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The Billboard 1918-09-07

NOTICE TO READER: you <^n***> iwNdr thi« BUfaitni a le itatoc> on tliia notice, mail the ixkacaLXiaa. It will be pii tba bafids d oir aoicUers or sailers destined to prooeed over^eefr Vol. XXX, No. 36 Na addretk^A. & BUKU:£ON. Poatniaat* GcoaraJ

September 7, 1918 Published weekly at Cincinnati, O. Subscription, $3.00 per year. Entered as second-class mall matter, June 4, 1897, at Post Office, Cincinnati, under act of March 3, 1879.

CARRIES ALL THE WISE ADVERTISBRS'BUSINESS THIS ISSUE CONTAINS 32 PER CENT ADVERTISING AND 68 PER CENT READING MATTER X ti e O 1 111> o a r d SEPTEMBER 7, 1918 CAMP WORKERS and DEALERS CHOCOLATES SERVICE PIN THE NEWEST SERVICE RINGS SWEETHEART INSIGNIA SERVICE TRY A SHIPMENT OF OUR FAMOUS GOOD LUCK Gold plated, with insiR- SERVICE PIN, T\ hard enamel, We carry every nias. We f gold plated, i* ’ '' a ' I * RED BOX CHOCOLATES 1, 2 and 3 ‘ |jn| insignia m stock. carry every io- hard enamel, I Jn stars. Price, I L FULL POUND 0 inBignia in I fine fini.sh, 1, ''v\ /w M J14.00 Gross (24 LBS. TO CASE) Btoek with gg^i 2 and 3 stars, $13.00 Gross. 1 and 2 Btars. Bjf 1 HALF POUND t $16.00 Gross. (4S li LBS. TO CASE) Jl 9 W $12.50 Gross HWi SEND DEPOSIT—ASK FOR PRICE LIST __ ^ SERVICE PINS, We have in stock also Insignia Service Rings, Rei»latjoii SmaN U. t fine finish, 1,2, CIGARS, CANDIES & CREAH CONES Knives with all the insignias, Bullet Pencils, p.,.,r 3 and 4 stars, LOUIS DENEBEIM & SONS Cigarette Cases with insignias, Photo Frames. y* j* Outs, GrOSS $6.50 GrOSS $0,50 GlOSS 1224 OAK ST. KANSAS CITY. MO All goods guaranteed to be of first quality hard enamel or your money refunded. Goods ready to ship from stock. Our prices get your business and our deliveries keep it. 30% deposit with order, balance FOR SALE—283 Foldin{ Chairs C. O. D. Special delivery. 'old AM. food oondlUon. crated ao take aecond-cUM relgbt rate. $175.00; Power's 6A, complete, sood AMERICAN NOVELTY CO., - 12 Moulton Street, PROVIDENCE, R. I. htpe. btrtsiti; Power's 5 Head, romplete. large Im- rored Lamp House and Arc, map, araall Motor, )4-h. ., $6.00; 60-TnIt Ktar Oeneratur, D. C., line condl* Ion, $6.5.00; lot of other M. P. Goods CHEAP. ILECTOIC, MorrUon, Oklahoma. WAMTED FOR NEIL O’BRIER’S MINSTRELS 2d violin to double baritone, trombone or cornet. STRING BASS to double fElVET DROPS and STRQE SCTTINQS tuba. One more cornet, band and orchestra. Wire, stating salary. Cleveland, URIAl Bowling Game leautlfol mlora, anj alae. Rentals and eaaj tmoa. O., week Sept. 2; Hornell, N. Y., 9; Glean, 10; Bradford, Pa., 11; Franlclin, 12; BEAUMONT VELVET SCENERY STUDIOS, 45 West Farty-alxth Street, • New York City. Butler, 13; Sharon, 14. We do not pay hotels. Address OSCAR F. HODGE. !$• Market Street, • • San Franeltce, Cal. FOR FAIRS I mm«d lately— For Al. G. Field Greater Minstrels Dlunond Dta OU or Wator Colon. $10.00 SCHELL SCENIC STUDIO, COLUMBUS. OHIO. Experienced Drummer with tympani and full line of traps. ALQ. FIELD, Louitvilli, Ky., SepL 2>S; Nashville, Tann., SapL f>7. For Complete Outfit THEATRE OR S SETS FOR tlS.OO. Modem In etery way. iwatliig etparity about 600. all- Hcora oTcr 2< uid g«t ■ lirge jat*d In town of 10.000, located In the heart of the prlxe. Pin* Ml up tutnaigUckUy. •ualnesK Be<'llon of city, for rent on reasonable terms, roIUiMlhl* for ihlpplng. NoUUng 'ommunirate with J. C. rA5fPBEI.L, f'harlee City, lA WANTED QDICK, HEAVY aid CHARACTER MAN to get nut of order. Th« biggaw gimo on the mirkat at lowagt CHARLES A. REEVES Tent Repertoire until Oct. 5th, then Stock. GKO. C. ROBERSON, Roticrson price pnulble. known on the atage as Bl'D REEVEi^. can’t b« Stock <'o., week Sept, 2d, La Fayette, RI.; week Sept, Otii. Manitou, III. AfiFNTl 6'^ miking iirga 'oiind by his people. Send addrcM to hlo brnOier or *"*^”’* proflu Mlllng Aeilt] lo T. Foster Thomas, 1328 Arch Street, Ptilladelphla, Bowling Game to Club*. ('ifM. PennsylTaiila. etc. BLONDIN'S SHOW WANTS 0. DEVANY, WANTED, RTRIGTLY HIGH-CLASS Musicians, hand and orche.stra. Actors, double band, with Specialties; Novelty New York CELLO AND CLARINET for refltied themre South: pictures and road shows. Team for concert. Pay telegrams. Burlingame, 5; Osage City, 6; Km|iorla, 7; Winter resort and One opportu itty for riitsldc hotel Florciu'o. 0; all Kansas. and danoe work. FTIKD STARK. Hotel Tate SprUifs, AT LIBERTY IN TWO WEEKS ■Tile Sprlnfii. Tenneesce.

FOR SALE AshestiM Stage t'lirtain. 11x18 feet; green rep. Stage Wanted Quick, for Long Season South Baritone or Tuba f'ljrtaln. with roller; Electric Swluhboard with 16 I’erformers doing two or more acts. Oriental Dancer, Calliope Plajer and Musicians Will pay fare on to connections; set of Mohler Chimes, set of three Dim¬ Hare both. Prefer Tuba Hectmd aeaaon with prw- mers. and other eejutpment for little theatre or high show. Wire or write E. H. JONES. Manager Huge Bros.’ Shewi. Hgldfut. Segt. 5; Imperial, 6; Vlaeaunt, 7; ent ihnw (Story). Have worked for Buaby. Blondin. achoc.1 stage. Address R. A. ('HANDLER, care Ere- Aigulth. 9; Perdue, 10; BIggar, II: Wilkie, 12; all in Saak., Canada. E. H. Jone* and nthera. Can furnuh library If necea- nlng Mall. Galeeburg, Illinois. aary. Can make atreel announceroeiita; exempt Wife now on main ticket box. Both are yrKvl on door or r»- •errre. Short kawxi and long jurapa not wanted Tlcketx uiileaa we know you. MaU wlU be forwardol from Harper. Kantaa. our home. .tddreaa BERT Medicine Workers iWanted for Swcetest Bill in Dixie Co. POTTER. Bertrand. Neb.. SepL 2-T; Maywood. Net*. we can supply you with Blood. Liniment. Sake and LMdIne Maji, Heery Man. two Character Men, one for Blackface; Ingenue, Leading Woman, two Charaeter Sept. 9-H. General Dellrery. ( atarrhal Ri-medy. Write for prices. KIT KARSON Women, one for Blackface; Piano I'Uycr. l*oubIe Stage; good, lire Agent, Must join at once. Prefer thoae MEDICINE CG.. Fould Bldg., AtlanU. Georgia. doing Spo'laltles. Addrees ERNEST LATIMER, Manager Sweetest Girl In Dixit Ca.. Calra. Illlnele. AT LIBERTY WANTED acrobat! SHANNON STOCK CO. WANTS ON ACCOUNT OF SHOW CLOSING .\'ot oxer 5 ft., for atandird aeL Send photo, etc., in A-1 Comedian, good, clerer General A N1, I *L. 1. McQUlNN FAMILY WANTS to bear from aood Mentaiist AiL Photo, age, etc., required. Would like to correepond with exp. min¬ WARTED FOR THE PRIRCESS STOCK COMPANY I LMOer (Piano) At lIDerly strel partner. Great opening for such in this prorince. Vaudeville, Pictures, Stock, etc. R^olres $1,000 your share. Yes. 1 can frame the A-l Cornet that doubles .«tage. Must be able to act and have wardrobe. Show second. Home address: W. J. McQI’IXN, Meaford. Wire or write Licst offer. Address Onurlo. stays out all winter. Join at once. Address T!. W.\RI). care l*riiB*es‘» Sttw-k fo., Rimcrton. .Mo. PIANIST, 4(Mi ('ourtland St., MUSICIANS WANTED Dowagiac, Mich. Wood-wind men all kinds and gowid singer, up In med. acts. ITefer one that plays Addle or mandolin. Long season, salary sure. DB. ia>. FBIKK. New Boston. Texas. WANTED FOR THE VAMPIRE GIRLS COMPANY I Musicians Wanted Ilgxx and Sntiw Drummer, two TVomhonea. Alto, Ilaat. Two Comedians who can sing. Prima Donna and two real Chorus Girls for J. E. IlKTZ, HagenliO'k Hliowx. permanent stock at Model Theatre. .Sioux City, Iowa, commencing Sept. 15th. WANTED Two gmKl Acrobat a, nut of the draft, to CHEWING GUM Address L, P. W'ALL, Mgr., week Sept, 2(1, Capital Bea<*li Park, Lincoln, Neb. work on Trampoline. Muet Irani double unmereauItA Gat aur PrkiA Wt Miki all kladt. Anawer at once. GEO. PATTERININ, care MoMalioa HELMET CUM SHOP. . CtattPStfL Obip. BC A «000 FELLOW—MENTION THE 8ILB0ARD TO OUR ADVERTISERO. A Bee. 385 WaahlpgtoD HL. Buffalo, N. T. ThE Bieeboare) INDISPENSABLE TO THE PROFESSIONAL ENTERTAINER AND ALLIED INTERESTS.


NEW WAR TAX 11 BA IS l« T I % L ? B 1*4 ^1 ^ REVENUE BILL PLAYING TWO IS COMPLETE GREAT FAIRS Measure AiTects Every Citixen But Points Out Clearly That the Govern¬ Day and Date at Toronto, Can., of the United States ment Cannot Haul the and Detroit, Mich. Cars for Less Every Branch of Amusement Million Attendance Expected World Contributes Share The Billboard, which has been supplementinR the efforts of U. M. P. A- at Canadian Exhibition and C. O. M. A. In the endeavors of these orRanizations to secure a reduc¬ Toward the $8,000,000,000 tion in railroad rates for shows in passenger service, on September 1 re¬ The Wonder Show of the Which Must be Raised ceived the following letter from Gerrit Fort, First Assistant to Director Gen¬ eral McAduo, viz.: American Continent UNITED STATES RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION Washinffton. Aur. 31.—The new war \V. G. McAdoo, Director General of Railroads revenue tax hill which is expected to Interstate Commerce Building The Fortieth Canadian National Ex¬ yield $8,000,000,000 i.ill pertainInR quent and ln.spiring tributes to the actual advam-e in the fares themselves. You admit that necessity rcing car comiianies. In order to insure the I wonderfully successful, this year's pay l.’iO, more than and not ex- proper loading of all iiassenger ei|uipnient it was necessary that private or gives every Indication of capping the ceedinK 300 shall pay $10n, exe<-edinR chartered cars he required to carry not loss than a reasonal»le number of climax and of standing out in exhibi¬ 500 and not exc*‘edinR SOO s*':* ' pay imssenRers. and the number selected represents the average number of pas¬ tion annals as marking a new ei>och in $150, more than 800 shall pay $. i. sengers occiip>inK a chartered or |)rlvately owned car. When a smaller niim- the service of fairs to the country. “The proprietor or pri>prlelark. piihlie exhibitions or shows for money payment of two minimum charges. Under present condition.- it Is ueccs.«^iry that In tlie amusement line one of the not enumerated in thi.s section shall all motive |>ow er and pa.'^sengcr equipment should ho tised as nearly as possible outstanding features is the Midway pa\ $20. This paraRraph shall not ap- t() It.s maximum capacity, and this can n(*t he ac»M>mi»li8hed without -tipiilat- presented hy I’olack Brothers, in con¬ ply to chautuu<|tias. leisure lycenms, ing the minimum number of pas.sengers that must he carried or paiii for in junction with .lames T. <'lyde, where aRriciiltural or Industrial fains, cir ex¬ C(*nnection with private or chartered car movements. You can appreciate twenty-five paid attractions of a liigli hibitions held under the auspices of the e<’onomlc waste that would result with a minimum t>f ten passengers to calibre are meeting witli the enlliusl- reliRious or charitable a.ssoeiation.s. .\n a private car. Eight or ten .wuch cars would yield only lOO i)assenRers to .i astic approval of the Fair officials, tlie aKRi'CRation of entertainments, known train, which really should handle two or three times that number to avoid press ami the public, the latter emlors- a^ a street fair, shall not |>ay a larRer waste in fuel, manpower and eay $20." common with you. Your bnsine."- is nreciated. I think you must uwiI»sanios’ baggage in !»i»eclal baggage cars, and the time the Canadian National Exhibition, tion. to ho i>ald hy the person (layinR that is 8it\ed in that wa.v. I think you have overe-timated this time, Itut, re¬ conceded to be the greatest outdoor for such adniLssion. gardless «>f that. 1 wish to Ciill your attention to the lower rate.-^ paid for exhibition on the Continent, ami the "In the casi- of )>ersons (e\ce|*t liaggsige in carload lots as compared with usual excess baggage rates. The .Michigan State Fair at Itetroit. one of bona-Hdp employees, luuniciunl officers difference offsets the handling «)f the Isaggage hy the railrosid emphtyees. the biggest fairs in tlie United States. an official business, persons In the mil¬ While In the itreswuit emergency there Is a shortage of baggage car eqiii|>- itary or naval forces of the I’liitcd ment, aiul this might he heli>ed in a few in.-tances hy the handling i»f private K<»r weeks there has been much •''tales when in nnTorup'vand children liaggage car.s, no distinction can be made between iirivate cars ami chartered s|*e<.*ulation among tlie outiloor fra¬ under 12 years «>f uRct admitted free cars, and if the charge fur special ears were reduced there would be a greater ternity as to whether I’olack Brothers (rontlnued on page 58) (Oontlourd os page 58) I (L'ontiDudl on 58) 1The Edition of This Issue of The Billboard Is 33,200 Copies SEPTEMBER 7, 191S

iii no flouht that many men prominent Liirht Amusement FUND FOR WOUNDED ACTORS in the profession will bo called. ** ______.VmoiiR those prominent in the pro- v\ ,U Conslltuto Bulk of John Cort’s fession and who are either bachelors OfTrrlnKs or whose wive.s are or can he self-.siip- ____ And Those Disabled in the War Is Idea of the portihs are .Maurice (loo.iman. at- xew York. Sept. 2.—RcIievinK that torney of the B. !•. Keith intere.sis; (josire of the wartime theatergfolns Actors’ Equity Association — Plans Are Ernest Henkel. biisine.''S inanaKer of pubjjc jg for ^ light, wholescjine amu.se- Outlined by George Arliss the Metropolitan Opera House; .lay ment which can bo seen and enjoyed Barnes, press agent of Oliver .Morosi o; without too great a strain on the men- Arthur Hammerstcin, John D. Wil- tality. John Oort will for the most Hams, Lawrence t\ eber, G. .M. .Vnder- part confine his theatrical activities to RESOLUTIONS UNANIMOUSLY son, Adolph Klauber and Sam H. Har the production of that type of enter¬ ris. tainment this season. Mr. Cort’s first production will bo ADOPTED Theater Pays Full Tax Fiddlers Three, with which the Cort Theater will reopen tomorrow evening. Fiddlers Three is an operetta by Wm. Asking Every Actor and Actress in United States Albany, N. Y., Sept. 1.—The Young Cary Duncan and Ale.\ander John- ,, i Men’s Christian Association Building, stone, and the featured player will be anddtlQ Canada To1 O Contribu!:eL/OntnOUwC 1Portion Oirtion Olof 03.l3.rySalary valued at $200,000. part ot which is Mile. Tavie Beige, a Belgian prima 1? ■ U \AT 1 A ‘j* 'T'OJIC'J occupied by Harmanus Bleecker Thea- donna. Glorlanna, another musical Eachi^3Cn Week—AssociationVV CCK r\SS0CI3Ll0n To10 Il3ncll6Handle runclFund ter, management of F. Ray Comstock, play, by Catherine Chisholm Cushing _ one of the most elaborate theaters in and Rudolph Friml, will be Mr. Cort’s the State, will be assessed full value next offering, and in this he will pre- New York, Sept. 2.—Under the aus- j $.j. That this sum shall be by their this year, the first time since its erec- gent Miss Eleanor Painter, the prima pices of the Aclovs’ Jkiuity' Associa- ^. htten fiermission withheld from their tion. It was built as a semi-public edu- donna of the original Princess Pat Co. tion a meeting wus held in tlie Hotel I .salary each week by the treasurer of eational institution, and such institu- Joseph Lertora has been engaged for Astor yesterday, the object being to j the company, and shall be forwarded tions are only assessed at one-half the leading male role. Glorlanna opens provide a fund tc take care of actors by said treasurer to the treasurer of their value. The Appellate Division of in Atlantic City September 12 and will wounded or dLsaldeu in tlie war, or to (ContiDued on page 58) the Supreme Court recently ruled that then go to Washington prior to its aid their families, ■ premiere at a prominent Broadway Francis Wilson i-iesided at tlie meet¬ FLOYD O. WILLIAMS theater. ing. George Arb.ss exiilaineu tlie ob¬ The .\ecomplice, by Max Marcin, i.s ject and asked c-'ggestions for raising the vehicle selected for the exploitation tlie necessary money. It was unani¬ of the dramatic talents of Josephine mously voted that every actor in the Victor, and then will come a new mu¬ United States ai'o Canada b<- asked to sical revue called Listen, Lester, by subsiTibe a iiortijii of each week’s sal¬ Harry Fort and George Stoddard, in ary, the resolutions being worded as which will aiipear Emma Caru.«, (’lif- follows: “Wliereas. in all'human proli- ton Webb. Gertrude Vanderbilt, W. F. ability a eoiisidera'ole number of actors Meeliaii. Eddie I'arvie and Ruth Ma- will be wounded and maimed in the hee a.s prominent members of the service of their country; and whereas, cast. tlie actors have offered their lives and .\ new play with music is being writ¬ sacrificed tiieir future and tlieir ambi¬ ten by Elmer Harris for Louis Benni- tions. and by tliis sacrifice are main¬ son, featured in Johnny, Get Your taining the freedom of our country and Gun. making it possible for us wlio are left In addition to his new prodnctlons behind to continue in our profession in Mr. Cort will send out two Flo Flo comparative ease and i-oinfort; and companies, the New York cast going whereas, the wives and families of out intact to the larger cities. these actors are at this moment, in' many instances, suffering privation as a result of this brave sacrifice; there¬ To Act as Camp Director fore, be it resolved, tliat it is tlie sense New York, Aug. 31.— Richard Field of this meeting that every actor and actress in the United States and Can¬ Carroll, actor and jdaywright, has ada be asked to sub.scribe a certain been appointed by Frank Sargent. De¬ partment of T>ramatle Aetlvttles. as proportion of each week’s salary earned in his or lier profession iluring the sea¬ dramatic director of Camp Sevier. S. C. Mr. Carroll is already on the Held son of 1918-’iy. Tliat tlie proportion to be so donated be as follows: Every of action at the Camp. actor earning $33 and under $30 a week, 50 cents; every actor earning Priscilla Opened to Tabs. $50 and under $75 a week, $1; every actor earning $75 and under $100 a Cleveland, O., Sojit. 2.—Tlie I’riscilia week, $1.50; every actor earning $100 Theater, tinder tlie management of and under $150 a week, $2; every actor Palmer Sloiunt, lias opened up Its earning $150 and under $200 a week, $3; doors to tabloid productions The every actor earning over $200 a week. Floyd O. Williams waa formerlr ualaUnt manacer of Um Globe Ttieater. Kansaa Cltj, 3Io. Hr la now in house lias recently passed into tiie ilir MiTti-r and atatloned at Camp MacAitbur, Texas, Co. E. Sth BaUalloo, Inf. Roilaceowiit Camp. liands of Kitts and Carrig. w lio have been following out tlic tabloid policy Leavitt’s Hit-Bits Another Star institutions not wholly devoted to re- during parti>urt of tlie past Slimmer.summer. TlieTtie _ liglous, educational, charitable or scl- Merrymakers filled the bill \(lded to Globe Theater Service Flag pursuits must be taxed for tlieir New York. Sept. 1.—Abe Leavitt is -vtuiea to uiooe i neater sserxiee nag the library occui.ies _ in the market again with a publication but half the building and the theater _ _ mi entitled Hit-Bits, containing .<»>me clev- Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 31.—The tt|g other portion full taxation will TwO NeW CsintOnnient Tlie3.terS er camp and war recitations, parodies, Globe Theater, Kan.sas City. Mo., lost ^ow be demanded. monologs, gags and crossfire acts. There a most effleient aasi.stant manager re- _^ Follnwiug a conference lietwcen is a lot of pep and punch to the stuff cently when Floyd O. Williams re- A ♦ f +11 Brigadier General .\ustiii. John l*res- in Hit-Bit.«, not much quantity, but ex- sponded to the Nation’.s draft call and OUtOut of01 thetil Ordinary oott. who is manager of the Liberty cellent quality, for Mr. I>eavitt knows w a.- assigned to Camp .Mac.Vrthur, Co. _ Tlieater at Camp Zacliary Taylor what will create a riot with an audi- E, .3th Bat., Inf. Replacement Camp. „ Y k Se t New York, Sept. 2.—An out of the (latuiaville, Ky.), and R. R. Smith of ence from years’ experience liehind the Everyone in Kansas City who knows *>1^^ . ordinary procedure ta taking idju-e in Washington, ge leral maiiager of all footlights. .As lie puts it, It’s a Little him likes Mr. Wlllii.ms and it was nar^procet ur« Ixindon—the production of an Ameri- Liticrty tliealera in army canlounicnt-* Book With Big Ideas, by an Actor for with regret that the\ ti'.d him “Good- on e proi v can-made musical comedy before it is tliriioul the coiiiifry, liidd at Camp the Actor. by, good luck,luck. God Ideas you.”you. BenRen ...... heard in this country. The offering re- Zachary Taylor, .Vuguat 27, it was de- Portman, brother of Harry Portman, ferred to isi„ entitled...ntui..,! Shanghai, byi... Isa-luo. cide IP ♦ ♦ magazines, dally and trade piibllca- is the fact that the manager of the by the new draft law calling men be- AnilBi Xl6l(l 3 riSt3,t6 tions, exhlhilors and enterprises ap- Stamford is Mrs. M. Hartley. The Lady tween the ages of IS and 45 into serv- —— - pealing directly to the luildlc. of tlie Bountifuls ha\'c been one of .Mr. Hill’s ice. What the ultimate effect will be New York, Sept. 2.—Anna Held left activities of the Division of Films of best paying attraction.s. playing return on the amusement business it is im- more than $300,000, most of which goes the C. P. I in making, distributing engagements, for several seasons. possible to tell at this time, but there I to her daughter, Liane Carrera. and delivering war reviews. SEPTEMBER 7, 1918 T li e Billboard 5

U. S. in Theatrical Business Women To Be Trained sunk t'anic« I'Lstabllhluxl lu Lib¬ To Take Places of M. 1*. Operators and erty Tlicaters Stage Hands

New York. Aug. 31.—With the Portland, Ore.. Sept. 2.—Theatrical esiablishnieiit of theaters, the orRant- interests of this city, repre.sented by zati(Hi of stock companies ami the ap- the Theater Managers’ Association and New Y'ork, Aug. 31.—Tis said that Germany has appointed a retreat ex¬ poiiitinent of dramatic directors it is the Motion Picture Exhibitors’ League, pert. How about a vaudeville "flop” expert? (inite evident that Tncle .‘^am is em¬ are going to train women and girls to barking in the theatrical business on till many prospective vacancies. They Wil.son Mizner apparently could not remember a thing when arraigned i.ii extensive f^-ale. will be placed in projection rooms and Ue Hull N. Travis. Director of Pub- in the We.st Side Police Court on a charge of a.ssault. He should have gone "back stage” if permission can be ob¬ liiity of the Liberty Theater Division, down to Sam Oumpertz’s show at Coney Island and engaged Population tained from the operators’ and stage in oiitlininR the new enterprise.s nt'the Charlie as his memory expert. hands’ unions. If permission is re¬ numerous Liberty Theaters, said that *•*••• fused, which seems likely, it is prob¬ retnilarly enpatred professional musical Some people used to say able that the Little Theater will be stock companies are to be maintained That showfolks were useless guys. hired and operated for charity or as hi reafter at a number of the Lib¬ But since their patriotic stunts a war relief to furnish a training erty theaters. They are now lauded to the .«kies. school for the women. When the Liberty theaters were first established it was the plan to present Fashion Hint for Men—Khaki-colored suits will be more in style this Pollock Designs Camp Theater travelinp companie.s at all of them. fall than ever before. Hut the employment of resident mu- seal .stock companies was found nec¬ Pabst’s Harlem seems to have rexived the glories of the old Koster and New Y’ork, Aug. 31.—A unique thea¬ essary because some of the far Rial days with a wonderful revue. Gertrude Vanderbilt. Francis Demarest. ter has been designed for the training Western and Middle Western Liberty Mlzl Gizi, Mary Eaton, the Four Farines and the Flying Nymphs were among camp at Plattsburg, N. Y., by John theaters are so widely separated that the features. Pollock, who has just returned to New travelinp attrai tions can not afford to Y’ork after completing his <-omnu.ssion. make the lonp Jumps. This is said to The theater site is on the hank of Lake be the first time that any (lovernment SUCH IS LIFE Champlain and officers of the camp de¬ has employed entire theatrical com¬ sired a theater with a movable stage Charles K. Harris started in life as a cigar maker. panies for the entertainment of sol¬ that will permit the audience to wit¬ Oscar Hammersteln is now going to open up a cigar factory. diers. ness aquatic sports in the lake and Four Liberty stock companies are military maneuvers on the opposite already in operation and have proved bank. This was accomplished by (piite siicce-sful. Th«'.v are boated at New Y'ork has been "bombed” at last. Aviators flew over the city’ Thurs¬ building a portable stage that with all Camps Lewis. Cody. Kearney, Fremont. day dropping "bombs" containing circulars boosting the Reserve Police Its paraphernalia can be moved back Others are to be established as fpiickly Renefit at Sheepshead Ray. and forth by means of a windlass. as po.«sible. A meetinp to disi-uss plans • *•••• was held in the office of Daniel Froh- man. at which the foliowlnp stock .See where Kitty Gordon has sued a broker for $6,868 alleging mlsrepre- ! Havlin in Cincinnati manapers conferred with the commit¬ sentatlon. Something evidently must have been done behind Kitty’s "famous” liack. tee: Vauphan (Maser, if. M. Webster, • ••••• John Havlin, of the Grand Opera H Rumsey. .Tame.< Fletcher, J. E. House, Cincinnati, has arrived in the Nones.«entials: Barroom foot rails and cuffs on trou.sers. Horne. Oeorpe Newell, W. S. Markin. city to take charge of the work attend¬ A. Leftwlch. Alonzo Price and Morpan **•••• ing the opening of the new season. He Wallace. Members of the Military En- F. N. Wyatt, chief officer on a big Australian transport, has become a will remain here until late fall before tartalnment Committee attendinp the familiar figure on Broadway during the last few days. Wyatt is a representa- going to Miami, Fla., for the winter. ennference were John C. Travis. Daniel tlve-at-large of The Australian Variety and Show World. His views on the¬ Krohman. H. O. Stubbs and De Hull atrical conditions in different parts of the world are very Interesting. In Three Puccini Operas X. Travia Port Said all theaters are clo.«ed, while in Cairo the only show running is a .«tock company called The Scamps, and this is not doing much business. In Players Return From France Cape Town vaudeville theaters are flourishing. In London vaudeville is hav¬ To Be Produced hy tlie MetropoHtan ing its biggest boom in history. Small theaters who just managed to strug¬ gle along before the war are now very prosperous, and many legitimate thea¬ New York, Sept. 2.—Gatti-Casazza, New York, Aug. 31.—Two com- ters are being converted Into vaudeville houses. Mr. Wyatt further stated general manager of the Metropolitan p.inie8. Raby Mine and The Circus Girl that there was a great scarcity of acts in England, many of the oldtime stars Opera Company, has announced that have returned from France after a six coming out of retirement and singing their old songs, as for instance George it will produce three new operas by months’ tour of the \ trench circuit Lashwood and Marie Collins, who are using their old material of years gone Giacomo Puccini in December. The where they have been entertaining sol¬ by. Tom Costello is still singing At ’Trinity Church I Met My Doom- There titles are: II Tabarro (The Cloak). diers. In addition to the two plays is a grej^t scarcity of new songs in England. Suor Angelic (Sister Angelica) and which give (he companies their name • ••••• Gianni Schichl. the troupes presented several one-act plays. ECHOES OF THE PAST Free lunch. Veteran Showman Hoists Flag Knitted neckties. Cincinnati Sees The Scoop Good subway service. Fourteenth street. San Diego, Cal., Aug. 31.—Col. W. Monocles. D. Westlake, a veteran of U\o Civil The Scoop, a three-act comedy by Ham and Eggs. 26 cents. War and also a veteran showman, was Parker Hort season. Sherman was right. Thi^ new fangled pubway “H” certainly i& Boston. Mass., Sept. 2.—John B. • ••••• Schoeffel. owner and manager of the John Drew, George Arllss and Julia Arthur sat among the crowd on the Tremont Theater here, died August 31 New K. & E. Offices •’blues” in the circus scene at the Hippodrome the other night. But where at the Ma.nsachu.-^ett.s General Hospital they got their peanuts is a mystery, as no candy butchers are in evidence due to the result of an apoplectic stroke Chicago. Sept. 2.—Harry J. Powers, during the number. received August 20. He was identified directfir of the Klaw A* Erlanger thea¬ with the theatrical bu.sine* for over 60 ters in Chicago, will establish new ex Pershing's veterans just from the front created much excitement on years, beginning as an ii.sher in the ecutive offices for l.lmself and the Broadway last kVlday, riding on Fifth avenue bu.'^s advertising the Police Opera House at Roche-iter, N. Y’., of staffs operating the Illinois. Colonial Reserve Benefit. A sign on one of the conveyances read: which he was later treasurer. He then Riackstone and Powers theaters. The ”We were killing Germans in France three weeks ago.” went as manager to Meech Brothers’ offii-e will also be designated ns the • ••••• Academy of Music, hut didn’t stay very We.'.-tern headiiiiarters of Klaw A- Er Cheyenne Charlie got roped into a picture for The New Y’ork World long, as he accepted a po.sition with lanper and affiliated producers. which appeared in its Sunday edition, showing him doing some trick riding Frank Mayo as advance agent and then at Sheepshead Ray. He will open Labor Day with Guy Weadlck’s Stampede manager, remaining with Mayo for 12 Riders at Keith’s Royal Theater. years. From that time on his advance Two Twin Bed Companies *••••* in theatrical circles was rapid. He as¬ Very good idea for Thomas Wise to play the name part in Mr. Barnum sumed control of the Tremont in 1899. New York. Aug. .31.—Two Twin Rei when it opens at the Criterion Theater. Mr. Schoeffel was born In Rochester. companies have been sent on tour this • ••••• N. Y’.. May 11, 1846. He married Ag¬ 'ear hy A. S Stern. They are desig Something to make us lo.se sleep: General Blandoisvich has been ap nes Perry Booth, who died In 1884. She hated as theiSpecial and Western com pointed Bolshevikl dictator in Sumatrotozvich. was the widow of Junius Brutus panics. (Coatlnued on pafe 62) Booth, Jr. Ttie Bi SEPTEMBER 7, 1918


oABARBT>» cret conferencec with tin de slecle Big-Time Vaudeville Season OLD METHODS SUPERSEDED modistes Victoria Kaye says she is the busiest of all prinia donnas. Hut with Tliriiotit the Country 0|M'iis Ijahor IHiy Frank Kay—minus the e—as her pub¬ licity promoter and ("harlotte Kay— New York, Aug. 31.—F.4ibor Day will And Rules Laid Down by the Vaudeville Managers’ also minus the e—as her personal rep¬ mark the olllclal opening of the hig- resentative, she entertains little fear tlmo vaudeville season thruout the Protective Association Are Adopted by of her success when she makes her I'nlted States. appearance within the near future as Artists are confronted this sea¬ Artists and Managers a vaudeartist on hip time. son with many new problems in the matter of transportation and traveling Cross Resumes Tour expense.^, overhead charges are be¬ GREAT RESULTS HAVE BEEN ing cut down as much as pos.slble. as c. .. T 1 ..iJ .TT Mi It Ls necessary to travel light. The Salt Lake City Aug. 3L-Wel1 ng- theaters on the ACCOMPLISHED I tonn Cross resumed his vaudeville tour orpheum Circuit stipulate in their cen¬ - heretre after a throethree weeksweeks’ stay inIn wardrobe in hand luggage to make an in a motion picture. The Gray Para- Hundreds of Grievances Settled in Harmonious and opening appearance on .Monday after¬ o i.* r 1. hyf '’ol- directed by Lawrence Windom. noon,__ no ' matter if their baggage is Satisfactory Manner—Co-Operation the _ late."""" "" Patricia Baker in Vaudeville compression m the mat¬ Paramount Object^ _ ter of cccostumes, properties and stage New York Sept 2-Patricia Baker is being carried to the ex- By E. F. ALBEE Newwew York,yora. Sept&ept. 2.--Patriclaz. t ainoia mker,itaKcr, trunk makers are ."'f® working with the artists to turn out (Speaking for the Vaudeville Managers’ Protective Association) and Adelaide Mason as eo-prlnelpais.co-principals, being headlined vaudeville 1 believe that more has been accom- ■ Ing into deep respect for each other. being headlined in a vaudeville .sihle to ,carry a great deal in a small plished in the past year for the better- I One endeavors to help the other in entitled Some Brides, under the ment of vaudeville and the show bu.si- the most sincere manner. This Is the ] direction of Arthur Klein. Some houses are also making It a ne5»s in general than has been accom- policy laid down by the Vaudeville rule that all artists get In touch with plished in the past fifteen years in the Managers* Protective Association. It Gilbert and Friedland Go East the stage manager early Mondays. promotion of peace and harmony be¬ (Oontinupd nn page 58) either In person, by telephone or tele¬ tween the vaudeville managers of the graph. If delayed or held up they Fiiited .States and the vaudeville ar¬ San Frane^co, Sept. 1.—.\t the close .ohniild give the management ample tists. Thru the Vaudeville Managers’ Something in This Name of their engagement at the Orpheum warning. Protective Association all vaudeville September 14 L. Wolfe Gilbert and In .New York B. F. Keith’s Orpheum. managers have been brought together Anatole Friedland will go dire« t to colonial and .Mhambra Theaters open for the purpose of inaugurating and New York, Sept. 1.—Between re- New.New York. Their new songs have been for the season .September 2. •arrying out reforms in vaudeville. hearsing a new act, selecting a reper- going big on the Coast, particularly Kvery manager has willingly set toire of suitable songs, and many se- While You Are Away. Al Tint in Vaudeville a.-'ide old methods of doing business and adopted the rules and regulations laid down by the Vaudeville Managers’ CHICAGO, ILL. R9.WFFrC.69 I INDUNAPOUS, IND. A1 Tint, the yodellng minstrel, who Prfitective .Xssociation. A majority of |«I4 nccao’dt I mmiiktMint»M|. recently rlosed with Vngel’R .Minstrels, these rules are for the betterment of has Joined Add Iloyt’R .Minstrels, a the artLsts. A contract agreeable to seven-people act In vaudeville, now the artists has been adopted, cancela¬ STATES BOORING EXCHANGE working the Butterfield Circuit. tion of acta without proper notice where there is a two weeks' clause In MAIN OFFICE: W3.4.S CALUMET BUILDING, Kihel Has New Act the contract has been eliminated, and ST. LOUIS, MO. the contract, which means pay or play, New York, Aug. 31.—.lulea Kihel la without any cancelation, has been HfHMTFfl extra high-class .Musical Comedy Companies. Shows now rehearsing a new vaudeville act. wW nww ■ must carry not le.ss than twelve acting people, play all generally lived up to. Call a Cop. In which Dick Arnold will script bill.s, carry special scenery and real lobby displa.vs and have a There have been 678 grievances on feature attraction. be featuretl. The art opens Sept. 5. both sides which have i)een settled in Straight salaries and percentage with guarantee.^. Kihel is preparing several other acts a harmonious and satisfactory manner. Standard Vaudeville Acts of all descriptions wanted for all offices. for vaudeville. Ninety-five per cent of the.se settle¬ Chorus Girls and .Musical Comedy People In all lines write. Can al¬ ments has been in favor of the artist. ways place you on reliable shows. Vaudeartists Wanted A large percentage of these grievances HOl’SE MANAGERS, for real business building attractions, get in was occasioned between the artists touch with us. We are llio largest independent circuit In the Uniti 1 To Kntorlain .Xrniy Convaloscerifs themselves. The arbitration hoard States, and sd^ill growing. V>etween the artists, thru their order, New York. .Sept. 1.—Under the care the National Vaudeville Artists. Inc., OKUHOMA CITY, OKU. *”'5^ wire BIRMINGHAM, ALA. and the managers, thru the Vaudeville of the Red Crtiss more than twenty Ill CilfceTtsoii BMt._NEAREST OFFICE IK Fint NnIiomI loiik BMc- Managers’ Protective Association, has cnnvalesi-cnt houses attached to armv proven a valuable acquisition to the hospitals in I he .\tlantlr Division will bo In operation very shorlly. These new conditions. WANTED — WANTED — WANTED — WANTED — WANTED — WANTED -W houses are oqiiipped with stages, and For the first time in the history of the War Hospital Kntertainment Com¬ vaudeville there has been a tribunal N SINGERS, DANCERS. COMEDIANS, PRIMA DONNAS, SOUBRETTES, £ mittee, the Stage Women’s War Re¬ where the artists can bring to Its at¬ I CHORUS GIRLS, PRINCIPAL COMEDIANS t lief. .America’s Over There Theater tention their grievances, and they are Q W'ho ran proi»;re (N'OTK VO A CHORUS GIRLS, who r^lW tAng. fiinrw, League and the United Booking 'R- acted upon in a prompt and business¬ lAwd nurnhers (N<» l«»iirihts » »»oi*hi. h* ight ) STRAIGHT MEN. who Miiig eUnew ^ lices have been supplying dramatl<* ami like way between the managers’ and W pKv ptrlA. (WARORoHK I>SKVTIAL ) SISTER TEAMS, who ran are ouRltfled to All the alwwe rrvniiremefitA. don't answer thia ad. Showa open Hopt. Iti, rn* ^ pressing need for a great many more The cordial feeling between the ^ bearMla S«t>( «>. Hpriiirtlold. ttlno A house manager and the artist is rlpen- I E NOTE^Prapay yaur wlrt«. Will aot advafire tkkaH ealatt known. £ If-al aet.s ami plannings being pre¬ D— WANTED — WANTED — WANTED — WANTED — WANTED — WANTED ferred. .Acts desiring to volunteer their services for the entertainment of Vaude. Actor Found Dead the American boys who were wounded THE LATEST nn the battlefields of France, get in foiieh with any of the above organlra- Chicago, Aug. 31.—Frank Burton, SONG HIT — GOOD BYE ALL tions. w'ho has been playing In vaudeville in r«trhj, RtirrlnR melnrlT, full of "pep.** Dp tD the mlnate Wonto. PToreMlaOkli. tend itampii for Or- a tabloid version of Paid In Full, was chmlraUnna. Crrit Dancinir Vumhrr DEALERS WRITE FOR QUANTITY PRICES. found dead at the Revere Hou.se on Ringold and Lusby in Surprise Clark street yesterday. Burton was EUQENIO FORTUNATO, I Soatli Stii Street, PHILADELPHIA PA. about 50 years of age and is thought Nina Rochester RIngold and Ruby to have a wife and son In Detroit. Ef¬ I.usby opened In vaudeville Sept. 2 forts are now being made to locate his piTintero the otto ZIMMERMAN & SON CO. cngTaver* with a new act called Surprise, and CINCINNATI, OHIO. NO. I NEVADA BUILDING. family. A bottle of poison Is said to We print anTtblix In Ifusir, Plano. Band. Oirhaatra. Mandolin, etr Wr arranar and puMlNi for amataun will travel eastward from New Or¬ have been found in the room. Swid for price and eanplea. The Ur(eat aaclualre miulc prtntne wret ot New Tort. BMablUtird IITI. leans. A

