The Billboard 1913-08-09: Vol 25 Iss 32

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The Billboard 1913-08-09: Vol 25 Iss 32 AUGUST L ISIS. contents: MAKE YOUR LOBBY DISPLAY Opera Chairs Page Page Ray Eleanor Ball Pront Cover Park. Aviation and Skating News 86 81 ATTRACTIVE E<lltorlaIa 8 Salmagundi 82 PETER tVOlZ CO Vaudrvlt News of tb« Week d-.l Headers* Column S2 Eealnpe News of the Week 6-7 Marriages, Itlrtba and Deaths 82 Maawfaatwrwi London Cabltg H0UTE8— Riirlt-aque News p Performers' Dates Arlii|Ioi Hiifbh, Music Nevi'a Wa ataka Lakh* m Permanent Stuck and Thsatta nittma New York Vaudevll Rev'ewa and Brass Balts W llliioii jj Dramat'c and Musical Vaiidovll Wbl*|)era avwy daaerimtsa. jj Minstrel Dm*! fall la riatt Coney laland Chatter |o.]-{ Panda and Orchestras our oeatplsts Shew Clileaeo Vaudevll Reviews Rooata at Write for Prices. Carnlvil Companies Heard on Chicago's Klalto Itl-IOS Faartb Asa., Maw York. N. V. We carry a large M ivlng Picture News 14-1!) VIrcus and Wild Wests MlKcellaD<'oUB l-nndon News Letter Wrils for Cata- stock of chairs on log. Tent Show Notes 2(1 ClssslUiil Advortlaements 36 89 Eatabllshad 16S1 hand at all times. Paris News Letter 21 New Fairs 40 PIsylioiise Notes 21 C rri-ctlons and Changes 41 Stars in Ilurlusque 21 Film Kelease Dates 43 46 THE WISCONSIN Circus News 22 2.%. .10 Din-ctory 48-49 Nevnan Mfg, Co. 02 SEATING COMPANY Csrn'vsl News 20'27, .11 Convent'on List 711-7*1 Sysaaisra Straai 27 New- Conventions 03 NEW LONDON. WIS.. U. 8. A. Carulvsl Conver^atlot CINCINNATI, 0. Pipes for Pltchmea 27 Opera House Directory ON STEEL OR CAST „ IRON STAND- / ' IJjjr Pairs and FTiimisIiIods 28-29 Letter List 68 60 ARDS IN MANY styles. S^m EBttrm RBBr*- It Hay» to Diacriminatm in baying YOUH ••■latiM. Flitcher vXTBft W. Olekamiaii. fil North Sovroth 81.. 'Phoot 126 Braorh Brook. Ntwark, N. Theatre Seating ROLL Southorn Callfor* iHBdB liiN lAia—Tn CMtu mu foa mica ala Roarooootative. y iTa T Callfarala Scattna CCUn TnniV Upbulstersd Chair Catalog S-1 I Ca.. ■■no M g iJU*"! OCnll lUUMI nr Mr>T. Pirtnra Chair Cstaloe S-S N a y a BlogWP M c Aatolot. Cal a ^ ^ Fort^ard sketch of floor tor K N. w. Rtara> ’=S E Tiotativa. H. A. Free Seating Plan okataa Soatlaa T Co.. 611 Wrttrra aC07 Wa Sava farolakad 88 par oant of kSe kkaatraa 8CC7 8 A*.. Soattlo. Waah. /6 aastad Id ika psai 10 yasia—sa6 oa aaa arata It ^ /0 [P IHtttIK' f*f Ot tM*U !• t< r‘'< Hmerican Seating Compaip If !*•% $U.t il8 8. Wabash Atb., Chicago 16 E. 32d 8t., New York BOSTON ■H'laOKLWMia WITTSBUnOH. THE ARCUS TICKET CO. Ski Ml caaraa Tieim 4il Mail Hmm n. cbwam. hi 1HE WORLD'S GREATEST GBM FOR VERDIRG Uachlnaa. Wo mako any alao for any Badilno. Oot our prtroa. Wo alao auko Bcbooea and PirB'ua Oaaa. THEATER CHAIR HELMET GUM SHOP, ClaalaaaM. Ohio. Sanitary. Spaca-Saving, Lifa-Saving, Monay-Saving. To use this chair is to make your busincs-x grow. Write today for Circular C. HARDESTY MFG. CO., Canal Dover, Ohio MAGIC CATALOGUE Mld-Suaarr Uala roady. Barapoa. lllualosa. tOaS ^\¥ Y C/5 Five Thousand $1.25 Kcadtna. Card Trlcki. Vaotrlloqulat VTfuraa. Appa- $2.50 ratua. Plana and Sorrota. Roller Rink and Kill I Ui Ten Thousand • • • W. ALBERT TRIPP. Merry Go Round Men *^^*-*^ QJ Twenty Thousand - - $4.50 Raata It. Naw BodtarS. Maaa Twenty-five Thousand $5.50 HEADQUARTERS FOR PLEASE READ THIS. III 1^ H I ^ Cm Fifty Thousand • - • $6.50 Brlgtitoo Beach. N. T.. OcL 1. 