2017 FOIA Logs.Pdf

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2017 FOIA Logs.Pdf Un"-d States Secret5eMce Freedom of Informationa Privacy Acts Bnlndl CommunicationsC.enller 245 Mumiy Lane, SW, Bulldlng T·S Wa1htnoton, DC 20223 Open FY 17 .... .... I ·- 20111515 5/1�4Ul7 - or - fllfa a111made ton,)(611b• ·11C> I . ... ,...Juty 21, 20H at 7:37pm .,_ .. 20161525 2/U/2017 therecord• ID wnwlb_'(6i1b](T)(C, -nat t!>X�CXC) seledled fora pGlltlollUSSS withthe untbmld D J01615Z6 2//2017 1Mremrd al ...... eamlNtlon RM' b)'6 1bCn;1 - 2016152t 2/W2017 1n - - lnQUG9.,.nimp•, mawont In the 'V --•-..--•• ...... 8uzzfeed News aimputarany symmal Secret member, Servtce � the monlhlJune, al July, and August 1 ..... ., 2016ws 2/D/2017 tnronNUonn, on l(6};tb)(l)(C) .-why wasthe ll>XO);(b)(7)(C) for. u.:,....... � position 2016156' 2/28/2017 ......l.lWlilllglthe reports, emalll, and .. memorandumarecardll, al NICI -.id Withaft lntllmll I1llpldlon ln,lltlptlan al $pedal Agent Itb)(6'1bY7_.C"\ ,....... Mardi1, 2012 ID 201515A 2/211/2017 IMY and al lnlbmwtloo �lb)(C5>:1bx•xC) .. 'V6 ,b'O, - badrgrOund c:hedcs,pel'IOG-.I r _.. .. _ (bX�X7XC> 20161571 3/l/2017 dltalllbllllndwf'Ythecleclllonwasmadeno·- .. longerJ! constdentlon x6m)(7)(� AnnouncementNo.-Ndlol-1&, Include to any I lwrtttanmn-espa11deuce that wa uud to maim 1-�- 20161Sn 2/21/2017 any and all records, regardingthe �,_ ID the Spedal Aolnt Enlranc:e Exam(SAEE)�. for .,, I fblf/Y{, 20161574' 3/1/2017 ampror- fromRepubllcan the JOneS,Tllomu . MlljcMttyStaff, ID lndude paperand elec:tro1rlc corrapandenca,1, fromJanuary 2013 ID the 1-- 20161516 3/1/2017 records.,.,__,ID theOtmlnal lnolltlptlW ibX6):(b)(7)(C) - 1applicatlon, l'orp untll a1t11:l'lftu: tp 20161517 2/28/2017 S.S. Golds: 85192450875624589047123415214 ··------,.- - ll0161581 17 5 C r..wtc; ,._320791516790546214856 -- David - 2016151t 7 S.S. liillllllll&: I - David - 20161SIO ·� 2017 s.s. Golds: 9563742836 Hinton, David - 20161591 2/D/2017 S.S. Golds: Henson,Dftld - ,r � 20161592 -,,7; 12017 s.s.�: 74 25 - David - 10161'02 7 "V6Nbl1711C\ llaffl. 20161f06 "2 12017 au- l b .( JI I �61609 2/D/2017 any and�al ,u.6)-.lbllaCl - - tnduduny , oiilc:iiiio,ti, case p, - ortlncllngs l"llalllllID •� ,.._ l'IIPOrt ffllde•gat �q j fromSllplmnbll 1, 2015 ID' ==lo, 2015 �161613 2/D/2017 12/10/1911prope,ty r9COrdl""lb En,tquez,Cryatal - .... ,11n 20161615 2/'a/2017 __ .,.,..._l.s. Secnt 'b - ---�.onfl, ,..August 10lh 20161616 2/D/2017 anyand au doc:umenls,.,..Ill ml - 20161618 - 2/28/2017 ila copy of any records indicating the reason 1(6).(b)(7XC) -- - lid not pass the Special Agent F- and Uniformed DiVision Pre-Employment Review (SUPER) interview, on March 27, 2015 in San Diego, California, for Job announcement SA4- TK014-14 20161624 1/24/2017 training transcripts and/or certificates sfroeciX6);(bX7)(C)r - F , • ;1 CtOmPloyment with the U.S. •rvice, from July 2009 to February 2016 20161625 2/28/2017 what keptp )(6);(b)— (7)n ju t of the hiring process (1.X6);(bX7)(C) - for a Uniforrneo cancer with the U.S. Secret cprvice 20161627 2/28/2017 ***Information requested was not stated*** C.olguitt, Sarah 20161629 1/24/2017 all files relatingbpi)) (bX )(C) rounder of Hoesly, Dusty - thee Brotherhood 20161639 2/28/2017 all racerde related to u•w4t/bX7XC) ..0)X7XC) ___—et(6)-AIVAC 20161640 3/8/2017 any and all records pertaining to X67.