SEPTEMBER 7, 1918 Vaudeville Reviews By Special Wire Chicai^o Palace . - ■ Majestic, Chicago (Kevtewrd Monday Matinoo, 8opt. JS s.®.. S#pt. \jL\utr T>ay .in _*_* __ _- _ --- - rhl<-a»o. Sept. 2.—A rery entertalnlnit pro tlip minr urRlh«*r the aii'M ^ offered the this week, «■»•# three <|(mr(era 4if an hinir ahead itf j I Ig I I M I m 9 V I al^g m le I showed its appreeiatlon by tii«* «*|>eiihi);, a o*rUH‘k. K«»tne i*f t' * 1 I A I I 1^1 I applause uiH>n every ]•. tH nrrc d«da.red eti rente t«» the theater, and I m Mrm M B ^ B B B B B B “ Ba. bring a gae greet' d tlie iH‘rf«»riuera n le ii lmei^mvpi^x/mice.iainaiemitk£aoiBia^ tlie curtain fluatly Stomt Urchin and Prioce^a Radja were alm» No, ] tamald K. Riil*erta, lieted aa the In line for a giMxl hand. • Strolling lotior,** »|»eneii the hill In a a|»e.dal (ItotUntiMl .Mtuulay Matinro, Scittoniber 2) .v,,. i_with a full stage Hetting Hurt and ntHniUnd Md. I>refiM(*e|t he M*<*n made the andlenee for eight minute*. Mi** l^ymond’* muacular forbid it’' l"nc wait. In hU en.nre. Hate, he .Vew York, Sei»t. 2.—.\ tyiiieal holiday audience was royally entertained p.Mies gave the act a fair start. However, the •)i«. |. «t d draiuat «* ability, and would hare at tiie I’alace Theater tltia afternoon. Nots'ith.standing the fact that tw > dani iiig of tiie world’s re.-,,rd long distaoca ►Hired e»i n a Idagor hit except for limited time. iiiff VHtideville httnsH's, wiilch have l>een closed all summer, opened up today dangers did mit take the a.-t over to anything blei'U niiniiteo, in tw<»: two unr en.ore. with excelli-nt hills, and that aeroplanes were flylnjc all over New York, the eiDga. No. 1—Hearst-Pathe News Weekly showlntf the BclRlan Army in action youngster's viidln playing was giHsi, even het- P'l*.sinc|] hai] tho nil.lion.-e hreatbloea with him and on the mareh created a furore., A picture of Walter Hines Papre, late t,.r, it was iM.werfui, and best of all was his Iri. k tunddiiyr. Him |do»«iDg variation of the Ambassador to ttreat Britain, did not receive a single hand, but Roosevelt metb.slmethod of getting It over. HisHia eleven minutes Me|p..M» fall, in w Id.di he tumhlen fr<»€u the toi» came In ft»r a big ovation. were fastfa*t moving and brought three well earned of a >teplatlder placei! on a pian<% wa« a No. 2—Herman ami Shirley returned with their well known acrobatic *** ►.Tojtu. Nine miniite«. In four; tao curtain*. and contorthtn n««»n*d taehe with tinceess. Those who imagine that contortionists are hack numbers would Wedding Pay In Pogiami, prodwed a lot of Iboir old V‘ !d'do, iMmalMiing of c«ril game open* ilo well to see this act. aa it is full of surprises and entertainment the whi>le laughs and as usual carried Itself off well, iog. and iN.xing match and freak tiance flnUb. time it occupies the .stag'-. The opening effect, with what is apparently a ()|»>ning in three, with special interior, the TMiot> ooe iiiluiiteM, in one; two hi»we. papier mache skull on the talde, but which comes to life. Is a very clever butcher, the baker and candteatiok maker are N.*. 4 Paul l^.cke^ and romtmny. In The and weird piece of work. In full stage, for ten minutes, with two hows. alt represented In iv>giand; then to one and lUby Kay. ii«*e«l tlodr own curtain* and ae| No. 3—Kddie Borden, with a new partner facetiously called "A Duke,” Anally In full the act olosea after the full forty ting* in an apartniont lo'ene ►plendirtly worked came back ttt the Palace and got many laughs. Borden is a clever comedian 'i"«* have strutted and sported In their glad • ut Ji* to cok.r cotnblnal The t^kfuedy wa* of the nut variety, and his partner is an able foil for his Idiosyncrasies. In attire. Seventeen minutes consumed, and this at )«♦ ntM a liftio f'»r»‘e.i. hut they rep|Mtere«| one, with three hows. afternoon brought aeveral bows and a full '■’ff with four •'urtaln'*. The «*iNktall mixing No.v„ 4—Willt vfiii Jt Ward»»• _ 1 and. hu-i.- tl\e Symphony1 Girls were one of the hits, .. round of applause to Mr. Merisn. r c..i iii«. laugh*. The entire <-aet of the show. This is as refined and out of the ordinary vaudeville offering as ■♦—Another of the big bidders for tha I* well Twenty*tw(» minute*; In f.mr; can he found. The girls, as well as Ward, are excellent piano players, and honors of the afternoon was Lester, the Ven- ciirtalii«. one in particular, a dark-haired damsel, .—.Stella .Mayhew started off with a new song begging some one t" "*** *'**'“* **^*1*** de>p. Sev 4'ti< M pr'*gramiiM*«l, and th** au«tlen<*e llkeil her stop singing "Them Blue.**.” The popular comedienne was in tine form todav '**• “ ' Ittiriien'* Ir. Her hiitiH»r wa^ ilaiiilr, and oIm- dl and caii.oed much nterriment. So that the stage could he set f«»r George ®tJeorge MacFarlane was *ld.-d Imllrldual lH*nor» t*n the hill with Sarah White .''tella Invited Borden and Duke," who were standing In the wings. *be return of an old friend, and aa he iVf.Meti, Willi four Im»w^, «»ne en.-vfg and 4*oe to come out and help her mi*ve the piano down into one, where the trio in- *«tmed into some of those old favorites with e Se%ente«ti tilioUfeM, In oOe. dulged In Hve minutes of wholesome nonsense, much to the liking of the "'•* melodious voi<-e of his the audience perked .No r, Sarah Padd* h. In llie r.temal Barrier, cn>wd. Manv bow.s. up and pwk notice, dlle took an encore on top •K--. e A » ». ! • , .of three Imiws after singing to Harry Decosta’s *••0 the aiiil en* e with a reniarkaldy fine hit of Xn.No. R—(;p«>rR«»3—(>eorge White,\\ hite. with four charmingchArmln^ partners,partner*:, presented one of ». *. #, . __i*_...i a ting. site held the etage alone for aixteen the most uni'iue dancing contrihutions that this nifty artist ha.s yet given to ?'1"“,*!,*". to nrove he had the aoods minutes without eten the assistame «»f llie te|e- the stage. George certainly has an eye for the beautiful as well as the ar- I lie ►ketrli deal* with a war llieine, la tlstlc.tl^iCe ARas his selection of»>f AKsi^tHiltsassi-tant.s proves.nrovrs. (*ne(t>f of them,thpm. thethp tall blonde—hlonHp— tb-AmitherAnother return of theth* poMilgaiproillffal waswt* wlii.'h the b#’r.»*s death reoon.'ile* the wife with Tot Qiialters—works si»lenilidl>’ with IVhlte; in fact, they are all real dancers. "labt of seeing l.yons and Tos«-o. the 'is |i.ir«nis, jihI held the log audience N|»ell- The act is set in several elaborate scenes, much expensive wardrobe being H*li»n minstrels, together again. Just as they I-und KoriiMT adiiitr*-r» <'f her In The t'b*d In evidence, as well as a lack of it in several numbers. \Vhite. of course. bliie>ys, the same instruments, •111 Millie etlll more h*r won.b*rful ahlllty af¬ had ti» Imitate dancers whose names were called out by the audience, and 'be sameness that bruigbt them back ter tewing this playlet, |q which nhe I* the the whtde prr>diictlon reflects unlimited credit on this artist, and finished 'b' hearts of the audience. The lack of '•nly cliara. ter apiM-aring. Kigbti'ea iiiloute*. amidst a riot of applause, curtains, bows and flowers. comedy up to this point was sadly felt, and Ib four. Imiws; flowers. their original bits placed them over on the hig No 7 Helen Trlx ami Nlfter, Josephine, re- TNTKR M ISSIltN sli^ of the ledger. They open with a harp and leiied geneffoi*. appl:ius<‘, Helen Is iMdisioMt aiol cello diH>, aci-ompanying this with their voices. ileter and JoM-phlne |h pretty and dainty. No. 7—Dontey and Rngel. Johnny l>ooley once again proved himself g„|ng into patter, and dosed strong with a I-JOT ijse.l original material tbriiout and cV»ed the supreme tuiffoon of the vaudeville .diige. His a<-robatic travea*v and patriotic number. The act sent over big and • lieir act w.lh one of |he|r war i«*ngs, Inui‘1 hiireles<|iie Kgyptian classical dance are just as funny as ever, while Yvette encore, working in one for eighteen ^l*:iken. III rlei-n miiiul*.*.. In one; ii\p In.w*; Rugel wing very sweetly. Kun fa.-st and furious while this couple were on minutes. ot»e en«'«*re. the stage Three tiows and encore. „ ...... Xo. 7—The rtin.v stmosphere. travel-tired or No. K rile Ford Sister*, Mal*e| and ]h»ra. .No. S—An American Ace. by I.lnootn J Garter, eondemsed for vatideville ^.miethlng must have t.ecn liesleging Ura.-e la ;ii*!-.ired in the d.inie a. t already fninll ar to I>Mrpo,-ies. closed the show, featuring Taylor Granville and his wife. I.aura r,m-. for she was not at her best this attem.s.n. t hi-.ig«» patrons. On a******iint of the lato hour F’lerponl. The ilrama oeciipies Just about an hour, and almost everything However, she made the best of bad .ondiiions IlM'ir :ii t Has abbreviated. They are favorite* that you ran imagine that could take place in a war drama occurs in this took no small share of the laurels. She here as elsewhere. INiiirtetwi minute*. full' space of time. .Xeroplane flights in midair, trench scenes. 1'. soldiers to her program of live numbers My o«n ►t^tgi- oHii eiirtnlii*: live l».ws. I marching into a French town as the Germans are retreating, spies. Prussian t „it,Hi states, prolonged by that famous - **iH»iii Moff. it and Clare, billed for S|h»1 1. ' lirutallty are ail In evidence. Held every one in their .seats until flnal cur-UF- tation,t,ii„n. -Rreathea"Breathea there a man with aonlsoul aoso dead di'l dot ap|M-ar. I.**l IS, tain. The stars scored personal hits. In eleven wenest.—HILLI.AR. *b..who never to himself hath said. "This’ Tiiis Isis my - own. my native land'?" and cleaned up a hit. , Itoad |o Mandal.a.v carried fine, and next to the No. 3 The i:!'! t’n.m Mllw.siMilwaukee registered llfnl a dancing act as has been seen here In Orpheiim, .San FrancivSco ^ patriotic number. MisMiirl Waltx. in her apt*eal Instanll.v wllh a line \..ici'.c. rcn.lcringrc an et ninny a ilav. re.'ebing re.-nll after re.-nl1 Tl-e (Reviewed Sunday Matinee, September 1) t. Inf Voice, iiiaile the hit. Her costumes were bea'i relleni rc|»rtnlre of s.>ng*.• . NineMl iiiinntcs |n act wne elalmratcly coslnnied. with tieantlfnt " I if III. Working in font of a velvet drop she one; three ts.ws. scenery an.I artistic draio-ries. K..ttert Bernel and her acisuiipanisl. J. M. Paly, consumed •'‘Hii I ram isci, Se|»l. 1 The Orptieuiu opened No. 4 r»n«lnncc Cawleyr In a sc.|orI l>> .\ct. dlre.'litl. Twenty live minutes. In full; »lv I'lir ' Iweny iniiintes. taking two N>ws, in one. till* W|.»'k with a big. loaty almw |o the ii*iial re«s and Crlllc. her |a«l wc.-k’ ta« I tains an.l nivrlads \... .S Shelton and nllie I’owrers. working m ly nfierii.s.ii Iiouh.-, Willie S.dar. Mill wvdl rec.dve.!. pleasing, the lal Wolfe tSIthert and .Xnatole Krled ^ liliickface. wtm the li**arls of the audience l•*lhns an.I t;i|iM.ri and rrh^lland hl*.|t|»efl the ter piei-e lacks the pntich of the fo-ioer. Same (and In flielr 1*1.1 and New Songs were a fiir.>re. riglit from the start with their comedy .ind 111 turn. Mile. iMxie ami ('oiiipany. in a sn|.p..rl. Mncircn mliiiilc». In full; one cur- The Intristiictlon of an unknown w.uiian made 'b* F Tlie.v have the knack of knowing Just cli.‘..T diim Ing .HI, cre.iie.| a fur'*rc. I tain. a big hit. She c<»rra11et1 tw.» lo.ws anil an cn hovv |.i loit their stuff over. Eighteen minutes, I Hcarhl I'iiihe Weekly. rifleeii mill No. W Ille s.dac came ..n In a storm of .-..re for herself. Crledland sang While You .\re■'•■e • lile«. In one; four lsiw«. applause, carried If thru to ttnish and st..pp,Hl .Xway. a new niimlier. whi.-h went big. Twen '**" Xo. !• Ihe Idll was brought to a g's>d flnisli I .»r the s«s‘o|id lime llii* year !Mdle the show with his mns|.-al ortio'ily numbers. His ty on# minutes. In one; four hows, two en with I'rincess lU.IJah n her Cleopatra and '*»'k ;ind |t.»t Wllltam* pri>ent«s| thel* i*«»\elty persimalily Is a great factor. Ten minutes. In cores. Wsldes those of t**# unknowm. Arabian Chair dances, which got a go.st hand. d;in<».» giting the program a g.sHl ularl. Ofieii one: II*e b..ws. declining emt.rcs. No. It Toto, the Hllpimdemie clown. hcM The setting was very beautiful and Princess '■g In olie to full, they were gre«*te.l like tdd \rilladnc Itoman.w. I lever Hu-s an I over, went big. altbo be has rurtalle.1 his friends. Kleten mlniile*, with two In.w*. Kadjab distdayed wonderful skill In doing the etmiposer and planisic. went big. Eighteen elty pantomime offering. He was greetevi with chair dan'-'-. Nine ni.niites. full atage; one cur- minutes. In two; three bows, |hr*-e encores and a.-renms of laughter thmnut the entire act. tain and a klss.-HAKTMAN. Innumerable flowers. Eighteen minntea. in full. N'o. 7 Intermission. No. I'J—Government Films Fifteen minutes No. S Mill Collins. In his S|>eakcr of the House monolog, held over,over. Introiliicctllnlrtstuee.1 some new HALE IN MUSICAL SPECTACLE stuff. He st.u>|ie.l theie show. Fifteen mlnulea,mlnulet, -- in one. live t»>ws andid encores. New York. Aug 31.—Will H. Hate wilt pro- No. !* It has lieenn manyniany a day since Mile.Mile, dnee and play the principal comedy part in a Parle has Iteen s«>*n here. .kssUted.\ssUtrd by M. Coo- military musical spectacle entitled My Soldier slatln Kolieloff. M. F Jamds and a brilliant Girl, under the management of Earl Burgess. I|unrle| of clever dancers—Misses Ilelser, Wit formerly with Primrose Dockstader't Min- llsiiis. Hansen and Bunn—the put over a# beau- ttrels. ^8 Tlie Billboard SEPTEMBER 7, 1918 UST WEEK’S BEST VAUDEVILLE ACTS IN NEW YORK KETTERLING’S NEW OFFERINGS Chicago. Aiig. 31.—Don’t Lie to Mamnra, one N. V. A. NEWS (HILLIAR’S SELECTIONS) of Ralph Ketterling’a vaudeville offerings, opened its aeason at the Rialto Theater here last week. By “ED" McMAMEE Foy and Family, liecausc it is the moat unique act in the The cast Is the same as last year. The piece world, becaiiBo Koy is proud of his family, because his family is proud is booked solid over the Ixiew Time East for the of father, because the offering was greatly enjoyed, because the special entire season. CLLB COSSU* song.H used were arranged by Bryan Koy of the U. S. Navy, who ap¬ Bherman Was Wring, a new playlet In which <'oInnr1 Eillian ltii>N>'ll was |ir<'s«“nt«-il with a peared in the last number, and because Kddie Koy and Family were Augustus NcTllle, Kathryn Marney and Frank s Imt |.i\iiig i-iiii liv III' Marini' Baiiil at Wasli- the hit tif tlie show at the Palace Theater Monday matinee. 'Fanning are appearing, begins its regular season Ington last work. Tlic was given in grate¬ .Maud liaml>rrt and Friicst U. Hall. becau.«e Ball is one of our best September 9 at McVlcker’s Theater, after which ful rei'iignilii'n of tlie siiliinliii work Coionel knijwn cumposcLs of popular s'.inff.s, liecausc Miss Lambert looks charm¬ It will play the Canadian time. liiisM'll lias il"iii' ill ti'i'imling iii'ii for llii' uia- ing and can sing, because Ball has liecome a comedian, because their Other Ketterling offerings that will be seen rine servile. act appeals to the audience like a whiff of ocean breeze to a dweller in this season are Sherburne and Montgomery in A'Irginia Ituukin Is singing with T. Fred the liasement of an Hast tfide tenement house and because they re¬ Oh, Doi'tor, Be Careful; 'Murray, Dopkova and Ilenr.v's Bam! now playing the princiiinl State ceived much applause and encores. At the Palace Theater Monday Company in An Eight O’Clook Town; Willis Hall fairs of the West. matinee. in Our Wife and Edgar Alurray, Sr., in Lincoln Forrest and t'hiireh, who have tieen playing .\n .\im‘rl<-an .Vix', because it is a Lincoln J. Carter melodrama, be¬ of the U. S. A. dales with an anlo, iliereliy reducing to a mini- cause it is thrilling and exciting, because Taylor Granville and Laura iiiiiin the liigli cost of traveling, noted the No- Pierpont are tlie featured principals, because it Is patriotic and because RUTLEDGE HAS NEW ACT tJasoIlne on-SiiDday law .and S'dd the “fliv.” its adaptation for vaudeville has retained all of the .salient points. -\t New York. Aug. 31.—The Wrong Road, a new The following acts went on last Wednesday the New Brighton Theater Monday evening. comedy sketch by Raymond Bond, will be pro¬ for the lioys at *ort Hancock; Tommy White, WllUc \Vpston. because he ha.<* a good line of humorous conversa¬ duced shortly by I’llny Rutledge. Pearl E. Ford •Siizaniie It'H-aiuora. Ilarr.v Kills, Ben and Hazel tion. iiecau.se he sang several songs, because he CAN sing, because he has been engaged for the leading feminine role Mann, .loliii Itansoiiie, toiriiian Bros,, Oallarini was the real hit of the show, because he had to respond to many en¬ and will be featured with Rutledge. Uoliert cores and because if he had been at the Palace he probably would have and Son. Frank Hartley. H. Craig will direct the piece and play one of The following program was tendered the .Ft. done even better. At the Fifth Avet\ue Theater Tuesday matinee. the important parts. A complete scenic pro¬ Slocnin soldiers tiy the N. V. .\. last F’rlday: Herbert Clifton, because he is a clever female impersonator, be¬ duction will be carried. Murray and Wiiicliniau. Toniiiiy White, 'Marion cause lie i.s very masculine in his femininity, because he has selected Ward, Frank Hartley, Sailor Iteilly, .lohn Ban- beautiful wardrobe, because his voice is pleasing, because he looked soiiie, S.'iiannali and Hcorgiu, Hallarini and Sun, sumetliiug like Valeska Surratt and because he works hard and accom- VAUDE. ACTOR MARRIES plislie.'i results. At the Palace Theater Monday matinee. liATEST MKMBEItS IX SKltX I< E Tom J. Dunn, of the vaudeville act of Dunn. Lillian F'itzgerald, because she is an artist, because she is a char¬ Little & Dunn, and Lionla Standlsh, a raushai Mark V. Haniels, formerly of KnickertsH-ker acter delineator par excellence, because her Irish number is good, be¬ comedy singer, were married in Cincinnati Au¬ Four, with F. S. Army. cause lier French soubrette is clever, bcause her prima donna a la gust 28. They are motoring to MattapoiscG. Sid Casell, formerly of Ininham Edwards Trio, Italian is great, and because she completely stopped the show. At the Mass., to settle up the estate of the father of with F. S. .\rm.v. slationoil with ilcath I'ioneer ’nf.. Camp Dix, N. J. cl.vsa attractions. Ameri'-ep iwys and the boebes is an individual with F. S. Army, stationed with Co. 'F, 301st James Mack, formerly of Miller and Mack, one, only Ibis time the scrappers don’t waet Eng., Camp Devens. Mass, with F. S. Navy, stationed at Chaplins Work KEITH SHOWS AT MARYLAND the bt;;’'.d, they want a piece of the Rhine. Ho Howard Hull Gibson, formerly of Wilfred Office, Main Camp. Pelham Bay, 'N. Y. made such a hit with bis slogan that he uiwl Clarke Company, with F. S. .Army, stationed Alexis L. Sausloff, formerly of Nana and 'Baltimore. Aug. 30.—The Marylund Taeater, it for t;,e dtle of the patriotic song which he with Co. F. 347th Inf., 87th Division, A. E. F. .Alexis Sausloff, with U. S. Army, stationed playing Keith attractions, opened Monday, Au¬ wrote the lyrics /ur. We Don’t Want the Bacou. via X. Y. with 32d Field -Artillery, Battery B. 'Barracks gust 26, with a lot of “newness,” from seats What We Want la a Piece of the Kliine. Pri¬ Albert Smoltey (Smolourth), formerly of Fish- 0-21. Camp Meade. Md. and prost-eniiim arch down to the lady on liestra, vates Barry Russell and Jimmie ilit-rus, airo er. Hawley A- Company, with F. S. Army, sta¬ Otis Mitchell, formerly of Mltehell and Miteh, which had been Installol by Mauag' i' .''chanlier- nifty in the manly art, wrote the 'uusic. tioned with Co. "4. 15th cently tt.iit they will not The house oi>eu<*H>n Gordon iind !>■ Itov Clemons. paring 1o return io the stage. Early In the There U but One BEST—Those Made by Tcn-lnOne ami take management of I..eoD tiordon will appe-ar in the leading male i-easori 'ihr will tx- piesented by the Charles same. Address care Billboard, New WELDON, WILLIAMS S LICK role, and will be supp^irted by Mary Servoss, I’roliinMP Company in a new 'jumedy written by FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS Harold Vosburgb, Stanley Harrison, Ruby Ilal- two LnalUh authuia. York. SEPTEMBER 7, 1918 e

NEW YORK VAUDEVILLE Lend me your eafK 9 We hav e four great songs. They have been tested and we c an prove it. A tri al will convince you that we know what we’re talkii ng about. that bp IR S'ling tu take tu binisplf a wife. THE BALL40 CLASSIC WHICH WILL SWEEP THE COUNTRY BY ALLAN OH, MOON OF THE SUMMER NIGHT J. FLYNN 1 (TELL MY MOTHER HER BOY'S ALL RIGHT)


M Orchestrations and copies ready. Write, wire or call for your copy. 1 AL PIANTADOSi & CO., Inc. NEW YORK old, U larger than bit father. griKT JAt'K .M(H)UE. late the Nettl* Car- roll art, la now playitiK a ronlioaoua en^afa* Toney laUnd. September 2; Charley Conway nia for aeveral montba haring her voice trained. ment for I'ni'Ie Sam In the U. S. Nar^ Mia. LEONA LAMAR PLEASES and Sallle Fieldt, Prineean, Montreal. Septem¬ She it a native of Scotland and appeared in t'arroll la abortly leavlnif for tm weeka’ fatra, ber 2; Beauty, Kelth’a, Boston, September 2; Bunty Pulla the Strlnga, playing the title role. and then a twenty weeka’ engaaement la Cuba. New York. Sept. 2.— Leona Lamar, the Olrl Bon Carney. Proctor’a, Newark, September 2; Her auccett In that waa instantaneout. .\!,r T. WII.TON la a buay agent theae daya. With the Thousand Eyea. packed the theater Ray I... Royee, Majestic. Jubnatown. September Tlir following la a liat of the rationa attrartlona at tbe reopening of the Colonial today. 2; viola leiwla and Company. Stone Opera handled by tbla TaiideTille Impreaarlo, with DOING THEIR BIT llouae, Binglianiton, September 2: Sutter and oier 2: Elizabeth Murray, I’al- ery. Ala., September 2: I.e I’ollu. Academy. Mary Bridget Williamt. the elderly theatrical are, Chicago, Septemtwr 2; Kathryn I»ahl and NOW READY Charleaton, S. Septemtier 2: Mcllyar and periodical vender who atanda at the entrance Charlea Clllen, Kelth’a, Cleveland, Srptomlier Hamilton, Proapect, Bro.iklyn, Septemlier 2: to the Putnam Building. Aa he bid her good- SMASHES ALL RECORDS 2: CVayton. the Myatio, Colonial. I’tlra. Sep¬ Madame Cronin'a Electrical Novelty. Prootor’a, by he handed her two tickets to the Field Day tember 2: Ouy Weadirk'a Staiiitxole Kldera. -THE NEW- Troy, Septemtier !>; Jean Mlt, September 2; Cbartea Klaaa, Proc- Willlama could have converted them into cash, dleath, Orpbeum, St. loula. Septemtier 2: The tor’a. Schenectady. Septemtier !>; Ollvoftl. Mof¬ which would have purchased some additional tireat I^eater, Majeatic, Chlrago. Se;itember 2; MCNALLY’S fett and Clare, Palace, Chicago, September 2; cum fort a. Jewell’a Ciivut Day in Toylaner 2; Billie .Monlgi>mery, fletirge September 2: Billy Noble and Jeanne Bro.ika, uniformed army boya with an Irish cast of ivrry. New Davit, IMttaburg, Septemtwr 2; BULLETIN Sheridan Siiuare. I’ltfaburg, September 2; I.arry countenance and gave them the tickets. Howard and Helen Savage. Orpheum, Denver. Ward and Mlcbae! King. Proapect. Brooklyn, Mr. Burleaquer and Mrs. Willlama, yon both Septemtier 2: Tom Kelly, I’roetor’a. Troy, Sep¬ PRICE, ONE DOLLAR YlPER COPY Septemlier 2; The Ferraros, Proctor’a. Schenec¬ did your bit. More glory to you. tember 2; Will J, Wa.’d and Girlt, Ilenderaon’t, Gigantic collsrUon of 1S2 pa. SHOWMEN tember 1. Mias McIntyre haa been in Califor¬ are hustlers. Send for Catalog 2 ROOF-LiniXG TRIO ACTS One for two males ana .me female, the other for three males. Tbaie acu are 24-karat, C. A. Taylor Trunk Works sure-Ore hits. 2 RAHLING QUARTETTE ACTS ■71 H. Haltttd Stmtt. CHICAGO. ILI- On« for four main, the other for two malaa 210 W. 44th Street. NEW VOSK CITY. VAUDEARTISTS' GREAT PRIVILEGE and two femalea. Both ai'ta are alive with humor of the rib-UcKlmg kind. A NEW COMEDY SKHCH 'Thanka largely to the zealous efforts and warm patriotism of showfolks Araerl. 4 is displaying the flag and singing the national anthem widely and often. entitled ' Hubby's .Night Out.” It's a scream from start to Cnish. GEORGE’S B'e hare our heads when the colors go by in parade, we bare our beads and rise in our seats when the anthem is rendered. Orut Tabloid Comtdy and B«rletqBe We cheer the Stars and Stripes. •Dtitled Hotel De Graft*' It*s bnghr. NEW \ We applsiid St the ending of The Star-Spangled Banner. breeay and bubbles over with wit. .And this IS all as it should be. AN ACT FOR TWO FEMALES But. This ai-t will positively make gord FAMOUS LUNCH \ It should not be allowed to stop there. While The Billboard cannot aay that it haa detectetl a dispn to observe the outward form, and let it go at that, there la always 12 MINSTREL FIRST-PARTS ESTABLISHED IM3. ♦ danger that such disposition may develop. with aide-splitting Jckea anJ hot-ahot rr«t- 211 NORTH THIRD STREET ♦ That is the trouble with eeremoqialltm. flre gaga. The semblance remains, apparently as vigorous and healthy at ever, long after the GRAND MINSTREL FINALE MUSKOGEE. OKLAHOMA substani'e • egins to atrophy, stale or cool. entitled •"Die lYize " It will keep the audi¬ t So we must be vigilant. ence )rUui£ We m St keep the hearts of the people aflame. HUNDREDS We cater to the Theatrical and Tran- I AVe IT .St stiffen their wills and determinationa. of rra*'ker-jark Cniaa-Ftre Jokea and Gaga, aient Trade. Everything clean, and of ♦ We mutt preach saving and self-denial. which can be used for aidewalk ronveraatioo We must glorify work and service. for two males and male and female. the very best. Service Do Luxe. The i We must advu<-ate team work and the backing np of President Wilson and hit ad¬ BESIDES ^jjl^upp^^alway^a^iom^i^Georgej^ ♦ ministration. AVe must encourage everyone to keep up the war on the spies and pro-Germans in onr other comedy matertal which la uaeful to iha vaudenlla performs midst and their propaganda. Remember tbe price of McNALLY'S BUL* We must keep on heaping scorn and derision on the profiteer and the sordid, telf- LETIN NO. 4 is only Ooe -Dollar per copy; WANTED FOR 3 COMPANIES seeklng labor agitator alike. or will send you Bulleiina Noa. 3. 3 and 4 for \ ■And vaudeville artists here have peculiar opportunity. 13.00. With money back guarantee. A 1 Tramp Ciiraedian; People in ail llnea; pref- f To entertain cleanly-and well it rendering valuable service, more than ordinarily reni'e to tb

COLUMBIA BURLESQUE CIRCUIT refreshing and most pleasing to the eye. What Jakey Rosensfein, another sport, and mar- | Harry Heyon as the typl<‘al “Tad” furnished she had to do she did well in acting and sing¬ ried, too.Manny Besser ranch I'omedy, and let It lie known here that Attraction at the Columbia Theater, ing. Jim Bla<'k, married, hut heni)ecke to toil si»'ed and spurred tin- ismiedlans Rlotkin, Rrftneil IjjnvyerK, a farriral iiiiisirfll girls who appear to gisid advantage in a variety Julia Riveiisteln, the wife of Jakey. Into <-ontlniK>us activities. His dope or D. I,, alani at t»o nrarly-i'iiiinsfliirM at law. ll.v of songs, dances and tasty costumes. .Ihdly Benlleld chiir.-icterizatioii was most realistic and shows Maria (ireen, wife of Hiram Green. Barney lieranl and lliiey and la-e. I'rodiii- COMMENT Ills dramatic ability. .Edith Boyle tiiin Htaged under iK-raunul direetiuu of .Mr. Barney Cerard has given to burlesciue a meri¬ Daisy Green .Virginia Johns|itleian ....Ilarrv Kay AMERICAN BURLESQUE ASSN. Bcott, Ruth Shepard, Helen Carnamy, Edith Benjamin P-anklln Blaeketone. Slilkln A Ihilly Benfleld as a sonbret caught on and Boyle, Grace Smith. Marie Dilhm, M.-ie Walsh. Klotkin's clerk .Walter rearson promis<-s to N-come a favorite with burlesque Ethel Ronanye. Mae Bonn. Helen Savage. Helen Heza Si)iiirrel KiknI, KM|uire, “le the Attraction at the Olympic Theater, Mauny, Bobby Hall. Ethel Salley, Gl.adys patrons by her personal charms, supplementml lawyi'r in?'* .Hoss Snow New York City, Week of August Thompson, Kitty Morgan and Marie Madlll. by the ability to sing, dan -e ami act In a real lira. B. Dston Bull, eeeentrlc, but. oh. how’ girlish way that In r>-ally attractive. *he loves .Josephine Voiinge 26, 1918 REVIEW Dotson Dashes, stenographer.Babe Burnett Fsina Howland as an Ingenue appears to Abe lo-avitt has given a vehicle to the Social Mrs. Jake Slltkin ...... Kvel.vn Stevens M.AX SPIEtlEL presents his latest offering. The gisst advantage by interspersing some real com- Mrs. .\l,e Slotkin .Bonnie Berniee Follies that can be made fast or slow accord .So<'ial Follies, a t»o-act burlesque, in ten •■dy into, her actions, singing and dancing, all Miss (Irville Karelese .Jane Pearson Ing to the human power that pmp«ds It. The m-enes and s|iecialties, entitled A Family of which she does well. ("Our Wives"! story Is based on three married couples whi> f^^rer .Charles Weinlieimer Affair. Book by Abe (.eavitt. Music by The chorus is up to the standard in looks and apparently think that they have Individual Warden .Frank Evans Kam T. Compton. Entire pisxiuction staged deportment. The costumes are attractive and A Divorce Seeker .Bonita I.opez reasons for a change from the humdrum to under the personal direction of Max SpiegcL changed frequently. The scenic effects are .An Alimony Crablw-r .Craee Blake the frivolous. apro|s«, to the story.—NE1.^E. Miss Nora, a slee|.walker .Bemlta lojiez The various wenes and situations presented Ra«tlme Minister .Ross Snow CAST OF CHARACTER.S: apparently appealed to the Thursday matinee Clients, Broadwavltes and other eharaeters along Jerry Murphy, a sporty married man. the "tlay tVhite Way.” .Harry Seyou audience, for it applauded early and often. FAMILY BURLESQUE CIRCUIT REVIEW Attraction at the Putnam Theater, The oftiee of Slltkin A Slotkin. reflned law- .vers. introdueea Dotson Dashes, stenographer, Brooklyn, Week of August 26, 1918 and Benjamin Franklin Blaekstone, managing GRAMI.It'H A INGER.s'DL presentcil a pleasing law elerk. Likewise Mesdames Slltkin and Slot- mixture of everything in show business, kin. apparently anxious about the (lersonal at¬ with a litde plot iutermingleil with the tentions tlieir hubbies give to lady elients. RELEASED latest song hits, dances and topics of the The retim'd lawyers, of Hebrew origin, enter I day, entitled and get busy in a rapid tire dialog that is very amusing. They are interrupted hr big Dan I THE FROLICS OF THE DAT tiilligan. a wonid-lie grafting delm-tlve. who By ('has. Gramlich threatens them witli arrest and eonvietion for The Characters as They .Appear illegal praetlee of law without a diploma. Slit- On the Stage. In i’ublic, GUS ML’S MINSTREL SONG HT 1—Intnsliiction of Chorus . kin and Slotkin demonstrate that they have the 2 lai Belle Marie—Soubrette... .Marie Delmar real legal mind by ealling the bluff with the FOR VAUDEVILLE USE ONLY 8—Igna .\gnl Premiere Danseuse.... Igna AgnI use of a phony phone and levy tribute on 4—The Y'ankee Jhaidle Trio—Harmony the fourfiushlng Diek for five hundred dollars. Boys ...Harmony Boys 3—.Able Cohen and Mike Sweeney -Co- E.vit Big Dan onl.v to reap|>ear as a political mefiians .Clias. Dunn and Dun Platkin promoter of State Senators. Slitkin falls for Daisy and Harry—Planolog. the pros|M‘itive Job and furnishes Dan with ..Eddie Burke and Lillitte money for campaign punmaes. 7 Jean Mayfair I'rima Donna.Ama Blonde I’M GLAD 8—Snuffy Pickels—.A rramp. .Charlie Gramlh-h Dan lines up the voters of (he Times Square District to hear an address by Slitkin. sup¬ CIIORCS Maxine Henery. I.sM>na Edwards. Ethel Sari, Pauline Anderson. Helen llawlet. plemented by Slotkin. Dan as master of cere¬ Sylvia Prichanl. Grai'e Smith, Maudie Morrell. monies. Ruth Hoag, Lynn West. Hilda Russell, Edith While this is going on Mesdames Slitkin and I CAN MAKE YOU CRY .Armstrong. Flo Moran. Winnie Edwards. Jean¬ Slotkin decide life is monotonous and entrain nette Ryan, Tillle Irwin, Thelma John, A'ivian Bartlett, May AA’arren, Anna Bellew, for Reno, the land of eas.v divorces. By CHAS. R. McCARRON and CAREY MORGAN Act •.’ opens with a Jail s<-ene in black and REVIEW white, introducing Dan as warden. Slltkin. CHORUS The A'illain In the Play proved a laiighpro slotkin and the Pickwickian inventive genius ducing fan-e that apparently amused the audi¬ as prisoners. Mrs. Slitkin and Mrs. Slotkin. l*m glad that I can make you blue* ence. IH)t. and the maid in love with Blaekstone, and I*m glad that I can worry you, The Draft Scene afforded the principals ample the Broadway girls as visitors. opiHirliinity to Introdm-e several pleasing s»ing The presiding Judge ill and unable to hold I’m glad'that I can make you grieve; uiimlM’rs. I'ourt. Lawyer Slotkin is hauled out of his cell Your jealousy is sweet to me, A Grotto in Moonland was a thing of Iwauty and made Judge, during which he diK-harges Sometimes 1 flirt to make you mad. in si-enic and lighting effei-ts that carried one's all but Slitkin. whom he Mmtences for life snd memory back to Hanlon's Superba. then some, only to relent later on and discharge And when you’re hurt it makes me glad. A Trench in No Man's Ijind presented a touch him in order that he can niarr.v the stenog¬ It proves that you love me when you sigh, of militarism that ar

iilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||l management of fJoyd Montgomery, are now' und<-r way and Mailing along nicely. Tbe Tabar* In tilrlM, bin third Hbow, will be placeil on tbe TABLOIDS romi in about a week, to be followed xbortly WANTED by No. 4. Tbe I^ady AriMto<'rati*. Dare ban bla b«-adi|uartpra at the .Arenile Hotel. 55th and I. dllV.A ST.A.NDISM. formerly part owner of I A Live Wire Professional Man or Woman I Euclid .Avenue. CleTeland, O. He will be pieaMed tile Girls from lliiylcr’s Company, has rt-i-enlly to hear from bis friends there. • li:in;:cd lii-r naiiu- to Mrs. Tommy Dunn and = One that is pretty well acejuainted with performers and i KltAXK J. WILLIAMS?, manager of the Ma¬ will go Into partnership In an act on Keith jestic Tlieater, El Paso, Tex., is in his third I nil" nitli her liiisltaiid. romiiiy Dunn, well = knows enough not to insist up>on a Jazz or Ragtime = year with hla Borderland Girls Company and known acrobat. The big event came off sudden E artist to sing “THAT’S WHAT GOD MADE MOTHERS FOR” or E atm playing to excellent business. Tbe roster |\ III Cum innall iind even Miss Slaudish’s eliawst includes Jack Christy, producing coroe|MHlronit- In C'li m.-i E acts everywhere through correspondence. If you think | hill, ami a cbonut of eight. The company nf>w iiilols-r 1. has ten stars in the service flag and Is sure HOSTKR gF the Twentieth Century M..bls: E you can deliver the goods write, confidential, E proud of it. I hoiiias .Altiin, Tom Sprague. Al Williams. \A'. WILLI.AM P. STERD. popular tab. man. Is F Reed, GIlie Rugby, Billie Gordon. Kurt Cush I MEYER COHEN MUSIC PUB. CO., Inc., I now enjoying life at Camp Sherlilan, Ala., while man, Eddie Freeiiiiin. .Vat lord, Carl AA'aildb-. preparing to get the kaiser. He writes thst Marie Iliiss<-1, Gallia .Monile, Etliel • Siieery. = Room 406 Astor Thea. Bldf., N. Y. = there are a number of entertainers In his out¬ i'redcrii k Dauhaner, Maurel Ainln-w s, Rose I fit that are fun creators and real fellows. His Natasle. Mauimie Cole, Ruth lainak. Albe E P. S.—Remember, only one room, one piano and E address Is Co. «7th Inf., Camp Sheridan. .Ala. .Alla-iis«-. I'earl Rose. Eva Ciwgray. Sadie I one piano player. = PERCY .MARTIN, formerly of the Belle Isle Nelson. Holilile Berry, Johnston Sisters auil Beauties, on the Sun Time last season. Is now Stella Dixon. Tlie sliow o|iene<| I.alsir Day al ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil^ general agent for the Superior Exposition Shows till- Weller Theater. Zanesville. O. Carnival Company. Mr. Martin had started to M AIAER A ettZY, the llav a-Laf Team. get his show together this fall at Cleveland. O., COCCI I a twenty-week engagement with Mary WANTED WANTED WANTED expecting the carnival company to close Septem¬ Brown's Tropical .Maids at Cortland, N. Y., ber 3. but owing to a de<'lsi<>n of tbe i-ompany .August '.'4. Tlic team will play vaudeville time TABLOID MUSICAL COMEDY PEOPLE IN ALE LINES to take tbe carnival South he did n«t leave. In the New England States. PRODUCING COMEDIANS WITH SCRIPTS. PRINCIPAL PEOPLE IN ALL He win place another tab. on tbe road aa soon HHILEIt t HESTER LEWLS. formerly musical LINES, CHORUS GIRLS THAT CAN SING AND DANCE, MEN WITH as his present engagement Is finished. VOICES FOR TRIOS AND QUARTETS. Twenty Shows now being organ¬ ihrci lor. has Im-cii made Iwttery bugler of bis JIMMIE HODGE’;? Pretty Baby scored a hit ized for the VIRGINIA-CAROLINA MANAGERS’ CIRCUIT. ONE YEAR’S rcgiiiK-nt aiMl transferred to Ft. Worth, Tex. with tbe Poll patrons at Hartford, Conn., last WORK GUARANTEED TO RIGHT PEOPLE. Competent people will be ap- Ill- would liki- to hear from all his friends at week. Tbe cast Inolnded Rene Vincent, Eddie iminted managers of these shows. State all in first letter, with photos If Bat. E.. .-.7 Fleli. .Artillery, Camp Rowlc. Tex. Jtay, licw Hampton, Jimmie Juno, Al Warner possible. If you have handled a show say so. Address all letters and telegrams BILLY WEMI.E’S Blue Belles are on tlieir ind Job Graves. A ehonia of 14 girls did some to JOE SPEIGLEBERG, Manager Virginia-Carolina Managers’ Circuit, 801 fifth week at tbe Crystal Theater. Wai-o. Tex., Flatiron Building, Atlanta, Georgia. very pretty dancing and singing.—Garvie. anti playing to good iMisiness. .Mr. l-empkc, “aITON'S YANKEE LAND GIRI^ Company manager of tbe house. Is well satisfied with opened August 3. at Chlllirothe. O., under can¬ results. Billy Wehle ia liack with bis bunch . ANNOUNCEMENT vas and has met with soceeaa. Tbe roster after an alisencc of six weeks. He is a pa|>a Th« Original ’’SAYS WHICH?” includes Ned Woodly, Earl Brown, WlllUm now! Aep. an eight lanind l>aby girl on .August Miller. Nat Pord. William Lawrew-e, liMy JO In Di-troll. — B. Kane. GreenwaM. W. H. Peckinpaugh. Thomas Alton. .Al sH.AFFKR'S Boys and Girls organized in The Dam-lng Durants. Bessie Crandell, Eva SI. I.ouls after enjoying a five-week vacation. Cosgray. Ruth Curry. Sadie CniTy, Eveline Five sets of siencry destroyeil in St. lamls has “BILLY” WEHLE Ttimer, Gertie Twyman. Mra. Ray Oreenwald. Issn r*-placeil. making In all eleven nets. Flor- THE "KENTUCKY CHOCOLATE DROP" Georgia Jasmer, Helen and Alice Berry, Helen M-and lloiiicr .MiMchum joined in St. lamia. ■ Wishm tn annnuni-. tn htx mtiiy frlt-iid. thsi m August 20. at 9 30 p.m., his wife. Marian, pnavntfvl him with Burnet, Jessie Winters and Nle! Perry. ■VI is tlgiirlng on putting out two more shows. an eight-pound baby girl. »hn was named Winona Henhs. Mnthev uid daughtrr srs fine. Thiwk you. I ran tssure you 1 am SOMK prfsid "paps.” I'ryatsl. rhntre. Waco. Tex.. Indefinitely. GEORGE "LEW” GREEN, formerly of Gren- Tlie roster Inclinles Horein-e Meachiiin. l>ot .NiiTB TG BENNY KIRKLA.ND .Myself and enUre tvunpsny. the "Blue Grass Belira,’* are In sincire walt’t .Moonlight Maids, la now located at Ft. Misire. Stdlii Binebart, Gina Ibniley. Buth | sympathy «iih the <>rany opened under canvas at IIS' I . S. Military Pblb-e. stationed at Mussel i Minals. .Ala. He Is anxious to hear from his j 306-7 First National Bank Building. - • Phona, Main 5838. Ewing. III., July 35 and will play tbe mining camps In Southern Illinois. The Wg top Is friends, i-arc of Military Polbe De|uirlmcnt, eO NOW BOOKING CO .Mii»s4-1 Slioals. .Ala 4Ux‘nd. Bal»y Earl. Freen on Pantages Tunc Scptcuils-r I.T. and three canvas men. The company will play J. H. .Ml LAI'GIILI.N is now In .Atlanta. Ga.. numerous fairs on Its tour.—M. k K. arranging time for his Mack’s .Musical Review Charles and Queenie Marlowe, after a sncceaa- Ci'iuiiany and arranging details for tlie organ WANTED! REP. PEOPLE IN ALL LINES! fnl stason of nearly fifty weeks, will leare IjHilsville to Join a show in West Virginia. Mr. iration of tlirca- oilier lamipanles. He will soon wKh weclalUes. wardrobe and tppetra'icr: Piano risyer, lady or leiit. to play psHs. Real salaries to the Is-gin a tour llini Florida in the Interest of the right ptopla State all. KIGHTM SK.VStiN. NKsTiXL PLAYKR.'i. WITH KDYTII I-A NURA Marlowe Is a very clever comedian, and his wife V irginia-Ciirollna Managers' (Ircult In order I t. NOMAN NE8TELL. “Nastell'a Laadla, aa Lake TaacyeesM." Braeasa. MItteuri. an exeeptionally clever character woman, snd to gel flic time lined up. His roster Includes they abould enjoy tbe best in show business, is JIrs. .1. H. Ml |.aughliu. Fram-is Evanson. Maude NOW ON HIS SEVENTH they are deserving of It. shcMoii. J \V Bishop, Stanley Slieldon. Cliff WEEK AT THE COZY Edwards, Harry Evanson and a eborus of six. I SAM LOEB WANTS II.VLLENE ST'.A.NZEL. prima donna on Fox ou are tired of Ixig juaaiM. layoffs, etc., and want isinseeiitlve way to St. laiuls she stopped off to see her I 8KI lllll MARBhrKA nork for an entire season with abert jumpa, write nr wire us for I HUtUll# iTiHllH W Isl IW opening. Can give atandard Shows all the work they want. OWFreivcliy hiisliand. Private Jack Cronin, who is In train big al Coliiniliia. S. 0. UR HOF KIAUAOFDO Blwn you think of Tabloids gel in eomrauniettion with us, and if yon nUUuL MAIfAuLIIU NsdUiig over to this oflke you will gat flrst-claas Shows snd SYLV.an",s StM IETT GIRLS just finished a "eck at Cliiiiiute, Kan., and met the Campbell I nilcl Shows ill coni|ietitl(in and both did gmal GUS SUN BOOKING EXCHANGE CO. TiUQid Dept. • • • * SPRINGRELD, OHIO PARKER’S liii'iiicss. They arc pla.ving a return date at lAlR BALSAM inilc|Minil4‘nie. Kan., this week. I . C. Cope¬ WANTED—DRAMATIC PEOPLE. ALL LINES >il«t pr«p*rs.loB of land, wlio Is flirecliiig the show, will soi.n Heayy Man. Juyenlle Lrathiig Man. ten General Aelnra. with .Wpci-laltieii. No matter where you are wire me >lM to •rsdlcBt# dADdnsff _1_ ►lagi- three nieliNiraiiiatIr taha. written liy him- when al lllwrty. Salaries, tri and up. CHORFS GIRI>. rut this out and wire me if at liberty nr dlssatu- ItcU. MANAUKKS, remember this address. Wire me Ibrnrceinirs my spn-ialty. BMotyloGraT oad Faded H( |‘•'lf. entitled Hit the Ball, Come .Across and AL MAKINSON. II2S Graad Atm.. Kaasas City. MItteuri. Pay GIT, HIE CAI.H-'GRM.A CCPIES. Bennie Kirkland WANTED iiiiiiagcr. p1a.ved Tulsa, Gk.. last week to goisl UlAklTCn niilPif FOR SOUTHERN BEAUTIES l'Us|iMv>s and also found one of the female nHnlLU UUIbn, MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY Maryland Theatre, Cumberland, Md. larlcty. .Vfrs. Johnson, owner of th*' theater. titMID TGP TENGR. BARI'niNE A.N'D LEAD SINtiEH fnr Quartet, will ennalder a TRIO already urganiieiL First Violin and l'f»rnct. RecuUr saUiT. Slate low¬ Bennie s.ays she In a very nice lady to wv>rk 'rills shtne nut oerr aeven years without a day off. g<4ng aummrr and winter. CAN AI>G I'SE Clwru.s Girls. No time for leltera, but WIRE .VT O.N'CE all ynu ran dn. gieing age. height, weight and posllleely Inweat est flrM letter. MKLXINtiFR. BBOS.. Manaiera. for. Howard Dunlap k'ft for Orange. Tex.. aalary. Address BARNEY TABSELL, Masater, Arsads Tksatrs. Paducah. Ky. Ill accept a position for the winter. He was "c mii.lial director. Babe Pfnbl also left for FOR SALE Hifh Sihocl and Truk Hnrso No nno baa a better a lacalton with her mother In Houston. Tex. Send tool cents for nostaft me. or can do any more: handaomo: any lady i-an I1iey were replace<| by Constance Williams and FREE Book Ttk Edition handle; all ready for Tau SHxtOVt In.. eolun. l.OM. $2.M; 5.000. M.OO: 10.000. S9.00. Parrel poat prefMid. Auto- joined the »bow in Tnlaa.—Bennie. bin oM Pal. Al SebafTer, of Al 8<-haffer‘8 Boyi maUe I'rriaeti. No Otiaya. Artlatic dlaplaja. New ITKT lirKKB went hock Into hi* old line, and (iirta. and attain aaid good-by to Taudeatlle iTPe. i'a!>b. 6. H. THOMAS. Meoettta. F*. •lolng a tramp «lir (which la really a impular aong in anthem form) Van .AUtyne baa prepared a New York, Aug. 31.—The Greater New York Washington, Sept. 1.—Philander Johnson, a I-ouisville, Aug. 31.—Here are a few of the inebsly wliirh many critica deem the l>eit of the Muete Publlshere and Itealers’ AsiMM'lMtion'ti Out¬ IrN'uI newspaper man. has written a patriotic song hits which are being brought out in Louis¬ hiindrevls of songs that have isaued from hie ing. which took place last Tuesday at Mas- song. Carry On. that was an instantaneous sue- ville's Tin Pan .Mley hy the Xoeller Music Co.; |wn during twenty year, of active al time. INCREASE IN COST ANTICIPATED To Share Your Sorrows. She's Coming Fn>m Ire¬ The pleasure seekers started from the store MONARCH HAS NEW OFFICES land, The Only Girl 1 Ever Loved Is Married, of Charles H. Ditson & Co. soon after ten New York, S»-pt. 1.—Tliat an increased ad- and a new comedy hit to he introduced hy So- The business of the Moiian h Music Co., Inc., o'clock in the morning, arriving at their des¬ \anee in the cost of publisliin- of niuslc is an¬ pliie Tucker, Parson Brown. Louis E. Zo«dler. of Iteading, has assumed siicli pro|H,rtionx that ticipated very shortly is admitted by men tination In time for lunch. proprietor of this imblisliiiig house, extends a it was iicessHry to open n .New York offlee A ball game was one of the leading attrac¬ prominent in the song world. lni-reasettion in Stasney and Jerome Kelt. The "Roachltes” Chicago, Aug, 30.—Ernest F.slier, fermcrly entitled .My Double I'lag, which lias la'en ac¬ iiiiisical circles, ainl his aisiiiaintame with the well known in operatic circles. Is rounding the lined up as follows: A. Cantor, pitcher; J. T. (troressioii will U- a valiinlile asset to the firm. Lubliner & Trinz and Asoher Bros.’ theaters, cepted by a Chicago publisher. Roach, catcher; Lawrence Ellert, Jos. Glass- The Monarch's coiiiMiiiiiily sing song, com- singing Burrell Van Buren's Gloria and My Golden macher, B. N. Beck, Frank J. Flynn, Wm. mendetl hy I’rcs WiUhm. Is sisiring a big hit, Dream. Phillips. C. A. Meier, J. S. Barr, Ben Richmond WRITING SONGS IN FRANCE aud after The Itilllsiard's "Cold Ty|w Ileview” and Michael Keane. The final score of the of last week p<-rforniers are rushing the firm 'New York, .tug. 31.—Over in France Melville game was 31 to 11 in favor of the Bliss team. ENTRE NOUS HITS for professional

