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The Western Pennsylvania Historical Magazine The Western Pennsylvania Historical Magazine INDEX Volume 50 1967 Published quarterly by THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 4338 Bigelow Boulevard, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania A American Fur Company, post (1849) at Fort ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Laramie, 40 Authors and Publishers), Victor Herbert American Philosophical Association, Thomas a founder, 132 Hutchins a member, 56 Abercromby, Gen. James, sent by Forbes, American State Papers, Class V, I, 406, report of end of campaign, 99 roster of officers of 22nd Infantry, 138 Additions to Collections, Library, 362-367; Amherst, Gen. Jeffrey, sent by Forbes, re- Genealogy, 363; Archives and Museum, port of 1758 campaign, 99 367-368, not fully indexed Anderson, Niles, "Grandfather Was a Forty- Adjutant General's Office (1813), 228 Niner," 33-50; "New Light on the 1758 Agents and Merchants: British Colonial Forbes Campaign," 89-103 Policy and the Origins of the American Arbuckle, Thomas, coffee king, 118, 119 Revolution (1763-1775), by Jack M. Sosin, Archbishop of Canterbury, dined Harriet rev., 75-77 Lane, 213 Agriculture, in Sacramento Valley (1849), Archer, Frederick, first master of Pittsburgh 46 Orchestra (1896), 125 Alaska, State of, the Alaska Statehood Act, Archimedes, old British channel boat, carried survey problem, 58 animals, 109 Alfred Lord Tennyson, honorary degree at The Architectural Heritage of Early Western Oxford University, James Buchanan fellow Pennsylvania. A Record of Building be- recipient, 213 fore 1860, by Charles Morse Stotz, rev., Allegany County, N.Y., official document 68-71 (1879), 7-8 Aristocracy, defended by H.H. Brackenridge, Alleghenians, variety of occupations men- 317 tioned by Rimmel, 119 Aristophanes, Knights, models for characters Allegheny Centennial Committee, W.P.A. in Modern Chivalry, 320 (1941), Story of Old Allegheny City, 115 Armistice in France (Nov. 11, 1918), wild Allegheny City, laid out (1787), borough French celebration, 110-111 (1828), city (1840), annexed to Pgh. Armorer, Joseph, Unitarian (1823), trustee, (1907), 115 — 277 "LittleLittle Sister City Old Allegheny," by Armstrong, Col. John, division ordered for- C. V. Starrett, 113-124 ward (Nov. 13, 1758), 95, 231 Allegheny General Hospital, Pgh., organizes Artillery, in Brown's Army (1814), four a Red Cross Hospital Unit (1917), 106; companies, 411 aggregate enrollment, 141, magnificent, 121 183 Alliance, Ohio, recruitment and enlistment Aspinwall, Col. Thomas, in command of center (1864), 174 Scott's Brigade (1814), 145, 227 Alpha Lutheran Synod, Negro organization Atkin, Edmond, southern superintendent of I under the auspices of North Carolina Indian affairs (c.1754), 28 Synod, 188 The author, his role as a character in a Altgeld, Gov. John P., of Illinois, Pullman literary production, 321 strike affair, 288 Automobile, first Pgh. accident report (April Altoona, Pa., payrolls and checks of P.R.R., 17, 1901), 125 Andrew Carnegie mishap, 292 Awards to J. Warren Jacobs, at World's American culture, its basic contradictions re- Columbian Exposition (Chicago, 1893) vealed inwritings of Tocqueville and H.H. and Universal Exposition (St. Louis, Brackenridge, 306 1904), 219 B Bass, Mrs., Virginia widow, Washington, B.N.Y. &P., Pa. oilfield railroad (1877), 11 D. C, society figure, friend of Pres. Babes in Toyland, music by Victor Herbert Buchanan ;she was a slaveholder, Unionist, (1903), 131 208-209 Bachman, Rev. John, pro-slavery Lutheran Bassler, Gottlieb, graduate of Gettysburg pastor inSouth Carolina, 192, 193, 195, 196 Seminary (Lutheran) leader, 191, 193 Bakewell, Benjamin, Unitarian, trustee,— 277 Battle of Bull Run (1861), railroad at Bakewell, Mary E., Of Long Ago The Burke's Station, 297 Children and the City, cited at length, 123- Bauer, Harold, tribute to Victor Herbert, 124 — cited, 127-128 Baldwin, Leland D., Pittsburgh The Story Beale, George, Thespian, Pgh. (1823-1824), of a City (1937), 114 279 Baldwin Locomotive Company, 1878 engine Bedford Springs Hotel (1859), 209, 213 16 Belfour, Stanton, Centennial History of the arker, R. B., Thespian, Pgh. (1823-1824), Shady side Presbyterian Church, rev., 67, 279 114 3 Bennett, James Gordon, New York Herald, tions to Red Cross Hospital Unit staff attacks James Buchanan, 199 (1917), 106 ! Benson, Mrs., widow, friend of James Bu- Boyd, Dr. D. H., physician with Red Cross chanan, niece of Mrs. Catron, 207 Hospital Unit (1917), 105 Benson, Adolph B., ed., reprint of Peter Brackenridge, Alexander, brother of Henry Kalm's Travels in North America (1966), Marie Brackenridge, 254 rev., 150-151 Brackenridge, Henry Marie, two hitherto unpublished letters, 253-255 Benson, Evelyn Abraham, ed., Penn Family Brackenridge, Hugh Henry, Modern Recipes, With