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Wickhambrook Parish Council Minutes Of an ordinary meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday 26 September, 2019

Present: Cllrs J Barton, M Lavelle (part), K Merritt, J Norton, C Townsend Attending: Parish Clerk Hilary Workman, SCC & WSC Cllr M Evans, Mrs Sandy Thwaite

19.09.01 Noted: Apologies received from Cllr P Couzens & Cllr J Claydon. 19.09.02 Noted: There were: 2.1 No Members’ Declarations of Local Non-Pecuniary Interests. 2.2 No declarations of lobbying for planning matters on the agenda their nature, including gifts of hospitality exceeding £25 2.3 No requests for dispensations 2.4 Additions and/or deletions to the Council’s Register of Interests – Cllr J Barton has removed his interest under 1. employment. 19.09.03 Resolved: That the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 29th August, as tabled, were agreed as a true record. 19.09.04 Open Session: 7:37pm Noted: That when public comment or question on any Agenda item was invited, there was none. 19.09.05 5.1 Councillors discussed the proposed co-option of a Councillor to the Parish Council, asked questions of the candidate; and 5.2 Resolved That Mrs Sandy Thwaite be co-opted on to Parish Council to serve forthwith. 5.3 Noted: Councillor Sandy Thwaite, being present and having signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office, was welcomed and took part in the remainder of the meeting. 19.09.06 Noted: Correspondence to the meeting not dealt with as an Agenda item or in the Clerk’s report 6.1 SALC updates (circulated) – SALC AGM Monday 18th November 11am – 4:30pm – Parish Engagement event Tuesday 15th October 6.2 SCC: Grit Bin Guidance 6.3 WSC: Planning Newsletter & Help Sheet (circulated) 6.4 Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner for – West Area Meeting 24/09/19 6.5 Suffolk Community Foundation – Community Champions – the meeting asked the Clerk to post this item on the website. 6.6 The Voluntary Network – RIDE- the meeting asked the Clerk to post this item on the website 6.7 Mr Roger Medley – enquiry regarding establishment of a Wickhambrook Men’s Shed. Cllr Norton was familiar with Men’s Shed’s and explained to the meeting how they worked in Australia. The meeting asked the Clerk to research the matter further and report back to a future meeting.

Signed: John Barton Date: 31/10/2019

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19.09.07 Noted: That when reports were invited from Representatives of the Council on External Bodies, Ward Members and other external bodies, the following oral report from SCC & WSC Cllr Mary Evans: Council: 1. Budget is £55m compared with SCC’s £520m budget 2. Council setting course for next year and looking at the main issues for Rural Communities, namely a. Affordable housing – keeping people in their communities b. Support for Rural business c. Emissions d. Review of grant policy and whether it is proportionate in its support of rural areas. And Parish Councils are asked to contribute to their Rural Task Force survey. 3. Parking strategy – civil enforcement of parking commences in April 2020 (transfer of powers from Suffolk Constabulary). Order has been laid in parliament but slow progress. Positive impact in terms of reduction of congestion around school access and egress as ziz-zag zones will be enforceable. Cllr Evans noted however that still the most effective messaging against congestion and poor parking outside schools comes from the students themselves (e.g. Junior traffic warden scheme at Wickhambrook Primary Academy). 4. Cllr Evans met CEO agreeing development at Kelly’s Meadow and protections have been put in place for Wickhambrook and (PC’s to have an oversight role) to ensure development of the site does not exceed that agreed with the owners. 5. Monday 14th October, 7:30pm @ VH – Meeting led by Suffolk Constabulary about Rural Crime – Hare coursing has started up – members of the public are warned not to approach participants, just report it. 6. Reminder to residents to check their smoke alarms and leave lights on in the morning once clocks go back to reduce risk of property theft in the mornings. 7. A community hub is being set up in Clare at the Library on Monday mornings – CAB to hold surgeries for local residents. Suffolk County Council: 1. School results have been good across Suffolk with above average grades and a narrowing of the gap between disadvantaged and mainstream pupils. 2. Suffolk vaccination uptake is 95% against a national average of 87%. 3. Trading standards have seen a large increase in importation of faulty goods at Felixstowe, many of which have serious safety implications. 4. Suffolk currently has 868 children in Care – SCC working with foster parents to encourage them to continue contact with children leaving care and also encouraging older adults to mentor children in and leaving care. 5. The dip in the road opposite the school, which has been reported is scheduled for works 6. CQC has published its league tables and Suffolk has 87.8 good or above with over 300 care homes. 7. SCC gritters will be named this year (e.g. Benjamin Gritter). 8. Cllr Evans will chase progress on faded and obscured 30mph signs and contact the Engineer, Matthew Fox regarding 30mph painted signs on the highway at Ashfield Green and Bunters Road. 9. It was reported that skirting of the footpath adjacent to the school was needed. 19.09.08 Noted: 8.1 Written reports (circulated) detailing results from VAS: • 19.09.19 1063 Near School Direction (circulated) Cllr Barton further reported that the statistics indicated that there was still an issue with speeding. In the first six months Suffolk Constabulary had issued 36 speeding tickets in Wickhambrook. This would not have been achieved without the stats forwarded to the Suffolk roads policing Unit (RPU) by Cllr Barton. Use of the old parish laptop meant that he was able to download data on site and re-position the VAS units more speedily. On a safety note he had purchased a warning light to display on his vehicle when downloading data or re-positioning units and the meeting agreed to refund the cost of this. 8.2 Update on the establishment of a Working Group to research and consider viable options for resolving access and congestion issues in the vicinity of Wickhambrook Primary Academy. The Clerk confirmed actions from the last meeting were underway. The meeting considered plans of Signed: John Barton Date: 31/10/2019

