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Spring 5-13-1948 Maine Campus May 13 1948 Maine Campus Staff

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:o bring Blue xt meeting of THE MAINE le, to be held 7 p.m., in the Published Weekly by the StJdents of the University of Moire

\ \ I I \ / 2(11 Orono., legree will be Maitie, May 13, 1948 Number 27 be initiated. Dick H cc Elected Mayor By Landslide 7o!io, Barnett The Liti;e Man Head AABoard, \A/cis Biggest General Senate .A.kt. The Polls Richard Huff of Oak Hall was At the general election held elected Mayor of Maine, Tues- Tuesday, Ralph Barnett and John ,!ay, by an overwhelming major- Zollo were elected to the presi- ity, as a record number of voters dencies of the General Senate and went to the polls. Huff more the Men's Athletic Association than doubled the vote over Char- respectively. lie Cook, his nearest competitor, Barnett defeated his nearest oppo- and polled more votes than his nent, John Ballou, by 223 votes. Vot- I: ye opponents combined. ing for the AA officers was much clos- Huff had entered the final speeches er, Zollo defeating James Beaudry by period in Memorial Gymnasium a de- only 36 ballots. cided underdog, with Cook favored to Other officers elected to the General win the election. Senate were Bill Hopkins, vice presi- The crowd, decidedly pro-Cook at dent; Barbara Richardson, treasurer; the beginning of the evening, was New Panhel and sorority presidents: Mary Dirks, Alpha Omicron Pi; al- and Nancy Hubbard, secretary. most completely captivated by Charlotte Pressey, Chi ; Nancy Carter, Delta Delta Delta; Gloria Mayor RICHARD HUH; Huff's Ralph Barnett was chosen senior speech, his ultimate election Dow, Panhel president; Roberta Johnson, Delta Zeta; Eugenia Melzar, —Newhall photo being a member of the Athletic Association, foregone conclusion by the time Phi Mu; Judy Coffin, Pi Phi. Newhall photo he fin- and Hank Peasley, junior member. ished speaking. The voting was as follows: Kappa Delta Pi Holds Charlie Cook, speaking last, was un- General Senate able to recover the support of the President: Barnett, 513; Ballou, Eighty-six Students Nedged Bangnet May 17 crowd which he had lost to Huff. 290; Creighton. 194; Johnson, 176. Hal Jack, supported by a sizeable Gamma Omicron Chapter of Kappa Vice president: Hopkins. 401; contingent of the Bangor motorcycle To Fifteen Fraternities Delta Pi, honor scholastic society in Shedd, 293; Rozzi, 243; Smith, 193. club, put on the most spectacular show education, will bold its annual banquet Treasurer: Barbara Richardson, 366; A total of 86 students at the Uni- Phi Gamma Delta: James R. Brick. and received considerable, but spas- and initiation on May 17. at 7:00 p.m., Virginia Kennedy, 312; Louise Pow- versity have been pledged to 15 frater- Andrew R. Bunker, Seldon H. Har- modic, support from the croml. nities in North Estabrooke Hall. ers. 261; Virginia Healy, 136. this spring, according to an an- low. John D. Hawley, Frank E. Mac, Vaughan Franchetti, who had fig- At that time sixteen students and one Secretary: Nancy Hubbard, 427; nouncement today by the Interfrater- James A. Oliver. Mark R. Shedd, and ured highly in early predictions, failed nity faculty member will be initiated into Joanne Mayo, 248; Patricia Simmons, Council. James R. Taylor. to appeal to the audience as he tried to the society. Dr. Ava Chadbourne of 233; Bertha Clark, 169. Those pledged are as follows: Phi Eta Kappa: Keith 1.croy Day, present a serious platform. In fact, Bangor will be the guest speaker. Athletic Association Alpha Gamma Rho: Howard A. James P. Jalbert, Thornton E. Johns- the audience. ii t too well-mannered, Bamford, Jr.. Gerald E. Gallagher. ton, Clark Potter, gave him little chance President: Zollo. 300; Beandry, 264; Herbert L. Raiford, to speak. Melvin G. Hovey, Bernard L. Hilton, Edwin W. Webber, Ken Marden, Dombkowski, 252; Schmidlin, Ill. Robert B. Whited, May Craig Will Be campaigning as a and James A. Robinson Bernard W. Shaw. James gambler, and Senior member: Barnett, 318; Zollo, A. Silsbury, Les Ray, advocating the Donald R. Clough. Vance overthrow of everything, 294 (automatically eliminated by win- Alpha Tau Omega: Thomas F. I.. Foss, Guest Speaker received very and Harold ning presidency) ; Conners, Frederick H. Bigney, Ber- B. Higgins. little support. It was later reported Beaudry, 182; May Craig. Washington and foreign Schmidlin, nar(1 J. Bouchard, Clyde J. Douglass, Phi Kappa Sigma: Ronald E. that Ray had requested his supporters 108. correspondent for the Gannett Publish- Joseph B. L. LeClerc. Francis E. Mc- Pooler. I). James Gilmour, Leonard F. to switch their allegiance to Huff, Junior member: Peasley, 349; Mc- ing Company, will be the guest Cormick. Arthur P. McDermott, John Keenan. David S. Ramsay, and Theo- speaker when he realized be had no chance of Dermott. 214; Al Hopkins, 208; Mur- at the animal All-Maine Women's H. A. MacFarlane. Gerald E. May- dore W. Graham. winning. ray, 108. banquet. to Le held May 19, 6 p.m. berry. William L. Philbrick, John C. Phi Mu Delta: Joseph P. Connary, at A total of 2429 votes were cast, The proposed in North Estabrooke Hall. constitution of the Ryder. Vernon W. Tozer, and Richard John Dineen. Edward F. Johnston, divided as follows: Huff, 1305: Cook, Men's Student Senate was accepted by A. Seigars. James E. McManus, and Joseph E. Mrs. Craig will speak to the Inter- 596: Jack. 244; Franchetti, l8: Mar- a vote of 551 to 273, ending a two- Nickless. national Relations Club. Beta Theta Pi: Edward B. Ames, Tuesday, May den. 104; Ray. 32. year struggle to get such acceptance. Sigma Alpha 18. at 7:30 p.m.. in Oakes Richard S. I.ockhart, Robert A. Nick- Epsilon: Richard J. the Room. The proposed amendment to the less, and Ralph NV. Thompson. Goff, Robert C. Niles, Richard J. At 9:45 in the morning, she will ad- General Senate Constitution was ac- Young. and Robert D. Johnson. dress the class in the Newspaper and Mu Alpha Epsilon Chi Rho Sigma: Allison G. Cath- cepted, 624 to 187. Sigma Chi: William J. Cook, Jr., the Community, in 208 East Annex. eron and Olaf L. Mercier. Initiates Carl R. Douglass, Edward F. Libby, Mrs. Craig has covered Washington Six Delta Tau Delta: Alan Plaisted, Russell E. Meade, Frank J. Potenzo, and the Nvorli for the Guy Gannett Sunday night. Debate Club Elects Edward C. Baylis, Jerome F. Begert, May 9, Mu Alpha and Richard W. Sweetser. newspapers of Maine for 25 years. Epsilon held Alfred L. Harrington, Joseph C. Hick- its formal Spring initia- New Sigma Nu : Charles A. Loranger, During the war she was an accred- tion. The meeting was Officers son, Richard C. Kelley. William M. held in the Oma John Lombard. and Ernest A. ited war eta-respondent and Was deco- recreation room Larrabee, Norman Martin. Lawrence in North EstArooke Larry Jetmess was elected to the Lowell. rated for servie-t- as a war correspon- :.t 8 o'clock. M. Thompson. William R. office of president of the Maine Debate Walker, Theta Chi: Carl D. Hill and Julian dent by t:ie War Department. She and Merle Si.: new ir..:mbea-s were accLlte.1 by Club at a general election T. Webber. \V. Turner. in held last was 1..1R:on duriog the V-bomb Ma ..11;illa. They are: C:14H.: Hay- Lambda Chi Alpha: Robert Tuesday evening. Other officers elected N. Theta Rho: Harry C. Aldrich, Jr., raids. r, 1 t!i.• N..rmandy campaign len, Lois Ann Nichols t .,„ were Cratty, Norman J. Mackinnon, and Harold Don Waring, vice president: 1). Haley, and Ralph M. Tit- an:! t:!f: of Paris. and the ; jib. George Ainsworth. i:ic:7aril Leland M. Porter. c. mh. 1)oris Vollmer, secretary-treasurer: r:' •:.!!7•-:A;-”. Nelson. and Robert Smith. tleorge Brountas and Everett Reach, Mu Alpha is the coordinator of all Jr., were elected to the offices of busi- music:.1 events on campus. Its mem- ness manager and publicity manager tern bership is limited to twtnt:.-. and each respectively. Fra ties Prepare For !