The Doctor lands with the TARDIS on a field at the break of dawn. The doors of the TARDIS open and the head of the Doctors looks out. He looks around and comes out.

THE DOCTOR Mh … where am I? (goes some steps and smells in the air) I must have landed close to London. It smells to London. (with the next step he steps in a cowpat) Oh, no! (lifts his foot) These were my favorite shoes! (hops on one leg to his TARDIS) Key … key … Where are you? (still on one leg he holds on with one hand at the TARDIS, while he searches with hand his key) Have I forgotten possibly … no … (looks to the door of the TARDIS as if he could see in)


The key is shown at the control panel inside of the TARDIS!



Rebecca leaves the house and goes by the front garden to her bicycle what leans outside in the garden fence. She rises on her bicycle and drives the street down.

EXTRA Good morning, Becca! (goes along the street and waves after her)

BECCA (nods to him and goes on)


Rebecca leaves the village and turns into a country lane. She sees the Doctor and the TARDIS on the field and stops. The Doctor works with his on the lock of the TARDIS.

BECCA (goes to the Doctor and observes him at his work) What do you do there?

THE DOCTOR (simply goes on working) After what does it look then?

BECCA You try to break with a flashlight in a .

THE DOCTOR (looks to her) This is no flashlight … Oh well, it can be used as a reading lamp … But, actually, it is alien technology with which I try to crack the lock of my time machine. (speaks louder and faster and looks tense)

BECCA (lifts hands) Do not let from me interfere your work! (some steps withdraws, but further observes the Doctor)

THE DOCTOR Thanks. (goes on working)

BECCA (waits a moment) Why your time machine looks like a phone box?

THE DOCTOR (shakes the head and stops with the work)

BECCA I mean why a police box? Why not a telephone box or a comfortable bath? (grins at the Doctor)

THE DOCTOR So please? Time and space travelling in a bath? Sounds not quite comfortable.

BECCA You said nothing of space. So it is something so like a spaceship. (looks surprised at the TARDIS)

THE DOCTOR It is a spaceship. It’s MY spaceship. (pats proudly the outside cover of the TARDIS) It’s called TARDIS: Time And Relative Dimension In Space.

BECCA (sees again to the Doctor) Why are you here when you could be everywhere and in every time?

THE DOCTOR (doesn’t want to tell everything to disgrace himself) Uh, I have a small problem with my … (gesticulates a lot and goes some steps)

BECCA (She interrupts him grinning) Key?


BECCA (goes to the door of the TARDIS) Let me have a look at the lock. I have experiences with such a thing. (starts to examine the lock)

THE DOCTOR But this is a complicated lock system, what doesn’t come from your planet … or your solar system. (walks around Becca) You will never be able to open it!

BECCA (opens the door) It is open. (smiles at the Doctor)

THE DOCTOR (looks at her unexpectedly and hurries to the door to have a look at it) But … it’s too high for you ... you’re only a human! (scraps his hair)

BECCA Her lock can nevertheless be opened with an easy hairpin. (shows the hairpin)

THE DOCTOR (takes the hairpin and looks more exactly at it) Impossibly! (scans it with the sonic screwdriver) But it seems to be a normal hairpin...

BECCA Would be I allowed? (takes the hairpin from him and directs with it her hair)

THE DOCTOR (watches her dumbfounded)

BECCA So... (goes to the open door of the TARDIS, reaches for the handle and looks again to the Doctor) Now we have a look how your spaceship looks from inside. (goes in the TARDIS)

THE DOCTOR (broods over it, however, shakes then the head) Wait! Who’re you?! (shouts and follows her)


BECCA (stands completely calmly in front of the control panel of the TARDIS and looks at it) Rebecca Barker, but you can call me Becca. (smiles at the Doctor and presses a button)

THE DOCTOR NO! (shouts it to her and tries to prevent it, but falls on the knees when the TARDIS starts moving)

BECCA (holds at the control panel)

The TARDIS hurtles through the time vortex. With a pinging noise, the TARDIS stops.

BECCA (lets go of the control panel and hurries to the door of the TARDIS) Where are we? Or should I better ask in which time we are? (looks excitedly at the Doctor, then opens the door and comes out)

THE DOCTOR (pulls himself up at the control panel and peek to Becca) The woman is completely crazy! (starts to grin and runs after her)

The Doctor is already by the door, when he decreases and gets the key.

THE DOCTOR This time not! (says it to the key, pockets him and leaves the TARDIS)