MUNDO OBRERO Vídeo del Pentágono Llamado a amnistía 12 Workers and oppressed peoples of the world unite! workers.org April 22, 2010 Vol. 52, No. 15 50¢ Anti-racist protests confront Tea Party By LeiLani Dowell However, activists across the country are beginning to organize to confront the Tea Party and send a real mes- STriking PhiLLy nurSeS A visit of the “Tea Party Express” to cities in the Mid- sage of unity and working-class solidarity. BATTLe union-BuSTing west — a region of the country that has been most dev- Some 50 counter-protesters staged a demonstration at astated by the economic crisis of capitalism — did not an April 11 Tea Party Express rally in Clinton Town- go unchallenged. Rather, activists and community mem- ship, Mich., a suburban area north of Detroit. Local bers confronted them at several stops to denounce the progressives and anti-racists joined activists called out right-wing attempt to divide working and oppressed by the Michigan Emergency Committee Against War people and to show that the racist, sexist, anti-lesbian- and Injustice; the Moratorium NOW! Coalition to Stop gay-bi-trans, anti-immigrant, corporate-funded Tea Par- Foreclosures, Evictions and Utility Shutoffs; and Work- ty does not speak for working people. ers World Party. The Tea Party is attempting to appeal to the popular “Racist, sexist, anti-gay, Tea Party bigots go away!” discontent in the face of the economic crisis and attacks and “Health care is a right — fight, fight, fight!” were on working people in the form of budget cuts and layoffs. among the chants greeting those going to the neo-fascist However, they want to fuel that discontent into a reac- rally. The chant “Against ‘big government’? Abolish the PhOtO: KEllY ValdEz Struggle inside philly City Council chambers. See page 5. tionary program that scapegoats immigrants, targets Pentagon!” highlighted the hypocrisy of the racists. people of color and lesbian, gay, bi and trans people, and The anti-Tea Party demonstration was covered by lo- stands against women’s rights. cal media, which interviewed and videoed many of the MoBiLize for MAy DAy 7 The group presents itself as a grassroots organization, participants. At a closing rally Chloe Secor, a Clinton Township high school student, denounced the racism but in actuality it’s funded by corporate, ultra-right or- noxious gases explode 6 ganizations such as FreedomWorks and Americans for and hate embodied by the Tea Party movement, saying it Prosperity. These bigots have been heavily assisted by the was not the legacy she wanted for her hometown. corporate media in relaying their message to the public. That same day, a contingent rallied against the Tea Prom ignites LgBT struggle 8 Party Express stop in Berea, Ohio, near the Cleveland airport. Protesters carried placards stating “Free enterprise Second assassination killed 29 miners,” “Health care is a right” of Detroit imam 2 and “Workers of the world, united for health care and jobs for all.” The dem- onstration received countless honks of BAngLADeSh solidarity and the support of passersby, Socialist youth meet 11 Continued on page 4 Subscribe to Workers World Eight weeks trial $4 One year $25 workers.org Name_____________________________________ Phone ____________________________________ Address____________________________________ Email______________________________________ City/State/Zip _ _____________________________ Anti-Tea-party protesters gather Workers World Weekly Newspaper in Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo ; 55 W. 17th St. #5C, NY, NY 10011 placard from Boston protest. 212.627.2994 WW_PhotoS:_ChEryl_lABASh,_SuSAN_SChNur,_ElliE_DorritiE_ Earth Day, nukes & dirty wars EDiTOriAl 10 Kyrgyzstan,Afghanistan&thePentagon 11 Page_2_ April_22,_2010_ workers.org WORKERS WORLD Community anger grows this week ... over imam’s assassination In the U.S. anti-racist protests confront tea Party ...................... 1 By Abayomi Azikiwe published a front-page story that attempted to Community anger grows over Imam’s assassination.........2 editor, Pan-African news Wire undermine the growing community support for Detroit Abdullah’s family and the Masjid al-Haqq mem- Mumia abu-Jamal: at the Crossroads ....................... 3 bers. The article claimed that in 1980, a 22-year- Clothing workers fight to save their jobs .................... 3 A community meeting was held March 27 old Abdullah attempted to grab the revolver of ‘Richie’ Richardson – an editor & anti-war hero .............. 3 to announce the launching of an independent a Livonia, Mich., police officer during a routine anti-union Massey mine explosion kills 29 .................. 4 investigation into the assassination of Imam traffic stop. (April 7) On the picket line .......................................... 