--lousE. Parties nninkr is required to have co-rpleted Preceding the election, plans were far semesters of applied mu-.ic or to made for the annual banquet which This coming ‘veek-end, house party lie buffet stlye followed by an , Sigma Alpha Ei;sili.n will have a lia‘e been active in the Batal.Orches- \yin be held at Spruce's Log Lodge on week-end, promises to be the best of vie dance at the house. formal on Friday night ; the music will tra or Glee Club for two years. May 25th at 6:30 p.m. the year. All the fraternity houses are phi Eta Kappa and Kappa Sigma be by the Maine Pandas. On Saturday. busy doing their spring house cleaning will have half of tile maim. Bears 'they will have a picnic on Cranberry John Zol!o Is Elected Margaret Mollison and making up decorations for their for their formal Friday night dances. Island. The chaperons will be Mrs. festivities. "M" President Heads Women's Forum Phi Eta's chaperons will be Mrs. Edith TcCollum, the housemother. Club Delta Tau Delta will Dr. and have a formal Annis 11. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Mrs. Wentworth Schofield, John Zollo was elected prt,ident of At the last meeting of Women's "Queen Dance" Friday night. and Dr. and Music Jordan, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lamo- Mrs. Russell Woolley. the M club for the following year at Forum the officers for the next year will be supplied by Sammy Saliba. The reau. Kappa Sig's chaperons will be Phi Kappa Sigma will have music the last meeting. David Cates was were elected. chaperons will be Mrs. Lester Cowan, Mrs. Mac Hamilton, the housemother, by Bobby Wood for their Friday night chosen vice president, Bob Kelly, sec- The new President is Margaret housemother. Dr. and Mrs. John F. Mr. and Mrs. Eck Allen. and Mr. and formal. Their chaperons will be Mrs. retary. and Bill Ottmann, treasurer. Mollison; Vice President, Valerie Witter. and Mr. and Mrs. William Mrs. Joseph Hall. Both the Phi Etas Stella Bonefant. the housemother, Dr. A dance committee was chosen con- Esty ; Secretary, Jean Polleys; Treas- Baler. On Saturday, the Delis will and the Kappa Sifts will have outings and Mrs. Clarence E. Bennett. and Mr. sisting of Don Barron, Ken Vennett, urer, Judy Newton. have an outing at Camden; supper will at Pushaw on Saturday. (Continued on Page Seven) and Ed McDermott. ()1,1,1111. Orono, Maine, May 13, 19-18 Page To THE MAINE CAMPUS Lois Deering Is Shapley Will Address 132 Attend ASME Foresters Organize Th Scholarship Assembly Fire Fighting Crews Society Publish Home Ec Club Prexy Meeting At Maine of the U Professor Harlow Shaple). Paine ter. Locl About 132 members of the Student The forestry department has organ- BY JAN AND KITTY second di The results of the recent Home Eco- sion 51. Professor of Astronomy, Harvard Col- ized its faculty and major students and nomics Club election were announced Branch of the American Society of • Mother's Day was celebrated at the national speak at the annual Scholar- prepared a plan of action for fire at lege Pub, at the last meeting of the year, held lege, will Mechanical Engineers registered for Delta shelta when fourteen mothers 17, N. Y. the University forest or in case of Orono, 2d, Tuesday, May 4. ship Recognition Day Assembly, 10:45 the regional meeting of the society spent the day with their sons at Delta was held at the University of emergency, such as last fall's forest A formal banquet was given in President, Lois Deering; Vice Presi- a.m., Tuesday, May 18. which Tau. 6-8. Thirteen colleges and fires, anywhere in the state. the main lounge. The highlight of the dent, Mary Hatt; Secretary-Treasurer, Students serving on the Committee Maine, May This sent delegates to the ses- Student crews have been organized the presenting of Delta Tau Jane Anne Sibley; Social Chairman, of the Day which will assist in the pro- universities day was including nearly all forestry major stu- pins to Mother Cowan and Mrs. Martha Fogler; Projects Co-Chair- gram are: Arthur M. Hillman, Phi sion. sister Spirits dents. Twenty-one men, who gained men. Verna Wallace and Babs Pulsi- Kappa Phi; Don M. Anderson, Phi Nine papers on subjects pertaining Cora Tate. Once valuable experience in last fall's forest fer ; Publicity Co-Chairmen, Caroline Beta Kappa; Stephen C. Knight, Tau to mechanical engineering were pre- Saturday night Alpha Tau Omega, fires, are listed at present as crew beyond Rancourt and Elizabeth Littlefield; Beta Pi; Ruth J. Berglund, Kappa sented by students during the various Phi Kappa Sigma, and Theta Chi held bosses. Each has organized a crew of lecture ; Membership Chairman, Gwendoyln Delta Pi; Ruth P. Fogler, Omicron sessions, with Matthew J. Reiser, open houses in honor of their mayor nine additional men, whom he will Small. Nu; Neal H. Gundersen, Xi Sigma Pi; Northeastern University, Boston, win- candidates. ATO carried out their dered direct in case of a fire. Many of them and Stanley B. Smith, Alpha Zeta. ning first place with his "Scissors for Daisy Mae theme with Dog Patch professc Lois Deering, Bette Flint, and Mar- had training as sector bosses, Ten Cents." have also decorations. At Marden Downs the tha Fogler attended a meeting in radio men. chorus. pump operators, and attraction was magician, John Augusta Saturday to form a state Skulls Will Be Tapped Second place went to Peter Rogan, feature of Smo Members of the department staff cleverly wove the Marden organization of Home Economics Col- University of Connecticut, whose sub- Kelley, who On Scholarship Day have been appointed as general deputy marks into his act. Candidate blackboa lege Clubs. Representatives from ject was "Some Problems in the In- trade forest fire wardens in the Maine For- Diamond Ken favored the guests with Farmington State Teachers' College The 1949 Skulls will be tapped next vestigation of the Thermal Conduc- estry District by Forest Commissioner a song. Theta Chi entertained guests and Nasson College were also present. Tuesday—Scholarship Day—immedi- tivity of Soils." A. D. Nutting. throughout the evening with vic danc- ately following the assembly. Ulrich Frank, University of New hun ing and refreshments. Alice Fonseca Leads This is the highest non-scholastic Hampshire, was third with "The Rela- diet at the University Invention and Society"; SAE'S annual Mother's Day ban- honor for a student tion Between Hitchner Is Chairman MOE Friday Vesper Services of Maine. William C. Davis, Tufts College, quet was held at the fraternity house Inter- Of Bacteriology Meet with 50 mothers as guests. of s The tveckly MCA Vesper service The purpose of the Senior Skull fourth, "Measurements Using Pinned: NIarilyn Iills to Roland lect: at 4:45 p.m. in the Society is to perpetuate University ference of Light"; and Robert A. Hall, professor of will be held Friday Dr. E. Reeve Hitchner, Delta. friendly rela- University of Vermont, fifth, "A Five MacLeod, Phi Gamma Little Theatre. traditions, to maintain bacteriology and head of the depart- Alice Fonseca will conduct the ser- tions, and to work for the welfare and Dollar Hunting Rifle." ment of bacteriology and biochemistry, vice. Palmer Libby will be soloist and benefits of the University of Maine Professor Harry D. Watson, head Theta Rho Is Installed mechanical engi- is chairman of the publicity committee Paul Ford organist. and its undergraduates. of the department of The local fraternity of Theta Rho P.& the visiting dele- chairman of the program com- neering, welcomed and vice will be installed May 30 as the Alpha gates. mittee for the annual meeting of the Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon. Society of American Bacteriologists William Hindman, Richmond, Va., The pi itECOIRDS • • which will be held at the University grand secretary of the fraternity, will May be in Orono to assist with the installa- A firm 13( Largest seletlion of Popular, Classical, Western. of Minnesota during the week of tion. cise: and Jazz Records in Northern and Eastern Maine Betts Bookstore 10. Dear( Tune in WJOR for our program of Popular Dance Records 58 Columbia St., Bangor, 11e. — every Saturday 12:00 P.M.-1:00 A.M. Library Complete Modern People say onio: MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Selections Bought. Sold, Rented, Exchanged "You can find it at Pape The works of John Dos Passas VINEWS MUSIC CO. and William Faulkner again PARK'S HARDWARE & SAIIIETY 53 Pickering Sq. (Upstairs) Bangor available. 31-37 Mill Street, Orono." • • P.S.

