Development Perspectives for the NSPA: Opportunities and Challenges

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Development Perspectives for the NSPA: Opportunities and Challenges Development perspectives for the NSPA: Opportunities and Challenges Erik Gløersen, Alexandre Dubois, Johanna Roto, Rasmus Ole Rasmussen, Jose Sterling NORDREGIO ELECTRONIC WORKING PAPER 2009:3 Development perspectives for the NSPA: Opportunities and challenges Analytical report Development perspectives for the NSPA Opportunities and challenges Erik Gløersen, Alexandre Dubois, Johanna Roto, Rasmus Ole Rasmussen Jose Sterling NORDREGIO 2009 Nordregio Electronic Working Paper 2009:3 Nordregio P.O. Box 1658 SE-111 86 Stockholm, Sweden [email protected] Nordic co-operation takes place among the countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, as well as the autonomous territories of the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Åland. The Nordic Council is a forum for co-operation between the Nordic parliaments and governments. The Council consists of 87 parliamentarians form the Nordic countries. The Nordic Council takes policy initiatives and monitors Nordic co-operation. Founded in 1952. The Nordic Council of Ministers is a forum of co-operation between the Nordic governments. The Nordic Council of Ministers implements Nordic co-operation. The prime ministers have the overall responsibility. Its activities are co-ordinated by the Nordic ministers for co-operation, the Nordic Committee for co-operation and portfolio ministers. Founded in 1971. Stockholm, Sweden 2009 Contents Table of contents Preface................................................................................................................................................... 9 1. Human resources in the NSPA.................................................................................................... 12 Population decline: a response to changing economic conditions or a threat to the NSPA?................................................................................................................... 12 Increased polarisation between small and large labour market areas........................................... 14 Demographic imbalances and ageing: Can the retired population be an economic resource for the NSPA? ........................................ 21 Different forms of mobility in the NSPA....................................................................................... 29 Migratory trends in the NSPA.......................................................................................................... 37 Gender balance and its implications................................................................................................ 47 2. Industrial profiles and entrepreneurship in the NSPA.............................................................. 51 A specific industrial profile in the NSPA? ...................................................................................... 51 The importance of informal economy, seasonal activities and subsidiary sources of income in the NSPA ............................................................................. 56 The NSPA as a producer and recipient of innovation .................................................................. 58 Research environments in the NSPA ..............................................................................................63 3. Different types of geographic contexts in the NSPA................................................................ 66 The role of cities in the NSPA ......................................................................................................... 66 Rural lifestyles in an NSPA perspective .......................................................................................... 69 Sami population and reindeer herding traditions ........................................................................... 70 4. What infrastructure strategies do the NSPA need? ................................................................... 72 Annex .................................................................................................................................................. 79 Figures Figure 1: A cultural picture of the NSPA: spatial contexts for action? ....................................... 11 Figure 2: Birth rates, death rates and net reproduction rate: A variety of situations in the NSPA .............................................................................................................................................................. 13 Figure 3: Population potentials in Europe: Number of people within commuting distance from each point............................................................................................................................................ 17 Figure 4: Demographic trends in NSPA labour markets between 1992 and 2007 .................... 18 Figure 5: Labour market size and change in employment and in population in the NSPA ........................................................................................................ 19 Figure 6: Labour market size and change in employment and in population: the NSPA compared to the rest of Norden 20 Figure 7: Proportion of children in municipal population........................................................... 23 Figure 8: Proportion of young adults in municipal population................................................... 24 Figure 9: Proportion of core working age population.................................................................. 25 Figure 10: Proportion of retirees..................................................................................................... 26 Figure 11: Age dependency ratio – elderly people ........................................................................ 27 Figure 12: Age dependency ratio – children .................................................................................. 28 Figure 13: Managing the movements in the labour markets – a challenge for the NSPA .............................................................................................................. 29 Figure 14: Employment rates .......................................................................................................... 30 Figure 15: Employment rate of older workers .............................................................................. 31 Figure 16: Long term unemployment rates.................................................................................... 32 Figure 17: Sickness leave.................................................................................................................. 33 Figure 18: Persons with activity/sickness compensation............................................................. 34 Figure 19: Change in employment between 2002 and 2006 ........................................................ 35 Figure 20: Change in the number of unemployed persons between 2002 and 2006 ..................................................................................................................... 36 Figure 21: Domestic net migration flows to/from NSPA regions ............................................. 39 Figure 22: Domestic net migration flows in the NSPA................................................................. 40 Figure 23: Net migration rates in NSPA municipalities, 1992-2006............................................ 41 Figure 24: Proportion of total population corresponding to persons born in the “Western world”.........................................................................................42 Figure 25: Proportion of total population corresponding to persons born in the new EU Member States............................................................................. 43 Figure 26: Proportion of total population corresponding to persons born in Russia, Belarus or Ukraine ............................................................................... 44 Figure 27: Proportion of total population corresponding to persons born in Europe, the United States and Canada........................................................... 45 Figure 28: Proportion of total population corresponding to persons born in another Nordic country.................................................................................... 46 Figure 29: Gender distribution in municipalities........................................................................... 48 Figure 30: The majority of people with a higher education degree are women ......................... 49 Figure 31: A large majority of persons with higher education are women in many NSPA municipalities .................................................................................. 50 Figure 32: Typology of regional economies on the basis of employment per branch................................................................................................................ 53 Figure 33: Typology of regional economies on the basis of production value per branch........................................................................................................ 54 Figure 34: Number of companies created per 1 000 inhabitants ................................................ 55 Figure 35: Regional R&D expenditures: small amounts, but relatively high intensity in many regions................................................................................... 60 Figure 36: R&D expenditure and performing sector 2005 .......................................................... 62 Figure 37: Tertiary level education and educational attainment of the population..................
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