Camping out Warren H
CAMPING OUT WARREN H. MILLER Class Book Cop)Tight}]°_ COPnUCHT DEPOSIT. THE EXPLORER'S WALL TENT, PUT UP WITH SHEARS AND RIDGE POLE CAMPING OUT BY WARREN H. MILLER Editor of Field and Stream Author of "Rifles and SHOTorrNs," "The Boys' Book of Hunting and Fishing," "The Boys' Book op Canoeing and 'Sailing," etc. ILLUSTRATED NEW YORK GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY ^^^ COPYRIGHT, 1918, BY GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY -4 1913 COPYRIGHT, 1917-18. BY THE FIELD AND STREAM PUB. CO. PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ©Ci.A-i97159 ^10 I PREFACE Camping out may well be classed as one of the liberal arts, so wide is its application. Once the bulwarks of civilisation are removed, veteran and tyro alike come under the same skies, and must conform to the same principles governing life in the open. Whether one hits the far trail, by canoe, pack train or back pack, or whether one camps within easy distance of team transportation, the same actualities of weather, insect life, camp cook- ery, and shelter confront one, and their successful solution must be achieved to make the camp an enjoyable memory. Virtually the only difference is in the limitations of weight imposed on the nomadic camper who travels in the wilderness, which limitations are by no means as exacting when the camp is permanently located for the proposed stay. Hence a book on modem camping out would have to contain chapters adapted to both kinds of camping, since the equipment used would vary greatly, while the general system would remain the same.
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