Eventu on more Greatrine—Great RECORD lutions ai "Better It's Bob Eberly's waxing of "You Can't Run professor. Away From Love."—Decca Record Release "No MI "A beti live," saic OB EBERLY. the romantic ballad singer, "Less B gives some old but good advice to cuddlesome- magazines this click-disc. twosomes on "Less d And Bob has another good word for the profe: smokers. As Bob sings it, "I've tried a lot of different brands of cigarettes—but "There Camels suit me best." they both Try Camels on your "T-Zone"—T for Taste ... Having T for Throat. See for yourself why, with Bob Eberly the studer and countless other smokers who have tried and She broil; Camels are the compared, patiently 1 "choice of experience." Sweet Ad (-1cfAitt. t ‘vhere the w-41 1

CAMELS CLIFF WI WILL NISI Associate E are the choice vin, Sports Carol CUT, ofexpetience Larry Jenim Reporters: !fall Jack, with me! Murray, ha Sports Stall Contributm • 7-'14"%e- Doescher, CJj Business Si F t:AteririrEsBLEND •.. RevnoirN Tobareo Co Don ci Winaton-gai•rn. N C. Jones, tion Mgr.; 1 Vardamis, Circulation Advertising Marie Perr] Circulation Sampson, I More poll ale& smoking emuslitaiv ever before. Marcia I loN 4 11 \ Las I 5. 1'118 THE MAINE CAMPUS r 13,1943 Page Three

The Maine Campus I'm Usually Wrong But Published Thursdays during the college year by the students BY BILL of the University of Maine. Subscription rate: 75e per semes- BRENNAN ter. Local advertising rate: 56e per column inch. Offices on TV second floor front and third Boor, MCA Building. Tel. Exten- Don't anyone ever try to tell us that there is a sion 51. Member Associated Collegiate Press. Represented for rated at the national advertising by National Advertising Service Inc., Col- democracy here at the University of Maine, we lege Publisher's Representative, 429 Madison Ave., New York certainly learned different en mothers 17, N. Y. Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office, Friday afternoon at 3ns at Delta Orono, Me. the Maine-Rhode Island baseball game. ras given in One of the most honored rights of American ilight of the This Is College Humor citizens, the right of freedom of speech, was cur- E Delta Tau tailed at that time by a member of the administra- an and Mrs. Spirits of Sweet Adeline tion. Something sacred to of baseball, the right to ride and jeer anyone Once upon a time, in the dear dead days not connected with Tau Omega, the teams playing, was taken away, and we don't beyond recall, a Ida Chi held student wandered listlessly into a like it a little bit. mayor lecture and heard the same story again. He won- their oaf um•A- There's a reason for it, of course, but to us the d out their dered where it had originated and what the reason poor "Callin' Car 17, Callin' Car 17; go to Project 30, some guy wants'a is 'hardly strong enough to warrant the Dog Patch professor had been drinking the night before the glassa water." action taken. And, by taking such action the Uni- Downs the chorus. In revenge, he drew a remarkable likeness versity of Maine puts itself into a most unenviable gician, John position, that of a spineless of Smoe (big nose and bulging eye) upon the institution. the Marden Everyone on campus remembers what happened Candidate blackboard and went home to write a letter. L. the last time a Rhode Island athletic squad visited guests with Dear Professor: SCOTCH AND SODA the University, and everyone knows how Frank tamed guests There is a definite need for a liverlier BY BIFF SHALEC because they take themselves too seri- Keaney attempted to make the University and vic danc- the ith humor in your classes. ously. I think that applies on this cam- basketball squad look Give us a better Last night I saw one of the finest stupid and silly in the eyes pus. For a long time we've been too of any newspaper reader. diet. Add onions for flavor. We need, examples of the Maine spirit that I've It was only good for- 's Day ban- close to classes, making both ends meet, tune that he did not most of all, a touch of originality, a pinch seen in a long time. Of course in succeed. ternity house and the urge to get started on delayed most cases it wasn't the pre-war ju- But now, after taking such abuse at the hands ts. of spontaneity, a dash of pepper, in your careers. I think that most of us had venile rah-rah, but the spirit of people of Keaney, the University turns around and soft- Is to Roland lectures. forgotten how to relax and have a relaxing from the pressure of classes soaps him and Rhode Island State, trying to get good laugh. There were several Your humor makes me cry! and having one hell of a people back into their good graces. If we have any good time for at the Mayor's Your critic, themselves. Rally who had done knowledge of what is right and what is wrong, led just that, but before the evening was and we think we do, then it seems to us that (signed) A. Student I'm not going into an Elsie Robinson out they had the certainly made up for lost tables should be just reversed, with Rhode Island f Theta Rho P.S.'Why did you tell that story,'"Take spiel about getting in there and fight, time. as the Alpha keeping your head up, and that tripe, attempting to patch up relations with us. your hand off my knee!" said the Now that the ball is rolling, in the psilon. but I saw in last night's rally a healthy We students haven't heard anything of the Duchess'? last few remaining months let's keep chmond, Va., attitude toward life that hasn't made conference which must have been held, and the it going at top speed. There are some raternity, will The professor was nonplussed for ten seconds. itself evident on this campus in a long decisions which must have been made, but we of you, h the installa- A firm beliverer in R.S.V.P., he was brief and con- time. I know, to whom college spirit certainly heard of what happened Friday. Maine is a farce. You're here to learn how baseball fans, no more or no less avid cise: It wasn't a question of looking than baseball to make dough and then get out as fans anywhere else, were denied the Dear Critic: around to see what everyone else was privilege of fast as the sheepskin comes your way. freely jeering and riding Frank doing. It was rather each Keaney. That I know how you feel. Peel your own person That's okay if that's the way that you must have looked good to getting a great kick out of the an outsider attending onions. How about your campus news- proceed- feel, but I think you'll be missing the game, to see us, ings and showing it by his grown men and women, held applause, something very vital if you don't let down like little children. paper and your humor mag? laughter and God bless it, heckling. yourself go to the extent of taking We believe that an apology is due the students Garlic lingers on your breath. I've never lETY seen a fight started be- part in the activities that the campus for the action taken by Dean Wieman at the Your critic, tween intelligent base- people unless it was life affords. ball game. Any time a section of students began (signed) A. Professor riding Keaney, Dean \\Tiernan trotted over to that P.S. Better you should read The Police Annex Students Begin 5-Day section, plunked himself in the middle of it, and Gazette and Captain Billy's Whir.- Campaign sat there until the students unwillingly quieted Bang. To Raise $20,000 For Union Building down. From the looks of things, Dean \\Tiernan covered Eventually, the student and the professor met more ground during the game than any Students on the Brunswick campus York, chairman of the Union Building two base runners. on more equal terms. They drew up a set of reso- open a five day campaign next Mon- Fund campaign committee, is to be the Often. Dean Wieman has told us that he would lutions and signed them in blood. day, May 17, seeking to raise $20,000 chief speaker at the assembly which have liked us to talk with him before writing some- "Better preparation for my lectures," said the for the Memorial Union Building Fund. opens the campaign on May 17. Mr. thing which appeared in one of the local news- professor. The Student Senate is officially spon- Fogler will also speak at the workers' papers fortunate enough to have us on the payroll. soring the campaign. Burton DeFrees, "No more Old Grad jokes," said the student. Kick-off dinner the preceding night. Now, however, just the opposite is true. We of Glen Ridge, N. J., president of the Ralph Barnett '49 and Bill Hopkins wish Dean \\Tiernan had spoken to us before taking "A better cognizance of the times in which we Senate is chairman of the committee '50 are to speak at the Assembly. Bar- the liberties which he did Friday. It would have live," said the professor. which is to conduct the drive. nett has served as Organization Com- saved him a great deal of lost respect. "Less dependence upon other college humor For weeks, campaign committees mittee Chairman of both Student Union It is very seldom that we are ashamed of the magazines," said the student. have been at work preparing for the Building Fund campaigns on the Orono University or of its actions, but this is one time campus. "Less dependence upon the NM' Yorker," said campaign. They aim to exceed the ex- that we definitely are not proud of our institution. cellent results achieved last year when Five teams have the professor. been organized one 86 per cent of the Brunswick students for each of the dormitories and one "There is always a demand for a good story," subscribed $20,188, which was nearly for off campus students. About 75 He's Not Always Wrong they both decided. 96 per cent of their campaign goal. students have signed up as workers. Bill's approach to the subject doesn't seem Donald Barbour of Portland is chair- Daily team reports will be very Having come to this momentous stage of life, published, diplomatic, but I agree with his sentiments man of the preliminary gifts committee campaign buttons are to be used and entirely. the student and the professor called the waitress. Keaney has presented the most disgusting and Alvan Mersky also of Portland is the results of the ‘veek's drive will be spec- She brought two glasses of milk, and waited tacle of poor sportsmanship one publicity committee chairman. announced at a big campus week end is likely to ever encounter. True, his teams win patiently for the money. The two cronies finished Fogler party which is to be held in the Union games, but is To Speak winning a game STocet Adc/inc, paid the waitress, and went home, Raymond H. Fogler '15 of New Building and the Gymnasium. worth the price of self-respect and human decency. where happily ever after. they lived If Maine students are going to have to sit on —CLAIR CHAMBERLAIN North Dorms Plan Annual Week End; their hands and look pretty whenever we play Rhode Island, for fear of offending the GREAT Program Includes Two Dances, Picnic E. it's about time we considered changing our schedule. —CLIFF WHITTEN CLIFF WHITTEN Editor The North Dorm Week End will play for the informal dance on Satur- WILL NISBET llti•-itti•••• Manager officially open with a semi-formal day night from 8 to 11 :30 p.m. This Associate Editor.: Doris Volltner, Ne‘‘, . Jerry liogn- dance from 9 to 1 p.m. in Memorial will bring the two-day affair to a e qiuxfrot Stains; Pat Ilamiltllll l Make-up; Janet Pence and close. Alas Carol Carr, Society ; Don McLeod, Art : fluI Brennan; Gym on Friday night. Bob Percival's Larry Jenness. Mr. and Mrs. Bricker and Dr. and orchestra of Portland will play and There are several types of jokes that I would Reporters: Walter St. Onge, Carolyn Cole, Bob Nisbet, Mrs. Brush will be the chaperons for Jeannette Lund and Eddie Arsenault like to mull over this week. First off, let's look at Hall Jack, Norma Drummond, Blanche Niece, Eleanor the semi-formal dance on Friday night. the case Murray. Hal Haley. will be the featured vocalists. The of mistaken identity of such. Willie is Plans have been made to house the speaking to Sports Staff: Al Moulton, Jim Beaudry, Bonnie Andrews. committee working on the affair plans the Parson. off-campus guests of North Dormers Contributors: Biff Shalek, Clair Chamberlain, Toni to decorate the gymnasium with an "Won't you pray for my father's floating in one of the unused dorms in that Doescher, Helen Noyes. "Anchors Aweigh" design kidney ?" Business Staff: John Stimpson, Asst. area of the campus. Anyone desiring "My son. I can't pray for any one thing like Business Mgr.; A picnic will he held at the picnic nod, Toboeco Co Don Jones, Advertising Mgr.; David Hamlin, to use these facilities should contact that !" Amon.. N C. Circula- grounds in Great Works on Saturday tion Mgr.; Marilyn Wyman, Stihscription Mgr.; George Al Packard, North Dorm II, as soon "Why not? Last Sunday you prayed for all the afternoon. Various athletic events Vardamis, Asst. Adv. Mgr.; Virginia Stiekney, Asst. as possible. loose livers." See what I mean? For Ciri NIgr Carlton MeGary, Business Secretary. are scheduled for entertainment those ill the during Requests for tickets and transporta- back row, substitute rib for kidney. Advertising Staff: Roger Pendleton, Norman Martin, the stay at Great Works. Army trucks tion facilities for the Saturday after- And then there the typical baseball Marie I'erry, Harry Nulley. will supply transportation is joke. for those noon picnic may be handled through "Waw-waw-waw-waw !" wailed Circulation Staff: Grace Griffin, Martha Bond, Gladys who have none available. the baby. Sampson, Ruth Berglund, Jane Webb, Jessie Cowls, any member of the general committee "Four bawls and I walk," muttered the ball- Marcia Howard, Betty Baker. Sammy Saliba and orchestra will or any North Dorm Councilman. player daddy, feeling for his slippers.