ORCHESTRATIONS NOW READY IN ALL KEYS ('lihago. Kept. 1.—Kz Keogh, formerly man¬ ager for Forster, will hold a similar inanition TIGHTS DOUBLE VERSIONS with McCarltiy & Fisher when they take over In„ all material*—but at the olflces recently vacated liy Forster. They best srade and make fer PLENTY OF EXTRA CATCH LINES a 11 PBOFESSIONALa: are Im-iiik refitted tbruout. Poslni Act. Divers. Skst- CTS, arcus Perfortneim, etc. Padding, Frog, Snake 224 West 47th Street and Monknr Sulu. Elas¬ tic and Cloth 9ast>aM^ and Gymnastic Pumps SHAPIRO,BERNSTIIN&CO., NEW YORK CITY and Gaiters Send fos Citalocive B and FREI LOUIS FORDAN, Prof. Manager 8AXPLES JOHN SPICER. Successor to Spicer CHICAGO BOSTON ’FRISCO Broa., fit Woodblna Strtal, Grand Opera House Bldg. 240 Tremont St Pantages Theatre Bldg. "Tkt Four Bards.” Bmkivn M. V. SEPTEMBER 7, 1918 T li e Billboard 13 iMcCARTHY AND FISHER’S NEWS BULLETIN The best piece of good news in a long time is the announcement that we have secured as our Chicago manager— MR. “EZ” KEOUGH who has taken charge of our new office, now located in the GRAND OPERA HOUSE BUILDING. Mr. Keough lias surrounded himself wdth a capable and courteous staff who will gladly take care of your wants and make you feel at home. When you are in Chicago come in and hear OUR QUARTETTE OF HITS “WEE WEE MARIE” “IN THE LAND O’ YAMO YAMO” “I’M GOIN’ TO FIGHT MY WAY RIGHT BACK TO CAROLINA" “IF I COULD PEEP THROUGH THE WINDOW TONIGHT”

BOSTON, 240 Tr«ment Str««t, JImmI* McHugh, Manager. JACK MILLS. McCarthy & fisher, inc. Prof. Manager. CHICAGO, Grand Opera House Bldg. “Em” Keough, Manager. 224 WeST 46TH STREET, NEW YORK CITY. ,


One of the first of the new mnstcal shosra of HIT-BITS the season and one that promises to be with ns CHAS. K. HARRIS’ I I for a long while Is He Didn’t Want To Do It, = A Linie Seek with Blf Idea* = a miisiral comedy in three acts with hook and S BY = lyrics by George Rrnadhiirst and roiisir by Sil¬ FOUR BIG SONG HITS vio Hein, which o|teneWrlttta Lyriet Are Always la Deiuaad From the U. S. by Wm. Jerome, Jack Ma¬ honey and Percy Wenriili. published by Leo Feist. I|I>'.: l.ilMTty Song, which la sung by Belle Storey and puldislusl by Shapiro. Bernstein A CASPER NATHAN t o.. Inc., and the Circus I* Coming to Town and lF*r«Brly WBfIi' Editor tf TB* Billiard) t onic Along to Toy Town, by Irving Berlin, “SMILE WHEN I'M LEAVING” pul'llslied by Wiiterson. Berlin & .Snyder. «IU rerlsa your Ideaa ao that they'll meet with suc- cesL Write for apecial propoaltlon, enclosing stamp .\rtliur J. laimh and .Vlfnsl Solman are the (DOH’T CRY WHEH I’M GOHE) for reply. authors of a new song. Under the Blue Skies 704 Mailers Building. Ckleaga. Illlaals. of France, now being piihlislied by Cbas. K. VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS EVERYWHERE Harris, which is a sure winner. Lamb U now in the service of Unde Sam. Far Oaa ENCORE SONG Try My (( MARCH TO VICTORY” BACK AGAIN “BRING BACKTiSE BYGONE” Medley of National Airs, lllelp mie BOYS sing their New V«rk, Aug. 31.—When John W. Brat¬ UELUIHTFULLY GATUHY way Into IlknUJN!) Ywir audiences will ting the rherus: '•The world Is march¬ ton. of InHfllor A Bratton, was connected with DAYS TO ME ing tm to vlrtorv with the ••cys of the U. S. A!" 30c tl. Wltmark & Sons be tumnl out some of the per copy. Buy It NGW. Your dealer, or PAULINE most popular song hits of tbe times. For some L DIVER. Ihibiuher. 80 Walker SL. New York. -N. Y. time past ho has ihrotcd bis attention to his theatrical enterprise*, but the call of the song ORCHESTRATIONS AND PROFESSIONAL COPIES NOW READY, ANY SONGWRITERS’ MANUAL world was too much for him, and be has once more broken forth Into mclmly with several good KEY. GEY HERE AND GET THEM OR WRITE Dcn't publlih Fongs or Music beroeu hgeing read my "MinutI ot Ccmpnalng and Publishing " This book numbers read.v for release. •ares and makes money, also gters raliiablr, boneW Klflre Price. Site. II BAUF.R MI'.«IC CO.. ISS l.asi Still Hi . New York City JDINS VDN TILZER PUAC If UADDIC COLUMBIA THEATRE BLDG. 5 RED HOT PARODIES, 25c New York. .Vug. 31.—Harry Newman. fOT unHo. 11. nHiinlo atth st. & b ow y, n. y. c. several years eonnected with several of tho iiuff IsUt fi»r Btamp. MARY K. I’ THAYER. R 2190 Rmul Hi , I*mrl(leticp. Rlintlp Inland. largest publishing nouses in tbe country, has Joined Harry Von Tiller's staff. This publish¬ SOLDIERS OF FREEDOM ing bouse has a song hit In Tbe Pickaninny's I’v Itolirfl II rifcf Mftst pnpuUf TalrMIr Sons of I'araillse, a strong novelty number. lhf» dav R n PIKE MI SIP CO., AniMenlam. N. Y. :::SAN FRANCISCO THE MISFIT REGIMENT LANKERSHIM HOTEL HOTEL FIFTH, NEAR MARKET STREET. FIRE PRDOF. New York. Sept. 2.—Jeff. Branen has written a special recitation. The .Misfit Regiment, used CATERING TO THE PROFESSION CLAREHDOH as a l.vrie with You'll Be 'I'here To Meet Me Orren Room for Frse Use of Mevaben at Praia 83S No. Clark 81.. Ciilcat*. When the Boys Come Home, the latest release Phone and runnina water In of .V. J. Stasny A C >in|iany. This offering ■II moms. would make a eatehy vaudevP numlter—it la a | THE BEST OF Five mlnutet fmm the Loop. novelty, has beautiful lyrics and a tuneful HERE IT IS THE SEASON It SO to »» 00 Weekly. melisiy.


JACKSON HOTEL New York. .Vug. 31.—Word comes back from SINCE YOU CAME INTO MY DREAMS "Hema of tha ProfN- tbe Margaret Mayo unit, now entertaining In »l«a.” (By WILL CALLAHAN, Aithor of “SMILES”) France, that Thomas Gray and Ray Walker, Jgclison Bouievird wtxi are with that unit, have formed a song A Sure Fire Hit for the Concert Artist. ■Rd Halsted SlfMl, writing partnership and will try out their mu¬ A Wonderful Song for the ChautauquA Entertainer. CHICAGO. sical efforts on the fighting hoys. 'If the sad¬ It Just Fits a Good Vaudeville Act. Ratea. without batji. dlers api'p've file song* will be sent bark to the U Will Enlist the Attention of Any Appreciative Audience. $4 (10 per week and up: with bath. 87 04 States for publication. per week and up. Make Us Prove It? Get It and the Proof Is Established. Dave Marlon made a big hit last week at tbe FRANK HUNT AND a E. WIDER. Pragt. Coliiiubla. New York, singing Cbas. K. Harris’ THE CHAS. E. ROAT MUSIC CO.. BAHLE CREEK. MICHIGAN mention US. PLEASE—THE BILLBOARD. If You Hear Them Calliag Clancy He’s My Boy. • K • SEPTEMBER 7, 1918

under the management of William Morris. Tlie story is taken from a series of laiit's magazine CHICAGO OPENINGS stories. The Mary tiarden of Kagtime will Is- NEW PLAYS supported by a large east, liead(‘d by Tlie Ar- naut Brothers and Cleo Gascoine. UNDER DRDERS

Dramatic Season Is Getting Into Its Stride—Jack- A TAILOR MADE MAN I'NDEB itBBEBS dramatie novelty, in four acts, by Berle Thomas; staged by W, U. GlI- o’-Lantern, Chas. Dillingham's Big Musical Chicago, Sept. 1.—Grant Mitchell liegins his UK>re, with Shelley Hull and EOle Shannon. second week at Cohan's Grand in A Tailor I'resi-nted liy A. U. Wooils at the Eltinge Made Man, the whimsical comedy dealing with Comedy, Opened at the Colonial Theater, New York, August 20. the achievement of the soidal ambitions of a tailor's helper. The leading role is admirably 1 THE CAST: acted by this clever, droll comedian. Arthur Ford, eaptsin in the American Army.. manyI^a^remain Mrs. Ford, his mother. NEW 8HUBERT THEATER Csptain llartziiiann, of the ImperisI Guards.... Frau Ilartzmann. bis mother. New York, Aug. 31.—On September 0 the OVER Effie Shannon and Shelley Hull constitute the Sbuberts will open a new theater, The Central, entire cast of the new play, but more remark¬ at Broadway and Forty-seventli street. The able still is the fact that these two people give opening attraction will be Forever After. Friendly Enemies Begins Its Twenty-Sixth Week— a tensely thrilling performance, bolding the sympathy of the auilience tbruout. M0R08C0 MAKES CHANGE Margaret lllington Is in Fourth Week in Mies Shannim playeil the role of two mothers, New York. Aug. 31.—Instead of One of Ua. twin visters, both Americans, but one of whom the Jack bait comedy announced for production had disappeared mysteriously, married a German Eyes of Youth at The Princess at the Morosco Theater next week, it is an¬ olllcer and lived In Germany. nounced that Watch Your Neighbor will he pre¬ Mr. Hull playeil the son of each of the sented. Tlie change was decided upon very mothers, the sons resembling each other remark- Chicago, Aac< 31.—Cotonial Theater wilt tonight; at the Princeat Margaret lllington be¬ abruptly. i>eon Gordon, one of the authors, ably, and were eaptains in the German and np^n for the Heason toiii(ht with Jack-o’-Lan- gins her fourth week in Eyes of Youth; Turn heads tlie cast. Others in the company are .Viiieriean armies, ri‘S|ieetlveiy. tem, a i'harlea Dillingbum niuairal romody fea¬ to the Bight •'ontinues at the tilympic; Oh, book, Dodson Mitchell, .M-vry Servoss, Frederick Emel- The .Ymerican raiitain was Interned in a Ger¬ turing Kred Stone, with a BU|>i>orting eaat of begins Us fifth week at the l4i Salle Theater to¬ ton. llanild Vosbiirgli, (icrnlil I'ring, Alexander man prison eaiiip. where bis uniform was used aboi\t KjO people. The play will be in two morrow evening; at the Woods Theater Friendly lioftiis, Stanley Harrison, Bertram Marburgh, by the German captain to impersonate the .Ymer¬ acts and aeren aoenes. * Knemies begins its twenty-sixth week Sunday Edward Colelirook, John l>e Brian, Walter War¬ ican iilBi-er. William Hodge returns to the Studebaker, evening. ren, Arthur la* Boy, Buhy Hallier, Emil Uoch Beaching England, he called on the mother of opening tonight in bis new American comedy, A and Douglas Boss. tlie Amerlean, wliu b<-lieved him to be her son, Cure for Curablea, in which he has the role of a THE RAINBOW GIRL Imt, diseovertug he was a spy, turned him over young Kentucky physician. to the authorities in drOanee of his threat that Chicago, Sept. 1.—This entertainiug musical Sunday night The Country Cousin will open at THE RIDDLE REHEARSING her own son would t>e killed in i-onsequence. comedy, founded uimn a play by Jerome K. the Blackstone, a Biadh Tarkington Julian Street Following, the .Ymeriean mother bad a serious Jerome, is full of bright and witty lines and New Y'ork, Ang. 31.—Rehearsals of The Rid¬ comedy that had a run at the Gayely, New York, illness, during whieli her uieuiory was impaired. plenty of sparkling musical numbers. It ia dle, the new drama in which Bertha Kalich will last seaeon. This prorluction is under tlie direc¬ When her own son returned she did not know on its second week at the Illinois. return to the legitimate stage, are now In tion of Klaw & Erlanger and George C. Tyler. him until the final eiirtaln. progress. The out-of-town premiere of the play Seven Days' licave, a melodrania, oiiens Sun¬ That the same actors play illfferent ebaraeters will take place at the Belas<'o Theater, Wash¬ day at the Garrick Theater. 'Tills play bad its SOPHIE TUCKER IN COMEDY Is sean-ely apparent, more bei-ause of the thrill¬ ington. some time in September. Miss Kalich premiere at Sir Henry Irving's l.yceum Theater, will appear under the direction of George ing events in wlileli they participate than for IxHidoD, two years sgo, where it is still play¬ From Pen of Jack Lait any particularly distinguished success in ebsr- Mooser, ing. It was written by Walter Uowarl, an acterization. New York, Sept. 1.—Vaudeville patrons are English actor. While some strenuous acting fails to Mr. Hull, about to lose one of the most entertaining top At the Powers Polly With a Past ojiens Yfon- MICHELENA IN LEADING RDLE in which he i-overs himself with new and well liners tf reports arc to be ereditcii. Sojihie day night, when Ina Claire will make her tirst deserveil laurels. Miss Bbannon also carries some Tui-ker, a |K>pular vuudeartist, thru her syn New York. Aug. 31.—Vera Mlchelena has Chicago appearance in a straight dramatic role. imiMirtant si-enes. collated singing and Jazz liand accompanists, been engaged for the leading role in Take It These plays remain over: Her sweetly, tender and sincere portrays! of is to be starred in a comedy especially written From Me, the new musical play by William A Tailor-Made Man at Cohan's Grand, aecond a mother's sacrittee sounds a universal note, for her by Jack bait, entitled A Fat Chance,, [ Moore Patch and Joseph M. Gates. week; The Rainbow Girl, at the llllnoix; I/un which proliahty aeeiaints for the fact that there tiardl, I.td., otiens its third week at the Cort are no airholes in the (lowerful appeal of Under Orders. In the last act Miss Khinnon wore an ex- FRADKIN HEADS 8YMPHDNY i|uisitely beautiful gown of gray metal cloth. DRAMA'nC NOTES Ill lung, graceful lines, with plain, narrow band¬ Boston. .Yiig. 31.—Frederic Fradkin, the Amer¬ ings and effective fancy scroll designs In silver, ican violinist of Troy, N. Y., heads the Boston which, while i>erfeetly siiiteii to her rellneil per¬ \ era Finlay and Aubrey Boswortb have been Elliott, Comstock & Gest have secured Jay Symphony Or-hestra, it is anttniiD<-ed by the sonality and ti-anwe type of beauty, did not help engaged for mies in Yes or No. Gould, a vaudeville actor, for their Century Grove trustees of the organization. He succeeds An¬ the illusion when worn by the griefstrleken ton Witek. .Miml Aguglia, the noted Sicilian actress, who Midnight Review. Louise Cook has been engaged by Iden I’ayn<- mother who had lost her reason. Mr. Fradkin is the youngest man to liold the will make lier ilebut as an English speaking for an important role in Crops and Cropia-rs, During the time Miss Shannon was mobilizing place slm-e Franz Knelsel was aptminted in IBS'). actress this season, will receive a play from the which will have its first showing at the Beliiioiit Hie wet eyes and dry throats of her auilience He was bom in Troy in ISlC and studied in |N-n of Jacinto Benevente, the noted Spanish Theater, New York, e firm. ious, and proves that big caKis can be dls|>ented of Klaw A Erlanger and Is ready for the open¬ I'etmva'a returning vehicle to tin* spoken ' with. ing Sunday night, September 1. The lobby has Kayman and Cling, dancers, have been a>)uiira | ' a illseoiiiiei'teil thread. at the Sbubert. Arnnld has la>eii transferred to anotlier pro JULIET BRENDN MAKES DEBUT Mail—It would be no surprise to us If Under The (Seorge V, Hobart farce. What’s Tour duetton of the same piei-e. Orders were to attract eonsldcrable attention. Iliisliand Doing, is to be turned into a musical New York. Aug. 31.—Juliet Brenon, daughter James J. Corbett, who was taken III in In- Morning World—A completely developed and euinedy, to Is- known us Miss KIw Eyes. of the late Algernon St. John-Brenon, brilliant dianaiadis last week, is recovering. cuiiipiii't drama, The opening date of ilumpty Dumpty, in newspaper writer and musii- critic, makes her Fay Bainter leaves The Kiss Burglar to go" ileralil—.Y tens*-, gripping, novel story of the which Otia Skinner will appear tills season, Is debut Monday night in Business Before Pleasure, Into a new isimedy entitled Eiizii of the Chorus.I' war Is totil In this play. September lit. The engagement will be played which begins its tour at Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Augustus Neville, Jane Mason and Harry B. Tribune- As a purely tei-bnlcal dlaxiUy the at the byeeum. Castle have been engaged for the cast of Blier piece hi su|>erb tbruout. ACADEMY DF MUSIC DPENING Madeline Delmar, who thrilled New York in a man Was Wrong, to be glren for the first time play called The Heritage, is now preparing to at 'McVlcker’s, Cbieago, Keptember !». WHY WDRRY Baltimore. Aug. 30.—Nixon's Academy of Mu¬ return to Broadway as a comedian. She is The season of the Eiegfeld Follies will end sic. under the management of Harry A. Hen¬ preparing for proen In Boston Septemtier 10. acta, by Montague Glass and Jules Eckert The opening attraction will be Edward Clark's Else Adler, the prlma donna, has completely The Shuberts will o|a-u the new Central Thea¬ Goodman. I’resenteil by A. II. Wooda at tbo Harris Theater, New York, August 23. new play. Not With Yly Money, in which Mr. recovered her health and will sbortiy be sw-n ter, New York, September 9 with Forever After, CUrk will act at the producer and manager of on the stage. with Aliee Brady In the leading rule. Fanny Brii-e. the talented poroevllenne, wa* the show. WlUlam C. Masson, last season with The Man Ann Murdock will returu tu the stage this as funny aa ever If not more so, in her spe¬ Lucille Wataon and William Morria bead the Who Came Back, has been added to the cast season to afipear in an English comedy under cialty numberi, 'rbe Vampire and The Indian cast, which baa been selected with much care. I of Not With My Money. the Frobman management. (Cootinacd oo x>ace 62) SEPTEMBER 7, 1918 15


Ml AKKSI’KAIU;; ills M1M> .\M» A UT by no means of one mimi in regard to tbe play, It was bora in thoughtlessness, cradled in CAPTAIN HARRIGAN WRITES riif lijrinTK liavp JiiMt lip'iisht "lit N npw but a clear majority like It. ignorance anil fostered In smart-aleckism. ■'llitl••n of flip liitp Kilnaltl I> tbU work a cleaner and more beautiful home life than War Relief Spr aking of Broadway and Its ni-ognillon. It Map Mrltton and iiiildlxlM-d four f»tti the h*rrnch peo|de. usually has «' with the news of Captain William Harrlgan’e auo lln 1^71) It la Htill pulti<'|artioiil:ir atanilards. tured fourteen (lermans at the head of a raid¬ Bradshaw Is one. 8he galneart as her Held indppd Profpaa'T iHjwdpn'* iu0 years old, and has little If any note about how thankful we all were (In my ha»p boon Aprjr frullfiil. t'olprldgp, lla/lilt, experience. wide currency in .America, viz.: ••The French lainib are rrjranlcd aa tlip fallipra of ni-xlprn peojile have no other humor." company) tor your help with sweaters anparPaii prltlclMu, the kppn inaliclit and Every |>erson who voi>-es that sentiment pro¬ soaks. dlecovered by Edgar .Selwyn, wle> was m> tin |ildloM'|ililp lialancp of ttip llr>t of tliPM- iritita claims himself an ignoramua and an unmiti¬ "Just before we went away I came to you, pressed -by her lis>ks and |>ersonallty that he prppilally having set ll»* paop fop nlnplppiitb and gated ase. you may remember, for seven hundred and fifty realize*! he haen on Labor Day them In the o)>ace of f*>urteen minntea. It wan MolilpTPiupntM in drainatlc (aiptrx. Hnl. iui|M>r- at Camp Upton. NEW STUART WALKER PLAY taut and orpatlTp as ClMdACKIIMiK'S Notpa and pretty near re<-ord fn>m what I can leant from Miss Bradshaw- is the daughter of Captain Ixrliirea on Sbakek|>parp atlll arp, tbpir tiiograpb- the experience of my fellow offleers. Bradshaw, of thp .S. 8. Igpland. She has also li al Taliip Is onlj ln< idpntal. Tlipy arp praollpall; New York. Aug. 29.—Stuart Walker will pre- "Our boy# over here are making good with a an offer to apiwar In the films. (onBnpd to an analrala of tbP I’lays and Popoih, aent a new play, Jonathan Makes a Wish, at tbe big G, and It la you folks at home that wa own Princess Theater September 9. Though totally llipj do not attempt to fire a tIpw of SlIAKK most to, SI'EAKB bimsplf aa be is irrealpd in his unlike Seventeen, it explores the heart of a boy "We see In the papers that the S. W. W. B. Cohan A Harris, who have been almost nnean- —a boy who, like thousands of others, finds bis work. It was Just this, bowerpr, that Pro. is going strong, and a» an actor, personally. It itlly successful in picking them, have at last cherished hopes ruthlessly swept aside by the fpskor IKiwdpn apt for liimaelf as tbp POd of makes me feel very proud that our women are been bumped. Three Faces East seems entirely practical hand of bis elders. bis labors. .And, aa lip tplls us. “the attpmpt doing their bit so tboroly sad well. made In this Tolume lo ronnert tbe studj of "The windproof vests you gave ns are the Si!AK^I*E.\RK'S Works with an impilrj after most practicable things I’ve seen here. They are light In weight, something to consider when tlip |>praonalit7 of the writer, anil to ohaervp. as far as Is poaalhlp, in Its spreral ataxes, the you tote your duds on your back. srowth of bis Intplipit and rharacter from THE BILLBOARD RECORD OF RUNS "This little letter Is rather disjointed, but ^outb to full maturity, diPlInauialM'a tlip work any way you will know that my company and fO'm tbp frpslpr nunilier of prei-pillnir orltl- IN NEW YORK my officers remember your kindneaa to us, and riania of SlIAKKSl’K.MlK. Tbp attempt is. wish you well in your work. of fourap, an ambitious one and. as It has been "Thanking you again, I remain "Sini'erely, pursued b.T some of rrtifpasor ImiWUKN'S By the Dramatic and Musical Playa suotsssors. has revilted In portraits of SlI.kKE "WILUAM HARRIGAN. "Capuin 307th Infantry." SPEAKE a* distorted ami abnormal iwyi-boliHt it’ally as the famous Itropsbout woodrut Is Hamktr tf coMaentiTa parformaaeea ap t« and iaelnding Satarday, Ahgtiat 91. physiially. MuC IT*'tpsa*ir lH>t\TtEN follows 8. W. W. R. NOTES ont his rrllioal melbotl with the isinappratism Thru the i-onrteay of I>ee Shuhert. I.aiirence and restraint that la*lonf to hia tine si-bolar PBOSUCTIONS OF LAST SEASOH Weber and R. W. long a free performan.-e of ship. reaeblnK i-onelu-ions that are hound to bp The Blue Pearl will be given at the long Acre brl|>ful to those students who are strlrins lo Follies of 191 k.- ..New An 1., June 18... .. «7 Theater on .•«unmen'a War Relief. FalstalT. and all the rest or his luarTplous dram¬ Mayltme ...Lyric... • . Aug. 10... . .-14.') Passing Show vf 19ia...Winter ( ... July il... .. 49 .Mu<-h interest Is taken In the work done by the atis perMinae. In attemptlne thU kind of Seventean ...Booth .. ... Jan. 21... ..258 members of the S. W. W. It., ami tbe rooms are Motcrapbical work I’rofessor ImiWHE.N analyzes Tige* Roie...Lyceum ... IHt. 2... ..2»7 visite*! ilally with women from all walks of life. the moods and thouehts that are |>ro|trpwsiTp|y Mrs. Georg*- AA'. KIHott of Washington. D. ('., PRCDUCTI0R8 OF THE HEW SEASOH shown In tbp plays as these are stmlleil rbrono- ] with a party of la*lies, was a most enthiietastle loflcally. lie d'-es not ••endeavor to blentlfy Alleglanee . Maxlnn ... A'lg. 1...... Tfl visitor last week, and greatly ailmlred the work SH.AKEftrKAilK with any one of bis dramatie Blue Pearl. The. ... (ieorge Nash.l>nngacre. ...Aug. «... .. 28 being i|*>ne by the stage women. personages." altho bp lielievps that •'the I'om- Ih'ilhle Exiiosiire. ...- - .Bijou. • • .Aug. 27... .. 7 Everything. ... -.Hippodrome ... Under the au«pli-es of tbe Stage Women's plex nature of the |Hipt eontalnpil a V'Tp ldPallst Aug. '2-2... .. 17 Friendly Enemies . ... Mann A Bernard.Hudson . ... July 22... .. 4s AA'ar Relief one hiin*lre*l entertainments have like Romeo^’ a« well as ••a spin-ulatlvp Intelfeei He Didn't Want T<* l»<» 1 ... -.Broadhnrst .... • Aug. 21)... . 1.'* lieeti s*'nt t*> the i-amps In the month *>f July. Head Over HeeN. like that of Hamlet." After all, •'Ibe eompletp • A.ig. '29... .. 4 The programs now Im-lmle: IJIIian Bradley an*l KIIAKI^PK.ARE was unlike Romeo and unlike Keep Her Smiting. . Mr. A Mrs. S. Drew..Ast«r .... ••• Aug. «... .. IJgbiiiing. unit t*> Y. SI. C. A.. Camp t'pti>n, U L; Ml- Hamlet,•• It Is the assemhiaitp of all t^ ehar .Aug. 2«... .. 8 She Walked In Her Slee| .. - .Playhouse. Aug. 12... .. 24 netle B.xrrett ami unit t*> Camp Raritan, .S'. J.: loters as they were developed In tbelr eliron- Three Faces Elkt. (•• Aug. 13... .. 23 .Malielle .Adams and unit to .Ai|ue*lu('t Giianls at Under Orders. olotrhal oriler In the |sEN"» earefiil wnalysis, glrea Very (!i»«d Y'oiiac Man. • Plymouth . •• UK.. .. 1« Where Popples Bloom... 'Marjpaii > Hepnbllc. to V. M. ('. A.. Camp .Mills, I.. L; .Mrs. Wal¬ the final portrait of SHAKt:.SPEAKK hlnieelf. •• Aug. '2«... .. 8 Why Wtirry.. • Harris . ter Vini-ent ami unit t*>*U. S. 3. Arizona: Ruth sees* •• Aug. '23... .. 11 The Woman in the Imles •4>*th Street. •• Aug. 29... .. 4 Benton aud unit to .Shorebam. Camp I'pton, 1... Tip. Y'ip, Tapbauk. The faree is the thing for war times. .After •Century .•• Aug. 19... .. 15 L: Grs'-e 1.,eigb and unit to Bush Ti-rminal. It wears out it is made over into a musical Brisiklyn, N. Y.; Sf.-irl*>n Kirby and unit to Camp comedy, and when Its serrlee in that gulsp Is , I pt*>n. N. J.. and Mabel Adams ami umt t*> over it may l>p etwverted Into a movie. ' Rahsay Hospital, New Turk. • see* tia> deep far them. The plot Is not only In¬ 8HUBERT NAME ADDED Maximlllian Harden, editor (and owner) of tricate. (■ompllcateil aii*l Invidved. hut lahyrln- "l)|p Zukunft" (The h'uture), a we«'hly maga¬ thlan -a veritable maze. Theatergoers get tired Chicago, Aug. 31.—Hereafter the (iarrlck NOTES FROM CHICAGO BRANCH trying In ••get" it. Theater here will be known as the Shuhert-Oar- zine, and tbp most fearless and outi>|>okeo week¬ FA*r the first lime la the history *»f CM'-ago It seems strange that to Cohan A TTarrIa, who rlck. and the Princess will be <'alled the Shu- ly in (iermany, started In life aa an actor. He a eircus tent will be raised ami shows given have senseil public taste and demand so uner¬ bert-Princess. This change Is to be made In Ik a Pole and bis name originally wan Wltkowskl. right in thfit elfy's fr*mi yard, in other words, ringly heretofore, should c.*me su<-h a oro|>per at order to identify these pla<'rs with the Shuhert He ado|ilere b*-en raise*! in Ibe d**wn firm of managers ran bit It every time. Cohan cess. In ■•(nitzerland. In the late ’W*s he came t<» Ber¬ t*>wn district. The Branch of tbe Stage Wrunen'a will cause them little coucern. favorite with the theatergoers In the kalser^a War Relief, and the proceeds go to the boye at rapltal. .'>he )>ersusded him to take up Joumal- Chl»*ago, Aug. 81.—After two weeks of nne- the front. Isiii. and induced Paul IJndan, then leading night-stand time to get It In shape The (Jlrl He Cmler Ortlem. tRe extraordinary English play .Arrangement* have been made with the Hag- theatrical manager In Berlin ami pnbllslier of IWt Behind will come Into the National I rewritten for Amerira), In which there are but enbei-k Walla*-e Circus to furnish a menagerie a weekly magazine. •‘IRe (iegenwart.^’ to pnt Thrater. Chicago. It la rxpe*-ted to tour the four •xd-w and two actors (Shelh’y Hull and Kf- and acts for the elr*-ns amt the *>i>eninK date Harden on the staff of that magazine. Soon Klaw A Erlanger "dollar time" East. Staged fie Shaanoni, Is a whale of a hit In New York. tas been set for SepteniN*r 20. foIli‘wing the there apiieared a aeries of reviews, criticisms by Eugene Mi-tiHlaa and Edwin A'all, It will In*-ldentally the play has provetl that Shel¬ AA'ar Exp*sf they iHigan to attraet general attention. Justin M*-Carthy, Charles DelVeeohlo. Arnold nlien he la playing an American Captain, but their Country Fair is any criterion, se that waa Shortly afterwaials Hanlen met Bismarck, and Moore and Mason Calmea. The manager will be nhea he alternates (n the role of the Herman one **f the moat successful benefits ever put on. from that day hla career was made. Tisliy he I... B. Pood, until recently manager of tbe Ma¬ Captain, rousin of the .American, he demonstrates la the most envied, hated and feared publicist jestic Theater, Milwaukee. gn-at verwatlllty, real ability la charartertaa- In (iermany, and bis fame has extended over Hon. ElBe Shannon plays the two femaU roles the whole world. splendidly. It is certain that the play will ra- • • * a a BEN HUR REHEARSALS mala all aetsoa at the Eltlnge. Seals for tile New York pHsluclion of Krlemlly • • • • • New York. Aug. 81.—Klaw A Erlanger will I.nendea are In siieh gn at demand that they arp begin rebearsala of Bea Ilur Monday. Owing Ohlrrenclw •king advertlserl for In tlip dally |ia)iprs. ORACLES, BEWARE! to the slxe of the oompante* tbe rebeartala • • s s • Cut ont the woixl "Prench’* In referring to must be held la aereral theaters, one being re¬ 'lartln Brown, the dani'er, has come to full the plays, farces and mualcal i*ome(Ues whoae quired for the principals, one for tbe armies, hhsini as a idaywrlght. Ills cliaracter comvsty, plots turn upon marltlal Infidelity. another for the galley slaves and a fourth for i A ' ery (bssl Young Man, pnsliiced by Arthur N eiAt Catalog of Plays and Cut it out, not out of respect or reganl for the chariot raee. * ' ^ ” Makeup for pmfas- Ho|iAina, iiroiiilsps to take the |hm ullar place our brare. roarageuua ally, but because It is and Tbe first performance of the play this eeason slonals and amateurs, tent on among eureessful plays once occuplerl by Mrs. always has been a grosa alaader and a cruel li¬ xrlll be given at the Lexlagtoa Avenue Opera application. DICK A FITZBCRALO. " Iggs of the Cabbage Patch. The critics are bel. House oa Septembar 80. I PlAYS 23 Abb fitraet New Vertu 16 X In e IB i 111> o a r cl SEPTEMBER 7, 1918 HIGHLY ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHIC REPRODUCTIOH BY A SPECIAL PROCESS. First-Cls.-s Work. In .*cr»on. griMim. houses. Iiilrrlors of store-, signs, hu.sliirss and cailliig cards, »» well as any srll- ing article. the chorus workiul with zeal. Miss Rogers and preciation of the audience could ho readily SIZE. Sk7 INCHES. JEWETT PLAYERS OFFER Mr. Burkley were cast in tlie leading roles and seen. The acting on the part of the players Z'rO Each, wkss Orderlsf 1,000 Pisces tlieir ducts brought applause and numerous en¬ was everytliing tliat sliould have been and 9o Each, whss Ordsrisi 200 Places. cores. Mr. Natanson juits plontc of dash into neither they nor their audience were disap- No orders for less tliin •JOO of escli subjevt scieptfd. PRIZE FOR BEST PLAY Write for samples and price IlsL the ciiaracter of Lieiitenaut Karl. IHdla Hose IKiinted. The cast included George Dayton. Dr. also came in for her share of applause, to which Oldham; Fanny Fern, Martha Oldham; Elroy N. Y. PHOTO REPRODUCTION CO.. Winning Manuscript Will Be she was most deserving. Mr. Gray, in his part Elkins, Denny Miilhall; Miss Hill, Deborah 138 W. 49th Stre«t, - - N«w York of the scheming courtier, furnishes numerous Mulliall; J. Wallace, Nathan Jordan; Miss Glas¬ AGENTS WANTED._AGENTS WANTED. Produced by the Stock laughs for the audience. He is a comedian de gow, Hope Farwell; Miss Smith, Grace Connors; Iiivc. Messrs. Marble, Poppen and Nicbolls aid Miss Fern, Aunt Lize, and Jack Reidy, Dan Company — $500 and admirably in the support. Mathews. Preparations are under way for the AT LIBERTY Royalty Are Offered presentation of The Old Homestead next week. AFTER SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER THE (TH. BLANEY’S STOCK OPENS For DRAMATIC or MUSICAL COMEDY BLANEY STOCK FOR BALTIMORE (ROAD OR STOCK) Troy, N. Y., .\ug. 31.—The Blaney Stock Bouton. MaiiR., Aug. 31—Henry Jewett, of Company opened its seas<.'n at the Lyceum Thea¬ the Henry Jewett 8to<-k Company, and Herbert Baltimore, .Vug. 30.—Charles E. Blaney, who ter here this week with The Brat. The cast In¬ Pattee. hla manager, have hit upon a plan has organized stock companies recently for “MONTE WILKS” cluded Dan Malloy, as Tinison; Caroline Morri¬ whereby they will give xorac of tlie younger about fifteen of the larger cities, has arranged Light Cumrdy, Jurenllcs. Straights, somt Oenteei son, as Mrs. iPell Forrester; Hazel Corrine, as Clisrsctcrs. lead numbers. Ad lib. or script blUt. playwrights and amatetixa a chance to iiecome to install a stock company in Baltimore at the (Juick study Eiempt from draft. Good dresser on .Vngela Smytbe; .Xiigusla Gill, as Jane De Pew; famous. They have offered $.">(M), in addition Colonial Theater under the management of and off. Kii-ellent roodirn wardrnlie. No bMze. l,awTence O’Brinn. .is Bishop Ware; Frederick Just riosliia summer season slock at Kden Park. Sal¬ to a royalty, which will be given to the writer Charles F. Lawrence. Ormonde, as Macmillan Forrester; John Lorenze, ary your limit. ResiHiiisIble inaiisgers only. Helglit. of a play in three or four acts which, in the The Baltimore company will lie headed by .V ft., 4; welglit. I2,"i. Wire or write. #02 Blnz as Steven Forrester; Ann Burt, as the Brat, opinion of competent Judges, shall be best suit¬ Winifred St. Claire.' formerly of the Trent Building. Hnuatnii, Trias. and Bessie Winslow, as Margot. Dan Malloy Is able for the presentation by the Henry Jewett Players. Supporting her will be Charles Wilson, director. Players. The play must be wholesome in tone who was Mitzi Hajos’ leading man in Pum and free from any taint of morbidness. Tlie Pom last season; Constance Beaiimar, who will contest will be open to anyone in New Englnnd. MYRKLE-HARDER CLOSES be remembered in support of .Vnnie Bussell in AT LIBERTY All manuscripts must be typewritten and ad¬ The Thirteenth Chair; Frederick Clayton, .Vda dressed to the Copley Theater. Prize Play De¬ Binghamton. N. T., Aug. 31.—The Myrkle- Dalton, Norman Houston and Roger Barker. partment. and must be received on or before Harder Stock Company closes here tonight with The first performance, which will be The January 1. 1919. For detailed rules of the com¬ The Daughter of Mother Maehree. The company Brat, will be given Monday, Sept. 3, with a TROMBONE PLAYER petition address Copley Tlieater. Prize Play lias enjoyed a most prosperous season at the Labor Day matinee. Department. .krmory Theater and regrets are expressed at Other pUya that will be given are Mary's EXPERIENCED IN ALL LINES tlie leaving. Mr. Harder had selected a num¬ Ankle, Common Clay, House of Glass, Johnny, Address BEN KETCHEM. care KelrllU's FORRY L. BROTT STOCK CO. ber of flrst-elass plays, among which were The Get Tour Gun; An Irish Cinderella, Cheating Brat, Cheating Cheaters, Here Comes the Bride Cheaters. One Day, and several others not yet Comedians, week of Sept. S, Orsyrllls, III.; then Osn. DeL, Bushnell, Ill. All communi¬ New Brighton. Pa.. Aug. 31.—The Forry L. and Pals First. Each play was well mounted selected. cations answered. Brott Stock Company, which has been appearing and bandied by Miss Myrkle, who had the sup¬ at the Dreamland Theater. Junction Park, thru port of an excellent company. REVIVAL WELL RECEIVED the summer, will close its season Labor Day. Mr. and Mrs. Brott (Brott & Wilier) have ac¬ OTIS OLIVER PLAYERS Los Angeles, Aug. 24.—The revival of Moros- cepted bookings in vaudeville and will open AT LIBERTY co’s former success. Upstairs and Down, la September 9 at the Palace Theater, Detroit, Lincoln. N'eb.. Aug. 31.—The OHs Oliver stock at the Morosco Theater brought two Mich. Their route will carry them to the Coast Players put over another hit in The Calling of weeks of enjoyable entertainment to several and back on the Western Vaudeville Circuit. Pan Mathews, which was presented at the thousand theatergoers and incidentally strength¬ The season at the park has been most successful Lyric Theater here this week. The play was ened the coffers of the msnagement. The cast and arrangements have been made with Paul R. something different and the enthusiasm and ap¬ follows: Juliette Herbert Farjeon, Robert The GOULDS I Day, Engle, lessee and manager of the park, for the BEATRICE-Leids or Second Business. IXOTD— Leads. Stock or one pleee. Joint entagement only. theater again next season. Address U-OYD T. GOVLD, Cambridge. Ill., cars Slock Co. HUDSON STOCK OPENS WANTED QUICK fnlon Hill. N. J.. ,\ug. 31.—The Hudson Stock Colored People Wealed Company will open its tenth consecutive season Pianist, Drummer and Vioiin at all times for Rockwell's Sunny South Co. People here Ijtlior Day. The company has gained a repu¬ to play in band and double stage, Man to manige tation for itself and many of the members seen Will consider organized orchestra, 3 to 5 pieces. Must be real musi¬ stage .Vdilrcss a- |ier route. J. C. ROCTCWELL. with It last year have been re-engaged. Edwin 11. Curtis is the director, with William Davldge cians, capable of playing dramatic and vaudeville. Also want S. and D. as his assistant. The (Jy|isy Trail will be the or Novelty Team. People who «ppreciate courteous treatment, a long Wanted "Light Conedian o|,cuing liill. ’nie roster of the company In¬ Wife to work ehoru-. Also two good Girls for choeus season and sure money, wire full particulars. Join immediately. Salary. $ZO OH. MA.VAGKR PALM BEACH MAIDS. cludes Jack Roselcigh and I>orothy Shoemaker, Strand 'Thraire, Newcastle. Indiana. leads; Stewart Williamson, Juveniles; Betty Address ORIGINAL WILLIAMS STOCK C0„ Sheffield, AU. Bri>wn. ingenue; Nan Bernard, .second woman, Ellis, Richard DIx. Elwyn Harvey, Marlon Van- and .Tolm l.awrence and Elizabeth Ross, char¬ tine, William Mclbioald. William Raymond. acters. JiMeph Eggenton. Dora Mae Howe. David But¬ ler, Roliert I-awler, Mary Van Buren. Emily ALBERT LANDO CLOSES Pinter and Catherine Charlton.

