Stargirl Episode Guide Episodes 001–020

Last episode aired Tuesday September 21, 2021 © © 2021 © 2021 © 2021 © 2021

The summaries and recaps of all the Stargirl episodes were downloaded from and https:// and and and processed through a perl program to transform them in a LATEX file, for pretty printing. So, do not blame me for errors in thetext !

This booklet was LATEXed on September 23, 2021 by footstep11 with create_eps_guide v0.68 Contents

Season 1 1 1 Pilot ...... 3 2 S.T.R.I.P.E...... 9 3 ...... 15 4 Wildcat ...... 19 5 and Dr. Mid-Nite ...... 23 6 The Justice Society ...... 27 7 Shiv Part One ...... 29 8 Shiv Part Two ...... 33 9 ...... 37 10 Brainwave Jr...... 43 11 ...... 49 12 Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E. Part One ...... 53 13 Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E. Part Two ...... 57

Season 2 61 1 Summer School: Chapter One ...... 63 2 Summer School: Chapter Two ...... 65 3 Summer School: Chapter Three ...... 69 4 Summer School: Chapter Four ...... 73 5 Summer School: Chapter Five ...... 77 6 Summer School: Chapter Six ...... 81 7 Summer School: Chapter Seven ...... 85

Actor Appearances 89 Stargirl Episode Guide

II Season One

Stargirl Episode Guide


Season 1 Episode Number: 1 Season Episode: 1

Originally aired: Tuesday May 19, 2020 Writer: Director: Glen Winter Show Stars: Brec Bassinger (Courtney Whitmore / Stargirl), Yvette Monreal (Yolanda Montez / Wildcat), Anjelika Washington ( / Doc- tor Mid-Nite), Cameron Gellman (Rick Tyler / Hourman), Trae Romano (Mike Dugan), Jake Austin Walker (Henry King Jr.), Hunter Sansone (Cameron Mahkent)„ Meg DeLacy (Cindy Burman), Neil Jackson (Jor- dan Mahkent / Icicle), Christopher James Baker (Henry King Sr. / Brainwave), Amy Smart (Barbara Whitmore), Luke Wilson ( / S.T.R.I.P.E.) Guest Stars: Henry Thomas (Dr. Mid-Nite / Charles McNider), Joel McHale (Sylvester Pemberton / Starman), Eric Goins (Steven Sharpe / The ), Neil Hopkins (Lawrence ’Crusher’ Crock / ), Joy Osmanski ( / Tigress), Hina X. Khan (Anaya Bowin / The ), Joe Knezevich (William Zarick / The Wizard), Mark Ashworth (Janitor Justin), Lou Ferrigno Jr. (Rex Tyler / Hourman), Brian Stapf (Ted Grant / Wildcat), Stella Smith (Artemis Crock), Ash- ley Winfrey (Jenny Williams), Wil Deusner (Joey Zarick), Max Frantz (Isaac Bowin), Annie Thurman (Mary Kramer), Jasun Jabbar Wardlaw Jr. (Brian Tanner Balloid), Sam Brooks (Travis Thomas), Maizie Smith (Courtney @ 5), Olivia Baughn (Mary @ 5), Ashani Roberts (Char- lotte Balogh), Elizabeth Bond (Maggie Kramer), Christian Adam (Josh Hamman), Suehyla El-Attar (Mrs. Patterson), Julia Armitage (Town Girl), Kadrolsha Ona Carole (American Dream Employee), Roy Luke (City Worker), Mason Pike (Driver), Jimmy Star (American Dream Em- ployee), Shawn Weston Thacker (Student), Jaclyn White (Football Fan) Summary: Courtney’s seemingly perfect life in Los Angeles gets upended with a move to Blue Valley, Nebraska with her mother Barbara, stepfather Pat Dugan and stepbrother Mike, and she finds herself struggling to adapt to her new town and high school. But when Courtney discovers that Pat is harboring a major secret about his past, she ultimately becomes the unlikely inspiration for a new generation of Super Heroes.

In a flashback set ten years before dur- ing the holiday season, Pat Dugan rushes through empty streets as he tries to get a hold of Starman, who replies to follow his orders to stay away. Their conversation stops short as he screams, just as Pat breaks through the front door of a cliff- side mansion, set ablaze with green lights as a battle for the ages rages inside. Be- fore he can descend up the stairs, Wildcat is pushed through a wall, landing near Pat. He rushes to the fallen ’s side, as he coughs weakly. Pat forced to leave

3 Stargirl Episode Guide him as he enters the mansion, where he begins to dodge electric shock bolts as The Wizard ends a fight between Tigress and Hourman by levitating the latter. Dr. Mid-Nite is pushed onto the scene, yelling at Pat to leave before a large hand of black moving matter grabs and drags him away. Hourman is dropped onto the floor and is gravely injured, before The Wizard turns his sight on Pat. Welcoming him to the show, the Wizard is incapacitated by Starman and his Cosmic Staff. Tigress and Sportsmaster engage him in combat until they are beaten with his staff. Starman yells at Pat for not waiting in the car, and doesn’t notice Brainwave until he is airborne is a vortex of debris. He aims his staff at the , but his attack blocked by a mental . A war between mind and will proceeds until which Brainwave breaks and is hit with a beam of light. Starman turns but is stabbed with a dagger of ice in the chest, and falls to the floor. He feebly whispers that the Justice Society of America is gone to Pat as his carries him to the car to escape. However, Solomon Grundy gives chase, and as he nears Pat presses a button that allows the car to convert into a jet-setting mode and flies off as Solomon hits the back of the vehicle. Damage as done, as an engine dies mid-air and the car crashes into the woods. The two men escape before it explodes, and Pat sets Starman on the floor. He explains that he needs to go to a hospital, but Starman is resolute that it’s the end for him. He tells Pat the JSA must live on, its legacy must survive. Someone with grace, honor, and courage must carry it — but not Pat. In his dying words he states Pat was a good friend. Across Los Angeles, a young Courtney Whitmore, gift in hand, stares at a window as Barbara converses with her friend Miss Kramer and daughter Mary, before telling her own daughter they will watch her while she heads for work. Courtney cries to her mom that she wants to see her daddy. Barbara tells her she understands, before heading out. Courtney watches her mother leaving outside. In the present day, a now teenaged Courtney is packing up her bedroom for the big move, reminiscing about before spotting that same gift for her father on a shelf. She puts it in a box as Mary approaches, telling her she’ll miss her. The two girls embrace sadly, until their attention is turned to Pat arriving outside. Mary notes her new dad, but Courtney coldly states he is not her father and is the reason to moving to Nebraska. With Pat is his own son Mike, himself upset at moving to a rural location. Pat begs his son to stay positive, only to get a snarky reply that it’ll blow positive ass. Mike tells his father he thought they’d stop moving around when he hooked up with Barbara, a term Pat rejects. He tries to help Courtney with a box only to be ignored by her. Barbara notes her anger, telling her Blue Valley is where she grew up and they made the choice to move together. The blended family and their movers arrive to their new house, with Mike being awestruck by the size of his new home. Pat’s attention is distracted as the movers begin to handle a mysteri- ously long trunk, exclaiming its delicate. He tells them he’ll handle, and asks his family if they want to get a bite to eat as Courtney notices a box labelled auto parts. The four walk into the heart of the town, greeted by their residents as they stumble upon Richie’s, the diner where Pat and Barbara met two years ago. Courtney asks why he was in Nebraska, where Pat ominously replies he was looking for something. At night, Pat discreetly goes into the basement to unlock a trunk filled with secret and clas- sified JSA files on the members of the Injustice Society of America, and unravels a heavilyhigh- lighted map with Blue Valley circled around it. Upstairs, Courtney is still unboxing, stopping and looking around the many more still to go. She stops, pained by all the sudden changes in her life but takes comfort in looking up at the starry night sky. The next morning, Pat drives Courtney to her first day of school at Blue Valley High School, whose texting with Mary. He breaks the ice by telling a story on how he moved around a lot when he was young, essentially finding his father to be his best friend. Pat says he made some friends later in life and knows how hard it is to lose someone, but Courtney is unmoved. They arrive, at Pat bids his stepdaughter a great day to her annoyance. She cautiously walks down the crowded school hallway to the school’s office. She’s angered that the school gymnastics team hasbeen recalled due to budget cuts, but the school official with her tells her cheer leading is an option. Pat later stops by his new auto works business, where he meets Larry Crock, otherwise known by "Crusher" and the owner of the self-named gymnasium down the street. He says his gym offers boot camp classes to get in-shape, continuing to promote his business as Pat nervously states he needs to set up the garage first. He bids Larry goodbye, but Larry insists on the nickname "Crusher".

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An excited Barbara arrives for her first day at "The American Dream", where her escort de- scribes the company’s promise to invest back in Blue Valley, and points at two of the executives, one of them being William Zarick. She tells Barbara her office is next, much to her surprise. Back in school, Courtney disgustingly looks at her new school ID before meeting Cindy Bur- man and her friend Jenny. Quick to get to know the new girl, Cindy announces they should all hang out. Courtney becomes enlightened, and begins to tell her phone number but Cindy says she already has it. She says she should try out for cheer leading, but Courtney rejects her offer. Cindy quickly and asks if she didn’t want to meet up. Courtney clarifies it wasn’t what she meant, and Cindy replies that she’ll text her or not. In the crowded cafeteria, Courtney looks around for a seat when Paula Brooks confronts her. She asks if she needs a seat, and directs her to a mostly empty table. Courtney thanks her and introduces herself to the three, with a girl named Beth being the only one to warmly respond back. Trying to break the awkward silence, she asks what they do for fun. Beth, realizing Courtney’s assumption that they’re all friends, clarifies that they’re not, and she’s basically at the loser table. The boy tells her to speak for herself, getting up and swiping a box of food before leaving. Two jocks come on either side of the remaining girl, with the redhead taunting her if she has any new pictures of herself. Courtney tells him to leave her alone. The redhead takes her phone, asking if she has any. Courtney pushes him on reflex, causing him to knock intoa cafeteria lady and spilling much food on the floor. The principal tells Courtney to come with her, as Cindy slyly says that was her boyfriend. Courtney lands in detention with the boy from the table, which causes her to miss her bus after school ends. She is forced to walk home, but the sight of a father and his young daughter distracts her along the way. At dinner, Mike enthusiastically talks about his first day and how he quickly met some com- puter design friends, asking if he could go over to one’s house already. Barbara asks Courtney how her day went. Pat chimes in, causing Courtney to snap that he isn’t her father. Annoyed at her stepbrother microwaving marshmallows, she rushed in the basement to cool off, angrily kick- ing over a box with Pat’s name on it. Noticing a picture of him fishing, she remarks his lameness, but feels something wrong with the frame. Underneath Pat’s photo is an old photograph showing the former Justice Society of America. Mystified, she looks through the framed pictures and finds a newspaper article, discovering her stepfather’s identity as a sidekick. Seeing the old box, she finds the classified JSA files, as well as a signed photo from Starman and his old uniform.Hear- ing a noise behind her, she sees light glowing from the edges of an old trunk, manifesting in a ell that burns out the light bulb next to her. Cautiously walking towards it, she opens the lid and discovers the Cosmic Staff. It glows as she picks it, but she drops it as gets startled. Checking if her hands are okay, she picks it up more firmly again, noticing a ball of light moving sideto side as she balances the staff. Letting go of it, the staff remains in the air, much to her disbelief. She dismisses her imagination as the staff doesn’t move. Hovering her hand over it, the ball of light moves with her, but she struggles to move the staff from its position for a second. Once unstuck, the staff warbles and moves of its own accord, dragging Courtney from the basement to outside the house, and eventually in front of The American Dream building. Getting control of it, she tosses it in the air and it stops in a horizontal position. She performs a gymnastic routine, causing the staff to act like a bar. She switches to a vertical position, amazed by its intelligence. She asks if its alive, to which the staff jets itself and its holder to the sky. Back home, Pat returns the now damaged microwave to the basement, and notes the Cosmic Staff is missing. Courtney crash lands into the woods, after which she gets up and discovers she’s at the drive-in movie theater screening of The Goonies. She notices Henry King Jr. and his jock friends annoying moviegoers, much to her disgust. When they begin to harass another, she wraps a scarf over her and ties her back, sneaking towards Henry’s car and using the staff to puncture his tires. One of his friends notices her, and the staff intentionally hurls itself into his chest, knocking him down. Henry and his other friend rush to fight Courtney, before the staff positions itself horizontally and glows bright, blinding the two and causing them to run into it. Henry recovers, before charging again. The staff twirls her into the air, tripping Henry back. The other friend stands up, and the staff backs up to hit Henry in the face before charging up the strike the other boy up over the head. Aiming for the third boy, the staff blasts a beam of light that causes the car to explode, knocking everyone out. Courtney scolds the staff, and runs off as

5 Stargirl Episode Guide

Henry exclaims that his dad will kill him. Courtney sneaks back home, and rushes to return the staff but it caught by Pat. He asks her what she was doing, but she rebounds on Pat saying he can’t ask the questions, if that’s even his real name. He asks for the staff but Courtney backs away. He tells her it’s incredibly dangerous and temperamental, to which his surprise he learns Courtney blew up a car. She clarifies and says the staff did it, not her. Courtney asks what the thing is, and he tells her its name as he gets a hold of the staff, which shuts off its glow. He says it’s not supposed to work for anyone except Starman. Courtney inquires, learning that he and the JSA died ten years ago on Christmas Eve. Courtney echos that date, and asks if her mother knows of his past. She doesn’t, as Pat tells her people have died after getting too close to the JSA. Courtney isn’t listening, as she compares a picture of her father in her necklace and notes the resemblance with Starman in the picture. She questions how the staff worked for her if it only worked for Starman, and deduces that Starman could be her father. Pat is bewildered, noting it to be an extreme coincidence as Starman died the night her father disappeared. She rushes to states that it must be fate — that her stars must be aligned. "My father never showed up that night ... because he died saving the world," she concludes. Pat tells her to sit down, and asks her father’s name. She says his name was Sam Kurtis, and Pat tells her Starman’s real identity is Sylvester Pemberton. Courtney introduces the thought of an alias — she tried to research him online to no avail. Pat tries to reason that Starman isn’t her father, and the staff works for her for a reason he doesn’t know. Courtney refuses to give up hope, turning to ask her mother instead. Upstairs, Barbara is angry with Courtney’s behavior towards Pat. She refuses to apologize as she tells her mom Pat isn’t who she thinks he is. She bluntly asks if her father was a . Barbara resentfully tells her that her father only came to see her once a year, and disappeared when she was five, effectively abandoning them. Pat’s the only man whose been there for them. If her father was as great as she thinks he was, he’d be here now, but he’s not. Calmed down, she asks her daughter what she was saying before, but a remorseful Courtney changes her mind and leaves. She bids her goodnight. At the Kings’ residence, Henry Sr. tells his son to repeat what happened. Henry Jr. begins his story but his father is more interested in the staff. Jr. tells him about a glowing thing that shot fires or lasers or something. He dismisses his son in a cold tone, telling him they’lldiscuss it more in the morning. He leaves, and Sr. locks the door behind him. Taking off his glasses, he mentally directs his attention to levitating a from a drawer into one of two keyholes in the wall, which pushes a bookcase aside and reveals a hidden room with his Brainwave suit, numerous tapes and a photo of a woman. Back at the Dugan-Whitmore house, Courtney goes to meet Pat on the porch, remarking on his old alias as Stripesy. Pat tells her that was when Sylvester went by the Star-Spangled Kid, and tells her the story of how he and Sylvester teamed up and his progression to becoming the hero he’s known for. Courtney thinks Pat was more an assistant than sidekick, something Pat disagrees with. He felt he was honorably treated with the JSA. Courtney asks why he wasn’t in the picture — to which Pat replies that he took it. She says she isn’t happy Pat hid his past from Barbara, but he makes her the happiest Courtney’s ever seen and she doesn’t want to ruin it. She’ll keep his secret, but only if he’ll keep out of her away. Pat tries to change her mind, saying it can put everyone in danger. Courtney relents, and they seal their deal. Henry King Sr. calls Jordan Mahkent in a London cemetery to tell him of his son’s attack by someone with a glowing stick. Jordan’s dubious, as he killed Starman. Henry doesn’t disagree, adding that this means there is a new Starman who found them and came after his son. Jordan still doesn’t believe, but tells him that they’ll look into the matter, instructing Henry to do nothing until he returns. King Sr. ends the call, revealing himself dressed as Brainwave. The Cosmic Staff makes its way up to Courtney’s room, scaring the sleeping girl off her bed. She incredulously asks the staff what its doing, only to receive its warble response. A concerned Barbara yells if she’s okay. Courtney wrestles the staff under her bed, ordering it to stay and she resumes her sleeping position as her mother comes in. She tells her mom she couldn’t sleep, giving Barbara the impression its because of what she said earlier. She apologizes to her daughter, but Courtney says she’s the one whose sorry as she hasn’t given Pat a chance but she will now. Barbara is relived at Courtney’s new mindset, and they bid each other goodnight again. Her mother leaves, and subsequently Courtney checks under her bed, but the Cosmic Staff has gone and opened her windows, directing her outside. She complains that it’s cold outside

6 Stargirl Episode Guide and grabs it, only to be pulled into flight again. At the drive-in theater, Brainwave investigates the burnt ground where the car exploded, looking up at the starry night. Courtney lands at the top of a building without gracefulness. She asks the staff why it brought her here. Through a series of warbles and gestures, she understand it wants to practice again. She tries to leap on it again, but misses and falls. Trying again, she tips the staff into a spin that lands in her hand. She gains to confidence to jump off the building and rides the staff through the empty street and into the sky. Her joyous session ends as airborne tires knock her off the staff, and she crash lands into a pile of tires. Looking around, she doesn’t see the threat as she is suddenly pulled by a great force into the fence behind her, then is dragged forward. Reaching the staff, she doesn’t see the source, and runs into Blue Valley Tires warehouse for help. Yelling if there’s anyone there, she sees Brainwave as he mentally interrogates who she is and why she has the staff. She’s forcibly dragged to him until the only thing standing between them is the staff. Brainwave tells her that he can sense her thoughts of isolation and being alone, and asks why she’s thinking of her father. Courtney begs the staff to do something, to which the staff jerks and strikes him under the chin. However, Brainwave lands feet-first after the strike, and sends airborne tires after her. Courtney expertly dodges them, and the staff sends a beam of light to him which causes an explosive ball of fire. Brainwave disappears, and a terrified Courtney runs out of the warehouse. She’s then con- fronted a large robot, and nervously points the staff at it. Incredibly, Pat’s voice rungs out, telling her he said not to touch the staff.

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Season 1 Episode Number: 2 Season Episode: 2

Originally aired: Monday May 25, 2020 Writer: Geoff Johns Director: Greg Beeman Show Stars: Brec Bassinger (Courtney Whitmore / Stargirl), Yvette Monreal (Yolanda Montez / Wildcat), Anjelika Washington (Beth Chapel / Doc- tor Mid-Nite), Cameron Gellman (Rick Tyler / Hourman), Trae Romano (Mike Dugan), Jake Austin Walker (Henry King Jr.), Hunter Sansone (Cameron Mahkent), Meg DeLacy (Cindy Burman), Neil Jackson (Jor- dan Mahkent / Icicle), Christopher James Baker (Henry King Sr. / Brainwave), Amy Smart (Barbara Whitmore), Luke Wilson (Pat Dugan / S.T.R.I.P.E.) Guest Stars: Neil Hopkins (Lawrence ’Crusher’ Crock / Sportsmaster), Hina X. Khan (Anaya Bowin / The Fiddler), Eric Goins (Steven Sharpe / The Gambler), Joy Osmanski (Paula Brooks), Joe Knezevich (William Zarick / The Wizard), Cynthia Evans (Denise Zarick), Kron Moore (Dr. Bridget Chapel), Gilbert Glenn Brown (James Chapel), Stella Smith (Artemis Crock), Wil Deusner (Joey Zarick), Max Frantz (Isaac Bowin), Ashley Winfrey (Jenny Williams), Lesa Wilson (Bobbie Burman), CC Castillo (Mercedes), Jay D. Kacho (Doctor), Trey McGriff (Parent), Feli- cia M. Reyes (American Dream Employee), Leslie Sides (Parent), Shawn Weston Thacker (Student) Summary: After Courtney has an unexpected run-in with a member of the In- justice Society of America, Pat reveals the truth to her about their history. Meanwhile, Barbara is elated when she sees Courtney making an attempt to get along with Pat, not knowing the secret they’ve been keeping. Finally, things take a dangerous turn at Blue Valley High’s open house night when Courtney becomes the target of a dangerous foe.

Courtney yells at S.T.R.I.P.E. to get away from her, but Pat says he needs to get her somewhere safe. He outstretches the robot’s hand on the arm. Courtney, look- ing back, climbs up the robot to hold on to the bars on its back. The robot contin- ues to short-circuit at its joints, prompt- ing Pat to curse and Courtney to ask if its safe. They fly up high in the air and escape, before Brainwave exits the tire warehouse and looks up at the sky, then looking down at Courtney’s burned school ID. Landing behind Pat’s garage, Pat leads the robot inside. Courtney jumps off, looking around their workshop until the Staff begins to pull her forward. She begs to the rod that she just needs a minute and sets it down, noticing her shaking hands. Pat asks for her well-being, but Courtney asks about the robot. He tells her it’s a prototype made out of old car parts he built after Sylvester died. He questions her on who her attacker was, and she responds he was creepy

9 Stargirl Episode Guide with red hair who there tires at her with his eyes. Pat corrects her that it was his brain, and that he was the JSA’s enemy and ISA member Brainwave. Courtney asks if he killed her father, but Pat is insistent that Starman wasn’t Courtney’s father. He tells her Brainwave killed many JSA members, but the ISA leader Icicle was the one who finished Starman. Pat doesn’t know where he is, but Courtney guesses Brainwave might. She grabs the Staff, and tells him that it’s no coincidence he and Pat are in the same town, and demands answers. At the Zarick residence, Joey frantically wakes his father William and mother Denise up, claiming he heard something downstairs. His father dismisses it as the cat, telling his family this is Blue Valley but heads to investigate nonetheless. Opening a secret safe behind a portrait, he makes contact with his wand and heads downstairs. He finds Brainwave staring out a window, telling him he could have killed him. He asks Henry why he’s wearing his costume. Henry alerts him of a problem, that a girl has Starman’s Staff and passes him Courtney’s ID. William asks him where she got it but Henry doesn’t know; Brainwave opines that they must warn the rest of this development but William disagrees, as it was too early to jump into conclusions. He’s already called Jordan Mahkent, angering William as he was the one in charge and therefore the one whom Henry should have informed first. Henry mentally tells him he’s too eager to takehis family and run at the first sign of potent danger, abandoning the ISA in the process. He tellshis visitor to leave his head. Henry understands his concern, but the work they’ve been doing on Blue Valley is perfect for Jordan’s master plan, Project: New America, for their respective families and their legacy. Henry vows to find the girl, interrogate her and kill her before leaving. Denise goes downstairs, asking her husband who he was talking to. William insists it was no one, and it’s his business. She goes back upstairs, with William looking down at his electric lit wand, and then the aforementioned cat. Back at the Dugan-Whitemore basement, Pat tells her about Hourman, who survived that night and followed the ISA’s movements across the country, from Los Angelos to Colorado to Nebraska. He and his wife died in an accident shortly after they got to Blue Valley. Two years ago, Pat resumed Rex’s research to here, and met Barbara Whitmore. He couldn’t find their trail, and assumed the ISA left the town or presumably the country. He tells Courtney he would have never moved their family here if the ISA was still active. Courtney asks why he even brought the robot, and Pat said he wanted to help Hourman but Rex insisted on doing it alone, remarking that tonight was the first time he ever suit the S.T.R.I.P.E. suit. Courtney notes that Brainwave is here for a reason and decides to find him. Pat rejects, reminding her of the danger if he found out her identity and that back then they used costumes to protect their families. Courtney concludes that she needs a costume too, but Pat tells her he’s continuing this alone. She says that the bad guys being here was why the Staff lit out, and she needed to do something for her dad. Pat once again says Starman was not her father and she will never touch the Staff again, remaining her that she’s fifteen. Courtney retorts that Sylvester was fifteen when he started crime fighting,and that she won’t sit on the sidelines like Pat did, walking away to Pat’s shock. It’s the middle of the night and Pat can’t sleep. He heads downstairs to read the JSA’s classified information, and picks up Brainwave’s file before hearing loud creaks upstairs. Arming himself with a hammer, he finds the dog Buddy on the basement landing. With relief, he tells himthey got a fight to prepare for. A montage plays of the trials and tribulations of Pat attempting to master his control of S.T.R.I.P.E. in a corn field but retiring many repairs and first aid. In the morning, the family come together to eat the breakfast Pat’s made. Barbara notices Courtney’s injuries, lying that she fell down the basement stairs. Pat comes to the table and gets asked where he got his own injuries at. He comes up with the same excuse, and elaborates that he fixed the problem as Courtney distracts her with the food. Mike and Barbara still takenote of their weird behavior. Barbara leaves, and Courtney drops the good girl facade and announces she’s not hungry. She heads down to the basement to get Starman’s suit, and takes it. At the King manor, Henry Jr. steals money from his father’s wallet only to be discovered by the maid, whom he orders to make eggs for him. Henry Sr. calls his son over to his study. Jr. claims he’s late but reluctantly sits across him. Sr. says he has a few more questions that night, and asks if his perpetrator was a girl. Henry says it was a guy, leasing Sr. to stand up and say he can never lie to his father as he always knows. Using his powers on him, he cruelly asks him once more if a girl beat him and his friend up and destroyed the car. Henry Jr. tells it it may have been a girl, as his father slowly sits down. Staring at him, he asks his son to tell what he’s thinking. Henry Jr. exclaims he hates when he stares at him, and guesses he has to take the

10 Stargirl Episode Guide bus. Secretly disappointed, his father says he’ll drop him off. He stands up, but before he leaves, he makes his son pay him the stolen money back. At school, Courtney sneaks into a sewing room to transform Starman’s costume into her own. However, she suffers several setbacks at the suit’s study materials breaks scissors and several sewing machines, succumbing to every single one of them after she makes a satisfactory work. At The American Dream, the CFO, Mr. Sharpe, is conducting an open session on their next philanthropic event, but no one has nothing to say except for Barbara. She starts off that Blue Valley has more restaurants that ever before and presents a community test. Sharpe shots it down fast, looking around for more ideas. Barbara raises her hand again, this time calling for a farmers volunteer program but is dismissed by Sharpe as silly. He reluctantly states he’ll come up with one and dismisses the meeting. As everyone heading out, Barbara is assured but a coworker that Sharpe tends to be tough. Pat lurks in front of Ripped City, only to be found by Lawrence Crock and have his food forced out of his hand. Pat greets Crusher in a stutter, as he asks what he’s doing here. He unwilling states he came here to train, and follows Crusher’s thunderous direction and decides to stay. As he works out, he’s forced to listen to Crusher’s booming lectures about how his father’s motto was "You gotta want pain, you gotta make pain your friend" and encouraging Pat’s "better self". Courtney is back in the cafeteria, worried about the social ramifications of what happened the last time she was there. Getting a stare, she goes to sit at the loser table where she awkwardly tries to ignore Beth Chapel’s video call with her mother. She excitedly gets her dad to join the "family lunch", only to be informed by him that he’s busy. Bridget’s colleague, Dr. Henry King Sr., stops by and waves hi to Beth, taking a seat at his desk behind Dr. Chapel. She asks her daughter whose the girl sitting next to her, and Beth introduces Courtney to her as Henry looks at a database of the students of Blue Valley looking for the girl with the Cosmic Staff, failing to look behind him. Beth tells her she’ll see her at the open house, and their video call ends. Henry, casually asks about the open house, and Dr. Chapel asks if he and his son will be there. He responds he wouldn’t miss it. Beth tells Courtney her parents were the best, and she gives her an awkward smile. She looks at Yolanda Montez, who snaps at her to stop staring. She leaves, before Courtney could clarify that she wasn’t. She looks up at the open house banner with a smile. At an assembly, the principal is giving a light-hearted speech as Courtney and Pat look around for Brainwave, as Henry himself is looking for the mystery girl. As they happen look in the same direction, they fail to notice and identify one another. The principal gives a shoutout to councilman Zarick for his help funding and Doctors Henry King and Bridget Chapel for their volunteer work. Unable to get a good view of Dr. King, Courtney rises above the crowd, but before Henry could look in her direction, Crusher Crook stands up in a booming cheer and blocks her from Henry’s sight. The principal finally congratulates The American Dream and Blue Valley Tires. At the conclusion of the assembly, Henry Jr. complain to his father that they never go to these things and asks why they’re here, but Sr. dismisses his son and tells him to get juice. He prowls the crowd as he reads their thoughts, and finds a curly-haired blonde talking to Cindy Burman. He goes over and stares down at the girl, much to their uncomfortableness. Behind him, Pat is about to eat a cookie but is stopped by Crusher, who snatches it out and tells him it’s not a part of the program. Pat calls him crazy as Henry passes him and Barbara with a group of parents where the principal is subtlety bragging about her son. She notices Courtney looking around as the girl finds Pat. He tells her to stop looking for Brainwave and that he’s got it, but she tellshim they’ll cover more ground together and says she’ll look in their classroom much to his protests. Pat eats a cookie off the table in frustration as he bumps into Denise Zarick, who remarks that he’s new. He tells her the town seems nice and she cryptidly tells him people do seem to think so. Getting distracted, she bids him goodbye and leaves. Courtney is still looking around and finally finds Henry King Sr., who telepathically hears Courtney saying his alter egoname.He spots her as she begins to move away, following her. Courtney, desperately looking for Pat, exits the gymnasium as looks at a deserted hallway only to be finally confronted by Henry. He greets her by name, and reading her mind he discovers she’s Starman’s daughter. She coldly tells him he’ll pay for he did to her father and the JSA. He feels she’s frightened, and says her father was too, of many things. He tells her she’ll bring him the Cosmic Staff, and as he brings a mental assault on her, uncovers her mother’s name. He says he’ll kill her mother in the most painful

11 Stargirl Episode Guide way if she doesn’t bring him the Staff at , and lets her go. Courtney finds Pat and frantically tells him what happened. Pat rushes to Barbara andtells her they need to leave, while she’s with councilman Zarick and the principal. He makes an excuse that he ate something bad, just as a waiter comes with a tray of food. At night, Courtney tries to sneak into the basement but is stopped by Pat. She tells him she has to face him, but Pat tells her it’s too dangerous and he can do the same threat on Courtney. She tells him she waited her whole life for her father to come but Brainwave and the ISA took him from her, and the Staff is giving her a chance to get justice. Pat is unmoved, and tells her to stay. He will go and if he isn’t back by morning, she gets Barbara, Mike and her to leave Blue Valley and never look back. He says tell Barbara he loved her, and leaves to Courtney’s sadness. He goes to his garage and activates S.T.R.I.P.E. Courtney sadly looks at a picture of her father on her necklace but is interrupter by Barbara. She tells her that her new behavior towards Pat didn’t go unnoticed, and she understands it’s been difficult and thought it’d go perfect. Barbara tells her she’s grateful for everything she’s done and that she wants her to have a good life. Country replies likewise, and shares a hug. She tells her daughter she’s the greatest thing to happen to her and bids her goodnight. She leaves, and Courtney, still looking at her locket, stares out her window at the starry night sky. At Blue Valley High’s parking lot, a waiting Brainwave is met with S.T.R.I.P.E., and asks him who he is. Pat, who hasn’t thought of a new name yet, tells him someone looks for justice. Brainwave sends a mental attack that briefly incapacitates Pat, who respond by throwing a dumpster at him. Brainwave stops it mid-air and hurls it at the sky. Seeing a car, he proceeds to do the same as Brainwave does as well. As his last shot, he fires his fist at him, but Brainwave catches it at the last second and twirls it back at him, knocking him down. The robot falls, and Brainwave begins to crush him with the car and school bus next to him. Back home, Courtney grabs her duffel bag and suits up, climbing upon the roof and rides the Staff into the sky. Brainwave mentally asks a weakened Pat where the Staff is until he’s struck with a beam of light and hurled into a car. Our heroine lands on the ground, proudly declaring herself to be Stargirl, and the robot behind her her sidekick, much to Pat’s chagrin. Brainwave stand sup and lifts two concrete beams, hurling it at her but she somersaults above them and knocks him into the school sign with the Staff. He slides next to the car before Stargirl can strike. He mentally drags her away, and lifts more concrete beams and signs off the ground, before sending them after her at supersonic speeds. She’s able to deflect or avoid them until being struck by the car’s bullbar, who pins her to the ground as the Staff rolls beside her just out of reach. Brainwave mentally tells her the trouble a new Starman could have caused, but if relieved that it’s only silly little Stargirl. He says she’ll die for attacking his son, and touches her heard to unleash a painful attack on her brain that causes her ears to bleed. Pat desperately tries to move from the pile of metal around him, but can only turn on the robot’s pictorial light and momentarily blind Brainwave as Courtney finally grabs ahold of the Staff. She points itat him, and Brainwave is overcome by a powerful light so intense that it creates an anti-gravity ball around them while zapping Brainwave with so much energy and force that he drops to the ground as the Staff’s assault ends. Courtney checks with Pat if he’s ok, and asks what they can with Brainwave’s unconscious body. Dr. Chapel escorts Henry King Jr. in the hospital, telling him they found his father’s body and that he suffered a seizure of sorts. She says that the person who would’ve known what to do was him, as Henry Jr. looks on and struggles to hold back his tears. At the garage, Courtney asks Pat what if Brainwave dies. He says it’s not her fault — his mind simply short-circuited. She asks him if the Staff is alive, but Pat doesn’t know as Starman didn’t built, a man named Ted Knight did. He says it’s a story for another day. He says he never thought they’ll be another Starman, but she corrects him that it’s Stargirl. She says they defeated Brainwave and can do the same for the rest of the ISA and get justice for the fallen JSA. He tells her he can’t do it. He doesn’t know why the Staff works for her — maybe she is Sylvester’s daughter, maybe not, but she was the one who didn’t give up and saved him and stopped Brainwave. Courtney exclaims that they did it Goethe and jokingly states her sidekick can’t flake on her now. Pat morbidly says his last partner died. Courtney says hecandoit— the Staff chose her, and she chooses him. "Stargirl and Stripesy," she says, before dicing he needs a new name, and recommends STRIPE, but as an acronym. Spelling it out, she proudly congratulates herself on the new name and excitedly asks which one of the is next.

