H. Doc. 108-222
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BIOGRAPHIES [ 535 ] BIOGRAPHIES AANDAHL, Fred George, a Representative from North state house of representatives, 1799, 1802-1804, 1808, and Dakota; born in Litchville, Barnes County, N.Dak., April 1811; elected as a Republican to the Fifteenth and reelected 9, 1897; graduated from Litchville High School, Litchville, to the three succeeding Congresses (March 4, 1817-March N.Dak.; graduated from the University of North Dakota, 3, 1825); died on November 19, 1826, in Lexington, Ga.; Grand Forks, N.Dak., 1921; farmer; superintendent of interment in Rest Haven Cemetery, Washington, Ga. schools, Litchville, N.Dak., 1922-1927; member of the North Dakota state senate, 1931, 1939, and 1941; governor of ABBOTT, Joseph Carter, a Senator from North Caro- North Dakota, 1945-1950; elected as a Republican to the lina; born in Concord, N.H., July 15, 1825; graduated from Eighty-second Congress (January 3, 1951-January 3, 1953); Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., in 1846; studied law; ad- was not a candidate for the Eighty-third Congress in 1952, mitted to the bar in 1852; owner and editor of the Daily but was an unsuccessful candidate for the United States American, in Manchester, N.H. 1852-1857; adjutant general Senate; appointed Assistant Secretary of the Department of New Hampshire 1855-1861; editor of the Boston Atlas of the Interior, 1953-1961; died April 7, 1966, in Fargo, in 1859; member of the commission to adjust the boundary N.Dak.; interment in Hillside Cemetery, Valley City, N.Dak. between New Hampshire and Canada; served in the Union Army during the Civil War 1861-1865, breveted as brigadier ABBITT, Watkins Moorman, a Representative from Vir- general; moved to Wilmington, N.C. and was for a time ginia; born in Lynchburg, Campbell County, Va., May 21, commandant of the city; delegate to the State constitutional 1908; graduated from Appomattox Agricultural High School, convention in 1868; upon the readmission of the State of Appomattox, Va., 1925; LL.B., University of Richmond, Rich- North Carolina was elected as a Republican to the United mond, Va., 1931; lawyer, private practice; Commonwealth States Senate and served from July 14, 1868 to March 3, attorney of Appomattox County, Va., 1932-1948; member of 1871; collector of the port of Wilmington under President the Virginia Constitutional Convention, 1945; delegate, Ulysses Grant; inspector of posts along the eastern line of Democratic National Convention, 1964; bank executive; the southern coast under President Rutherford Hayes; estab- elected as a Democrat to the Eightieth Congress, by special lished the town of Abbottsburg, in Bladen County, N.C.; election to fill the vacancy caused by the death of United engaged in the manufacture of lumber; employed as a spe- States Representative Patrick H. Drewry, and reelected to cial agent in the United States Treasury Department; editor the twelve succeeding Congresses (February 17, 1948-Janu- of the Wilmington Post; died in Wilmington, New Hanover ary 3, 1973); was not a candidate for reelection to the Nine- County, N.C. on October 8, 1881; originally interred in the ty-third Congress in 1972; died on July 13, 1998, in Lynch- U.S. National Cemetery, Wilmington, N.C.; reinterred in burg, Va.; interment in Liberty Cemetery, Appomattox, Va. Valley Cemetery, Manchester, N.H., in 1887. Bibliography: American National Biography; Dictionary of American Bi- ABBOTT, Amos, a Representative from Massachusetts; ography. born in Andover, Mass., September 10, 1786; attended the Bradford Academy; merchant; highway surveyor; market ABBOTT, Josiah Gardner, a Representative from Mas- clerk, 1819-1822; town clerk, 1822, 1826, and 1828; town sachusetts; born in Chelmsford, Middlesex County, Mass., treasurer, 1824-1829; member of the school committee, 1828- November 1, 1814; attended the Chelmsford Academy, Con- 1829, 1830; business executive; member of the Massachu- cord, Mass.; graduated from Harvard University, Cambridge, setts state house of representatives, 1835-1837, 1843; mem- Mass., 1832; LL.D., Williams College, Williamstown, Mass., ber of the Massachusetts state senate, 1840-1842; elected 1862, teacher; lawyer, private practice; member of the Mas- as a Whig to the Twenty-eighth and to the two succeeding sachusetts state house of representatives, 1836; member of Congresses (March 4, 1843-March 3, 1849); was not a can- the Massachusetts state senate, 1841-1842; aide to Massa- didate for reelection in 1848; postmaster, Andover, Mass., chusetts Governor Marcus Morton, 1843; master in chan- 1849-1853; died on November 2, 1868, in Andover, Mass.; cery, 1850-1855; member of the Massachusetts state con- interment in South Parish Cemetery, Andover, Mass. stitutional convention, 1853; justice of the superior court, Suffolk County, Mass., 1855-1858; overseer of Harvard Uni- ABBOTT, Jo (Joseph), a Representative from Texas; versity, Cambridge, Mass., 1859-1865; several times was the born near Decatur, Morgan County, Ala., January 15, 1840; unsuccessful Democratic candidate