Descriptive Catalogue of Kodascope Library 16Mm Motion Pictures: Sixth
Jjescziptlve Calaloaue KOBASCOFE LIBRARY 16 m m Mohon Picfures Some in Color Sixth Edition Rei;isecl Scanned from the collection of David Pierce Coordinated by the Media History Digital Library Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from IVIedia History Digital Library Sixth Edition Revised Descriptive Catalogue of KODASCOPE LIBRARY MOTION PICTURES Containing many additional subjects, sub- stantial reductions in rental prices, and the elimination of some of the earlier subjects. All subjects listed herein can also be shown silently on any 16 mm Sound Projector PRICE 25 CENTS KODASCOPE LIBRARIES, INC. A Subsidiary of The Eastman Kodak Co. 33 WEST 42nd STREET NEW YORK See page two for list of American Libraries. FOREIGN LIBRARIES Batavia Colombo Manila Rio de Janeiro Berlin Copenhagen Medan Shanghai Bombay Gothenburg Melbourne Singapore Brussels The Hague Mexico City Soerabaja Budapest Havana Milan Sydney Buenos Aires Lausanne Nairobi Vienna Cairo Lisbon Oslo Valparaiso Calcutta London Penang Wellington Capetown Madrid Paris COPYRIGHT. 1936 Kodascope Libraries Location and Subjects Contained fAtlanta, Ga. Kodascope Libraries, Inc., 183 Peachtree St. Boston, Mass. Kodascope Library of Boston, Inc., 438 Stuart St. Chicago, 111. Kodascope Libraries, Inc., 133 North Wabash Ave. ^Cincinnati, Ohio Kodascope Libraries, Inc., 27 W. 4th St. fCleveland, Ohio Kodascope Libraries, Inc., 1862 E. 6th St. Detroit, Mich. Kodascope Libraries, Inc., 1206 Woodward Ave. $Kansas City, Mo. Kodascope Libraries, Inc., 1010 Walnut St. *Los Angeles, Cal. Kodascope Libraries, Inc., 643 South Hill St. fMinneapolis, Minn. Kodascope Libraries, Inc., 112 South 5th St. New York, N. Y. Kodascope Libraries, Inc., 33 West 42nd St.
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