4 Page Four THE MAINE CAMPUS 0 • M. • May 13, 1948 Orono, Ms Diamond Squad Plays Found--Apply At Registrar's Office At Lewiston Today BOOKS black stitching, 1 black—light tan de- • BE Coach Bill Kenyon's University of The Hexagon of Alpha Chi Sigma, sign on cuff. Maine varsity baseball team will travel 20 Best Plays of the Modern American Scarfs: 1 Army, 1 blue wool—plaid, to Lewiston today to face Bates Col- 1 black rayon, 1 maroon—plaid, Theatre, You Can Life, 1 white Hats lege in a game that has been postponed rayon (design), 1 yellow rayon, 1 white Branche Amalia, Analytic Geometry, College twice. and blue, 1 aqua wool—knit, 1 blue ance in Algebra, Principles and Types of Kenyon is still undecided on his wool—knit, 1 white silk. urdey. Speech, Laboratory Experiments in . pitching choice with Dick Preble, Phil Mechanical and Physiological Chemistry, Vingt Contes Pencils: 1 black and a s Archibald, Norm Parrott, and Fred Divers, Spanish Review Grammar, The white—Dixon, 1 black and white— points, Thurlow, all available for mound duty. United States in World Affairs 1945- Fineline, 1 black and white—Ever- Bears to Either Ray Lord or Mike Cherneski, 47, Comparative Economic Systems. sharp, 1 olive green—Morrison's, 1 ship in I will do the catching for the Bears. maroon. Financial Mathematics, A Survey of try. On Saturday the Maine nine will European Civilization, 2 brown leather Keys: 1 key—brown case—reading The meet meet Danny McFadden's Bowdoin binders, A Jotitdown Book, 1 small Geo. M. Nightingale Co., Buick Sales disconcertin Polar Bears at Brunswick in the third black looseleaf notebook, 1 black note- & Service, Presque Isle, Maine, 1 key mer throw. State Series contest for the Blues this Matt Branche, new state outdoor book, 1 black notebook with U. of M. chain—tag reading McLaughlin's Ga- made throw week. track champion. —Newhall that° seal on front, 40th Annual Conven- rage, Brunswick, Maine, 1 key chain cal. Parson The Junior Varsity team, under the tion of the Maine State Federation of with bottle opener, 2 keys—General place, but al direction of Coach Sam Sezak, will Labor. Motors, 1 key chain—Good luck piece. The rnornim play its fourth home game of the sea- 1 yale key—silver pistol holster on Herbert L. Baldwin, publicity Tennis Team Goes R. S. Stewart Distributing Co.— made in 10t son on Saturday when it faces the chain, 3 keys—on chain—silver ring, manager for the B & M and Maine Ledgers, 1 Gyral notebook, 1 Spiral Ivere measui Central railroad and bus lines, will Maine Maritime Academy at 2 p.m. 1 key on gold chain, 1 key—Owner's To Connecticut notebook, 1 Royal Composition note- deal of conf address the class in the Newspaper number 825, 4 keys—not on key chains. book, 2 brown notebooks, 1 blue note- Will I and the Community, Tuesday, May Eight members of the University Glasses: 1 pr. horn-rimmed, 5 pr. 18, at 9:45, in 208 East Annex. Read the Maine Campus. book, 1 brown leather brief case with game aga tennis squad will compete in the Yan- pink shell rims, 1 pr. silver rim, 3 pr. U. of M. seal on front, 1 brown leather and he kee pink shell rims—brown cases. Conference Championships to be brief case. He held in Storrs. Conn., Frilay Fountain Pens: 1 maroon and gold, and 10 in the Saturday. Team championships as GLOVES AND MITTENS* 1 green striped—top missing, 2 black Mittens: first inn well as the individual single and double 1 pr. white—blue cables on and silver, 1 green—Wearever, 1 black front, with fluli titles will be decided 1 pr. white—blue and red design, with shells—top missing, 1 mixed in the conference doin IMESES MEN'S SHOPS matches. 1 pr. white—cable, 1 pr. navy blue and green—Waterman's, 1 black and white red, 1 pr. yellow—cabled, 1 pr. red, 1 game. A The Pale Blue team has lost both —Servo—Moore Pen Co. MAIN STREET BANGOR, MAINE pr. gray, 1 pr. white, 1 pr. brown. one of t of its conference matches thus far, Odds 'N Ends: 1 light brown cardi- 1 pr. red and white—children's, 1 pr. about the Headquarters dropping 8-1 decisions to Rhode Island gan, 1 tan gabardine cap, 1 navy blue tan leather mittens with tan wool mit- It's' eertai State and Connecticut. cap, 1 pr. white socks, 2 dissecting FOR ARROW PRODUCTS tens inside, 1 cotton and leather, 2 now! Those who will travel to Storrs with knives, 1 brown V-neck sleeveless, black, 1 red, 1 pink, 1 red and white. A lovg ba, Coach G. William Small are: Larry cable sweater, 1 red cap, 1 lady's black Wool gloves: 1 pr. red and black, that Dean V Van Peursem. Bob Thoits. Fred Her- hat with veil, 1 dessecting set—black 1 pr. yellow, 1 pr. brown, 1 maroon, Frank Kean: mann, Owen Southard, Harry Allen, case, 2 slide rules. 1 brown. theless. a fei ARRO ;!t N REALLY Frank Potenzo, Bob MacDonald, and 1 navy blue belt, 1 black belt, 2 black the Rhotly c Bob Sullivan. Cotton gloves: 1 pr. white, 1 pr. combs, 1 tube of Cutex lipstick, 1 gold Pr7r" blue, 1 pr. gray, 2 brown gloves. barrett, 1 silver horse pin, 1 pin with on hoc:hs an, L' T YHJ co A k Leather gloves: 1 pr. black, 1 pr. rinestones, 1 gold tie clasp with 39 on men on the l black—fur lined, 2 pr. brown, 1 pr. tan, pendant, 1 gold pendant, 1 gold ring— to nia'.e bin 1 pr. tan pigskin, 1 pr. leather and wool, black onyx, 1 class ring—Wellesley, Intrnnu S I R 7• 1 pr. light tan (ladies'), 1 tan leather— 1945 initials P.M. week. but AMAZES it. Only played of .•••••••••••"MININIV and severs YOUR LATEST OUTSTANDING SCHEEN IIITS The court FRIENDS so perhap BANGOR and ORONO First Bat( knocked off this season. M & P Theatres won its gam, a few lapse: Fayden's nit rated this yc OPERA HOUSE Coach I luANGon T 1.3P 1\I team is a representa Thurs., Fri., Sat. 01.45110 any winni May 13, 14, 15 Wed. & Thurs., :11.a: 1 2- I :i loopers ha "I LOVE TROUBLE" matches a; Double Feature Franchot Tone, Janet Blair doin. "NIGHT SONG" Thi state chair Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. Dana Andrews, Merle Oberon May 16, 17, 18, 19 Plus on the 17t "WINTER MEETING" "KILLER DILL" This week( Bette Davis, James Davis Stuart Erwin, Anne Gwyntie Maine's athl 6:30-7 :40 squad travels the Yankee( BIJOU Fri. & Sat., May 11-15 Top-notch ta Indeed, yes! IRANG911 "SCUDDA 1100 SCUDDA New Hamps1 HAY" (Technicolor) provide the Thurs., Fri., May 13, 14 Our punning may be poor, but our T shirts and June Haver, Lon McAllister golfers go to basque shirts arc well-nigh perfect for golf, tennis, Everybody kidded him about his "STATE OF UNION" Sat. Matinee 2:30-6 :30-8 :23 tee off in ti and beach wear. old shabby jalopy. Then he Spencer Tracy, Katherine England totr turned up in a bright, slick, Hepburn Fine, full-combed cotton T shirts from $1. Basque Sun. & Mon., May 16-17 teams, and ti new-looking car. Amazing what Sat., Sun., Mon., Tues. Storrs. Conn. shirt in solid colors and stripe, from S1.25. May "DUEL IN THE SUN" a Chrysler-Plymouth Shine-up 15, 16, 17, 18 for another C can do! Let us give your car a (Technicolor) "THE IRON CURTAIN" ball team wi beauty treatment. We'll wash Jennifer Jones, Joseph Cotton Dana Andrews, Gene Tierney Sun. Matinee 3:00-6 :30-8:45 her thoroughly, apply polish to do battle v AI,?Pr)117 SHIRTS and MS and elbow grease, brush and The sell, vacuum all upholstery and in- Tuesday, May 18 more of UNDFAClEAR • PANDKERCHIEFS • SPORTS SHIRTS terior. Drive in tonight. We'll PARK "DESPERATE" paigns. BANGOR keep your old car in tip-top Steve Brody, Audrey Long it at athlet shape while you're waiting for May 13 Also Short Subjects 6:30-8 :27 at the RI your new Chrysler or Plymouth! "THAT'S MY MAN" "MEET ME AT DAWN" game seas Wed. & Thurs., May 19-20 until one May 14, 15 Double Feature came and Only three miles to Old Town and "SEA SPOILERS" "TIIE CHALLENGE" "BUCKSKIN FRONTIER" Grand Mar: the complete line of ARROW PRODUCTS Tom Conway, June Vincent job at the St: May 16, 17, 18 Plus only did he si on sale at "ADVENTURES OF "SPEED TO SPARE" of marshal, lit ROBIN HOOD" Richard Arlen, Jean Roger, help to the in "SOUTH OF TAHITI" A. J. Goldsmith Murphy Motors 6:30-7:55 raphers and Bijou and Opera House operate c, titintious:y from 1:30 to 11 o'clock. IO No. \Lin St n OLD TOWN cerely appreci Matinee Prices : 35e to 5 o'clock Joe Coos ....••••••••-••••,•••••••••••••..../..e.a.••••••••••••• ••••1 •••••••••••• as consistel r 12, MS Oran.), Maine, May 13, 1948 THE MAINE CAMPUS Pug'. Fi%e

