•• .•,•!» TteOntj Newspaper Published ilillail tv-j-' • .' in the Town of 11 *1 Enfield, Ct. COVERS AN AREA POPULATED BY 30,000 PEOPLE IFifty-FourthYear—No. 44. THOMPSONVILLE, CONN., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY-14, 1935 Subscription $2.00 Per Year—Single Copy 5c. iS» An Appreciation DISTRICTS GARRY mm Proposed i -"::v Although there must be about CONDEMN ALLEGED 25,000 Christmas seals and BOND FIGHT TO about 250 unused two-cent pos­ 'IMS tage stamps in various homes PARTY DISLOYALTY in this town, and although we LEGISLATIVE HALL Lines In New Plln are still looking hopefully to a Resolution Adopted At late but welcome contribution Circular Letter Signed v t^iSK Manner in Which these Important Departments to our fund, we are now ending The Committee on New Town Government An­ i#!l Recent Meeting Decry­ our supplications and giving by District Officials Is Hpfta Would Be-Regulated .'Under New .Town Gov- thanks to our good and faith­ LAF ing Failure to Support ful friends who have made the Placed on Desks of the nounces the District Lines in the New Sub­ ernment Is Announced By the Committee 1934 Christmas seal sale worth division Which Would Be Represented in the • - r%<j^j£;^£srU,HJ Party Candidates For while. Even though we are Representatives And -Three Taxing Districts Planned. $300 short of the goal sought, Political Appointments we can still serve the commun­ Senators Tuesday. Proposed Town Council. i-" '* ity as well or better than dur­ Democratic office holders who do ing the year just closed. A Public Works Board of five, with a bJnd°SsueTf Vl50%0°Thidf waf1 The boundaries of the five districts JAS. R. H0RSFALL Let us repeat our words of voiced at the hearing on the bill vali- in which the town would be divided department,asirsnui-sEL* and three taxing dis gratitude to all the pupils, the ANCIENT SOCIETY not going to be very popular with the teachers, executives and nurses dating^ the same before the Judiciary for the proposed town council form 57 tricts with rates regulated on the ba-: members of the nartvparty, ac- in our schools. They did a fine Committee last week, was carried in- of government were announced this of tl1 nortTorof'thf nioSf *> the action token fhe job and beat all previous re­ to the legislative halls this week and week by the committee that is plan- HELD REUNION ?L meeting of the Young Democratic cords. Our merchants, banks, put up to the individual members of ning the new method of town man- YEARS' SERVWB last week. The members utilities and industries gave us the House and Senate. This was done agement. They are as follows: t< g through a circular letter which was _ TUESDAY NIGHT ment^lan ^ committed TVip °^?" of the club name no one in particular fine support in money and pub­ placed on the desk of each member of • . District une. raids as follow™ artide ^ the action taken at the mefeting but licity. We thank you one and reads as follows. jit .g apparent from the reso£tion all and we pledge ourselves to both houses last Tuesday by the page Beginning at a point in the easter- Well Known Resident Board of Public Works. j which has been submitted for publica- boys under the direction of a com- ly bank of the Connecticut River, and Enfield's Oldest Organi­ continued service and our best mittee consisting of Henry F. Rosen- running thence easterly along the Terminates Extraord­ Section 30. There shall be in the'tion that in their opinion some spe- efforts toward better health for berger, Jr., and Dana K. Miller. northerly line of the Hathaway tract, zation Renews Historic town of Enfield a board of Public cific instances of party disloyalty Enfield. The letter was sgined by Ernest so-called, to Enfield street; thence inary Period As Em­ Works, consisting of five members,,have occurred. (Signed) Event For 112th Time one of whom shall be a member of; The resolution, as submitted by the Woodward, Everett W. King, Mathew northerly along the easterly side" of ployee in Bigelow-San- the town council and be appointed bi- secretary of the club, is as follows: ENFIELD VISITING Patterson, Sr., Arthur J. Stewart, Enfield street to Hazard Avenue; With Annual Banquet ford Carpet Plant. £ ennially during October by the presi- j "Resolved, that the Young Democrat- NURSE ASSOC. Dana K. Miller and Matthew G. An- thence easterly along the southerly _____ dent of the council, with the advice ic Club of Enfield believes that hold- i derson for the Enfield district; H. side of Hazard Avenue to Washing- in Hazardville. and consent of the council, for a termors of public office who have used the ' Stephen Bridge, Edward J. Locke, ton Road; thence southerly along the Arthur G. Gordon for the Hazardville westerly side of Washington Road, TT. 110,u .. „ . , ,, Hollowing an extraordinary record of two years. The other four mem- Democratic party as a means to at-! 