1*1*. Oentlemen—I bare uoer uaed an Organ before ^ KJ One Hundred Thousand $8.00 chta aeaaon, and tbe muale auppllad by yonr In¬ ASBESTOS strument was a reeelatinD to me, and any eertl- Scatlon to that effect that you desire. I shall be the: big tickeit at the small rrice: only too glad to furnish yon. Piisr to this I hare Toor oarn Special Tlck>*t. any prlntlDi. anj ook>ra. accurately numbered; every roll guar- always used a band. Sincerely, anlt-nd. CoDinio Ttck--ta for Prlan I»raaringa, S.tak). g2.M). Stork TIcketa. Sc per 1.000 Style US. IfTRON A. riXKK. Pmmpt ablpm^-nta. Canh artth ordrr. Oet tbe atmpiro- Send diagram for Benerred Brlghtoa Beach Rink. S.-BI CAtnpoo ■noknfa. arrial or dated. Expert workmarMihlp •rd untiring efforts to ex- CURTAINS oel brings eoluntary letirra of this kind. When In tba market, write ua about new Organa and repair National Ticket Co, Shamokin, Pa. ■aork. PICTURE BOOTHS lORTH TONAWANDA MUIICAL INSTRUMENT Deal direct arith tbe manufacturer. Aroid WORKS the middleman’s profit. C. W. TRAINER Nsrtk Taaawaada. Naw Ysrfc. U. S. A. Stadium Motordrome Factory MF'G. CO., 80 Pearl Street, Boston. Ssnd Become a Wire Walker. 9(te. for booklet. HOW TO SLACKEY, 2233 W. 12th St. Blvd., Chicago. Ill Moved to Parkridge, Ills. IF YOU WANT THE BEST, YOU CAN MAKE NO MISTAKE ON THIS. A FEW OF OUR _Biisines.s iiicrpasitig every day. Capacity unlimited. Single track MANY BARGAINS. SCENERY FREE dromes, complete with ticket l)o.\es,’all 'paintedjfand ready to set np, To bouio managers or prop., one beautiful Srt and Drop Curtain free, for tbe prlrllege of an ad curtain twelve hundred dolhirs. L;itest improved double track dromes, with or olio drop. FORSALE tops, jiulleys, poles, electric lights, l)o.xes,’'^complete, fifteen hundred F. M. WOLF. Scenic Artlet The COLONIAL THEATRE dollars. .Ml orders filled in five days. Get in your orders while the IMI Suporler Street ToMo. Ohio. game is good. Our dromes get the money. PORTABLE Watertown, Wisconsin WOOLCOTT & MURPHY, Box 149, Parkridge, Ills. Fully equipped for road shows, vaudeville or pictures. Electric Lighting Outfits No. I Monograph. $135.1X1: S'mpirx. *175.00; Ecllson Machine. *5ii.(mi. WILL BUY Pa.-«l»n Play. Uncle Own your own and aaro nion«T. Por Tmls. Boat ha. Tom's Cabin, and other good tbrec-reel fesiures. NOTICE—Ysu Novelty Dealers, our pri Cnnceaalona, Perfomers. Htrorla. ata fan uaa any¬ are rlxlit and our g-Mels aam» ai rtpre-enied. where. We can atilp the following gioda at once: t-ltfht nutflta. romplets .I 4.6* THE DAViS FILM EXCHANGE CO. ll-llfbt Outnta, complete . 6 56 S4-llxbt Oiitflu, complete . 16.66 Watartown, - - Wis. t6-llxht Ouinta, romplaue . 14.N la-llfht OuUlta, complete . 