NOTICE TO READER: you <^n***> iwNdr thi« BUfaitni a le itatoc> on tliia notice, mail the ixkacaLXiaa. It will be pii tba bafids d oir aoicUers or sailers destined to prooeed over^eefr Vol. XXX, No. 36 Na addretk^A. & BUKU:£ON. Poatniaat* GcoaraJ September 7, 1918 Published weekly at Cincinnati, O. Subscription, $3.00 per year. Entered as second-class mall matter, June 4, 1897, at Post Office, Cincinnati, under act of March 3, 1879. CARRIES ALL THE WISE ADVERTISBRS'BUSINESS THIS ISSUE CONTAINS 32 PER CENT ADVERTISING AND 68 PER CENT READING MATTER X ti e O 1 111> o a r d SEPTEMBER 7, 1918 CAMP WORKERS and DEALERS CHOCOLATES SERVICE PIN THE NEWEST SERVICE RINGS SWEETHEART INSIGNIA SERVICE TRY A SHIPMENT OF OUR FAMOUS GOOD LUCK Gold plated, with insiR- SERVICE PIN, T\ hard enamel, We carry every nias. We f gold plated, i* ’ '' a ' I * RED BOX CHOCOLATES 1, 2 and 3 ‘ |jn| insignia m stock. carry every io- hard enamel, I Jn stars. Price, I L FULL POUND 0 inBignia in I fine fini.sh, 1, ''v\ /w M J14.00 Gross (24 LBS. TO CASE) Btoek with gg^i 2 and 3 stars, $13.00 Gross. 1 and 2 Btars. Bjf 1 HALF POUND t $16.00 Gross. (4S li LBS. TO CASE) Jl 9 W $12.50 Gross HWi SEND DEPOSIT—ASK FOR PRICE LIST __ ^ SERVICE PINS, We have in stock also Insignia Service Rings, Rei»latjoii SmaN U. t fine finish, 1,2, CIGARS, CANDIES & CREAH CONES Knives with all the insignias, Bullet Pencils, p.,.,r 3 and 4 stars, LOUIS DENEBEIM & SONS Cigarette Cases with insignias, Photo Frames. y* j* Outs, GrOSS $6.50 GrOSS $0,50 GlOSS 1224 OAK ST. KANSAS CITY. MO All goods guaranteed to be of first quality hard enamel or your money refunded. Goods ready to ship from stock. Our prices get your business and our deliveries keep it. 30% deposit with order, balance FOR SALE—283 Foldin{ Chairs C. O. D. Special delivery. 'old AM. food oondlUon. crated ao take aecond-cUM relgbt rate. $175.00; Power's 6A, complete, sood AMERICAN NOVELTY CO., - 12 Moulton Street, PROVIDENCE, R. I. htpe. btrtsiti; Power's 5 Head, romplete. large Im- rored Lamp House and Arc, map, araall Motor, )4-h. ., $6.00; 60-TnIt Ktar Oeneratur, D. C., line condl* Ion, $6.5.00; lot of other M. P. Goods CHEAP. ILECTOIC, MorrUon, Oklahoma. WAMTED FOR NEIL O’BRIER’S MINSTRELS 2d violin to double baritone, trombone or cornet. STRING BASS to double fElVET DROPS and STRQE SCTTINQS tuba. One more cornet, band and orchestra. Wire, stating salary. Cleveland, URIAl Bowling Game leautlfol mlora, anj alae. Rentals and eaaj tmoa. O., week Sept. 2; Hornell, N. Y., 9; Glean, 10; Bradford, Pa., 11; Franlclin, 12; BEAUMONT VELVET SCENERY STUDIOS, 45 West Farty-alxth Street, • New York City. Butler, 13; Sharon, 14. We do not pay hotels. Address OSCAR F. HODGE. !