(b)r)(C). L J1 ncludinirVidgiss, taitTrecordings and 20161644 3/8/2017 why 1 5,11N—*C itas denied employment with ot(bx7K) the U.S. Seaet Service 20161650 2/28/2017 any and all records relating to, kbA 'AC) DeAnn IvtqfbrryC 1 10161653 2/28/2017 a certified or notarized copy of the basic training X6T.(bX7XC) certificate, for retired Special Age0 C) lo include the hours listed for or trhining (i.e., firearms, defensive tactics, counterfeiting, etc..) 20170073 2/28/2017 all official documents to carry out the official bx6k(bX7xC) --20170409 72 —.SalkLctieropylUter t sent by Special Agent c) Greenville Resident Office, on or about Ja suury 15, 2015, regardingtat k6).(bx- AL.) lissistance In theL 3se, which was entailed to U.S. Secret Service X6k(t*X7XC-) 'of the Greenville Secret Serv Resident Office On or about January 15, 2015 20170410 1/3/2017 the MCI dated April 24, 2014, regardingF7rw X6 b)(7)(C) - ItbA6xkbA xt. sststance In thein-46iih,, *se, which Jwas entailed to U.S. Secret Service Agent itbX61(b)(7)(C) Of the Greenville Secret Service Resident Office on or about January 15, 1 20170411 1/3/2017 the email correspondence between bx6)-(ex7xc) 1 t.ici Agent titAtrt(C) ' Was !maned to U.S. Secret Service Agent'l.,X6),(6X7XC) i )f the Greenville Secret Service Resident Office 20170412 1/3/2017 all statements made to • . 1-,)(0(b)(7)() Murphy, Timothy - USSS, itrulsville, KY office or any other agent Involved In the case United States vs. Timothy Murphy 3:10-CR-75-M by co-defergla x6).Abrixc) 20176413 1/3/2017 alicase reports for Intennews wittibx.subyTKC) t - in the case file of it (b)(7XC) 1 20170414 1/3/2017 a full copy of the 1200 access devices that were tbx6Nbx7xc) found during the forensic exam In relation to criminal case 4-12-CR-004436_ 20170415 1/3/2017 bb) AC i Jrcategul, Johanny Gomez & Uzcategui Immigration Law Office 20170416 1/3/2017 . • • m - ; Iknn el ...; on .. et,A0.).t.b.it7AC.i eligibility/access determination -•-• , 6% ,-b ' I 20170417 1/3/2017 any and all records relating to security expenses lgIcCarthy, JITIrIttin Judicial Watch for President Baracic Obama's residence in Chicago, Illinois from January 20, 2009 to Artoalv 1 2017 20170418 1/3/2017 any and all records relating to security expenses McCarthy, Justin Judicial Watch for President-Elect Donald Trump and Trump Tower in New York, New York from November 9, 2016 to January 3, 2017 20170419 1/3/2017 the formal letter stating the reason :gas denied employment 20170421 1/3/2017 Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification Kofman, Ave The National Institute System and Next Generation Ideritficadon 20170422 1/3/2017 twig) nArIve1 20170423 1/3/2017 &vigil:m(74r% 20170424 1/3/2017 rh* 6 I illYnrin 1/3/2017 (61(6) (11)(71(C) 20170425 _ 20170426 1 3 2017 V v-rvr-, 20170427 1/3/2017 a copy of PPO 22, 'National Security Events," Richeison, Jeffrey March 28. 