ight tan de- Pear Facts Bowdoin Wins Out-door Track Championship BY JERRY ROGOVIN wool-plaid, laid, 1 white Hats off to Bowdoin's Matt --5.-cnche Leads Lyon, 1 white Branche for his fine perform- Yankee Meet knit, 1 blue ance in the State Most on Sat- Po!ar Bears urday. He scored three first:3 Will Be Helci black and and a second to pile. up 18 Ind white- points, and lead the Polar To Victory uhite-Ever- Bears to their 29th champion- At Durham Bowdoin College proved :orrison's, 1 ship in the event's 49-year his- Saturday Coach Chester Jenkins announced what they tory. really thought they could Monday afternoon that sixteen and ase-reading do-that they could beat Maine. As The meet was the scene of long and possibly seventeen men will be taken it was Buick Sales the powerful Polar Bears from disconcerting argument over the ham- to Durham, New Hampshire, to com- Brunswick ilaine, 1 key swept the field in the 49th mer throw. Marsanskis and Parsons pete in the 1st Annual Yankee Con- annual Maine ughlin's Ga- Intercollegiate State made throws which were almost identi- ference Collegiate Track Meet next Track 1 key chain Meet. The official tabulation cal. Parsons was finally awarded first Saturday. May 15. Schools competing :ys-General was as follows: Bowdoin--61; Maine place, but after a great deal of dispute. for the title are: Maine, New Hamp- -48; Bates-20; d luck piece. and Colby-6. The morning trials' measurements were shire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode It was 4 holster on big Mat Branche who led the made in 10ths of inches and the finals Island, and Connecticut. winners -silver ring, The follow- to victory as he scored first were measured in inches; hence a great ing men will compete ey-Owner's for Maine: place in the high jump, 120 High Hur- deal of confusion among the judges. Beal (120 yd. H.H. a key chains. and 220 yd. L.H.) dles and the 220 low hurdles. Holmes Will Braley pitched a neat Simmons (100 yd. dash of Bowdoin Tuned, 5 pr. and 220 yd. also scored two first game against Bowdoin last week dash) Shown above are Fortin. Marsanskis, and Parsons, innocent victims place-in :r rim, 3 pr. of the broad jump and in the and he deserved a better fate. violent controversy between Maine and Bowdoin tses. Folsom (1 Mile Run and 880 yd. run) at last Saturday's state 100 yd. dash. He ulsiffed a total of 14 track meet. Parsons won the hammer with a throw on and gold, men, Wallace (1 Mile Run and 880 yd. Run) of 152 feet inches. For Maine, it was a tough pill to 10 in the first five frames, .Marsanskis was second with 152 feet 7i/2 inches. Reason ing, 2 black but Brown (440 yd. Run) for the confusion: take in losing the track title. Leading first inning jitters combined Marsanskis' throw of 152.625 feet (on ever, 1 black Silsby (44) yd. Run) an engineer's tape) was recorded as all the way right up to the 12th event with fluky bounces gave 152 6;.14 inches by a non-engineering measurer. .I, 1 mixed Bow- Johnston (2 Mile Run) When the error was dis- and believing that they had won it (loin three runs, and covered Powdoin threatened to withdraw :.1c and white the ball O'Brien (2 Mile Run from the meet if it were changed. again, they suddenly found themselves game. A fluke bounce caused Taylor (100 yd. Dash and 220 yd. So George loses even though he gets off the best throw. -Newhall photo behind with Bowdoin's clean sweep one of the players brown cardi- to remark Dash) in the 220 yd, low hurdles. With about the condition 1 navy blue of the field. :Marsanskis (16-lb. Shot Put and 16- Branche's victory in the high jump, It's certainly 2 dissecting not in top shape lb. Hammer and Discus) victory for the balanced Polar Bears now! c sleeveless, Orach (16-lb. Hammer) In!Tamurals Stdistics was assured. Along baseball lines, it was Totman (Discus) lady's black noted Intramural Softball Results RHODE ISLAND AB But Maine did not take it lying g set-black that Dean Winnan's efforts to protect Phillips (Javelin) lielierman If 5 0 0 0 down. Phillips' javelin Week of May 3-10 Rainore cf 3 0 0 throw of 179 ft. Frank Keany were not missed. Never- Higgins (High Jump and Pole Vault) Santo 3b 3 0 Trailers 0 ;./4 in., Emerson's 1st place in the pole theless. a few catcalls were directed Haynes 13, Dunn 1 & 2 8. Smith rf 3 belt, 2 black at (Broad Jump) Andrews I!) 0 5 vault with a height of 12 ft. 1 in., and the Rholy coach, Corbett 1 & 2 11, 1-3-5 3. Brown lb )stick, 1 gold but the man thrives Emerson (Broad Jump and Pole 3 Silsby's 1st place in the 440 clocked at on boolls and jeers. Dunn 3 & 4 32, South Apts. 20. Panl:ala ss 3 I, 1 pin with His group of yes- Vault) Kelley 2b 2 50.8 (state record is 492) kept Maine Corbett 3 & 4 10, 2-4-6 8. McSweeney c t with 39 on men on the Rhode Island bench served LeClair (possibly) (120 yd. H.1-1.) 3 in the running. 16 18, OCUMMO 10. Nielkonian p 3 . gold ring- to make him unaware of the remarks. Totals 213 4 4 West Oak 18, 7-9-11 12. The highlight of the day was the ;-Wellesley, Intramural tennis started last Go!f MAINE AB Term Wins, 6-3 Tau Epsilon Phi 17, Lambda Mitchell 21, 3 two mile run in which Johnston, week, hut one would never know Chi 0 1 Over Alpha 3. x Thurlow 1 0 0 O'Brien. and Davis all of Maine fin- it. Only one match had been Po!ar Bear Squad Wilcox 2b 0 a 0 0 Phi Gamma Delta 14, Alpha Gamma Nickless rf 4 1 ished in that order. Also in the 880 yd. played off as of Monday Dieffenbach 4 1 night, Charlie Emery's potent golf team de- run, little Red Horne of Bates came and Rho 5. Woodbrey ss 4 0 0 several had been scheduled. Lated Bowdoin at the PVCC Satur- Cobs cf 4 2 0 from last place Phi Eta Kappa 13, Beta Theta Pi Osgood .71) to beat Gould of Bow- BUTS The courts are in tough shape. day. 6-3. 1. 4 1 0 The Maine golfers had to Walker Ii 4 0 0 0 don, in a photo-finish. so perhaps there is a reason. za all out to beat the Polar Bears. The MacKen?ie 0 1 0 Arch;hald p 3 1 1 THE SUMMARY First Bates match wasn't decided until Ch clef-leader Tryouts Totals 33 1 2 10 and then Colby have the last Javelin: 1. Phillips (M); 2. Ange- knocked off Bowdoin's hole. McNabb of Maine had the net x baseball team best Win Be He!d Mcy Batted for Mitchell in the 8th losante (Bates); 3. Smethurst (Bow). this season. And Maine score of the day-nine holes at a 39. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R HE could have Rh9de Island 02 0 000 0 2 0-4 40 Distance-179 ft. IA in. won its game last Golf Summary: Any men or women students who Maine 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 72 Wednesday but for Broad Jump: 1. Holmes (Bow); 2. a few lapses. Perhaps McNabb ( M) defeated Dole are interested in trying out for va- Danny Mac- (B) Six game batting averages for the Branche (Bow); 3. Lategola (Bates). Fayden's nine 87 6-5. Johnston (B) cancies in the cheerleader squad faine has been slightly over- 81 defeated Varsity: Distance-22 ft. 43/4 in. rated this year. Time Sturtevant (M) 84 4-2. Maine are requested to be present at the will tell. won ab r Ii ay. 16-lb. Hammer: 1. Parson (Bow); best ball 4-3. tryouts which are to be held in the like Cherneski 8 1 4 .500 Coach Charlie Emery's golf 2. Marsanskis (M); 3. Fortin (Bow). D Smith (M) 88 defeated thskell (B) Women's Gym at 8:00 p.m., Thurs. 3 8 .421 team is about the only sports (ITar c'e°\,1111cox 13 0 2 .400 Distance-152 ft. 7s in. 92 5-2. Marshall (B) 85 defeated day, May 20. Applicants may he a representatives for Maine to do Alex MacKenzie 3 0 1 .333 Shot Put: 1. Nicholson (Bow); 2. Bickford member of any of the three Roy any winning this spring. The (M) 87 3-2. Maine won best under- Dieffenbach 19 3 6 .315 Draper Joe Nickless (Bow); 3. Marsanskis (M). loopers have ball 1 up. graduate classes. 16 1 5 .312 1 2-1 3 won their last two Ed Woodbrey 20 Distance-46 ft. /12 in. Wilson (M) 84 defeated Franck Further information 3 6 .300 matches against Bates and Bow- may he ob- Lowell Osgood 23 2 6 260 Discus: 1. Michell (Bates) 2. Mar- (13) 95 7-6. Walker (B ) 84 defeated tained from Miss Shelton Ray ?, don,. Things look good for the of the Lord 9 0 2 .222 sanskis (M); 3. Nicholson (Bow). Hammond (M) SO 5-4. Bill Walker Oberon state championships at Augusta Maine won Women's Phys. Ed. department or 21 0 4 .190 Distance-124.7 Phil Archibald 6 1 ft. on the 17th of best ball 1 up. Neal Kelly at the Phi Eta Kappa 1 .165 this month. Paul Mitchell 19 0 2 .105 Pole Vault: 1. Emerson (M); 2. This week-end will be a big one for (tie) Higgins (M) and Cross (Bow). Maine's athletic forces. The trad: Height-12 ft. 1 in. squad travels to Durham. N. H., for High Jump: 1. Branche (Bow); Women's Sports BY NORNf A DRUMNIOND the Yankee Conference championships. 