Cha rter a n d L aws,Ru les and Regu lations,a n d other

Matters of G eneral I n formation

Wri tte n a nd publish ed by a uth ority of a n d u n der direction of th e

Corpora tors

E R I E . P A

H a n a n ) P a mr mo A N D P c n u sm u o Co .

1903 .





D s . President . . CLARK P A M y . . Secretar . HI ROD L TE R B E R S N G . Treasurer J . . H Y R E A . M S E . Superintendent . . COR PORATORS MA Y 13, 1902 .



M . C. JA ES SILL J . BROWN . ’ K I H T F B R E L M N . I L I E R G . V S . . J . L E . . . . WARNER JOHN J EVANS .


N GE R M F O . . . GUN ISON . . ETCALF P A M . HENRY SHENK . . HI ROD . E L H I TTE L SE Y . W . D . E . G O . . SELDEN RT Z E . CU . . J



In connection with sepulture in Erie in the ea rlier part of its existence , especia llv as bearing on the old burying grounds, which are in their proper place adverted to,it must be remem bered that there were circumstances connected with the settle ment of Erie which in Europe would have placed it in the e category of a walled or fortified town . Indeed, its v ry first settlement was as a collection of home s of those connected with a military occupation of its site,a n d th e erection of a fort by an

X th e army of King Louis V. in execution of his gigantic con ti n en ta l policy,embodying th e connection of Canada,then in the possession of the French ,by a chain of fo rts extending from Lake Ontario along the so uth shore of La ke Erie to what is n o w th e city of Erie,and thence by a well const ructed ro ad from Erie to - Fort L e Boeuf,now Waterford,continuing down French Creek to the Allegheny River and Fort Duquesne,now Pittsburg,and bv the Ohio and Mississippi rivers to the Lo uisiana territory,con n ectin g Canada with the island of Orleans, then one of th e principal footholds of the French king in hi s attempted subjuga

tion of the North American continent . This well la id pla n was thought to have been carried out when a French a rmy of men in 1 7 53,erected Fo rt Presque Isle,at Second and Para de streets , and completed the roadway which led almost directly

south to the present locatio n Of Waterford .

This military occupation,though inte rrupted for a while by the capture of the forts b y the confederated savages,was resumed and co ntinued b y the British after their successes o ver the French ,and again by the military forces of Pennsylva nia a bout the time of the return of Gen . Wayne from his successful ca m pa ign in the west,at which time a blockhouse was erected and military protection was afforded to the surveyors, who, by authority of the commo nwealth at the da wn of the century,pro ceeded to la y o u t the town of E ri c on the plan upon which it wa s settled . These movements were followed by the occupation of ERIE CEMETERY . 1 1

Erie by the armed forces of the ,that in the War of 1 8 1 2 - 1 3,in conjunction with the naval forces,after a navy ya rd had been established at Erie in 1 8 1 2 ,effected the destruction of

r e Se I O 1 8 1 the B itish fleet in the gr at naval battle of pt . , 3 .

All of these events and th e stationing of armed forces,which was continued until the year 1 8 2 5,tended to make the people of this region fam iliar with military and naval mo vements ; and al l

that related to the stateliness of military and n a v a l forms , the presence of so many military and naval Officers ,so me of them o f

national reno wn , h a d its influence on the tone of society of th e whole region and tended to familiarize the people with the form s and ceremonies of military and naval funera ls with a ll the solemn O n o w s u h bsequies ,then as ,so crup lously ad ered to .

The presence of such large bodies o f men with the deaths and burials which were a necessary incident ,demanded pla ces of u b rial,each of which in its turn wa s used for this purpose . Of these places there may be mentioned the French burying ground , qu ite near to Fo rt Presque Isle,east of Pa rade street,which ,hav ing been used until a number of interments were made , was followed in its turn b y th e occupancy of a po rtion of Front street ,

1 8 1 2 - 1 Th e which was used duri ng the War of 3 . construction E ric R 1 8 8 1 8 of the Philadelphia R . . ,in 5 and 59 ,caused the exhumation of the remains, which were still discernible Yet the respect a n d regard entertained b v the earliest settlers of Erie for those who had lost their lives in the service of their country wa s inst illed into th e ir children,together with the form incident t o militar y usage ,so that when these bo dies were exhumed in the su mmer of 1 8 59 a military funeral of a most imposing character

was acc o rded to the remains ,and a public ceremonial under com mand of the Adjutant General Of the State ,with military and civic

honors , characterized their escort to the Erie Cemetery , where

they were reinterred with eve ry mark of respect awarded them .

In this connection it is proper to add that the military forms and usages had,by the continued presence of military and naval offi cers at Erie ,become so familiar,that the feelings of the pe o ple o n occasion of national bereavement, on the recurrence of the death of me n of national renown caused public fune rals to be observed with unusual demonstrati ons of respect and of funereal

o ta bl pomp . This was most n v observable at the death of Presi R R 1 2 E IE CEMETE Y .

d ent H a rrison ,in April,1 8 4 1 ; of Ex- President Jackson,in June , 1 8 45,and of President Taylor in July, 1 8 50 ,when the people of Erie with military escort a n d religious services made ma nifesta t tions of heir sorrow and respect . It was the same spirit manifested almost a generation after wards ,a t the impressive military funerals respectively a warded by the city as though in general mourning,when,in July, 1 8 63,the

e remains of the lament d Gen . and of Capt . John 8 d ’ M . Sell,both of the 3 Regiment,a part of Erie s costly sacrifice at the ,were brought to their homes and buried with so much funereal pomp and real gri ef,as they were ’ taken from their ancestral church $St . Paul s Episcopal) to the

M L e . c a n Erie Cemetery And later,the remains of Col . John W . , of the renowned 8 3d,which had been recovered from their resting place on the Virginia battle field ,were escorted by a large part of n th e 1 8 6 a t the people of Erie as mour ers . in summer of 5, the return o f peace ,to th e First Presbyterian Church,a n d a ft er im pressive services were carried through th e dense mass of sym pa thizin g fellow citizens to their last resting place in the Erie

Cemetery .

A glance at the facts above stated h a s seemed proper, to Show the origin of this feeling in the town of Erie ; and how it

affected the procurement and care of burying grounds . Some of the o lder burial places,many of which had their existence in n o w the first half of the last century,will be noted .

a 1 The old French gr veyard at the foot of Parade street, 7 53 .

United Presbyterian graveyard , corner French and Eighth, 1 8 1 1 1 8 1 from to 5 .

Presbyterian graveyard,west Seventh street , near Myrtle , 1 8 2 1 1 from 5 to 8 5 .

Episcopa l graveyard ,from 1 8 30 to 1 8 51 ,on Eighth street ,

west of Myrtle .

Th e Catholic burying ground , corner Third and Germa n, 1 8 1 8 from 35 to 45.

’ 1 8 1 8 2 St . Mary s graveyard , 39 to 5 , East Ninth , near

German .


’ St . John s Lutheran graveyard on Peach street , beween Twenty-second and Twenty -third,extending to Sassafra s,from 1 8 6 1 8 1 3 to 5 .

’ e - r 1 8 0 St . Patrick s cem tery ,Twenty fourth and My tle ,from 5 1 8 66 to . R R 1 6 E IE CEMETE Y .


These old burial places h a ving become nearly all o ccupied, serious apprehension had c o me to be entertained both as to facilities for future burials and that these places might be dese crated by being appropriated to other u ses, and this led to t o houghtful consideration from time t time .

In the month of October, 1 8 46,to secure a Rural Cemetery and prevent the evils inseparably co nnected with groun ds within the limits of a city,a paper was dra wn up,and a few Erie citizens subscribed the amo unt of fifteen hun dred and fifty dolla rs ,with a view of purchasing the same pi ece of land o n which our Ceme ter r to y is now laid out . The persons who subsc ibed the object

at that time were Chas . M . Reed,Geo . A . Eliott,John H . Walker,

John A . Tracy,William Kelly ,Smith Jackson ,John Galbraith ,

B . B . Vincent ,Thos . G . Colt,M . Courtright,C . M . Tibbals and a n d J . C . Spencer . The subject,however,was postponed, no decisive measures were taken to secure the purchase of the land , because of the increased price consta ntly required ; yet the pur ai 0 pose wa s not abandoned . To obt n this piece of land,5 eligibly situated and so peculiarly adapted by its so il and location for a Rural Cemetery,wa s an object which continued to engage atten ffi ti o n, and in the month of December, 1 8 49 , the first e cient

movement was made to a ccomplish t h e long cherished design . In that month a subscription paper wa s again circulat ed , by which the subscribers agreed to unite in the purchase of the land,

- f consisting of fifteen o u t lots of five acres e a ch ,at the price o one - m hundred dollars per acre . Thirty one na es were procured to this paper,and the same persons entered into a written contract

a for the purch se .

An Act of Incorporation ,previously prepared by a committee of the subscribers,was passed by t h e State Legislature on the “ 2 9th of January ,1 8 50 ,entitled An Act t o Incorporate the Erie Cemetery,in the Count y of Erie, and on the 2 4th day of May a majority of the Co rporators met,and a greeably to the provisions ERIE CEMETERY . 1 7

of the Act of Incorp oration ,chose from their body seven Man - : e agers,to wit Chas . M . Re d ,Geo . A . Eliott,Willia m Kelly ,John

Galbraith ,E . Babbitt,Wm . Himrod and A . Brewster,who, Geo . o t on the same day,organized by electing A . Eli t ,Pre siden t, Wi n and appointing . A . Brown,Secretary,and J . C . Spencer,

Treasurer .

On the 2 8 th dav of March,1 8 50 ,a deed of conveyance wa s made to the Corporation ,and the su m of fifteen hundred do llars wa s a dvanced by the Corporators and paid as required ; a n d to secure th e residue of the purchase mo ney ,to -wit : six tho usand dollars , in four equal a n nual payments with in terest , a large majority of the Corporators signed a judgm ent bond,rel y ing

with confidence upon the sale of the lots to indemnify them .

The thirty - o n e Corporato rs ,with few exceptions , each a d v a n ced one hundred dollars for the payment of th e purchase mon ey, and the deficiency,which was required on the second instalment , was readily made up by t he libera lity of a few in

d idu al Th e m r iv s. following are the na es of the original Co por a to r s,and the sums advanced by each :

C . M . Reed , Geo . A . Eliott,

Wm . Himrod , H . Cadwell,

eo . G . A . Lyon , E Babbitt ,

A . W . Brewster, J . A . Tracy,

. er J . C . Spencer, Jos . M St rett, t . J . H . Williams , M Courtrigh , i I . Camp, C . M . T bbals,

Wm . . o Wm . Nichols n , A Brown ,

J . C . Marshall, B . B . Vincent,

T . G . Colt , P . Arbuckle,

J . Galbraith, P . E . Burton,

. Jas . Skinner, S Jackson,

Wm . Kelly, F . Schneider, e P . M tcalf, John Hughes, \V m . . W. W . Reed, M Caughey,

Wal ter Chester .

a The individuals who assisted in dvancing money were,Mrs . 0 0 R . S . Reed,$5 ; John Evans ,of Millcreek,$5 ; M . B . Lowry , 0 2 2 $5 ; J . C . Beebe ,$ 5; Thomas H . Sill,$ 5 ; John P . Vincent, 2 2 1 0 $ 5 John Moore ,$ 5,and Andrew Scott ,$ . R 1 8 ERIE CEMETE Y .

A suitable person to surve y and lay out the grounds was o f 1 8 0 found in the month December, 5 ,in H . Daniels ,Esq . ,but the inclemency of weather was such that very little was done

t st 1 8 1 until about the of April, 5 . k The s ill and judgment displayed by Mr . Daniels in laying

f wa s out the grounds . and the e ficient manner in which the work

accomplished under his direction ,assisted by Mr . Samuel Low , wa s gratifying to the managers and met their unanimous

approbation .

Later, arrangements were made for proc uring trees and Shrubbery to surround the outside of the gro unds,and to orna

set ment some of the sections . Trees were in the street twenty feet apart and ten feet from the lines of the ground ,and also many in sect ions that were destitute of the native forest .

The formal Opening of the Ceme tery took pla ce on the 2 oth 1 8 1 wa s of May, 5 . An address delivered by the president of the board of managers , George A . Eliott , Esq . ,and the dedicatory D address by Rev . George A . Lyon ,D . . ,accompanied by appro

ria t p e ceremonies .



The grounds now embraced in the Erie Cemetery were,a t “ the time of their purchase , unoccupied and described a s Ou t $ t o o f Lots adjacent the Borough Erie .

To the projectors and inceptors o f the scheme which gave to us the Cemetery ,we owe,not only a filial regard ,but a debt e of gratitude . It is to the nice p rcept ion and rare good judg i m ent of these publ c-spirited and fa r-sighted men that we are indebted for the selection of this fitting and beautiful spot ; and to their wise and successful fin a n cieri n g in securing it,are we still l e a further indebted for this va uabl inherit nce . For four years had their eyes rested upon it as a place peculiarly appropriate for a Rural Cem eter) and when by A ct and Deed it pa ssed into their hands it was these men wh o as sumed the financia l responsibility o f its induction ,a n d from their wa s number chosen the Executive Board of Managers .

The co veted piece of land when acquired was principally a woo dland tract,a hillside forest with but a small grassy corner

— - for the sun to light upon , a n extension of the long known “ ’

Cochran s Woods .

The grounds take in a part of the elevation marked by geo lo ri m k The i s gists as the of an ancient la e basin . formation of gravel left by the receding waters of the lake,and below the sur

it I S face washed almost clean of soil . From the foot of this now abrupt hill,the surface sloped gently awa y to ward th e no rth and wa s covered with a princely arra y o f magnificent forest trees .

Such wa s the chosen p lace ; wrought out by the mighty and compelling forces of wind and wave, and perennially fitted up “ $ - by the ever recurring miracle, Come forth . And this was the trust accepted by the Board of Managers with the re sponsi * bility of converting it into a Sleeping Chamber fo r the Dea d .

“ i n “ l e i n Th e wo rd ce me te ry i s fro m a G re e k wo rd mea n g s e p g h b $ c a m e r . 22 ERIE CEMETERY.

Perhaps there wa s never pro duced in Erie a body of m e n more faithful to a trust tha n were tho se loyal men ; or a bo dy better fitted for a peculiar and difficult underta king tha n were the earnes t and energetic men that composed tha t first Board of to M a nagers of the Erie Cemetery . Added clear discernme nt wa s int egrity of judgment,a n d that love of nature which make s

a man a nobleman . It was this manifest discernment that deter mined their action,when pla nning,to preserve the rural beauty of the place ; a n d their sound discretion that co unseled the em ployment of art,only so far as to serve in putting in order and r adapting the grounds t o their pu pose .

It was their love o f nature that so disposed the sleeping ’ chamber as t o leave it still to that tender mother s guardia nship ; their timely foresight that arranged for her thi s sanctuary wherein to chant above the quiet slumberers her unending psalm of rest and to whisper to the sorrowing and desola te that come to mourn at the chamber do o r, her own glad story of a j o yful

resurrection .

Much depended upon the character of the prelimina ry steps in the work ; and this fact the managers recogn ized by pro viding

it s ff . for e ective supervision from the beginning . Capt . Samuel Low ,a resident of Erie,a m a n in m iddle life and a competent civil e ngineer,was well and fa vo ra bly known by the Boa rd of L o w o f Managers . Capt . had been made city surveyor the newly -incorporated city,and to him t h e managers of the Ceme

ter y - o fli ce y tendered the other newl created . By an arrange ment with the city it wa s found tha t the two positions could ,for L ow a time , be filled by one person, a n d a ccordingly Capt . accepted the offi ce of Superintendent of the Cemetery and 1 8 1 entered upon its duties in April of 5 .

From this time until his death ,which occurred at the Ceme

ter 1 L o a lo y June 6, 8 69 , Capt . w w s c sel v identified with th e making of the grounds ,and it is largely owing to his taste and foresight that the hon o red and Sacred resting place for the dead

a fo r A s is now beautiful and attractive spot the living . soon as a residence wa s prepared he remo ved to it with hi s fa mily,a n d under his careful direction what wa s begun a s a Place of Graves, a Sleeping Chamber,became a beautiful City of the Dead . E RIE CEMETERY. 23

w Capt . Low as a civil engineer of skill and critical judgment, and his ability in this line as well as his acquaintance with land scape engi n eering, rendered his services to the Cemetery hi s especially valuable . In work he was tasteful and artistic ; quick to discern inco ngruity and disorder, and clear in his per c e ti o n bea ut p of v and symmet ry . He planned sections and lots, paths, walks , carriage -ways , avenues and o rnamental plats and laid out the larger pa rt of the grounds .

He had an a lmost instinc tive reverence for the grand old — forest trees , the longest lived and grandest of living things on t he earth . He loved and enjoyed their restful shade ,and in his s w he work he pared them herever could . He also had a thorough appreciatio n of the value of foliage a s a feature of the landscape . It was through his instrumentality that the liberal supply of trees and shrubs wa s early procured and set along the adjacen t streets ; in sections destitute of trees ,a n d in many place s in and about the Cemetery where they now , by their beauty, adorn the landscape ,and b y their offer of comfort and co mpa n i o n ship add cheer to the place .

o t e L . o w Time has c mple d what was begun by Capt . A h “ $ generation have taken c ambers in the silent halls of the City . That noble Board of Managers are lulled in their slumbe rs b v the

to . 18 gentle Presence which they wooed the spot Capt . Low sleeping under the grand old greenwood tree whose life he pre N o o ifti t served . t one of the original C rporators saw the F e h Anniversary o f the Cemetery which they were instrumental in providing for others as well as for themselves .

The first report of the Managers bears date February, 1 8 52 ,

- and contains one hundred and thirty names of lot owners . Of all these lot-owners wh o ,in the fullness o f life made this early — —is provision for a resting place , only one Col . D . S . Clark

O t n living to day . All the hers are tra sferred from the City of the Living to the City of the Dead . 24 ERIE CEMETERY .


T he re p a ss , wi t h m e la n c h o ly sta t e, B y a l l t h e s o le m n h ea p s o f f a t e, A n d t i n k a s s o f t l sa d ou t re a h , y y d A b o v e t h e ve n e ra b le ea , “ Ti m e wa s li k e t eed t de l i f e osses sed , h , h y p . A n i m e a e a d t s h ll b t ha t t ho u s h lt rest .

Visit,with us,our City o f Everla sting Pea ce a n d note what loving memory ha s done to ma ke tha t city beautiful a s the last $ a e r a resting pl ce of our v ne able de d . Through many a wind ing avenue beneath the umbra geous shade,we pa ss their silent homes,and read before ea ch the record brief tha t co mpasses a life which in its time yielded much more tha t with profit might o be read . They are our l ved ones gone before ,and,fit indeed “ ’ $ that after life s fitfu l fever they sleep well, surrounded by a ll “ ’ $ - n that is peaceful . For in our God s acre art a d na ture have truly joined hands to render the place a ppropria tely bea utiful a s a tribute to the dead and an inspiration to the living who seek the

a c fu l communion which this p e c place invites .