$• Market Street, • • San Franeltce, Cal. FOR FAIRS I mm«d lately— For Al. G. Field Greater Minstrels Dlunond Dta OU or Wator Colon. $10.00 SCHELL SCENIC STUDIO, COLUMBUS. OHIO. Experienced Drummer with tympani and full line of traps. ALQ. FIELD, Louitvilli, Ky., SepL 2>S; Nashville, Tann., SapL f>7. For Complete Outfit THEATRE OR S SETS FOR tlS.OO. Modem In etery way. iwatliig etparity about 600. all- Hcora oTcr 2< uid g«t ■ lirge jat*d In town of 10.000, located In the heart of the prlxe. Pin* Ml up tutnaigUckUy. •ualnesK Be<'llon of city, for rent on reasonable terms, roIUiMlhl* for ihlpplng. NoUUng 'ommunirate with J. C. rA5fPBEI.L, f'harlee City, lA WANTED QDICK, HEAVY aid CHARACTER MAN to get nut of order. Th« biggaw gimo on the mirkat at lowagt CHARLES A. REEVES Tent Repertoire until Oct. 5th, then Stock. GKO. C. ROBERSON, Roticrson price pnulble. known on the atage as Bl'D REEVEi^. can’t b« Stock <'o., week Sept, 2d, La Fayette, RI.; week Sept, Otii. Manitou, III. AfiFNTl 6'^ miking iirga 'oiind by his people. Send addrcM to hlo brnOier or *"*^”’* proflu Mlllng Aeilt] lo T. Foster Thomas, 1328 Arch Street, Ptilladelphla, Bowling Game to Club*. ('ifM. PennsylTaiila. etc. BLONDIN'S SHOW WANTS 0. DEVANY, WANTED, RTRIGTLY HIGH-CLASS Musicians, hand and orche.stra. Actors, double band, with Specialties; Novelty New York CELLO AND CLARINET for refltied themre South: pictures and road shows. Team for concert. Pay telegrams. Burlingame, 5; Osage City, 6; Km|iorla, 7; Winter resort and One opportu itty for riitsldc hotel Florciu'o. 0; all Kansas. and danoe work. FTIKD STARK. Hotel Tate SprUifs, AT LIBERTY IN TWO WEEKS ■Tile Sprlnfii. Tenneesce. FOR SALE AshestiM Stage t'lirtain. 11x18 feet; green rep. Stage Wanted Quick, for Long Season South Baritone or Tuba f'ljrtaln. with roller; Electric Swluhboard with 16 I’erformers doing two or more acts. Oriental Dancer, Calliope Plajer and Musicians Will pay fare on to connections; set of Mohler Chimes, set of three Dim¬ Hare both. Prefer Tuba Hectmd aeaaon with prw- mers. and other eejutpment for little theatre or high show. Wire or write E. H. JONES. Manager Huge Bros.’ Shewi. Hgldfut. Segt. 5; Imperial, 6; Vlaeaunt, 7; ent ihnw (Story). Have worked for Buaby. Blondin. achoc.1 stage. Address R. A. ('HANDLER, care Ere- Aigulth. 9; Perdue, 10; BIggar, II: Wilkie, 12; all in Saak., Canada. E. H. Jone* and nthera. Can furnuh library If necea- nlng Mall. Galeeburg, Illinois. aary. Can make atreel announceroeiita; exempt Wife now on main ticket box. Both are yrKvl on door or r»- •errre. Short kawxi and long jurapa not wanted Tlcketx uiileaa we know you. MaU wlU be forwardol from Harper. Kantaa. our home. .tddreaa BERT Medicine Workers iWanted for Swcetest Bill in Dixie Co. POTTER. Bertrand. Neb.. SepL 2-T; Maywood. Net*. we can supply you with Blood. Liniment. Sake and LMdIne Maji, Heery Man. two Character Men, one for Blackface; Ingenue, Leading Woman, two Charaeter Sept. 9-H. General Dellrery. ( atarrhal Ri-medy. Write for prices. KIT KARSON Women, one for Blackface; Piano I'Uycr. l*oubIe Stage; good, lire Agent, Must join at once. Prefer thoae MEDICINE CG.. Fould Bldg., AtlanU. Georgia. doing Spo'laltles. Addrees ERNEST LATIMER, Manager Sweetest Girl In Dixit Ca.. Calra. Illlnele. AT LIBERTY WANTED acrobat! SHANNON STOCK CO. WANTS ON ACCOUNT OF SHOW CLOSING .