w^, the people, except what he purloint. General Harpe who gtires, scarcely " employ" his " intellec- Orcha. Major fcnlum. Finally H is left discretion*- of the 8fenat<6 to get a sum of money will be ignorant enough fly believe that would rd by Count Witt- Ox; length and eoqpeMe Mthe scsiion tnal force to a\-ert" a oofnreb orgw with Uie. president, and a* he is giv^n to' the state printer, just because ^fcnMtin, report*, that the head of in a job upon entirely to thenotine of dele tor an atom of (Hitttr down, which, ally in want of money to carry his he had been disappointed being the light- the trench column* had arrived at which he chose to calculate, did nd the senate not at all to blame, save hi* tni8*r*taHdntg. ojtets into execution, we certainly was the last xession an expensive eit tkifig in nature, is, in comparison Smolensk. the state? Another question D!<} not tint Motcow, Oct. 95. bed not expect him to .be (crapulous the difference between the two one ? It '^osi by boote thouxand* leu* to>th«t, weighty. vxcecd all the so much money than the ncsiion of 1811, when There never wa* a more rrorthy vo­ u The following was yesterday mt the tennis. Those who have mo accounts greatly tbe d»Uard talked of expense of the inquiry f the legislature Was entirely democratic. tary of Harpocrate* than made public by Major General Slo- jry know vef^ well the necessities of D Was il a long one? It closed on the 2d Thimbrius, who, had he been a iraloui might, though government, and it I* not Ukely of January. ieorihipi>tr of that deity, ' Th« enemy who i* daily put to (811 closed llth Jan. unjustly, he reputed a man of Kit but, r will lend for six. when by asking Some time *gowl noticed in a demo­ The session In difficultly and beaten by our troop* that one of the late Judges N in 1KI Don tbe 86111 F>ec. d/At-likt, he must be the officiout pub- cratic paper, which is wa* forced to abandon Moscow on jr can a* readily obtain eight per of the Levy Court, who wa* not named in 160*9 tth .Ha. lithtr of his o\vn ignorance, titibonudcd. " To rompaKkionate stupi­ thellthiniu But even in hi* flight nt Therefore, we may .expect they in the first commission, wa* afterwards in 1806 2Mb Dec. expedient In 1807 . 20lh Jan. dity^ is to conuniieratt Tliimhrins. he thought of a diabolical soon return to the old rate of eight appointed by our new Council; and the Russian nation ko advise this In 1800 -5th Jnn. . LUC1U8. to depress the pious printer was good enough of «orn>wy and by it will not be forgotten gentleman not to accept of the appoint­ in 1805 88th Jan. with a fresh cause • It, wilV be rtconccted thai Thlmbrlm wi» the much rhmotir during the ment, because, a* he teemed to think, in 1804 SOth J :n. mean* if mine* to blow up 1803 7lh Jan. nr*r|jr a, month {jrc|uring hi» piece lor thc Kremlin and*the Temple of Gou. dminiitrstion of Adams. But a* 9|a- the said gentleman wa* appointed be­ in picu ___ judges couta not do the in 1803 llth Jan. But wonderful U God in hi* «anc- a favourite of the people, the cause the other liwn is business without him, and by accepting So that this very long seasion IMS, in Ettntmj The old cry of Econo­ tuary. A part of the wall* of tbe tmoors of democracy, it I* sopposed, he wonld, after a manner, disgrace him­ truth, beet one of the shortest known my winch for a time, was the watch­ Kremlin, and nearly the whole of got the »ill in this case entirely cease, for they self. Nbw it seemed strange to me, that in Maryland since democracy word o! thc aiimtnistratton, seem* the building flew into the air or Were ascendancy. Has the session been un­ in all A nne-Arundel county there could to hav.« been abolished. The judge* destroyed by, the flame*, bnt 'the how a determination of supporting the du­ profitable to the people ? "During this IMS foanl only one man equajfto 8cc. were deprived of their office*, dome and Temple where the relice ilm in all his scbenfl^ whatever may ties of a levy court jud^*, aChfhat the session tbe people nave been more es senlially benefltted titan by all the de­ to Economise, in prosperous time* ; of the Saint* are kept, were prefer* the expense, or whatever the conse- Council should have npjKjintcJlim upon of tho not one wora of mocratic legislatures they have aver but now that Cimmtrct i* destroyed, vcd undamaged, * a'proof Huencea. compulsion. Believing the RuasiaA this storv, I concluded that the appoint­ had. Tho enormous fees of the register revenue dried up, and the treasury Lord'* mercy towards ment of this one gentleman must have in chancery were reduced ; and let it empty offices arc increased in abun­ Monarch and thc Empire. _ in the Council be remembered, that tlii» law, wliicli the dance 1 thc Army must have more 44 A, traveller from Konigahurg the cabinet editor, might proceeded from a belief Mr. Gale*, of his worthiness, and not of theunwor. Federalists lave so frequently* attempt­ Officer*! Thoogh we have seentluxc state* that a Russian army, 3O to wen attempt to prove that black ( fhiness of all the re»t of the good people ed, witflout succew.'to get pasted by already in commission, say* the 4O.OOO men strong under Admiral have ike, **.to convince any rational man of tho county. When in town-1 made former legislature*, would not "Farnur's Catimt" loitering about TchJtchagofT, w*« j»i\ it* march a- was,'and jiassed now if tKere had not been a fe­ «t Ijiy, benefit i* to reaalt from the inquiry who this gentleman thc country for want of cqmmands, gainst that city, after having totally what he had dpne with his commission? deral majority upon joint ballots. An Schw»ntinbnr^h, '.oobtaen that ai* to be raUed for of twenty thou­ tbt Public Mtney, yet therj defeated Prince I was told, that notwithstanding the prin­ annunl ftiQd of (rpwu and Grodno. dollar* for the sup­ are so many Bcalous patriot* (till un­ and retaken W«r»aw «lve month*.'' He say*, at.first we ter's opinion of the matter, lie haq ac­ sand that ihe- business port of county scbo<, at wl>icb>the provided for, that Congres*. arc a- " Another rrptirt say* ntertained some doubt a* to the policy tually accepted, and was doing miles from, in the coijjfc Wavr what a surly, ill- children of the poor are to be educat­ bout to add Licut. General*' to our Riiuiani were iOGerman rUtu act, but explanation* whwh were oontrivprt sort of a gentleman this gen­ ed grot it —(a law similar to this liad armies, a major to each regiment, a Warsaw and marching' on Dsnta- »«n ia debate were perfectly aatufac- tleman mint be not to do as the printer always been defeated while the legisla­ lieutenant and sergeant to each com­ ic A corpc of 10.OOO men were or- ^ ture wax (leuiooratTt-) Betides these, a pany. Few or none are willing to gry flattering. To. maioUin among every description of popple, by public than was ever 'don* M HtaJquaritri Cantonment niucx, en Hirtui-day U.% i?th inst. at outrages of the mob, and the dis­ iVrhaps, indeed, Uie session might have I tbe probability of thU, however, he a»; the vilify Dit. a/A. isi tl» clock A.M. grace whioh had been ilfereby brought closed a few days sooner, it' the senate By a return of thebrigaic of gen. THAT Mt of lot Ko, J7, in tie ci­ their duty J «uns* ua, that the army ne*r Lake |»nc upon the state, such an inquiry1; even bad not been diverted from Tannchill at volun­ ty uf Ann»poli», which extends from demanded by the to the public by busine** for which the tonsist* of thU cla*« of wen But why, if it had not bean teers, it appear* that/y« ctptaim the bouse occupied h» Mr.Joua. Water* people, was obviously necessary. To people have no* cause to thank them. w«' ia *o popular M they' would fiur lieuttntntt, tttvtf t tiipu, to Mr. (iidecn White's stove. Four U the determine what ought to be done in. or­ 'For at one time we find that body em­ part of the sergtaatt, ttg fifths of this property »re fain 'make n* believe did not the re- der to prevent a recurrence of ittnilar ployed in an attempt, by an amendment fhrtt of tie late Benjamin Tsaker, mniiciant and Hint hunartd uatale J9t9tftble labouring young »en of the outrage, it bvuame important to aacee- to the constitution, toeularge Uieir own twiHtv-6vi E*u. apd one fifth part of the estate of uuuten it was owing, that powers ; and so l«t* as the second d and thirty frrvatttt had »KVoi,Tito (if a *lngle cam- uin to what Uieliae Alien ttuynu,li»q. I eastern states volunteer the l^w* wore prostrated, and that the of January they were asserting, ami BKBERTBD, leaving for duty ou» 'Ve in greater i»um their right to claim of the Samuel hiaign the Ust nif*tr guilty could not Im brought to punish­ message, ty tw-j hundred apd *i^ty.*tveji pri­ Hichard T. than th« ve done ? ment. The inquiry toot; place A vast house of delegates, thut thete printer vate*. .-':•'...' ma** of testimony was collected The be compeniutej out of the pTOjic, trea­ thereof. General Trflatet of ih« fire*idc*, one lh consequence , deposition* of the mayor, and other 'de­ sury, becauko he WHS hot'apponSted pleased to or^au- - 1- of tho popular branch, Tannehill will be .enjoying the fruit, oftneir own labors, mocrats, 4i*closed the causes of the tu­ of the ofllcer* non-cfjfejfciljioned Fob. 4th, 1810, many, t may be true,-indeed, that tl>e journnls iie tbj» remaining of twelve month* will be alt- I Wpet«>Telinqui»h delegates, a law wa* passed to remedy volume tlmn woso of the present ; but a battalliun, under the cWimaiid of i nvhater WHhap>ro''dB»cur:-ty.^3t. j comfort* v ani and »urely no rational man would argue majerHarriet. , • Uie defeclaof tbeJftw in Baltimore, ^laBOLUTtON, OV 1'ARTli1p>. , and the plan. to give to the eitixeo ever* security From, thut aireuniKtance, that the«en*ion which it waa in the power or the legis­ was more profitable to. the people, or GENERAL^ coy RT MARTIAL. BJMiouragmg, 1. lature to^aJfoedr-But t|hia law, for rea­ to the state printer. l«et UM> people Ttmderjtsnd that a general The portovukl on the anlodr son* not lH*n, wa* rejected by th;« dra, not by the sice of the journals M«r\ial will Jascroplt in thia, jot ween tby'Uie value* of tt>e act* of m tile xeatlnlony about Ui b«i pub the most ral W,~Hull, and tha^. the ' cowru \» tn Latjjhn admirer* of dem,ocracy produce pe ree raised t6 'make Kshed, aa outcry vras raised abouUAhe to be^ootnposed, of Ch^o followUs| to ti had any hiW* of the wesyion of 1811, equal i not nlcampaigo the en*uings*jwon, expense to witieh the iuventigatioo member*.:- l put tb« state so much WoulO in pnbllo benefit to tnone for reduciwe Mfttlar force already there, foes of the register in chono«ry,a,nc . Gen. Wa Jt Hmnp- SHAW cost, and what were the j»eople going the 1*43. well dl»ciplined to say to tbatjWfh*, mo»t taodente. for ralalng Ute education of, ndel County, sc. JONATHAN aoopT jority for tht btU, 87. ' On application to me the subscriber in tbe Sensible 'F Atine Arundel county ewm, at *n asMtciite judcf for the third jutiicial dfurift of it, phc« have I'ecciwd < few ctjit* •• '" Wentert yesterday : associate judge for the third Juriicftd djtttrifl of Maryland, by petition Ini writing oY Bp MIA­ Coach Making Of a tplend'id edition of lhe° Marvland, by pe>Uton, in writing,, of Danty MI* Lcsar of said cotiniy, pray ine; for Ihe be­ In tbia rityr Tetai*t::Wtf.lg^ed t^sjJ 'Nfft Chttterrdrn presented th* pe­ arwrn, of said county, praying f<* he relief of sandry ineol- pationt, who he hopes will continue Bookt lately publithed. by Mt tition'of MVcih J, Eyfcman, now of of the a* for the relief of sundry irtsorrent vnur*. At the same tirre wtsbw to de'uort. and the several supplements thereto, jrem.debWr*. arid the several supplements there- Thomas of RhiladelphU,, Wsvhave •N. York, stating that he wat a m«- TO, oir rht ttrrnc nuttntoned1 in the said; afl»,.a- tkem, that having employed • person t torn math gratified by an insgettioo on rt»e term* mejitlemed in saM a«*, a sen*. chanic in Montreal previotu to the '^J^SSjropmy and a Ihn of fc t credrvort, scbcda'e of hit property, and a list of his cre­ Up to the of thi«etleg»nt work, and rojXke to declaration of war, on which he re-' --- --5-—.s far --•>•»—at he, can ascertain them, being ditors, nn oath, ai Far as he can ascertain them, being ahnexad to hit petition i and having satis­ find: th»t a (ufficicat degr*« of libet- turned to thit country with his ef­ ,„_ to his petition, and having satisfied ^ me that be has resided in the itaie of Maryland fied me that he has resided in the state of Bttitncst, hi intinds oaAy'mj on tk>aj •fity airittefinement perYades the A- fects had been seized by the reven­ Maryland for two vears Immediately precerliirg' aJI 1 rcaWk for two years immediately preceding tr-.e time AWP O»L1 hi>rYcan Public to enable otir Book- ue offic«rt—*.the petition "prayed Ve- of his application, hiving al*o stated in hit the time of his application i having also itat- N ». A convenleat, light teller! to publish syh splendid editl petition that he is in confinement for debt, ed that he U in confinement for debt, and hav­ fotaaje or hirer. •etitutioB, and -Wat referred to the ing prayed to be discharged therefrom—-I do oh* at are BarJow's Cotumbiad, committed of ways and meant. and having prayed to be discrwrgcd from his fliVrfnapoJis, Corn.HltVftraet, Wilson's Aawrfcan Ornithology, & confinement on the terras prescribed in said i hereby order and adjudge, that the person of ^••January it, Mr. M'Kim presented the petiti­ acts i 1 do hereby order and adjudge, that the the said Benjamin Lusby be discharged from Thorn*}!*. Episcopal Prayer on of capt. Clement Sewell, an offi­ person of the said" Dsn*y Brown be dischsrg confinement, 8t that by causing a copy of this In Counci Thii tatter Work it spoken of in the ed arid by carting a copy of this orAnr to be order to be inserted in the Maryland Gazette cer in the revolutionary war, pray­ fox three months tucecuivcly before the third jannrfti Thru Dottartft following terms of commendation in published In the Maryland Gazette for three BY a rewJve of the Legii ing bounty in lands, and compensa­ months successively before ihe first Monday of Monday in April next, to give notice to hit ft Pap*:^ creditors to ap|Xar before the county coon of th« executive id for thtfMtrM tion of half pay. Referred to the April neat, to give notice to his creditors to printed, on the most re ^ »* The splendid, edition of thit m- appear before the coonty "Hirt of said County, said coonty on the said third Monday of A- committee of claims. pril ne«C fWr the purpose of recommending t testimony taken before the Comminee < Wtimable Manual, >ith which Mr. Mr, JJrackenrTdge (frefCntet) the on the third WoMay of April next, far the ancea and Courts of justice, purpose of feccmmetvlmg • trustee lor Aeir trostee f«r their benefit, and to shew caus*. if IrUSB OF .RflPRESE? Mot&t TfcoKAaotfifs to enrich the' petition of Mrs. Margaret Carr, any they have, why the said Benjamin Liitbv. late mobs and riets irfthe city vf Ha benefit, and »o shrw they hmvr, The Execuiive wi|l receive (tropoiali^ Quitch, the Library, and the Clo- widow of Richard Carr a revoluti- why the said Uanzy Brown should trot have should not have the benefit of said *a» as pi ay- ed for Given under my hand this seventh publishing said testimony, 'm pimpW fa »et, u antffortof professional taste, ary soldier, which was referred to the tbe benefit tf t>ie afls M prayed for. Given un­ The proposals must state on what t der my htJtfhia 3i*t day ol Novernlier. tin day of Jaiyary, eighteen hundred and thirteen liberality, trrd enterprise, .equally committee of clitmt. Richard H. llartsitod. work «ill be undertaken, ux honorable U> him as an editor, and Mr. Troup presented the petition ___[]' Richard H. Hantnod. work < •s a Zealous member of that Church of Charlet Rockwell, stating that a County Court, Stftm- Whose Liturgy and offices he hat shipment of goods was made to him btf TVrro. l»l«. State of Maryland, sc. ON application to the judges i>£ Anne-Ann- ON application, by petition of Samuel Mac- thus presented to the public. frfcm Liverpool Jn the ship Tho­ cul>brn, rxrcotnr of th« last will and tecrament . The form under whichhe hat com- del county court, by petiti"n in writing of Jo- NOTICE, mas Gibbon, which ship was cap­ scrn H VaMicf, of faidcoonty, praying the of Gauaway Rawlingt, late of Annc-Arutulel THE subscriber having obtained tnunicated these venerable Formula­ tured by the privateer schooner At­ benefit of the afi for the relief of sundry m- count;-, deceased, it is ordered, trial he give administration on the personal ejita ries of public and private Devotion, las of one gun, fitted out for the lolvent debtors, patwd at November Sewion, the notice rsxjuirttl by law. lor the creditors to rain Roakar DXSIMV, late of Anne., eighteen huridrrd and five, and the several iu|>- bring in their claim* against the Slid deceased, county, deceased, rarjuests all pereon«.^_ It more jastly accommodated to their purpose. That one half of the said plemenrs thereto, u|>on the terms mrnti^ned ifi and that the same be published once in each intrinsic and unrivalled excellence, claims agaiist the estate of the ttiddeeeass/! goods,_, had been received byw him and the said aft, and the su|>pWnv«i thereto, a u-cck. for >he space of sic successive weeks, present the same, legally authenticate!), tar ' than any which has appeared ia A- the other half condemned to the U.\ schedule of his^property, and a lid nf his ere in the Maryland Uepublican and Maryland Ca- on oath, as far u he can ascertain tltment, and all ptrions indebttfi to UM | •*a«rica. aettsj. estate to nuke immedUte payment States. The petition pnyed telief, together with the assent of more than John Ga«««ir«y. Rtg. milt .The decoration* are executed by and was referred to committee of) two thirds of them in value to his obtaining tor A A county A*$u4ta I/enny, tht 4m Artists, the paper of supe­ ways and means. the benefit of said act, being annexed tn his December ji. ______rior quality, and the type large and said petition | and the said coon being fatisfied Tbt Bill t» autbtrist tbt inning »/Trea­ by competent testimony, that he ha> resided in THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, For Sale &Hire, luminous. The composition of the the state of Maryland for the period of two -That (hr subscriber of Anne- Anlndel county, sury Notts. hath obtained from the orphans coun of Anne- A parcel of likely, healthy Men, W* Allegorical Engravings is as remark­ This bill authorises the president years immediately ptccedirg his application, Children t on application to the lub-cr able for its novelty, at for itt cor- and that he has given due public notice ol his AniJidel county, in Maryland, letters testarMn. terms will be masw known. I of the United States to cause to be tary on the personal estate of Gatsaway Haw. redness and expression. In abort, intention to make it: it is therefore ordered gent man to superintend my business, or» issued treasury notes to the amount and adjudged*th»t the faid Joseph P. Prarce. lings, late of Anne-Arnndd cotl'ity, d erased can come well recommended for his hoaeny there hat been no limitation of labor of 5 millions of dollars ; and also, by cauling a copy of this order to be inferred All pmon, having claims against the said dsv sobriety will meat with Itfoper encoor or expence, to render it worthy the in the Mar; land Gazette, once a week for three ceaked, are bervhy warfKxl to exhibit the same, but he must be a man that will carry _ if he thill deem it expedient to is­ fucc^sive months, before the third Monday with the vouchers thcreot, to the subscriber, on patronage of the orthodox and pious sue a further amount not exceeding or before the lift day of Oftuber nut. they may authority, or it will be nerdlens to apply Churchman, the man of taste, of e- of April next, give notice to his creditor, in must also bring a chsra/nrr from a man of < five millions of dollars ; provided appear before the Uw fnr ArundrJ county, on the fmt Mondiji We trutt, the liberal encourage­ recess of Anne-ArurxM cosintv c^urt, as an the tmXfor, to brlns; in the claims against the M»rch, at Mr. William Brewer'* I ment given to thit highly commend The following is the vote on the associate judge of the third jJOicisI district o4 said dtcensrd, and that ibe same be published in Annapolii. LOAN BILL on its final pastage. Maryland, by |*tition ia writing of WILLIAM once in each \vrtk fur ihe space of six succes­ •ble effort of taste and ingenuity, Baajlas of -M county, pray ins; the benefit of sive weeks in the Mar)land Gazette and Mary­ January Ii, 1813. will induce others of a similar na­ YL.AS—Messrs. Alston, Ander- an afl tcr the relief of sandry inv.lrrnt debt land Rcpilmcan. ture by the publisher, in editing the son, Archer, Avery, Bacon, Bard, or\, paa>ed at November s siion, eighteen hun­ John Gattmcmu. Reg. WMt For Sale works of themott eminent and valu­ Basset, Bibb, Blacklcdge, Brown, dred and five, and the several vup|Jemcnts for A A, County thereto, on the terms mentioned in the sai.l acts, _»-. A Negro Woman, tgad 32. r ...... able authors. Burwell, Butler, Calhoun, Carr, a schtdule of his property, and a lift of his Children, thrw girls and * boy, I To accommodate the tatte, tt well Chevct, Cochran, Clopton, Condit,' creditors, on oath, as far as he can ascertain THIS 19 TO GIVE NOTICE, eldttt daughter nine yts\rt of i^e, Ihrm, b>ing ano -led to his petition; and the That the »ub-*rii age b< Desha, Dinsmore, Earle, Findley, said William liarnes having satisfied me by qtiir« at the Gazette Office. ___ purchasers, Mr. Thomas hat judici­ competent testi-n thai he has resided in the AmiKlel cuuiuy, in Maryland, letters o' admi- ously presented this volume under Franklin, Gholson, Good wyn. Green, stale of Maryland fur Ihe period of two >ears ni>initi»n on the personal estate of Richard October 99. Aft U immedlatrly preceding this his apptica'ton. and Harr'wm. late of Anne-Animlel county, de­ bindings of different value, and with Grundy, ;B. Hall, O. Hall, Harper, ceased All [persons having claims againsj the H«wes, Johnson,' Kent, Kiftg, La- on* of the constables of Anne-Arundel coun NOTICE. or without platet—•from the neat and ty having certified that the said petitioner is said dbOeased, arr herrhy warned t» exhibit the durable covering of plain calf, to cock, Little, Lyle, Moore, M'Coy, now in his custody for debt only, and the said ume, «uh the necessary vouchers thereof, to THE subscriber hereby give* iwtice, -ttal s» intends 10 apply 10 Anne Arundel county «*. M'Kim, Mitchell, Morgan, Morrow, William Barnes having given sufficient security the subscriber, on or before the 2jth day of the matt superb alld brilliant deco­ May i>ext, they may otherwise by law be ei- or some our of the jodgrs thereof, In tk* if ration, which Gold and Morocco Nelson, New, Newton, Ormtby, for his personal appearance at Anrit-A-umiel county cuurt, to answer lucH allegations at m») cluited from all benefit of the said estate cess of said court, for the benefit cf tbe act 1st could, bestow ; and all at a remarka­ Fickcns, Piper, Pleasantt, Pond, IM made against him by his crcd ton : 1 «lo Given under my band this loth day of Janua­ the relief of sundry Insolvent' debtors, paM bly low rate in order to give ce­ Ring™nld, Robertton, Rliea, Roberts, therefore order and adjudge, that ihe said Wil­ ry, tfij. A at November session, itoj, lebrity to its execution and extent Sage, Sawyer, Scvier,Scybcrt, Shaw, liam Bamea be discharged from his imprison­ YThomat Srllman, Advfr. plementt thereto. G. Smith, J, Smith, Slow, Strong, ment, and that he (by causing a copy ol this Janu">Q-tr______. 