12 Stargirl Episode Guide

Back in the heart of town, Jordan Mahkent arrives in the black car in front of The American Dream. Inside the closed building, he presses his hand on a secret screen which opens a door disguised as part of the wall. Walking through the subterranean tunnels, he greets Solomon Grundy locked behind a thick metal door before arriving at the main ISA headquarters table, meeting Steven Sharpe. He shows him the footage of the bespectacled hero who defeated Brain- wave. Jordan whispers that he killed one Starman, and will kill another as his breath condenses, and the screen before him begins to freeze over.

13 Stargirl Episode Guide

14 Stargirl Episode Guide


Season 1 Episode Number: 3 Season Episode: 3

Originally aired: Monday June 01, 2020 Writer: Colleen McGuinness Director: Michael Nankin Show Stars: Brec Bassinger (Courtney Whitmore / Stargirl), Yvette Monreal (Yolanda Montez / Wildcat), Anjelika Washington (Beth Chapel / Doc- tor Mid-Nite), Cameron Gellman (Rick Tyler / Hourman), Trae Romano (Mike Dugan), Jake Austin Walker (Henry King Jr.), Hunter Sansone (Cameron Mahkent), Meg DeLacy (Cindy Burman), Neil Jackson (Jor- dan Mahkent / Icicle), Christopher James Baker (Henry King Sr. / Brainwave), Amy Smart (Barbara Whitmore), Luke Wilson (Pat Dugan / S.T.R.I.P.E.) Guest Stars: Joe Knezevich (William Zarick / The Wizard), Eric Goins (Steven Sharpe / The Gambler), Mark Ashworth (Janitor Justin), Wil Deusner (Joey Zarick), Cynthia Evans (Denise Zarick), Gilbert Glenn Brown (James Chapel), Ashley Winfrey (Jenny Williams), Kron Moore (Dr. Bridget Chapel), Jim France (Sofus Mahkent), Kay Galvin (Lily Mahkent), Amanda Lavassani (Christine Mahkent), Roger Dale Floyd (Cameron Mahkent @5), Nick Basta (Mr. Levine), Denise Arribas (Teacher), Jay D. Kacho (Doctor), Shawn Weston Thacker (Student) Summary: Stargirl and STRIPE go up against Icicle, and the life of one of Court- ney’s classmates is forfeit. Meanwhile, Pat takes Courtney to the JSA HQ and shows her his former friends who he considered family. Jor- dan returns to Blue Valley and realizes that a legacy JSA member took out Brianwave.

Eight years before the present in Blue Valley, Jordan Mahkent holds his son Cameron’s hand as they enter a room, greeting his parents. On his mother, Christine’s deathbed, Cameron’s mother gives him a drawing. She tells him she loves him in her dying words, as the heart monitor begins to accelerate and scares the little boy out of the room. Jordan tells her he’ll make the world pay for what it did to her, but she begs him to continue his mission and make it safe for their son. With her last breath, she makes him promise to destroy anyone who tries to stop him and dies. In a state of grief, Jordan runs out into the garden and freezes all around him as he belts a scream of pain, all witnessed by his son. Back in the present in the Dugan-Whitemore household, Courtney packs her costume in her book bag and heads downstairs to find Mike complaining to Pat about music and dinner. He tells Courtney he’ll drive her to school but she refuses, reminding him they need to find the rest of the Injustice Society. As crazy and insane as it is, she wasn’t afraid of Brainwave despite his deadly intentions, and felt she was in the right place as Starman’s daughter. Pat tells her they need to lay down and lay off the plan, of which Courtney always has — find them, surprise them and kick their asses. He says being a superhero isn’t being one all of time, and orders her to go to school and act like a normal teenager.

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At the hospital, a snoozing Henry King Jr. is startled when a coffee cup moves suddenly. Rattled, he stands up and sadly places his hand on his father’s, and is greeted with the sight of Jordan Mahkent staring into the room’s window. He leaves and begins to make a phone call to William Zarick, who doesn’t answer. At his house, Joey shows him his magic trick. He gives his son a pointer about distracting the audience through talking. Denise gives him a magician’s hat as he leaves. Her husband gets another phone call but doesn’t answer. She asks him if everything’s alright. Giving her a rose he pops from his sleeves, he kisses her goodbye. As Blue Valley High’s students enter the school, most take note of the destroyed front sign, and Courtney makes a point to walk straight ahead, thought accidentally makes eye contact with the janitor. In the hallway, she’s greeted by Beth and many students dressed for the Regional Talent Competition. At her locker, she’s met with Joey and two make introductions. He asks her to pick a card and she does, as he explains the talent show and how Cindy Burman always wins before going back to the deck and pulling up the wrong card. Courtney, noting the small crowd around them, exclaims it is to a wave of applause for Joey. She catches Cameron Mahkent staring at her but leaves, finding Yolanda Montez tracing the word "SLUT" painted on her locker. She approaches her and tells her they can remove it but Yolanda tearfully runs off. Pat’s at the hospital and finds a comatose Henry King Sr., only to be found by Dr. Bridget Chapel. He awkwardly introduces himself as an old friend and is saddened to hear what’s hap- pened. Dr. Chapel agrees with the shame of his state. She’s thrown off by Pat’s odd question of what he had on when they found him and answers his lab coat. She’s called away, and Pat finally concludes that he wasn’t alone. William returns home and finds Jordan waiting for him with the news that Brainwave isin a coma. William tells him that Brainwave’s son was attacked by someone using Starman’s staff and that he called him. Jordan asks him why he didn’t call him, and tells him to sit down. He reluctantly does and confesses that it was a girl and Henry’d take care of it. Jordan reiterates that he was supposed to take care of things in his absence, but Brainwave was insistent, unlike William who was hesitant. William dies back that he was the one who cleaned everything up, who found Brainwave and came up with the story. Jordan disapprovingly reflects on William’s story, how he killed his master before his lessons were completed, and never thinks big, continuing to perform the small show. As a politician, he makes promises he can’t keep, just as he did with Jordan. Jordan lectures that power doesn’t come from one’s perception of you but from within, saying how he hunted everyone responsible for his wife’s toxic exposure and subsequent death. He did it to fulfill Christine’s dying wish to combat injustice. William agrees, and Jordan stands, ensuing a pregnant moment of silence before praising him. Project New America is Jordan’s destiny, and he wants it for William’s too, but he’s in charge now and will take care of Stargirl. Pat’s fixing up S.T.R.I.P.E. in his garage and gets a phone call from Mike’s school. Athome, Mike complains about what he’s going to do without his games, and is lectured by Pat that back in his day he played in the arcade and his personal favorite game was Paperboy. He tells his son that his own father told him to stop feeding quarters into the machine and start earning his own money. Thus, he made Pat into a paperboy, which Pat will make Mike as well. At The American Dream, Jordan introduces himself as the new boss and restates his promise to a past loved one about making America a safer place for their children. A child of immigrants, he’s traveled across the country and seen people in need in forgotten communities. He’s met with applause, and Steve Sharpe adds on that they’ll continue the revitalization of downtown. As he points out addresses, Barbara makes a noise that catches Jordan’s attention. He spurs her to speak, and Barbara, stepping forward, tells him it used to be a community theater where residents would put on plays and such. Steven Sharpe informs her it’s been operating at a loss for years. Dejected, she turns away but Jordan tells her it’s a good idea. Steven protests but Jordan tells him he can make it happen. He asks her for her name, and Barbara responds, smiling. At school, Courtney finds Cindy teasing Yolanda about the newly-painted flowers onher locker. She says she shouldn’t have dated Henry when Cindy realized she liked him and asks her to say what she is. Courtney attacks Cindy for the slut-shaming but is retorted that no one cares for her opinion. Cindy leaves and Courtney’s prepared to go after her but Yolanda stops her, saying it’ll make it worse for both of them. In math class, Courtney notices Cameron doo- dling flowers in his notebooks and deduces that he was the one that painted Yolanda’s locker. They introduce themselves, Courtney having known his name as it started with the same letter.

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They’re scolded by the teacher that its math class, not the dating game. At work, Barbara is rearranging her family’s photos when Jordan unexpectedly walks in, causing many items to fall to the ground. They both get to the ground to pick up the pieces, and he notices the photos. He tells her she has a lovely family, and wanted to say something. Barbara interrupts, saying she understands if he changed his mind about the theater. However, he states he’s assembled a task group solely for the new community theater project, much to her surprise. Their new meeting is at 6:30 and he wondered if she’ll join them, but Barbara can’t as she has family dinner. She says she can go to the next one and apologies once more but Jordan understands, telling her to call him by his first name. Walking home from school, Courtney encounters Rick Tyler standing against a wall and day- drinking. They lock eyes, and he picks his book bag up and leaves, sipping another drink as Courtney walks the other direction. At the park, Courtney begins to walk on ice-covered grass and huddles herself against snowy air. Walking slowly, she realizes the iced grass is in the shape of a star and runs back to her house. Alerting Pat of her discovery, she suspects Icicle sent a message. She wants to go and find him, but Pat says she how no idea how dangerous heis.He’s only ever been hurt by the Staff, to Courtney’s glee. They’re interrupted by Mike going to grab a snack. He asks if he interrupted something, but Pat lies and gives him money to go to the store. He tells Courtney they can’t go after Icicle — if it is him, he wants to be found and it’s a trip. Courtney insists as the Staff appears behind him. She says it wants justice too, and they’re going with or without him. S.T.R.I.P.E. and Stargirl fly to the field, which by then the ice has melted. Feeling acoldwind, she jumps off the robot as two ice daggers hit S.T.R.I.P.E., freezing the robot’s controls and locking Pat in. Looking around for Icicle, she runs to the woods against Pat’s wishes. Back at home, Barbara arrives for dinner but finds no one but Mike. She asks him where everyone’s at, but Mike doesn’t know. She asks him if they ate dinner already, and he holds up a bag of chips. She asks if they fed the dog, and he holds up a bag of chips. In the woods, Stargirl looks around her surroundings with caution as the Staff warbles in her hands. As she nears the lakefront, the Staff emits a higher warble and takes the punch of an incoming ice dagger. She loses her balances and falls to the floor as Icicle approaches. He says hello as she points the ice-covered Staff at him, which seems incapacitated at the moment. He says goodbye to her as he raises his hand, but turns to see S.T.R.I.P.E.’s rocket fist before it hits him. Icicle hangs on to the fist until he is deposited across the lake into a bridge as itflies back. On a Blue Valley bus on that same bridge, Joey tells Beth he’s fine with third place and tells her he thinks his magic is getting stronger. On land, Stargirl frantically tells S.T.R.I.P.E. he’s on the bridge as Pat tries to defrost. Looking to see the bus, Icicle touches his hand on the ground and freezes the road. The bus driver notices and begins to swerve, turning the bus at a right degree towards the side of the bridge until it’s tipping off the bridge at its halfway mark, sending the panicked students into a screaming frenzy. Stargirl looks at the scene with fright, but Pat manages to free himself and flies to grab the bus before it falls to the water. Inside, Joey falls to the back of the bus, where he stares S.T.R.I.P.E. in the face. He informs Stargirl via his communicator, who brights the Staff up to blind the students. The robot safely puts the bus back on the bridge and flies away. Inside, the students begin to file out. A traumatized Joeyslumps on the side of the bridge, beginning to collect his cards. Icicle, back on land, blows a powerful swoosh of breath and reaches far enough to impact Joey and his cards, flying them into the air. Joey begins to collect them back, not seeing a red car approaching. Stargirl screams his name, but it’s too late. At the Zarick residence, Denise is finishing a call and sees her husband, who’s gotten the news. Seeing his devastated face, the two break down in a heartwrenching hug until William pushes her away, racing upstairs and ignoring his wife’s grieving protests. He opens the secret safe behind the portrait and grabs his wand, and rushes out the door. At Pat’s garage, Courtney grieves over Joey’s death and says he was the first kid who was nice to her. She says they’re going to find Icicle but fails to finish her sentence. Pat says hewantsto show her something, and they fly into the skies. He brings her to the headquarters of theJustice Society of America and turns on the lights. She looks at the JSA member’s banners and points at one. Pat says it was Wildcat, real name Ted Grant who was a heavyweight champion. He calls off all the JSA members and says they were all his friends — no, his family. She sees an and asks if it’s real, which is as it moves. Pat says it was Dr. Mid-Nite’s, which would land on his arm

17 Stargirl Episode Guide as he came in. None of them are coming back. He tells her Icicle and the ISA killed them all and the two of them don’t stand a chance as she tearfully looks up at Starman’s banner. Courtney asks what if they had help — if she’s the new Starman, what if there was a new Hourman or Dr. Mid-Nite. Pat says no one can replace them as they were the best in the world, but Courtney says they didn’t start off like that. Pat tells Her that they had years of experience but they still couldn’t defeat the ISA but Courtney says the stuff in the room shouldn’t lay in disuse as she’s about to touch a pink pen. He yells that it’s the Thunderbolt and that everything here is dangerous as this life is. Courtney is undeterred, defiantly stating it is their destiny. Pat says that was Starman’s last words and adds that they’re leaving, and, until he says so, there will be no more Stargirl and S.T.R.I.P.E. At the Mahkent house, Jordan and his parents are in the living room when they hear loud banging from the front door. He goes to investigate and finds William, who angrily grabs him and demands to know if it was an accident, ft he didn’t mean to kill his son. He pushes him away and whips out his wand, screaming about wanting answers. Jordan puts his hands up and tells him to calm down, but touches the wand. Ice races through the wand and up William’s arm. Jordan soothes his dying friend, telling him he wished he understood he was doing it for his son, and for him as William freezes to death on the floor, a corpse statue of ice. Jordan’s parents come out and examine the scene. In Norwegian, he apologizes that they had to see, but his mother replies in the same tongue that they’ll clean it up. His father says he has work to do. A devastated, emotionally-shocked Denise sits on the stairs as a news voiceover reports of the private funerals of her loved ones, caused by her husband’s fatal heart attack upon the news of learning of his son’s fatal accident. Barbara is greeted by Jordan when she arrives at the community theater project meeting. At home, Mike asks where Barbara is but is stopped by Pat as they eat dinner. At the Mahkent’s, Cameron arrives home and is scolded by Jordan for being late. He tells his father they had a memorial for Joey and says he was a good kid. They hug, and Cameron sneaks a snack before leaving. His grandmother tells Jordan it’s for the best as he’s building a safer place for him. At home, Courtney holds the seven of hearts card Joey gave her and gets an idea. Going the JSA HQ, she grabs their costumes and mementos, telling the Staff she’s got some recruiting to do.

18 Stargirl Episode Guide


Season 1 Episode Number: 4 Season Episode: 4

Originally aired: Monday June 08, 2020 Writer: James Dale Robinson Director: Rob Hardy Show Stars: Brec Bassinger (Courtney Whitmore / Stargirl), Yvette Monreal (Yolanda Montez / Wildcat), Anjelika Washington (Beth Chapel / Doc- tor Mid-Nite), Cameron Gellman (Rick Tyler / Hourman), Trae Romano (Mike Dugan), Jake Austin Walker (Henry King Jr.), Hunter Sansone (Cameron Mahkent), Meg DeLacy (Cindy Burman), Neil Jackson (Jor- dan Mahkent / Icicle), Christopher James Baker (Henry King Sr. / Brainwave), Amy Smart (Barbara Whitmore), Luke Wilson (Pat Dugan / S.T.R.I.P.E.) Guest Stars: Nelson Lee (Dr. Ito / Dragon King), Hina X. Khan (Anaya Bowin / The Fiddler), Cynthia Evans (Denise Zarick), Kron Moore (Dr. Bridget Chapel), Ashley Winfrey (Jenny Williams), Jasun Jabbar Wardlaw Jr. (Brian Tanner Balloid), Sam Brooks (Travis Thomas), Shaun Michael Lynch (Barry), Stella Smith (Artemis Crock), Wil Deusner (Joey Zarick), Max Frantz (Isaac Bowin), Christian Adam (Josh Hamman), King Orba (Zeek), Bonita Elery (Night Nurse), Jonathan Blanco (Alex Montez), Kikéy Castillo (Maria Montez), Wilmer Calderon (Juan Montez), Norma Alvarez (Yolanda’s Grandmother), Demetri Landell (High School Stu- dent), Rahiem Riley (Junkyard Worker) Summary: Courtney recruits her first member of her new Justice Society, and Stargirl and the new Wildcat pay Brainwave a visit. Meanwhile, Pat realizes there’s more to William’s death than is public knowledge, and Jordan meets with a member of the Injustice Society.

Three months before the present, Yolanda Montez wakes to a beautiful morning and gets ready, debuting a relaxed look as she greets her loving family and heads to school to greet her boyfriend Henry King Jr., much to the annoyance of her polit- ical rival Cindy Burman. At the end of the day, she gets a text message from Henry asking for a sexy photo, to which she complies and sends a topless photo of herself. The next morning on voting day, she and Principal Bowin pass a laughing Henry and his friends viewing his phone, which is taken by Cindy. Later at an assembly where Yolanda is speaking to the student body, Cindy sends the topless photo to the entire school, including Yolanda. The crowd explodes in laughter and jeering as Yolanda tearfully runs off the stage, panning back to a shocked Henry and a smirking Cindy. In the present, Courtney examines the paraphernalia of the JSA she spread over her bed. She picks up the Thunderbolt pen and nervously clicked it, but it doesn’t do anything. She dismisses the danger of it and puts it away. Pat called from downstairs, and she puts away the items in a large duffel bag and hides it in her closet. As she leaves, the pen laughs in her wake. In the

19 Stargirl Episode Guide kitchen, Mike looks around for a Pop-Tart and asks if his friend Jakim can come over, offending Courtney over how many friends she has. Barbara notes this and assures her she’ll make friends. Pat stops Courtney before she leaves, saying he knows what it’s like to lose a friend. Courtney corrects him that Joey never had the chance to be that, and that they should be out recruiting new JSA members. Pat begs her that he needs to find other villains in Blue Valley before they find them, and then he’ll report them to the authorities. Courtney retorts that they couldbethe authorities before leaving. At school, Courtney looks through her yearbook and notices Yolanda before she bumps into Henry King Junior. He says sorry and she remarks "ow" before going to her locker. Cindy wit- nessed this, and demands to her boyfriend what she said, but he is reluctant to her protests. Cindy takes it upon herself to taunt Yolanda, but Courtney stands up to her. Yolanda sneaks away as a tense standoff between them emerges, with Cindy threatening Courtney. The latter rushes to comfort Yolanda but she angrily tells Courtney to leave her alone. Seeking to upgrade S.T.R.I.P.E. with an internal heating system to counter Icicle’s freezing abilities, Pat scours for and buys an old exhaust pipe from the local junkyard overseen the man in charge there, who was somewhat suspicious and skeptical as to why Pat would even want a discarded and seemingly obsolete piece of a vehicle part bad enough to actually pay good money for it, and goes to his garage, finding Denise Zarick. She explains that she got too lonely in her house and had to go drive, but it stopped unexpectedly. Pat says he’ll take a look for her, remarking old trucks need love and affection. He gives her condolences to her, and Denise suddenly says she needs to go take a walk. She thanks Pat and leaves. In the underground ISA headquarters, Jordan Mahkent encounters Dr. Ito as he self-monologues, remarking how he was the one who believed in the ISA the most. Jordan makes chit chat — Dr. Ito says he’s been busy working on his daughter. Jordan says he’s accelerating Project: New America and needs him to build his machine. Dr. Ito agrees, relishing that it’s finally time and that this generation’s ultimate sacrifice will protect the next. He adds that he won’t fail himlike The Wizard did, saying he was quite vile and asks if he can have his body. Unsettled, Jordan tentatively says yes. Courtney finds Yolanda angrily punching a beanbag. The latter once more asks hertostop following her. Courtney says she can’t and begins to say that something is happening, something in Blue Valley and she needs Yolanda’s help to fight it. Yolanda says she wants nothing todo with her or anyone in this school, but Courtney begs for the chance to be heard and invites her to dinner. She asks for her phone number but Yolanda snaps back that her mom took her phone. Insistent, Courtney writes down her address, but Yolanda doesn’t promise anything. Arriving home, she quietly greets her cousin, grandmother, and mother. Mrs. Montez curtly tells her daughter to go upstairs and that she’ll call her for dinner, but Yolanda asks if she can go to a friend’s house for dinner. Mrs. Montez refuses, saying she’s grounded. Yolanda protests for how much longer, but until Mrs. Montez says so. The next school day, she finds Courtney waiting for her and angrily tells her to get the hint. Courtney, having discovered her and Henry’s past relationship, reveals that she was the one who blew up Henry’s car. Yolanda is dubious, but Courtney reveals that she knows what he did to her. Yolanda remarks that everyone does, and sits down as Courtney praises her bravery for coming to school day after day. She tears up, confessing that she knew he could be a jerk but that he was so nice to her. She thought it was getting serious, but realizes he didn’t see it likewise. Her parents were devastated and embarrassed, and couldn’t bear to be around her. She doesn’t want to hate anybody, but loathes Henry. Courtney asks her if she wants to see how she blew up Henry’s car, to Yolanda’s confirmation. At Pat’s garage, Denise comes to bid him farewell as she’s leaving for good. She thanks him for being so understanding, and gives him a last warning to not trust this town. She knows her husband din’t die of a heart attack, as he was healthy and recently been to the doctor. Pat acts confused, but Denise begins to ramble about her son and how much he wanted to be like his father, staring at his magician’s hat in the box. She fears she said too much and gets in the car, driving away as Pat pleads for her to stop. Courtney takes Yolanda to her basement and shows off (and berates) the Cosmic Staff, whose brightness is blinding Yolanda. She sets it down, and an unimpressed but curious Yolanda asks about it. Courtney proudly says that it belonged to her father, Starman. Yolanda apparently does not know who that is, so in lamest terms Courtney says her father was a superhero and she is one now. She brings her upstairs, where she puts on the Wildcat suit. Courtney, dressed as Stargirl,

20 Stargirl Episode Guide eagerly asks her to come out but Yolanda doesn’t due to the ill-fit of the suit. Reluctantly, she does and glumly compares her suit to Courtney’s. She begs her to put on the Wildcat headset, and as she does, the suit suddenly molds to her body on a sweeping blue nanotechnical wave. The girls are wowed, and Yolanda asks what Wildcat did. They check Wikipedia, finding that the original Wildcat had claws that could cut metal. She whips out her long claws to their amazement, and head downstairs to test her ability on the toaster. Finding success, they go outside to assess Yolanda’s physicality. The suit enables her to jump onto a picket fence with catlike ability and walk on top of it by sending blue pulses through her, and she’s able to land on her feet. Flying to The American Dream tower, they see if she can jump off the building. Yolanda’s nervous, but Courtney backtracks and says she doesn’t have to. However, Yolanda says this is the first time in months she listened to herself, and prepares to jump but stops. Courtney says they can take the stairs. She fills Yolanda in about the ISA and their history, and duck as Henry Jr. drives by. She adds that his father is another , Brainwave. Yolanda is not at all that surprised and guesses that the other villains in Blue valley must also want to visit him in the hospital; though probably not in their supervillain alter-egos but rather as their assumed civilian identities to avoid suspicion, to Courtney’s excited agreement for Yolanda was proving to be a natural at this. They head for the hospital, where Stargirl presents the plan — she’ll create a distraction while Yolanda as Wildcat steals the visitor’s log in Brainwave’s room, up on the seventh floor. Through the radio communication in their masks, she encourages her and hears Wildcat’s praying before finally building up the nerve to out her claws and jump. She manages to get agriponthe side of the building, and begins to clean up, but near the top some bricks give way and she loses her grip. Wildcat falls and desperately her claws against the building as she finally stops. Below, a medical orderly looks at the bricks on the ground, but a conversation with Beth Chapel prevents him for looking up. Wildcat climbs back up again and through the open window, she enters Henry King Sr.’s room much to her relief. Hearing footsteps, she braces herself behind the door as a nurse comes to check in on their patient, and doesn’t notice her. Through their intercoms, Stargirl says she’s going to turn off the electricity but is stopped as the Staff prevents her from getting close. Wildcat urges her not to do so as some people are on life support, including the guy laying in front of her. Stargirl embarrassingly smiles at the Staff, and Wildcat confronts her on how long has she been a teen superhero masquerading as a high school student, to which Courtney awkwardly confesses that it has not been for longer than a week. Yolanda then inquires as to how long had Stargirl been under her father’s tutelage as a young heroine-in-training, with a guiltier Courtney again confessing that no father-daughter training ever happened as she is mostly self-taught — much to Wildcat’s chagrin at now knowing that she is in fact working and partnered together with a complete novice in the costumed hero business, much like herself, and a struggle of control ensues as the Staff causes a mess in storage room she’s in. A nurse hears the commotion and finds the empty room a mess, as Wildcat falls onto the receptionist areaand finds the visitors log. The nurse comes back and blames the janitor, as Wildcat is abletosneak away. She finds herself back in King’s hospital room, with Henry Jr. sitting next to hisfather’s bed. In a fit of rage, she whips out her claws and raises her hand, ready to strike but isstopped when Junior tearfully tells his father he misses him. Anger gone, she backs away but bumps into a table. Henry hears the noise and looks behind him but finds no one — Wildcat is clinging tothe ceiling. He gets up and leaves. She disentangles herself and calls out to Stargirl, whose mid-air on the Staff. They hear someone else coming in and hide, as Principal Anaya Bowin briskly comes in with a suitcase. She opens it and holds up a violin, proceeding to play a dramatic tune. Henry Sr.’s hearbeat monitor increases, but elsewhere nothing changes. She packs up and leaves, much to the shock of the girls, who wonder if she’s also a villain. Stargirl calls out Yolanda’s name as she leaves out the window, and the two are witnessed by Beth Chapel, who heard Stargirl. At Courtney’s home, the girls are disheartened to see only Henry Jr.’s name on the visitor log, but remarked that Principal Bowin didn’t sign hers. Yolanda confesses to Courtney she’s isn’t her Wildcat — she needs to retrieve her old life first before she can put on a costume. She hands Courtney the suit and leaves to go home. Yolanda’s parents are angry to see her come in from the outside, but she needs to make an announcements. She says she made a mistake and trusted someone she shouldn’t have. She knows she brought shame to the family and asks for their forgiveness, to be who she was months ago. They stay silent, until Yolanda’s mom tells her she’ll never be the girl form before as she disgraced her family and herself. Her father tells her to

21 Stargirl Episode Guide go to her room. Yolanda tearfully cries on her bed, but notices the open window behind her. She finds the Wildcat suit and a note from Courtney says she can’t do it alone. Resolved infindinga new way to move forward, she suits up as Wildcat and heads to Courtney’s whose delighted to see her. The next day, Pat is back at the car junkyard and strikes up a conversation with the owner, Zeke. He’s curious of what Pat’s building since the latter’s visits to buy parts from his yard were becoming more frequent as of late, but he says he’s just building a vintage mower. Picking his words and moving along, he finds a black cat and goes to pet it, before seeing Denise’s beat-up car in the lot, magician’s hat still in it.

22 Stargirl Episode Guide

Hourman and Dr. Mid-Nite

Season 1 Episode Number: 5 Season Episode: 5

Originally aired: Monday June 15, 2020 Writer: Melissa Carter Director: David Straiton Show Stars: Brec Bassinger (Courtney Whitmore / Stargirl), Yvette Monreal (Yolanda Montez / Wildcat), Anjelika Washington (Beth Chapel / Doc- tor Mid-Nite), Cameron Gellman (Rick Tyler / Hourman), Trae Romano (Mike Dugan), Jake Austin Walker (Henry King Jr.), Hunter Sansone (Cameron Mahkent), Meg DeLacy (Cindy Burman), Neil Jackson (Jor- dan Mahkent / Icicle), Christopher James Baker (Henry King Sr. / Brainwave), Amy Smart (Barbara Whitmore), Luke Wilson (Pat Dugan / S.T.R.I.P.E.) Guest Stars: Henry Thomas (Chuck (voice)), Lou Ferrigno Jr. (Rex Tyler / Hour- man), Adam Aalderks (Matt Harris), Eric Goins (Steven Sharpe / The Gambler), Hina X. Khan (Anaya Bowin / The Fiddler), Mark Ashworth (Janitor Justin), Stella Smith (Artemis Crock), Ashley Winfrey (Jenny Williams), Kristin Brock (Wendi Tyler), Sam Brooks (Travis Thomas), King Orba (Zeek), Dominick Racano (Truck Driver #1), Jasun Jab- bar Wardlaw Jr. (Brian Tanner Balloid), Butch Copeland (Truck Driver #2), Boston Pierce (Rick Tyler @7), Fred Galyean (Empire Technician), Shawn Weston Thacker (Student / ) Summary: Courtney and Yolanda recruit two new members to the team, including the son of a deceased JSA member. Meanwhile, two members of the ISA hijack a semi, and Courtney tells Pat about her suspicions that the ISA are in Blue Valley and are up to something.