11.64 ■ nclmlee rantrollliif awllch. fimei. pcirialile wtie. lamps and nimpiMltlon waterproof sockets, aeointcd Novelt Its 6-In.. 6-ln.. IX ln.. l»-ln.. or 24-ln. apart, ('oamlcla In every way for connrctliio. Tou car>*l afford to be THEATER SUPPLIES GE LEBR AT ION GOOPS without one. Illuailiietlon meansaSlicresa. Tbs ad¬ ditional hu.lnaas secured by Uieir^ae la worth while A Largo Stock of SUthtly Uaed Mavis* Pla* orilcrtng today. tura Macblaea tad Currrat Reducers tl-at- eat Model.) at about Half Pries. Outdoor W. H. GOUGH. Syracuse. N. Y. Ssalia* Always la Stack. Opera Chairs, tll*l<tly atsd, sack.... t0.7S Heavy New Faldiitt Chair., aaeh.40 NEW Siaiotca, attd three aisatht. 175 00 Pswer't 6, Orat-elsta coaditlaa. 100 06 Illustrated Cataloguo Ediaoa ExhibRIsaa. oood aoadltlsh.. 65.60 Iion't forgei. 1 uke your old machlrie In trada regardlcae of aaake. All grv>d. guaran¬ MAGIC teed tn Orat-da.. ctH-dPlon. Will ah p sub- led to Inapertloo. Bare many other good bargains fteiid me an exact ll.i of your wants TRICKS AND SUPPLIES and aM why I sell more goods than all com- PRICE, IB CENTS petUora combined. READ A COVCRl lit E. 4td W.. Chlsaoa. Iff UHI'KD WKMKLT. iBd iDtiria u Bietmd- PUBLICATION OFFICE: -I— Mill Mittw it Piwt-uOlc*. UtoeUi- Billboard BiiiUllng. 20-27 Opera Flac*, , ClDcinnaM. Ohio, • • - C. B. A. ■Mtl. OtlUl. ADVTBTTSIWO EATEB—Twiity-Bii Mali per luii, igiti loiiiariiiiwt. WboU pac*. BRANCH OFFICES: ! $171; half !>««•, ttT.M-, iaartav pac*. MI.7I. lo idvirttaemrat isaaaBniic laai tkaa 4 NEW YORK. I Third Floor, llwldrlberg Bldg., Broadway, IE liaii ictaptad. I Forty-aecond 8t. and 8»rwitli At*. | Bubiorirtioa, H a jaar; 6 moethi, IS; S Telefoo*. M70 Bryant. ! Bsotbi. A: payabU ia adiaaoa. CHICAGO. Mo rstra charfi to Caaadiaa or Foraiga 1203 Schiller Bldg., A4 W Randolph Street. Mibirribart. Telefone, Central 1084. the BILLBOABD ii for aaU oa all Mi 8T. LOUIS. triioi and nowi-itaada tkraont tha Uaitod THE SHOW WORLD ENCYCLOPEDIA Boom No. SOS. Central National Bank Bldg. Autei and Canada, whiob ara auppllod bj Telefone. Kin. Central ItTB-R. Wl tbe Amehoaa Mowa Oo., and ita branebaa. lOV It ii alao on aala at Brantana'a. S7 Aaanua KANSAS CITY. dc rOpara, Faria, Fraaoa. Wban not oa W. H. DONALDSON. 1117 Commerce Bldg: Telefone, Mala 88B7. I*-! aale pleaaa aotifp thia oAca. r. PubUaber. BALTIMORE. Beoiittaacaa ahenld ba mada by poat* 8i7 West North Avenne. or aapreaa nuiaay ordar. or raglatorad Uttar addreat or mada payabla to Tin Bill- Addraai all ooDUBunlcatloni for the editorial or bualnaaa department to LONDON. ENGLAND. 8 Bnpert Court, Ftccadllly Olrcoa, W. II beard Fabllahlag Oompaay. The BMIbaard Publltklai Ca.. 25-27 Opara Plaea. Claelaaatl, OhU, U. •. A. Tha rditcr oaa not nadartaka ta ratara aa- Telefone, 4104 Oerrard. aelicitad mannacrlpt) eorraapoadaata ahoald Umc-Dlatanea Talafona, Canal 5015. Prlaata Kzdianfe. Connaetlnc all Departmeata PARIS, FRANCE. kaap copy. CabU Addraaa (Badatarad) "bii.ti 121 Bne Montmartre. Telefone, 222—81. persons, causes or circumstances, but trying to picture them as wearing and have already read this week’s and Editorial Comment it is not at all difficult to see plainly wings. Tfaiting for the next one.
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