It is a vista o f beauty that unfolds as we pas s through the

a - - m ssive entrance way . The well kept drives that lead up into the centre of the grounds ,bordered with close - cut la wn and trim shrubbery,with here and there a bed of flower s or foliage plants, or a vase filled with pal ms o r ferns or drapery o f green inter spersed with blossoms, are eloquent of care exercised with

liberality . But we pass on . — Upon the right of the ma in a venue and its entrance is b ea u tified by the graceful folia ge o f a walnut tree upon either hand that,co pying the frondage of the palm,gives a tropical — suggestion upon the right,after passing a triangle o f swar d that suppo rts a ma mmoth flora l vase,the prominent feature i s a grand circle of elevated ground,its summit a n inner circle tha t marks the last re sting pla ce of the Himrod fa mily ; and it s mo nu ment ,a plain obelisk of marble,erected by Wi llia m Himrod in

1 8 51 ,i s probably t h e first monument pla ced in Erie Cemetery . It is on the eastern end o f this grand circle , and clo se to th e


Occupying an elevated circle j ust west of the sectio n last

a m o f o mentioned is the f ily lot Gen . Reed ,with its noble m nu ment of granite, and individual coverings over the various graves .

Beyond this ,a n d still to the no rth of the mai n avenue is the t h o o section known a s D ,on the plan of e gr unds . Though m re conventionally planned than any of the others yet visited ,in that it is laid out chiefly in rectangular plots ,it is by no means devoid of attractiveness and charm , the result o f the loving ca re be o it I t o f stowed up n . is eleva ted gro und ,i s finely shaded with grand old trees ,man y of them rendered a dditionally beautiful by the profusion of clinging vines with which th eir stately tru nks

i s o e o f are adorned . And it p pulous and representativ older

a r o . Erie . Here e interred Judah C lt,Judah C Spencer,mem bers of the Sanford famil y , the numero us E vans family and connection , Smith Jackson, Olds fa mily , Joseph and William

Arbuckle , James M . Scott , Scouller, Wallace , Coover, Brown and Elliott, Marvin , Whittier, Hamilton and Graha m , Hulbert

and Perkins , Ro binson ,Baldwin , Ewing,Smith , Dohe rty, Mel

y o . horn . James Chambers and famil ,Maj r Fleming,Capt . T . M u o A stin , N . Willard Russell , Gils n, Burton , Clark , Griswold, V' Gunniso n,V a rren ,Kello gg,Crabb ,M o orhead,Benso n ,Hughe s, Ottinger,Vance ,Caughey ,the numerous Bennett family ,Ayres ,

' Whittel e s W Beebe ,Fullerton , y,Hughes ,Kepler, ittich,Graham,

Co u ill M c N a i r a n d n g , , Becker Lytle . Ma y fine monuments

n embellish this sectio . Notable is that which marks the resting i . s place of the late J . C Spencer,which in excellent taste . The Evans family monument ; that of the S a nfo rds,of Major Fleming,

of Griswold, Bennett, Hughes , Wittich , Graham, and Capt .

a ll Russell ,are worthy and appropriate memorials .

Returning,upon the main avenue ,to the point where ,on the south ,the approach to the m ortuary cha pel fo rms one Side of a large triangle devoted to the cemetery in common ,we visit Sec

o o a ti n F,designed as a cr ss within circle . Like the other sections t hat ha ve been visited,it is ado rned by fine old trees ,and not less by th e na mes of many who contributed their full measure in their t h e n a n d lifetime o t e growth of the city . Judg Selde Marvin his

dau ght er are here buried , and Samuel E . Bacon , who died in

South America,while traveling there a s the representative of the R E IE CEMETERY . 29

t Erie Board of Trade ,lies not far dis ant . The family lot of the

i s a th e late T . J . Hoskinson ne r centre of the section ,and it is marked by what is unquest ionably the finest sculptured head st o ne in the cemetery ,a piece o f work to o good to be left to th e h o a n d destructive influences o f our climate . J . W . S ann n his daughter are interred he re beneath costly granite grave covers .

i e rs the W . P . Edwards , M . M . Moore , T . J . V , John Kelley, Von Busecks , of West Millcreek,Richard Ga ggi n a n d George o n e Loyer are here interred . The Nancy Davidson lot is of the best cared for and the resting place of the Elliott family of

Harborcree k is ma rked b y a go thic marble shaft . Section K is a triangle the sides of which are arcs and it is n o table as the resting place of Gen . H . L . Brown and of the Hea rns,and it is distingu ished by the ha ndsome monument that n surmounts t h e little knoll which is the centre of the sectio .

Proceeding west upon the main avenue ,we next visit Sec tion E, laid out comp actl y in sma ll lo ts , paths intersecti n g at a i ll right ngles . It s we filled ,and h a s it s share of well known

. e t n names H re res the remains of R . Pelto , whose memorial i s work plentifully in evidence throughout the cemetery . Richard Dudley,who died in England ,sleeps here in accordance

hi s with wish to be interred in his home city . Mathias Hartleb , prominent in o fli cia l life , has a beautiful granite mo nument to hi s memory . P . G . Finn ,once a prominent manufacturer here , fa r is buried hard by Mr . Hartleb, and not away Capt . John Graham of the old 8 3d Regiment ,and his son ,once well kn o wn t in Erie . O her families buried here are D ietly , Dunn , Gray, Langland , Parson , Streeter , Norcross , Schutte , Gray, Zuck,

o Dillon , Conrad and many m re . This brings us to the inter section o f the main a venue with what is at present called Walnut avenue,and i s marked by a miniature fountain surrounded by a

circle of maples . It marks what was the western boundary of the portio n first laid out into lots or sectio ns, for beyond that t hey are known by figures instead o f letters .

Section 1 is made up of geometrical figures that stand each

. a re e su r apart The plots design d for family lots . They are rou nded by drives o r wide graveled wa lks ,and are raised above ’ o the level of the th roughfares that bound them . Many of Erie s leading and most wealthy citizens a re buried here , a s the co stly E R R IE CEMETE Y .

monuments would readily testify to one not acquainted with th e t h m i n ames . It is a beautiful part of e ce etery and has been e spec

ca n s ally favored by nature,for it boast a splendid variety of tree . There are oaks o f two kinds,elms,the tulip tree,the American linde n ,our local magno lia $the cucumber tree),maples ,butter nut and spru ce ,and th e green turf of the lots is kept in splendid th e the condition . Here is located mausoleum of Scott family , th e mo st imposing monument in t h e cemetery , but there a re many memo rial columns a n d shafts in the secti o n that co mma nd o a attention even beside the d min nt object of interest . The red granite obelisk and the lighter colo red gra nite grave co vers of the Tracy lot are prominent,while the mon uments of the Walker, Metcalf, Galbraith , Courtright, Richards ,Jo hnston , and ma ny o other families are artistic and imp sing . All the lots are suitably embellished in a memoria l way ,and many have interest to large o f a in numbers Erie people . In the beautiful D venport lot is

t e rre d the Rev . Solon Cobb , once the pastor of the Central Presbyterian Church ,a n d the section includes such well-known names as Pollock ,Barr,M c Ca lmo n t and Wilson ,Brady ,Burton , Caughey,Morrison,Coc hra n,Du nn ,Henry ,Tho m pson ,Gro ss, Noble , Lamb, Wadswo rth , Black, Merrill, Arbuckle , Janes,

y Skinner,Ha es,Carter, Vincent ,and Dobbins a n d H a ve rstick . ’ Dr . Seymour s lot is marked by an o rnate monument o f white marble ,and in a quiet spot there is a modest stone that records t h e resting place of Artist Chevalier . Farther to the north and west there is a portion of the ceme t er o a y that p ssesses many ch rms of situation and surrounding . It is formally laid out in small spaces, in accorda nce with what wa s y ff i but latel the accepted plan of cemeteries . The e ect s to give an impressio n o f crowding to a certain extent, which i s proba bly emphasized by the lack of un iformity in the degree of care bestowed . But it cannot b e said to lack claim to beauty

it e o th e a d o e s e much of is l quent of love that de th not terminat . In Section R the names are pri ncipa lly o f later comers t o E ri c, but yet there are th o se amon g them that will be well remem

. W bered The names of Hilton and elshman,Howe and B a rfu s, Tibba ls a n d Whitney,Sulliva n ,Wilkinson ,and Orville John ston

are among those encountered in a visit to this section . Yet farther northwest and also o ff to the right there is a

o n c nsiderable area that is bei g filled with more or less rapidity .


A po rtion is devoted to small lots and a nother part to single i graves,and necessar ly the arrangement is severely formal . But latterday taste ha s provided a happy relief,evidenced by the ln $ t ro d u cti o n of the lawn plan , which o blitera tes distinctions and boundaries,so far as they are apparent upon the surface,cover ing all alike with a blanket o f living,velvety green .

A most eff ective exemplifica tio n of the beauties of the lawn p lan is to be seen in Section 5,the next to be visited,and situ ated over against Cherry street and at the end of the main

v a enue leading from the entrance . It is open grassy sward,sur r ounded by a fine drive and enclosed from the world without by a broad border of shrubbery that fills the space between the d a a n d t h e rivew y Cherry street fence . And yet it is not with o u t . n o t r a m the charm of trees These do shade but o n ent . A s every lot is sold subject to perpetual care there are no signs of forgetfulness or neglect to mar the charm of a perfect lawn , and the monuments ,as though set at random upon the grassy o turf,seem but to enhance the beauty of the scene . Am ng the names that appear upon the monumen ts of this lawn secti o n ,are : Griffith, Fa ssett, Mackinto sh , Hemphill , Cha rles and Henry Jarecki ,Douglass,Love ,Smart,Clark,Ewing, Hallock,Mont gomery, Spencer Van Cleve , John Carter, Wheeler, Low, Warner,Burke $containing the remains t hat rested for so lo ng a time in the vault on the hillside),H . C . Dunn ,W . W . Rinder echt,Pa skett, Zuck,Gresley, D u rfie ld, Mayo, Glo th , Lipton, Supplee,M c Clu re ,Olds,Sa ndusky,Becker,Brecht and Silliman , Shannon , Saltsman , Berriman , Bennett and R ea , Watson ,

Tanner,Hardwick and Harper .

If,in the future ,the walks shall be aba ndoned a n d the whole area of the adjoining plat,Sectio n 3,shall have provision ma de for perpetual care , it, too , will mer it attention for surpa ssing beauty,for it h a s the elements that render the new lawn section on the west side so worthy of admiration ,th e unevenness of the a a c are being its principal de traction . It is beautifully situ ted , trifle more Shaded than Section 5,and its contiguity to the body of o rigi n a l woo ds, which it to uches on the south , is an added rm t cha . There are many notable monumen s and improvements

upon this section , among which may be mentioned that o f the

Va n S co t e r . late J . C . . which is the only tomb in Erie Cemetery ERIE CEMETERY .

ta two o f It is of granite ,con ining crypts . Other monuments noteworthy character are thos e bearing the na mes of Selden , M in n ig, Curtze , Gabel, Hayes, Henderson and Slocum, while the Lo vell lot is chara cterized alike by its monuments an d it s

o . flowers . In this sec ti n are to be found the remains of Dr N . r . Brandes and Dr Germer,famed p actitioners of medicine ; M . o a Lovell, nce a leading m nufacturer ; Theo . Jarecki,prominent

r M in n i among merchants ; Pete g and Fred . Cooper,well known a grocers ,and D . P . Ensign ,remembered both as a merch nt and as a teacher .

Proceeding east,we come ne xt to a section disti nguished by — its large proportion of fine modern monuments modem in that, while in architectural style they reprod uce monoliths or obelisks of ancient da ys,they accord more with latter- day ideas o f the artistic in cemetery memoria ls tha n what obtained but a short time ago,when the glaring, ghostly white of marble wa s re gar ded a s the requisite for memori al tablet o r impo sing monu ment alike . The section is devoted to formal lots ,each a ra ised t h mound and each occupied by e dead of a single family . Of all the monuments of this section ,that which marks the burial L l place of the late W . . C eveland is undoubtedly the most

a o On. rtistic,being a lofty mon lith of light grey granite . the Opposite side of the se ction there is a nother beautiful monument , more orna te , being a Corinthia n column surmounted by a sculptured u rn ,with appro priate tablets at the base ,reco rding

o f . the death Lieut . Reid T . Stewart The Thayer and Riblet ’ eo lot is marked by a lofty shaft, G . A . Allen s with a storied

$ urn , a monument o f dark granite marks the Rutherford lot,a monument of red granite,supporting a figure of Hope, distin th a a re i h e lo t . e gu s s the of Wm . C Curry ; on M us lot the features d a shaft o f granite a n d grave covers of the same ma terial ,a n a low but massive and pleasing sto ne monument marks the lot of

e r a e the Leech family . There are oth r g v s and lots appro

m . . pria t ely indicated by monuments ,among the those of L M o M c Ca rter . . . , , and J . W Little, Joseph C E Gunnison C nrad B erst , Bro wn , Woodard, D . W . Fitch,French , , Hyner,Brown a n d Fletch er,Reed and Thomson,Orton ,Wilkins ,Adams ,Todd

Scott .


b y a Kelsey family are indicated massive gr nite covers . Near the centre is the lot of and James Hoskinson ,which co n

a o tains the grave of Basil Hoskinson , soldier of the Rev lutio n . “ $ ' Uncle Oliver Spa fl o rd ,the Benjamin Franklin of early Erie , is buried in this section , and so is Isaac Moorhead , of ha ppy fin memory . There are many e monuments and well kept lots , among them those of VVea th erby , Alexander,Wa rfel, Shank, Ro ach, Cook , Russel and Hulbert , Zimmerly, Schabacker, Diehl and Doll ,Moore ,Jackson , Kirkpatrick , Whitley, D eigh ton, the M c D a n n els , Anthony Saltsman a n d his descenda nts,

- and Sidney Kelsey ,an old time newspaper man .

Occupying a quadrangular space , the sides of which are arcs , the Mort u ary Chapel fills a n important place in the land scape a t this poin t ,and, surrounded by fine trees of o a k and magnolia acuminata ,and flanked by clumps of graceful sh rub bery ,bea utiful at all seasons ,a n d especially when in fl o wer,the r chapel plot is o n e of the most pleasin g in the entire cemete y . The chapel itself is fully described in a nother portion of this work,and need not be referred to at greater length at this time .

Next ,to the east,is the section designated H . It is circular

in form and similar in plan to that last visited ,just to t h e west . Notable a s the place of interment of many who were pioneers in this por tion of the country, it i s also t o be remarked that the fault of neglect is to be charged in a number of instances ,this A n eglect marring an otherwise very attractive section . p p ro a chin g it by way of the main thoroughfare called by the present superintenden t Chestnut avenu e , the most not eworthy i lot,both for situation and care , i s tha t o f the Ju st ce and Gal laghe r families,in which are buried a number of once prominent i citizens and business men of Erie . Of the Gallagher fam ly ,an 1 8 1 6 interesting epitaph records. the death of an early settler in ,

m h a s o r a ged 55 years . The Dunn fa ily a mem rial in the fo m of a handsome monum ent of marble ,and the Abel and Culbertso n families,in a shady nook ,have marked their burial place by a

n umber of appropriate m o numents of marble and granite .

’ Charles M iller s lot co ntains a fine obelisk of granite ,and the m Zu M c Cl ella n d , s . Tra ks . C . K Riblet ,Willia Nicholson , ck and

are al so represented b y appropriate memorial stones . On the Cunningham and Riblet lot there are interesting tablets, two

R E IE CEMETERY . 39 — recording the death in 1 8 1 0 1 4 of Catherine and Bartley Riblet , 8 0 1 8 8 0 aged ,and of John,in 35,aged . Others buried here are these families : Mayo , Blount,Willis and Osborn , Burger,the Nic h o lso n s of Millcreek, Caldwell, Johnson, M c Crea , Bran, 1 8 2 i ht o f Coates . Teel $who died in 7 . aged W g ,the Browns

Millcreek,and Lamberton .

We are again at the eastern side of the cemetery,the dri ve wa y called Chestnut avenue ,a piece of wooded lawn remaining between the section last visited and the fence that forms the

eastern boundary . The lawn is a very attractive piece of sward , a n d the trees,of chestnut,magnolia and oak ,with a few spruces, are fine specimens and worthy ornaments to this piece of pa rk

like ground . Below Section H , occupying a triangle , is the

G . A . R . monument dedicated to those soldiers whose burial place is unknown ,and it is the spot around which the veter a ns gather each Memoria l Dav in o bse rvance of the ceremo nies

befitting the occasion .

Proceeding up the Chestnut avenue drive ,a few steps will bring us to what is known as the Reinterment Section ,a space devoted to the burial of those bodies which remained unclai med

at the time the old burial grounds in Erie were abandoned . There are three portions,one assign ed to the reinterments from o th e the U . P . burial ground ,another to th se from Episcopalian ,

a n d t r the hird to those from the First Presbyte ian . This sec — tion is surrounded by trees of hemlock spruce a species that is here more numerous than in a n y other portion of the cemetery and the entire section,having perpetual care ,is always in a dmir I t able order . is a section,however,that is but seldom visited although its antique stones and old fashioned inscriptions and i sometimes qua nt epitaphs are full of interest .

Now, extending to the south , all the way to the Twenty

sixth street lin e and as far over to the we st as to Wa lnut avenue , we find what ma y be ter med the artificial part of the ceme tery, that portion that ,when the land was purchased had been clear ed o of w ods and under cultivation . It was planted with trees, ’ principally maples ,and these ,of fifty vears growth have attained fe splendid dimensions . In a w places th ere is to be found a hicko ry ,a probable survivor of the first forest growth ,and an occasional a sh ,while in section 1 7 there are a number of lindens R 40 E IE CEMETERY .

t o h to lend diversity the sylvan beaut y of this burial grove . Wit the exc e ption of the lower extremities of sections M and N ,t h e gen e ral plan of the grounds up to abo ut the latitude of Twent y a n d fourth street is severely form al . The lots are rectangular the sections are traversed by walks laid out at right angl e s . Section Q and the centre of MM aff ord the only departures from th e rectan gular plan It is a large area,and populous ,multi tudes of names appearing that a waken memories or suggest c o n n ecti o n E ric with history .

In Section N there are the names of Church and Parker a n d of ex-Treasure r H ulbert, the first o f the soldiers of th e War of ffi the Rebellion to be given public o ce in Erie county . Aaron Lyons is remembered b y a marble shaft in a lo t enclosed in a stone coping . A massive monument of granite marks the lot of

Phineas Crouch . Here are also the family lots of Gideon

Ormsby , Parker and Goodwin , Rudd ,Hayes and their connec

' o W ti n , Boyers, Thomas . Crowell , Snell , Wilson and John r o a n d Bu t n the Shattucks of Millcreek .

Across the way,in Sectio n M,there are many n o tewo rth v

m emorials to former citizens . Here are to be seen monuments M Kn i . h M . . c t i n n i to George W Barr,H V Claus , g , g,Shattuck .

Arbuckle, Foot , Hughes , Zeigler, Ri n dern echt, Myron Hayes , D u rn e r Schneider, Dickson and Vosburg, and Sechrist . The so o sepulchre of A . J . Sterrett, l ng an important county offi cial , is locat e d in this section , and others who have monuments to y se D their memor are Ra r, Snowman , Schabacker,, o eh re l, St re u b e r a Moller, Hummel . Guckes , , S muel Brown , Keeler,

e Sapper . Walther, Conrad ,Li bel ,Macomber,Hawkins,Slocum , P flu e e r g and Henry . The y are monuments generally of good

a y taste and orn ments to the cemeter .