Nine years ago in Blue Valley, Rex Tyler feverishly finishes a JSA report to send to Pat Dugan. Running outside with his wife Wendi and son Rick, Mrs. Tyler tells her son that his Uncle Matt will watch him as they go on a small trip, and Rex hands his son a model of his favorite car, a Mus- tang. Matt comes, suspicious of the pair and wanting answers. Rex explains that the house is in his name now, and pa- perwork done now states Rick is legally his son. Matt is confused, but Wendi begs him that he’s the only one they trust, with Rex adding that there’s $50,000 inside. She says they’ll be back soon, but Matt protests he can’t raise a kid. They tearfully bid goodbye to their son, and drive off. Wendi says she’s scared, but Rex comforts her "they" don’t know about Rick. They hold signs in strength, but then Solomon Grundy jumps out ahead and plows the car off the road. In the present day at the now-Harris household, a grown Rick is fixing an old Mustang when Matt comes out. Finding a carburetor missing, he confronts his uncle and Matt says he sold it. Rick complains that he can’t sell what’s his, only for Matt to retort that he doesn’t know how much Rick costs him. The teenager snarks back that he would be a millionaire instead of a dirtbag. Matt taunts him, egging him to strike but he doesn’t, much to his satisfaction. He drives off, leaving Rick to walk to school. He stops by the trunk where his parents died, and angrily punches it.

23 Stargirl Episode Guide

At the Dugan-Whitmore household, Mike scares Courtney awake, saying it’s Halloween. She tries to push Max the dog out of her bed as Barbara comes in to chastise her for not being ready. She picks up her clothes on the ground and puts them in the closet, not noticing her Stargirl Suit. Nervous, Courtney jumps out the bed and grabs the next pile of clothes form her home. With her back to the closet, Barbara doesn’t see Max grab the Stargirl suit, but her daughter does. Barbara notices she’s late for a meeting and bids her a Happy Halloween. When she’s gone, Courtney grabs the large duffel bag of JSA memorabilia on her way out, accidentally leaving Dr. Mid-Nite’s goggles. At the front door, Pat catches her and jokes that she’s running away, but she lies that she has gym. Pat tells her he believes William Zarick was the Wizard, and his family was killed by the ISA. Courtney is dubious that another villain could kill another, but Pat says they’re not the most stable group. He thinks they really may all be in Blue Valley. Remembering last night, she asks if one of them played the violin, to which Pat answers the Fiddler. She produces her yearbook and points to Principal Bowen. Pat disagrees, as the Fiddler was a man and Irish. He asks her why, and Courtney confesses her time at the hospital, but omitting the part about giving Yolanda the Wildcat suit. Pat is outraged, but orders her not to do anything else about digging up ISA members. At school, Courtney and Yolanda none too discreetly squish the bag into her locker, unaware they’re being followed and eavesdropped by Beth Chapel. Courtney tells Yolanda they need new members, and Yolanda points out Artemis Crock, saying she’s the best athlete in the school. Courtney says she thought about there but she’s too competitive as she tackles a jock to the floor. She says they need someone with heroic traits too, since they can’t have anyone lessthan deserving to carry on the Justice Society’s legacy. Yolanda asks if they can think of anyone outside of Blue Valley High School, but Courtney says adults cannot be trusted. Beth slips on the wet ground and is warned by the janitor. She smiles widely at him and walks away. At the theater, Steve Sharpe watches a black-and-white feature when he’s approached by a delivery man. He hands him a blueprint of a satellite and informs him of its delivery. Steve thanks him, but the man asks for his money. He complies, and comments it should help with he pesky alimony checks. He tosses him. chocolate coin as a tip, and chuckles as the man leaves. Stuck on the side of the road, Pat tells Courtney to start the car on his word as he pops open the hood. Rick strolls up, commenting it could be the alternator. Pat comments that he knows car, and Rick says he’s working on a car — a yellow ’66 Mustang that belonged to his father. Pat seems thoughtful, and inside Courtney notices Hourman’s Hourglass shining brightly. Pat asks Rick if he can help him push the car, but Rick declines. Suspecting the person hiding behind the hood, Courtney stares after Rick’s retreating figure and sees the hourglass dimming down. Pat asks if she knows anything about that kid, but she doesn’t. She says she’ll walk and takes out the large duffel bag, and proceeds to follow Rick through town. Rick stops by the tree from earlier, and asks the girl behind him why she’s following him. Courtney says she needs to talk and show him something, whipping out the hourglass. Rick is unimpressed by a normal-looking object, and a confused Courtney tries to make the hourglass glow in his present. He tells her to get on her meds and leaves. At the Dugan-Whitmore house, Barbara mistakes Beth for an early trick-or-treater but is happy to learn she’s Courtney’s friend. In her kitchen, Beth excitedly shares her knowledge of ants and love of her parents when a bored Barbara announces she needs to get ready for the trick-or-treaters, and tells her she can wait in the living room. Noticing Max the dog chewing on a pair of goggles, she runs up the stairs to get it and sneaks into Courtney’s room, disappointed an ordinary bedroom is that of a superhero. Hearing a buzzing from the goggles, she curiously tries them on and is shocked when green grid patterns appear and a male voice welcomes her. Beth nervously introduces herself as the voice states facts about Beth. The girl questions how it knows, and the voice responds that he only knows what’s on the Justice Society databanks. It introduces itself as the A.I. of Dr. Charles McNider. Courtney arrives home, disturbed but Mike’s graphic pumpkins but is informed of her friend upstairs. She confronts Beth as the girl tells the goggles to analyze Courtney. She lies that the goggles are an invention from her stepdad, but is corrected by Beth who shares the history of Charles McNider and the JSA. Courtney brings Beth to her window and tells her all this information is top secret, to which she can’t share with her parents. The goggles inform Beth that Courtney was in West Field, and Beth notes that Rick Harries is the only kid who lives that far. The goggles reveal Rick’s real last name and his real father, and Courtney connects that dots that Rick’s father was Hourman.

24 Stargirl Episode Guide

Pat races to Rick’s house, finding the old Mustang under a roof. Matt comes out, drink inhand and asks who Pat is and what Rick’s done. He introduces himself as Rick’s father, calling the car an old piece of junk. Pat gives him a carbonator he had lying around, and leaves. Elsewhere, Rick delivers a barrel of liquor to two teenagers, and forces them to pay him three hundred as they leave. Nightime rolls around as trick-or-treaters run astray, Yolanda is incredulous that Courtney let Beth be the new . She’s corrected by Courtney remarking that she got the goggles working, and hasn’t stopped talking ever since. Yolanda snaps back that talking is her superpower, something Beth agrees as she informs them the goggles tracked Rick to Cindy Bur- man’s house. Yolanda is sacred to go inside, noticing Henry King Jr. in the window. Courtney says she’ll go in, accompanied by Beth. Inside, Bet notes that this is a party and remarks how loud it is, when Courtney tells her to split up. In her room, Cindy finishes getting ready and heads downstairs, chastising her friend Jenny for copying her and finds Henry in a not so good a mood as, to himself, the party’s ongoing music seem to be louder than it actually is. He com- plains it’s too loud, and she accuses him of being a drag lately. He retorts that his father is in the hospital, and Cindy snaps that he should visit him then. Henry angrily leaves, much to her disappointment. Outside, Henry hears Yolanda call him a jerk from a distance, even though she actually didn’t say anything when Henry calls her out for that. Disguised in a mask, Courtney finds Rick and tells him she knows his real name andhis father’s. Bringing Yolanda and Beth in, she fills him in on the JSA history and their new identities, minus Beth as she’s "borrowing them for the night". Handing him the hourglass, Beth informs him that it turns on when he switches the hourglass over. Doing so, the sand inside glows gold once more, beginning the drip to the bottom as a gold wave envelopes him. Testing his strength, he easily lifts up and crushes a metal barrel like a soda can. Courtney advises him not to use his superpower like that in public, and Beth informs him the need of secret identities and that he might need a costume. Rick rejects the idea, saying he’s doing his own thing. Courtney protests that he can’t take the hourglass, but Rick reminds her it was his father and now his before leaving. Yolanda sarcastically congratulates Courtney for making the biggest delinquent in school a super-strong beast, but Courtney’s determined to get through to him. Yolanda says he won’t listen, but Courtney tells her he won’t when they’re dressed like this. Beth excitedly tells the three to suit up, but Courtney turns her down and gestures to Yolanda to come. Downtown, Rick slowly walks down a mainstream and notices his drunken uncle harass a waitress inside a diner. Angered, he walks away and notices his reflection on a pickup truck’s vent glass window. He knocks it off the car, and in a scream he punches the side of the truck, bending it in the process. He gives a satisfied smile. Sitting in the street, "Chuck" asks Beth if she needs directions home, but Beth says no one’s home and woefully states her parents want to get on with their lives without their daughter’s clinginess. She says she wouldn’t know what to do if her parents got in an accident like Rick’s, to which Chuck repeats the word accident in a question — aware that it was anything but accidental. He replays the night of their deaths for Beth, to her shock. Back at the tree, Stargirl tells Rick they just wants to talk. Rick exclaims that he isn’t playing games with them. Stargirl says she understands but Rick yells that she doesn’t, she doesn’t know what it’s like to be filled with such anger that he feels poisoned. He thinks about hitting something all the time, and asks her if he likes that. He hates feeling this way. Stargirl tells him of her father Starman, and how she gets to keep his legacy alive. Stargirl encourages Rick that he can continue his father’s legacy as a superhero, and that it can be his choice. Enraged, he punches the tree, causing it to fall and block the road. He says he never had the choice and approaches the pair. Stargirl points the Staff at him, telling him she can’t let him keep the hourglass with Rick harboring that kind of angsty mindset since he can do great , to both himself and to others, if left to his own devices and simply allowed with the power that the artifact gives. He dares her to take it when Beth runs up, announcing that it wasn’t an accident. She says Dr. McNider can show them, and in a holographic projection stemming from the goggles, the group is shown the series of events that led to Mr. and Mrs. Tyler’s deaths as Beth narrates. As the holographic car hits Rex, he witnesses the last faces his parents make and his mother’s dying scream. Beth puts her hands on her knees, shaken by the sight. Stargirl tells Rick that the people who killed his parents are most likely the same ones who killed her dad, which is why she assembled this team — for justice. Rick tearfully says he’ll do it, but for revenge as the Cosmic

25 Stargirl Episode Guide

Staff warbles. Elsewhere, outside of Blue Valley, a truck is making its way across the road but is stopped but a bus blocking the road. The two truckers stop and head out to investigate, and are meant by a woman playing the violin. In his basement, Pat reads Rex’s journal and finds a picture of the car, and is informed by Barbara of an accident. In his garage, he’s met with the sight of the damaged pickup trick caused by Rick. In a motel room, the body of the delivery man from earlier is revealed, a bitten chocolate coin on the table. Back with the truckers, the woman reveals herself as Principal Bowen, who enchants one of the men with her violin. His partner asks what he’s doing at the music goes up several pitches. Steve Sharpe appears, telling him his will is stronger than his friend. He remarks it’s too bad as he shoots him dead. In Courtney’s room, Pat notices her open window and the spark of the catches his attention. Finding the JSA equipment in the duffel bag, he disapprovingly mutters Courtney’s name.

26 Stargirl Episode Guide

The Justice Society

Season 1 Episode Number: 6 Season Episode: 6

Originally aired: Monday June 22, 2020 Writer: Taylor Streitz Director: Christopher Manley Show Stars: Brec Bassinger (Courtney Whitmore / Stargirl), Yvette Monreal (Yolanda Montez / Wildcat), Anjelika Washington (Beth Chapel / Doc- tor Mid-Nite), Cameron Gellman (Rick Tyler / Hourman), Trae Romano (Mike Dugan), Jake Austin Walker (Henry King Jr.), Hunter Sansone (Cameron Mahkent), Meg DeLacy (Cindy Burman), Neil Jackson (Jor- dan Mahkent / Icicle), Christopher James Baker (Henry King Sr. / Brainwave), Amy Smart (Barbara Whitmore), Luke Wilson (Pat Dugan / S.T.R.I.P.E.) Guest Stars: Henry Thomas (Chuck (voice)), Neil Hopkins (Lawrence Crock / Sports- master), Joy Osmanski (Paula Brooks / Tigress), Hina X. Khan (Anaya Bowin / The Fiddler), Eric Goins (Steven Sharpe / The Gambler), Stella Smith (Artemis Crock), Maria Sager (Waitress), Jasun Jabbar Wardlaw Jr. (Brian Tanner Balloid), Jason Kirkpatrick (Coach Hank), Tommy Campbell (Business Exectutive), Felicia M. Reyes (Science Fair Mom), Jimmy Star (Teacher) Summary: Stargirl finds herself leading her new team into their first battle, against Sportsmaster and . Meanwhile, Pat has a heart-to- heart chat with Rick, and tells Courtney to recover the original JSA’s items that she took. Barbara attends Mike’ science fair when Pat is too busy to do so.

During a football practice session, quar- terback Artemis Crock completes a suc- cessful touchdown before getting tack- led down and gets taunted with sexist remarks from a teammate. Angered as he walks away, she punches him to the ground to the delight of her parents, but she ultimately gets benched by the coach. Later that night, as the coach tries to get into his car, he’s menacingly greeted by Larry and Paula. He tries to explain Artemis needs to control her temper, of which Crock and Brooks are proud of. Coach admits he may be new but he’s seen controlling parents like them before, and threat- ens to bench her for the rest of the season. Crock doesn’t take too kindly to it and bashes his bat against his head. Stargirl flies back to her house and sneaks through the window, but she’s surprised byPat. The Cosmic Staff goes to hide under her bed, and Pat confronts her about the stolen JSA para- phernalia. Courtney says she thought they were in this together but Pat’s disappointed. Courtney once again says they need help and a new JSA needs to be formed. Pat deduces that she started doing such that, and asks if she gave the missing hourglass to Rick Harris, given he has a truck in his garage with his fist print on them. She confesses that he’s Rick Tyler, confirming Pat’s suspicions even though he didn’t know Rex Tyler had a son. Courtney confesses that Rex and

27 Stargirl Episode Guide his wife was murdered by Solomon Grundy. Pat asks how she knows, and she answers that Dr Mid-Nite, through his goggles showed her and her friend Beth Chapel. Pat asks who else she re- cruited, and Courtney says Yolanda Montez is the only other one, the new Wildcat. Pat comments it’s serious now, and reprimands Courtney for putting more kids in danger. He angrily tells her he’ll deal with Rick and demands she get the goggles and Wildcat’s costume back. She tries to protest but Pat asks if she wants them to end up like Joey Zarick. He says she doesn’t give him much respect but thought she was better than this. He picks up the remaining JSA items and leaves, but accidentally leaves the unassuming Thunderbolt pen behind. In the basement, Pat looks though Rex’s old diary solemnly. At the Mahkent resident, Jordan wakes in the night and strokes his wife’s empty space, before getting a text from Anaya Bowin. Getting dressed, he tries to discreetly leave but is caught by Cameron. His son asks if he’s ok, and understands that today will be a hard one. Jordan tells him to go back to sleep. In the woods, Larry and Paula bicker as they bury the coach’s dead body, and are confronted by an irritated Jordan. He tells the pair it’s the third coach in two seasons they’ve eliminated, and Anya’s getting tried at replacing coaches. Larry says he’s only doing what’s best for his daughter. Jordan reiterates that Project: New America will ensure her a safe future, but Larry’s tired of waiting and wants to get back in the game already, and Paula’s sick of the small town living. Jordan announces that they should get their costumes out — they’re back in action tonight, much to their glee. Mike is finishing building a candy volcano for the science fair today, albeit last minute.Bar- bara is impressed, and asks when it starts. She says she can reschedule a meeting she has at 2 but Mike doesn’t want to be the nerd whose visited by his parents. Courtney walks in and tries to make eye contact with Pat, who ignores her. Pat later catches Rick walking to school, saying he knows his real father and that they need to talk. At school, Yolanda shows Courtney a video of Ted Grant, explaining how after false accusations against him, he bounced back in his wresting career. If he can do it, so can she. Yolanda thanks Courtney for choosing her, with the latter not bringing herself to ask for the Wildcat suit back. In the library, Beth is happily conversing with Chuck’s AI, bonding over a book. She sees Courtney, and greets her as Stargirl. She warns Beth about using code names in public. Beth thanks her for the toggle, remarking that it’s finally the first time someone has listened to her, and feels she’s gained a new best friend. Oncemore, Courtney can’t make herself get it back. At Pat’s garage, he accuses Rick of indenting the trunk, to which he replies his uncle is a jerk. Pat tells him his father would never do such a thing, but he’s dead and so it doesn’t matter. Rick’s angry that Pat knows who killed his parents and hasn’t done anything. Pat’s been trying, and enlists Rick’s help as he hands him his father’s journal. Courtney arrives in the cafeteria and is happily greeted by Beth and Yolanda. She nervously states they need to talk. They think Courtney’s will take them on their first mission, and proudly announce they’re ready for anything.

28 Stargirl Episode Guide

Shiv Part One

Season 1 Episode Number: 7 Season Episode: 7

Originally aired: Monday June 29, 2020 Writer: Evan Ball Director: Lea Thompson Show Stars: Brec Bassinger (Courtney Whitmore / Stargirl), Yvette Monreal (Yolanda Montez / Wildcat), Anjelika Washington (Beth Chapel / Doc- tor Mid-Nite), Cameron Gellman (Rick Tyler / Hourman), Trae Romano (Mike Dugan), Jake Austin Walker (Henry King Jr.), Hunter Sansone (Cameron Mahkent), Meg DeLacy (Cindy Burman), Neil Jackson (Jor- dan Mahkent / Icicle), Christopher James Baker (Henry King Sr. / Brainwave), Amy Smart (Barbara Whitmore), Luke Wilson (Pat Dugan / S.T.R.I.P.E.) Guest Stars: Henry Thomas (Chuck (voice)), Nelson Lee (Dr. Ito / Dragon King), Mark Ashworth (Janitor Justin), Neil Hopkins (Lawrence Crock / Sportsmaster), Joy Osmanski (Paula Brooks / Tigress), Hina X. Khan (Anaya Bowin / The Fiddler), Eric Goins (Steven Sharpe / The Gam- bler), Ashley Winfrey (Jenny Williams), Christian Adam (Josh Ham- man), Lesa Wilson (Bobbie Burman), Kron Moore (Dr. Bridget Chapel), Gilbert Glenn Brown (James Chapel), Max Frantz (Isaac Bowin), Matt Burke (Mr. Sullivan), Michael H. Cole (Mr. Paris), James Hammond (Homecoming Dad), Kevin Kedgley (Blue Valley Football Fan), Shern- ina Nichols (Team Fan), Felicia M. Reyes (Football Game Attendee), Diane Tavegia (Football Fan), Shawn Weston Thacker (Student) Summary: As Pat teaches Courtney, Yolanda, Beth and Rick the importance of teamwork, the ISA converge to figure out who is trying to take them down. Elsewhere, as the school prepares for homecoming, Cindy lashes out against her father’s strict rules, while Barbara accepts an offer from Jordan.

On a bright and early morning, Court greets her Cosmic Staff, while Rick etches Hourman’s logo into the tree where his parents died. Yolanda for her part is working out out in the gym and Beth is performing some bathroom karaoke with Chuck. Back at Courtney’s house, she and Pat arrive back home and they are overheard talking about some training by Mike, which inevitably leads the two to concoct an elaborate lie about Pat teach- ing Courtney how to drive, which in turn irks Barbara, who is feeling a bit left out. This lead path to tell Barbara how he really should tell her everything, and appears to be quite apologetic towards his wife. Over at the hospital, Cindy finds Henry brooding at his father’s bedside. She’s looking tolock down homecoming dance plans, but Henry is in no mood for the dance. Cindy takes out her frustrations on Jenny at school. This prompts Jenny to ask Cindy why she is such a bitch. As a result, she tells Cindy that she’s glad the other girl won’t be at the homecoming dance because

29 Stargirl Episode Guide she needs a break from her. Cindy ends up hissing at the bearded janitor. Courtney darts over to help him and he in turn thanks her and greets by saying "m’lady." Afterward, we see that in the janitor’s closet is a chalice and an ornate sword. On her way into school, following her own brusque encounter with Cindy, Courtney learned from Beth that Cindy’s mother died years ago, and her father has remarried twice since then. Almost overnight, Cindy apparently became the scariest fourth grader according to Beth. Rick points out however, that is still no excuse for how Cindy treats other people. That in the end, Cindy is just a horrible person. Later in chemistry class, Courtney convinces Cindy to be lab partners with her. She uses that time to share that she too lost a parent. Eventually a rather annoyed Cindy asks Courtney what she’s staring at. Amazed, Courtney answers that she hasn’t seen Cindy look at the directions for the experiment once. Thus proving quite proficient at chem- istry. Cindy explains that as a kid, she and her scientist dad did "experiments for fun". As the girls ace their assignment for the day, Cindy invites Courtney to hang out with her Saturday night, instead of going to the "lame" homecoming dance. Courtney gladly accepts. After school, Pat brings Courtney, Yolanda, Rick and Beth to The Pit Stop. Once inside, he has set up a lo-fi training course, with mop buckets and the like representing members of theISA.He then gives them the 411 on the known local villains, touting Sportsmaster’s fighting skills, the "sadistic" tendencies of Tigress, the portly but "cunning" The Gambler. Impatient for some actual training, Court and the Cosmic Staff make quick work of the mop bucket enemies, wrecking the course before any of her frustrated teammates get a crack at it. When Cindy returns home after school, Bobbie Burman, her latest stepmom greets her and asks how her day went. She comes across as desperate to please Cindy to the point that, de- spite orders from husband Dr. Ito, she fetches her teenage stepdaughter some pinot noir. Cindy proceeds to visit her father unannounced by entering his lab via keypad, and then descending a series of staircases to the Injustice Society of America Headquarters, scoffing at Solomon Grundy along the way. Cindy overhears Sportsmaster giving the others a play-by-play of his and Paula’s face off with Stargirl & co. Paula wants to get their respective kids involved in the investigation into this junior-size JSA, but Jordan nips that notion in the bud. Before she can hear anymore, Cindy is grabbed from her eavesdropping perch, and brought to her father’s lab down the hall. She makes it clear that she is bored with teen life, and to prove her point and skills, she produces a blade from her shirt cuff and nonchalantly slashes one of her Dad’s carefully cultivated assistants. Noting that Cindy has learned "nothing" from her mother’s death, Dr. Ito reminds her that he gave her powers to protect herself, not to "enhance her tantrums". When Cindy takes a liking to the suit on display, her dad implores her to stay focused on Henry, whom she apparently was tasked with monitoring, in case he exhibits the same powers as his father, Brainwave. Cameron enters his house, and ignores Jordan’s greetings, as he is deep in thought. Jordan calls Cameron’s name slightly more sternly, and Cameron turns around. Jordan asks his son what’s going on, and Cameron shyly admits that he wants to ask a girl to the homecoming dance, but is too nervous to, and doesn’t know how. Jordan tells Cameron that he went through the same thing when he wanted to ask Christine out, telling his son that Christine was just waiting for Jordan to ask her out. He tells Cameron that love is the reason they were placed on Earth, and says that maybe the girl Cameron wants to ask to the dance is just waiting for him to ask her. Cameron walks off, but not before telling Jordan that Christine would want him to be happy. Jordan replies by saying that he is happy. With Barbara off on a business trip to Oakville (accompanying Jordan for American Dream’s purchase of an old sewing machine factory. Meanwhile, Courtney attends the homecoming game with Pat and Mike. When Pat goes to fetch some food after another conspicuously coded exchange with Courtney, Mike tears into his stepsister a bit, by saying that Pat is his dad, not hers. He notes that Courtney doesn’t see Mike at her mom’s hip 24/7, and that he and Pat have been through a lot, more than she could ever know. Eventually, Cameron Mahkent greets Courtney at the game, and awkwardly sits next to her, fidgeting with his hands, and finally working up the courage to ask her to the dance.Shestam- mers her giddy response of acceptance, but not before she explains that she had plans with Cindy that she will simply reschedule. Unfortunately, nothing is simple with Cindy. She does not take kindly to the change in plans and declares that they’re done forever Courtney then heads back to the stands, but sees Principal Bowin acting suspiciously, so she follows her to her office.

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She covertly observes as Bowin grabs her violin and slips behind a secret door. After suiting up, Court uses the Cosmic Staff to pop open the secret door, behind which she descends a series of steps, unwittingly triggering a motion sensor along the way. Cindy, in her dad’s lab, spots Stargirl on the CCTV and puts on the Shiv suit she eyeballed earlier. Just as Stargirl emerges from the tunnel outside school lockers, Shiv shows up to start whaling on her. Taking their scuffle to the gym where the dance is to be held, the gals slug it out, trading staff zaps and fiery scepter blasts. At one point, Stagirl’s staff seriously burns Cindy’s face. Courtney is horrified, but in a matter of seconds, her injuries miraculously heal and Cindy smirks.Cindy eventually gains the upper hand is about to do deliver a finishing blow, when Janitor Justin shows up and blocks her strike with his sword. Cindy scampers away, while the Cosmic Staff darts off to find Pat and bring him to the KO’d Courtney. As Pat tends to a brutally banged-up Stargirl, the mysterious janitor is hiding in the shadows and remarks to himself, "Stripesy... ?"

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32 Stargirl Episode Guide

Shiv Part Two

Season 1 Episode Number: 8 Season Episode: 8

Originally aired: Monday July 06, 2020 Writer: Paula Sevenbergen Director: Geary McLeod Show Stars: Brec Bassinger (Courtney Whitmore / Stargirl), Yvette Monreal (Yolanda Montez / Wildcat), Anjelika Washington (Beth Chapel / Doc- tor Mid-Nite), Cameron Gellman (Rick Tyler / Hourman), Trae Romano (Mike Dugan), Jake Austin Walker (Henry King Jr.), Hunter Sansone (Cameron Mahkent), Meg DeLacy (Cindy Burman), Neil Jackson (Jor- dan Mahkent / Icicle), Christopher James Baker (Henry King Sr. / Brainwave), Amy Smart (Barbara Whitmore), Luke Wilson (Pat Dugan / S.T.R.I.P.E.) Guest Stars: Henry Thomas (Chuck (voice)), Nelson Lee (Dr. Shiro Ito / Dragon King), Lesa Wilson (Bobbie Burman), Matt Borlenghi (Ed Reilly), Phil Armijo (Drone #1), Charles Fowler (Drone #2) Summary: After Courtney gets herself into some trouble following an unexpected confrontation, Pat decides they need to come clean to Barbara. Mean- while, Cindy takes heat from her father after a plan to take matters into her own hands goes awry. Finally, Yolanda, Beth and Rick lead an investigation into one of their own classmates.

In the cover of night, Pat races through empty streets before intentionally crash- ing into a lamp post. Meanwhile, over dinner, Barbara com- ments to Jordan how nice their hotel is. He says it was recommended by a friend, and takes a moment to thank her for their successful sale — he couldn’t have done it without her. He has to leave to meet that same friend, but asks her to have dessert and bids her good night. As he walks away, Jordan looks back at Bar- bara and smiles. Back at the car crash scene, Pat calls Barbara to inform her of an accident. Courtney wakes up in a hospital bed, and is informed by Pat that Barbara is coming later tonight and she’s been told they’ve been in a car accident. Courtney notices the bruise on his face, and he says he crashed his Buick, much to her shock. Pat tells her she’s coming home tonight, get some rest and that he will get as much information on Cindy Burman and her family as he can possibly get. Courtney apologizes for going rogue but Pat says nothing’s worth her getting hurt like this, and they need to be honest. Courtney understands, but Pat clarifies he means her mother. He doesn’t want to keep lying to her, but Courtney protests she won’t let her continue to fight. Pat says she deserves to know, but Courtney convinces him to tell him after they stop the ISA and Blue Valley’s safe one more, or else Barbara will take this away from her. In the Dragon King’s lair, Shiv proudly announces she found Stargirl, though he knows al- ready for the surveillance screens. He comments that she didn’t alert him, and asks if she’s dead. Shiv answers probably, as he takes her Staff and angrily throws it, saying she isn’t as he sent for her body and it wasn’t there. Shiv tells him she beat her, though there was someone else there.