Fitchburg, Mass., .\ug. .11,—Tlie .Alliert I.ando Stock Company playing at Whalom Park here THE POLI PLAYERS closed its season tonight with the presentation of I»ve Forbidden. Manager I.ando has l>een Organized Company wants per. location. Will lease theatre, HI for some time and has recently rejoined bis Hartford. Conn.. Aug. .H.—With cool nights company, altbo he has not fuliy recovered. sell or play percentage. MGR, GUY PLAYERS, and a good production the Poll Players scored After closing he intends taking a vacation for a big hit here thia week with Cheating Cheat¬ a few weeks before starting in on his fall and Danville, HI, ers. Miss Klttenhoiise as Nancy Carey drew ■winter .season. big. The others were well east. Frank Arm¬ strong and Joseph Hoileky staged the piece In fine style. The House of Glass will be next P. F. SHEA STOCK CO. WANTED--PICKERT STOCK CO. week's offering.—GAKVIK. Holyoke, Mass., Aug. 31.—A new 'stock or¬ (formerly Pickert SLsters), No. 1 Company: Leading Man, ARent, People in all lines. ganization, known as the P. F. Shea Stock Com¬ Those that WTOte Ix'fore write again. photos, jirograms and state salary. People Mr. and Mrs. Basil Blake eelel>rated their pany, will be Installed at the Holyoke Theater with specialties preferred. Winter in T'lorida. .\nswer Ml Carmil, Fi., S«pL Mil anS waak. fifth wedding annlvers»ry at their apartment, here opening Labor Day with Mary’s Ankle. An 31 Water afreet. Binghamton. N. Y.. riaently. excellent company has been engaged and a good The Blakea were formerly with the Columbia line of plays secured, among whlcb are regis¬ Stock Company, hut are now retired to private tered some of the latest releases. The roster WANTED-MAC-TAFF STOCK CO. life. Mr. Blake holds an linporlunt position Includes Frank K. Bond and Florence Shannon, A-l Trap Drummer; Trombone, B. & O.; Pianist. .411 winter South. Must Join on with a largo manufacturing concern occupied leads; James Kyle and Mildred Southwick. sec In government work. . ond leads; .4nna Browning, ingenue; William wire. George Searing, Harry Berstein, wire. C. H T8FF, Mgr., Weak SepL 2, EMoraSo, 18. Hlgley, comedian; Harold Byers, Juvenile; I.atl- mer Clark, comedian, and Ixiuis Perkins, char¬ acters. Frank Conlon Is scenic artist. THE GRAU STOCK CO. PRESDON PRODUCING COMPANY Opens Grand Theater, Columbus v.— Sweethearts Is First Offering — WANTED — Columbus. O., Aug. 31.—Afti^' playing to FOR FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS: pictures for more than five years and burlesque previous to that the (.rand Theater opened its door'^ to the Grau Musical Comedy Stock Co., The Eldon Players The Shamrock Belles which closed a most successful summer season Bf.t Permanent >tu look and drew modem partn. AU, TrifiG. Quartrttf*. who rin |*Uy |»art>i; 12 ciimtIhu'emI iTuiniK (JlrU, IMa'*T LINK.'(. Scenic Artl.d and Stage Carpenter. State experience and aalar\' who ran ind will put e n-iurned WANT HI Y R'nalumew ami iManiomI !>>'« Scoiicrj in ck**! end tlie settings, made by Ernest Rand, lent cisidltion. I’iJiY BKOKKiLS who oontrol Stock Itelea.-eb of New Y'Vk aumi>eDOI,I,.\lt. tint rememlier Joii’re Interfere with the wiirkers in industries and on Rentfrow Stock Company Meets M ilks. .X. J. Biuz will again manage the park, the Judge and Jur.r. and if not 100': what farms and plantations. with Mr. \\ ilks as as>i'-tant manager. you want—.MONEl Back. .\I1 tiaeW is With Threats and Abuse in They have had to make a Arm stand and as¬ sues sold out eieeiit a few of No. Id. Sam lsad> in now in his -Ixth week at the sert their rights in only a few instances where Will M>nd Nos. 17 and lb for J1..''>0 while Cozy nieiiter In this city, and Is credited with siipid.v lasts. JAKES MADISON, lOSS Texas Town—One Mem¬ demands and exactions were unreasonable. In Iiavlng Olio of I lie cla->leat tablohl shows on Third Avenue, New York. these cases they produced their licenses, their ber Jailed tile road. Ills ehoriiH l» gisnl and his wanirotie lot contract and called u|K>n the authorities for the l•e^t that money can buy. Hi.-, bills are clean, recognition, threatening to sue the municipality up to date and iiresented in a manner that is in the event that they were not iirotected. ghowfolk the country over have demonstrated pleasing to liebold. He ha.s a capable east. This proved all that was net essary. Stronger, Clearer their patriotism and loyally In no uncertain The >fajestie Theater otiens Its ihsirs to the We recommend the Delmar nay to others. (ashino They have cheerfully paid tbe numer- public September I. aud Is prei-enting a galaxy The National C'oum'll of Defense Is a good oni and heavy taXra laid ii|ioD them by State of acts par exeelleoee. The has lieen Voice for YOU! thing. Only when local units are in the hands and nation, they have given unstintedly of their renovateil and Is Deslern Iu every respect. of narrow, bigoted and small men does it be¬ services for every worthy cause, and have con¬ The Travis Theater, ownnl and oimrated by come mischievous. tributed their full share—and more—for flnsn- Mr, tiiebick, will vifien Its disirs for the coming rlal Mip|Meriod. Owing to the trouble in se¬ always llliN-ral and prejudir si In their views, curing regular shows, due to the present rail¬ they continue to be subjected to Insult, bumll- road condltioDs, Manager Ulebiek has decided iatlnn and emlMirrassnienl. not to mention finan¬ to resume bis own itolicy, namely to play h;s cial loss, by little minded, bigoted town offlcials ness favored tlieir start. Some little trouble own stock company. He has been successful and prejudiced eltizens acting under the guise had been encountered in the organization of In securing a full quota of chorus girls, a the company and procuring the right people, of patriotism. capable cast and an up-to-date producer. The tiue of tile latest Instances of this moat deapi- but everything has been satisfactorily ar¬ cable practice that has <-oaie to our notli-e Is re¬ ranged and tbe season looks promising. Arthur lated in a letter from J. N. Kentfrnw. manager L. Hayes, well-known dramatic lead. Is heading of iteutfrow's Stis'k Company, an organization the company, which consists of a group of the that has been on the road for years, and is a best known re|H-rtoire people In the business. well-known, reputable organization. The letter The players go tc Ureen Bay, Wls., for tbe Is as follows: week of Hept. My Itear Bllll>«ard: The (ireful reading <>f the title page of your NOTES FROM HOUSTON, TEXAS tiluable paper prompts the following: On June I I moved my tent show to Navasota, Texas, Houston, Tex., .Vug. 31.—.Monte Wilks has where I ei|>ectcd to show one week. After been very much under the weather the pant few liboring hard all night at Bryan. Tex., In order weeks, undergoing an operation and. for a lit¬ HE’S A REAL SHOWMAN to make the move, paying demurrage on our tle time, was an Inmate of the St. Joe Hospital. tar. full rate for passengers, eight |>er cent Now be Is out .vgaln and very much on the Job. Hal Wattles, manager ami owner of the war tax added, buying lit extra tickets for He was recently initiated Into lodge 151, of tbe Broadway Girls, sent the following message to trtns|Nirtalloa «(f private l>aggiigc car. and then lloostun B. P. U. E. He was the recipient of a Tbe Billboard: working all day Monda.r In Navasota in order very handsome button and mounted Elk tooth, Gentlemen—On behalf of my brother show¬ to le ready to show that night, we were called same being presented to blm by A. J. BInz. man. Bennie Kirkland, and in fact tbe entire on about four p. m. by tbe National Council of secretary sod treasurer of the Houston Keslty show world. I wish to voice my sentiments and Defense and politely re(|uesled not to open our A .Vniuscment Co., Inc. protest against the awful law recently passed dtsirs or atirmiit to show in the city, I replied Eden Park closes ila gates for tbe season by the Slayor and city fathers of Ada. Ok., that the miuest would bring a great hardship Sunday. September 8. While this has not lieen and with all due respect to the managers of vpon the company, as well as myself, yind that one of tbe best seasons tbe managetnent cannot the Liberty Theater and Majestic Theater there we had bee-n put to great expense and trouble to make the town, having paid our annual war tai. State tax and county and city license. Be¬ sides 10 per cent of the receipts went to the DHIVERIES OF COSTUMES, TIGHTS (tovemment. A GOOD. RELIABLE ACTOR, Their reply was that there Just had been a with Specialties preferred. One bill a week. A splai- heavy drain on the city by the big drive for dld engagement and good salary .Address J. M. DOI'GHERTY. Little Falls. Minnesots. Bar Suvlngs Stam|>n, and peojile and city did Sol want lent or traveling slsiws until after the I wish to have my name go down on record as war, as it tis>k I'si mui li money out of Hie one manager who will take oath to never again •'ountry. 1 told tlwni that our btY-ad and butter play the city of Ada, Ok., until the Insulting was at stake and if any one came to see tbe CHICAGO COSTUME W0RKS.'|iiiIatloD of the city was in- tire yiars, with eleven days' layoff. Juggling Kays, write. Rehearsals start Hepu ID. Show opens one week fomied tlieir heads would be knisked off If later. CLIFF WATSON. Palassville. Ohls. There is a certain house on the road that Is tiiey (ame near Hie sliow. The n-sults of the run on tbe instalment plan. A dollar down and aforementioned facts (omiwlled us to announce a dollar every time you catch the manager. that no allow Would Iw’ given, and we refunded Mies Peggy I'orrella, who was prima donna the money for some six or M'ven tickets. Not WANTED—Stock Location, 1st October of the Ha Iron Powell Musical Comedy Company, biiiiig Iven hilled or ismtracted for ahead wc MADIWH'kH' PARK PLAYEHb. DraniaUc Mock. Fourtevn people. Including artUi. Company familiar with lias returned to the viiiideville stage. Her hits- uTvr IM reloaaev. Best organlztilon of tlie kind tn the country. Will corislder persentage or rental basis. CAN Were isiiii|H>||is|sirtution facilities. It Is lip town to find out If they had registration riimorvsl that oiie-uighters will be decidedly cards and Investigate them, trying to find out Wanted for The Starnes Stock Company scarce this sciisou. If any were slackers. Each and every one had People in all lines (for No. 2 Show). Sullivan, Ind., week September 2. VIn aud .Mona Kichniond have left the cast his registration card and In all cases were ei- of tlie Halton-Powell Musical Comedy Company. 'Uipt exiept one fusir. iinforltinale negro. He ALEX. STARNES \ in has Joined Billy LanionCs Palm Beach was Just I t years old and they would not Iw- Maids while the Mrs. has gone home for a much- llrvc lilni lint ilirew Idni Into Jail, and he was llctsled rest. tioi released iintll we left town, thereby deprlv- Several managers who figured on retaining Ihg of his licip. wblili Is very s|>Ie are lielng sadly disappointed. help it Is almost ltuis»ssilde to move from town Ftir (XJL'l'ON t'OMl’.-VN V. Due or two bilL a week. I'p in 20 bills. Can pk WONDEK WHY? to towrn. .\-l Scenic .Xrtint. I’ucful JSttK'k |vpoplc, write; sttite all; photo. When a show is run by real brains In the A gr-al nian.v otlier (ditrsgcs slid Insults were FR.\NK .VBEY .\BR.\M, (loblun. Ind., Week Sept. right Place It is ni.«sl always .v success. So It Inflicted iiimn us. and while our stay in Nava •ots lasted life was very miserable. The clll reiis of the town were ver.v much In sympathy BILLY BRYANT SHOW BOAT with us ami declared It an outrage and a dls- 3—For the AudHorium Theatre, Hot Sprints, Ark. irace to the city. MUSICAL SHOWS. REPERTOIRE AND INDEPENDENT VAUDEVILLE. «s from threa to six warke. Hotels and boarding housea parked the year round Vours respectfully. nppoaltlon. Big Race Meet In early ^pr1.og. Great opportunity for tbe right Billy Bryant and his outfit are still out play¬ J. N. HKNTEIIOW. _1. FRANK HEAD. Audlterlusi Theatre. Het Serleei, Arkaaxas. ing to tbe natives of Pennsylvania and doing a Manager Menlfrnw'a Jolly Pathfinders. gmsl business Having livst the advance man '•rgsnlzed in thru the draft Uarr.v A. Anderson has taken the front and is showing results. Billy Is seek¬ ing new fields to (on(]uer and Harry Is pointing "’p have received a letter from the Delmsr Must tninti|XjHp at 8i{(bi. Pay good salary to right party. .Also want good siiig’ng 'I'cwB recounting a Icugli deal laevrral In fact! them out to good advantage. Frank Gerard tc'clvcd at the hands of various |(M-al iinlls of straight man or character inan. Other people write or pay own wires. Jimmie Jamt-s. has also been called. All aboard ship are welt ’lie Niiioiial Council of Defense at a few |voinls wire. Address iola, Kansas, week September Ist. and having a good time. Uegaxda to all friends. >n I'etas, BENNIE KIRKLAND, Manager California Cupies. 18 THe Billboard SEPTEMBER 7, ISIS

P**at kirk«Hl flip ll<| off of hiiflPK and poiirod l•rivnte I’eat isiuldn't repeat at Ktskiuirt Iw. viilrnnir pnipIloiiK of hot vorhal Iht* upon fho cause the ones he pleased best were not the ROCKPORT LECTURE CONGRESS lipadx of tho llunH. Ho iii><‘d up hiu own vo- ones who set up chautaisiuas. but they are the rabulary and thon rojiod in somo of Ktlly kind who will probably drive, ride or hike .VI Sunday'H doKoriptions of hpll. Hia thooloKy la long miles to hear I’eat at some other ehaataii' not quite aeeordinK to Hoyle, IjeinK moatly hand qua. The solter thought of the most of those A Review of One of the Independent Chautauqua made. He hasn't read many of Jonathan Kd- |)n'sent seemed to In’ summed up in what The warda* aermona. He, like Irvin (’obb, builda Journal said: Assemblies Which Gives Much Information a little sort of heaven of his own. where he "Private I’eat de|ii<-ted the ruUKli exterior of put soldiers who die flahtinir- This la eoiinter tile soldier's life; he detailed how army life Worth Studying by Chautauqua People to mueh of the tiri'vailiuit style in theoloKieal III the trenehes is maile bearable by Uiu only cireles and it caused much disonssion and no pastime iiosaihle for the soldier. In doluc this little controversy. I’eat Hal'ts on the platform he used the roiiKh lanBiiaae of the soldi) r not Rookiiort, Mo., is certainly a candidate for "Thursday was one of the big days in the Just as Killy Sunday iireaehes in the |Mil|iit, in the sense of pnifanity, but in the sense of the honor )if being the tiarden of Kden of our Iiiistory of the Lecture Congress, the attraction and be uses the same ammunition. He often tellinc the truth as It is. .\t times his modern time. It ia the <-ounty seat of Atchison 1being Irvin S. Cobb, the world’s famous war shoots off his month, hut the crowds like It lanKiiaRe u)N>med rough and out of place, but In County, which county joins Iowa. Kansas. •correspondent. It was a splendid audience and and Journey miles to hear him. the isinnei'tlon In which It was used It was Nebraska and Misaouri. At<'hison County is ian entirely satisfactory address. Tbe lectnre His address was interrupted by the Rev. (Jeo. I>erhaps as ne)-ensary as is the language used by right in the heart of the Miasouri Valley, where ’was replete with rhetoric, instructive and T. Kolston, who asked him to leave out his Killy Hiinday and tlie aoll Is 8il feet deep and where the weather iaroused the greatest enthusiam.” swearing. This seemed to fairly Inflame the ex- Jones.” man conspired with Old .Man Pluvius to pour Saturday the Chicago Opera Company gave warrior. for he told the aissl hnither to mind Private Peat wa' really mit himself. He haeen drouth, a partial "The Chicago Operatic Company, which gave timately aest attraction proceeded to daub a lot of ■•yaller" paint about three artisil, . clever girN had the wrong pla>'c. a taste of 'wliat old Noah went tliru just before 'on the program fur the week, and it is a pity the parsonaice tiiuler i-over of the shades of for the crowd was in no mental slate to ap he laiinchi'd his ark. that the unfavorable weather of the afternoon niieht. These and a number of would-tie prei'liitc their wares. Jackies Rami might The .Mi'liisun Cuiiiity Mail saiil; "The las'ture have held them. <>'nKri-ss openisi under adverse i iiuditions. owing Wednesilay Kenator Harold C. Kesslnger was to nonarrival of tlie big lent until the evening to have hei-n the lei-turer. hut as he had been in of tlie first day. WT-dni-sda.v of last wio>W. How¬ a liospital at lies Moini's for several days Ivan ever, hy what lisiki-d like a niiraile. tlie l)‘nt Unssiter was subsiiiuiiwl, Mr. Rossiter Is s waa up in lime for tlie iqientng program to tw Canailisn soldier who has u wonderfiilly Interest given tindei it. altho hut an iiiipniviKisI plat¬ tng Hliwy of prison life. He gives a vIvM ar form was availatile for the evening. •-ount of life ill the iierman prison camps. l|e ■'The rains, ivhlili liave coiiie pniclicatty dail.v lells a thrilling sinr.v ami is a gentlemanly fe| sinii' last IVistni'sday. have servisl to kio»(i away low. He gives ns near universal satlsfai'tion some folks wlio would otlierwise Itiivi' sttenilisl as a siH-aker isnild give. at least sonu' of llic prugruiiis, luit have not The Castle t'onrt Singers were down for * been lieav.T enough to ki-ep llic maiugemi'nt prelude, hut owing to the fact that they drove from Is'lng satistlisl witli ilic all’'udaiu'e. from llaniillon. III., to Fort Madison. Ia.. then ■■»tt )siurse Irvin S. Cold' on I'liursila* I'f l.isi i lisik till" midnight train from Sf. Joseph, Mo., week drew a i rowil wliicli more lliaii IumsI iIic ‘ clningi'd cars ami then drove .H more mile* < apui'ity of llic l>ig tent, wliilc on Peat Hay—i sis'inisl to cause H lull In the proceedings, -o Tiiesda.r of this neck It niuilil lime l:ik>'ii a 1 Knsl High, the iihilfo'm manager, who liu" as tlie tent did luil arrivi' until just :i eoiiple of bide as a sort of |Mi*lbide. and at fl:IV> Congr"** hours iH'fore time to open tlie evening tirograui. lis’k a recess iinill S;l.''i p. m.. when the Casile but liy eiglii o'elis k an iniproviMsI platform was Court Singor* gave a splendid, well reeeinsl eris ted. iIm- lent pul up. isirtially soulisl and pntgram. full of snap and iw,! ami a number of partially lightisl, and the I'ongriois was off with a program liy tlie Chicago Mnie fjuarlet. Friday ataried off with a splendid prelude 'TucHlay morning's program had to Iw alian- liy the Hriiby Eamity tlrcliestra. and Bertrand doiiisl. ns all liands were hiis) nailing nivay nl Lyons gave a leitiire rei'ital of Mark Twain's the seals and tlie pcriiiaiicnt platform until tlu" Miiiirt .Vlei'ks. who were ri'strainisl from further masterpiece of Missouri charactertxatlon. I liautaiiqiiH grounds soiiiubsl almost as Imsy a.s ai'ts of violi-niS'. sis-nusl to think that "I’a- one of Cliarlie Schwah's sliipyanls. wtieri' the triiilisiii'' is synonymous witli I’at iiot ism. The Huckleberry Finn. Tlic Hniby Family had automaiii riveting luaeliines are sounding the hs-al Ciiun<'il of In-fcnsc straightway met ami caught the fan* y of the audience in the after¬ •leiitlikn)'ll of Ibdietixollcm Kill, and doing adoptisl the following, •vliich was piintisl In noon and It was rv|ie.'tis| that a great i-rowil It te the same tunc tliiit tlic mu'hinc giiiiiicrs The .Vti'hison Comity .Mail; would lie oil hand to enjoy the evening, but are playing for lln' Ibshes in Eran-i-. riglit then" old .1 I'luvliis iqumed the shiii-ewiys ■■A.V .Vl’tlMbiY TO REV. KOlJCroN Irvin s. ro*isind to various IHsiple wen- coiniM-lleil to slay on the grounds "The smearing of yellow paiiil •ui liis rcsi d<••■|• thinker. I'lusin-s. Tlie quartet and solo niiinlsTs were all niglit. as the rain kept up a deluge and deiii-e was a dnstanlly outrage, piTiM-tratisI hy gissl witlioiit exception and ilis|ila,vi-il the tlsiro fairly flisslisl everything. VVe will isipy again from Tlii' .Vti-liison County parties who evidently were igiioriinl of tlie musical ahility of each nieinls-r. Tlie Chii-ago In spile of the fact that the weather man Mail, vvliich said; ""Irvin s. c'ohh's li'ciure lor tine patriotic record of .Mr. K•lNton and his tiperatic ('••nipaii.v isiiild play a n-tiirn engage was against us the Itis-kport Chaulainina was rtsital of cxi>erieiiii's. as lie callml it) canglit family, who have siilnuribed as lltsTally to the iiient liere and tw gris'teeople. for bad He waited a little longer u|Mio them.—8. M. Iturke. Jis>. Ibirfee. C.lms. l<. that on the last day the total gflcnilan^s* He would have learned that the Welsh i-oiild .Miiim-h. lieu. W. His-ltner, It. K. Hamilton. <1. showi*d at tin* Isix-iiltli-e that thi*re was nior*' better qualify for that iwisition. biilbce it K. Waller. W. W. Mi-Cartmy, Clay 'Piwnshlp lliMii fdai gnms over last year. to say that Tlie Km-kport Journal voiced the CsiUhi'il of Uefeusi'." The platform nianagor gave four lll••rnillg seotinienta of the |ieo|ile in lliesc words: We think Rev. Ibilslon made a great mla* lis tiin's and two aflermsin addresses. Two is>ni "Eriday’s main atlraclmn was tlie apiiear- lake in butting In, as It Is md ••m-e in a thou¬ luiiiilly ll•clurl's were liilcnded to awaken a am-e on the platform of Hr. lauld Thoinaa. Aa sand times that tlie uni' In fin- amlleiici' •bs-H iM'ticr spirit of ciciqmratloii and comtnirally in tbe case of Cobh, atleml.mi'e was g'sid and aught hut defeat his own purimse hy this the isrge crowd present were entertaiued by one method, and we talked to I'rlvale I’eat after¬ of the greatest addresses that has ever beea wards uDeaker ia In describing Cobb Lbiy this paper uid: supposed to at all times isissess. r SEPTEMBER 7, 1918 Ttie Billboard

TO THE MEMBERS OF THE INTER¬ NATIONAL LYCEUM ASSN. Lyceum and By EDMUKD VANCE COOKE Chautauqua Notes Afirr iT'eral rc«f Hit* \ ^ ATTENTION, CHAUTAUQUA SINGERS! iDi<‘u>liii<'nt« to lit*- no M-t fKrlb inl.rV Mni kunae, manager of thP Rnatnn Synfphnny Piill»lin N >. ■•. 11 I" that they Ppitel. which had a large ehaiitaiHiua hooking, ni«nil r»tl>f ••■rpful run-ltloriOl'iii. Take your hat ott to the best sonfs ha* twen detained, wp iindprstand, a* an alien rh<'» »iiii'uutalIon. "o I Iiutp no (.ar- Symphony Orebeatra. ti'iilar dokirp to antagonU<- the aiiipudiupulp. Wp nidlep that there la nnuaual haroc among hut I nrgp that rvpry niPDiher kIvp Ihpin a-mip EACH STITCH IS A I the • uarhedup, handmade, graftpaying ehautan- ihoughi in ordpr to lio «iirp that tip knows what qua eumpanien tbia aiirampr. Good. We hope Ihp pToip'^pil phango of ihp niacbincry of our or .y they will get ao di..atl*flpd with the ayetem ganUaliou nirans. of paying onmmlaaionH to to-ealled enaebpa and I flunk »p ought to a»k our«olvp« nlirthiT it aebools thtt thP ayatero will bp abandoned. i. niso to Instltnlp dlffprpnt gradps of uiPiiilHTa THOUGHT OF YOU It’s wrong and ought to dip. So wp rpjolee pppry (By AL SWEET) In a dpmiKTatlc organization, o«irally clean life for thp aake foiting with thp nilddip plan* ten, twpnfy tlTP of thPoaplTes and for future genentioa*. and Ilft.T-iloUar mpinlipr, or with thp ptiitiM-ratlc ' Mm. Engll.h la well known a. a lyepum aniT and arihlia-ratlp onp hundred and lirp hiindrpfl- “Women of the Hemeland” Chautauqua .peaker. .\ San Diego paper dollar ••patrons” and •‘llfp uipmtfprar’ yy, recently gare her a double eolumn write up. furlliermorp. «ii|>i">"e a •"llfp” nipmtier la con '■0';, Walter I'erkina, pre.ldent of Thp i'hlcago ri.iwl of treason or arspean»p we T. Jf. C. A. Id Lonihin. England. Hp wrltpa •np<-d the money,•' lint are wp «urp of tUnt? . that be la baring tbp time of hla life enter- let 11* go bark oter our b<*>k» for the pnat few MME. SCHUMANN.HEINK taining and working fur tbe boya wbo paas yrar# and ehe* k tip the iinoerpiaary PXiwDnee Introduced Sunday, July 21st, by DAVID BISPHAM. through thia wonderful •amp. Loruy aaya he ttn ray nothing of tbp money wp would bare known thp dlffereni’P between thp troopa and •pent wa«tefnlly bad wp hr.d ill la order to Will be sung by every great singer, middle class tbe troupera. We wiab we might hear from makp ourp whether wp npepr»liip fee bring* In. .\nd If singer, lowly singer, in all the territory now occupied WP find that wp do iioe,| the money may it md and to be occupied by the Allies. J. .1. Hunter, aer two ju-r annum, wlileh woidd ^ Dedicated to all women who are contributing towards qua waa a bnancial am eeat. Wp took in *'J. Hat be a rearoiiabl.v *ure ret urn than to rply niein ^ the success of the war. on tbe week.” Mr. Hunter is alark an*! home of Hirpetora In Ihp early day* of Hip .kaaoela- Please mention whether high, medium or low voice is pi-oaoDiirs under the direetion of H. I'. Kilp.r ica an-t for woine reawn i-r other It ditin't work Ouacbita County la now being worked on the at all. Maytw It wi>uld now. I know of no desired. one day plan. parilrular rraton why It wouldn't, but aiippoiip Prof. FYed Warren, auperintendent of a. h'»'l. of Foptoria. Olib>. i» platform manager for LEO FEIST, INC., NEW YORK the llPdpath Harrison fln-nlt In •»h|o. iioTernor tVank it. I/onden labl a.i<|p hi* .-ttate GAMBLE CONCERT PARTY 140 W. 44TH ST., N. Y. .^^Idiilips long pnoiTgh to dellTpr an a'ldre.a at tha ARTISTS ^ ! (iPneneo IlH.t ( hatitan<|ua. Hitokit tlireot by Pont. Da VIS Theatre Bldg., Pittaburg, Pa. WP get a B'>ard in lower which we do not like, I being four manager.? It may be the wisp thing of wh'>»p iNilli-|p* «p do ii*)t approre. Cnder to do to torn the I. I« A. otpt to managprial Wanted, Hioii-Grade Taleet THEOBALDI CONCERT CO. Hip proteMM.I|irot»nH.| anien'liiipnlaanien'Iiiipnla It lakeslikea two yeirayear, to control. ButRut I think that inIn conaidering thee LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, get rill of a ma>>rity of them and three years proposed amendments wp ought to ask whether Veramtile Muairiann write tor Talent Application Blank t»LE THEOBALDI. Violinist. to get rill of tlipiii all. Hn the other hand. If we are sore that la wbat wp want to do. Seulh BeulevarS. Chleaae. liLLKN KKLLKK. I’lanistc. "p approip of an administration we ran eon- I.II.LIAN CASK, Contralto tliiiip it from year to year. Just as wp hare 418 Athenaeum Bldg., CHICAGO. •bull- in time. imat. KNOX ON KENTLAND. IND. Curlherniore, while I d>i not aay it la the in¬ LEE FRANCIS LYBARGER PREPARE FOR LYCEUM AND CHAUTAUQUA tent of thpHP pro|ai«pd amendments, la It not S. Knox baa written na la regard to the ECONOMIST AND SOCIOLOGIST, to which we rerenttv nubllabed about Kpnt- LAWYER AND LECTURER DEARBORN SCHOOL OF rea*..uabl.v .ure that the reault will be that the "•* PublUbed about Kent- entire maimgement of the I. I,. A. will revert ••1 *»• ' Mt. Knox aaya: -I Popular Lerlurn for tireat Unaaions. LYCEUM ARTS t** thr tnanairar^ and th**fia afllltatrd immediatrlT I ^ apaakar* on Oin Addraw care BIHbeard. Chleafa. niHll.tim R UK YofNt; uirelnr with them? It la reaaonahle t« presume that a VT*>€T»m. aad did what I ctwM to iBTP.tIgate the TmIIi flaw AuSItarlui* BullSlaf. CHICAGD. Hbikb vf tlis delTM* Grand Oaara Ca. niimtier of managers, repreaentatleea and those altnatlon. As far as I could learn It la a clear whose IntrrpM. are managerial will he elei ted «>•'* blooded repndlatloo on tbe part of CHICAGO OPERATIC CO. I have already roaered about sixty to the Ibianl. Inileed. as this Is a ••builneaa THE COMPANY FOR LYCEUM AND LENA BHDD-POWERS b..ard.” mar we not foresee that they will be •*>*• clrcnlt, tbe mbp towns that had CHAUTAUQUAS Iirgeil a. Hie lo-.t n..ard material. The amend tb. tuppoeedauppoePd poor talent lastla.t year,^.r and I have ,0HN B. MHAER M.ar..r. Trai lwf of imAMiTlf ART. KXPHKSMHN. PANTuMIMK mrnta proTblc fcrR I" a qiKtriim. Arc I Krnfltnd haa flern ita farmers io underatand DEARBORN SCHOOL DF LYCEUM ARTS. ?*atli Fleer Aedlterleai Bldf.. CtikatS. nt*t thr chanccA larsrT.r In fatter nf the 4|ia>rum iContlnned on ptfc .1) HUGH R. REWSOM GERTRUDE PAIRS CONCERT CO. ltEl'ITAL.er pent fine. No committee reported this company at DR. STANLEY L. KREBS They hate aupiMirted the Liberty Itoan drirea. less than ONE HUNDRED during the I’.UbinesH ami t'ommunity nuilding They hate l*«>.|ed the Thrift Stamp ••amt»algna. Lyceum Season 1917-18 l.dH’lureH. They hare pltiggiil fur the U*'d I'maa. Addrma «nre Blllknard, Ckkne KXI’KUT ON SALKSMANSIIIP They have rendere.1 splendid aid In every T. At. C. fnmfaraiaing raMy. They have i'rted endless ape<-ial I'haritiea and aei'ured 2229 Andrews Ave., NEW YORK CITY. piiunHesa anbai'rlptmna They have dom- more than any othiT single agrni'y to ferret out and ••hevkmale Hun pr<>|iaganda and propac.indl.l.. They hel|ted mightily !<• wake up .\miTi<-a. and tt la due t» their efforts even more Rollo H. McBride than ihnae nf the pre.. that the •niintry is now thru rubbing Ita eyes, yawning and alreli'hlng Its arm., allho *HtI far fmm up and girded for the fray. riTTMII lUi S FIKST ft Itl.ir DLFBNDIJL lOMFrehcIwI We all owe Hiem niin-h. eapeeially we of Hie ahnw world, fur they made our theaters, PARTING or THF WAV! HOME. 12 La Cack Strati. PItlafenra Ptaa.yltanin. our moving pii-liire h«ii.i-. and iinr cirrii. and rhautamiiia tenia agenriea highly useful to - hfwr. uiiikr Itritntlli nimni Msj.aainaent Hie •viiintry amt the Hovirnmeat. Never again will oiM-ra bmiae or luivilion be permittere and I'olymBia have discovered the juya of nervlce. Dim-tor of r.'urse Which Fraparea No nmre will Hiey be •'oolent to merely beguile or delight mnn. (ieretofure companion PAGEANT DIRECTORS. Auditortun Building, 9Ni Floor, CMofo PLAYGROUND WORKERS. •>Dlv of Ills Iclaiire hours they will bem-efortk share hi* labors, too. •ppt'isllie III Miinlr and Oramailr Art for Grand PHYSICAL SUPERVISORS and For the Hiealer baa toiin.t a job It will help with and actually cugage In the H^mI fi>r (’stsldtcut* WAR RECREATION LEADERS. Itci'ea.ary work even the drudgery—of the world. _ . NorthHcstvrii I iiivenlty, Evanston. lUinolg. In lime of war It will wnad the call to arms, marshal and rally the alay-at homes and dire.-! their efforta in supporting their nnidiera at the front. WILLIAM HARRY J. LOOSE In time nf peace It will deaaeminale tBtelHtencr and aid in educalioa. both adult and Juvenile. I’liicago Detective whose meniutKe is a STERLING BATTIS In our liall of fame we must fashioB two new niches, one for the F'our Minute Man IN LIFE PORTRAYALS. revelation to Tax I'ayers anti and one for ticorge Creel, who llrst realized hia possiMlitles and gave him opportunity. Good Citizens. spactaluuig on iJba chamrtan mnda tmaortal by Chailaa Dickaoa. Ad-lresB RBDPATH BUREAU. Chicago. Parsaaal Addraas. *315 Yala Ava.. Chtentd. Iltlnala. Uomro and Julirt, Caroirn, Kpi-rrt of Siuanni*, BELGIAN SCHOOL OF VIOLIN Kaust. Martha. La tiiai'onda. Iligoirttu. Aida. NOTABLE SINGERS WILL BE Luoia dl Lammrrmoor. I41 Traviata, Tali-x of Huffmann. II Troratore, Carallrria IlUKtIrana. And the Mutin Virtuoso School in New J'hr Jrn'ps^ iLa Juire), and I'agliai-ri. York City The o|ipraH M-lirdulrd for thr tin>t wpek art-' HEARD IN OPERA COMIQUE Monday, Aida; TupMlay, Uiguletto: WodniiiiUy What la the Belgian "lieboor’ of VioliD? matinee, Taleb of Hoffmann; WeilnoMlay even¬ ••arhonl” meana the diaelplea of a man of ing. Cavalleria ItUNtieana and ragliai-ei: Thurs- geniua, tuperior knowledge and of new Idea* ortuaity. Tbihaud. Carl Fleseh: Koebanskl. Maemtilaa “Before the end of the season,” says Mr. .kdolpb Betti, .\lfred l*och<>n and I'go .\rra of Hinshaw. ••several of llie elioristers may hare the Flonialey Quartet: Deni. Jan Hambourg. •been put in prlnelpal roles.” I'ress and Poppelikiff. Such an array of lua'ters of the violin makes Announeement of the rrdes wbidj may be ] one pause and gratefully I'onslder the fact that sung liy some of the Itromineiif memlters of in our midst wn hare a sebtsd that represent* the soelet.v in its repertoire t«f olH'ra euuiiqur the art and technic of a mrtboil of teaching at the Park was made a few days ago by Wil¬ that has produced so many great artists. liam Wade Hinshaw. president of the Msiety. To Ovldc Miisln do we In .knieriea owe an Maggie Teyte will ereate the title role in the especial debt of gratitude, inasmuch s» be was new prize o|)era. Biaiica, by Heury Hadley. In one of the first artists of ibe Belgian school to addition she is east for the roles of Miguon, •s>me to onr shores and remain with ns. His ZerHna In Fra Diavobs, and will also create the work in this country, first aa a recital artist role of Jean in Lnglisb in The Juggler of No¬ anil for many years paet as a maeatro of violin tre Dame, the Lnglish text being by William teaching, has gained for him the sineere admira¬ Henry Meltzer. tion and respect of his |■ulleagllel in art and tre- Luey Cates is east for the Doll and .\ntonia nicuduus interest fnim the great .American pub in Hoffman’s l>ore Tales, another translation of William Henry MeltzrT. Kathleen Howard 'Ir. Musln’s rlrtnoso sehisd In New York has will sing her famous part of Nieklauese in au atmosphere of frlendllnes« and sincere co- Hoffman’s Tales. Yvonne d« Treville will be • >|H'ratlon, due to the sympatbetlc understanding of Imib himself and h|s ehamiing artist wife In tl>e needs and development of the piipile of tba si-lnsd.


Mr. Innes ts a nationally famnuK liandmister. INTERN THEM,

SAN CARLD DPERA CD. Congdon, and if sanctioned by the IJberty I/tan Sayt Frances Alda, in Speaking of Committee will be pnt into effect. German Singers Announces Repertoire—Fortune Gal lo’s Company To Dpen Labor Day SUNDAY CDNCERTS AT HIPP. Kew York, Aug. 31.—“Ban German music and intern German singers,” is the advice of Mme. New York, Aug. 31.—Plans and arrangements The New Y’ork Hippodrome is again to liare Frances Alda, famed English prima donna of of Impresario Fortune Gallo of the Han Carlo Hnnday concerto this coming winter, when ap¬ the Metropolitan Opera Company and wife of ^ Opera Co. are rapidly nearing completion, and pearances have been arranged for John Mc¬ Guilo Gatti-Casazza, general manager of the Judging from the interest displayed the com¬ Cormack, Galll-Cur.T, Rosa Raisa, Anns Fltzln. Metropolitan Opera House. pany will have a good following again this Eva DIdur, I'rames Alda, Cantor Rosenblatt, “I think we can dispense with German operas season. From the appearance of the organiza¬ Martlnelll Ijizar, De Luca, Adam DIdur, Naban altogether without any particular hardship,” tion’s component parts, principals, orciiestra and Franko's Orchestra, and the Cincinnati Sym¬ Mme. Alda is quoted as saying. “I agree abso¬ ballet, w itb Gaetano Merola, the eminent Ital¬ phony Orchestra, under Eugene Y'saye. Jean Ht. Anne, ('reach Ace and concert sing¬ lutely with Mrs. William Jay in her public ian maestro, at the music bead, entliusiasts er, completed his tour of the Chicago movie statement that German music should be in¬ may look forward to well delivered and success¬ JACKIE BAND VISITS CINCY theaters last week. terned for the period of the war. and go farther ful productions. The management baa secured and say that German artists as well should be a number of other singing actors and actresses Bandmaster Stanley M. Smith of the Great interned. of good reputation who, together with those re¬ Lakes Naval Training Station and bis company HIGf^ GRACE “No German opera will be given at the Metro¬ tained from last season, will make one of the of 28 Jackie musicians ended their tour of the M A F L‘P politan the coming season. Thst fact is ao ob¬ most thoroly equipped organizations of its char¬ Middle West and part of the South in Cincinnati U«;» o >* flit* vious it needs no discussion. There is no chance acter that has ever given grand opera at regu¬ last week. Tbe band has made a name fur It¬ OS «*i It M w r. whatever that German opera shall be given lar prices. self thru Missouri, Illtnois, Kentucky and Olilo there in English. I haven't sung a German The list of principals has not yet been com¬ and baa rendered much good in furthering the song either on the i-om-ert platform or privately pleted and the promoters of the affair promise cause of the Red Cross, Thrift Htamp and other sin<-e war was de<-lared in 1914. I was naturally some eztraordinsry siirtirlses. The repertoire, campaigns. It left for tbe Great Lakes Camp strongly pro-Ally from the start and 1 am still however, has been <-ompleted and is as follows: Friday evening with the beat wishes of all It first and last an English woman.” I Jewels at the Madonna, Barber of BcvlUe, entertained. SEPTEMBER 7, 1918 X tl e Billboard 21


Dur ntc Kumcr of 1!*17. iH-xionliuc M«y 1, Theo.VanYorx lU*' i;rn«'>t Ganibli’ ('ooccrl Tarljr Kitti- in? full. TENOR and iNini till*’, bonont-togiMxJnt^h- |>^•g^alUH all the «»i from SiKikaDO l<> Sclii-nerf«k<rr for ElllboO' New York there la of courae tremendous activity everywhere alwut one. but It la TEACHES THIS SUMMER. Mr. Van Yori Also Hpeoialises on the Speaking tVhtle Bureau. aceompaoied by a careless gaiety, more or less, whirh is entirely absent down here, to the ol^rver. My tiest woman friend, nlio haa been the quietest kind of Vole*. The Kite l.ll'erty Bellei*. (lim ttMl by Dorothy a home body. Is going every day to a mechanics' scliool. She tells me that the girl Brown of .North Dakota, hare Juat begun a who works nearest her cseli day has been a dancer all her life, was with Pavlowa. |.4kj; aeaMKi for Uadcllffe ('haulau<|iiaa. By tbe way, did you know that Mordkin was killed tlie Qrst year of the war? \t the I'oorlualon of the Krnesi tiamlile t'oo- I I verl'vard two elderly women couversiiig late tliis aftermsui on the ear. irt Tarlj e prograiu at the ('rote (Neb.t fbau- Dne saiti: "My. it does seem grry I won't la- here when you slug, but I shall la- in a front aa-at iitnrr. I lileago, will liegln on Monda.v, .''epleui when you o|>eD neil iiionlii at the Park in Carmen. If y*iu want to Im- very happy her John tV. Hatlatanll, president, ha-i re in Washington <-vme to this hotel. It has the homiest, and at the same lime the FRANK LaFORGE turoeil fn>ni the Karl, and Is Inisy nllb the most aristm-ratic. fi-eliiig possible. One is ismtiniially brushing past noted states¬ COMPOSER. PIANIST. COACHING. preparation, for the oouilng seaiem. men in the lobby, which is interestiug. Twice today I've sta'D Jialgc Chas. K. Hongs. "Relroat.'* "I Came With a tionf,” "Uke the Hughes there. He is loukiiig very young aud handsome. Rosebud." eta. S'.’O Madlsam Ave., New York. Jesr r l*e tore, Tiollutst of the Urebard •fbe leader of our hotel orchestra, who plays most delightfull.r. says that he Mcbool of Miihie, I'hleago, linished bee engage, and John McCorma- k formerly belonged to tbe same opera l•ulnpan.v, when John's nienl witb Ibe I omiiiunity t hautamiua Bureau salary was about $3,'> a week. How the scenes shift! The world seems to roe CENTRAL ENCRNVIKC CO. at limes like an enormous moving picture. I believe, if I could always consider Augurt TMEXTRICAL OEXICNER/E EKCRkVER/ John Ranke, baritone, ap|ieared with the art it one, and learn tu Just look at the scenea. no matter whether ray seat in the theater of life happened to be up high or down low—I would get a lot more out of WMU Hr •w* Nd« iNit •« StMk iftt' quartet laat week at the lireat Northern living. 109 Now c*Y«p«nt •« Hippodrome, t'bieago. In operatic aud popular I beard that your splendid huxband has been made a major in tbe army. My OPiAttd If* •$*• 99 MldPt W* pitriotie aeleetlon*. Other membera of the congratulationa and my love to you. No more now. SpMtsIlM If* TN««tP>«at D**lD**if*9 «•*# €**DR««i(*f. H«tf- quartet are Btbel Tamminga, aoprano; Ruth NEYSA. taf*** mn4 Zif*« CtcHif*a Dfvd m*tt E$*fpaYif«a and Ppt«*l4f*a Plant d««»ted !• TK«atP*aal !anre. He was that it is Ua> indolent to put on a Chautauqua. formerly ebo rmaater at St. Mark'a Cburcb In If has thereby invitoo the trans¬ field, O., is the singing director, and every en¬ taken for a long time to better consolidate th* to George Harris. Jr., assistant treasurer, 35 ports in the harbor of New Y'ork. listed man of tbe QSth will take three lessooi Interests of all the ebautauqua activities haa West 81st street, New York City, may become a The Paris Conserratory Symphony Orchestra a week. been s«'t to work on plans to consolidate the ra- member. will give a roocert in the Auditorium, Atlanta, rious bureau activities and form a rsmsolidated Several prominent artists and organizations •is., on October Ti, under the auspices of the WORRELL’S SONGS SCORE HITS organization of all the ehaiitauqiia forces. There have contributed their services for the cause. Atlanta Music Festival .Association. have been several meetings of the various It la seldom that a compoHcr is represented Margaret Galllgan. daughter of Manager Gal¬ interests to bring this about. The one just held upon the programs of headliners two consecotlTe ilean. id the Grand Theater. Terre Haute. Ind.. In Chicago has seemed to open a practical way weeks in tbe same vaudeville house. left for New York to enter a school of grand ROCKPORT LECTURE CONGRES to eliminate some of tbe waste in managerial t'ralf rampbell acored a big bit during hlx oi>era. (Continued from page IS) effort. A number of bureau managers have been paat week's engagement at Keith's Theater In The announced re«i>ening of Italy's foremost the soul of the people, who are trying to better bolding meetings here, and as a result of their Washington. D. C'., with Carrier WorreH's stir¬ opera bouse, I.a Scala, of Milan, closed all last themselves and better tbeir community. Tbe efforts a committee of three has been appointed ring. patriotic aong. Soldier Boys. This week, at season, is good evidence of the Improved gene's! Journal said: and is at work to formulate a plan of amalga¬ tb* same boose. Margnerlte Sylva Is having conditions in Italy. KossIdI's Moses. IdO yea-s "For real worth and merit we wish to say mation, as it is called. tremendouB •uccess with Mrs. Worrell'a lateat old this year. Is to opem tbe sraseople will altogether depend upon wbat la rangements to take a year's vacatioa in Bu- vllle Conservatory of Music and at tbe I/iuls- Th. Society of the American Friends of made usable in the lives and actions of those ro|>e. .Yustralia and the Far Fast, but tbis new who patronised this year's assembly. We expect vilie Public Bcbisds, has devoted the summer American Musiclana Id lYance is one of tbe move caused him to cam-el his reservations and action to follow the talks and the musiral pro¬ to re[iertnlre work under Jean ten Have at tbe numerous war eharitlea that are working to return bis pass{torts, as be expei’ts now to re grams heard at tbe Rockport Lecture Congresa. CiDi'Inoati Conservatory of Music. further tbe advantages of the boys over there. main, pending the culmination of tbis Chau¬ Band concerta are proving |>o|iular In tbe city It is Ufflltlng Its field to those who are in tbe tauqua i-onsolidation. Roy Kllison, who has parks of Nashville. Tenn., In which Abie's Band musical branch of the army. The Manvmb (Ill.! Chantanqua opened with been here for several days pun-basing talent for la furnishing tbe muideal entertainment. It Is The society was organized In December. 1017, a free day program, given by Im-al talent, and bis .\ustralian ebautauqua an-l for bis .\lasksn hoped that a community sing will spring out of witb the general object of bringing flnamial help was known as McDonough County Red Cross Lycenm Tour, will return to I'bieago to aid this the enthusiasm displayed. to the musicians in France and tbeir families Day. A silver offering was taken up for tbe new consolidation scheme. Mrs. Harry DuBarry is In charge of the matle destitute by the war. Since Its organiza¬ Rol Cross work. We certainly think there is room for the work of the Federation of Mnsn-al Clubs for Pit's elimination of waste in this field. We wish burg to provide music for Soldiers in camps. Tbe that i-omniittees would begin to make demsa federation Is asking tbe musical clubs of each >♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< upon managerial headquarters and ask them f >r State to supply camps with music. Camp Colt a statement of salaries pai-l to some of the In Gettysburg, Pa., has re<|uested records, light The .Musical Alliance has done mtislc and musicians widespread in- ebautauqua managerial -lignitariee. We have it instruments, such as banjos, ukuleles, etc., and Jur.v by Its attitude toward the "Work or Flfrht” order, the 20 per cent from some ser year, for what G