As h a s alre ad y b ee n st a t e d , this portion of the cemetery, ge nerally ,is a populous o n e ,and a s one strolls back and forth, reading the inscription s , th e n a m e s of many familiar a s mer chants,manufacturers, contrac tors o r men of aff airs in their lifetime ,are encountered,a n d many of them are remembered by o e A s we n a s suitable m num nts . proceed , we find such ames Wood ,Shue of Millcreek,La nder,Scheller,Congressman Brain

o s D re i si a k e r erd ,J . Boyd , g , Stricker , D . Miller , Fairbairn and

Gunni so n ,B a u sc h a rd ,Cochra n ,Chambers,Yale ,Swalley,Dunn . R ERIE CEMETE Y . 4 1

Fa r D i c km e er go , C . J . Sterrett, y , Dr . H . A . Spencer, Hauck, ' R o W W . yer,Mack , ard,Downer ,Bandmaster M . Mehl ,Humes ,

D u o mars,Thompson ,Doll and Wilkins,Carr ll . come up on t h e S . W graves of Elder teever,and Benj allace,of Alexander Mc Cl e lland ; another of the numerous Burton family ; of Mohr,Mc Th e Ca A m . nn,Camphausen of Enos J . es and Christian Thomas E b erso le s of Harborcreek are interred here,and Abram Wagner, w h a o c me to this county in 1 8 0 6 . The Parkinsons are an old fa m ily ,and near th em are the names of Brecht,Moore ,Marsh , o a n d Stewart , Curtis, Heidler and Lapsle y . Milt n and John M c Crea ry and descendants,and John Kelso ,general in the War o f 1 8 1 2 ,and j udge of the courts a n d state commissioner,who at h i s death in 1 8 1 9 was 55 years old ,are here ; and other pioneers wh o sleep hard by are,Elizabeth Wasson,bo rn in 1 7 7 0 ; David

W 1 68 o 1 1 8 . asson, 7 ; Th mas Rees, 7 7 5 ; Mary Rees, 7 3 Joseph D . May and Capt . John M . Sell,who was killed at Gettysburg in th at famous battle , have m o numents to mark their last res ting

l y p aces . Farther down ,but in this portion of the cemeter will

b e found the grave of Capt . Sexauer,another soldier of Erie who

p aid the forfeit of his life for his loyalty . And not far from the y p lace of interment of Capt . Sexauer will be found the famil plot o B f . revillier G . F , one of the best cared for in the cemetery . T h e e monum nt of Anna M . Decker furnishes probably the best r p iece of ca ving in granite to be found in the cemetery .

Then ,further up,we will find,near the Walnut avenue tier, y the family lots of Dr . Tha er, Richard s, Hume , John Elliott , S herwin , Gilso n ,Chellis and others , shaded by beautiful speci m ens of maple and elm ,while ,acro ss the drive ,and toward the

east ,where lindens lend variety to the sylvan foliage ,are found

. . the graves of B A Parker,Philander Edson ,J . C . Bush , W . F .

Parsons ,E . R . Blood and his family ,Swene y and E n E a rl ,Minium ,

Ludwig,and O . R . Stockwell ,once general secretary of the Erie

h e th e . . . t n Y M C A . Over against Chest ut street side of grounds the hillside is beautiful in situation and as the result of

e memory and of car . Formal enough in its plan , the tastes exhibited in the selection of monuments and in the ma tter of planting and carin g for the several lots have produced a pleasing

diversity that render th e sectio n attractive from season to s eason . The trees are chiefly maples , with here and there a Norway 42 ERIE CEMETERY .

spruce ,bu t in thei r season the rhododendro n and the rose, t h e spire a and the hydrangea,the lilac a n d the wigelia co ntribut e t o e e r the beauty of a charming hillside . Here is found the Neim y t h e lot,marked by a fine monument and beautiful with flowers ; Benner, Rolland , Schnoor, Dawley, L a nder, King, Eller a n d Lerch lots,all ma rked by attractive monuments ; the Knoblo c h lot ,with its lofty mo nument,to pped by an urn and its groun d s

imposing monument,erected by h i s congregation and numero u s

friends .

Crossing the driveway running no rth and south ,we leave a section of neatness and order,indicating the more mod ern idea s “ in cemetery care ,and are introduced to a sample of o ld ceme $ tery, wher e every aspect suggests adherence to the old -fash

io n d e . In many respects it is interesting ; in others it is to be regretted that the cemetery co rporatio n has n o t full auth o rity to so amend the general ways o f the lot owners as to ma ke this se ction, devoted to single graves, more confo rmable wit h th e t o - o progressive ideas that prevail day . There is, it cann t be denied,a species of interest in finding such o ld-fashio ned plant and flowers as the southern wood and the house leek ,the sweet William and the live- forever,the bell - flo wer and the mullein pink , — growing spontaneously perennial reminders of the love tha t first empl o yed them to embellish the last resting place of a relative o r

friend . But the developments are not all that could be desired . Th e eglantine and the lily of the valley ; th e rose and the ivy, appropriately mark the graves of loved o nes,but they do so much better if they evidence continued interest a n d unremitting remem brance ,which they scarcely do when they break boundaries and o bec me weeds . The cemetery management is zealous for im pro vement, and, it is understoo d , is do ing what it ca n , by education and example ,to bring about a change her e confo rm~ able with new ideas ; it is a source of deep regret that the eff orts of the management are not yet as heartily seconded by lot owners

in this section as could be desired .

But we proceed toward the south ,and here,having topped the hill ,there opens a most striking contrast to the last section visited ,for it is a vista of rare beauty that is spread before us

E R I E C R EMETE Y . 45

t when we reach the crest of the ridge . Stre ching before us is a beautiful expanse of lawn,closely trimmed and of even,velvety green ,extending to where its bo unda ries end in the public street o to or the base of the yet higher gr und the sou thwest . It is a section , or series of sections, maintained strictly on the lawn s ee system ,and ,save for the spruce on the Chestnut str t border . the elms and maples on the southern margi n ,and here and there a buckeye or an ash,a catalpa or a silver birch ,o r maples irregu la rly placed,is free and open to the view and to th e flood of r golden sunlight . There are sh ubs distributed about and beds of pansies or geraniums or coleus , but its chief attraction is the stretch of greensward,unbroken by path or dividing line o f a n y t o sor . There are monuments ver the graves,but these are a s a rule in taste to correspond,and they are without suggestion of

o rm a lit i s f v . It a section appropriated to the comparatively new ’ comers o f Erie s citizens ,with only here and there a name that ha s been associated with mo re than a quarter of a centu ry of our his

H e t tory . er no marble slab bearing date of the eighteen h — — century will meet the eye its interest is o f another kind the m e char of peace is an appeal to another sens . It brings with it a feeling of content ; it contains promise both o f an advance in

aesthetic taste and a veneration for the dead . Let us loo k at

some of the monuments . They conta in ,among others , these : D h . o e rel . names Seymour Torrey, W W . Ross , Carl , J rt Knobloch, P . D . Bryant, Turner, Ca er, Seymour E . Reed,

o Peter Hartleb ,Rufus S . King,Thaddeus J . Elli tt ,Seib ,Strick ickm a n and Neuberger, Coates, Dunn , Henry A . Thayer, W ,

o W . . . Ho per,Kate hite ,Nelson Olds,James Tennant ,Capt W G Z fo r a t immerly,and Henry S . Jones, quarter of a cen ury super ’ in ten den t of Erie s public schools . Now we have reached the roadway that leads farther up, towards the highest portion of the cemetery grounds, and the slope between the lawn section and the road is a lawn planted w o ith shrubs . There are c rnus and spirea, berberis and i elia w . sambucus . hydrangea,paeonia and g On the way up we pass the family vault of the Browns ,shaded by a Norway spruce ’ and an ash tree ,but the slope on the right is a s yet in nature s

care . Standing on the brow of the hill,to the left as the road turn s, is the Dickinson family lot ,beautiful for situation and bearing E E 46 ERIE C M TERY .

c th evidences of onstant care . On e right,surrounded by a hed g e of a bo rv ita e ,a lmo st the only hedge of its kind remaining in t h e m th “f ce etery, is e family lot of illing . Close by i s

ra e . e r P found the g v of Rev Rob t Reid,first pastor of the U . . o f H n d o n . a a r a Church,a a longside the resting place Is ac B . G his m t a v e and wife . A arble slab laid horizon ally marks the gr ’ of two boa tswain s mates of the Michigan ,killed in 1 8 49 by t h e a e r e accidenta l discharge of a gu n while firing a s lute . $Th were seven killed by this accident , a sa lute in ho nor of Vi c e A n d President Fillmore ,on his departure from a visit to Erie . ) there are many names of Erie pioneers to be read from th e epitaphs tha t are distributed about under the shade of the patri R e Ora . u ev . archa l trees. Here are B njamin and P G nnison, I I th e G . a . . y . . A . L urie , Rev Joseph Presle , Col I Camp and a W e Marshall family , Dr . Willi m M . allace and Irwin Wallac , o k Senat r M . B . Lowry and his family ,the Reeds of Millcreek bac for several generations,the Riblets and Sterretts,including Judge o h J seph M . Sterrett and George W . Riblet,associated wit news paper history o f early days ; Tho mas King,Michael Riblet,Jo hn

P h erri n and Samuel P he rrin , born in the eighteenth century . Here is to be found the plot devoted to the Home for the Friend D O . r . less,and pposite,the mausoleum of Hon . J . F . Downing ’ Jaco b Vo sburgh,one of the earliest of Erie s physicians ,who died in 1 8 53,and Samuel Barr,who died in 1 8 45,rest on this hill-top , c and near by is the grave of Rev . Bennett Glover,second re tor ’ h s . m Stra n a an of St Paul s Episcopal Church . The fa ily lot of the a o e Th and L cys is marked by an imposing monument f granit . e lot set apart for the burial of the dead of the Lo ve family bea r s record of the comings and goings of several generations,begi n ning with James Love, who came to Erie from Cecil county , 1 2 Md . ,in 8 0 ,and next to it is the lot in which are buried the M c Crea r F wa s departed of the y family,back to Joseph . ,who — born in the year of American independence h e was the father of

“ t M r r en . . c C ea . e D . B y And her ,too,is the burial place of the

a n fi ld o f . C e . family Rev Benj Jones ,now pastor of Park Church . It would be diffi cult to conceive of a more charming burial place than this lofty eminence that is the summit of the Erie

Cemetery . Shaded bv ancient trees of chestnut, hemlock spruce,oaks , cherry ,ash, tulip t ree , maple, hornbeam, walnut, sassafras , magnolia and Norway spruce, it commands a pano R ERIE CEMETE Y . 4 7

ramic view of a stretch of country as fair as ever the sun shone — upon ,that extends a wa v to the south cultivated farms,inter spersed with orchards and woodlands, a scene of peace a n d ple n t v and contentment that is a joy to the eye . Upon the other hand may be seen the city partially hid by its forest of shade trees, and beyond,the shining waters o f the bay and the blue of t h e a n d open lake . extending until water azure sky meet at the a horizon line . Nothing is more restful th n the view and the o surr undings of this portion of the city of the dead .

And now we turn backward,following the drive down the te n hillside from the southwes rn cor er of the cemetery . It leads through what is a remnant of the original forest,and is composed of some of the grandest o ld trees to be found anywhere in this r a a portion of the count y . The hillside is ttractive with m ny a graceful fo rm of vegetation and is a procession of beauty as the seasons advance , beginning with th e bloodroo ts and early meadow ru es o f the springtime,and followed in regular succes sion by the vio lets and anemones and a hundred other floral

m - o e for s until the asters and golden rods cl s the book of the year . Nor are the myriad forms of flora and sylva a ll that charm the visitor or render this beautiful place sacred to the m emo ry of the dea d a constant delight to the living who come to pay memorial r tribute to friends passed over . From earliest sp ing the mag n ifi c en t forest is vocal with the music of the feathered choir that , while they find here secure asylum in which they may roam at will and establish their aerial homes, sing their joyful songs of ho pe and love and happiness above those who peacefully sleep beneath the gr een turf,and the little four-footed denizens of th e wo ods have almost lo st their fear,in their consciousness of the ff security the sacred place a ords .

Off to the left may be seen through the trees,the spot set ’ apart for God s poo r, with here and there a modest monument and occasio nally a flowering plant,evidence that love knows no

condition in life . Above them stretch in constant benediction the far reaching arms of the noble trees that stand sentinel over them ,while the birds exercise n o discriminat io n in their contri

n butions of So g .

But the road leads out to Walnut avenue in due time , and from the junction point,near the old public receiving vault ,now R R 4a E IE CEMETE Y .

th e in disuse . we obtain a magnificent view of splendid aven u e , bordered by grac e ful elms and flanked,on the left by the ma gn ifi cent old woo ds , and on the east by the new forest of maple s , impressive in the s u mmer by its masses o f living gr een a n d e de r splen nt in the au tumn in crimson and gold . This ,the fin est a venue in the c emetery,leads down to the central point ,occupied by the fountain , whence i t tu rn s into the main avenue leading to the entrance

h a re It is a populous city t at we have been visiting . There a t rest within its confines dead ,laid there duri ng th e half et o century of its existenc e . And v ,it is calculated there is ro m remaining for burials for sixty years to come , with possi bilitie s for the future that promi se at the end of that period a place of even gr eater beaut y than that which so eminently distinguishes i t o We th e th o f t day . have here story of e Erie Cemetery the

W it s y x ? present . hat will stor be si ty years hence

52 ER IE CEMETERY . tion that requires a han dful of earth as the fitting response when “ $ Dust to dust is spoken ,but that act is now o f the most unoh t ru siv e e sort . It is a grateful departure from the custom whos

- only recommen dation is that it is time honored .

And it was in line with the spirit of humanity developing in modern hearts that there was provided, in 1 8 8 8 ,t h e beautiful r mortuary chapel of Erie Cemete y . It was prompted by much the same sentiment that a few years later evo lved the interment feature to which allusion ha s just been made . The purpose was partly to ameliorate the conditions attending funerals from a dis tance ,t hat had previously obtained ,and partly to make provision for the care o f bodies that were not to be immediately inte rred . The need of such a chapel ,and of better fa cilities for th e care of

' bodies than were a fl o rded b v the old receiving vault in the hill side , so impressed itself upon the board of managers and th e corporators that about the year 1 8 8 7 it was decided to take step s

B u t to provide what had come to be regarded as a pressing need . there was n o undue haste , for it was regarded as the part of wisdom to make a study of the subject before arriving at a

o a . decision . In rder to obtain all the inform tion possible Col

D . S . Clark and the late William Himrod,members of the Board of Managers,visited a large number o f cemeteries ,examined th e chapels and vaults critically,and returned with ideas and o pinions t obtained from those whose experience qualified them o speak .

o o l The tour of observati n and inspection took C . Clark and

o ff o Mr . Himr d first to Bu al . There the arrangements for the temporary care of the dead were so very unsatisfactory that a e hurried d parture was taken . At Rochester the Erie representa h tiy es were well pleased with t e vault which they examined . At Utica ,h owever,a vault wa s found which met approval in every a o sense . It was used in a neighborly manner by the C th lic and Protestant cemeteries ,which adjoined,and in the vault ,at the

o . time ,there wa s found the remains of Gov . Horati Seymour The place and its surroundings pleased the commissioners fro m E rie Cemetery So greatl y that they decided to model the new Erie

Cemetery chapel and vault in a general wa y upon that a t Utica . Th e Howeve r,there were found t o be improvements possible . result of the trip wa s the ado ption of a plan which ,while it pro vides all that was found de sira ble in the best systems examined,


wa s yet in advance of any that had been seen,a n d it was a lso

drawn upon a scale intended to meet the demands of the future . That,in the respect of measuring up to future requirements, it has fallen a trifle short—the chapel being hardly adequate to the — demands now frequently made upon it is sca rcely an error of j udgment,for there had previously been nothing that could ha ve o been regarded as a criteri n .

- As it exists to day the Mortuary Chapel of Erie Cemetery i s loo ked upon as a model, and experienced cemetery managers have declared it , in its entirety ,unsurpassed by an y thing of its r nature in the count y . It is a beautiful building of t he go thic sty le of architecture built of brownstone and covered with a roo f

of red slate and tile . Cruciform in its ground plan ,the point where all arms join is surmounted by a tower carried higher th a n a - r the main building by what would equ l a half sto y . The ex treme length of the building is 8 4 feet and 6 inches ; the extreme 0 th e width 4 feet . The entrance to chapel is at the north end of the building,through an Open portico the roo f of which is sup b r ported y graceful and s y mmet ically proportioned columns . The chapel room ,which is about 38 by 2 0 feet in area,occupies

the basal po rtion of the cross . It is lighted by stained glass windows,the floo r covered with a fine carpet ; is provided with a platform or pulpit at the upper end,which is fu rnished with a brass reading desk and upright chandeliers,also of brass , and Th e u pholstered chairs . room is furnished with folding chairs i s and i s heated by a furnace . Its vaulted ceiling lofty,and the a v finish ing i s in oak . Behind the pulpit a pair of he y curtains c onceal th e door t hat leads to the vault ,permitting the casket to be pa ssed through at the conclusion of the funeral service . In the winter time it has become customary to have th e burial ser vices i n the chapel,the interment taking place a fter the compa ny

i s h a s departed . It not an infrequent occurrence that after the burial service the bo dv i s deposited in the vault to remain until a ch oice of a lot mav be made .

In the vault itself is found the feature o f peculiar exc e llence which commends the chapel to superintenden ts and managers s from abroad who visit Erie Cemetery . The head and two arm

o is of the cr ss . which the plan of the building, is the portion o ccupied by the vault . This consists of a series of crypts in E E 56 RIE C METERY .

tiers,each of the tiers enclosed by its own pair of sliding d o o r s , 8 T and there are in all 4 of these crypts . hey are ,of cou r s e , o f ffe ’ di rent sizes ,varying from the dime n sions of a child s ca sk e t t o

those of the largest size . The crypts are so constructed t h a t e th re is a free circulation of air above and below and at either e n d , th e air ducts leading up into the lofty tower and thence into t h e o pen air,th e result being that the vault is always in a conditio n o f — purity and freedom from odor save ,possibly,the perfume o f t h e flowers that have been carried in upon the casket when it w a s passed through from the chapel . Standing in the centre , o r rotunda,the appearance of the four walls is that of pan el -wo r k m to fro the stone floor the ceiling . l The surroundings of the chapel are appropriately bea utif u . It occupies a charming situation not far from the cemete r y entrance and is approached by a broad winding drive which par t s directly in front o f the structure ,and bends o ff to left a n d righ t , intersected at length by o ther similar drives from the south ,th u s forming a figure of four sides, each of the sides an arc ,i n th e

n centre of which plot the chapel is situated . This plot is a law studded by fine shru bbery that,from the blooming of the Juda s tree in the early spring,u ntil the autumn frosts have changed th e “ $ “ foliage to gold,is always a thing of beauty and therefore a $ joy fore ver .