\'ot oxer 5 ft., for atandird aeL Send photo, etc., in A-1 Comedian, good, clerer General A<lor, both preferred with good voices and strong specialties: elever flrat letter. WIU. CAJUAJ. Billboard, New York. Ingenue and Comedian, Team, Parts and Speclaltiee. Photos, which will be returned. Real Clarinetist and YANCEY and YARCEY Cello, double Band; other good .Musicians. All must name lowest. Pay own. Richard Lloyd, write. skrti'h Team. Change for a week. I do black, kid WOMEN lAfAMTCn HARRY SHANNON. Marysville. Ohia. and tramp, t'p In all acta. Faka piano. Play guitar MUSICIANS null I LU Duquoln. IlUnoU. STEADY ORCHESTRA WORK State experience, whether or not union, age, loweat Wanted for Mary Brown’s Tropical Maids Comedy Bar Performer ealtry. Addrees BOX 999. The Billboard, (mdn- nati. Ohio. Two experienced Chorus Girls. Salary, $20. BIJOU TIIK.\TRK, Corning, X. Y. AT LIBERTY WANTED Or can use good man for fairs, IjCginning WANTED FOR BROOKS’ STOCK CO. Sept. 11th in Oklahoma. Wire or write Supporting Maude Tomlinson, (Jtjneral Business Man, some Leads. Woman quick W. K. MAXWELL, care Dallas D BALLET DANCER for Juveniles and Ingenutsi. If you do .specialty nay so. Good .Specialty Teams News, Dallas, Texa.s. Man or woman. Slate all. with photo, which will he write. Must have all essentials. State everything nuickly. Address returned. J. F. MATHEWS. Route 5. lAporte, Ini. •I.1 \<'Kkt IV itit<ytii\:b.BROOKS. naoiiin,Sabiiln, Iowa,iowh, > N1, I *L. 1. McQUlNN FAMILY WANTS to bear from aood Mentaiist AiL Photo, age, etc., required. Would like to correepond with exp. min¬ WARTED FOR THE PRIRCESS STOCK COMPANY I LMOer (Piano) At lIDerly strel partner. Great opening for such in this prorince. Vaudeville, Pictures, Stock, etc. R^olres $1,000 your share. Yes. 1 can frame the A-l Cornet that doubles .«tage. Must be able to act and have wardrobe. Show second. Home address: W. J. McQI’IXN, Meaford. Wire or write Licst offer. Address Onurlo. stays out all winter. Join at once. Address T!. W.\RI). care l*riiB*es‘» Sttw-k fo., Rimcrton. .Mo. PIANIST, 4(Mi ('ourtland St., MUSICIANS WANTED Dowagiac, Mich. Wood-wind men all kinds and go<Kl men on other In¬ struments. Train In the South this winter with LEADING MAN WANTED AT I IRFRTY a ' Mualcal Director, piano; Federalized (luard and know what you are going lo he. /VI LelDEirv 1 1 Vaudeville and .Mualcal Cnro- Good openings and treatment for good men. THO.MAS Top salary. State age, height and weight. Joe Haggerty and Farris.^ Taylor, rtly a apeclalty. Might accept hlfh claaa picture m- B. BL'K.NS, Band Leader. 6th Caralry. Dallas. Tex. gagi nieiiL Hniwr and rrllalile. Addreaa JFRRV wire. Grayville, Illinois, this week; Princeton, Kentucky, next. Address JKHHUJ), 1205 Hampden St., Holyoke, .Maaaarhuadla. WANTED BKRT .MKIATLLF. Single Musical Art or Pianist, for partner In musleal AT LIBERTY IN TEN DAYS act. Ml'SICAL DEN.NEY. week of HepL 2. Corydoo. A-I Trombone, for Vaudeelllr or I'Icliiree. A K •/ la ; week of SepL 9, Marshalltown. Iowa M.. exempt frorfl draft E E PAL.MER. Anoka. Minn. WANTED—Musicians to enlarge my band. Good pay. WANTED, SUN BROS.’ SHOWS liong season.
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