It makes one 6ick at heart. Government’s ideas they will gladly Surely the resitonsibility can be co-operate with the committee. Readers’ Column fixed on at least a few of the men to Of course Inconsequential papers blame and an example made of them. and tho.se of little or i>oor reputation Krauk A. Brown--U would probably br mor* Even if there was no knavery, in¬ will continue to run the obnoxious ads, conslstont for ,vou to address the mlnager of the elri'us you mrutlone.year-old daughter. Pearl Bryant, wli.. achievement are now matched against Dim will i*|H:n their season at Loew's Xheater, left her home In Oetoher, Joining a carnival oompaoy. The girl Is described as being about Xoronto, fan., September tl. BR.AXCH OFFICES: tliose of autocracy. 4 feel and ti Inrhea in belglit, lias dark hair and This country cannot afford to com¬ The Tork l)|>era Ilmise, York, I’a... 0|>enetl blue eyes, .kny information would be gladly NEW YORK with vaiKleville August JS. reeelved by Mrs. Hall. promise with infamy nor shield and Broadway and Eorty-fourth Street, second floor Billy Bouncer and Company have opened on H. C. Hartman wishee to locate a friend that cover up such gross, stupid, blunder¬ showed with him at lairedo, Tex.. Man-fa 17. Bntnam Bldg. Entranee. 14U3 Broadway. the Poll Time at Uartford, Conn. The act Is Talephonc. S470 Bryant. ing, criminal incompetence. 1»18. Hartman has a good profMwltlon for tbi- well booked in tbe East. person as a clarinet player. Address him in ear- CHICAGO The culprits shouUl la* dealt with 'Ijpo Pitriebstein, in The Matiue«' Hero, will of Band. 37th Inf.. Ft. Melnlosb. I.areeD at tbe Parsons Theater. Hartford, Conn., Write her at once.—Elmira, N. Y., Uen. I»el. Telephone. Central S4fl0. September IJ with four performaneo. of imprisonment, but. in any event, let William E. Ureor. IJ. s. A.. Emtiurkatlon Ho* 8T. LOUIS them be named—let them be held up Mr. and Mr*. Stuart Darrow, known as the pital, .No. 3, Hoffman Island, .N. k., would liki- sbadowgraphiat*. will be booketl In tbe future to hear from the hdlowing p'-rsons; Wheihr QtmMe Bldg., 620 Chestnut Street. to the contempt and execration of the under tbe name of Tbe Darrows. and UeVere. Margaret Holloway, “llalie" Wlieel- 1/Otig-Dlataoee Telephone, Olive 17M. country. er, Marie Barnett. Ilasel Itouglas, Mr*, flar- Christopher McTamney, of the Klylng Mar¬ ence Westerroan, Malwl Smith. •'Brute" M'-Maiin SAN FRANCISCO ten*. now an aviator with the A. E. F.. met and Babe Selphiie. On this page last week we an¬ 603 Humboldt Bank Building. bis oldtime partner. John Olsehewski, who had L. tJ. Colby—You will have to aiears In several volumes of verse Montmartre. Tel. 222 61. The creation of this committee is a low. and can Is- obtained lii any first-etas* Iss-k store. It was maih- fsiuoiis hy Mrs. Janies war measure which we hope to see Japan is our .klly and Japanese performers Brown I’oiter llh••lll twenty ti*e years ago. ISSUED WEEKLY and entered as aecond- perpetuated after the war. are entitled to tbe right hand of fellowsb'p. Oldtiuier—Jessie May. of the uldtliiie teani rlaas mall matter at post offlee. ClDi-innati, Ohio. of Me.kvoy and May. was Hie wife of Dan MoAvoy. She was born In La Salle. N. T ADVERTISING RATES—Twenty-flve eenta per lieing a lineal des.-eudeiit of Hie trilie of M line, agate measurement. Whole page. 8175; agara Indians. She tped in New York flty In half page. 887..10; quarter page. 843.75. No lOOl, Shortly after Me.kvoy dh-d also. advertiaemeDt measuring less than four linea .1, J. I.iissig Slim B<-riiar*l was Isirn -in Eng¬ accepted. CHURCHES’ CHEAP CHATTER land. but came to .New York In his Infancy. Last advertising form goes to pres* 12 M. His Brat apis-uram-e was in Cronlieini's Harden Monday. Hoboken, N. J.. with bis bnifber Pick. iTe SUBSCRIPTION: soon became |»>piiliir ss n imuiologist. being There are too many churchea displaying signs inviting people to come One Year.83.00 the orlgigator of Hie Oerman Senator aet. He Six Months . 1.75 in and pray for the enemy. was featured In luirlesiiue for several seaMins. Three Months . 1.00 We maintain that pastors or congregations that can not find a better and be<-ame faiiMiis as a inemlier of the or Payable In Advance. way in which to testify to their faith and convictions in times like these ifinal WelsT A Fields Broadway Music Hall sliouki be entirely relieved of the necessity and opportunity of doing so Company. II.. has lieen a Brosdwa.v favorite IN QUANTITIES (two or more to the same ever since. ID* first wife was Lizzie B. Ray address) 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT IS AL- at all. mond, tbe M-rhseomh-. He is now appearing In 1/OWED. No extra charge to foreign subtcrlbers. It is a liarmful—even a vicious practice. Friendly Kncuiies as cuia Mann THE BILLBOARD is for sale on all trains It should not be tolerated. at tbe Hudson Theater, New York. and aewastands thniont United States and If the cliurch has any influence on the morale of the American peo¬ I'anada which are siipplieil hy the American ple this sort of thing lends to make it a baneful influence. News Co. and its branehe*. It is also on sale at Brentano's. .37 Avenue de I’Opera. Paris. It advocates a forgiving disposition toward the Teuts and a nerve¬ Marriages France, and at Daw'a Agency, 17 Opeen Street. less, spineless, punchless policy in dealing with them. I.elce«fer Square, l/'-ndon. W. C. When not It is hurting America. ADAMS-PHWEIW—Llent. R. Ollbert Adam*, on sale please notify this office. It is hurting the cause of the Allies. of the Hoyal Flying Corps, and Julia C. tl’Brien Powers, an elephant rider apfirariag at the Remittances should be made b.v post offlee And it is hurting the church. or express nione.v order, or registered letter, Hlpiiodrome In New York, wer*- married at addressed or made payable to The Billboard Thank God, one sees no such signs on the theaters, movie shops or Merritt Hall. Camp .Merrill. \. J.. .kugiist '.*7. Pnhliahlng Company. the tents of the circuses or chautauquas. DUNN-STASDISH Tom J. Dunn, a vaude¬ The editor ran not undertake to return un¬ The nerves of these “courageous" parsons, deacons and vestrymen ville aetor. and lionla Standisli, well kn-wn in mns'eal comeily cireles, were married in I'la solicited rnanuscripW. Correspondents should sliould be be firmly and promptly quieted. keep copy. eJunall, •).. .kugiist -js. They will spend llieir hune.\ui'sui In llohokus. N. .1. The Billboard reserves tbe right to edit all EDELMAN F'R.kXClS — .Sam Kdelman. trap advertising copy. drummer, and .MaN-l Franels. last s<'asn operations of swindling stock fakers. get by in the arena. Hie latter making demands president of Hie I'allfornis Motion Pl-fure El- The country’s morale is lowered, and lilsdi the entertainer in tlie uiattcn. of ihtsoii ti-rprisiv.. ami Ei‘Vel.\u <-uiiior were iiiarrle-l In V-w York ri-ii-nfly liesides much money that should go allty. resoun-efnlne-s and artistry far more se vere than any ovaeiisl by the stage. It is Just IRWIN WII.SIIV Kre.l II Irl-ti Ai4«iin.s- into Liberty Bonds is diverted and IHissIble he may Is- iiielined to tem|ier his press .kgent. an-l Evelyn Issiise Wilson were marrl-sl lost. agent's liiinioonis salliee. at lu-ia'iir .kin., .kiigii-l '.’7. Mr. llo|iper is not an ass. TITUS SCOTT I.lent. J. B. I Itus nn-l Ub-ea This is true not only of motie.v lost We do not mean by Hiat to Infer that his Seoft. an aelress and a nle--e of William C-d Her. were marrle-l In New York .kngnst 1. Mr*. to the swindlers but of money in¬ press agent W. but why pro

iitd give it much iH»wer. A c-ompan.v B-irn to Mr. au-l .'fr-- l.eo E. Snyder, a is not comiwlled by law to submit its CUT THE KISSES OUT IKiiind son at Caro, MIeh., August 26. M-fher and son ib'lng nl--p|y liie parent* are nPh stock issue to the committee’s scrutiny. /•'idman A Pollle show*. It cannot be prosecuted if it sells stock Almost sn.v nirisurw Ibit will protool- or B-irn to Mr. and virs. F. Ii|ehar-ls. an eleven whicli the committee refuses to pass. fa'ilit.'itc thr sale <>( IJbt'rl/ 0oiii|h kIjoiiIiI IMiund si.n at Ws.si, Tex., kugust III. Hl-'h mfri with apiirovst smi ondorsonirnl. hut thiT'' ard* Is manager of Colora-lo BiM’s s’howa. Hut the committee lias the co-opera¬ an- tw.i ihiit «<■ an* •■•tinprllefl to staiii)) as wlio|. Horn to Mr. an-l 'frs. Raymond Marr, a tion of siicli Ollier Government agen¬ l.v iiiK'oiuiiiftKtable and svrn worsf. at B-islon. Mass . r>--entl.r. jitra. .Marr la a mem her Ilf the Boh Ott Co. cies as tlie llailroad ,\dmini8tration, • »tn« of the-c is Ihf wniding of rliorus jjirls Into the iiidioni-e in tight* to Holiett subsi-rlp- Born, to Mr. and Mrs. lieorge Caster, a seven Editorial Comment the War Industries lioanl and mayhap tion*. anil-a hatf-|Minnd girl, at their home In New the I’ost-f)fflce. The other Is ordering or etMouragiDg cboriiH York, .kugust III. Caster la with the Rarnum A girls to give kisses as a boons or reward for eiib Bailey Shows. Six hundred and forty million dol¬ Companies whi

ind the projfft wao rclucttntly abindone'I. Many tlitnka f<»r your inquiry. t t t t Aberdeen. S. D.. bat been well eDtertaine Tlieaterl in the same city at the same time. Itr. T. C. By William «.«!. Hilliar Bonucy writes that Frank’s act was a scream from start to flnitb. and that the

w trying to t t t t is supplemented by music, Tcntribwiui'iii, sliail- • oiistriK-tiiely iuderent efforts of a pres* agent owgraphs, etc. Rapp gives a complete change wouldn't liriug Opprobrium upon a work of Snesne eliiuinate Prussian militarism frooi the world. T. J. Craw ford—How lx magic in Nashville and and gisMl taste. .Mark .Swan’s farce i.* delicately Sam Margulea, who once upon a time Intended to the South in general! of program during tbe week. #au'-.v. It .s.mes within the faint shadow of tbe i|4i a silent act. but who could not k*-ep quiet t f t t ♦ t t 'iiggesiive. tint adroitly avoids any nearer ap- loni: enoiich. it now in the nary. Carl 11. Under T. Nelson Downs, the original King of Koins. proa.-li. It is deliciously funny, and it* appeal is The clover .Augustus recently received tbe fol¬ to peopi# with clean minds and a normal s<'nse of is at the Hog Island Shipyard*. Coriwwal If. Ls who has been enjoying life on liis farm at Mar- lowing letter; humor. Art the advertising matter, emanating Hr- ker Is in the nfficers' Training SrIhKd at Camp 'halltown. la., got bis .-lothm all pre-ed up "Dear Sir: from the offli-e of \V. .V. Brady, the prinlueer of I. ec. Howard H. Ilanst ia now with the I’liJtb the other da.v, and taking his life into his own the fan-e, is written, apparently, to draw the "I am writing a few lines to let yon know Field .Signal Battalion at Camp Ilevens. Howard hands rode on a railroad train to Des Moines, patronage of fhe siH*ker after indecency. After that you are saying that you can learn me bow to reading the advertisements you wrould imagine J. Waltera ia a .Sergeant-Major in the .Vvlation la. ’Xis true that the biit' her im the train »»>M become a magician, so I am writing to let .vou Mr. Brady’* theater, with Mr. Swan'# farce Sertlce in France. Hood lock, boys; I know yon him a 'et of picture (Mi-tsl cards and a tiair of pla.riiig ,11 it. to be alxiiit fhe same sort of a know that 1 w/wild like to lief-ome one for the last will worthily uphold the best traditlone of magic, •■ye gla'-e-s and a ps--k of trick card- and tbe plai-e of amusement as the Biiekingliani wa* in four years I am trying to become one. so I am tbe old days In Loulsvilh-. The advertisements aa well as your country. ’"•k entitled On a Slow Train Thru ArkaO'aw, writing to let you know that if any scboent over $2.00. and 1 Uoraee Judge I* now general presa repreaentt- together. The toneh of mctro|Mditan life af- account of the injury sustained recently while have not learn. Mo you said that you can learn tire of the I nited Picture Theatres of America, fect*Hl Downs so mueb that after returning safe¬ having resigned hi* position a# business manager ••doing" his picture serial. HI' wrlat waa frac¬ it will be all right If any scheare|>cus at the Grand Des Moines again one line bright morning and Opi-ra Hon»e Septemler *. and paid The Bill¬ I’ickwa. the hypnotist, of 2‘J19 Wewt 47U> painted the town red in company with Nate Brother Bapp has replied as follows: "Degr board office a pleasant call. F. D. Priee has left Klaw Jz Lrlanger’a staff, ..treet. t'biiago, would like to bear fp>m Pauline, I-elpxig, wbo is playing the Orpbeum Tlmt. Sir: Ostagaxulum.” the hypnotist. ♦ t t t and has goue to tbe I'aeitic Coast to become gen¬ iVbat Downs thought of I«lpzlg's act. or what eral represeutative for Fred Belaaco. He will t t t » I-eipzig thought wf Downs’ latest creatioaa I Silent Mora is In New fork arranging for some have charge of the .Alcazar In Man Francla. Ancni niy recent suggeaflon regarding Bottle am not permitted to say. altbo I kaow full well new features for bis fortbc<.>mlng Lyceum tour. Mr. Price M one of tbe b<'8t known theatrical maiiiiger* aud publicity men in the country. He A t tbe Boy Magician. 2141* East ll*th street, tliat tbe wbtde magical worW ia breathless to t t t t I lerelind. O.. writes aa follows: “I am trying ha* directed the bair* of many noted atara, know what ideas these two masters of digital O. T. Gylleck baa left Dixon <111.* flat, and is among them l-'anny Davenport and Richard Mans¬ bard to make up a complete magieal act of one dexterity exchange.1. At Ia«t reports Oowas is DOW an honored resident of Grand Haven, Mlcb. field. hour, using Ndtlrs only. If .tou bare any such '•fely back in Marsballtown, sn>l has NOT as yet Gylleck la a very entertaining magician, Manager W. A. (Uve Wire BlUl Sheets, of tbe Yendome Theater in NaabTUle. XenD.. trick-, or information about same please let me purchased bis thru ticket to New York. But t t t t kmov." Write to the dealem who adrertise In has .Just returned from New York, where he ha* when be does LOOK Off. Franrifl J. Werner stood np In a New York tmoked a big string of theatrical attractknis The Blllboanl and they can furnish you with t ♦ t t theater the other nigbt and hMiUIy protested tbe for hi* theater for the season of lOlS and 1919. what y.aj want. fVr example; The Inexhaust- The Veudome will .qien the season on .September Silvey and Bugdua bsve seat me their Bargaia showing of the weekly luctiire that has Is-en ex- ihle Itettle. the Paaac Passe Bottle, tbe Pore pneing some of the cherished secrets of the ma¬ 6 with tbe .Al G. Field tlreater Minstrels. IJst No. 9. which la chockfol of snaps for tbe Bctlle. the Washerwoman's Bottle, Champagne Jack 1# Winn isimplaln* that the edtt<>r of tbe uisglclaa. gicians’ art. Werner wa> so emphatic in his ob¬ P. .A. column us»-s such big words it keep* a Boitl's I'roni a Hat. the Bottle That Changes t t t t jections that at the foHowlng shows, when that fellow busy looking uii their meaning. W* Inio a iVi>u<|uet of nowers. etc. part of the movie came into view, the obliging hiiiiibly aiiologize. Jack. Next time we’re tempt¬ Arthur and Lesh Bell have jost closed a ttmr t ♦ t t oiwrator tumesl on the house lights, thereby ef¬ ed to use any high brow stuff we'll rememDer of tbe -Southern caatonmeats with a six-art joii and restrain tbe impnl»e. fectually aiding the Soidety of .American Magi¬ A’tliur lai Pell, the magician, is playing out vaudeville show-. Devine, ia J-Muriain, MIcb., can AY. It. 1 Hilly I .Arnold, one of the moat pop¬ on the ( oast. He would like to bear from Wal¬ cians In Its light agnln't exposes. ular advertisiug men of Nashville. Tenn., bM supply you with exactly what you want, friend ter ITederlck. tbe Juggler. La Dell can be ad- t t t 1 aecepi.sl a lsi*ltion a* general advertising agent Beil. for the Yendome I'heater for tbe season of 1919 Jresse.1 care of Oeneral t>el|Tery, Beattie, Wash. t t t r Tbe special Lycenm and I'bnutaiKiua niimlier of and IPlt*. Mr. .Arnold has hae some busy man, Harry. In addressing the members d the City Edi¬ urer and Dlamaron AlbiHiuerque Is secretary. In reply to Charles J. Hagen will say that tbe ers In magical auppliea Is called to tbe September tors' .Association of tbe state of .New A -rk at t t ♦ ♦ l.s-k you mention never appeared. At the time 14 issue of Tbe Billboard. This will be an ex¬ the Majestic Hotel. Manhattan. August er men of .America. There however, ard farored ms with an aXhlbltiOB of hla skill much that they can do yet. He warned elty editor* against the u*** of headlines which mis¬ represent the story mendy to catch the casual c.ve and sell papers, and which do great Injiirv to the pres* as a whole. Speaking of German propaganda In the I’nlted state* \lr. Creel de¬ clared that tbe w.irking newspaiier men are the B. F. Keith’s Circuit ■ we* who must counteraet this iJeriiian wblstier- scandal mongerkig. ’Slet th# Iriilh,' Mr. TRICKS.MAGIC BOOKS AND SUPPLIES. Cre<‘I said, "print It. and then stand lim k of Featiue Acta In Mind Reading and Htilritualltm. I.ara« stork Baal it to tbe end, ami .vou will W doing a great itiiallty Prcanpl ahipmetiM l^rga service to your country." Illustratad Proftaainnal CataJog. lOt of Theatres WAIJ#A W.WJ,A NOTES _CHICAGO MAGIC CO. A. PAUL KEITH, Prosldeot E. F. ALBEE, Vice-Pret. and Geo. Mgr. Walla Walla. Wash.—The weather i« eisdlng OHt. D. 72 Wtst Adaait St.. CHICAGO. ILL. off, biislneas at the bwal theater* i* sure pli-k- Ing up and everything look* like a wonderful season, that 1*. a* far a* we can see at this MAGIC TRICKS UNITED time. The n>ad ismse ha* a number of large fee poctiM. parl'e and stags attraction* booked and will iiiien August .K* with largial aasertawtit In ths werld. (Continued on page 4’.’> TbuMhm’B BocA of Pnrkai TrtcRa. BOOKING JV Bonk nf Card TVtck* LV-, iswtpntd Rand Ic stamp f•* ellh llrat II (wder A P. PELS- MAN. 0s*«. II. It* S. Slats Insis. 'I»il B«f«. sirai'- Jai keis. -Milk <’*ns. and SI.. CtHaaga. III. Hw YOU CAN BOOK DIRECT BY _ 111 fa.i, , ¥#rv PROf*. SYLVIAN’M. IS’J ot buy or firbange Hacond-tland Apparatua Miss.; week Sept. 9, Dreamland, Mobile, Alabama. Clifford. Profldaoua. Bbode IxlaiKL 24 Ttie Bi inboard SEPTEMBER 7, 1918

.‘She earried triaips deatliii'i) fur tieuua. Italy, CHRISTY HIPPO- a„^and 4riU lutlea out was attacked liy a suit. ITie jtnuiirrs on the Ilnah jah. however, }{ot the Mil), and the lroi)iis were safely landed at their DROME SHOWS 5■lestiuatioD, after wlileb the trans|H>rt pivK-ecilcd 38 Tcaii' Ripuiation Back of Eviry Tanl' to Havre and dlwharsed eargo. She made the return voyage to an .\tlantic port safely anil Hrydon got ten rtation hack Handicap at Present '|o "an .Mlanlie is>rt.” Bryd«)n is only one of thoiisamls of the boy® Carnival Tents __ thathat are doing their bit -vlolng it Cheerfully, ei'- result that every¬ SHOW MRS thing was high ami foruiers, but our THREE OLD TROUPERS Pull man Statoroum Cars, 70 to 80 bant there ft., steel platform sills. far. rainier ami was two iiiib’s from TWO Palmer joiu nt Sher- the riiii'. Center¬ 1 Combination Club and Baggage iilan with their big ville. Milan anil ItriMikliebl were the I Car, 78 ft., steel platform sills. musical a'’t tor the i-om-ert. They aleo cities visited on the SHOW following thrtM' days iIouIiIp ill the band. Be.'.sie lihouilcs is respectively. •’cleaning up" with .\t ilannihal. Mo., SOUTHERN IRON & just after the parade the liunuer privilege. CARS Baby Barlow had a fiiere was a minia- t u r e eloufUiurst. EQUIPMENT CO. nice little birthday which cause)! a very ATLANTA, • • • GEORGIA party the :.’6tb, when One t)8 feet and one 72 feet; she received many niudd.v lot. Both IH-rformanees were presents fmm the given, the evening staterooms, kitchens,baggage, members of the com¬ show iM'ing a rain pany. Prof. Good- TENTS less one. Isuiisiana, etc. Just overhauled and both hardt had the mis- Mo., was the Satur¬ SHOW TENTS, BLACK TENTS. CANDY TOPS. fortune of falling off hrst-claas. day date on August MCRRV.60-R0UN0 COVERS 8 ioa'led wagon re¬ ■J4. The lot was cently, fraeturing And Evatythlni In Cinvu. Sand t«r Cataltf. far out, hut evident¬ hia ankle, wbieb is ly the iieoiile were causing him u lot of HOUSTON RY. CAR CO., ciri-iis hungry, as D0U6HERTY BROS.'TENT & AWNING CO. Jroubic. there were great P. 0. lox 221, • HovitON, Tmil ST. LOUIS. MO. Chas. Nelson just crowds gathered came back home af¬ there from all ace- SHOW AND CONCESSION ter roaming over tJous of that "neck half of Vnele .Sam’s o' the woods.” Gen. territory. Next week Mgr. H. B. Gentry the show pla.rs four has returnevl after a TEN TENTS States in five days. few days in Chicago, We are on our way tieiicral Agent Fre.1 ST. LOUIS TENT AND AWNING CO. South and intend to M'Wgan was on the Idll Markat Straat. ST. LOUIS. MO. sta.v out until Xmas sIhiw at Brookfield SLEEPING as usual. for the day. Mrs. Mr. Rialde just Waller M<-<;inni*- THE OLD RELIABLE finished decorating of Chlllicothe. Mo. the sides of our ears was the guest of with "War Savings her busband, wIki I- CARS W. ODELL LEARN & GO. Stamps.” "Buy Lib¬ front tli’ket auditor Eitabllthsd 1896. erty Bond*,” “Save with tio* shows. kfieM and Animal* for Pit Shows *tJ- Pataanoaix The cars now look •late. She was ae 6-wheel truck, M.C.B. 26 Berths. ikiakea fUed to handle Prlcee reasonable. Prompt like a government eompaoled by Mrs. eblpmenla of all ordrre billboard and attract Lula M. Ott and Painted aiul lettered. Iniinediste MANAGER MARTHA LEARN, a lot of attention, Here are three old troupers, all now located at John Bowman: Mrs. and we hope our Camp Jackson, 8. C. ’They are Roy Sanford, for¬ G. W. Emlileton of South Side Military Plara. San AntanI*. Texas. deliTery. R. E. RODGERS, method of advertis¬ merly of the Sells-Floto Shows. Cobum’a Min¬ Cbleago is s|H‘nding ing Bonds, War strels and other shows: Ernest Nelsou. Barnes a few days on the Shows, Sells-Floto. and for last three aeasons 20 East Jackson Blvd., Chicago. show with her bus- Stamps, Red Cross Hagenbei-k-Wallace: and Ted Nicholson. Gollmar funds, etc., will do Bros.. Mans Hanson, and for ths past seven aea- band, who is sii|ier good. We bad a sotis Hageobeck-Waliace. intendent of lights. MORE FOB Melvin Bertie. *u YOl'R CASH. Mixed Fixed Dent, $10.00 US pleasant wisit with We only ship CASH WITH ORDER. C. M. Casey and Mr. perintendent of eon- FOR SALE nr^STs" Brown. Secretary of the North Dakota Connell cessions, has rejoined after a few days In Chi TEXAS SNAKE FARM. of Defense, while playing Bismarck, North cago, the guest of his mother. Jesse P. Fields 1.5 towns Middle Central states, from 3.000 to 50.000 m P. 0. Bex 266. Brownevllle. Texaa. Dakota._SID. of Bloomington, Ind., is a visitor on the show, population. All spare sold for next three months. Beet of reasons for selUn,. Books open to elimina¬ ————being A warm friend of General Manager Henry tion. A pxlns concern. Price. $30,000. Will make FUGIciifii /ND-r/NMORTON iKlillDgrnINJURED Gentry.—roDIE DECK. 30% on investment. Address B. T., can BtUboard. SNAKES, ANIMALS Cincinnati. Ohio. Snakes fixed safe to handle so they stay fixed. Eighteen While Working at Duluth, Minn. MISTAKEN ANNOUNCEMENT years’ eipertenee fixing poisonous reptUoe. More WANTED Snakes for your money than any other dealer. Gila Chicago, Aug. 30.—Little F'ugi Orton, a mem Monsters BERT .1 I’t T.VA.V, Buffalo. .N. Y. b*>r of the Orton Troupe with the Itingling Bres.’ A mistake in correspondeu'-p caused an error IVfUI..E RIDERS Shows, fell from a fiedestal while that attraction in sn article recently. Later developments was playing Duluth. .Minn., August 17, frac¬ show that John L. Fehl is «tltl filling the posi¬ also Man to take charie of No. 2 art. Grooms and R»- turing bis spine. The injury is quite serious, tion of I^ss Agent with the Walter L. Main volrln. Table Riders. Wire or writ* as per route Snakes Snakes Snakes CARLOH CIBCl’H, Hepl. $. Jeffcri«)ii Thrstre. Au blit Orton is improving and his physician re¬ Shows with good results. He also has the ban¬ Back In the Game Dens of Snakee. $10.00 up. Fixed ners and is doing the 24-hour work. bum. N. Y.: Hept. 9. 10. H. Creei-mt Theatre. 8>ri safe. Shipments promptly. ports good chances of recovery. However, it ruse. N. T.: Hept. 12. 13. H. Maieatic, Elmira. N Y will require months for him to be out and around MEXICAN PARROT A SNAKE C0„ aga-in. At present he Is at St. Luke's E METZ. .Manager, 312 Alvarar Place. San Antonie. Tsxat. Hospital, Duluth, and would appreciate bearing from all bis friends. _FOR SALE SNAKES, ANIMALS BRYDON IN CINCINNATI Snakes fixed safe to kiandle ao they stay fixed. Eight¬ een years’ experlenre fixmg poisonous repUlee. More Former Employee of H.-W. Shows To enakn for your meiiry than any other d^er. GILA Pay Visit Home on Leave A.nimal A.cts MO.VSTERS Three IHtDGING MONKEYS. $35. $10 and $50 each MONS’TER MONKEY, a regular MAN of Absence EA’TER. a very strong pit feature, $100. Ant Bear ELEPHANTS-3 GROUPS LIONS and Kangaroos BERT J. PVT7CAM, Buffalo. N. Y , Bay M. Brydon. ticket seller with the -Hagen- beck-Wallace Shows, where he worked the con¬ 1 GROUP LEOPARDS 1 GROUP PUMAS CAT FISH with four legs and six horns: Pig with one nection in company with Harry Wert* (formerly head, eight legs and two tails: Cat with double face, of the Gollmar Bros.’ Shows), blew into the Cin¬ 2 GROUPS POLAR AND RUSSIAN BEARS two mouths and four eyes. MAR’TIN CONNOILT. cinnati offices of The Billboard Intent on back Funston Cafe, Camp Funston. Kansas numbers of the paper detatllng the story of All well trained and all actn with tine pnifw. Also 20 untrained bone. 12 the wreck. puinaH, 20 bears, hoxiiiK kangaroo and other aniiualrt too uumeroua to mention. Brydon left the show June 4 last at Burling If you want something g«Kxl wire or write quick for lists. ton, Vt.. and proceeding to Boston enlisted in Show Outfits the Shipping Service. His first voyage was on Sand for Frta No. 25 Bargain Baeklet. which dll- the Hwah-Jah (Chinese, meaning ’’Flrlt Ship”), HORNE’S ZOOIOGIUL ARENA, • • • KANSAS CITY, MO. plactt all tarmar numbara. she being the first vessel turned out under con R. H. ARMBRU8TER MFC. CO.. SgrlagMd, III. 'tract for the United States by China. SEPTEMBER 7, 1918 Til e B lllboard 25


-miN WftECK& WA66M UNDER THE MARQUEE Of Robinson Circus at Henderson, Ky. Br CIBCUB BOUT WANTED FOG lOUN ROBINSON’S CIRCUS Benderaon, Ky.. Aug. JS.—Cooalderabte dam¬ age was done to a loaded pole wagon and Ita oootenia belouging to the John Koblneon Ctreui UBLP! An arUclP In Tbp OpiUr Raiilils lri.M DK K .MASTERH. ■t louditig the circus train. None wap In¬ article gave tbc name of tbe bride as follows: COLORED MUSICIANS FOR SIDE SHOW BAND-Aent a pleasant day on the Sparks Show at Ibciiitlfiil act. John Daly tioodfellow ta goad illllsisiro. staying until the last bit of can- fellow) is laid op with a sprained ankle, but be vis was loaded. He says the sparka system^ of get-, there .ii i rut< 111-'. Jack Maloney went to loading Is nothing sIhwi of marvelous. Not¬ New York rei-ently and Is now booked up with withstanding shorthaodedness It 1* out of town one of tile K, A H. prialiictions. Zai k I'.orden every night Iwfore mldn'ght. "Buster” Marsh, mado a "bee Hue” for Atlantic City it bi, Bert Turcott "liiixx wagon" recently and from late rcpi.rts who ha« lM-|dliil for about six weeks until recently with typhidd fever. Is back with Zack Is due a short vai-ation with his grand the Sparks Show and doing "bumps” as of yore. Let me hear from you at once._H. M. H. kiddies at their cottage there. Joe Sbeenan is still putting them over and eerfaltly i, sonu agent, and from the way he is hilling this xlifiw Waller G. Garland, after a two weeks* tilea»- skin removed anil ww grafted in its place In friends to write ami sent his t»est wishes to one would think the B. A B. was due In town aat visit with R. S. Garland and family on order to eolist in (lie mariiies. And still we "ttid Clown Alley on the 10 Big.” Mia ad¬ tt-Zane-O. the mystery one, goes with Sbee their farm near Black •M-uinlaln. N. C.. passi-il read of some who eommlt suicide to keep from dreas la Co. A. 140 M. G. B.. A. I',. K., 3»lh nan's new show this fall. Report* I'lva It thru rinclunati last week cn route to again going. Hut [tossibly the latter have been tied Division, via New York. that Joe Is going to have a real up-to-date Join tbe A ankee Robln'sui Circus for the re¬ to "mamma's apron strings" all their lives. IlippiMlp'me Show this season. Tbe writer mainder of the aeason Truly a irtmimr makes a ismsclrntioas ooldler. \neut is-rformers being exempt from the visited the Quaker fify Carnival recently, and Work or fight order, we notice many uaing found It to be a "pippin” of a good »haw with Jos T. Kluger, sec-uid man and elrcus agent, professional letterheads who used to use a Jack Hees. formerly of llie Sells-FIoto Ciri-iib, a staff cf real hustlers. While In rhUudalplil.-i who has lieen wltli llic llingling Bros, and B. la now railroudiug on the Ctwcago, Milwaukee tablet. And some of them would !"• up against recently the writer ran across Jalmny Weber, A B. Shows, and last sea'-m with The Blnl of A St. Caul road out al Thri'e forks. 'Mont. He It If an altlda' it were rrstulred. However It Is of The Musical Webers. He la gettfag aloag I’iradlw Company. Is now stationed at Camp writes tbe « hicago office that he has a Hue Job an old sa.ving Ibat If yon "sb.sd at tlie muon ub-v'ly after an operation on his hip and ix Zachary Taylor. Ky. Ills address Is esre of and likes the work. Jack sends his n-gariN to yon are likely In hit sono-thlug. getting toffetlier his musical set for the - aalag Battery R. Jd Bn., K. .A. K. D. lie would ap¬ Red Shirley and wants bis addre.ss. Also sends season. Still waiting. Byron Spaun. far that preciate a few tines from friends. his reganis to Jack lieflaire, J-din Slater, Dud¬ le A. Gaw, advertising man.iger of the letter. Get busy and drop a fellow a Una - ara ley Reed. Art Isi Reese, f.d Mathers. Herman .Now all In favor of liilriHliiciog "leaps” next I'ratl and Gem theaters at fiilt-m. M-*.. writes of IllKylaiy.—FRANK MiGARnT. at follows; "I'h- Sells-fbdo Clreiia played here Joaeph. fal .Allen and all the Rlugling biineb, seawin stand up. What's the mstlrr, are ymi and wauls them to write him at Thiw forks. all llred? August ■-*•!, nflern-sm and night, to Idg hiisiiiess. Their big w.ir |irogram was far *ii|ierior to the Mont. Jack visited the Raroiim A Bailey standard and wras lnters|>erseass«1 thru Cincinnati last week on "shore tlls-ui Stiow. visited the Isiys on tbe A inkee Rob- I lns.iu Mi.iw reeetiily. I'egg.v Is not tnuiping direi-lor ill Rav iftVesney. Ray's exis-riem-e leave" to visit his home In Indlanatsilis. Ilrv iu the United States Cavalry fits him admirably den gives a very inicn-stlng dcs<-rlptlnn of an this season on account of having undergone an for bis new iwisitlon. encounter with a sutimarlnc on his first voyage o|>erallon. However he says that next season over seas. will find him with the "white to|»s.” Steve Savage who meets all eivmers on the Mr. ami Mrs. Isigan are late lolners on the mat In th- i-'incert with the Yankee RoWn'-on GENERAL Aim Goldstein has rloscil with the John Ihdi inson I'lrciis and Is now plnylng fair and In¬ "T ank" show as menage riders and are making .Show, Is still bolding up his end of the perform¬ ance and "throws" them all. altlio he some dependent vamlertlle dates. gissl. I'hey are |si|h formerly of the Al G. Barnes I'lnuis. time encounters lough ones. The Itorseys lAfr. and Mra. G.) spent fhe d.iy. 'ugiisl JA. with the John linhinson Show at The .tparka Steiw tiasrbalt cluti baa played lt» How many remember tbr ivnle-l for spac- ani'ng tbe advance forces of the forepaugh '■ew tibiin.v. Ind. George is serving the istRirs Inst game for the s<-ason and a substantial CIRCUS St I'sniii Zachary Tavlor. Ky. lie savs It Is divlilend declared. The club lost but one game Sells and the Rlngllng Shows in ttcirtv This Just like eirriis life and he likes It well Me ami ilefeated nmat of tb* semi-professional teams recalls to our mind that there was also si’me was with the Cisip A Ix-nl Show the fore part In the Dakotas and W'sconaln. Following Is contest as to which bhow should remain out ef this seas.in. Ills address Is care of llallerT the staff and lineup: SI Kitchie, manager and the longest. H. irrasurer. Walter Oulce, raptain; Ray Westney. gatekeeiier. Ibe p'ayers Included Clifton J. U. Hill, an employee of the H.vgenbei'k EQUIPMENT Waller ibwlenough Is now on his wav |o Spark.', pllcber; lYank Tswlne. catcher; Jack Wallace Show until a few da.rs N-fore the dis France. Me recently wrote Soiiy to .i«k all his I'hilllpk. first base; Walter Guice. aecond baae: •Mri'Us wreck at Gary, writes from Detroit that formerly belonging to Coop Walter Kemp, bhortatop; Ouy Cohn, third baae; be U doing nicely and would appreciate be-trlng Claude Patton, left field; IJsle Connora, center from friends. His addreas Is J. C. Hill C D Lent’s Cireus, consisting of field; George, right field, and Fletcher Smith, Y". C., Belle Isle. Detroit. ofliclal aiYirer. Clifton Sparka eatabllabed a strikeout record of twenty men In one game. 'Bntn you been purchasing Thrift and War Poles for Tent, Cook House, WANTED Savings Stamps? Good! Now get ready for the fer long string of Fairs In the Hoiilh and cut all wln- It Is said that Arthur Uandniph Martin, Liberty I-oan Drive and Just naturally go crary Seats, both blue and red, etc. •cr Cowbova, Lady Riders and other useful people tatipoed man. who baa a picture of the German about buying them. There is no better Invest "rile, wire or loin WH.It WKHT miOW. I’nmevoy. war lord tattoed on hU cheat, la gnliiff to under¬ ment and you CAN'T lose. But best of all think Address Box 777, Billboard U., tlia week; Ironloo, O., next week. go tbe very painful operation of having the bow mnch you are assisting your nation. SEPTEMBEfI 7, 1«1B

fM>t hi* Junt be*n completed ind other ImproTC- NO LICEN8E8 I88UED inent* ire belnc mide. The Midoa; will aialn he is charge of Joha T. McCa^lin, of Baltimore, To Civilians for Balloon Aacanaions WAR POUa PREDOMINATES and he will furDi*h all ride*, ahow*, free at tractions and coacessiona. Several special days have been arrangee made by fair aaaiH-lattun* and other* the Joint Army and Navy Board of Aero- THE NEW TIMONIUM FAIR nautle I'ognixani-e slates that no flying of any nature by elvlllan*. whether in aep>planet ur l•aIIn*, will be allowetl. Thia t* in line with Tiiuunium, Md., Aug. 31.—Extensive Improve, anmuineeiijents pirtdlsbed in earlier isioea of Exhibits Are Chiefly Along Food Conservation luenta hare been made at the Tlmonlnm fair The Billboard. A letter addressed to the Army ;:r«unda and_ a new„ committee_ hustllnc and .Navy Board elicited the following reply, yonng buslneaa men ha* been formed who prom- which Hbould put at rest all doubt* a, to the and Production Lines in Accord With Gov¬ ise to make the fair tha best ever held here. prcHcnt statu* of civilian flying: Numerous attraetiona have been booked thru John T. SfeCasUa. who has ha 1 charge of th’» August 38. 1918. derartment for 17 years. The fair will be held W. H. ItonaldeoD, ernment’s Aims—War Spirit Is Re¬ The KIIIN>artl, Cincinnati. O. flected in All Departments Th-ar Sir Keferrlng to your letter of August FAIR ATTACHES ARRESTED •J4. 1918. relative to the policy of this Board issuing Ik-enws fur eoBdiicUng balloon ateea- Cortland. N. Y., Aug. 81.—Twenty-*ix men cm sions. I beg to inform you that the matter of of other years, and the educatioaal and enter* A war policy predominate* at every State ployed by managers of attraettoos playlag the balloon atK'ension* was taken ui> at a recent tainment festure* will be many and varied. fair this year, exhibits, premiums, amuaements, fair here last week were arrested by the State meeting of tbts Board and tburuly considered. litre stock and agricultural products will be erer.rthlng rrtect* the war spirit not in a way Constabulary, under the antl-loafing law, and The Board appreciates that a balloon atceo- the ••enter of attraction at the Nerada State to bring gloom to fair visitor*. Imt rather to were assessed fine* aggregating $170. f*li of tha tloo In ordinary timet and under ordinary cir- Fair also. iioiisands of dollars will be paid cheer and hearten them and Kijimulate their men arrested were of draft age. Their case* ciiiiistances Is harmless entertaiDiuent, but the out in premiums for vegetablet, fruits, poultry interest to a greater degree In the government's were referred to the local draft board. Board alan tppre<-late* that In these abnormal and live stuck. There will alwi be racing, war alms. times, when the moat careful pndection muti music, shows and demonstrations. The fair Joa. E. rogue, aei-retary of the North Caro¬ he given our war activities, it la not i-iMiM|dereil will lie held at Fallon. Nevada, September 9-14. lina State Fatr. write* that the policy of PLAN PERSHING CELEBRATION advisable to allow flying of any nature by civil- Every department of the big Tennessee State the management is to make the tl in the interest of more foodstuff* In the the 5Sth birthday of General John J. Pershing, will be issued for flying la civilian operated the request* already received for apace. Liberal line of farm products and live ato-k. and the and patriotic Chicagoans are planning a big aircraft. Including all type* of hallo,iaK. ex- premiums are being offered to promote tha conservation of these products for the winning cerebration for that day. It will center at cept for experimental purpoMs, and this poUry production of fmststuffs. Amusement features of the war. The exhibits at Raleigh will be Grant Park, where the great war exposition 1* Is being strictly adhered to. will be of the highest class and mors varied greater than ever tiefore. There will be more being held. John O’Connor. g:eDeral director This Board has had a great many eomplatnt* than ever before. lalKir saving agricultural machinery, more and of the exposition, is len>llng hie aid to make from applicants for licenses to conduct balloon The Florida State Fair 1* planning to enter¬ better cattle. svSiite and sheep. There will of Pershing Day a big smo-ess. aK’ensions which have been disapproved, who cimrse also be plenty of wholesome entertsln- tain the thousands of delegates who will attend claim that there are a great number of balloon raent. The fair will be tield Octol>er ‘il-136, the Farmers'■ ---National Congress. —An effort_ also ascension* being made In different sections of sod Information In regard to any department la being made to secure an appropriation ef W. 8. 8, FOR PREMIUM8 the United .state*. Upon investigation of a may l>e secured by writing Jo*. E. Pogue, *10.000 from the State to defray a portion of number of case* It has been found that the the expenses of delegates w ftie fair from Secretary. Raleigh. N. C. Russell, Kan., Aug. 31.—The Russell County parties conducting these ascen-lons claim they Central and Sooth America. The Oklahoma State Fair and Exposition, Fair will pay all premiums in War J^avlngn did not know a ll<-en«e was necesaary to con- in addition to a ccmprelieusive war program, Stamps this year, "ttur fair it out to win t.be duet balloon ascensions. mention of which was made in an earlier issue, war” la their slogan, and one day wll! be devoted nua Board would appreciate If you would in¬ has provided a big program of care dUpeller* for FAIR DATES CHANGED to an exhlldtlon drill <«f the State Outrds' Bst- sert a small article In an l«sue of The Blllls'tnl the entertainment of patron*. t>n the Midway talion. The Great Lakes Naval Rand will alto stating the policy of thJa Board and slating that «111 lie seen the C. A. Wortham Shows, acknnwl- Stewartstown. P*.. Aug, 31.—On aci-mnt of be present for two day*. In accordance with the Preeldent's pp>clamalhui ettged among the beat in their Hue. Racing, conflicting dales and transportation dlltl'Tiltle* a license 1, De<'eaa*™ before b*llmlnent plaee BELFAST FAIR A CATTLE SHOW on the progrsm of the Washington state Fair St Yskima. September Irt'.’l. W T. Rleh OSCAR V. BABCOCK Belfast. .Me.. Ang. 31.—All the festtjmt of ef Australia. V. i*. MeWborter. of the U. f* Ikt Lar|Mi mN MwI StmatiMMl Ad in tht OiiMflw Show WtrM the old time cattle thow will be found et th* Bureau of Animat Industry, and F. 8. King, Belfast Fair. September 10-11, ta well as many ef Cheyenne. Wyo.. will hare charge of the BOOKED FOR THE SUMMER. OPENED MAY M. new Ideas. The big feature will he the race* Address PARAGON F.ARk, Naiitaske' Bet^h. Mtuarhusetta sheep department, one of the moet Importnnt on the half-mile track. Secretary Buraell also at the fair, and a sheep *<-hool will lie conducted has a new Midway with some fine attraction. for all those interested In sheep raising. Itther departments will be fully up to the standarda TO ENCOURAGE SUBSTITUTES

