2017 FOIA Logs.Pdf
Un"-d States Secret5eMce Freedom of Informationa Privacy Acts Bnlndl CommunicationsC.enller 245 Mumiy Lane, SW, Bulldlng T·S Wa1htnoton, DC 20223 Open FY 17 .... .... I ·- 20111515 5/1�4Ul7 - or - fllfa a111made ton,)(611b• ·11C> I . ... ,...Juty 21, 20H at 7:37pm .,_ .. 20161525 2/U/2017 therecord• ID wnwlb_'(6i1b](T)(C, -nat t!>X�CXC) seledled fora pGlltlollUSSS withthe untbmld D J01615Z6 2//2017 1Mremrd al ...... eamlNtlon RM' b)'6 1bCn;1 - 2016152t 2/W2017 1n - - lnQUG9.,.nimp•, mawont In the 'V --•-..--•• ...... 8uzzfeed News aimputarany symmal Secret member, Servtce � the monlhlJune, al July, and August 1 ..... ., 2016ws 2/D/2017 tnronNUonn, on l(6};tb)(l)(C) .-why wasthe ll>XO);(b)(7)(C) for. u.:,....... � position 2016156' 2/28/2017 ......l.lWlilllglthe reports, emalll, and .. memorandumarecardll, al NICI -.id Withaft lntllmll I1llpldlon ln,lltlptlan al $pedal Agent Itb)(6'1bY7_.C"\ ,....... Mardi1, 2012 ID 201515A 2/211/2017 IMY and al lnlbmwtloo �lb)(C5>:1bx•xC) .. 'V6 ,b'O, - badrgrOund c:hedcs,pel'IOG-.I r _.. .. _ (bX�X7XC> 20161571 3/l/2017 dltalllbllllndwf'Ythecleclllonwasmadeno·- .. longerJ! constdentlon x6m)(7)(� AnnouncementNo.-Ndlol-1&, Include to any I lwrtttanmn-espa11deuce that wa uud to maim 1-�- 20161Sn 2/21/2017 any and all records, regardingthe �,_ ID the Spedal Aolnt Enlranc:e Exam(SAEE)�. for .,, I fblf/Y{, 20161574' 3/1/2017 ampror- fromRepubllcan the JOneS,Tllomu . MlljcMttyStaff, ID lndude paperand elec:tro1rlc corrapandenca,1, fromJanuary 2013 ID the 1-- 20161516 3/1/2017 records.,.,__,ID theOtmlnal lnolltlptlW ibX6):(b)(7)(C) - 1applicatlon, l'orp untll a1t11:l'lftu: tp 20161517 2/28/2017 S.S.
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