6w. to itt circulation." ordet to be inserted in one of ihe public news Janury 7, Taliaferro, Troup, Turner, While- papers In the city of Ann.poli,. every wak Negroes for Sale. CONGRESSIONAL. hill, Widgery, Wright—7*. lor three months souxtsively, before the third NAYS—Messrs. Baker, Bigelow, Monday in April next,) give notice tu his cre­ At ii o'clock on Monday lh« lib nf February, WANTED. BOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES ditors to apjiear before Aiine-Arund**! county If fair, if not on the first fair day thereaf­ A person to undertake the makitf 'I Bleecker, Boyd, Brcckenridge, Brig- cjiurt on tbe said third Monday in April next, ter, 1 will eipoae to t'nblic Sale, at the TutiJay, Jan. 26. dwe'ling-house of John Smith, in OM Swamp COPPERAS : Any OHM competes! l»| ham, Champion, Chitlenden, Cook, at 10 o'clock in the morning, ror th« purpose the work, on a ltxg« scale, may bos»l Mr. Blcckcr presented the petiti­ Davenport, Ely, Emott, Fitch, Gold, of recommending a truttec for their benefit, of West Hiver, Anne-Arundel couoty. and to shew cause, if any they birr, why A FAMILY OF X EG ROES commodat«d with • v»lu»bU situaUea | on of —— Black, praying to be re­ Goldsborough, Gray, Hufty, Jack­ Apply to tire Editor. leased from a bonu fordfuties on goods the said WiUiam Bames should not have tin Of the very bast dispositions, tbe mother, son, Lewis, M'Bryde, Milnor, Mose- benefit of the said a/) and supplements as pray between 35 and 40 years of age, a very able Annapolis, Jan. U, U13. brought from Canada. Referred to ly,Pilkin, Porter, Quincy, Randolph, ed. Given under my hand this aoih day of hand with an axe, a spade, or a plough, or at the committee of wayt and meant. Reed, Ridf^ely, Sammont, Sheffy, August, ilia. fm domestic work i her daughter about 17 i three Mr. Morrow presented the petiti­ Riekard Kidgtiy. sons, handsome hojs, 7, I and y years old, Potomac Company. Stuart, Siurees, TaggaVt, Talmadge, and a child at the breast They are to W toU AT a meeting of the1 President t*«d t>im> I on of t Lieut. Colonel of Ohio vo- Tallman, Wheaton, White, Wil- for cash, to satisfy a debt due from said Smith tors of the Potomac Cornpany, held at Gears*- 1 . lunteen, stating that he had receiv­ ton.—38. Anne*Arundel County, sc. to the heirs of John Galloway, guaranteed by Town, oa ibe aoth day «f JaJUstry, ed a wound in his march tothe Pro­ DN application to me, the. subscriber, In the the subscriber the purchaser will be required present ree*»» I'f Aniie Arundrl county coun, as an so give bis bond that they shall not be sold out Charles fiimras, prrsideot. phet's town ; not from "the ene'mV EXCHANGE OF OLD SIX PER associate judge for ine third judicial dittrict o( of this state, or distrIA of Columbia, for five John Mason, < , ^ bnt from one of the volunteers thro* CENT 4- DEFERRED 8TQCK8. Maryland, by petition, tn writing, of Uaoxsk years substoMjntac^he tale. Elle W .mams,' C Drreotnrs. accident, and praying a pension. Pursuant to the act of Csoffcss, entitled, W. PAanaa, of >aid county, praying fur tb« a Jk. Jok* c- HW*?- k Georjr Peter, 3 Referred to the committee of •< An aH authoriting a subscriptiun for the old benefit nf the ac\ for the relict' of sundry insol­ West Rirtr? Jtn.71 , 1 1 1 j. jw. It appearing tn the board from the rerBlsf six per cent and determi stocks, and provid­ vent debtors, a«d the several sup|J«fticnls tht resolution of the legislature «f Ihe attU« filairht. ing (or tbe exchange of tbe same," passed on thereto, on the terms mentioned in said a/ls, Maryland, at rheir late seseio*, that the ssa» Mr. Archer reported from the te- OM6lh day of July, lju. books will be open, a schedule of his property, and a Hit ol his 20,000 Dollars Cash! ner of ihe loan of thirty ihootand dollars fe>* Te^l committee to whom the subjec\ ed on the first day of OAober next, at (he creditors, oa oath, being annexed to his peri, A'otr nflont in tht I'otomatatul Shenatt- posed to be made to the company at the ptttf Treasury, and at the several loan offices, and tinn, and having satisfied me that he has re­ ou oi the president and directors, is sucks* was referred t bill authorising the will cotuinne open till the nth day of March sided two years in ine stale ol Maryland im­ doah Lottery, ttcvnd ciaii. requires the cojaaUenuloa of the corapaa; a*- Secretary of the Treasury to tvb« ae«t, for receiving subscriptions ot the utd sii mediately piecvding the lime of hirappliration, 1 prizt of |20,000 tenbled in I^|^Bcctrng. . _ ._ »o(tih« for «rharcs jn the Cnesspeake |)er cent and drierrcd stocks, in the manner pre­ having also stated in bis petition that he is 1 do. fi.OOO Keaptved, V^B meeting of tte **•* and*19b\ware €a.nal company, in be­ scribed by the said a/l. New certificates, bear. in confinement tor debt, and having prayed 1 do. 2,000 holders of the r^Nsnac Cosnp>ny be IB| inberest Irom ihcj first day el' the quarter in to be discharged therefrom; 1 do hereby order 7 do. ed to he held utbe UP^*\ Tavern in < half of th% rfure the luurtu Monday in Apiil ] prise of 0 \6jOOO IDSTV >1. ; -•:''•!. J*^ The house took My the considera­ at she.Trea.sory orV tbe Loan Offices respec. next, to gtvs notice u^his creditors, urappear 1 do. . 10,000 tiyely where th«( old stock subscribed may at before the county court"of said county, on (lie 1 do. *JOOO tion of the bill to regulate pensions the time stand credited. The new stock will said fourth Monday of April item, for the For Sale for persons on board privateers, and be redeemable at rhc pleasure of the United purpose ol rectKamendii>g a troiKe lor their 1 do. 2,000 BT THB BlCUt.-.-, agreed to the amendments proposed 8»atest4 a»y timemficr the Jiijday af Deeem- benefit, and to shew cause, if aay they hav«, 8 do. v 1.000 Tfcirty Blue Qloth TWrty Sto* ber, iS^v but no reimbursemcniNrtll be mad* srhy the said George W 1'atkcr should not 6 do. 500 Jacket*, to the sarpe by tbe naval committee. except for I IK whole tinuutit of the stock stand­ have the benefit ol the afls at prayed for 10 do. of 100 Tickets <*eh in this class. The bill wat ordered to be engrossed Given uuder ray band this »6t» day of Juuiary, Thirty pair ing at .tbe. lime, to the credit of any proprie­ Beside* ft vast numbur of small prizes, foont, fer t third reading to-morrow. \ tor, on tbebnokt of tbe treasury or ot the com­ ill] 5k and not near 1 .1-2 blanks to a prise. Thirty peJ , . 7"> tpeaker laid before the fionne missioners ol loatu rc»|>ectivc>y, nor till after if. at least six navntbs prevjous pultlic ng«n* oC Present price of tickets | 9. ' < • letter froto the Secretary of the such imtudetLsyinburtemem. Augustus Uz. TICKETS At SHARES Treasury,) covering an account of Bold by Jo*ErirMiLLio*N, tunnies received into the Treasury Resncclfully inforina ihe OtiMns of Amupoli,, that at the c»me»/; K.lkitsrlifes nf Dook-a«ller, George-town. NOTICE. from miscellaneous sources j^T the Lund for Sale., some nf.the most respsvUnle Inhabiiams IM Who s«l seolsi up the books of** muies)-o( Way* and Means. I Will sell tbe planlwl'-ngn which t o»w re­ to devote hit (cHuMi sxnir»*> their btnerlt arid All orders for tickeU iwrtfcult>rly lare business. onc« more Mmestly redoes* 4 side, containing about six liM*drt* aot} sixty gratification, with hii n«w and tir^ant mode at jiersons indebted to tlwin, «4tlBr by >o«* ¥ acres of valuable Und,!Jsdafitcd to (srrliing, in to. PriM Tiokou in this an4 LQAfl BILL. Colouring mid VniaweiUitig WaU»t other Lotterrea taken < open accowht, to settle t»» •*»• wirh KiJ<<7 The engrossed bill authorising* loan • healthy situation i There rs thf 'freaiest either in imn'. t>)rrcnot», m request mKy t* peA nita^Jy brought: agw0*^ land lies wl:hl« »wo miles uf Henins; Creek writing, left at Mr JATVIS'S, on Mill Hwiirt, tkem for •poke Bgairftt it, and wat followed Church, five inU*S frosn 1M( fojn,t. ajtsf abvtx WANT by Mr. pitkin, who tpoke at some or at Mr. Isuc I'arsej's I avrtji, (wlvre a ]»" 14, rhe same distance from Herring Hay, It will Asigh fpecWen of tb« work may be »ern,> will 1l YOUTH of ^boui tftor 17 ye*rt length di» the Mine tide. No reply be divided » ault yurcbasers, if dcstrtd. for be sirkrly attended to, and all necesiarv in. of age, who wrilet t good Jitnd and un William Bates was iiUetnftted fey any .in«9sber on tsrros apply to the suoKriber. formation reipecuog iipensea and durit'j4itr dernUndt ArlUimotic, to-atUnd in • atlwr tide—"WfisH* t)li Qtttltsta given, v *' :orej.-p1uqaife at UM G&ecue OtTlca. * V. * X Jaa.91. ML If.. MAE aking igoed taaM « k II continue tk* e wtibM to i ANNAPOLIS, THURSDAY, FEttHUAttY 11, 1813. No

*ntk*3 for more-. He compared tht I and the thcar^at on these.. This he . Chairman, that this Mr. Chfajfetan, arguments like ight Alt ratNTJCD AWP relative situation at the country in said wai' the true and legal applica mode railing money by Daie.4 tjbeae are and tUeir fallacy 1812 and'13. In 18 li, then were tion' of----- the ainVing fund,- - as would (oana\ excitea in my mind, m*>e ap- convjata in thia,^Ug!t not mow than GREEN, twenty millions of property in the be ahown if the question should be prehenaiotts for the libertiea of this one in tea, .of tfte wfcole number 'of _ country, Whjdv, waa now agitated, country, that even the raising of'the souls htt^e. United States, pay any .Vroughc hone. Tn«!«a(« of w*r Mr. BIGILOW, after observing Urge army which has beer*authoris­ part of the tax, •Vkrtt Oottartftr Aiu*tm, had of neeeeahy releaaed large euros' that he made th'nmotion, (to atrike ed. .Thia, if not a novelty, ia a dan­ any part of it nineteen-vwentiktKa from the demands of commerce and out the first section of the bill) be- gerous experiment in legislation.^ have aa much as they can do to Mp. it would be the intereat of the canae he meant to oppose the ayatem An experiment calculated to shake port thtnisaivea and fanvtics and holders of tbis money tnl Idsjq it to of obtarnisg money by loans/ rather the mfaility of *4^ government, but make any previs,ion ft?r their chil­ government." If tt ahould be aaid than the details of the bill, laid.; , more especially one like oars, found­ dren. Beside*, air,- the accumulation jAlf. 2iS. that the release^ capital from the Mr. Chaifman -In support of the ed on the will and the affections of of in tereat and thevannaai expendi­ demands of commerce', had a'dtaaat- motion which 1 have made, and the people. , . tures of government, are left out of On motion of'it* Cmvaa, the rous aspect, it waa auaccptiblu of a which if it prevails, is tantamount . To raise large nrmtea, la at all the calculation'. house resolved Uaelf into » comrolt- satisfactory answer, which would be to a rejection of the bill, I will make timea, and on all occasions, danger- That this reasoning of the eld f ihe whole,'on thVlml "­ given when the objection should be some, oetervatiooa. although 1 find put to the libertiea of a republic, but coogmaMraa fallacious, w* hav* in- thorising a loan, of anflltona of urged. ^Mr.'G, thought the banks myaeif under' an uncommon degree U u infinitely more so ta raise them oormovertable evidence (torn their rs" and alao, a bifr.*uihoYis- alone would be'able, from* the dimi­ of erafcarvaAeioeiTt. An embarrass­ for the avowed object of invasion own months. For on the 17th of nution of the demands of commerce ment, which proceeds not only from and conquest, and depend on lt»ans March following, they pasted a re­ if obtained I*** J upop them, to .afford to government the delicacy of my situation, but for their pay and subiiatence. . solution, 4« That gold and silver rnonal utue o| ( chair. - v the aids it. Wanted, if they could from an apprehension, hay, sir, con. I am aware, that a nation, irritat­ should be receivable 141 payment of »w of ,Mr. CHBVfl, nioVed.thatthe Brat, give circulation to their business viction, that it will be ^impossible ed at the injuries inflicted on it by the qaota*- required of the ^several >t* all penont. for me \o communicate to the com­ another, ia apt to wish into war re- atatea at the rate .of one Spaniah of the iiiddefc blank be filled with t'rie word «« at* with government, something like auihentkcaMil. en." He then went into a detail­ that-avhich aubaiated between them mittee my reason* for the motion, »rdU*s of racaaa or conaequencea. milted dollar in lien of .every 40 of indcbtcji to u» | ed account of thcdrtnanda for which and individuals/ They had drawn in that clear and forcible manner, Eat, air, the great political maxim, the bills (then) in circulation." payment provision .was to be masfe and the in much of their capital since the with , whieh they hive presented that trie preservation of public cre­ No wonder, then, that congress Denny, reaources to meet th^ae demands. . war, and were better able to loan. themselves to my own mind. > dit, involves in it the preservation should say in 178S, » Thatjt ia es­ rr Mr. Catvia having thua t o$ered now than they Were the 'laat year.' The delicacy »f any situation re? of national honor, and national ex­ sential to juatice, and the preaerva- Hire, e above' statements, said, it might The money borrowed from the go­ tttlta from my having-been opposed istence, ought never to be forgotten. tion of Iblic credit, that whenever ItbrMcn. objected, that they 'were not sa- vernment the laat year, waa not ta­ to the war, when it was declared, It ought to be the first article, in the a debt contracted, proper funds n to the ifactory aa we were engaged in a ken out of the circulation, of the from being now opposed to ita pro­ creed of every politician of whatever should be eitablrthed, not only 'for n. I wtnlatoba.d money market had only passed' secution, aa well, because the prin­ party ; one which he ought never for paying the annual interest, but for mv tnuincta, on | r»r, the duration of which waa un- Ira for hit teruin, and might he long, and that into other hands, and if not dem^od- cipal cause for its declaration has party or temporary purposes for a diacharging.the principal wit bin a ur views of thr w^y« and meaoa ed for the objects Of industry and of been removed, as from a persuasion, moment to lose sight of. reasonable period." And, sir, if we »t will carrjr commerce, which would not proba­ that the invasion of Canada ia both Better, air, lose the election of are not now willing to aubscribe to *rdle« to applj ought to extenci, not only to the *r from a man of* pretent, bnt to future yeara. Thit bly k* the caae, the present holders morally and politically wrong, and a favorite candidate for preaident i this doctrine, a few yean continu­ 1 be uuteu to i no doubt would be done, and could would find U their 'intereat to loan it a conviction that the manner of rais­ better air, lose ouf own places, than ance of the war«will afford ue aff«W- fMrally : done without 'difficulty, if the le- again to the government. It might ing and distributing the military suffer the public credit to be impair­ ful example of ita truth. be alao objected, aaid Mr, C. that force, is not adequate to the con­ ed. Mr. Chairman I will now pro­ lennett alature and the prooer conatituted Eiuthoritiea did their duty* He would the government, by thia bill, waa not templated objeAli But, air, we have Having, Mr. Chairman, made ceed to the aecoad point, vix. That premiae that the ayatem which waa restricted in the rate of interest. voted to raise the force, and are theae general remarks, I will attempt without auch a fund loana cannot be r Baltimc propoaed with a view to .the' war, To thi» he would reply, that if pre­ about to rely on loana ty givn twtics, itatll complished, aa it -regarded the pre- five per cent, to the amount of ed him. made to the old congreit in Dec. '82, the revolutionary war had a popular- ! Arundel county «**.l entyear. The ordinary expenses 6,774,559 6-1OQ dolls, at 6 percent, National honor and national glory by a committee conaiating of Mr. ity, which thia haa not, and because gr» thereof, In bf the government for thia year, and to the amount of 24,000,000 Mr. Chairman, have a charm in the Hamilton, Mr. Mfdiaoa »nd Mr. positions, supported by fafls, are en­ lie benefit of ihcMkt to»r«nf debtor*, pMMl| night be estimated ae 9,500,000 dol- dollars, without any .limitation of aound, which atrike aweet music to Fitaaimraoni. 1, V * titled to more credit, than thoae aup- loj, ars, while the revenue receivable the intereat authorised to be given. the ear, while national faith and na­ The position ia true it all times'; ported by mere argument. Upon rithin the year, waa aaeertained to The 6rst loan authorised by the go­ tional credit, atrike it, with the harah at that time, it waa felt, underatood this subject, I beg leave to read a 12,000,000 dollars, leaving a sur­ vernment waa for 1X,OOO,OOO, and notes of diacord. No man, however, and acknowledged by every man in few passages from two letters from plus of a,500,OOO dollars, beyond without any restriction in the rate admires more than I do, national ho­ the U. Statea. Dr. Franklin, then our minister in ITED. the sum required to carry the prin- of intereat. This, too, waa in a nor and national glory i but it must At that time, and lor some time France. The first is dated Dec. 23, piple alluded to into effect. The ttate of peace we 'are now in a be that honor and that glory which previous, the publio/ffcredit of the 178S, in which he says : '« Friday Hake the neana of providing for future atate of war, when- ha hoped, how­ ia incirclcd by virtue,and justice and laat an order wa* given to furnish jr one competes! Ml country waa at a low ebb. The con- fears were ebvioua and abundant, ever gentlemen in the minority might supported by national faith and Scre- greaa of that day were unremitting- me with 6XX\000 livrea immediately, ge acale, may be»»l differ from the majority as to the dit. and I was answered by M Vcrgennea a valuable wtualMa I /e had a wealthy and unexhauated ty engaged ia their endeavora to re- kouniry, on which not a cent of bur- propriety of the war, or the objects Sir I admire not the glory of con­ itore it. In their addretaea to the that the rest of the 6,OOO,OOO should I*. 'UK. [hen had yet been laid. Taxea might of the war, aa the ev«ata,of it must quest, i admire not the glory of An aeveral atatea, urging a compliance be paid us quarterly in the course of i hid a repeal of the- affect objc&a equally dear to all they Alexander: I mean the Macedonian with their requisitions, the language the year 1783. i preaaed hard for iws alone would furnish the roeana would not be found ao far to sepa­ not the Rtmian Alexander. I admire uniformly was, that a compliance waa the whole sum demanded, but waa Company. impoaaible. r President »ndl) or the ensuing year, and probably rate themselves from the govern­ not the glory of a Julius Cataar, or neceaaary, not merely for the prcser- told, it waa Our people certainly ought to do omrtany, held at GcorfM fonder, while it would have the ad­ ment and the country as unnecessa­ a Napoleon. I have no desire for vation, but for the restoration of 1*7 «f more for themselves. It is, abaurd ditional advantage of bringing home rily to eutbarraae the endeavours of that American glory, which Hi to be public credit.' property of our citiaene and the majority to prosecute the war acquired on the plains of Abraham, the pretending to be lovers of liber­ Boating the count*? with surplus ca­ with honour and success. He hoped at the Walia of Quebec, or on the May such, never again be the lan: ty, and grudge paying for the de­ Drraeton. pital, which would probably be loan- the petty prejudices and distinctions barren sand» of Tlorida. Beaidea, guage of ao American congreat; fence of it. The foupaation for cre­ to the government. Taxea might of party would not raingle in (his Mr. Chairman, the preaent atate oi but if theae meaaures are peraiated in dit abroad ahonld be laid at home ^ .-._ from the . . . . it will be inevitable. rgiiUturt of ItM H»B « | the preaent cessi­ great queution, but would be gene­ our rimnces afford hut a gloomy pros­ and certain funda should be prepar­ « KMMM, that tha i on of congress, if a proper degree rously sacrificed upon the altar of pect for the speedy attainment of Aa early, Mr. Chairman, aa Sept. ed and established beforehand, for ty ihootand dollar* f* I public good. He wo*ld just add, that thia species of glpry. 