The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 7 153

Rich's Notes: The fire their laser at the door, but as they do so, the TARDIS materializes in front of it. At their moment of confusion, the 6th Doctor (now wearing the 4th Doctor’s scarf) stuns them all. He uses a sonic lance and a bit of jiggery-pokery to break into the door and comes face to face with the 4th Doctor. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 7 154

Rich's Notes: The 6th Doctor expresses his anger, not so much over the fact that the 4th Doctor turned out *not* to have died in the fall, but that it made the 6th Doctor wrong. They enter and join the War Chief and the 3rd and 5th Doctors in the communications room.

The War Chief analyzes the attack patterns and predicts that ultimately only & his will remain. The 7th Doctor volunteers to solve that problem. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 7 155

Rich's Notes: The 2nd Doctor deduces that the couldn’t be behind ALL of what’s gone on, he simply hasn’t got that kind of power.

As the Toymaker informs him that he is doomed, the 2nd Doctor challenges him to a game of Crazy 8s. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 7 156

Rich's Notes: The Brigadier organizes the companions aboard ’s TARDIS, preparing for a rescue operation. Romana defers to the Coordinates that Susan recieved in ’s message, for lack of a better lead, and off they go through the vortex… followed by a TARDIS shaped like a car. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 7 157

Rich's Notes: The 1st Doctor resigns himself to death, debating as to whether this was a manipulation of time or time correcting itself. Just as the TARDIS pops and fizzes and gives up the ghost, another TARDIS materializes INSIDE (around) it, and several people rush out to rescue him. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 7 158

Rich's Notes: The 1st Doctor is angered by what he percieved as a pointless risk for the sake of one man, especially for his Granddaughter.

Turlough is mad, but the Brigadier explains to the Doctor that the impact he’s had on all their lives was worth any risk. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 7 159

Rich's Notes: While the 1st Doctor and many companions have a touching moment, a gravity bubble forms in the TARDIS within a TARDIS field, and they start to continue the plunge into the dying sun of Proammon.

That is, until a TARDIS shaped like a caddy shows up and extends its forcefield around them, stopping their plunge, and then uses a TOMTIT device to extract the passengers. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 7 160

Rich's Notes: steps through the gateway from his anti-matter universe to check on the Toymaker’s progress, but is shocked to find he and the 2nd Doctor squatting on the floor playing cards.

Omega tells the Doctor that his buying time will gain him nothing, since while he is idling, he isn’t interfering and Omega will destroy him and the Time Lords.

But suddenly, there’s yet another Doctor standing behind him. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 7 161

Rich's Notes: Omega lays out his plan to the projected 2.5th Doctor about how he intends to remove the Doctor from all of time and space so that it will all dissolve into chaos, from which he will rise as god of all time, space and matter.

The Doctor is flattered by the importance laid on his involvement in the plan. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 7 162

Rich's Notes: Omega explains to the 2.5th Doctor exactly why the universe would dissolve into chaos if he wasn’t around to save it. The 2.5th Doctor isn’t as sure as Omega is that his 2nd incarnation is under much threat from .

In fact, the 2nd Doctor is playing for his freedom against the Toymaker’s plot to hijack Omega’s plan to reorder the chaos they will plunge the universe into by removing the Doctor from it.

Bleah… these summaries no longer make any more sense than the comic does. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 7 163

Rich's Notes: Omega confronts the Celestial Toymaker for making a fool of him, but the Toymaker points out that he has no choice but to trust him.

The 2.5th Doctor tries to comfort Omega, but Omega vows to take him to oblivion wth him if his plan fails. The Doctor is saddened by this reply, but he did expect it.

Meanwhile the Toymaker returns to only to discover that the 2nd Doctor has beaten him. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 7 164

Rich's Notes: The 2nd Doctor points out to the Toymaker that at their last meeting, the Toymaker made cheating legal, consequently, he cheated and won. Meaning that it wasn’t so much a game of chance, but a cheating competition that the Doctor won.