for United States Sen- Twelfth Texas Cavalry, Confederate States of America, 1859- ator; declined an appointment to the supreme court bench 1865; lawyer, private practice; member of the Texas state in 1860; declined the Democratic nomination for attorney house of representatives, 1870-1871; district judge, Hill general in 1861; successfully contested as a Democrat the County, Johnson County, and Bosque County, Tex., 1879- election of Rufus S. Frost to the Forty-fourth Congress (July 1884; elected as a Democrat to the Fiftieth and reelected 28, 1876-March 3, 1877); was not a candidate for renomina- to the four succeeding Congresses (March 4, 1887-March tion in 1876; member of the Electoral Commission created 3, 1897); was not a candidate for renomination in 1896; by the act of Congress approved January 29, 1877, to decide died on February 11, 1908, in Hillsboro, Tex.; interment the presidential election of 1876; died on June 2, 1891, in in Old Cemetery, Hillsboro, Tex. Wellesley Hills, near Boston, Mass.; interment in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Newton Lower Falls, Mass. ABBOTT, Joel, a Representative from Georgia; born in Ridgefield, Conn., March 17, 1776; physician; member of ABBOTT, Nehemiah, a Representative from Maine; born the Washington, Ga., city council; member of the Georgia in Sidney, Maine, March 29, 1804; studied law at the [ 537 ] 538 Biographical Directory Litchfield (Conn.) Law School; was admitted to the bar in Ohio, 1966-1991, and served as presiding judge, 1977-1978, 1836 and commenced practice at Calais, Maine; moved to 1983 and 1984; chief justice, Ohio Court of Appeals, 1978; Columbus, Miss., in 1839 and continued the practice of law; died on May 12, 2000, in Hamden, Ohio; remains were cre- returned to Maine in 1840 and settled in Belfast, Waldo mated. County, where he resumed the practice of law; member of the State house of representatives in 1842, 1843, and 1845; ABERCROMBIE, James, a Representative from Ala- elected as a Republican to the Thirty-fifth Congress (March bama; born in Hancock County, Ga., in 1795; attended the 4, 1857-March 3, 1859); was not a candidate for reelection common schools; moved to Alabama about 1812 and settled in 1858; engaged in the practice of his profession until his in Monroe (now Dallas) County, and later, in 1819, in Mont- death; mayor of Belfast in 1865 and 1866; died in Belfast, gomery County; during the War of 1812 served as a corporal Maine, July 26, 1877; interment in Grove Cemetery. in Maj. F. Freeman’s Squadron of Georgia Cavalry; studied law; member of the State house of representatives 1820- ABDNOR, James, a Representative and a Senator from 1822 and in 1824; captain in the Alabama Militia and in South Dakota; born in Kennebec, Lyman County, S.Dak., command of the cavalry at the reception for General Lafay- February 13, 1923; attended the public schools; graduated, ette in 1825; served in the State senate 1825-1833; moved University of Nebraska, Lincoln 1945; served in the United to Russell County in 1834; again a member of the State States Army 1942-1943; worked as a farmer-rancher, teach- house of representatives in 1838 and 1839; again served er, coach; served in the South Dakota senate 1956-1968; in the State senate 1847-1850; elected as a Whig to the lieutenant governor of South Dakota 1969-1970; elected as Thirty-second and Thirty-third Congresses (March 4, 1851- a Republican to the Ninety-third and to the three succeeding March 3, 1855); was not a candidate for renomination in Congresses (January 3, 1973-January 3, 1981); was not a 1854; moved to Florida in 1856 and became engaged as candidate for reelection in 1980; elected as a Republican a Government brick contractor; died in Pensacola, Fla., July to the United States Senate in 1980, and served from Janu- 2, 1861; interment in Linwood Cemetery, Columbus, Ga. ary 3, 1981, to January 3, 1987; unsuccessful candidate for ABERCROMBIE, John William, a Representative from reelection; appointed administrator of the Small Business Alabama; born near Kellys Creek Post Office, St. Clair Administration 1987-1989; is a resident of Kennebec, S.Dak. County, Ala., May 17, 1866; attended the rural schools; was Bibliography: Pressler, Larry. ‘‘James Abdnor.’’ In U.S. Senators from the Prairie, pp. 181-187. Vermillion, SD: Dakota Press, 1982. graduated from Oxford (Ala.) College in 1886 and from the law department of the University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa ABEL, Hazel Hempel, a Senator from Nebraska; born in 1888; was admitted to the bar in 1888 and practiced in Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebr., July 10, 1888; attended in Cleburne County, Ala., in 1889 and 1890; high school the public schools of Omaha, Nebr., graduated from the Uni- principal, city school superintendent, and college president versity of Nebraska at Lincoln in 1908; high school teacher 1888-1898; member of the State senate 1896-1898; State of mathematics and principal of high schools in Papillion, superintendent of education 1898-1902; president of the Uni- Ashland, and Crete, Nebr.