4 Luqman Ameen Abdullah. The event was held This article asserts: “Livonia police reports de- Striking nurses battle temple hospital’s union busting ...... 5 at the Historic New Bethel Baptist Church on tail the incident that led to Abdullah’s 1981 con- Detroit’s West Side, just several blocks east of viction for felonious assault on a police officer, Students, cafeteria workers join to fight Sodexo.............5 the location of the Masjid al-Haqq mosque, for which he served 26 days in jail. They provide Gas explosion deepens opposition to hydraulic fracturing...6 where Abdullah served as leader for more imam luqman another view of the man some supporters have de- diverse communities unite to protest Baptist bigots ........ 6 Ameen Abdullah than two decades. scribed as a peaceful observer of Islam but a crimi- Students protest repression at Berkeley campus ............ 6 Abdullah was shot 20 times by FBI agents on Oct. 28, nal complaint describes as a radical separatist intent on activists gear up for united mass outreach on May day......7 during a series of raids carried out by a multijurisdiction- killing police officers.” auto plants closed, sold off and destroyed ..................8 al task force that included Dearborn, Mich., and Detroit It is unlikely that an African-American youth accused police. The Masjid al-Haqq mosque had been infiltrated and convicted of felonious assault against a suburban lesbian’s fight for hS prom rights opens national struggle...8 by the FBI for more than two years, during which time Detroit police officer in 1980 would have served only 26 Around the world informants sought unsuccessfully to encourage illegal ac- days in jail. Attorney Nabih Ayad, a Canton Township, tivities among the members. Mich., lawyer representing the Abdullah family, told the Greece, France workers resist Eurobosses ................... 8 Abdullah and several of his members were eventually Detroit News that raising the incident, which is three de- leaked Pentagon video reveals Iraq occupation brutality....9 lured to a warehouse in neighboring Dearborn to assist cades old, was “extremely far-fetched and without any the high cost of high-tech war ............................. 9 with the unloading of merchandise. The FBI then sent in credibility” in relation to Abdullah’s death. Oil profits, security impact U.S.-Nigerian relations ..........10 Mujahid Carswell, Abdullah’s son and a well-known a dog that attacked the imam, who was later killed in a Popular rebellion in Kyrgyzstan shakes up Pentagon .......11 hail of bullets. Hip-Hop artist who is also a Detroit 10 defendant, told Bangladesh students celebrate worldwide struggle ........11 The March 27 rally was attended by several hundred this writer that the claims made against his father in re- local activists and religious leaders from the Muslim and gard to the purported Livonia incident were highly un- Christian communities. The event was co-sponsored by likely. Carswell, who is known in the recording world as Editorials the Council on American-Islamic Relations of Michigan “Mu,” said that the authorities are attempting to take at- Earth day, nukes, and dirty wars ...........................10 and the Detroit Coalition Against Police Brutality, with tention away from the gross injustice done to his father, endorsements from the Michigan Emergency Committee his family and his followers. Noticias En Español Against War & Injustice and the Moratorium NOW! Coali- One of the photographs shows the imam handcuffed, Vídeo del Pentágono ......................................12 tion to Stop Foreclosures, Evictions and Utility Shutoffs. lying facedown and riddled with bullets. This photograph llamado a amnistía........................................12 DCAPB spokesperson Ron Scott chaired the meet- was published by the local newspapers; however, more ing, and presentations were made by the Nation of Is- graphic pictures were not shown in the corporate press. lam, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, the Detroit chapter of At an April 11 community meeting held by DCAPB at the NAACP, CAIR, Congressperson John Conyers and the downtown St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Walid pre- MECAWI. Appeals were made for donations for the legal sented two other photographs that show deep lacerations Workers World defense fund for 10 other Masjid al-Haqq members, the to Abdullah’s face, apparently from dog bites. 55 West 17 Street Detroit 10, who face felony charges stemming from the The Detroit Free Press stated in an April 8 editorial: New York, N.Y. 10011 raids. “Efforts to manage community sentiments by withhold- Phone: (212) 627-2994 Imam Dawud Walid, Michigan CAIR’s executive di- ing information always fail — and often backfire. With Fax: (212) 675-7869 rector, described the delayed release
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