2013 20170430 1/3/2017 S.S. GOLD Henson, David ,5378)52045874956235684744563135 20170431 1/3/2017 S.S. GOLD Henson, David 356783956205687295622125087331562 20170432 1/3/2017 S.S. GOLD Henson, David - 156337353156557454531305563573154628532 4 20170433 1/3/2017 Definition laney larea kardiasheenajlz super gold Henson, David - J57395(1/5487391562873892 20170434 1/3/2017 S.S. GOLD Henson, David - 735132025792562567391562202358792156483 20170435 1/3/2017 FOIA Case Log for the Calendar year 2016 Greenewald, John The Black Vault 20170436 1/3/2017 5.5. GOLD 25487365205487895623158744352 Henson, David - 20170437 1/3/2017 S.S. GOLD 254831544054387245223254482 Henson, David - 20170438 1/3/2017 S.S. GOLD Henson, David 5187956235874915879505879315684 20170439 1/3/2017 S.S. GOLD Henson, David - 33583793150235874893156487489314562 20170440 1/3/2017 5.5. GOLD Henson, David - 54878395205879520358739156874893156 BuzzFeed News 20170441 1/3/2017 all contracts between the United States Secret Tempion, John Service and Trump Palace Condominium and Its subsidiaries (namely Trump Palace Condominium Npw York NY1 20170442 1/3/2017 S.S. GOLD *-Hanson, David - 2358789415632312587369256231453873892 20170443 1/3/2017 S.S. GOLD Henson, David - 254874956202354874956231548378395622156 20170444 1/3/2017 any records the Secret Service produced relating TrevithIck, Joseph War Is Boring to the activities of President-elect Donald Trump from December 31, 2016 to January 1, 2017 20170445 1/3/2017 any records the Secret Service produced from Trevithick, Joseph War Is Boring December 31, 2016 to January 1, 2017 regarding Interactions with Joe Scarborough, as It relates to his attendance at Donald Trump's New Year's Eve event 20170446 1/3/2017 any records the Secret Service produced from TrevithIck, Joseph War Is Boring December 31, 2016 to January I, 2017 regarding Interactions with Joseph ")oey No Socks Onque, as It relates to his attendance at Donald Trump's New Year's Eve event 20170448 r1/4/2017 20170449 1/4/2017 S.S. GOLD 'Henson, David - 2587489520358748956235487395622563 20170450 1/4/2017 5.5. GOLD Henson, David - 20568739562332545874829315264581 20170451 1/4/2017 all malts from January 1, 2016 until January 3, (bAb),1/4b)CAC) 2017 between SAIC Brian Swain, Miami FO and any individual, organization, or group provided Special Agebnoi? ,•> - Is mentioned in subject or or me cow, li) Include reference by name, nickname or other naming convention such as In'iats or title 20170452 1/4/2017 all emalls from January 1, 2016 until January 3, - 2017 between OSATC/ASAI , ' nArr — Miami FO and any Individual, organization, or group provided Special Agentkb ,t5 - mentioned In subject or body or the email, to Include reference by name, n,:kname or other naming convention such as Initials or title - 20170453 1/4/2017 all emads from January 1, 2016 until January 3, (bX6*X7XC) 2017 between ATSAICi ,5 ,-,-, r'xC Miami FO and any Individual, organization, or group provided Special Agen lo„5mbx-TXC, mentioned In subject 000y or me email, to include reference by name, nickname or other naming convention such as Initials or title 101701v4 1/4/2017 Email retention policy of U.S. Secret Service - 20170455 1/4/2017 S.S. GOLD Henson, David - 2543793603548378393001634574894215324 20170456 1/4/2017 the name, title, work email, and mailing address Troutman, Karen , - for Human Relations Directors 20170457 1/4/2017 the name, tide, work email,
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