1779, Congreaa had issued billa of the regular payment, at least of the w cwmpmjr at tjw pn** mdpsyy (w*re bestowed on the ind diftAon, ti tucatf pubject. If not, the preaident waa the bill authorising the if suing of An empty treasury, to be replen­ credit to th« amount of 159,944,888 interest. " tlqa of the compaaj * with powe^t^all congreas treasury notes, which waj alao be­ ished by naked loana, U but an ill o- dollaia. At thla period, however, In another letter dated March If, ', before thflHpatitutional fore the committee, had a connexion raen of success. thsJy calcnlated on preserving the 1789, after apeaking on the subject of meetl'ng of tic « * the French loan, he says ; u I ab­ c Company bt »« «* triad of their oieel^and in time with the loan bill. It authorised, What, air, is the present.atate of public credit | and it ia not a littU nio* Tavern in G««r* actompliah thia object for the in addiiioa to the sum relied upon our fuuncea ? .." remarkable, that their calculation* stain from repeating here the other <"T>°«e of the eiuuing year. He aa a pm of the waya a.nd means of Let the report of the secretary of were founded on the aame principle* parts of the Count de Vergennea oeclared it to bo hia decided opinion, the year, tha ilAie of a further sum the treasury apeak. That, air, in­ with thoae of the chairman of the diapatchea, which 1 had the honour' Board of repeal ofwa wtwrawir*'iM heHU fejtil*t,> 4ej reat" serve in the. details of the gentle­ addition to the army and aavy-wil) will read you their calculations, at a speedy establishment of solid ge­ Thirty fair flux* aptctTut defence) that both ought man any provision made for the rc- amount to 31,925 ,«X>doUar», Thoa* that 'time, 1779, in neral revenue, and an exact perfor­ "* B^BMrt V_fcoe aoncJ__ to. render' . theV ways' and * of the trcasvry notes cooditiona according to th* atate- worda: l mance of the eugagemchta which |»anaof the government abundant; payable after this yiar, with the in* ment of the hoiu chairman of the * Let u snppoae, for tht aake of congress have made, you man r»- the proietution of the war vigo- tercat,*«a also the intereat on the committee of ways and me ana will in­ argument, that at the conclusion of noonce the expectation of loana to 17 a* VIA** A '^ A *»+ tit. arts* aW * % *AAm JOHN SHAW. s and aucceaafuK GanUftmeo, he loan of 1818. . He asked if the eight crease the expences to thirty si* mil­ the war, the emissions should amount Europe." Again, rir, in an addrese 21 "i could not entertain any reaaon- millions appropriated to the public lions. The revenues are but twelve to *00,000,000 of dollars, that ex­ of congress, Dec.'16, 1782, to the' c PprehenaJorla ofe account of the debt embraced these objects ; or was millions, whieh will leave twenty* clusive,of the, supplies from taxes, state of Rhode-l»Urvd, prepared by, for by which will not be mcooaiderable the a committee cenaiating of Messrs. TICE. n frr the preaem year Suggett?- the eight millions appropriated sole­ t_four ^ *Trftilllions *^%^' t<> be provided 1 w ita failure see rood to w «n- ly to the iMiitfftmd, if so, he would loan*, br treaaury notes. Tht ae- .loans ahould amount to 100,OOO,OOO HamUaJgh Madiaon and FHcsimmont uP th« b*«*' K"^?^ It had been.bPtdicted that rather vote for a loan of twenty rnU-« ctcur/haa net informed us, what of dolUra, then the Whole debt of we ha.vfl$*te femarka'bJe etpresa'h- .. tore <*m«*fl> W—•• •"•-1——.*;«... .-..- r lions,.than to vote one. dollar of a willbe the e-xp«nc«s of tht year 1814. the V. $tstea Would be 300,000,000 un«: - vjur-'appHcatiojoi to tw for- ! tb*«MM«4rh but these prediction* had fund which should be regarded as He could not. But he has told ue, of dollars; Thera are at present reign powers, >on whose friendship I'ore th« lotft of 1 «titir«lyf«lslfied^by.the event.' aach-ed to the object'for which it wal that.^t revenue of that year, if the three mlniona of inhabitants in thir­ we depend* Save had » auccesa f»f ' borrow from indivi­ teen filled, excvpt Ji little eight mill ion a invaded the Thia, air, ia the atate of yon^ fi­ liofla of people, wotfld give to each duals. Theae will neither be auu. ~ h»lf a mill ton, while the 'items sMind by the gentleman, nance^ and. these are ihe m»ans by person oneor handred dollars. And atad b.)' Rencroaity nor reasons of V treasury notes,. a.tuho. waa moree tjbenthen enoughenoUtrh to maet thchwruchwhich yon are to aupport and main-mati|- nspa theri * maman in America unable, atal*. 'Tia tf their intereat »at issued, had been put In turn ' to _be' .i* p» L\f ^- on> **account of_ the,j tain a navy, and an army of S9,000| in the coarse of 28 or 80 ycare to w« toast appeal. To conciliate A demand had even cz* old debt , loana and treasury no(ea> men. • \?*y it aga?n>i ft* »be ir- The which rmts of i^wina aod Volhynie communica­ felves as.*wJn«n da boar*1 miry public reverse, fer and tVorn tfc* iaw«6 tftfe »$tti ted, thep coocertsjl an attack; tbe Sfcxn wt, must produce to tbe comtns,nfl«r not n not tad i ihcrrttomeMr was at »6 and i» at dsy b«tak the Asks jvCJteggio caused Wow y (Htiwmor^ Tb« ros4i *er« derti*c*tlM of their- n»t»r»lii»tion ; but Sr covsMi w k*, ina h6hifta«r tfcc cavalry, at the rmpejor 16 be info»uiW tlut be w*s. »M«fT s«U BaciH*, p*»whed *ve»y night, not attacked i an half an hour sfierwsfds tbe »ny measure whi by 4wndr«l* Tut *y 'thousands. particularly duk* of>fl*lluhe knew it.OB the feft bai.V, .thsj district wher* she btx blettmtical in "« .tfcose «* fn«t* *hd . Germany. More then the army *a» T"ic' dute We luVe. intelligence from/th* Ifclfty tturtrsMd horses ptrished in a few d»f i.; Tlw president is to giv«> farther which cannot fail to produce d« t -w i rfc- - of £lchinj2Cn went to. tbe anuunce. oi' in* corps of the «rmy under JPvince oar caValrj wen wagons T«*T« without horses. It dnke de becarto necemry todcitroy a gr*»t past «f pur followed him. The fight became brisk, of nativity or cititenship. ^There shall b««o the of a great portion-* Win ( this month. the enemy wished to artillery, pioviitons, and 'munitions of war. bteak o«r right, gene tbjB m«JaSUTr'« of our e-nvnrnmr«» Wbeti admiral TschitaehagofT ad* Tfcli anny in «o fine a condition on the 6ih, ral Doameic commanding the 3th ' bo a, list of tHs crew certHftd by th* >a.wc~ed upon, Minsk, huatleft a const- w»l Very ditifcititt on the 14th, almott wfthobt of Cuiia»iers>and competing pttt of '.lie colleotor. Kp jeweDger, s, Kibj>ct ot wiihont fritideryv artd without wigon* thrltfcle corps bthind J»*»n, under the coflld not without c«»«lrjr more 2 corp* whb rtntsined on tdt pwina, or* « fortigi. conirtry, shtJl tofcdniftted on effects' are catididly viewed,- command ot gaiKgftl* Sscktn and dercd a cliargfc of the cavalry thmn «. ^mrtrr of & le*gac mjtwhhttindmg, by tk* bow* ny'xAwAricmii t»s««l without » JBut the Eseoi .w'rtto' C>c4*r« wltHorit crlHcpr we ooutd not ritk battle or and 3ih ot tbe Cuirassjers, at the moment to attaot the 1 .The attention Prince ScbjMrYtaenberg'sTesr if he maintain * pmitiah, We mutt m&ith, not to be when the region of the Visttfa wal enga­ jiisspbrt ttom the, proper ofllcers of go1 ilwayt fibd a 'SutfWrfiigfe in orcM to a b«itlt, which the want of artillery from our OK bould attempt w follww Tsehitseha- ged in the woods to pierce the centre, ol vernmeat . wU»«* «nih7p^fwo of tiwir sebemee, Wwevc* t? and- ctVahry prevented u» fVoM »H»hing we the enemy which wa* beaten «od put to to gate en tbi |6*V ft w»» probable thtt this corps icuit ocean * certain tpack noV to Be turned, The,CDnsUr», or comnwreiai bf in the opptm*»«f» mods and that -w ithout cavalry which {trotectt and rout. These brave Cniratsier* *u> roende'd nrop«> Onfrdeetto was intended to act against the foreign i»tibn»at p«*ce veith the U. 8. They tans* bear tbe burden of aS graad dutchy of Warsaw* IF «he unitei (be column* 1 hcse diffimititi, tug*- locceuively six batwlioni of tnfsmry and with those of.£«rw h«t with exccMtve cntd, rtndtred our kitUijion put to rout the enemy'! cavalry .which may Mate bbjectibns against aay sub­ gfttcsi, while tb\aathors of the i plan pf operation* against Prince dlitrcMing. ' Men wh6m nature had not gifted came to «be assistance of its , irtfajury , there, it jcarcelj a ochwattzenberg had succeeded. hb Corps undtr the commend of ge­ trophirt i thott whom she had crtUni iuutrior to be vigorously clivgtd, t»«de sfrct upon «s*eah«s,-*S 5 to 6000 the inreitigatton of tKe prtofs b)r tbe H b« sup neral Regnier, and the Saxon troop*- tstwsrjr *lnj, |>r»>errca their gaiety anorordi- prisoner!^ And drove them out of tlte rrtch to freedom putebaalA b rrcrjr niannera, and taw a new glorjr in tb* va- of the btnnon of the brigade. Genertl collector> Every commsj»der ot* a put­ that they who o$pbe* the war fn lately afrived under gen, Durette. riwri dilEcultiei they hjd to iurmuunt There wae some sharp fighting The tuetny who taw on the road* tbe trace* foUrnier made a handsome charge of the tie vessol, shall forfeit, on convictim*, principle .will «fflbark in it ? Ought it] cavilry .In the battle of Beresina, the iu c«tinuenc«,we ooght ftn the 14th and. 16" th inst. in which of rtiU iirwful calamity -which, attended th* one thousand doDsrs for each eraW s* to b* Expected ? But it iiraQier W|WJ the Russian* French army, too|ht to profit bj it. f hey army of Yoihynie suffered much- The »^ fervent Wswdshipfo lost 150O men killed, filled Dp all rtvcir columna with Cosiacki, ordinary, tbotsioMntrj tahabHed b)| ftnd 500 prisoners. By Information who" doke dc Rrgf ra was wounded, but not unlawfully employed The comraandfer carried of. like Arab* In tbe deiaru, rhe car­ dangerouOyj by a ball which he received nearly eight JttilHoM of people, the »«>l who sre struggling for that riage* and. traiir that w«re left. and owner of a private vessel shal has been just received front Thii con- in his tide. The morning of the 99th we of the world; and Wilns, more important results may U cavalry, w>io make nothing but each forfeit five- hundred dollara for jority of whom profess emy» The 1 9 ill the enemy pas. The result of tbe exposition juit made, i». liibited American fititens from enter­ Qttttrr. How would a werd of easv j An arrival from the head quarters ted the Boryitf ne», at Orsa, and the Kui- that i: it necessary lor the army tt Borisow, gives the result of those sian V / fst'gocd ifier having loit many 'itself, to remount the cavalry, t» provide death would be th» grea artillery and obtain provision*'. Ill great­ commanders of tbeir public vessels to Son s messenger, sound In the eat i grand movements, which we an*. men, gave over this enterprise. The ar­ that could befsl this c nounced as having taken place on the my of Volhynehad marched since the I6ih est want is rest. The provisions sod hones itrtpress any person from on board Buonaparte if he should b*^*c fbrtoasi have arrived. s*tonisbed that any lb< Dona and the Borystines. Itisnow upon Minsk, and wsi going agsinn Bori­ an American vessel. Five years con- as to meet him at Wilna ' Would *a I sow. General Uomkrowski defended the General Boorcier has already more than hudisajtors. ToUiieeel very clear wrv-.t were the dispositions tinned residence in tbe. territory of be willing to give sip the millioas of made by the Russians, in order to head of the bridge of Borisow with 300O SO.OOO horses in the different v.'.Doi». 1'he uduiive pleasure of fa metu The 23d they were attacked and artillery has repaired ita loss. The gene­ the U. g. necessary, after the treaty, for our merchants money he hla had fcf top the march of the Grand Army ra h, the officers and for the tyrant, forced to cvacuste that position. The ev the soldiers, have suf­ citizenship. safe-keeping, or will he wish to oaks from reaching its winter quarters. nriny then JUucd the Beresina mirching fered much with fatigue and want. Ma­ every native born cii The plan was profoundly conceived, ny have lost their baggage use of it by way of enabling bin U upon Boli, the division of Lambert Com­ in consequence who values its int but the execution of it was not quite posing the van guard ( the second corps of the lors of their horsti some by the prepare tor another campaign ?, to easy against one of the greatest commanded by the duke of Reggio, who ambuscades bf the Cotsacks. The Cos- . . ully uoite in anthei captains the world evei produced, wsi at Tcberein, bad received orders to ad- sacLi have taken many stragglers and en I ths valour and bernism c da in his'speech on the new army bill, Dtmoeratt in favour o/ a nd the first of1 armies, vance to Boritow, to iniure the pastage of ginrert employed' io making drafts,' and Every Cossack's bro The Ptjnce of Schwartienburg (he Be resin*. The 34th the duk* of Reg­ wounded officers who marched without carries, in its appearance, «omething Not long-ago it was said, that tad* wea ok the lOth of November at Slo- gie encountered tbe diviiioo of Lambert, precaution, preferring to run risks, than rather wild and extravagant. Another moerats had fallen so suddenly and ri* with a wreath of nin, distant from Borisnow SO 4 leagues from Boriiow, attacked and to march with con*oys> Tbe reports »f embargo, he thinks, -would bring the lantly in lov« with a navy, from ttf ] benours sbonld bs> d beat them, made 300O prisoners, took 6 the genersl officer* will shew those officer* leagues. The r^rnperor arrived on and soldiers who have motl distinguished enemy to our feel I " an embargo, ri­ gallant exploits of some of our nsv ive of their gal the 97th piecei of cannon, 500 wiggr«i of the of November at the last baggage of Volhynies army and themselves, in the details of these memo­ gidly executed, manders, tbat tbey not onjy intended, every battle tbey Jiav named place. drove embracing as well the t!ie enemy to the right bank ot tbe fiere- rable cvertl. In all his rjiovemenu, the tersst has been deeply CK It is now certain that all our com­ coasting as foreign trade." As if the by every possible exertion, to incrtsss sina. General Berthier, with the 4th emperor has marched in the middle of his ku staved the torrent w) munications are well established. cuirauieri, diitiognished himself by s guards, the cavalry commanded by mar- country had not been sutaciently cursed it from the national rseourefs, bat Bk£ ' handsome charge, the enesny only saved shall duke of Istrla, and the infantry com' with measures of this nature ; aa if wise from the funds of several jtatas. Uing towards unr VA.RII, DEC. 14. , themielves by ourning the bridge which manded by tbe duke of Dantcirk. His they had not been .often enough tried South-Carolina, Virginia and Pvoasyl- The Emperor slept on the 99th of wss more than 300 toises l»ng. majesty is satisfied with the good conduct November at Moldeschenow, which Nevertheless the enemy occupied all the that hit guard* have shown >thry hav< al­ by government to prove their futility, vania, seemed to vie with each other for is on the great road from Minsk to passages of the Ikresina, this river is 40 ways been ready to go wherever circum­ Vve see a legislator gravely rite in tbe the palm of -liberality v for eaeb wast* Wilna. On the 28th there was a tbi*s broad, and was filled with floating stances required bu: circumstances have united councils of the nation, to recom­ psvtent the Qnited States with a Ti, always been such, that hit great battle fought with the corps ice, but its boiders are covered with marsh­ simple presence mend ah embargo besides other vowel* of taa mapi- es SOO toiiet low and which renders It a has lufhced to Inspire confidence aod en­ as the best mode of Under TiichiltschakolT. This; was a sure luccem conquering an extensive country I tode\ Tlie 8mtn-Caxttnaunfortuiwtal; dreadful affair ; we have taken1 from dttiicult obitadevo overcome. The ene­ my's general had placed his four divisions The Prince of Neofchatel, the grand. Have they not heretofore been found grounded on a democratic bank, in fee. the enemy many thousand prisoners. marshal), the grand-master of in different passes when he supposed the the horse, inefficient to coerce belligerents to re­ city, of Charleston; Th*? Virginia, ** Moldeschenow, which in many French army would attempt a passage.-** and all the» and military offi­ naps is written Molodgisoo, is about The 26th at d«y break tlx emperor after cers of the household of the Emperor, spect our rights? Have they not acco- suppose, baa been driven up higb sal ] 85 leagues from Wilna, and 13 or 13 having deceived tlie enemy by divers move­ have always sctompanitd lot majestyi mulatad miseries upon ourselves? It will dry in th« Pototnae, as ihe has not Isst- from Minsk. Berezyna, where is ments made on the Ijtb, matched sgsimt Our cavalry WM ao dismounted, thai We be recollected that it was the embargo of .ly been heard of, and the Penjwylvsais, stationed the duke Reggio, is about the village of Studiiancs aod caused like­ could scarcely unite the officers whb had 1807 stranded in the patriotic senate of Uiat 15 leagues north-can of Moldcsche-' wise two bridges to be thrown over tlie ri- horses, to form four itompaniei of I SO that drove so many mariners front . ver, notwithstanding a division of the e- men each/ The generals performed the different parts of the Union, to ebarv state. Dft. 16. Letters fdJi Wartaw, rveroy were opposed. The duke of Reg. duties yf captsins, and the cslonrli those don their ceuntry and enter into foriegti A motion has lately been made id gio pasted, of sub-qffi. This squadron* Command- Wilna and Poaen, say, that ib« d\- attacked the enemy and kept service Boaoe " worked U»eir way to ths) legislature of Massachusetts to bulU visions of- Durette, Lagrange' and then engaged two hoars. Ttte enemy re­ ed by general Grouchy, and under the di- tired \o the head of the bridge of Borisew. reciinti of the King of, Maples, never lost Halifax, end fled from the Jews ef fa­ a 74 sW fite government, but tl"» ">» Loiaen, the Neapolitan division, the sight of the Emperor in' alt his motions. Guards of Tuakany and Turin, the General. Legraod an officer of the first mine into tke arms of tbe British na­ tivta of the mover, who le a merit w*i severely but not dangerously Tbe health of his majesty was never bet­ vy ," and afterwards made a part of that battalions of the Imperial Guards, wounded, the army passed on tKe ifttb srtd ter. ' Madbealau, have b««d very Justly quetV have reached the Niernen. This 3Tib. The duke Bellune commsnding the number of impressed seemon which has A write* hi" k . mass of forces amount to 180,000 9th corps had received orders to follow the MARYLAND ^GAZETTE. been loudly and bitterly complained a- rneh, and will observea, thai "It U tVr from Irta wiskt* cause the Russians to mqvement of the duke of Rrggio to com- bouti Tbe effects liave been loo seosi- pause. The union of the 9d, Oth, iose tbe rt»r guard, and todeuin the Bus. THVaSDAV, Tt». 11, 1813. insinuat* that tbjatsl was a small • nd lOih corps, the Sazons and Au­ »iy of tbe Dwma which followed him. bly ttH, and are yet too fresh npoa the of cunning (4Hl*yed off by this pro* mvfr,s. ;... strian*, will present an imposing The diviiion of Partonsux composed the minds of the people, to make theuwU- positk*. erthnHhe h«o«arabk> force* 6t makes the grand 4rmy aupe- rear guarf «f this co-p*. Tbe 3Tth ai| f°Poer» 1'mglv . submit to undergo another, !|iPlA ('l: noon the duke of Bellune arrived with two Maryland RspubKcaa, we think of too could have* reasoned1 thq» " If tbi fe '>- ''..>..-, IF : ",. tr«r Uj> what it was at the beginning aonMAther consoqaenjfts wUeb result­ oC. «he cumpiign. In front and rear diviaionsst tlvc bryigt of Studsisncs. The personal a nature to admit of a place deralisfa pjrpose this motion, w* »bsU < division of Partonauk left Borisow .at ed from it were1, to usaeh European oa- , of Moscow lh« (tuMians have made i in this paper. It is our wish to avoid be cIsmnrssM about tbeir ineoo»i*u»- night | one brigade ot this division which tions that they Ooulfl liv< witlout us the country desert 1 Can they then formed the tear guard, and which was of. personalities as ouch as possible,'__ and cy; w« shall mjdu» the welkin rb*S maintain themselves on this side of dered to burn th< bridges.' wt off at T io j we> ^^u descend"!* tkenT only^ to turn the course of trad*) into ether witb their want of patriotism ; but Jf | l)un» and the feoryitines ? That is the evening, it arrived between 10 « movcownr* oi tbt army wtre cmcuKd stead of the lefc and went tw« or tktee keep our eolnnttvoe safe at hejrne, while , ih« grtatett «KOCT*. Tbe cold weaihor Great-ttfitain. Tbe fullowrjjg is the roqet approve the aot if. H pass**' *0 or residing tort attire time of the-trea­ |.r*Mkrl«*i Wow tl)»»nomy wooJd ; no OMSVnS pav*U tor it Wms thought, Ika language «f*Jtd ta mor* than prob*' j my having pitied on the roaming pf the ty, aod having previe«sly ddclaxad his ' 'iruh > a(0*ar*d 10 him to 98th, previous to the-Om embargo, * that all bl», and the charges wouU he so of »u In. t .the duke of.Btllutt guatdcd the lataaiion of b«comiag a oitta«t»{ oahbe head of tl>e.bridge oo ike left bank,.tbe ! mep were fW at the, 'opening ef our rung on tuis dwwocratic d IP arriVi- *l MliMW, or at lejut otrtha. duke of Hcjrfie jsjtl) til the winy we* as a seantan on board n^" un«l that by tbreateajog them ., bcfwt* ib* «n«m)( be It/t tothtrifht^ ' tnattbaveepb), vewcl, public w private. «*Ua starratiwi we might fere* (beat,to . . , and which In unlikelihood, principles of the ttoe* m whreh h* flrat j before she could'be *ewU be ordered to Canada to repel ny a;rs;w«*ijn upon that territory, and talents of h , ih« •***••" What* i:<-,;iM,,u»Uy to nuke iabutaiou* into revolotioharv ^.