E. MO. DIST. FAIR Grand Baplds. Mtch., Aug. 31.—The West SOIL PRODUCTS EXPOSITION Michigan State Fair AasoctatTon will encourage Interest In sugar siihntltnte# at the fair To Be Held in Kannat City Oct. 16-26 tllESTOI, MO., SEPT. 18-21, ISIS temher ifl-2n. with exhibits of auple augar. honey, eorghum product* and home-made h*et Now ready to book Concessions of all kinds except Shows and Rides. Tlila sugar, for which prlie* will he offered. Kan.a* t'lty. Mo., Aug. 31.—The Intern* Is a good one. Ask tTie boys who have l>ecn there. T. A. WIL80N, 8ecretary. ttonal Soil Froffuets Exxv,«llWin. which 1* to by WILL SEND BOYS TO STATE FAIR ►•eld here October lft-2fl. will present festure. wbich will nut be seen anywhere epie in the Symciise. N. T., Atig. 31.—One hoy frotn country- this year. each cminty In .New Tork 1* to he the goeat There will be a big war puh'-h to the evpo ELK COUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION of the State Fair here 5>ptember #-14. AH *itlon. and many war feature*, in addition to traveling expenses will be paid, as well *• 'he big combined V. S Govemnienf Fthihlt. WANTED--few elean, moral Shows, C*»ncc.s.sioii.s, etc. St. Marys, hoard snd lodging on the fair ground*. hare beep secured The amusement p'r-gram i* well balanced and more elaleirate than ever. Pm., Sept. 17 to 20._E. .1. (IHOTZINXIEK, 8ccy. 1 welve Weelern State* will h* represented CARMI (ILL.) HOLDS GREAT FAIR t'.v ••oHective ngricnitural evhildt. wbleh are entered in the competition of the State* for the t'arnil. 111.. Aug. 81.—Secretary Fred «'. Put¬ big l.vo hilver tropb.v i-up annually offered for ney «tate* that the White County Fair Just the heat State of provincial exhibit, in ad¬ CHAIRS AND SEATS FOR SALE OR RENT cli)*e,| here wa* a great event. The stock pen* dition there will be dl.play* by the Dominion of |•t•rt*hIe (irand stand*. FoMlng Chairs and Clrcut Seats furnislted and tvected anywliere on a rwital baau for were filled to capacity, the race* were high < anada. the L. S. Dept, of Interior, thru Its I’aradfv. Kihlblthai*. rnnvwittona. Mr. C. E. FLOOD. 2554 Scraataa R4.. Clavalahtf. OhI*. elasM, and the exhibit* of farm and domestic Indian office, and many districts and Individ Iipidiicta were greater than ever before, t’on- ual*. ce.Nlon* were nut a* numerou* *a In former The lot-ation of the Sol!-Produet* Exposition year*, hut all had a proaperou* week. thi* year i« moet advantageous. Kansas City i« e»«ll.v accessihle from *11 dtrecHun* and lie* FREE ATTRACTIOR ACTS WANTEI in the heart of the l)eat agricultural territory W’e want a number of good novelty act* to fill our fair contract* In SEPTFMBFR and OC- The exposition 1* to he staged in the great WANTED AT ONCE TOBKIt. Can use acrobatic acta, cycling acta, aerial acta, roller skating act*, balancing acta, (V)ntntrtA for Merry-Go-Round, Perris Kansas City ronveatios hall and the lot* snd Hawaiian musical act*, animal act* and other novelties. Write or wire u* immediately. .treets adJniniDg It, Just a few Nnek* from the NN’hrel and Conreaeionfl for husine** heart of the city Present Indleatlon* CONSOLIDATED BOOKING OFFICES, 205-206 Balttmore Bld{.. Oklihomi City. Oklahoma. point to a PfcOTfl attendance. LOUISA COUNTY FAIR Oct, 1. 2 and 3,1918, Louisa, Va. Wire or write JNO. Q. RHODES, JR., DANBURY FAIR Secretary, Louisa, Va. OCTOBER 7. t, 9. 10. II. 12. We hold th* record for the lamst amcuitural ind LANCASTER FAIR industrial eihihitlon in New Englstid. For prlvl- ifges apply to N. T. BULKLET. Secretary B>x>tht and AT UNCASTER, PA., OCTOBER 1 TO 5,1918. ~ " inect'cut._ linR STATE FMR Grangers', 6le3fler$’& Fanurs’ Fair SIX DAYS AND NIDHTS BIG RAPIDS. MICK.. SEPTEMBER 14, 25. 2< AND FOR SALE On Erie and D., L. & W. R. R., Wav- 27. I9IR. ' Kigg-r and )>euer than ever. For ptrticulara writs ON MIDWAY-CONCESSIONS AND PRiniEGES. erly, N. Y., and L. V. R. R. tiBO B. HI BST. Sei-retary. Week ol Sepl 16. ATHENS. PENNA. WILLIAMSBURG. KANSAS, FAIR IN LARGE MAIN OUIIDING-LEATNER GOODS, lEWERT, ETC. ASSOCIATION SEPTEMBER 27TH AND 28TH. 1911. Association will furnish tables. One of the large Fairs of Yellow Medlclae Co, Cuuceasioii* wanted. Pennsylvania. For information write to Fair Ass'n MOTION PICTURES CANBY, MINN., Sapt. 11, 12, 13, 14. Taken of Fair*. Cooveotloiis, stc. Ocarantaad work. JOSEPH GVEBCIO, 4054 No. Tripp Avs., dUcago. J. F. SELDOMRIDQE, SiArtlary, Laiiailtr, Pi. 1918. J.J. MILLER, iaoratary. i



GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT At Kentes Free Fa ir To Be Houaed in Special Building WANTED Topeka. Kan.. Aug. 31—-V special building First-Class Pay Shows, Merry-Go-Round, Ferris Wheel and waa couatructed to house the big goTprnmeat exhibit that is to be a feature of the Kansas Concessions for Free Fair September 9 t« 14- Secretary Phi) Kaetniau has provided a numts-r «f other smaller buildingt to handle the Increased lire stoi'k and other exhibits. The Kau.ae Free Fair V'ill he held for six full day^ and night, this year. Horae racaa Monday, Tuewlay, Wednesday and Thurailay. and auto racen Friday ami Saturday. The big night ClINTON COUNTY FAIR spectacle by the North .American Fireworka PRIfF^'S'O \ Cvnipany will be given each of the tii nighta. I“arker’. Greater Shows will be on the Midway, while Ddilie Carruthera will furnish the cirrus acta. Sept. 11 to 15, at Breese, III. U5[NDN(imii[y I: Or will consider FAIR NOTES

The Ctmefic. Okie.. Fair, '•fptember 12-14. ban been ctlled off oo ai-'-ount of dry weather. FIRST-CLASS CARNIVAL A new fine art« bul|.11.ig f.ir the .Martin Coun¬ ty Fair, ralrmont. .Minn., la nearint completion. To the above we will give best terms ever offered to any one. IF YOU CAN TELL IT The fair will be held thi. year September 25. 2e and 27. with a night fair the lart two erenlng*. Wire A. W. GRUNZ, Secretary. Breese, III. FROM A GENUINE DIA- Henry Lowenberg has been el»>. ted president of the Molese Valley Fair Ass<.H'iation. M' leae, MONO SEND IT BACK. Mont., to .uci'eeil il. M. Kroll. resigned. The 191b fair will be held September IR. To proTO to you that our blue>whito MEXICAN DIAICONO cloMly rooembleo tho flneot coBoiM .\t a meeting of the director, of the Facambia South African Diamond, with samo DAZZLING County Fair A»MH-iatlon. Brewton. -Ala., it RAINBOW-HUED BRILUANCY (Guaran- was decided to omit the fair this fall and Inrest t«ed). wo will send the above Geota Heavy all aralUble capital in M'ar Sarlngi. Rtampe. At tlie (fUernsej and Noble County Fair. Cam¬ Peoria,Illinois,District Fair Tooth Belcher Riny with one carat cem (Cata* loyne price U.26) for Half-Price to intredace, bridge. II.. September 25-27. soldiers of th« SS.tO; or same thins but ladies Tiffany Rins Caited States sad allied aatinnr will he sd- Septenber 20th to 2Sth, Inclusive (Catalosv- price$4.96) for IR.fiO. Moustinsaare mitted free. nur flneet 12 kt. rnid filled quality. Mexican A tractor demnnrtratioD will be the feature Diamonds are GUARANTEED FOR 20 YEARS. of the Santa Rnea. Cal.. Fair October 10-U. DAY AND NIGHT Tile management annouacea that ererythlag SEND NO MONEY will be In line with the conserrstlnn policy m A# ja kinds of legitimate eeneessiensand ehewt. Simply clip out this edverttoement and we will of the gorernment. elwJARI I merry*go-round, whip, Ferris wheel. •kip by mail C. O. D. If not entirely pleased There Is l•l■l«|lle^able comiber 5. ATTENDANCE LAST YEAR OVER 100,000 Offer limited. Only one to customer. Cetalofrue * ladicallng an In.-resred Interest among manu¬ FREE. AGENTS WANTED. facturers of the stale. Bij msney is awiHiiit you. Cems and tat sama. The M.-oiiet County Fair. St. Pet*r. Minn.. MEXICAN DIAMOND IMPORTING CO. Is listing price, hearlly on pre«erred food- Dept. NY2 Lm Cnicea. N. Max. sfuffs. baking ami prepared dBhes Red f'roan GEO. H. EMORY, SMrfl8ry Atsocttlion of Commerce, Peorit, lllmeii. ICKlMftDe coturoUrrs CaneOw Mmxicm work will also hare a promimnt pU'W. The date* for ilil» year's fair are Sepicnilier IH. IT and 1b. HONEY BITS MACHINE New lirleank. f-r ilie Sr-t time In history, will AMAZING WINNER AT THE FAIRS. renil an sgri.’Ulliiral e.hiblt in the Ixwjisiana Stale F’nlr Ibis fall. .Mayor Behrinan a.cepted the ^ No wheel or tiif er Th# new Wanted Grant County Fair the Inriiallon of Se.-relary W II. Hirecb to t’J 2 for 5c eatirtnfl:r flsTt»rcd L| meel deloty ..end an erhibll. and will haie i|iilte an elsb- LANCASTER, WISCONSIN ' ' —I'A Afu deil.v 'Sirs nraie ilwplay of farm pro.|iict«. freah. canned J Rclleble repcitcr on the • ad pn'rervirl. rf^ed. 81 fetrw nr worhint Se. relary Charle‘ lliwliene.lel, of the Sandusky Shows, Hides, ('oncessions and Band. Free space to soine goo«l Shows, " Milt anywhere Hifh-rlawa Cniiiify F’air, Fremont, iihlo. i. busy preparing ^ New fhu «eaM$n t'affhae Merry-Cio-Round and all Riding Devices. I AWfll aw well a« ihc the gn.iintls. track aa.l buildings f»r the h|s I fr»»wr ..f new attractiniis are promised this SEPTEMBER 10. II, 12. 13, 1918. I'fMiirlete with year, and entries In the rarinua classi.s are et- p^ ret'etptw. Inr|iled. Sei-retary l.eoii Cun BARTOW COUNTY FAIR 111 No. Fifteenth St., St. Louis, Mo. nigham My» He also preilicfs the Ia:gest e. bibifs of farm products and lire sto.-k erer seen nil* of Ui. ban! Cmmty Fain ui the Snta of i^aorgia. waata Indapeedert Shows, 'lean i>noaki«nii8 .nd Frr* II V.u Ar* Le.lilnt far C.acn»l..t O.ii'l P.m Uf th. Attractions. Nn .tmng joinik go at thia fair All Onrewlona opao. but you —lU hate to hurry. Horl>«r' In the cminty. rinril. mrita. Hereral lndri>endent dates to follow this fair. FRANKLIN COUNTY FAIR linppy iKw- lloilaad. the mnn who sines with T. W. TINSLCV. Sscfstary. CarisftvRIa. C«ar,la. AT GREENFIELD. MASS.. SEPT. 25 AND 2(. 191*. the Iwnd. Is to be featured agsin this year Nltht Show. Sael.nlMr 24 a.4 25. at the Tulsa, Ok.. Fair. Septeuilwr 1« J'V OCTOBER 14 TO 19, 1918 This In ilir lire mrr F.ir ol Wrulrni .tl4«-..ili |.<.||a Thia in his fourth year at the fair there. t l>.iii|.|i|> iti.Kl rrimd. m..Iv Io .|h.iiI mniiry. The The tJreat Zeno, the one-legge . BEN I. hAPPORT. Sacralary. niMil <4 a Mil.II part «f llir rrtilal. nobleman would be popniar at an .Ameriean fair this rear, but at the Todd County f'alr, mn CAI r slot machines of all I-ong Prairie. Minn Count FUtx Osten Sackeii kinds for sale cheap. will be the prlnci|iai siieakrr at a patriotb- Ad.lrw. SK'KINf: 5iro. CO . H3J Frwman Ar». ‘Inrliinwi. IHiln demoastratlon. The count has been tetiva la Anniversary Three County Fair spreading anti tierman propaganda durioB the MENTION US. PLEASE—THE BILLBOARD. past year. NORTHAMPTON, MASS., Oct. 1, 2, 3,1918 WANTED H BIG TIOGA COUNTY FAIR AT OWEGO, N. Y., September the 10th to 13th FIRST-CLASS SHOW, A FEW LEGITIMATE CONCESSIOHS ITHACA TO FOLLOW. Address all mail to STEVE LA GROU, Owego, N. Y. 28 T e Billboard SEPTEMBER 7, 1918 VALS

take place. Mieecss of this affair is assuied. a- McClellan shows already over jK.iaa' tiekets have Ik-cii si-ld. fliere hi ing over lu.taai .Vbs>se families lu .Mb-gbeny JOHNNY J. JONES’ EXPOSITION C-iuul.v alone. Oo Well at Kansas Fair The Cleveland Kirmess will he held from De. . l-'ber 4 to -JO In the $300.1100 M-kwc 'I'l-niide. i The .tliClcIbin Sliovv- playi--sl business. The Id-in-t. Ibiuuld .Mv-Gn-gor. owner, wltii Its gorgtsuis ar¬ Indiana State Fair Grounds Dur¬ ray of electric light-. IhuIi insiilc uud out. Is a TRAVER EXPOSITION SHOWS real Hash, and clcau-d U|>. lu the latter at- liaction arc Johnny King. Iiuiuuu fish and fin- ing Current Week Evcryhoily with the Traver ExiKM-ition Shows cater; 'I'licinia. the electric lady and llindisi IS happy, euutended and enjoying govsl heallli. ls.\ worker: Margnrcit. tin- S|dilcr Girl, an-l We have had a very giKHi Miasou and have I'liaraoli's daiiglitcr. I'liarlic Sict'ay. snakes; idayed muiic of the bi-st s|K>tn In the State of John Kallicrlah, the Miishnsun Man. and miuia- 111., Aug. ‘.’S.—We left Wiunitieg. Indianaimlls, next week. Mr. Jones will place Decatur, New Vork. The eompun.v boasta of one of tin- lure siitiiiiariiic. I lx- Happy Faiiiily, George Manitoba, eoy; Mr. Traver. tip- J. 1'. McClellan's E't ferris wbc«-l and HcrscbcU three days, and we were held un t»o hours at expeeteinto the I'nited of wbii'h arc exclusive and can not Ik- seen with and until J o’l-bs'k iii the iii-iruiug. Following Stales. On again rea<-hiiig I'ur native land at any other outiluor attruetidh. Ed it.. Jr., will iotie sliow; .Mike Buck, doll rack man; I'rinee 1 harles. “man monkey;” Bob Wert, "kill tlie Is a lineup of ilic c•■nccssluns: George 1. Iliiiersou John Fueei \ lelor had his baud play Ik- on lo see me this week. "Hooray.”—ED. R. Scoit. wlili three cs-n'c-sloiis: Mr. Iluuipbrcy. the national autheui. everylssly stoisl at atteu SALTER. kalser;” Billy Carroll of the and IM Hudson of tbe string game stand. This team with two is>ucc—ion-. Martha McClcIlau. with lion, old glory was waved lo the bri-e/.e uloiig- leu pin-, and Drval issige. with clcctrb-al long side of tbe Allies' isdors. t'id. I’hil ICllsworih bas lieen highly >ueeessfut this season.—J.VCK O’NEIL. range galti-ry. Ttic l■•■nccsslons were also busy gave a four-minute patiidie s|ieeeh and three TWO BIG CELEBRATIONS until the wee siiia' hours of the mornlug.—JUE eheers and a tiger were given when Johnny IHAU .1. Jones called for a repetition of the "ytdl " lor New York. \ug. 3it.—B. I. Mcliuirc Company, our Cauadian friends. wlibh rt-i-<'iitly completed the very (On-<-essful SHOW CHANGES ROUTE Our oiteniug date at Iteeatur was to Ik- I ri- Tittshuig .^l•s•se War Bazaar, and whose en- SOUTHERN EXPOSITION SHOWS day. but as all was ready for Ihurxlay we • loMvors lid' yei-r have iii< liided itidtair doing' in It bag been announced that owing to the i-peued on the latter ilay. With onl.v a banil I’lilbiilelphia. Tittsburg and Ctevelaiid. has drought in some sections of the West the WlD' lic«tcr. Tciiii . Aug. JP .Azure »kb- . concert and locals lu the daily i>ai>crs we had made anaugeiuents to liaeuiug two monster iuduor doings, oih- at .NfcKeesiKirt and will play territory close to tit. Loui> i- the midway were tlie conditiuus that the night. Three carnivals have pree-cded us here, and till- other iu Clevel.-iud. i>. tbr balauii- of the seas.-u Soutlicrn I'.iiHisitinn blcws nns.iinlered at tin- but the good name of Johnny J. Jones appeared The McKeesport Kinues.s will Ik- held from Frauklin Coiinly Fair licid this week at Win¬ to be known In spite of the fact that it was SeptemlH-r JO to 30 to iKslieate the m w- $73.01*' IsKik thru the Ia»tter I.lsl—there may be a chester. Tenii. It will Ik- .iiiothcr splendid hie initial appearance in this sei'lion. It rained Moose Temple, in which hiiilding the event will letter advertised for you. su(-v-css fur this organization, as every show baa no hard Friday night that none of the atlrae- pl.svcd to ca|ia-'ity many time- -ach day, Tb* tions opened, but on Saturday we pl.ayed to coneceslonniri-s tire also accnniiilatlng a healthy freuiendous husiness. John (iillespie. iiiau.iger I 1! ■ I'lo.vd Rltenbon-e li.i- left for a Tlslt of the Bug House, who went home for a visit, to his home In Columbii-. it The managemeut has leliirned. Mrs. Captain Ciirley Wilson, lias many difUcult thing- to i-onteud with oo who went to Cleveland while we were iu Can¬ ai'cuunt vf Hie -arcity of workingojeo. hut sn ada. has returned and brought John Kraneis | far wi- have ha>I all atira-tioip, reater weighs o|K uiiig night. AVc are •’.Alubaiiis hound” next 34 i«>undB. Mrs. .Herbert Ij»B<-II spent a few daya week. Hunisvilb’, .Ala,. 1- Hie spot. .After (and dollars) In Chicago. 1‘apa Ibniievsy. -oir I few weeks ill (liat St.llc Hie shows wll! go bagpiper. Is a happy man. a« Ids wife and into Georgia. Geiicnil .Agent I ranks has the ebarming daughter are now wiili li.in. !*-rey '••tillicrp l.\|si-itlon well lined up in proven Morency, bis pretty wife and her sister are territory until tin- uibblle of November,— again in our midst. Master 1‘erey has taken H AYi;.'<. over the Midget Theater. Jo Oiipiee has reor ganized bis Dixieland Minstrels, adding ten tal¬ MAUS GREATER SHOWS ented colored performers and musicians. Mrs. trrabam Scott, after a visit to her husband in a I or the week of Scpicmlter J. including tb* Virginia cantonment. leturnerl at Decatur. follnwiiig i-uiiday. tin- .'Ian Greater Shows Meyer Myers anu the Siamese Twins, who re will exhibit at New ibi-ton (suburb of Portk- mained in Winnipeg, visiting relatives, arrived mouth). Dlibi. iiiiilcr the auspbea of tlte Ceu- here Monday. "farson" Jo Durnlug brought tral lailior Coiiiniittis-. rc|ireeenHng '.hi tmal four new people from Chicago to strengthen his lals r iiiiioiis. rile Mau Midway will In- greatly London Ghost Show. Dakota Max als-i has five aiiguiciiled for this date aud others following. new people for his Wild West exhibition. Also I lie bM-allon Is an Ideal one, IH-Ing situated at William Henry Davis has made some new addl Mill llriHik Park and lu cIom- proximity to many tions to his House of Wonders. K. G. Barkoot factories where -a-veral thoivsanil |Ks>ple are em- spent Friday with Johnny J. J<'nes and Mr. ployiKl. Ill preparjtioii for this event, which Jones returned the visit on Sunday morning hy w.is I'oiitriic tell for III till- "eleventli latur” by motoring over to Blrsimington and spent two General .Agent Straley. tin- Shows n-malned over hours with his old manager, "Buck” Turner. a few iliiys till- pa-i week at Reading, Hliio, to The writer accompanied Mr. .Tones and had a gisMi liiisliie— des|dtp liieleuient weather.— pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. Will Run JAMES. McCurdy. Besides “Theo” and Will Run I met Frankie Hamilton and Jay Warner, who were with me when I toured ttie country with CLARK’S GREATER SHOWS a “Gypsy Camp.” At the Indiana State Fair, ■| he Clark Greater Slniws juiu|ied from .Mag¬ dalena, N. A|.. to S.—Itur first fair date this season (the I.aporte County Fair) has come liertas TniU|M- has elox-d and .it .San Mais-hial up to all expectations, and tbe attractions are two more hoys were called to the colors. They were Tony Reymdds, bass drummer and train¬ doing a nice day and night business. Large UUN lERSCHEll Ct. INC. master. and I’ele Jordon, of tbe athletic show. crowds have be»n -in attendance both day and night, special days bringing hordes of outside I'ele says he is going to handle the Huns rough, as there will be no "holds” barrisl. S. Briseno, visitors. The fair grounds are nicely situated a short distance from tbe bean of the city, eiarliietlst. has joined the AA’issly Family Band. within walking distance. Business i-ontiuued .Mi-ute Monroe, manager of the eiHikhoiise. Iia good thruout the entire week at Dayton, and piiis'liaaoil an auto. Edna Ck. owner "f the all shows and ronee«sions had a lug vveel. to In-I, has added anotlier attraction to th-- 'Manager Con T. Kennedy and wife were royall.' HMEU llneu|> 111 the form of "Gv|>»y Camp." (Jin-en Afalawlia is doing Hie reading Mrs. Clark ha. entertained during the week liy Tom Melni.vp- I amous for their betutlful deslfn and the man.v mod- and wife. Fred Kette and wife and A! F'reen' v irn Improreininis of merit. Patent horse hinger added more girls lo In-r ealiarel. The slniws play a few iinire sisiis In .New- Mi-xbsi, then Into and wife. The entire party were at the ringsid- iKioks. patent teletnipe under horses, ileer plitform*. Viir.oo.i I lie iieji M-gislralion will gel -sini» of the Jack Dempsey-.laek Kellar fight on Sat lunged centirpole rounier«hifl i-lutrh. briKe. pul- .re -ir till- li-i.i- wiili till- slniws. Manager urday night as the guests of .Manager Kennedy Iw snd genrs lons'enHy i.-*einbled. roller lieirlngs. Clark 1- lerl.ilni.v tioing III- Idl for the Iniv- and wife. Visitors this week included E. T. wired for eleilrle light, withmit loowe bolts, nulekly • vsetnblerl. tnfkts it THB PftRTAKI.K ms'htne of "over ilieie." VVhili- we wi-re at Magdalena he Neuman of the V. S. Tent and -Awning Company. -odty. It’s a reel altraetlon Don't i,ferlook 11. gave .»4II to tile Red I'ros- ibinatlon In .•iddllion Jason P. Davis, formerly press agent with tln- Write for pirtlrulsni to .eviriil Individual gitls. He lias also |iur- K. G. Barkoot and C. W. Parker Shows; Mike eliasi-d ail aiiMiiiil of IJIurly Ib-nds that riin- Ztnney of the Patterson Show and other well iiilo the llioiisaiids. Every iiieinlier of the shows known showmen. AlUN HERSCHELl CO., Inc. joii|i-d the Risl I'rl.iugh- while In Magilalena.— Look this list of oldtlme talkers over, which RltltERT \V(M»|lV. accounts for the success of the various atlrae- NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y., U. S. A. tions with tbe sb-iw this season: .Andy Nolan, horse show; Harry I.ewis. animal show; D"<' LION ESCAPES KEEPERS Berry. Garden of .Allah; Doe Turner, pit show: Captain Ta.vlor. I'nderground Chinatown; Billy UfAMTrn Independent Shows, Attractions Warren. Liberty Show; Rodney (’rail, pit show; Kn..iville. Teiiii . Aug it!.-Dlirlug Ih* *0 Bill Jones, autodrome: George Hart, submarine IIHIiIlU and Concessions of All Kinds g.igeuient of the Broadway .'sh-iWb here a f** and midgets: Sam Faust, Alma; Harry Gil¬ week- ago a large Kou iM-lotigiug I'J tJlSl •• raetJou. vvbleli had lii-l arrlvi'd from New York man. Coney Island side-show. FOR BIG CARNIVAL ON THE STREETS AT ♦ snd was lielug (rau-terred (o Its cage, e.--sped The show will leave here Friday night In from its kee|K-r- ami e-ivered several bl's-ks o* order to open in Peoria. Ill.. Labor Day morn nie -if the |iroiiii’ieiit streets before being re ing. All of the attractions will be located on ■ DOVER, Os, Week of Oct. 7 to 12 laidured. A great deal of exelteuient prevailed, the levee and another good week Is expected. during the Tutrartwts County Agricultiirsl Fsir. which is only s day fsir. «nd the Fslr Ground Is a tew but no damage, and the lieasl seemed rather General Agent Fteve Wisids is in Texas and blocks from the center of town .’'i.noo people «t the hig dsy of the ftir. who will all be on the alreels at ■ ,sniiised at lieing Ih' cause of the «-»imnn>Uoll. has the show booked up until Christmas week. night. Merry-Go-Itound. Ferrli Mbecl, Whip. Plant, hhow. Athletic Hhow. Ten-ln-(hie. Dog and Pony or Steve has steptied some this season and the Animal Circus, Pit Sh o a r d 29 PADDLE WHEELS 60, 90 or 120 Numbers.$ 8.50 180 Numbers . 11.00 P.yn Wheel artd Pans. 10.00 Hit the Kaiser in the Eye.50.00 StuKed Cats (set of 4). 5.00 Spot-the-Spot. complete . 5.00 Rolling Log Game. 6.00 L I # \Vp abso carry in attick Cat Uacks. i PI I mil liacka. Ilipli Striker, Country |j Stores. Roll iHiwn Came. Spindles. I Uaee Tracks. Cukps. Uevil’s ILowlins * Alley. A full line tif Nuvellles. Send for CataloKue. Mept. C. SLACK MFC. CO. 128 W. Lake St.. CHICAGO, ILL. Ts; Xt

ROGERS SILVERWARE N*. 28-B. B. Wm. 2k-PlK« Sllvw /CVii Sit. Kiur> flural t'nitilni ( tiisrooni. A lirti ipooai. H fork*. 8 mwllura kiilin. (•uttir knife and sutar shell. All artirlaa es- iipt knlTia are nf mild nirkel illrer. fliiely Lfen- r»w»in an ciact r€prfKluctl'*ii of an orifinal room found In the old riidergrrund Chinatown at Frisco before this was destrojed by Are All beads fliilihed and atamped ''Rr>ters Nirkel Hilser ” hand* and fett made of apetlally reinforced wax; all flfures fully jointed at shoulder, elbow, wrist, crotch, knee and ankle. Costumes made specially under Cuaranleed to be mild nirkel alleer tbniufh- ^ hine^e tailors, tienulne pipes, hup Males. h«»p lamps. >en she fows, >cn h '*’k8, etc., used throughout. Conceded the BEST bv P.4RKER*S GREATEST ou( of fliieat quality. There I>rlti2 nn ylata SHOWS. C. E. BARFIELD’S METROroLITAN SHOWS, SI’HMIT BEACH PARK. Akron. C.: LCNA PARK. Detroit, Mich-: In Hear nff, they «lll five satUfaetary airvlci ^ ^ STATES SHOWS. W. H. CA.MPBELL’S I’MTED SHOWS, KRACSE GREATER SHOW’S. ALLIED EXPOSITION SHOWS, TOM fnr many years. Ktilres are plain rrurlble a SHOWS, and numerous oilier tr^fdinc urgauUatiuns and parka. I'NDFJIGBOLND CUl.NATOWN wlU be a FEATVRB PARK ATTRACTION In Steel, hand forged and heary all>erplated. 1:H9. Lreiy FAIR wants one this aeaauu. W’rite quick to Kach set In bos. as shown In lllustralbm Minufanurer'a fuarantee accnmpa- *0 7C niaa each aat Per set. #fc.fO for a full Una of Use Sales Board and s- bena Artirlaa. see our raialngue. Illtu- C. W. PARKER, World’s Largest Amusement Builder, Leavenworth, Kansas iralliig Wairhee. f'lorks. Jewelry. Slleerware. flas-m end Premium e.T bl. wife, who i. ea|iable of handling the work in the abienoe uf her Long Lived Batteries. hiiaband. for the iiulaace of the .ea.>slip.n he has filled Rig stock, pri-m; t .hipmrnts. The largest, flashiest, moat pop¬ to the sati.faetioD of the uiansgement. He ba. ular ALL-C0MR08ITI0N STATUETTE DOLL on tim mar¬ I>een a bii.tb r and untiring n-orker and bis ket. SWEETIE DOLLS—Always popular Larga Stock OH idaee in the ailvanee of these -bow. will be Hand at All Times ef tha Soaasa'a Prevan WInntrs. held for him iiihiq bi. return. Fridie Johnstone, Complete Stock of t'addle Wheels. Pereentage Wheels. Roll Pewna, Rowling Alleys. Race Tracks and all live Cnnreaston- .\I Collin.. .\1 .\nderson, I.iike Meail, Pannie atree' Supplies. BVANA' I'.AINTA" SWEETS. a.ssorted flarora. O'Keefe. I'aiil Pwyer and John l>ow are the Soft center Cho.-.dates In flaahy boaea Write for prlcee. other Ferarl tsiys that are at the fr>int doing their bit for the .titles, and If this bunch of boys should m r meet over there all at one time what a gatberiog of the Clans there would be. H. C. EVANS & CO. 1528 W. ADAMS STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. WORTHAM & RICE SHOWS bend for cur nrw FAIR UST. Just off the preen. It's free

Coiineil Pbiffs. Is.. Aiig. L1».—.MIoiit city. Is.. p,», week, turn*.! ont to Im- one ..f the ln*t .,-.t. pln.red by the Wortham A HI-e Slvors thi- n-..n. Cl■lnl. ,1 Rbiffs this we,‘L <\|tl no doubt Inm out to be the htgge.l .nie .Te, ppiye.l. n. fhe Osr “KUTIE-KIDS.” “SPORTY KIDS’ receipts of the t1r.| three i,:iy. wi re out g.l.i.io and COMPOSITION DOLLS We are pla.vinc under the .sii.pi.es ..f the t|ill NEW LINE OF ere going higgrr t an ever. H'H)K CP WITH A LlVE_/\ t 'IZ tsry CarnlT.il Fund to raise money for the boys AVIRE HOCSE THAT KNOWS YOCR WANTS AM»i \ C" at thr fnmf. tMIX Take care ok them Right price*, right S. o- We are b.-nled In tbs heart of the eltr In the kind of menhandlw and right service. Our Toy line V elty t'srk. and all show, line*! around the «,reefs fanagsr leaas. La., and VIXMAN A PEARLMAN. Plttaburfh. stanb'.r en m.aintaln’ng the .how in .neh ey JUST COMPLETED '■ellent shai>e. rialn Due" \lnrri. maile a \ ( '/ We do not Issue catalogs Complete sample a.w'r'- three day vt.lt an,! left We.lne.dav night to re- 1 ' / mfitt .hipped iirrpaid on reielpt of $10. If you tkm't to'n the c, \ tt'orlham .xhow. at l>e. rfolnes \ I Hnd loir Him tlw l>ed on the market for the itaoney Why Not Use the Newest and the Best ? la One .ervb e flag now has .">1 star-, two more f ' wml the sample- hack at twir rapense end money wUI " l>e cheerfully refunded ef oil. hoys lolning the .-olors. Seerefarv C WRITE FX)U .SA.MI*L1<>5 TO Snapp's original bb-a of lighting fhe wafer rlr FRANK J. SCHNECK CO. i-ns front was put Into efferf here this week TIMES BLDG.. BROADWAY AND 42D ST., and fhe re.nlt Is that the water show front Is The Donaldson Litho. Co. now one of the prettle.f on the show. I In.-oln, iie\t Week, f.w *he Vebraaka State NEWPORT, KENTUCKY Fair. Is Inokeil forwar*! to by all. and a wonder fill week's biisine.. Is eaiierfed. F. F. (HFP> ALUMINUM I.AWI KY. WHIPS, BALLOONS SUSPENDERS ROBINSON IN FRISCO TIPPECANOE IS READY FOR YOD ALL-METAL "OUT-O-SITE:” Sap Franelseo, .4ug .10 —tleorge Robinson 1918 catalogue ready for the asking. .\11 the be.«t goods of their class. CmI Rillaf Fr«m PrtMura. genera! agent of the (Jreat Wortham Shows, ar- THE TIPP NOVELTY CO.. TIPPECANOE CITY, OHIO Wttr.'am-Loaie rived here .August 'J5 after a long session with One at .trh aide keera the directors of the California IJherfy Fair, to pant, up and rhtrt down, he held at lys .Angeles October 1'J '.fl, during shirt M-am holda the whli'h he was snefesvfui |n securing the con¬ wiifht Price, fl.OO. MACY SAID HARLAN, KY., tract tor the exi’liislre rides, shows and concr. and following towns are real spots for Cabaret. We guarantee and pay bonus to Can't laar Silk ihlrt. .send .Ions for the event. On account of thr length fnr detail drawlntt and refined Dancers. Out all winter, of course. Harlan, Ky., this week; then Benham, maaa of tiatlmnnlala of the Ics Angeles enterprise (fifteen days) the tJreat Wortham .thow. will onl.T play onr other I'aienta Itauad and (lendlaf. LEONARD WOODS. Lynch, Bristow and other money spots in coal fields. date on their way thru California, Instead of JIB Heai-Culberttea Bldf., 8t. Laula, Me. four aa orlg'nally planned. GOV. J. A. M.kCY, Manager Manhattan Girls. SEPTEMBER 7, 1918 The Optimist for July and August ta an extra heavy number of 21 psgre, full of worth whila facta for Ride ami bliun- men. 5Ve hare dia-lded to conihine two months' Issuts Into one. niakliii that an eitra lieary one. TTiia dr- ^ CINCINNATI cislon was made on ei*rount of two of our ufllcr roeii joining the i-olors. wliich makes more work for thovn If the interior of some attractions rould he as remaining and ma mougli time In prrtiare copy for effectually canioutlaged as the fronts have lie'n ail every niontli edilliai. No. the Dl’TIMIHT will not "Shocolates the result might be bearable, hut It can't lie lie diseniitliiurd. Dur liitrnlioii la to kerp tlie llllle wrlt< did—any simp can recogaize a plate of lini-' magazine allre all during Ihrse stretiunus times *111'' penr burger, even If garnished with P>se leaves. rradrr.a like In rrerire It and many lioys In the rallltarv service use It In kerp In tnui h witli former friends. If Owing to Government re* bf I you know of a former BIU Kl.t \VHKLI< U|irralor nr wrHi Marc A. Slice. late of the Bruuilage Show>. any Uiding Device Man now In military aervue girr strietions we are unable to in* hr h us hia name and address. We will lie glad to plaiy w*nl is adding hi* efforts in liehalf of the Ureal Ills name on ihe tilTIMIST mailing Hat free. Satnpli create our list of Distributors. woril Cause .ind la now serving the eolnra. His ail- .s.i.y sent tree to any one Uilerested in the Ride oi dress is C'o. U, lik'd Inf., Camp Freni<>ul, Ca:. slsnv husineea. Addreba ELI BRIDGE COMPANY l*KNS.\t*OI,A NOTKS Onk 3. R00DH0U8E. ILL.. U. S. .6. he Puritan Chocolate Co., Cincinnati, 0 K. le Cummings, of Big Four Amiiseiiirnt Company fame, is still running the K.lnioni Theater ami h*s rencsleled the Imuse until now PJtTMOfK NOVaTY PICTURES It is one of the lie*t ciulpiied in the cUy. The "Wampus" says: "Twenly-six years on tbe road and Ibis is tbe first layoff.*’ Colonel Strond says that Pensacola Is g..od enough for him tbe balanee of the season, but the same story is often told by old troupers. Ksse Welteh and wife are oiieratJng the Weltch House, one of the neatest caravansaries in this section. Several summer parks, but no aniiisenicnia at any of them; six picture houses, and every¬ one of them playing to cu|«iii-ity business. Tony .Meorn is serving the colors at the Navy Yard, hut says iiack to the road for him after the Hud has lieen attended to.

■•D.h-’* Hail is reijucstcd to send in Hie lig- WATCH FOR THE 1918 i*rt. SbMtwritan aiitf A|(Rt*. iire* isivering the distance between the railr.ijil They ere elMhliit at with thtai. ZOO te S00'> PreSt. station and tbe lot in Carencro, La., if his add¬ Mail 15o for eamplr of this hlalily illustratrd Pioture- ing machine has withstissi the strain. Perfiaratr. with oral spair in crnltr for plrture of sol¬ dier. eeilor, tu-. Flaca of all nations in tbrir eiact col- H-S CAROUSSELLE ' ora. 8ize of picture. I laZO iiuiirs. Wholesale price, 100 far 07.50. 250 far $17.50. 500 fer $35.00. ReUils for TROUPERS WITH UNCLE SAM’S TROOPS The most complete and improved ixjrta- 35c. One-third cash d«|K>eit with ordrr. Mailing Tubes. ble marhine built. New, dazzling decora¬ 11.00 per too. Flag of Freedom. Orer the Top With t ndr Ham. t'olored Man No rdai'krr. and Zi other pood tions. New liilwir saving devices. New «nee at $5.00 per 100. $12.00 for 250. $22.50 for 500. catalog explains it. Write today. $40.00 for 1,000. Free with erery $10.00 older, a leath¬ erette Sample Caac for carry ing puaxiM'S. FIfteea Aa- eertad Samples Mailed far $l.0S. HERSCHELL-SPILLMAN COMPANY PATRIOTIC CERTIFICATE CO.. 196 SwMney StrMt, 160 N. Wellt Straat. Chleapa. IMIaalt. NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y.


the I'truirtI and Concc«alon i r a d e.-l*eifiime it. bottles, all aiwa and haiies. sai-het for aive-as k S«M tor IlhiotratM Catotof. iff’ruw*'.. V SUPERIOR Tha latest Ineention and most attractlee aniuse- *uivor»H« ^PERFUME CO. mrat tiding dralce for Parks. Ftira and rarolrala roriahle or siallimary. ct.rraird by either gasoline ne S'^IN a. WSh n.. Wan. la elaclrtc iiiotir WrI'e imlay aiol Ir' us tell you all atwut It SMITH & SMITH. Spriaivllla. Erta Ca.. N. Y.