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the area between Wickhambrook Primary Academy and the Memorial Social Centre and asked the Clerk to circulate copies to all Councillors and seek to clarify the extent of registration of parish land at Six Acres. 8.3 Councillors considered Suffolk County Council arrangements for supporting parish volunteers in some environmental activities (WPC.19.09.01 previously circulated) and asked the Clerk to clarify with SCC whether the proposed arrangements extended to works on footpaths and byeways. 19.09.09 Clerks Report: Noted that 9.1 Councillors were asked to check and submit their Register of Interests form to West Suffolk Council (with a copy to the Clerk) 9.2 The Clerk has responded to the Valuation Office Agency enquiry with respect to the Cemetery confirming the following: • 6 – 7 interments per annum (on average) • Land needed for interments/existing unused remainder • Land needed for interments between next 10 – 15 years • Remainder of the land 9.3 a one year fixed electricity plan for the Chapel of Rest has been agreed with E.ON (Minute referred). 9.4 a new replacement printer had been purchased at a cost of £329.95 plus VAT. 9.5 the Clerk had re-submitted the VAT126 claim for the period 1/10/18 – 31/03/19 (£2002.23) and submitted a further claim for Quarter 1 of 2019 (£254.02). 9.6 the Clerk had received an invoice for the CILCA registration; and 9.7 notice of completion of the external audit had been received and posted 19.09.10 Noted: 10.1 The following income received: 10.1.1 Interest £13.07 10.1.2 Cemetery – Memorial Fee £150.00

10.2 The following payments to be authorised 10.2.1 002584 Wickhambrook Memorial Social Centre #1108 15th & 29th Aug’19 £15.00 10.2.2 002585 Hilary Workman - Clerk Salary Period 5 £573.79 10.2.3 002586 Mdsign Internet Services Ltd # £49.46 10.2.4 002587 Hilary Workman – Clerk Home working allowance Q2 £64.50 10.2.5 002588 Hilary Workman – refund of cost of Printer replacement £395.94 10.2.6 002589 Hilary Workman – refund of sundry expenses £108.58 10.2.7 002590 HMRC PAYE Tax Liability £4.40 10.3 Resolved: That the payments to be made, listed above at 10.2 be authorised. 10.4 The following payments previously authorised. 10.4.1 DD EE Mobile Contract #V01559499231 August ‘19 £27.89 (Minute refers) 10.4.2 DD EE Mobile Contract #V01559499231 September ‘19 £26.14 (Minute refers) 10.4.3 DD Smart Pension (Minute refers) August ‘19 £11.86 10.4.4 002591 Parish On-line (Minute refers) (note – re-issue of £120.00 Cheque in name of GeoXphere.

Signed: John Barton Date: 31/10/2019

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10.4.5 002592 Refund to Parish Clerk of Microsoft Business Essentials £41.04 Subscription Sept’19 (Minute refers) 10.4.6 002593 Hilary Workman – Contribution to cost of CILCA registration £120.00 (£350) (Minute 18.11.09 refers) 10.4.6 002594 The Rainbird Partnership Ltd – (AccountAbility Plus) - #5694 £56.00 (Minute refers) – Note – re-issue of Cheque in name of The Rainbird Partnership plus £2 surcharge for underpaid postage. 10.4.7 002595 The Rainbird Partnership Ltd – (AccountAbility Plus) - #5758 £43.20 (Minute refers) Smart Pension Processing 10.5 The cheque below, issued at the July meeting of the Parish Council but not included on the schedule of payments to be authorised. 10.5.1 2583 HMRC (Clerk PAYE tax liability – August) £4.40