-i -- /, - w tte determination of that treason aad revolt, Which pw- Notwithstanding all this, however, the.ooontfief that were the firs do not we have many among us exutUngly nre- joKXX> priso­ |lic attention «eem* ahnost iocounUd of, who*e b in bit •,,:;:.4r^| TV Darns j and-as to the conquest Of Ca­ a gmlrma* 9t ners ; the killed »re i» proprYtioiu ._. r i-U>iJ from oar own tneUn- Earre ft tf a Iftttrfnm nada, *vea wtlm defeated; bt the Bri­ ttisSk grbes perversion of the doc­ B*fftl<, Jt bu ft'ttnd in tbif «<>, , Couot VVit.tgen*4«i(i uatCop^tife, to g»*e en the pawing tish troops, why if tb« spree* >N«pakott trine of Providence, wheaany argument iattd m tfnbuula) tan. < ; in comoiunicatiou with aam. Tchiu can manage to edslave Bpaint Portugal is drawn Irons it for the indifference of "It I* with ektrime pain I infortn chagoff. , In hii report of the »4th. iutd Russia, he Jnay'thep be able to lend | with thoie of .European nati- all human cation* in the sight of God, you, that on Saturday last> a fi«g Nov. he suui thai h,e bad killed 4 •vS u» some of his u ttivincinb legions1' andvthViniignincarice of afi human ef­ tamt across, from toe Eogl'uh side great, number of the eacmy and ta« : ' 1-li.ll • there is jcarcejji any oc*ur- to subdue Canada, tf not to our own, fort*. Since every thing is settled by 800 priid'nc.ri« . r jet j&taMj to bM, dominion^, with «^t. FitigeraW, of the 49th ken , ifcat does not *wak»*> Providence according to God'* own will Accounts from the. grand army of ...,;. ^ia :^ - ' A SPECULATOR. to what avail, it is said* 5* the Interfe­ regiment, informing the command- • , • - "T^T7± j • ^•^aa^aM , . *1s^^^ the aid Nov. state that the Prince rence of man ? Strange to tell this ar­ i ig officer on our tide, thtt general "•r:-y- 7i"f': of Smolensk wat marohtttg on Ostl l upon , for tht Maryland OtaJKi. gument took with many who were no Winchester and Moot 1,000 men According to reoeat accounts from and Moghilow, parallel t« fiuoiia* , &, freedom putebaasA by *« tbi friend* to the French cause. The fa! were killed and taken prrkohtrs, at Europe, the migttty warrior of France lacy of the argument ties in this, that the. Miami Rapids. . That '" Wa§ » parfe's retreat. Nothing could pre­ j blood of our eaaifctowiv W tw look has at length been arrested m his ca­ it considers - Providence by halve* ; it dear bought victory for the British. vent the junction of £>! the Rusiiai} -m i reer of bloodshed and conquest. Me, r iu continuance, we ooghi to cherish consider* Providence a* ordaining an end He idds, that 600 of our men Were armMi if neces»ary.' -'''I'; • who** veteran troop* were ever to be and effecting it without the u*e or the Captain t)onaldson informs, that • ';'f'" Li !>;fl »«A friendship forth* Hu> victorious ; who has been impiously killed, and 4OO taken prisoners. An '.••, «.-.• F'l I Uppokrtment at least of nteaae: where- Lord Wellington wu at Cadjz, aad ••i-"5». 'TJ t who are truggling *>r tb* liber tanned, because of a momentary soc- express has Wen sent to gen. Dear­ •"..- n. 1 ;-^l air toe true notion of Providence is, that born, with this distressing intelli­ that his, «my were* in winter quar- > of the world ; aad implore oma cese, " the favorite of Heaven !" to God ordain* the means with the end ; whose arms it wu thought that all re­ gence, by Col. Porter commanding tera at Ciud*iKodrlgo, ) to crown their arms with final and the Means which he employs are sistance must prove fruitless, now re­ for the most parU*ijfctural cause*; and at thi» post." The bulletin which we this turns, if permitted to return at all, not among them he tnsjkes men, acting Our correspondent inform* ni, v THI lEHATO*, yjwtoUh, exhibits but a »orry picture laden either with spoil or with glory, without any knowledge of his seeret that the letter from which the above but a vanquished and disgraced general. We coRgratulate the' Hate of N. U» (alien greatness of Buonaparte, will, from their own views as free extract .is made, is from Maj. Noon, Politicians who have committed to me­ agents, the instruments of hi* purpose. to- his Excellency Governor T4*nn. York and the union, on the appoint­ whole course through life has mory the whole force of the conflicting " With respect to the present ment of the honourable parties, aad who know with great ex­ kins, and By him communicated 10 one continued tissue of falsehood1, crifit, if llte will of Ood should be, that the Editors of the Albany G a set to to the Senate of the United $uiea actness: the strength and security of .for the punishment of our sins the eoe- for iix jtart\ fr«m the. 4th of March, :biry and blood. The emotions each, will xpecuUte when the probe for publication. my should prevail against us, we must [M r. £. Pnt.] next. The services of thii pre-emi­ ihfeo are occasioned in this Country by ble result ot another eampaign, if Na­ humble ourselves under the dreadful nent statesman have too long been poleon should escape from the territory i defeat, are as opposite la their na­ visitation : but if. as we hope and trust, lost to the public, by his voluntary of hi* enemy and upon the effect* -which it is the will of God that the vile Cor ti light from darkness While Ihe great battle* in Ruiria. and the Late and Important. retirement to private life ; and we sican shall never set hia foot upon our confidently hope tbjit he will not de­ t party view hjm u he really U^the slaughter > of so many hundred thou shores, the loyalty and valour of the FRENCH 8c RUSSIANS. i of ill nations, are congratulat- sain of men, women and cliildren, will country are, we trunt, the appointed cline the appointment, especially at have upon the affairs of Europe and piULAnn-rHiA., ria. 8. a crisis like the prtseot.'when the ves with the prospect of his means of his exclusion. America. To assist them «a these " To us, who see the present moment By the arrival of the- fait sailing brightest talents and the^warmeat overthrow, and a restoration of speculations the following extracts from only, the government of the world will ship Ann Maria, Donalds'on in 29 patriotism, are required to save, i£ I peace others pronouncejhat a diirourtc prepared by the late BUhop appear Ifexm many oceasiobs not confor­ days from Lisbon, the editor of the possible, our afflicted and linking Horsley, in 1804, are sent for publica­ i death would be the greatest w»f make Lancaster School. m born usurper of a great Monarch'* l hi* disaster*. To these kit we leave proportioned to merit; for " the Host the following extracts : TUB manager* ot ^f Charitable) throne, raised by the hand of Provi­ High, who ruleth m the kingdom of k k udutive pleasure of fostering their dence unquestionably, to au eminence Despatches had been received from Society have thft ss^lafsctTon dt infbrsn. inen,'giveth it to whomsoever As viU, " Lord Cathcart, dated the 33d aad ing their fellow citHeeA, Ahat they hare for the tyrant We believe of power and grandeur enjoyed by and setteth up over it the basest of men" none since the subversion of the Roman 25th Nov. containing an account been enabled to make alt arrangement every native bora citizen of this men base by the "turpitude of the>r for Ihe establishment of a Lancaster empire ; a man whose undaunted »pi- wicked live*, more than by the obscft- of a continued teries of victories and who values its interest, would rit and sooces* in enterprise might IUCCJPSSCS obtained by the Russians School in this city. Mr". Bassford, whom i.iiff^ rity of their original condition; while they have engaged to iuperints44 > the valour and heroism of the Rowi- §itary dominions, dethroned and mur­ Count Orloff Deniioff defeated purpose of learnirvc the system unfer­ the crimes of hi* public life would Dis­ dered : insomuch, that if power, and corps of the imperial guard under ,'i*t,, Every Cossaok's brow should be grace the noblest. When we see the tile instruction of Mr. Quid, late a pupil J:| 1 prosperity were sure marks of the fa- general Barraguay D'Hilicrs ; ouc of Mr. LancMter's. It is expected the* • •''•!( with a wreath of glory 1m- imperial diadem circling this monster** vour of God for those by whom they division under Charpenticr was near­ brows while we confess the hand of the school will be opened for the recep. I honours should be decreed them, are possessed, the observation of the ly cut to pieces ; D'Hillter's divisi­ tion of scholars on the sixth of March God in his elevation, let us not be tempt- poet impious as it seemi, would, too of­ nenontive of their gallant exploits. 'ed to conclude from thin, or other «hni on made a, rapid retreat, and Ang«* ensuing, previously to which further ten be verified : information will be given osY the sub. [U erery battle they Jiav* fought our lar examples, that lie who ruleth in The conouwor It Hcaven't favorite i Ini on teau, brother to the Marshal, after losing 1000, surrendered the remain­ ject / lersslhas been deeply concerned, for the kingdom of men delight* in luch carta, character*, or that he i* even indiffe­ ' Ju»l men approve aad honour mot* dM va»> der 20OO men to captain Pargner. February 11. /______thai stayed the torrent which was last rent to the virtues and vices of men. It On the 12th, a foraging patty of the thing towards uahreral dtspo- is net for his own sake that such ft man cavalry and artillery was attacked by Patriotic Naval Pruit. is raised from the dung-hill on ^hich APPOINTMENTS the tame officer, who killed 13OO, Original to bt ttt* ot tkt JfsrrAas)to lli.3jj! he sprang, but for the good of God's By tht governor tf council o/ Maryland Coffu Hovtt. made 15OO prisoners of these impor­ TTtt pabtitter devote i half the profit! of this faithful servants, who are the object* WASHINGTON COUNTY. tant coips and took 1OOO prisoners for On Maryland Gantlt. at Htlnt at a contnbutlon for the Widow* ind "••^H of bis constant care and love even Jmtice* of tht Ptoet. and 4OO carriages chiefly laden with Urpliani of thmc W»ve Tan who fall in ik« TbftrB wa« a time when it Woold^hav* the thne when they are suffering under fence of thrir country. . ^ thought a most cru*l libel upon doubt Thomas Crampton, Adam Ott, Wil- stores. The French in their retreat ''S« the tyrant's cruelty: for who can liam Vale*, James M'Clain, Oeo.Smhh, Rttcription o/6U Print. r countrymen, to suppose that a ge- that the seven brethren and their mo­ from Smolensk, under Davoustwere A mt}««ti< figure of an Aaistican »allar at of, a great nation, in Jacob Schnebly, Martin Kenlmer, Phi­ turned, by a reinforcement under tht moment of taking ail iaicwell look of Ma) , ther were the object* of God'* love, and lip Meanea, John Bowlr*. Jamc* Pra- 9f its liberty and independence, their persecutor Antiochui Epiphane* prince Galhtin, and~after fighfidgVhe natirc cit> The v«v it a Vigkljr pkntreiqita «ot excite tUir sympathy. Prid- ther, Robert Huahe*, Jokn Dlackfurd, hght of despair gave up the day with rrprairnution <>f a Naval Port. of his hate?. But' such penon* are Bdward feotekr, Lancelot Jaeque*, Da­ ITn beaut ful Fttfa'c United 5«akn asrraey rteKes upon our own tndetfta- raised up and'permitted to indulge their the loss of two Generals, 58 Officers fot uilii\x. tbeiifiul it up, asd ike last boax itwaibalmed that w««oolditot their vid Stephen*, Jauie» D. Moore, John ferocious passion*, their ambition, C. Cromwell. Daniel Rench. John Wil- U17O rank and file prisoners, 70pic- approaching tt» wharf cruelty and their revenge, as the iuitru- mer, Peter Seibert, John Barr, Chris­ ces cannon and thice standards. of any other people tojave ment* of God1* judgments for the re- The baton of Davouit was one of .ni wUt b* received kj tb* Pxrfjith- »W from the cruel yoke onn topher Borkett, John Hershey, Willi­ *r, CHAI >. Hx Hop,Mo. 40, oottfc Klgkih formation of hi» people; w4n>As» "Mftenced In' Prance, we r»- etuid upon Htmfor thtir otr* crime*. The loss of killed and wounded wat the success of iu armies, and Chaney, Isaac Housen, Jun George Nl- immense } but the strongest feature cetvcd alt* bjr «lM*UBV*nt ictaxctaUe Book. " When the nation* of Europe chola, George Stonebreakert>|6chael Milen and Eilitor*' tawo«|b<>ut HM U Statce. every reverse of fortune which iihall break an* their *in* by righteous­ of all was the preaence of Duona- Tbe Print it to a irate of forwanineia, and. in Jfor the liberation of to« Stonebreaker. *'' arte. When*'the day turned he be executed in the mcxt dcgant and ma*. ness, the Corsican " (hall be persecuted Levy Court. tkall of Ireland f^sn the calling ty- with the fury of our avenging God,' and Sed and leftjiip army to their fate. trHy iiyla. Aa aoea M the etcbinv alone U id, the prayen of our Matthew Vanlear, Zachariah Clagett, hiving quitted ^nwj* done, an bnpf**4tott of it U»aH b* 7ocwai4*d none shall hinder." William Fitthugh, Thoroa* C. Brent, The French? t« the dafc*M fewkmc* wko take mbatrip- have often Wn heard, " A firm belief in God s provi­ lenik. Marshal Kutuioff advanc­ tkmi, ibat they and the peblic hi taeir reapec. to .very people.of wha*ev«r men John T. Mason, Martin Kenhner, John dence, overruling the fortunes of Harry. , ' > ed in additional force to cut off* the tivt neljaboeWda, eaay form an idea of the "« jnder whaUter ctrcuaj- and nations, will moderate our exce«*ive deaicn, aadef what the aul»j*ct will a|ipe*« wh«~were contending in the Orphont Comrffi rear division of Ney. On the inh admiration of .the virtue* and talent* of Nov. about 3 ill the afternoon, this wbenftOaaeeby tkeenpavint. and ' independence, was the men, &. particularly ofthegreatachie\*w Pri»by Tilghman, ThoVtfu B. Hall, wlrti all the d»a»Ut'*« «f apafOpriaM eolorinj, '**' AW"''**"*. Indeed, menta of bad utea, which are always Alexander Neile. memorable action began by an at- TUe price wftiba, plahi dean j«s and priaetd to tKe rk. and .pee- Uc> oo the Rassitn line ( the U colors eV4a j. erroneotuly ascribed, to their own high ALLEQAN7 COUNTY. ItUters ef iwwtpaner*. who an draaaaed to endowment*. Great virtues and greet French under cover of i fog, ad­ aid the fr«d prnUreati far the widows and or- talent* being Indeed the giftn of Ood, Jtuticft of tkt Ptaot. vanced to the foot of the batteries j aM pf |h« dsaWdtnuf the cMtntrf, will un- 1^ ">« hounden duty those on whom they are conferred are John Reed, Je*« Tomlliwon, WilU- 4O piecci of cannon and the whoW TJn-itHsi>j ha pleated to |lVe ^ii notice occatl* jewpks of America to^aiJ every istly entitled to reipeet and honour : nm flhaw, Andrew Bruoe, Benjamin musketry of the line opened on them onal t««*»tkm. *rThe name! of the nib ther fight nor fly. A flag o( truce due even fur. tho**' benefit* whiohare was tent to gen. Millmdovitch, and t time m Arnctica- ' |y resolved to risque eve- conveyed to us through hla highly fa noa^ Martin, John lurbridge, George Jan. ».' n dsfenos) of their iiukpeo- voured servants. But -when HM brilliant P Hinckle, Jolm' Scott, Georce Uoff- at midnight ihe whole French corns sueeeaiee ef bad men tire ascribed to man, David Co*, Jantes Tidbafl, James of 12,OOO men laid down their arms, For Sale e great themselves, aad they are admired for Prather. jun. George Roblnett, of Na. The Ion in the but lie waieo0r,rnous. than, jRrqmai Blalr, Patrick M Carty, BV TM« »u»*cal thoate very actions in which they are Maisha.1 Ney was wounded i h« fled, Thirty Blue Cloth Tliirty pair flock* the most criminal, it is a most dange- Thomaa^Bx Crawferd, Aduu 8igiar, ot was pursued by th£ C»Uttka across ThonU* liaweoUvrRobert Abernathy, Jaakeu. ua, the « of li- rouii error, and (jft*» l»t*l to ^be inte­ the Dnieper, rourjenj. of division TWcty pair Panta­ And Thirty Cotto% changed their Thomas Wilaon, jun. William Arm­ ; fi rest* of mankind ; ,a* in these very are said to have, been wounded, & up- loons, < SMrts. .. Jii,u wore still time*, nothing ha* so muck conduced strong. Jonathan Arnold, Wm. Ridgely, Evaa 100 offii er» wire among the Thirty pa5p8hoe*, to eatablUh the, power of the Corsican Henry W right, John Bimkins, . On the Iftfc Nov. count . in the ooi»- Gwyna^ Cqlraore Chapman. and multiply hii suocesm, as the sla­ thcclW na wu at- Spain and Is mo,t vish foar of him which hat keised the .Lny Court. on mind* of men, growing out of an ad Joseph Creaap. William Shaw, John tickcv by Victor—the, French were **mnt7 miration of h)* noldne** in enterprise Tomltnson, David Hofntan, sen. James defeated with the Ipei.of 3000 men, *"** u"w Tidbrtl, Jaiaes Prathl|. jun. George •nd retrettcd, puritie,d by the ca- L • on some occasions, and his hairbreadth * vtlry. jit wVl •ajfaftfut Buonaparte B«i«f »n«ic.u» to UtlU op the TOOre' «n opmioo that he Orphan* h«4 *h°l hiaaclf on the, night of the Isje butlfUa*,, o/>«e more coune l*noi MartlD, Thebsa Thistle, Geo. to ibent, etthrr Ulea, hoth in deitruction o£ Ney'» corn*, but h open acojMnt. 10 aerrie the field, asireiid-r him an overmatch Hebb, ' » . 'ant still .more itcongiy .^reported »U the aWte»tuen a.d all __ t^hat b* had b*e* 4aiig«rouily wound- ln ,,. in*ouaoch,'»b»A from Berlin me&tipQtd force of and can alantl Wore lum ; whereia. "a^, 'Mr'-ltd. Lett«ri •ndakil- truth, it wow ea»y to ftad pa .OUT of White H»H p*»» 5S* "»n*t courier* had » «iit ct- •*K t>1«h« U Kw«n. Jty hi the pu.ipoM «( proettring the V- 111 l^LC l.UIH»flc I **c, ify iiB \.i»i*ai «»i..i i»i> i«- III ty, sc. , tiort j iecure peate, by perpetual On sp icatldTi to »»e tJ» subscriber in the On application to IT* fh« in - Janttary rtt-Anindel co«n»y -tourv.aa an el\ .Aunt A rondel count-/ -•-- " not only stipulate a p w»ra, and render ^he people happy OfcDBRED, That the K. for the AM Ju&ral *,,,«« «f astoetate jwlgt fat the third ju.J aa.ti«h for what they (en(. .. I'and contented, defjtlved of "An *4 to niter and repeal sue* parts of Maryland, by petition in wr^.ng of B«HJA. Maryland, by jjWirtan, Irt writ We ment, they will have nothing more of lhu$'st»$e!*« teiaJte to the division of nttt of !««"» '>** dfc'itors, and th* sefersl iUppWerti* ccrtsined fund ; staple and prfduo to lose. ATr*rf*ny-6oUrV»y jrnlo to. on rt>e rerrns mentioned in Ihe sad afls, on the terms rnentioned in tive in its nature f 'ftnefal fc its Wfr. Chftttman, r we have received artd the sat, entrtted ' An «ot to alter, fchedoVof Ms proptty, and arWnf Msici*. dMe of hU property and a. Us1 winclplet af»d at the dispofcsi of 4 fr«if» 9\ijr Fathers, a rich and valoaWe change and repeal all sUch parts of the aiton, on oath, a* fara» he can ascertain them, oh oath. »s far as MS can i inheriuincc, we are bound to,trans- Constitution and form ot government vt bernc snoejed to hl« petition ; and having satis- annexed fofils petition, and^f_ tngle will." v ^T nte that he hat mlded in the ware i laC —«. &*L...k ^_*kk, h^ J^aal' _^. A ^Bt^T.SSiJ- __ «-L* tbU state in relate to the ^vision of fied me that he ha, resided i in »V *»2r or. If at thn day niit U to bur childrerr, as valuable at Prir«ce* reorge>s county Into election Maryland for two vein immeaiawy treeetung for -two y«*(rs immeojater* | tf ttatt wmldjptlmt iiutivija- leait as we tcce'tvcd It. Let us not districts," be piiblwhed orirt in each the tiro* of hit application ; having also stal­ of his applic^tlmtx having. sU° n, of th* said Danty I punctually T>aid, and public credit Mr. Bigelow's ayes and deral Repabtycan, Qtorge-towh ; Mel- order to be insetted in the Maryland Gaiette ed, and, by capsing a copy ofjI cn«*d«H dheimer's German Paper, and the Fre- for thrWe months successively before the third published In the-Mar\land Ga for , Tvill_ be* impaired, rtoea, and determined as followi-^- Monday in April iie.1t, to give notic^ to hla montlls loccetsifejf befor* the or It now remains to show that a re­ ayes 93, noes 61. dcnck-towii HaraJd, Fredertck-towTn .; creditors to appear before the crmnty court of April Tte*t. to'g.ive notice W>;hlL volution wiJl follow, and the govirfl- The question was then put to fill Hafar's-town Gazette and Maryland said courity on the said third Monday of A- .appear before' the county .«*« *S I tnettt be ccteverted intd > military the first blank Vith the word "six­ Herald. Hagar's town. pril »est, fur the purpose of recominertding a on tM third Moniar of April r1 1GN By order, tnistee for their benefit, and to »bew t»u»tr, if purpose of recomrrfcnolnj; a Maria, despotism. And hero again, Mr. teen," «nd cair.ied. NINIATJ PINKNEY, Clk. any they have, wh> the Uid Benjamin Lukby beaefit, and to shew1 «»\»«e. If Speaker, I will recof to facts de­ should not ban the benefit of said afls a« pray. »'« i» dj rived from the history of the fe'vo- AN ACT ed for Given nnder my hand this seventh the benefit o? the'Ssssl thifc iistd*) at " tism of the revolutioniry army are By virtue of two s«vertkl orders from the axuiitvtion ant foinn the court of Cbmnoety, the subscribers ment qfthii ttatt at reiatt to tht di- 16 well known But their patriptism \\T\\ jointly v'uio* tj/ j/IUtgany cOWniy into elec­ State of Maryland, BC. County Court, offer for sale on the pre­ ' ,'' tV Ttrm, l$l*. was tried to the utmost point of en­ 1 ON apptieation, by petition of Simdtl Mac- Foreign Office De mise*, .on Saturday, the 2fth ipst at. tion dirtrutt. Olf apptttelon M tStjiidgW of fa durance. T-o shew this, 1 will read 11 o'clock A. M. Whereas, it has been represented to eohbia, executor of the last will and testament tD fifths of this property sr« purt of the Be it enacted, by the General At week, for the space of six successive weeki, - - • - * f • 1 w. • tb.c said aft. 82 ly and earnestly beg that a supply 'GoWtr ?- T"""* °f I*1* P*" which divided and laid off into she nepamte hath obtainfd from the orphans court of Anne- the state of Maryland 3 is owned by QuyrVn's heirs for the period of) lYLORD, of money may be forwarded to the districts, be and the same is hereby re­ Arondel county, in Maryland, letters testamen­ years. Immediately preOrding ht« apnlicaj;^ Ia my despatch ol the 1 Feb. 4th, 1813. pealed. ' tary on the" personal estate of Cassaway Maw- and that he hai given oS* ptibtle notirt e( kit] trrny > toon as possible. The un hid the honor to detail si easiness of the soldiers for want of A credit of twelve months will beval- And & it enaettd. That Alfegany lings, late of Anne-Arundel county, deceased intention to make it: It ft ihtrafare lowed, on a bond being given by All person* having clatmf against the said de- and adjudged that the laid Joarph P. ,wns of Marsh jlKutusoft' pay, is great and dangerous ; and the county shall be divided and laid off into with approved security. 