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This is the ninth refund in the past ten years, FEGLI FEGLI FEGLI FEGLI during which time WAEPA members have received over $23,000,000 Age WAEPA Basic Option A Option B WAEPA Option C in premium refunds. 25 $ .60 $3.90 $ .78 $ .78 $ .80 $ 1.40 * 30 .68 3.90 .78 .78 .90 1.40 How many refunds have you received from your federal life 35 .80 3.90 1.04 1.04 1.20 1.77 40 1.12 3.90 1.56 1.56 1.60 2.39 insurance coverage? 45 1.60 3.90 2.34 2.34 2.20 3.12 Contact WAEPA or visit our website to find how you 50 2.44 3.90 3.64 3.64 3.20 4.68 55 3.72 3.90 7.02 7.28 4.80 7.54 can lower your current life insurance premiums, 60 6.28 3.90 15.60 15.60 7.40 13.52 acquire additional coverage for your family, and be eligible for future refunds. Compare Coverage Options * WAEPA is a non-profit association, WAEPA FEGLI governed by federal employees who Member $25,000 to $500,000 Basic • Determined by your serve on a voluntary basis. We Coverage (In $25,000 increments) annual pay have been providing insurance Option A • $10,000 of coverage benefits to civilian federal Option B • One to five times your annual pay employees since 1943. Dependent Coverage WAEPA FEGLI OPTION C New coverage Spouse $10,000 to $250,000 $5,000 to $25,000 now available for — Domestic Partner $10,000 to $250,000 N/A domestic partners Child $ 1,000 to $25,000 $2,500 to $12,500 <>=30Hk "!$k4G?A4BBk" B44H>D8=½%)&ORMER.EW9ORK#ITY-AYOR2UDOLPH'IULIANISAID3UNDAYHEWILL CONTEMPLATENEXTYEARWHETHERTORUNFORPRESIDENTIN"UTHEADDEDTHATPLAYING WITHTHEIDEAOFRUNNINGFORTHE'/0NOMINATIONDIDNTMEANHEWOULDACTUALLYDOIT =PcX^] ;P;Pf\PZTabBTTZ#1X]0XS Zl<Zm^`hkr.%Zg]mhk^lmhk^ma^ phne]lmZg]ebmme^\aZg\^h_pbg& Fhg^rphne]_ng]k^iZbkl%Zgmb&lmhkff^Zlnk^l \hZlmebg^%\hgmkhe_ehh]bg`Zg] gbg`_^]^kZeZiikhoZe'EhnblbZgZ F0B78=6C>=k:-)[beebhgieZgmh ma^f^Zlnk^ÍlieZgmhpZbo^_^]^k& bfikho^gZob`Zmbhg' eZpfZd^kl%mahn`a%Zk^ahibg`ma^ ankkb\Zg^&ikhh_ma^EhnblbZgZ\hZlm Ze^gobkhgf^gmZeeZplng]^kl\hk^ GhkfZe\hg`k^llbhgZeikh\^ll^l \ZmZlmkhiab\]kn[[bg`_khfankkb& aZlb`gbm^]Z[Zmme^ho^kahp[^lmmh ma^]kZfZmb\lm^ilmaZmEhnblbZgZ _hkZnmahkbsbg`ikhc^\mlZg]li^g]bg` \Zg^lDZmkbgZZg]KbmZpbee_hk\^ ik^o^gmZk^i^Zmh_mablr^ZkÍl]hn[e^ eZpfZd^kllZrblg^^]^]mha^eima^ fhg^rphne][^[riZll^]^gmbk^er <hg`k^llZg]ma^Pabm^Ahnl^mh _ehh]bg`h_G^pHke^Zgl' lmZm^k^\ho^k_khfhg^h_ma^\hng& ng]^kma^ikhihlZe'>gobkhgf^gmZe mZd^Zl^kbhnlehhdZmma^ikhihlZe' $IVERSSEARCHTHEWATERSOF,AKE >g]hkl^][rma^lmZm^Íl\hg& mkrÍlphklmgZmnkZe]blZlm^kl' eZplphne][^pZbo^]hg\^ma^\hf& BmaZl[^^gbgmkh]n\^]ZliZkmh_Z 'EORGE .9 AFTERATOURBOATCAPSIZED `k^llbhgZe]^e^`Zmbhg%ma^ikh& Ma^\hffbllbhgÉpbmaZme^Zlm