Eastern Washington University EWU Digital Commons Eastern Washington University Digital History Student Newspapers Collections 5-11-1960 Easterner, Vol. 10, No. 25, May 11, 1960 Associated Students of Eastern Washington State College Follow this and additional works at: https://dc.ewu.edu/student_newspapers Recommended Citation Associated Students of Eastern Washington State College, "Easterner, Vol. 10, No. 25, May 11, 1960" (1960). Student Newspapers. 1177. https://dc.ewu.edu/student_newspapers/1177 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Eastern Washington University Digital History Collections at EWU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of EWU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. ens • , I • I ~-. :- . ,· ·-:-;; _ ,. tr~>,..., _._./ ~- . ·'·'.;,·. ,;..-:· ~t.. t( ' . '(:'/ ..-. f!] :>-;h:J~~ ':. ~- \.:\)\}t ,_,,:,:.. ;: ... ~:?,~ .. (t;r;]/':: : . L ; , . _r&ii:;f];~A-... ..· -~\-~~-· ARTS FES'tlVAL PARTICIPANTS-Eastern's fourth annual Arts Festival will left to right, are, Stan Rizzuti, Elmer Kralman, and below Jean McWhirter and open Sunday with a host 1of varied exhibits and entertainment scheduled through, Matt Finnigan. Working at the potter's wheel are Marjorie Moore and Al Miller. May 20. At the left are four members of the cast of "Be Your Age" a 'three::. Bill Davis and Robert Hanrahan, coordinator for the festiv.al, look over one of act comedy, rehearsing in preparation for their May 16 opening. Standing from the water color entries. · First event of Eastern Washington College of Education's week long fourth annual Arts Festival which opens Sunday (May 15) on the EWCE campus will be a showing of "The Emperor's Night- ingale." ✓ The "EASTERNER The Czech film is in color, and uses animated dolls and toys to create realms of fancy in the Hans Christian Anderson story Eastern Washington College of Education which is narrated by Boris Karloff.