3t« eight separUe districts. ceasrd, are hereby warned to exhibit the same. by Ciutnj a copy of this order to be-in I eotee to my knowledge further experiments on theirpatiencc with the vouchers thereof, to the, subscriber, on in the Maryland Gaxette, otKcaweekfot i , os November j since t may have fatal effccta." DISSOLUTION OP PARTN-ER And be it enacted, That if this act or before the iift day ofO&ober next, they may fuccesaivc months, before tfte third Ma SHIP. shall be confirmed by the general as­ otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of April raut, give ootle* to bt* crrdjani report h»s been receivt Well, air, what followed ? Why, sembly after th« next election of dele­ of the said ntate Given under my hand this apprW before the uid c- -jmjr court, to be,In ort the 10th of March (then) next, The partnership heretofore existing proceedings of the between John Childti. Georce 8haw,&. gates, in the first session .after such new 5th day ol January, 1813. at the City of Annapotri, on the Slid dar,l _d to General Plate the famous anonymous letter, writ­ conducted under the firm of Tleo. 8ha.w election, as the constitution and form of ff Sammel Maembbin, the purpoie of rrcomineqdini; a mtfite 1 £f Executor their benefit, and to ihrw cause. If any < ... nunhil had calculate* ten, if fame doe* not belie him, by it Co. is this day diwolved by mutual government directs, in such case this with will annexed. the very man, who ia to have the act and the alteration in the said con­ lamtarf at. ___ of . have, why the said ]o*epli >'. Pearre.shall ninoiion on the 14th ini con»ent. All peraons having claims a- have the benefit of said ad and its gh he had approached direction of your war operations, gainvt them are requested to present stitution contained therein, shall be con Slate Of Maryland, sc. as prayed. Was industriously circulated through them, snd thoxe indebted to them to sidered a* a part and thai] constitute Ob wtnts of that place I ON application by petition of Thomas SeH- jit tin. the army. A flame was kindled, k« payment to and be valid at a part i>f th&Kaid consti­ man, administrator of Richard Harrison, late ird that his head quarte which nothing but the commanding GEORGE SHAW. tution and form of go'vemtnent, to all of Anne-Arunoel county, dcceaard, it is order­ Anne-Arimdel ablished there oo 'the, 1 influtnce of Washington, aided by nnapolis, Feb. 1, 181.3.____tf. intent* and puq-o»ct, any thinjt therein ed, that he givto the notice required by law for dcipatch of the latter contained to the contrary notwithitaud the creditors to bring in the claims against fhe ON application tb me, the sotuoibet, btstl ocet his intention of f hi* general officers, could have ex­ EXCHANGE OF OLD SIX PER ing. said df ceased, and that the same be published rrcesa of Anne-ArumM emjnty tourt. as aa.4 tinguished. CENT $ DEFERRED STOCKS. once in each week for the space of six succes­ associate judge rf th« third }ndicisl dhtriolofs of the preeed AN ACT sive weeks in the Maryland Caxettc and Mary­ Maryland, by writicg of Wjutas)l h will contain import .Let us, Mr. Chairman, learn wis­ Pnrtaaiit to the act of Congi-nt. entitled. To alter, change and repeal all *WA BABNCSof kaid county, praying the (Hecatcf! " An acl authoriting a »uS«ti|Klon for the old land Republican. bat it has not yet be dom by experience. If you will have parti qftAj constitution and form of John Qottaway, Reg. Will* an aA far the relief of atmriry rn»c' lut per cent, and deferred itocki, and provid­ ors, paA*ed at No»ensber srs*iao,ei| On the 9th of Nov. an army, for Heaven's sake make ing for th« exchingr of the tame," paued nn govermsvm* qf thit itate . of March the'. liberties of your country. At neral auembly of Maryland, by the hath obtained'from the ondirnt court of Anne- thtm, bring annexed to hit petition i astir French corps from & next, for rrteiving tuby of the quarter in great inconvenience for want of a sixth ceased A.II (tenon* having claims again*) the immediately pevrrding this hit spplicaite* fercot regiments of gu have loldiefs actuated by the same which the wlncriptinn thill be mide. at the rale district in t'td^punty and prating an said deceased, are hereby warned to exhibit the- one of tke constable* «f Arme-AniarUI i e was under tha cc motives of patriotism; you will not of tin per centum per annum, payable quar. alteration in the second, third and fifth same, with the necessary vouchers thereof, to ty having cenitied .that the sajd pctitioKt if' have the same apology for neglecting ter-yeany, for the unrcdetmed amount of prm- district*; so as to admit a icixth between the lubtcr JCT. on or before the ajth day of now la his custody fer debt only, aod tW I " neril Barraguay d'Hill to pay them. They will commence cipil of th« old rlx per cent and deferred May rut, thry may otherwise by law be ex­ W ill raan Rwt nayil^ f.w» ssf&eienc iSeaTS/ h him General Chjq Moekt which may b« lubKribed, will be iuued them, and the prater of the petitioner* cluded by complainta ; thiy will load your appearing reasonable, therefore, from all benefit of the said estate fot his peraooal appearance st 'Anne.AisjsM ig. Gen. Angereau, bro at the Tre-nurj or at th* Loan Officci mpec- Given under my hand this ipth day of Janua­ county court, to tniwer such aJUgationstsawf table with petitions, which though lively wliert the old dock subscribed may at He it enacted, by the general creditors 11 * rshal of that name. * just, you will not have it in your th« time stand crrdited. The new stock will of Maryland, That all that part of Lf Thomas Seaman, Adm'r. thetv fore order and adjudge, that the said Hl> unbilled in the three be redeemable at the pleasure of the United {fewer jo grant ; they will take jus- the constitution and form of govern­ January it. fiw. Ham Bamea be diacharyad from hi* taprlass' , JLakofTSr, Dolgomi States at any time after the 31 st day of Dccrrn- ment, snd that he (bf catsslng a entry of taia --tie* into their own hands, and under ,l«r. 18:4 i but oo reimbursement will be made ment, made such by the act or seven­ 20.000 Dollars—Cash! 01 dn to be Inserted In one ol the pnbjic i~ litton of attack was ii some popular except for the whole amount of the stock stand- teen hundred and ninety-eight, which,, leader, after scenes of direct* that Prince-George'^ county Aotr ajloat in the Potamak and Slunan- papers in the city of Aitnapnlis, every de by three partisan t horror, devastation and blood, they at the time, to the credit of any proprie for three month* taxcaaeively, before thi nded by tor, on the book* of the treasury or of the com- I shall be divided and laid off into five se- doah Navigation Lottery, second rlait. captain Sesla\ will convert your government into a Monday in April nesl.) give notice to hist* UavidofT, and captain miistoncn ol loans respectively, not tHl afterl pmrate district*, b« and the sane is 1 prise of | 20,000 ditora to appear hefotr Anne>ArtnM*rlcoa*^ at least six months previous public notice military despotism. of J hereby repealed, 1 do. - 5.000 court on the uid third Monday in April result was, tbat the such intended reimbursement. j } »T -. assy I am aware, that it will be said, And bt it enaettd. That Prince- 1 do. 8,000 at 10 o'clock in the morning, for tfa* porpet rpeniitr was nearly ci W f% Jlbtrt GaUotin. of recommending a trustee for the'rr timrS» that it is intended' to provide a sys- IrnrVrry Department, Sept. 10^1811. George's county ahall be divided into 7 do. 1,000 tof BanpiayD'Hillie six separate district*, and thai the addi­ 12 do. and to shew ctusa. If any they have, v*y Jera of revenue for this purpose. 500 the said William Barnxa irmnKI not htveS* atly heard a cannonad 1 doubt not the intention, but 1 do Land for Sale. tional district shall be laid off adjoining 30 do. 100 betvfit »f rtw aaidact and sqpSaiiacntsassrty- hours. in the quarter Ic must doubt vf'e execution. With I will sell the plantation on which I now re­ and between the second, third tad fifth besides the fottowing Stationary Prises: ed Gj«n under,my fesad ijii* a4ta,dsy * a'l division made goot this intention, as we were informed, side, containing about sii hundred and sixty districts. 1 priie of | 15.000 ( Smolensk, and that uch a system was reported at the acres of valuable land, ailipted to farming, in And bt it enacted. That if this act I do. 10.000 Rieharf Rid**!* a healthy situation i There ia the grealeal hall be confirmed by the general as­ 1 do. 5.000 pi of 3000 men, after latt -session. Why was it not then plenty of wood, such at oal, chetnut, walnut sembly'of Maryland, after the next elec­ 1 do. a.OOO Arme-Arundel County, sc. one third of their i and poplar i it is well watered; a plenty of adopted f Why has it not been act­ tion of delegates, in the first sea«ion af­ S do. 1,000 ON application to-fne, toe tubtcrater, Is * their arms, and ed on at this i These, ijifc are ques­ meadow, and about four acre* in clover. This UAd lies within two miles of Herring Creek ter tuoh new election, aa the constituti­ 8 do. MO recaMs of Anne-Arundel count* court, as *a upuin Phigner, w tions, which it is not for roe to an­ Church, five miles from Pig Hoint, and about on and form of government directs, in ) do. of 100 Tickets eaeh in this class. aasodatt Judge for the third Judicial districts* 500 men, and wh'o app< swer. The public must and will be same distance fmm Herring Ray. It will such case the act, snd the alterations Maryland, by petition, rn writing, of Ussaci a vast number of small prises, W. PiLBcaa, of latdcottittr, praying for * 1 this affair wit) judge for themselves. Thus much, te divided to suit purchasers, if desired. For herein contained, shaJl constitute, anil and not near 11-3 blanks to a prise. to ibe subscriber. benefit of the acl for the relUKof sundry i*** eu and gallantry, I may say, that the reasons which be considered as part of said conntituti Present prim of tickets f 9, vent debiora, and Ih* aeoeral reapufeMW* la thi| corps were tw Samuti Ilarriion, on and form of government, to all in- have hitherto prevented the adopti­ >4. tin- tf. , TlCKim* &. SHARES thereto, on the terms meatiancd In «iid * cmlry, well mountet on of such a system, will not only tenta and purpoge», any thing therein i old by JOSETH MILI.IGAW, a schedule of hit propcny. aitd a. list of a« contained tf£he contrary notwithstaud //\ Book-seller, George-town. creditor*, on oath, being anAeflsxl to his ssti- amounted to one continue to operate, but will in­ tifin, arui having suiafird meThat he hal » NOTICE. '"K- J______Vyh|Jwold a great part of the Capital •ttff snd other office crease by delay. THE subscriber having obtained letters at sided two year* in the vate oi Maryland l*> Priztt in the first class. mediately preceding the. tlmaof hu appU>-aiwS|. »nd rank and file*. Mr. Chairman, I will detain you administration on the personal estate ol Can- City Bank of Baltimore. All orders for tickets particularly but a moment longer. I have always a\n KoaKaT Da»»r, late of Anne-Arundel having also stated in hit (xtiriort ibat **, county, dtoeasrd, requests all persons having Books for receiving subscription* fo attended to. Prixe Tickets in this and in coorinrmen( ^> debt. a*d having PrV**°' . that «>• been opposed to this war. I am now claims ar>inst the estate of the said deceased to stock in The City Rank of llallimore other Lotteries Uken in payment for to be discharged therefr^m; I ds hereby orssT '"wtber communlci opposed to its continuance. The re­ [>r«a*m to* sansi, legally authenticatetl, for set- will be opened for 1,200 shares for Anne ickets All lottery information gratis. and adjudge, that the person of (Worte W- tction of Kalooga ; sponsibility, therefore, for its faith- Ikmcnt, and all pertama Indvbird to the said Arundel comity, on the first Monday ft December 10, Iol2. lAsrver be discharged from Imjrriaoniafnt. ssj eatale to make immcdiatepaxmcM- bj causing a BOtiy of Us«stv the ai«Vcriber loe A Nrgro Woman, aged 32, with foU jv« otett taken near S interest, the happiness, and future Children, three girls and a btry, th - CbarteaJI*rn», presidset,* besmfit, and ta sa«w CUBK. If a«> tli»r hs^J welfare of the country,- 16 take rea terms will be made kjiown want a sober, dili- John Maton, ~) ' why the said George W farmer altouUl * * are not yet gent man 'ta s^wnmead my buMnesi, one tliat eldest daughter nine, years of age, th fclk Williams, VDirectoti. have the benefit ol the »A* aa p'»r«V ** Uth inst. G onable and effectual 'measures fo can come w-cll rtcomnieii4ed fot his honeity and second four, tike boy'* age seven? Btt- fc George l»«ter, 3 » Given Mtdsrjotftjand tkls i>*A4»r of J*ns*« the preservation-of th« public ere ktu will meet wiih proper'encourtgemoit, quire at the Gsaette Office)..'>_/* . It appearing to the board- frors the tsrmi of biit hJInun be a man tbat -will carry sufficient the resolution ol this legislature of the state of ^1 Vieto^whoVaa o authority, or it Will be n«nileis to appl^ He October 29. /& tf. Do not, by rashness, or eTtrava- Maryland, at' their (ate session, that the man. «h«rsid«of t must si ,« brinf sat on *el Oie'pttildam and dtn&ort, la«ochas "of from two to 3( tion into disrepute. A constitution tendl to apply to Anne Arundd county c»t»r Itupertfully Informs t^te ^.-- ,| not be attended ta_ . ftt)ulres the considrratlun of the company av AnnapUti, tha< at the e»rn«st aoticftatlont *| "• pursued the nett't the groat cscellcnte of which co*. Bennttt DamoU. or someone of the. judges thereof, in the aeroblee! ia general Inertlng, . . : tcas'of some oTThe moat wpeuahle. iftuablti towards Sann •ists, in a. wi«c, faithful, providcqj.1 said court, lor the benefit nf tha »ct .Resolved. l'h«t a meeting of the ttocfc- the relief of sundry hiaulvent debtor*, passed ha» mad* arrapgamenis. and Is, rtowt - , dH; > impartial iHuiinistranori. A hoWcrs of the JJotornac C*m|>any be autxxrrt. in devote hi* Uispre- hours to: tWr two**!.*"}! at Novembtr session, iSej, and U» several sup' ed to be held at to*. IhatwTavam In. Giorr». tp constitution^ which under the suspi- Just liUmanu thereto ' parlOqitlon, wMt Ms osw-ajndsjwjsnt ct "' town, on Monday ttssi >«d of frbrtory next. ces of a Washington, is calculated .. -i..... -VI.L • • • ' GotWrvNg and Orniirn*n4t»t ' Dohbsre'a -»• - . * * t)j, wjtsVse h? ppiness throughout the QEORGff WAW?*; CO. January 7. of the Board of either rn imlrarlon of.paptt'ttairfWt. < •M.K& - community ; (to give to agriculture^, Jottyk Brewer* WIM .This soiemVmtly nHW»_l»^ material ot :^i, t".! BATAN'8 DRV1CK8 EXPOSED, too geHrraUy known th i till • rich reward for its labors ; In four Sermons. any , e I8th.:whe Aneraxm to undertake the malting ot nr, W* at-Vr. Urvit's, «i HW .M Joined bj (infarturcs, encrotragement )'srvd to t.To which is added COPPKBA8: i < scale, may h« ac- A YOUTH of about ,4 <* IT vem riujlh /uscMifn of ( Who had bee put, air, a cunstitv^Wn, w1iiehr«n- CimiSTlAN oommodated witV » valuable siuutioa be atrkHySwetidrd ro( ami all of age, who vf ritsy h oood band ^A nn- .off trve auspices of other men, Apply t* the aWitor. ' ' Art^SMtio; to attend in a f U»)wU« Office. OoteWtl. fen, •4


THURSDAY, FEBttUAKY 18 r 1813. >'o. 4 ]

of this, Count OrgeroflT, at­ The enemy remained also thU | The battle \asted the whole day i steift's position, in thctour.e jutant General defeated expedition, ^he Cot. had the «ingul»r tacked > detachment of the cue'my day in the village of Usoft the eremy wer^iompleiely count Orloff and dispersed in. the neighbouring od fortune to .rescue major" general in the- village o£ Ihnorai, with font* Adjutant general and h> aid-de­ chasseurs and light tc*n»Ution of reports,whic.h that the corps of marshal N«y, form* E*trqir£naiy, Dec, couriers, one coming from, the 12th Nov, of the enemy, to Paris. From Neoff had made one hundred and fif-> have been received from field mar­ ing the fear guard 16, other tw<» gourjf .was moving in the road leading to these sources ok intelligence it \t as­ ty prisoners it Charvanaoff. .. shal Prince Kutusoff of the IQtb and Foreign Office, Dec. 1C. details of Krasnoit I made folio wing dispoti* D . ' . * « c it * certained, that Buonaparte was »t Major General Valoadini reports, 2Oth inst. containing the h) Tchichagoff intended to obtaiiva certain victo­ ht by V'ucount arrive at der Maj. Abecjeu, killed a part and of marshal Davoust and Ney. Near In order ' principal Secreta- cording, to .bis ronte to ry over marshal Ney, and to coi ojf Minsk on the 17th inst. ' making prisoners the refnjipdcrj three 200 cannca and 20,000 prisoner* of State, from Qen. VUcount men'eighteen have been taken. In these affairs entirely his communication with the C«L Chetnichef arrived at the hundred and seventy gen. thanan, , K.. B.. hi. majesty', em- by officers, alhd one staff surgeon. Buonaparte is stated to have been reu of the army, I reinforced 1, *nd and Plenipo' palace yesterday, accompanied with the 8th corps, dor extraordinary had released, and Major General Platoff reports on With marshal Davoust's corps, in Millsradov.itch r M he CM to the Emperor \of Russia, the prisoners he giving him orders . to prevent the « (item of him the intercepted t,he 9th of Nov. that having pursu­ the night from the 16th to the 17th Petersburgh, the bringing with marshal's advance, and to take a po« vmhn t* hi, jitcd at St. despatches Thot£ from Paris con­ ed Beauharnois's corps, he cama up and to have left the held of battle at . being «nneitd 155th Nov. 1813. Bone, near the full speed. sitioruiear the village* ofSyrenhenie lidcoun tain nothing but military plans and With it at the river Lo«r* called Yandsoff, and without . Every measure of precaution, that and Tcherniska. Maj. gert. , thmt h« maps. estate about three in the' for ih« period of \ advantages' of his po­ could be thought of at this distance koskoi perceived kYLORD, . . The expedition of col. Chernichef regarding the advancing, *djng ht« applica despatch of the 15th inst. sition, he attacked the enejny j has been provided for by the Empe­ afternoon, the eneroy h* public not'w o< fel la my was a continued and extraordinary prevented the honor to detail such oper- this occasion, besides numbers of ror, to prevent the escape of the The thickness of the fog jt .. ihtrafor* I hid exertion, he having marched 700 ascertaining his numbers, laid Joirph P. Kutusoff's army as killed and wounded he took 3O pie­ enemy ; and it appears that every him from Lions of Marshal werst. in 5 day., a»d swam across marching forwards till the/ cotec to my knowledge up to the ces of cannon and 20O prisoners. exertion has been made by the com­ who kept e, i ]td several rivers. to our batteries. The November; since that date rfe farther report* that during the manders of Smolensk. Buonaparte were close fbrr tK« third i ok It is stated, but no official report enemy attempting in vain to pierce J»le» to hi* cmiitMi i report has been received of the that gen. Sachen pursuit of* Beauharnois's corps on has probably sent forward his favo­ has been received, and through our lines, received at the :--jmjr co«n. to b^d Lrther proceedings of the corps eia- has been kft with a detachment to the 8th of Nov. 69 guns were ta­ rite guards, the Polish divisions r», on thi snd d«r, | report­ part of the Italian j but if admiral distance of 350 paces a general dis­ Wed to General Platoff. The observe Prince Schwarttenberg, and ken, and not 62 as formerly piece* reach Platoff is now pursuing Tthichagoff hai arrived at his ground charge of musketry and of 40 jeld marshal had calculated to that gen. Eartel has advanced to and ed. Gen. effect of this fire on the 14th inst. but al- the remains of the same corps. it does not appear this corps would of cannon ; the Ininoiion occupied Mohiloff. upon the eneroy was extremely fatal. ugh he had approached within a honour, &e. Adjutant General Orloff Denizoff escape to the frontier. I hare the before gen. Finding he had no hope of cscsping, (w wtnu of that place I have not (Signed) CATHCART. attacked the enemy on their march to The display of force took 4OOon count Wittgenstein's post, after the he at length sent a flag of truce to jcird that his head quarters were e- Krainoi, killed 50O and At jnidnight 16th. His the IZth inst. The next day he took attack, was probably with intention gen. Milla.radavitch. 