01 e !? , s®rvi0,e covering a period of fifty- bers of the board shall be appointed tain such office, owe a duty to the par- district, and John P. Manning and crossing the Middle Road to the South * Q"l old- DEATH OF COL. Daniel C. Binnenkade for the North Road; thence southerly to the wester-' Vnfiol/i Wof f tkmn seven years, James R. Horsfall of by the president of the council, with ty to support Democrats who are ap- Thompsonville district. The letter ly bank of the Scantic River; thence lf™g> DeZ *?™<AZZnUl-Te\lTed* em: the advice and consent of the coun- plicants for appointive positions, reads as follows: along the westerly bank of the Scan-^ect.I0n of Th-ieves and Robbers, met 5, y * , Rigelow-Swiford Carpet il, in the following manner, from the qualifications being equal; and we do c JAS. B. HOUSTON 'It is expected that the following tic River to the town line of East in its annual reunion" Tuesday eve- Company last Friday. Excepting for electors of the town: during the hereby condemn the recent actions of Windsor; thence ning. The affair was held in the par- a short period of illness about two month of October, 1935, two members Democratic office holders in Enfield in (Continued on Page Eight) t r f I? westerly on said,jors 0f Methodist Episcopal Church years ago, Mr. Horsfall s service was shall be appointed for four-year thus disregarding party loyalty." IN CALIFORNIA town line of East Windsor to thejin Hazardville with an attendance of unbroken from the day he entered the terms and two for two-year terms,I - ----- easterly bank of the Connecticut Riv- !over 100 or about „ that department of the carpet and biennially thereafter, two mem- 7T A V D A TT TA DP er; then northeriy along the easterly cou]d accommodate. The principal Former Resident and B. OF R. HEARINGS ibank of the Connecticut River to the speakers were Superintendent Elliott si" £*tel thf usu^ !erio? as 5 terms to fill thi "place ofh those««*•<«! whose 1 AaKAlfc 10 Bt place of beginning; and including L Petersen of the Bigelow-Sanford cieel boy he learned the jacquard terms expire. (Not more than three! Long Active Figure in gS Cal'Pet Company and..Prosecuting At- weaving trade and was for a great members of said board shall be of the Military Circles Passes END WEDNESDAY !the Connecticut River westerly of the ^eV Philip" J*. sShtoITjS many years considered not only one'same political party.) LAID NEXT WEEK .westerly boundary of said district. I Superintendentcs PetersenT>_.L L spoke„ on' -of the njost expert in the local plant j The public parks and playgrounds1 Away in San Francisco r, . District. ...Two. ,, , , Youth and Ideals," making a com- but one of the best in the carpet trade 0f the town of Enfield in Beginning at a point in the easter- parison of the ideals of the early days Taxpayers Have Only ajlJ(ly bankua,„ U^.of the Connecticut Riverxuvei- andUU and the present time. He stressed throughout the country. the time of the passage£ of"STAG"t«u8 a«, finance Board to Meet on January 30. J rS f ser lt* +i? ,. ™e ^r.,and those which may be established Wednesday Evening to Few More Days to F.le:™$ Horsfall has seen the entire mechan-, within the limits of said town, to- Announcement of the death of Col. of manufacturing car-! gether with all park property which Appeals on Property,Road, thence southerly along the youth of the town on a large scale. Set Property Tax Rate James B. Houston in San Francisco, t, ? nge4 a2d^has, °^:jmay be acquired, shall be under the Voliia Yi -westerly side of North Road and the Prosecuting Attorney Sullivan re- e PI 16 Calif., on January 30, has been re­ V dIUdUUn. westerly side of Washington Road to viewed the national crime situation S h/ ll° Sf ti, J 11 management, care and control of said For Present Year. (Hazard Avenue; thence westerly and the obligation which was impos- plant to be one of the j foremost, board. Said board shall have the ceived by friends in town. He was a The public hearings of the town^onS northerly side of Hazard ed on each municipality to keep the branches of the carpet industry in general management of the street de- nu C0 n y 1S 1 The property tax rate for the pres­ native of Thompsonville, born Janu­ board of relief which have been held 2"\® e to the westerly side of En- i police and prosecuting authorities ™ 'K ?+ + "Mentions to partment and sewer department and t0 ary 10, 1859, the son of the late Hon.
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