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He says it was presumably another JSA member, and begins to angrily berate her for taking the Shiv suit, her reckless actions that almost jeopardizing everyone. She says she hurt her, to which he doesn’t doubt as he snidely says she hurts a lot of things. Shiv demands he stop bringing up her mother and begs for him to listen to her but he’s done. He laments how instead of focusing on his important work, he had to explain his daughter’s ill-attempt to the other ISA members, and notes she might never get her seat at the table. Shiv exclaims she did no wrong, but he reports that she was in the tunnels, and she’s still alive. He ordered her to go back home and he’ll call for her when the time comes. She stares in defiance, and he dares her to make him remove her hood. Scared, she leaves. At Pat’s garage, a furious Rick wipes a counter clean of its tools as he lashes out at his teammates for standing here and doing nothing, as Cindy sent Courtney to the emergency room after almost killing her. Yolanda asks what they should do, and Rick responds to break down her door and take the bitch out. Beth refuses, as she has powers, but Rick counterpoints that they have powers too. Beth elaborates that either her mom or dad might be in the ISA too, much to Rick’s immediate delight. He grabs his hourglass, but is stopped by Beth. She says they have no idea who or what they’re up against and there must be a smart approach to this. Rick yells an eye for an eye, but Beth admits she’s mad too, but he needs to cool off. She tells him he must hurt so much that he needs to hurt everyone else. Rick, dead quiet, turns around and punches the table. She announces that she cares for Courtney, for them, for all of Blue Valley. They need to find who Cindy’s parents are. Yolanda agrees, and Rick relents, asking her what theyshould do. She smiles, saying she was a plan. Pat wheelchairs Courtney though the hospital, and stops at Henry King Sr.’s room. Spotting Junior, she says hello, much to his initial confusion. He gets up and approaches her, but slams the door shut. At home and in bed, Mike comes in and offers her some pizza bites. He apologizes for what he said at the homecoming game, and that he shouldn’t have said it. Courtney says she’d already forgotten. He says they’ve been spending a lot of time together, and as much as he says he doesn’t want to do the same with Pat, he’s still his father and he never shared him with everyone else before. He accepts her as his sister, and Courtney likewise. Downstairs, Pat tries to "wake" the Staff, and announces they need to talk. Stuttering initially, he addresses their troublesome history as they never saw eye to eye and labels it as impulsive and reckless. He says it came to Sylvester Pemberton as he already became an adult, experience din the life. However, Courtney still has a lot to learn. He knows it wants justice for Sylvester, and he does too, but pleads with it to lead Courtney away from danger than into it. He motions for it do something as a sign that it understands him, but the Staff doesn’t do anything. Upstairs, Barbara arrives, and Pat admonishes himself for talking to a stick. As he leaves, the Staff glows in its truck, emitting a sad garble before going black. In her bedroom, Barbara checks on her sleeping daughter and kisses her goodnight, closing the door behind her. Pat greets her, but Barbara sighs thinking he wouldn’t let her drive yet. Pat nervously stutters as Barbara moans her first time behind the wheel was at night. Pat agrees it was a bad idea. She asks about Mike, and Pat tells her he wasn’t in the car. He says he needs to talk to her about something else, but Barbara isn’t in the mood and wants to go to bed, rebuffing his offer for help. Back in Oakville, Jordan greets a man named Mr. Reilly as he enters his hotel room. He tells the man he’s been waiting for him, and Mr. Reilly retorts to keep waiting as he reaches for the door handle. However, he finds the doorknob and his hand frozen in ice, much to thispain. Reaching over at the tabletop, he compliments the man at his success with a chemical company, noting it was a far cry from his previous employment at one named Bannerman. He asks Jordan what he wants. Jordan replies he wants a country free of companies like Bannerman who poisons water supplies and watch public schools be built over bulldozed lots, and community members get sick and die. He tells him of Christine Mahkent, a schoolteacher who loved her students as much as she loved her own son. He says he may haven’t gotten rich like his superiors, but he didn’t blow the whistle and save lives, including his own. Just then, blue ice ripples through Jordan’s skin until he becomes encases like Icicle, and uses his breath to freeze the business to death. At the King residence, Henry frantically searches his father’s desk as the telepathic ringing in his mind worsens. He finds prescription pills and tries to open the jar, but the ringing stopsashe

34 Stargirl Episode Guide finds and picks up a key, much to his confusion. However, the ringing returns with a vengeance, so bad he shakes the jar and causes the pills to disperse across the desk. Grabbing his head, he notices a pill levitating up in the air, which falls when he closes his eye. As the ringing continues, he focuses on levitating another pill, catching with his hand as the ringing dies down. Rick and Yolanda are staking out Cindy Burman’s house, and are caught by pat, who asks them what they’re doing. He questions where Beth is, and the two look ahead where Beth rings the doorbell. Pat whispers her name loudly, and runs to the front door to get her. However, Bobbie Burman answers the door. Beth introduces herself as a classmate of Cindy’s, whose here to learn cheerleading moves. Bobbie cheerfully states Cindy isn’t home, and asks who Pat is. They answer differently, eventually concluding Pat is her adopted father. She warmly tells them to come in, and Pat reluctantly does. At home, a bored Courtney texts Yolanda to no avail, and is informed by Barbara that one of her friend sis here to see her. She sits up, but is horrified to see Cindy, who offers her bal- loons. Barbara leaves, and Cindy looks around her room, complementing it as "third store chic". She says she doesn’t do this, like ever, but says she owes her an apology, much to Courtney’s confusion. Noting her facial expression, she clarifies the incident yesterday, remaking it was one of those days and blaming it on Henry, her father, Jenny, and Courtney bailing on her, she overreacted. Thus, she apologizes, ensuing silence from Courtney. Cindy plops down on the bed, inadvertently hurting her, and remarks that they eat the chocolates. At the Burman residence, Pat finds fake books on a bookshelf, much to their bewilderment as Bobbie comes back with a plate of fresh cookies, to Beth’s delight. She asks Pat what he does, and he answers mechanic as Beth replies doctor. He clarifies that he gets called the car doctor, and asks what she does. Bobbie replies she’s a mother, a homemaker before remaking she used to do other things, though nothing is as important as raising a child. Beth asks for a cup of water, and as Bobbie leaves pat urges her to wear the goggles and take a look around. Beth proceeds too, as is told by Chuck Pat’s new weight gain. Bobbie comes back, weirded out by her goggles but her inquiries are dismissed by the pair as something for Beth’s poor eyesight. However, the goggles fail to identify who Bobbie truly is. Beth asks where the bathroom is, and as she proceeds further into the house, she’s told by Chuck how scarce the house is for a family, and finds the keypad. Cracking the code, she opens the door. Back at the Dugan-Whitemore’s, Cindy knit-picks through sweets, failing to notice how un- comfortable Courtney is. As she lays in bed, Cindy says she realized something yesterday — they’re not that different, and in fact they’re kinda similar. Courtney asks what she means, and Cindy replies their dads and stuff. She remarks that if things were a little different, she’d be a lot more like her. Courtney repeats the statement, to Cindy’s reluctance. She finally admits to Courtney that she needs a friend, and receives an uneasy smile. Beth cautiously walks down the industrial stairs leading into the secret tunnels, and finds Chuck’s AI glitching and herself losing communication with Yolanda and Rick. Outside, Rick decides they need to do something. Cindy remarks that was her calorie count for today, and announces her leave. Courtney thanks her for stopping by and she approaches it. But before she’s int he clear, Cindy says she almost forgot something. She compliments her Staff, and calls her Stargirl to her shock. Cindy taunts that after the time they spent together, that she wouldn’t recognize her under the mask. Cindy tells her not to worry, in that he secret is safe with her as she didn’t tell her father if it meant getting sidelined. Sighing, she tells her to rest up. She warns her she’ll be back, after she killed her friends. Yolanda’s getting angsty, and gets a text from Courtney who says Cindy knows who she is. Yolanda fails to respond, causing Courtney to take matters into her own hands. Meanwhile, Beth continues to walk down the scary hallway, but Solomon Grundy’s roars scare her back into the house. Just then, Cindy arrives home, and Yolanda begs Beth to get out but she determinedly enters Cindy’s bedroom looking for clues, even against Chuck’s advise. As Cindy enters her house, Rick and Yolanda agree to suit up. Inside, Cindy finds Bobbie conversing with Pat, whose out of sight fixing the sink and goes upstairs. Beth finds a photo of Dr. Shiro Ito, a deadJapanese war criminal. She hears Cindy calling her mother, and in a panic tries to hide. Yolanda, now as Wildcat, taps the window to get her attention. She opens the window, and tries to explain her fear of heights but is unceremoniously thrown out, to Rick’s waiting arms. Cindy enters her bedroom, and hears their rustling. She looks around her window, but Rick and Beth disappear from sight

35 Stargirl Episode Guide and Wildcat climbed up to the roof. In the kitchen, Pat’s finishing up and notes it looks good now, to which Bobbie echoes as she makes a move on him. Surprised, he hits his head and makes a hasty retreat, to her protests. He meets the kids outside, and is informed by Wildcat that Cindy knows, and Beth hands him Dr. Ito’s photograph. Pat knows who he is, and as they get away admonishes Yolanda for getting suited up.

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Season 1 Episode Number: 9 Season Episode: 9

Originally aired: Monday July 13, 2020 Writer: Colleen McGuinness Director: Tamra Davis Show Stars: Brec Bassinger (Courtney Whitmore / Stargirl), Yvette Monreal (Yolanda Montez / Wildcat), Anjelika Washington (Beth Chapel / Doc- tor Mid-Nite), Cameron Gellman (Rick Tyler / Hourman), Trae Romano (Mike Dugan), Jake Austin Walker (Henry King Jr.), Hunter Sansone (Cameron Mahkent), Meg DeLacy (Cindy Burman), Neil Jackson (Jor- dan Mahkent / Icicle), Christopher James Baker (Henry King Sr. / Brainwave), Amy Smart (Barbara Whitmore), Luke Wilson (Pat Dugan / S.T.R.I.P.E.) Guest Stars: Henry Thomas (Chuck (voice)), Nelson Lee (Dragon King), Mark Ash- worth (Janitor Justin), Neil Hopkins (Lawrence Crock / Sportsmaster), Joy Osmanski (Paula Brooks / Tigress), Hina X. Khan (Anaya Bowin / The Fiddler), Eric Goins (Steven Sharpe / The Gambler), Jim France (Sofus Mahkent), Kay Galvin (Lily Mahkent), John Crow (Mr. Green), Wes Jetton (Nurse), Tim Peek (Old Man), Sean Michael Gloria (Mug- ger), CC Castillo (Mercedes), Sharon Frank (Old Woman) Summary: Courtney considers adding a new member to her JSA, but two of the existing members strongly object. The Mahkents and Dugans have a family dinner, Beth learns more about Blue Valley’s origins, and Henry learns more about his father’s origins as Brainwave.

Decades ago, Dr. Henry King Sr. walks out to the parking lot and is threatened by a mugger, asking for his keys while pointing a gun to his head. Dr. King, terri- fied, hands over his keys, and realizes he can read the mugger’s mind. The mugger decides to shoot Dr. King anyway since no one will know, but the gun suddenly flies out of his hand. Confused, the mug- ger surges forward to attack Dr. King but is intercepted by a wave of telekinesis. Dr. King then attacks the mugger with his mind, causing him to have a seizure and die. Shocked, Dr. King runs back to his lab, and films himself, saying that he thinks he killeda man. In the present day, Henry King Jr. walks into the armory he found in Shiv Part Two, and sees a tape marked, "Day 1". He picks it up and puts it into the VCR, watching as his much younger father explains the event of the night he killed the mugger. Dr. King Sr. explains that his desire to expand the human consciousness has led his peers and superiors to turn against him. He ended up experimenting on himself and found out that he had a lot of headaches and migraines, and that he could hear others’ voices in his head. He reveals that once he "silenced" the thoughts of the mugger, he felt relieved and that his migraines went away, saying that his first test is a success. Henry Jr., still confused, picks up the "Day 2" tape.

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Meanwhile, Courtney is talking to Pat about how she was able to hear Henry’s thoughts in the battle that night. She says that he felt confused, sad, and scared. Courtney says that she knows he’s not his dad, and even though he hurt Yolanda, she wants him to help them defeat the ISA, and that he knows that he’s a good guy. Pat says that their best-case scenario is that the ISA came to hide after defeating the JSA ten years ago, but since Dr. Ito is Cindy’s father, and that he’s here, the ISA is planning something bigger. Courtney asks about Dr. Ito since he’s supposed to be long dead, according to Chuck. Pat tells her that Dr. Ito experimented on himself until "he became something beyond human. Like Cindy, but much worse." Dr. Ito had spent his whole life creating weapons to kill off tens of thousands, and Pat reveals that he and Starman were part of the Seven Soldiers of Victory, showing Courtney a picture of the members and that the Seven Soldiers helped the JSA in destroying the weapon Dr. Ito designed to eradicate New York, but didn’t get the credit that the JSA got. Courtney repeats again that they need Henry for the JSA. At Blue Valley High, Justin the janitor is mopping the floor and has a of his mop turning into the Cosmic Staff. He looks at it and drops it, turning it back into a mop. Beth asks Chuck if Cindy’s house is empty, and Chuck states that there are no heat signa- tures inside the house and that school records state that Cindy is currently studying overseas with her stepmother. Beth doesn’t believe it and wonders where she went, as she bikes off over a manhole. Underneath the manhole, Cindy is trapped in a prison cell by her father in his lair. She is begging Dr. Ito to let her go, since she isn’t the problem, Henry is. Finally giving up, she swears that she’ll kill her father, just like she did her mother, if Dr. Ito doesn’t let her go. At that, Dr. Ito walks over to her cell door and closes the hatch to shut her up. Cindy groans and screams in frustration, releasing her wrist knives to claw her way out, but the door is made of a tough metal, which retaliates against her shivs, making her scream in pain. Dr. Ito tells his henchmen to turn on the gas, as "it always calmed her as a baby." He realizes that he doesn’t need to wait for Brainwave to power his machine; Henry Jr. can do it for him. Back at the King residence, Henry Jr. is putting in the tape for Day 10, watching as his father reveals that he can move things with his mind and manipulate objects, while he tries to control an empty can, managing to just lift it off the table with his mind before it crushes itself. As Henry Jr. puts in the 23rd tape, and is finally able to control objects, making them float around himin the air, and sends a dagger flying, lodging it in a wall. At the gym in Blue Valley High, Yolanda is incredulous that Courtney wants to recruit Henry Jr., asking Courtney how she could even think about it after what he did to her, and Rick steps forward, saying people don’t change, even if it’s on the surface. He claims that people will never change deep down. Beth says that’s it’s not true or fair, since they’ve all changed since joining the JSA. Yolanda says that Henry’s his father’s son, and won’t think twice about hurting people. Rick agrees with Yolanda, and Courtney tells them to take a leap of faith. Rick says that they will, and they’ll end up falling on their face. Courtney retorts by saying she took a leap of faith with them, and she’s still on her feet, claiming that they need every advantage they can get. Annoyed, Yolanda takes her things, telling Courtney that she’s not on any team with Henry on it, and leaves the gym. Henry is still watching the tapes, as his father reveals that he wasn’t allowed to by a rubber ball that lights up, so he stole it from the store and got caught. Henry Sr. says that he threw the rubber ball into a well, and his father held him by the ankles over the well, and said that he would drop him if he ever disobeyed him again. Henry Sr. says he still remembers how powerless he felt then, and how powerless he’s been feeling until he finally got his powers. Henry Jr. picks up the tape number 91, and puts it in. Henry Sr. says that he read a man’s thoughts on the subway, as the man looked at a woman, his mind with dirty thoughts. Henry Sr. rendered the man blind, and even then, he was thinking horrible thoughts. As he got off the subway, Henry Sr. pushed the man with his telekinetic powers towards an oncoming car, and the man died, just like that. Henry Sr. said he felt "better" after killing the man, until he heard another thought, and another, realizing that humans are deep down inside. Suddenly, there’s a creak at the door, and Henry Jr. stands up, grabbing the dagger from the wall and holding it in his hand as the maid walks in, asking if Henry’s okay. Henry reads her thoughts that show she worries about him sometimes, and says he’s fine. The maid tells him that a man called–a lawyer that wants to talk to Henry Jr. about his father, and silently thinks

38 Stargirl Episode Guide that he would be better off dead. Henry Jr. tells her to shut up, just as his head starts hurting again. Suddenly, Henry Jr. hears his dad’s telepathic thoughts, and calls out loud for Henry Sr. He receives a telepathic thought in return. Henry looks at the maid, puts the dagger down, and tells the maid to stay out of his way, storming out of the room. At an ISA meeting, Anaya Bowin asks if Icicle has news, since he called them all to the meeting. Jordan shakes his head and says that Dr. Ito has news, much to everyone else’s discomfort. Dr. Ito walks in, saying he knows they’ve all had their differences, but that he has news for everyone. He reveals that Henry Jr. has his father’s powers, and that he no longer needs Brainwave’s powers anymore; he’ll just use Henry Jr.’s to send thoughts through an amplifier that will send the message to everyone in 6 states, turning it into "our America." Jordan is looking at a file when Barbara walks in, apologizing again for leaving thetripin Oakville early. Shaking his head, Jordan says it’s okay, since her daughter was in an accident. Barbara notices Jordan’s expression, and asks if he’s actually okay. Jordan reveals that he had been working on a project for years, that took him around the globe to work on, and that it cost him time with his son. He then says that given everything’s he’s done, he thought he’d feel a sense of accomplishment, but doesn’t. Jordan adds that there’s nothing a little family time couldn’t fix, and says, half to himself, that Christine used to always make a family dinneronce he came back from a trip. He thanks Barbara again for stopping by, and she leaves the room, only to stop halfway and ask if he and his family are busy tonight. At the hospital, Henry Jr. walks in, hearing others’ thoughts, and realizing how horrible some people are on the inside. He heads into his father’s room, and asks if he inherited his powers from his dad, who is still comatose. He asks if Henry Sr. can hear him, and if he needs his help. Just then, the nurse walks in to check on Henry Sr., and Henry Jr. is reading his mind. The nurse thinks to himself that he’s never liked Dr. King, and that they should terminate life support, since he’s been in the hospital for months. Henry looks at the nurse as he walks out, telling his dad that he’s right–people are monsters. At the Pit Stop, Beth and Rick greet Pat, who asks where Yolanda is. Rick says she’s pissed since Courtney wants to recruit Henry, and asks why Pat would let Courtney recruit him in the first place, saying it’s a "classic anti-Pat plan." Pat tells Rick that Courtney trusted himwhenno one else would, and Rick retorts that he’s "never sent pictures of some girl around." Rick asks what they’re doing here in the first place, and Pat wants them to find out if there’s atunnel system under Blue Valley, showing them old books, and saying that Beth can use her goggles. Rick asks why Pat asked them to come in the first place if they’re going to look at old books, and Pat says that planning and preparing is all part of being a superhero, standing up and leaving. Beth asks why he’s not staying to help, and Pat says he has some family business to take care of. Beth tells Rick that they should get started, and Rick says that Beth and Chuck have got it covered, while he’s going to find out what his dad left him in the journal, much to Beth’s protests. Still in the hospital, Henry Jr. is talking to his dad when Courtney arrives to talk to him and try to recruit him. Courtney thinks to herself that she doesn’t want to hurt him, like she did to his dad, and Henry Jr. hears it, asking her what she did to him, and realizing that it wasn’t a seizure, it was the Cosmic Staff. Courtney starts getting a headache from Henry’s powers, and tells him she didn’t do it on purpose, calming him down slightly. He reveals he knows about the ISA, and knows about as much as she does. Courtney asks Henry to help her find out who else is in the ISA, and make sure they stop killing people. Henry looks up, and Courtney starts naming people, like Joey and William Zarick, and her dad. Henry says that maybe they all deserved it, and Courtney asks if he thinks Joey deserved it. Henry softens a little and says that Joey was a nice kid. Courtney asks why Henry isn’t a nice kid, and Henry says that it’s hell on earth to read thoughts, and that even though he’s a jerk, other people are too–that if his dad had killed anyone, he had a reason to, and he claims that people are monsters, and that they’re hateful and twisted. Courtney tells him that life isn’t that black and white, and that people can be bad and good too, and kind and compassionate. She says that even though the thoughts he’s read are horrible, he should try looking a little deeper, claiming that everyone wants to feel loved, including him. Henry asks what makes her think that, and Courtney tells him what Yolanda told her about his dad, and how even though his dad treated him horribly, Henry’s still by his side, making Henry mad about how she’s talking about Henry Sr. Offended, Henry Jr. tells her to get out, which makes Courtney’s head start hurting. She says she’ll go, and just as she leaves, she

39 Stargirl Episode Guide tells him to talk to her when he’s ready. Pat enters the kitchen and sees Barbara fussing around the food, and asks what she’s doing. Barbara tells him she’s making family dinner, and that she thought it would be easy, except it’s for eight people. Pat says that if he knew there were people coming over, he’d have helped her. She says that with him taking care of Mike and Courtney, and fixing his car, she didn’t want to bother him. Pat tells her that he needs to tell her something he should’ve told her long ago, just as Courtney intercepts and says that she failed a history test, much to Pat’s annoyance. Just then, the doorbell rings, and Barbara asks Courtney to get the door, while Pat tells Court- ney that they have to stop lying. Courtney pouts and walks to the door, opening it and seeing Cameron, trying to hide her surprise and excitement. Cameron greets her, and she stammers a welcome to the Mahkents, inviting them in. As Cameron walks in, he smiles at Courtney, who says hi to him. He returns the greeting, and Jordan introduces himself to Courtney, who seems to only be able to say hi. Jordan attempts to shake Courtney’s hand, but sees the bandages and ends up just lightly taking it. Cameron’s grandmother, Lily, goes in for a hug, and expresses concern for Courtney after hearing about the "accident." Back at the hospital, Henry Jr. is going to the water dispenser to get water to take with his migraine pills, and is suddenly thrown into a room by Wildcat. He looks up, and sees her, realizing that she’s Yolanda. Wildcat tells him to stay away from Courtney and her family. Henry tells her that Courtney needs to stay away from him, and Wildcat tells him that Courtney thinks his soul is worth saving, and that she knows it isn’t. She pounces and lands in front of him, telling him that she should kill him. Henry repeats what Wildcat said, and thinks that she really wants to kill him for what he did to her. Wildcat tell him that he can read thoughts, and tells him to, which leads to him hearing her want to slash him and watch him bleed to death, threatening that she will if he goes near her or her friends ever again. Henry reads her thoughts, which reveal that Yolanda trusted and even loved him. Henry tries to talk to her, but she tells him to stay away from her and her friends again before jumping out the window. At the Dugan-Whitmores’, Jordan remarks that everything smells incredible as Courtney sits down next to Cameron, and Pat tells him that it’s a Dugan family tradition–chicken and dumplings. Jordan tells them that they have a tradition too, a Norwegian grace, and asks if they mind. Pat says they don’t mind at all, and Jordan and his parents say grace, which translates to, "Blessed be the fallen land of Niflheim and of our great ancestors. Lay power in this foodand us. So that our enemies may suffer." After the prayer, Courtney looks at Cameron, slightly confused, hoping for a translation, and Cameron tells her that he studied French, not Norwegian. Back at the Pit Stop, Beth has found something with her goggles, and calls Rick over. She says that Blue Valley was settled in 1876, by a group of Freemasons that called themselves The Other Founding Fathers who wanted to make the land free of interference from the outside. Rick bluntly states that Beth thinks that a group of separatist freaks built the tunnels, and Beth tells Rick that it explains why the ISA chose their town–because they could meet in secret, underground and in secret. During the dinner, Jordan asks Courtney about her gymnastics skills, saying that Cameron’s mentioned it before. Courtney laughs nervously, looking at Cameron, before saying that she was a gymnast. Barbara says that she was the best on the team back in Valley Village, and asks Cameron about his artistic skills, implying that Courtney’s talked about him too. Cameron looks at Courtney before saying that he uses mostly paints, to which Lily adds, "like his mother." Jordan asks about Pat, who tells him that he mostly fixes up classic cars, but since the town’s small, he fixes whatever comes by. Jordan asks why he moved to Blue Valley, when hecouldfix cars anywhere, and Pat replies that the pace and the people around the town are nice, and that Barbara grew up in Blue Valley, to which Jordan adds that with the cornfields and the theater nearby, it’s the perfect American life. Barbara says that Blue Valley wasn’t perfect back then, and Courtney hastily adds that it’s not perfect now. Jordan says that it’s getting there. Barbara agrees with Jordan, saying that Blue Valley is going to be rebuilt on the most important building block of all–families. Sofus tells Lily in Norwegian that he likes Barbara, while Lily replies that Courtney bothers her. Mike is scooping the last of the chicken dumplings when Jordan says he’d like some more. Pat says he’ll get more, when Courtney volunteers to go get them. She stands up and heads to the oven, and retracts her hand back from the scalding hot plate. She grabs the oven mitts and takes

40 Stargirl Episode Guide them out, bringing them over to Jordan, who picks it up with his bare hands and scoops some into his bowl. Courtney notices, realization dawning over her, while everyone else is distracted by Buddy, the Dugans’ dog. Courtney sits back down next to Cameron and suddenly announces to Pat that she left some- thing in the oven and that it’s going to burn. Pat goes with her into the kitchen, and Courtney opens the oven to make it believable as she tells him that she thinks Jordan is Icicle. Pat asks if she’s sure, and she tells him about the hot plate. Pat closes the oven and stands up, Courtney following him, as he asks if she’s sure. Courtney looks over at the table, where Cameron is smil- ing back at her, and gives him a quick smile as she suddenly worries that Cameron might be like his father. At the end of the night, Cameron puts on his jacket and walks to the door, asking if Courtney is okay after noticing her slightly disturbed expression. Courtney lies and says that it’s her face when she eats too much, and Cameron says that it was really great to see her tonight, only to be responded with silence. He asks her out then, saying that they should do something together soon, and Courtney hesitantly responds with a "sure." Cameron leans in for a hug, and wraps his arms around a slightly wary Courtney, who hugs him back. He lets go, and heads back outside with his grandparents as Jordan walks over, asking if Courtney knows the reason he came over for dinner. Courtney backs up slightly and Jordan puts a hand on her shoulder, asking if she knows. She shrugs, and he says he had to "meet the girl my son has been talking so much about," and says he approves, thanking her for their hospitality, walking out the door as Courtney closes the front door. She runs down to the basement and picks up the Cosmic Staff, much to Pat’s concern. Court- ney asks Pat if they can use the Cosmic Staff to figure out if Jordan is Icicle, to try to figure out "his scent.", while Pat says they’re not going to do anything until they tell Barbara, just as Barbara sees the Staff and asks what it is. The floating Staff suddenly turns off its light and falls to the ground, scaring Barbara, who asks, "What the hell is that?" Pat replies with, "It’s, uh..." just as we cut to the next scene. In the hospital, Henry Jr. is still with his father when there’s a knock at the door, revealing the lawyer Dr. Ito sent to terminate Henry Sr.’s life support. Henry Jr., reading the attorney’s mind, realizes that he’s lying, and that Mr. Green (the attorney) is only doing it for the money, and that the papers are fake. He confronts Mr. Green, who denies faking the papers, and ends up giving the attorney a seizure, causing him to die on the floor of the hospital room, just as Henry Sr. wakes up, asking his son what’s going on.

41 Stargirl Episode Guide

42 Stargirl Episode Guide

Brainwave Jr.

Season 1 Episode Number: 10 Season Episode: 10

Originally aired: Monday July 20, 2020 Writer: James Dale Robinson Director: Andi Armaganian Show Stars: Brec Bassinger (Courtney Whitmore / Stargirl), Yvette Monreal (Yolanda Montez / Wildcat), Anjelika Washington (Beth Chapel / Doc- tor Mid-Nite), Cameron Gellman (Rick Tyler / Hourman), Trae Romano (Mike Dugan), Jake Austin Walker (Henry King Jr.), Hunter Sansone (Cameron Mahkent), Meg DeLacy (Cindy Burman), Neil Jackson (Jor- dan Mahkent / Icicle), Christopher James Baker (Henry King Sr. / Brainwave), Amy Smart (Barbara Whitmore), Luke Wilson (Pat Dugan / S.T.R.I.P.E.) Guest Stars: Henry Thomas (Chuck (voice)), Nelson Lee (Dr. Shiro Ito / Dragon King), Kay Galvin (Lily Mahkent), Jim France (Sofus Mahkent), Maria Sager (Maria), Kyle Jackson (Pedestrian) Summary: As Henry Jr. hones his newfound skills, uncovered secrets from his family’s past force him to make a difficult decision. Meanwhile, Court- ney, Yolanda, Beth and Rick’s latest plan brings them face to face with a member of the ISA. Finally, tensions between Pat and Barbara force her to revisit her own past.

Two years ago in Blue Valley, Pat Dugan is studying several notes as Barbara - ishes her work a couple of booths away. The waitress announces they’re closing and asks for any final orders — they both answer a banana split. They look at each other with a smile and make chit chat, with Barbara announcing she’s finished with selling her deceased mother’s house, adding it was hard to let go. Pat asks if she leaves here, and she responds she used to but now lives in California, just like Pat. They introduce each other, and she asks what he’s doing in Blue Valley. Pat responds he’s on a hunt before correcting himself and says he collects old cars. The waitress returns saying they only have one banana left. Pat wants Barbara to have it, but she has a better idea — they split it and make conversation over the dessert. In the present, Barbara drops the laundry in shock at the Cosmic Staff, yelling it was. The pair both stutter for excuses, and Pat lets Courtney take the lead but she says it’s a broom. Pat decides to tell the truth, much to Courtney’s reluctance, and he says it’s Starman’s as she say it was her dad’s. She elaborates that he was a superhero and now she’s one too. Pat advises her that’s not a good place to start, but she marches on and accuses Jordan Mahkent of murder. A confused Barbara asks Pat was she’s talking about. He decides to tell her from the beginning. Cut forward, Barbara is looking at a picture of Starman and Stripesy, commenting on the latter’s name. Courtney adds he now goes by S.T.R.I.P.E., much to her corrective chagrin. She asks if Jordan, her boss, is this iceman they’re talking about. Courtney confirms he’s Icicle, whose behind everything bad in Blue Valley and who murdered her dad. Barbara rebounds on

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Pat, angrily telling him off on filling her daughter’s head with this superhero nonsense. Courtney defends Pat, but Barbara demands she goes upstairs. She tries to convince her mother the Staff chose her as Sylvester Pemberton is her father, but Barbara denies this. As she tries to approach the Staff, Barbara finally screams at her to go to her room. Pat says he knows it’s alotto process, but Barbara is dubious of his past as a "assistant superhero". He corrects her that he was a sidekick. Barbara, admitting that if this is true, then their entire marriage is a lie. Pat fiercely declares what they have together is real, but Barbara is angry he dragged Courtneyinto this life. He retorts that all of this was supposed to stay in his past and it was never meant to be brought up again. Barbara asks for one last truth — she asks if Courtney’s accident was really from a car wreck. He confesses it wasn’t, and she solemnly asks him to get out of the house. At the hospital, Henry King Jr. approaches his father, who whispers it was just last month when Jr. was blowing out six candles on his birthday. Ten years he can’t remember. He asks what they’re doing in Nebraska, and Jr. responds that they moved here after his mother died. Henry Snr. mutters her name, Merri, in shock, and Jr. realized he doesn’t remember her death. He explains to his father that she drowned in an accident, having supposed to pick up Jr. at school. He says Snr. told him she was found in the pool, ice cold. Snr. hugs his son, declaring he loved her in a mental thought. Jr. responds that he knows, much to Snr.’s surprise that he inherited his gift. He asks if he knew beforehand, but Jr. says he didn’t — it only began when he was in a comma. Snr. surmises he may have been reaching out to his son to activate his powers. He says he knows how freighting his powers might be in the early stages, but vows to help his son. Courtney sadly paces her room, looking down at her father’s locket and going to get the gift she was going to give him in her childhood. She hears Mike asking Pat if everything’s ok since Barbara looks upset. Pat assures his son it’s all fine, that’ll he go sleep at the garage and beback in the morning. But Mike questions what’s next after that, to which Pat doesn’t have an answer. He asks if they’ll be a divorce, but Pat hopes not. Mike declares he’ll go with him, to his protests but he’s determined to follow his dad. Pat, touched, comments that he knows he doesn’t say this a lot, but says he loves him as Mike goes upstairs. At the hospital, Henry Jr. dozes off until he begins to hear his sleeping father’s thoughts, who repeats Merri’s name along with Jordan’s and Starman’s. Realization dawning on his face, he rushes out the room, not noticing Jordan Mahkent as he enters Henry Snr.’s room, who greets his old friend as he sleeps. At home, Henry racks through old boxes and finds Tape #3233, which begins with a blunt announcement by Henry Snr. that his wife is dead — just like that. Jr. dejectedly looks at his mother’s picture as Snr. tells of when they met as he robbed a bank. He says she was known as the Girl of 1000 Gimmericks, and says he was stunned by how pure and good her thoughts were. She caught him, in more ways than one. However, being with her made him question Jordan and his mission. The latter couldn’t allow it — he led the JSA to them and killed them, including Merri’s brother, Starman. He knew she’d never forgive him for his part, and hoped she’s go into hiding but didn’t. He utters a "damn you" to Jordan, and says there are no more good thoughts left. Jr. utters Jordan’s name, and races of the office. At the Dugan-Whitmore house, the Cosmic Staff enters Courtney’s room and wakes her. She says they can’t go out as her mother is too upset, and orders it back to its crate. The Staff leaves, but evidently travels to Pat’s garage and ominously points at a picture of Icicle. At the hospital, Jordan proudly states the decade-long progress of Project: New America is nearing it’s reality, and Henry Sr. is the last piece needed to control every mind within six states. As Henry gets dressed, Jordan excitedly tells Henry about helping them see the light — their light, their way. Henry Sr. asks about Stargirl, and as he does, the Cosmic Staff crashes into the room, hitting Jordan with a ball of light that sends him into a wall. Henry immediately neutralizes it, trapping it in place with his mental shield. The Staff cries out in warbled shrieks as Jordan approaches, and as he touches the tip he encases the Staff in ice to his glee. Just then, Henry Jr. enters the common area and sees Jordan with the Staff through the window. Jordan mutters where the Cosmic Staff came form, and a confused Henry asks if that’s Starman’s Staff. Jordan tells his friend to come with him to get his questions answered. As they step outside, Henry Sr. senses the mental presence of Jr., whose hiding nearby. However, he doesn’t think much of it, and the two men leave. In the morning, Courtney discovers the Staff gone, and races up to question her mother.

