CATHOLIC ACTION Volume 71, Number 1 the Catholic Voice for the Diocese of Bismarck January 2012
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DAKOTA CATHOLIC ACTION Volume 71, Number 1 The Catholic Voice for the Diocese of Bismarck January 2012 INDEX Bishop’s Schedule ..................................2 A Just and Simple Fair Trade Christmas ....4 News Briefs ......................................... 4-5 No More, No Less ...................................5 Stewardship ...........................................6 Ag Attitudes ............................................6 St. Leo’s Catholic Church Renovation .... 8-9 Catholics and Media .............................10 ND Catholic Conference ........................11 Listen Up and Laugh .............................12 Vocation Awareness ..............................13 Youth Activity Schedule ..........................14 Calendar of Events ................................15 75th Tekakwitha Conference To Be Held An Overview of the Mass By Rev. Nick L. Schneider fact, to worthily participate in Mass, we should In the year 1656 a young girl was born. pray you all had a blessed Christmas, filled make a habit of regular confession, and if we This young soul born of the Mohawk na- with the joy of welcoming Christ. For are aware of having committed any mortal sins tion in upstate New York was to live only a those who have been following this article, since our last confession, we are not to receive short time, walking with her people, before you will know that over the past months, communion at Mass. Nevertheless, a general she would surrender back to God what she Iwe have briefly traversed the new translation of confession of our sins as well as asking God’s had learned about Christ. This young woman the Roman Missal, 3rd Edition. We looked at pardon and everyone’s prayers is an essential would know of the cross very early in her life a few principles, and then some of the biggest part of Mass. when a smallpox epidemic swept through her changes to both our dialogue parts and the The “Gloria” follows on Sundays outside of tribal area, marking her physically by the dis- priests parts. Lent and on Feast days. After we recognize our ease. Losing many people dear to her in this Now, in the new year, I intend to start at the sins, we recognize God’s Glory. epidemic, she was left as an orphan at the age top and slowly work our way through the Mass The introductory rites conclude with the of four. With all the adversities and calami- from beginning to end. Of course, along the “collect.” This prayer is meant to “collect” the ties of living in a world far different from our way we will look at parts of the new translation private prayers of the entire gathering and offer own, she found Christ. - what has changed and why. Nevertheless, my them to God. The priest speaks this prayer to She saw the “black robes” journeying biggest goal is simply to explain the Mass so we God on behalf of the community, and is usu- through their area on their missionary trips. know what is happening, and can participate ally addressed directly to God the Father. This Although her mother had been a Christian, more fruitfully. opening prayer very regularly contains the es- because she was orphaned at such a young age This month, I want to take a give an overview sential aspect of the feast being celebrated, and and unable to benefit from a mother’s spiri- of the Mass. Broadly, the Mass is structured in reflects what the proper attitude of the mind tual guidance, she was able to find a path that four parts: 1. Introductory Rites 2. Liturgy of and heart should be toward the mystery be- took her to Jesus. Her story has been docu- the Word 3. Liturgy of the Eucharist 4. Com- ing celebrated. It is worth taking a quick look mented by a wonderful book compiled and munion/Concluding rites. In the coming weeks, at this prayer sometime before Mass starts to authored with reflections by Father Edward we will get more specific. For now, let’s take a ask the Lord to shape our minds and hearts in Sherman of the Diocese of Fargo. short glance at the purpose of each part. accord to the desires that the Church expresses This woman was named “Tekakwitha,” later here. called Catherine, translated “Kateri” when she Introductory Rites became a Christian. Declared Venerable by The main purpose of the introductory rites Liturgy of the Word Pope Pius XII in 1943, the first major step to at Mass is to recognize that God is about to do In the Liturgy of the Word, we listen and the formation of the cult of Kateri Tekakwitha something amazing for us, and that we need respond to God’s Word in the Scripture, and was achieved and on July 22, 1980, her name his help to enter into this marvelous gift. After hear it broken open. Of course, we are