All of these former troupers are now memlH-rs of the Rth Band. ♦' A. C. stationed at Ft Barraii.-aa. Tlie\ arp MtndiTic left to right; Fred I’erfei't. formerly Y>f Lcwia* Hawaiian^; Frank Manhea^ ^Mters^:. SIh'w,; nfruh. Dickey * Tirrys < • T. »■ To.; SI.nley Phillips I'olly td the Sit; ting Mike Dan.lmw. Cainpleirs Inltcsl sliows; \ic Hatcher. Krjl s Buid; .M. U Prlee. t. A. Phllllpa SNAKE SHOWS l>ramaUc t'o.; Del DuMont, and Fre Dm MMt op. . Van Hus* (better known to show- W. A. SNAKE KING. folk as •■I'ickles"), whose addresa la Co. S6, si'cnt the fore part of tbe season on the Polack Post OMet AMimo, Brownatrlll*. Tsxno. 2k*d Bn.. Iil.5|h D. B.. Camp Travis. Tex., Bros.* M Big Sliows and closed with that at¬ Teleoraohle AOOroso. SanktvMln. Tmo. traction to accejit a [sisition on Tbe Wi'-hita wants to liear from hia friends on Ibe Ureat (Kan.) Kagle, gave up the latter a few wei'ks I'atterson and Cole Bros.* Shows. ago" and secured a iMisItion on the Police Kiin of The Kansas City Star, which is considered Desldle Hie arllele in tills eolnniii a few week* one of the moat iini'ortant on the paper. If ag.i relative t.i Harry lawis ami Dave lairh- Clark proves aa g'WHl a mixer in hia new in*cu- iiian. of Hie Keiinisly Shows, liiiiiiming nialrhet, Earn 527.52 A Day Easily] (lation aa he did in the show liiisini-ss lie eer Htey are sHII doing it. Fn.loiililiolly some talnly will not experienee a great deal of dlf iitlier eoiirse is necessary to break Hiem of Ihia ficult'y In getting inforiiialion for his iioies. lialiir. ■ !•» -41 iPoMH "Tfi Since the age In tho new draft law wae inaclo Bill Moseley still sticks with the big show '’"if Rickman public Baba Ihdgarian adinita that tie is ..vcr each year. There must lie a reason. • > ‘Hi TXt hO» MMCIXS 60. Previous to this time he hae always claimed to be chicken. 9NOOTi^ gAuJtT Maas^art __ IToyd King and "Bill** Kiwidy, now **(’aptaln** Itoddy. If you please, have not Hied detailed 3($l0 PD« CATAlDCUe A. L. Koeeman, well known In earnlval eirrle«. statements as to wh.v they Nith took water 'he nirlrflWWiiHliifilTWrTWrtBlIli, write* from the (Ireat l-akea Training Station, last time they met at the Uay Teague Hotel In near Chleago. that he has heen In the aervice ■Montgomery. .\la., as Paul Stpvpnson*s gneata. about two month* and 1* delighteil with arm.r FOR SALE-TANQLEY AIR CALLIOPE life. During hi* detention period Rosaman waa If mure Bedouina would nurse nickr-ls aa With tlaM)lln« Rngine and Blow r. used part <.f cne appointed Barraeka Chief, tie has decided to carefully and hmg as they niir*e grudges they aesaiin. guarantees! In tlr.d-class londitloii ll.irrain PORTING GOODS try for the signal i-ori>a and la now taking a would have an easier time in the winter and fir iiulck sale. THK HANDI.I.Y NOVtI.TV <<> Ashlsnil. Kentucky. conrae to unalify for that aervice. Me wiahea —iii'ire War Stamps. to hear from frienda. who ma.v addresa him rare of Signal tk-hool. Main Station, Ureal Dr. J. M. Kellogg »ayh: “The hrewer and Ibe **MONEY MAKERS** I>ake*. 111. CLUB ROOM FURNITURE distiller are coiisidrators against the (lublle wel¬ Ball names: other hargalns. Keisonehle prli-M. Write fare. Their husiness converts fisKl Into isiiain.’* IB»WAKt> I.INDSFni’. Sacendige. New Tork. Magical Goods - Stage Money Two more Beda. have forsaken the pnifea- *lon to accept new oeeupation* in the way of When a Bedouin losea hia job he oftentimes rWR •Mkb hrindle Send for Free Catalog Today. ehaalng rattler*—no. not anake*. but hog car*. feels *‘put out.** The duo coDaiat* of Jimmy Mraire. high diver, hull. Price. $.50. A. M. WILSON, 1176 E. ITMh St.. Bmni, New York City. PRIVIIEGE CAR SUPPLIES and Billy Murray, alao well known around iNf ferent caravana aa an announcer. Facta are Hoover says: "Brewers now use 4..500.000 TRICK CARDS MAGIC DICE that the laiys reporte., for duty a* brakemen ca the I'ennaylvanla five million loaves of bread a day. P Petromllll end C. Platineel. liailmad. I'roprietore. The trouble I* that »ome smutty stories are HIGH-GRADE ACCORDIONS Irresialilily funny. Did you ever hear Clarence nold Medal. P.-P I B HUNT ft CO. Paul Stpv-n-ou. who waa iireaa agent for the 277-279 Celumbue Avenue. Wortham tell how he and Bill Klee checked ii|i Wortham A Hiee Showa thia aotnmer and later Sea FraaelKa. Deirt. G, 1M N. W«Hs SL, Cbicago, lU. the latter*H exiiCDse account In settling up general agent of the I,Hwrl.T I’nited Show*, la rwiw i-lty Cilitor of The Joplin (Mo.> <;iol>e. last fall? Paul aaya he did not "weaken.” tint flopiieil “We are Oghtlng three enemies—Uermany, while the going waa good. These preaa agent Austria and drink -hut the greatest of these la feller* are sure to lie found somewhere near I drink."—IJoyd Ueorge. HOROSCOPES a press during pressing times. Tainted Fortunee. Future Pbotoa. Pahrnlat and Fortuna Telling Gam« laCt a waiter to a restaurant give Bill Jones. Andy Nolan, talker on Hie horse slmw with Bought Hold. Fxchaiiged and Sc for Catalog and Samples. of the Kennedy .Show*, two egg* for breakfast the Kennedy Show*. I* nndonhtedly one of the fUp^alrad. J. LEDOUX. when be order* three and It will invariably hardest workers that ever stepped on a bally, JOHN Munio a SON. IW-Hambart Avt., Bra^lya. N. Y. spoil b1* whole day. and df hia attraction is not alwayn in tbe 0R6ANS 171 Park Raw. * Naw Vprk. SEPTEMBER 7, 1918 GO —WHILE THE GOING IS GOOD BE YOUR OWN BOSS Tha Halt ta Maka MONEY la what MONEY caa ba aiada. * Ydd makd MONEY twd waya. By talllat yaar mafchaadlta. and aa tka athar haad ky baylat It at tha RIGHT PRICES. Whan yau bay It fraai ai yaa nat aniy bay It at tha RIGHT PRICES, bat fet tha RIGHT GOODS. $50 to $100 A Week Easy Thirty yaara at tlvlnt tha trada tha baat aarvlet paaalMa haa aatabllthad thla repatatlaa far ua. and whila It la dlMealt aaw ta da all tha tblnaa wa uMd la da. wa still aianaie ta kaa* up sur raputatlaa—atlll MantH ta flva yaa tha BEST that Is MAKING ta ha had at tha LOWEST pii^at. It la peailbla that yau have navar dsalt with ut bafort. and If aa yau hava bean tha leaar and aa have wa. Black & White It la paaalbla that yau navar had tur Catalatua. and If yau haven't, yau ahauld write NOW far tha SHURE WINNER CATALOGUE No. 78 Photos Direct This book is the only real guide to the daalar. It llliiatraira tha BRAT OF BLIRTTHING. and will ba tha n'R-NING POINT to jour BUBINBBH BftH’EBB You neal thla b.»ili if jou are m any of the following lines WATCHES SALESBOARD MERCHANDISE HIGH PITCH GOODS FANCY GOODS Post Cards JEWELRY CLOCKS RING-A-PEG AUCTIONEERS' lliri* <>ttD(Urd RUGS CARNIVAL GOODS NOVELTIES GOODS, ETC. f>lMI HANDKERCHIEFS SILVERWARE NOTIONS HOUSEHOLD GOODS PREMIUM GOODS NOVELTIES WITHOUT PLATCS. WITHOUT PRINTINO. N. SHURE CO., MADISON AND FRANKLIN STS., CHICA60 Finithtd (H th* 8tol In w# |»r*>tA«'t ynsjr Ant«irMt by to dMioro onLva OJid dn nM fumiph to rntioumerA np ninnaity

iii"n>-.v II Ih H'd hie fault. We know a few NEW Daydark Camera g'.Hl tnlkera that cuuld pattern afti-r him t'> IlM’lr ••wii lH>Drllt. t’no«iin'»<1 f'T •pn»'l niKl outlllT "T rr>»Nliif VMI to wllh 111* l.»«l iluiU™ IV. F. Hencrofl, of the Meyerhoff .Llirn.'lloun. HHi. that the niembera of that orfanizatlnn trav¬ SWEETIE DOLLS eled a la luxury on a H.'imi-inlle Jump from ' BItaat Ilka Ralth. Orastta la Silk Swaater Suits, Rlbbeai and Cans ta .M.euie Jaw, Saek.. Can., lo ITiree Rivera to play | atrh. BIf varlsty af the brifhtsat solars. Guaraatsad afalast aaallat Boys, Grab This Quick! llie Kaelerii CatiM'lian falra. Bancroft alHie* aad trteklaf. Bt PREPARED for iti* tranifi.d'ti« .| n.ni'.l fnc fliul luielneeM for ev.-ryoiie liaa been g<««l In thet rl turi>» '"If S^ldlfr B<}* tll••lr MmIi.i*. iii'. b of the veieela and didn't mind the SHu tip Plalrm BwMihanrU. llomM ii"! Frl«i<1« lu-r eaplta to make the Jump. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE UNNECES8ARV. ^i>nil>l"f rompirtr Oiiilir anidl. ADMIRATION DOLU A-k Dare Ijiehiiinn. of the Kenne.ly t'lravaii. »/i(t t^>t<'f''K'lil«i unllmliwl Home lime nteoit the an lo-1 vhof he le-i ihi wuiie Fully Jalatad. All waad flbra. Drassad with aad without Bwootsr few year. eg*, that .e-iii him Ismie a |.aui»er. Suita. Sliss. 14, 10 aad 24 Inchat klfh. Caa ba had with oad BIG, QUICK, 500"' PROFIT He h'nd a li|> that the h«>r«e couldn't biee. bill withaut wlft. With siavtbla ayaa. •I Fain, Pl'-nK*. Prlrala Hrann. irvEBT- they did U'd Inform him Ibat It wn' likely t” THE ‘PROGRESSIVE* REPRESENTATIVU 'VHEBE I’mflu atari at drop dead l>ef'>re rrnehiiiK the wire, whb-h it nt itlr of tuppHaa nith tha nutSt prnrtimny did. brim I'a'li Ttnir anilra InTaaimanf IT f>n H. C. EVANS A CO.. I U. S. TENT 8 AWNINQ 00. 'rant Il.mio thla ,aar Intaailga'a at one*. Wrtta E. K. t'aiil. I»«l •••aoiii with I’niil'e fnited 1522 W. Adams 81.. Chlotfo. III. 231 N. Otsplalaaa St.. Chlaaaa. III. tnlar IPT full lii/onniti' ii Fraa. Bhowe. visited that ailraellon during it« eiay in DAYDARK SPECIALTY CO. Beading, n.. recently. I'ant N n-'w hol.ling LEVIN BROS.. KINOEL A GRAHAM. 2820 Bantan SIraat. 8T. LOUIS. MO. down one of tthio'e tlirlMiic little citle* with hie bmg range gallery, an«l judging from hie ep- | Tarra Hauta. ladlaaa. 001 Mlaalaa St.. Saa Fraaelsao. Cal. peeran-e. the auto and .-omment of bit friende NEWMAN MFC. CO.. In doing ex< eeilingly well. SHRYOCK-TODD COw 041 Waadlaad Avo.. Clavaliad. 0. 024 N. El0hth St.. St. Loyla. MO. Standard Eildle |•ae.•llnl. formerly of the I’aiirn rDlle.| ATTENTION!! raravan. j.iiiie,| the ..,d..r* a few weekn ago, . MARKS ISAAC CO.. J. HALPERN CO.. Toilet Soap tbi hie d"i>arliire for eiTvI.'e Mdle wee the | Naw Orlaaas. La. 307 Waad 8t.. Plttadarg. Pa. Oemonstrators! re. Ipleut of iiiaiiy l.iken* of friendehip from ! Tha abova raprraantaitvsa rtrry a rrmpleis btm'k of all our leading Dotia and always MAKJI Mara’a a naw on*. memlo-re of the ehowe. His address Is Bat. IMMKDIATE DFXIVERIES. Too don't have in wurry-alsiut freight or express congestion If you Leaves Tollat Soap Ttaaraa pot C. 5tlh Reg., nth Bat.. I'amp Zm hnry rnylor, : nsed raerehandlae order from fho nearest roprrventatlve Hated above In jour territory In tbo past U- (Rivan an Faullla,) np in a nant hnnk. hy. sues of The Bllllsiard wa told you that Sweetie and Admirailon DoUa will uoqueauonahly nuisall all ether Dolls Today they are positively outaellln* tbrn all A trial order will laors than rnovlnao Prararad frnm iha twir- I'onralnn 30 laaraa. you. Hure results. Writs fur catalog and samples aat Tagatal'la oila. Fraa aarh laaf la a waah |.aet re|H»rte fr*»tti the t.reat White Way 'mm animal fat. and aalla tor lOr. Bat Showe was in elTi*,i that everyone eonne.-ted Tha nv'.i .noranlaiit tar and rhaapar than with the etravnn wae doing iibely <.n the elr | 102*106 Woosttr Str««t. aai to . arr» s..ap for raka aoap. S<>niathlna cult of fairs. Manager Mgro informs ns. how- i PROfiRESSIVE TOY CO. NEW YORK ptar.TlaMl.T can iiaa — ever, that be lias exioTieueed soiii*’ .liflli iilly In ' AUTOMOnillRT. » I. I d 1 a r. rampar, getting the .v.lditional rullroad eotnpany bag- ; TRAINMAN. Iratalrr. aiilomohlllat. gage car in liefore o|H.-ning day. ^ TRAVELER. trainman and tha gan- CAMPER •Til pnhllP. SOLPIER It la eald that the a<|e|d>on of the offenalve ana Iha Our price, 8«.00 par lleenee at .Ada, **k., w.ie 'liie I*, the invasion of CCNERAL PUBLIC. aroaa. a carnival coinpany earrying a t amp" or I iSainpla aaat fnr 10c. ••Cabaret." 'rii. ear.-rilbm of the iiuMIe,' BRACKMAN •WEILER CO. press and pulpit seems not enough to warn 117 Watt Maditan Straal CHICAGO, ILU and deter inatingers .>f these heinous and v|.*|oua cabals—they do not deserve the name »f shows. Now they will feel the wrath and detestation of NEW PATRIOTIC DESIGNS ayery otb-r branch of the business. The draiiialic. raiidevtlle, musbal, elreiie—all other The rager clfmaiid for thpBP mak«8 classes—will mm on them and they will not ^ eontriil to plead and protest as has The Bill¬ them thp bpp» hpt thi* vear. Round board. It would have been better to have and Square StyloB. ^nd foTBam- heeded our tmis.rtunites. plp doipn and our low quantity Mr. and 'lr«. Con T. Kennedy entertained a prifcs. party of friends at Dayton revently at tbe Jack Dempsey-Kellar tight. CUTEY PUPS SiN.tt Nearing i» a candidate for Cimgreaa. All can see bU linlsb. on combination Btorea and used aa Rive-ways are holding the crowd, Baha Delgarian mns a gmsl show and give* a ^nd SOic for a aaiuple and quantity real and faithful exemplilteation of Oriental dancing In an itrlrnl.il setting. price. Oriental danciivg niay be nice or not nb-e. as you eluMw. I, Is what It l«. Wliat If Is. as it MUIR ART CO. is, yon see In Hie tlarden of .Lllali, and not some low. vulgar iiiiitiitii>n on which have lo-en grafted ‘Foil LIBtRTV AND OtMOCRAOV.*' Mi W. MidUon StTMt, CHICAGO a lot of Western raw. suggestrrp nastiness. And there is is. hlowof. K'nrtherniore K:iba Is all .Lriueniun, anil the Eastern uiln.l •ntertsins Eastern standards. Tlies<‘. tisi. are high or isd high as the Western mind ehooses to view them. Kilt a Western man is supiasied to he Imhueil with Western staudard.s. He has no exi use to offer. NEW TRENCH HELMET Why Is It that a ••paniteC always secure* and bolds the atteution of more listeners than a THE BIG MONEY-GETTER OF THE SEASON Jollier? The most timely by the Sammies in •A high forehead does not always denote a novelty on the market France. Asaemble-l high brow, Swer tbe brv>w. Staples and has rubber iiTTLiwoxDF.eeracOa 152 s. suBt.,TmitgeMU, i*A fire at Fairs, Carni¬ vals, Patriotic and band to hold on hcail Rues rhymes with Nmre. Political IVmonst ra¬ Furnished in as- Well, the real one* are now eonimenidng. and tions. Streetmen get eorted colortt.with sev¬ Cantonment Workers many a .'»helk will heave a sigh of relief. the money while this eral sayings on brim, novelty la yet new. as “To H— With tjer- Tbwlroiis of as.-ertsining Itow piireliases made Made of heavy col¬ many,” ••Over the during the war [lerlod eompareil with those made Top." “Berlin or Bust.” ATTENTION before the war. th# Council of National I»efense ored card board and .\ lirand new palriotir card; a suro clran- rocently canvassed merchants large and -mail, is exact reproduction “American Sammy," up. .S'litl II.'h' for sample and prieo list. and many labor organisations. Slfte.l out an,I of the_ helmets_ worn_ etc. digestnl tbe informathin thus accumulated Order a gross today. Do not delay. BOSTONIAN SALES CO., showed: SiiiflB doztN. po*1PH^’ YSe; Halt firtsi Ms, Me pw dsisB; Gross Ms. 4$< pet doitii; M) \ iiie .St., . Somerville, Maas. That the East and North are restricting pnr phases, while Ihe Month and West are spending SiMfit by mH, tSs. Orders tilled saino dav order i> received. more money than ever Iwfor*'. That women hare Increased their expendlturea, NATIONAL MANUFACTURING CO., DATES CHANGED while men are eismomlxing. 1 SKilpfA nihI SfiltluT^' Itpunlfui aiid tViroen* That there are iiniiMially heavy sales of an LMnard Building, - - TIPPECANOE CITY, OHIO. "»t*k Hill ||p|«| Ss<|t(rmlipr 25 In 2A. I’onceMinno ot tonioblles and hleyrle supplies, pianos and or >»ll km«tA write. Small SImiwr wanted. NotHty and gsns. dlamimds. watches and other Jewelry. right Mold. AddrraR I*. \V. MARTI.N, Sec^a ^^an. KAiisai. That the welMo-do are nof pnri-haslng Ins tirle*. whereas those formerly unable to obtain Iheiii are. CAN PLACE FOR THEIR home: coming In other words the wages of the war workera are making their InJliien.-e felt In the marts of WORLO*S FAIR SHOWS SOUTHERN TOUR BELMORE, OHIO trade Gwlng to the unprecedented demand for liH'lutilnf Ibw Arkin^AB Kute Kur. JiHiMboro, Ark . and INtplar Bluffs* Tr»-rtmui> Fair. DantWM and Trap Dnim* Third annual labor of both »exes pay has risen to a level mar for Dancr Hall. alai> rotH'rhsiooa of all kintU. no Milutitr Will furnish Wafon Front and Tu^ for "ANT CuniYiiiiloiia all kimla. Kldra. .siiowa. Free which lakes care of the high ,-osf of living and Hant Show Addreas a» follows Tipton, la.. Couno Fair, Srpt 2 to ?. Oihkalonaa. la.. Countjr Fair. 8i|A- etc,, or email Carnival. Aildrrea "'1IJ.IAU B. the installments o a r d SEPTEMBER 7, 1918 I


DEVIL’S BOWLIRO ALLEY ■% _I_ AND CHINA VASE “With It” A Splendid Flash and a Great Show W. A. ‘‘BILL” SANGES “WITH IT" THE WALL OF DEATH A Successful Repeater. Business Bigger Than Last Year at PtRKEirS-CIIIIUTIIW CANADIAN NATIONAL EXPOSITION . POLACK BROTHERS, Owners TOM McNEW, MaRittr ol Front. H. J. NELSON. Maugof li



WITH WORLD AT HOME SHOWS SECOND SEASON WITH WORLD AT HOME SHOWS E. A. IRISH w. A. WHITE HARRY BRYAN LOUIS I. BERGER SrnIiI A|Nt aii Som Prmiotcr GENERAL AGENT SPECIAL AGENT TURNING THEM AROUND IN A WORLD AT HOME SHOWS WORLD IT HOME SHOWS WORLD AT HOME SHOWS 1918 ELI ED C. WARNER Lucille.Anderson ED PEYTON TRAFFIC MANAGER _ 1 II A ■ I Superintendent MYSTERIOUS I WORLD AT HOME SHOWS Maybelle Smith si,.., Etta Louise Blake’s Inez Anderson r. h. shepard ELECTRICIAN WITH BERT PERRY. Manager SUPERBA SHOW WORLD AT HOME SHOWS With World At Home Shows POLACK’S WITH F. J. MORGAN Booked for Next Season. WATER CIRCIS rRE.\SriLEU World at Home Shows I n ClITTnU at Home Wt did 21 shows at Toronto on Tuosdsy and tho water wasn’t warm C.C.“SLIM” McOEE J.b.dUMUn predweideman either, aid flad to do thorn. MiMfer Merry-Qo-Romd LONG RANGE SHOOT" Manager Polaek’s Water Circus World at Home Shows ING GALLERY ||Qe WFUIFHAH LEONA “DIAMOND " TOOTH NMTIE TWO BALL RACKS Jjl,"!;., "" WITH LEO FRIEDMAN’S With World At Home Shows THOMAS KELLY Candy WheeU CARTER BILL FOURNEY H. J. NELSON TRAINMASTER with “CHINATOWN” WORLD AT HOME SHOWS Palmist SupL of Whip Regards to Friends (And Loaves on Time) World At Home Shows

Webb’s CircMS Side Show " n?.!".';?;Spot Board and Rolla Bolla ■■■ cmR mU MRS. R. WEBB H. A. SCHULTZ, Manager WITH WOILO AT HOME SHOWl WS lak« a tri| Oa Hm wialei.



SAN FRANCISCO FACTS RAX O’BRIEN McMahon combined shows TRAINMASTER POLACK BROTHERS* 20 BIG SHOWS U. H. iWhllpy) IVrry. f»riiiprl.T ■sslptSBt to Kanesaw, Neh.. Aug. 2s. -Our flrst ini* fair It-Hs R)4>lnw>ii In I AW AnfPlpF. war a Rlllbnar'>lt>H-. Hr If n prlTitP hi thp 12th InfaDtry can be held as a criterion we can sure look St Cawp Frrninat. forward p> a most en< <'eaafnl fair season '•ii Ri'.iMal ••f Hip «ll*tanrp from fh. StatP B«'Dkleman pn>rcd to be quite a Mirpris.- In r«lr l.nniiMN In Ihr flmiP lot at .pl|pwure ro that Ed. M. Burk could E't la VIC most liberally patronized. a fuM da; Tlaitlaic wtthoat heln, miapelled Mor. T. W. Mc.Mahon ha* purchaeed another to gel loo far aw a/ from the K. Jk R. lot. wblc|i sh-eiier from the Jack Hasktnn show. A new will nIfo he ■ portion of the State Fair. The frazy House has been purchased from W R. A R. Rbow will play the Stale k'alr oa Thar* Barker, to he delirered la two weeks, i.enertl ■If). S«|itruilMT .*>. which Is UoTpmor's Ray. .Agent Doc Hall, baring the show booked up riicMhirr tlrurry, formerly presH ajccnt with tin the closing In the mlildle of (s-tober, is now Iiie Sells-Kloto Ctmi*. was a Bttihoard elsllor. hack with the show as aaalstant manager Me lias Ju»l Iwcn Iraaeferred to ('amp Fremont. rapt. Fawnsworth. nfflclal ann hell l.e|rhler Just h|ew In fn«ni Nrw LEVITT’S rcieatly visiting her father, K. R. Mniha. of the tork. Tryiii, to break into tlie army. Western Show Tropertle* Co. I’ricrn have Inwii raised at the Orpheum from Joe Flynn and wife iMargerlfel were visitor* *.■> cenu t'lp to 11. It Renkleman. Msrir DreKsler and Marloa Darla, the latter Shortage of labor is causing a lot of In¬ playing the t>rplH>nm. were aoHinir the pMeea- WHIP, MERRY-GO-ROUND, convenience anil extra work on other*, bnt we fers iF'cupylng seals la the oldtiroe t'oarwrd always are ready to open on time. t iNH-h In the parade to adrertlae The Bnllettn’a Chna. Hutchinson, who had the maoifeinent siiHike FuimI Unnndup. to be held at Rwlac of the Big EH, has left to join the Alfled Field August .11 September 1 aad 2. Showa. He has been replaced by Jack Wil¬ Dot Oatman Ik piittlag orer a rlerer single kinson. on tlw I’aatagca ('Irrutt aereaaltaled by the FERRIS WHEEL At this writing it’8 over a hondred In th« tiiilui'tlon of tier hrotlier and partner, of the abade, bat how the people do come out and en¬ joy our midway.—BERTHA McM.^HON. Hell kaowa teahi of Omk and Oatman. late the AND araiy. ( ook la at the 0(n<-ers’ Training Camp at t'aiup I’lke. .Arkausaa. Sar«n 1,00 Ringer has pnrrhaaod a hahy ele LEON WASHBURN SHOWS pliant a little orer a year old from Hohinaon Hrotbers. tlie Saa rranrlnei* Wrd and animal Hanford, Conn., Aug. .TO.—I.aii werk at ■lealera. The hull was one of a Hhipment of R(s-krille. Conn., pnvreil a gi»sl spot for the fiMir liroufht from lailla by INh- Royd, who re lx>n Washburn Mighty Mlilway Shows. This • ently arrired from the tirlent. WILD ANIMAL SHOW week the show* are laying off and the members are busy putting up their shows, concessions and PLAYING DETROIT IN CONNECTION WITH rides at Charter Park, where they fiirnlah the I8LER GREATER SHOWS midway for the Connecticut Fair during iJiNir Dar wi-ek. The Washburn Shows are quite tiirdea t’lty. Kan.. Ang. 2*. —Fm the past popular here, being their third consecutive en three weeks we hare been romblnlag pleaiura gagement at this fair. Sime of the memhsra nllh hiialaeae aad risitlag the rircnaea wMrh |iaid a visit to the Slg. Sautelle Clrcti* at .New have lieea playing the same territory with ua. Britain. Conn., on August 28.—(SARVIB. It WalHenhiirg, t’ol.. we rialted llowe'i Hreat POLACK BROS.’SHOWS Ixadoa Sbuwa, while at Kloreace the eatlr. show laid off and paid a rlalt in I’urhio aad the Baraum Show, ami at lai Juala last week we piaymi uay aad date with Oeairy Broa. oa 'M"0- •lay night and rrere is>yally entertained by Mr. This week at tiardea City, Kan., we start on val. He says he will decide In the aext week Nemuan. ibeir uiaaagi-r. We also met Rnsadl our fair tssikhigs. We are up town for the which dire<-tlon he will lake. The new ruling* l.wing. who formerly played In the later Kami night play ami to he ready to handle the largest r>-garecn busy for all ijtiick Wcatera wlads. which liNik the Monkey hiisloess has not so far eclipse*! all former rec¬ ''l•e••^lway lent along with It, bowerer with rery mouths prefiaring for Walerroelon Day. From ords nor In fact come up with them, wc feel llille damage. Billy Ijitbam. our free art prtn. this dale Mr. Isler has the t tnp. PIPES PEN WORKERS 16c EACH By GASOLINE BILL BAKER lUdueed prices in quantity lots. All royalties paid, immediate shipment. Order by uumlier, plra.se. Again we nay it d<>c* beat the deuce how road men make go^ and receive pruiuutlonK on en SWEENEY LITHOGRAPH CO., Inc. tering the service of I'ncle Sam. which, how¬ ever. is ne*t In the least surprising, as that 2SI West 19th Street. NEW YORK CITY. N«. 418. service Is alwa.VH guick to rei-ognize worth ot IH.slCNH PAT1u.M1J> nieu and material. We are only sorry there are not more vacaucics press-ntiug opportunities for all of the ls>ys. The latent Is that Steven K. t'i>iinor, after eleven months* service as an en¬ listed man, was dMIiorged .Vugiisi '.‘4 and on CANES, WHIPS, KNIVES & NOVELTIES the following day recelvi-d bis commission as a KNIFE BOARD MEN CANE ASSORTMENTS STUFFED SUBMARINe—14 Inehea first lieutenant of infantry and has tii-en as¬ hiph. Painted In Natvral Colon. Madn signed an adjutant of the Central Officers’ Train¬ too Auerted KNIVES SIJ.DO 240 Assorted CANES_$10.00 of Heavy Duck. A aat of 4 M BB ing Sch'Mil at t'amp l.ee, ^a. It follows that 100 Asserted KNIVES .. 20.00 Loop Handle Whips. Cr.. 5.00 pots the eoln. Price, oach.. Each tablet guarantBod No. 60 Balloont. Per Gr., 2.50 Bell Board Ball Game. hard work, obeying orders and careful study Is No. 113 Squawkara. Gr.. 3.25 Each . 10.00 DART SHOOTING GALLERY GAME— the keynote to success in the army and navy to make 2 ounces of Extra Lonp Airships. Gr., 3.25 Huckley Buck Ball Game. 10.00 2.567 Ass'd Prirot to this Game. M| BB or in fact any other liranch of the I'nited States the very best fast color Watermelon Balloont. Gr., 4.25 Novelty Clown Ball Gama. 20.00 also Guat. A Snap for only..wAwswW service, and above all be a gentleman at all Black Faee Nipper Bal¬ I Swat-the.Kaiser Ball G'e. 20.00 times. This brings to our mind that the name ink. loons. Gross. 3.50 ' Cat Heads. Nipper Heads. I.SO HOOPLA OUTFIT—500 PIteos. all At- re«iuisltes will bring success lu any occupation eorted Blocks. Hooas and Prizes. This GET OUR NEW CATALOGUE. JUST OFF PRESS. BIp Gama tar Parka and Fairs, ||| —the tJoverument adopts the best meth-sls for HEADQUARTERS FOR NEWMAN MFC. CO. everything. TKRJfS: Hair Deposit, balance C. O. Dr. H. SiniBia writes; ‘Talk about a good 641 Woodland Ave., CLEVELAND. OHIO D. on all orders. FOUNTAIN PENS street man’s town, St. IjouIs can’t be beat. Li¬ cense Is 85 cents a month, corners o|es about FUkl uights; well. I have made -THIS IS A- many of them and many $Jtx) nights In thin NEW ERA RAZORS town, and expect to make more. Several street men here have purchase*! autos (gd ones) and A |KM4ular straight razor GOLD MINE at liberty Bonds. I consider It one of the best with roniovahic blade, Only 10 Berts a Day Meant $500 Dally Profit. big towns in the United States for sfreetmen— S26.50 GROSS. they believe in living and letting live. Dave Blair, who is managing the lit Salle Hotel, says We carry a full line of that any pitchman who comes into the city ran get all Inforntation regarding corners, shop articles suitable for atreet- pitches or anything else merely for the asking. Dien, dcDionatraters, fair Dave has l>eon a pitrhnian for 42 years and workers, shcetwriters and would like to bear from any of his friends. V '' '.C '»' vv. > ~n Nearly all the boys bare t>een making the Ib n<»velty dealers. Fntmpt Salle headquarters since Blair took charge. Just shipment and luwest received a letter from Mr. Moffort sa.vlng that prices. Our 11) 4 • p a ge Springfield was an awful hbsmier. I recently purchased a fine car and any streetman is more catalog mailed upon re> than welcome to a ride at an.v time. Hoy Fast¬ quest. ( onsumors save er, a member of the show. run. Ibe car and bs certainly knows how to handle it." stam|is. FREE FAIR LIST.

Thomas (Jarratt, another of the iddtimers, who has not been heard from In a ”e,s,D’s age,” kicks BERK BROS. in from St. Louis: "I caieh ifie hiim*>rou8 side 643 BROADWAY, NEW YORK of my old friend Michael Whalen's ’pli>e’ In a recent Issue. The last lliiu- I saw Whalen wta in St. I/

Edwards * Coodwin. Ibe toy mannrarliirers of West Haven. Conn., are putting on tlie mar- ) I ket a uvechanleal toy for sfreetmen that Is a ' decided novelty and quite consistent with the

NOTICE. MEDICINE AND STREET MEN I AGENTS \\> hate th« Poiit sHliiifi Medicine? Pr»I»o»ition on fSSli »arth A fiaiik draft in ea^ti (larkafp ind we pav the wAr tax Write tis for sampler ami full Information Gold and Silver Sign Letters A'Mrc^. MKKBS OK LTKK MKT)|tTNE TO.. Sprln* Frtf «fnrr fmiitA. # windnwf and f»r!d. Illinois NiifiB */ all kln'tx Nd #nrfi nrr#>n#iiry Anyotir i an rut th^ nn and makr nK»ti#y right fpd th* AGENTS atart ^toncgrimliif A'rto», Trjnka. Hand Lupxaae. ei, 130.00 to 1100.00 I Week! 'f Aij»o with Pan;'. ^IQ CA ^CR bv fr»nsfcr method Is the biggest paying Oustnees of Toi, . an fw-ll to nearl»y trade or travel I^Tfl'an h**a‘l hisk^t design Bt GROSS. the d«y. tirea* demand; no eipcrter'ce neceejary. alt over the country Tlirre la a bli ?l.75 Ofif^n; Sample. 2V. Over r.o atyle:,. size., and colors to select from, •'•talo* demand for window letlenna In eeerv V*' 1 f^nulnf^ Ijfither showing designs in exact, colors and full partb-ulars town. Fetid for Frea Samplrv and full particular. nth^r hilUxioKs ranginp t’l $1^00 per fr»v^ IZberal offer to general agenla Fir# a«sort# vhnim* •■ft F.impl#. 2V MOTORISTS' ACCESSORIES C0„ Menifielfi. Ohie. N. GOLDSMITH ft BROS., Msnufsdsrtrs. • 60 N-rth w*||v Street. CHICAGO ILL. key checks Paper Men TOU c»n be roir nwn bow fotie etc Sample check, with slicci. and make more money than you ever did lie- lore .(iij can't lo.-c Write for iierll'iilars worker and entrrtatner. and known to most pitch¬ ymr name and addreae. 15' men and native. lie dlA

tituc!<. Ibv artk-le roDsIkti of I'nclr Sam luU tbr kalMT <>D a aniall |>latr»riD beli) in tba band ao'l liy piillliir a atrliig our (rr-atrat uf all "ilh ImiwKleil l.^ace Bor- •■iinrlet” Piiianbes Ibo iluD tu tba oovf. An ad. appoarh In Ibla Uaur. ilert. pp'**'- |j^***‘ Prof. J. i;. llano htM — Vour ortli«r was flllrt to Savanoab. ale fringe. CONSISTING OF 18 PIECES DOZEN Trench Ivory Handles as shown in cut, Put up in leather roll, lined with KNICKERBOCKER HANDKERCHIEF CO. assorted colored plush lining. 421 Braadway. NEW YORK CITY. What was tbe matter with tbe "bank roll’" you were sure of g.-ttlng In Detroit. Ma-bJen. did y.io get It in Musk. gon? They tell us Henry OUR CUT PRICE PER SET Bw! Where They Treat You Right did. Kick in wHU your doings fellows. Tbe boya are anxious. $3.75 A few remarks fr.>in fa.e .Abbott bearing on 1*. s,—Write for our new Illustrated Cata¬ tbe .AroK.n'l Ac f ark Mi-dlcin.- Sb..w; ’’Business ia fair and we are all d dng our kit t-.ward logue, tbe lOOK OF lARSAINS. mailed Free. helping fncle Sam. .Mr. .Arm-.ud glres Thrift Write for it today. Genulna Bullti Top. wiiii Metal Stamps in all Kid font.-si. an.l Sl.i and ti-ti War ferrula. Saelngr Stamps id tbe Big Contest-. He also 165 WEST MADISON ST., HIGH.GRADE donates tbe receipts of oue night ea.'b week to the KeDnt■ for the show.- Bottom I.ikely If tbe war cntinucs all tbe women srlll SI2 GROSS bare to start doing the c-.mcllan's work and pbonouuodHwl TEm'’ poaslldr run tbe entire show tibat Is If we are l.srge aloci alwa.\f on hand. 'Or- •Icrs sK’pped the same day r»- allowed to run). We have one ..f (he smallest (TES HOUSE YOU CAHTfQFOEf) ■ eived. One-fhird deposit on all and youngest -alc-mcn on the r<,ad in Maater rder, 8. 8. NOVELTY C0» 253 Jo Abbott —truly a cblj. off tbe old block. He Bawary, Ntw York City. also w..rks In act- and .!<«•- singing specialties with yours truly and I- making a bit. especially m tbe patriotic numbers. .Mrs. t !ark is scoring heavily In ber noicliy avts an,I is a genuine favorite everywhe-p. The’i-utire company sends well wishes to everyone.” SERVICE Doaa that look good to you? Wa hate beet working on a brand new prorosition for tbe last six .M<-rrl- KabDlr<,ff writes: ’’Yea, B-*. I Used months, whereby you can aarn tlO.900.00 a yea- We want all nur old agenu and friends and also FRAME tu Lie ID tbe pitch game, but newr I am irarn- oery raader of Tba Billboard to drop us a pu. ai card and Just say send me your new proposlUon. ing to pitch grenades aud to t"S' guns and bay¬ HAND ENGRAVED. and wa will forward at ooc-e llteratura descrlbi.*.- *' s bigges' money-maker that we ever put out. and onets at (amp Ice. Yirglnia. Have heeu Btndmma. light and n>m- we have bad some big money-makers in th.< p' Regardless of wbat your present occupaUon U. pacL here for ibi- pa-t seven weeks, and during that wrlia ua at once, as tbis wdl inlareat you. time have been keeping up with what tbe boys $2.50 DOZEN have to say n the c-dumos. .5 few weeks Sjiecial price to jobbers. mure and I will be scut ’over.’ .kl (ireecnt I ROSENTHAL • STARK am in tbe Ili-iiiacemcnt Camp.” M-irrts also Manufacturers of I.eatber states that there are several of the boys of tbe and Aluminum Specialtln. rv-ad in bis camp. He w iuld like t» boar from bis [lartaer at tbe fairs la-t seas-'D. Fing'-ld J, II E. IM St, N. Y. CRy Isacks. Cbcrn Bnlbers. Milton Clcwell and tbe rest of bis friend-. HU addre-s la Co. U. lOtb JUST OFF THE PRESS- Tr. Bn.. iDfanlry RepUcement Camp.

In M‘>rr!s kabniroff's letter be also stated that tbe gas mask drill is tbe only thing that gels b.m, as all of tbe uiber drills were floe. CUTTING TliBt'8 •Ha' vbb wmB* m Ma«ofTR« This U bardly surprising. Morris: any pitchman ’The Hustler 1918 Catalog OWNERS Caa* 0«r ^PfCIAL SiOOO OVTPTT cot- would And difflculty In |>raollcing s-'metblng that INITIALS latBA Baartv aaaortH vitialB. ^ MFfl* would confloe bis Tuice. and gas seems to b* a YOURS FOR THE ASKING IF YOU ARE A WBtrt tm4 miWrat Ol$et aviftta, S2 94 prominent factor Id tbe calling. ON AUTOS tSOO awB «29 00. a*B aN viaiiarB Of«*f Streatman, CarAival ConcesBionaire. Pitchman, Premium User, Sheet Writer, A'LlBERTy* at «T\t« jD^Wn «asta4. .Andy l.ogdson If said to have arrived quite Auctioneer, Salesboard Operator, Demonstrator, Medicine Man, EMBLEMS kuddenly on tbe scene uf the fair at Coeners- ON WINDOWS Tllle. Ind., two weeks ago. OR IF YOU ARE A WHOLESALE BUYER OF

William Johnson—I^et’a hear from yon and Watchaa. Clacki. Jewtlry. Sllvansara. Cutlery. Bpcclaltlas. NavaltUs. Tays. Caralval Gaadt. 8latlaatry. Dry bow you are doing In Illiuole. Gaafla. Nattnaa. Caafactlaaary. Clgara. Bkartlsg Gaaflt. tU.. ate. Mhen writing .-pevify your line •>« business. If TOO Art not ft d^ftler. §«▼« four a^ftiut n NO CATALOGS MAILED TO CONSUMERS. THE "KISSERS'* Mora fun than a barrel of moo- krya- Made of rubber. Lips move like life. Easy to oper- LEVIR BROS, ata Agents making 15 to $'J9 Terre Haute, Ind. ^ ^a day. l*ock« Sample. 15c; S COMPOUNDS LINIMENTS for S5c; 15 for fl; >i Gross. t3.T5; I firou. *6.0«; 59«. TABLETS POWDERS $19.09: 1.009. $39.09 SERVICE NOVELTY CO.. 22M Artkee. Ckkoft- TEAS SOAP FOR MEDICINE SHOWS NAVY SERVICE BANNERS 21-N Kimit SlrttL CIhcb|b, IE The CTau Magaxinc Pub. Co. have a tpacial effar for RED, WHITE AND BLUE ON VELOUR CLOTH a limited Ume on AMKRirA.N MCVrORINO MENTION US. PLEASE—THE BILLBOARD. G. 8. WVCKOFF, Ngr-. Meatvale. Ree«e« C«.. N. J. The rich coloring with the perfect design and lettering makes this the most attractive banner yet offered You can stock up safely on these—they are as good as wheat.

With lailgala et all Beaaehet ef the Service—lataatry. Artillery. $4.00 DOZEN —$40.00 GROSS OrOaaaae. Meekal. Navy ta# Marine Cerpt. ALSO ”My Sweetheart. ” SAM RLE, 50 CENTS ‘’Oarllat.” ’’Fargat Me Net” aM ’’Raaieaibar Me." Alee Alllefl Sent- Ice Flat Otelfai. Baautlfal week Eatirtly new. One-third ctiah with all orders. $C.09 PER HUNDRED. ASSORTED. SATIN HANDKERCHIEF CASES, with lailikla et til Braiekaa tf the Service. aiMrted ealen. $7.20 Oerea. Ona-thIrO Caeh with OrOtr. JACQUES WOLFE CO.