1 there on the JAVICH, MOV. 15, 1818. the whole coips d'armee of the ene­ L despatch of the latter date an- iome prisoners some of which were to favour the movement of the corps *J Mr LORD, my, amounting to 12,000 men wcTe incis his intention of forwarding I am very happy tp inform your officers. which have marc^hed to Minsk. r\ emjnty tourr, Tchichagoff It is not at all improbable that obliged to lay down their arms. Alt third Judtcijl dhrriftaM ( journal of the preceding days, lords-hip,, that Victor failed in fnl- Nov. 14. Admiral in number 27 pieces n writing of V having left part of Victor's corps may have ta­ "heir artillery, tech will contain imponant relati- filtng the orders which he received reports on the llth inst. baggage and mili­ r, praying the I the principality of Warsaw, a ken the same direction.' ' , of cannon, a)l the oi, bat it has not yet been rcceiv- from Buonaparte, to drive Count in tary chests, were the fruits of our On the 9th of Nov. Count Or- behind the Dwina. corps under General Sachen. He Gen. Wittgenstein is reinforced et Wittgenstein gen. victory. In the number of prisoner* h« [ Denizoff being- advanced on the He attacked yesterday morning. marched witl\ the remainder to Vre- by the cavalry formerly under ntioned In iKe uid com­ are above 100 officers of lifleTent (towards Smolensk and Krasnoi, Coujnt Witgenstein ordered the ad­ yau, intending to pursue his march Winiingerode, for the present prrty, tnd K lilt of \ii by reaj. gen. Kutusoff, who lanks. Marshal Ney, was wounded, f»r ii h« c»n jtceivcd intelligence of the march vanced guard to retire to the positi­ through Ciouim and Ncswich to manded has made a most rapid march to Ba- but saved himself br flight, and waa to hit petition i French corps from Smolensk in on. This wai executed in a master­ Minsk, where he proposed^ "o arrive the having MUii&cd m that binowitch, where he arrived time pursued by the Cossacks beyond : direction of Kalouga, composed ly manner ; they retired in echiechiaui- about the 17th or 19th of Nov. of the enemy hat h« bat r«kM> to Major General enough on the 18th, to receive 400 Dnieper. The loss the oeno4 of rwo fresh troops intended for the cr, under a very heavy fire ss if it he had sent orders- the re- Earlle to prisoners from one of the French is enormous; according to thithil appliditM lifercot regiments of guards ; this were in field day. In the position Leiders and Lieut. Gen. the prisoners, four general* Amw-Anl«UI eMti The divisions. He hss also taken two port of t .'K-"~iit"IlT:~-Jr^yrit WM »»nder the command of the French were received by a well march upon the samej>oint. of division were wounddi. W« having former from Volhynie^r Piosk the generals snd 1 colonel. debt I litribuied in the three villages of sand. The firing only ceased about- Wilna, to keep up the communica­ whence we ahall on that flank. that place. Dowbrowna, from tryad from hu laprhttM Tmtn.JLakoff&Dolgomuat. Adrs- seven in the evening. The French tion with detachments follow the movements of the enemy. f cawing a enjr/ ol * ] wss immediately Intelligence having been received Tt Dtum hss been song in the i one of ib« publk ^ition of attack had made strong demonstration on Gen. Platoff, informs me by a pri­ id« by t/iree partisan corps, com- from some French* artillery prison- great cathedral, in the presence of both wings, but the centre wss chief and the vate letter annexed, that the enemy hinded by captain SeslaVin, Colon- This morning they be- %ers, of the places where the enemy their imperial majesties ly engaged. whole court ; the Baton de Mares- left behind him, 1 7 wersts, from Smo­ IDatidolT, and captain Phigner. in their retreat towards Seno. had concealed cannon snd arms near quantity of artillery 27 cannon, 5 or chal, of Marshal Davoust, and such lensk, a great i Momhy in AprU MV "u result wai, that the corps under be troops who are in pursuit have BoldinsVy monastry, to 112 pieces..' ¥ 500 sabres and of the eagles and colours taken in amounting wrnlng. for tbi arpentitr wai nearly cut to pieces, as yet made about six hundred pri­ 600O stand of arms Letter of gen. count Platoff to the Inute* for tht'tr out. The the last affair as sre already arrived « of Baraguay D'Hillier having pa- soners, It is really a pleasure to see 15,OOOshells have beeu dug General Field Marshal, dated If anr they >% tally heard a cannonade for sever- head quarters of the army were this here were previously brought to the not ht«c these troops fight. the other nu­ Nov. 7. the quarters of Ange- raised militia vie with the day at the village of Uihoff. cathedral, in which report The new merous trophies of war are already After the signature of my i diviiion roaJc good his retreat oldest regiments. One battalion df November 15. to your highness, capt. Parkin ar­ Smolensk, and that Angervau's Major Gcuefal Platoff reports of deposited* this militia being with the advanced -Sec. - rived with the rations and states |«piol 3000 men, after losing nearV orders to fall the llth inst. that Beauharnois's I have the honour, guard, on receiving (Signed)' CATHCART. that at the distance of 17 wersta sc, one third of their number later back, first refused to do so, My ing corps hsving turned from Duckoto- in (he great road, Jel County, con­ Commander In Chief, General from Smolensk, m«, tbe iuo*ct*er, Ii At »» tksir arms, and capitulated Emperor had not sent them there china road towards Smolensk he The 112 cannon, be» 'the Marshal Prince Kuturoff, he had coiMted idel count* conn, u N uptam Phigner, who had not to retire, bat -to advance and beat tinues to surround it, and cut off all. 'Field sides a great number of tumbrils te third jiUicikl dlitriclrf his .headquarters, 'at the vil­ [*00 men, and wh'o appears to have the enemy, which they were willing provisions' and forage. -^- from carriages. I am not able t$ n h\ wriiinj, of Ut**ct Count Ordefoff lage of Dubrevo, submits to his and I covm^, prtrinr for * '"" ofled this affair with Infinite ad- to do. Adjutant General highness a report in 14th imperial majesty the two follow­ send your the relUKof wiadry " * > and gallantry. 1 have. See. 8ttv' reports, under the date of the form, not having received it front the at»«r«l rtoppnvM*1* In thi» corps were two squadron* DONBERG. of Nov. that he attacked the village ing reports. I join II ineijiian«d In «*id * (Signed) N*>tmlnr. the governor of Smolensk. ' «mlry, well mounted. The prv of Krasnoi, the yagers disregarding Pint Rtf*rt, dattl 13<4 voice of the troops ropeti/. aitd k lift of k* After the battle near Viasma of the unanimous elng mMtajH to hi* f& ^mounted to one general six- Extract e4 *h« joirrnal of the opera­ the fire of grape^ attacked the ene­ in pronouncing, Hourra t your roost » 22d October, my army made iifird m«Th»t be h»l >-ff and other officers, and two tions of different corps of the army my's columns with their bayonets, the serene highness 1 he v»tc oi MiryUnd k» wdr»nk and file.. Theofficcrt andtr the command of the. field and after a combat in which our ar­ every effort to turn, if net all the he, ilmkof hU tp|4>>tih% his advanced fll ' upiiulateVaiated th/j objeft of Kutusoff from the tillery and cavalry w«re also engag­ enemy's corps, at least LONDON, DIG. 20. n hit pttirtart ibM hi marshal Prince to debt, and having rnj*"] ^aiarchbythatrtt^wastooi, ttth to the ci*th of Nov. ed took possession of the town ; but guard, on the road from Jelna By thf Zephyr, fiom Ssntander, Ttfnftn i I d» b«reby attf i another communication in. the On the llth November Qea. Mil. observing strong columns of the- e- Krasnoi, in which it completely suc­ dispatches, it is said, have been re. he jxr»oo of (Wor|e W. upon ceeded on the iTtn and 18th No­ d frorn lmj>ri«4>ni»fn«. sa< laradovitch reports, that on the 9th netny moving from Smolensk eeived, addressed to government by Ibit "Order 10 be pubdiMr] f the retreat of' the advanced guard under his com­ Kfasnai, they fell back three wersts vember. Sir Home Pophaln \ and if we are; Ktle for UlrM m«nthi mand was to be at the village of Al- to the farm of Kulkoff. In this , af­ The 16th Noto tne :ai'my made a correctly informed, their content* : totirnV Mwxfcy In this Iffair, three general ,of- ; the next day at that of Ys- fair one colonel and 250 rank and file movement by advancing five wersts, are peculiarly interesting. It is said . to UU credhon, to xexecoly Krasnoi. The urt of i»id county, on twenty pieces'of General Shappcr- were taken. . < as far as the town of that gen. Gaflarelli, who succeeded pwards of koftV Lieutenant the ene. 7 of April not, d f«wr thousand prisoners lef reports that a detachment aent by Lt. Gen. Count biterman Tftlstoy advanced guard fell in with Marmont in the command of the. t tmiM f<* defeated Ukcn near Smolensk, but him on thf 2Q;h met a body of the reports, that being with hia division my. who were completely arrn'y of Portugal, has withdrawn and drove it out-df F.lnce t .v" infantry on the 14th in t^ie viU by lieHt. gen. Onve^oWv On this the force under his order* into- w " not Vi;t r««<- enemy of one with th» 14ln irul General Count part of the Don Cossacks pursued it Isge of Kovisoff, and learning that oocasion we becarqe masters France. . road. The head the enemy was wiuiin half a werst standard, some cannon, and made a Among the many reports that spe­ utackeri b on the Smolensk orj| of ,Kiet°,r' whoh»4 orders to drive, 'quarters of. the snny were this day of that place, he detached a iquad- great number of prisoners, culation qn. the fate of Buonaparte «« other side of the Dwlna. at the. village Of Lovjeoff. :ron -of the Kilojopoisky regiment, whom was a general. has engendered, there is one stating «nemy waa repulsed with the '.' November IS. which killed a part and took ten pri­ Gen. Mjllaradovitch, commanding when 600 able foraging party of the enemy's the 19th, that being at thd village of valry, perceiving the rorp* command- shot by Berthier ; b\u these gentW- cavalry and* artillery 'depot w«rcdis- Rusgeneim, he sent a patrole upon ed by marshal Davo'ust advanced near m'en were immediately arrested by enclose of attacked them, the road from Smolensk _to Krasnoi Krasnoi, detached thijther lieut. gen. police, And. Imprisoned. M.-4tia*)i, copy persed-vA the village, eon- the s report pf thl, killed upwards of 150O, made 1*300 to reconnoitre theeftemyj whichte- Prince Gslitteti. The enemy, of false and prisoners and took 100Q horse, and turned having made Seventeen pri­ ceiying'himftlf turped on all sides, befall to defend Mroself% Our artil­ U"i<* «• I material qeeurrcd at this ,400 carriage* mostly loaded with soners. -Witt- The same day, count Qstcrman lery made a ter*|Me" caftoagt in the "PARIS, Dec.ap. « iBrt/wheneount stores. armed Joined by colonel Cher. Two corps of Gen, MiUaradovitch Tolstoy sent the PsKofki regiment enemy's, ranki 4j»poleon himself His ia>«jcs^y t,he Emperor to hil Imperial of Ivergroff. of dragoon* to examine the state of wss an eyeratte fcttnft* p«f pote of a loan to be offered on Nfr. MudilonV »drntnis$mlon, *• AIA RY L A N D GA of, tfceWJttiotiary apjsbiD»», thrift DISASTS behalf of, this commonwealth, to the Stfnsop, of president' government'of the'Un'rted SlMt^s U art fifty-thru tbtiuand faur e last evening an ei| .fHtlRIDUC, »«*. .. Dr. ftaimiel Btwge*,' J_ _ _ _ . _. _ , 1^ , .»_-, of Marjflsoid hunartd and tlfbtj-twt to OftlttA tt bttUJitg 4 tbif of tin Km ran Taylor, David i£uuaby, Dr. town, bearing l«tt More. ' ' ' *r other newt «/" \uerftr tbt tat tj-nint etntt mtrt tbati itlfrt • rtcttvtd « . prison EXSCt'TlVJS A man of liberal and tf tbe Downs. to gpv. M« U.Statu. v " " during tht twihitjtan tbattbt gwm- Kber of letter, have al.c Has it thes; become neoecsary to re piwt, 'kind anti h««tne heart, pure Mnt wai in -tbt band* ft pnmso that by whom hi» worth was specialty ho­ ted States Messrs. Arch«r, Bar*, of revt- Hopper. ed detachment .under nored, and to whom memory beur and Pope advocated nuer has been disposed of under the , ' Orphan* Court. »inc« , . Winchester. thejr join th« army ? For UU hemtur of will be the resblu- Wlllisaa - T'- long endeared in'graceful recollection of rnoon of thb .Wth; It »ppc*rMhatGov. jtompkiiw of New- friend, an excellent and indulgent fa­ argument took a wide range. other. W« recollect Afery wefj^hat : taking; ----- ther, a ju«t and DORCHESTERic Pf*TY. "York, the commander in Chief of all charitable nelglibor, a , The foes of the resolution dwelt when Mr. Jefferson began his reign, faithful and cealoa* patriot, Dr. War- he talked .very prettily, and 'sooth­ Jtutietu o/ the the military Jbree* of that «tat«, h*« field has left to his family and upon the impropriety of borrowing - Richard Paltison, * .re already the com­ the money of ingly, .ajbout. frugality, and the im- «k pardoned a man, who was sentenced to munity the precious legacy of virtuons the banks according'." Matthew Keejie,. the terms Which had been suggested propritty of "expending th« people's Thomas fbtr-yeart confinement in the peoitfcnti- and beneficial example, as the best con­ Mtompaon, . . about '250 me solations that can be suggested fora loss they a*jd that if would be strip­ money, Without^ specific appropri­ John 8. MBtfroara, Jacob ' rt)n the morning of »rj for A4rw-«f*a/iNg, up»n the express which is not to be repaired, and which ping the state of the means of self ation by law. It would be very Samuel Colh'o*,* I hbth, break, the Amcri condition " thai he enlist in the armt wilt be extensively felt and sincerely de­ defence that it was improper for gratifying to the same people, if John Brohawn, William ickcd by the Britii plored. John 4>f the Uftited State* and serve therein the state to be propping, by such they might know in what mod* he Lynch, Levin Marshall^ Tile lin« Wa* form and Mr. Madison have contrived to M'Namara, Richard Airty ' tiuriftg th* ton* of ire year* !" If in­ subsidiary aids the general govern­ ioosly as wa» practid ment that an administration get rid of more than 'hut diUan, where Ennsllajfsro. Job BrivrwW,' here­ Travers, James Pattison, me irrepul»r manner in^ stance* of this superabundant clemen- Profit tbt Unit ni Statti GaxtHt. after obnoxious to the majority of General Washington and Mr. Adams Ckidrg* ] ty had been By ah anicle wlj'ich 'Algernon ft. Stanford, Ri*don ~ Hoops were encsmped. 1 numerous, it would ceaae we_ this day the pebble might put at defiance the expended cat. Jos«ph Byua, Jlichard copy from the Richmond Enquirer, Gold ' trt were oppo»ed the Bn »Tiy longer, to Decision surprize that the voice of the people a't large by draw­ Edward Griffith, Matthias Tfl from J to 6 piece* of cai Yecruiting service a leading Jrflersonian paper, it ap­ ing their resources from particular Robert had not generally BUC- * i_i.;.. Tbe blessed effects of tbe « rtHrlc- Hart, John Jonen. Thotnu 1 Indians on the fladki. pears that the legislature of the sections of the country ond that it nett, William J. F"rd, Thomas , eedftd beltef. Government might call great and powerful state of Virginia, t!vt tjittm" that fruitful source of The Americana arc sat was weakening the arm of the gene­ a great portion of the evils and Levin Rawlet^h, Rfchard Hs> on "all men of patriotism," -and pour a state which Was so eager for en­ dis­ John Travers, junior fought bravely until the} ral government to do for them what tresses under which our country f Hooper*/ (lulled at to them the treasury in more copi­ tering into this war, and to prompt they ought la­ Alexander Maxwell, I*nabod their afnmunii to do for themselves bors may be learned from »!.kh general rn supplying tffictrt both in the army -that they ought the Moses W. Ne«bitt, sen. Thorns* I Wincheste ous streams, U could not raise their mi­ to exercise the following account of the reve­ tilen and the cabinet, for carrying It on, powers which they nett, inn. Alexander Smith, the precaution of litary ardour sufficient t» overcome the constitutionally nue drawn from * tht nurww,"y have utterly refused to aid their fa­ possessed *nd to since Whecltoo; Isaac Wright, Robt Wi the troops; and they wii prejudice that would arise, from lay taxes if they the establishment of. the federal go­ Tho*. Pitt, Edward Staplefoit, ' iblc to Bre five the vorite Madison with tht bin of a, sin*, wanted the money. rounds.** reflection that they must inarch side by gle dollar, though they know that vernment. The years 1809, 181O, Lucas, Sattnel Kaene, sen. John ( wrrenilered on the field The friends of the resolution said, and 1812, will shew aide, and from necessity associate with, loans constitute thennly means con­ that the advantages ire laid to have been mid the legislature were not bound of non-intercourse and non-importa­ John Williams," John BrahaW*,< convict templated for the prosecution of the to borrow by the British, while tlio til felon*. Conduct like this me­ of the banks on the terms tion the year 1811 will Lake, Thomas Ennalls, »en. "" ' war ; and in the face too ot a reso­ which had been suggested thai serve to e- tempted to make their ei rit* severe animadversion ; for while it they vince, that our. country might Pitt, George Woolford, Mo*«s ' lution adopted almost unanimously might agree on certain have bitt, pursued by the Indians 01 discourages Ihe respectable yeomanry terms of a been relieved from loans, direct taxes, sen. at the last session, pledging their loan andjeave it to the banks or o Orphan* (hurt. tomahiwked and scalp and laboarers of the country from en­ " livrtt ftrtuntt and tacrtd btntur" and all the other ruinous effecls of George Ward, Uenry Keene,ofJ iliughter was great, at th'er sources to fill it up that it was an empty listing, it fills the army with men whoso for thi* very purpose. One of two not stripping treasury, if the administra­ Joseph i',. MUM. ky has loit many valuat the state of her defence tion had possessed inferences must inevitably be drawn fur by the report wisdom and integ­ and brave soldiers. Abe bos«m* from the nature of things, can­ of the committee rity enough to have kept from this fact. Either the Virginia of finance,' they Were about the nation have arrived at. the he not be fired with that patriotism which to ap­ clear of the vortex of Buonaparte's Annapolis United* Legislature were merely gasconading propriate 5O.OOO dollars to the. con­ f gen. Harriaoiu. Tbe c leads an er.alted spirit to the " Ctntinintal ijtttmC* ATTENTION ! cannon's when they pledged their fortunes tingent fund f and 50.OOO to ririoui ai to the force ol the pur- Tiart. . Qtstims. THE Wtmbtrf (tmptting month in defence of his country. Let and the other marketable commodi­ chase of munitions, and after all they are generally sup| (he governors and rulers of ties mentioned, and intended to take- « From 4th ANNAPOLIS UN&RD GtlA tTtr, to have been 16CX the land be there would remain in the public aft rteuttttd te mttt no other share in the controversy treasury near lOO.OtX) March, 1789 at tit Ball. Gen. Winchotter'wa* ki mindful lest they trifle with the sacred dollars ; that to 31st 7 HIS EVENING, than a liberal participation in the Virginia was bound to Dec. 1791 4,399,47999 it 7 it Vody mangled in the i trust* reposed in their hand*. redeem the 1793 faiintit tf imftrtanet. tt it | honours and emoluments; or 'else pledge. Which she had given to the 3,443.070 85 Banner by the Indians. IT_T- .1 c..-.-_ ' 1793 4,255,30ft tvtry mtmttr willtt funttuaj in t have since become disgusted United States of_r life,i'.f_ of_r fortuner_..._- __J 56 to have lodged three-fi and «* 1794 ing at tbt atnt btur. THE WAR. with tbe feeble and miserable man­ of sacred honor, to aid in the 4,801,065 28 iFc from camp the nigh pro­ 1795 By trdtrtftbt ner in which the business has been secution of the present just 5,588,461 35 ^engagement, and his The manner in which fuis war has and ne- 1796 C JJCKSOl conducted, and have, in consequence cessary war that it would 6,567,987 94 principally at private ht bc?n conducted, most ever hold an ex­ set an 1797 ' 1813. resolved to withhold any gratuittui example ol public spirit which 7,549.649 65 niaforceroent sent forw alted would 1798 place in the catalogue of remark aid. If the latter be the fact, their be felt through the whole communi­ 7,106,061 93 flwriion, had not arm 1799 able events. In the first place, it was conduct is perfectly consistent with ty that the United Stale* wanted 6,610,449 31 For Sale, . Ttr Raisin at the time 0 1800 9,080,932 73 declared under the most unpropitious good sense and sound principle, and the money, .and the state was able ON REASONABLE TERMS,. ind were ordered back t >ught to btt imitated by all who en­ 18O1 10,750,778 93 One, two, or three circumstances,-without any of the means to loan it without any detriment t'o |cl the Miami, where I tertain similar sentiments. Every herself. 1808 12,438,235 74 B the evening of th for carrying it on. After nearly a year's 180* Handsome Brick Hot one who disapproves of this war or It is here proper 10,479,41761 morning or the 23d, to remark, thai 1804 vit. one tbe house at present experience, government find themselves of the manner of carrying it on, is the bank of 11,098,565-33 |i tetreat was ordered b Virginia offered a loan 1805 12,936,48704 by Mr. John Child*, another th« reduced to the necessity, from its un guilty of treachery to his country to the state of 300,000 ri*9D. Tbe troops havs dollars, at 1804 14,667,698 17 late the property of J»m«a MtekjMaj by any vtluntarj ttntrifatiini, by. ordinary interest, renewable K»quire, M r»r as ,the Portage r popularity, to nuke overtures for peace. after 1807 15,845,521 61 both situated o* the fws**{ which the government would be en­ the first year, if the present the dock, eer, locally to yon, paid by every good citizen Mr. Jefferson came into (he pre­ with fron cannot wipe away. without either murmur or complaint more or less tri(Jtt it is not propos­ ticated, and thoj»e indebted to nuk* isv | bai happened. sidency the 4th of March, 18O1. mediate payment to »«nt under col. If. loans or other gratuities are There ed to make the stock issued to the l.ewii ought therefore, in order to money ^ fkonat StSman, td »>y General Winch. wanted by the administration, let give the \endcrtlnartn ill fact a kigktr exact amount of receipts ratt if inttrnt Peb. 18______» ** He. them call upon Virginia, Kentucky under the federal »nd on the 22^ such states­ received from the first of Oft. 18OO, On Friday the 96th count/, Doctor CIIAKLBS ALEXAMDE* men in our commercial ry llo ensure tbe receipt of the cash, inst. if fan- WaarisLo, cities as as­ to the 3d of Mari.h, 1801* inclusive, not the nr*t fair dstf theeeafter, -_ B u . in the sixty second year of semble in tbe state-nouse Of course, while the Stock purports I his age. yard or vie. 5 months and hall offer at puU/e tali, on th« prf* ,' ".Vnd . - - the 3 days. As this to be for lawful inttrttl, Of such a man and such a los* U is park, and vote away their lives oanntf^e precisely ascertained' there may ea, about 3oO aci«* of that part rl kh.l k i»_ _ difficult to 'tneak in term* of adequate in support of their par­ this document, we have most cxtravagani'iMirrv. plantation of whtob Mr. »ml th« gro ty t but instead divided the l«, had but little distinction and regret. His lon esta of exposing either sum for that year, and added the one, kawllnf* died sebed, m Ann* A«**{ I o blished character, extensive usefulness the one or tH» other in the service half, being 6,423,265 APPOINTMENTS county, adiohdac tbe land* of CoW^" *° «dvantige and of dolls. 