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Barbara thinks Pat took it, but Courtney rabbles on that the Staff is the only weapon that could stop Icicle and she’s the only one who can use it. Barbara announces they’re leaving Blue Valley, much to her shock. Courtney once again tries to defend Pat, but Barbara says she’s going to work and will be back in one hour and tells Courtney to start packing. Courtney goes over to the Pit Stop, where Mike is asleep in a car. She knocks on the garage door, and Pat opens it. Courtney quickly explains that Barbara wants them to leave today, which makes Pat regret telling her everything in the first place. He drives off to try to explain everything to Barbara again, and Mike comes out to again talk to Courtney, about how they’re supposed to be siblings, and that siblings don’t keep anything from each other. He tells Courtney to have a good life, and closes the garage door. Dejected, Courtney walks around in town, and suddenly hears someone call her name. Look- ing around, she sees Henry, who motions her over. She runs over, and he puts a hand on her shoulder, which triggers a whole bunch of thoughts in pictures, from the tape where Henry Sr. reveals that Merri’s brother is Starman. When she snaps out of it, Courtney shrieks and falls down, and tells Henry to stay away from her, and Henry explains that he didn’t know what he just did. Courtney tells him that she could see what he was thinking, and suddenly realizes that they’re cousins, and hugs Henry, who awkwardly tells her to maybe sort that out later. He explains that Jordan has her staff, and his dad. Courtney suddenly realizes that Henry’s dad knows who she is, as Henry explains that he can’t remember anything from the last ten years since Merri died, because it hurts him too much. Courtney says that’s good, and quickly says it’s sad, but good for now, and says that they need to get her Staff and Henry Sr. back. Henry explains that his mom was starting to change his dad, and that he could see it, and feel it, and realizes that that might be the reason Jordan killed her. Courtney says that Jordan killed her dad, and his mom too, and that they’re going to need help. At the American Dream, Barbara is packing up her things into a box, and puts a picture of her and Courtney in it, along with a cup that says "World’s Greatest Mom". She picks up a picture of Pat and Mike, hesitates, and puts it back on the desk. Barbara suddenly sits down in her chair and writes an email to someone named "[email protected]", and titles the subject "Your Daughter Courtney," and asks him to reply if this is him. She then proceeds to search up "Starman." During lunch at BVHS, Rick sarcastically congratulates Courtney for giving away their iden- ties to the enemy, and Courtney says that he’s not the enemy. Yolanda protests against Henry’s presence, and Henry says that if it helps, she didn’t tell him anything; he read her mind, to which Courtney hastily adds that he’s not going to do anymore. Beth says that’s only polite, as Courtney explains that her mom wants them to leave town today, forever, and Beth says she can’t leave. Courtney says if they can get the staff and defeat the ISA, they can save the town, and Pat and Barbara. Rick adds that they’ll be able to save Henry’s dad, and tells Courtney that if Brainwave gets his memories back, he’ll kill her first, then all of them, and that their identities will be hidden until Jr. gives them up first. Henry Jr. says he’s not going to tell anybody anything, and Rick says that they all know when they find Brainwave, they have to break him in two while they can, much to Henry’s protests. Rick taunts him, standing up and saying that he should try and stop him, right now, as Henry, starting to lose control, tells him to sit down, as he mind blasts a tray of food and Rick flying across the cafeteria. Beth stands up and tells everyone tosit down and ignore them, "like you usually do", and Yolanda reminds Henry that she told him to stay away from her friends, and that he knows what she’ll do to him, as Courtney tries to break it up, telling her to save it for the bad guys, as Yolanda says that Henry is the bad guy. Rick says there’s no way he’s working with Henry, and Beth asks what Pat thinks about it. Courtney explains that he’s with her mom, and Beth tells everyone that they have to do it for Courtney. Yolanda says she’s only doing it because she knows Courtney’s going to do it anyway, and that someone’s going to have to watch her back. She adds that Courtney chose Henry over her after all he did, and that they’re not friends anymore. Barbara is clicking on a picture of Starman, as Pat walks in, asking what she’s doing here, and being returned the question. He tells her that this is the most dangerous place in town, and asks why Barbara’s searching Starman up, who explains that she’s all confused right now and just wants to figure it out, as Pat says that it’s not her mystery to solve, and to just getCourtney and go far away. Jordan knocks on the door and enters, with Sofus and Lily in tow, and Sofus says Barbara looks lovely today. There’s a little awkward exchange between Jordan and Pat, and

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Pat’s phone rings, and after seeing that it’s Courtney, he puts it away. Underground, Courtney tells them that Pat’s not answering, but they can’t wait for him, and that she hopes him and his mom are okay. They all look at the tunnel ahead of them, and Beth asks who wants to go first, since she’s been down there before, and that it’s scary. Courtney leads the way, and the rest of them follow. Beth reports that Chuck is getting cut out underneath the signals. Rick says that now they have no info from Chuck and no Cosmic Staff, much to Yolanda’s annoyance. The tunnel splits into two parts, and Courtney decides that she and Henry should go one way while Beth, Yolanda, and Rick go the other way, and Yolanda says there’s no way she’s leaving her alone with Henry, and that she’s going with her. Courtney agrees, and Beth and Rick go left while the other three go right, and decide to meet back in fifteen minutes. Sofus places a plate of cookies on the table, and says it’s to thank them for dinner, and Barbara says that it is so thoughtful. Sofus and Lily begin talking in Norwegian, and Jordan tells them something, and decides it’s time for them to go. They leave the room, and Pat looks at Barbara, who asks him if he speaks Norwegian. Pat says he doesn’t, as Barbara holds up her phone, which shows she was recording them the whole time. In the underground tunnel, Henry tells Yolanda that he wishes she could read his mind, because he knows how much he hurt her, and that he would honestly do anything to take it back. After a moment of hesitation, Yolanda snaps at him that he can’t, and walks off, following Courtney. On the other side of the tunnels, Rick and Beth walk past Solomon Grundy, and Beth asks what that is. Rick replies that it’s the thing that killed his parents. Meanwhile, Courtney, Yolanda, and Henry arrive in Dragon King’s lair, where they see Brain- wave in his suit, hooked up to different wires, and the Cosmic Staff, locked up and hung up in the ceiling. They walk past Cindy, who is still locked up. Upon seeing them, Cindy yells for her dad, and tells him that Courtney is here, and that she wants to kill her herself. Dragon King looks at them, and signals for his henchmen to kill them. Courtney grabs a spear from the wall, and they prepare for a battle against at least 50 henchmen. Courtney flips them over with her spear, and Yolanda fights them in hand-to-hand combat. Henry attacks them with his mind,and they seem to be winning until a mob of the henchmen appear and best out Courtney. Yolanda runs over to save her, and slashes the henchmen. Rick flips over his hourglass and Beth asks him what he’s doing. Rick responds bysayinghe’s going to rip out the door and kill Solomon Grundy himself, while Beth protests, saying that it’s not what they’re here for. Rick says that now they have a change of plans. By now, Courtney, Yolanda, and Henry are defeating the last of the henchmen, and Dragon King decides to go fight them himself. Meanwhile, Henry goes to unhook his dad from thema- chines, and Dragon King is going over to Courtney to fight her himself. Cindy protests, asking to kill Courtney herself, as he ignore her and begins fighting with Courtney. Dragon King is able to get the best of Courtney, sawing her spear in half, and knocking her down. As he prepares for the killing blow, Yolanda runs to get the Cosmic Staff, and slides it to Courtney just in time, who uses it to fight back and send Dragon King flying a few feet. Dragon King stands backup, revealing his real face: a horrible reptilian face, which cause Yolanda and Courtney to scream, and Courtney blasts him away with the Cosmic Staff, effectively knocking him out. Henry has managed to get his dad off the table, only to discover it’s too late–Henry Sr. has his memories back. Sr. tells his son that this is how he’s always been, and that it’s who he is too, as Jr. screams, "No!" and sends his dad flying. Henry joins Courtney and Yolanda as they runoff. Rick is still trying to break Solomon Grundy out, and has just managed to bend the metal door open a little when Beth sees the henchmen, and tells Rick they have company. Rick simply punches one of them, which causes a domino effect, and the rest of them get knocked down too. Beth tells Rick they should go, as Rick tells Solomon Grundy that he’ll be back, and runs off with Beth. As they run, they bump into Henry, Yolanda, and Courtney, and realizing that they’re being followed, they run away. At Richie’s diner, Pat tries to praise Barbara on the way she recorded them so that they could hear what the Mahkents were saying, and Barbara brushes it off, while her phone is translating the recording. The translation is ready, and Barbara and Pat listen to it: "I like her. You can see how Jordan looks at her. It won’t matter soon. Once the machine is turned on, everything

46 Stargirl Episode Guide will change." Barbara asks Pat what machine they’re talking about, and he says that he doesn’t know. Jordan knocks on Barbara’s door, and opens it, seeing that there’s no one there. He closes it, and we see that "[email protected]" has replied to Barbara’s email. Meanwhile, the teens are still running, and run straight into metal bars blocking their path. Rick bends it easily and tells Beth to go through, who complies. Yolanda follows her, and calls Courtney to go through, just as the bars bend back. They turn around and see that Brainwave is there, controlling it. Courtney tries to blast him with the Cosmic Staff, but is intercepted by a wave of telekinesis. Rick and Henry work together to bend the bars back, and Rick steps through, while Henry manages to make Courtney fly through the bars, while she’s still trying to get past the wave of telekinesis. Just as Courtney flies through, Brainwave snaps the bars back to normal, and Rick tries to bend the bars back, while Beth tries to get a signal from Chuck. Brainwave talks to Henry telepathically, and attacks him, which makes Henry fall. Henry attacks his father back, who steps back a little bit. As he stands up, Henry tries to talk to his dad, while everyone behind the bars attempt to break them, to no avail, as Brainwave is controlling the bars. Henry says that people aren’t monsters, and that he doesn’t want to fight Brainwave. He tells his dad that he loves him, and Sr. says that he loves his son too, and tells Jr. to allow him to train him. Jr. says no, and says that his dad is better than this; that his mom knew his dad could be good, and believed in him. He says that Merri loved his dad, and that he knows Jordan killed her because she saw the good in him too. Brainwave says that Jordan didn’t kill her; he did. He had to make a choice, and he asks Henry to not make him make one again. Sr. asks Jr. to stand by his side, and Jr. says that he will never stand by his father’s side, as he telepathically brings pieces of the floor up to attack his father. The rocks are intercepted by Brainwave, who says, "Goodbye, son," and sends the rocks hurling towards Henry Jr., who goes flying and hits the bars hard, falling to the ground. Brainwave begins to bring the ceilingdown, while everyone tries desperately to break the bars. Henry looks up at Yolanda, and says to her, "I am sorry," and tells Courtney that she’s right: people are good, and that she shouldn’t let this change that. Just then, Brainwave brings the ceiling down on Henry, and as dust and smoke rise from the debris, Courtney and Beth look on with disbelief, while Yolanda struggles not to cry against Rick’s shoulder.

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48 Stargirl Episode Guide

Shining Knight

Season 1 Episode Number: 11 Season Episode: 11

Originally aired: Monday July 27, 2020 Writer: Geoff Johns Director: Jennifer Phang Show Stars: Brec Bassinger (Courtney Whitmore / Stargirl), Yvette Monreal (Yolanda Montez / Wildcat), Anjelika Washington (Beth Chapel / Doc- tor Mid-Nite), Cameron Gellman (Rick Tyler / Hourman), Trae Romano (Mike Dugan), Jake Austin Walker (Henry King Jr.), Hunter Sansone (Cameron Mahkent), Meg DeLacy (Cindy Burman), Neil Jackson (Jor- dan Mahkent / Icicle), Christopher James Baker (Henry King Sr. / Brainwave), Amy Smart (Barbara Whitmore), Luke Wilson (Pat Dugan / S.T.R.I.P.E.) Guest Stars: Geoff Stults (Sam Kurtis), Mark Ashworth (Janitor Justin / Shining Knight), Nelson Lee (Dr. Shiro Ito / Dragon King), Hina X. Khan (Anaya Bowin / The Fiddler), Ashley Winfrey (Jenny Williams), Jasun Jabbar Wardlaw Jr. (Brian Tanner Balloid), Bill Southworth (Farmer Frank), Maria Sager (Maria), Suehyla El-Attar (Mrs. Patterson), Brandon Reece (Pedestrian #1), Jaci Ruffley (High School Student Mourner), Shawn Weston Thacker (Student) Summary: Courtney meets her biological father while having second thoughts about being a hero after Henry’s death. Brainwave regains his memo- ries and tells Jordan Stargirl’s secret identity, and Barbara has second thoughts about leaving Blue Valley.

Out in the countryside, Janitor Justin asks a man for a "gallant white stead with fire in its eyes and victory inits heart" as he’s lost his, but the farmer venomously tells him to get away from his horses. Justin pleads once more, but the farmer loses his patience and threat- ens to call the cops. Justin mutters that wound battle bestow honor and sadly walks away, but an old windmill and a flag send him a fractured surge of memories. He angrily utters he can’t remember, butseesa vision of Stripesy greeting him, and thinks he can help him. An incoming bus honks at him, and inside the said bus a man strokes a locket in his hands. In the town center, he gets off in front of the The American Dream. With a swagger, he heads for the Dugan-Whitemore’s. Barbara cries about how Brainwave killed his own son last night, and demands to call the police. Pat is against it, as they could own the police and any wrong movies can get another killed or lead the ISA straight here. She’s asks what to do — Courtney comments that Henry said his dad lost his memories so she doesn’t know. Pat urges her to leave with Courtney, but Barbara refuses knowing the town is in danger and won’t leave without Pat or Mike. Pat suggests they act about like nothing happened, or else they’ll be in more danger. The doorbell rings, and Mike comes downstairs saying a man is looking for Courtney. Upstairs, the aforementioned man looks around and is greeted by Pat and Barbara, responding that he got her email. He reveals he’s Sam Kurtis, Courtney’s father. She appears then, and he revels on how grown she is. Courtney retorts he isn’t her father. Sam says he knows he’s been a while and apologies for coming out of

49 Stargirl Episode Guide the blue, but he never received a reply to the email and was worried. He explains that Barbara once told him she couldn’t wait to leave Blue Valley, and now that she returned he thinks it’s serious now. Courtney whispers to her mother that it isn’t her father. Barbara apologies for the worst timing ever but he is. Sam shows her his identical locket — she demands to know where he got that. He replies he used to have two but he gave her the other one. Courtney refuses to listen and wants to talk to Pat. Upstairs, Courtney repeats that he can’t be her father — the Staff should work for her because she’s Starman’s daughter. She begins to questions everything she’s done, and concludes she got Henry and Joey killed. Mike comes in, demanding answers but Pat yells at him with finality. He solemnly asks what he did wrong, and with a sigh he reassures his son everything will be fine. Mike, dubious, leaves. Downstairs, Barbara confronts him about his disappearance ten years ago and how much she looked for him for Courtney’s sake, until she gave up. She questions him on why he’s here, and he confesses he’s been thinking of reaching out to her months ago — he wants to get to know his daughter before it’s too late. Courtney appears, saying she wants to talk to him. Barbara orders her to go to school but Courtney’s insistent. Sam says it’ll be a short walk. At school, Janitor Justin mutters to himself, stumbling into his closet and howls in pain. as the ringing in his ears intensifies. He jumps back when he looks at his reflection —ahooded figure before him. Blinking, he sees himself once mope, vowing to find his mind andhissteed, and sees a poster of Pat’s garage. Declaring he will help him, he whips out a sword from a mop rack and heads off. In town, Sam comments how different Blue Valley is from L.A. but Courtney wants answers. Sam says he doesn’t have a good excuse of where he’s been, but says there wasn’t a day where he didn’t look at her picture in the locket. He says it was his mother’s lockets before he gave one to her, back when she was four. He reminisces on how they sang Christmas songs and built a snowman, something she remembers to her shock. Sam tearfully says he knows he has no right to intrude into her life, or say sorry for the things he’s done and hasn’t done, and wishes if he could go back in time he’d do stuff differently. Unimpressed, she begins to walk away but Sam insists on buying her a quick breakfast and then they could go home. Elsewhere, Pat arrives at his garage and finds Rick and Beth, but asks for Yolanda’s where- abouts. Beth replies that she went to church — to pray for Henry. Rick says he’s getting close to cracking the code, and Beth asks where Courtney is. Pat answers she’s with her father — not Starman, her actual father. Just then, Janitor Justin comes behind and them, sword in hand. Justin addresses him as Stripesy and asks for his help, until he hallucinates him as Dragon king with his minions. Fired up, he prepares to strike, but Pat is able to bring him back to sanity. He breaks down again, pleading for help and cries out that they destroyed everything he was. Beth asks who he is, and Pat answers back that Justin’s the strongest, bravest men he’s ever known. He whispers that they’ll take care of him. At the American Dream, Dr. King greets Jordan in his office, and the latter expresses his condolences. Henry asks for what — he remembers his memories and tells him Stargirl’s iden- tity as Courtney Whitmore, and her stepfather Pat Dugan’s as Starman’s old sidekick. Jordan’s surprised, and Henry announces he’s going to go kill them. Jordan however, declares he won’t. Henry asks why not, and reads his mind, outraged he’s hesitating because of her mother. Furi- ous, he demands Henry to get out of his head, and admits her daughter’s death will devastate her. Henry incredulously admits he killed his own wife and son for Project: New America, and he’s thinking about a woman who works for him. He proposes he could erase her memory, but Jordan tells him no one is the same afterwards. Henry says when he killed his son, he felt his powers grow as if he absorbed his son’s abilities into him — Project: America will be even bigger than imagined, as he has the power to reprogram half the country now. It is everything Jordan wanted, everything his wife ever wanted, and demands he make up his mind soon or he will. In the diner, Sam tells Courtney he spent the last years chasing business opportunities but they never worked out, and though he knows he’s a stranger to her, invites her to stay in Cali- fornia with him. He finishes with it’s all that he wants. Courtney, lost for words, just saysyeah. Sam’s confident they can figure it out, and a waitress comes to ask for their order, whichthey do. Rick looks at on old picture of the Seven Soldiers of Victory, dubious their leader, the Shining Knight, is huddling in front of him. Pat hands him the picture, urging him to remember who he is. Rick reminds him he tried to attack them with a sword, to which Justin angrily names it

50 Stargirl Episode Guide

"Excaliber". Pat wants him to retell the story on how he got the sword. Honored, Justin recounts his past a "lowly but loyal" stableboy who was bestowed King Arthur’s baldy on his deathbed, being told "heroes can come form anywhere". Beth asks is he’s from the past, to which Justin replies he was from the time of dragons and knights. Pat tells him he’s the best storyteller he’s known and asks how he got to Blue Valley. Justin says he was following the dragon, alone, as the dragon needed to be slayed. He was captured, and they stole his identity from him. In a fit, he announces they’ll steal it form them all. Suffering another relapse, he asks where he is, but Pat tells him he’s safe. Justin, noticing S.T.R.I.P.E., declares that while his glory days might be behind him, Pat built himself a fine suit of armor. Back home, Barbara asks where Courtney is, and Pat says he got a text from her that she’s say, with Barbara noting she texted pat but not her. Looking at Justin sleeping on the couch, she notes he’s been brainwashed. Pat agrees, and fear he knows what the ISA is planning — a mass brainwashing of some kind. Barbara says she’ll prepare the guest room for Justin and heads upstairs, as Pat notices Courtney and Sam approaching. Outside, they sit, and Sam notes her grandmother had the lockets made by some fancy designer, and they’re worth quite something. He explains if he gets the second locket, he can make a deposit to get a better place for him and her when she comes to visit. As he makes his offer of promises she becomes crestfallen, and in a defeatist move she hands him the locket. Gleeful, she tells him goodbye in his given name, and he replies he’ll see her later. She heads inside, and as Pat tells her he will do anything for her she hugs him and breaks down. Walking down the street, Sam is confronted by Pat, who states he loves Courtney and reminds him how much she loved that locket. He says he doesn’t want to see him around here. Sam retorts he wasn’t going to, and as Pat walks away Sam snidely tells him to tell Barbara goodbye, and remarks she still looks as good as when he had her. Enraged, Pat punches in the face, and walks away. Downstairs, Courtney opens the Staff’s crate, looking longingly at it as Barbara apologizes to her for reaching out to him, knowing how he is. Courtney understands, revealing she needed to see it for herself. She wallows in how she put all of them in danger, because she believed a fairy tale. Barbara says all she wants to do is take Courtney and run, but there are families in Blue Valley who need protecting. Yet, if she let her stay and fight, she might die. Courtney stares at her, before reaching down and grabbing the Staff. However, it doesn’t light upon, much to her devastation. She glumly tells her mother it doesn’t matter, and it’s not meant for her anymore. Courtney says she’s going to school, and she’s ready to leave when she is. In his office, Jordan makes a call to unlock Barbara’s computer. Noting her history’s been deleted, he asks for it to be restored, and sighs heavily when he sees a headline of Starman having been murdered by Icicle. He turns off the lamp with a tone of finality. At school, Courtney sits down and announces she’s not Stargirl. Beth says she is, but Court- ney sorts she isn’t, as she isn’t Starman’s daughter, Yolanda says she isn’t Wildcat’s, yet she’s the new heroine. The blonde says it’s different but Beth adds she never knew Dr. Mid-Nite but she’s the new one. Courtney confesses the Staff doesn’t work for her anymore. Rick says the Staff’s ebbing stupid, but Courtney says she used it when she wasn’t meant to. It’s her fault Henry and Joey got killed, and tearfully says she can’t have anyone else get hurt because she wanted to be someone she wasn’t. The school has an assembly commemorating Henry King Junior’s death, and the speaker introduces Henry’s father. Dr. King thanks everyone for coming, assures him Henry Jr. loved them all. As a doctor, he’s seen tragedy, and sometimes thieving happens that isn’t there fault. He singles out Courtney, mentally saying except her, and dares her to come after them. He resumes his speaking, recommending the crowd to move forward and live better lives. Having rushed home, Courtney rushes to the Staff, begging it to light up. Pat asks her to calm down, but in a panic she tells him Brainwave remembers who she is. Pat mutters they need to get out of here, and Courtney gives up on the Staff, concluding it doesn’t want her anymore. Pat says it isn’t true, but she’s insistent it believed she was someone she wasn’t. Pat says the Staff chose her not because who her father was. Pat convinces her it chose her because it believed in her, and she needs to start believing in herself. He reiterates Justin’s quotes on how heroes come from anywhere. Heading upstairs, Pat meets up with Barbara, and Courtney soon after. She says she needs them both, together. At her sides, Courtney, taking a deep breath, touches the Staff slowly, and after a suspenseful moment, the Staff lights up, fully lit up and so bright it messes with the lightbulbs. Janitor Justin has come downstairs, declaring the queen has risen.

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At the ISA headquarters, Jordan meets with Brainwave. Reading his mind, Henry congratu- lates his friend on making the right decision. He says he’s taking care of Stargirl, the sidekick, and her mother. Before he leaves, Jordan says the son as well, Mike, noting they can’t leave a legacy behind. As Brainwave walks upstairs, Jordan stares at a timer on the screen, revealing a countdown of T-12 hours.

52 Stargirl Episode Guide

Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E. Part One

Season 1 Episode Number: 12 Season Episode: 12

Originally aired: Monday August 03, 2020 Writer: Melissa Carter Director: Toa Fraser Show Stars: Brec Bassinger (Courtney Whitmore / Stargirl), Yvette Monreal (Yolanda Montez / Wildcat), Anjelika Washington (Beth Chapel / Doc- tor Mid-Nite), Cameron Gellman (Rick Tyler / Hourman), Trae Romano (Mike Dugan), Jake Austin Walker (Henry King Jr.), Hunter Sansone (Cameron Mahkent), Meg DeLacy (Cindy Burman), Neil Jackson (Jor- dan Mahkent / Icicle), Christopher James Baker (Henry King Sr. / Brainwave), Amy Smart (Barbara Whitmore), Luke Wilson (Pat Dugan / S.T.R.I.P.E.) Guest Stars: Henry Thomas (Chuck (voice)), Nelson Lee (Dr. Shiro Ito / Dragon King), Mark Ashworth (Janitor Justin / Shining Knight), Neil Hopkins (Lawrence Crock / Sportsmaster), Joy Osmanski (Paula Brooks / Ti- gress), Hina X. Khan (Anaya Bowin / The Fiddler), Eric Goins (Steven Sharpe / The Gambler), Kay Galvin (Lily Mahkent), Jim France (Sofus Mahkent), Max Frantz (Isaac Bowin), Lluvia Bermudez (Students) Summary: Tigress invades the Dugan home, while Sportsmaster comes after Pat at the garage only for Mike to save his father. Later, the JSA regroup and with Pat’s help, Rick finds the key to his father’s journal. The team learn what the ISA’s plan is, but time is running out to stop the villains.

With less than 12 hours to go, Brain- wave informs Jordan that the orders to kill Courtney and her family have been given, with Sportmaster and Tigress on the hunt. Dr. Ito will turn on his machine, and the Gambler will cause a massive communications blackout using Russia as a proxy, and by the time the govern- ment realizing it’s coming from within the country, it’ll be too late. He warns the re- programming will come at a great cost, but afterwards they’ll think like them. He congratulates Jordan that his dream is about a reality, and says his wife would be proud. Jordan maintains a stoic face, but asks him to tell him when Stargirl and her family are dead before leaving, to Brainwave’s smirk. Courtney brings two large bags downstairs and is informed by her mother to get the sleeping bags. At Pat’s garage, Mike complains about the surprise camping trip, sure that Courtney knows why they’re leaving. Distracted by a power drill, Pat tries to explain he brought Mike to show him something. Mike seems uninterested, causing Pat to yell at him. Mike retorts to stop treating him like a little kid, and angrily leaves. Hearing something fall behind him, he finds Crusher ominously walking up to him with a bat. Pat asks him what he’s doing here so late at night. Draping himself on a car, Crusher says he really shocked him and had no idea he had it in him. Pat is confused, but Crusher elaborates that friends don’t keep secrets and is hurt he never said anything about his big robot. He questions him on the robot’s whereabouts. Pat, slyly picking up

53 Stargirl Episode Guide a crowbar, tells him he needs to calm down. Crusher, amused, tells him as far as famous last words are, he’s underwhelmed. He smacks the crowbar away and attacks. Back the Dugan-Whitmore house, Barbara unknowingly avoids an incoming , and is met by Tigress. Terrified, she runs behind the couch to avoid the next wave of arrows. Asshe tries to flee, Tigress knocks her into a table in the next room. She remarks they havealovely home, but before she can pounce on Barbara, the Cosmic Staff blocks her and Courtney kicks her into the wall. She sends her through the doorway, and Courtney grabs her mother. At the garage, Crusher gleefully remarks the cardio’s paying off. Pat raises his fists, making Crusher decide to take it old school as well. They match up against each other, with Crusher egging Pat on. Pat punches him in the face. Unfazed, he scolds Pat that punching power comes from the hips and tells him to try again. He punches him again, making him swerve to the side. Crusher says he likes him, before sending a first to his stomach and sends him flying into the walland then onto the ground. He asks if he’s ok, but Pat punches his jaw. Grabbing him by the neck, he delivers a beatdown and proceeds to smack a door into his body. Back at the house, Tigress trips Barbara but she’s caught by the Cosmic Staff, which brings her to her feet before knocking into Tigress after she throws Courtney to the next room, continuing the battle. At the garage, Pat desperately crawls to S.T.R.I.P.E. as Crusher compliments the robot, calling it a beauty. He kicks Pat, and grabs him by the shirt. Telling it by 8:00 AM it’ll be over for everyone, he apologizes he won’t be able to see him before brutally punching Pat’s face. However, Crusher screams in pain as Mike drives the power drill into his back. Crusher focuses his attention on Mike, giving a sinister smile until Pat calls to him, telling him to stay away from his kid before striking him with a giant . Barbara watches on in awe as Courtney and Tigress fight on, but intervenes when the latter pins her daughter to the counter and smacks a vase into her head. Courtney aims the Staff and sends the villain through the side door, leaving her unconscious. Courtney briefly apologizes to her mother about the door, but Barbara tells her it was amazing. They agree they should go. Pat asks Mike if he’s ok, but Mike looks at S.T.R.I.P.E. with delight. He asks if he built that and who’s on the floor, which is answered by Pat as yes and an old friend of his. His fathertells him to bring his drill gun as he turns on the robot. At The American Dream, Jordan’s mother Lily remarks in Norwegian that Barbara wouldn’t have made a suitable wife, to his father’s agreement. Sofus asks his son if Cameron should know. Jordan says no, but Sofus insists he’s old enough and it’s his birthright. Jordan gets a call from Steve and is informed Stargirl and her family escaped, much to his disappointment. He makes a call to Anaya Bowin. At school, Anaya finds her son upset in her office and in concern questions what he’sdoing her so late. Isaac sadly tells her he’s being bullied. Sympathetic, she tells him his father was bullied because of his favorite instrument, gesturing to the violin on display, and says he never stopped during his passion and he never let them to get to him. Isaac asks why, and after a moment of hesitation, Anaya bluntly states he took the bow of his violin and sent it through his bully’s eardrums. Isaac then looks at his tuba. The Dugan-Whitmores arrive to their cabin, and Courtney is reunited with Yolanda, Beth and Rick. They spot an incoming vehicle, but after a moment of suspense, Janitor Justin announces he brings forth a feats. Hearing a loud rumble, S.T.R.I.P.E. arrives from the sky and is "parked", much to Barbara’s shock. Mike comments when he can drive him. Beth asks if that’s everyone coming, and Barbara remarks probably. Brainwave arrives to Dragon King’s lair, and is stopped by Cindy, who asks if Stargirl is dead. A furious Brainwave reprimands her, remaining her of her job to watch out for Henry Jr.’s powers emerging, so that he could have time to help him, but because of her, he had to end him. Cindy snaps back that what could have helped Henry was if his father wasn’t in the hospital wearing diapers while everyone else had to pick up on his slack. Brainwave approaches her door, taunting her of what her father’s truly thinks of her — a failed experiment. Cindy tells him her father loves her and that he’s a liar. Brainwave asks her why he would lie but Cindy begs him that she could be a valuable member of the ISA. Brainwave coldly tells her they feel the same way as her father — they don’t want her. He slides the panel in her place, leaving her screaming and smacking against the door. Dr. Ito arrives, asking his colleague if he’s ready for the test. Brainwave confirms, and they walk down an empty but illuminated hallway. Two metal doors open, and Brainwave looks shocked at the sight — an enormous room with a giant, blackberry-shaped metallic foundation

54 Stargirl Episode Guide with three enormous satellites at the top. With 9 hours to ago, he straps him to a chair at the end of the short walkway. Brainwave asks about the risk — either it will work, or turn every cell in his pre-frontal cortex and spinal cord will melt. He understands, and Dr. Ito goes to turn on the machine. Electricity begins to zap at the fixtures on the walls, and then to the pinsat Brainwave’s temple. He begins to hear to overlapping thoughts of every person within half of the country, and as he screams, the voltage of the machine reach its maximum amount and power valve cracks. After a shockwave, Brainwave collapses, smoke emitting from the pins. He recovers slowly, remarking he could hear the million voices, their wretched thoughts and ugly truths. He tells Dragon King it will work, much to his satisfaction. At the cabin, Beth converses with Chuck and is informed of the large electrical surge in Blue Valley, and that Brainwave absorbed his son’s powers after his death. She asks Yolanda if she’s thinking about Henry, and Chuck catches her lie. Upstairs, Justin asks what Rick is doing, and he talks about his father. Rick thinks the ISA killed his father after he found out what they were planning. He says the answer is in code, and the key is an equation and he needs a number to solve it. Justin says all things come in good time, but Rick reminds him that the is tonight. He asks the janitor if he might have any idea, but he suddenly says he’ll go clean the bathroom, much to Rick’s dismay. Elsewhere, Mike finds Courtney outside. She says she thinks they’re all safe. Mike comments she has a magic staff and his dad’s got a huge robot, adding that the Staff might’ve worked for him if he found it first, joking it would have made his paper route easier. He tentatively asks if he could try out, to Courtney’s permission. He tentatively touches it, but it doesn’t light up. Courtney expresses her sorrow, but Mike says his dad doesn’t have any powers himself and seems hopeful he could build something out of himself. At the Dugan-Whitmore’s, Crusher complains to Paula he’s going to rip Mike’s arms off and that his back hurts as he stitches her up. Hearing the front door, they find Anaya Bowin and question why she’s here. Anaya answers Jordan sent her to make sure they didn’t fail a second time, and that she’ll immobilize them so that they’re hard to miss. Crusher says what’s the fun in that, but Anaya admonishes them for their love of violence and labels them as sadists, adding she feels sorry for how their daughter will turn out — a wild animal like her mother. Crusher whispers if she’s saying they don’t love their daughter. Anaya turns around to deny it, and fails to see Tigress shoot an arrow into her chest, causing her to collapse on the ground. Standing over her body, Crusher tells Tigress he loves her. At the cabin, Barbara asks if he has everything and Pat confirms, telling her he’s going tofix up S.T.R.I.P.E.. Barbara asks her husband why he didn’t say anything about this to her before the marriage. Pat admits that everyone who knew ended up dead, and that their family was all that mattered to him. If he had known the truth about Blue Valley, things would be a lot more different. He asks her if they’ll be ok, and Barbara says she wants them to be. Rick is still pouring over the book and angrily throws it, hands on his head in frustration. Pat picks up the book and asks him if he’s ok. Rick grumbles that he’s tried birthdays and number symbolizing hours but nothing’s working. Pat asks if there was anything, he cared about that had a number — Rick reports that he doesn’t know. Pat asks about the car, the Mustang. Rick, enlightened, responds it’s a 1966 Mustang and gets to work. He subsequently cracks the code. He instructs Beth to scan the numbers, revealing it’s the coordinates of a map for the tunnels and that the late Mr. Tyler must have gone down there and scoped. Beth’s goggles project a hologram of the tunnel network, and Rick points out the entrances and the big room holding their machine. Beth reveals they built a synaptic transmitter, meant the transmit brainwaves on a large scale. Courtney asks if there’s an entrance big enough for S.T.R.I.P.E., which Rick confirms it’s by the river. She proposes that she and S.T.R.I.P.E. go into this entrance andthat Rick, Yolanda and Justin enter one at the opposite side of town, and to meet up at the machine. Beth says she can hijack the power source is at the American Dream, and Barbara volunteers to go with her. Pat objects, but Barbara reminds him he’s letting a 15-year-old ago by herself. She tells him if there’s a problem, she knows that building better than anyone else. Beth announces it’s a plan, and Mike asks what his job is. Pat says he has the most important job of all — taking care of the dog much to his displeasure. At daybreak, Stargirl and S.T.R.I.P.E. head into a large but dark tunnel, Beth and Barbara run into the alley next to the American Dream, and at Cindy’s house, Hourman, Wildcat and Justin enter the tunnels. Sitting down at a desk, Beth’s surprised the password is the name of a boy band but marches

55 Stargirl Episode Guide on. Chuck hacks the network, finding the countdown of 35 minutes and a manifesto of theISA’s broadcast and informs the others via telecom. She tells them they call it the New Constitution, and in a confused state announces they’re planning on eliminating global warming, embracing solar and wind energy, discrimination and universal healthcare, far from diabolical. Rick de- mands to know from Pat if they’re on the right side, but Pat is convinced there’s something else. Beth uncovers that it only affects develops minds, i.e. adults. She adds that the ISA estimates 25% of people will fight too hard against the reprogramming, and will shut down— effectively killing them. Stargirl repeats they’re planning on killing 25 million people, and sud- denly Steve Sharpe’s voice confirms it’s within a million give or take. He proudly announces his hack and asks who he has the pleasure of speaking to. Chuck answers she’s Dr. Mid-Nite, but a stunned Beth says there’s nothing she can do, which Steve confirms. She says they have 30 minutes to go, but Steve laughs and says the broadcast already started — Brainwave has 30 minutes to finish. Beth notices Barbara looking to her right in the distance, her pupils lighting up. Hourman notices the same in Justin. At the machine, Brainwave announces he’s controlling all of them, like puppets, like Pat Dugan. In the tunnel, Stargirl tries to get Pat’s attention, but he’s being controlled. S.T.R.I.P.E. sizes up, and in a fighting stance, he sends a punch.