2. (tie) Higgins (M) and Emerson [4-15 Top-notch (Bow). Height talent from Rhode Island. Fifteen girls have been chosen by ;Stevens in a pirate routine. -5 ft. 11% in. UDDA Edith Curtis vs. Jane Walker. New Hampshire. and Connecticut will the Modern Dance Club to serve as Mile Run: 1. Horne (Bates); 2. Students from Mr. Sprague's music The first basketball officials' sr) provide the opposition there. The apprentices exami- Wallace (M); 3. Folsom (M). Time- in the club for the rest of composition class have written a ballet, nation ever golfers go to be presented in Eastern 4:33.7. kllister to the Bay State where they this semester. If these girls pass the to be worked out and performed l0-8 by the Maine took place last Saturday in the :23 tee off in the Conference and New tryouts, they will be voted in as tnem- Modern 440-Yd. Dash: 1. Silsby (Maine); Dance Club this spring. Indi- Women's Gym. Miss Theresa Shelton England tourneys against the same hers next fall. Those front the Fresh- vidual 2. Brown (M); 3. Sawyer (Bates). compositions of the students of the Gym Department was one of [6.17 teams, and the tennis team will be at man Class are Janet Bannister, Mary Time-50.8 sec. have been integrated to form a com- the three women from this area who JINTe, Storrs. Conn., to play those four teams Linn. Joan F. Littlefield, Gennette 120 Yd. H. H.: I. Branche (Bow); plete ballet. successfully passed both the written for another Conference title. The base- MacNair, Nancy Jane Ryan, Betty 2. LeClair (M); 3. Beals (M). Time- This week marks the start of the and floor exams, which were conducted Cotton ball team %till journey to Brunswick Russell, Phyllis Osgood, Emily Smaha,I 15.6 sec. 10--8 :45 women's singles tennis tournament. by Miss Catherine Foland of Colby to do battle with Bowdoin. Jean Tourtilotte, and 100 Yd. Dash: I. Holmes (Bow); Jane Walker.• The schedule of playoffs is posted in College, judge for the National Board The school ought to permit The Sophomores include Betty ! 2. Swann (Bow); 3. Marden (Col). Arnold, the Women's Gym and the results of of Women's Basketball Officials, as- more of these mayor cam- Edith Hayford, Betty Pennell, and Time-10.4 sec. each playoff should be noted as soon sisted by examiners Miss Rogers of paigns. They improve the spir- Janet Pettee. Jean Harding, a transfer, Two mile Run: 1. Johnston (M); as possible. The first round has sched- the University Gym Department and Long it at athletic events. is a new Junior apprentice. 2. O'Brien (M); 3. Davis(M) Time- The crowd uled Sue Dartnell to play against Marie Miss Amy Thompson of Waterville at the Rhode 10:15.8. Island baseball Representatives front the Modern Perry, and Frances Parsons against High School. 880 Yd. Run: 1. Horne (Bates); 2. game was quiet. and even hostile Dance Club performed at the Inter- Ttrly Stinson. 19-20 Two University students, Morna Could (Bow); 3. Wallace (M). until one of the candidates Fraternity Sing Tuesday night. A In order for the ladder tournament Kimball and Florence Greenleaf, passed Time-2:02.2. came and reawakened them. new kind of rhythm, called the Cuca- to work out correctly, the other players the local examinations. and Betty 220 Yd. L. H.: 1. Branche (Bow); Grand Marshal Sam Sezak did a fine boogie, formed the background for drew byes for the first round and paired Freidler, the intramural. Formerly the 2. Briggs (Bow); 3. Lee (Bow). 'incent job at the State Meet dancers Mary Bachelder, last week. Not Ruth Hol- off in the second round as follows: national ratings were given only in Time-25.8. only did he serve well in the capacity land, Elaine Lockhart, and Peg Mil- Peen True vs. Shirley Smith, Helen Boston; then tE" exams were later moved 220 Yd. Dash: I. Marden (Colby); of marshal, but his kind and courteous lington. Jean Harding. who was Noyes vs. Flo Greenleaf, Joyce Chip- to Portland, only this year coming to 2. Swann (Bow); 3. Simmons (M). togers help to the managers, officials, photog- remembered from the recent Masque man vs. Pollie Rawlinson, Peg Mill- Bangor. Physical education majors Time-23.1 sec. raphers and correspondents was sin- Musical, again scored a hit with a ington vs. the winner of the first round, and anyone wishing to obtain ratings cerely appreciated. new acrobatic dance. Morin Gerry Bellefleur vs. Addle Goos, Nan- which may be used anywhere in the "For in much wisdom is much grief: Joe Coombs continues to hit Dance Club President. also in the musi- cy Hubbard vs. first round winner, United States now have a greater op- and he that increaseth knowledge in- as consistently as ever. cal. this time teamed up with Bob Phyllis Osgood vs. Betty Freidler, and portunity to do so. creaseth sorrow."-Ecel. 1:18. Page Si: THE MAINE CAMPUS Orono, Maine, May 13. 1948 Oron,.. Mai SAE Keeps New Officers Are Elements Of Design Sing Trophy 'Elected By MCA Is New Art Feature Frate •The Maine Christian Association The Art Department has acquired a (Conti, Sigma Alpha Epsilon retired the has appointed new officials for the new asset, a series of twenty-four five-year trophy offered the winner of coming year. cardboard panels on the Elements of and Mrs. the annual Interfraternity Sing, Tues- They are as follows: Susan L. Design. These panels represent much Saturday, ti day night, when they won the contest Heise] and Raymond Gross, deputa- more than paper and color—they tell outing at Br for the third time. tions; John Wentworth and Dorothea a graphic story, packed with useful, Lambda C The trophy, presented by the Cleve- Butler, embassy committee; Miriam vital information about the world in mal dance a land Alumni Association, was destined Kochakian, Publicity; Jayne Hanson which we live. The panels seem to be by Ray I to become the permanent property of and Charles H. Jack, membership and reach out to the observer and say, will have an the fraternity which won it the great- personnel; Louise Powers and Ann "Here are the elements of design. See in Cold Stre est number of times in a five-year Burbank, social committee; Elaine what happens in your everyday life! will be Mr period. NfacNichol and Jane Sibley, house Some of these things you have seen a housemother Tuesday night's contest was only the committee. thousand times and never understood." Sezak. fourth in the series, Sigma Nu having Evan Johnson, Wednesday Morning The panels were designed and Theta Ch won it once, but SAE's third victory Fellowship; Janice Crane, Community planned by Robert J. Wolff in col- of Jack Mc makes further competition unnecessary. responsibility; Marion Carter, and laboration with Elodie Courter, Vic- night forma Other fraternities competing were: Roberta Conant, arts and crafts; John tor E. D'Amico, and Alice Otis, names Mina F. Sta Alpha Tau Omega, Delta Tau Delta, LaPoint, Koinonia; Frederick Bigney Senior ROTC members honored by the Army: Back row: Robert that mean little to the casual observer and Mrs. J Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Eta Kappa, and Janet Bannister, Freshman Club. Merchant, Mark Lane, Harrison Crowell, Wilrod St. Amand. Front but names that rank high in design. and Mrs. 12( Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Sigma, Janet Pettee and Richard Johnson, row: Charles St. Thomas, Donald Mead, Jr., Philip Stackpole. "The panels tend to shake the dust ers and theii Phi Mu Delta, Sigma Chi, and Sigma Christian faith; Dorothy Ansel', world from the prejudiced mind, enabling the at Lucerne Nu. relatedness; Alan Cuthbertson, MCA observer to see the world in which we an informal President Hauck was chairman of Newsletter; and Kenneth Giddings, Photo Club Will Meet Maine Day Ends With live in a new light," says Vincent Hart- Alpha Ta. the board of judges, aided by Dean Sunday Morning Services. gen, Head of the Art Department. Drinkwater Wieman and James A. Gannett, all The U. of M. Photo Club plans to Student, Facultu Skits The impact of his statement is more meet their music three acting without voting power. Wednesday, May 19, at 7:30 p.m., fully realized when the student grasps in the Traditional Maine Day was brought Chaperons v Voting judges were Royce P. Allen, Dow Addresses Class Art Gallery. The program is the significance of the work more indefinite at present. Either there will to a close, Wednesday night, with the the housemt Raymond Floyd, Dr. Erwin Douglass, Robert Dow, head of the marketing clearly. be a lecture by a qualified speaker on presentation of separate faculty and man Suarez, Everett S. Hurd, and Professor and development division of the 11,faine Why not show this exhibition every commercial color photography or there student skits and the holding of a T. Hart. Matthew McNeary. Sea and Shore Fisheries Department, year, Mr. Hartgen? will be a photographic laboratory in the dance in the Memorial Gymnasium. Phi Mu The Modern Dance Group, under will address the group in Maine gov- taking of shots of a plaster model The hilarious skits were presented formal danc the direction of Miss Eileen Cassidy, ernment at the University of Maine under varying lightings. twice during the evening, at 6:30 and New Book Published dance to thl presented several numbers while wait- Thursday afternoon, May 13. 