all was elevated to the altar as Blessed Kateri the priest processes in accompanied by a sung familiar with the structure. There is one read- Tekakwitha by Pope John Paul II. antiphon, we start with the Sign of the Cross. ing followed by a Psalm that comments on the In 1939 the Bishop of Fargo, Aloysius The Sign of the Cross should reminds us of our reading. On Sundays and solemnities, there is Muench, instituted a group of clergy work- Baptism - “In the name of the Father, and of the a second reading. On such days, one reading ing on the reservations within his diocese. Son and of the Holy Spirit.” We were baptized is from the Old Testament and one from the This included the Spirit Lake Nation located into Christ, our sins were washed away, and a New Testament. Then, after an Alleluia verse, at Fort Totten, North Dakota, and the Turtle new life began in us. The power of that cleans- the priest or deacon proclaims the Gospel. After Mountains area located near Belcourt, North ing and rejuvenating bath is the power of the this, on most days and always on Sundays and Dakota. This gathering of clergy later became Cross of Christ. solemnities, there is a homily explaining the the Tekakwitha Conference and continued to The source of our being able to enter into readings. function as a support to missionary priests of the sacred mysteries is that baptism. Neverthe- The Church teaches that when Scripture is the northern Great Plains until 1976. less, we all know too well that after baptism we proclaimed and explained in the liturgy, it is Beginning in 1977, this conference moved have all sinned. For that reason, the next part Christ Himself who proclaims the Word. The across the United States and into Canada of Mass - before confessing God’s greatness - is ministers give voice to the Word, but Christ to confess our sins. This general confession of Continued on Page 3 our sins is not a replacement for confession. In Continued on Page 3 • Dakota Catholic Action January 2012 New Bishop of Bismarck Will Be ISHOP S Missed in Rockford B ’ By Bishop Thomas G. Doran With permission from The Observer, the official newspaper of the Catholic Diocese SCHEDULE of Rockford As I write this, the words and music of Mon- Bishop David D. Kagan, J.C.L. signor David D. Kagan’s consecration as seventh Bishop of Bismarck, North Dakota, still echo in January 1-31, 2012 my ears. Bishop Kagan and I were in Rome together January 5 in 1977, and from that time he has served with -Liturgy & Luncheon, Catholic Extension me in the Diocesan Tribunal of Rockford until Society Visitors, Chancery, Bismarck, 8:00 I was appointed a Prelate Auditor of the Roman a.m. Rota in 1986. After my appointment as Bishop -Meeting, Catholic Education, Church of of Rockford in 1994, I asked Bishop Kagan to the Ascension, Bismarck, 7:00 p.m. be Vicar General for the Diocese and also the Moderator of the Curia (that is the head of the Diocesan Administration). These offices he January 6 fulfilled until last year when I appointed him -North Dakota Catholic Conference Board Pastor of Holy Family Parish in Rockford, from Meeting, Jamestown, 10:00 a.m. which pastorate our Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI chose him to be Bishop of Bismarck. The January 7-13 events which surrounded his Episcopal Ordina- -Region VIII Provincial Bishops’ Retreat, tion and Installation in Bismarck are cataloged Tucson, AZ elsewhere. I wish here to pay fitting tribute to the out- January 15 standing service Bishop Kagan rendered to the Bishop David D. Kagan -Confirmation, Church of Queen of Peace, Diocese of Rockford and to me as his Bishop. Dickinson, 10:00 a.m. MT Bishop Kagan is an extremely capable ad- yet whatever decision was ultimately made, car- ministrator. All the areas of diocesan life which ried out the policy determined with exactness January 16 were given over to his supervision profited from and fidelity. The readers of this column will -Liturgy & Presentation to Faculty and his skill and conscientious attention to duty. In understand how true it is that what the Diocese Administration of Bismarck Catholic his supervision in the various diocesan depart- of Bismarck has gained through his appoint- Schools @ St. Mary Central High School, ments, his overall custody of the diocesan of- ment, we have lost. fices and of his attention to the impact of good Bishop Kagan goes now to preach the Gos- Bismarck, 8:30 a.m. administration upon the pastoral life of the pel, to offer the Sacrifice of the Mass and to Diocese, Bishop Kagan proved himself over and guide the Christian faithful in a place far from January 17 over again adept and faithful. All these things his home in Spring Grove, Illinois, in this Dio- -Deanery Welcoming Reception & Vespers are to be sure much appreciated in the course cese.