fbllbhglb`glh__hgma^phkdieZg% [khZ]^kk^\hglmkn\mbhg[bee' ihlZephne]\k^Zm^Zgbg^&f^f& _bo^f^f[^kl_khfEhnblbZgZÉ pab\ama^\hkilphne]aZo^mh]^o^e& >gobkhgf^gmZeZg]mZqiZr^kÍl [^kbg]^i^g]^gm\hffbllbhgmaZm phne]aZo^_bgZeihp^kho^k:kfr hibgcnlmlbqfhgmal' kb`aml`khnilaZo^mZd^gblln^pbma phne]`bo^EhnblbZgZZeZk`^lZrbg <hkilh_>g`bg^^klikhc^\mlmhikh& Ln\aZgngik^\^]^gm^]mkZgl& ma^lbs^h_ma^_bgZg\bZeiZ\dZ`^Zg] ! :X[[TSX] ahpma^_^]^kZefhg^rblli^gm' m^\mG^pHke^Zgl_khfma^fhlm _^kh_ihp^kZg]fhg^r_khf bmlihm^gmbZe^gobkhgf^gmZebfiZ\m' C^da1^Pc Ma^an`^lnflbgoheo^]Zg] ihm^gmmri^h_ankkb\Zg^l%dghpg PZlabg`mhgmhZlmZm^nlnZeer 30E83?0240? 0RRXST]c 7DAA820=405C4A<0C7k?A0H4A8==4F>A;40=B @dP[Xch^U2^]bcadRcX^] ;0:464>A64=Hk:[hZm\Zkkrbg` mhnkblmlhgZl^gbhk\bmbs^glÍ\knbl^ ho^kmnkg^]Lng]ZrhgZeZd^bg :Thc^FTPcWTaX]VBc^a\ nilmZm^G^pRhkd%dbeebg`Zme^Zlm +*i^hie^Zg]l^g]bg`fhk^maZg ;nbe]bg`lmaZmlnkobo^] k^l^Zk\a^kl%[nbe]bg`\h]^li^\bZe& mph]hs^ghma^klmhZahlibmZe' blml%^g`bg^^klZg]phh]bg]nlmkr :nmahkbmb^lp^k^bgo^lmb`Zmbg` DZmkbgZp^k^fhk^ ^qi^kmlli^gmmak^^]Zrlbgli^\mbg` pa^ma^kZeZk`^iZllbg`mhnk[hZm p^ee&[nbem%k^ihkmlZrl ,)eh\Zmbhglbglhnma^kgFbllbllbiib \k^Zm^]ZpZd^maZm\Znl^]ma^Z\\b& Zg]^Zlm^kgEhnblbZgZ'Ma^`hZepZl ]^gm%PZkk^g<hngmrLa^kb__EZkkr 6D;5?>AC<8BBk:_^pfhk^gZbel mh^qieZbgparlhf^ahf^llnk obo^]% <e^o^eZg]lZb]' Zg]^qmkZ[heml\hne]aZo^fZ]^Z[b` Zg]hma^klp^k^ngbgaZ[bmZ[e^' Ma^-)&_hhm%`eZll&^g\ehl^] ]b__^k^g\^_hklhf^ahf^lmaZmp^k^ Ma^`khni]b]gÍmli^g]fn\a >maZg:ee^g\Zilbs^]Zkhng], ]^lmkhr^][rAnkkb\Zg^DZmkbgZ' mbf^ehhdbg`Zmma^kn[[e^h_ahf^l i'f'hgEZd^@^hk`^Z[hnm.)fbe^l :gbgbmbZe^g`bg^^kbg`k^ob^p g^Zk^lmma^\hZlm%pa^k^lmkn\mnk^l ghkmah_:e[Zgrbgma^:]bkhg]Z\d _hng]maZmfhlmh_ma^phh]&_kZf^ p^k^pZla^]ZpZr[rZlmhkflnk`^ FhngmZbgl'Ma^Z\\b]^gmZiiZk^gmer ahnl^lmaZmlnkobo^]ma^lmhkfÍl*,) mhiibg`,._^^m'Bglm^Z]%bm_h\nl^] aZii^g^]lh_ZlmmaZmghg^h_ma^ fia`nlmla^e]ni[^\Znl^h_ebmme^ hgahf^lcnlmZebmme^bgeZg]' iZll^g`^klpZlZ[e^mhinmhgZeb_^ mabg`l3ie^gmrh_gZbel%f^mZelmkZil ÊMa^e^llhgmh[^e^Zkg^]bl cZ\d^m%<e^o^eZg]lZb]' ZmmZ\abg`kZ_m^klmh_kZf^lZg][heml Zmm^gmbhgmh]^mZbe%ËlZb]ChagoZg]^ IZmkhe[hZmlmaZmk^Z\a^]ma^ Zg\ahkbg`_kZf^lZg]ihk\a^lmh Ebg]m%Z<hehkZ]hLmZm^Ngbo^klbmr l\^g^pbmabgfbgnm^l_hng]hma^k ,%%#%,!./2%54%23 \hg\k^m^' ikh_^llhkpahpZliZkmh_ma^m^Zf' [hZm^klZek^Z]rineebg`i^hie^_khf 1;4BB43A4D=8>=).EW/RLEANS!RCHBISHOP!LFRED(UGHES RIGHT GREETS Ma^k^ob^ppZl\hfie^m^][rZ ÊB_ma^![nbe]bg`"\h]^pZl_heehp^]% ma^pZm^k':eeiZll^g`^klaZ][^^g 'LORIA,ODRIGUSS LEFT ANDDAUGHTER!NAAFTER3UNDAY-ASSATTHE3T,OUIS _bo^&i^klhgm^Zfhk`Zgbs^][rma^ mabg`ll^^f^]mh]hk^Zeerp^ee'Ë Z\\hngm^]_hkpbmabgmphahnkl'0? 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