Until 1 8 96 the entrance to the Erie Cemetery was through a set of heavy cast iron gates , guarded by a little octagona l ’ porter s lodge, picturesque enough in its drapery of Virginia th e creeper,but by n o means either impressive or adequate . In — year mentioned,however,an important change for the better a n — improvement worthy the name was bro ught about by the erec set a T h e tion of the new lodge and a of wrought iron g tes . posts are of brownstone ,massive and imposing,and the driveway up from Chestnut street and through into the gro unds is paved with vitrified brick . The gates supported by the posts ,while heavy, are yet of a design that suggests symmetry and grace, t giving the impression of beaut y as well as streng h .

The Lodge is a building 7 0 by 40 feet in area,of one high story and basement,placed high up on ground terra ced from the

i s main driveway . The building of brownstone , its square or hip roof covered with red slate and tile , a n d wha t wou ld have R ERIE CEMETE Y. 57 been the s evere outline of the roof artistically bro ken by dormer

n wi dows . There is a spacious porch at the entrance,which is reached by stone steps,and,enclosed by a parapet from which rise the columns t hat support the roo f,it form s at once a retreat that invites to rest those weary after the tour of the cemetery and an ornamental feature of the building . Within there is a large reception room with vestibules ,o ffices with fire - proo f vault for the preservation of records,a room for the managers,an offi ce for the superintendent and toilet roo ms for the public and for ffi o cers . The interior is finished in quartered oak,high paneled wa inscoting a n d frieze and mantels,and the vaulted ceiling is delicately tinted . Rugs upon the polished floor,and desks a n d furniture of oak compo se, with the a lwa ys -present a cco mpa n i m ent of fine gr owing plants,the furnishings o f the rooms a n d complete a most attractive suite of apartments,designed as much for the accommodation of the patrons of the Cemetery as for the o f fi comfort and convenience the of cials .

Private interments were introduced in E ri c on the occasion ’ of the burial of Mrs . J . C . Beebe s mother,the widow of Captain i E ric 1 8 1 John Richards . Capt . R chards came to in 3 to help ’ r r r build Co n . Per y s fleet ,and took up his pe manent residence in so this place . The private observance of the rite of interment, begun,at once co mmended itself,a n d now it may truthfully be said that probably ha lf the burials are witnessed a l o n e by th e near relatives or intimate friends of the deceased . E E E E 53 RI CEM T RY .


T h e bo a s t o f h e ra l ry , t h e po m p o f po we r, d ' A n d a l l t ha t bea ut y , a l l t h a t we a lt h e er g a v e , A wa i t a lik e t h e i n e v i t a b l e ho ur

T h e a t s of lo le a b u t t o t h e a ve . p h g ry d gr

How many chapters of the history of the city : indeed ,of the state and nation ,are suggested by the names upo n the monu ments a n d tablets that mark th e last resting- place of those now $ habiting the city of the dead . They whose brief mortuary records are seen on every hand were,in their time,witnesses of and participants in events that were building a nation and mould ing a race ,and,their labors o ver,they Sleep at the end of that pathway universal,a n d the visitor to the cemetery ,reading their names,finds hints and suggestio ns that recall many importa nt th e incidents of past .

Erie Cemetery has its fair share of notable names,and ,in tho se names suggestions of the past with al l its a chiev ements .

Much of this story of the past is of the deepest local interest . There a re those named by the to mbstones who were among the pioneers who opened up the wilderness and paved the way to its

- conversion into the splendid and populous region it is to day . How much of the history of the beginnings of this community is

- suggested by readi n g the name of Col . Seth Reed ,pre eminent among the old settlers,or his direct successors ,Rufus S . and Gen .

h e e n t C arles M . Re d ,compl ti g hree generations of the builders of ? this city And hard by will be fo und the names of o ther o pi neers, such as Judah Colt , Dr . John C . Wallace . Daniel i o o . Dobbins , Gen . J hn Kelso , Thomas W lson , Col Th mas

e o f a Forst r,Capt . Martin Strong,a man large influence ; S muel

a n d hi s Hays two sons . Then there were the Sterrett brothers , — — six in number,three of whom James ,Joseph and Robert are a interred here . Another family,not ble alike for its numbers and its important connection with the early development of Erie and v icinity,i s that of John E vans and his five sons,four o f whom,

James , Thomas ,R obert,and William ,are interred here . And


yet another notable family : that of Thomas Hughes , a n d his , W sons James, John, Alexander, Thomas, illiam, George and Perry,all of whom ,except William,who died while crossing the great plains, lie buried here . Conrad Brown and his sons, the Conrad and Samuel,are also in the list of pioneers . These other n a m e s,idcn tified with the early development of Erie ,a re met

: M cS a rr n i r e M N a . with Archibald p ,Major Dunning c ,P . S V . H a m o t — - - n in la w . , Giles Sanford, and at a later day his so J . C Spencer and his own son Myron Sanford ; David Kennedy, o Th mas Laird ,John Teel,A . W . Brewster,William Fleming, George Selden ,followed afterwards by his four sons,all buried ’ o u r Go dsa re in beautiful c . And the story of the city s develop ment is continued in mind as we read the names of E . D . an d

Benjamin Gunnison and the two sons of E . D . and three of Benjamin ; of Josiah and George Kellogg,William Kelly,David

' W a n albridge,Basil Hoskinson d his sons William and James ; of a a Robert Brown,Thomas G . Colt ,Elihu M rvin $ somewhat later V i B erst comer), B . B . incent ,James and John Will ams,John ,

Col . Abiathar Crane ,Capt . John Justice ,Samuel Brown,Thomas W' King and his sons ilson and Alfred , James Lytle , Presley H Arbuckle , the Riblet brothers $Jonathan , J . . , William and E George); Da vid Burton and his sons P . . , Andrew and

e Woost r .

But there were those whose names were assoc iated with

n especial lines in the developme t of Erie . and a chapter is sug h gested when t e name of Capt . George Miles is read,calling up those o ther captains who aided to give early Erie its prominent t place in a c o mmercial sen se , a n d who sleep with Cap . Miles beneath the shade of the oaks and maples and liriodendrons in

\V . . beautiful Erie Cemetery . There are Captains G . . and W M

th e \V. . . . Gallagher,Capt . W Dobbins,Capt John F White ,and captains of the famous Reed fleet,when steamboating was in its — i palmiest days Capt . John Richards and h s sons Thomas and S so n John . ; Captains Thomas and Ben . Wilkins,father and ; Fl e h a rt e . Capt . William Davenport and Capt . John y The revenue cutter service is represented by Capt . Douglas Ottinger, t e and h e independent sailing merchant s rv ice by Capt . Fred

Culver and Capt . Winchell . E R E R 62 I CEMETE Y.

’ And we ca n read here the chapter of Erie s development a s m a manufacturing centre . Pardon and James Sennett,Willia Himrod and David Shirk are of those who came here at a n important juncture to bend their energi es to the development o f o o f o f the iron industry . And the gr wth that particular branch m a n u fa cu rin g is suggested by the names of Prescott Metcalf a n d P M cCa rt er a recki s e his son Joseph . , Joseph , the J , Orang

L o v r in a e Noble ,C . H . e ,John Fairbairn and S muel and Georg

Selden,one an originator of the Griswo ld Ma nufacturing Co . and the other occupying a similar relation with the Erie City

Iron Works . William R . Davenport and John Fairbairn were T ff connected with the building of cars . homas Meha y , with Fl . W o A . Brewster,foll wed Alvah ynt in the introduction of the


o elm er . woo len manu facture ; J . H . W and C Schwengel represent the manufa cture of oilclo th ,and Alfred King,a notable man in his life time,was the pioneer in the manufacture of malt and introduced the cultivation of barley in this section . The names

Ba u sc h a rd s r of W . H . Deming ,the ,the Ca ters and Hugh Jones suggest the wooden industries ; the Hayses,Sterrett, Gunnison ’ L 'o and Stre u b er are associated with tanning,while M . N . vell s n ame is still pro minently connected with manufacturing in Erie . The flour milling industry and it s help in t h e development of Erie is recalled by th e names of Daniel Converse ,Jehiel To wner,

. . Jo h n Robinson ,Henry Gingrich ,H . B . Haverstick,S E Bacon

and H . L . Crouch .

And there are name s that recall the histo ry of the building of th e railroads and the construction of other great works that o have marked the developmen t of the city,the state o r the nati n . Here are names that are identified a s tho se of notable co ntractors m : . . . in their day Wilson King,J . W Ryan ,J R Cochran ,Willia

m . Hi rod, Milton Courtright, Irvin Camp , J . A . Tracy, W . L

Scott, M . B . Lowry,A . W . Brewster, Smith Jackson , John S .

. r Brown ,Wm Kelly,Gen C . M Reed ,James Dunlap , Geo ge J . o t n t h s so H ill M r o ,M . Henry, e Ho kin ns ,John ,John Constable ,

o W . E . Bell ,Samuel Lytle ,and Hugh J nes .

The chapter o f church history called up by inscriptions and epitaphs i s as interesting as the period covered i s extended, for here are found the restin g places of ministers whose long periods of servic e gave pro of of the degree o f love and esteem in E R IE CEMETERY . 63 w hich they were held by their congregations,and the story o f t h ese clergymen is the history of the ch urches they so faithfully s e d‘ r rved . Here are to be foun the g aves of Rev . Robert Reid a n d Rev . Joseph H . Presley,whose ministrations to the United P resbyterian Church covered a pe riod of nearly two thirds of a

c e . entury ; Rev . B nnett Glover , one of the first rectors of St ’ P - wo o . t aul s ; Rev . George A Lyon,for forty years past r of the — First Presbyterian Church his only charge ; Rev . Mr . Steever,

a n . . . Elder in the M . E . Church ; Rev A G Laurie ,once pastor o f the Universalist Church ; Rev . Solon Cobb , for many years A h . p astor o f the Central Presbyterian C urch ; Rev . . L Benze , ’ o f . St . John s Lutheran Church ; Rev Joseph Vance of the Pres b t eri n h d y a denomination , and Rev . William Todd , a Met o ist m inister . — And the doctors there are more wh o once represented the m edical profession in Erie who to-day sleep ben eath th e spread i n g shade of the fine old trees of Erie Cemetery than there are , p robably, of any other of the learned professions . And how i n timately they have been connected with the history o f this c o mmunity,the pioneer of the physicia ns being also quite as ll u . Va a ce . t r ly a pioneer in every other respect ,for Dr . J . C \ ,Gen V ’ n e y E ri V a y s ph sician , was one of the first comers to c . No m ore faithful servants of the race are to be found anywh ere than w ere those physicians whose epitaphs may be read in Erie Ceme

f e : . ry . They include Doctors A Thayer,Jacob Vosburgh,Asa Coltrin , Peter Christy , the Fa u lk n e rs $Peter, William and

R r obe t); Dr . Abijah Beebe,who died in Philadelphia, but was i b u . ried here ; Dr W . P . Lattimer,an Erie boy who went to Par s t o finish his scientific education ,but came home to die ; Doctors

C . F . Perkins , C . Sevin , W . M . Wallace ,J . L . Stewart , H . A. S . . r s pencer, E W Ge mer , N . Seymour, Sanford Dickin on , and

J . S . Carter .

s And,while the profes ions have been brought to mind . it is prope r to consider the magistrat e s and practitioners of law who once served in Erie but who n o w fill a lo tted spaces in the city of the dead. A reading of the epitaphs will serve to Show tha t

: these magistrates have here a record in stone E . D . Gunnison ,

o Giles Sanford ,Joseph M . Kratz , J hn Morris , John D . Haver

. o stick . Christian Heck , G J . Ball , George Kell gg, William R R 64 E IE CEMETE Y .

u Thornton , Allen A . Craig, Frederick C rtze , William Kelly , oe on James Skinner, F . W . K hler, Wils King,John Sweeney , i Gr ffi W. o . George P . i th ,Wilson Laird,G . Gunn s n

: The practitioners of law were these G . A . Eliott, Elijah

Babbitt ,J . C . Marshall ,C . W . Kelso,W . C . Kelso,J . B . Johnson ,

A . J . Foster, G . N . Johnson , S . M . Brainerd , Richard Sill , Matthew and William Taylor, J . W . Brigden , S . L . Gilson , r Benjamin Grant,F . F . Marshall,and W . A . Galb aith .

- s Erie of to day is pardo nably proud of its educational statu .

Here lie those who shaped its progress and aided its development . i Of the early educators none have h gher rank than Asa E . Foster, wh o came from New Hampshire in the early thirties with that thorough education those who come from New England a re e expect d to ha ve ,and took charge of the Erie Academy . After wards he originated in his o wn h o me the Erie Institute ,where the classics were faithfully in stilled into the minds of those who were placed under his educational care . His successful labors ’ were interspersed with many y ears service as a volunteer i n st ru c tor to tho se confined in Erie j a il,where his work was unwearied and entitled him to a place among the most public spirited o f ’ Erie s citizens . His assiduous labors were aided by his devoted wife ,and the evening of his life wa s spent with his da ughter,Mrs . o H i s . St . J hn ,in Indiana . fragrant memory will long continue i . h s C i e n ti Rev Robert Reid and eldest son James . ,were d fie d with educational work in the Academy,and while the labors of th e fathe r were connected with its earlier years the work of the so n ,as principal ,more prominently identified him with th e

n h is wa s institutio of which father so long president . Preceding his extended business career Alexander W . Brewster was an

t th e i n ins ructor in Academy, and E . D . Gunnison , another str u cto r in the same institution,brought to his work those habits of tho roughness and industry that are so characteristic of natives of the Old Granite State .

D . P . Ensign came here from New Yo rk state to take a posi tion in the Academy,which he filled for a number of years ,but wa s induced to accept a position in the public schools ,occupying the school house ,that ,subsequent ly rebuilt ,has been known as 2 No . . Here he did much in moulding and getting in motion that sy stem of higher education in the public schools which has

E E E 68 E RIE C M T RY . be overlooked,nor Wilson Laird,thrice mayor and promine n t a s Th o e a legislator . en there are these ,als resting in Erie Cem

M . . tery z Morrow B . Lowry ,Charles M . Reed ,S . . Brainerd ,J M

r . , Ster ett,James D . Dunlap ,James Skinner, George W Starr a n d \V i . . o . , Orange Noble , L . Scott ,Jonas Gunn son,J R C chran '

William Henry . Nor are the great epochs in the nation ’ s history without rep resen ta ti o n or suggestion in the n a mes the mo numents of Erie

Cemetery present . The great struggle that gave this American nation birth is recalled by the names of such survivors o f the

Revolutionary War as Col . Seth Reed, Capt . Thomas Forster, L e r w e . Col . Abiathar Crane , Capt . Daniel , Hubbard B Bur o s, Basil Hoskinson and others ,men who ,after helping to give the new republic birt h, became pioneers to pave t h e way for its western gro wth .

Of the heroes of the War of 1 8 1 2 ,the Second Revolution, there are names that too k high rank in the history of the time to be found among those recorded in marble and granite in Eri e s Cemetery . Here is found the name of Capt . Daniel Dobbin , but for whom , perchance , the ba ttle of Lake Erie would never h a n ave been possible . Then there is Gen . John Kelso , o 0 1 o e imp rtant fig ure in that war : and C . Forster sh uld not b 1 6 o mitted though mentioned as having figured in the war of 7 7 .

And the later and greatest struggle of all ; that war which was waged for the preservation of the nation when misguided men so ught its wreck ; how much there i s of the story of that time suggested by the names upon the to mbstones $ Here we o o find the name of Gen . Str ng Vincent ,who bore so pr minent a part in the engagement that wa s the turning point of the war,h i s splendid service on Little Roundtop at Gettysburg, where he yielded up hi s life ,being the pivot upon which the success of the

M c L a n e battle seemed to turn . Here ,too ,lies the gallant Col . , commander of the first regimental contribution of Erie co unty e for the defens of the Union ; and of Gen . H . L . Brown ,the first 1 colonel of the 45th Regiment . These, with Major Ball , Captains Sell ,and Sexauer and Graham and Austin ,and a host of other offi cers and men ,the ro ster o f which in this bivo uac of the ’ dead is yearly l en gth en i n g,t ell the story of Erie s patriotism in the stirring time of the sixties . Nor is the navy of that p eriod with ERIE CEMETERY . 69

o u t representation in t h e marble record of heroism,for we read , a long with the names of other brave sailor bo ys,tha t o f Com m so t h e e W. and r James Shirk,who bore conspicuous a part in g unboat service of the great rivers,a service t hat was of incal th c u la bl e importance in conque ring a peace with e Confederates . T hese are the names of Erie men that call up chapters in th e h istory of the nation as their epitaphs are read from the monu

m ents that mark their resting places in Erie Cemetery .

Thus far our sketch h a s had to do principally with the carli

e st o f t o a e citizens Erie and heir descendants . But hist ry, s r ad fr om the insc riptions on the to mbstones, records that in time t here was added to our community a n ew elem ent,the representa t iv e s of another race . In due course there appea red epita phs in

t h e a e e on T German langu g and nam s of Teut ic origin . hese n a m es suggest much of the histo ry o f Erie , especially of the p eriod of its greatest deveIOpmen t : Su ch name s a s the Germ ers, t h e Ja recki s,Schneider,Curt ze ,Brev illie r ,Rin dern echt , Becker, K l S ch a ba ck er no l,the s and Dolls ,Hartleb,Wittich ,Dr . Brandes , K Z . e e e iefer,Haller, immerly ,Diefenbach ; Rev A . L . B nz ,who l ft a family of so n s to take up hi s labors in th e ministry of the c hurch he so faithfully and effi ciently served ; the Streu be rs, S henk,Walther,Busecks ,St o hlma n ,the Ba u sch a rds,the Sevins , a n d many others .

Over in th e section beneath the grand o ld trees o f the ’ o riginal forest,that plot commonly known as the Potter s Field, t here is a grave marked by a modest monument of marble that “ b ears the inscription, in German : Hier ru het Abbe Peter B i n bu r h D A . e e l M o l h D P S . . W sb . . ec . . i helm ,M , . ,M ,geb in g, 1 8 8 6 8 R o P r s n 1 8 0 8 . 2 . heinpr vinz , eu e ,4 Jan . : gest 9 Jan ; alter 7 2 o a jahren, 5 tage . Brief record of a life of far m re th n common i M o s lec h t . b n erest Dr . , born in the Catholic Church , was

e ducated for the priesthoo d ,finishing at the University of Bonn . B u t he early abandoned holy orders,fo rsoo k the Catholic Church

n to t I n a d removed Paris . There he finished his educa ion medi

c ine and devoted himself to science ,paying part icular attention to philology,and be came pro ficient in the o riental languages,his high attainments in this respect winning him honorary member

in th e ship Society of Asiatics and the title of Abbe . He was on familiar terms with all the leading literary and scientific men of E E E E 7 0 RI C M TERY.

Pari s,a n d with many of the leaders of thought and resea r ch in r England . He was a frequen t visitor at the g eat botanical gar den a t Kew, and a t the British Mu—seum, and, with Ch arles Darwin discussed a forthcoming bo o k The Origin of Spec ies e o which wa s soo n to move the intell ctual w rld .