Omega goes into a rage and turns on the 2.5th Doctor, who chucks a matter cricket ball into the gateway to Omega’s antimatter universe. To avoid the backblast from the explosion, the Toymaker is forced to close the gate, trapping Omega in his little neutral-verse. So the 2.5th Doctor calls for Glitz to fire a matter energy weapon blast directly into Omega…. and runs for the TARDIS. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 7 165

Rich's Notes: Doctors 2 and 2.5 and Glitz hightail it out of the Toymaker’s universe as Omega begins to flare up into a massive matter-antimatter exposion and the universe goes– BOOM! The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 7 166

Rich's Notes: The 4th, 5th and 6th Doctors are getting in eachothers’ ways and on eachothers’ nerves. To mitigate the damage, the 3rd Doctor orders 2 of them to find something else to do. He suggests going to to follow the lead they picked up on , Sontarans and the . In a huff, the 4th Doctor stomps off. The 3rd Doctor sends the 5th Doctor to accompany him. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 7 167

Rich's Notes: The High Council gather for an emergency meeting, but they can’t figure out who actually called it or what it’s about.

That is, until a arrives, exterminating the and claiming to be the Doctor. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 7 168

Rich's Notes: Dalek Tor informs the High Council that they are instructed to come back to the lab to be converted into Daleks. They surrender. The 8th Doctor is horrified at what has transpired, and the 4th and 5th Doctor watch the Daleks march the Time Lords back towards the lab. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 7 169

Rich's Notes: The 4th Doctor realizes that the Daleks are rounding the High Council up and leading them to the lab not so that they can extract information from them, but so that they can be used as genetic material for new Daleks to expand their numbers quickly (rather than waiting for a new batch to grow in a clone tank).

K9 finds the 4th and 5th Doctors and tells them what’s happened to the 8th Doctor, the 10th Doctor and . The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 7 170

Rich's Notes: In space over Earth the “battle of 5 armies” continues but numbers are dwindling. While Davros’ flagship picks off a couple of battlecruisers, a Movellan assault shuttle homes in. It smashes into the back and drills through the hull.

Davros sends a Special Weapons Dalek to take care of business, but the Rani drops a bulkhead in its way, diverting its route. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 7 171

Rich's Notes: The Movellans break into the Imperial Dalek flagship, but instead of coming face to face with Dalek troops, they find a funny little fellow with a hat and brolly greeting them. The 7th Doctor escorts them directly to the control room while the Rani continues to divert and confuse the Dalek troops. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 7 172

Rich's Notes: The Movellans and the Daleks engage in a firefight right in the command module of the Dalek flagship. The 7th Doctor informs Davros that he is quite through with dealing even remotely mercifully with him and leaves him to his fate with the Movellans. As the Doctor is leaving, however, Davros makes a cryptic remark that stops the Doctor in his tracks. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 7 173

Rich's Notes: Before the 7th Doctor can figure out what Davros is talking about, he is tracked down and spotted by the Special Weapons Dalek and his team. They chase him back to the TARDIS where the Rani is waiting and ready to take off. The Daleks fire just as the TARDIS is dematerializing and blow a huge hole in the side of the flagship. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 7 174

Rich's Notes: The 7th Doctor informs the 3rd Doctor that he received the 5th Doctor’s TARDIS which he and the Rani are taking to Gallifrey. The 3rd and 6th Doctors decide it’s time to split the Sontaran ship and meet up with their other selves to get to the bottom of all this. The War Chief decides to find his own TARDIS and run for it. The Doctors let him go and head off to Gallifrey in the 4th Doctor’s TARDIS that the 6th Doctor brought with him.

I thought it was very kind of Mr.Baker and Mr.Pertwee to enact a scene from my comic. I just didn’t have the heart to tell them that they had the wrong costumes on. Mr.Baker should have been wearing his blue tie, and Mr.Pertwee should have had on his red coat. Ah well. One can’t be too picky. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 7 175

Rich's Notes: Leela’s Sevateem warrior spirit is proving too much for the ’s Time Dalek conditioning process. One of the Time Daleks suggests removing her head for stronger processing, but Dalek Ahn refuses, destroying another Dalek when it questions his logic.

Meanwhile the 4th and 5th Doctors are listening in. From what they’ve heard plus the information they got from Leela’s old , the 4th Doctor whips up a plan and rushes off to prepare. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 7 176

Rich's Notes: The 1st and 9th Doctors, along with all the companions, arrive on Gallifrey in Drax’ TARDIS. They are soon joined by the 2nd and 2nd-and-a-halfth Doctor and Glitz. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 7 177

Rich's Notes: Mel confronts Glitz about abandoning her on . The 7th Doctor and the Rani show up. The final panel gets VERY crowded.