8:15. in order to accommodate the Chaperons ing for the judges to make their deci- Photo floods in reflectors and vari- A new 250-page book called The record throngs who were anxious to the housemo sion. Go see a baseball game. ous spots will be available. Members History of Secondary Education in see the student and faculty Wallace, an. are expected to bring their cameras, shows, Penobscot County in Maine, written which have established a record for bury. make exposure and submit prints at a by Philip E. Keith. of Charleston, has • side-splitting humor over the pas, few Both AT later date. just published by the University years. Saturday ot Announcement will be made as soon Press. Phi Gamt We're going to KIDDIELAND Friday as definite arrangements are made as The student skit was entitled "The Written by Mr. Keith. now an in- music of L to the program. Beowulf Case," with Alfred Dumis, Higgins Classical Institute, structor at chestra at I chairman, and John Ballot,. fulfillment of the reqquire- The New Children's Shop in partial Chaperons master's degree, the pur- a ments for a Houston, tl pose of the publication is to trace the Come along and see the complete line of baby needs. Luggage Lummixed? Canterbury Club development of secondary education in Ship your spare gear in handy Talks Over Fall Plans Also, our beautiful sweaters, suits, dresses, and extra roomy Army Duffel Bag: Penobscot County from its earliest be- items. New, with new Padlock $2.75 Discussion of the program schedule ginnings to the present time. K. numerous gift 1.75 Used, with new Padlock for next fall will be the topic of the Send check or money order to: Located on Main St. over Woolworths, Old Town, Maine C. R. McManus next Canterbury Club meeting. It will Mrs. Maine Elected Phot. Cuttingsville. Vt. he held May 16 in the MCA lounge. a five lovely ladies competing At the last meeting Richard Schon- Of the 97 H., land was elected to represent the club for the title of Mrs. Maine in the Pine at vestry meetings of St. James' parish. Needle sponsored contest, one was se- Proposed amendments to the constitu- lected by the student body on Wednes- I. tion were discussed. day evening. MEN! J. Paul Sheedy* Switched to Wildroot Cream-Oil Because He Flunked The Finger Nail Test


.4 NEW SUMMER WEARABLES GALORE are here at FREESE'S MEN'S SHOPS . . . See what's new in sport shirts, jackets, polo shirts, swim trunks, and other McGregor SPORTSWEAR.

McGregor SWEATERS 5.95 to $10 McGregor JACKETS 7.50 to $15 THIS IS no "yoke", son. If oeople have been calling you egg- McGregor LEISURE COATS 18.95 head because your hair looks soft-boiled, here's eggs-actly SPORT COATS 7.95 to $35 what to do. Get busy with popular Wildroot Cream-Oil hair tonic. It grooms your hair neatly and naturally without that PLASTIC RAINCOATS 5.95 gooey look. Relieves annoying dryness and removes loose, ugly And other Summer Needs dandruff. Helps you pass the Fingernail Test! Wildroot Cream- Oil is non-alcoholic ... contains soothing Lanolin. Get a tube or bottle of Wildroot Cream-Oil at any drug or toilet goods counter today. Always ask your barber for a professional application. (Better be hard-boiled with your roommate — MEN'S keep egging him to get some Wildroot Cream-Oil of his own. FREESE'S SHOPS side up!) It's tops for keeping your sunny * of 327 Burroughs Drive, Snyder, N. Y. BANGOR Wildroot Company, Inc., Buffalo 11, N. V. May 13. 1948

Orono, Maine, May 13, 1948 THE MAINE CAMPL S Page Sel e I I >sign aature Fraternity House Parties Students Are Invited Merchant Gives Bradford Discusses GOP To Unitarian Meeting Last Interview With Young Republicans has acquired a (Continued from Page One) Mrs. Sutton NIonro, and Mr. and Mrs. I twenty-four Students at the University of Maine The Young Republican Club had a James Harmon. They will hold a Br JOE WEDGE and Mrs. Benjamin Graham. lively discussion period at its last meet- Elements of On Saturday outing on Verona Island in have been invited to attend a one-day Saturday, the Phi Kaps Tears were in Bob Merchant's eyes epresent much will have an Penobscot Bay. conference for Maine Unitarian col- ing on Tuesday, May 4. M. Bradford alor—they tell outing at Brewer Lake. as he prepared to close office at the Sigma Nu will have a Dow Field lege students to be held at the Uni- Delta Shelta after a long year's service of the Young Republicans Club in I with useful, Lambda Chi Alpha will have a for- orchestra for their Friday formal. tarian Church in Augusta, Saturday, in the Mayoralty chair. Bangor was guest speaker, and gave the world in mal dance on Friday night; music will Chaperons will be Mr. and Mrs. James May 15. the members a good insight at the ands seem to be by Ray Downs. "Dr. Cornell has ordered me to On Saturday, they Flanagan and Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Republican party and politics in gen- -ver and say, will have an David Parke, national president of Florida for a long rest," said the outing at Morgan's Beach Rich. They will have an informal vic eral. of design. See in Cold the American Unitarian Youth, will Mayor in a trembling voice, shaken Stream Pond. Their chaperons dance at their house Saturday night. All students who are interested in everyday life! will be Mrs. May McDonough, the be the principal speaker at the con- at spells with sobs, during his last Gamma Rho will have a semi- government and politics are urged to u have seen a housemother, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Alpha ference. Sunday evening, he led a dis- press conference interview. "It seems night; they will dance attend the club's meetings and join in r understood." Sezak. formal Friday cussion with a group of Maine students that I've developed `mayoritis,' a dis- to the music of Bernie Lewis. They at a fellowship meeting at the home of ease that affects nearly all leading on the discussions. The next meeting iesigned and Theta Chi will dance to the music will have an informal vic dance Satur- Dr. Milton McGorrill, pastor of the public servants after a long and strenu- of the Young Republicans Club will Wolff in col- of Jack McDonough at their Friday day night. Chaperons will be Mrs. Church of Universal Fellowship in ous year of service." be on May 18, Tuesday, at 7:30 in Courter, Vic- night formal. Chaperons will be Mrs. Isabel Morrow, the housemother, Mr. Orono. Carnegie Hall. :e Otis, names Mina F. Staples, the housemother, Dr. He paused for a second, rose from and Mrs. Winston Pullen, and Mr. conference will be asual observer and Mrs. J. Robert Smyth, and Dr. The theme of the his chair, and looked out over the and Mrs. Tuttle. Unitarianism Going Communistic?" igh in design. and Mrs. Robert M. York. The broth- "Is backyard where some of his staff were sonal appearances for charity, spark- Tau Epsilon Phi will have a semi- Herbert Brown of Bow- take the dust ers and their dates will have an outing Professor burning important confidential papers plugged four football rallies and games, formal dance Saturday night; music speak on "Communism in 1, enabling the at Lucerne on Saturday, followed by doin will and cleaning out his files. organized 55 dope rings, opened up 96 will be by Neil Martin. Chaperons Education." 