B elieving himself to be in danger beca use of hi s cha n ged religious views he decided to come to America and,obtai n ing the post of surgeon in a trans -Atlantic steam ship,he landed in Y o e a n d New ork . Later he t ok up his residenc in Wheeling Cincinn ati, practicing medicine in both cities,and ma rrying in

the latter place . His wife died early . Subsequently he filled

Va . the chair of Greek and Hebrew in the college at Bethany,W . , remaining there until the War of the Rebellion closed that i n sti

t o n M a . uti . e nwhile his philological work continued He wrote a dictiona ry of the Hawaiian lan guage,which is authority t o this day,and translated a portion of the scriptures into the language

of the Sandwich Isla nds . Upon leaving Bethany he removed to

P a i . Warren, . ,where he practiced med cine ,and later came to Erie But the in firm ities of advancing years were obstacles to success and he finally relinquished all attempts to obtain a living as a physician ,and,turning his eff ects over to the county authorities , entered the Erie County Almshouse where ,after a residence o f H i s . about ten years,he died . attached friend,Rev A . L . Benze , caused his remains to be buried in Erie Cemet e ry and erected th e

monument that now marks his final resting place .

H e was master of fifteen diff erent languages,a physician o f ability,a writer of remarkable grace,and a natural scientist of

high attainments . He was a gentleman of culture and a most

delightful companion alike to old and young . In many respects i s he the most notable person b u ried in Erie Cemetery . COL . A V CL D ID S . A R K,

P r esi d e n t 1 9 0 3 .



t i s a ppropriate that individual mention. sho uld be made of a few of those most prominently identified with the administration of aff airs connected with E ri c Cemetery ,who bore conspicuo us part in the organization of the corpora tio n,and,during the ha lf cen t u ry of its existence a s chief execu tive officers o r as superi n t en den a n d ffi en rv ts in charge rendered faithful e ci t se ice .

Honored by their fello ws,their fidelity to the trust reposed j ustified th e choice ma de,while the splendid development of the Cemetery,its steady growth in beauty and pea ceful cha rms,a n d the frequ ent and important advances made to ward improvement in the methods or facilities for the care of the dead ha ve given pro of of their intelligent interest in all that pertained to the busi ness,and of the possession of a spirit of true humanitaria nism

Backed by the liberal suppo rt of the corporator s,the presi dents and superintendents of Eri e Cemetery have well performed

an important work .


o George A . Eli tt was a native of Connecticut and a graduate wa s r of Yale College . He of an old family,tracing his ancest y to William the Conqueror,and was of the same family stock a s “ $ John Eliot,the apostle of the Indians, who did so much to

h r teac Christianity to the abo igines . He came to Erie while a youn g man and settled,being the second resident member of the f bar . He was o imposing presence a n d courtly manners and at an early day becam e identified with E ri c and the administratio n o o o r f justice . He married Miss Sarah Br wn,daughter of R be t Brown,one of the earliest citizens of Erie ,and erected for his home the somewhat stately man sion that stoo d for so many years

on the site of the present h o me of Mrs . C . H . Strong . Having practiced law for many years he retired in about 1 8 4 1 , and from that time until his death in 1 8 7 1 was one of the best known 7 4 E RI E CE M E TE RY.

citizens of Erie ,and had much of leisure,which permitted him to a the participate in public aff a irs . Upon the org nization of Cemetery in 1 8 49 and 1 8 50 ,he was elected the first president of th e co rporation ,and in that capacity appeared at the dedica tion

1 . of the Cemetery in May , 1 8 5 . Mr Eliott was proverbially

thoughtfu l and considerate and besto wed mu ch care upon the conditions and limitations connected with the orga nization and conduct of th e cemetery , and much of its success m a y b e a t tributed to the care and con sideration which it received fro m its fi h . n d t e rst president He had two sons ,William H . a John, first of whom died a t an early age ,and th e la tter was one of the a ctive managers for many years and took a deep interest in the in stitu

tion which his fathe r had so great a part in founding . As the offi cers of the cemetery were by the charter inhibited from receiv ing compensation for their se rvices ,very much of credit is due to the faithfu l men who initiated and for more than half a century carried on the business incident to the founding of the city of the

dead . Mr . Eliott died in 1 8 7 1 ,at his home in Erie,his widow

surviving him a number of years . No act or service of Mr . Eliott during his long and active life ,will be longer remembered than his faithful and successful administration of the cemetery , a n d the success permanency of which he had so much at heart .


Gen . Chas . M . Reed ,president of Erie Cemetery from Janu ary 1 4, 1 8 56,to January 1 2 ,1 8 57 ,was the representative of the t hird gener ation of the Reed family, so prominently identified with Erie from its beginning as an English speaking community,

down t o the present day He was the only so n of Rufus S . Reed ,

o f and was grandson Col . Seth Reed ,the pioneer of the line ,who r built the first house in what eventually became the town of E ie . 1 He was born in Erie in 8 0 3 . His father, the leading and wealthiest citizen of Erie in those days ,properly ambitious fo r his son ,gave him an excellent educatio n,supplementing the best instruction aff orded by the local schools with a course at VVa sh

in to hi g n College . After s graduation he went to Philadelphia to complete his law studies ,and ,after being admitted to practice

2 1 E ri at the Philadelphia bar , in 1 8 , he returned to c . Here, however,he so o n abandon ed law for general business ,in which

E R E IE CEMET RY. 7 7 he developed ma rked abilities and in the course o f time amassed h e in the a colossal fortune . In his day was the steamboat k g of west,and the change from steamboats to ra ilroa ds,fo und him in e t n the van in this new lin e of enterp rise . In very direc io in which business endeavo r led,h e was in the front,a n d a s mer chant,banker,contractor a n d promoter and manager of grea t undertakings he was uniformly successful .

He was very much a man of aff airs in E ric a t that time,a n d was recognized by his fellow citizens by being elected to positio ns o a e of hon r and trust . A brig di r general of militia,he wa s also elected t o serve in the legislature of the state a n d as representa tive in Congress . He was one of the original corpora to rs of the Eric Cemetery,his n ame sta nding first in the list of those who subscribed to the initial fund for t h e purchase of the property n o o f 1 w owned . Elected president the corporation in 8 56,he s erved for but a single year .

H e was married in 1 8 38 to Miss Harriet Gilson of Water t Y . h a d own ,N . ,by whom he four children ,two daughters,n ow deceased,one who married Henry Rawle,another, Alice,who 1 8 1 G died in 7 ,and two sons ,Charles M . and Lloyd . ,still living i . t in Er e Gen . Reed died at his home Sixth and Peach s reets, December 1 8 , 1 8 7 1 ,a n d was buried m the family lot in Erie Cemetery whence his forbears of two generations had preceded

h im r 1 0 1 . . His widow su vived until 9


1 1 8 1 Judah Colt Spencer,born at Hadlyme,Conn . ,July , 3, wa s the oldest son of William and Deborah $Selden) Spencer, and came to Erie in 1 8 2 9 to take a position in th e land offi ce of his uncle,Judah Colt,who was well known in connection with the ’ 1 8 2 early history of Erie . At his uncle s death,in October, 3 ,he succeeded to his business,in the transaction o f which thousands r of acres were sold . Mr . Spencer was fo tunate in the matter of his introduction into Erie by a person of such prominence and

o . such influe n tial posi tion as Mr . Colt, at wh se death Mr ’ Spencer s succession ,both in matters of church and state ,seemed ’ i a r N o t . s so n tu al . only was very much of Mr Colt s bus ne s ’ o placed in Mr . Spencer s hands,but he to k a position in church and business circles,very much in con formity with that main E E E E 7 8 RI C M TERY .

fa s ined by his uncle in his long and u eful life . He was quite young when he not only took but maintained the successorship to so noted and influential a p erson as his uncle,Judah Colt ; and that he was found faithfu l to every tru st is a s gratifying as it is ’ of observable in a review Mr . Spencer s career . He had a prominent part in the early history of the Erie North East

. d H e Railroad ,$now a part of the L S . M . S . Railroa ). was n o o f preside t of the Common C uncil of Erie . He was one the

founders of and for many years president of Park Church . He was for more than twent y y ears president of the Erie Cemetery, and was one of the fou nders and for twenty-two years presiden t

of the First National Bank . His activity in the Erie County

Bible Society was for many years noteworthy . His selections of property in Erie were judicious and his estate was carefully man aged and at his death ,quite large .

He was married May 1 6,1 8 37 ,to Lavinia Stanley,daughter of Giles and Laura Goodwin Sanford . They had five children L of whom four survived their parents . These were Frances . , D s Va n Lavinia . ,widow of Bi hop Spaulding, Mrs . Catherine Va n Cl ev e Cleve ,wife of Rev . Dr . ,and William ,who succeeded hi s father as president of th e First National Bank . These four survived their sister Elizabeth . who died before her parents .

’ a t Mr . Spencer s marked individuality of character early tracted attention ,and h e made for himself a distinct and declared position a s a thoughtful man , whose opinions were positive , though not obtrusiv e ; who ,while ready to listen to others ,yet never compro mised with wrong ; who always exercised his own

n judgme t .

He was a m a n of system ,decision and energy . An unusual combination of suavity of manner,with firmness of decisio n,was a leading characteristic ,and had much to do with h is success in life . With all his public employments and positions of trust he was unassum ing,and shrank fro m obtruding himself . His de light wa s in his home circle ,and fo r near a half century he main t a i n ed a hospitalit y which became proverbial . He was a Christian from early life , and the friend and counsellor of his

wa s pastor . There magnetism of manner,a heartiness of greet

o e ing,which never forsook him . His wh le lif was given up to things pure and ho ly,and o f good report,in the family ,in the G N . C . R E E . E M . D

R E E E E I C MET RY. 8 1

h c urch and in the community . He wa s gentle,firm ,courageous a n d persevering to the end .

o f S It is gratifying to state that the long service Mr . pencer a s president of the Cemetery was marked by the same character i i n st i c s as made his private business so successful . All his acts th is connection were carefully considered and tended towards the permanency and improvement of the grounds which now in their b eauty testify to the care with which they have been guarded .

E ric Mr . Spencer expired at his home in on the first day of September,1 8 8 5,with the respect and rega rd of the entire com h d m unity with which he a been so long identified .


r 1 8 2 2 t George W . Starr was bo n in the year ,at Burling on, ff Vt . Having received a college education he came to Bu alo in o the early f rties,where he studied law . About the time of his a a dmission to the bar,in 1 8 46,he was invited by Capt . Ch mplin ,

’ fl the a veteran of Com . Perry s eet,and one of the heroes of tenth ’ of September, 1 8 1 3,to accept the position of captain s clerk on

a . board the U . S . S . Michigan ,to the command of which C pt do Champlin had be en assigned . He accepted the post,and in ing so the current of his life was turn ed , for he came to E ric, making it his permanent home,and ,after that ,did not proceed further in the prosecution o f his duties at the bar .

o Mr . Starr was a pers n of methodical habits and took great care in the discharge of any duties which he undertook . In 1 8 1 H a m o t 5 he married one of the daughters of the late P . S . V . , and as an incident in the ma nagement of the property thus brought under his care ,h e became unusually cognizant with the a m nagement of public matters in Erie . For a number of years he ser ved in th e Select Council of Erie ,and was twice elected to

rv the legislature . He also se ed as water com missio ner for a number of years and to his care and attention ’ much of the effi ciency co nnected with the system of Erie s public wa s supply of water may be attributed . He also a member of the Pennsylvania State Bo ard of Public Charities and gave care ful attention to the matters thus coming under his consideration .

1 8 8 E . s In the year 5,upon the death of J C . Spencer, q . ,who so n o o a r had lo g served as president of the c rporati n,Mr . St r was E E R 32 RI CEMETE Y .

elected as president of the board of managers . He accepted the position and from that time until his death gave to the offi ce h i s a n oversight,care d thou ght . In each matter that was brought to his attent ion he seemed to give towards its decision th e sa m e care as if its determination were t o be solely governed by h i s t e action . Many of the most important improvemen s of the cem t ery were added during his incumbency as president ,and his i n tense anxiety for the prosperity and permanence of the cemetery were apparent to all who conferred with him on any matter relat

ing thereto .

He had many other public duties,all of which weighed upon , ff him and in a measure a ected his health . On Saturday ,March 2 1 2 9, 90 ,almost without premonition,he was fatally stricken ,and 0 8 0 expired at his home,on Easter Sunday,March 3 ,aged years . a e The career of Mr . St rr had b en so much identified with public duties that his loss was felt very much by the citizens of Erie ,but ’ all acquainted with his activity in t h e promotion of the cemetery s interests will asso ciate his life with the advancement and adorn a ment of the be utiful spot in which he now reposes . His widow

survives him .


e Al xander W . Brewster , one of the original corporators of th e Erie Cemetery ,died on Monday ,M a y 2 7 , 1 8 51 ,in his 55t h

year .

Alexander W . Brewster was a native of the north of Ireland h and came to this country with t e family of h is father,who had

taken a farm a little east of th e city ,the la nd that included what i s

, 81. now known as the Brandes farm partly occupied by the P . E . s e hops . In arly years Alexander Brewster taught school in the log house at Seventh and Holla nd streets,and later in the Erie w s h ff 1 . a 8 2 8 Academy He elected s eri in ,serving a full term . In 1 8 49 he was elected burgess of the borough of Erie ,and after wards a member of the first Select Council of Erie under its first act of incorporation in 1 8 51 ,which offi ce he h eld at the time of wa s his death . He one of the most active business men of Erie , both a s merchant and manufacturer,and wa s connected with the erection of the woolen mill on State street ,which at that time was wa s an important factor in the industrial history of Erie . He

ERIE CEMETERY . 8 5 a man of eminent public spirit,a lea ding member of the Asso ci ated Reform,now United Presbyterian ,church a n d fo r a lo n g ffi wa s t e m time filled the o ce of precentor . He wic a rri ed,first to Miss Eunice Walker,wh o died witho ut children,a n d after s M o who s r e a o rt wards to Mi s Susan . J nes, u viv d him bout f y y ears . He had a family of six daughters and three sons, of h M r s. . t o s r or s E ri w om L M . Li tle is the nly u viv re ident of e . His son William Brewster,wa s prominently connected with the m d d s n e anagement of the Scott interests,but ie a few years i c . B Mr . rewster was one of the o riginal corp ora tors and mana ger s of the Erie Cemetery,and was the first person interred in the new city of the dead, leading the long procession which h a s since l fol owed .


This work would not be complete without some reference to n o t so n a s ee Hon . James Sill, only for the rea that he took k n and deep an interest in the Erie Cemetery a s any man who wa s ever connected with it as a corporator or in an official capacity,but because this handbook wa s the la st piece of wo rk he undertook ; it was ,in fact,left incomplete,and only his fast failing po wers and the almost sudden visit o f the Death An gel prevented t h e closing up of what had been to him one of the most pleasing i tasks to which h e had ever directed h s labors and energies .

. s wa s son . Hon Jame Sill a of Hon Thomas H . Sill,and was educated for the lega l profession,in which be attained promi n en ce i . Ever active n aff a irs ,he too k a prominent part as a public speaker,not alone as the a dvocate of the principles of the party with which he affi liated,but as a citizen and America n , delivering many noteworthy speeches upon special occasions . He served a s district attorn ey and as Senator from the Erie dis i e r tr t,in the latter capacity achieving a b illiant record .

He was best known ,however,as a historia n,famous especi l a H a ly for his knowledge of loc l events and happenings . is me mory wa s phenomenal,and dates and circumsta nces were re wa s r cited with all but unerring accuracy . Seldom his memo y at fault ; even in the last of his days upon earth it served him faithfully and well . 8 6 ERIE CEMETERY .

He was of a kindly nature and most obliging dispositio n , never forgetting a friendly act,always ready to repay a kindness

u m en with interest . Courteo s in his intercourse with ,he was no respecter of persons ; he was as cordial in his greetings to the o l humble po r as to his more fortunate fel ow citizens . Simple in the extreme in his own mode of life ,yet there was none who more

greatly admired pomp and circumstance in its proper place .

l To Mr . Si l the Cemetery was a camping ground,for here were assembled in their last sleep scores and hundreds with whom he was well acquaint . It was also a sacred place,in which to tread with reverence . It was likewise a joyous place,for he was devoutly pious and the grave wa s to him but the door that per m itt e d entrance to another and bet ter existence ; his h Ope was an anchor beyond the grave .

In hi s death the community lost a valuable citizen ,the Ceme t er v a stalwart friend .

E E E E E RI C M T RY. 8 9



Capt . Samuel L ow, the first supe rintendent of the Erie Cemetery, a man of remarkable energy a n d noble attainmen ts, wa s s H of English ancestry and Colonial de cent . e wa s born in rr s 1 1 Ba e,Mas ,in 7 9 . In the same year Vermont,th e first to

on m a s n ew ask admission into the Uni , beca e a st te . To thi r e a state the parents of Capt . Low emig ated with th ir inf nt son, courageously taking their place among the fro ntiersme n,fa cin g s M n out toward the wildernes . In the heart of the Green o un ta i s the boy grew to manho od,in the meantime ,principally thro ugh his own effort s,acquiring a well grounded education a n d note o hi he worthy skill as a mechanical engineer . Up n s marriage removed to Erie county,Pennsylvania,building his home and establishing a milling industry in Vena ngo township ,o n the west bra nch of French Creek,the place eventually becoming Lowville, one of the oldest settlements in the county .

Later he removed to Ha rbo rcreek,engaging extensively in the milling business,which he conducted successfully for nea rly l h e n twenty years . Whi e t re ,desiring to change his occupatio h e studied surveying,and soon afterwards ,removing to E ri c ,was chosen city engineer of the newly incorporated municipality and served from 1 8 51 to 1 8 59 ; $later he was again appointed city en gin eer ,occupying the position from 1 8 61 to By special

arrangement he also served as superintendent of Erie Cemetery .

His proficiency in trigonomet rical surveying,his familiarity ’ with the u se of the theodolite and surv eyor s tra nsit, together with his knowledge of a stronomy enabled him to determine and establish a me ridian line for the purpo se of testing the accuracy o of the compass needle . Marbles marking the line at exact p ints were by him placed in an obscure part of th e cemetery where they remain to this day and are still frequently consulted by civil

engineers . E 90 ERI CEMETERY.

. W Capt Low was,by George olfe ,fourth gov ernor of Pe n n sylvania ,commissioned captain of militia . As commissioner h e served Erie county from 1 8 36 to 1 8 39 ; and again from 1 8 39 t o 1 8 40 ,the latter term filling the vacancy caused by the death o f s r Thoma Ste rett .

L o w e As a citizen Capt . was ev r reso urceful and ready,keep in g in close to uch with the enterprise of the century, whethe r o T educational,scientific ,p litical or social . hough not desirou s ffi A to hold political o ce he never failed in his duty as a citizen . loy al and staunch supporter of his political party,yet in the cast in g of his vo te he never allowed prin ciple to be overruled by policy . His work at the Cemetery appealed to his love of the beau l tiful more than any previous work of his life . It also appea ed to hi s sympathies . Its duties were performed with great zeal and

fidelity . His warm personal interest in the place and all that pertained to it, his unremitting devotion to its sad duties ,to gether with h i s socia l and sympathetic nature endeared him to t hose whom , in the capacity of superintendent, he served,and caused him to be honored and loved in the office which he so d er e xt long and faithfully filled . His perio of s vice ended from 2 1 8 0 6 1 8 6 May 4 , 5 ,to June , 9 .