56 Stargirl Episode Guide

Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E. Part Two

Season 1 Episode Number: 13 Season Episode: 13

Originally aired: Monday August 10, 2020 Writer: Geoff Johns Director: Greg Beeman Show Stars: Brec Bassinger (Courtney Whitmore / Stargirl), Yvette Monreal (Yolanda Montez / Wildcat), Anjelika Washington (Beth Chapel / Doc- tor Mid-Nite), Cameron Gellman (Rick Tyler / Hourman), Trae Romano (Mike Dugan), Jake Austin Walker (Henry King Jr.), Hunter Sansone (Cameron Mahkent), Meg DeLacy (Cindy Burman), Neil Jackson (Jor- dan Mahkent / Icicle), Christopher James Baker (Henry King Sr. / Brainwave), Amy Smart (Barbara Whitmore), Luke Wilson (Pat Dugan / S.T.R.I.P.E.) Guest Stars: Henry Thomas (Chuck (voice)), Nelson Lee (Dr. Shiro Ito / Dragon King), Mark Ashworth (Janitor Justin / Shining Knight), Neil Hop- kins (Lawrence Crock / Sportsmaster), Joy Osmanski (Paula Brooks / Tigress), Eric Goins (Steven Sharpe / The Gambler), Joel McHale (Sylvester Pemberton), Stella Smith (Artemis Crock), Ashley Winfrey (Jenny Williams), Max Frantz (Isaac Bowin), Jasun Jabbar Wardlaw Jr. (Brian Tanner Balloid), Sam Brooks (Travis Thomas), Nick Basta (Mr. Levine), Lexi Rabe (LeeAnne), Tim Misuradze (Mr. Moder), Troy Rudeseal (Mr. Rene), Milli M. (Miss Drake), Skyler Knight (High School Student), Beorht Lewinski (High School Student), Jaci Ruffley (High School Student), Shawn Weston Thacker (Student) Summary: Heroes and villains die as the two Society face off in an epic showdown as the new JSA tries to stop Jordan and Brainwave’s plans for a "New America" — with them in command. Old faces return from the past, and Jordan goes to pieces when his plans are threatened.

Three minutes ago, a teacher rushes to break up a fight between Isaac Bowin and a bully, the latter using his tuba to bash the latter’s head. The teacher scolds him, demanding a reason why, and an omi- nous Isaac says his mom told him to. The teacher doesn’t buy it, and grabs his arm to walk him back when suddenly a tremor hits the area. The football field suddenly opens up to allow the three large satellites of the synaptic transmitter emerge. The largest one positions itself horizontally, and when they power up, emit shock- waves. The terrified students notice their teachers still and unresponsive. All across town, adults have frozen in place. Jordan Mahkent comes across a young girl pleading for her father to move. She asks him what’s going on, and he assures the girl her father will be alright. She asks what’s wrong with her dad, and Jordan responds he and everyone else will think differently once it’s over, good things to be specific. The girl retorts her father is already a good person, but he simply chuckles and utters she will see and leaves. Stargirl barely dodges a punch from S.T.R.I.P.E., and desperately calls to him as he continues to attack. Beth calls to Courtney and checks on Barbara, but Steve Sharpe soothingly says she’ll

57 Stargirl Episode Guide be okay once Brainwave’s reprogramming is finished in 30 minutes. During his narration, Jordan arrives back to the ISA HQ and reviews the 26-min countdown. Steve informs Beth if Barbara is one of the unlucky one-in-four who fights too hard or too long and the central nervous system collapses, just as the aforementioned teacher falls dead. Brainwave continues to control Pat as S.T.R.I.P.E. chases after Stargirl, and she tearfully tells him it’s Courtney, his daughter. The robot’s fist stops in mid-air, as Pat visibly begins to fight back. In an impassioned speech,she declares he’s always been there for her when she needed him and she needs him now. Pat begins to tear up. Wildcat asks what’s wrong with Justin, and Hourman reveals Brainwave’s got him. She yells at him that he’s the , but is corrected by Hourman as the Shining Knight. Beth, freaking out, is confused why the bad guys aren’t being affected. Chuck theories they’re wearing a protective earpiece to block out the frequencies, and Beth questions if they can mimic them. The AI says he will need to examine such an earpiece. Stargirl announces that Pat’s fighting it, but Beth warns her Pat could die. Hourman thinks they need help, but then Beth realizes she can hear them despite having previously encountered problems communicating in the tunnels. Chuck discovers several low frequency blockers in the tunnels, which have been turned off. Beth works out that they know the JSA’s in the tunnels, and thinks they can turn them on. Steve dares her to hack into his systems, and overhears as Chuck recommends hacking into something he cares about — his money. Suddenly concerned, he witnesses Chuck and Beth drain all his accounts into various charity donations. With him distracted, the blockers have been turned on, but not for long. Dragon King notices something’s wrong. Pat breaks free from the control and apologizes. He comments he heard every word, and Courtney clarifies she meant every word. Elsewhere, Justin victoriously declares he’s free to play the dragon. Beth congratulates her best pal Chuck, which he responds likewise to her joy. However, she still worries about Barbara. Steve notifies Jordan the JSA’s there, to his existing knowledge. He tells him to get theothers, as they’ll finish this once and for all. Hourman tells Wildcat that after this is over, he’sgoingto kill Solomon Grundy. Wildcat dubiously queries if it’ll make him feel better, but he’s insistent that he won’t let it hurt any others or make another orphan. Wildcat says killing is wrong, but he rhetorically says who, God? Wildcat stays silent as Hourman in a tirade admits God shouldn’t let bad things happen, like sending his parents through a tree. He warns her against stopping him. The three meet with Stargirl and S.T.R.I.P.E. in Dragon King’s lair, which is strangely empty. They ask where the machine is, and she points out the door when Jordan, Dragon King, Sports- master, and Tigress arrives, with the former announcing they will go no further. Courtney quizzes Jordan on no ice mask, and he responds he has nothing to hide, addressing her by her real name. Sportsmaster remarks his deja-vu, and Tigress adds how fun that night was. He says it’s time to kill the JSA again. The two groups face off, and begin to charge. A disgruntled Steve recommends some reinforcements, and remotely opens Solomon Grundy’s door. Stargirl and Icicle engage in battle, she dodging his ice daggers while trying to strike him with the Cosmic Staff. Wildcat and Tigress have a heated blow exchange, and she retracts her claws for better defense as Dragon King and Justin sword fight in the background. Stargirl flips as Icicle continues to miss at her, and throws up an ice shield before being throw off and chased after by the heroine and S.T.R.I.P.E.. Hourman is severely punched by Sportsmaster and thrown into the air, and Wildcat skids across the floor before being attacked by Tigress. Justin sends Dragon King’s sword into a door, and the latter venomously tells him he came back to die. Justin agrees, saying one will die and proceeds to attack. The door opens, having let Cindy Burman accidentally out. The pair continue their struggle, but Dragon King, pins Justin and punches him, sending him into the floor. The struggles, as the villain steps on his sword. Dragon Kingraises his to deliver the final blow, but he’s sliced by a blade from the back. He collapses, andafrayed Cindy notes he shouldn’t have locked her up. Icicle grabs the Staff’s and an ensuing blast sends her across the room as S.T.R.I.P.E. punches the floor next to him. She notices Hourman and Wildcat struggling in their fights. Determined, she pounces on Tigress and ships at herwith the Staff, throwing her over to Wildcat. In a flip, she kicks her leg at Sportsmaster’s neck and knocks the villain out. Icicle notices, and begins to form an ice attack but Hourman punches him into a pillar. Wildcat checks to see Tigress is unconscious, and ambushes Icicle, striking him across the face and throwing him into the center of the room. Stargirl swipes the Staff up his chin, flying him into the air and landing on the steps. The rest of his comrades defeatedhe

58 Stargirl Episode Guide looks up at the JSA. S.T.R.I.P.E. raises his fist, but he punched across the room. The teenagers look over, surprised to see Solomon Grundy, who roars at them. Stargirl and Wildcat step back but Hourman doesn’t. He charges at the , but the simply bats him away and he violently crashes into some wreckage. Pat advises Courtney and Wildcat to find the machine, as he’ll take on Grundy and protect Hourman. He stands up and runs into Grundy, picking him up as a and pins him to the wall. They give several blows as they start their battle. Wildcat and Stargirl run into the machine, and the former slashes the keypad and opens the door. However, Cindy tackles Stargirl and pins her to the floor, blades out. She yells at Wildcat to go on. However, the latter sees a horde of Dragon King’s minions limping onto her. Sighing, she whips her other claws and bombards the crowd. Brainwave tells Steve to loop his soundwaves for the next five minutes as he gets up and takes off the buttons on his temple. Steve questions him on where he’s going, and he responds he’s going to help kill the children. Steve calls a weakened Jordan and tells him to take care of Beth before she gets in the system. Wildcat finishes off the second-to-last minion and faces the remaining one. However, thelast one puts his hands up, begging her to stand down. He takes his mask off, revealing himself to shockingly be Henry King Jr.. Elated, Wildcat hugs him. Scared, Henry says they need to get out of here, that his dad’s coming. He reveals he didn’t die in the cave-in or that dad didn’t kill him — he’s been hiding out for days pretending to be one of them. Henry says he knows where his dad is and how they can stop him. She nods, and he confesses she’s all he’s been thinking about, this whole time. He asks what’s the plan, and where are her friends. Her smile drops, and steps back. She darkly says they were Henry’s friends too, and slashes his throat. The glamour breaks, revealing the true person to be Brainwave, who grabs his throat and falls to the floor. Wildcat says she watched Henry die, and she’ll watch him die too. The fight between Grundy and S.T.R.I.P.E. grows vicious, until the robot lands a hood throw that momentarily disorients the zombie. Pat’s still struggling, which begins bigger as Grundy tears out a robotic arm. He wobbles back, and is struck by his own arm. Crashing into a wall, Grundy punches and figures out his weakness, removing the robot’s legs and striking the robot’s chest. He successfully rips the doors out and roars at Pat. Before he moves in for the kill, Hour- man punches Grundy off, declaring it’s his turn. Stargirl fights Cindy off her. She mutters she doesn’t have time for this and aims here Staffat her. She blasts her against a doorway which knocks her out. Opening the secret door, she finds Wildcat standing over Brainwave’s dead body. She’s shocked by the sight, as well as Wildcat’s confession that she killed him. Her friend tells her the machine is ahead, and Stargirl continues with the mission at hand. Finding the machine, Stargirl flies to it as Wildcat yells what she’s going to go. She blasts at it with her machine, burning the machine off its support until the satellites collapse. The crowd at the field speculate who the heroine with the magic rod is. As the machine destabilizes and falls apart, Stargirl rejoins Wildcat and they run as one of the dishes destroys the room. The Gambler watches as everything goes offline and all around the world, people are waking up, including the little girls dad and Barbara. Icicle comes into the room, enraged. Beth alerts Stargirl, and Icicle destroys Dr. Midnite’s goggles and "Chuck" by freezing them. Beth charges at Icicle, but he blasts her into a wall, knocking her unconscious, and grabs Barbara. Back in Ito’s lair, Hourman continues to fight Grundy and checks on an injured Pat, who notes Barbara is in trouble. Hourman says he heard and tells Pat to go save his wife before turning all of his attention to Grundy. The Gambler deletes everything and leaves the room, knowing the plan failed. Courtney and Wildcat arrive to find Beth mourning Chuck. Courtney asks Beth where her mom is. Icicle takes Barbara to the roof and explains to her that he just wants to help people. Barbara asks him to say that to Joey Zarick, and his parents, and Henry King. Icicle tells Barbara that half a million of American’s die of cancer every year. He asks what if he told her that he could take a half a million people and cure cancer forever, then what would she do. Barbara says no one was going to die because the way people think. Icicle disagrees and said his wife died because of greed and politics, but he can fix that. Icicle says it isn’t too late and he can still saveAmerica with Barbara and Courtney’s help, saying he can protect her from the other ISA members, and they can go somewhere and start over. Barbara says he is out of his mind, and asks what his wife would think. Icicle rages that

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Barbara didn’t know his wife before pulling her into a hug, and telling her he will succeed and kill Courtney as he goes to throw her off the roof. Pat arrives and tells Icicle that if he wants to kill him well here he is. Icicle asks Pat what he is doing on the roof and notes he doesn’t have any powers. Pat says he is here to protect his wife, and Icicle asks with what. Pat responds with their daughter as Stargirl kicks Icicle from behind. Back in Ito’s lair, Hourman beats Grundy to the point where he stops fighting and cowers. Hourman yells at him to fight back and lifts a giant chunk of concrete to throw on Grundy. He relents when he sees how frightened Grundy is, so he throws it away and yells at a terrified Grundy to leave and never come back. After Grundy leaves, Justin is surprised at Hourman sparing Grundy, but Hourman says his hour was up in anyways. Back on the roof, Stargirl and Icicle clash, and she tells him he can never save America since he is full of too much hate. The staff blasts them both off the room, and the shockwave causes Barbara to fall off, but Pat catches her while Wildcat saves Stargirl. Icicle crashes into the ground and starts to get up as he yells in anger. Icicle is about to attack again when a car runs into him and smashes him to bits. The car is driven by Mike, who asks if this means he gets to be in the JSA. Pat and Barbara embrace and kiss as Stargirl watched with joy and hugs her friends and Mike. In the aftermath, Pat, Barbara, and the kids are at the school as Justin is packing up to leave. Beth is still upset about losing Chuck, but Courtney and Rick promise to fix the goggles. Yolanda is still affected by what happened during the battle. Justin is upset because he came to slay the dragon and failed. Pat cheers Justin up by saying he helped them figure out what the ISA was up to. Justin says he will search for the other Seven Soldiers of Victoria, and Pat asks to let him know when he does since he would like to see them. Justin says he will and says Starman would he so proud of Pat. He tells Courtney until the next battle, which Courtney echoes as he leaves. The arrives at the ISA headquarters watching a news report and laments how he told Icicle that it was folly. Cindy tears apart the Wizard’s storage locker and finds a small black diamond. Cindy holds it up says she sees in there, which causes the being to laugh as Cindy smiles. Six weeks later, the family and Courtney’s friends are getting ready for Christmas as Courtney gives Pat the mug she was saving to give to her real father, who she considers as Pat. Pat is touched by the gesture. Stargirl and Pat in S.T.R.I.P.E.S fly around together and then sit on a water tower. Elsewhere, man pays a visit to Pat’s old residence and landlord says he moved. The man asks where he can find him, and the landlord asks who he is. The man is revealed to be Sylvester Pemberton, and says he is an old friend.

60 Season Two

Stargirl Episode Guide

Summer School: Chapter One

Season 2 Episode Number: 14 Season Episode: 1

Originally aired: Tuesday August 10, 2021 Writer: Geoff Johns Director: Andi Armaganian Show Stars: Brec Bassinger (Courtney Whitmore / Stargirl), Yvette Monreal (Yolanda Montez / Wildcat), Anjelika Washington (Beth Chapel / Doc- tor Mid-Nite), Cameron Gellman (Rick Tyler / Hourman), Trae Ro- mano (Mike Dugan), Hunter Sansone (Cameron Mahkent), Meg DeLacy (Cindy Burman), Nick E. Tarabay (Eclipso), Amy Smart (Barbara Whit- more), Luke Wilson (Pat Dugan / S.T.R.I.P.E.) Guest Stars: Joel McHale (Sylvester Pemberton / Starman), Milo Stein (Young Bruce), Ysa Penarejo (Jennifer-Lynn Hayden / Jade), Olive Elise Aber- crombie (Rebecca McNider), Stella Smith (Artemis Crock), Max Frantz (Isaac Bowin), King Orba (Zeek), Jim France (Sofus Mahkent), Kay Galvin (Lily Mahkent), Kron Moore (Dr. Bridget Chapel), Gilbert Glenn Brown (James Chapel), Tywayne Wheatt (Principal Harold Sherman), Emily Dunlop (Myra McNider), Kenny Alfonso (Father Thomas), Debo- rah Bowman (Miss Woods) Summary: Pat plans a family vacation, although Courtney and Mike aren’t happy with the idea. Courtney continues to patrol Blue Valley as Stargirl, even though the ISA is defeated. Yolanda deals with the guilt of killing Brainwave, Beth tries to restore Chuck, and Rick learns that his par- ents’ killer is hiding in the woods.

The episode kicks off several decades in the past, with a young child, Re- becca McNider, being banned from the party across the street because she made a scene at the store; however, a child named Bruce convinces her to go anyway and steal the birthday girl’s present. She does exactly what he says, and inside the box is a demonic looking doll, but then it returns to normal. As Rebecca tries to figure what happened, Bruce appears behind her, taking on a demonic look himself whileholding the diamond Cindy found at the end of Stargirl Season 1. Her fate is unclear, but when her mom goes to investigate, she screams in horror, implying something terrible happened to Rebecca. Cut back to the present day, and the new JSA – Courtney, Yolanda, Beth and Rick – patrol the town, but there is nothing to worry about. While the other members want to turn in early, Courtney insists they should continue. This is because she believes being Stargirl and dedicating her life to heroics is her only destiny. This leads to an all night study session, where she goes through the JSA’s old files to figure out who the next big bad will be, and she namedropsPer Degaton, Black Briarthorn, Baron Blitzkrieg and Gentleman ; however, Pat insists other heroes, like The and Green Lantern, have already dealt with them; although, for some villains – Blitzkrieg and – he leaves a mystery. Pat also insists that being a hero means Courtney has to find balance between her civilian life and her work as Stargirl. Courtney insists she’s got it handled and believes Stargirl should come first because the Cosmic Staff must be activated for a reason. They put a pin in this conversation for now, but as they leave the basement, a mysterious green object starts to glow.

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Knowing his family needs a break, Pat plans a two-week trip to Yellowstone for the summer, but his son, Mike, wants to learn the family business and start working with the robot S.T.R.I.P.E. Plus, Courtney wants to stay back because of her responsibilities as Stargirl. When put to a vote, the kids lose to the parents thanks to their dog’s "vote," so they’re set to finally get some time off. Meanwhile, the other members of the JSA are dealing with their own personal baggage. Beth tries to reactivate Chuck because, despite the goggles working again, the AI is not up and run- ning. Plus, she discovers her parents’ divorce papers, making her feel even more alone. Yolanda also has a lot on her mind, haunted by the memory of Brainwave’s death. She goes to church to make a confession, but says nothing. However, she does open up to Courtney about this, questioning if being in the JSA makes what she did right and if she deserves to be Wildcat. In the midst of this conversation, they see Cameron, Icicle’s son. He believes what happened to his dad was an accident, and Yolanda encourages Courtney to keep her distance to protect him, otherwise he could end up like Henry. As for Rick, he aces his final, but given his reputation, the teacher assumes he cheated, asking him to take a different version of the test. This upsets Rick, especially since he just saved the town but can’t get any recognition. He refuses to take the test again, which makes the teacher think she is correct about her assumption. In the cafeteria, Courtney talks with Yolanda about the possibility of time travel, thinking that past villains, like Per Degaton, could come after them. It’s also here she runs into Artemis, and she assumes the athlete is going to attack her, so she uses a hockey stick to take Artemis down. This is a terrible misunderstanding, as Artemis just wanted to give the stick back to her friend, and Courtney is sent to the principal’s office. Pat and Barbara meet with the principal and learn that this isn’t just about Courtney’s fight. She’s also failed English and history, breaking her word to her mother. Along with disappointing her, this means the family can no longer go on vacation, which Barbara and Pat were looking forward to. This prompts Pat to bench Courtney from being Stargirl for two weeks; although, that may be a problem with Starman searching for Pat. Outside of school, Courtney decides to finally talk to Cameron, and his surviving family mem- bers look on. They knew who his father really was, and they know Courtney is trouble for them; however, because Cameron is currently happy, they do not say anything. Because their trip is canceled, Pat has to tell Zeek he no longer needs him to watch the shop, but Zeek has discovered S.T.R.I.P.E. He doesn’t realize what the robot is really for, thinking it’s just a pet project for Pat; however, he insists on helping Pat develop it more, getting his tools to add a flamethrower. Things get more complicated for Rick and Beth, as its revealed the former has been stealing mass amounts of food to leave in the woods for presumably Solomon Grundy, who he let escape in Season 1. Meanwhile, Beth is stood up by her parents, yet she makes a break with Chuck, Unfortunately, he has no memory of her, shutting down for the night. As for Courtney, she has no choice but to go into Stargirl mode when a mysterious woman wearing a Green Lantern Ring breaks into the house to steal the glowing object, which is revealed to be a Green Lantern. The two fight, making a huge mess in the house. Just when it lookslike the trespasser has the upperhand, Pat and Barbara come downstairs, and the fight stops. When asked who she is, the woman reveals she is the daughter of the Green Lantern. On top of this huge introduction, Cindy is back, picking up a file about the Injustice Society’s kids. She also returns to their headquarters, laying out potential new members for her own Injustice Society, including Artemis, Cameron, Isaac and Mike. She then brings out the diamond from the opening flashback.

64 Stargirl Episode Guide

Summer School: Chapter Two

Season 2 Episode Number: 15 Season Episode: 2

Originally aired: Tuesday August 17, 2021 Writer: James Dale Robinson Director: Andi Armaganian Show Stars: Brec Bassinger (Courtney Whitmore / Stargirl), Yvette Monreal (Yolanda Montez / Wildcat), Anjelika Washington (Beth Chapel / Doc- tor Mid-Nite), Cameron Gellman (Rick Tyler / Hourman), Trae Ro- mano (Mike Dugan), Hunter Sansone (Cameron Mahkent), Meg DeLacy (Cindy Burman), Nick E. Tarabay (Eclipso), Amy Smart (Barbara Whit- more), Luke Wilson (Pat Dugan / S.T.R.I.P.E.) Guest Stars: Ysa Penarejo (Jennifer-Lynn Hayden / Jade), Jonathan Cake (The Shade / Richard Swift), Max Frantz (Isaac Bowin), Lesa Wilson (Bob- bie Burman), King Orba (Zeek), Randy Havens (Paul Desinger), Maria Sager (Marie Carmen Saravio), Roxzane T. Mims (Mrs. Ordway) Summary: Still on the lookout for evil in Blue Valley, Courtney grows suspicious after an unexpected visitor shows up at the Dugan house. Meanwhile, Barbara and Pat become concerned after a visit from a mysterious antiques collector named Richard Swift. Elsewhere, Cindy puts her plan in motion.

The episode kicks off with Cindy’s step- mom, Bobbie finally free of her on-going nightmare, as Dragon King is dead and Cindy is missing. After dancing around the kitchen and breaking her husband’s dishes, she answers the door to see her worst nightmare. Cindy is back, and she wants Bobbie to resume her prior role, holding up Eclipso, and it appears his abilities effect Bobbie’s mind. After this, things cut back to six days ago, where audiences learn Jennie was previously living in a girl’s home and doesn’t know where her brother is. Plus, she is being evicted because she is not longer a child, but the caretaker of the home gives her something her father left her: a tin container with a toy car and the Green Lantern ring in it. She also advises Jennie to stop trying to be perfect. Surprisingly, the ring activates despite not being charged for years, and it guides her to where the lantern is, which is the Whitmore/Dugan house. This catches everyone up on why Jennie is here. She also tells them that her father, Scott Alan, was the Green Lantern, which catches Pat’s interest as he knew him. Meanwhile, Jennie knows who Pat is, and assumes that Courtney is Starman’s daughter, which reminds Courtney she is not a "real" legacy hero. Jennie then asks Pat to teach her to use the ring, which he agrees to, as Jennie is invited to stay the night in Courtney’s room by Barbara. Courtney, who’s been looking for villains anywhere, still doesn’t believe Jennie and asks Pat how can he trust her. She could be lying about being Green Lantern’s daughter, but Pat points out that the ring only worked for Adam, so that makes him believe Jennie. However, as Courtney brings up, the staff worked for her even though she’s not related to Starman. Jennie attempts to end any negative assumptions about her, fixing the kitchen and making the family pancakes. This works for almost everyone, as Pat plans to take her to his workshop and teach her about the ring. Courtney tries to go with them, but they stop her because she has

65 Stargirl Episode Guide summer school. Yolanda is also in summer school because her parents enrolled her to keep her occupied; meanwhile, Rick is supposed to be there, but he is back in the woods, again feeding and cleaning after presumably Solomon Grundy, who watches from afar. Isaac, the Fiddler’s son, is in class too, and he seems more aggravated than he was last season. In the workshop, Jennie and Pat see that Zeek added a flamethrower to S.T.R.I.P.E. Once he’s gone, the two get into the lesson. Pat mentions he thought the ring could only work if it’s charged, which it shouldn’t have been after all these years, but since it works for Jennie, he believes he may have remembered wrong. They then try to crack into the lantern to understand it, but Jennie’s nerves cause the lantern to act up. Pat explains that her emotions connect directly to her powers and that the ring allows her to create anything she can imagine. While Jennie fails at first, her second time she is able to make a larger replica of the toy car she was given at thegirls’ home. While things look good for Jennie, Courtney rants to Yolonda about Jennie, but it’s clear she is projecting her own insecurities onto her. Bobbie is also having a rough day, as she is back in housewife mode, cleaning up after Cindy. This is already against her will, but things get stranger when she overhears Eclipso telling her she will never escape Cindy. Along with Eclipso, another mysterious figure enters town, wearing a top hat and shades. He approaches Barbara, introducing himself as Richard Swift. He has an interest William Zarric’s magic antiques and props, offering to buy them from the city council. As if this wasn’t strange enough, his business card lacks contact information, so Barbara says she will look into his request, but she actually plans to contact Pat. Back at the workshop, Jennie shows her powers to Beth and Rick, who’re impressed. She also makes a good impression on Yolanda when she comes over with Courtney. Stargirl learns that Beth and Rick told Jennie about the JSA, and Beth says this is because she is a "real" legacy hero, like Rick. This sets Courtney off, as she proclaims that they shouldn’t trust Jennie. This embarasses and upsets Jennie, so she leaves. The others go after her, and Rick calls out Courtney’s behavior. Meanwhile, Eclipso continues to torment Bonni, showing her visions of her old, free life. This freaks her out more, and Eclipso seemingly possess her, as Bonni’s eye glows purple. He then tells her that she must kill Cindy. While Eclipso brings out the worst in Bonni, Pat tries to remind Courtney about what makes her a great hero, and that’s her ability to see the good in everyone, and he’s confused why she can’t do this for Jennie. Courtney admits she does see how great Jennie is, and she is projecting her own insecurities. Before Courtney can apology, Pat gets Barbara’s phone call about Richard, and he leaves. Courtney then goes to talk to Jennie, and as she apologizes, she mentions how Jennie is what any JSA member wishes they could be and that she has everything. This sets Jennie off, who doesn’t even want the ring; she wants her brother and was hoping the ring could take her to him, not the lantern. In the midst of her anger, the lantern starts to act up, like its about to explode. Outside the workshop, Pat finds Richard and tries to see if he is the villain he thinks heis, noting his vintage car and unique watch. Before they can get too deep into conversation, Pat sees the JSA run by with the glowing lantern. They explain what’s happening and that they’re trying to keep it away from people. When Pat reminds Jennie its connected to her emotions, Courtney realizes that Jennie is the lantern, so she should be able to absorb the excess energy. Jennie agrees to this and warns the others to abandon her for their safety, but Courtney refuses to do so. While it looks like Jennie successfully absorbs the energy, there is a massive explosion, tossing everyone back. It initially appears Jennie dies saving them; however, she didn’t and has gained the ability to fly. Despite being on good terms with Courtney and the JSA, Jennie leaves the following day without saying a word. This prompts Courtney to talk to Pat, who is going through old villain files, seeing the Shade has Richard’s watch. While Courtney promises to be herself first, Stargirl second, Pat tells her there is a villain in town, as he believes Richard is the Shade and the last member of the Injustice Society. Courtney, eager to get back in the game, happily goes to get the staff. Where Courtney is thrilled, Cindy is not, as she returns home to a Bonni who wants to kill her. The two fight, with Bonni using a knife, but Cindy has the upperhand. She begs Bonninotto do anything else, but Eclipso ovepowers Cindy, and he feeds off of Bonni’s hate and corruption. Cindy is furious because she is supposed to be in control, and Eclipso claims he did this to protect her, despite the fact that he egged on Bonni in the first place. He then promises this will

66 Stargirl Episode Guide not happen again, as he is only here to serve. However, as Cindy reveals, she didn’t want Bonni dead, so it’s clear Eclipso has his own agenda.