3 in which we an informal vic dance in the evening. American "I wish to extend my best wishes to poolrooms, built 42 beer parlors, and Dr. Leonard Silk, Miss Bernice Vincent Hart- will be my successor," he slowly remarked as legalized open horse betting on campus Alpha Tau Omega will have Wayne Mr. and Mrs John Romanyshyn. Department. Schar, he turned back to the reporters again. for all students except freshmen whose Drinkwater and his band furnishing lowed by a formal with music by the ment is more Sigma Chi and Beta Theta Pi will "It's a tough job and he will need all last names begin with X." their music at their Friday formal. Maine Bears. On Saturday, they have student grasps both hold their house par des the week Secretary Jim Firmin came in Chaperons will be Mrs. Ruth Whitney, outing at Bar Harbor. the luck in the world." Press end of the twenty-first and twenty- planned an work more the housemother, Mr. and Mrs. Nor- His voice trembled more and more and asked the reporters to cut it short. second. Chi Rho Sigma will hold open house man Suarez, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert as he retraced the past year's activities. The last press interview was over Sigma Chi will have their Sweet- at 8 p.m. Saturday, in the Carnegie .hibition every T. Hart. "We sold 18,121 copies of the Bob for Mayor Bob Merchant. His last heart of Sigma Chi formal dance. lounge. The dance will be informal Phi Mu Delta will have a semi- Merchant Song Book, made 207 per- day in office had arrived! Music will be by Randy Brooks. Chap- with music by .McGorrill's Orchestra. formal dance Friday night. They will erons will be Miss Maud Speirs, the The affair will be run on the style dance to the music of George Fisher. shed housemother, and Mr. and Mrs. Hank of an Artist Colony. Guests will be Chaperons will be Mrs. Oceana Yale, k called The Fogler. On Saturday, they will have invited to do black and white paintings "OPEN YEAR AROUND'. the housemother, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Education in an outing at Echo Lake. to be interpreted by a member of Chi Wallace, and Mr. and Mrs. Hal Wood- For Your Enjoyment lame, written The Betas will start their week end Rho. Other members of Chi Rho will bury. harleston, has with a buffet supper Friday night, fol- present a comedy skit. Both ATO and Phi Mu will have ORONO BOWLING ALLEY he University Saturday outings at Bar Harbor. Alleys may be reserved by calling 400 Phi Gamma Delta will dance to the 22 Mill St. ORONO, MAINE now an in- music of Lloyd Raffnell and his or- sical Institute, chestra at their Friday night formal. Guaranteed Watch Repairing the reqquire- Chaperons will be Mrs. Mell D. gree, the pur- Houston, the housemother, Mr. and WATCH SERVICE s to trace the UNIVERSITY Van Heusen dealers in Bangor sr education in 23 BENNOCH ROAD its earliest be- THE t141,AN-1,EIVIS CO. ime. K. E. TWITCHELL ORONO, MAINE 181 Exchange St. SERVICE Photostatic Work of All For Insured Pick Up DIAL 311 ted Kinds KELLEHER ies competing 24 hour service and Delivery Service R. D. 97 HAMMOND ST., BANGOR VANINIAVVVV1AINVINL11.11,1,1.1,11,WWVIAMA11.1,%%W11,%%11/1.1/1/V1,1 5• re in the Pinc Tel. 5345 one was se- y on Wednes- Back again!

C ,1 im-Oil ., k. .4.1 This Week Pleated Bosom st ,ifr> Tuxedo Shirts Nights are brighter, now that Van Heusen Van Tux is back Friday again. And in two smart, low-setting collar-attached models: regular length and wide-spread. The pleated front and cuffs are crisp, snowy white piqué—on a body of fine .. handkerchief cloth. We've spared no tailoring detail to ,....,, . . Saturday make these the quality shirts .,• . , ...... you expect. $5.95 each. \) , PHILLIPS-JONES CORP., , .. V ., is NEW YORK 1, N. Y. 'L _ , SUMMER , i, . 1, OPENING ,...... ,\\

o r"k '.0,,,, ,••••...... , . ,.:,.., ...... „ s at I If : 5 _ , `1II. , . .., - 5 eb You're the man most likely to sneered in •b \.', .-- F I iJ IJ Sk E S Vail Heusen Shirts • 'Olil* .1111? -1' • PAJA IfAS MAINE'S GREAT STORE 111 I• iiilt1,AAANIAMMAMitttWWWLAAVIAMAVMAIVMAMAIA, Page Eight TIIE MAINE CAMPUS Orono, Maine, May 13. 1918

•• the elementary grades," and declar ! 't ta led:century 1,1,.1kind the St.:de:-:ts Aid ant.: Deutscher Verein Fe:noic-1 Requests that it is unfair for the State to ITIp C,annenting brietly tillon the matter Jon.: S.,vanton, anfl P:sbara the university when children of elemen- Iffinging disi,laced persons from Will Hold Picnic Free Education as-i,t Dr. Howard I. tary school age are badly in need of Europe to Maine, Fernald declared it'.1 the University of :0.aine The Deutscher Verein, honorary "The State of Maine has the eco- assistance. that it is foolish to think of bringing German scholastic society, held its last nomic wealth to establish a system of "What we label education in Maine more peoi,le into the State when there run con;unction with regular meeting for the year Wednes- free education from the kindergarten is not education," Fernald said, "be- , are net enough jobs f,r the people al- rk.grlar suouner Vol. XLI3 day in the Art Gallery. Program con- through the State University," Roy I.. cause we cannot get it with a system ready here. .\—.2•1‘t sisted in the recital by Wuellner of the Fernald of Winterport, Republican Hexenlied by Ernst von Wildenbruch joint with musical accompaniment by Max gubernatorial candidate, told a 17 von Schillings, the singing of German meeting of the Politics and Young folk songs, and parlor games in Ger- Republicans clubs here Monday. man. He declared, however, that the citi- Are A picnic is planned for Sunday, May zens of the State must themselves be 23. The club intends to continue its educated, because they lack the will custom of making an excursion to and intestinal fortitude to organize an All- Lamoine where a hamburger lunch a;lequate program of education. Six seni4 xvill be prepared on the grounds of the Fernald asserted that, "If we are to U. of M. Marine Station. All members apply democratic principles in our named nu having cars which they will put at the public education. we must begin with Women Si disposal of the club are asked to get annual bat in touch with the president, Paul Ford, brooke Ha or the sponsor, Professor Klein, in L' Stevens. Mrs. Mz Besides lolling on the beach. fishing Home Plate respondent and soft ball, the officers are plan: Restaurant papers of! to shoot a movie. the banque 44 Main Si., Orono Barbara Phone 460 • were studo Complete Foto Finishing New sen FOUNTAIN SERVICE organizatio Cameras DOUBLE-KAY NUTS Gardiner; Flash Bulbs Complete Line of the-Hudsor Roll Film PAPERS & MAGAZINES West Buxi Albums Auburn; 1 Come in and Esther Wa Frames Try Our Fine Servit Junior ir Color Open 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Dext OUR SPECIALTY THERE'S Madison; TED NEWHALL STEAKS CHOP , Conn.; Jan Orono 8171 FRIED CLAMS NO FINER CIGARETTE Crossland. • • • Old Town THAN CHESTERFIELD. Kenne(ly, 1 1 .exi noon. I KNOW, IT'S MY BRAND." Rumford: Malden. M; Members Society are Caege Men Prefer AS classes on t' "THE LADY (lignity. an4 JOHN PAUL SUITS FROM SHANGHAI" sponsibility. The biggest showing in town A COLUMBIA PRODUCTION Wood Third ,

With a tt Charles Br JoHn PAUL I. Moore, am 55 PICKERING SQ...,,IAANGOR Dean, Allis ••••, and team under the • Outing and tered for ; event woodi 11111S01 ICHIEVEMEXT Ail 1)artmouth Ham For the week of Ma. 10. 1948 Pond. )artmout To petition 1,vh followed in WHIM) III IT Union Acal Oak Hall only a few The event In recognition of his election to the WHY...I smoke Chesterfield cut and bud office of "Mayor." (FROM A SERIES OF STATEMENTS BY PROMINENT TOBACCO FARMERS) tire builditu races, and I The recipient of this award is entitled to I have done business with Liggett & Myers --- - $2.00 PERSONAL CLEANING SERVICE for over 40 years. They buy the best crops in Goff Ge ABSOLUTELY FREE the house at the auctions. I am exclusively a Chesterfield smoker. From W, HILLSON CLEANERS I think they are the best cigarette made. Merle F. in min 'qr. f't (9a,sel will receive • tration at tl 01441' TOBACCO FAIMil, 1.41CMOLATVIU1, KY. June, has Ix Wayne Uni, During ti serve as assi Tune into WABI. CBS in the heart of Maine. 1 tor of Port September I for a really different new radio program Program it Public Ailti RHYME DOES PAY with the Si Wayne Ur 6:30-7:00 P.M. Monday through Friday Ilureati of I IIU ALWAYS 111 1LDER RETTER TASTING COOLER SMOKING Ten outs WADI 910 on your dial sections of imally to st. ..c..rigbt 1948. Lowy & Urals TIMACall gram for ca