Capt . Low was succeeded by his son Cassius W . Low,who brought t o the work valuable experience obtained under the first

H i s 2 1 1 8 6 superintendent . services extended from June , 9 ,to 1 1 N ovember 3, 8 7 .


1 8 1 1 8 8 wa s Rev . Joseph Vance ,superintendent from 7 to 9 , the Sixth of eight children of Jo hn and Rachel $Beach) Vance , and wa s born January 2 5, 1 8 0 6, in M i n dh a m township ,Morris

u co nty ,N . J . The father wa s a country wagon maker,and ,in common with the rest of the sons of the family,Joseph inherited, or seemed to,an aptitude for m e chanics,eventually reaching the d ecision of becoming a skilled weaver . With this end in view he l o apprenticed himse f to a master weaver . After foll wing the varied fortunes of hi s master,and later,the foreman of the mill, 2 from place to place , he returned in 1 8 6 to Bloo mfield , N . J . , where he had been indentured ,intending to complete his educa


o h e ha d ti n in his chosen trade in the mill where begun it . e r Provid nce decreed othe wise .

Soon after returning to N ew Jersey under the influence of ’ his Childhood s pastor,Rev . Amzi Armstrong,who had preceded him from M in dha m to Bloomfield,he wa s convert ed,and decided t o i h study for the min stry . After preparing for college at t e Bloomfield Academy he entered Williams College , M a ssa ch u 1 8 2 ri setts,and graduated there in 3 . He studied theology p v a tel o r r y under Rev . Wm . Ho pe of Mo ristown ,N . J . ,and was r r 6 1 licensed by the presbyte y of Mo ris and Orange May , 8 34 . He was married the same day to Miss Marietta King o f

Bloomfield .

s o a n d Mr . Vance was then pastor succe sively at B onton 1 8 - - . 1 8 Sussex , N . J , 34 39 ; South Orange , N . J . , 39 44 ; field superintendent of the Presbyterian Board of Home Missions

- . 1 8 6 $N . S ) in central and northeastern Pennsylvania, 44 4 ; pastor P a 1 8 6- e at Girard , . , 4 54,with Fairview and St rrettania added a 1 - 1 part of that time,and lastly at Belle Valley , 8 54 7 . His first 2 1 8 h e wife having died at South Orange ,N . J . ,Feb . 3, 43, was m arried again March 1 3, 1 8 44 ,to Miss H annah Bell of South

Orange ,who survived him nearly two years .

So o n after resigning at Belle Valley he was surprised by being asked by several of the ma nagers of Erie Cemetery to H e apply for the superintendency . made the application and 1 8 1 s wa s chosen,entering upon his duties in November, 7 . Thi o ffi ce he held until disqualifi ed by a ge , resigning in October,

1 8 8 . e 9 Mr . Vance,in taking upon himself the duties of sup r i n ten den t assumed a n altoget her new ro le ,but from the begin n ing demonstrated his fitness for the position to which he had s been called . Faithful and zealous in the discharge of his dutie he readily adopted n ew met hods as they suggested themselves, and won the approval alike o f the corporators and lot o wners by O the ideas that he o riginated and made perative .

He led a serene old age after retiring from the su perin tendency ,and died A pril 2 6, 1 8 97 ,in a remarkable possession of his faculties at the ripe old age of 9 1 years 3 months and 1 day, “ like a sheaf of corn fully ripe in its season , thoroughly honored and respected as a man and a Christian by all who had ever

known him . E 94 ERIE C METERY .


1 88 e d Mr. Hay was ,on the seventh of October, 9 , appoint superintendent of Erie Cemetery ,and entered upon the discharg e of his duties on the fifteenth of the same month,performing t h e dutie s of the position with en tire satisfaction during the remai n

e der of his life . He remov d from Fairview,which had previously ’ been his home,occupying the superintendent s residence o n th e grounds,with his family .

H aving be en a care ful farme r during his preceding life it was within his experience to develop the care and cultivation of the lawns and roads of the cemetery ,aiding in its transformation into th e beautiful grounds which now constitute the City of th e

Th e t n o Dead . fi ess he displayed in the p sition justified his selection by the board out of some eleven candidates . He had been in the discharge of his duties but two and a half years when

n death termi ated his services .

y 1 1 8 6 th Henr W . Hay was born in Fairview,Feb . 5, 3 , e son c of William and Julia $Dempsey) Hay . The Hays ame to Erie form Maryland,one of the bro thers settling in Erie ,where he o Th e afterwards wa s appointed the first p stmaster of Erie . other branch of the famil y took root in Fairview,where a tract of land wa s secured that remained in the family to the present H time . William a y ,father of the subject of this sketch ,married 1 Julia Dempse y , who came to Erie with her parents in 8 0 4 . W o f Henry . Hay was one a family of ten children,all of whom became honora ble citizens of the county, man y of them well

a e H a t known . J m s D . y ,Regis er and Recorder of Erie county

six a s for years,w a brother .

wa s 1 2 1 8 w Mr . Hay married March , 7 4, to Emma Ir in

u e o f e o o Eaton ,da ght r form r C unty C mmissioner W . W . Eaton ,

a e o s o o u hi s and grandd ught r of Rev . J hn t n Eat n ,disting ished for

o s missionary w rk in thi region when it was a wilderness . He aided in organizing the First Presbyterian Church of Eri e and wa s it s first pas tor,and for a time performed the dou ble duty of ministering to t h e Presbyterian church at Fairview and the First

r i s a dmi r Presbyterian Church at E ie . It no doubt from this

h a s able stock that Mrs . Hay inherited the marked executive ability noticeable in her admin istration of her present charge . E RIE CEMETERY . 95

2 1 8 2 fi h W . Henry . Hay died Jan 4 , 9 ,after lling t e position o f s uperintendent less than three years . Immediately after his d e a th the position of superintendent was tendered to his widow, ’ wh o during her husband s term had familiarized herself with the w o diffiden ce rk . Being urged, with she accepted the trust, w h ich has been filled to the entire acceptability of the man a e m en t g . E E 96 ERI CE M TERY .




E R IE .

1 t he e a n d s R e re Section . Be it enacted by S nate Hou e of p sen ta tives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General A s sembly met, and it is hereby ena cted by the a uthority of th e

m a . sa e,That Charles M . Reed,J mes C Marshall,John Galbraith ,

i r . Smith Jackson,W lliam Kelly,Milton Court ight,B B . Vincent,

r e . s William Himrod ,Joseph M . Ste r tt,George A Eliott,Thoma o s a G . Colt ,William A . Br wn,Judah C . Spencer,Pre cott Metc lf, M r . Elijah Babbitt,Joseph H . Williams,Hen y Cadwell,Charles e o Tibbals,Frederick Schneider,Walter Chester,Georg A . Ly n , l Peter E . Burton , Alexander W . Brewster, Wi liam Nicholson, r Irvin Camp,William W . Reed,Presley Arbuckle,John A . T acy,

James Skinner, John Hughes and Miles W . Caughey ,be,and they and their successors are hereby created a body politic in law “ under the name and tit le of the Erie Cemetery, and by that name and title shall have pe rpetual succession,and be able and ca pable in law to have and use a common sea l ,to sue and be sued,implead and be impleaded ,in all c o urts of law and equity, a s and to do all such other things are incident to a corporation .

2 Section . The annual meeting of th e corporation shall be held on the second Monday of January * in every year,at such time and place ,and on such notice as shall be pro vided for in the

' By- La ws,at which annual meeting it shall be th e duty of the Cor p o ra to rs to fill all vacancies that ma y occur in their number from among the lot holders in the cemetery,the same being citizens of the count y of Erie ,and at such annual meetings said Corpo ra tion shall have full po wer and authority,by a vote of the ma jority of the Corporators present,to pass,ordain and establish all such

By a men dm e n t o f 1 898 ,th e a n n ua l m e e t i n g o cc urs o n t h e secon d e a o f M i n a ch e a T u sd y a y e y r .

E R E E E R 100 I C MET Y .

a n d to do a ll other things necessary and proper to be do ne to a dapt the ground and premises to the uses aforesa id ,a n d to sell and dispose o f said lots and plots,making the title in fee simple, or otherwise ; fo r the purpose of sepulture ,to individuals,soc ie ties o r congregations,or other public bod ies,without distinction o f person ,party or sect,unde r such conditions ,rules and regula tions a s the corporation m a y establish fo r the government of lot owners in th e occupancy of the same ,not inconsistent with the provisions of thi s act : Provided,That all the la nd thus pur chased and held by the corporation ,or so much as shall be laid out and appropriated to cemetery pu rposes , shall n o t be con verted to any other use ,eith e r by the co rporation or its gran tees, and all the land thus purchased and held by the corporation or by its grantees for burial purposes ,shall be free from all ta xes , except for State purposes ,and from seizure ,levy and sale u n der, or by virtue of any execution or other lega l process agai nst th e said corporation ,or its grantees : Provided,That said exemption from seizure,levy and sale ,shall n o t extend to more than four

lots held by any one individual .

Section 5. That the corporators thus created shall derive no person a l pecuniary adva ntage or profit thereby ; they shall make no dividends of the corp orate property among themselves , and shall not receive any pay or compensation for services as h T h e e suc . whole proc eds of the sale of lots,and other income , are hereby declared and directed to be devoted to cemetery pur poses a lone ,and to such outlays and expenditures as are incident thereto,unless in case of a surplus n o t needed, in which con t i n ge n cy it shall be in the power of the corporators at their a n nua l meeting to direct such surplus ,or any part thereof,to be appropriated to charitabl e purposes under the direct ion a n d o supervisi n of the board of managers . 6 Section . The corporation Shall be capable of holding property to such an amount as may be nec essary for th e purposes of it s creation,and it shall be the duty of the corporation ,at the end of five years from the passage of t his act,and forever there after,to set apart ten per cent of the purch a se money received

from the sale of lots,and to invest the sa me in ground rents or mortgages , a s a permanent and perpetual fund , the income of which is to be devoted to the perpetual maintenance o f the ceme R ERIE CEMETE Y . 10 1

t e r y . Any failure in the duties enjoined by this act ,shall sub j c e t the corporato rs and managers to the control of competent u j dicial authority for correction . M ’ M J . S . CAL ONT, r Speake of the House of Representatives .


Speaker of the Senate .

2 th 1 8 0 Approved 9 day of January, 5 .




2 1 8 1 2 0 Approved March 9, 5 . P . L . 7 .

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Genera l Assembly met, Wa l and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same,That nut Lane,from the South line of Out -Lots numbers three hun dred and ninety -two and three hundred and ninety-three $adjacent to the Borough of Erie,) so far as the said Lane passes South to the Ridge Road, and between Out- Lots numbers twenty - eight,twenty -nine ,thirty ,twenty-seven ,one hundred and o n e five ,one hundred and four . one hundred and three , hundred and six,o n e hundred and sixty ,one hundred and sixty -one ,one hundred and sixty -two,o n e hundred and fifty-nine,two hundred and thirty seven,two hundre d and thirty - six,two hundred and thirty-fiv e , which said Out- L ots have been purchased by said Corporation for the purposes of a Cemete ry,be ,and the same are hereby vacated ,and the same may be la id out and used and o c c u pi e d ,in connect ion with the said Out -Lots,fo r th e purpose of t r a Ceme ery by the said Co poration .

2 h Section . T at the Managers of said Corporation are here by authorized and empowered to sell and convey any number of the above mentioned Ou t -Lots,or parts of the same ,which they may deem not necessary for the purposes of Said cemete ry,not

-fiv e exceeding twenty acres .

1 8 1 8 . Approved April , 53 P . L . 543 .

That in case of the death ,removal or resignation of any of the Managers of the Erie Cemetery,the remaining Managers,or a majority of them ,may appoint from th e body of the Corpor a to rs a suitable person to fill the vacancy , and the person or persons so appointed shall ser ve as Manager or Managers until

the next annual election .


t he same shall be devised , or from whom the same shall be r e ~ ceived ; and the said Corporation shall keep a just a n d true account o f a ll mone y s received as aforesaid,stating the severa l times when the y were received ,the several amounts the reo f,the u se to which the income of each is to be a pplied,a n d the nam e o f th e person or persons from whom the same were respectively received ,whether b y bequest or otherwise ,and shall invest the sa me in some permanent fund,or pay interest thereon at th e rate of six per cent per annum ; Provided ,That the said Corporation a n d it s officers shall in n o case be responsible for their conduct in the discharge o f a n y obligation or duty arising under the pro visions of this Act ,e xcept for good faith and for such reasonable diligence as is by la w imposed upon or required of mere gr a tu i n A n d tous age ts . provided further,That the said Corporation and its offi cers shall not be obliged to make any separate invest ment of the several sums of mone y received under the provisions of this Act ; a n d that the average income derived from all funds of th e like nature Shall be divided annually ,and the proper pro portion thereof carried to the credit of the lot or purpose entitled thereto ,upon the account of moneys received under the provi

sions of this Act .


r $By the Cou t of Common Pleas of Erie County,Sept . 5,

E y o f To the Hon . mor A . Walling,President Judge the Court of

Common Pleas of Erie County,Pa .

The petition of the Erie Cemetery, by Geo . W . Starr, l William Spencer, D . S . C ark, John Eliot, William Himrod, re re George P . Colt and Chas . C . Shirk ,managers,respectfully p $ sents : That the said Erie Cemetery is a corporation not fo r profit within the first class of corporations named in the Act of April 2 9,1 8 7 4 ,entitled An Act to provide for the inco rpora tion of certain corporations and it s supplements ;

That it was incorporat ed by an Act of Assembly,approved 2 1 8 0 i . t s t April 9 , 5 ,P L . 44 5,and supplemen s ; That in pursuance of the provisions of the forty - second sec tio n of the Act of April 2 7 ,1 8 7 4 ,a s a mended by the twelfth sec 2 1 8 6 t 1 . ion of the Act of April , 7 , P . L 37 , it is desirous of alterin g and am ending I ts said charter of incorporation by adding thereto t h e following :

R E E R 108 E I CEMET Y .

E e ss ri County , . Geo rge Starr,being duly sworn,says that he is o n e of the Corp orators of the Erie Cemetery,and President of Board of Managers of the said Corporation ,that the facts set forth in the fo regoing petition are true to the best of his kn o wledge and belief ; that the seal affi xed to the said petition is the common seal the of said corporation .

GEO . W . STARR . 8 th Sworn and subscribed before me this day of August . 1 8 . 8 . A . D 9


Notary Public .

And now August 8 th ,1 8 98 ,the above and foregoing petition having been presented in open court, and it appearing t o the Court that the alterations and amendments as prayed for are law fu l and beneficial . and not in conflict with the Constitution or laws of this Commonwealth ,it is ordered that notice o f th e said application be given by publication in the “ Erie Weekly Gazette “ $ and the Erie Weekly Herald for three weeks,in accordance with the Acts of Assembly in such cases made and provided,t hat said applicatio n will be granted on the sth day of September, ’ 1 8 1 1 M 8 . 9 ,at o clock A . . ,unless cause be shown to the contrary Per Curiam , P M A . Signed E ORY . WALLING, . J

And ,now,September sth , 1 8 98 ,it appearing to the Court that notice of the above and foregoing application has been duly published in compliance with th e order of this Court,a n d no cause having been shown to the c o ntrary ,it is ordered and de creed that upon recording o f the said petition and Order of

Court,the said amendments,alterations and improvements Shall “ be deemed a n d ta ken to be a part of the Charter of the sa id Erie $ Cemetery . Per Curiam, L M . E ORY A . WA LING,P . J

From the Record . P Witness my hand and seal of said Court at Erie , a . , this th 1 8 8 5 day of September, 9 .

E . K . NASON , t r Prothono a y . E E E R RI C METE Y. 109





A 1 8 pproved April 5, 49 . P . L . 397 .

1 Section . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep r esen ta tiv es of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General A ssembly met ,and it i s hereby enacted by the authority of the same,That hereafter it shall not be lawful to open any street, lane or public road through any burial ground or cemetery with in this Commonwealth,any laws heretofore passed to the con f rary notwithstanding : Provided,That this section shall not ex tend to the City and County of Philadelphia .



6 M 1 8 . . Approved a y 7 , 55. P L 4

1 a n Section . If y person shall open any tomb or grave in any cemetery ,grave yard ,or any grounds set apart for buria l purposes,either private or public ,held by individuals for their own u se or in trust for others ,or for any church or institution , whether incorporat ed or not,without the consent of th e owners R 1 10 E IE CEMETERY .

or trustees of such grounds, and clandestinely o r unlawfu lly remo ve ,or attempt to remove ,any human body,or part thereof, therefrom , such pe rson, upon conviction thereof, shall be sen t en ced to undergo an imprisonmen t in the co unty jail or peniten ti a ry for a term of not less than one year nor more tha n three years, and pay a fine of not less than one hundred dollars,at the dis cretion of th e court of th e proper county ; and a n y perso n who shall wilfully destroy, mutilate , deface, injure or remove any tomb, monument,gravestone or other structure ,placed in a n y grounds aforesaid,or any fence ,or railing or other work for the protection or ornament of said gr ounds,or of any tomb ,monu ment,grave stone or other s tructure placed therein as aforesa id ; or shall wilfully destroy,cut ,break or remove any tree ,shrub or plant, within the limits of such grounds ; or hunt any ga me within sa id limits ,shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,and shall,upon con viction thereof,before any Justice of the Peace, be punished by a fine ,at the discretion of the Justice ,of not less

e y than five nor mor than fift dollars .


t - o r o 1 1 860 . . F y seventh Secti n ,Approved March 3 , P . L . 395

Any person who shall wilfully and maliciously destroy, mutilate ,deface ,injure or remove any tomb ,monument,grave stone o r other edifice placed in a n y cemetery or gra ve yard,a p p ro p ria ted to and used for the interment of human beings , i n this Commonwealth ; or shall wilfully and maliciously injure , destroy or remove any fence,railing,or other work for the pro tec tio n or ornament of such places of intermen t ; or shall wilfully

Open any tomb,vault or gra ve within the same,and clandestinely remove any body or remains therefrom ; or maliciously destroy a n y tree or shrubbery growing in such cemetery or grave ya rd, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor,and,on conviction of either of said off ences,be sentenced t o undergo an impriso nment not ex ce edi n g one year,or to pay a fine n o t exceeding one hundred dollars,or both or either,a t the discretion of the court .



1 1 8 Approved October 4, 97 .

1 ffi o Section . The o cers of the corporati n shall be a Presi d y n ent,Secretar ,Treasurer a d Superintendent .

2 Section . A mon thl y meeting of the Board of M a nagers shall be held at such time and place as the y by resolution shall direct ; and special meetin gs m a y be called by the Pres ident,at hi s w discretion . or by the Secretary,on the ritten request of two e o m mbers of the B ard of Managers .

s a Section 3 . The Secretary hall keep full and accurate record of the proceedin gs of the Board of Managers .

He shall keep a correct register of all lots in the Cemetery , showing their dimen sion ,area,price ; wh et her sold or unsold ; if

c sold,to whom . when and at what pri e ,adding thereto all addi tion s as made from tim e to time ,and if the y are transferred ,shall t t en er all de ails connected therewith .