67 Stargirl Episode Guide

68 Stargirl Episode Guide

Summer School: Chapter Three

Season 2 Episode Number: 16 Season Episode: 3

Originally aired: Tuesday August 24, 2021 Writer: Turi Meyer, Alfredo Septién Director: Lea Thompson Show Stars: Brec Bassinger (Courtney Whitmore / Stargirl), Yvette Monreal (Yolanda Montez / Wildcat), Anjelika Washington (Beth Chapel / Doc- tor Mid-Nite), Cameron Gellman (Rick Tyler / Hourman), Trae Ro- mano (Mike Dugan), Hunter Sansone (Cameron Mahkent), Meg DeLacy (Cindy Burman), Nick E. Tarabay (Eclipso), Amy Smart (Barbara Whit- more), Luke Wilson (Pat Dugan / S.T.R.I.P.E.) Guest Stars: Jim Gaffigan (Thunderbolt (voice)), Jonathan Cake (The Shade / Richard Swift), Alex Collins (Charles McNider (voice)), Ethan Embry (), Brian Stapf (Wildcat / Ted Grant), Alkoya Brun- son (Jakeem Williams), Randy Havens (Paul Desinger), Aldan Kara- novich (Lutz Lone), Zachary Connor (Marky Malarky), Daniel Abi- Sarkis (Devin Dupree), Selah Kimbro Jones (Molly Zchut), Ashley Win- frey (Jenny Williams) Summary: Original JSA member Johnny Thunder’s pen–and the genie-like Thun- derbolt housed in it–fall into Mike’s hands. While Mike tries to become the newest JSA member, Stargirl and the others track down the Shade and try to find out why he’s in Blue Valley.

Eleven Years Ago — Dugan is in his garage when Johnny Thunder comes in and complains that the JS benched him. Pat commiserates, but Johnny takes out his pen and says that he’s more power- ful thanks to the Thunderbolt than all the other JSAers individually or combined. Wildcat comes in and tells them that that the ISA has Grundy, and only members are called in. Johnny goes with Wildcat, while Pat is disappointed at being left be- hind. Present Day — Mike is on his paper route, and misses most of his throws. Three bullies shows up and harass him. At the Dugan house, Pat is making breakfast. Courtney smugly points out that she was right about an old JSA villain being in Blue Valley, and Barbara suggests that STRIPE go with the JSA. Courtney points out that STRIPE isn’t subtle, just as Mike comes in. Pat says that no one is going to make a plan until they have one that everyone agrees on. Mike is interested in the "superheroing stuff", and Pat tells his son that he doesn’t have to worry about it. Mike leaves, disappointed, goes up to his room, and calls his boss Mr. Bloomkiss. As Mike writes down the address of a new customer Bloomkiss has for him, his pen goes dry. He goes into Courtney’s room and takes the pink pen she has on her desk. After the call is done, Mike wishes that he was a superhero. Later, Mike is on his route when he notices the words "So Cool" printed on things he rides past. Mike hits a rock and falls off his bike, and notices that one of his newspapers has a headline

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"So Cool!" When Mike says the words, a pink man-sized and shaped Thunderbolt appears and tells Mike he’s Mike’s new best friend. The Thunderbolt tells Mike that he’s now in control of him, and he used to be a partner with Johnny Thunder, a member of the JSA. The Thunder explains that in his homeland of Bahdnesia, "Sowkewl" sets him free and gives the speaker control of the Thunderbolt. It can grant any wish Mike makes. When Mike asks for water because he’s thirsty, Thunderbolt douses him with water then tells Mike that he has to be specific. Thunderbolt hides in the pen when a woman comes by. As Mike goes home, Thunderbolt explains that it’s not good when people see him. Mike wishes that he was taller and grows, until he realizes that Thunderbolt put him on a bench. It tells Mike that he can’t wish for the same thing and says the rules. Mike can’t wish for someone to die or bring someone back from the dead. At the garage, Rick arrives late and says that he had to feed the dog. He sits down with other JSA members, and Pat admits that Courtney was right. Pat explains that Shade used to work with the ISA but quit, and he’s at least a hundred years old. Shade can manipulate shadows and travel through the shadows, and Pat says that he watched Shade kill Dr. Mid-Nite. Beth is shocked to hear that, and points out that the original Mid-Nite is the only JSAers they haven’t avenged. Pat says that he on0e saw Starman knock out Shade with the Staff, but doesn’t know what to do with Shade afterward. Barbara goes up to the clocktower to check out Zarick’s collection and a top hat falls on the floor behind her. Richard comes up and taps her on the shoulder, and says that hewastold Barbara was up there, and thought they could look around together. Barbara points out that Richard is trespassing, and he says that sometime breaking the rules can be fun. Barbara asks Richard if he’s looking for anything in particularly, and he finds the phone that she dropped. She realizes that its battery is dead, and Richard finds a box. He opens it but there’s nothing inside, and asks if he can keep it. Barbara says that she can’t because it’s part of the inventory, and Richard advances on her. The lights go out and when they come up, Richard is gone. In summer school class, Yolanda has a piercing headache. Courtney notices, and Yolanda tells her that she won’t do what she did with Brainwave by killing him. Mr. Desinger interrupts them, and Courtney answers his question much to Yolanda’s surprise. Courtney tells Yolanda that she read the book. Mike sneaks up on the bullies, who are harassing a girl selling Girl Scout cookies. They take her cookies, and Mike wishes that Thunderbolt would make them stop. He drops stop signs in front of them, and tells Mike that he can’t stop until the bullies do. Mores signs come down, surrounding 4he three bullies, and they run off in different directions. Courtney and Yolanda are coming back from school, and see what’s going on. Mike introduces himself as the newest member of the JSA, and Thunderbolt emerges from the pen and introduces himself. The group go to Pat’s garage, and Pat says that the pen is dangerous and someone could have been called. Pat warns that Thunderbolt could cause trouble no matter what they wish, and tells Mike to give him the pen. Mike is offended that Pat thinks he can’t handle it. When Mike gives Pat the pen, it teleports back to Mike’s hand. Pat wants to talk to Thunderbolt alone, and Mike calls him out. It’s impressed by STRIPE and the new JSA, and Pat points out that even with Thunderbolt’s power Johnny died. Thunderbolt says that Johnny’s last wish was that Thunderbolt find a friend, and it can only be friends with someone who feels alone. Mike is outside waiting, and Courtney comes out and tells him that it’s up to Pat. Her step- brother reminds her that Courtney ignored Pat, and Thunderbolt picked him so it’s his destiny to be a superhero. Courtney considers and agrees. The JSA tells Pat that they voted and decided Mike will be a JSA member, and they can use Thunderbolt to find Shade. Pat agrees to let Mike and Thunderbolt find Shade, buttheyneed to come up with a foolproof wish. They whiteboard ideas, then recite the wish in great detail. Thunderbolt causes a spot on a nearby map to burst into , at Zarick’s old house. Pat tells Mike to stay there while the others confront Shade, much to Mike’s disappointment. That night, Pat calls Barbara and tells them their plan to capture Shade and negate his powers. Beth has modified Barbara’s old tanning bed, and Pat tells Barbara that Mike isoutof

70 Stargirl Episode Guide it. The JSA join Pat, who says Barbara thinks the plan is acceptable. Stargirl makes sure for Wildcat’s benefit that they’ll just imprison Shade. At the Pit Stop, Mike contemplates the pen and sighs. He finally gets up and starts a wish on the whiteboard. The four JSA members and Pat break into the house, and they find Shade waiting for them in the dining room. He isn’t impressed, and invites them to sit down for tea. Pat asks him what he’s doing in Blue Valley, and Shade knows Pat was Stripesy. When the team doesn’t sit down, Dr. Mid-Nite accuses him of killing the original Mid-Nite and Shade tells him that she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Pat tells everyone to sit down, and Stargirl says that she won’t let Shade hurt the town. Shade says that Icicle was a lunatic and they were at odds. Stargirl insists that they’ll never stop fighting people like Shade, and he tells the JSA to stay out of their way and it’s better that none of them know why he’s there. Mike runs in and tells Thunderbolt to zap Shade, spelling it out in detail. Shade grabs Thun- derbolt with shadow tentacles, knocks out Mike, and grabs the others with similar tendrils. They try to pull away the Staff, but its light dissipates them. Shade tells them to stay out of his way and teleports away. Later, Mike goes out on the porch of the house. Wildcat joins him and asks if he’s okay, and he says that he thought he would help them but blew it. She asks if he feel bad about killing Icicle, and Mike says that it was an accident. As he tells Wildcat that he’s no hero, Stargirl comes out and says that they searched for Shade but the villain is gone. At home, Barbara and Pat confront Courtney and Mike. Mike admits that he screwed up and wishes the pen was in better hands, and then the pen disappears. At his home, Mike’s friend Jakeem is playing a video game. He admits that he is a loser, and the pen appears on the table in front of him. Pat tells Barbara that Thunderbolt chose Mike because he felt alone. Barbara says that she and Mike are part of the team, and says that the empty box Richard took contained a black diamond. Pat realizes that it’s the Black Diamond, and very very bad. At the garage, Beth fails to get Chuck working. She snaps at Rick, who is watching her, and he asks what is going on. Beth finally tells Rick that she thinks her parents are getting a divorce, and Rick says that she should talk to them. Before Beth can reply, Chuck comes on line, says a warning about Eclipso, and then goes off line. At the4 clocktower, Shade stands on the ledge and opens the box. He figures that "he" will kill the children and closes the box.

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72 Stargirl Episode Guide

Summer School: Chapter Four

Season 2 Episode Number: 17 Season Episode: 4

Originally aired: Tuesday August 31, 2021 Writer: Taylor Streitz Director: Lea Thompson Show Stars: Brec Bassinger (Courtney Whitmore / Stargirl), Yvette Monreal (Yolanda Montez / Wildcat), Anjelika Washington (Beth Chapel / Doc- tor Mid-Nite), Cameron Gellman (Rick Tyler / Hourman), Trae Ro- mano (Mike Dugan), Hunter Sansone (Cameron Mahkent), Meg DeLacy (Cindy Burman), Nick E. Tarabay (Eclipso), Amy Smart (Barbara Whit- more), Luke Wilson (Pat Dugan / S.T.R.I.P.E.) Guest Stars: Jonathan Cake (The Shade / Richard Swift), Stella Smith (Artemis Crock), Neil Hopkins (Lawrence ’Crusher’ Crock / Sportsmaster), Alex Collins (Chuck (voice)), Joy Osmanski (Paula Brooks / Tigress), Max Frantz (Isaac Bowin), Jay Amir (Petey Tomasi), Kron Moore (Dr. Bridget Chapel), Deborah Bowman (Miss Woods), Maria Sager (Maria Carmen Saravia), Jasun Jabbar Wardlaw Jr. (Brian Balloid), Dorothy Sanders (Judy Etter), Rico Ball (Tyrone Morrison), Charles Green (Mr. Merlin), Jesse O’Neill (Officer Farley), Blaire Erskine (Millie Myers), Luna Tieu (Suzanne Ito), Lesa Wilson (Bobbie Burman) Summary: As Pat considers whether he should come clean to Courtney about Eclipso’s past, a surprise visit from Crock and Paula catches him and Barbara off guard. A tense run-in with The Shade provides Courtney with some valuable information. Finally, Cindy makes her move.

In prison, Artemis meets separately with her parents Paula and Lawrence, who are imprisoned. They assure Artemis that she’ll be good in her upcoming tryouts. She isn’t sure, and her father tells her that she’s the best in the state. She tells each of her parents that the other loves them. The guard comes in to take Artemis out. At the Chapel house, Beth tries to reach Chuck and determine why they’re in danger from Eclipso. As the AI searches the house, Bridget comes in and Beth hastily hides the goggles. Beth tells Bridget that she just missed James, and suggests they go on a mini-golf date like they used to. Bridget says that they’re both very busy and suggests Beth and her friends go, and leaves. Once she’s alone, Beth puts the goggles back on. the goggles bring up a confidential file on Eclipso, and Beth is surprised that anything in the database is confidential. At the Dugan house, Pat and Barbara wonder if they should tell Courtney about Eclipso. Courtney comes in and overhears them, and Pat and Courtney both wonder how they know about Eclipso. Courtney says what Beth told her the goggle said about Eclipso, and that she couldn’t find anything in the JSA files in the basement. When she asks Pat about Eclipso, Pat says that Eclipso is the "devil in the shadows", and real evil. Eclipso lives in the black diamond, and whoever it has Eclipso’s powers.

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Pat explains that Eclipso can influence others, and drive them to do evil. The more active Eclipso is, the more powerful he becomes. Courtney wonders what Shade plans to do when he teams up with Eclipso, and Pat admits that he doesn’t know. When Barbara looks nervous, Courtney promises her mother that she won’t rush in and they’ll research Eclipso first. In the ISA tunnels, Cindy says that she didn’t want her stepmother dead, and talks to the diamond. Eclipso says that it isn’t about her mother. An image of Bobbie appears and asks Cindy if Cindy is going to hurt her. Cindy says that she’s sorry for killing Bobbie, and tells eclipse to the make the image go away. He does, and says that he wanted to show Cindy that she had to put the past before her. When Cindy threatens to destroy the diamond, Eclipso says that he only desires what Cindy desires. An image of the ISA that Cindy is preparing to form appears on top of the portrait of the original ISA. Artemis’s foster mother drives Artemis home, and Artemis complains that her mother doesn’t buy wheat protein or a protein bar. When Artemis snaps at her foster mother, she threatens not to take any more collect calls from the prison. Artemis says that her tryouts are that day, and asks what she’s supposed to do for food. Her foster mother doesn’t care, and Artemis gets out and goes to the school’s empty field. She imagines her parents in the stand, cheering her. A newspaper boy finds his papers, including one with a headline of Paula and "Crusher" breaking out of prison. The couple confront the boy and Paula tells him not to try running because he can’t. Crusher agrees and chuckles. In the school cafeteria, Courtney and Yolanda are getting lunch. Artemis is in line with them, and Courtney offers Artemis an apple as a peace offering for the earlier misunderstanding. Artemis takes that apple, and Courtney says that she’s sorry that Artemis is in the situation she is. The other girl says that Crocks don’t forgive or forget, crushes the apple, and walks out. Rick gets another perfect score on the retest, and he tells Miss Woods that he studied. Woods apologizes for doubting Rick, and Rick says that everyone does and it’s okay, before walking out. In the cafeteria, Isaac is sitting alone eating. Cindy comes in and says that she always admired his musical talents. Isaac is surprised that he noticed her, and Cindy says that she wants to make new friends and asks if he wants to be friend. Cindy says that she knows what Isaac went through losing his parents. When he asks how her parents died, Cindy smiles and says "Horribly". Pat is driving through Blue Valley, goes to Pit Stop, and goes in, calling to Mike. He discovers that the lock on the backroom is broken, goes in, and finds Crusher holding Mike hostage. Paula joins them and explains that they left a decoy trail to misdirect the cops to Florida. Paula and Lawrence say that Artemis has tryouts, and if Pat helps the couple lay low, they’ll go back to prison without incident once they see Artemis perform on the field. Crusher threatens to tell everyone about STRIPE if Pat doesn’t cooperate, and Pat agrees. Pat takes the Crocks to his house, and tells Barbara what’s going on. She points out that the Crocks tried to kill her, and Pat says that they should cooperate to keep things "moving forward". Barbara goes to the kitchen, and Crusher tells Pat that Pat is letting himself go. He tells Pat to start training Mike now, while Paula goes into the kitchen. She and Barbara look nervously at each other, and Paula notices the blast marks from Jade and Courtney fighting. Barbara says that they’re remodeling. Crusher talks about life in prison, and Pat asks if he keeps up with the ISA. The criminal says that the rest of them are putzes, and he and Paula never fit in. Pat asks about Shade, and Crusher says that he hasn’t seen him in years and Shade made fun of him. Crusher starts bonding with Pat, who plays along. Paula criticizes Barbara letting her children eating processed foods, and they compare notes about how their daughters don’t listen. They find out that they have a lot in common, and Paula agrees to have some of Barbara’s coffee. Yolanda is working as a waitress at the diner, as Courtney, Rick, and Beth eat. When Yolanda joins them, they go over what they’ve learned about the black diamond. It comes from Devil’s Island, but isn’t on any present-day maps. It was taken off the maps in 1830s because nobody ever came back. There were two tribes on the island, and one tribe trapped a demon in the black diamond. An explorer, Bruce Gordon, discovered the island. Bruce was a famous explorer in his day, and found both tribes dead. There’s nothing about Bruce or Eclipso online. Yolanda goes back to work, Beth goes home to work on Chuck, Courtney goes to a used book store to do more research, and Rick says that he has to feed the "dog". Rick and Beth stay behind,

74 Stargirl Episode Guide and Rick says that he got a big dog. Cindy takes Isaac to the ISA conference room, and says that the JSA killed their parents. Isaac’s father, Fiddler, is in the painting. Cindy takes out Fiddler’s violin, and tells Isaac that he’ll learn to play it. At the used book store, Courtney asks the owner if he has any books on Brue Gordon. he directs her to the explorer section, and Richard is there and says that he knows who she is. She says that she knows he plans to team up with Eclipso and the new JS will stop him. Richard says that he doesn’t plan to conspire with Eclipso, and denies having killed Dr. Mid-Nite. He tells her that he’s wicked but not evil, and the only people he’s killed are those who deserve it. Richard tells Courtney that Eclipso killed Dr. Mid-Nite’s 10-year-old daughter, and says that he plans to throw the diamond in the deepest part of the ocean so Eclipso can’t hurt anyone again. Courtney asks Richard why he would do that, and he says that as an immortal he’s bored. He tells Courtney to leave it all to him, and disappears into the shadows. Courtney returns home and asks Barbara where Pat is. Pat and the Crocks go to the stadium, and they sit down and watch the tryouts. Paula tells Pat that Barbara is lovely, and Artemis is quarterback. She gets tackled, and the Crocks complain about the ref. They call to Artemis and she sees them and smiles, then makes a play that results in a touchdown on a 40-yard pass. The Crocks cheer and hug each other. A smiling Cindy enters the stadium and watches Artemis. She takes out the diamond, sees Courtney, and Eclipso tells Cindy that Artemis will be Cindy’s to use. Courtney sees the Crocks. Eclipso possesses Artemis, and makes Artemis see police moving in on her parents. She attacks one officer, beating him to the ground and yelling that her parents did nothing wrong. The other players pull Artemis away, and Eclipso’s spell ends and Artemis realizes that she attacked Courtney and there were no police. Chuckling, Cindy leaves. After the tryouts end, Paula and Lawrence talk to their daughter. They tell her that they’re not innocent, and didn’t want to ruin her dreams by telling her they were criminals. Artemis says that she did good because they were there, and her parents tell her that they’re not going to get in the way of her future and it has to be goodbye. The family hugs, while Pat and Courtney look on and Courtney wonders why she feels bad for them. She says that she wouldn’t have rushed in and fought, and asks Pat if he knew Eclipso killed Dr. Mid-Nite’s daughter. Pat says that he didn’t want to scare Courtney, and Courtney says that she’s not scared. She asks if Pat knows anything else about Eclipso or Bruce, and he says that he doesn’t and follows the Crocks back to prison. Artemis gets a call from the principal saying that with her temper, she can’t represent the school. Cindy approaches Artemis and says that she has another team Artemis can join: one that the Crocks were part of. That night, Barbara asks Pat if he told Courtney everything. He says that he didn’t and wonders if he should, and Barbara says that now that Artemis knows her parents were criminals, she’ll never be the same. Pat warns that if they tell Courtney about Eclipso and the JSA, she’ll and the others will never be the same. They agree to protect Courtney from the truth, and hug. Stargirl prepares to go out and asks Shade what’s going on, despite the Staff trying to pull her back. In her bedroom, Beth tries to hack the confidential file. Chuck contacts her and askswho she is, but the AI doesn’t remember her. Chuck asks where Pat is, and says that he’s Charles McNider and has been trapped in the shadows for years. The goggles lose the signal, and Beth figures that Dr. Mid-Nite is alive. In the Shadowlands, Dr. Mid-Nite tries to contact Beth.

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76 Stargirl Episode Guide

Summer School: Chapter Five

Season 2 Episode Number: 18 Season Episode: 5

Originally aired: Tuesday September 07, 2021 Writer: Steve Harper Director: Sheelin Choksey Show Stars: Brec Bassinger (Courtney Whitmore / Stargirl), Yvette Monreal (Yolanda Montez / Wildcat), Anjelika Washington (Beth Chapel / Doc- tor Mid-Nite), Cameron Gellman (Rick Tyler / Hourman), Trae Ro- mano (Mike Dugan), Hunter Sansone (Cameron Mahkent), Meg DeLacy (Cindy Burman), Nick E. Tarabay (Eclipso), Amy Smart (Barbara Whit- more), Luke Wilson (Pat Dugan / S.T.R.I.P.E.) Guest Stars: Jonathan Cake (The Shade / Richard Swift), Stella Smith (Artemis Crock), Randy Havens (Paul Deisinger), Nelson Lee (Dr. Ito / Dragon King), Max Frantz (Isaac Bowin), Kay Galvin (Lily Mahkent), King Orba (Zeek), Kron Moore (Dr. Bridget Chapel), Gilbert Glenn Brown (James Chapel), Luna Tieu (Suzanne Ito), Sophia Annabella Kim (Young Cindy Burman) Summary: As Pat and Courtney clash over their next steps in their search for Eclipso, ominous weather conditions in Blue Valley hint that he may be near. Meanwhile, Cindy’s plan to recruit another student takes an unexpected turn, and Cameron opens up to Courtney.

Farmersville, California: 10 Years Ago — A girl in her bed screams for her mother. Her mother runs in to the girl, Cindy, and Cindy says she saw her father and he wants to change her. The older woman assures Cindy that her father is far away and he won’t find them. Once Cindy’s mother leaves, Cindy goes back to sleep and someone steps out of the shadows. Waking up and seeing it, Cindy screams. Present Day — Cindy is standing in the street, and Lily comes up and tells Cindy to stay away from Lily’s grandson Cameron, who is across the street. Cindy says that she can talk to whoever she wants, and Lily tells Cindy that Dragon King was a monster and so is Cindy. Cindy says that Jordan was a monster, and Lily breathes cold air. As Cindy walks away nervously, Lily’s eyes turn white. That night, Stargirl returns home and goes into her bedroom. Pat is waiting for her and points out that it’s past curfew, and he asks where she was. Courtney admits that she was out looking for Shade, and Pat wonders why. She tells her stepfather about meeting Shade earlier at the bookstore, and he was the one who told her about Dr. Mid-Nite’s daughter. Courtney points out that Shade was more honest with her than Pat was, and she went to propose that she and Shade team-up to find Eclipso. Pat says that Eclipso brings out darkness in the weather as well as people, and notes that the recent weather in Nebraska has been sunny except in Blue Valley. He figures that they have to play it out, and not ask Shade for help. Pat reminds Courtney that Shade has killed people and he’s not on their side. As Pat goes, Courtney says that she’ll stick to the curfew and Pat apologizes

77 Stargirl Episode Guide for not telling her about Dr. Mid-Nite’s daughter. She wonders if Pat is holding anything else back, and Pat claims that there isn’t and leaves The next day as storm clouds gather above Blue Valley, and Cameron is looking on the mural. A wind comes up, and Cameron prepares to paint his father’s face onto the mural. As the storm clouds move in, Cameron goes to school and runs into Paul Deisinger. Cameron says that he’s going to use the studio because it looks like it’s going to rain. He drops his notebook, and Paul picks it up and notices that Cameron has made several sketches of his muse. Paul says that maybe Cameron has found his muse. Courtney and Yolanda come up, and Courtney nervously says that they should talk about the weather. Paul tells Cameron that his art can say what he can’t, and he should show Courtney his sketches. Cindy is in the studio, and when Cameron comes in. He asks what she’s doing there, and she says that she’d like to see some of his work. Cindy offers her condolences about Jordan’s death, and Cameron tells her not to say that she’s sorry about his father because she’s never been sorry about anything. Cindy extends a shiv from her sleeve behind her back and prepares to kill Cameron. Paul comes in and gives Cameron his sketchbook back, and Cindy brushes past him. Eclipso pos- sesses Paul and tells him that he’s his new muse. Barbara goes to her office at American Dream and finds Richard waiting for her. She says that she knows who Richard is, and he says that she reminds him of someone from long ago. Barbara tells Richard not to get any ideas about her, and he says that she reminds him of family. Richard says that Barbara should tell Courtney to stop interfering in his affairs. Barbara says that they want to know more about the black diamond, and Richard tells her that the weather is but a prelude and she doesn’t want to see a finale. Richard says that she should never speak of the diamond again, and the JSA are too young to face the horror within. He starts to warn her, and Barbara asks why he cares. Richard says that he doesn’t, and if Courtney learns where the diamond is she should relay its location to Richard through her. Barbara points out that his card has no contact number, and she opens her drawer to get it and finds a number burned into it. When she turns, she discovers that Richard isgone. Rick is taking more food to the forest, and remembers when his parents were killed by Grundy. He drives into town and sees Cameron working on the mural, and revs his engine to get Cameron’s attention. Cameron asks if Rick needs something, and Rick says that he doesn’t, looks once more at the mural, and drives off. At the Pit stop, Pat meets with Beth and says that they should use the goggle so track the weather. Rick comes in and Beth tells him that she heard Charles McNider through the goggle. She figures that McNider is alive somewhere and they should find him. Pat warns thatEclipso can create hallucinations, but Rick wonders if Beth is right. Pat says that they won’t rest until they find McNider, but until Beth hears from him again they need to focus on theweather. At school, Paul is in his class and coughs. He clears his throat and goes back to teaching history. He describes Helen as a historical muse, and starts coughing again. The teacher finally suggests that they end early, then runs into the studio and coughs up paint. The lights flicker and Pauls’ eyes glow with the diamond’s power. Pat drives to Zeek’s auto junkyard, and Barbara insists on going with him. She reminds Pat that the Thunderbolt said that Mike is lonely, and they find Mike and Zeek checking out a junker. Pat asks Mike what he’s doing, and Mike says that he might buy a car, as a getaway car for the team. After asking Zeek to step aside, Pat tells Mike that they’ll work to him buying a car and he understands his frustration. Mike is upset, and Pat suggests that they work on a JSA project and start small. Smiling, Mike hugs Pat and thanks him as Barbara looks on, smiling. Courtney and Yolanda are walking home, and Yolanda says that her headaches are better and thinks she’s been focused on Eclipso. They come to Cameron and the mural, and Courtney tells Yolanda to go on. Once Yolanda leaves, Courtney goes over to Cameron and admires his work. They talk about Jordan, and Cameron says that he wants to show Courtney something weird. He takes out his sketchbook and shows her his sketches of her, and Courtney looks at it and smiles. At the school, Paul looks at a blank canvas and coughs. Eclipso tells him that Paul has been blessed, and Paul’s artistry deserves to be seen again. The demon asks what he sees, and Paul

78 Stargirl Episode Guide sees an image in his mind and find sit beautiful. Eclipso tells Paul to show the world, andPaul grabs black paint and goes to work. Cameron takes Courtney to his studio at his house, and says that he doesn’t plan on leaving Blue Valley until he graduates. When she says that depriving the world of his talent could be selfish, they look at each other and start to kiss. Courtney’s phone dings and shechecksthe weather pattern that Beth has sent her. She says that she has to go and Cameron reminds her that she’s run out on him before. Courtney says that it’s the last time and leaves. Cameron sees his grandmother Lily in another window, watching them, and she closes the shutters. That night when the JSA assembles, Dr. Mid-Nite tracks the epicenter of the weather to the school’s football field. She tells the others, and Stargirl explains that Pat is with Mikesohe couldn’t be with them. Stargirl spots Paul’s car parked next to the field, and goes into the school to see if the teacher is in trouble. They go through the hallways, and Dr. Mid-Nite picks up an electrical disturbance ahead. The JSA see a flickering light coming from the studio, and go inside. Paint is scattered every- where, but there’s no sign of Paul. The black diamond is drawn on the wall, and there are other canvases with the diamond painted on them. Wildcat finds a painting with Brainwave’s face on it, and it "talks" to her by name. Sheclutches at her head briefly, and then a face protrudes out from the diamond wall painting. Theothers run for the door but discover that it’s sealed. As darkness spreads from the painting, Hourman punches the door open. Lockers fly open and Eclipso taunts the JSA with their worst fear. Wildcat sees the people she killed, Hourman is confront images of himself and Grundy, and Dr. Mid-Nite sees pictures of her parents Stargirl deflects the locker doors flying at them, and blasts the darkness as it crawls across the ceiling. She hears Paul yelling, and follows his vice to wear he’s in the hallway covered in the darkness, saying that he sees it all. Stargirl asks him if he has the diamond, and Paul says that he’s blinded by the darkness and it’s all he can see. Stargirl uses her staff to fire a beam of light, and tells Paul to grab it. He touches the Staff and the darkness retreats. The JSAers snap out of their hallucinations, and wonder what happened. They find Stargirl and Paul lying on the floor, and Paul mutters that he’s lost his muse. The team go to the Pit Stop, and Pat tells them that Paul is undergoing psychiatric evaluation. They figure that Eclipso was working through Paul, and Pat warns that Eclipso’s power isgrowing and he’s reaching out past the black diamond. The next morning, Beth is at home when her parents return. She is looking at a photo of her family, and tells her parents that she found divorce papers and asks what is going on. They say that it’s a mutual decision but they haven’t decided to go through with it yet, but it doesn’t change that they love her. Bridget says that she has to go to work, but they’ll talk more that night. James and Bridget awkwardly hug Beth, then leave. In the ISA base, Cindy tells Isaac and Artemis that Cameron isn’t worth the trouble and it’s just the three of them. She says that the diamond is all the help they need, and it’s power that she controls. Cindy tells them that they need to get Mike, and laughs. Cameron is working on the mural, then clutches at his hand in pain. He drops his brush and it frosts over.

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80 Stargirl Episode Guide

Summer School: Chapter Six

Season 2 Episode Number: 19 Season Episode: 6

Originally aired: Tuesday September 14, 2021 Writer: Paula Sevenbergen Director: Walter Carlos Garcia Show Stars: Brec Bassinger (Courtney Whitmore / Stargirl), Yvette Monreal (Yolanda Montez / Wildcat), Anjelika Washington (Beth Chapel / Doc- tor Mid-Nite), Cameron Gellman (Rick Tyler / Hourman), Trae Ro- mano (Mike Dugan), Hunter Sansone (Cameron Mahkent), Meg DeLacy (Cindy Burman), Nick E. Tarabay (Eclipso), Amy Smart (Barbara Whit- more), Luke Wilson (Pat Dugan / S.T.R.I.P.E.) Guest Stars: Jonathan Cake (The Shade / Richard Swift), Stella Smith (Artemis Crock / Sportsmaster II), Milo Stein (Young Bruce Gordon), Max Frantz (Isaac Bowin), King Orba (Zeek), Gilbert Glenn Brown (James Chapel), Maria Sager (Maria Carmen Saravia), Gregory Konow (Grumpy Joe) Summary: While Cindy, Isaac, and Artemis take Mike hostage to bring the JSA to them so they can get revenge for the original ISA, Eclipso finds a way to free himself from the black diamond, feed, and unleashes his evil on Blue Valley after depowering the Staff and wounding Shade.