10.6 The current account balances and reconciliation.

19.09.11 11.1 A report on progress towards internet banking (Report WPC.19.09.02 previously circulated). 11.2 Resolved That Wickhambrook Parish Council move its bank accounts (both current and reserve) from Nat West to Unity Trust Bank. 19.09.12 Noted: The Planning results as notified by West Suffolk Council as summarised below: 12.1 DC/19/0913/HH – Householder planning application (I) Proposed side and rear extension 18 Boyden Close, Wickhambrook CB8 8XU WSC: Approve WPC: No Objection ( 12.2 DC/19/1335/H – Householder planning application 1 No. Detached Garage Beechwood House Meeting Green Wickhambrook CB8 8UR WSC: Approve WPC: No Objection ( 19.09.13 Noted: The following Planning applications notified by West Suffolk Council for comment: 13.1 DC/19/1102/FUL – re-consultation Erection of 5no. dwellings with cart sheds and alterations to vehicular access (following demolition of existing agricultural buildings) Clopton Hall Farm Ltd, Clopton Hall, Giffords Lane, Wickhambrook, Newmarket CB8 8PQ Amended plans which alter the layout, house type and access points of the proposed development. Wickhambrook Parish Council did not object to the original application (Min. No. 19.06.18). No Objection 13.2 Resolved: That the Clerk makes known the Council’s comments on Planning Applications on this agenda to the Corporate Manager, Growth & Sustainable Planning at West Suffolk Council. 19.09.14 Noted: That there were no other Planning matters for information, to be noted or for inclusion on a future agenda.

Signed: John Barton Date: 31/10/2019

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19.09.15 15.1 Noted: Councillors considered the update on progress with works to play fort at Cemetery Road play park to bring it back into use (WPC.19.09.03 previously circulated); and 15.2 Resolved: That the Parish Council authorise Playforce to undertake refurbishment work to the existing Embankment Slide/Playfort at Cemetery Road as specified in the recommendation of report WPC.19.09.03, the Playforce Quotation Reference 126554 and 2D specifications at a cost of £3716.22 plus VAT. 19.09.16 Noted: Update on GDPR, ICT and Accessibility issues (WPC.19.09.04 previously circulated). The substantive motion, to authorise an upgrade to Windows 10 and additional RAM memory for the laptop used for VAS data at a cost of £215 plus VAT, was withdrawn and the meeting asked the Clerk to compare the proposed upgrades against the cost of a new laptop. The Clerk further reported that ICO registration had been renewed.

19.09.17 Noted: 17.1 Approval of Dates for 2020 Parish Council Meetings: 16th January, 27th February, 26th March, 30th April, 28th May, 25th June, 30th July, 27th August, 24th September, 29th October, and 26th November 2020; and 14th January 2021 17.2 Approval of Date for Annual Parish Meeting: 28th May 2020 17.3 Approval for Dates of 2020 Estates Committee Meetings: 6th February, 2nd April, 4th June, 6th August, 1st October, 3rd December 2020. 19.09.18 Cllrs considered a request for a donation to fund the cost of the entertainment at the Annual Over 60’s Festive Celebration in Wickhambrook (WPC.19.09.05 previously circulated); and Resolved That a donation of £325 towards the Annual Over 60’s Festive Celebration in Wickhambrook be authorised.

19.09.19 Councillors considered a proposal to formally open the Memorial Garden as part of the Armistice Day Commemorations (WPC.19.09.06 previously circulated); and 19.1 Resolved That a donation of £50 be made to Royal British Legion for the Remembrance Day Wreath. 19.2 Resolved That the purchase of insect friendly spring and autumn bulbs for the Memorial Garden be authorised to a value of £100 plus VAT. Councillors asked the Clerk to invite Kate Sammons, as former Chair of Wickhambrook Parish Council, to lay the wreath at the War Memorial on Remembrance Sunday and formally open the Memorial Garden afterwards.

Signed: John Barton Date: 31/10/2019

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19.09.20 That when any other matters for information, to be noted or for inclusion on a future agenda were invited, the following: 20.1 Councillors confirmed that the agreement that an old grass roller owned by the Parish Council and currently in a ditch at the bottom of Six Acres (to be removed by a parishioner at their expense in exchange for a small donation to the Parish Council was not that owned by Mr Paul Jolland. 20.2 Councillors confirmed that the editorial decisions of “The Scene” were not a matter for the Parish Council to comment on. 20.3 Councillors agreed that the replacement tree to be planted at Coltsfoot Green, a walnut, be commemorative, as a mark of thanks to the Parish’s former tree warden, Julian Girling, for all his work. 20.2 To consider any additional portfolios for Councillors at the next meeting. 19.09.21 Noted: That the scheduled date for the next meeting was Thursday 31st October beginning at 7:30pm in the Memorial Social Centre Pavilion. 19.09.22 Noted:

A report on the Clerk’s remuneration (WPC.19.09.07 previously circulated). Councillors agreed an increase in the Clerk’s weekly hours from 12 to 15 with effect from 1 October 2019, and that the excess hours that the Clerk had accrued to the end of August would be paid as one lump sum. 19.09.23 The meeting closed at 21:37pm.

Signed: John Barton Date: 31/10/2019