49 cents, Richard llarwood. and IVo«|tent« genuine hotpiulity, had rendered their country, obtain .safe and and making in tht- whole jjy tht governor If council o/ Maryland I and broki the. name of the deceased familiar comfortable retreats irvtntj-tnt t«en valuable- »Uve». Tb!spla»t*ti«sM for their livti itvtn hundred and ttUERN ANNE'8 COUNTY. A major an throughout the vtate, aud commanded in, tbe house of representatives or nxtttn justly Celebrated for producing'«na« . nan 39. ^ j ' I William Clk^tou, John! Tilghman, Ri«- cowinodatloo of & «iQ*M ftttily V %tJour and wisdom of Waohington. one" half of Uie, year 1801,., viz. chard J. liafrjton, Samuel BotU, Bo. Ute aagroe* are- som4 VIRGINIA LEGISLATURE. KJ,423.«65k 'tan «» J-»»i 'in '-i-' _« ^' ... I ._. i tt--Ji. - ' -- - - valuabls lo an ardoou* cour»« of pivrtjge for dolU. 49 cts. whicb will muel BurgW QeorrfeQ Ggdwin.Gg John ervinU, and a man about tweuty of forty two J(e«r«, Dt. War- Th< "house of Delegates have been leave tut tundrtd and forty-four nilli- W- °*° N John of »il engaged old, u»*d to wiftltbUL managi»g L M and penevvlence n» a 11iy*i- during the two last days, in ,n< hundrta and aiul driving a carnage. A c; troop. (coi, l wer* equally atte»t«d autugnives r rcn to the commandant of thupo«t, Froia P&rh paper* receired by Ui~' grand' dig;" sjCijHn of aQrofc, and the greater part one hunted muskeu extraordinary rights of the throne, and social or­ of thb 18th of Janu*- were oVerukeru nitsries, cardinanal*, _ minister*, ^grand of them put in order, for 'service. of the eagle of der itself. ion of th Ac of any army officers, and bearers Never, were tbif affairs \AJhgoftruce from the squadron the legion of honor, he. received The roost noble of ell deaths) in a mprVprosrfcrous situation than came, ashore at the Pleasure House WsMfld be that of a soldier, who pe­ of the members of the .senate, who otors before (he unforumgja step on Friday to land prisoners ; and by rishes in the fteld of honor, if the to' the ri­ were introduced to rjia majesty marching the detachment shortly after a plundering party l«nd- of ceremony, and death of a magistrate, perishing in about 250 mem. pn the ver Raisin j it was made not only the grand master .the throne ded ai.the light-house, on Cape " his aid, and presented by his sere no defending his noVefteign, ihe morning of the *3d, without any authority from me, bur,J (he and the laws, was not still more glo­ »k, ilie American force ry» who manfully attacked highness the prince vice grand vlec- in opposition to my view*. Every try 'and smoke house, of Mr. liur- tor. His eixeller)cv£:ount Lacepede, rious. the British and Ift- Was,' JieVrever, against M,«- thing in my power rough'ij the keeper, took all his pro. president, addressed his snajtsty ip, The war which I sustain Tfce line War done to prevent any disaster, and visions, some cordage, fitc. and re­ Russia, is a political war. i waged a. *a these words, _ . ..,, . , -,, reinforcements were poshed on with tired to their hosts with flying co­ Of it without animosity -I would wilL «, irregular manner in'whi our ; major .- The agnate at the foot as much rapidity as possible lours. This it the only hostile land­ imperial and roy ingly have Saved her from the evils fttoop* were encamped ti Irit in the the throne of jsjfur I '" the Cotgrove's battalion, the ing those heroes have as yet attempt­ ai majesty, hasten to present the ho­ she has brought upon herself. army, was within 14 miles, of the ed ; when they shall thiftfc Pfjfter to mage of its felicitations on the. hap­ could have armed the greater pan b£ c.ene of action, when he beard of land at a less remote pbint| ^ven­ py arrival of ydtar majesty in. the her population against herself by the. defeat, and 300 regular troops ture to say, that-they wit r be taken midst of your people. proclaiming liberty to her slaves; I were also on their way, I remained care of. Your absence, sire, has ever been was requested lo to do by a number fought bravely until they, St the Rapid* with one regiment on­ of villager*; but when 1 became ac­ tutted their ammunition, with viewett as a national calamity your ly. In justice to general Winchester presence fills withjoy and confidence quainted with the brutishness of that general Winchester had cot .1 must observe, that I have under- NOTICE. numerous class of the Russian po­ the precaution of supplying If all persons indebted to the late the whole of the French people. I flood that the-measure (marching majesty pulation, I refrained' from such a of Prnkner -and Munroe and H, Your imperial and royal ; and tbey were scarcely the detachment to the river Raisin) firm measure. My army has experienced five rounds.^ Those who G. Munroe and Co. do not come for­ has laid all the basis necessary for the was forced upon him by his officers; their some losses ; but it wal owing to the wrrenilered on the field of battle, ward and satisfactorily arrange organiiatioa of your vast empire.; but, whatever may have been the debts with the taid firms before the but there still remains to your ma- rigor of the season. ire said to have been made prisoners cause, and however great the calam­ 20th day of March next, suits'will be I accept the sentiments -which by the British, while those who at­ jtsty marty objects to consolidate ity, both as it regards the nation and commenced against every defaulter with­ lesst you have>expressed towards me. tempted to make their escape were and to accomplish j and the individuals, it is certainly not irre­ out respect to of our diffe­ After this'audience the councillor pursued by the Indians on horseback Jona PinJbMV, delay in the completion parable. By the unanimous advice rent institutions, is considered aa a of state was presented to h'S ma-* tomahawked and scalped. The of the,general and field officers, I Feb. 18 H G " jesty by the arch-chancellor of th* iliughter was great, and Kentuc­ national misfortune^ took this position yesterday, for the City bank of Baltimore. Whilst your majesty was 9OO Empire. ky ha* lost many valuable citiiens junction purpose of forcing 1 speedy Books for receiving iub*£riptiong for leagues from your capital, at the snd brave soldiers. About 4O only with the troops in the rear, and to have arrived at. the head-quarters stock in the City Baj ^Baltimore, head of yqur victorious armies, some JONATHAN BUTTON, cover the very valuable convoy of will be opened for " " for Cal- pri­ f gen. Harriioo*. The opinions are men who had escaped from the Seniible of the liberal cnconrtgtmcnt which artillery and stores that are coming vert county, on the first Monday in sent, el of the enemy sons, whither they had been he ha* rectived lince Hit oovmeoccment Tirioui u to the force from Upper Sandusky. Unless the March, at Prince-Frederick-town, in majes­ supposed, hoW- through the clemency of your they are generally weather is very unfavorable, I shall said county. / of being punished with Coach -Making trtr, to have been 160O strong. ty, in lieu be at the Rapids again in 4 or 5 days, Feb. 18. / ______^ death, which they richly merited In thi* city, rttnmi nnfaipxj thank* to Ms Gen. Winchester 'was killed ami his pattoni, who he hope* will cominu* their fa­ and shall certainly give the enemy attempted to disturb the Vody mangled in ihe most horrid Public Sale. for crimes, vour*. At iht unw litre wishes to inform an opportunity of measuring their tranquility of this great city. They them, that having employed » penon brought Banner by the Indians. He is ssnd order of the orphans strength with us 5n another contest. By virtue of an have been made to feel the effects ot up to the to have lodged three-fourths off? For myself I feel no doubt as to the court of Anne-Arundel eountj, the the night preceding ubtcriber will trpoM to tali, at his their new attempts. Harness Making aite fiom camp result, and if I can judge of the Happy France ! whose monarchi- thecngagement, and hit officers were dwelling house, on Friday the 26th in­ Bnitneii, he intend* carrying on the nine ia disposition of the troops, from the al constitution stands as a shield all il» variow brtnchei. , incipally at private houses. The stant if fair, if not the next fair day manner in which they received an nefarious attempts to create light HIDING GI forward by Gen. thereafter, against NBA conYtnitftt, iniaforceroent sent .address from me yesterday, a desire A part of the personal estate of Gaa- discord attended with sangui­ for tale or hire the ri- civil lAsrrison, had not arrivedat of avenging their lost companions saway Rawling*. deceased, consisting nary hatred of parties, and all the Annapolit. Com Hill flrwt the defeat, January ai> Ttr daisin at the time of and retrieving their country's dis­ of thcep, oxen, hones, cattle, farming horrible scenes which revolutions ABLE TERMS,. lind were ordered back to the Rapid* grace is the predominant passion that otensil*, household and kitchen furni­ with them o, or three arrived generally bring ol the Miami, where they occupies their minds. ture of every description. Sale to The senate, first counsel of the Lancaster School. of the 2Sd. On terms of the evening I know not what proportion the commence at 10 o'clock. The emperor, is established foe the pre­ the morning of the 23d, at 8 o'clock prisoners of gen. Winchester's late sale will be, all sum* under 10 dollar* cash ; all sums above ten dollars, a cre­ servation of this monarchy previ­ THE manager* of the Charitable i letreat was ordered by Gen. Har- troops bear to the killed j some of but one solemn Society have tlie (attraction of inform- retired back dit of 0 months will be given, and bond* ously, administered rison. The troops have the rrench who have come in report oath to Frenchmen of all ranks who in); their fellow citizens, that they have- M fir as,the Portage river, at the with good security will be required. the latter at 500 and others at BOO. The property will be sold without re­ had claims to the hereditary rights been enabled to mike sn arrangement crossings of Hull's road, where they for the cstablikhmcnt of a Lancaster The detachment amounted to near w* w» serve. of the throne ; and sometimes, when ire well supplied with provisions. SamiwcJ Ifarefloft/*, Ext'r. School in thi* city. Mr. Bsatford, w hon» 1000. the age of the young prince would they have engaged to luperintend the> The movement of Gen. Winchester 1 am, with much regard dear sir, With will annexed. was placed up­ was to secure a admit of it, a crown chool ha* gone to George- town for the to the river Raisin Your humble servant, Teb 18. 3w. as a pledge of his future considerable quantity of provisions, on his head, purpose of learning the lyilrni under WM. H, HARRISON. and as a symbol of the Ir »od to protect the Inhabitanti it authority, the initrnction or*Mr. Ould, late a pupil Hit Ext. Gn>. Mttft. Public Sale. of the government. of Mr. Lancaster**. 1* in expected that as without orders from General perpetuity of By virtue of an order from the Orpliani The affection which the whole the school will be opened /or the rccep. IrUrruon. Although this defeat • [The following is an extract CbuKofA. A. county, the subtrri- notice, that then**] the latter alluded to in the com­ nation feel for the King of Rome, tion of scholars on the sixth of March, Arundel county,! lauy, for a short time, retard the her will offer at public mile on Fri­ of the ensuing, previously to which further mencement of the above letter of the 5th day of March next, if proves, sire, the attachment i orphan* eowt of adi] progress of the army, 'the country day for the blood of your information will be givca ob the sub. con- general Harrison. It was dated fair, if not the first fair day thereaf­ rrench people adiniaistratioaeal pay, notwithstanding, safely majesty > it is' a sentiment which ject pf Doctor Ciui Ms in the eiertiona of the General. Lower Sandusky, Jan. 10, 1813.] ter. oe£r Rawlings' Tavern, on West February 11. . " Gen. Winchester has been at River, . cheers eve*ly citizen, and causes him arusLo, late of Aaas- Bad hot his well arranged system in tlm august infant, the deoawod. AU partially frustrated by the pre­ the Rapids since the 10th he has All the personal estate of Benjamin to behold, k«n deceased, and an in­ Patriotic Naval Print gainvt said estate, sis cipitate movement by General Win- pushed a detachment tolhe river Rai­ Deford lato of A. A. county safeguard of his fortune, coniiitlng of two negro women and vincible obstacle to those internal £ in Uie same lej»fl; chefcttr, it would, to all human sin. I have not learned the precise Original to bt teen at Me Mtrrkanti ;cording to tew, sail set out this morning children, five hones,'cattle, iheep and divisions, and civil and political Coffrt llfmtd , have insured success. object. I shall utensils, . household iner indebted and reach his ca*mp thlf night. I hogs, plantation commotions, which are the greatest The publitber dC hit lujwcll look of hi* |o Governor Mcigs, who has polite- ttt Quiapttki BMtiUa\ WILLIAM LRQUHART. Adm. projects, but by having recourse to native city lh« view lit highly pirturo^uei 7 favored us with the foHlowlngex- This Port is effectually blockaded such horrible deeds as arc practised reprt«eni»ti»M of a Navtl Port. t, dated * Adm. All persons having oUims against the The brtuuful Uniml Statet l*f**aj by the enemy's squadron under present only by despotic governments; by J1W ^ said estate, are requested to for tailing, dte tignal it up, and the lut boat Cariying River, Warren. Not, a vessel cam pass them, legally authenticated, to the *ub- converting into deserts all his fron­ ipproacliiog ih« whirf 84th Jan. 1813. from Hampton Roids, either up or ncriher, and those indebted to mald^inv tiers, carrying fire into his different . _ir The evtnt of which down the bay, without being inter- 8uh*ctiplia\a.wiH ue rectivMhy thr PnWi.h. I » * ,."",* I mediajfMIV\l «^> payment.!' » T » » »» v. ^%M provinces, and in reducing to ashes 1 "pressed so much apprehension \u cepted, and not a vessel bound from WM. URQUHART, Adm. his capital, the centre of nis riches er, CH At. rj. HARIUIOII, N«. 40. aonh Eighth V *««r to yon, from Lower San- sea can escape captsAe. ' Several reb. 18. and the product of so many cen­ It it intended that utbtcrlption* ttiall be ra- **ty. hai happened. The detach- veisels attempting «r^b out have» . turies. alto by the ditrrvm tenpeciahle Book- »«nt under col. Lewis was reinforc- been chased back or captured, among I State OI Maryland, SC. Those who, renewed the barbarous Milcrrand Cditon throughout the U 6ia«a. id by General Winchester with 850 thQM that have returned were sloops On application by petition of Thomas Thr Hnnt U in a ttate of, fprwudnett. a»4 -~ r i ;.!_.-_ _.j.i. .1.. _ill tactics' of their savage ancestors, thall ba *xecuted in the mo«t *U|(mni and mat- **> ». Hft attended it, and took thtf Ksty Maria, Sterer, and Hope, R. Cross, admiuiitrator with, the will possessed but little knowledge ot trrly «tjl». At toon M Ike etching klone i* |^»»a«d at th« Raiain on the WlUlama, both bound to New-York. annexed of Benedict Johnson, late of your majesty's heart | your majesty dour, an impmtion of it thtll be fnrwnnled m Anne-Arundftl county, dec««ked, it is who take tuhtcrip- ""' «nd on the be was at- Various conjectures are afloat as to would doubtless have renounced all to the dilerent gtmtcmen ieflI at reveille, by > considerahle of adm. Warren com­ ordered that he.give the notice required tion>, ihtt i)ie) and itic public in their respec­ the intention by law for the creditor* to bring in their claims totrophies which were to coat tive i.c>ghb>nd "!' what the tubjecl will apptar claims against the said deceaeed, and and di-j>la)-»d. sbf artillery ; the troops being ion that his object is to obtain sup­ that thesatoe be published on^ei in each The alacrity manifested by the sol­ j»h«nf nithed by the engraving, ||«prUtd and The gw«nd"mifavoV.- wilb ill thf »dv*r,f>ifni of apprrjimte col>rinf. plies others that he meditate*^ an week for the space of *ix successive diers who were called from the dif­ The price, will be plain J"U. i jc, and p^lntca |««, had but litti* opportunity df attack on this town but the most weekk in the Maryland OuMtte. ferent departments by the senatus in colon dul* j to They were prevalent opinion (and of which OoasotMiy. Rq WiUt consultum of last September is a Editor* o{ newtpapm, who arf dUpoied to there. Is no doubt) is, that he ie aim­ /or A. A. aid ilie fund projrct'd for the widows »nd o»- in 30. or 35 .sample ot what your majesty may e- |ihtn» ol tlw defender! of the country, will un- m jor and .captain and ing to entrap the French squadron ver expect from the aeal, patriotism, iloubttdlv be plcisrd to give thl» o. tic* occiil- I ef- (said to be on its way to our This is to give Notice, and' martial_- i ardor--.«-_ of_r»i__ the !?_.._frendi _u _.._peo­ ontl inwrriott Ihe n»«nr« *f the »Ul)iCrU which will, probably make for the twri will be printed til a titmUornc fnrm «C- That the subscriber of Anne-A run ple, in arresting the influence of our companMl v, iih a luuabta Incrtptjoir/in- ordrr la* *etn« valuable tim* | but 3Go^nen with Me about Chesapeake. This seems the more del county hath obtained Jrom the or enemies in the different quarters of tl«at po.trrlly may |«l*r» record of the ui- good proportVon of above the Rapids^ \*h«rethe certain foorn this circumstance : The phans court of Anne-ArtiiMlel county, the continent, snd to obtain by con­ lort lrt»n«» »ml thr patron* of the Fin« Alt* at T, two large "" reached me. I. immcdi- ship Emily, captain Scott, (with a in Maryland, letter* of administration, aad lasting the pmcut time m America- quest an honourable r-bilwJdphia, Jan a r«J them to prepare to Sidmouth license) from Baltimpre with the Will annexed, on the pertona) peacs^ A nd set out with my staff to bound to Lisbon was stopped by the estate of Benedict JobneA^ late of Accept, sire, the tributt of ac­ * » detachment of 8OO men squadron and ordered back i this was Anne Arundel cotmty, dcoC|Bd; All knowledgment* of the lov« and jn- Juat Published, having claim* against U»e aaid t morning for the done no doubt to prevent tbjaTrcnch person* anil AMD VOH SALS: aV deceased, are hereby warned to exhibit violable fidelity o/ the senste fvertooK theVi^ at ships from ob tarn ing inrornmjon of French people. to the same, with the vouchers thereof, '>*&> iVes, bpt before the blockade- It would b'e difficult the third troops (colonel Andrews1 extra- to the subscriber, on or before To which his majesty replied r 9 DEVICKS assign any. ojhcr reason for so day of February, eighteen hundred and In four ! !« came up, it was as dinary^a rocwore. " : fourteen, they may otherwise by law tttlled ha defeat What- you have aajd U to «t To^wbloh M The foil owing p be excluded from all benefit of the said sgretttbfe. 1 have at heart the gtov the unai>imrvu»Qp\T up, from, the squad ion ifr the Emily. state. Given under my hiad Ibis IQlh IE ArV ry altd the great ness »f Franc*, My .Pei*lna,and Capt. Kurd and crew 6^,tloop per, 'e should re- turue, from Savannnri bound TO Ik first thoughts arc directed to the P*fw^rai^tJ V On applrtition tornerhe (| Th« partn*r«h