At the café, one of the customers com- plains about Yolanda bringing him the wrong food again. Maria tells Yolanda that she’ll take care of the customer Joe. Isaac comes in and Yolanda puts on a smile and tries to take his order. Isaac tells her that he saw the pictures she took of herself, and everyone did. Yolanda tells him to order, and Isaac tells her that he knows what she and her friends did to his mother and father. With that, Isaac walks out. Beth sits on the couch in her father’s office, and her father James comes in, startling her. She shows him the lunch she brought him, Beth says that she wants to talk about him and Bridget, and James tells her that he promised Bridget that he wouldn’t talk to Beth unless they were together. Beth says that she did some research on romantic getaways, and James tells his daughter that he and Bridget can’t take their jobs off. He says that he doesn’t want to discuss it there, and they’ll talk more when he and Bridget get home. He asks if it’s okay, and Beth says that it isn’t okay. Her father assures her that he loves her and kisses her on the forehead, and leaves. Beth goes out and calls Rick, leaving a message that she needs to talk to him. Artemis is nearby and throws a tennis ball at Beth, and taunts her about her still being afraid of the ball since seventh-grade gym glass. The girl says that parents are in prison, and one day her family just "blew up". Beth starts to say that she does, and Artemis tells Beth that she has a perfect family and it will be the two of them against each other. Artemis walks off, and Beth picks up the phone that she dropped. At the school, Courtney and Pat go to the art class and shows him the painting of Diablo Island. Her stepfather says that Eclipso made the JSA see the other painting. Cameron comes in

81 Stargirl Episode Guide and asks them what happened to Deisinger. Pat tells him that the teacher was sent for psychiatric care, and Cameron says that Deisinger is a friend. Cameron asks what they’re doing there, and Courtney says that they volunteered to clean up. The teenager asks why bad things keep happening to good people. Pat finds a painting of Cindy holding the black diamond up to hereye. Cameron wonders what it is, and Courtney claims that she doesn’t know what it is. Cameron tells them that Cindy was there and wanted to talk about her father. Pat suggests that they should go, and Courtney tells Cameron that they’ll talk later and goes with her stepfa- ther. Out in the hallway, they agree that they need to find Cindy. Courtney goes to get the Staff and her friends, and Pat goes to get STRIPE. At Zeek’s auto yard, he and Mike discuss if Mike should get a motorbike. Mike says that Pat won’t let him get anything with wheels because he might hurt himself, and Zeek says that robots don’t have wheels. The mechanic says that he’s building STRIPE a chainsaw, and Mike cheers up at the possibility of equipping the robot. Mike goes into Zeek’s garage and looks through the parts. He finds a drill bit, unaware that Cindy is watching him. She sneaks up on him and Mike tells her to stay away from him. Cindy isn’t impressed and says that she wants Mike’s help. She explains that she’s putting together a team and Mike is a vital part of it. When he says that he would never join, Cindy says that she doesn’t want Mike and he doesn’t do anything, just like Pat. She tells Mike that he’s going to be the bait. At the Pit Stop, Pat activates STRIPE and then clutches at his head in pain. Isaac steps out of the shadows, playing his father’s violin, and blasts Pat back with a wave of sound. Pat crawls up the stairs to the upper level, and a costumed Artemis-Sportsmaster– jumps over the balcony and kicks him. She attacks him and then beats him when he refuses to hit a child. She kicks him over the balcony, and Isaac blasts him unconscious. Sportsmaster stops Isaac, saying that Pat is a friend of her father’s and they’re there for STRIPE. The concussed Pat gets taken to the hospital, and Barbara and Courtney sit at his bedside as he lies unconscious. Courtney tries to call Mike but gets no answers. Bridget has examined Pat and said he should be okay. Courtney blames herself for not going to the Pit Stop with Pat, and Barbara hugs her and says that it isn’t her fault. At the Pit Stop, Beth and Yolanda are examining STRIPE when Rick comes in. They compare notes and Rick figures that Cindy is behind it. At the hospital, Courtney tells Barbara that Cindy has the black diamond. Cindy calls Court- ney on Mike’s phone, and says that she wants to hurt Courtney, but first she’s going to hurt Courtney’s friends and family. After Courtney sees them suffer, she’ll rip Courtney apart herself. Cindy tells Courtney to come to her at the cafeteria in one hour or Mike dies. After Cindy hangs up, Eclipso tells her that it’s her time now. However, she should remember to leave Courtney for last so he can feed on her soul. Pat tells Barbara if she doesn’t know if she can take on Cindy without Pat. Barbara tells her stepdaughter that she can do it, and Courtney should be Stargirl for them... and kick Cindy’s ass. Barbara looks at Richard’s card, then calls him. There’s no answer, but Richard appears behind her and says that there’s apparently been trouble. Barbara tells him what’s happened. He doesn’t see that it’s his concern until Barbara tells him that Cindy has the black diamond. The JSA go into the cafeteria and hear Isaac playing. Sportsmaster and Shiv are with him, Shiv says that she got bored waiting and Mike is dead, and a furious Stargirl attacks her. Sportsmaster attacks Hourman and Dr. Mid-Nite, and Dr. Mid-Nite uses her goggles to project a hologram of the adult ISA, captured or dead. Wildcat attacks Isaac-Fiddler–and he deafens her with her music. She manages to get close enough to kick him, and Wildcat pursues him as he runs off. Dr. Mid-Nite spots Mike tied up in a nearby storage room, while Hourman and Sportsmaster fight. She goes to rescue him, and unties him. Wildcat hides while Fiddler comes after her. He starts playing again, and Wildcat charges at him. The three pairs continue fighting, and Sportsmaster attaches a bomb to Hourman’s chest. It detonates, and Stargirl knocks Shiv down attacks Sportsmaster and Fiddler, and the heroes rally and take the two villains down. Shiv recovers and pins Stargirl, and Mike arrive and hits Shiv in the back of the head with a toaster from a cafeteria. Hourman and Wildcat join forces, knocking Shiv back, and Courtney

82 Stargirl Episode Guide hugs Mike in relief as Dr. Mid-Nite joins them. The villains recover, and Shiv says that she’ll do it herself. She takes out the diamond and project a wave of darkness. Shade arrives and dissipates the darkness, and tells Shiv that she doesn’t understand what she’s wielding. Shiv says that she know exactly what the diamond is, Shade tells her to give her the diamond, and Eclipso tells Shiv that it’ time for her. Eclipso possesses her and uses the diamond on Shade, forcing him back. Stargirl flies forward and touches the diamond with the Staff. The diamond shatters in a burst of energy. James is leaving his office, and looks up at the sky. So does Zeek at his autoyard. In the hospital, Pat wakes up. Barbara looks out the windows and sees an eclipse above. In the cafeteria the two teams recover after having been knocked down by the blast. Eclipso is there„ having fully manifested, steps forward, and shiv says that he betrayed her. He easily catches her hand when she tries to stab him, and rips the shiv out of her sleeve. Eclipso grabs her and lifts her into the air, throws her shiv into Isaac, and then tosses Shiv away. As Isaac lies clutching at the blade in his chest, Eclipso absorbs his soul and Isaac disin- tegrates. Sportsmaster runs, and Shiv yells at Eclipso that he owes her. Eclipso picks up the shards of the black diamond and says that he owes her nothing, and tosses one of the shards. It liquefies and pulls her in, and Stargirl runs to Shiv and ties to pull her out. She failsandthe puddle disappears with Shiv. Hourman attacks Eclipso, who easily knocks him back. Shade tells Eclipso that he’s pathetic, feeding on the souls of children. When Shade casts a wave of darkness, Eclipso walks through them, says that Shade’s powers come from his home, and grabs Shade and throws him away. Stargirl swings the Staff at Eclipso, and he catches it and withstands its light, then runs out. She goes after the demon but discovers that he’s gone... and the Staff is burned out. She looks up at the eclipse on the moon, which disappears. Shade teleports to the American Dream, still moaning in pain from his injuries. After a mo- ment, he teleports away. Mike and Courtney go to the hospital, and tell Pat and Barbara what happened. Courtney fig- ures that Eclipso was using them and Cindy to get out of the diamond where he was imprisoned. Pat doesn’t know what Eclipso will do next, and Courtney tells him about the Staff. Mike figures that he needs to up his training, and wants his own STRIPE. Pat takes his son’s hand to comfort him. At the Pit Stop, Beth uses the goggles to analyze Rick’s injuries. Yolanda says that Isaac was troubled but not evil, and he didn’t deserve to die. She says that Eclipso deserves to die, if they can find him. Eclipso moves through the town’s alleys, then turns into a young Bruce Gordon and laughs in triumph as he walks down the street.

83 Stargirl Episode Guide

84 Stargirl Episode Guide

Summer School: Chapter Seven

Season 2 Episode Number: 20 Season Episode: 7

Originally aired: Tuesday September 21, 2021 Writer: Robbie Hyne Director: Sheelin Choksey Show Stars: Brec Bassinger (Courtney Whitmore / Stargirl), Yvette Monreal (Yolanda Montez / Wildcat), Anjelika Washington (Beth Chapel / Doc- tor Mid-Nite), Cameron Gellman (Rick Tyler / Hourman), Trae Ro- mano (Mike Dugan), Hunter Sansone (Cameron Mahkent), Meg DeLacy (Cindy Burman), Nick E. Tarabay (Eclipso), Amy Smart (Barbara Whit- more), Luke Wilson (Pat Dugan / S.T.R.I.P.E.) Guest Stars: Christopher James Baker (Henry King Sr. / Brainwave), Jake Austin Walker (Henry King Jr.), Jonathan Cake (The Shade / Richard Swift), Milo Stein (Young Bruce Gordon), Gilbert Glenn Brown (James Chapel), Tywayne Wheatt (Principal Harold Sherman), Kenny Alfonso (Father Thomas), Leander Suleiman (Janet O’Lessio), Maria Sager (Maria Carmen Saravia), Gregory Konow (Grumpy Joe), Vee Bhakta (Richie Howard), Kikéy Castillo (Maria Montez) Summary: Eclipso disappears, and Yolanda tries to deal with her guilt over killing Brainwave. However, her past comes back to haunt her and leads to her questioning her role in the JSA. Meanwhile, Barbara suspects that Shade isn’t dead, and Mike has an encounter with some of the black diamond shards.

Yolanda goes to the church and sits in the confessional, and Father Thomas en- ters the booth next to her and asks if she wants to talk or just sits. The teenager asks if the Devil is real, and says that she’s seen him. Thomas asks what the Devil made her do, and Yolanda says that something terrible has happened. She wonders if they should stop the Devil be- cause God isn’t on Earth, and if she can be forgiven if she kills something truly evil. Clutching at her head in pain, Yolanda remembers watching Brainwave dead. She comes out of her fugue and says that the Devil is real and in Blue Valley, and leaves. July 3 — A marching band goes through Main Street, and the people gather for the 4th of July parade. In the basement, Courtney and Pat are in the basement looking at the staff, and Courtney says that the Staff is weak but getting better. She reminds Pat that Eclipso killed Isaac and Cindy in front of them, and possibly Shade. Pat notes that there has been nothing in the news about Eclipso, including disappearances, and Courtney wonders how they can really know. Courtney asks Pat why Eclipso would stay in Blue Valley, and Pat admits that he doesn’t know but figures that the reason isn’t good. At the American Dream, the staff meet and Janet says that they can’t save everyone by sav- ing people in other towns. Barbara points out that almost 200 people will lose their jobs, but Janet isn’t impressed. Barbara suggests that they liquidate their back stock, and says that Jor- dan wouldn’t have given up on their neighbor, Oakvale. The staff all vote in favor of Barbara’s proposal, adjourn the meeting, and leave.

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Barbara looks at a portrait on the wall of Jordan, then hears someone behind her saying the name "Emily". She turns, but there’s no one there. The voice says that name again, and a shadow spreads across the ceiling and then disappears. A single drop of blackness falls on the floor, and Barbara touches it. At the diner, Yolanda is standing staring off into space. Maria startles her when she comes up, and asks Yolanda if she’s doing okay. Yolanda says that she is, and Maria points out Grumpy Joe is in Yolanda’s section but she’ll take care of him. Maria goes over to Joe, who complains that he’s been waiting. Maria’s eyes glow with the black diamond’s power, and Maria pours coffee on Joe. The boss tells Maria to go home, and Yolanda sees Bruce standing nearby. She tell him that it just an accident and gives him a lollipop. Bruce isn’t impressed, and Yolanda looks over at Joe. When she turns back, Bruce is gone. Courtney calls Beth, who says that she doesn’t know how to track Eclipso. She points out that the town doesn’t appear to be in summer even though it is, she doesn’t know how to contact McNider again, and isn’t sure what’s real anymore. Courtney says that they should keep looking and tells Beth to stay safe. Cameron comes up behind Courtney to surprise her, and she instinctively slams him into the wall. He says that he and his father Jordan used to set up decorations for the 4th of July, and invites her to help. She gets a call, but tells Cameron that she’s right where she needs to be. At the Pit Stop, Pat and Mike look at the damage caused to S.T.R.I.P.E. by Artemis and Isaac. They go to work repairing it, and Pat tells Mike that he has to have patience. Mike isn’t impressed. Yolanda leaves the diner, and hears Eclipso calling her name and saying that he’s there. The whirring noise in Yolanda’s head briefly strikes her, and Yolanda texts Courtney and says that she needs to talk. Then Yolanda sees Courtney across the street with Cameron, decorating. Going to the church inside, Yolanda enters and finds Thomas. He’s with Yolanda’s mother, and Mrs. Montez angrily asks how Yolanda could drive Thomas into her problems. Thomas says that Yolanda needs support, not judgment. Before Mrs. Montez can respond, Yolanda sees Bruce goes out the doors and goes after him. However, when she goes outside, there’s no sign of the boy. At the school, Principal Sherman takes over for Deisinger. Courtney is busy looking at photos on her phone of her and Cameron. Yolanda notices and sees Henry outside. She goes after him out into the hallway, and sees Henry at the end of the hallway walking around the corner. Yolanda starts to follow her, but hears the same noise in her head. She overcomes the pain and goes around the corner, and there is a spot of black on the floor. Henry is there, and staggers into the cafeteria. Yolanda goes in after him and he turns to face her. Henry says that she never forgave him, and he’s in a bad place because of that, burning. Yolanda tells Henry that she forgives him, and he says that Brainwave will never forgive her. Brainwave walks up to Yolanda and says that he’ll never forgive her. Yolanda wakes up when Courtney checks on her, and finds herself back in the classroom. Upset, Yolanda leaves. Courtney catches up to Yolanda in the hallway, and Yolanda tells her what she saw. Yolanda points out that she has been having the hallucinations before Eclipso, and it’s her punishment. Courtney tells her friend that she’s there for Yolanda, and they should talk to Rick and Beth. Yolanda wonders if they’ll understand, and Courtney says that they will and they can face it as a team. Mike and Pat continue working on STRIPE, and Pat says that being prepared is the only thing they can do until Eclipso shows up is be prepared. Pat goes up front and leaves Mike to his work. A cloth-wrapped package on a nearby worktable moves on its own. Mike sees it and goes over, unwraps the bundle, and finds three pieces of the shattered black diamond inside. When Mike puts one shard down, it moves across the table to the other two. Leeches appear on Mike’s body, and he panics and tries to brush them off. Pat comes back and finds Mike clawing at himself but there’s nothing there. Mike tellshis father what happened, and Pat tells him not to touch the shards. Mike asks Pat why he still has them, and Pat tells his son that the diamond was Eclipso’s only weakness before and he’s hoping it still is. The four teenagers meet at the Whitmore house, and Yolanda says that she doesn’t know if she can do it. At Courtney’s silent urging, Yolanda says that she killed Brainwave. Yolanda explains what happened, and how she killed Brainwave when he used his powers to disguise himself as Henry.

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Rick says that he would have killed Brainwave if he had the chance, and Yolanda asks him why he didn’t kill Grundy. Rick says that his hour was up, but Yolanda isn’t convinced and figures that he’s a better person. When Rick tells Yolanda that she did what she had to,heturns to Beth but she says that she doesn’t know. Yolanda says that she’s the only killer among them, and they’ll have to kill Eclipso when they find him. She asks if any of them can do it, andshe’ll have to kill Eclipso to save the rest of them, and she’ll have to be the JSA member who kills. Yolanda leaves despite Courtney’s protests. Yolanda goes back to the confessional, and Thomas in the adjoining booth asks if she’s okay. Crying, she tells Thomas that she murdered someone. Brainwave takes Thomas’ place, and says that Henry also died because of Yolanda. Yolanda goes out and telekinetically blasts her to the floor, and says that he underestimated her but she underestimated. When Yolanda tries torun, Brainwave closes the door and lifts Yolanda, pulling her to him. Brainwave says that he said his mind into Yolanda’s, and now he’s part of her. Her mind is weak because of her self-loathing, and soon he will control it and will live through her. Yolanda screams in pain and Brainwave tells her that she’s made bad choices and that has made it easy to take control of her mind. Stargirl arrives, and Brainwave appears behind her and mentally drops her to the floor. As Stargirl collapses, Yolanda finds herself in her Wildcat costume, charges forward, and cuts Brain- wave’s throat. He turns into Henry, and tells Yolanda that she’s going to burn with him. Yolanda hears Courtney’s voice and snaps out of her fugue. She finds herself holding the Staff, which glows briefly and then goes dark. Yolanda tells Courtney that she just wantedto be left alone, and asks Courtney why she choose her. She says that she wasn’t supposed to be Wildcat and hurt anyone, and tells Courtney that she quits, and walks out. That night, Courtney is in her room looking at a photo of her and Yolanda. She calls Mrs. Montez, who tells Courtney that Yolanda doesn’t want to talk to her. Mrs. Montez says that it’s Courtney’s influence that has corrupted Yolanda, and tells her to stop calling. At the diner, Maria gets a call from Mrs. Montez that Yolanda is quitting. Courtney tells Barbara, Mike, and Pat what happened, and she didn’t tell them about Brain- wave because it wasn’t her secret to tell. She wishes she knew how to help Yolanda, and wonders if it was Brainwave, or Eclipso, or just in Yolanda’s head. Mike says that he didn’t mean to kill Icicle, and it was an accident. Barbara and Pat tell him that it’s okay, and Courtney asks Barbara about Shade, who Barbara thought she might have seen earlier. At Chapel’s house, Beth lies in her bed and recuperates. Bruce is outside on the lawn, watch- ing the house and sucking on his lollipop. After a moment the boy laughs.

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88 Actor Appearances

A Gilbert Glenn Brown ...... 7 0102 (James Chapel); 0103 (James Chapel); 0107 Adam Aalderks ...... 1 (James Chapel); 0201 (James Chapel); 0205 0105 (Matt Harris) (James Chapel); 0206 (James Chapel); 0207 (James Chapel) Olive Elise Abercrombie ...... 1 Alkoya Brunson ...... 1 0201 (Rebecca McNider) 0203 (Jakeem Williams) Daniel Abi-Sarkis ...... 1 Matt Burke ...... 1 0203 (Devin Dupree) 0107 (Mr. Sullivan) Christian Adam ...... 3 0101 (Josh Hamman); 0104 (Josh Hamman); 0107 (Josh Hamman) C Kenny Alfonso ...... 2 0201 (Father Thomas); 0207 (Father Thomas) Jonathan Cake ...... 6 Norma Alvarez...... 1 0202 (The Shade / Richard Swift); 0203 (The Shade 0104 (Yolanda’s Grandmother) / Richard Swift); 0204 (The Shade / Richard Jay Amir ...... 1 Swift); 0205 (The Shade / Richard Swift); 0206 0204 (Petey Tomasi) (The Shade / Richard Swift); 0207 (The Shade Phil Armijo ...... 1 / Richard Swift) 0108 (Drone #1) Wilmer Calderon ...... 1 Julia Armitage...... 1 0104 (Juan Montez) 0101 (Town Girl) Tommy Campbell ...... 1 Denise Arribas ...... 1 0106 (Business Exectutive) 0103 (Teacher) Kadrolsha Ona Carole ...... 1 Mark Ashworth...... 8 0101 (American Dream Employee) 0101 (Janitor Justin); 0103 (Janitor Justin); 0105 CC Castillo ...... 2 (Janitor Justin); 0107 (Janitor Justin); 0109 0102 (Mercedes); 0109 (Mercedes) (Janitor Justin); 0111 (Janitor Justin / Shin- Kikéy Castillo...... 2 ing Knight); 0112 (Janitor Justin / Shining 0104 (Maria Montez); 0207 (Maria Montez) Knight); 0113 (Janitor Justin / Shining Knight) Michael H. Cole ...... 1 0107 (Mr. Paris) Alex Collins...... 2 B 0203 (Charles McNider (voice)); 0204 (Chuck (voice)) Zachary Connor ...... 1 Christopher James Baker ...... 1 0203 (Marky Malarky) 0207 (Henry King Sr. / Brainwave) Butch Copeland ...... 1 Rico Ball ...... 1 0105 (Truck Driver #2) 0204 (Tyrone Morrison) John Crow...... 1 Nick Basta...... 2 0109 (Mr. Green) 0103 (Mr. Levine); 0113 (Mr. Levine) Olivia Baughn ...... 1 0101 (Mary @ 5) D Lluvia Bermudez ...... 1 Wil Deusner ...... 4 0112 (Students) 0101 (Joey Zarick); 0102 (Joey Zarick); 0103 (Joey Vee Bhakta ...... 1 Zarick); 0104 (Joey Zarick) 0207 (Richie Howard) Emily Dunlop...... 1 Jonathan Blanco ...... 1 0201 (Myra McNider) 0104 (Alex Montez) Elizabeth Bond ...... 1 0101 (Maggie Kramer) E Matt Borlenghi ...... 1 0108 (Ed Reilly) Suehyla El-Attar ...... 2 Deborah Bowman ...... 2 0101 (Mrs. Patterson); 0111 (Mrs. Patterson) 0201 (Miss Woods); 0204 (Miss Woods) Bonita Elery ...... 1 Kristin Brock ...... 1 0104 (Night Nurse) 0105 (Wendi Tyler) Ethan Embry ...... 1 Sam Brooks ...... 4 0203 (Johnny Thunder) 0101 (Travis Thomas); 0104 (Travis Thomas); 0105 Blaire Erskine ...... 1 (Travis Thomas); 0113 (Travis Thomas) 0204 (Millie Myers) Stargirl Episode Guide

Cynthia Evans...... 3 Kyle Jackson ...... 1 0102 (Denise Zarick); 0103 (Denise Zarick); 0104 0110 (Pedestrian) (Denise Zarick) Wes Jetton...... 1 0109 (Nurse) Selah Kimbro Jones...... 1 F 0203 (Molly Zchut)

Lou Ferrigno Jr...... 2 0101 (Rex Tyler / Hourman); 0105 (Rex Tyler / K Hourman) Roger Dale Floyd ...... 1 Jay D. Kacho ...... 2 0103 (Cameron Mahkent @5) 0102 (Doctor); 0103 (Doctor) Charles Fowler ...... 1 Aldan Karanovich ...... 1 0108 (Drone #2) 0203 (Lutz Lone) Jim France ...... 5 Kevin Kedgley ...... 1 0103 (Sofus Mahkent); 0109 (Sofus Mahkent); 0110 0107 (Blue Valley Football Fan) (Sofus Mahkent); 0112 (Sofus Mahkent); 0201 Hina X. Khan...... 9 (Sofus Mahkent) 0101 (Anaya Bowin / The Fiddler); 0102 (Anaya Sharon Frank ...... 1 Bowin / The Fiddler); 0104 (Anaya Bowin / 0109 (Old Woman) The Fiddler); 0105 (Anaya Bowin / The Fid- dler); 0106 (Anaya Bowin / The Fiddler); 0107 Max Frantz...... 11 (Anaya Bowin / The Fiddler); 0109 (Anaya Bowin 0101 (Isaac Bowin); 0102 (Isaac Bowin); 0104 (Isaac / The Fiddler); 0111 (Anaya Bowin / The Fid- Bowin); 0107 (Isaac Bowin); 0112 (Isaac Bowin); dler); 0112 (Anaya Bowin / The Fiddler) 0113 (Isaac Bowin); 0201 (Isaac Bowin); 0202 Sophia Annabella Kim ...... 1 (Isaac Bowin); 0204 (Isaac Bowin); 0205 (Isaac 0205 (Young Cindy Burman) Bowin); 0206 (Isaac Bowin) Jason Kirkpatrick ...... 1 0106 (Coach Hank) G Joe Knezevich ...... 3 0101 (William Zarick / The Wizard); 0102 (William Jim Gaffigan...... 1 Zarick / The Wizard); 0103 (William Zarick / 0203 (Thunderbolt (voice)) The Wizard) Kay Galvin...... 6 Skyler Knight...... 1 0103 (Lily Mahkent); 0109 (Lily Mahkent); 0110 0113 (High School Student) (Lily Mahkent); 0112 (Lily Mahkent); 0201 (Lily Gregory Konow ...... 2 Mahkent); 0205 (Lily Mahkent) 0206 (Grumpy Joe); 0207 (Grumpy Joe) Fred Galyean ...... 1 0105 (Empire Technician) L Sean Michael Gloria ...... 1 0109 (Mugger) Demetri Landell ...... 1 Eric Goins ...... 9 0104 (High School Student) 0101 (Steven Sharpe / The Gambler); 0102 (Steven Amanda Lavassani ...... 1 Sharpe / The Gambler); 0103 (Steven Sharpe 0103 (Christine Mahkent) / The Gambler); 0105 (Steven Sharpe / The Nelson Lee ...... 9 Gambler); 0106 (Steven Sharpe / The Gam- 0104 (Dr. Ito / Dragon King); 0107 (Dr. Ito / Dragon bler); 0107 (Steven Sharpe / The Gambler); King); 0108 (Dr. Shiro Ito / Dragon King); 0109 0109 (Steven Sharpe / The Gambler); 0112 (Dragon King); 0110 (Dr. Shiro Ito / Dragon (Steven Sharpe / The Gambler); 0113 (Steven King); 0111 (Dr. Shiro Ito / Dragon King); 0112 Sharpe / The Gambler) (Dr. Shiro Ito / Dragon King); 0113 (Dr. Shiro Charles Green ...... 1 Ito / Dragon King); 0205 (Dr. Ito / Dragon 0204 (Mr. Merlin) King) Beorht Lewinski ...... 1 0113 (High School Student) H Roy Luke ...... 1 0101 (City Worker) James Hammond ...... 1 Shaun Michael Lynch ...... 1 0107 (Homecoming Dad) 0104 (Barry) Randy Havens ...... 3 0202 (Paul Desinger); 0203 (Paul Desinger); 0205 (Paul Deisinger) M Neil Hopkins...... 8 0101 (Lawrence ’Crusher’ Crock / Sportsmaster); Trey McGriff ...... 1 0102 (Lawrence ’Crusher’ Crock / Sportsmas- 0102 (Parent) ter); 0106 (Lawrence Crock / Sportsmaster); Joel McHale ...... 3 0107 (Lawrence Crock / Sportsmaster); 0109 0101 (Sylvester Pemberton / Starman); 0113 (Sylvester (Lawrence Crock / Sportsmaster); 0112 (Lawrence Pemberton); 0201 (Sylvester Pemberton / Star- Crock / Sportsmaster); 0113 (Lawrence Crock man) / Sportsmaster); 0204 (Lawrence ’Crusher’ Crock Milli M...... 1 / Sportsmaster) 0113 (Miss Drake) Roxzane T. Mims ...... 1 0202 (Mrs. Ordway) J Tim Misuradze ...... 1

90 Stargirl Episode Guide

0113 (Mr. Moder) Leslie Sides ...... 1 Kron Moore ...... 7 0102 (Parent) 0102 (Dr. Bridget Chapel); 0103 (Dr. Bridget Chapel); Maizie Smith ...... 1 0104 (Dr. Bridget Chapel); 0107 (Dr. Bridget 0101 (Courtney @ 5) Chapel); 0201 (Dr. Bridget Chapel); 0204 (Dr. Stella Smith...... 10 Bridget Chapel); 0205 (Dr. Bridget Chapel) 0101 (Artemis Crock); 0102 (Artemis Crock); 0104 (Artemis Crock); 0105 (Artemis Crock); 0106 (Artemis Crock); 0113 (Artemis Crock); 0201 N (Artemis Crock); 0204 (Artemis Crock); 0205 (Artemis Crock); 0206 (Artemis Crock / Sports- Shernina Nichols...... 1 master II) 0107 (Team Fan) Bill Southworth ...... 1 0111 (Farmer Frank) O Brian Stapf ...... 2 0101 (Ted Grant / Wildcat); 0203 (Wildcat / Ted Jesse O’Neill...... 1 Grant) 0204 (Officer Farley) Jimmy Star ...... 2 King Orba...... 6 0101 (American Dream Employee); 0106 (Teacher) 0104 (Zeek); 0105 (Zeek); 0201 (Zeek); 0202 (Zeek); Milo Stein...... 3 0205 (Zeek); 0206 (Zeek) 0201 (Young Bruce); 0206 (Young Bruce Gordon); Joy Osmanski ...... 8 0207 (Young Bruce Gordon) 0101 (Paula Brooks / Tigress); 0102 (Paula Brooks); Geoff Stults...... 1 0106 (Paula Brooks / Tigress); 0107 (Paula 0111 (Sam Kurtis) Brooks / Tigress); 0109 (Paula Brooks / Ti- Leander Suleiman...... 1 gress); 0112 (Paula Brooks / Tigress); 0113 0207 (Janet O’Lessio) (Paula Brooks / Tigress); 0204 (Paula Brooks / Tigress) T P Diane Tavegia ...... 1 0107 (Football Fan) Tim Peek...... 1 Shawn Weston Thacker...... 7 0109 (Old Man) 0101 (Student); 0102 (Student); 0103 (Student); Ysa Penarejo...... 2 0105 (Student / Clown); 0107 (Student); 0111 0201 (Jennifer-Lynn Hayden / Jade); 0202 (Jennifer- (Student); 0113 (Student) Lynn Hayden / Jade) Henry Thomas...... 9 Boston Pierce...... 1 0101 (Dr. Mid-Nite / Charles McNider); 0105 (Chuck 0105 (Rick Tyler @7) (voice)); 0106 (Chuck (voice)); 0107 (Chuck (voice)); Mason Pike ...... 1 0108 (Chuck (voice)); 0109 (Chuck (voice)); 0110 0101 (Driver) (Chuck (voice)); 0112 (Chuck (voice)); 0113 (Chuck (voice)) Annie Thurman ...... 1 R 0101 (Mary Kramer) Luna Tieu ...... 2 Lexi Rabe ...... 1 0204 (Suzanne Ito); 0205 (Suzanne Ito) 0113 (LeeAnne) Dominick Racano ...... 1 0105 (Truck Driver #1) W Brandon Reece ...... 1 0111 (Pedestrian #1) Jake Austin Walker ...... 1 Felicia M. Reyes ...... 3 0207 (Henry King Jr.) 0102 (American Dream Employee); 0106 (Science Jasun Jabbar Wardlaw Jr...... 7 Fair Mom); 0107 (Football Game Attendee) 0101 (Brian Tanner Balloid); 0104 (Brian Tanner Rahiem Riley ...... 1 Balloid); 0105 (Brian Tanner Balloid); 0106 0104 (Junkyard Worker) (Brian Tanner Balloid); 0111 (Brian Tanner Ashani Roberts ...... 1 Balloid); 0113 (Brian Tanner Balloid); 0204 0101 (Charlotte Balogh) (Brian Balloid) Troy Rudeseal ...... 1 Tywayne Wheatt...... 2 0113 (Mr. Rene) 0201 (Principal Harold Sherman); 0207 (Principal Jaci Ruffley...... 2 Harold Sherman) 0111 (High School Student Mourner); 0113 (High Jaclyn White ...... 1 School Student) 0101 (Football Fan) Lesa Wilson...... 5 0102 (Bobbie Burman); 0107 (Bobbie Burman); 0108 S (Bobbie Burman); 0202 (Bobbie Burman); 0204 (Bobbie Burman) Maria Sager ...... 7 Ashley Winfrey ...... 9 0106 (Waitress); 0110 (Maria); 0111 (Maria); 0202 0101 (Jenny Williams); 0102 (Jenny Williams); 0103 (Marie Carmen Saravio); 0204 (Maria Carmen (Jenny Williams); 0104 (Jenny Williams); 0105 Saravia); 0206 (Maria Carmen Saravia); 0207 (Jenny Williams); 0107 (Jenny Williams); 0111 (Maria Carmen Saravia) (Jenny Williams); 0113 (Jenny Williams); 0203 Dorothy Sanders ...... 1 (Jenny Williams) 0204 (Judy Etter)