He only Sha ll make sales of lots a n d receive the money for the pay ment of the same ,issuing a certificate of ownership o n blanks approved by the Board of Managers fo r that purpose .

The Secretary shall issue burial permits only o n receipt of the proper permit from the H e alth Offi cer of the City of E rie and the prescribed charges , and shall keep a careful register of all removals ; al so of all interments, showing the n ame ,place of n ativity , re sidence , date of birth and death of the deceased ,the disease of which he or sh e died ,the names of the parents of the deceased ,the se ction a n d nu mber of lot where buried and kind of

a gr ve . He shall give notice of all meetings of the Board of Managers and cau se to be published all notices of meetings of the corporation according to th e pro visions of th e Charter and these B v - laws He Shall pay over to the Treasurer of the Erie Cemetery a ll money he m a y have belonging t o said corporation at least once each week At each annual meeting of the Cor p o ra to rs,$and oftener if required by the Board of M a nage rs ,) he Sh a ll furnish a schedule of lots , showing the number unsold at R E IE CEMETERY . l 13

la st report ,the number added during the year past ,the number so ld and the number then unsold,with all the details as shown by s a id record , including statement of the amount of money re c e i v e d,account of sales of said lots,and detailed statement o f all i n t e rm ents ,together with an account of the moneys received for sa id interments .

He shall have the custody of all the aforesaid records ,the titl e deed of the property,the seal of th e co rporatio n, and all o t h er books and papers belonging to the c o rporation ,except th e se c urities,evidences of debt and account books of the Treasurer

a n d Superintendent .

Section 4 . The Treasurer shall receive and be held re sp onsible for all moneys and all securities and evidences of debt d u e the corporation which shall co me into his hands ,of which h e shall keep a detailed and accurate account, designating w hether arising from sale of lots ,permits ,bequests , interest or o ther sources,in the books of the corporation ,of which he shall h a ve the custody,subject ,however,at all times to the inspection o f the Managers ; and shall pay all claims upon the corporatio n, b u t only upon the warrant of the President attested by the S ecretary .

He shall render to the Managers annually,$and o ftener if th ey requ ire it ,) a general statement of the finances of th e cor p o ra tio n ,to be exhibited at the annual meeting of the Corpor a to rs,showing the balance on hand at the last report,the receipts a n d the expendi tures during the past year,and the balance then u in the treasury,and how invested and sec red .

Section 5. The Superintendent shall reside on the premises

a n d have charge of all interments,and shall give directions as to the opening and closing of graves ,and shall have the general con

trol,under the Board of Managers, of the improvement of the

grounds . Lot holders who may wish to make any improvements or a lterations of any kind on their lots ,or to have their bo undaries

more fully defined,must first apply to the Superintendent,who must be present,and whose directions they will conform to on o these occasi ns,as well as in the erection of other improvements . 1 14 E RIE CE ME TERY .

The Superintendent sha ll keep a map of the Ceme tery grounds , showing th e driveways, walks and lots, with their n umbers,and shall ca use their boundaries to be preserved, a n d shall,also ,ha ve cha rge of and keep an account of the prope rty, too ls and implements of th e co rpo ration which belo ng o n the gro unds ,a n d shall see that th e regulations of the Board of M a n

agers concerning the proprietors of lots,interments,use of vault a n d h a re o a n d o c apel,visitors ,etc . , pr perly observed, shall enf rce th e rules a n d regulations generally and maintain decorum in the

Cemetery on all occasions . The Superintendent shall collect all charges for sprinkling lots,and for all work done on them by request of the owners ,and sha ll pay o ver to the Treasurer of the Erie Cemetery all money belonging to said corporation at least once each week

The Superintendent shall also keep an accurate Time Book $ which shall set forth the name of each workman em ployed , the time each workman ma kes daily, and the kind o f labor at which he is employed ; and shall make a monthly report to the Board of Managers ,stating the amount of work done and its condition ,the receipts and disbursements,and also , an esti n o m mate for the coming month . And interment shall be ade

- witho ut a permit as provided for in Section 3 of these By Laws .

6 Section . The Secretary, Treasurer and Superintende nt, and such other o fli c ers and agents a s the Board of Managers may direct,Shall give bonds satisfactory to said Board of M a n agers for the faithful performa n ce of their respective duties,a n d th e delivery to the ir succe ssors ,o r to the Board of Managers,of

all property of the corporation in their hands when required .

. ff d th e Section 7 All resolutions o ered, for a option at e me t ing of the B o ard of Managers shall be reduced to writing,a n d the yeas and nays shall be recorded on the demand of a n y

member .

‘ 8 o fli ce rs a Section . All ,agents and servants of the corpor tion shall be appointed for such periods as may suit the Board o f Manage rs ; and said Board of Managers are hereby given full power to dismiss any or all of them whenever the interests of the

corporation shall demand .

R 1 16 E R IE CEME TE Y .



I o u n d the m . No g in Ce etery shall be sold until it sh a l l h a ve been su rveyed and platted,and the plat or plats have be e n a pproved by the Bo ard o f Ma nagers

2 The grade of all avenues,walks and lots shall be estab lish ed M s by the Board of anager .

a fo r 3. No lots sh ll be sold except cash paid a t th e full f M s prices fixed by the Boa rd o anager .


n 1 . The cor ers of all lots shall be marked only by t h e Board of Managers , and setting o f corner posts by 10 1 own e rs

will not be permitted .

2 a n o . Enclosures round lots will not be allowed, r the pla c ing thereupon of any thing objectionable or prejudicial to t h e

general appearance of the Cemetery .

t to a n 3 . Proprietors of lots have the righ erect y prop e r headstone,monument or memorial thereon ,subject,however ,t o the rules and regulations of the Erie Cemetery ; but no t ree grow ing within any lot shall be cut down , removed or destroyed ,

without the consent of the Board of Managers .

a be h 4 . Trees or shrubs sh ll not planted upon any lot wit out obtaining consent of the Superintendent ; but silver lea f poplar and lo cust trees,lilac and syringa bushes,and shrubbery

of this class will not be allowed under any circumstanc es . I f lot any tree or shrub,however,should become detrimental to a or adjoining lots it shall be the duty of the Managers to remove

the same .

a n a a re 5. Monuments of y m terial requiring painting pro i h ib ted . Wooden or iron headboards,wooden trellises and large R R E IE CEMETE Y . 1 1 7

v a s es or urns other than of stone,marble or durable metal, a re a l s o prohibited .

6 . All vaults, monuments, statuary or other memorials e r m ected the Cemetery,must be of real stone ,marble or bronze , a n d be set under the supervisio n of the S u perintendent according

t o by the plans as approved the Managers .

7 . To protect the grounds fro m injury by the introd uction o f irresponsible workmen,to insure good work,and especially t o improve lots, th e B o ard of Managers rese rves the right to c onstruct all foundatio n s for all monuments or other sup erst ru c t u res ; and to have all excavations, digging of graves,and th e

grading and sodding of lots ; performed by their own workmen .

The above -mentioned work will not be permitted to be don e b y others under any circumstances, and proper time must be a o ll wed in which to do it . All such foundations must be built of s olid stone masonry or concrete,and must not be less than five th r s feet in depth leveled with the surface of e g ound . Plan s h o wing the size and ma te rial of all large monuments or super s tructures,and others if req uested,must accompany all written o rders for the foundations in order that the proper sizes and p rices of such foundations may be determined .

8 . All workmen employed by individual lot owners in the f o r c onstruction of vaults,erection o monuments,etc . , for any purpose upon their lo ts ,shall be subject t o the entire control of the Superintendent of the Erie Cemetery,and failing to comply with this regulation,will not be permitted to work within the a grounds . All earth ,material,rubbish,etc . ,accumul ted on a l o t or lots by th e owners thereof or their agent or agents ,must be carefully removed by them from th e gr ounds as soon as re quested by the Superintendent,o r placed on the grounds as said S uperintendent may direct .

al 9 . No heavy teaming will be lowed in the Cemetery in

wet weather . N 0 stone work shall be brought into the Ceme ’ ter a 1 2 M y on Saturday fter o clock . ,and no work shall be com m en c e d o n that day that cannot be finished and the dirt and

debris entirely removed before the hour of closing the gates . E E CE E E 1 18 RI M T RY.

1 i 0 . Teams used n hauling materi al in or out of t h e grounds will n o t be allowed to pass through the main entra n c e to e r the Cem te y .

1 1 o r o n . The so liciting of c ntracts or o ders for m nume ts , h eadstones,memorials ,or a n y oth er work ,will not be allowed i n th e e Cem tery .


t o r 1 . Lot owners are expressly prohibi ed from selling transfe rring their lots to other parties without fi rst o btain i n g consent of th e Board of Managers thereto in writing,and pa yi n g $ to the ten per cent fund ten per cent of the original price paid lo t n a for the or lots so transferred . No sig indicating that lot, $ o r d any improvement th ereon is For Sale will be permitte .

2 lo t ma e . A owner y reconvey his lot to the Erie Cem tery n t o in trust ,nevertheless . inalie ably,and specify who only are be e interr d thereon .

n a n 3 . No private lot shall be used for the interme t of y perso n other than the family of the lot owner unless special p e r mission shall have been first obtained from th e Board of M a n agers on the written request of the lot owner,and then only on the condition tha t no remuneration shall be paid the lot ow n er for such privilege .

N o b 4 . remains will be interred ,or deposited in a tom or the Receiving Vault, except upon the written order of the

Secretary .

e 5. All disinterments must be made by the Superintend nt on the written order of the President or Secretary ; provide d no removals from one gr ave to a nother in the grounds shall be ma de I st I st between May and November .

E E E l 20 RI CEM TERY .

0 3 . N persons with refreshments will be admitted,n o r w ill s moking be allowed .

o 4 . No pers ns with firearms or dogs will be admitted .

t 5. Horses mus not be left without a driver unless secure ly n o t fastened,and must be hitched to trees . 6 . No money shall be demanded by any attendant of the n e gate or gr ounds from any o .

d t 7 . Chil ren will not be admit ed unless accompanied by proper persons to ta ke care o f them and be responsible for their

conduct .

h u 8 . All persons are pro ibited from pl cking flowers,either wild o r c u ltivated, or breaking or injuring any tree , shrub o r ’ plant,or entering upon any individual s lot without leave of th e

owner .

o 9 . All pers ns are prohibited from writing upon,defacing a n y or injuring monument,headstone or other structure .

1 0 . Any person disturbing the quiet or good order of the place by noise or other improper conduct ,or who sha ll vio late any of the rules and regulations,will be compelled instantly to

leave the grounds .

1 1 . No person will be allowed to make a Sketch or picture of a n y building,monument or improvement of any kind or de scription ,in the grounds of the Erie Cemetery without first ob taining the written con sent of the owners and of the Board of

Managers .

2 1 . It shall not be lawful for any person to enter or leave u the Cemetery gro nds otherwise than by a common gateway .

1 3 . All persons visiting the Cemetery shall be required to m give their na es when called for by the Superintendent .

1 x 4 . No persons will be admitted on Sunday e cepting lot owners and members of their households and persons aecom

panying them . Passes must be shown if requested .

1 o 5. All well disposed persons will confer a fav r on the Board of Managers by informing the Superintendent of any

breach of these rules that m a y come under their notice . ER IE CEMETERY . 1 2 1


1 . All information as to grades,boundary lines,dimensions o f lots,locatio n of graves,etc . ,must be obtained from the Super i n t n en t o e d before beginning work n any lot .

y 2 . The contractor and all his emplo es engaged in any work in the Cemetery,durin g the progress of the work shall be u nder the direct control of the Superintendent .

o 3 . Guy r pes must not be fastened to any tree or perma n ent improvement in th e grounds ; and in moving material for improvements onto lots, adjoining lots must not be tresspa ssed u pon,and when trees and shrubbery are in the way,notice must b e given at once to the Superintendent who will give instruction a s in the c e . d 4 . Planks are required to be la i on all places over which heavy material is to be moved in order to avoid injury . Ob st ru ctio n s to driveways and paths attending improvements of all kinds and descriptions must be reduced to a minimum ; and no unnecessary delay will be permitted after work has been com m d en ce .

. r 5 All surplus materials, tools , rubbish, etc . , must be e moved o u completion of the work, or when directed by th e S uperintendent . 6 . No advertisement in any form will be allowed o n a n y work in the Cemetery grounds .

7 . No new stone or monumental work shall be begun within three days of Decoration Day, and all rubbish must be re moved and material and tools placed to the satisfaction of the S - da uperintendent twenty four hours before said v .

Also see R ules and Regulations under Improvement o f

CONCLUSI ON . For the purpose of keeping lots in repair,and the preserva tion and renewal of any tomb ,monument ,gravestone,railing,or the improvement of lots in any way ,the Managers shall receive fro m any lot owner or friend of the same ,any sum of money, E E E E 1 22 RI C M TERY .

$not less than fifty dollars,) and either invest th e same i n som e permanent fund,or pay interest for the same at th e rate of si x per cent ,which sa id interest shall be expended for th e purpo se s a e bove m ntioned .

Should a n y person by will make provision for the preserva tio n of his or her lot or lots or improvements as a bove indica te d , the followin g is gi ven as the proper form in which to make su c h bequest :

I hereby gi ve a n d bequeath to the Erie Cemetery the su m of dolla rs,to have and to hold the same to the sa id Erie Cemetery and their successors,upon trust,however,to ke e p the same inve sted ,or to allow interest thereon at the rate o f si x per cent per annum ,and to apply the income thus arising there t e fro m ,under the direction of the Board of Managers,to the . pair,preservation or renewal of any tomb ,monument or grave stone , railing or o ther erection ,or for planting and cultivatin g trees,sh rubs ,flowers or plants,upon,i n or about Lot No in Section in the Cemetery grounds o f the said corpora tion ,and to apply the surplus of such income ,if any,to th e im provement of the said Cemetery grounds ; Provided , however, That the said Managers shall never be responsible fo r their con duct in discharge of such trust ,except for good faith a n d such reasonable diligence as may be required of mere gratuitou s agents ; And provided,further,That the said Managers shall in no case be obliged to make any separa te investment o f the su m so given,and that the average income derived from all funds of the like nature belonging to the corporation,shall be divided a n n u a lly and carried proportio nately to the credit of each lo t $ entitled thereto .


Amendments to the By -Laws may be proposed in writing at r T any meeting of the Co porators . hey shall be entered at length upon the minutes , and a copy of same shall be served upon each Corporator person a lly o r by mail directed to his last known place of residence .

Action on said proposed amendments may be taken a t a future meeting of Corporators to be called not less than 30 days

R 124 ERIE CEMETE Y . t ha n in this Cemetery will have refunded $5 0 0 for 1 0 years old $ “ a n d 1 under and for over 0 years .

’ Ea ch a dditiona l month s use of Vault U se of Chapel Opening private Vault Extra charge for Sunday Funerals

FOUNDATI ONS . m Vaults,Monu ents ,Headstones ,Etc . Nothing less than 2 0 cubic feet or less 35 cents per cubic foot Over 2 0 cubic feet 2 5 cents per cubic foot

All work of this kind must be paid for in advance,when the order is given , by the party having the contract for the im provement . V E WI N S E O N 2 I CTI .


. “ c d d 5 8 1 E z 3 M A z 3 3 a s fi g m q z w a u s 6 mfi z q5 m a H a m o 3 m a m 5 5 mn 0 d w ? m2 5 —u . “ 5 < m 2 r H h m 6 A 8 d 95 8 o 5 . . a fi 9 . 0 ?u 0 4 m0 mmm . m w w m e w c “ fi o m o o o a m o 3 u 0 n o w w w m w m x w w “ $ a f 9 “ 9 : ?H u m m m v N. m u o a N. 3 3 n h m h 1 “ h a e a 3 $ R5 5 3 i $ a 3 3 n s g s 2 2 S 2 2 » 2 s 2 . a n s wA O s o n o z 5 n i m s E —e e a v 3 e m E m c a c O a 4 u v 3 M5 9 a z e e fi o x 5 m n g k m E 8 E s 8 a o e a g n O u e fi 8 5 o 8 a e a o n s s o E m 3 M 0 m u m H m 5 e s e m 5 m Z z 0 o fi d . O fi u w 2 n mm d e M ? w 3 a a n : 8

A w H e v e n o n « a n e N. 2 3 S 9 H 2 h h M h m A a h m a 5 a d e a E e 5 d a d d 2 5 3 e e 3 u S s 3 u e s 2 s b g s 2 ? 2 s b i 2 3 2 g ? . H : h . . . H e o z h o E o u m o O u C “ a u o m s O a m o o m u o E 2 o e s o m e P o o - a B : o O A z e $ o o 8 z « o o A m 0 o q E o o o m3 a E u o s 3 m m S B 3 8 mm m m O e mM 8 5 g s a Z n ? o a p 9 G o a 0 . . m i 3 e A . . s . A fi A o 3 n 0 E m 0 2 n . n 6 O a d 0 e a 8 4 m 0 . 5 . g . m O s H ? ?A d m5 . E O 0 A g H . . A h “ o m A R R Y E IE CEMETE . 129

d v t 5 E u a b 8 O a ? B a 8 m fi m . 8 C 0 m a . A O . c A w . E a . wm

0 m w m w w $ $ m ~ 9 m 2

a a 6 n w m m. H h h h “ a 5 a $ 3 a 3 3 s 2 s 2 2 s 2 w o 3 t c o n z o o 3 3 “ t 8 o 9 w 0 5 s o 0 4 . < 4 d A c » w x H 5 2 3 a u 6 fi 2 a m A A A 0 ws n u n e . 8 0 c a 5 ?g+ h Q v ? d . o u m m c m m u g m w a o o m 3 m m w m m w m m m ?m u a $ $ m m m 0 a m a c N 3 w S h w h h “ a a a a $ 3 d u s s s s 2 2 h 8 w u v £ s m m n a o o e v 0 o 3 o u z m a 3 t n w m o . a x 3 z n w m m 4 9 x m G . m A 4 mq m b a o d . 5 . . u . o 0 5 mmmmm 1 30 E RIE CE M E TERY .


Elected — M 2 8 0 C . Ma 1 . . . m W. y 4 , 5 Reed, G A Eliott, Himrod , Wm . ew . . . b Kelly,A W Br ster,J Galbraith,E . Ba bitt . — 1 1 8 1 C. . M . . . d Jan 3, 5 Reed, G A Eliott,Wm . Himro , Wm . ew Kelly,A . W . Br ster,J . Galbraith,E . Babbitt .

1 2 8 2 — M a n 1 C. . . . o J , 5 Reed , G . A Eliott,Wm . Himr d , Wm . K w elly, A . Bro n ,J . Galbraith . E . Babbitt . — M ' t 1 8 C. . . . m . o . m W W. Jan , 53 Reed, G A Eliott, Himrod , m w Ke W . t lly , . A Bro n,J . Galbrai h . E . Babbitt .

1 8 — 11 o Vm . w . \ m . . . o \V Jan 9 , 54 Cad ell, G A Eli tt , Himr d . . \V w Kelly, m . A . Bro n,F . Schneider,E . Babbitt .