an Account of the Life of Chivalry, 305-336 passim; The Modern Gulielma Maria Springett Penn, 1644- Chevalier, poetic formlater abandoned,Moden\314 1694, rev, 247-251 Bradford, Pa,Pa., oil boom (1877), 10/. Benson-Hyde, California surveys (1880/.), Bradford &Foster Brook Railroad Company.Company, proved fraudulent, 59 chartered (1877), 11, 19 Benton, Jessie (Hart), at seventeen m. Col. Bradley, Erwin S.,S, Simon Cameron, Lincoln's John C. Fremont, 205 Secretary of War: A Political Biography Bevan, Mrs. Margaret, granddaughter of (Phila.,(Phila, 1966), rev.,rev, 243-244 Gen. Roy Stone, 21 Brady, Col. Hugh, Twenty-Second Infantry The Bible, read through four times by J. (1812-1815), biog. sketch, 134, 139, 142, Warren Jacobs as a boy, 217 145, 147, 222, 227 Biddle, Richard, Thespian, Pgh. (1823-1824), Brady, Lt. John (1814), 227 279 Brady, William,brother of Col. Hugh Brady, Bigelow, Edward M, engineer, promoted 134 annexation of Allegheny by Pittsburgh Branning, Rosalind L.,L, rev.,rev, of Bowen's (1895), 118 Miracle at Philadelphia: The Story of the Bining, Arthur Cecil, writer on Hopewell, Constitutional Convention, May to Septem- furnace and village, 72 ber 1787, 239-240 Bird-houses, 215-220 passim Brant, Dr. N. D.,D, physician withRed Cross BirdLore, articles by J. Warren Jacobs, 219 Hospital Unit (1917), 106 Bissell, Al, puts calendar in study room of Brazil, without land surveys and an effective school, 63 system of land records, 59 Blainville, Celoron de, expedition of 1749, Breckenridge Isid,[sic], Alexander, Thespian, 23/. Pgh. (1823-1824), 379 Blake, Mr. and Mrs.,Mrs, of Boston, roomed at Bridge: Long Bridge, over the Potomac Mrs. Peyton's house in Washington, 202 River at Washington, D. C. (1861), B. & Blake, Mrs. George, escorted by Congress- O. track, 297 man James Buchanan (1821), 202 Brilliant, army transport on the Ohio River Bland Act, 283 (March, 1864), 175 Blodget, Mrs.,Mrs, of Philadelphia, a flame of Broken Peace Pipes: A Four-Hundred-Year Congressman James Buchanan, 203 History of the American Indian, by Irvin Blue Earth County, Minn, residence of John M. Peithmann (1964), rev.,rev, 245-246 Herron (1856-1859), 229 Brown, Alice Cooke, Early American Herb Board of Trade (British), approves idea of Recipes, rev.,rev, 74-75 Edmond Atkin (1755), 28 Brown, Charles Brockden, melodramatic Boats: keelboat at Pgh. (1803), 301, 302, 303 American fictionist, influenced by English Bodisco, Baron, an old man, marries a teen- and German gothic romance and influence aged girl, 205 upon Poe, Melville,Hawthorne and Faulk- Boggs & Buhl, famous mercantile establish- ner, 305 ment of old Allegheny, 121 Brown, Gen. Jacob, New Yorker, militia Boone, Daniel, wagoner, blacksmith with commander (1813), biog. sketch, 136, 224, Braddock (1755), 26 225 Booth, Wayne C, The Rhetoric of Fiction, Brunot, Felix, North Side, Pgh. resident, 118 321 Bryan, William Jennings, visitor at Jacob's Bouquet, Col.Henry, established (1760) Fort Museum, 220; at Chicago (1896), 285 Presqu' Isle, his expedition (of 1764), 51, Buchanan, Edward, brother of James, was 91 an impoverished Episcopal prelate, 205 Bouquet's Camp, final rendezvous on Forbes Buchanan, Harriet, sister of James, m. Rev. march (Nov. 24, 1758), 99 Robert Henry of Greensburg, 206, 210, 211 Bourbonne-les-Bains, Haute-Marne site of Buchanan, Pres. James, biography by Philip American Red Cross Hospital (1918), Shriver Klein, 202; his natal family, 210- photos, opp. 109 214; 230 — Bowen, Catherine Drinker, Miracle at Phila- "Bachelor Father James Buchanan as a delphia: The Story of the Constitutional Family Man," by Philip Shriver Klein, Convention, May to September 1787, rev, 199-214 239-240 Buchanan, Jane, d. 1839, left four orphans, Boyce, Maj. J. W, gave physical examina- 206; sister of James, 210 4 Juchanan, Maria, sister of James, 210; lost Burlington Hospital, Vermont (1814), 229 first two husbands, married last, Dr. Burney, Thomas, Ohio frontier gunsmith Charles M. Yates of Meadville, five chil- (1750), 25, 26 dren, 211-212 Burton, Robert, The Anatomy of Melancholy, Juchanan, Sarah, sister of James, married 320 a Mr.Huston, later died leaving one child, Bushy Run, Bicentennial (1963), 89 Elizabeth Huston, 204, 210, 211 Butler, Gen. Benjamin, with troops reaches Buffalo, N. Y., in War of 1812, 224, 225, Washington, D. C. (1861), 296-297 227 Butler, James B., Thespian, Pgh. (1823- Juhl Planetarium and Institute of Popular 1824), 279 Sciences, Pgh. North Side, on site of old Byers, A. M., castle-like house on Ridge Allegheny City Hall,114, 121 Avenue, 118 The Bulletin, Williamsport Republican news- Byrne, Loretta P., rev. of Benson's Penn paper (1896), 284-285 Family Recipes, With an Account of the Burd, Col. James, some of his papers present- Life of Gulielma Maria Springett Penn, ed to HSWP, opp. 96 1644-1694, 247-251
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