UplB-OtlB NMHinr OtiigRt, LMw* trapM Mi. Air InitlMd m IsMtihil Oiton nJ ANmlivtly Frinttd. rhea* berr. ere hmni9 In.ignlt. flnelv Anl-be-i .-wrvtrt bar. eii.l poU-hwt ( H niivimlint- In >a|vrr 9ni.h Onr.thlrtl raah wKb all i-rdent unlwts rateuran>-e and parrelj iKwl chargM _ _ 12 Doz.l 6c Each WE ARE WELL STOCKED ON THESE THRCC NUMBERS. IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES. WIRES MUST BL PREPAID Ttie House of IVftlitary Specialties SINGER BROS., 82 Bowery, N. Y. CHy GET .tCQVAIXTEn VITH Kl-VG SOLOMO.Y. IWRITE FOR MILITARY CATALOGI SEPTEMBER 7, 191t Skating News

STBATFultl) ItINK OPENS -Stratford Boiler Uink, Itoclicster, N. Y., will oiK-n Ita winter season August 31 with a' ten mile profe.shional cliampiuiisliip rai-i- and an ex hibition of fancy skating by licltoy Drake ami Edith C. .Marks. Miss Marka and Drake have apiK-artsI at several Uwal thealere and also have glveu exhibitions for tbe entertainment of the KuiKbts uf Columbus, Salvutiuo Arm.v. ami all soldiers. l-he Stratford ataff for the eomini otlwr braucbes of war relief anil war wr\irr. seaaou is as follows; Frank E. Soloman, owner Speakers uf international prominence, military ami manager; C. \V. Itawley, assUtant manager WESTERN MISSOURI PARKS music by tbe U. S. Army anil Navy and organ¬ and skate mau: Clauile Drake, asslstani man izations from abroad and special featuree, in¬ ager anil ekutc man: Sam Gomlman, Arthur cluding large choral societies nutiouaily ar¬ Williams, Herman .Sumbke. Cbester Geren and ranged, will be among tbe things to be seen at Herbert Gerea, skate boys; LeKoy A. Drake, the exposition. floor manager; John L. Vogler, Ollle Oswald ami ENJOY SUCCESSFUL SEASON ft. Slack, instniclors. Itoliert Allbrlgbt la door¬ man, Emma Smith, tickets, and Mr. and Mis. SEAL BEACH NOTES Collier have eharge of tbe check room. FI.ETCHEB HAS VAUDEVILLE ACT Omer J. Kenyon Pilots Lake Contrary Thru a beal Beach. Cal., Aug. 31.—iieal Beach, the beautiful amusement resort, ia having a very Charles Fletcher, a Cincinnati boy, who bl« succaesful season. While the war has taken lieen prominent in the skating game for the past Prosperous Year—Parks of Kansas City away many of tbe young men there seems to be two years, winning the novice ebampiouship at no appreciable effects on the crowde at the lieach. Cincinnati in 1910 and the amateur champion and money is quite plentiful, the thousands of ship of Western .New York early this year, has Have Had Capacity Crowds and men at the shipyards and sugar factories making been out of tbe rink game this summer, but be wages far beyond those of normal times, and has not bccu idle. He has iierfected a skating spending it freely. act which he cxiM-cti. to iutnsluce in vaudeville Excellent Business this fall. “I have uever sen another act like Several big events have taken place here this it.” he writes, "and I am sure it will be in a ■ summer, the biggest being the gorgeous bathing class by itsidf.’’ GishI luck to you. Charles. _ , . u j V, parade, in which hundreds of motion picture 8t. Joseph. Mo., Aug. 31.—Lake Contrary Park i ..ncessions have been liberally patronized this workers took part. Beautifully decorated cars EASTKBX RINKS UEOPEN is rounding out a very successful season under .vear and Manager Sam Benjamin is elated over carried the movie stars and prizes were awarded Many roller rinks in the Eastern States are re- tbe management of timer J. Kenyon. Its many the showing made. * for tbe(jja niftiest costumescostumes, etcetc. ridei. concessions and other eutertainment fea IMcnics brought over 100.000 people to Fair- • c - opi'ning. Rinks in the followiug cities are soon All of the rides ahd■ concessions at the beach tures’ have without exception lii-en well patron tnoiint I'ark in August, among the organizations to be niipcned: TYcuton, J.; Tamaqua, Pa.; have been doing a fine business. William Ized and Mr. Kenyon and his aids are wcl' Schuylkill Haveu. Pa.; Newark, N. J.. and Lan¬ pleased with the excellent showing made in th' caster. Pa. Several others in Pcnusylvania and face of wartime conditions, which, it was fearei ."Vew Jersey will reopen the latter part of Sep¬ tember and early in Or-tober. Who said the game unfavorable effect on park patronage. city have chosen tairmount for the Labor Day was dead? Free acts have lieen one of tbe big features picnic, and one of the biggest days of the season LAUNEY AND WOUSTERMAN WIUl’E FBOXI of tbe park this year. Mr. Ken.von believes in is promised, FRANCE FOREST PARK providing the heat to be had. and be has been - - ■ A few years ago .\rt laiuncy was rated among Terr fortunate in s*-curing exceptionally high- WHITP OITV f*l ACPft CPDT 99 elass material. He continues to give the thou WHITE CITY CLOSES SEPT. 222Z the champion skaters of the country and i-ouM Cttiiwgo, Aug. 31,—Monday, !«epteniber 2, give any of them a goml race. For some time, sands of dally visitors to l-ake Contrary I’ark I i.i-.a™.. 1,,., •»! ~Vfi,i.« ’ ,1.0 Isabor Day, offers the public its last opportunity free acts that are thrillers. The feature during ' hicago, Aug. 31.—White City, tbe big South tho. be ha* lieen cugagod in the vastly more oia^**^?***’ . outh jy Forest Dark this seasou. for after the big fascinating game of chasing the Hun. and up tbe past week was Dare Devil Wilson, present- Side pleasure resortresort, will remain oiienoi>en a w^kweek ,.,i«.bration to be held there by the united to tbe present time he has got by without a lug his thrilling leap for life from a lofty lad- linger than usual this year, closing September Isiior organizations of Chicago and Cook County der head foremost to a wismIcii incline, alight- Beginning September>eptember 1 a fall carnival will , ® ... , . • , ,„,rinir scratch. Art writes fnmi somewhere In France ing •III bis chest. Mr. Kenyon is uctitig as mau- l>e ushered in and will continue until the close that lie is W' ll, ami wishes to be remembered F.rm,n;”ye.rFor many years L-bo'rLabor Da,""hasDay has mJikeSmarked tl^tbe to friends In the game. sger fur the Wilson act, and besides handling of the season. losing of the park and tbo th<-re were many the business management of Iztke Contrary I’ark Tbetile managementiiiiinagement has had little reason to add „„ _ .iT . , " Carl Wolsfeniian, the Pennsylvania champion, is booking the free attractions for Krug I’ark. t‘>.. the attractive features offered patrons. Tbe J 5*^0?“ T.J rni h is al.sii in France, and writes that he had an omaJia Xeb. IN. C.ursL>urs continue to receive ovations for the opiKirtiinlt.v to skate ovi-r there not long ago, The rrederlck and L. F. Ingersoll interests, exeelienee of their terpsiehorean novelties, and.ind them the management decided that in epite «if the war the rinks that ire open ' H to abide by its own precedent and end its sea- which control I-ake Omirary and also parks in Betty Holmes, with her remlitioD of ballads and in I>in<-e are doing a fine business. Carl wishes son as usual. Delndt lndlanapr Day have had a successful season. The many tlirilling rides in tbe park are as Ijiiiney can be rcaclieil at the following ad¬ liopiikir as ever, and the concessions are getting I P'’“**hl.v will be the largest in the history of the dresses; Private C, Widstcrnian, IlcM Ibispital tlieir share of the monev f*’’*’’ ‘^e gathering of the labor .320, .'{OTi San. Tr.. \. E F., via New York, and Kansas City, Mo., .kug. 31.—Kansas ( ity parks _' busts broke all previous records and this year Private Art launcy. ndd Hospital .319. :m .San have bad a tUMajierons season. Kleetrie Dark, ..._ ...» ...... the men in eharge report an even greater Inter- Tr.. A. K. F., via Sew- York. iiue Ilf the most lieaiitlftil in the Middle West, ZOO HAS SURPLUS OF ANIMALS est in the event and a more ai-tive demand for has h.id capaelty erowds on Saturdays. Sundays the tickets t>cing sold in advance. CABSfVNIA PARK SOON Ttl CLO.SF, and speeial oceaslons and a large attendanee Kaiisa.s City, .Mo., Aug. 31.—iswope Dark. S|ie<-ial season end attractions have Iteen ar¬ After a moet successful summer aeaann Man¬ during the week thrmuit tie- season. Thousands Kansas City’s iM-aiitiful mnnieipal idaygrutind. ranged for the week and for the day and every ager Jesse Carey, who has lieen handtinr pe'ord crowds at his rink. Carsonia Park, Reading, Pa., announces that he will close tlie rink ear'v In KeptemlsT. Under tlie able management of the veteran skater the game in Reading baa witneaaed a genuine revival and it loots an f young and old during the tho Reading will develop some ex'-eptlonal skat to be found here. New ectatHuj^. i-rowilcd with .Tiiungslcrs and Jesse left no from tbe heart of the city. to tbe collection thetbe coming season. 1 be nightly parades have drawn thousands stone fintiirned to see that they were attend _ _ of merrymakers to the hlatoric playground of ed to and their safety anil comfort assured KRirmouiit Park. l(N at»Ml sovoral miles* outsiile •Many managers apparently forget that the of tli« fitv. and known ai* “the park a'n. All the ride? and _ throngs each night immediately after the paraart of Manager Ilepn afraid he will never lie able to skate again Ueel at tp^di Weilm-sday morning, dcstniying the Marines will go over the to|i and our boys ‘ * ‘‘I i-annot relate bow If haiqiened.” he writes several auiusenicnt plaees at the '.■uthern end will nii-et and i-oiHiuer tlie Hun. .\rtillcry bom "as It pr'dialily would net pass the censer." of Iteiere Beach l>efoi-«- it wa- hrouglit uud<-r eon luirdniente. rapid Are guns anil band grenades PARK NOTES Tlie weiind was not serious and Bert is liaek trcl. Help was suiiiiiioned from Chels*-a, Win- will all play a prominent part in the big aetion. In the tliiek of the tigliling. He weiild appre throp, Bi^ton and Lynn. Despite the work It will lie an aweinspiring and realiatle rep elate a letter from Cionl. Eddie Krahn. Fred of this combined help the fire spread to the I resentsfionsentafion of present daydav warfare in all its Ontario Beach Park has bad a most snecessful Martin and other skaters. Bit. then tbe Nauthal Gardens, the Bleas- I awfniness.vfniness. season, thanks to tbe effieient management of antton H<'tel. iN-rby Itaeer, .Monkey Speedway, There will be thirt.v earloaiearloads of war tniphies KImer H. Vau^an and his coniw of faithful as- PHILADt-a.I’HIA KINK KEDI’K.NS Garlan Hotel and .Metroisdltan Hotel. whitember t."!. This year's pageant is entitli-d The Twelve Months TiirTliroiigh,ongh and requires te„ten floats to eon WANTED—FoT AmuseiTient Paflc, City 600,000 Twv '.n animati-d nieture of tbe sigtiiflcaoee of G'sxt proisisitinn open for a Whip nr otlMr new Rides Silo nr Mntordrom*. Miilavts and Fat People, legltlroate FOR SALE—ROllZR SKATES ■he bolidavs otise-veil during the vear Tent Hhrava and Cnncrssiona of all kinds WANTTiD IMMKDIA’TKI-T—Merry-On-Found and Ferris Wheel In pritirt isskIIIIiWi. Ws puridiaseil an entire nesr Kisnrs-ie'se Park has hail a hirhtv siicees.ful Terms raaaonable Flat ren' or per.-rntafe tmtdoid- Atiractlona. saekly tarms in flrat lattar. Sight-acre eiiulpmeot fis" advertising purpose and have a few .i. n tNr«Men^amr twine large and ill rilles •musemwl P»rt. operated am« days; ten direct car lines to the grounda. 5e car fare. Write or wire pairs of the old isitfll left Bargalua for early buyera T- »HfBLOCK. OmmtM Mmmw. INI Mai. B. V. fMM. NN. WHITE CITV AMUtEMENT 00-. Cklaaga, IM- SEPTEMBER 7. 1918

VIOLINIST—DESIRES PERMANENT Posi¬ Agents and Solicitors Wanted tion In flrst-i'lHes picture houne: own large Sc WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN tS*. aASSIHED ADVERTISEMENTS library: given pictures -iiecial study for years; mii'lc to lit all scenes; prefer howse hiring not cm ilelivn-nl, II. all kind*; lM RATES PER WORD less than live pieces; young; strictly bueineeg. and prtc* Hat 10c. OIM>«S ONARD CO., ;i«: Address VIOLINIST. It.ami .'(.'I Office Block Bldg., SET IN S-PT. TYPE WITHOUT DISPLAY. NO CUTS. NO BORDERS. Artliui A»a.. New Totk. Ka«t Fifth Street, Topeka. Kansas. agents—130.00 weekly and your fall suit free; NO AD ACCEPTED FOR CESS THAN SSS CENTS sell our famous popular .fwk-eii made to measure YOUNG LADY HARPIST—EXPERIENCED IN Miiu: Mi steady iiicoms auarwiltvd; euoiplele mU- AGENTS AND SOLICITORS WANTED.3s FURNISHED ROOMS.la 1 aioievilh* and large Drehestras; toiireil with flt free: act quick. TUB t«».MMONWi;AI>TU TAIU ANIMALS. BIRDS AND PETS.3c FUTURE TIME WANTED BY ACTS.2s tilts, Iiept. til3. IS So. Wells St., C1ika«o. It. 11. ilriffitirs Birth of a Nation and Intoler ATTRACTIONS WANTED .3* HOTELS ITbeain-all .3e ance; .1. p. of M.: can douhle on piano. Addres* AT LIBERTY AT FUTURE DATE.2a HELP WANTED .3e harpist, Gen. IVl.. Oaklandnn, Indiana. big PBoriTS sn.LlNO “KLEA.N KITB." arlrnimc AT LIBERTY (display first line and name In Mai-k MANUSCRIPTS. SKETCHES AND PLAYS.la washlu wonder: whirlwind teller: treat reie-aiee: type) . It MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE . 3e i.tlM (uarantesd: samtilcs free: urlte iiunk for BANOS AND ORCNESTNAS ferrefi ptfrfo nr MOVING PICTURE ACCESSORIES POR SALE sample and special idler. BBSTKVlJt I'Krili- YOUNG MAN PIANIST DESIRES POSITION; I'CTS W-. SfiO-BB l^ilh St., CtUcagu. ttiie Icclmic. lies! miisii-; alone preferred; teach BOOKS AND FORMULAS .le MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS (.Semnd Hand).2c or ;day: s«itiiethlng reliable; l»ng Island or BOARDING HOUSES (Theatrical).2c PARTNERS WANTED FOR ACTS (.No InveMment). Ic RUSIMESS ORPORTUNITIEA _ V PERSONAL .a. Hast preferred; ticket If far. BOX 474, Sag llarteir. Isuig Island, New York. Animals, Birds and Pets BUSINESS NOTICES .3* PRIVILEGES FOR SALE .3e Sa WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN »t. CONCESSIONS WANTED . 3* SCHOOLS. SERVICES, INSTRUCTION. le EXCHANGE OB SWAP.2e SHOW PROPERTY FOR SALE (.Set ond-Hand 1 2e YOUNG LADY DESIRES POSITION AS A.N'I.'IAL AtTS, when in Cblrafn, atop at the Waih- FILMS FOR SALE (Heiiaid Haji.l).2e SONGS AND MUSIC.|e FILMS FOR SALE (.New).3c THEATERS FOR SALE.3c stenographer or private secretary with ndiahle initi'ii stable. We are egulpi^ to baudle eirpluuil traveling show isiiiipauy: eiperienceil: excel¬ ails, horse ads. I’rartlco room aiid eiert-lse yard, FOR RENT OR LEASE PROPERTY.$• THEATRICAL PRINTING .3e FOR SALE ADS (.New Oonds).3c WANTED PARTNER ((^pltal InvewUnenl). 3« lent reference. MARIE LAWRENCE, care (Sen- and' prlTste ruoias for amall animals. l*TUea ressoti- cral Ih-Ilvery. Chicago. aMi. WASIll.NtiTON MTAUUiS, III Washington FOR SALE ADS (Se-imd-Hand Oorata Only).2* WANTED TO BUY. 2* We dn lufi place t-hargre r KAIR. Hartwrtl. Ga.. Nrv RrS.siAN WOLF HOUNDS FOB 8ALD-1 hare a CLASS A MEAD BALANCING TRAPEZE NOV. TrfM^*er H. 7, 8, !•, Hsiit-i .^ferrV'^ffO-RfNidd. laril) tine lot id lliese lieaullfiil dues at thu tttna AT LIBERTY —ALL AROUND DRUMMER; prefer Hoiicl Slum ..r .Miiirlrel. luuel Iw reliable; elty; tigbta or aailur costnme: record of per 'Mu'fI. 0|fl Plantation with Kami, t»r any frfher fshows; and am offering young pupa, faalf-gruwu pups and l»ig raoiify ; let nw hear what yiHi hare. Aildrcsa A. wvber and rclhil-lc. dralt, (las* 4. BOX 489. formancea la 24 States. EDWIN HODDY. 407 full-grown dogs of both sexes and at wartime price*, K KiiWlK, Kliwtcm, Gconria. can sup^ any number of weanlings id exrliialee Kooxville, reiiiii‘'4bt‘r. .McKean St.. Peoria, Illinola. breeding at I'^.'i.Oii and upwards. rarllt> wishing for WAN! tl> -Attraction^ and roflcraamna for lira breeding stoi-k will gain by adilreiulng me I buy EXPERIENCED CLARINETIST — NOT 8VB- dhow, Brttlgrpori, Illlncis. .'icfttrmber IT. It. It all kinds of game and omammlal Mnl.' and the Sure AT LIBERTY FOR MUSICAL COMEDY: 8INO- 191i. r B HrHMAIJlAT.SfiN dueew of wild anlnials. Write for S2-pagr lllu*- ing Juvenile Mau. Ii-ad all Diimherw. Ad- Ject to draft: woiiht ciamiiler offering of theater irated gulile. enclosing ten cents lor same. K. 1. dresa JACK MORRISSEY. 1267 S. 1.3th .St.. Har or hotel poaitioD. EOISH. car# BlIIbiMrd, Cin¬ JIINBS. Crop. lamgfeUow Uarikna. Mlnnehaiia Falls. rinburg. Penm-ylvania. cinnati, Ohio. .Minnesota. __ Automobile Accessories 3e WORD, CASH. NO AOV. LESS THAN 2So. IXHl—High dl»ef: best In the busineta; 50-fU laddtr AT LIBERTY-A-l CLARINETIST; WITH EX- EXPERIENCED PICTURE ORGANIST—OPEN and all rigging; doew an ai-t going up the ladder. l-erlence Id i-h'ture house and vaudeville. for first-class engagement; fine library of FORDS .ST.AKT E.ABY IN t'OUi WEATHER with our I'HAS. tiAl'TH, Waablugtou suWes. Ill Waahlngton FRANK ALTAMARE, 1100 Qulntard Are.. .4n- music: .4. F. of M.; good organ and good sal¬ new 1919 Carhiirefcrs: 71 miles per aillon. use Bird., Chicago. nioioD. Alabama. ary essential. .Lddress ORGANIST, 1815 E. I'heepeet (awiline or 1 elf kt-msene; iniTeaeed power; Michigan .4ve.. I.anslng. .Michigan. etylew for any motor; terv slow on high, attach It .vourseli; big profits to egiiits. mieiev heck guartntee: At Liberty AT LIBERTY—EXPERIENCED PIPE ORGAN. 30 days' trial. AIR-FKHTI(»N CAKBCBBTOR OO.. (FIrat Itaa aad aama Is Slsah ^rfo.) 1st (male); married and exempt; cxfierli-nced FLUTE ft PICCOLO—TEN YEARS' EXPERI- 335 yiadison. Dayton, Uhio. It WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN ISa. In concert, idcture. vaudeville and orehe*tra ence in first-clas. theatres: at liberty for Work: .\. F. of M.; steady and reliable: tiest theatre flrst-rlass picture house: would con¬ reference from prcient employer: gooil organ and sider work in good industrial i-Iant band; union; Books and Formulae A-l VIOLIK LEADER—WIFE, FIAVIST; AT salary essential; will go an.vwhere. HERMAN, exempt. .kddress "WOODWIND," care Bill la WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 7Sa. liberty for picture or tuudeville theatre, danee Orpheum Theatre. Mint, Michigan. board. Cincinnati. Job or trarellBg J«b: lowg exi>erleni-e: no draft; BEADWORK DltflGVS A INimirtTIONS—A book .South preferred! go anywhere. C. C. FERRILL. every beadworkrr should hive; over 3o patiwna; Chlllicotbe, Missouri. price. 50c. we sell •upplle*. FRANK H TRAFTON. Haarafal Bldg., rmdnnatt. Ohio. AT UBERTY AFTER SEPTEMBER tS— IMMIKS Tlie Showman's Guide. 25c; Art of Vsn- Clarinet; Kb or Bb; direi-tor. If wanted; expo THE PATRIOTIC THING triloquism, i.'ic; -tfcglc .Maile Eaay. 25c: Tattontug rience*!; 46 yeara rtd; tober and not broke and Tattuliig Retii.iver, 2.'..'. l-RoE IIHOADBENT. family: prefer to Join Industrial band. OULBt. Prospect Place. Olovcravllle. New York. KET. Bllltsiard. I'lncliinatl. Ohio. ft Also the Right, the Wise, the Sensible Thing I HAVE THE BEST M.VE tiF KOKMI LAS for tale on the market; the best Cola drink, orange Cider AT LIBEKTT—EDOAB A SADIE OETEB. NOT. flapir and several spo-ialty driuka. E 1). DCRHAN. elty |ierformert; 6 different aels; ei|ier|eweed, Pome time or other the world war will end and all i-ountrlea win witneww n period Yaioo City. Mississippi. reliable and draft exemi-t; anything reliable of reconafnicfioD. roDStdered; tlekete. EDOAB OEYER. Sllear tJreat changes will take place. JAIL BREAKING, by Great Van ‘Pone. Uc: Side fthow I reek, Nebraska. The most important of these will he a great drop in the prevailing Wgh prlcea. TTrloka Expiaed, 15c; Woiidem of 20th Civituiy. 2V-. The I’mple'a Common Sente Medical Advttar, T’hey will sure i. Cut out every luxury, get rid of every exiiensive habit and save every dime—yet, ever.? kid glovea. ralncoata, umtirellta. storkloga ate.: easy fe«sion«l peotde. Write BOB 8TURDIVAN, t.en. to make, greet teller rtprywhere. large profits (Uaraa- nickel that you p<».sihly can. liel.. Kansas City, Missouri. leed formuls and working fnatnictlona 2Se. BE8T- I’ut your savings in the bank and with them buy Liberty Bonds, which put info the IIKAIJ, LABOILATlIltlES. :.311 Bellepltlne. (TUcaga safety de’po..ii bo\. Lilwrly Bonds will l>e Just like currency after the war—better in fart. AT LIBERTY—"THE tOTH CENTURY JA2Z Beve! N'.ATI'RE BIMIK" Kuowicilgc f.-r "hoee married or Band"; Sept. I.'i; frtunit.v now and make it your own. nigaged; fti-ts every man and woman -.hould know; riftlme Kings"; riano. \ iidla. Cornet, rroiiibone, Have money when the gissl times come. "m-, ;iUin wraRier. CKNTItAI, CliMI’A.NY. loe Ninth Ave.. .New York. I'rnms; featuring XylophotP's. Saxo(>bone. It will prove immensely more satisfacinry than a large hunch of vain regrets. I'taiinre. Bells. Marinibapbones and Banjo; all It in not only I he wise thing to do. hut the patriotic and unselfish thing. troupers; double B. A O.; sight readers; Ja/r R4;.u, U7'E BOOKS FoR REU. UVE PBOPIX- Dh. ye i>rofe«si..nals! Dh, ye iipsligal »..n« of the pnifessiiui! Oh. ye happy-go-lucky *t lib.; ex|M>rlenced all lines of ahow business; IJals free. B. B. SHtTtIDAN CO.. 417 B. 15101 chicken and feather connossleurs; i’lease, I’l.KASE, PLEASE take this Up.—WATCHE. managers hsiking for a red hot pep Jaxx band Pt.. New York. get In luucb quick; this la the Jaxf band that loured the "tnternalional Cln-ult" last winter .«>3CKETS (*r M1V1> RFADINO, 2flo-Mv(itlfv ym» rrieiide: glee exhihitlonx; go on the stage: make »ilh Kaule Daxale Musical Comedy Co.; want t" monev WItJ, F I/>RD»N Hookselier, oraniie. .N. .1 hear from reliable managers only; dance paTlIion. AT LIBERTY-ADVANCE MAN; GOOD ALL- nRST-CLASS MAGICIAN WITH ILLUSION Indel. cabaret: lui'atioo preferreil. but will trou|>e round man on show for wagon show. Himl, and clever sleight-of-hand work also. A t MY CAKTtKtN AiT Nfrrrnt ISO.OOO m 7 veers; nilh musical eo. or minstrel; ealariea mnsi be write. HARRY LEON, I'emda. Virginia. 5th; money getter; at litierty for all kinds of show anyone taught ect at eight: hank rsferwices given: tops, as we deltrer the goods; picture shows, Beaverdam. Virginia. !>th. biisinese. M. FLOWER, 466 Eighth .Ave.. New •and 3c stamp I’KIIF AJ. HAFFNER. .3014 Dau¬ site your postige. PAUL B. OOSB. Mgr. 'JOth A ork. phin. Phlladeiphia Century Jazx Bind, Port Stanley, tintarlo. Can. AT LIBERTY—TEXAS SLIM; COOKHOUSE THE ROADMAN'S GT'ITIE Vahiahle honk of new man; exempt from army; wilt acce|it salary LADIES' ORCHESTRA—AT LIBERTY AFTER money-makma plana achemee. sn-ret pp-ceaaea. 'xade AT LIBERTY—CELLIST; WELL ROUTINED: and i>er cent: slay <>»t .all winter: small car Se;>r. .'hi; only reliable managers need reply. •ei-ret formulaa. etc., worth ila weight in gold. ASiaple doubling banji>. Address CELLIST, care nival preferreil. Address M. H. HAYNES. WIT Address BOX 74, Cedar Pi*int. Dhlo. ropy. 25c, postpaid, regular pnr*. 11.00. O. FINCH Young's, 3l.'ta Morgan St., N. W., Washington. Spring St., shreveiHirt. Ismlsiana. CO . Grand Rapids. Michigan District of Columbia. MUSICAL DIRECTOR—WANTS LOCATION IN TFST YOKES BY YANSEN—One eoUd hour Swr.llsli AT LIBERTY—A-l TRAP DRUMMER; EX- large elty theatre, west of Ml»s, dniros and lieMs; library and up to any o;>enlng; op hestra must permanent bs atlon preferred. 0. M. WALTER, want gisxl location or travel with .\ 1 musical he of good size; all questions answered; make WoNltfat nafENT—Powder mixed ivlUi water forme a cemevit absolutely (Ire. witrr and arid rr-W rare l>oeal 147. A. F. of M., Labor Temple. Dal show. .Address J. S., care of BillN>ard. first letter brief and isunidete: .A. F. M. Ad Iss. Texas. mwids ckira. glaas wood, t-orcalalB. marida. iron dress M. D.. .W. Best Bldg., Ris k Island. III. tin. rubber, eeenrthing. cheap and aasy to maka AT LIBERTY—VIOLIN AND PIANO; MAN guarantaed working fcrmula. 25o BE9TOVAIJ.. o.MI- KB. Beileplaine. tTiii-agn. AT LIBERTY, SLATER AND FINCH-FINCH. and wife; 7 years’ experience best M. I*, TRAP DRUMMER AND CORNET—MAN AND Jiltenlle I/eading Man: Strong Specialties; ap houses; rxi>erts on cuing picture*: .I years wife; union: exi>erienced in all lines; iirefer pearance and abillly. Slater, A1 Plano Player. with W. V. M. .A. vaudeville hoii-cs. cafes, high-class tiieture or vaudeville Isuise: lady Business Opportnnltiei Write or wire, 4'.’7 -Main Sln-et. Vincennes, Ind. dam-lng; wish to hs-ate; town where can use idays gold lruui|M>t: gent carries full line of iiiiislc as side line or w'lede; man. general office. traps, including xylophone and lynipani. and 3« WORD. CASH. NO AOV. LESS THAN 25a. It. It., nieri'antile. tiuiek«'<>|M>r; wife, leleidume ;days them. East pn-ferred. Salary must In- at liberty—lady PIANIST: DESIRES PO- operator, niiisle store and hos;>ital attendant. right: we are all bia.lness. THE VIBBARDS. ANTONT: IVnntE.-iTKD in the Slot Machine or Vend¬ ellion in first class yaiideville hiuiM*: 6 years* THE KINGSBURYB. Fnion City. Michigan. Manningtoo, West Virginia. ing buslnesrt. plea.** eend aildreas to 5fi 7>mcl etperlcnce; A. F. of \|.; state hiHirs and salary; Bldg.. Philadelphia. Pennrylvtnia. no pictures. HELENA 8TEMM. .114 Middle St., CLARINETIST. Bb or Eb—THOROUGHLY Kenosha. Wlm-onaln. Ex¬ perienced In band and orchestra; age, .70; draft VI0UNI8T WITH GOOD LIBRARY—YEARS IF YOU WANT to buy or ,iell or lea.-.* Tleatre Miw- hig Piriurr. Ko.ta'uaiit. leuh h Kieaiit.. Road exempt; location preferred; A. F. of M. D. J. of experience; locate or tpmpe; iinioa man; Hoiaie*. Hotels. Sal<« tie. .\parimeiit Houimw. Fur- Itt'DF.ItTS. Bov 474. Patebogne, New York. also play baribine. AL MORSTEAD. Home Ho AT LIBERTY—SCENIC ARTIST; EXPERI- tel. Birmingham. .Alabama. nivhnl Ho-aik-. or •'»' imoimec.t ymi may want go eni-ed: iiermanent slock preferred; not In draft. where cvrrvbial.v g-*-* fr-r the big -diow. See me first. ^ WARD, I.akewooil. New Yiwk. CLASSY FEMALE IMPERSONATOR—SINGER Write. tel-Thmie or call hi pcrwai. NICHOI.A.S COCTIH'IMS. R<»-m 397 Time* Itutldlng. New York, and Dancer; several changes- refcrencei; WE ARE DRAMATIC PEOPLE. NOT VAUDE- l-hone.* -CO'., 3752 Hotnl: 13.53. 74ti cTrrie. AT LIBERTY—FREE ATTRACTION: NEW drawing capi everywhere; big novelty for vande- vHle; characters, comeily. heavies; age. .79: •ind sensational F.scafdng .\cl; eaeaiilng mit of vllle. musical i-onietl.v, moving plctnres, circuaea: height. 6 ft.; weight, 170; lady, gen. biia. and IT. 9 PATirfr NO 1153454 for *ale: a Hoeering Fly¬ handcuffs and ahacklea while In an Iron cage send -.‘0 cents for sis-lefy belle Impersonation eharactem; s<»me gisnl st>eclaltles; excellent ing Machine: price. fSit.noO; for full ptrtlculari I's'keii In a mall bag and lhn>wn Into 6 ft. water I’liotograph. .Address WALTER, .Aiilst. Gen. wardrobe; director. H. H. HOYTE. Gen. Del., write E. H PAGE. Inventor. Enola Flats 3 Louis BL. tank ■'oyereit with burning gaaollne, escaping Del.. I’hlladelphia. Pennsylvania. Detroit. Michigan. Chtrlaston Wcet TIrrnla. through the flames; will glse $10000 reward to • ny doing the same. If .voii want something ni’w and a sensation write or wim. B. CARDOZA, Mi W. Dural St., Jackaoarllle. norldg. In Answering: Classified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard. (Continiied on page 40) SEPTEMBER 7, 1918

WANTE1>-An A-N’o. 1 LloUrlat and Trap Iinimmer; W4NTEI>—Lady partner fn- a rec<«nlanl comrd.T Cartoons and Drawings r|oii]dd music library uul cun Musical Instruments murleal act for fall and winter bootdnia; latlees St WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 2B«. pictures: trap drummer uiunt bate a full line of will explain act: anid pliofn, will be returned. Kl. traps and have piHurr theatre experience; .salar> fr'r FOR SALE—SeCONO-HANO. Haniiltiai. wrilt. A'klrtes .MrsU'AL t'OXlEUIA.N, >i'>|iiit-i. iH r wiik. driiiiiiner. jllJ jur seek: dtreii < HALK TAUvPTK A tRAVOV AHTIsT—< leriT rtrt- 2a WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 2So. Uaytun. Wlaconatii. c»iur»«. ^rtth pttrlrttlr pep and piiiin; “peiial aiim- days a week: hoiiis. fp>m tHo In the a/teninon till mer offer, i-omplele. Mir. THALK TAI-K SImdES. live, ami idalit. seven till teti-flfteeii. LYCKl'M THI..\TKE. Monroe. Louisiana. BARtlAIV LIST I NREDFJLMKn Ml'SirAL IN- SchOOls SprvirPR TnafniATI Lliionln. NtbrasKa STRVMJiNTS and other Standard Merrhandiae at OlaUUUlS, tSerVlC^S, XUSbrUClilOn WANTini -Vaudeville. Tabs.. .VRi'drels and other *”2*** Buffet Crampon. Pans. L. P. Tenor Braaa WORD. CASH. NO ADV LESS THAN ISa. R..ad Attrartlmi.s for our NewCew LltuTtyllbiTtv Theatre juatnisi ?Muphone.Rexophone. in aqu^aquare leather earnmfeamin* .raaa.raae. 280.00; * ‘■EM THAN 250. Concessions Wanted or>r.>»i IIIIVHTY THk ATHVtv MarimiMarino Vl^nlaVIratnIa Buffet, Crampon.( rainpnn. Pant. L. P. ailvertilver-plaUd plaud toraneSoprane ---- ' ' -- 3e WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 2Se. ^ _ Saxophone. tltf237 .50..lO. C. G. Conn Alto SaxophonaSaxophone. thiBemr- emr- BEVOME A PRtlFfcSSIONAL U.LNCEB—I can teach -7— - \VANTi:l»-oa-net. rianle. and Trap I.rumniernnier 'must(must 'Tin* eaae. 145.00; flneat trade Imported Cello, beauti* you a oompletn daiiclnc act, wini er " ANTETk To purrhaae a "Wlilp.” in tlr«l-i lava < on plav bells): vaudeville: tliree slsins p«rper dav;dav t”*"'"'' "*'• "onderful baraaln at 1.55.00. Ukulele, r-enlrte. aoft thoe. walta. do*, ehorut dandnir. ete dltlon. Addrees HARRY I>. IIANHIAN. I.akeside I f^nr Satiirda.V': 2'.‘4.bo per w*‘ek ea<-h must make popular and eaaieat uialrument to play. 13.T5. terma reaaonable. Call or write THOMAS. 1*7 W.‘ Park. Datror, Colrirado pvsl t eeevai nine nKWilhs: write Addr.e.s li-.AHVJl I kulelj^natnietion B<^ 18c. un^ra^ Cora^. Grand Avenue, Cluca*o or ORCHVSTRA. care Hotel. Jaekenn SprtiifS. N. G. VJ '•"Tvtn* —--- _____ <••»«■• 218 00. $..0 00 Joseph Bohman Guitar, unre- HYP.\UTlS.5»-»ltrUln«. amusln*. my»Uf>ln* Exchange or Swap WANTKl. Ut ICK-Vloliii. Piano. Cornel. Clarinet. t Jiv •'’..If*™ Write PACKWA. 2218 2e WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25c.

run i*i-trre itanrii lu i o.. * ” ' einpri^f>e ami all be ^ ruin*«raap .nuaicai inauiimw FVirlda. clnee to hmii and Ri. k Road. 110. jr.s,n.e .rwire tw.. mdlne^ n il.U live Send “»us >«*'your "'I''order. DAVID STERN COMPANY (In \i\iir vficvyv'i fis itAi ■ v'm .si.nevrvv an ^ hiislnns sines l»*51 102? Msdfsnn St Chiesm Ill MML. » tlALJ.t.T SCHOOL.—All lODda of Want liOoU Plctiin- SlH.a. Tent or Keature Him. ", ,LV " i buainewhusineea alnrealnce iKgx).1885). 1027 MadlaonMaaiaon St..St . tTiira«o.Chira«o. HIIll. Uau.un* Acu on«inated for *reat arUaU. vauderille HARRY V. GRAHAM Manhattan. Kansas. M Vs<.urT TllLATHL. I aruthen,-- •...D ns 1 _ . »• .. ®' vaone* MME MENZtJ.l. 23 Eaat 16th SL. New rtiR SALE—Fine, large, four-ocure l>ea*an Marimba- Yy,u Trlrpli.air, 3334 StuyveMnL W ANTED Eiperieiii-cd Chorua tJirls. med. and youii*;.. Xylophcaie; perfect ctondltlon: powerful tone. rich. Ouetta. 135.00; Trunk of Magic. lo( of if wa Uiu»w vmi riaAIRK WALKEK’S^ mellnsv; coat 2355.00. with trunlu: eaay worth 2250.00; small.all Makti,Maglf. 210llP.no..00. Want MilMillii.K Ma.Ulnc. Slia[>er. la'vF'JT.MF ^ai ’nxealre WU- ton hi* for my use; best offer In thirty days takes It. PRAtTlCAL LES.S(>NS IN HYP.NOTISM. which wUl I,athr.ithe. or what have youryonT A. VV. l>oVVNS, :r:% W. * ineaire. ^yu enable anyone to give the most aide spUtUlig en¬ ifteXsi. niiiigton, North 1 arollna. Address BOX 817. Huron, South Dakota. Main, Battle Creek, MlcfalKXU. tertainments; nicely bound; prtoe. 22.00. noF. WANTFR) Metlldne Performers who play thdr own FOR ts-ALJ.SALE -triuOld Violinvmim itjuarnetrusl.(Guarndrus). bow.no^ leatherleainer I **** * Dearborn SL. Chicago. lUlnda. For Sale—New Goods mimic for street work- Ion* pleasant engageneiit; eaK;caK: reaaoiialde;reasonable; a prlie for amateur nror professional;profeaslonal: salao sure. Address DR iIKTl tTlRsTER. Congreae Theatro EnW Okfalmma’^*^' 2t WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS YHAN 22*. | Hotel. 1508 Market St.. St. Louie. YFl.sxHirl. 2d-Hand Show Prop, for Sale KNIVES FOR -Assorted colors. $.').00 per W'.ANTEI*—Flri-l-class Plano Player for motion p4c- For SALI>-Wurlltier Mllllan- Band Organ. No 125- 2a WORD. CASH. NO ADV. UM THAN 2S6. srotw. A. W. l»OW'.Ns. 32b W. 51aln, Battle Creek, luri-slures exclusively to work with trap drummer: I nt«'fine y»'n”'"n-PO"i-ondltion: price right: mlssiiHi ease. BRUCE Ukhisan. must understand howbow to cue pictures perfectly;perfeetD: mustmust] D.u. Attir.ivritm.ARTERBIKY, Kansas.lyaiisas. Illinois.iiiinoia._ qPERA CHAIR;—LlaiteoutA drwiped fartor- , be -dier. reliable and have goo.1 library; union town; ORANGE CIDER FLAVoR-I have the beet Orange salary.!"’25"'pla«*i^'‘s^te‘iSbir*2’^?^rm«« 225: place open September 2; permanent™ Ad- FOR SALE-N^ Conn Trr.mbone. Innrs M^d: hVdl joS*hS/? iJI'^la^ LeuV of*witkto SSnSlji‘*'.V bS* Clder fUror on the market; also Qiedal drinks for drCMi. ^YMP^_THV^OLYMPIC THE.ATRE. Amar.Amarillo.llK Texas._ Ad'S;:J,.'^2 ««Uu. J. RLdHNGTO.N .3... s.-rmMJ^i'isiTvr. show a, fairs, parks, picnics, etc. B. D. DURBAN, Yaxno City. Mississippi. WANTinv-Rviiollst, lady or gentleman, for trgrel- ^-7 w... •*d'K. "W. LIGHT PLANT, ••oniplete;i-oniplele; fine 3u-ri3U-ft. Sie#tUeel - Ing road .show; must have pereonallly and good ap- FOR SAI£ Amertean Model. Uiw Pitch. B-^ Aretia. 4 Overland or Carnival Clots Cage Waai iiv For Sale—Second-Hand GoodsannHo Twaraii.e: hyptukle Mibie.8a. lady keepers, eviduran^^ lltxer Cornet. extra alMro. ^uthpl^d^^ Tally-Ho Band Wagon. Air Cilllo^on^dl tu ’ 2e WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 2So. OIKIN •lawkl.vce, bo. o... "■ It .KSU SSk . i" Memplils, Tetuieasee. iulc» and Ireaka. Crlspctle .Mai luiie; best make Arkaii- 22100 FIBRE TKU.N'KS (Sample Trunks); bargains; »aw Kids and CaU; Peri-«ita*e Wheels; Patent Slide 27.00 et(2i; eUet, 37 indies lung. 2Px2.5: also :t5 Imdiee for Life l*ulle>a; Carnival and Fair Workers' G.ksIs of long. 23x27. these are ready for hard traveling; cash all kiiiiU. .Magic Illualona and Escape -Lets; Eldric with order. WTUdAMK. 1312 Ohio. Ht I/wiU. Mo. Automatic Base Hall tiaroe; Bridge and Box Ball Al¬ leys. Band Urgaiis; Folding Organs; Una-Fun; EU-'-iri.- BARG.AINS III Diani'sids, AVaUhew and Jewelry. XyUipIsMir. saraa as I'ua-Fiui; Teiita for all puriBise-. large Dramatic Outfits, complete; Foiduig Chairs siid FI.NK.S. 2U3 So. I.iidlou >>t., IMyloii. Ohio. THE TIGHTWAD VS. THE SPENDER Circus Blues, new end used I’rof. Trunks, new siid used Becnery and Side Show Beniien; bass and .-^iiars FTKi HORNS—Gets the crowd; you get the money: loud Join the indent Order of Tightwads. Dninu. Little Wonder Lights; flue mie-alrlng Fiddle toned, and used about two weeks; 212: ffrat-claa-v Special Bargaliii Ui Kinsk tlie Helmet off the eondlUoo. J. P. REDINGTt»N. Scranton. Pa. Join It today. • Kaiser and Rubber Neck Ktltu- Ball Gamee. iiitibliif List, ye actors, agents and many managers too. tn the Shos Business, new or u.. EdH S.AI/E Three Elci-lrlc Vans Odium no longer attaches to the word "Tightwad.” get It. Write us your wants and sett us your guit CO., for stamp. ALLAN TBOKB. Nora. Nehraaka. Raving Is glorified. 518 Delaware si.. Kansas City, Mlaaourl. And your tightwad Is first of all the MTer. HAMBURGER TRUNKS—You get 22.00 per pound True he gives sparingly to the Red Cross, to the T, M. C. A. ami to Wat Charltlea 111X2® TENT. giB-l eliaiie. 235; 8x11 Tent. IJ-ii*. top. for your Hamburger when you use our Portable Cook¬ generally, hut he baa It to give and he does. like new, $2.*; ys ft reer Wheel. lOaJO Fly. 28; As a citizen and an Amerhan the tightwad la worth several hundred apendera aad It; I'oiialile frame, fine caiiva.* top, etc., complete. Folding Cot. 23. Evans’ Cat Rail., ui^ 8 times. 249. 21.M1.IK1. WALTER BENNER. 5337 Baltimore Ave., then some. FRED VA.NCE. 415 S<». Roby SL, Chicago. IllUioU. I’liiUdelphia. Pciiiisylvaiiia. And besides the tightwad of today is the liberal man of next year and the phHan- thro|iist of the future. ASBHSTViS 4M'HT.tlNS Three In fine shape, equal JAZZ HORNS—GreatMt. newest ballyhoo: moat e<- The spender on the eontr^ry remain* alwsys n chronic * touebefn pOMOsted of only to new and isuap ete with riggings and ropes at a fecUre advertlsmg stunt going: ot>erBted by foot or a bunch of dehts and broken obligations. fraction of Uiclr ••bK. J. P. REIHNOTO.N 40., hand power; thousands in successful use. REDINO- Out of a thousand tightwads one may turn out a mlker. .Scranioti, PciHunlvanla T.cope Picture Ma¬ Tnita 8i«. 7x8. 84x13, 12x14. OmoSMlia Tents. chines, 22(1; Mills -swiiigiiig Bag Puiidier, $3,5; 7x7. 8x10. 10x12. 10x14 Refrashmant Tanta. 10x14 R'lVcr Name• Plate.Hliie. 2.3";$.Ti; RoverHover tloctricElectric Hean. l$2c«utlful liutnimeot; Hawtlltn ••♦wto ofh- iq,20. 12i2a. UiU. Mt24 UxSS Cocnpartiofm .Vlulos* "|>e Ivniivvimv Hi.tiirePii-liire MaMs'-binc. hii.r. withwitli nil. 720; LLAUEIl. AnierUaii Theatre, tjiiJs Oklaih»ma. I fxi ainJ ca»; nevof u^ert; coat $55, irU for >20: TanU. lOiW. 12i20, Ui24. Show Teota. 20i3«. ElecDlc Macliitie, wiih time fan. 220; standard 'iff vfi s^^ '**** pobtem. B. J. Ma4o! 20x80,* 30x"45. SOiOO. 40x80, 50x80. 80i?0. fOx scale . 215. Weigbl Teller. 220; singing Rird .Ma¬ YOU CAN MAKE YOUR SPARE TIME PROFIT- RE-MLEY. .Moorhead, .MimieBOta. ns. 118x300 Write for bargains D. M. KERB chine, 235 ;mall A C. Mi.tor. 2'-: Views (nr PiiKiire ABLE coaching amateur Mmatrel and Dramatiis. ■ , ■ — ■ MFG. CO.. 1007 MadDon ML. Chlimgo. Macbiiie. 21 per ?el of 13. ROYLER S.XLl.s roM- demand more than we could supply. We teach you LEEDY' HAIU*DPH(INE. 24 ocUm; In good cotKll- how and turn over local work to you. Write for "Re- tb«i; l>e»t offer. < . O. I> on Irlel. W. A. HILL, PANY, Canton. Ohio. FItR SALE I ciiM< -bii Trill “Dip. u-etl only "lie week. suits Obtained by 78 Directors Placed Lest Season.*’ 801 Washington S«., Waterloo Iowa. 12x23. 12 os while dip k. no side wall-: f< r a quUk SUGAR PUFF WAFFLE MACHINES earn fro-I HOOKER-HOWX COST! ME C(E (New En^and’a -- --- sale. 2:t.3.iNi. M-nd IlniHi. bsiaiH-e c. o. ■).; also l Ill iIh- lent, 213.U«Ml nrw; greit rmmey grttere; atiy rliiM ran vvortc MacMnre. SMI'BCH. 118 West E>gle St., Buf- ^ them II H., 2 arc K>'K 222. Madlr>u. HIs<'ficuin. falo. New York le WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25e. Partners Wanted for Acts (NO INVESTMENT) Foil s.M.E 3ftx80 White Tent. 9-fL wall, pole, and AfTS. PIAYS AND SKfriN HES—Written to fit vcai: I* WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 3Se. ro|>c-. bargain at prbT. 275; ship C. (i. Ii. on rwcU" Help Wanted w1(|i i>ep and piUKh: special mualc; reco*TilaeyREI> comedian--Also 1,adv Aasla*ailt. I and cvinl.ala. ilruni -itaiHl and frw trapa; price, |;tftft*i. 9e WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 3Se. Rnnm lifts 538 Mo Dearborn. Chicago. Illlnota. widow wttb small daufht^r prefrrrvid. ^tuenenr# aliip «' o D. cai r*rHi»t << $15.00. MRS. If. M . . . . .„ _ — - uniie<-eMary.unije*'««a4r>. for thirty-minutethirty minuto MagicMa — __ : catabig; muvt deliver; iinlame: aHlrr if tiiv, ^ rani'ai. I'rtm^vivaiila Renisrksb'e terms. p'^'wlbk; huiidrr