Tt^parp»ses, OftDERBO, That the ax*, «W«ed, aiioclatt JJdge for th* thlnl judicial b*twe*niloh» ChiWs &. George Shaw, it An not to alter and Wpeal raeh1>aKs of Massjchutetts,'is1t»TUlia»,tq ill who will guri way^toa cor»d«ns«d mpp«l- conducted under tli* firm of Oeo. Shaw Xarylartd, by petition, in writing, of are scqu suited with tb» histont of. latiofl^ hofloarfcble and appropriate the constitution snd form of government groom, «f >aid conntf, p*»ying f it Co. is; this d«y dlsstdvwl by nratnal of this state as r*!»te to tb* division of of the aft for th* rttkf of *iOwJry tniolv«w the American revolution, in -wl^ch Th« sole object^ tht peace, honour obnxeiif. . All peroms having claJros Allcamy county into election districts, _...... andUthe teversl s«pplemews chat venerable hero bore so cxjpspi- and prosperity of our com«pon,ccrUiJ- gainut them are requested to and the act, entitled " An act to mUSer, on the terms mentioned In aaid acU; cuauj a paft. At that day general try,.~ jlhe preservation of the ttn'i- them, atod those indebted to^theni to dote of hit property and »Ijsi of 1t Hi Virtue- of two several orders fjrom Gazette, at 'Annapolis;, the Federal Ga­ onfinernent on the tcrmi prescr the revolution, his political princi­ nissiorti %ttt an honourable, just and "the coort of Chancery, the subscribers zette and the American, Baltimore, ctt i' I do hereby order snd adjo< ples and attachments have been uni­ equitable pesce, resting upon mag- will jointly offer for sale on the pre­ the People's Monitor, Easton ; the Fe­ lerton of the taid Uartzy Brown formly republican. Mr. Jefferson's nsnimous, dignified, national prin­ mises, on Saturday the 47th InsU at deral Repi^jicaiH George-town; Ms>l- •A, and by catuing a copy.of thit M o'clock A.M. sheiraer's German Paper, and tl»c Fro- )ublrahcd ID the Maryland Gaaet administration had not a firmer ciples, modified to existing circum­ HAM!*! VwftjlAOTrV.tflWn • before the 6nt ' THAT part of lot flo. St, in the ci- denck-town1 __._!_ • __...... Herald, nonthj iiiccewivelt tupporter than gen. Heath. But stances There ii bo such thing as ty of Annapolis, which extends from Hagar's-town Oaxctt* smd Maryland April next, to gi*e notiot to hia incc the accession of Mr. M Jison, disinterested national friendship, rrpr appear before the county «O8rt Of the house, occupied by Mr. Jona, W«t*w Herald, Hagar's town. on the third Monday Of AJIT» oeu, and since th« influence of bad men will treaties continue to bind, further «o Mr. Gidfcon White's store, FOOT By order, purpose of recommending t trUJtiM has becorj>9 paramount a.t Washing than they are reklprocally interest- fifths of this property are part of the NINIAN PINKNEY, Clk. jenefit, »nd to ihtvr cause, Con, gen. Heath, (ike many other ng. The ocean; is the common estate' gf the late Benjamin Taslier, AN ACT why the s*td Danxy Brown sbo«*)»>Mt republicans, E»q. and one fifth port of the estate of the benefit of the a£t as prayed-for. Giren . bonest and independent icld or great highway of nations, e'h Tn alter dntf repeal *«t& part* o ifcr ^>^tans\ Jhis lltt day «t Novtmber, has not only withdrawn his,suppon, all who wish to improve have the late Alloji Quynn, Esq. which, Samuel Ridoitt, t Trusted oF tr.e the co*ftit*t; forgotten the principles aid the public ing, is one of trie vilest curses.that may be of long duration. The cause, termt apply to the tuutcriber. eight separate districts. by cauhng a copy of thil order t»be mlntas I the neighbono«ls may form eVer. befel a free and honest people the remedy, and the issue, m»_y be *l ni>g*t of appr sembly after the next election of dele­ appear liefore the tald county court, to be U| I TW DTK* will be plain dob. a hairs have long since whitene ed judgment, and calculate for the . NOTICE. gates, in the first session after such new at the City of Annapolis, on the aaid dfj, hi colon oVU j in the service oc, an .ungratcfu meridian of our trite honour, interest THE tubicriber having obtained letters of election, as the constitution and form of the purpofe of recommending a truflct b Unn of newtpapen. who country, been stigmatised as itrafii and prosperity. The people will administration on the fVs/tonal mate nl Csp- government directs, in such case this their benefit, and to thrw note, if »nj thv I til IBS fas*) projected for the tain Hoaaar Dmmir, tise of Anne-Arundel have, why the (aid Jcneph I*. Pearr* wad ix* ItssMsf tktdctadertof the and a t«rj for having voted for Mr c.heeri'ully risk their lives, and spend deceased, reyetts all tienons having act and the alteration in the said con­ have the benefit of laid, aft snd iu tipjs county, therein, nhall be con liuetrtory Se pteated to give th Clinton, in preference to that sha­ their fortunes, for the protection of claim* against the-e^ratc oCthe taiddeceated to stitution contained >. si prayed. . «uJ intrtion The naoict dow of a magistrate, into whose their OWN seamen, and in defence of present the ume.lrgally authenticated, {or let- sidrred as a part and shall* constitute Test. WM. S. GREEN, Ok. ken will be printed in a han .hands an infatuated majority have their sovereignty and independence. Uement, and all prrtont iiidelited to the laid snd be valid as a part of the said consti­ leoppviied wiib a tuitaUs i*o tittle to make immediate pivmrnt tution and form of government, to all tLupotKriiy may potsessa rt resigned once more the destinies of Ought they to risk them to protect Augutta Denny, Admr't. intents and purpoaen, any thiuz therein Anne-Arundel County, s6v Ikrtftindi and the uMrons of this ill-fated nation. But the vene­ foreigners who enter on board our Peffrnbcr ji.______contained to the contrary notwithstand­ ON ajirJicitlon to.roe. the aoe*cribrr. i« ret America- rable and firm old patriot, conscious vessels against their own govern­ ing- reccn of Anne-Arumlcl ccrunty court, a* u |>n. i . of the correctness of his conduct, ment I Does national honour, inte­ Foi; Sale & Hire, attociate joe^e of the third jodiri>l district af AN ACT Maryland, by petition in writing of W i MIAN comes forth to vindicate it in the rest or prosperity require it ? Is it A parcel oflikely, healthy Men, Women, & change and rrpeal alt tych Mnne-Anmdel C Children i on application to the tubscribrr the To alter, ilAHNitof kaldcnuntv, prsyinc the,beoeat«t irne spirit that he formerly vindi­ essential to either of them f But if partt of tie constitution and form of an aA for the relief of tandry Trxnlveot dria. ON ap\ilication to me, the term* will he mode known. 1 want a cober. dili­ of Anne-Arandct cov cated the rights and liberties of his we must have war, let its operations gent man to tuprrmtend my butinctt, one that Ravertivitnt of thit it ate at relate to on, patted at November trtlion, eighiee*%a»>' country against the myrmidons of be of a proper character, not farci­ cincome wellrrcommeiided forhit honetty and the divition ^/ Princt-Oeorgt't coun­ drefl and five, and the several tttpptasMSSI ,1., sobriety will meet with |>roptr cncoengtlMQt, thereto, ontbjc terms memioneej in (IK amUaenr George the 3d, between whom and cal, which can scarcely claim the ty into eltrtion district*. i S idirdaU of hit pro]icrty. and a lbl*f his IW. Pftaaaa, of laid county bat h« must be a ms»4hat will carry auBkicnt Whereas, it is represented to this ge­ Ikwat pf tto aA for the >rlit ^the' myrmidons of James Madison, name of campaign. What has been authority, or it will be needle u to apply He ctfoiiofi, on bath, a» far at he rsn atreme) neral assembly of Maryland, by the them, being anneied to hit petition; aadtat |«tat sebtori, and tha lev. the only difference is, that the for­ done in our last, except the brilliant mutt aUo bring a charaAer from a man of vera­ on the termi nentic city, or otherwite it will be nirteti to apply i petition of sundry inhabitants of Prince- laid WiUi>TD Bames having \tfM»4 ssi,sf mer supported a foreign system of naval actions, to compensate the ^ompet^nt testimon> that h* hat ip*Hiee^lissl iule df hi* property, characters, *ueh at art generally brought, will George's county, that they experience on oita. being anc tyranny and persecution, the latter thousands of dollars which have not be attended to. great inconvenience for want of a sixth ttate nf Marrland for the period of two )*M supported a domestic one. The letter been expended f immediately (irecrding thit hit applicalW, t«l |*no, ind haviug tMivfied O> /I Btnnett Damott. district in raid county and prajing an ode of the conttablea of Anne-Artiiuiet oee. two ;«n in the tiatc of gen. Heath fol'.ows, and we re­ Has it not lessened the opinion Jan il. ** _ 4w alteration io the second, third and fifth ty .having certified rhat the taid pottiioen il lardiaMly preceding Ihe Itmt ( commend it to our readers, as the of our opponent, of our military &U1\ districts, so as to admit a MXth between now in hit ctittody for debt only, and tU»p4 Itttinf alto autd la hit p and a re­ removed conlidence in our protecti­ Anne-Arundel County, sc. them, and the prayer of the petitioned) V\iiUi»m Barnet having given tuflicitta raitrtf coaKotmmt for debt, an offspring of a sound head > W discharged thrrcfroni i publican heart. [Penn. Farnur.] on ; replenished their arsenals with On application to me the subscriber hi the appearing reasonable, therefore, for hit penorml ap|«ar»nce At /\nne-Are>*iC recess of Anne-Arundel county court, at an Jit it enacted, by the general atsem- county court, to aniwer tueh allrgationt»ee^ our arms ; given them spirit and ftatoctale judge for the third jvxlicial dittriA of be made tgaintt him by. hit crcd'tort: 1 > Frem ttt Betten Pllet. rendered M conquest more difficult Marytajiil. by petition in writing of BRBJA- o/y of Maryland, That ill thut part of thervlure utder and adjudge, that the taid Ws> COUNCIL rROU THE ACCD. and hazardous ! Ii tbii the art of Mil I.utavof taidcowty, praying for Ihe be­ the constitution and form of govern­ liam Barnet be ditcruigcd from hit i«jipri«M^ We have authority to say, that people of nefit of the act lor (he reiirf of tundry into)- ment, made inch by the act of seven­ roent, and thai he (by cautmg a oopy of tkcT war I The tense of the ventfdcbtrn, and the several supplements there­ teen hundred and ninety-eight, which otdei to b* Imened in on* of the pnWkc MV*r the following letter is from general this part of the Eastern section of to, oh the termi mentioned In the tald aA*, a direct* that Prince-George's county* paper* in the elty of Antupolit, every w«* Heath, of Rotburv, the rcvolutiona- the United States, has been express, tchedu'e of hit property, and a litt nf hit ere* shall be divided and laid off into five se­ tor three montht smccsaivdy, before thctnui i "ry patriot of '75, and ever since, the ed in favour o'fJptace, by a majority dltors, nn oath, at far a* he can ascertain them, Monday in'April neat,) give notice to hit or- being annexed to hit petition i and having tatlt- parate districts, be and the same is dilort to apprmr before A»fte-ArtinoM c»s**f firm and coniiir^nTfriend of Ameri­ of 24,000. This was necessary to Tied me that he baa resided in ihe ttate of hereby repealed. - court on tl>c said third MemUy in April eett, can Independence, in answer to one correct the trrmttut aiitr;ieiut that Maryland for two yean Immediately preceding And be it enacted. That Prince at 10 o'clock In the morning, for the perse* from the Hon. Mr. Seavcr, M. C. the. eastern states were in favour of the time of hit application i having alto ttat George'? County shall be divided into of tecommending a trustee for their bench, The P. S. is understood to relate to war. I ardently hope, that an ho­ rd that he it in confinement for debt, and hav­ nix separate districts, and that the addi­ and to thew caute, if any they han, v*T ing prayed to be discharged therefrom I do tional district shall be laid off adjoining the Mud William llarmee should not bavetiS two pamphlets from the same person, nourable, just, and equitable peace, hereby order and adjudge, that ihe penon of benefit of the said a/) sad luppirmentt M p"T' recommending the re-election of Mr- will be effected, before the close of the taid Benjamin Lutuy be ditcharged from and between the second, third and fifth ed. fiiKcn under my hand tau> }6th da/ *t Madison. ,N your present session." confinement. It that by cauiinj a copy of this districts. order to be interied in the Mar) land Gazette - And be it enacted, Tliat if this act Richard Bxtracfaf a letter frem an eU Repub­ P. S. " Since writing the forego­ for three montht tuctettively before the third shall be confirmed by the general as- lican in Afaiiaehuiettt, ti a member ing, 1 have been honoured with Monday in April nest, to give notice to hit icmbly ofWaryknd, after the i>ext elec­ Anne-Arundel County, sc. tf Ce*ertn, Jalid tbi 8(6 ef t)utm- yours of the 18th and 25th, menti­ creditor! to appear before the county court of taid county on the taid third Monday of A- tion of ilele^SktAs, in the first session af­ ON application to m«, the tubtcriber, le is* tW, i5i2. oning young Mr. , and covering pril next, fur the purpote of recommending a ter *urh net? election, a* trre constituti­ recett of Anne-Arundel coantv court, st l*> * You say my friends feel morti­ tvat pampblttt—accept my thanks for trustee for their benefit, and to thrw cause, if on and form of government directs, in attocUte judge for the third judicial dittrict ABK<*, of taid eoumv, praying fO» ' acquainted with the arti of intrigue, ed fa*/ Given under my hand thit teveiuh benefit of the *.& for.the relief of tundnr i""*- on which my name was placed was both foreign and domestic. Yen Jkntw, day dUanuary, eighteen hundred and thirteen. be considered as part of said cormtituU- vent dtbton, and the aevrral tuplJem"3 supported by 'many of the firmest that my republicanism and patriot­ Qf . Richard H. Haruood. on and form of government, to all in­ tliereto, on ll>e terms mcntiontd m ttid *S*> rcpublicsns, I know if length of ism, are too firm to be shaken. That tents arW purposes, any thing therein a (cbrdule oi bit ^proptity, ajad a littei sis . time and undeviating conduct, are State of Maryland, sc.. . contained to U^ontrary notwithsUnd crouton, on ee>th. ueiog annexed to kU p*^ although grown an old man, I have W"K- tinn, and having tatitntd me that he htt *, admitted in evidence.' The ticket ON application, by petition of Samuel Mat- tic nor, yet lost my political or military eubbin, e^xeeutor of th* laat will and tcttamrnt sided two years in the stale of Maryland was denominated the Peace Ticket, ken, nor snail they be idle. Old of Oaaaaway Rawlingt, Itte of Anne-Arundcl State of Maryland, sc. mediate!) preceding the time of hit ap[<1rr3ii*V excluding the name of either repub­ haviug alto lUUeef in Ms petition that I*J* birds cannot be caught with eoonty, dcceated, It is ordered, that he give ON application by peiitlort of Thorns* Soil- in confjaemeni Cor debt, and having pr»)*> lican or federal | the approbation of especially'by our modern fowlers." the uottc* required by law, for the creditor! t» man, adminlitrator of RiofcaKl Harriton, lat* to be dochargcd therefrom I 1 do hereby ofdsr it was astonishing, and probably will bring in their claimt againtt the said deeeattd, of Anne-Anndel courKy, docoascd, it is order* and adjudge, that the nerton of George V> and that the tame be publiibed once in each d. that he give the notice required by law for faiker be ditchargedfrOW.taistisoiiBiem, ss* be more so. Considerate men, of 'Week, for the itAce of tix tuccewive wtekt, he creditor! to bring in the cfiimi againtt the both parties are agreed, that the vi­ EXCHAHfOE OF OLD SIX PER, in the Mar)land Republican and Maryland Ca- by cautitig ft oopy. of thii order tojtit ptibliim CENT if DEFERJt£D BTOCK8. aid oVccaaed, and that the aame Be publiihed in th* Maryland Cxaettc for"threr momks « ( olence of party spirit, threatens 'our xette. onte in each weak far th* apace of six tucoft- c*ulv*ry, before th* fomrrh Mon^S/'" Af** country with ruin, and that a union Pnrtnant to thr act of QkSs;reti, entitled, John Oattaway, Reg. tVUIt tlve weekt in the Maryland UftsttM and Mary nut, to give, notice to bit crediiort, to *P**'l ESTA^ ' An afl autlioritiitf; a tubtcription fur ilie «|d fat A. A. conntv. and Hcjiuhlkan. ^'iiii ii^T-,1 must --7- be~- effected. .---^-. You- -_ ss_- well..,.. as--i «ix per cent, anu ocicrmi nocKt, pruvia- before the county court of aaid county, *» ** i« per cent, and dcfcrml itocki. and pruvid Jolm Oauaway. Reg. With aid fbuith Mandsr of April »«", f"*** tnyself, hsve asserted, that a largfe I inK for the nchange of the tame," patted on THIS 18 TO GIVE NOTICE, fot A. A. Comt*. purpote of reconMrtending a ^ate* f«» <»^» portion of those called federalists, «iay of July. »Sn. will be open- That thr »uS»crib*r of Anne-Anii«VIcounty, ben*it, eod t6 thr* ca»**v if »«!f «W*** are as much attached to the welfare hath obtained from the orpfaant couct uf Ann*- THIS 18 TO OIVB NOTICE, why the taid c««rg« W. I*ar4ur «b««*» ff, of our country, and, the genuine «,u contiiine oj«n t te. m »» Aruiuirl county, in MarylSMf lutert tcnamtn- Thut th« tubtoribn of Ann* Arundel county ha.v* the benefit ot die k6> s* p*»T«* "' MM, for rrcriving tub«riptlon» ot the te ef Annc-Arufcdet County, drcetMd A rundel county, in Maryland, IrtleM or admi- are. How important, then, to unite l*r «"?' »"J^'i-'"^ "^h*. '» ih« manner rn*. Allpertont having diimt againtt the *sis),ilr- Kriu»dHv the tanl aA- New certificate*, bean. nit4i»tiou on tht pntonal eitmte of Hichard RicJu^d H. the honest aud well meaning of both tng , , , from lllc firit ^ ^ th. ,uirur in ccatnl, art Iwreut warned to exhibit the aside, H»>ri5on( late of Atmr-Arundtl county, ds>. with th* voAtjan ihcrrof, toth* tubacriber; on erased All |»rtoni hsving claima againti lb* parties. That is now tHe object and which the tuUcription shall be rnjtde. at th* rate or before in* }\ 8 day of UAober nej«, they may Cily Bank of Baltimore « "«« » V snnum, p«yaU« tatddrceaMd, ^re hereby warned to exhibit the U will succeed. Heretofore the re­ oiberwit* by law b« excluded from all benefit lame, with the necessary voucher* Ihetto'f, ro Books Vor MMmng ubserbttons (" publicans have not held out the hand of the taid TDUU . Given unjer my ha>(d tkli the tuktcribcr, o« or befon the 3|th day of stock In The City Bw*k «|iply to Anne ArumUl county court, "" For Sale. ing a* tb* time, to U«« credit of -easy propri*. o» >omi one of the jmtgn ttirr«of. in .the re A person to undertake the maklru^of A Nsjgro Woman, aged SS,*^* 1*? snd hst lost its force. The « tit* books nf the rtoMury or of .the com- cn> nf t»id court, for tbe oxnefit of the act for carnmunky have mintiuntrt ol Idam r^njec(iv«J», nor till alter the relief >f tutidry IntolTtnt cUbton, pa»cU OOPVrJHAS : A«y one compeU-iTto ChUdifn, three girl* and a boy, for therpselvj at NovcmJIM' tettion, iBoj, and tl>« uveral tup. tUo work, on a krgo soal«,, may b* «a- oldest daughter nine yt»rl of plcmenta thsrcto. ' with. -<» valuable- nuatioo. they »


ANNAPOLIS, tHUKBDAY, tfBBRtfA&Y 2$, 1813. No. 5 ]

13." Cash! wit;mnoTowr (D.) rco. 17. , BALtM, IEB. Frtm tht N. r. Rvin'mg P»rt, Frt>. MS, ANOTHER SPLENDID NAVAL AFFEttING L&TTrER LAW 1NTKLL10BNCE. afoot in the fo^omat and Yesterday befqre the Obort of .ntion Lotteryt teco*dclatt VICTORY, Exfratt of « UtUrJrtm Gttrgt 1 priae of 1 80,000 Sessions for this city and county, a the ftfgate GojitTiTCTioir, Cpni- I* bit mattir in Btvtrfy, dattd " At- sojdUr by the name of M'Dona^d, do. , if. 5.000 modorc BAU«)»RiDOa. ' do- 8.000 belonging to the garrison'of Gover­ TV5e have bten obligingly favour­ ".On'the 26lh of August We were nor's Islaod, was indicted for stab­ do, 1,000 taken by an Algerineoft our passage do. 600 ed by mij. R. Carr, who hat iutt re­ bing Mr> Keith in the public street do. 100 turned from New-Castle, with the home, and on that fatal day Host, my at Whitehall slip.v It appeared in> patriotic Naval Print the following Stationary -Prizes following intereiting account of a- liberty and all that I held dear to' evidence that a file of men had beea nother splendid naval victory. be made a slave in This cruel couu- fe 1 privJof f 15,000 ent from Governor's Island to ip- 1 '*>. 10,000 The account Hrn brought to New- tty." WTien taken, wo wer0 stript prehcnd a deserter ; they found the i.ber dTvottt half the profits of thlt I do. SjDOO Castle by an t»flker_of thi^ ConsttUlK and plundered, of" every thing, and man ind took him to Mr.'Hatfield'a «**«"•«»« • ' 1 do. ~ ' g,ooo tion, who had/just landed from remain almost naked ; .and .here we Whitehall slip, 1,000 grocery store near 8 de. achuoner-priec tcv the, who are without friends or any one to as­ and placed M'Donald as a'centinel |fe»* of UK'' « Olttr3r- B do. 600 was in sight at the close, of the ac­ sist in. Wc.areallin as good health Description qftkt Print. 10 do, of .100 Tickets each in this class on the wait before the house. The tion, and-from whose journal major as can be expected in our deplorable marching of the, guard to HatfijeUTi of »n American write* at Besides a vast"tiumber of small prises, situation, which to describe would lion in writin(f and not near I I £ blanks to a prize. Carr extracted it. The officer has excited some curiosity among the id county, fimy Present prire of tickets f 9. gone on to Washington with dis­ wound^your feelings too much. I inhabitants of the neighbourhood, ic rt)1ef of latKlrj of Narsl P«t. TICKET*** .SHARES patches. hope it will not be long before 'our and several went towards the door at NOYtmbtr Se l frigs JosatM Dec. 29, T812, at meridian, Iat. country will redeem us from our «, and the trrtnJ fcr using. «he»ignaJ »»P. lh* '*»' to see what was going lot-ward. The he trrtni nwn(i Book-seller, George-town 13, 6, S. long. 36, W. 10 leagues unmcrcilul tyrants. We are obliged soldier, (M(Donald) ordered them 'sold-a great part of the Capital from St. Salvadore, descried a sail, to labour hard, and every night we off, and one mart refusing to step and a lid wm be rtc«i»«afcy the PnUiib- Prize* in the first ela*s. ', which was toon discovered to be an are confined in this prison. In the back, was stabbed in two places, at he can ateehao) r1. HAKaiio»,No. 40, All orders for tickets particularly I write t swnt ot mor«A« English frigate.' We took in main few hours allowed fur rest, and driven from the walk ; at this attended to. Price Tickets m this and this, which I send by the same brig valve 'to hit obtali^ hU intended i hat inbtcription* ahall bt r«- sail and royals. Tacked ship and moment Mr. Keith came out of a bc;ng anr*Ad MI* other Lotteries taken in pavment for past that we were taken in. She is now Hntdattok7 the different respectable Book- tickeUi All lottery information gratis. stood for her. At 5O minutes neighboring house, not knowing lid com i being fatnfitj I iriltri aod Editor* throughout the U State*. under Moorish colours, and bound to , that he hat retidtd is. 1 P. M. the enemy bore down with that any soldiers were near, or that Ifte Pn»t U in a ttat* of forwardnctt. and intention of raking ua, which we Gibraltar. I hope' you will get some for the period o( t*t I OulW executed In the most elrgnnt and mat- NOTICE. any disturbance had tak/n place, eding hit appi'Mfc*, r mte. At toon at the etch*n)t aloe* it avoided by wearing. persons to intercede for myself' and and in attempting to pass rtilnekl'i ' of it shall bt If all persons indebted to. the late At S P. M. within half a mile companions, if in their power. firm of Pinlcney and Munroe and H. house,'received Ihe point of the sol­ and to windward, having hauled .. Your unfortunate son, 8cc. dier's bayonet in the thigh. G. Munroe and Co. do not come for­ We have a letter from Samuel Lar- iti order may form an ids* »f the ward and aatufactorily arrange their down his colours, except union jack The jury found M'Donald guilty.. c, once a vrcrk for tkrei ' what the subject win appear at mizen mast head, the Constituti­ rabee, giving a similar description of 'ort tht.lhird Mondai debU with the aa!d firm* befure the The recorder immediately ordered .K4 fimthed by the engraving, and displayed March next, suits will be on hred one gun ahead of the ene­ lis slavery, chained to hard labor, nice to hU crrdhon « I viih all rtx ad»aniag«t of appropriate coloring. 20th day of him to be brought to the bar for sen* ountjr court, to be d commenced againat every defaulterwith- my to make him show his colours,