8 1 8 — M o Jan . , 55 J . C . arshall,G . A . Eliott ,Wm . Himr d,Wm .

' w t W . Kelly , m . A . Bro n,F Schneider,E . Babbi t . — M M s . I 1 8 6 . . Jan . 4, 5 J . C . ar hall , C Reed, Wm Himrod, H .

w M . Cad ell,C . . Tibbals ,J . Galbraith ,P . Arbuckle

— V' m M \ . 1 2 1 8 . Jan . , 57 J . C . arshall,G . A Eliott, Himrod . b m w . . \V . . Kelly , . A Bro n ,I Camp ,E Bab itt — \ d Vm . I I 1 8 8 M o . Jan . , 5 J . C . arshall,G . A . Eli tt ,Wm Himro , M R o w . . . Kelly, A . Br n ,I . Camp,C eed — 7 “ m . 1 0 , 1 8 59 VVilso n King, G . A . Eliott , Wm . Himrod ,

M . w . . Kelly,Wm . A . Bro n ,I . Camp ,C Reed

— m M . l 8 6o . . , . , Jan . 9, Wilson King,G A Eliott Wm Hi rod Jos

M . w . . Sterrett ,Wm . A . Bro n ,I . Camp , C Reed

f M — . . o s . 1 1 8 6 1 “ . . , ,J Jan . 4, ilson King,G A Eliott Wm Himrod M e . . w . . Sterrett ,Wm . A . Bro n ,I Camp, C Re d

— M . o s . M . . o . , n 1 1 8 62 . . , , J Ja . 3, J C arshall G A Eli tt Wm Himrod

M . w . . . Sterrett,Wm . A . Bro n ,Wm C Warren ,C Reed

M . — . M . . . , 6 . a n 1 2 1 8 . , J . , 3, J C arshall ,G A Eliott Wm Himrod Jos

M . . w . . . t . , Sterre t,Wm . A Bro n,J C Spencer C Reed

E R E E 132 I CEM TERY .

Elected — M a y 1 8 8 m l h n . 7 , 7 Ja es Skinner,John Eliot ,D . S . C ark ,Jo C o S t w n Ge . . . Selden , A . Bro n ,J . C . Spe cer, W arr 8 — v 6 1 R l n . Ma M . . , 7 9 C. . eed, John Eliot , D S C ark, Joh C 7 S o . m w G e . . “ . elden, . A . Bro n ,J . C Spencer, W Starr — Ma 1 8 8 0 C M R . v 4 , . . eed , John Eliot, D . S . Clark, John C

o w o a r n m e . . G . e W . S lde , . A . Br n ,J . C Spencer, W St r

M v 1 8 8 1 — e E C . a M . . 3, . Re d, John liot, D S . Clark, John C e Wm w r S lden , . A . Bro n ,J . C . Spencer,Geo . W . Sta r .

1 8 8 2 — 2 C. M M . . . ay , . Reed , John Eliot, D S Clark , John C w e Geo . Selden, A . Bro n ,J . C . Sp ncer, . W Starr .

M a v t 1 88 —Geo o n , 3 . P . C lt , Joh Eliot,D . S . Clark , John C . w o e . . Ge . . S lden , A Bro n ,J . C Spencer, W Starr .

M 1 8 8 — o S a 6 . o v , 4 Geo . P C lt ,J hn Eliot ,D . . Clark ,John C .

n . . . . Selde ,C . C Shirk , J C . Spencer,Geo W Starr .

1 88 — o M . . . . ay 5, 5 Geo . P Colt , J hn Eliot , D S Clark, John C

Selden ,C . C . Shirk,J . C . Spencer,Geo . W . Starr . — M 8 86 o . . . a 1 Ge . y 4, . P Colt , John Eliot, D S Clark,John C m a m . . . W. Selden ,C . C . Shirk, Hi rod,Geo W St rr

M 1 — a 8 8 . C o y 3, 7 Geo . P Colt, John Eliot, D . S . lark ,J hn C.

. Geo . . . Selden ,C . C Shirk,Wm . Himrod , W Starr — 1 8 8 8 . o I , Geo . P . Colt , John Eliot, D . S Clark, J hn C . S d m . . W o Ge . el en ,C C Shirk, . Himrod , W . Starr .

M a 1 8 8 — a y 7 , 9 Geo . P . Colt . John Eliot,D . S . Clark,Willi m

m m . . . W. . . Spencer . C C Shirk , Hi rod ,Geo W Starr

M a 6 1 8 0 — o y , 9 Geo . P . C lt, John Eliot, D . S . Clark, William

a . Spencer,C . C . Shirk,Wm . Himrod ,Geo . W . St rr — m M a I 8 I . y 5, 9 Geo . P . Colt,John Eliot, D . S Clark, Willia

. m . . . W . Spencer,C C Shirk, . Himrod ,Geo W Starr

M a 1 8 2 — l y 3, 9 Geo . P . Colt,John Eliot, D . S . C ark , William

. . Geo . . . Spencer,C C Shirk,Wm . Himrod, W Starr

M 2 — a v 1 8 . o . o m , 93 Geo . P C lt J hn Eliot , D . S . Clark, Willia

e . m o . . W G . e . Spenc r,C C Shirk , . Himrod , W Starr E ERIE CEMET RY . 133

E l e c ted M a 1 8 —Geo . m . a y I , 94 P Colt,John Eliot, D . S . Cl rk,Willia m r W . . Spencer,C . C . Shirk, . Himrod,Geo W . Star — m M a 1 8 . . y 7 , 9 5 Geo . P . Colt,John Eliot, D S Clark,Willia

m . . W. Spencer,C . C . Shirk, Himrod ,Geo W . Starr — m M I eo . a 8 6 G . . y 5, 9 P . Colt,John Eliot,D S Clark,Willia

Wm m r . Spencer . C . C . Shirk, . Hi rod ,Geo . W . Star — m 1 8 . . . 4, 97 Geo . P Colt,John Eliot, D S Clark,Willia


Wm . . . Spencer,C . C . Shirk, . Himrod,Geo W Starr — m M a y 3, 1 8 98 Geo . P . Colt,John Eliot,D . S . Clark, Willia m W. . . Spencer,C . C . Shirk, Himrod ,Geo W . Starr

1 8 —M w O c t 8 . . 3, 9 Gris old . — m I w . 8 . . M M a y 9, 99 Geo P Colt, . Gris old,D S . Clark,Willia

m . . . W. Spencer,C . C . Shirk, Himrod,Geo W Starr — w . I M . . M a 8 oo . y , g Geo . P Colt, Gris old ,D S Clark,William

Spencer,C . C . Shirk,Wm . Himrod,Geo . W . Starr . — w m I M . . . M a y 1 4, go I Geo . P . Colt, Gris old,D S Clark,Willia

m . . W. . Spencer,C . C . Shirk, Himrod,Geo W Starr

M 2 1 0 2 —F n a y , 9 . Gun ison . M — a . . M ri w m y Geo P Colt, . G s old ,D . S . Clark,Willia

Spencer,C . C . Shirk,Wm . Himrod,F . Gunnison .

1 0 2 —L M J une 4, 9 . . Little . E E 134 ERI CEMET RY .

0 8

. . . . 5 . . . . u c u u 0 . . e e B M . _ E o o b o v b 0 u o 0 0 . . o o o o o u o E fi u g é 0 a c -p c c c c c 2 0 0 m m v 5 a 0 o 0 o c o v v o M o o a a a a a a a < m mA h w m m 8 8 8 2 c m g mm 0 m. w w m. 5 0 o ...... 8 5 . 8 . . . . mm S 0 0 0 0 U 0 w 0 9 9 0 fl d 0 E 5 N 8 8 . . . . B E 3 A 5 2 2 . 4 mA A .A A.A.A.A.A. .m . . J 4 5 0 0 4 d . .

2 0

. 8

6 5 . . 1 5 z m z 0 0 t . o . 0 0 t t e 0 ——h E E —p 8 o S 8 o 0 a 0 0 o o S M 0 u o 0 u u e e : c p 4 2 s 0 0 m m w r 8 s s 8 o o o < a a 0 fi mmmm 0 4 om m m 8 8 5 o . . . . . 8 8 A a . . . mm0 d . m E 0 0 0 0 0 m 9 0 A . 8 8 . . . . . 3 . 8 . 8 . $ A m 5 4 A 0 0 0 mm0 A. A. .A.A. . 8 4 4 4 4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 A A m mmmmmm 8 mmmmmmmmmE 5 mmm m m 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 . 4 4 4 4 4 2 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

. 6 O H m v m 0 WM 0 © c N m m v m s R 0 m m m o 6 o o o o o o o 3 ww m mm w w w w w w M m m m $ u : mH m ? a H m a m m$ s ? u a m“ $ —8 . . 0 2 2 c m . v m 8 N N 0 0 2 m m 8 ; 5 8 3 8 5 H 3 fi m 0. 8 u N . 1 9 N 0 ...... 0 m S 8 d 8 d E S 8 a d u S o S 5 E S S 0 8 r u m a fi 2 A A m 2 A A A A A 2 s 5 2 . . d .h a . A . . . m

E E E 136 RIE C M TERY .

4 . . . . . 0 . 0 . . 0 w ww mw 0 u 0 u u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 c c c c c 0 c 0 c c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 0 . m m m. m m m. m. 0 . m m. u .

. . A A A A A A A A A A A

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 m m m m m m m m m m m 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 m mm mmmmmmmmm

. . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 8 0 . m m m m 8 m 8 8 m . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 m m m m w m m m m m 0 8 0 .

. . 0 2 b 0 0 8 8 o 8 8 0 0 . 8 8 z 0 0 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m a H 0 0 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

O 0 0 o N N 0 £ 8 N m u m 0 m 0 0 0 n m 0 o o o 0 0 8 8 5 m 3 3 0 ?0 0 8 0 0 0 w w mm8 ?3 0 9 0 m H 0 0 9 0 8 0 0 0 8 0 0 8 . a . 0 0 5 m 0 m N n 0. 0 3 8 0 8 . 8 A $ . 0 8 8 5 0 8 8 E 0 8 8 m 2 2 0 2 & m 2 A . 0 R E IE CEMETERY . 1 37



$Form of agr eement between the Erie Cemetery and parties d e s iring to a v a il themselves of the prov isions of the Act of As s e m bly passed M arch 2 7 ,1 868 ,by which the corporation become s o b ligated to have all lots entered on the endowm ent list kept e ) p rpetually in good order .

THIS AGREEMENT,made this day of A 1 . D , 9 . between of one part,and t h e Board of Managers of the Erie Cemetery,in the County of E r ie and State of Pennsylvan ia ,of the other part WITNESSETH , that the said d eposited with the Erie Cemetery ,the sum of . d olla rs,in consideration of which the said managers, for them s elves and their successors ,hereby agr ee to receive and hold th e said sum in trust forever,and invest the same with other funds of l ike character,and to apply the income therefrom ,from time to time,under the direction of the managers for the time being,to the repair and preservation of any tomb or monument , or for

planting or cultivating trees and shrubs,upon or in lot No . S ection in the said Erie Cemetery, and the surplus, if any,at the end of each year,to remain as a sinking fund,to be applied solely and exclusively to the repair and keeping in order

said lot N o Section .

PROVIDED , HOWEVER, that the said managers shall n ever be responsible for their conduct in the discharge of said trust ,except for good faith and such reasonable diligence as may be required of mere gratuitous agents ; and provided ,further,that the said managers shall in no ca se be obliged to make any separ ate investment o f the sum so given,and that the average income derived from all funds of the like nature belo nging to the corpor a tion shall be divided ann ually,and carried proportionally to the

credit of each lot entitled thereto .

In witness whereof,the sa id hereunto set hand, and the said managers of the Erie Cemetery have hereunto set their corporate seal ,together with the signa h r t r sec e a v . . 1 tures of t eir president and this day of 9 .

President .

. S ec r ta rv e . 138 ERIE CEME TERY .


TO CEMETERY . In view of the comparative shortness of life and the insta bility of human affairs there is , perhaps , no surer or better method by which the owner of a lot can provide for its perm a nent care and ownership than to re -co n v ev it , in trust, to the Eri e Cemetery,after he has made such improvements as he desires , and placed with the company a reasonable su m as an endowm ent fo r the reason that,so far as careful legi slation can secure these objects,the corporation is endowed with perpetual existence and

boun d fa ithfu llv to execute all tru sts committed to its charge .

Another consideration deserves to be taken into acco unt and that is the securing of undisturbed interment by lot owners and their families b v rendering it impossible for their heirs-a t- la w, induced by poverty o r cupidity ,to remove their bodies and dis o f th e pose lots . This can be accomplished by the deed of trust , a form o f which is here submitted

THIS INDENTURE ,made the day of 1 9 between of the County of Erie, Pennsylvania ,party of the first part,a n d the Erie Cemetery,a corporation in the County and State aforesa id, party o f the second part : Witnesseth ,that the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the su m o f one dollar,unto him in hand well and tru ly paid by the said party of the second part,the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,has and by these pres ents doth sell and convey unto the said Erie Cemetery and its successors that certain lot No in Section of

r a n d o n ev erth e said Cemete y . To have to h ld said lot in trust, less ,inalienable ,and for the interment of and

for no other interment .

In witness whereof,I have hereunto set my hand and seal

this da v and year above written .

E E E E R 18 8 ERI C M T Y .


In view of the comparative short ness of life and th e i n sta bility of human affairs there is , perhaps, no surer or b etter method by which the o wner of a lot can provide for its perm a nent care and owne rship tha n to re -co nvey it , in trust, to th e Erie Cemetery ,after he has made such improvements as he d e sires, a n d placed with the company a reasonable sum as an endowm ent ; fo r the reason that ,so far as careful legislation can secure these o bjects ,the co rporation is endowed with perpetual existen c e and

bound faithfully to execute all trusts committed to its charge .

Another consideration deserves to be taken into accoun t and that is the securing of undisturbed interment by lot owners and their families by rendering it impossible for their heirs-a t - l a w, induced by povert y o r cupidity ,to remove their bodies and dis o f ca n pose the lo ts . This be accomplished by the deed of trust, a form of which is here submitted

' THIS I N D E NTL RE ,made the day of 1 9 between of the County of Erie, Penn sylvania ,party of the first part,and the Erie Cemet e r y,a corporation in the Coun ty and State aforesa id , party o f the second part : Witn esseth ,that the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the su m o f one dollar,unto hi m in hand well and truly paid by the said party of the second part ,the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,has and by these pres ents doth sell and convey unto the said Erie Cemetery and its successors that certain lot No in Section of

r n ev er the~ said Cemete y . To have and to hold said lot in trust ,

less ,inalienable ,and for the interment of and

for no other interment . l In witness whereo f, I have hereunto set my hand and sea o this da v and vear ab ve written . E I E M E R E C TERY . 139

M o r RE E ST FOR QU .

I bereby give and bequea th to the Erie Cemetery the su m

. dollars,to have and to hold the same to the sa id Erie Cemetery and their successors,upon tr ust ,however,to keep the same invested,or to allow interest thereon at the rate o f six per cent per annum ,and to a pply the income thus ari sing therefrom, under the direction o f the Board of Managers , to th e repair, preservation or renewal of any tomb ,mo nument or gravestone , railing or o ther erection ,or for planting and cultivating t ree s ,

shrubs,flowers or plants,u po n,i n or about Lot N o in Section in the cemetery grounds of the said corpo ra tion,and to apply the surplus of such inco me ,if any,to the im provemen t of the said Cemetery gro unds ; Provided , however, That the sa id M anagers sha ll never be respo n sible for their con duct in discharge of such tru st,except fo r go o d faith and such reasonable diligence as ma y be required o f mere gratu ito us

agents; And provided further,T hat the said M anagers shall in no case be obliged to make any separate i n ve stment o f the su m so gi ven,an d that the average income derived from all funds of the like nature belonging to the corpo ration , shall be divided a n nuallv an d carried proportionately to th e credit o f each lo t e n $ titled h t ereto .


The provisions of the laws of Pennsylvania relating to the w heirship of lots in the Cemetery are summarized in the follo ing, which is presented with the Vi ew of pro viding against disputes or annoyance and inconvenience that may arise in the course of a few generations from the question of title :

On the death of the o wner of a lot ,who dies intestate and without having made any disposition of the same by deed or - - i : t la w v z . otherwise,the lot descends to his heirs a ,

Fr . i st . To the children of the intestate Should any have ’ * died,their children will inherit the parent s share,a a descen n di g line . E E E E R 140 RI C M TE Y .

Second . In default of any such heirs, to the father and mother of the intestate,during their joint liv es and the life of the u s rvivor .

Third . In default of such heirs ,to the brothers and sisters o f the bloo d of the intestate,a n d their descendants . m Fourth . In default of such heirs ,to the father and other of the intestate in fee .

The heirs-a t-la w have jointly a right to the dispo sal a n d use m of the lot ; neither of the alone has the right to the disposal of it .

The wife of the intestate has the sa me interest in th e lot that she has in other real estate of the intestate ; but her interest,so far as the cemetery i s co ncerned,is nominal ; she can neither dispose m of it ,nor order interments to be ade therein .


l N D — EX . nti u Co n ed .

La ws Relatin g to Cemet eries

Man a gers E rie Cemetery

n \V. M c L a e,Col . J . ,Public Funeral Milita rv Fun erals

Modern Met hods

N o table Dead in Erie Cemetery

Officers E rie Cemetery

P resbvteria n Graveyard Presidents—Deaths Formally Observed

Public Funeral of 1 8 59

a n d R Rules egulations . R elating to Lots Improve ments For Pro prietors of Lots Interments Use of Chapel and Vault Owners a n d Visito rs Contracto rs Fund for Care Amendments

Scale of Pric e s M . e Sell,Capt . J . ,Public Fun ral

’ St . John s $Lutheran) Graveyard

’ M y St . ary s Grave ard

’ St . Patrick s Cemetery Superintendents Erie Cemetery

Tour of the Cemetery

U . P . Graveyard

Vincent,Gen . Strong,Public Funeral

War of 1 8 1 2 - 1 3,Burials

8 7 l 5 OI Z ’


. . . . E w ww w“ “ $ w M g u u u t h o o o o t 6 S o o B —n n n n m A n n 9 A —— F e 5 fi E E E 5 -r E E 8 o o o o 0 E o u u

m m m m m m m v . m Wv .

. - - —- - —- - A h J h l n l t l h l t l v l t-l h l h-l


...... t t t t t t t t t t e S fi S fi fi fi a S fi fi $ c a a m m m m m m m m m m 5 m 0 5 u N 0 S 5 £ S 0 0 B a 3 3 . i 2 o a 0 h . m . 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d 3 3 8 8 8 3 3

o m o «n d N n ¢ m C N w 0 w o KEw o e e o o m m o o o 8 0 5 8 w w m w w fi w w w m m w w m u $ $ u u f “ n “ “ ~ m m $ “ m 9 9 9 e — 8 C “m C . . . . fi . I 5 fl m m u m m n J A 0 6 m. 6 v n u m 3 8 “

o . o . o 5 6 E h b . 5 5 E E c 2 u n 5 N N N 3 $ E a o E 2 3 3 3 5 o o 3 a 2 2 2 4 E E E 2 fi 2 2 s h Z 2 O m2 . .